campcampdaily · 8 months
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🧸 day: 17
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railynrose · 2 months
At The International Pathfinder Camporee with a friend!!
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rimouskis · 11 months
alright, question for the esteemed jury (though I imagine this will be a uniquely american, if not perhaps also canadian, experience):
are you familiar with the children's game that involves slapping hands around a circle while singing a song that begins "down by the banks of the hanky panky"
and if you are, how did the rest of the song go for you
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i-wanna-linger · 5 months
gonna be back at camp on saturday and sunday :)))))
on saturday i’m running zip line with our favorite 70 year old man (/gen) and sunday i’m doing boating with one of my old camp besties who quit halfway through summer of ‘22 but she’s back!
looking at the schedule i’m pretty sure the troops are getting there before we do so reeeeeeally hope i don’t have to fight them for parking spots
tho thinking back to the other spring events i’ve worked like that the main parking lot wasn’t crowded at all so idk
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Do you want to buy some pizza while also supporting a Pathfinder Club on their way to International Camporee? Well, now you can!! Little Caesar’s Pizza anywhere in the country!!
Please help support this club!!!
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m-imprefect · 1 year
Idk if anyone knows what swaps are but I’m making turtles for the camp weekend I’m teaching at :) still have to add a backing and a pin but 10 down 40 left to crochet!
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ms-demeanor · 3 months
Like. It is difficult to express how much I know and care about cats.
I had a cat fancy subscription from the ages of 11 to 15 because I was obsessed with cats. I had every book on cat behavior that I could find in my library. I tried to get my teachers to call me Alli Cat. When my girl scout troop was assisting younger troops at camporee, the troop leader had us name ourselves "[Herb Name] Bear" - like "cinnamon bear" or "tarragon Bear" and I asked if I could be cat bear and if i could put a cat on the teddy bear tee shirts we were making and she said no so I got out an encyclopedia and found out that catnip was sometimes called cat mint so i called myself Catmint bear and put a cat head in the tree on the shirt design and claimed it was a bird's nest. My girl scout silver award project was collecting donations of food and money for an animal rescue to help cats.
You know how there are horse girls? I was that but with cats. I had eleven cats at one point. I *adore* cats. In the eight grade class people voted me "most likely to become a crazy cat lady."
So when people come at me with "oh but it's cruel to keep a cat inside, you can't do that and keep them mentally healthy" or "it's natural to let cats roam, they aren't doing any harm and it's perfectly safe" they are not only getting into a "discussion" with a pathologically argumentative research junkie, they are doing so with a pathologically argumentative research junkie who has been terminally annoying about cat behavior and welfare SINCE I WAS A TWEEN IN THE NINETIES.
so you can see, perhaps, why this feral cat situation drives me, specifically, insane, and why I'm utterly incapable of being normal about this.
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chrzannekk · 5 months
Question If Camp Camp (Once the show gets picked up for season 5 again) hired you as a guest writer, and you got to write like a few episodes max, what would you write about?
OHHHH THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION !! i would definitely write more episodes involving the other camp leaders like pikeman and sasha !!! i actually had a idea where max sasha and pikeman swap and they have to complete a task with different people (sasha with the woodscouts, max with the flowerscouts and pikeman with camp campbell kids)
plot would involve some sort of camp competition similar to the camporee another episode id love to see from s5 would be a nikki focus one , because WHY WAS SHE SOOO WEIRD IN EPISODE 1 ?!?! I DONT GET IT it isn't just from max's peer pressure to not change SOMETHING IS UP WHY IS SHE ACTING SO WEIRD !! now that i think about it , i mostly just want more episodes focusing on the girls </3 I'm in desprate need of a new ered episode , or a sasha tabii and erin adventure OH ANOTHER IDEA I HAD WAS A FUCKING METAL GEAR SOLID EPISODE since snake is literally a metal gear reference , wouldn't it be funny if billy had a secret british twin brother called jimmy and they both had a older brother called timmy and it was all a parallel to solid/liquid snake as well as the big boss i also just want to see max do some gymnastics... doesn't have to be the focus of the episode. ACTUALLY SCRACTH THAT - CIRCLE BACK TO THE LEADER SWAP EPISODE MAX AND THE FLOWERSCOUTS AND SOME GYMNASTICS ARE INVOLVED W AN ACTIVITY THEYRE DOING GOD IM A GENIUS !!!!!!!!!! i also want another harrison episode. i love how in s4 the campers told him the illusionist shtick is getting old so now he's into conceptual magic. we need a conceptual magic episode where everyone looses their grip on reality and they go insane. actually no , harrison and the other campers would target cj and David , playing tricks on them and making them loose their sanity and then gwen tells the kids to knock it off. love that. also this is more of a theory than an episode idea but.. QM saying one of them wont leave this summer alive ? and cj and David are shown on frame ? we know David wont die because main character duh , but cj ..... cameron shows up , something happens and cameron kills cj I'm CALLING IT ( i cant really call anything anymore can i ? the show is dead for the foreseeable future. sigh... ) I ALSO WANT ANOTHER NERRIS ADVENTURE !! nerris !! more nerris !! i have no ideas for nerris but !! possible nerris and flowerscouts friendship being formed please !! I JUST WANT MORE OF THE OTHER CAMPS TO BE INVOLVEDDDD
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ducktalesnstuff · 1 year
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Idea from @tokuvivor woodchuck camporee! <3
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yanaleese · 8 months
So is karma living in Greenland? What did their mom look like? Poor butler.
