#can we get lucien with some pet peacocks
shadowqueenjude · 10 months
Eris Vanserra is slutty af, sure, but in reality I probably would’ve folded when he said he had 12 dogs. Loving animals is an automatic green flag.
We need more characters with pets.
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dafukdidiwatch · 3 years
Chapter 9 and 10 End
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Got to go, running late on things. Will do recap later
TL;DR: I’m screaming, parent issues are are abundant as abusive and manipulation, and I have a new ship going on.
Edit: Ok I am back and I have new theories on everything going on because Fuck I’m down the rabbit hole here. Where or where do I fucking begin.
Really this session just hammers down the different type of abuse that poor Lucy is going through. It’s even color coded and everything. Blue being cold, isolation, physical and emotional neglect from Thierry. Vs the Red of warm, attentiive, possessive and emotional manipulation that is Fidelia.
I don’t doubt that Fidelia cares for Lucy. But it obviously is really twisted if like only one day in Fidelia is already trying to run Lucy’s life how she thinks it should be. Honestly Seiji nailed it when he pointed out the outfit change was more for Fidelia’s taste instead of Lucys’s.
And this chapter is nothing more than family secrets revealed to Sylas isn’t it? Like, how far do you have to break the boy he’s already hurt enough. His dad literally hating his eldest and lawful child, hates his mother, 100% willing to have an affair and have more children and being told flat to his face he is nothing but a tool. It hurt to learn he was there just as a ploy for Fidelia to keep Lucy to herself, but I loved how he still cared for his half siblings. He wasn’t angry at Emilia’s existence, but how Fidelia had seemed to cast her to the wolves that is their father. He wanted to learn more about Lucy as a person, as his sibling, and was happy that it sounded like they wanted to connect too. But of course he couldn’t because Fidelia made sure to try and nuke that chance before it could bloom. Leaving them both just as lonely as ever.
Ugh it sucks so much because Lucy left from one form of isolation abuse to another!
And a minor note, Peony is probably another bastard child of Fidelia and Dubois. Her and Emilia are probably twins than Dubois didn’t want to take care of both of them so he found a way to ditch one into the streets. I mean, it’s the fucking nose people! The timeline merges and fit to one complicated mess that wouldn’t have happened if two people didn’t decide to bone down.
God I want to know what January will think of this, hearing that the anomaly they were supposed to hunt down is now Fidelia’s pet favorite. Actually, now that Lucy is here, will Fidelia even care for January as much? Or will she still try since this is her way of manipulating the council.
Rin is apparently living her best life as a wolf monster of not giving a fuck and about to do some dirty backdoor dealings with Fidelia. That is Not going to bode well.
And finally, Seiji. Wow did that Bastard Man manage to change my perception of him. You bastard, how dare you make me like you. Fucking Twerp. But god, he is trying to get it through to Sylas that he should go after someone who Likes Him. Which, puts Sylas first as part of his feelings, but also can be flipped on to himself because if Sylas is straight, then Seiji should go after someone who likes him. And that hurts.
And then when he talked to Lucy, like first time ever talked to Lucy, it was cute. It was dramatic. It felt like a normal conversation where they aren’t putting on airs with each other and just trying to figure shit out. And it was, really cute. He has this fucking “devil-may-care” rogue persona that he defaults to when he feels cornered, hence the kiss to piss people off. But, having that be your first form of romantic interest after being in isolation for 5 years, I can see why Lucy may be smitten.
Of Course....it sucks that Seiji only managed to put 2 and 2 together on Lucy and Cylas AFTER he dipped. But he got there eventually. The disaster bastard man.
I think I have a thing where I can only approve of ships if I see some in-canon connection/plausibility first. And it wasn’t a pair I would see dating. But I honestly hope there could be some feelings that sprout between the two. Some emotional development that doesn’t center around emotional abuse since Seiji knows what’s up with Fidelia and calls her out on that.
And since this post couldn’t possibly get any longer: underneath are my theories and just what is up with Morgan and Thierry.
