#can you tell zed is my blorbo
nomiyakazehaya · 1 year
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i finally caved and drew my personal take on soft body megs and oppy… 😭 i've been binge re-watching kekkai sensen again and had this brainrot au idea for a while too 🥲 also took a lot of inspiration from dragoons of final fantasy and dnf/dfo for her helm design because i absolutely love those designs despite how painful and agonizing they are to draw sometimes and the idea of megatron being a lancer and/or wielding spear type weapons in general is something that dances around in my head very often still not 100% sure what to do exactly with optimus, but i actually like the hat design so far! maybe i'll make him something like a detective or inspector position, haha 😂
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here's also an actual blood red version because i really liked both versions of this drawing 🥲🥲
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And here's my Evil X gemcyt design sheet thing. I already posted the Xisuma one, so check that one out too.
the whole gemcyt au got kicked off by @chrisrin so make sure to check out their stuff and all the stuff they reblogged if you haven't already.
Another version of the sheet above but with more notes on and for it is below the cut.
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Alright! I had a lot of fun figuring Evil X out, probably bc of him being one of my blorbos.
Evil X has a lot of 'theories' surrounding what he is and I've seen some variations. He and X are siblings, they're X's clone, he's a glitched version of X, they're X's hels. etc etc. And so trying to figure out what to do for him.
While I already borrowed sweetest-honeybee's design in the second part of my Zed/WM gemcyt post, I didn't want to do like that and make him corrupted. I know the gemcyt stuff seems to play with corruption a little looser, but it still didn't feel right. So, I went researching and found a fun lil mix that seems to fit well.
First off, the closest thing you can get to a glitch in terms of gems is being off-color. I mean technically you glitch when you're cracked, but we're not doing that. Anyway, off-color gem Evil X, which is why there's the gem comparison. Next, the clone/hels part. I don't mention it on the sheet, but specifically, I think of this Evil X as a sort of gem experiment. No wait wait don't leave let me explain!
We saw that there were gem experiments of some type on the show. They were more fusion experiments using shards, and were experiments for the cluster (which technically don't work since they only emerged slightly before the cluster so there was no telling if they worked and if then the cluster would work). Also on the show, we're told that there's a resource problem on Homeworld which results in 'Era 2' gems like Peridot, who don't have all the abilities a normal gem would have. Also also in the show, when Steven and Lars are with the off colors on Homeworld, we see the kindergartens there. And while there are normal holes, there are also holes that overlap, as well as holes that look like there's been a chunk scooped out of them.
The analogy I could think of was like when you're making cookies. you roll out the dough, get a cookie cutter, and get all the cookies, but assuming you weren't using a square cutter, there's extra dough left between the cuts. Instead of just leaving it, usually you reroll it to cut out more cookies. Well, why can't Homeworld try the same?
Evil X is meant to be an experiment on if Homeworld can successfully do that. They scooped out extra rock from a kindergarten or two, compressed it into a new boulder, then used an injector on it. Eventually after a long while, out came Evil X. And that whole thing also leans into the clone thing because I imagine some of the scooped rock was from part of where Xisuma emerged.
Anyway, with all that, I originally thought about making Evil X look similar to Amethyst's pseudo buff reformation, but trying to draw that was a mess. I meant to go back and make him look a little more lopsided, but you'll have to just imagine that. Whoops. At the very least he has the funky stripes. I imagine that's probably from where the different rock pieces met or something, and since it wasn't as solid as regular rock, he was like that.
Coloring him was tough, but eventually I just copied Xisuma over, inverted his colors, and then shifted the hue to be more red. I considered making the green parts more black, but it didn't fit, so they're just more purpley to show that Xisuma connection or smthn.
Speaking of his gem, I show what I picture a normal Cuprite to look like. Meanwhile Evil X's is a bit misshapen, as well as that darker area that mimics the one reference I had. specifically that darker bit is chrysocolla, but he's still just cuprite.
Instead of a mask, he's just got a visor similar to what we've seen with Peridot and Doc and technically those zircons. And also instead of a mask he has those... blade things. Look, the best name i could find for them were blade gauntlets, but they look more like sword brass knuckles to me so I don't know. Also yes they are based on a weapon a digimon had, what of it?
