jungleboyblake · 3 years
text 💬 blamille
Blake: That’s a lot of judgement coming from a man wearing a dress made from a bedsheet, but WHATEVER! I look great in this bedsheet and my judgment is CORRECT.
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marykatehood · 3 years
text 💬 camikate
Mary Kate: YOU TRIED TO SWIM IN HER FISHTANK. I don’t think she’s going to call you.
Mary Kate: Were you trying to save the goldfish from being swallowed or something? Because I agree that's kind of a weird tradition, but YOU DIDN'T SAVE THEM, CAM!
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robbshood · 3 years
text 💬 robmille
Robbie: why did I wake up with ketchup packets in my bed and the stove in my room??
Robbie: THEY WERE OPEN! WAS I DRINKING KETCHUP ALL NIGHT? I know it's a smoothie but it's not a GOOD ONE.
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jiachien · 3 years
text 💬☎ jimille
Jia: Drinking the chewiest boba I've ever had in my life. Maybe choking on it. Quick text to say IF I DIE, I LOVED YOU VERY MUCH.
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willofnottingham · 3 years
Of course, anything for a friend. IVF is a great option for you both. And something like this is a pretty big decision to make however you both decide you’d like to have a kid and be parents. Statistically, yes. Trying for having a baby can be a long process for people. That seems mostly up to preparation and luck. I don’t think you’re trying to rush anything, you’re just excited to start a family. When they do finally start trying, it could take some couples a long time to have children sometimes it could be years. So wanting to start a little early makes sense.
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I’ve been looking at the statistics too, and it’s definitely put my brain into more of a “Hurry up and make babies” mode; I’m a bit overeager, I guess. And I’m luckier than most, given that I’m a king and rich and money does seem to helps speed up most processes. But I don’t need to bore you with all the little thoughts going on in my head about it. I just needed validation from one of my oldest friends that I wasn’t being a crazy person. How’ve you been doing lately, by the by? I could use a Kluck Status Update.
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marcoalandale · 3 years
the sherwood and nottingham kids
@cassieadale: I’m starting with my baby sisters! How I feel about Cassie is pretty easy; I love her to pieces, I think it’s cool how much she cares about the animals of the forest, and I wish I could take away her sad sometimes because she’s sad so much and I’m not, so I could handle it!
@racheladale: My other baby sister is Rachel and she’s probably the cutest human being who’s ever existed! She’s really good at so many different kinds of things, like sports and pudding and making friends and wearing costumes, and she’s one of my favorite people.
@robbshood: One of my other favorite people is definitely Robb! Robbie has my whole heart for being a dope, fun, handsome, hilarious man. Like seriously, he’s always a great time, and I’m his number one fan, no matter what he’s doing. I love him way too much, oops!
@marykatehood: I feel like I’m saying all these people are some of my favorite people but they are! Mary Kate is amazing! I’ve always thought so, so much so that sometimes I got confused about how much I loved her, but I’m just glad to have such a kick-butt person as a buddy!
@jojohood: Jojo is a fun one! The Hoods are a cool family overall, from the parents to each of the kids, Jojo included!
@camille-kluck: She’s a woman with a mission and always has been, even since we were kids, and it’s been just awesome to watch her grow up all badass and confident! I stan Camille Kluck, 100%.
@harperofsherwood: Harper is so incredible, I can’t! She’s so good with everything she does; have you seen her with flowers? And she’s always so sweet and happy and cute and tiny, SO teeny tiny! I could probably lift her with one arm.
@willofnottingham: He’s kind of like a big brother even though we’re around the same age. I don’t know, Will has always felt old! Which is a total compliment, every friend group needs a dad! And he’s a great one.
@nottingblair: I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to count Blair but she IS a Nottingham family member even if she didn’t grow up with the rest of us but she seems really, really cool! And her face is so neat, I’m a big fan. And her eyes! They’re HUGE!
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Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?”