This is what happens when I get caught up on comics, I have IDEAS.
Let’s start off somewhere simple here: Timeline.
Fidelia and Dubois have affair. Multiple times. And it resulted in Morgan. Something Something happened and they pushed Morgan into hiding so it has no connection to them. I’m also thinking that because of how Morgan has no connection to them, since Fidelia lost touch with her kid, she made sure/blackmail the Dubois to raise their next kid as his own to make sure they are taken care of. Hence Emilia’s life.
Anyway Morgan was sick, went to the care of Joe Rothart and Dr. Malliet, where a sudden Husk attack killed Morgan and Dr. Malliet 5 years ago. Where Thierry took them to be raised as “Lucien” under his care.
Thierry “gave up everything” for the kid, meaning he thought it was in his best interest to take Morgan.
The reason Joe has a soft spot for Husks is probably because Dr. Malliet was his significant other/partner. Tobi asked if they “broke up” so it implies they were dating. See here I was thinking that Morgan was like, Joe’s brother or something, way older at the very least. But Morgan was the sickly kid, the patient, and Malliet was the other Husk Expert trying to help.
Basically what I’m saying is that Thierry and Joe were lovers. Thierry Rothart is really Dr. Thierry Malliet. While trying to help Morgan, he used his own magic to maybe siphoned the illness away or something and ended up turning into a Husk himself. So when he squirreled away with Morgan (Lucy) he took the last name of Rothart as a momento of their past relationship/ what could have been and as a way of hiding himself.
Also, Ivy isn’t his cat.
We fucking saw what happened with Captain Yiff of the Wolf Brigard. She turned into wolf mode like Jade did. However!!! Thierry became the bird man of Alcatraz and sprouted feathers. AND! Husks are people who literally reabsorb their magic familiars back into themselves. Meaning that Thierry can’t have absorbed his Peacock Bird familiar AND have Ivy the CAT be his active familiar.
The only way I can think this was any way possible to have a “have your cake and eat it too” moment is because of Su. Su never had magic to begin with, and how she’s a Goat Husk, implying if she did have access to magic her familiar would be a goat. The same could have happened to Lucy.
It was stated that for a Husk the magic comes from the eyes, and eyes are the windows of the soul. Trying to heal Morgan resulted in draining the magic from their eye and that magic latched itself into Thierry, turning him into a peacock man.
....why he wants to have his house be a shrine of peacocks of what he did instead of his own fucking cat, I will never know.
Regardless, I’m thinking that after Thierry did manage to cure Morgan, since he took their eye (again, part of the soul) it probably resulted in memory loss too. I’m thinking that the eyepatch is just covering a hole or dark powers because if Lucy has like one-eye in husk mode that would be really stupid.
It also better explains Ivy helping out Thierry’s Husk mode. Familiars are conduits of magic that allows the Mages/Magicians to safely use their magic without overloading. That’s why when the magic is reabsorbed into the person the magic is out of control and fluctuates on emotion. The animals are safeguards. So Ivy, as Thierry’s familiar, is able to drain away the magic in his emotional states. But that also backfires because draining away magic that wasn’t necessarily his means it was also draining away his memory, hence his behavior issues with Lucy.
Which can also explain Lucy’s own “magic draining powers” is because they is out of balance. They aren’t like  non-magic people where they aren’t able to access their magic. They aren’t like regular magicians where an animal familiar is there to help manage magic. And they aren’t like Husks where all the magic is fully absorbed into their body. Because they don’t have access to their original magic source (Thanks Thierry) their body is trying to balance itself out by siphoning the magic of others. Fill in the gap as it were. Which only works if they are in close physical contact with a magic source. But because it isn’t their original magic, it doesn’t last long. That’s why even though Ana was drained completely of magic, Lucy is unable to use it anymore, or at the very least can’t access it as easily.
The only other thing I could think of is how the hell does Fidelia connect with Thierry. Because Ivy was scared shitless of her or the thought of her. She probably threatened them both as Dr. Malliet to do “whatever it takes” to cure Morgan, and we all know how possessive she is with her children.
