#can't wait for Gus to go to Hunter and tell him that he saw everything
hold-your-applause · 2 years
Can I request for a human!fem!reader who is friends with the owl house fam and has serious big sister energy but takes no shit and will throw hands w anyone who threatens her fam. But turns soft and real affectionate when she actually interacts w Hunter (when he's not in Golden Guard mentality)
I just wanted to say I really love your work and hope you continue. Your writing is really good!!!
My dear, I thank you for the praise. I apologize for the delay, but I would be more than happy to grant your wish.
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It had seemed like only yesterday that Hunter had learned the truth about Belos and his entire world had been turned upside down. It wasn't accurate to say that he never knew fear before that night; it was more like he finally learned what true terror felt like. He knew he was taking a risk defecting, but if he could manage to stay hidden, he was safer than within his uncle's grasp.
That all changed when he helped the students of Hexside get rid of Coven Head Adrian Graye Vernworth.
Despite sharing what he knew with everyone to allow them to prepare for the Day of Unity, he refused to tell anyone what he discovered about his own identity. Gus and Willow accepted him as they currently knew him, but would that change if they learned the truth?
He couldn't be sure.
It had taken a lot of effort on his part to calm himself over the idea of them discovering who-- or what-- he really was, but he had managed to do it.
Only for his anxiety to spike again when they told him the humans were on their way.
Luz wasn't anything to worry about. The night everything happened, he recalled Luz wanting to offer a helping hand to him, but he was so frenzied that all he could do was run out the door.
You were a completely different story.
He'd met you a handful of times as the Golden Guard, and each one had been as unpleasant as the last. The first meeting had perhaps been the roughest, given he had captured your friend King and was holding him hostage in order to compel you to do his bidding.
The fight that ensued had him very worried that you would knock his head clean off his shoulders, and you didn't even need magic to do it.
Every meeting after that had shown you to be just as vicious, and he wasn't sure if that was your default state or if it was reserved for him personally, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid to find out.
He felt his stomach churn as he watched you and Luz reunite with Gus and Willow, standing off to the side as he gathered his courage for the exchange he knew was coming.
Your eyes were on him before he had a chance to open his mouth, and he almost stopped in his tracks when you moved towards him. He flinched when he saw your arm move towards his face, closing his eyes to wait for the impact.
He yelped in surprise when he felt two gentle hands on his cheeks instead, his eyes snapping right back open to see your wide eyes staring straight into his.
"I can't believe you're okay!"
His mind was blank as you moved his head, looking him over.
"I was so worried about you. We thought they found you."
His mouth was dry, and when you threw your arms around him to embrace him, he felt his entire body begin to overheat.
For some reason, in that moment, he was suddenly very aware of the fact that you were a girl.
Where were his hands supposed to go?
It didn't matter, because you pulled away a moment later to look at him again. Your eyes held sympathy and your voice was soft.
"How are you feeling?"
He was so used to you shouting at him, he couldn't think of anything to say.
What was happening?
He finally coughed in response, his eyes still wide as he stared at you.
He mentally kicked himself at the way his voice cracked.
He didn't know why, but the relieved smile that spread across your face made his pulse quicken.
"I'm so glad. We tried to find you after--"
His sudden and loud, nervous laughter cut you off. "After finding out Belos is evil? Don't worry, I'm A-Okay!" He almost shouted, feeling a quick wave of relief wash over him when Gus reached over to do their own special fist bump.
You blinked, and when his eyes looked at you again, he silently begged you not to say a word. Luck was on his side, because he saw the recognition on your face before you nodded and closed your mouth.
As Gus turned his attention away from the two of you to speak with Luz, Hunter lowered his voice to keep him and Willow from overhearing.
"I haven't told them about--"
"You don't need to explain. That's your secret to tell, not ours. They won't hear it from us."
He let out a breath and nodded. As reassuring as those words were, it did nothing for his nerves.
He was still terrified of you, but in a completely new way.
