#camp unus annus fic
altr5312916195 · 5 months
So like.. what if I finished my camp Unus Annus fic four years later? Would y'all like that or....
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Ask game: 😅🤡🛒
😅 - What’s a story or scene you’ve created that you’re a smidge embarrassed exists?
OH there are so many. I used to write a lot of Hollywood Undead fics, yk like RPF bandom stuff, and a lot of it is just. terrible. it’s terrible.
But tbh the one I’m most embarrassed about is “When The Chips Are Down”. It’s my most viewed fic, it’s Sanders Sides, and I wrote it when I was an oblivious teenager who knew generally nothing about the world. like I CAN DEAL WITH THE SHITTY RPF BC RPF IS INHERENTLY CRINGE SO WHO CARES, but that one fic??? Good god. why has it ever seen the light of day
🤡 - What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh?
BABYGIRL I am the funniest motherfucker on the planet. At the end of Unus Annus, I wrote another Sanders Sides fic called “Camp Unus Annus” which was just. the sides as kids at camp Unus Annus. It was the funniest shit I’ve ever wrote. My favourite crack fic I’ve written to date. I also still have some old Hollywood Undead crack fics that I reread on occasion and get a good chuckle out of
🛒 - What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Oh baby everybody’s got trauma. Every single fic, it don’t matter WHAT fic it is, some character has got trauma and/or anxiety. For the most part it’s trauma that stems from family (huh i wonder why). HU RPF? Trauma. Sanders Sides? Trauma. DSMP? Trauma. Homestuck??? YOU GUESSED IT IT’S TRAUMA BABEY!!
But almost always, in every single fic, no matter what I put these characters through, there is a happy ending or at least a hopeful one. I cannot do sad tragic endings. I guess the main theme for most of them is the difficulties of healing from your past and moving forward to a better future. Idk I’m autistic and sad that’s probably why
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charlieliqueur · 4 years
Mark X Camper!Reader (Unus Annus)
Camp Days - Part Two
Note: Sorry it took so long! :/
Your eyes boldly locked onto the tent door. You heard it begin to open, and you frantically hid the journal and any other suspicious material under your pillows and sleeping bags. The door opened to reveal Mark.
"Heeey camper," he greeted politely, entering the tent without stopping to ask if it was okay. Didn't matter, you felt like even if you said no, he'd do it anyways. "Y/n right?" He asked. You nodded. "What are ya doing in here all alone?" He asks, giving you a confused look. "Uh, sitting. I don't like mosquitoes..." you said.
"Well, I don't think anyone likes mosquitoes. I was gonna teach some of the other spunky little campers to play a song or two on guitar. You wanna join me?"
"I, um, already know guitar," you spoke, not sure if he'd believe it or not. Was it a lie? You couldn't remember. You had faint memories of maybe playing an instrument, but they were like remembering a childhood dream. Faint and fuzzy.
"Perfect! You can help me!" He said, eagerly and not quite gracefully getting up off the tent floor.
"No, that's not what I-"
"Come on, what else are you gonna do, we're only in camp for another six days!"
"Six days?"
"Yeah! A week of camp Unus Annus, yesterday was the first say, pfft, obviously. Introductions and all..."
"Six days, you're sure?"
"Uh. Duh."
Thoughts went through your head. It wouldn't be hard to keep track of six days. Hell, you could record every minute if you had to.
"I dunno...."
"I'll get Thicc Water to apologize for pelting you and Gerald."
Your blood ran cold. You looked into Counselor Mark's dark, dark eyes. His smile was warm, but... empty. Like it used to hold some semblance of emotion that had long since left him.
"How did you-"
"Oh, y/n, nothing happens in Camp Unus Annus without me knowing. Now come on!"
He unzipped the tent and waited for you to leave as well. You did so, not wanting any hostility. You were hesitant on leaving the journal and everything behind, but you didn't want Counselor Mark to see them, obviously.
It wasn't quite midday, but it wasn't early morning. Maybe 11:00 am or so. Mark had a group of campers around a pit, a box was on the ground nearby, full of Tazer Fire bandanas, almost every other camper had one. You grabbed one awkwardly and began folding in diagonally. Mark sat down on a log with his guitar and started strumming. The other campers watched him with awe.
Then he looked at you. "Come here y/n," he said, beckoning you over. You awkwardly sat down next to him, you didn't feel comfortable in his presence. He looked to you and grinned passing the guitar. For a moment your vision fogged with images of two men in black and white suits. A swirling abyss. You exhaled and took it. "Play us a tune, eh?" He asked, giving a look around the rest, who watched expectantly. Including Gerald.