Long story short, Dr. Thierry Malliet did some experimental treatment which resulted in his husk form and Morgan’s cure/memory loss/magic issues. To protect themselves from being hunted, he fake their deaths and hid away as a recluse and raising Morgan as Lucy so the city’s magic leaders won’t hunt them down.
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Enjoy It While You Can (Part 3)
Part 1 and Part 2
The first thing the Ruby of the Sea tells the Mighty Nein is, “You may call me Marion, if you prefer. Thank you for keeping my darling Sapphire safe.”
Jester gives her mother a hug. “Mama, I forgot to introduce you to someone.” She reaches into the pocket where Sprinkles often takes naps and pulls out the crimson weasel.
“Oh, how precious!” Marion exclaims.
“This is Sprinkles. We bought him from this guy who had a cart full of animals.” Jester’s tails thrashes excitedly. “Oh Mama, you should have seen! They had this adorable little puppy who could poof from one place to the other and I wanted him soooo much but then I decided I would just get Sprinkles.”
Molly had talked her out of it. The same vendor had a peacock for sale. Everyone in the Mighty Nein expected Molly to buy it. He would have, but then he thought about what would happen if he died again. He couldn’t leave the others to take care of his pet, especially since peacocks could be such assholes. He had discouraged the rest from getting pets as well, especially the Blink Dog, but Jester had to have that weasel. The vendor’s cart had moved away a hundred feet or so before she chased after it waving her handful of gold begging to buy him. At least Beau had listened when Molly said living things should never be bought as an impulse purchase. He couldn’t imagine the chaos that would ensue if she actually got that owl.
“He’s absolutely adorable,” Marion says. “May I hold him?”
“Sure, Mama!” Jester hands the weasel to her mother. Sprinkles looks around sniffing for a moment then relaxes as Marion pets him. Jester taps one of her horns. “He likes sitting on my head sometimes. Maybe he’d like your horns, too.”
Marion smiles excitedly. “Oh, alright. Let’s see.” She lifts Sprinkles and sets him down on top of her head. Sprinkles tries to shimmy down Marion’s right horn to perch on the outstretched portion, but decides against it and merely settles down in the space between her horns. “How do I look?” Marion asks.
“Like you’ve got a weasel on your head,” Beau says.
“You two kinda match, though,” Caduceus points out. “I mean, as the name suggests his fur is more crimson while your skin has a paler shade, like a good strong fermented tea. I like it.”
Marion looks confused for a moment until Jester says in a loud whisper, “This is the guy who makes tea out of dead people.”
That doesn’t entirely put her at ease, but Marion smiles politely and says, “Thank you.”
With that, Jester officially introduces everyone in the Mighty Nein, since when they walked in all Jester said was, “These are my friends!”
Fjord, ever the charmer, kisses Marion’s hand when she offers it to him. Beau clumsily does the same and Molly shakes his head in amusement. He has been thinking about this introduction for the past few minutes and he knows exactly how to make a good impression.
Molly deliberately positions himself to be introduced last. When Marion holds out her hand to him, he takes it delicately and makes a sweeping bow. In Infernal, he says, “The most soulless demons of Hell would weep holy tears in the presence of your beauty.” Then he kisses her hand and smiles. Infernal is a harsh language by nature, but he tried to word the compliment in as gentle-sounding phrasing as he could.
Marion blushes ever-so-slightly, her red cheeks darkening subtly. She wasn’t even on his list, but Molly will accept this as another victory. “You’re too kind,” she replies, also in Infernal.
Jester balls her fists and stamps her foot. Her tail is sticking out straight behind her. “Oh my god Molly stop flirting with my mom!” she exclaims in Common. Her blue cheeks are a shade of purple that make her freckles appear pale by comparison.
Molly’s smile becomes a grin. That’s two unintended successes. “I wasn’t flirting, merely offering a compliment.”
“It’s alright, Jester,” Marion says. “He was the portrait of a gentleman.”
