#can we hurry this up? cuz I gotta go pick my sis and her family up from the airport
pika-girl1 · 2 years
The Fenton’s are in Gotham, but instead of it being for any ghostly business or a convention, they’re visiting family.
“Who,” you may be asking.
Maddie’s sister, of course. Poison Ivy.
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sinsiriuslyemo · 6 years
Cuba v DR Season 17: Special Features
You asked, and we answered!!! We all answered lol together, it was…interesting to say the least. Hahaha
Does Dama ever regret marrying Nevada? Or wonder if she would have been happier with someone else?
Dama: Is Channing Tatum available?
Nevada: *arches a brow at Dama* That guy looks like a fucking cyborg. Coño you have shitty taste.
Dama: He’s handsome, he dances and I could actually hurt myself on his abs. Yum. But, in reality, no. I’ve never regretted marrying him.
Nevada: *mumbles* Gross.
Dama: He’s my idiot ‘till death. *Smiles* Or ‘till Channing calls.
Nevada: That’s fucking disgusting.
Dama: Oh? Who would you pick then, hmmm?
Nevada: Nobody, cause I’m not a dick. *smirks*
Which language are Nevada and Dama more comfortable speaking?
Dama: Personally, I prefer speaking English. I like speaking Spanish to Nevada because it’s intimate and not everyone will understand us. I enjoy that. With my kids I speak it because it’s an important part of who we are and I want them to be a part of that.
Nevada: Bro, literally everybody around us except for the Blackwoods speak Spanish. Como que ‘intimate?’
Dama: Can I change my answer about us being happily married?
Nevada: *points a thumb at Dama* You see what I gotta put up with?
Amanda: Okay, but half the time, you deserve it. Seriously.
Jen: Half?
Dama: Preach sister.
Nevada: Jesus Christ, surrounded by fucking ovaries over here.
*All three women arch a brow at him*
Question for Amber and Omar, separately but addressed to both of them: Does Amber want to get back together with Omar and hope that it will be like it was before Fallon?
Amber: No thanks
Same question for Omar.
Omar: No, I don’t wanna get back together with Amber.
Also, do either of them sometimes regret Fallon coming into the picture? Because like, without her they might’ve still been close and together
Omar: Honestly, I think we would’ve broken up anyway. It’s got nothing to do with Fallon. We just eventually ran out of shit to talk about and things to do that wasn’t sex. We would’ve grown apart anyway. Maybe it would’a taken longer, pero we would’a broken up eventually, I think.
Amber: I agree. Sexually, we have incredibly chemistry, but we didn’t do anything but have sex. The funny thing is now that we’re not married or together, we have tons to talk about.
Question for Nevada: does he ever regret marrying Dama and having all those babies? Like, does he ever think what his life would be like without them and just having raised Eddie? And what does he feel and think about that?
Nevada: *pauses for a minute* Nah. I mean I know my life would be a hell of a lot easier if they weren’t in the picture, but I like having my family around. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the extra responsibility, pero for the most part, having kids ain’t so bad. Having a wife, though… *Dama glares at him* I’m kidding, she’s handy too.
Amanda: He just doesn’t wanna sound all lovey-dovey, but he loves his wife and those kids a lot more than he lets on.
Question for Eddie, is he gay? Or is he just BI?
Eddie: Coño, what’s it matter? I can stick my dick in anything I want right? If you’re at a buffet, you don’t just eat the sushi, you want some sausage too.
*Nevada laughs*
Dama: Eduardo Cuervo-Ramirez, I do not want that crass language on this interview!
Eddie: Tia they asked me a question, I’m supposed to answer. Yeah I guess if you wanna put a label on it, I’m okay with dick or pussy. What matters is the person, not the parts.
Dama: Jesus Christ, Eddie!
Nevada: There you go, mijo. Way to be how you want. *looks at Dama* Dejalo, chica.
*Dama rolls her eyes*
Will the story progress up to the last season to show us what will happen to everyone, when they’re old and gray? And hopefully not leave us with a cliffhanger. At least make everyone happy. Also, can I please request that everyone end up happy and Nevada doesn’t die in his line of work/ironically from a stroke caused by Lily or something lol would be hilarious though! Oh And Omar gets his job back and hopefully gets back together with Amber. Oh and to know what will happen to Rafael and Roxie!
We actually can’t say much to this question guys… It’s an amazing question! But neither myself or Amanda are fans of spoilers so we plan on keeping the ending under wraps for now. But I can promise Lily won’t give Nevada a stroke. Jesus, I hope not lol
Do Nevada and Dama plan to raise NJ like they did Eddie? Or will Nevada try to teach him so of the “business” ? I think Nevada will not want that for NJ like he didn’t want it for Eddie … Right?
Dama: I think Nevada and I both agree that none of our kids should be anywhere near the business. Right baby?
Nevada: *pauses for a minute, then shrugs* I don’t know, I kinda wanna do a “Take Your Kid To Work Day.”
Dama: I will put a bullet in you.
Nevada: Why? You think our kid is too good to run a strip club? It’s a legitimate way to earn a living, and he’d get to be surrounded by pussy and tits all day.
Dama: No! No I don’t wanna hear it! Lalalalala! I will not listen to my son and the word pussy in the same sentence, pendejo!
Nevada: *smirks and shakes his head* NJ comes near my business, I’ll bash his nose into his face. Mejor?
Dama: *Cringes* Not better.
Nevada: Bueno, what do you want me to do, chica? No, he’s not gonna learn anything about the business.
