#can be friendship or shipship
jadeleechsupportgroup · 8 months
Desert Rain
post-overblot not-therapy-session with jamil and azul.
cw: none besides jamil's sailor mouth
also on ao3
gift for @basuralindo 🐙🐍
Kalim and his fucking parties.
Jamil had a half a mind to let Kalim get poisoned if it meant he’d never have another extravagant event dumped in his lap. Maybe he could fake his own death while was at it. Should it wait until after he finished college, or would it matter? Maybe he could enroll at another school under an assumed name.
Couldn’t be that hard. He’d been invisible his whole fucking life, after all.
“Still sulking?”
Jamil scowled, though only the shifting, moonlit sands could see it. “Leave me alone.”
Words had never stopped the approach of Insufferable Azul™️ before, and they didn’t stop him now. His cane pinged on the tile in time with the snap of his expensive shoes. Jamil wondered how bad it would be if he pitched forward from his perch on the window ledge just to escape this conversation. He could catch himself with wind magic. Probably.
He cringed at his own suggestion. He could still taste the bitter ink in his mouth. Forget magic. He should drop out, disappear, and take up underwater basket-weaving.
Azul had the sense to maintain a safe-ish distance and looked out at the desert below. “I was going to let you know there is plenty of food, but I suppose you would know, since you made most of it.”
Any other time, Jamil might have been able to mask his emotions. Instead, he snapped like the snake that carried his family name. “How about leave me the fuck alone, then? Need me to translate it into Fish while I’m at it?”
Azul gave a light, insufferable chuckle and rested his elbows on the ledge. “At least you are expressing yourself this time.”
Jamil gave a low growl, but he didn’t feel like engaging with this bastard, now or ever. Looking at landscapes was supposed to calm a person down, but all he could see was how the moon’s glow reflected on the pools and puddles glinting in the valleys of the dunes. Even now, he couldn’t escape Kalim.
He hated himself for being this dramatic about it.
“I wouldn’t expect a rich bitch like you to understand,” he said flatly.
Azul snickered. “Clever. I admire that.”
“Could you just go away?” Jamil’s anger was now fizzling into defeated exhaustion. He needed a vacation at any time, but now, more than ever, the fatigue was settling into his bones. It felt like someone had yanked away the stick propping him up and was now beating him with it. “I don’t have the energy for this.” Wow, another honest statement. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d tasted lies for so long that the truth had become a foreign language.
“I do not completely understand,” Azul said. “You are correct about that.” He shrugged. “But I have gathered enough information to support a hypothesis, if you’ll allow me.”
Back to being annoyed. “It’s a free country,” Jamil grumbled.
Azul turned around and leaned back against the wall so he could look sideways at Jamil, who was suddenly fascinated with the stitching on the inside of his hoodie and furiously avoiding eye contact. “You feel that Kalim has been holding you back,” he began. “With his status and incompetence, certainly - but even if he were capable of independence, you would be in the same situation, yes?”
Jamil didn’t answer that.
“Personally, I’ve found it a more constructive use of my time and energy to…make use of such people, if you will.”
“Good for you. I have not enjoyed this lesson on Bullshit 101. One star.”
Azul outright laughed. “See? It feels better to be yourself, doesn’t it?”
Jamil sighed. “What do you want, Azul?”
Azul tilted his head and flicked his gaze to the ceiling as if itemizing the answers. “Mmm, well, if we’re being specific-”
“From me.”
Azul’s eyes rolled over to look at him. “Would you believe I wanted to make sure you were alright?”
Jamil turned sideways on the white stone so he could lean back against the window frame and pull his knees to his chest. “I would believe you wanted to make sure there was something left to wring out of me.”
“Ehh, why bother?” Azul said dismissively. “You already know my weaknesses, and now I know yours. We’re even.” He shrugged again. “I also know what you’re capable of.”
Jamil gave a short, humorless laugh. “Yeah, see? I was right. Pay up.”
Azul took to examining the brilliant diamond in the head of his cane. All too recently, it had been the same burnt, oil-slick black as Jamil’s own magestone, but looking at it now revealed no trace of that. “We have a fair bit in common, like it or not. Feeling isolated, desperate…betrayed…” He sighed deeply. “The worst combination that can be imagined, in my opinion.”
There was little point in arguing.
“I am not going to offer you any hollow sentiments, Jamil. I merely wanted to ensure you were alright.”
“Yeah. You said.”
It got quiet. Jamil looked out at the desert again and saw less moonlight than before. Clouds were gathering and growing thick. No thunder, but he smelled the oncoming rain. Real weather, or real enough in their little dimension. Not the water Kalim managed to conjure up.
“What was it like?”
This time it was Azul to glance curiously at a question. Jamil looked contemplative. “What was what like?”
“Swimming through the desert.”
Certainly not the question Azul expected. “Unusual. Something I never would have thought possible. And something I will likely never experience again.”
Jamil felt weird. Not really tongue-tied. More like all the knots had come untied and he didn’t know how to talk anymore. “Are there any stuffed dates left?” he asked awkwardly.
Azul squinted in the direction of the banquet tables. “No, it looks like Kalim ate them all. Why, did you want one?”
“No, I hate looking at them.”
Azul was surprised when Jamil laughed with him.
“What’s so funny?” Jamil asked through a smile he was trying desperately to conceal.
“I hate them, too.”
“Ha, I didn’t think you’d ever eaten anything but sushi and vegetables.”
Azul smiled slyly. “Perhaps I have the upper hand for the moment, then, if I know more about you than you about me.”
“Yeah, well, I know what foods those weirdos that follow you around happen to like, too.”
Azul was no longer smiling. “Really,” he said.
Jamil shrugged and looked out at the sprinkle of rain. It was making the low-lying pools glitter in what moonlight filtered down through the clouds. “Sure. The other day, Jade asked me if I had a recipe for octopus curry.”
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ironmanned · 7 years
i’ve read like 2 or 3 fics where they take that scene with tony and nat inside the compound in civil war?? the one where he says something about double agents and she says something about his ego?? and turn it into some kinda code/a reference to the im2 days and their past/a way to tell each other to be careful for what comes next or something along those lines.... and maybe its a reach but i like that idea very much
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Is it bra-tzly or bro-tzly ;)
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devilmaycry5 · 7 years
devil may cry B)
You know me so well ;) This was kinda hard because there’s only like… 15 characters in the series 
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: NERO!! I love him so much.
my trash-shit fave: Dante. He’s a lil shit but I can’t help but love him 
my I love to hate them fave: Agnus. He’s a really really interesting creepy character and I just feel like they could have done so much more with him as a bad guy? idk
my I hate to love them fave: VERGIL he’s such a edgelord but i still love him.
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: Joker. Can’t stand that guy
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: eh theres not that many characters lol
my I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: Credo. Sorry ya’ll but I’m just not that into Credo.
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Honestly NeroxPerrie but we all know that aint happening. EVA AND SPARDA where’s that prequel game capcom????
my dirtybadwrong fave ship: ahhh not really but Vergil x Lady is kinda cool. I mean I figured she’d hate his guts and he’d feel indifferent towards her? 
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Dante x Lady I used to be all for them but now I don’t know????? Same with TrishxLady thats kinda cute. I like the idea of Nero and Patty together too which is weird but hey only god can judge me
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: Don’t be mad but Dante x Trish. She looks like his mom. Would you be into someone who looks just like your mom or dad? I love there friendship but the SHIPship nah
my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship: there’s none that I REALLY dislike. Maybe vergil x dante because incest but honestly i dont care if you ship it??? 
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