“He looks nothing like the Gentleman!” Nott says.
“A gentleman, not the Gentleman.” Molly pauses. “Though I could look like the Gentleman if I wanted to. I think I’ve got blue pigment and some fake facial hair in my disguise kit…”
Marion chuckles, but there’s something hesitant to it. “What are they talking about?” she asks Jester.
Jester rolls her eyes innocently. “Oh, you know, he’s this guy…that we work for…sometimes…” She wrinkles her nose in thought. “Actually, he said he knows a guy out here somewhere. Maybe he’s come through Nicodranas before? He’s like, this tall, blue—”
“And he’s always wet,” Nott interjects. “Every time we see him! It’s really weird! Like he just got out of the shower or the sauna or something.”
With that, Marion freezes entirely. Her eyes glaze over. “Does he have dark hair?” she asks. “Deep smooth voice with a little patch of chest hair right here?”
“He does!” Jester says. “Do you know him?”
“I might. Or, at least, I know someone who looks like him.”
Jester pouts. “Was he a nice guy or did he bother you?”
Marion smiles wistfully. “He was very nice. Charming, dashing…” She sighs with a soft giggle. “He always wore rings on every finger, but he gave me one when he left as a token of his promise.”
Something clicks in Molly’s brain, like a lock he didn’t know he was picking finally giving way. He checks to see if anyone else has had this epiphany. Fjord is staring hard at Jester. Beau is frowning in concentration at Marion. Caleb is looking around the room, but he’s watching the conversation out of the corner of his eye. Nott doesn’t appear to have caught on, and Caduceus is…well…Caduceus.
Marion reaches out to touch Jester’s hand. “I told you about Babenon before, didn’t I?”
That’s when Jester gets it. Her eyes go wide. Her jaw drops. “But— But that’s not— He’s not the Gentleman, right?”
Molly can’t hold it back anymore. He bursts out laughing. He laughs until he can’t stand up anymore, until tears soak into the collar of his shirt. Everyone is staring at him and he doesn’t care because this is so fucking funny to him. When he can finally breathe again, he cackles, “You— Your dad— Hahahaha, heh— Your dad is a crime lord we just happened to get involved with because— Hehehe— Why do we even work for him?” He snorts and dries his eyes on the sleeve of his coat. “And here I was ready to put money down that The Trickster was your father, but no. Nooo, this is much better.” He bites his lips to keep from laughing again. “And he has our blood! He’s tracking us! Good gods, I wonder if Cree could tell…”
Marion gives Jester a puzzled look. “What is he talking about?”
Jester is purple in the face again. “Shut up, Lucien. We don’t know if he’s my dad or not.”
Molly puts a hand to his chest in feigned offense to hide the fact that he is actually annoyed that she would call him by that name. He coughs to hide a few more chuckles, then stands back to watch how everyone else is processing this. They’re all looking at Jester now. Beau’s eyes are wide and she’s jostling Fjord’s arm as though trying to get him to see what she’s seeing. She doesn’t have to, since Fjord is standing with his mouth agape. Caleb is making that face where he tilts his head to one side and squints ever so slightly. Nott is looking to Jester in confused wonder.
Caduceus speaks up with a big smile. “Wow, what are the odds?”
“Holy shit,” Beau says. “Hooolyyyy shit. What if he is though? What if that’s why you can like, do some of the things you do? Like how you’re never cold? Maybe you get that from him because he’s always sweating!”
Fjord clears his throat. “I think that’s just a water genasi thing.”
Beau nods. “Oh yeah, right, right.”
“But Jester,” Fjord says, “is there a way we could prove this? I mean, maybe it was another genasi. How can she know it was the only one we’ve met?”
Jester pouts pensively, her tail curling and uncurling. Then her eyes light up. “I have drawings of him! In my sketchbook!” She fumbles for her bag. “I drew him for The Traveler. You can tell me if it looks like the same guy.” She flips to the right page and holds it out to her mother. There is a small caricature of the Gentleman dripping water all over the floor. On the same page Molly notes a sketch of Cree holding up a ball of blood, along with a quick scribbled note saying, “Who the hell is Nonagon?”