Interesting question, Anon!
Well in present time, Karma didn't live in Greenland, but was there for training purposes for about 6-7 years. He, along with his brothers, was registered in this private camp called Dead Dove International Soldier Camporee (DDISC) to develop keen survival and social skills. This camporee is infamously known for its brutality and social pressure, which is why the application process is extremely meticulous. Not anyone and everybody can just go and do it. They must be 21 or higher to enter the course.
But unfortunately, the Sangre family is known for their competitiveness in the cartel world. And so, they pulled some strings to allow LITERAL CHILDREN to be raised by bloodthirsty soldiers. Luckily, they weren't left on their own, but rather supervised and cared for by their own mother - who was a past student of the course.
Speaking of the mother, she has beautiful red hair like Karma's, but has shades of pink, and thicker hair. Her eyes are green, and wears heavy lipstick. She's known for her flamboyant appearance, as well as her terrible mom jokes by her children and staff.
Also yes - poor butler. When you're working for the Sangre family, you have to learn to keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, you'll be buried along with maggots 6 feet under (lol?).
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campcampdaily · 8 months
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🧸 day: 10
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camp-counselor-life · 2 years
Today, my old council announced that they are selling off my old camp. The camp that I was a PA at, ran a Just Juniors camporee at, did my Bronze Award at, and spent my first two years as staff at.
The council spent years allowing my camp to fall into disrepair. When I worked there (2013-14), things were falling apart and every year when I visit it’s no better. It is a good little camp - day camp and troop camp.
I’ve spent the afternoon thinking about this. After coming to the conclusion that I cannot express my disappointment publicly to GSNWGL, I can express it here.
They are selling off 3 camps and 2 office properties in favor of expanding a more limited number of facilities and creating a mobile unit. In their email it sounds much nicer, they’re “divesting” from properties. This is a fancy way of saying that it isn’t worth it to them to maintain these resources. My boss says this isn’t uncommon right now.
So I am sad. Sad for my loss, and sad for the loss of generations of Girl Scouts to come. This camp isn’t my home now, but it was a place I felt at home.
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disastercit · 10 months
a couple of old ross drawings I found (I wanna say 2021-2022?)
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the second and third ones go together as one comic (you can probably tell I wasn't comfortable drawing people facing right, so I just planned on flipping it later. makes it kind of hard to tell who's who, top and bottom left panels should be flipped)
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all of them (but mostly the first one) came from an awkward point in the Ross Lore Development where I had the whole woodscouts thing down, but the "involuntary hostage at camp campbell" bit wasn't around yet. unenthusiastic woodscout cheerleader ross at the camporee could still be canon (except instead of actually rooting for camp campbell, he's just not thrilled because he simply cannot summon that kind of energy).
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hoshi-neko-hikari · 2 years
Ayla and the rest of her imp scouts troupe are currently participating in the lake lilac camporee against Camp Campbell Flower scouts troupe 789 and the wood scouts
The imp scouts glared at the other teams
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plotandburn · 1 year
Harry gets adopted by
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Now before we start i would like to adress some things:
the following parents won't be included in this plot bunny farm:
A. Mrs. Nurfington: there's no mention of Nurf's dad so he either dosen't know Nurf exists, compleatly abandoned Nurf or died and,since Nurf dosen't appear to have any relatives other than his mom who is in jail there would be no one left to raise Harry even if she did adopt him.
