#can't warp because not wolf link
labyrinthdancer · 8 months
Magic systems let's goooo!!!
this is for my AU Monarchs Will
@somer-writes finished!!!
alright getting the light magic out of the way first cause we're here for the dark magic!
Light or holy magic consists of these magic types(so far):
and time.
Light magic is innate and not something you can just learn, if you can use fire magic you can't just turn around and use air magic, you have to have that magic in you too.
there are no special types of magic like in dark magic, fire magic is offensive, you can be creative about it and use it as a defense but it will never actually be defensive. it does what it does and that's it.
light magic is also hereditary but is prone to lay dormant for several generations.
Dark magic on the other hand!
dark magic isn't innate, anyone can learn it.
dark magic also has tells when you are using it(light magic does not), everyone who uses it has their own tell, Midna had those portal lookin things she uses in Hyrule Warriors(in her true form), Link's fingers and toes turn black, Merida(OC don't mind her) has magic circles around her wrist and ankles like bracelets.
tells intensifies based on how much magic a person is using, i.e. the blackness on Link’s fingers and toes will go up his limbs.
once a person reaches a certain threshold of magic strength their body will start changing(not permanently) and they will start entering a ‘berserk faze’, this doesn’t mean they go berserk they just start looking more monstrous, people typically have two stages to their berserk forms,
Midna first grows horns(gazelle-like) and her hair turns into hands(not just one think gloom hands) then full-on turns into a centaur with a lynal bottom half,
the blackness on Link’s hands and feet first grows up to his elbows and knees and then he starts ‘fusing’ with Wolffie and the shadow crystal, he grows wolf ears and tail, his eyes turn into wolf eyes and he has Wolfie's marking on his body, his arms and legs turn into crystals like the shadow crystal and his hands get claws and his feet are kind of wolf-like. Wolffie also has a berserk form :D but I haven’t figured out what it looks like just yet :/
these are the types of dark magic(so far):
offensive shadow,
defensive shadow,
offensive blood,
defensive blood,
offensive ice,
defensive ice.
because there are so many different types of dark magic they are separated into categories,
travel magic: Time, teleportation, portal,
warping magic: bone, blood, transformation, ice,
control magic: mind, telekinesis, beast,
dark magic presents itself differently depending on whether it is offensive or defensive:
offensive shadow magic is like obsidian, defensive is like rubber or silicon, it's solid but has a give to it.
offensive blood magic is like glass or crystal, defensive is just blood texture but more solid.
offensive and defensive ice magic is boring and just looks like normal ice.
What each magic type does
most of these are self-explanatory but I’ll say em anyway.
shadow: you can control shadows, the farther the shadow the harder it is to control.
blood: you can control blood, it is easier to control spilled blood and your own blood than blood in other people's bodies.
teleportation: you can teleport, teleporting within eyesight is far easier than teleporting where you can’t see, it’s considered to be the more advanced form of portal magic as it is faster to use but more dangerous and difficult.
time: you can reverse and fast forward time to an existent(dark time magic is not as strong as its light variant), even tho it is possible to warp time things other than small objects it is EXTREMELY difficult and no one has been able or strong enough to do it in twelve generations(300 years).
portal: you can create portals from one place to another, it is simpler and easier than teleportation magic but it takes longer to cast and you have to know the runes to create the portal.
transformation: you can transform into things, creatures are the most common transformation but you can change into inanimate objects. transformation magic is very difficult and typically an enchanted item is used for the spell but even then it still uses your magic unless the item has magic stored in it.
telekinesis: it’s telekinesis that’s it. it’s mentally strenuous to use this magic type.
beast: you can communicate with animals, it is a common misconception that this is an easy magic to learn but in reality, it is very difficult to learn. With Mind Magic and a lot of effort, you could control animals. Devine Beast innately know this magic.
mind: you can make people susceptible to suggestion, change memories(to an existent), and alter their perception of reality(like if they were on drugs). this is also a very very hard magic to learn.
blood and bones are the only parts of the body that can be manipulated.
blood: you can control blood, it is easier to control your blood and spilled blood than it is to control blood in other people’s bodies, this is beginner-friendly magic except for controlling other people's blood,
bone: this is like blood magic but with bones. not as beginner-friendly but still easy to learn.
ice: this is the only elemental dark magic. You can turn any water into ice, turning the water in people body’s into ice is extremely difficult and more difficult if it’s not your own body.