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cassieadale · 3 years
your sherwood friends
Spoiler alert, I love all of my Sherwood friends! I’ll assume we’re just talking about my human Sherwood friends though, and not my animal friends, because those would be too many to name. Let’s start with my big brother @marcoalandale. He’s such a sweet person. That’s probably his best quality. His worst is that he can be a little bit naive and I worry that people take advantage of his kindness sometimes but... oh well.
@racheladale is my little sister and I love her so, so much. She’s so nice and good and just pure sunshine in a person. Since she’s so sunny and my baby sister, I guess it’s just in my nature to feel like I need to protect her at all costs, which is silly because I know she’s very capable of taking care of herself, but I just want her to be happy.
@marykatehood is someone I’ve always envied for a lot of reasons -- she’s just so cool and confident and doesn’t have to try hard not to break down into hysterics at any given moment. She’s smart and philanthropic and stunningly beautiful, and just... gosh, I don’t know, she’s one of those people who always seems like she has it all figured out. 
@robbshood has like a superpower of not taking himself too seriously while still getting other people to take him seriously and respect him and I have no idea how he does it but I admire it so much. I’ve always admired him, really. And not just because he’s gorgeous in a way you can’t ignore (no, really, I wasn’t allowed to ignore it with how much Marco talked about it) but because he’s full of good intentions and good times.
@jojohood is someone I need to be more like, oh my gosh. I don’t know how she does it but she just never seems bothered by anything. I could do without the smoking but other than that? Oh, and I’m very glad she’s Rachel’s age, because they’re such a fun duo and I’m thankful to her for being a good friend to my baby sister!
@harperofsherwood is so great! I love how much she loves plants, it reminds me of the way that I love animals, and naturally flora and fauna go together; I’m somebody who gets anxious and emotional really quickly but I get anxious much less around Harper and I always have. She’s the eye in my storm, and I love her for that and so many more things.
@camille-kluck is a tough competitor, a beautiful person, and a fantastic friend. We’re all lucky to have Klucky in our corner and wow, that was super corny but what did you expect when you asked me to talk about my Sherwood friends? It’s not my fault that we’re more of a family!
And finally, @willofnottingham, our king. He’s another person that I know with anxiety but if he hadn’t told me, I might not have ever noticed because he’s so good at what he does! He’s a fantastic king and I always knew that he would be, because he’s smart and takes life seriously. Not to the point that it’s a life free of passion though, because he didn’t let life stop him from finding true love with @jungleboyblake, who’s another member of the Sherwood family now, and a member that I love just as much as the “official” gang. He’s so fun and pushes me a little out of my comfort zone but that’s a good thing! He has a good heart and an even better head of hair and I’m just so glad he found his way into our family.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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ryanyao · 3 years
mary kate, robbie, marco, camille, harper, blair
do the sexy love™ with: @camille-kluck. I was between her and Harper and don’t feel I could really go wrong either way, but I feel like the common ground is more there with Camille.
sacrifice myself for: @marykatehood. Very much a kindred spirit and the one I know best here.
kick: @marcoalandale.
take to prom: @harperofsherwood. I don’t know much about flowers, so I’d be game to be spend an evening with her and learn more.
abandon in jurassic park: @nottingblair seems tough so hopefully she’d be okay.
push off a bridge: @robbshood. Robbie seems forgiving, so keeping that in mind, hopefully he’d forgive me for hypothetically pushing him off a bridge.