And then, he is hella amethyst coded. Popped out of his rock thing in a chamber under the kindergarten (similar to the other experiments in the show) with no one around. He was an experiment and uses rock from different gems and is off color, so he doesn't know what he's for. Doesn't even know what diamond he should belong to, so that's why he's got a grey one on his chest. And there's a lot of little things and ideas for him that are inspired by Amethyst's characterization on the show, to the point I was planning a screenshot redraw even before I had his and Xisuma's designs even close to finalized.
I also have a fic I'm working on with him and Gemsuma, as well as that quick Jevin design plus a few teeny tiny references to other people's gem designs. If my adhd allows it, i should post that 1 shot fic tomorrow.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
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OK so sorry for sending so much art but I think it's Crackpot time I like to think that at first Crackpot would be nice and friendly to player because 1) to not get punished and 2) to piss off Jeb since he seems to like them SOOO much. But the player is so genuinely nice and interested in him, he starts enjoying their presence (also the warmth which is always a plus). Also it helps he's on Phobos' good side (sorta) so he gets more chances to talk to them then Jeb. Also with the whole "Scrunkly" thing, Player might accidentally call him that which leaves his very confused, but they said it in a positive tone so he just gives a "thanks?" ALSO WITH THE GEN Z JEB ASK IMAGINE PLAYER CALLING CRACKPOT ALL THESE THINGS STARTS MAKING JEB JEALOUS AND MAD BECAUSE HE ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY MEAN,,, and going way back to the "Player fanclub" thing,,, Crackpot finds out and is like "OH MY GOODNESS!! THIS IS SO DISGUSTING!!! IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME EACH OF ALL THE MERCH AND ACCESS TO THE WRITING I'M TELLING PHOBOS" because he's just like that.
!Okay, first of all, omg they look so cute in this art! I don't know how you do it with these expressions, but they're perfect every time. I love it, thank you lol. <3333
Secondly, with Crackpot specifically, I actually think this is very likely. Crackpot (and everyone else in the Nexus) knows what happens when anyone speaks ill of you or does anything close to hostility when in your presence. At first, acting nice is a way for him to avoid any ire from the Director. But he'd also be blind if he didn't notice Christoff's odd fondness for you and considering Crackpot's rivalry with him, I can totally see him trying to get in your good graces just to piss him off lol.
(More under the cut because omg this response is long.)
The error on his part is that he didn't realize how nice you actually are. It's probably just because he expected you to be like everybody else in Nevada (just because Phobos and Jeb liked you didn't mean you weren't manipulative or out for yourself, like how most people associated with the Nexus were). But you're so genuinely kind? You ask him how he is, and offer to bring him coffee or treats from the break room (which you requested to be there for the workers to begin with). You compliment his mask and ask in-depth questions about his work. You never ridicule him, and you listen intently whenever he explains something. Even weirder, you don't ask for anything in return or use the information he hesitantly gives you for any selfish reason.
It's odd but very refreshing for him. He starts to enjoy being around you and looking forward to your discussions (which happen quite often, even if his constant competition with Jeb can get a bit annoying). Your status and warmth are another bonus, as is the fact that he can actually hang out with you more often (a plus of being one of Phobos' favored scientists).
Jeb, of course, is less than pleased with your sudden closeness with Crackpot. For one, Crackpot is a moron. Book smart, but almost completely lacking in common sense (case in point, Plan Zed). He's egotistical, and a complete suck-up to Phobos. He doesn't see why you'd waste your time around him. Sure, he's nice to you (which is just grating), but Jeb doesn't understand why you'd bother with him - not when you have himself or Hofnarr to be around. It's even worse when you call him affectionate names from your world.
Crackpot has no clue what you mean when you say he's a "scrunkly scrimblo" or a "blorbo" but you say it with the most adoring tone that he can't help but accept it. Jeb knows what it means though (at least in the Gen Z Player version lmao) and he's a little ticked off at it, to say the least. He just gives the scientist the most scathing glare from across the room whenever he hears you say those words. However, this just incentivizes Crackpot to lean more into being your "scrunkly" or whatever. Like when Phobos is openly berating Jeb, Crackpot just says something like "This is why you're not the Player's Spoingle, and I am" just because it makes Jeb more annoyed. (Will he get punched for it? Yes. Maybe.)