Spells!!!! :D
don’t have a ton of these but there are a few(some of these aren’t actually spells just common things you can do)
Dark Castle: a giant castle rises from the ground made out of shadows, it pushes everything livening that the caster deems an enemy out of its borders, it is nearly impenetrable and is the most powerful defensive shadow spell and one of the most powerful defensive spells. Currently, Midna is the only one who is powerful enough to use it and it would kill anyone else if they tried.
Blood Sword: this is a common offensive blood technique, you draw blood out of your pores and form it into a blade.
Ice Tears: this is a hard spell to learn. You freeze the water in the air around you and create tiny razor sharp daggers that slice anyone who walks through them.
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Just a quick question, I read the twilight princess manga volume 5, (dang it's good btw) but I noticed how close midna and zelda were as children, kinda like sisters, and I was thinking, can midna also warp between worlds, as if twilight taught her, or is that only his ability, so she could see her sister
The ability to travel to all realms is something that only Twilight has, we can say that his shadow crystal is the direct source that allows him to travel at will.
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Midna can't use this power of her own free will, but Twilight certainly allowed her to see her friend Zelda again over time.
Furthermore, none of the princesses of the past are alive and can actually come into contact with the legendary spirits or others, in Midna's case the twilight realm travels to a different time/space in my AU, since even Twilight in the twilight realm is practically alive.
Link comes in contact with their spirits, but they are completely separated from their original life, like Time when he was in the twilight realm in the form of a golden wolf but obviously no longer alive and far from his original time. Not even Sky can see his family and his Zelda again because he is a spiritual manifestation granted by Hylia to allow him to help Link.
Why Twilight is allowed to stay with his family depends on whether he died absorbing the powers of the gods, they travel to every realm, manipulate time and space, and Twilight possesses the same abilities.
Thanks for your question! 💖
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bloodybloob · 2 years
I can't get this idea out of my head of someone wronging a god, probably Wild to be honest, and the person desperately wants to know what's going to happen because it's well-known that it's not pleasant when a god gets mad at you. So Legend just appears in their dream and is like:
'Be prepared, coz you're screwed'
(Link to this au I came up with here).
“How is he?” Legend pushed aside the thick clouds that hid The Chain’s shared bedroom. He saw two wolf ears perk up from behind Wild’s fitfully sleeping form. Black shapes enveloped the ears and there sat up Twilight with a frustrated countenance.
“He’s gotten worse. Wind is too busy trying to stop a devastating war with Warriors, Hyrule, and Sky, until that’s over he can’t summon a rainstorm to put out the fire. Time doesn’t even know this is happening yet, he’s busy with… I don’t know, reality stuff I’m sure.” Twilight ran his hand through Wild’s hair, hair that would no doubt be soaked with sweat if he were mortal.
“Who started it?” Legend sat down next to their sickly brother, running a finger over the fresh burn scar on his cheek. Wild whined and leaned into the touch, his cheeks were warmly flushed and breaths shallow.
“A noble, according to Sky he’s rebelling against the King of Yalka and trying to gain more independence for his own selfish desires. He built up his own small army and started pillaging and burning stuff down, a farm he set fire to spread to a massive and dense forest right beside it..” Twilight sighed as he ran a hand through his messy hair, he looked tired.
Legend hummed. “My senses say it’s night currently, correct?” He smiled, widely, too widely.
Twilight looked at him, his frown turned into his own evil grin. “Yes, I do believe it is.”
Without another word Legend stood to his full height, an unsettling smirk rested on his face as he sunk through the floor.
He appeared on a jagged mountain that the Yalka region was known for, behind him was the massive castle imbedded into the mountainside. There the noble he was looking for was, covered in gold and servants bowing to his feet as he cheered in triumphant glee.
A dream of his victory? As if he’d ever get anywhere after his brothers were done with him. Four was likely waiting for when he got to the castle to unleash a rockslide, probably made of gold to run the salt a little deeper in the already gaping wounds.
His smirk grew, with a snap of his fingers the world shifted and warped, the mountain’s royal blues and purples were painted in angry reds and bleeding oranges, the perfect sky turned a sour yellow, and the sun burned an angry hole in the heavens.
The noble looked around with confusion, his face soon turned to that of horror as his servants melted around him and his gold sizzled, burning his skin like he did the forest and Legend’s brother.