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Spoilers for Owl House Season 3 episode 3: Watching and Dreaming (the episode is up on full HD on wcostream.net for anyone unable to watch it legally btw)
aight i'm gonna just, do a fucking "my thougths" as a watch through the episode a second time because i can this is gonna be a mix of serious points, and also me gushing because i'm in love with this show and also drinking like, just a toooouch
- I feel like lowkey, the things Amity, Gus, Willow and Hunter say during Luz' nightmare, are so effective and hurtful because they could definitely be what they actually think. And on some twisted deep down super petty level, they probably are, brought to the surface by the Collector's magic.
- Luz absolutely only realized just how much a child the Collector actually was when she realized they didn't understand what Death is. The way she now only asks "do you not know what Death means to mortals?" but how she fully goes out of battle stance. She doesn't just lower Stringbean down in shock, she instantly loosens her stance and puts them by her side, she's no longer prepping for a fight, because she just realized how much her opponent is a kid
- Raine with Tousled hair is so,,,, they're so,,,, I wanna marry them so bad you have no idea
- so on first watch i thought it was like, pretty explicit that the Collector killed the Baby Titans, but on second watch it might, not be? we really don't know enough about the Collector and their family to know for sure, maybe they did take away some of the kids, maybe they didn't. Maybe it was a bit of both? Would've loved to see more, but also i think it's nice for it to be kinda open so fans can play with the idea of there being more titans out there.
- When Luz gets overtaken by the growth stuff from Belos, absolutely the Collector does realize something happened. Like yes they try to "fix her" but the question of "where'd she go?" tells that they know, right away, something's up. This isn't like when their toys break, something feels off, different, wrong. The way they cling onto that little light, the hint of genuine concern in their voice as they ask. It's not just a, just a fucking feeling of "hey wait, where'd they go?" like when your friends are hiding.
The collector can tell it's different, it's wrong, but hey! they're the Colelctor, they're all powerful! they can fix her, bring her back! but they can't And the collector realizes what they've been doing
- I love how, from the very first proper sentence the Titan speaks to Luz in Person (not the wake up one) you can tell what kid of person he is/was. Like you can tell, both from what he said and how he's dressed, how warm, kind and loving he was. Like just, I'm so sad, he didn't get to meet King in person, and when i watched it through the first time i was so sure Luz was gonna pull him back along with her to the living, but it didn't happen.
ALSO, the fucking little hooty sticking out of his eye had me going in so many ways, because like, does it mean that Hooty's species are just particularly connected to the titan? or are worms just fucking Hooty's in the Boiling Isles??? Maybe, it's even a hint of where Hooty came from, because well there IS an eye on the Boiling Isles too! like oh my god so much in so little
- "and you seems like a good witch" i saw someone mention how Luz called herself 'the good witch luz' later on, and i'll see myself in a bit no doubt as i'm watching, BUT This is definitely a moment that sticks out to her. The titan himself is calling her a good witch, after everything she's done, that he's watched her do, he thinks she's a good witch
- ALSO, a thought i had, is how much i love that they show the Titan is just, just this guy He's got a dad bod with a billy, his beard's unkept, he's wearing a Bad Girl coven t-shirt and jogging pants with a glyph pattern, AND I BET HE WOULD BE WEARING LOAFERS. Like the Titans have been propped up so much through the series, because well the Titan is a big deal.
But also, the Titans are a people who loved their kids, wanted them safe, and lounged around in old shirts and loose pants
- THE COLLECTOR FUCKING, "I don't want anyone else to go away, I don't want anyone else to go missing" and him desperately trying to stop King and Eda and brushing off the, the growth from Belos, like oh my god he really is just a child learning about loss for the first time proper, like ever
also a headcanon i am having like right now, is that the Archivists definitely did take some of titan children away, either on purpose to paint the Collector in a bad light, or simply because they wanted, either option ending in the Collector being painted in a bad light and like they just didn't care about who they hurt. Because i bet he wasn't sat down and talked to about it, it actually does make sense if he never killed any of them and they just were taken and he was the scape goat, and i just realized that thee titan mentioned he blamed the wrong person, and at that point Belos would've been SOOO far into the future it couldn't have been him he meant.
