#can you feel the stress in the second habd
whotookquiche · 2 years
I missed them :(
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blackhakumen · 5 months
Mini Fanfic #1168: Comforting With One Another (King of Fighters)
1:46 a.m. at Yabuki's Apartment's Living Room......
It was a dark, clear night in the streets of South Town where almost everyone are at their homes fast asleep for the rest of the evening.
Whereas our two lovebirds, Shingo Yabuki and Leona Heidern, are sitting down on the sofa together holding onto their mugs of hot coco after waking up from their respective nightmares.
Shingo: (Takes a Sip of his Drink Before His Eyes Begins to Sparkle in Awe) My god...... (Takes Another Sip of Coco with a Bright Smile on his Face) This has to be the best cup of coco I've ever tasted! I don't even think mom could ever top something THIS amazing no matter how hard she try!....D-Don't tell her I say that once we see her again, 'Kay? (Chuckles a Bit Awkwardly)
Leona: (Giggles Softly While Playfully Rolling her Eyes) I won't say anything, I promise. And I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Seriah used to make me mug whenever I stayed up late in this hour, until she taught me how to make on myself. (Uses her Plastic Sppon to Whirl her Coco Around a Bit) It's not perfect in comparison, but it does help calm my nerves from time to time. (Takes a Sip of her Drink)
Shingo: (Takes Another Sip Before Nodding in Agreement) Yeah.....I think it's helping my nerves a bit too, Leona-san. Which is great, cause I.....(Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Frowning) Really don't feel like going back to sleep anytime soon......
Leona: (Frowns as Well While Laying her Side of her Head onto Her Boyfriend's Shoulder Next to Her) Me neither. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare this bothersome.
Shingo: Same.
Shingo/Leona: (Turns to One Another) What was your nightmare about? Oh! Sorry. You first. Please, I insist. (Stare at Each Other For a Brief Second Before Giggling a Bit)
Shingo: (Rubs the Back of his Head Back and Forth) We're both a real mess tonight, aren't we?
Leona: More or less. I can tell mines first if you want.
Shingo: Sure. Take as much time as you need to prepare yourself, okay?
Leona: (Happily Nodded) I will. Thank you. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Frowning and Speaking) My dream.....It....mostly involves my Orochi side.
Shingo: (Frowns in Worry) And....how you lost control?
Leona: For the most part, yes. (Puts Her Mug Down on the Coffee Table In Front of Her) It's not nearly as horrific as the previous dreams I had in the past, but.......('Sigh') It still managed to find it's way into terrify me when I least expected....
Shingo: I see......(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at the Realization) Wait. You said that you and the Colonel have been doing those special training sessions together that help keep it under check, right? How's that been going along, i-if you don't mind me asking.
Leona: It's been going along smoothly for the most part thankfully. It wasn't without It's challenges mind you, but it still helped me out a lot since then. It made me feel more calm and....more in control than I ever was since then.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) That's great! You're making progress and I couldn't any prouder.
Leona: (Snickering a Bit) You sound almost exactly like my father whenever I give him status report.
Shingo: (Starts Snickering as Well) Me? Sounding like the great Colonel Heidern? I don't believe it~
Leona: (Giggles Softly) It's true!~ In private whenever no one was around the area, he would always brag and tell me how proud he is of me and how far I've come to get to where I am now.
Shingo: As he should be! Any parent would be proud of the progress their offsprings would make. (Gently Grabs Hold of his Girlfriend's Habds) And look, I know how scary and stressful this Orochi fiasco gets overtime, but keep doing what you do best in your training. I know what you have it takes to overcome what him and his followers would have thrown on you. Because what your name is?
Leona: (Stares at Shingo in a Brief Second Before Giving him a Determined Smile on her Face and Salutes to Him) Leona Heidern, the first woman in the Ikari Warriors, daughter of Colonel Heidern......(Forms a Bit of a Flirty Smirk on her Face) And the woman you've fallen over heels for~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) You God darn right! You're amazing, Leona-san, and I believe in you 150% percent, always! (Gives Leona a Thumbs Up While Grinning)
Leona: (Giggles Some More) Thank you, darling!~ It means so much hearing this from you. (Gives Shingo a Kiss on the Cheek) But I'm afraid we're not done here, are we?
Shingo: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') No....Not even close.
Leona: (Gently Place her Habd on Top of Shingo's) You know you don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable enough in doing so, right?
Shingo: (Gives Leona a Bit of a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Yeah, but you were brave enough to tell me yours. It's only fair if I return the favor, you know?
Leona: Take as much time as you need to tell me. I won't go anywhere.
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. (Takes a Very Deep Breath Himself Before Speaking Again) Okay! So......I'm....certain you've......remember the time i....accidently blurted out the time I.....almost died trying to protect Kyo from a Wild, Orochi Controlled Iori after 11th KOF Tournament ended....
Leona: (Simply Nodded) I remembered, yes. And it still worries me to no end.
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, I figured you say that....But that was the dream I had tonight. Only this time.....No one was there to save us.....I wasn't strong enough to protect Kyo......or to fulfil Chizuru-Senpai's promise.........(Tears Starts Falling Down From his Eyes).....And I....('Sniff') wasn't able to see my mom and sisters again on that night.......
Leona: (Starts Getting Worried) Shingo.......
Shingo: And..... ('Sniff') I know. I know it's dumb of me to keep thinking about that now that I'm.....still alive and breathing....And I'm pretty sure Kyo has already gotten over it a long time ago, but.....('Sniff') I-I don't know! I....('Sniff') Just.... the thought of the possibilities of us not being so lucky at all kept scaring me nonstop!
Leona: It's....starting to get too much for you, isn't it?
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') Pretty much, yeah. (Starts Wiping the Tears Away) ('Sniff') Pretty dumb, am I right?
