icharchivist · 2 years
Okokok so re the Chikage and Itaru both using Izumi as a sister scapegoat--it HAS come back to bite them at least once
To set the scene of what we got in English again, Itaru and Chikage have both on separate occasions claimed Izumi as their little sister. They have somehow managed to get away with this.
Enter Re:FebMAGIC
Chikage's SSR card story has him and Izumi going to this little secret dessert cafe (Chikage has coffee lol), and they run into one of Chikage's coworkers. Izumi actually remembers that she's been introduced as both of their sister and is like "uh crap uhhh.... brother!" And the coworker remembers her from when Itaru also used her as his sister in his Lucky God Seven card, but does not know that Chikage ever claimed the same thing
Chikage then is like "yeah Izumi and I are engaged" with the intent that if he's believed to be taken he'll stop getting chocolates from his coworkers, but that backfires when their coworker talks to Itaru about it later, since, y'know, Itaru actually has a sister
So Chikage's like "heheheh I will never get chocolate again" and Itaru's like "senpai's marrying my sister?????? huh??????" and we get what might be my favorite end to a card story ever (grabbed from yaycupcake, TL courtesy of Kou)
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The card is called Bitter Addiction, it's hilarious and I highly recommend it!!
Thank you so much for letting me in the known, this is so funny i adore it.
Well at least they didn't remember Chikage claimed Izumi was his sister before he started claiming they were engaged??? now that would have been awkward.
(and considering Itaru did also go through his own "yeah she's my sister" by then later saying "next time i'll say you're my girlfriend"..... Why are those two sharing the most stupid of braincells)
Anyway the absolute misunderstanding between those two. Because they can't keep track of their lies. This is so funny they're so stupid.
Thank you so much for letting me know and i'll def note to read that, it's everything i love and more.
Thank you so so much!!
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Hi hi :D for the writer ask, 💞, 💫, and 🎀!
💞what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
Characters, definitely, characterizations can either make or break a story.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
ALL OF THEM (except for rude ones obvs, but thankfully i haven't had any issues with those). But also this comment made me laugh so it's saved in my screenshots folder
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🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
Perfection doesn't exist but I think I'm better than when I started out so, progress!
Thanks for the ask! <3
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taichissu · 1 year
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mia is very straightforward and confident, coming from a world-renowned family of musicians she enrolled into nijigaku as an american exchange student for her friend, she can be a bit cheeky at times, but in reality all the confidence is a facade to hide that she can actually get a bit insecure about her music
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mari is a cheerful, eccentric girl with a mischievous side; she's half japanese half italian-american and thus often inserts english into her speech (in english dub it's italian), she's a sweetheart and cares for her friends deeply because coming from a rich family she was pretty sheltered and lonely as a child, she is also the best vocalist to walk the earth in my humble opinion
send me your fave a3 chara and i'll tell you what love live girl would probably be your oshi
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natsubun · 3 years
Fanarts for Fanfics - Part 2!
Part 2 of my fic rec/fanart extravanganza!
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what does it mean? - by sleepy_ramtsun (@itaruism on Twitter!)
"Mikage Hisoka," Hisoka points, carefully tracing the words with his finger. "Our...name."
He offers the handle of the pen towards him then, lips curving into a proud smile. "Hisoka."
If I'm being honest?? This fic tore my heart to pieces, repaired it, then tore it up again. The angst is just immaculate, but it's also fluffy enough to balance it out if that makes sense? The imagery is EVERYTHING, and I just think that the hurt is absolutely worth it :)
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Today I Will Be You - by NoodleStories (@camifnoodles)
I actually drew two for this one - text snippets are imbedded in the drawings!
One of the most iconic fics for A3! Absolutely hilarious and makes for a fun game of guessing which characters are supposed to be who. The writing makes everything so much funnier to read, and the fact that it's from Izumi's POV automatically promotes it to top tier. Amazing.
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Part 1/Part 2/Part 3
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romijuli · 2 years
I was tagged byyyyy @camifnoodles AND @error707-thatdude to do! This thing! Thank you both :3 SO
Nine people you want to get to know better (except I’m not tagging anyone because I think everyone’s been tagged already)
Favorite color: purple! I wonder if you could tell~
Currently reading: how are we defining “reading” here, if we’re counting “stuff I own/have open in a tab” then heaven’s official blessing and OCAM but I haven’t actually, started yet…
Last song: what WAS it. Something by mili I think
Last series: some kinda cooking show???? I honestly don’t watch a lot of tv except with mister chel
Last movie; the rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie!!! It was really good highly recommend even if you’re not really a ninja turtles person (I’m not)
Sweet/spicy/savory: salty, actually. Second is sweet, though.
Relationship status: mister chel has been stuck with me for six and a half slutty slutty years
Song stuck in head; String Theocracy by Mili. Don’t worry about it.