Question for Roxie: Does she ever feel homesick? And what are thoughts of Rafael and Roxie moving to London permanently?
Roxie: Oh, I really do miss my home. London has a special place in my heart and I’ll never stop missing it. But my heart is with Rafael, he’s my home now. And whether we move to London, or stay in New York, I’ll be perfectly content.
Rafael: I always thought maybe we’d retire in London, but our lives are in New York for now.
Roxie: London isn’t great to raise children, I want them to see sunshine. They’ll never see it there.
For some reason, I’m imagining Nevada not to have tattoos although if Dama has and he’s been like, badass for ever, it’s natural to assume he has. I just can’t picture it. So question to either the cast or authors: does he have a tattoo/multiple and of what and when did he get them if he has any. I actually hope Nevada doesn’t have any tattoos cuz I like him just Nevada. I’d rather just imagine him to only have packs and the build of a man to die for <3
Amanda: He doesn’t have any tattoos, but what he has an abundance of is scars. Bullet wounds, stab wounds, you name it.
Dama: So fucking sexy.
Jen: Yeah…if you like injuries from…stabbings and prison.
Dama: Like I said. So fucking sexy.
Nevada: I got one near my eye where my mom tried to pluck my eyeball out with a fork.
Amanda: Thank you for that insightful addition, Nevada.
Nevada: Mhm. Her favorite scar is one I got right on my chest, that was from a bar fight when I was like twenty or something. Fucker broke a chair over me, it broke and he used on of the pieces to–
Amanda: Okay, we get it. *shudders* Scars are sexy, but details really creep me out.
Dama: Sometimes he tells me that story to get me in the mood. I don’t condone violence but it already happened…and the scar is so… *eyes focus on his chest and then his crotch*
Amanda: Seriously? Later, woman, we’re in the middle of an interview.
Nevada: Fuck that *to Dama* Wanna go to the bathroom?
Dama: *Stands up* We’re gonna take a brief intermission.
This question for the Cuba vs Dr Q&A, this goes out to Dama and Nevada. So you guys have been married for about 7 years at least, how do you guys keep the spark going? - Delia26
Dama: A strong connection on both a mental and physical level, common interests and things to do together, special things only you two do. Like anal, or pottery.
Nevada: I hate pottery. Everything else, yeah. We like to try new shit every once in awhile.
Dama: And if one of us suggests things, we always gives two options. Like…we could go bird-watching or we can put on expensive clothes and have sex on a pile of money. It’s all about options.
Nevada: Bird-watching? Who would wanna do that?
Cast questions… Lily what are your favorite things about your Papi and Mami?
Lily: A question for me? Papi look! Someone ask-ed me a question! Ummm I like my mami because she is the prettiest person in the whole wide world and she looks like a princess! She makes me Mac and Cheese and she even still does the sippy cup song with me and NJ and Fi. But Fi doesn’t like it. But Fi doesn’t like anything.
For Papi, I like that he brushes my hair and tells me bedtime stories. He gives the bestest cuddles in the UNIVERSE! Which mama says is bigger than just the world. Papi also comes home from work and plays with me, even though sometimes I can tell that he sleepy.
Nevada: Oye, what about me being the most handsome man in the whole world, princesa? You don’t think papi’s handsome?
Lily: *giggles* No! Papi’s aren’t handsome! Papi look like a troll!
Nevada: Ah si?
Lily: Papi’s can’t be handsome silly! Otherwise the princess would marry them and not the prince!
Nevada: You just said your mother looks like a princess. Oye, you hurt my feelings, no more tea parties for you. *crosses arms and looks away*
Amanda: Are you for real? She’s six.
Nevada: *shrugs defiantly*
Lily: *Bottom lip trembles as eyes fill with tears*
Jen: Now he’s done it.
Nevada: *to Dama* Nothing to say?
Dama: *Still laughing from the troll comment*
Nevada: *gets up and leaves the room*
Amanda: Aye, he’s so fucking sensitive. *bites bottom lip* Please don’t tell him I said that. *looks at Lily* Lily, your papi just wanted you to say he was handsome, you don’t have to mean it.
Lily: Mami says not to lie *sniffles*
Dama: *Kneels* Sweetheart, you said the princess marries the prince right?
Lily: Si.
Dama: Well then if I’m the princess, that makes papi the prince, right?
Lily: Oh! *Hurries out to Nevada and hugs him* Papi don’t be sad. I love you so much! Mami says you’re the prince! So you’re the most handsomest!
Nevada: You don’t mean it. *gives her a puppy pout*
Lily: I do! I do! Mami said if she’s the princess then you’re the handsome prince!
Nevada: Mami says… *sighs and gets up, walking with Lily back into the interview room*
Lily: Papi is the handsomest! I mean it papi! Right mami? *Nevada rolls his eyes* Tell him!
Dama: *Smiles* I’ve always thought so.
Questions for Omar: Do you still love Amber?
Omar: I’ll always love Amber, but I’m not in love with her. No.
Has Fallon grown on you or did you love her unconditionally the first time you saw her?
Omar: She’s growing on me, I guess. Shit, she didn’t do anything to me. I got no reason to hate her.
On that note,how is fatherhood treating you?
Omar: She’s not dead, that’s something right?
Amanda: *looking at Omar with an expressionless face* Where did you go?
Omar: What?
Amanda: You’re not the same Omar anymore, it creeps me out a little.
Omar: *shrugs*
Jen: He’s the absolute worst now.
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