You managed to set it in your lap correctly, but before you had a chance to play, either well or awfully, suddenly another voice boomed "HEEEY HEEEY MARK!"
All of the campers and the head counselor looked to see a skinny guy with dark hair and a black camp shirt. Counselor Ethan, and his campers. "Day two of camp already!" He said, wrapping an arm around Mark and smiling, but his eyes settled on you a moment. But Mark began talking to him, before Ethan could get a good look at you. "Oh yeah. What are you doing all the way over here, buddy?"
"Oh, y'know, interested in some team building activities. Tug of war, egg races, three legged race, the good ones!"
"Sounds great! Am I right??"
All the campers cheered, except you...
You felt like you were the only sober person left at a weird party.
Counselors Ethan and Mark began leading their campers away from Camp Tazer Fire, and towards a grassy clearing. A few rocks and sticks littered the area, but other than that it was just grass. "Alright everyone, partner up!" Shouted Mark.
You looked around, confused. "Gerald? Gerald??" You shouted, slightly panicked. You'd just seen him at camp, hadn't you? You looked through the crowds of campers, but his face was nowhere. "No buddy? Y/n you know the rules..." said Mark giving you a strange smile and shaking his pointer finger at you. "I know! I'll be your buddy! Just for the rest of camp," he said, looking proud of himself and his idea.
You looked at Mark for a moment, your heart dropping. "The rest of camp? What about Ethan? Isn't he your-"
"Certain rules can be bent in strange circumstances... now come on! Tug of war!"
- - -
You were tired, nervous, hot and sweaty. You were sitting on a rock as, drinking water from an unmarked bottle, as the sun began to set. Hours and hours of games had been played. Being stuck right next to Mark. You'd constantly catch him staring at you, or standing just too close for comfort. This whole time a light, overly electric feeling had been around you. Not the good kind, the kind of electric that you feel before a scary test, or a vaccine shot, or anything dangerous that doesn't excite, that only makes you anxious.
An excess of energy.
Weird energy.
You looked from the sunset towards the rest of the campers, distracted by the sound of footsteps. Mark had made his way over. He smiled, and waved you close to him saying "Come on, let's go."
You raised an eyebrow, and suddenly Ethan shouts "Back to camp, Campers!! A good rest after a good day! Remember the buddy system!" You stood and cautiously walked over to Mark. But Ethan was approaching. Then he extended a hand. Mark seemed hesitant on letting him.
You shook it. It was cold. Ice cold. Dreadfully icy cold. You pulled your hand away immediately after. "Ethan, and you're y/n?" He made short eye contact with Mark, who tried to manage a quick discreet nod. You looked between them a moment. "What's going-"
"Back to camp, eh? Enjoy your time with us Mo- ER y/n!" Said Ethan, awkwardly rushing away. You stared in shock and confusion as he left. Then Mark slipped an arm around your shoulder and said "Like he said, back to camp." And he gave you a slight shake, as you gazed into the distance, confused and scared.
- - -
"Because I'd like some privacy while changing please," you said shakily, trying to convince Mark to stay out of the tent for even just a few minutes. "Alright, alright," he agreed. You exhaled a sigh of relief, softly. You dug the journal out from under your pillow and turned to whatever you thought was the page you were on. It wasn't, but you decided to read whatever you could anyways.
Mori.... momento mori. Remember Death. They say it all the time. What death? With them, death isn't an ending, it's the beginning. Or the middle. Or the constant state of being. Or a being itself. Almost like they're looking for it. Looking for death...
"Almost ready?" Mark interrupted.
"Just a few moments!" You replied. You threw the book closed and stuffed it under the pillow, and quickly changed into clean camp clothes. Then you said "All done." The zipper rustled and the door opened. "Thanks, worried I might get eaten by a bear, or a deer..."
Mark laid down, seemingly relaxed. You sat on your side of the tent, trying to clear your mind. Trying to think. Everything you've learned so far swimming in your mind.
How old the camp sites are, how Mark and Ethan are seemingly immortal. How campers seem to vanish, how GERALD vanished! And now Ethan calling you Mo... was he gonna say mori? Death? What did that even mean? Was it an accident? You didn't think anything was an accident here. Not when you randomly show up at some spooky summer camp out of nowhere with hardly any memories.
"Whatcha thinking about?" Asks Mark.
"Um, how we lost at tug of war..." you lied.