(Although if he does it while Phobos is there, he'll have to explain wtf those terms actually mean; the Director is not going to allow anyone else to be anything special to you if he can't hold that position himself.)
Excellent point with the fanclub stuff too. I think that Crackpot would probably notice the club stuff going on passively before he actually gets to know you, so he wouldn't care about it that much at first. But he only gets to know its true extent when he actually searches for more stuff about it (and ends up walking into the room where they've set up all their "stores" for stuff related to you, and sees the boards where people talk about their fanfics).
Is he going to buy anything? No. But what he is going to do is threaten them just to get some of it lol. He'll talk down to the Agents while also claiming specific items for himself, speaking of how disgusting and volatile this is while making them write down what sites they use for the writing. They just give each other looks before cooperating, because it's not like Crackpot's being slick with what he's doing. He might even demand to be given some power over the fanclub (clubs have presidents and such, right?) so the agents in it just decide to secretly make up a role so he doesn't have that much influence over it. Unbeknownst to him, of course.
I can also see him flaunting his merch of you in front of Jebus, again, just to piss him off. Although knowing Jeb, he'd probably fire back with something about how your close relationship cannot be defined by mere things and materialism, so that might be another argument that'll happen lmao.
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realjem · 1 year
Tell us about your blorbos!
oh god oh fuck! well first if you wanna see em, i have a lot of art of them over on @realjem-art and ive been (very slowly) setting up a toyhouse for them (i think ive only added maybe ~half my characters there so far whoopsies)
im gonna put the rest of this under a readmore cause i have no idea how long i'm gonna make this
so i have like... a lot of characters now. i've been building up a bunch of characters and a sliiight story (for some of them at least) since about early 2021, where i made my first actual characters: Ann, Trixie, Scarlett, and Cinnamon
yes i know i've got very generic names for my characters, i don't have the brains for cool names like some people do dgshgdgas
i think my character count is at 56 of them, not including any versions of my sona, because i don't consider that a character, but more of a vessel on what i feel or would want to look like in real life (or just a silly design sometimes)
It sort of shifts around from time to time which characters sort of lodge in my brain the most at a time, for example, at the very beginning, i was definitely showing favoritism towards trixie, and then after i redesigned scarlett a bit, she's been my favorite for a while. there's random bursts where a few of them front for a while, but it typically defaults to scarlett and lumie
lately, i've been drawing a lot of the group i call Halloween Bargain Bin, because they're silly and i really want to flesh them out and their group dynamic a lot more. i've recently plopped a new character into their group (by recently i mean just a few days ago (as of posting this) actually!
as the case is for most of the guys in hbb, a lot of my earlier characters (basically a lot of them made bewteen 2021-2022) were based off of/referenced songs i like. but, because i do want them to feel like more of my own creation, i have been starting to drift a lot of them from their source inspiration, with a few pretty much entirely being divorced from their original inspiration (such as Ann, who was originally a character for Amnesia Was Her Name, which i then couldn't write a story for her well, and now she's just the owner of a lab chock full of creatures, which i just like a lot more)
my characters kinda sort into groups, some small and some way larger, and im just gonna list off all the ones i can think of right now: Ann's Lab, Halloween Bargain Bin, the group of four people that i still don't have a name for (Lilac, Kasey, Fia, Tay), the poly catgirls (Ari, Stella, Savannah), and all the creatures currently within Ann's lab, which is a long list and im not naming them all here (ex: zed, goliath, etc)
because a good chunk of my time is being taken up by school, a lot of my drawings of them right now just look like this:
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(^ lumie) since i can access a digital whiteboard on my school computer, where i just draw on that throughout the week, send the link to myself, and then screenshot everything over the weekend
but i do still save time occasionally for actual drawings, such as this one that i still really like
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(^ ezekiel, one of my newest characters!) Lately, a lot of the actual drawings have been in this painterly style (procreate, gouache brush)
a lot of character development lately is just me drawing shitposts, small comics that are mostly just jokes but help me try and flesh out their personality a bit
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(^ scarlett & lumie, stan and mason) Just quick doodles of stuff i thought was funny and wanted to make real
I do suppose this ask was about my actually talking about my characters, as, well, characters, but i am still bad at that. i will attempt? to talk about a few now?