Definitely, King's siblings are archived somewhere, and the Collector was blamed for it and no one talked to him about it
- the collector rushing to help keep the Archives balanced, their body being overtaken by Growth, but he still does it because he knows it's the right thing to do and just, FUCK ME DUDE, I love him, them, little funky fella who was neglected and never taught how to play, his siblings just pushing him away because they didn't care, or maybe even used them to get the titan babies, finally realizes what it means to be kind, and good, and what to do to make friends, and does something that does not benefit him in any way instead of trying to save himself
like fuck dude I love them so much
- The way the "NOW EAT THIS SUCKAAA" line is animated, gives me hella anime vibes, like modern day anime, Studio Trigger type stuff, fuck me it's so good
- Eda, king and Raine getting to stomp out Belos like the piece of gum he is, is so cathartic. After everything he's done, he just gets stomped out like he's nothing
- The fact that Amity so happily goes to her dad, and Odalia is just, there, and she gets nothing??? Iconic, amazing, what she deserves. I also love that Gus' dad gets to kiss his cheek, like i feel you don't get to see that enough in shows. And of course, Willow's dad's kissing on screen, ON THE LIPS IN FULL VIEW And Hunter being greeted so warmly by Darius and Eberwolfe, my heart, i care them
and there's just too much i adore about the timeskip like,,, all of it, amazing
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asilcorner · 2 years
have you seen king's tide
The kids are just having a sleepover in the human realm, it's fine.
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lollytea · 2 years
PLEASE talk about their silly little relationship for hours!
They LIKE eachother and thats the thing. Everything about their respective moral alignments and their strongly held beliefs of the opposite side perfectly sets up for their relationship to be this mutual understanding but wrought with so much tension and antagonism. Like it has this tragic potential of "they could have been best friends in another life" and like. LIKE LIKE. These shots in Hunting Palismen really seems like this is the direction their dynamic is going in. Look at them!!!
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So you'd think I'd be disappointed that this is not remotely the direction their relationship wound up in but I can't even be mad. Because whatever the FUCK they got going on now is just way funnier and way sweeter and says so much about them as people that I just love it too much.
They hang out for one night and that's literally all it took. They like and respect each other now and it doesn't MATTER if they're on opposite sides. Deep down, they really don't care.
They're too kind to be each others' enemies. They're too goofy for it. They're too comfortable with each other to even hold serious grudges about all the threats and murder attempts. They TRUST each other, which they shouldn't but they do.
Like Hunter TRIES to create some distance between them. He calls her "Human (derogatory)" to reinforce that she's below him and he doesn't see her as a friend. But then he calls her Luz the one time he's not thinking about it. Its a deliberate effort on his part to refer to her as Human, but apparently all this time he's been calling her Luz in his head. He sees her as an equal and he has ever since they officially met.
But like literally he's so fucking bad at not being friendly with her. He tries to be cold with her over text but then sends her a pic by mistake and apologizes for it. Tried to be angry with her about getting them stuck in Belos's mind but then she said something funny that gave him a good giggle so he was like "aight it's cool." And then proceeded to excitedly infodump on her when he saw stuff he thought was cool. Like he's never been to an art gallery with a buddy before and by god if he's gonna be stuck in this situation, he's not milk what he can out of it.
Meanwhile Luz trusts him wholeheartedly, even before Hunter's "redemption." She's like "I've read enough YA novels to know where this little bitch's character arc is going" so she doesn't bother waiting until they get to that point and treats him like a friend early on. But the funniest part is she doesn't bother to COMMUNICATE that they're friends now. She just expects him to get with the program.
She very confidently decides that Hunter is her man on the inside, without bothering to tell him. So when she tries to get info from him, he's just like "fuck off???"
And she's not even upset when he laughs in her face at the notion that she actually believed he was ever on her side. She just kinda rolls her eyes and gets snippy because he's being obnoxious. Like I feel like this kind of reaction would hurt her feelings??? But since it's Hunter she just shrugs it off. It's cool, Hunter's just annoying like that.
I'm mostly just talking about what makes their relationship funny so I'm not even gonna delve into how much they take care of each other, both physically and emotionally but it is worth mentioning that I love that too. They're out here saving each others lives like constantly. But anyway.