B. Gram Gram : ok based on the fact that Preston's parents are never mentioned they either died or Preston was an accidental & unwanted pregnancy. Preston, like Nurf, dosen't seem to have any other relatives aside from her and i'd imagine raising one kid is already hard enough for her as it is, she wouldn't be able to raise two.
C.Jermy's parents : ok, they would probably be able to raise him but....Holly shit! they low key look even more inbread than any purebloods in the Hp saga plus Jeremy is weird and gross and i'm pretty sure most of the fandom is not a fan of him so...no thanks.
D. Max's parents: they seem to be at best emotionally neglectfull and at worst abusive and since i don't have a clear reading on them, i decided to leave them out of this.
E. Cameron Campbell : who is not fit to raise anyone and wasn't even on the list. (that was only the best image i could find)
2. regardless on the idea chosen they must feature the following:
A. Harisson is a Squibborn (or in J*ke rowlling's words: Muggleborn): in "Mind Freakers" he casts a spell that causes Max to vomit a chain of tied up scarves & other magical items and in "Parents Day" his parents mention that "he made his brother dissapear" so claming that this nigga would be a muggle should he live in the Hp universe is....laughable at best. The others? Sure, they can be as muggleish as the person who writes the stories wants them to be but there's no freaking way that Harisson wouldn't be classed as a wizard.
B. Nikki has werewolf genes or the genes of some type of magical creature:
Nikki seems to have a unique bond with wild animals, even managing to tame an eagle named Timothy in "Scout's Dishonor." She also makes mention of her plan to possibly become the alpha of a wolf pack upon escaping the camp.
Nikki can speak a bit of squirrel, as shown in the episode "Squirrel Camp", but she is rusty and doesn't fully understand what is being squeaked.
In "Camporee" it is revealed that she is even capable of cross-species communication, by barking at a wolf to subdue it, then unleashing it on the Wood Scouts and Flower Scouts.
She has also been shown to exhibit dog/wolf-like traits, such as biting David's hand in "Escape from Camp Campbell", and barking & growling at Max when confronting him in "Camp Cool Kidz". In the hunt for Neil in "Reigny Day" she also declared she'd act like a bloodhound to search, getting down on all fours and sniffing the ground.
In "Reigny Day" Nikki is seen somehow telepathically communicating with David as he laments losing his award to Dolph. Specifically, she notes that "he really looks like Hitler." (Camp camp wiki)
She also seems to have a weird ass conection with nature, what with her needing a bag of dirt when she is forced to be away from it for long periods of time so, while she dosen't necessarily have to be a witch herself, there's no denying that she is defintly not 100% human either.
3.No reader-inserts, self-inserts or unhappy endings are allowed.
4.spanking, watersports, extremely underage ships or parent/child incest are only allowed if portrayed on a negative light.
5.Peter Petigrew and Dolores Umbridge must be bashed
6.Dumbledore must be gay and atracted to Grindewalt and Grindewalt alone.
7.poor grammar is not allowed (you don't need a beta but at least use grammarly some form of grammar corrector)
8. You are not allowed to bash Severus Snape, Sirius Black,Draco Malfoy or Remus Lupin
9.Hagrid can only be paired with Madame Maxine and no one else
10. Mad Eye Moody and Amelia Bones can't be paired with anyone
11. Minerva Mcgonagal can only be paired with Poppy Pomfrey or anyone on the staff that she never taugh herself.
12. Crabbe and Goyle can only be paired with Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Milicent Bulstrode, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, each other or an Oc.
Now with that said let's kick this off from worst to best:
Harisson's parents
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Ok so i have seen a headcanon that the only reason why Harisson has his magician outfit is because his family is Amish, wich considering their reaction to his magic is very likely as i doubt they would ever consider buying the outfit for him so this would be the only way he would have acess to it.
Thus, whoever choses to write this fict will have to either been raised in an amish comunity or be extremely familiar with it for the fict to be accurate.
Now, i'd imagine that, prior to both Harisson and Harry having bounds of accidental magic they would be very good parents: kind,nurturing and all that jazz but once the acidental magic happens they would treat Harry just like they treat Harisson.