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^ Lumie!! she was made around the start of july 2021 (my first artfight run!) she's my main non-human character pretty much, since her actual story has her in the same role as the humans in AL, as opposed to the monsters. Character design-wise, the most important details are that: she has no eyes, it's just smooth skin where eyes would be on a human, she's larger than an average human (Scarlett is 6'1" where Lumie is 7'4", not much much taller but still), and she glows. she's fuckin bio luminescent! light blue glowing "freckles" break out across her whole body, and her dark hair has the same light blue glow from the bottom up! it's sort of emotionally controlled, so if she were real upset, she'd barely be glowing, and if she were real happy, she'd be bight as hell. As for story, hers is intertwined with Scarlett. essentially they met when they were 9, were best friends, scarlett had to move and you cant just take your bestie/other-dimensional girl you found in a cave along with you if you havent even told anyone about her, and then scarlett finally drove all the way back to hopefully meet her again. now they are girlfriends and work in AL, where scarlett works on "conspiracies" in the meantime
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Trixie is another AL member, being the first to find the lab and start working for Ann. Trixie was supposed to just be a janitor or something, but being 17 and stupid, wandered into places where she wasn't supposed to go, and basically got mauled to death by one of the monsters. Ann finds her body a couple hours later and freaks out, but thankfully, being in a lab full of monsters and machines, there is some sort of experimental revival doohicky or whatever, and Trixie is brought back. Her body isn't all physically there sometimes, and it's changed in small, unnatural ways, but besides that she's mostly fine. Not including the fact that she's practically a zombie and she's stuck as a 17 year old. She can't really go anywhere else now, and she claims her life sucked ass before the lab, so she just stays and researches the monsters with Ann now.
These three (Scarlett, Lumie, Trixie) are the ones with the most semblance of a story so far, so it's easier to talk about them, lol
OKay, this is getting really, really long, and its probably already a pain to read (if anyone did read through all of this, which in that case thank you?) so im gonna leave this for now, but you are always welcome to ask about specific characters, or my favorite, you can ask me to talk about my characters in the sense of how they've changed over the past couple of years (in art, story, design, etc)
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sleepychaoticentity · 2 years
I'm back! Which is to say that I haven't forgotten I'm doing this (a miracle). Y'know what maybe it hasn't actually been as long as I thought it's been since I last did one of these. Although that one was prewritten. Hmmm.
Anyways *jazz hands*. You still get no context on this au. And if you are one of the people who has context on this au how did you find me? We do not share blorbos.
Xisuma seemed to be about ready to release the hermits back to their chaos and then he said, "Ah, and I believe before we end our meeting for the week Grian wanted to say something."
You don't have to say anything. Came the thought, before Grian said anything, and before Xisuma was even finished speaking.
As he stood anyone could see his anxiety. He looked squished where he was normally- well if not large he was standing tall. His hands were occupied with a fidget cube that, as Xisuma had called his name, he had started fidgeting with the slightest bit faster. He took a deep breath and he finally looked up at everyone.
“Well I have officially been with you guys, the Hermits that is, for four years and well. I know- I know plenty well that I would never have to disclose anything to everyone so long as, well so long as it didn’t put anyone else in danger and. Well, anyway I uh wanted to be honest, perfectly transparent even, about- well about what I am?" He freezes, understanding G's warning with perfect clarity. "Which, well looking at me you’d say, ‘well Grian obviously you’re a player,’ but that’s so vague and frankly not even entirely true-" and Grian's wings pop out, too glowy and iridescent to be anything natural, "I am actually a Watcher. The- the circumstances aren’t, well, necessary-”
“Aren’t necessary?” From across the room, just out of Zed’s sight line, Tango has apparently gone from ‘bored of the meeting’ to ‘literally hot-headed’. Of the hermits he can see most of them look surprised. He can even see that Etho’s eyebrows are raised. “You’re telling us that you’re a world destroying being and that we’ve allowed you to just roam freely and wreak havoc,” Impulse and Doc give him downright incredulous looks at this, “for four years?!”