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femmefairytales · 4 years
Mobile Muse List
Auradon - Children
Ally & Maddie (Daughters of Alice & the Mad Hatter)
Annette, Collette, and Danielle (Daughters of Lady & the Tramp)
Bronagh (Daughter of the Bean Sidhe)
Careen (Daughter of Nora & Paul)
Daenerys (Daughter of Princess Marianne & the Bog King)
Dahlia (Daughter of Calla & Calvin)
Emma (Daughter of Snow White and Prince David)
Fay (Daughter of Fairy Godmother)
Fern (Daughter of Basil of Baker Street)
Fuli (Member of The Lion Guard)
Kiara (Daughter of Simba & Nala)
Lenore (Daughter of Helgamine)
Lorelei (Daughter of the Neverland Mermaids)
Lurline (Daughter of Ozma)
Magnolia (Daughter of Charlotte La Bouff)
Mahealani (Daughter of Maui)
Maya (Daughter of the Wolfman from NBC)
Melinoe (Daughter of Persephone & Hades)
Melody (Daughter of Ariel & Eric)
Olwenna (Daughter of Taran & Eilonwy)
Qadira (Daughter of Hakim)
Reagan (Daughter of Ella & Char)
Rhoswen (Daughter of the Lady of the Lake)
Rosalind (Daughter of King Richard and Roberta)
Samira (Daughter of Galavant and Isabella)
Storm (Daughter of Merryweather)
Tansy (Daughter of Fauna)
Therimachia (Daughter of Hercules & Megara)
Helen-a-Dale (Daughter of Lady Kluck and Alan-a-Dale)
Marisol Alvarez (Daughter of Kuzco & Malina)
Simone of Andalasia (Daughter of Edward & Nancy)
Annelise of Arendelle (Daughter of Elsa)
Camille Charming (Daughter of Cinderella & Prince Kit)
McKenna Dalloway (Daughter of Marnie Piper and Ethan Dalloway)
Georgina “George” Darling (Daughter of John Darling)
Poppy Dennison (Daughter of Max & Allison)
Ciorstaid DunBroch (Daughter of Hamish)
Alice Clayton (Daughter of Tarzan & Jane)
Vivienne de la Fère (Daughter of Athos & Milady de Winter)
Daire Fitzherbert (Daughter of Rapunzel & Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert)
Charlotte Zylphia Gracey (Daughter of Master Gracey)
Vanessza Harker (Daughter of Mina & Jonathan)
Mary Jekyll (Daughter of Dr. Jekyll)
Briony Lightfoot (Daughter of Barley)
Gwendolyn “Gwyn” Locksley (Daughter of Robin Hood & Maid Marian)
Dulce Madrigal (Daughter of Bruno Madrigal)
Janna de Martin (Daughter of Pheobus & Esmeralda)
Scarlett Müller (Daughter of Little Red & The Big Bad Wolf)
Alainne Pendragon (Daughter of King Arthur & Queen Guinevere)
Lucy Piper (Daughter of Mary Contrary & Tom Piper)
Josephine “Poppy” Poppins (Daughter of Mary Poppins & Bert)
Yekaterina “Katya” Sudayev (Daughter of Anastasia & Dimitri)
Jada Sweet (Daughter of Joshua Sweet)
Nadije Thatch (Daughter of Milo & Kida)
Ana de Tito (Daughter of Tito & Georgette)
Lydia Von Tassel (Daughter of Mary Von Tassel and the Headless Horseman)
Amelia “Mia” Turner (Daughter of Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann)
Auradon - Parents
Della Duck (Ducktales)
Alice Liddell
Elizabeth Sanderson (Hocus Pocus: The All New Sequel)
Queen Aurora (the Sleeping Beauty)
Queen Guinevere
Lillian (”Lady”)
(Little) Red Riding Hood
Maid Marian
Isle of the Lost - Children
Eleanor (Daughter of Prince John)
Medea (Daughter of Panic)
Taryn (Daughter of Morgana)
Katrina Frankenstein (Daughter of Victor Frankenstein)
Seraphina Heart (Daughter of the King & Queen of Hearts)
Diana Hyde (Daughter of Mr. Hyde)
Calista Jane “CJ” Hook (Daughter of Captain Hook)
Citrine McLeach (Daughter of Madame Medusa and Percival McLeach)
Catherine Moreau (Daughter of Dr. Moreau)
Tatiana Rasputin (Daughter of Grigori Rasputin)
Arabella “Ara” Sanderson (Daughter of Sarah Sanderson & Gaston)
Angelica Tremaine (Daughter of Anastasia Tremaine)
Isle of the Lost - Parents
Morgan Le Fey
Winnifred Sanderson
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auradonstatehq · 3 years
*:・゚✧ Is that [ TROIAN BELLISARIO ]? No, it’s just [ CAMILLE KLUCK ], the descendant of [ LADY KLUCK ]! [ SHE ] is [ 25/VOLUNTEER EVENT COODINATOR ] and some say she tends to be [ INFLEXIBLE ] but she is really [ GENEROUS ]. (NARA, SHE/HER, 22, EST) ✧・゚*:
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Congratulations Nara!! Please read over the checklist and send in your account within the next 48 hours.