The way Gus and Willow were people Hunter needed a spend a little time with to get comfortable with touching them. But with Luz he's just ALWAYS been chill with it. For some reason. They just have this dynamic where everything clicked together perfectly when they first met, something that is rare but does exist. It's like "Yes we have only spent two days in eachothers company. Yes we have known each other our whole lives. These sorts of relationships exist. Open your mind."
Whatever they got is so funky. My favourite pair of freaks
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the-nerd · 2 years
The run
Luz didn't know what to do, she knew hunter was scared and he needed all the help that she could find, so she had no other option.
Willow was in her bedroom ready to go to bed when her scroll appeared, it was Eda de owl lady?!
Willow: Eda?-she asked a bit surprised.
Luz: willow I need help- said luz with her cracked voice, it looked like she was running.
Willow:luz? What are you doing calling this late? And what happened, you sound worried.
Luz (through the scroll) it's Hunter I... I.. He need our help... I can't find him-then willow starts to heard some sniffing was she crying?
Willow: wait hold on what happened? Were are you, were is hunter?
Luz: I don't know,(sounds of hiperventilating) he run away.... I don't know what to do, please willow.
Willow: hold on, I'm on my way.
Luz :please hurry up, if he finds him first...
Willow: wait who?
And in that moment the call was cut, willow took clover with her and going through the window she went to the forest near the owl house. She didn't know what happen but if luz sounded that worry it must be something.
She started to go through the forest when, out of the blue, a little bird appeared, and she remembered it.
Willow: ca.. I mean hunter's palisman?
He started to tweet and twist and taking willow's hair.
Willow:ok OK, I will follow you.
She followed the little palisman until she found him... He was cover in dirt, in a fetal pose and sobbing.
Willow approached him as delicated and as soft she could, landing her hand on his shoulder what make hunter jump.
Willow: hunter its OK it OK its just me.
Willow saw his face, he looked so sad, scared and also so hurt that part of her heart sinked a bit.
Willow: it's OK, I'm here to help, you don't have to tell me nothing, but I'm here for you
She was interrumpe by a force, hunter literally stomped her with a hug, and then he started crying.
Hunter: I'm nothing I'm nothing I can't go back I can't go back....
He was repiting those phrases like a mantra and willow, not knowing what to say, decided to let her actions speak for her. And so she reciprocated the hug, hushing and stroking his back, that looked like it helped.
Then out of suddenly, Luz appeared with Eda and king.
Luz (very exited. A bit too much) willow you fund him.
Willow (hushing her and almost whispering) yes I found him, but it was all thanks to this little handsome.
When Eda and Luz went to see how hunter was, they found that he was asleep.
Eda: welp look at that, looks like he haven't had much sleep in months.
Willow (looking at hunter) yes looks like that. What do we do?
Eda: let's get him inside the owl house and then we will figure something.
That being said, she tried to take hunter out of willow's arms but he was very stuck in there.
Eda: looks like he is confi - she said a bit ironically and not very surprised.
At the end they managed to free willow of his embrace, what did make hunter stir in his dreams.
Willow: what happened luz? He looks so beat up.
Luz looked also a bit like that but with her common smile, she said.
Luz: a lot of, actually, to much to process in a moment, I just hope that he can make it through the night.
Willow looked at her friend very worried and so she decided the best option
How about I past the night at the owl house, like so you won't be alone and also if hunter wakes up, I can try to calm him again-said willow with a bit of hope.
You don't mind? Said luz a bit worried, it was late and she was here alone and without her parents knowing anything.
Willow: yes don't worry it's my pleasure, also I want to keep hunter safe, whatever happened.
Luz : thanks willow
And so all the group head to the owl house, they will have time to explain everything to amithy and gus in the morning and figuring something out, willow was a bit concerned but she made a bow that she will protect all her loved ones, it was her promise.