"Yeah, that sucked... but we killed it at the three legged race, am I right??"
You laughed softly, but you weren't amused. You looked around the tent for a few seconds before laying down. You sighed deeply, but quiet enough not for him to hear. "I think it's time to sleep," you said. "You know, good rest and all..."
"Of course, of course. Goodnight y/n..." said Mark, rolling over. He was still laying down, stiff, outside of his sleeping bag. You curled up in yours, wanting some feeling of safety. "Y'know y/n," started Mark, "you always seem so tense. Try to enjoy camp. It is only a week, and you can make friendships that last... forever..."
Mark sounded sad... distant and somber, like remembering something. You could tell something was off. You didn't reply, you didn't want to.
After what felt like an eternity, with Mark still in the same position after hours of laying down, you remember your eyes closing finally and falling asleep.
And then you awoke.
You weren't sure how much later. You just remember waking up to the door opening. You looked, and saw it open, and saw Mark gone. A cool breeze rustled the open tent flap. You sat up, heart beginning to race. You heard leaves rustling and wind howling. Like before a storm, but without the rain. You climbed onto your feet and cautiously peeked outside, your whole torso outside the tent.
Then you saw them. A man in a white suit, a man in a black one, in the distance at the edge of the forest, chatting it seemed. You ducked back into the tent a moment, looking around more cautiously, barely peeked out.
All the other tents were dark, oddly so. And closed and quiet. Like a silence fell over the camp site. Like they all... were in a dead sleep...
You climbed out of the tent, the site being dark enough for you to sneak around in. You hid behind other tents, and rocks, and anything you could.
You were about to go around another tent, when you caught a glimpse of a white pant leg, and you immediately hid behind the tent again, holding your breath. They were right there, talking.
"We've only got five days," said a voice that sounded like Counselor Ethan. But, different... more serious...
"Yes but we have her this time," said a voice, oddly similar to Counselor Mark.
"These hosts will not last forever."
"They've lasted this long."
"And if we cannot.... if we fail before they leave...."
"We won't, my friend. We will find peace again... I promise."
"Yes, peace... momento mori?"
"Momento mori, unus... annus..."
Then you watched them begin to walk towards your tent. What the fuck? Peace? Hosts?? You saw the man in the black suit approach a different tent, as the white suited one headed back to yours. They also looked like Ethan and Mark, but for some reason you didn't want to believe that to be true... The black suited one opened a tent, and pulled out a sleeping camper, and then laid the kid on the rocky ground. What was he....? He wrapped his hands around the kid's throat, and suddenly you realized what was happening.
"Don't-!" You burst out without realizing it.
He looked up, seeing you there. "Mori... can it be...?"
He stood, and turned to you, and you saw the man in the white suit begin to approach as well.
You panicked, turned, and ran, straight into the dark, windy, silent woods.
- - -
To be continued! Sooooo it took a million years to get part two, I know I know. But its here now, right? Sorry guys. A lot happened, and I know many are still hurting after the channel ended. But, here this is, for who ever is still waiting for it.
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to anyone looking to write camp unus annus fics my person @anxious-little-faicye wrote out all the rules from camp UA a few months ago if you wanna reference it at all
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bookwormscififan · 3 years
Art Masterlist (Updated)
I have to do this every time I remember to... so here we go!
Sanders Sides
Tiny art
Art dump (photo quality bad)
Logan stack
Creativitwins stack
Patton and Creativitwins stack
Thomas’ birthday art
Janus and his snake
Jan and Virge stack
Janus art
Vampire Virgil
Sides in the Window sketches
Jan wiggling to jazz
Booky’s favourite sides heirarchy ladder
Cloak Sides (part 1)
Cloak Sides (part 2)
A Virgil DTiYS (which I'm very proud of)
A Logan DTiYS (which I'm slightly less proud of)
Janus and Virgil Sanderstober (traditional and digital)
Six Fanarts
Christmas 2018
Egos for the 2019 new year
2019 new year digital
All the Egos with colourful backgrounds
JJ with a knife
Jackie on a rooftop
JJ angst (I swear he's not my favourite to torment)
JJ fluff
Tiny Anti art
JJ Redraw
Chase Brody
Jackieboy Man
Marvin (full design)
Anti and JJ art based on a scene in a fic
Jackieboy Man (which I posted two seconds before writing this list)
Antisepticeye (full design)
I can't find everything, so click this for the fanart tag to find more
Wilford, Dark and Yancy 
The Host
Captain Magnum
Darkiplier (new)
Wilford (new)
Yancy (new)
Captain Magnum (new)
The Host (new)
Mark's Birthday 2021
My Chemical Romance
Pose Practice - Party Poison
Party Poison in goggles and bandanna
Party Poison x2
Na Na Na Lineup and Target Practice
Party Poison Song Art
Origin of Firestarter
Sing Inspiration Art
More Party Poison with bonus headgear
Black Parade Gerard singing ‘Dead!’