Legend flicked his pointer finger towards him, flinging the rich man in his direction at immense speed.
Legend’s form warped and shifted as he grew ten times the size. Pink, sparkling mist made up his hair while his skin took a fine stoney grey, his eyes watered with soft purple and his robes grew twenty times the length, flowing behind him it petering off into swirling, lavender clouds.
The noble looked up at him in awe and terror before getting on his knees and deeply bowing to the god.
“You’re Grace, you’re oh so godly Grace! I am honored to have you here-“
“Silence, fool.” His voice rumbled throughout the dreamworld, trembles wracked the earth and the clouds swirling around them grew in darker hue.
The noble merely squeaked, shaking an unnecessary amount.
Legend sneered. “We have told you foolish mortals time and time again to cease with your destruction of the land, and yet every time we turn our eyes away you bring another blight onto the Earth’s pure beauty.”
Legend let a cold grin take over his face. “I am sure you’ve heard of what happens to those who disturb our brother’s delicate balance.” He leaned over as if he was talking to a child.
The noble looked up at him in horror, immediately understanding which god he was speaking of. “They’re never found…” he whispered with terror before pure dread framed his face. “Pl-please! I heard of the fire and know that I did not intend it! You have to believe me God of Prophecy, I-“
The clouds started to shake and swirl, thunder and lighting exploded in the dream’s visage, the piercing oranges and yellows turned a bloody red as the ground and sky turned into a blank canvas spilled with scarlet blood.
“If I did not think you deserving of torment I would kill you right now, I’m sure Four was planning to with you. But now, after that little show, I have to say death is too kind for you. You deserve something a little more… how do you say it? Vile.” His voice echoed throughout the dream, all powerful.
The noble pleaded with him, offering all sorts of sacrifices and riches that any mortal would kill to get their hands on, not a god though.
“Oh hush up will you.” Legend snapped and watched with unabashed glee as the noble tried to scream through his sewed lips.
“By the dusk of tomorrow, you will become part of those who are ‘never found’”. Legend let the dark clouds swallow up his form, and he was gone from the nightmare.
This took longer than I wanted, I just bought our dog this giant, squeaky carrot and she was making a whole hissy fit about it so I had to play with her while writing.
Hoped you liked this, I made up Legend’s godly form as I went. The clouds in his hair and on the tail of his robes kinda represent the fluffiness of dreams, but dreams can turn into nightmares too, so they can turn darker like when clouds fill up with water.
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changeling-rin · 3 years
is there any chance you can share with us your notes on what equipment the links have? (i feel like it would be useful)
My notes are a chaotic mess of chaos so I'm going to put them under the cut and apologize in advance for the... chaos
Gen - has the slingshot/scattershot, Mogma Mitts, the Beetle, bombs, bow and arrows, a bug net, many bottles, a Goddess Harp, Gust Bellows, Double Hookshot, Sailcloth, and a whip. He can get a Hylian Shield from the dragon Lanayru. He has the Goddess Sword/Master Sword which can perform a Skyward Strike. Also, Fi.
Speck - has regular and remote bombs, two boomerangs but I'll just use the Magical one, Gust Jar, Cane of Pacci, Pegasus Boots, bow and arrows, Mole Mitts(think Mogma Mitts), Ocarina of Wind(just allows for warp travel), Flame Lantern(read regular lantern with cool name), Roc's Cape, multiple bottles, Grip Ring, Flippers, Power Bracelets, and eats a Jabber Nut(lets Link speak Picori). Also, through complicated circumstances he eventually ends up with the Four Sword, although it doesn't work the same. I'll just stick him with this one since it's the strongest. Also eventually ends up with a Mirror Shield. Also, Ezlo.
The Four - have bombs, a boomerang, bow and arrows, a Bow-Wow(think Chain Chomp) that attacks and steals rupees from enemies, a Gnat Hat(think Ezlo, but without the limitations), Magnetic Gloves, Pegasus Boots, Roc's Cape, and a Shield. They have the Four Sword(obviously). No companion that I can find.