Sorry after today's episode I needed some confort and fluffiness
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King's Tide - and now we wait
MAN this was a LOT huh? can't wait til next week's e- oh.
this whole ep had me so tense my back hurts so that's nice
King scoffing at Philip saying "you can trust me" and that giving him away was funny to me ngl
Willow really is the best, she managed to keep a level head
I like how she and Gus kept looking after King through the whole episode. he is everyone's little brother <3
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"there's always a way to help, you just gotta look for the right opportunity" and he did
"Paradise awaits" he tells them, all these people he will kill with no hesitation
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"with this spell declared, promise I'll be back" I'M FINE
we can see then that all other coven heads were on Belos/Philip's side, but I suspect no one will be after all this
the way they foreshadowed the arm thing tho
a lil smooch for Hooty :'(
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back when things were simpler. you realize they've all known each other for super long huh
yes I DO find it hilarious that Adrien Graye looks like he hasn't slept since Gus messed him up
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I think it's neat how for the Draining Spell Philip drew on the ground like back when he used glyphs to warp
something truly nightmarish about seeing people cheering at first, then be scared and collapse as the spell slowly advances
and he really just. leaves. throws the collector out and is planning to leave all these dying witches behind
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hilarious that he's wearing that Colonizer Fit™ but even funnier that Luz called him out on it, I could stare at this expression all day
he's like wait do people not wear these anymore???
Kiki is quite pitiful, always seeking the approval of this guy who just wants her gone
"have you as my right hand? I'd sooner cut off my whole arm"
so when Luz gave him the sigil I really thought he'd do that. turns out it was someone else's sigil arm that would be yanked off
damn he really said go die in a hole and Kiki was like sure why not
Philip feared the Collector so much he betrayed and discarded him, and now he's against him. if he had freed them maybe they'd still be somewhat on the same side
then again, idk if this man knows how to interact with anyone without lying and manipulating so there's that
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I love them very much
Darius stopped attacking when Healing Coven Witch threatened Eber !! they are besties !!!! how dare they
yes I noticed everyone is shown captured but Steve is NOWHERE in this entire episode
"you too have a strange intuition with these, it took me years to figure that out" his brother, who also loved magic and the Isles, could probably use glyphs a lot easier than Philip, who hated everything about it. the Titan can tell
Witch Hunter General, people are gonna bully him super hard on twitter I can already see it
can we imagine some sitcom of a teenage bi latina girl trying to introduce an egomaniac witch hunter from the 1600s to the Year of Our Lord 2022
Goop Belos design is horrifying I love it
that whole sequence from King's pov. the muffled sound, the chaos as the adults collapse and you can see Hunter's arm all glowy, everything destroyed. oof
"WE don't belong here" "I'M NOT LIKE YOU" yessss
"you guys are LITERALLY the coolest" YEA THEY ARE
the Collector is SO scary and chaotic. Neither witch nor demon, a child from the stars, seemingly has powers that affect reality like no one else's, and yet behaves like a child. How do we stop someone like this
Gus saw Philip's memories too right? seems like it
still trying to manipulate mansplain manslaughter your way to Hunter's loyalty huh, you horrible old man
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"where the failures end up" this messed me up there were so many of them. so so many
the Collector couldn't see King while he was wearing the collar with the symbol
he found the symbol where he hatched. his father was keeping him invisible
"a game called the Owl House" I am so normal about this
King saved everyone but we have no idea at what cost
yeah the Raine and Eda scene? uncalled for. amazing. painful
the Round Boi broke. I repeat, the Round Boi broke!!
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god these are children
*SPLAT* goes the witch hunter
did you see Hunter's face tho? how many conflicting emotions from seeing THAT just happen
"King! :D" me too Collector
all of them joining in King's whole "game" with their nervous smiles and poor Hunter's in too much pain so he just *whimpers in agreement*
I love the little jester design
also he really just looked at Philip's centuries long evil plan and went "okay! :) boop!"
this whole part had me so stressed I was like who's gonna cross the door and who isn't AHH
both King and Luz made difficult choices, and once again they're separated from those they care about :( DANA
it's raining. for some reason that hurts me
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ANNE BOONCHUY? sorry I had to
Vee! will she join the Mentally Scarred Kids Squad
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god these are children (x2)
they are hurt and cold. Hunter holding Gus he is Older Brother now
Camila: *pulls out adoption papers*
and those credits MAN season 3 is gonna be wild
I imagine our group of kids will have to investigate Philip and his brother, so we'll go visit the museum dude to get info.
