#every minute
whereifindsanity · 2 years
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“Every minute someone leaves this world behind. Age has nothing to do with it. We are all in "the line" without knowing it.
We never know how many people are before us.
We can not move to the back of the line.
We can not step out of the line.
We can not avoid the line.
So while we wait in line:
Make moments count.
Make priorities.
Make the time.
Make your gifts known.
Make a nobody feel like a somebody.
Make your voice heard.
Make the small things big.
Make someone smile.
Make the change.
Make love.
Make up.
Make peace.
Make sure to tell your people they are loved.
Make sure to have no regrets.
Make sure you are ready…”
“Every minute someone leaves this world”
by Marianne Baum
Art by Logan Zillmer
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swaying--daisies · 2 years
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“Pass me a ciggie will ya?”
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hanni-simp · 2 years
Doctor!Stone and Agent!Robotnik headcanons
-Im gonna be honest, it isn’t too different from their canonical dynamic
-Robotnik always plans the schedule so that they have as much time working as possible during the hours Stone has enforced (he had to make a mandatory time frame for every day because Robotnik would have them planned working nearly 24hrs a day)
-Stone has holidays off and gives Robotnik a good amount of days off, welcomes using vacation days. Robotnik despises it, saying that it goes against all productivity and that he should be planning the schedule anyways so he should have the final say in this (he both shouldnt and doesnt)
-One day Robotnik comes into work, shivering and sort of dazed. Stone gets a thermometer and Robtnik’s temperature is 103. Needless to say, he is on mandated sick leave for the rest of the week. When he gets back at work he rants for the first half hour about the human body being stupid and fragile. When he’s done Stone just nods and goes back to work, muttering something about how maybe if Robotnik took care of himself his body wouldn’t be so fragile.
-Whenever Stone is doing work and Robotnik has nothing better to do he’ll stand behind and loudly point out every mistake Stone’s making. Usually saying something along the lines about the government and its habit of uplifting imbeciles.
-Stone is painfully patient with it all, asking Robotnik what he thinks would be an appropriate solution to the problem and saying nothing when Robotnik raises an eyebrow and says, “Isn’t that your job, Doctor?”
-Robotnik refers to Stone either as “Stone” or “Doctor”, never says sir. He doesn’t explicitly state why but it’s obvious to the both of them its because he resents being someone’s inferior so neither mention it.
-Stone, despite his patience, does sometimes have to make sure Robotnik remembers that Stone is still his boss. Once, in a meeting, Robotnik explodes and goes off on Stone, making a huge scene. During all this Stone just stares at Robotnik with a blank stare. When Robotnik finally finishes, out of breath, Stone speaks up. “Do not speak to me like that again, Agent. I can and will have you fired. Do not show up tomorrow.”
-When Robotnik does get back into work he is purposely subpar as a way to get back at Stone who says nothing about any of it. Instead, he just doesn’t smile, staring wordlessly at the mechanics with a blank face. This barely-a-reaction eventually gets to Robotnik and he steps up behind Stone to correct something he’s doing but not in the way he usually does it. He’s gentler, explaining the mistake in its whole. Stone listens throughout it, smiling afterwards and going back to the work.
-Nobody at the government knows why Stone hasn’t fired Robotnik yet. It bewilders most if not all of them when Stone, the government’s most prized secret, stands back and lets his assistant introduce himself first with a look of what could almost be adoration rather than annoyance. When someone has the courage to ask he just shrugs and says something along the lines of Robotnik being intelligent and a capable worker. What he doesn’t tell them about is the day where Robotnik got hurt and for the first time after he’d let Stone help him with no hesitance. What he doesn’t tell them about is the fact that when Stone had caught Robotnik’s sickness and was considerably worse off, ending up bedridden, Robotnik had hummed some tune and held him, stroking his hair and shushing him when Stone would twist in bed and cry out in pain. How when Stone was finally coherent enough to give a reliable answer Robotnik asked him if he was okay, how he’d held on a little tighter when Stone shook his head. What he didn’t tell them was that they trusted each other, and that they were as equal as any boss and employee could be.
-Robotnik is often mistreated or talked down to since he’s considered to be just an assistant. While Stone generally frowns upon making a scene in front of the higher-ups this is an exception, him having given Robotnik explicit permission to talk back when someone is treating him poorly. It amuses him to no end to watch it happen.
-Even though Robotnik isn’t as smart as Stone he is still very much a genius so when Stone is talking technical terms Robotnik, unlike most of the room, understands completely and has his own interjections. However, when there is something that Stone talks about and Robotnik doesn’t understand, he gets angry afterwards and nearly throws a fit (well, sometimes he goes through with it, but Stone mostly stops him)
-The whole Sonic thing doesn’t happen. Stone is much better with social interaction and manipulation so with him being the smartest man in the world that would most likely be amplified and he would be able to just manipulate Sonic into things instead of doing whatever Robotnik was doing (I love him but Robotnik is an idiot sometimes, man couldn’t catch a child because he runs fast)
-When they do eventually get together Stone has to use the whole “I can still fire you” schtick when he finds out that even though he’s been giving both of them a good, healthy schedule to be in and out of work, Robotnik has been staying up until four or five in the morning doing research.