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racheladale · 3 years
text 💬 rachmille
Rachel: I was using my old baby blanket as a makeshift skirt because no pants.
Rachel: But also because the balloon pattern is so so cute and I don't know why I didn't own a balloon skirt already!
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milkteadancer · 6 years
these are all of the dance-offs i could find, it seems there aren’t any from 2012, 2011 or 2013 (other than mini female). likewise, any others that i couldn’t find i’ve indicated with an asterisk - if you can find these let me know and i’ll add them to the list.
2013 / NEW YORK  tate mcrae, sophia lucia, kayla mak, brynn rumfallo, rosie elliott, madison foley, paige litle, carlee schield, madi toney, jaycee wilkins
2014 / NEW YORK kayla mak, charlee fagan, ruby castro, emily roman, destiny kluck, sarah moore, isabella baldino, kelsey cook, makenna miller, camila schwarz
2014 / LAS VEGAS brynn rumfallo, bostyn brown, dabria aguilar, keara nichols, courtney mccolley, jezzaeyah slack, jenna valenzuela, amber skaggs, ysabella reyes, emma york, carlee schield
2015 / NEW YORK jezzaeyah slack, bella klassen, ashley vallejo, ava brooks, ying lei pham, eliana hayward, halle lum, courtney lam, sarah moore, malli grace lackey
2015 / LAS VEGAS avery gay, kaylee quinn, peyton macdonald, brooklin cooley, kiarra waidelich, jessamina piazza, haley beck, ava dipretoro, cami ritzler, christian burse
2016 / ORLANDO diana pombo, destanye diaz, casey tran, alexis adair, brooke shaw, dyllan blackburn, ella saunders, hailey bills, madison brown, rachel leon
2016 / LAS VEGAS kiarra waidelich, brooklin cooley, hailey meyers, brightyn brems, alexis de lucas, bryten belka, carly allyn, samantha eve, summer montenegro, vanessa francis
2017 / ORLANDO hailey bills, dyllan blackburn, mariella saunders, cameron voorhees, brightyn rines, kaitlyn winnell, casey tran, lucy charlton, alexis adair, elliana walmsley
2017 / LAS VEGAS brightyn brems, sabine nehls, brooklin cooley, summer montenegro, crystal huang, aimee cho, ali ogle, alexis de lucas, savannah kristich, charlotte cogan
2014 / NEW YORK brady farrar, zachary doran, charlie macdonald, jonah benyamin, devin mar,  liam ramdeen
2014 / LAS VEGAS joziah german, tristan ianiero, summit geiselman, sam kurtz, artyon celestine, morgan stowell
2015 / NEW YORK* tristan ianiero, jonathan paula, nicholas jacobsen, justin stillwagon, zachary doran, ryan scalero, garris munoz, ethan thai
2015 / LAS VEGAS gavin morales, artyon celestine, devin mar, lawson sharrer, mason kolontay, ramsey morrell, andrew imm, morgan stowell, collin benning, diego garcia, anthony curley, cristian ponder, andrew nash
2016 / ORLANDO jonathan paula, stefano bonomo, jackson foley, david consuegra, hayden mucha, sam fleshler, saverio tedesco, shawn taylor, tj beal, william huguet
2016 / LAS VEGAS artyon celestine, nathaniel chua, anthony curley, amadeus tiesling, arthur celestine, devin mar, diego garcia, jonah smith, timmy zvifel, wyatt moss
2017 / ORLANDO stephano bonomo, nicholas bustos, luke barrett, david consuegra, jason patryluk, william huguet, timothy zvifel, brady amaya, tristan gerzon, talen tsigaris, nathaniel chua
2017 / LAS VEGAS jt church, marcus taylor, roman pesino, degie setnes, jonah benyamin, patricio lopez, landon incorvaia, shane wexelman, nathan coish, asher morgado, oscar moreno, merce meynardie, ethan huang
2014 / NEW YORK sophia lucia, talia seitel, olivia alboher, rachael anderson, grace lethbridge, vivian ruiz, amy benedetto, mims mckee, anessa zivic, gabreille woodall