also what Gus saw in Belos' head might not only help there, but also lead to Hunter having to reveal the whole grimwalker thing
sad season 3 is short bc having shenanigans on Earth with these 5 could be delightful
idk if I want human disguises or Luz can just tell everyone they're really enthusiastic cosplayers or something
maybe seeing the human realm might lift Gus' spirit a lil bit
We didn't get to meet Luz's palisman, but hopefully they're ready to hatch soon
Camila will slap Goop Belos with her chancla with such force he'll never come back
also I do hope we get to see King, the Collector, and all the adults that were left behind who are all safe and sound of course ha ha ha, dealing with everything that happened and probably looking for a way to get the kids back
in conclusion, I will not stop thinking about this episode ever. my kids and I are traumatized
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purplerose244 · 2 years
There is THE WORLD to talk about after King's Tide, but I have to go to my favorite plotline, that being of the Wittebanes 🙃🙃
I'm amazed that even after all that mess and everything that happened, Wittebro is still technically not confirmed. We got a "Caleb" (I know it read "kill him" in subtitles but come on, it's Disney), but we still see him as "an old friend" or "someone that Belos made disappear". Nothing else...
Well, NOT nothing else. Gus saw Belos' memories and specifically someone that looks like Hunter. If he saw only images or knows the entire truth I don't know... BUT THAT'S NUTS AND I CAN'T WAIT TO KNOW 🤯🤯
Buuuuuuut, we're in the human realm now. With no titan blood and no portal, therefore apparently no way to get back to the Boiling Isles. So now what?
We research how to get back. And while we do, we find something interesting 🧐
Like how Gravesfield's symbol is the same as the old Golden Guard's. Like how history talks about two brothers being lured into the demon Realm. Like how there's literally a statue of two figures, one very clearly Philip, the other very clearly similar to HUNTER...
So yeah.
It's gonna be fun.
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potato-an0n · 2 years
I'm in the process of rewriting a fic that was supposed to come out before king's tide but I was going through writers block and I just didn't feel satisfied with it but now that they're in the human realm, ideas are flooding and hopefully it'll be done soon!
Anyways in the meantime, enjoy this one shot I also feel like I need to write out in the middle of the night and will turn into a fic one day!
Willow has never felt this helpless in her life. She's stuck in another realm, away from her dads, unsure if her parents are alive or if they know if she's okay, worried about her team, her school, witnessing her home be torn apart by some insanely powerful child.
But that doesn't matter to her right now, her feelings can wait, her friends need her right now. Gus, Luz, Hunter and Amity are just as devastated as her, so she can't wallow in self-pity right now.
"Hey Willow.....are you okay?" Amity asks, breaking Willow out of her thoughts.
"I'm fine! I'm holding up just fine!" Willow tries to convince Amity but she's not convinced.
"Willow, I know you're trying to stay strong too but I know you're also affected by this and I just want you to know that we also support you too," Amity reassures to her.
Willow sighs and breaks her facade for a bit.
"It has been hard not going to lie, but I don't have time to wallow in self pity, you guys are the most important to me and I'm going to do everything to be there for you guys!"
Amity knows she's only gotten to the surface, but she doesn't push any further.
"You're strong Willow, stronger than all of us....just know we're also here for you too," Amity reassures to her.
Willow gives Amity a soft smile, "Thank you Amity."
Willow notices Hunter has been avoiding her recently. Well, not avoiding her completely, he would talk to her, but only when she initiates the conversation.
She notices that Hunter has gotten closer the rest, even Amity, Vee and Camila. Camila would show him maternal love for the first time, he and Gus are best bros, he's still annoyed of Luz, but they have like a frenemy relationship, he somewhat bonded with Vee, both sharing a connection through experiencing abuse from Philip, and he even started talking to Amity. While she's happy for him, she can't help but feel hurt that he's avoiding her and is hardly talking to her.
Some time later, she was about to go into the kitchen but paused and hid behind a wall when she noticed Gus and Hunter sitting in the kitchen table, looking like they're having a discussion.