Marion studies the drawing. “It…it could be him…but I don’t know.”
Molly rests his temple against one finger. “Let me get my disguise kit. I���m sure I could make myself look like him.” As he digs around in the heap of trinkets he has amassed as souvenirs over the years, he grumbles, “Don’t know if it’ll be that great of a likeness, though. If only I were like the rest of you and…and could…change my face…” Molly drops his bag and slaps his palm to his forehead.
There is a moment of silence in which Fjord, Caleb, Nott, and Jester all exchange a look.
“How the hell did we all forget we can magically disguise ourselves?” Fjord asks. He pinches the bridge of his nose, sighs, then transforms himself into the Gentleman.
Marion gasps, one hand covering her mouth. “That is him!” she says with genuine longing and affection in her voice. “That is my Babenon! Older, yes, but oh, he is still so handsome…”
Molly remembers the way the Gentleman kissed Ophelia when they were reunited. Clearly the man has a thing for tieflings, which makes Molly wonder if he could possibly seduce any information out of him about his fling with Marion. However, not only does he think the Gentleman doesn’t swing that way, but if he is Jester’s father, then he’s off limits.
Fjord is clearly uncomfortable with the way Marion is looking at him. It’s odd to see the Gentleman’s normally suave expression give way to awkward bashfulness. “Can I change back now?” he asks. With agreement from the group, Fjord mutters gratitude under his breath and reverts to his normal half-orc form.
Jester grabs her mother by the hands. “That’s my father? You’re sure?”
“Yes!” Marion is beside herself with joy now. “You’ve met him? You know where he is?”
“Yes, he’s in Zadash! You said my dad came from the ocean!”
“That’s what he told me. This is the same man though, I am certain.” Marion cups Jester’s cheek. “Who else could have given me such a beautiful child?”
Caleb speaks for the first time since this all began. “Well, now we know where she gets her complexion from.”
Jester bounces in place. “We can take you to go see him if you want! It’ll be so romantic!”
The delight in Marion’s pale gold eyes dims. She withdraws somewhat. “Oh, no, I can’t— I couldn’t possibly leave—”
“Then we can tell him to come here! I’ll send him a message right now.” Jester takes a step back so she can concentrate on her spell. Her hands are shaking regardless. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh, Mr. The Gentleman, is your name Babenon?”
“Babenon Dosal,” her mother says, a little of her hope returning.
“Yeah, Babenon Dosal?” Jester speaks faster with every word. “Did you ever go to Nicodranas and meet the Ruby of the Sea and did the two of you ever have like a romantic—”
“Woa,” Molly says. “You’re definitely past the twenty-five word limit. He probably heard half of that.”
“Maybe that’s enough,” Jester says. “He can at least tell me if that’s his name or not.”
They all wait. Marion glances around as though expecting him to appear out of thin air. After a minute, Beau asks, “Anything yet?”
“No.” Jester’s tail whips side to side. “Shit. Oh, and I’m out of spells for today so I can’t even send him another. …Unless…” She pulls out her Pearl of Power. “Nobody better need any healing until tomorrow.”
“You should also say who you are,” Nott says. “And that he can reply to the message.”
“I’ve sent him messages before. He knows who I am.” Using the Pearl, she tries to contact him again. Molly holds up one hand to help her count, resting his elbow on his opposite wrist. “Hello, Gentleman. This is Jester.” She looks at the floor while she thinks. “Could you please reply yes or no if you—” Jester looks warily at Molly’s hand, “—know the Ruby of the Sea.” Molly keeps his hand up because by his count she has five more words, so when she starts talking again he keeps counting. “Was that twenty— SHIT WAIT FUCK GAAAAH!”
Everyone in the Mighty Nein laughs. Marion giggles as well, but she’s still watching Jester with rapt anticipation. Jester shushes everyone, then waits. There’s nothing for a moment. Suddenly Jester’s eyebrows dart up.