“No, Tango I-”
His hair erupts- he slams his hands on the table- Impulse and Doc finally stand up, they start dragging him out and he’s screaming, he’s yelling something but none of the sounds are reaching his temporal lobe. He looks to Grian who is as pale as Zedaph- as anyone has ever probably seen him, Scar and Mumbo are comforting him as he stares at where Tango was, shaking in his seat. The hermits are shifting their focus from the spectacle that Tango made of himself to Grian. 
Xisuma, ever vigilant and ever caring for all of his hermits spoke before anyone else could. “Grian.” His gaze shifts and Xisuma continues, “Do you have anything else to say or would you like everyone to leave now?”
Grian takes his time, clearly thinking, and everyone gives him time. Xisuma’s hand rests next to his arm, as close to touching him for his attention as he gets. Before he can turn to look at him though Grian speaks up. “I just.” His voice is just barely above a whisper. “All I need to know is if anyone else’s opinion on me has changed. Just if anyone else is- is angry or- or hates me.”
No one says anything.
“No Grian. We all still love you just the same.”
He visibly shudders after Xisuma says that, and just breathes for a few moments. Grian's head meets the table, and Scar says, "Ok, G-Man's about peopled out now. Xisuma?"
Xisuma makes his hand known again as he says, "Alright then everyone. That's the end of our meeting this week. I of course can always be contacted to talk about today meetings as well as next weeks, however I will have to ask that we do that elsewhere as I'm sure no one wants to be here any longer. Back to your regular chaos my friends."
Everyone begins to stand and leave, those nearest offering Grian a few words, and before he can move to join them Xisuma turns to him and asks in an undertone, "Are you alright?"
He thinks for a moment and says, "Just peachy, Xisuma! I do rather fancy a nap for this afternoon though." Xisuma smiles and releases him without a fuss.
"Grian," he says when they meet up later, "were you ready to do that?"
"Oh absolutely not." He replies. "I could’ve gone another year at least without Doc looking at me like a lab experiment." He holds up his still shaking hand. "And uh Tango was frankly a tad bit worse to experience than I thought he was going to be."
Zed isn't entirely sure what his face does but it causes Grian to adopt this unbearably soft- perhaps even besotted- look on his face and move his hand from extended between them to touching his cheek and before he can speak and make it worse Zed asks him, Why did you do it then?
"Because you were." Is his immediate and breathtakingly kind answer. He knows this time, that his face turns doubtful, because he is as such. Grian's other hand comes up to his other cheek and he says, "You are."
He says it with such conviction that he almost believes him on the spot and then he continues, "You have been for quite a while Zedaph. The only thing holding you back was not knowing Tango's reaction."
The reminder of his friends explosive reaction had him cringing, almost out of his friends hold until Grian's arms were suddenly around his back and he was saying, "Which-" I will let you know as soon as he pulls his head out of his ass, with a little scribble almost of Tango looking like a doused cat.
The image pulls a giggle out of him and he asks, Do you really think that he will?
He will. Grian says. I know he will, and he adds an impression of a scribble of him holding an empty water bucket over Tango's head. This brings full-on snickers out of him, and he snickers right up until he realizes that Grian just told the whole server he was a Watcher for him.
He put aside his own fears to assuage Zed's singular fear and before he knows it he is no longer snickering but sobbing into Grian's shoulder and sending as many desperate thank you's to him as he coherently can. Grian manages the emotional/thought equivalent of a weighted blanket over his thank you's, and he tightens his hold on him and everything is right with the world for a little while.
They stand there for a while, Zed crying and Grian holding him. Until Grian ruins the moment by whispering, "So I don't suppose you'd pay for the dry cleaning for my sweater?" and they both crack up.
He is unfathomably grateful that Grian is in his life in the manner that he is.
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simplydm · 3 years
DM’s unofficial list of hermits!
Looking to start watching hermitcraft as season 9 kicks off? Want a few more blorbos? Welcome to this summarization of the hermits I watch regularly (that being said if you have the time def give the others a watch!)!
