#cams bullshitt
voidthaumaturge · 2 years
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thatmissquin · 4 years
Copy & pasted from a friend.
“Making jokes about becoming a stripper, cam girl, or selling pictures of your feet online is so disrespectful and dismissive of those who do sex work for a living. It's also quite laughable. If you think sex work is easy you have no idea what it takes to do any of those jobs. So allow me to enlighten you.
The clubs are closed or empty and I highly doubt you can dance for 6-8 hours in 6+ inch heels while looking like you're enjoying yourself AND making financially productive small talk in the process. Not to mention giving a huge chunk of what you made back to the club and tipping out the other bar employees.
Becoming a cam girl or selling pictures of your whatever online isn't easy either. You need to know all about photography and videography and how to make your shot look good. You need to buy lighting and learn how to use it. You need to know how to make your boring ass bedroom/living room/spare room look like a well decorated set that is so clean and crisp no human has ever set foot in it, and be able to change it up regularly so your viewers don't get bored. You must know all the laws and have all your paperwork in order. You must become be a veritable encyclopedia of kinks and human sexuality. You need to know how to talk to your customers in a way that makes them spend money on YOU and be able to tell who's a bullshitter and who's actually going to pay you by your first couple seconds of online interaction. You'll need edit photos and videos in an actual editing program on a computer. Then you need to upload that content and write something about the content that makes people want to buy it.You'll have to learn to market yourself and learn where to do so, run an army of social media sites, and respond to countless emails. You will spend hours searching the internet for content that you own that has been uploaded illegally. Then you need to send out DCMAs to all of the sites for each individual illegally uploaded video. And come tax time watch out- you're gonna be dealing with a mountain of paperwork and owe the government money. A lot of it, if you're lucky. There's more, should I keep going? You need to be tough as nails to handle the barrage of negativity that will be thrown your way on a daily basis from trolls, your disapproving family/friends, and "well meaning" fans. Get ready to have EVERY physical flaw pointed out to you at any given time by a stranger or three. Have you ever spent an entire day looking at nothing but photos of yourself ? How about yourself in panties or nude? Every flaw will stand out to you. You will notice every single little thing about your body that you wish you could change and learn to not let it bug you because you still have to have the self confidence to get just as naked the next day in front of what feels like the entire world. Prepare to go days or weeks without making a single sale. Did I mention there is no school or book to teach you any of this and no one in the industry to hold your hand and teach you how to do what we do? Oh, and most important of all, you need to be able to sell a product that every Tom, Dick , and Harry thinks he's a) entitled to and b) can find something similar to pirate for free elsewhere.
Last but not least, you can never take it back. Ever. And it will forever change the trajectory of your life. Hopefully for the best, but not always. Wanna be a foster parent? You never will be able to. Teacher? Nope. Anything involving kids as a career is out. You could LEGALLY be fired from almost any job if they find your old stuff depending on state laws. Kicked out of your college or school for it. (I almost was!) Even your spouse could lose their job.
Also, if you think adult work is somehow pandemic proof income you are so very wrong. Sales are down across the board for most everyone I know right now.
Still thinking of selling those feet pics for some easy money, Karen?”
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gregoriabenavides01 · 7 years
rhetorical bullshit!