Last thing I googled: “horse prince” because I had to make a cursed meme. God I knew it was something stupid
Dream vacation: a vacation in general…honestly I think I’d like to go somewhere that’s not really tourist-y? It’s nice just getting to relax without worrying about crowds or anything
Currently working on: a3 rarepair week!!! I’m dying help me. But after that, it’s this stupid multichap that’s been haunting me since December. (Or requests. Or both?)
As stated I think everyone’s been tagged, but if you haven’t been, consider yourself tagged in this one :3
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natsu-tte-noodle · 3 years
🎵 Music Masterlist (Mobile Version)
If you like what you see in the video posts, consider giving camifnoodles a sub on youtube!
Hajimari wa Quartet (string quartet arrangement)
Orange Heart (string quartet arrangement)
Usotsuki wa Mahou no Hajimari (string quartet arrangement)
Susume! Pirates (string quartet arrangement)
Music Analysis
Finding the A3! Character’s Voice Ranges (as of Feb 2021)
Hidden Vocals in A3! Songs - First Solos
Hidden Vocals in A3! Songs - Second Solos
Idk what to call this
Best Ever☆Blooming! as voted by you
Music Shitposts
Every A3! song but it’s only the titles
Ichi Ni Sankaku but every time he says “sankaku” it  gets faster
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🚦, 💕 and 🎯 for the fanfic writer ask game!
🚦 What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.?
imo the best endings are the ones that are like "we won and things are better but everything is fundamentally different now and we'll never get back the things we lost". sort of bittersweet? i think most of my fics have happy endings though.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you've written?
oh...i gotta get back to the baby mskz fic. hh. they're so little *gently holds*
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you're working towards?
not currently, but hey, november's in two weeks!
thanks for the ask! <3
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“Bubble”? If that’s not there, “safe”
Her grip tightened around the pocketknife in her hands. One prick - that was all she needed. Izumi watched the blood as it bubbled on her fingertip before falling onto the pentagram below.
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For the friendly fmk alternatives, number 10 with Sakuya, Tsumugi, and Omi?
have a beach day with: omi for. no particular reason 😳
watch the sunrise with: tsumugi because he seems like the type of person you can sit in comfortable silence with
have dinner at a fancy restaurant with: sakuya because he deserves it
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I am intrigued by. Dentist
aaa that one's another byproduct of recent team chaotix brainrot, mostly "oh damn a 20 year old really is basically raising a kindergartener huh. When I was 20 I lived off ramen packets and slept till noon any day I could. Haha anyways wonder if they have health insurance in Sonic's world."
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My favorite thing about you is def how you don’t shy away from whatever’s got your interest in the moment! Having you on my dash always reminds me of medias etc that I forgot I loved or introduces me to ones that seem super neat and I love your genuine passion for them :D
THATS SO NICE OMG god bless people that can keep a consistent fandom theme but that could NEVER be me. honestly one of the best parts about tumblr is the fact that i can look up a piece of media i randomly remembered and there is almost always a plethora of content and dedicated fanbase no matter how old or obscure it is.
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"Panchito" is a nickname for the name Francisco, so that means Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero Gonzales III either has two Francisco's in his name or - more likely - Romero is his first given name and he goes by a diminutive of his last given name. I don't think it's something that's ever been explicitly brought up in disney canon, buuut it's inferrable.
Also in the Latin American Spanish dubs, Dewey Duck is renamed Paco, which is another nickname for Francisco, and it's just cute to think about Donald naming his nephew after one of his closest friends boyfriends <3
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*knocks politely on your door* Fight dot
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I cannot think of a good reason to fight you but if it ever happened you'd probably have the tactical advantage of "thinking" and "using your brain to analyze and outwit your opponent"
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Hmm, top 5 snacks! Or ways to treat yourself in general if you prefer :3
5. meatball sliders
4. taco pizzas (these are more like lunch options sdskfdgk)
3. chocolates
2. grapes!
1. there's this one brand of popcorn-flavored chips that's to die for, I go through like three extra large bags a week
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12, 20, and 50?
(12 has already been answered!)
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
AUs! AUs are fun :)
50. How would you describe your writing style?
"You were obsessed with percy jackson in middle school, weren't you."
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For the ask thing, 15, 66 and 67! Hope you’re having a great day :)
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Kindred by Octavia Butler! It's a time-traveling sci-fi book. (I heard they're making a movie out of it soon so 👀)
66. favorite flower(s)?
yellow roses and orchids ^w^
67. good luck charms?
ohh i don't think i have any? im not very superstitious lol. I have a silver ring, though, so i guess that...wards off potential werewolf attacks? (although i don't think it's real silver...hmm......)
anyways thanks for the ask! i hope you're having a great day too <3
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