Party Poison Page
Not good MCR fanart
Not good Party Poison art
Goodnight Dr. Death Art
Digital Firestarter
Digital MCR Art
2 Different POVs of the scene in Sing music video
Art Improvement
Unus Annus
Camp Unus Annus (part 1)
Camp Unus Annus (part 2)
Grave Digging Parallels
Favourite Videos
Hourglass Art
Livestream Art
The Gongoozler
The MerMer
HeeHoo (fully dressed)
Guppti Tamberooly Jooortelsk
Me as an Among Us crewmate (traditional and digital)
I became a witch for Halloween
Painted a spoopy version of Van Gogh's Starry Night
Some OCs
Christmas 2020 art
Six the Musical
Hadestown Fanart
Roger and James from We Happy Few
Pride Penguins
Ok, there’s a lot, so take the link to the tag
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astudyingreer · 4 years
I’ve had the idea bouncing around for a camp unus annus fic starring the cryptid herself, greer rose ! It’s been a while but what do y’all think
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ohheyitsgray · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
@prettylilpsyxho Oh! Thank you so much for considering me, I’d be honored if you added my campsona into your fic! Unfortuantely, I don’t have many headcannons for the camp and all of its cabins-but I know there are plenty of people on this platform shooting out great ideas! I wish ya the best of luck! :D
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uglynetwork · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
sure thing! you can use my campsona in the fic! :D 
i don’t have much for headcanons, but i wish you the best of luck!! ♡
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altr5312916195 · 4 years
Hi I wrote an article on Unus Annus for my school newspaper here's that:
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Team Unus Annus 10 minutes before the final stream. From left to right Mark Fishbach, editor Vincent Van, editor Amy Nelson, Ethan Nestor, editor Evan (no last name given) 
What if you only had one year? Would you use that time wisely, or would you overestimate your time? 
These are the ever looming questions posed by the Youtube channel, Unus Annus, or translated from Latin to English, One Remarkable Year. 
Mark Edward Fishbach, and Ethan Mark Darling-Nestor started the channel Unus Annus one year ago on November 15th, 2019. November, Friday the 13th, 2020, marks Unus Annus’s death. To celebrate the pair are having a long twelve hour livestream. From 12 pm to 12 am PST. In CST, Arlington’s time zone the stream will span from 2 pm to 2 am.
The pair created this self destructing channel to press the idea that time is limited, and death is inevitable. “We live our lives taking each second for granted.” “But what would you do if you knew how much time you had left?” Where the opening words of Unus Annus’s first video, posted at 12 am PST. This video set up the theme for  the year to come. Through the year Ethan, and Mark challenged themselves to go further beyond what they thought they could do. “We took each day on as a new adventure, an opportunity to learn, to grow, to step out of our comfort zones. Whether it was being pepper sprayed, or making breakfast with the unlikeliest of tools, this defined Unus Annus.” Ethan wrote in his letter to the channel. But by the end of the year it seemed to grow more cryptic, and emotional.
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Ethan and Mark in The Truth of Unus Annus 13 days before the end of Unus Annus 
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Unus and Annus in The Truth of Unus Annus 13 days before the end of Unus Annus 
At face value Unus Annus was a simple channel, where two idiots tried to live life to the fullest. Now it seemed Unus and Annus were separate characters from Ethan, and Mark respectively, and as the clock ticked on Unus and Annus took over more, and more.
 On October 31st, 2020, Unus and Annus took over the channel a mere 13 days before the end. “Time’s up, it’s been quite a year hasn’t it? Now it’s over. A year is many things, but it’s not forever. There are no second chances, no do overs. You had your one year. Now it’s over. It’s finally time to accept the truth.” Unus and Annus explained to Ethan, and Mark over their walkie talkies. Though Unus and Annus appeared to the viewers before, in the first video, Unus Annus. Again in This Is The End, and once more in This Is Goodbye, posted with 100 days of Unus Annus left. “The end isn’t something you need to fear anymore.  You don’t need us to hold your hand anymore. You’re so much stronger than you know. You have so much potential. You have drive, you have passion, you have creativity. We’re happy to have walked this journey together with you. We’ll always be with you, in your memories. And we’ll have watched over you until the bitter end. “
This is Goodbye was a simple reminder that time was running out, and we had to use it wisely. 