2014 / LAS VEGAS emma sutherland, jaycee wilkins, lauren yakima, brynklie brown, keely meyers, megan goldstein, michelle siemienowski, lucy vallely, lauren shaw, alexis watson
2015 / NEW YORK tate mcrae, lily gentile, emma york, maddie ziegler, madison foley, madi toney, gabrielle woodall, faith huguet, jenna waller, skye ayala
2015 / LAS VEGAS jaycee wilkins, quinn starner, bostyn brown, emmy cheung, eva igo, sophia frilot, courtney mccolley, jenna valenzuela, mia maxwell, dabria aguilar, julia depretoro, keely meyers, paige litle
2016 / ORLANDO bostyn brown, bella klassen, kayla mak, burkelle, reighard, camila schwarz, charlee fagan, courtney mccolley, destiny kluck, hallie green, isabella baldino, lizzy zaritsky, malli grace lackey
2016 / LAS VEGAS emma york, haley beck, abbey mcwhirter, alexandra andrada, alexis weldner, ava brooks, carlee schield, ella horan, emmy cheung, jade bucci, samantha mcgowan
2017 / ORLANDO bella klassen, jezzaeyah slack, brooke judge, lindsey wade, elliana mannella, bella mills, ava arbuckle, josabella morton, olivia deangelo, emma johnson
2017 / LAS VEGAS avery gay, ella horan, ava brooks, christian burse, ava wagner, brooke shaw, hailey meyers, haley beck, peyton macdonald, brooke cheeke, bennet espinda
2014 / NEW YORK findlay mcconnell, tristan simpson, julian sanchez, giovanni castellon, jacob lipke, anthony kelly, jeffrey lapira, adam iantorno, spencer seebach, brian hooper
2014 / LAS VEGAS carter williams, ryan maw, nate milledge, alec mittenthal, beni gottesman, yadiel figueroa, zach cordova
2015 / NEW YORK murphy lee, parker garrison, holden maples, nate milledge, aydin eyikan, justin luca, hayden luedde, kyler durrence, landen glass, daniel paula, marcel cavaliere
2015 / LAS VEGAS ryan maw, sage rosen, summit geiselman, alex cohoon, tj williams, mikey tua, zach cordova, michael filgas, justin renaud, joshua ukura, carter musselman
2016 / ORLANDO parker garrison, joziah german, daniel paula, daniel vargas, david keingatti, ethan thai, jackson rolof, jared grospe, russell schuller, ryan fiore, zachary doran
2016 / LAS VEGAS holden maples, easton magliarditi, ryan williams, alexander shulman, ashton eatchel, ethan taylor, holden kunowski, jemoni powe, moses rankine, sky bleeker
2017 / ORLANDO brady farrar, jackson rolof, hans anderson, jalen scriven, shawn taylor,  john mays, anthony dessables, tyreke holt, russell shuller, eliazar jimenez, anthony mattson, hayden mucha
2017 / LAS VEGAS tristan ianiero, easton magliarditi, jackson foley, holden kunowski, jonah smith, morgan stowell, colin benning, tai pampo, garris munoz, amadeus tiesling, rylen besler, isaiah wilson
2014 / NEW YORK jayci kalb, payton johnson, briar nolet, taylor sieve, madelyn link, makayla ryan, katrina khachi, kierstyn typa, madison macgregor, kerrynton jones, jessy lipke
2014 / LAS VEGAS simrin player, ashley green, addison moffett, kenedy kallas, alexis warr,  lexi tonniges, mackenzie meldrum, sam grayson, ambry mehr, olivia gieringer
2015 / NEW YORK payton johnson, kennedy kallas, ariana mcclure, jamie bacon, makayla ryan, anessa zivic, alexis warr, morgan higgins, paylina macias, ali deucher
2015 / LAS VEGAS lucy vallely, lauren yakima, kalani hilliker, mackenzie meldrum, mykayla hicks, sidney ramsey, aaliyah zolina, lauren shaw, emma janus, megan goldstein, talia seitel, kennedy huff
2016 / ORLANDO morgan higgins, quinn starner, samantha soto, lauren yakima, anessa zivic, bridget lee, camille cabrera, lauren shaw, lily gentile, rosie elliott, skye ayala, sydney burtis, vivan ruiz
2016 / LAS VEGAS emma sutherland, bella allen, kalani hilliker, denise goping, elise monson, ellie wagner, maria rosenberg, megan goldstein, olivia aboher, shelby patterson, talia seitel, taylor nunez