Ocarina - ... oh boy. Well, I've designated Ocarina as the adult. So he gets the adult items. On with it then! Deku Nuts, bombs, possibly bombchus, Longshot, Fairy Bow with Fire, Ice, and Light arrows, Hylian Shield because the Mirror shield is useful for light and magic attacks only, Magic in the form of Din's Fire, Farore's Courage, and Nayru's Love. Convenient magic is convenient. Hover Boots, Iron Boots, Goron tunic and Zora's tunic, Golden Gauntlets because they're better, Lens of Truth, Deku Sticks, bottles, the Ocarina of Time(duh), and Megaton Hammer. Also some rather unimportant sidequest items, but since they're unimportant I won't mention them. Master Sword, since the Biggoron's Sword is ridiculously complicated to get and I don't want to deal with that. Has Epona. Also Navi.
Mask -... hmm. I'll do his OoT items first, then hit the MM stuff. So then. Deku Nuts, Bombs, possibly Bombchus, Boomerang, Hookshot, Fairy Slingshot, Hylian Shield, Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, Nayru's Love, bottles, Goron's Bracelet, Lens of Truth, Ocarina of Time(again, duh), and Deku Sticks. Kokiri Sword, which for some reason gets outmatched by Deku Sticks. Great. Also, Navi and later Tatl. In MM, we've got Hero's Bow and the Fire, Ice, and Light arrows, bombs, Bombchus, bottles, Deku Nuts and Sticks, a Hookshot, and Lens of Truth. He eventually ends up with a Gilded Sword, which I'm gonna use because I can't really picture Link running around with a sword decorated with flowers. And we've got a ton of masks to get through. I'm just going to list the useful ones though, I can't imagine what I'd need with a mask that doesn't let you sleep. So, we've got the Blast Mask, Bremen Mask(makes animals do a parade), Bunny Hood, Captain's Hat, Gibdo Mask, Mask of Scents, Mask of Truth, and the Stone Mask. Also, the Deku, Goron, and Zora Masks. Duh. Not using the Giant's Mask because that thing only works once, and not using the Fierce Deity because you only get that thing in the moon. Has Epona. In total, Mask has one Bow, two hookshots, two lenses of truth, and a whole lot of bombs
Dusk - has a Slingshot, Fishing Rod, Bottles, Lantern, Gale Boomerang, Iron Boots, Hero's Bow and Arrows with Hawkeye and Bomb Combo, Bombs, Water Bombs, and Bomblings, Double Clawshot, Spinner, Ball and Chain, Dominion Rod, and a Horse Call. Hylian shield, Zora Armor, Master Sword. Cursed Stone that does the wolf. Has Epona. Also, Midna.
Red, Vio, Blue, and Green - have bombs, a boomerang, bow and arrows, Fire Rod, Lantern, Magic Hammer, Pegasus Boots, Moon Pearls, Power Bracelet, Bombos and Quake Medallions(causes explosions and earthquakes, respectively, from using the Sword), Roc's Feather, Shovel, and Slingshot. Four Sword(duh) and a Shield. That's it. Shield. Woo.  No companion I can find.
Wind - has Power Bracelets, Bombs, Boomerang, Grappling Hook, Hero's Bow and Fire and Ice Arrows, Hookshot, Skull Hammer, Bait Bag, Bottles, Deku Leaf, Iron Boots, Sail, Telescope, Tingle Tuner, and the Wind Waker. Mirror Shield(because this one is actually useful), and Master Sword. Although I think he puts this one back. Also, King of Red Lions who doubles as transport. And possibly Tetra. And now for the PH items! We have the boomerang, bombs, bombchus, bow and arrows, grappling hook, hammer, shovel, Phantom Hourglass and Sand of Hours(duh), and fishing rod. Phantom Sword because he put the Master back and also 'cause it can kill ghosts, Wood shield that I will be completely disregarding because the Mirror Shield is better. Possibly a fairy, I don't remember. In total, Wind has 2 boomerangs, 2 bows, 2 grappling hooks, 2 hammers, and a lot of bombs.
Steam - has the Whirlwind, Boomerang, Whip, Bow and arrows, bombs, Sand Wand, Bow of Light(which I think shoots Light arrows), and Spirit Flute. Zelda follows him as a ghost. Uses a train. I think that's it.