And boy did people use it. The Unus Annus fandom is a bustling community full of creativity. Whether in art, songs, stories, or theories the community had no end to their potential just as Unus had told us in This Is Goodbye. In the final stretch we got to experience many fun things, one of the most notable being Camp Unus Annus. A week full of videos of Mark and Ethan having fun in the woods building tents, playing team building games, learning about the dangers of nature, running from bears, and hunting for the ever illusive HeeHoo. The viewers took the idea of Camp Unus Annus very quickly. Everyone made their own character that would go to the camp, found a camp buddy as to not break the buddy system, determined what cabin they’d be in, and of course sold out the merchandise for camp. 
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Camp Unus Annus Councilors from left to right Evan, Ethan, Mark, Amy, Bear
Unus Annus has proven to bring people together in a wonderful way. For myself I’ve made many friends in my one year. I’ve written a story for everyone at camp that was extremely well received. Unus Annus has become a big part of many people’s daily lives in just a year! One Example is a student of Arlington high school, removedforstudent'sprivacy. I sat down with removedforstudent'sprivacy to ask her about her experience with Unus Annus 
Eclipse: Why do you think Unus Annus was made? 
Removedforstudent'sprivacy: I think it’s a social experiment  to see how the internet has conditioned us to seeing things as permanent. 
E: What is Unus Annus to you? 
J: I think it’s two idiot friends putting their most random video ideas together to create what Unus Annus is. 
E: What was your favorite video? 
J: Probably all of Camp Unus Annus, and the escape room, but my birthday video was Being Brutally Honest With Each Other and that was sweet. I loved seeing them (Mark and Ethan) communicate and just be thankful for having their year together
E: How has the Unus Annus experience changed you? 
J: 2020 as a whole changed me, and it was the perfect year for the channel. Though by the channel’s end I realized the meaning of life, and in fact I was wasting my own time watching the channel. 
The night Unus Annus ended I spent it with my friend, Removedforstudent'sprivacy. It was a chaotic night for us both, but I was able to ask him some things in between watching the clock count down, and crying.
Eclipse: Why do you think Unus Annus was made? 
Removedforstudent'sprivacy: I think it was to showcase the inevitability of death like they said it was. 
E: What was Unus Annus to you?
T: To me Unus Annus was another lifeline. If something was going wrong and I needed to ground myself the videos were there for me. 
E: How has the channel changed your outlook on life? 
T:It just made me happier. I’m more interested in being alive now, Unus Annus made me think life was worth more than was I initially thought. 
E: Are you ready for the end? 
T: I believed I was ready for the end, but then I watched it happen. Like everyone else, I was in denial that there was no way they’d delete the channel, then they did. Some piece of me left with it, but now it’s time to get over it. 
E: Did you use your year wisely? 
T: No. I feel like I could’ve done better for myself. I could’ve bettered myself mentally, emotionally, and intellectually but even with the time limit I just didn’t. 
And as the end drew closer I asked myself these questions. To me Unus Annus was a comfort channel. Over the year I grew more attached to Mark, and Ethan even though I’d been watching them both for years before. 
Now in a way, I understand how precious time is for all of us. Ethan, and Mark gave an entire year away to us, and now they’re both jumping back into work on their own channels without much of a break. Even as the channel came to an end I was never ready, days after I’m still mourning. I don’t believe I used my time wisely either. There’s some Unus Annus videos I haven’t even seen. I still have an unfinished story people are waiting on. The clock’s run out, and there’s still things I need to do. 
We live our lives taking each second for granted, but the end isn’t something you need to fear anymore. We did this year to the fullest. I was happy to walk onto the set today, we did our best, and everyone took it to heart. That’s all I wanted. See you on the other side. Memento Mori, Unus Annus.  We’ll always have the memories, and the merch of course. - Mark Edward Fishbach. 
Mark Fishbach, Amy Nelson (Mark’s significant other) and Ethan Nestor deleting the channel on stream
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lazyflan · 4 years
Crack Idea
So, its 1 am in my country and in the last 24 hours I have only slept like 5-6 hours and I'm sleep deprived, the good thing abou this is that I came up with the weirdest theories.
Also I didn't watch the whole camping series nor every Unus Annus video, so take this more as an fanfic idea than a theory or anything else.