Leona: (Gently Grabs Hold of Shingo's Hand) No it isn't. Believe me, I know what it's like to have past trauma trying to weigh you down at your very lowest at times. But you can't let it take toll out of you forever.
Shingo: (Takes Another Deep Breath as He Starts Calming Himself Down) Yeah....You're right. I still have my whole life ahead of me to look forward to right now. ('Sigh') I just wish it wasn't too.....complicated, you know?
Leona: It's never gets easier down the line, but never lose hope. (Gives Shingo a Reassuring Smile on her Face) I know you have what it takes to overcome it completely one day. And I'll be more than happy to help out and support you every step of the way.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as He Hugs his Girlfriend Lovingly) You really are too good to me~
Leona: (Starts Pouting at her Boyfriend a Little) Don't say that. You know as well as I do that you've brought just as much happiness to me the moment we started becoming friends.
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) I know, I know, I was only kidding. I am really thankful for you making me feel a lot better though.
Leona: (Smiles Softly as She Hugs Shingo Back) Likewise. You're a truly wonderful person, Shingo-Kun and Ihpile I could aspire to become more open and strong willed as you are as I grow another year older today.
Shingo: I'm sure you'll- Wait, another year older today?
Leona: Well, it's technically my birthday today given it's midnight.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You're BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!? I didn't know that!!
Leona: (Smiles Sheepishly) That's....probably because I've never gotten the chance to tell you until now. My apologies
Shingo: ('Sigh') No. It's my fault for not asking you about it a lot sooner. Now I got a lot planning to do........
Leona: (Starts Yawning a Bit) Let's worry about that when the sun raises back up. I'm sure we'll have plenty to do by then.
Shingo: (Yawns as Well) Definitely. But I'm definitely gonna buy you gift while we're at it.
Leona: Only if you promise not to buy me something too expensive.
Shingo: I'll try. I love you.
Leona: (Kiss the Top of Shingo's Head) I love you too~ Thank you so much.
Happy Birthday, Leona Heidern
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darkgrungemusic · 7 years
Family Pt.2
Part 2 of Family requested by: Luke_Hemmings101
Maggie looked at you for a second then softened. She grabed the tests off the counter and handed them to you. "We can plan something cute to try to ease the stress for you if you want to?" she asked leaning against the counter. You simply shook your head 'No' as you looked down at the tests. "Ill tell him when he gets here. He said he's getting me food. He should be here any minute now." you said then started started to panic. "Damn it hes gonna be here any minute. How am I gonna tell him?! What am I gonna do? Oh my god...." you trailed off running into your room,
Maggie trailing behind you. "Okay, (y/n), breathe, deep breath in." you and her take deep breaths in. "Now out." you both breath out. "Now lie down when he gets here Ill leave to give you guys your space but ill stay until he gets here. Just stay calm. Stress is the last thing you need right now. Okay?" she said taking back the blankets on your bed and looking at you to get in.
You take another deep breath and put tye tests in the night stand drawer and climb into the welcoming bed. "Can you get me some water?" you ask leaning back onto the headboard. "Sure, Ill be right back." Maggie smiles and disappears into the hallway.
You took this time to think. 'Okay, just stay calm, breath, relax, and when he gets here just say "Daryl, I have something to tell you" no that sounds like you're confessing to a murder or something. Um how about "Daryl, I have something I want to show you" a little better, then Ill take out the tests and show him. Hopefully he doesn't freak out' You think to yourself and play with the string on the blanket as Maggie walks in with your water. You look up to see she's not alone.
Daryl is right behind her. You freeze a little then snap back and take the water. You thank her and she nods. "Feel better (y/n)." she says and gives you a small hug. You hug her back and smile in return. She leaves, leaving you and Daryl. Alone. You take another small deep breath as Daryl places a plastic bowl on the nightstand. "How you feelin'?" he asks sitting on the side of the bed looking over his shoulder at you through his long brown hair.
"Better I guess." you shrug and move closer to him. He takes off his shoes and gets on the bed completely and kissed your forehead. You swallow hard. "Hey Daryl?" you say sitting up slightly. "Hmm?" he grunts in response. "I, um, I have something to, uh, to show you..." you try to say without vomiting from the nerves.
He just looks concerningly at you. You nod real quick and lean over Daryl to reach into the drawer and pull out the paper wrapped tests. "Here." you hand them to Daryl. "What's this?" he asks looking at the paper in his habds. "Open it." you say sitting criss-cross facing him. He just furrows his brows and opens the paper to reveal the tests. "What i- is this?" Daryl asks inspecting the tests in his hand. "Im pregnant Daryl. I took more than one to be sure." you said needing to say it once and for all. But, wajt Daryl does next makes you nervous.
He does nothing. He just sits there and stares at the tests in his hand and stays quiet for a good 15 seconds before you say his name, "Daryl? Are you okay?" you ask looking at his face trying to read for any sign of happyness, anger, anything. But nothing.
"Please say something." you say a few seconds later. He just stands up and puts them on the nightstand and starts to leave. "Wait! Where are you going?!" You ask whilst getting up too fast for your stomachs liking and you wabble a little.
"Somewhere... Ill be back later." he simply says and leaves you in your room all alone. You start to cry and you run to the front door when you hear him slam it shut and hear the roar of his motorcycle. You fling the door open and try to run to him and you yell his name but he can't hear you over the engine. He has Carl open the gate and he disappears into a cloud of dust. You stand there, barefoot, with tears streaming down your face.
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 Part 2 yall!! What do yall think?? Sorry it took so damn long. I literally have no excuse besides I just didn't do it lol sorry! Anywho 14k READS Hell yeah!!!! Lol comment thoughts and vote please ❤ 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
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