February 06, 2017
*Vice News. (2016). “The Business of Fake News.” Vice. *Woolf, Nicky. (2016, November 17). “As fake news takes over Facebook feeds, many are taking satire as fact.” The Guardian. *Hunter, Rik. (2014). “Hyper-Social-Interactive Writing: An Audience of Readers-as-Writers.” Literacy in Composition Studies, 2(2). *Pennycook, Gordon; Cheyne, James Allen; Barr, Nathanial; Koehler, Derek J.; & Fugelsang, Jonathan A. (2015). “On the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit.” Judgement and Decision Making, 10(6), 549-563. *Fredal, James. (2011). “Rhetoric and Bullshit.” College English, 73(3), 243-259 *Vice, “He was surprised at how fast the fake news gets eaten up, especially by the right,” defiantly many fell into the lies that was created by and was harmful not only to Hilary but the people mentioned within the article, which were placed in facebook and google as news. Facebook has a hug problem with fake news being posted and it contributes into false information unto the public. He also stated that people believe the unbelievable stories that harm each other in politics or even personal. He also mentions something at the end of the article, “If everyone who reads our reporting, who likes it, helps to pay for it, our future would be much more secure.” Even Melissa Simdars, assistant professor, “Can you spot the fake US election news stories?” it made her listen to all her student’s news articles due to there being much fake news, which was being exposed unto her students during the election. *Woolf, unbelievable, how he has utilized facebook to do his dirty work by posting unbelievable fake news and it’s all bullshit. Nothing being correct and people like myself have not read correctly due to some sort of personal reason. Also, he doesn’t even make hardly any revenue from it. “I make a little bit of money each month through ad revenue, but it all goes toward the site’s upkeep and promoting my articles through various social media platforms,” he said. “This is more of a labor of love for me than a profitable enterprise.” “The ones that seem to take off, that people seem to believe,” he said, “are the ones I find most unbelievable.” He said that there isn’t any topic he would avoid. “If something is an important news story that affects the world, or social issues, I’m going to address it.” If he was interested story he knew he had to write something about it even if it was dirty laundry and it was going to affect anyone in the way to success. Seems he knew his audience and how to grab their attention by tricking them in a negative rhetorical form and they fell into the linguistic newsletters of it. Nevertheless, it also consists of “the fictional journalist behind the site, R Hobbus, is listed as having won the 2011 Stephen Glass Distinction in Journalistic Integrity award – mocking a journalist who was revealed to have falsified sources and information for stories – for one thing. But there is no full disclaimer. I am personally amazed that there are awards for such fake news being exposed. Today I asked a man on facebook about his article, “he claims Christmas is not real.” I asked him if it was fake news or bullshit. “His response was, its factual fact!” well, it all means the same, so, I told him and he couldn’t respond back to defend it.
*Hunter, I was not able to find article online. *Pennycock, “It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction.” – Harry Frankfurt True factual statement, how can someone that states a statement think he/she is lying if their consumption of the information is considered truth through a factual fact known off or given by a sort. I really enjoyed what this article spoke about, “what is found in the philosophy of bullshit and related phenomena.” Philosophy involvement was based on how a person reacts or even expresses itself on a certain topic and worry about how they bullshit a “Bullshittee”. Bullshittee, meaning the person that received the information and believed it as much as the person(s) that stated the statement, which probably continued to express the information unto another person(s). “The heart produces all mental activity.” Detecting, bullshit, “which may cause one to confuse vagueness for profundity.” Isn’t this amazing, it is important to detect a lie upon the group of people. It spoke about “conflicting monitoring” “when two sources of information in a problem cue conflicting responses.” Studies show that people can detect bullshitters in the crowd. They even conducted a study of four different cases, which consist of BSR, Motivational quotations, BS Sensitivity, Heuristic/Biases, Paranormal Belief, Conspiracies Ideation, and CAM. Which they even gave them abbreviations: “BSR = Bullshit Receptivity scale; CAM = Complementary and alternative medicine. Bottom diagonal = full sample”. It took them four different cases in order to detect exactly what they were looking for in a short-term study. As the article defined its self it was quite a performance on how it persuaded its audience as well within its subject and without it. It also stated, “the character of conversational bullshit is likely quite different from pseudo-profound bullshit, and by extension the reception and detection of it may be determined by different psychological factors. It is important for researchers interested in the psychology of bullshit to be clear about the type of bullshit that they are investigating.” I posted so many quotes this time, it is hilarious on how and what was done to come out with their results on their research. They even covered “conspiracy”, that’s the one that I have heard journalist state and get fired for speaking upon the truth. I like to know the truth behind the stories not bullshit. *Fredal, broke bullshit down into 3 stages: “produced, interpreted, and judged”. “An understanding of rhetoric will help in the analysis of bullshit—its distinctive qualities and its types—and, more to the point, an analysis of bullshit will clarify the identifying features of rhetoric.” But it also will break it down into analyzing, qualities, types, to the point, and clarify its rhetorical analysis. Which he, himself called “taurascatics”, means the study of bullshit. Also it is called “antistrophe of rhetorical theory” therefore he it became a part of political interaction, production, translated, and judged by its audience. This is the way he was able to proof the bullshit and a rhetorical statement becomes one itself.