So, it's not very known in this blog but I love the Time Travel trope on fics and stories in general.
So what happens if Unus and Annus are trapped in a year-long time loop?
Lots of their memories are lost, but at some points they have flashbacks or moments of clarity.
For example, the scene in "How to Start a Fire (except don't...)" where Mark is going to kill Ethan and Unus appears in the background just looking at the scene can be looked as a memory of Unus of a past loop/life. That's why he didn't stop Mark.
It's this even understandable? I'm having a Unus Annus brainrot tbh.
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yaelartworks · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
Of course you can you my campsona! I would be honored 😊
And uhh I don’t really have any headcanons that haven’t already been said but I do have news that after yesterday, there have been some rumors going around of seeing an omen of death dressed in a black suit circling the camp.
The counselors don’t see worried about it since y’know “death is coming”. But I don’t have a buddy soooo....
I’m hiding inside the Thicc Water cabin today
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charlieliqueur · 4 years
Mark X Camper!Reader (Unus Annus)
Camp Days - Part One
Summary/Warnings: Unus Annus spoilers? Takes place during Camp Unus Annus, includes some of Camp Unus Annus fan stuff like the camp cabins and etc, and some of my own variations. Reader is 18+ years old, and part of cabin Taser Fire, since it seems decreed that Mark is the head counselor for that cabin. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to the Camp Unus Annus posts and you'll find the stuff pretty quick.
You didn't remember signing up for this camp. Probably because you didn't, you couldn't have. Oddly enough, you barely remember anything before waking up on a bus, a bag packed and other 'campers' waiting to arrive. This felt off, the bus ride, the look of it, how isolated and almost abandoned it felt. It had all the wrong feelings.
But you were still here. Almost immediately after stepping off the bus a blond man and brunette woman held out stacks of shirts. One stack white, one black. You carefully picked one, and the woman kindly said "Welcome campers! This isn't our official welcome, but we wanted to make sure you had a uniform for initiation! I'm one of the counselors here, my name is Amy! And this is Evan!" They both waved happily.
What were you doing at a summer camp again?
Why would you be here-
Suddenly you all were being ushered away to a grassy clearing with a bonfire pit. Near a roaring fire were two men, wearing semi-matching black and white clothes. One in white, one in black. They turned towards the group of several, beyond several, dozen campers of varying ages, looks, and personalities.
"Welcome to your first day of Camp Unus Annus! In just a few moments you'll be directed to your cabin!" Said the short haired one. The longer haired man said "Don't forget, Camp Unus Annus and officials are not responsible for any harm or death caused here."
"Death??" Asked a few, they also seemed to have no idea how they ended up here.
"Um, excuse me, but I don't remember signing up for this camp," said one girl.
"Me neither!"
"I don't remember too!"
"Uh, me either!"
They two men looked at one another and began laughing. It seemed almost fake. They looked back at the group of confused people. "Of course you didn't sign up, that's not how Camp works here. Now come on! And-" the man in the white shirt looked to the man in black and they said in unison looking over the group, "Don't forget the Buddy System!!"
You had been sorted to your cabin. You stood among a group of confused and concerned campers, as they tried to find buddies before your counselor arrived. You got paired up with a man named Gerald, mainly because he had no one else and seemed distant enough not to bother you too much. Though he seemed a little incompetent.
You all looked at the still-packed collection of supplies, when suddenly a rushing of footsteps and a loud voice boomed, "Heeeeey campeeers!!"
You all looked to see Mark. He adjusted his white shirt briefly before smiling and saying "I bet you're all thrilled to be here, and-- What's this? You don't have your tents up yet?? Well hurry! Nightfall is coming soon and the bears will be out, and the bats, and deer, and snakes-- Just, chop chop!"
The group looked among each other hesitantly. "B-Bears?" Asked a girl.
"Yeah!! And not just the animals. Bear Cabin is... well, we won't talk about them."
"Aren't you betraying the buddy system?" Asked a young man. He seemed rather upset. Probably didn't like being at a summer camp he didn't sign up for. Neither did you.
"Yeah, you've broken your own rule!" Added another boy, the first one's buddy.
"Do you wanna talk to me about rules or do you wanna listen and live??" Mark demanded strongly. Most of the younger teens immediately started opening the tent bags, pulling out the plastic structures and beginning to set them up. Gerald and yourself began setting up your tent as well. The older group members glared and hesitated, before joining in as well.