“‘That’s pre…preposterous.’”
Marion sighs. Her face is crestfallen. “Maybe it was a little hasty to assume…”
Jester shakes her head. “No no! That’s what he said! But he said it the way Fjord says he’s had lots of sex before.”
All heads turn towards Fjord, who is blushing from head to toe and stammering quietly. “I never— I— I— Jest— It’s—”
Molly walks over and claps Fjord on his shoulder. “Jester, look what you’ve done; you broke him. He’ll be like this all night.” However, the mood of the room has Molly feeling more impish than usual. “After all, you should have seen him when he found out I sleep naked. Now he rushes to be in bed early and sleeps with his back to me.” He rolls his eyes and adds to Marion, “The charisma of a dragon and the temperament of a virgin priestess.”
Marion smiles. “I know the type.”
Fjord is as still as a statue but the heat coming off him is so strong Molly can feel it through his armor. Molly pats him on the back affably. “Take it easy, sailor, we’re just teasing.”
Jester taps her foot at Molly, arms crossed and a glowering pout on her face. “Molly, this is serious. What if the Gentleman is really my dad?”
“Jester,” Marion says. “I truly believe this man is your father. Maybe he…he doesn’t love me anymore, or maybe he never truly did, and he doesn’t want anything to do with me, but I did love him, and he did give me you, so for that I am grateful.”
“Oh, Mama.” Jester hugs her mother. “He does have a lot of sex. We’ve seen it. Well, I mean, we didn’t see him having the sex, but we’ve seen him with other women and he is definitely having sex with them.” She rubs at one eye. “I was hoping when I found my dad I’d find out he had been true to you forever.”
Marion smiles and strokes Jester’s hair. “I wouldn’t mind if he slept with other women,” she says. “It would be nice if he remembers me and part of him still loves me, just as part of my heart will always belong to him, but it’s not important. It’s been decades since we saw each other. Of course he has probably moved on.”
Nott pipes up, “How many decades has it been?”
“Don’t answer that,” Jester says hastily.
Marion chuckles. “Long enough that I had given up searching for him in the crowd, but recently enough that I remember him clearly.”
Jester huffs out a sigh. “Boy, I wish we could get him to come to one of your shows. He would definitely make that Algar guy leave you alone.”
Fjord, who has finally snapped out of his bashful stupor, asks, “What Algar guy?”
“It’s not important,” Marion says.
“He’s this guy that keeps scaring away her clients because he wants her all to himself,” Jester says. She puts her hands on her hips with a huff. “What kind of person would be so selfish he’d threaten other people just so he could hog the person he has a crush on?”
Molly bites his tongue. He glances at Fjord, who seems none the wiser. The charisma of a dragon, the temperament of a priestess, and the perception of a corpse. Molly has been meaning to have a little talk with Jester about her behavior. With recent circumstances, he felt it was not the right time. Now is not that time either.
“Do you want us to kill him?” Nott suggests.
“Oh, no, please, it really is nothing for you to be worried about,” Marion says.”
“But Mama, he’s bad for business.” Jester snaps her fingers. “I know! We can tell him you have a disease and he should stay far away from you!”
Marion chuckles uneasily. “Darling, that would be bad for business as well…”
“Oh, right. Oops.”
Caleb says, “Perhaps we don’t need to kill him, only rough him up so he knows he is not welcome here.”
“Nothing that could tarnish my reputation, please.” Marion sighs. “No, I’m afraid there’s nothing to be done.”
“There is something,” Molly says. He’d been contemplating asking the Gentleman to lend them some assassins just to send a message, but he has a better idea now. “If anything it would protect you in the long run. What if we let this guy know you have someone keeping an eye on you? Someone with a lot of power who doesn’t like hearing that your business is being interrupted?” He grins. “Someone with an entire army of criminals and lowlifes at his fingertips?”
There are mixed reactions from the Mighty Nein, but Beau asks, “What exactly did you have in mind?”
Part 4
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