"You haven't told Willow yet!" Willow heard Gus shout.
Tell her what?
"Shhh, I'm working on it!" Hunter quietly shouts.
"You've been avoiding her! You can't keep doing this to her! She'll find out eventually, but she'll be more hurt of the fact that you didn't trust her enough."
Hunter sighs, "I know Gus, but I want to tell her when I've gathered enough information."
Gus sighs and gets up from his spot, "Whatever man.....it's just....even though we've all been through a lot, Willow is good at bottling up her feelings and emotions for the sake of others, and even herself. I know you're personally not ready and afraid but, she won't see you any different. I know you deeply care about her, more than you think, but you need to tell her."
Ever since that conversation, Willow has been on edge. Of course she doesn't show it, but she feels she's about to break at any moment.
The house was quiet, Luz and Camila are picking up some food so it was just the five in the house. It was when Hunter entered the living room and saw Willow was the only one there, reading a book on botany and he tried to quietly sneak out, but Willow noticed him.
"Not so fast Hunter!" Willow says in an upset tone of voice as she slams her book and walks up to him. Hunter nervously smiles at her and chuckled a bit. "Hey Willow....uhhh, Gus and I have something important to do so-"
"Stop lying to me! What's going on with you? Why are you avoiding me?"
Hunter looks away from her and sighs.
"I'm sorry Willow......but I'm not ready-"
"Enough of that! What are you hiding from me?! What are you and Gus hiding that's so important it's making you avoid me?"
Hunter doesn't answer her until he sees a tear drop onto the floor and hears soft sobs coming from her, shocked to see her crying for the first time.
"Is it because I'm still weak? Still half a witch Willow? Is that why you're hiding things from me? Am I that weak to the point where you don't want to talk to me anymore?.......that you don't want to be my friend anymore?"
Hunter froze, unsure of what to say but before he could do anything, Willow ran out of the house, wiping away her tears with her sleeve.
Amity and Gus ran downstairs when they heard the door suddenly open and slammed shut.
"What happened?" Amity asks. Gus gives Hunter a disappointed look but before he could say something, Hunter bolted out of the house, going to find Willow.
Hunter manages to find Willow sitting behind the statues of what looks to be Philip and someone else that looks a lot like him. Despite some traumatic memories coming back, he sucks it up and approaches Willow, who currently has her head buried in her knees, clearly still upset. She hears footsteps and looks up to see it was Hunter.
"Go away! I don't need you to see me like this.....I want to loose another friend because I was too weak....."
Hunter panics a bit and tries to comfort her as he sits next to her but she curls up even more.
"But you're not! That's not true! You're the strongest witch I know! But you're also kind and smart, wise and very brave....you helped us through our darkest times despite feeling just as devastated as the rest of us....." Hunter pauses a bit due to his whole face turning red and Willow looks up at him and lets out a shaky sigh.
"I.....I was a late bloomer....I didn't develop my magical abilities at the same time as my other classmates did...everyone called me half a witch Willow, Amity was forced to break ties with me and her old gang picked on me for years......after Luz came to the Boiling Isle, got switched into the plant track, and had that grudgby match against Boscha, my life changed for the better. I was becoming the witch I finally wanted to be, I never wanted to feel this helpless again......but after what just happened......I-I've never felt so terrified in my life! I'm in another realm! I just saw our world get warped! I don't even know if my dads are okay! Heck! Is the flyer derby team okay?! Principle Bump?! Hexside?! Everyone we love......are they alive? Do they know we're okay?!" Tears started streaming down Willow's face, letting go of her of her pent up emotions. "It's just.... a lot....but I had to bottle up my emotional baggage for your guys sake because you guys matter more right now and all we have is each other, and it hurts me that you've been ignoring me while you're getting closer to everyone else and I heard that you were hiding things from me and avoiding me.....I don't know..... I just thought you didn't trust me enough to help you.....that I was too weak to be there for you......."
Hunter's face softens a bit and although he's still not ready yet, it's even more painful for Hunter to see her this hurt because of him.....again. So he takes a sharp inhale and moves closer to her.