2017 / ORLANDO quinn starner, kelis robinson, vivian ruiz, anessa zivic, emily valencia, lily gentile, jenna meilman, ruby castro, trinity bonilla, skye ayala
2017 / LAS VEGAS megan goldstein, lauren yakima, chau, eva igo, briana del mundo, emmy cheung, mia maxwell, taylor nunez, ellie wagner, lauren shaw, madison foley
2014 / NEW YORK julian elia, jonathan wade, jhaleil swaby, ty forhan, liam melady, niko martinez, dean husted, d’angelo castro, mariano zamora, myles erlick
2014 / LAS VEGAS lex ishimoto, justin pham, nathan hirschaut, braxton hew-len, dylan slamka, spencer mccarrey, christian smith, michael artiga, quintin hugate, vince castillo
2015 / NEW YORK logan hernandez, eli alford, stefano gallelli, ezra soso, joey socci, wyeth walker, alex swader, scott autry, joseph harrington, shamus moriarty, scott dudas
2015 / LAS VEGAS graham feeny, d’angelo castro, christian smith, nathan hirschaut, anthony tette, julian lombardi, tristan simpson, evan iguanez, yadiel figueroa, emanuel dostine
2016 / ORLANDO d’angelo castro, gino cosculluela, findlay mcconnell, jamaii melvin, anthony kelly, harrison knostman, kyle anders, stefano gallelli, stephen myers, tim blankenship, troy martin
2016 / LAS VEGAS sage rosen, christian smith, carter williams, andres penate, brian hooper, ezra sosa, ferris schley, jaxon willard, nate milledge, tyler smith, zach cordova
2017 / ORLANDO* findlay mcconnell, joziah german, julian lombardi, sam mcwilliams, stefano gallelli, julian sanchez, anthony kelly, kyle anders, tj williams, daniel paula, murphy lee, tyler smith
2017 / LAS VEGAS* ryan maw, jaxon willard, carter williams, yadiel figueroa, jemoni powe, alexander shulman, brian hooper, spencer seebach, zack sommer, joshua ukura
2014 / NEW YORK brianne sellars, briana morrison, chantelle good, jessica ferretti, candace vincent, vanessa kiriakou, alexa barzuna, selena lucchese, zoe hollinshead, audrianna martin del campo
2014 / LAS VEGAS alyssa allen, aika doone, hayden hopkins, cassidy fulmer, taylor labruzzo, lily leyva, nadia antonangeli, bostyn asjian, savannah latimer, paulina meneses, ale perciago, mccall olsen
2015 / NEW YORK jazzmin james, briar nolet, zoe hollinshead, christine mirando, sami eismont, kae kae lee, takia hopson, kalyn langford, ellen giffings, selena lucchese
2015 / LAS VEGAS ashley green, aika doone, taylor sieve, amanda sun, addison moffett, natasha wells, bostyn ashjian, ambry mehr, jennie palomo, alex brooks
2016 / ORLANDO jayci kalb, mackenzie meldrum, paulina macias, sidney ramsey, amanda baez, andrea ward, ashley coulson, kae kae lee, kaylin maggard, makayla ryan
2016 / LAS VEGAS taylor sieve, kailyn rogers, simrin player, justice moore, kennedy huff, kierra kelp, michaela horger, mykayla hicks, nichole bennis, nicole ishimaru, olivia gleringer
2017 / ORLANDO payton johnson, jessy lipke, sidney ramsey, megan caines, allie best, ashley coulson, ali stevens, mykayla hicks, paulina macias, samantha soto, makayla ryan
2017 / LAS VEGAS simrin player, elise monson, jamie bacon, ariana mcclure, jaida underwood, mindy platt, taylor payne, aubrey mccleary, aria terango, lexus johnson
2014 / NEW YORK keanu uchida, kyle patrick clarke, issac lupien, shannon womble, jack moore, tristan ghostkeeper, wesley tang, matthew taylor, ethan colangelo, devon brown, derek piquette
2014 / LAS VEGAS eric schloesser, moises parra, jeremy platt, mathew rogers, ben green, lucas santhon, zane green, omar rivera, peter elakis, daniel bordonali
2015 / NEW YORK kyle patrick clarke, myles erlick, jay jay dixonbey, devon brown, liam melady, barry gans, shannon womble, niko martinez, dean husted, mariano zamora, jeremy platt