-Robotnik makes Stone’s coffee ofc, he’s not perfect at it because he doesn’t think he should be taking the time out of his day to perfect something as mundane as coffee. Stone drinks it anyway with a smile on his face because Robotnik made it for him and that man is whipped.
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ainyan · 1 year
I just looted something in DA:I and my mind went somewhere really strange:
"What do you mean you're pregnant! We used protection! You even take medication!" He stared at her, aghast.
Her eyes dropped down to his hands and she stared at the ring curving around his finger. "Darling, what is that ring?"
He lifted his hand. "This? It's my ring of... of..."
She waited, foot tapping patiently.
He swallowed. "It's my Ring of Barrier Penetration."
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sinful-roxy · 1 year
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jamesisasimp · 2 years
1979, Mémorial d'Orion Black, France
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"He's not coming, Reg..."
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shanace · 1 year
i love you Mami
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#asawa#Thank you loving me for who I am. Thanks for making me laugh and smile when i’m sad or have a bad day. excited pa din ako pag nkikita ko an#You’re all I want#all I need. You’re my whole entire world#asawa kayo ni jha jha#you know I love you and I tell you everyday to remind you#but you'll never know how much I love you because my love for you can't be expressed in words. I know I'm not the best partner#pero andito lng ako lagi para s u . How I wish that I could spend my whole life tagal ko nag pratice sa english hahah😅😅😅? You're the first#every minute#every hour#every day and every single time I blink.araw araw kitang minhal mami ko . I love you asawa ko . When I am talking to you#it feels like a dream come true. You are my angel from heaven. I love you. I cannot find words to tell you how much I love you. You mean ev#hndi ko nkikita ang sarili ko na mag mahal pa ng iba#I cannot imagine my life without you and jhajha..You mean so much to me. You filled my life with music#color and laughter. I can’t imagine a life without you asawa. You fill my head with thoughts of you.. I will never ever be able to love any#ang saya ko at minsan sakit sa ulo heheh but I am so thankful And glad that every morning I wake up and think about you and every night I d#I mean it like ten times harder than the last time. Cause my feelings for you multiple everyday. You make me fall for you everyday#over and over again. You make me so happy. hndi ko alm kung anu bng meron ka titigana lng kita bagsak na ako . I’ll always be here for you.#and the ways you show your care. I love the way you say#'I Love You dadi#asawa ko mr ko hayyys sarap sa pkiramdam'#I want you to know how much I appreciate all of the things you do for me. you make me feel needed#wanted#and cared about. You are absolutely amazing. the most amazing person I have ever met. You always make sure i'm smiling#laughing#and having a good time#sa twing mag kausap tayo i feel so safe and it makes me think I am the luckiest person in the world to have such an amazing mrs Grace A. Es#I feel like I have known you forever! I couldn't imagine my life without you. I may not be the nicest or the best partnee sometimes#and I promise you that I will treat you how you deserve to be treated from now on. When your not around you are ALL i think about! I've nev#your magical eyes
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runnin' home to you from the flash musical episode makes me emo EVERY DAMN TIME like pls you can hear him smiling and you can tell when he gets on one knee like !!! :')
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stargirl230 · 4 months
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thanks for the light
I was just trying to figure out how procreate works but then the op brainworms got to me and 35 hours later here we are! can you tell I miss home-cooked meals :')
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
I see a lot of comics talking about smut vs fluff reactions but I see no one talk about
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plague-parade · 1 year
i feel like we dont talk enough about how distressing and disturbing memory loss issues are. forgetting what you were talking about halfway through a sentence, putting something down and instantly forgetting where you put it. having to reread one paragraph over and over again because by the time youve moved onto the next sentence you dont remember what the one before it said. always doubting if your memories of things are real, not being able to remember important life events.
its so incredibly scary, it feels like your mind is constantly playing tricks on you and you start to doubt whats real and what isnt.
“i forgot” is treated like a lazy excuse when it’s genuinely such a big issue for so many people.
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bubblesthecow · 7 months
The thing that I love the most about Doctor Who is that it’s just SOOOOOO bad. It’s awful. It’s dreadful. It’s cheesy and stupid and terrible. It has dialogue like “I am the beep of all the meeps!” It’s truly the most embarrassing cringeworthy thing you’ve ever seen. It’s been that way for 60 years. It’s gonna be that way for another 60. It doesn’t matter what kind of budget or fan base they receive. It’s always gonna be this stupid.
I love it so fucking much.
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leverage-ot3 · 3 months
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evannasblog · 8 months
I think about you all the time
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trooper-924 · 1 month
Right after J. Cole dropped "7 Minute Drill", a time machine suddenly appeared in front of him and an elderly version of himself dressed in rags stumbled out. The old man grabbed his younger self by the shirt and frantically shouted at him, "You have to delete that song! You have to apologize to him! You have no idea what he's going to do to you!"
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mitietoni · 9 months
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