"I'm sorry......Willow.....I...I never meant to hurt you......the truth is.....I'm scared. You and Gus are my first real friends I ever had and I was scared that if I told you guys what I found about myself.....that you'd see me differently but really..... I guess telling you guys would make it feel so.....real.....and I'm not ready to confront it yet....but you deserve to know...." Hunter takes a deep breath and mentally prepares himself.
"I'm.....I'm not a witch.....and not I'm not a human.....I'm.....I'm a grimwalker....I'm a clone of someone else, mostly likely of him..." Hunter points at the statue that looks a lot like him. Willow looks up to see that he does look a lot like him and while she is still shocked at the news, she doesn't anything yet and waits for him to finish.
"I found out that I was a grimwalker when Luz and I were in Philip's mind. That's why I ran away and lived at Hexside for a bit until Gus took me in for a bit and Darius. Anyways, Gus found about everything when he tormented Philip with his memories and saw.....everything...." Hunter felt tears streaming down his face as well.
"I was doing some reading about grimwalkers and even that....it still hurts to this day that I was created to be his punching bag, well in Luz's words.......only to then be killed off by him anyways.....I'm still afraid of Philip, a part of me doesn't want to believe in all of this but at the same time....running away from the truth will just make things worse and hurting you in the process.....it's one of the worst things I've ever felt....."
Willow suddenly pulls him into a tight embrace, burying her face into his shoulder.
"You know, there may be hundreds of copies of you in the past but you mean the most to us....to me.....you're still our Hunter and I'll make sure Philip will never hurt you again!"
Hunter's face started turning red again but instead of getting flustered, he softly smiles at her and embraces her back.
"You mean a lot to me too Willow......I'm sorry I haven't been showing it recently. You were hurting too and someone should’ve been there for you too…..I should’ve been there for you……but there’s also something about you.....that makes me feel weird things that I have never felt before in my life. Like, I feel sick but..... I oddly like it and never want it to stop-"
Willow pushes him back a bit, her face all red from blushing and eyes puffy but wide with shock.
"Did you just confess your feelings to me after emotionally opening up?"
Hunter gave her a blank stare, confused at what he just said. Willow knows Hunter is not familiar with romance concepts and crushes but she didn't think he'd be that oblivious, then again, Gus had to explain to him why Luz and Amity kissing is a big deal.
"When you said you're feeling weird things that you've never felt before and that I make you feel 'sick but oddly like it' you basically just told me you like me and not in a friendship way either, beyond friendship actually, like Luz and Amity..." Willow explains as she feels her cheeks heat up a bit.
Hunter's face started turning really red again and panics a bit.
"Wait! It wasn't supposed to come out like that! I mean- what I said is true but I didn't mean to say all of that- I-I mean I- uh-"
He was interrupted by Willow's chuckling and held his hand for comfort. He swore she looked even more beautiful in his eyes.
"It's okay Hunter.....I know the timing is way off but.....I also feel weird things around you too. To the point where I feel sick but oddly like it."
Hunter was still in a state of shock, but can't help to let out a goofy smile and squeeze her hand back.
"Uhhh so what now?"
Willow softly smiles at him, "I don't know to be honest but......lets just say it's a start of something beautiful."
Before Hunter could respond, Willow gives him a quick smooch on the cheek and pulls him up.
Hunter is on cloud 9 ! He feels happier than ever, but also confused (Gus and Luz need to prepare for his never ending questions on crushes and romance and being the best crush ever) meanwhile Willow is feeling jittery as well! This is the first time someone has romantic feelings for her and it's someone she also has been crushing on for awhile. Even though they're technically not boyfriend and girlfriend yet, she knows this is the start of something beautiful and is looking forward to it despite the dark future they'll have to face when the time comes.
But in the meantime the two walked back to the house with red faces and hands intertwined.
So I impulse typed this last night and fell asleep while writing this so yeahhh. Anyways, apologies if my grammar is whack, again, typed this on impulse and determined to get this done today (also consider this my apology for my angst hc one shot I posted not too long ago).
I'll put this on ao3 one day.
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