2015 / LAS VEGAS michael hall, chase bowden, nico lonetree, justin pham, andres cruz, eliott trahan, keegan hill, aaron williams, riley kurilko, evan morash, andrew mulet, damian terriquez, zane green
2016 / ORLANDO jonathan wade, nick daniels, nathan hirschaut, alex swader, david wright, dean husted, eli alford, howard johnson, niko martinez, shannon womble, asten stewart
2016 / LAS VEGAS lex ishimoto, jay jay dixonbey, riley kuriko, andres cruz, justin pham, luke kamppila, maclean frey, michael garcia, michael novitski, michael thurin, nico lonetree, samuel hall, scott autry, todd baker
2017 / ORLANDO wyeth walker, michael novitski, benjamin peralta, alex swader, tyrese parker, shamus moriarty, ian sanford, brendan moran, eli alford, tyler hutchings,  conner chastain
2017 / LAS VEGAS timmy blankenship, sam hall, christian smith, emiliano jimenez, tucker ferguson, riley kirlko, scott autry, david wright, ezra sosa, joshua bergner
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willofnottingham · 3 years
How do you feel about who should birth your baby?
I have so many feelings regarding my future firstborn, I’m not quite sure where to begin! I guess I’d like to start by saying that I’m already grateful for whoever it is that ends up helping me and my beloved @jungleboyblake start our family. Now, as for my preferences, I’d like to keep it within the family if possible, which means anybody in the extended Sherwood family or possibly Blake’s sister, were she interested. After all, this process is sure to be an exhausting and exhilarating one, so going through it with somebody that we already know really well would be optimal, and so @marykatehood or @jojohood or @hailstormporter or @cassieadale or @racheladale or @camille-kluck or @harperofsherwood are my personal favorites to consider. Beyond that, I’m not sure how to narrow it down, not yet, but thankfully we have some time to think that through.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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marcoalandale · 3 years
How do you feel about girls you’ve liked in the past?
Of course I think they’re awesome! Why would I like or have liked somebody who I didn’t think was awesome? I mean, @marykatehood is one of my top  favorite people to this day and always will be, and same with @camille-kluck -- I had a thing for her in grade school but that still counts, right? And also @harperofsherwood, whoops -- sorry, all of the Sherwood people are too loveable! And @marley-yao is obviously an adorable human being, who wouldn’t like her? @maisy-macguffin is so cool, and @mackennadunbroch is way too smart and gay for me but that didn’t stop me from crushing hard once upon a time, and @cassidystabbington is way talented and beautiful but that crush ended when I accidentally called her Cass. @annefitzherbert is so intimidating but I think that’s really cool of her. @mayariverax is beautiful and talented and wonderful and makes me smile. And @fredcilier is amazing. I love trying to impress her with my abs and my friendship and if it makes her happy, that’s more than good enough for me.
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Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?"
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auradonstatehq · 3 years
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The following characters have been dropped due to lack of muse. Please unfollow:
@ally-kingsleigh (Alice)
@camille-kluck (Lady Kluck)
@chad--charming (Cinderella & Charming)
@karalee-weselton (Duke of Weselton)
@swan-dee (Tweedle Dee)
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