-Goodtimeswithscar: Scar is a lovable sweetie whose builds are actually awe-inspiring. He’s super goofy, like a cat batting at things it shouldn’t. He has a flair for the dramatics and has terrible luck. He wants to make people happy, that’s his whole thing. His voice is nice, and he is really open about his disabilities and companies that are fucking up, even if he likes them. Genuinely such a good guy, and funny too. (Also like I feel like there’s a correlation between ppl who like technoblade and ppl who like scar)
-Mumbo Jumbo: he’s an excellent redstoner and a really good builder. He’s always trying to improve himself in some way, and it’s super cool to watch him be proud of himself and his work. He has these kind of no thoughts head empty moments, which are always great. He reacts to things in a very British way, if that makes sense. Like politely indignant. He also has the weirdest ideas sometimes. Keeps ya on your feet. A delightful young man.
-Grian: chances are, you’ve seen grian on every recommended hermit list, and you may be thinking idk he’s too popular what if he’s overrated- I promise you he’s not. He is also like a cat that bats at things he shouldn’t. He’s super clever and innovative, not to mention a crazy good builder. He’s a very genuine soul, and there’s a lot of things he does off camera for others that he never mentions. His energy is lovely and he balances trickery and building quite well. He’s pretty involved with all the big action on the server.
-ImpulseSV: he’s the dad friend, he’s the mom friend. He’s friend shaped. He’s a redstoner originally but honestly I couldn’t tell in season 8 because his building is also so incredible. Good attention to detail and always down to help others out. He’s good if you want someone with a lot of energy but also could be your dad. He laughs at his own jokes. He also streams very regularly, like up to 6 times a week regularly, and has a consistent schedule if you’re looking for a hermit with structure. Genuinely one of my absolute favorite guys.
-Geminitay: I love her omg. She has this cute voice and makes you fall in love with the nature and terrain all over again. Her humor is subtle and a little visual based, and honestly she’s just a delight. She is always eager to cause mischief and theres times where she casually says something that makes you stop for a second. She’s more dangerous the she appears, and she’ll kill you with a flower. Amazing builder.
-Pearlescentmoon: pearl is a delight. She gets really into bits and is ready to cause mayhem at the drop of a hat. Her builds are super detailed and she’s very strong. Like her whole personality is strong but nimble. She loves harmless pranks and her friendships with other hermits always stand out to me. She goes in hard and works harder. She also streams regularly with a set schedule, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday. From watching her streams I’ve learned that she likes to ramble and gets very passionate about topics, and isn’t afraid to tell people off in chat. She’s very open about things. Honestly she deserves so much support and also she deserves to kill.
-Zedaph: think dr Doofenshmirtz. That’s this guy. Zed is super funny, with detail-oriented visual gags and little snide remarks that really make his videos pop for me. He does a lot of weird redstone contraptions, but he’s really talented and good at it. Cannot stress enough that his humor is top-tier.
-tinfoilchef: the oldest hermit and an absolute doll of a guy. He’s like the grumpy grandpa you always wanted. His videos aren’t really on a schedule- he posts when he can because he has a lot of health issues. He plays Minecraft as old-school as possible. He does branch mining, and goes shopping a lot. He is really good as an outside perspective of the hermitcraft server, we get to actually see someone just walk around and look at everything. He’s someone to have on and be calm with. Also he has the driest sense of humor ever, and has a great cackle of a laugh. He is the hermit of hermitcraft, and he just deserves the world.
-vintagebeef: omg this guy. He also has a subtle humor that gets me every time. His voice is super relaxing and vibey, I really like it. Tbh he didn’t do as much hermitcraft this season, but he does a lot of other series too on his main and other channel. He loves animals (irl he lives on a farm w lots of farm animals and sometimes he talks about them), and he’s a very realistic person. He did a big q&a near the end of season 8 that made me respect him even more, just because he’s been on YouTube a long time and just has a lot of wisdom. I think he does a bit of building and redstone. He’s super old school Minecraft. Watch his life in the woods series it’s so fucking good.
-bdouble100: !!!! He builds with the most interesting stuff imaginable, colors and materials you would never even think to put together, and it works. He’s really smart, and uniquely good with redstone. He is hilarious, and super talented. His humor with his voice and noises is spectacular, and his editing is always super good. He’s wild, definitely worth watching.
-Joe Hills: haven’t watched him in hermitcraft yet but all I’ll say is it’s the Joe Hills Experience, babey. He’s like a tumblr post come to life but he’s just Like That all the time/pos
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