Soon tents were set up, and as Counselor Mark was inspecting them, a large portion of Taser Fire gathered around a fire pit. "What are we supposed to do?" Asked one boy, his name was Daniel. "What do you mean?" Asked Lizzy, a twenty-something girl.
"Like, the fuck are we supposed to do?? Just play along to this summer camp BS? Hasn't anyone realized we've been kidnapped??"
"Speak for yourselves," said Mickey, a thirteen year old boy. "My home fuckin' sucks, I'd rather be here getting covered in mosquito bites than have another drunk fight with my dad," he said openly. It seemed he felt safe here. What was this place doing to you all? Some now anxious, some now comfortable? And what were you feeling?
"Okay campers, it seems dusk has begun. Why don't we get a fire started for a little meal before night, eh?" Asked Mark, gesturing with an open smile. You all looked around at each other and sheepishly nodded. He gave off vibes. Vibes you weren't sure how to feel about.
"And tomorrow, we start the fun!" He assured, before gathering some wood from a pile and making a firepit. You yawned and looked around. "Hey, where's Gerald?" You asked, when suddenly the man stepped beside you, zipping his fly. "Sorry, just stepped away to-"
Suddenly Mark seized him by the collar of his shirt. "Remember... the buddy system. Nobody leaves the group without their buddy!! Understood??" This was directed at the whole group, who nervously agreed, fearing what their counselor would do if they disobeyed. You stumbled back a bit from the muscles man who practically held your buddy a foot off the ground. He lowered Gerald to the ground and stepped away, refocusing on his fire.
It started up in no time, and the campers gathered around it. You looked off into the distance and could see a few other distant lights. Fires or lanterns. There were five cabins in total.
Thicc Water, near the lake.
Breaking Wind, in a clearing.
Earth Girth, near a river.
The Bears, near a cave system.
Taser Fire, on a rocky area near the forest.
You were studying a map that had come with the supplies. Your fingers traced paths and memorized some bigger details. This place felt off, and you wanted to know where to go if you needed to run somewhere. Either away from something... or someone...
Your nervous eyes glanced up at Counselor Mark, a guitar in his hands while he strummed a tune and hummed a song no one knew. He gave off an ill aura. Ted Bundy mixed with Jigsaw and maybe a cult leader or two. Suddenly Counselor Mark saw you watching, and after your eyes met briefly, you looked back down at the map.
"So tell me all your names," he requested, and you looked up with only your eyes, to see his looking across everyone.
People answered, some more reluctant than others. What worried you most is how some who had been very upset being here were suddenly laughing and sharing past stories and tales. Once more that feeling hit you, a feeling it seemed only a few others realized. This place, these people, it was wrong. At least... at least Mark was...
You were lying awake in your tent, your buddy Gerald asleep beside you. He wasn't exceedingly friendly, or strong, or smart, but least he didn't snore. You were propped on your arm, a zippo lighter in your hands, lit to provide enough light to read the map. Then you noticed something in the corner. You brought the lighter closer, and it revealed words, full National Treasure style.
Near the logs whom fell, find the stories they tell. A land of old, of death and cold...
What... the... fuck? What was this about?
You suddenly heard footsteps. You clicked the lighter shut, stuffed the map under your bag, and pulled the covers of the sleeping bag over your head. You were nearly silent, but not suspiciously so. You heard them get close to the tent, and heard whispering, but you couldn't identify who.
"Such a shame..."
"Can't follow the rules, can't stay in camp..."
"It is day one, Annus, give them time."
"Life is not fair, nor is death. Time will march ever forward, my friend. Lessons must be learnt in the time they have. Momento Mori."
"Yes, that is true... which tent was it?"
"This way..."
You covered your mouth, hoping they couldn't hear your ragged and terrified breaths. You listened to the footsteps leave. It took you hours to fall asleep, and even then you were plagued by nightmares. Of two men, one in a white suit, one in black, they were familiar but you couldn't place them, their faces just out of sight.
"UNUS ANNUS! UNUS ANNUS! UNUS ANNUS!" A chant erupted through a speaker system you hadn't noticed existed, the sound of distorted male voices. You sprung upright, hearing someone rustle the tents and say "Time to get up campers!"
Counselor Mark.
You groaned, and suddenly went still, remembering last night. You waited for Gerald to step out so you could change. You left the tent as well, seeing a fire already started. A majority of the group was gathered round, laughing and joking and making food.
"Where's Jake?" Asked a voice, one that sounded pained and scared.
"Who?" Asked one girl.