Meaning that, while Harry wouldn't be phisically abused or treated like a slave, he would be severely emotionally neglected and,most likely become extremely dependent on Harisson as he would be the only person in his family to show him even an ounce of affection.
Thus, this fict would most likely call for a softharry as i'd imagine this type of enviorement would make him latch out into anyone that gives him even an ounce of attention. This Harry would most likely be a Hufflepuff as being ignored would make him value kindness above anything else. Recomended ships would be : Cedric,Luna,Cho,either of the Weasley twins or Percy...or...pretty much any character you can think of that would be able to dott on him.
2.Stuart Houston:
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Ok so...there's no confirmation that either Adolf or his dad are actually nazis despite Adolf himself being inspired by Hitler so it's up to the writer to make them nazis or not.
Regardless, I'd imagine that, if Harry were to be raised by him, he would, in his desperate need of parental aproval, grow up to be a text book definition of toxic masculinity, abhorring anything that could be considered unmainly so the whole fict would be about him learning to be more chill, wich would be very interesting,not gonna lie. This Harry would stick to his canon house as he would most likely value bravery above anything else. Recomended ships: Hermione, Luna, Ginny, Cho, Fleur, Charlie, Ron and Draco.
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Ok so unlike the two previous candidates, the problem with her wouldn't be anything she says but mainly...what she does. You see,anyone who watched the parents day episode would definetly see that she has a penchant of not keeping tabs on Nikki and the fact that she was not at all bothered by a shit ton of people seeing her having sex with Carl tells me that Nikki definetly saw her having sex on more than one time,plus her on/off relationship with her husband is not healthy for any child.
The writer would have to be familiar with how early exposure to sexually explicit content and parental fighting can affect a kid as Harry would grow up with alll the problems that early exposure to both may cause so...nedless to say, he would be a very problematic kid.
I'd imagine that he would end up sticking with his canon house and as for ships...well....i'd imagine he would date a shit ton of people so the sky is the limit.
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Ok so, now we are reaching the best parent candidates. So if Harry were raised by Carl we could get one of two outcomes,but regardless of wich is chosen, i have no doubt that Harry would grow up to be a ravenclaw:
A. Harry gets super into philosophy and bonds with Carl: so ...fuck this would be so boring! (heavily philosophical ficts are boring,at least to me). regardless, I'd imagine Harry would end up interested in magical philosophy and probably theorize that Voldy likeHitler, lives by a distorted version of Trotskyism and as for ships....uh...idk Luna???
B. Harry gets super into science and bonds with Neil and his mom: Now this would be interesting! I'd imagine that Harry would read upon a shit ton of magical theory and probably question a lot of the problematic views of the wizarding world and probably come across my conclusion that muggleborns=squiborns as well as inventing a shit ton of stuff to help make the lifes of wizards more easy as i'd imagine he would help Neil on more than one ocasion and eventually become an inventor himself. Recomended ships: Hermine or Percy Weasley.
5. Space kids parents : another ravenclaw Harry. I'd imagine Astronomy would become one of his best subjects and he would eventually grow up to teach the subject himself. Recomended ships: Luna,Draco,Hermione,Percy or Astoria.
6. Neris' Parents:
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Ok so, however writes this one would have to be super into larping and RPG as i imagine that, if Harry were to be raised alongside Neriss he would play RPG and larp...like.....a lot! i'd imagine his entry into the wizarding world would be a lot like when Nico Di Angelo found out he was a demigod in the Percy Jackson series (only without the early loss of a loved one). This Harry would probably also stick with Gryffindor and the recomended ships would be: Ron, either of the Weasley twins, Luna, Ginny, Cho or anyone you can think of that would take to RPG and larping as much as Nerris does.
6.Agents Miller:
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Ok so another Gryffindor Harry. This Harry would grow up to be into punk,skating and spying wich would make for a hella interesting story! i'd imagine he would have his hair dyed like Ered and be away less impulsive than he is canonically as i'd imagine his dad's would instill in him, the habit of think things trough as you can be a sucessfull agent if you are too impulsive so Sirius more likely wouldn't die!!!....or at least,not in the way he does on canon. Recomended ships: one of the Weasley twins, Ginny, Fleur or Charlie Weasley.
and....that's it but before i conclude i would like to make one less coment:
regardless of the parents chosen, Harry would, obviously spend his summers at...
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