Q & R Can you detect bullshitter? What gives it away that they are trying to bullshit you with fall statements? Have you ever bullshit someone you know or just met? Would you pay for news? Do you think/believe if we paid for news we have a safer/secure life? How will you react if you find out one of the news you reposted was fake news and you got bullshit?
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I was tagged by: @beallatrix
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
➝ Cam, Mila, Cammy, Camoola, Chamelion etc. (please do not)
Star sign?
➝ Leo
➝ 5’2” ish
Time right now?
➝ 6:30pm
Favourite music artist(s)?
➝ Foals, Amber Run, Cold War Kids, Daughter, Patrick Watson, Oscar and the Wolf, DIIV, Vianney, Gael Faure, Coldplay, Young Guns, Bastille, Nothing But Thieves, Wolf Parade …. So many
Song stuck in your head?
➝ Fickle Game - Amber Run
Last movie watched?
➝ Rogue One
Last TV show watched?
➝ The Flash (I know I know)
What are you wearing right now?
➝ A cream colored cabled sweater and black jeans.
When did you create your blog?
➝ Jeez… like four/five years ago now???? What the heck...
What kind of stuff do you post?
➝ personal aesthetic photography and prose, some poetry written by other people, art made by other people, history, art history, formula one, the occasional fandom and a lot of melodramatic personal whining.
Do you have any other blogs?
➝ yes… none that I keep up with though.
Do you get asks regularly?
➝ Not regularly. I do have two sitting in my box from last night that I haven’t answered yet though...
Why did you choose your URL?
➝ I had a button that had a drawing of pandas parachuting down from the sky while devouring various human body parts. There was a lot of blood. I don’t know what happened to that button, nor do I really know why I’ve kept the URL.
➝ female
Hogwarts house?
➝ Ravenclaw
Pokemon team?
➝ no.
Favourite colour?
➝ Black and grey. Color me like an old photograph.
Average hours of sleep?
➝ either too many or too few. Regardless I’m always tired.
Lucky number?
➝8. Not lucky, just a good number. It is so round.
Favourite character?
➝ Oh dear god no… any question but this one.
How many blankets do you sleep with
➝ Three
Dream job
➝ A job.
➝ a will ’o the wisp down into the marsh to my doom.\
I Tag: @teddybearparker , @the-immortal-bullshitter , @betweenheroesandvillains , @toosmallortootall , @fuckwodehouse , @taka-hardt and @benchowmein​
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
I joined artfight despite not know much Abt it
My users SgtButterBen :]
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
I've been feeling like utter shit the past few days ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ only thing I can do is play Minecraft, have stomach pains, and be stressed
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
hiccups and you will see me stuck in my head aaaaa
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
I keep thinking Abt Mei's stupid joke to Mccree it's just so dumb I love their lil interaction
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
AAAAAA, Punching, and Radiation
I was confused for 5 seconds then I remembered the thing I rb'd
You are absolutely correct and I knew someone would say radiation
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
im trying to draw someone just standing it isnt looking good dongit
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
The state of my snapchat
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
How to piss me off immediately
Make me wear my knee brace
I look so dumb and it's so uncomfortable
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
It's weird how just having my window open when it's raining at night, hearing the rain, animals, and smelling the rain makes me happy to be alive
It's so simple but I like it
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
i made it so my keyboard has a Cack button 
because i love scp-2337
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voidthaumaturge · 3 years
was the shirley temple bussin
You fucking know it was BBB)
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