"JAKE!" Said the boy, as if we should know. But you did, you actually remembered. Jake and this boy were the two who pointed out Mark breaking the rules. Mark simply laughed it off and said "Jake has been removed from Camp Unus Annus, should've followed the rules. Now, who wants bacon??"
"Me!!" Cheered some, holding out their plates. You stuck farther back, pulling your map from your pocket. You saw a circle appeared around a spot on the map. You couldn't leave alone. Buddy System. Didn't wanna end up like Jake...
"Hey Gerald?"
"We're going somewhere, come on."
"But what about-"
"You'll live. Besides, that bacon seems... off..."
"What do you-"
"Just shut up and follow."
He followed you as the both of you headed towards the marking on the map. "Gonna let me know what this is about?" He asked, walking lazily, not even concerned on wild animals in the woods or poisonous plants and crazy counselors.
You yawned deeply, restless from last night's sleep. You didn't have a lot of time. Then you saw it. Stuck under a log that seemed like it had fallen decades ago, poking out, was a journal. "Help me move this," you demanded of you buddy, trying to force the log to roll.
"Y/n, you sure? It's all damp and rotted, there might be like slugs or-"
"Dammit Gerald push the log!!"
He whined again before pushing against it with you, and it rolled over enough for you to kick the journal free.
"All this way for a notebook? Pfft..."
"Yeah, a notebook. One you won't mention or you'll have more than just Mark to worry about," you warned darkly.
What was wrong with you? Would you normally say that? Yes, no? You couldn't remember. There had to be something about this place. A toxic material waste, brain fucking everyone.
Gerald hesitantly agreed to secrecy, then began his journey back, you following close behind.
"Hey, look, Taser Bitches!" Shouted an unfamiliar voice. You both looked around, before seeing a small group of kids, wearing matching bandanas. Thicc Water.
"Alright guys, pelt 'em!!!" Shouted someone, and they raised water balloons.
"What the fuc-??"
You urged Gerald to run and you both began sprinting, water balloons crashing and splatting all around you, the water seemed oddly thicc.
However you escaped with your lives, and luckily it seemed counselor Mark was gone. Good. You pulled the journal out in front of you and read the first entry.
I don't know what day it is. Not what they say. They think today is tomorrow and is also yesterday. I've been here weeks and they're saying day three. This place is wrong, so fucking wrong. But I can't leave. My buddy started the idea of cabins. He seems to be leaving me. I can't escape without help...
You entered your tent and exhaled shakily. You took a seat on the polyurethane floor. Was this from the beginning of the camp? It had to be a while ago, these cabins and all had been here for a long time, the signs and everything super old. Like, decades old. That's when what you read next horrified you.
Counselor Mark and Ethan are up to something. Kids keep going missing and it's only ones in their cabins. I have to get the fuck out of here...
How old are they? What the fuck was this?? Was this real, what did this even mean, that Counselor Mark and Ethan are-
Suddenly there was a rustling on the tent, like knocking, and a scary familiar voice asked "Hey y/n right?"
To be Continued...
A/N: Woo!! I hope to finish this story, or at least get a good few parts out. What's going on? Spoooooky. Anyways, things will obviously get more dramatic as it continues. Hope you enjoyed!
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indic0lite · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
Yeah! You can use my campsona as long as you credit!
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theoneandonlyyeti · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
omg yes!! that sounds awesome! ive got a pretty good synopsis of my campsona in the post of my drawing. i put it under the tag “campsona” on my blog if you want to find it. but other than that im just the person whos been to camp before and kinda knows my way around the outdoors but is also very clumsy and forgetful. i can be a leader sometimes, usually if i know the topic at hand well. and ig im just happy to be at camp! this fic sounds awesome and i cant wait to see it!
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bitofmaehem · 4 years
Hey, I'm writing a Camp Unus Annus fic, and I'm attempting (it's not working out as much as I hoped) To gather some people's headcanons and campsonas for the story and inspiration. All credit will be given I promise! I was wondering if I could get some possible headcanons you have, and or be able to use your campsona in the fic?
That sounds awesome!! You can totally use my campsona with credit and I would very much like to read the fic when you’re done with it. As for headcacanons, I don’t have many of my own for the camp itself, besides some simple ones like the thicc water and bear cabins are allies in being cryptids together and taser fire and thicc water are playful enemies. I hope this helped, and I hope it all works out for you in the end!
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astudyingreer · 4 years
sorry if this as already been asked but what is camp unus annus :0?
It was a little series within Unus Annus where Ethan and Mark were camp counselors at a summer camp hehe :D Im writing a lil fic for it  
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