Lore - (oh boy) from LttP, has a shovel, Bow and Silver Arrows, Ice Rod, Fire Rod, Bombos, Quake, and Ether Medallions, Magic Boomerang(because it's better), Hookshot, bombs, Magic Cape(turns him invisible), Cane of Somaria(creates magic blocks), Cane of Byrna(protects from attacks), Magic Hammer, Lamp, Flute(transport), Magic Mirror(warping), Bottles, Titan's Mitt(I'm assuming it outranks the Power Glove), Pegasus Boots, Moon Pearl, and Zora's Flippers. In OoS he has Magic Boomerang, Roc's Cape, Hyper Slingshot, Rod of Seasons, bombs bombchus, shovel, Power Bracelet, Magnetic Gloves, and Zora's Flippers. In OoA he has bombs, Harp of Ages(ocarina rip off), Mermaid Suit, Power Glove, Roc's Feather, Shovel, and Switchhook. And I'm not going to count in LA because that was all a dream. He still has the experience though. So total, we have 3 shovels, 1 bow, 3 rods, 2 canes, one harp, 2 boomerangs, 3 hookshot versions, 3 versions of power bracelets, 2 Roc's items, and two underwater equipment items. Just counting multiples here. Golden Sword, Mirror Shield. No companions that I remember.
Sketch - has a boomerang, bow and arrows, fire rod, ice rod, sand rod, tornado rod, hammer, hookshot, bottles, bug net, flippers, super lamp, Titan's Mitt, Pegasus Boots and Ravio's Bracelet which does the painting thing. Master Sword, Hylian Shield. No companion that I remember.
Realm - has Power Bracelet, boomerang, bombs, bow and arrows that can be silver, candles, whistle, and a Magic Wand. From AoL, he has boots(walks on water), candle, flute, hammer, and Handy Glove(read power glove). Magical Sword, Magical Shield. Somehow I thought he'd have more. No companion I know of.
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ashanddreams · 5 years
Back in Time Glitch: Twilight Princess Wii (IDK about GameCube cause I don't have one and not for HD because IDK how to get back in time started)
So this is really me tracking down my progress with doing the back in time glitch with Twilight Princess. I'm doing this because no one else really has cause I think they get stuck at one part. So, here we go:
So starting this glitch is pretty easy; all we have to do is go to Arbiter's Grounds and die (fun amirite). We have to make sure that when we die, we only see the tip of Link's gauntlet (or fingers, since it's different than how I remember it). Now, there are two things we can do while performing the glitch: either take damage or get it on the first try. Getting it on the first try is good, but we can't push the a or b buttons (all other buttons are fine, the other two will crash the game and we will need to unplug the Wii). Taking damage (any amount is fine) will allow us to push a and b, which will bring up the title screen where we can push a and b together to go to the menu and select any file. Whether it's new or not will not change anything from normal.
(Here is the title screen without crashing the game)
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The first thing that will happen when we perform the glitch is we will be taken to the title screen area with no map, health, music, or item/action abilities. Don't push a or b if we didn't take damage before (damage will not be saved between resets, only if we perform the glitch right). This is where we need to die again. Responding from this will give us the normal screen, but we will be at one heart. Now here is where things get kinda weird. We can save and quit here and we will be brought to Faron woods (this is the right way). However, dying again will result in a game over. If we continue, we will be brought to the King Bokoblin fight (IDK). Skipping the cutscene will allow us to fight him while letting play will get us stuck on the bridge. If we defeat him and save Colin, we’ll be taken to Kakariko. No matter what we do here, either skipping the cutscene or not will softlock us there and we cannot leave or do anything (side note: after having done this, I had a nightmare about twilight Kakariko and Barns' Bomb Shop, so now I don't like it there lol).
Going the Faron route, we will be in the save Talo sequence. Do what we’d normally do, save him and go to the next day. (Now this part is very fuzzy since I did this part a few months ago, so I'll come back later). Go through the day, heard the goats, leave and DO NOT SKIP THE CUTSCENE AS YOU WILL BE STUCK. Go about, go to the house, and if my memory is right there we can give the kids the sword (keep in mind we won't get the first bottle, fishing rod, sword, or slingshot- but we can still give them a sword). Before we continue, go into the mayor's house since the door is now open and get the iron boots. This will save us time later. Now, do everything as normal until we come back to the world of light. This is where people give up I think, as there is "no way to progress."
We cannot get the sword and shield as there are logs blocking the hole to get the sword, the area to get to the shield is closed, and there are no characters around. However, this can be skipped using the sword and shield skip (there are youtube videos showing how to do this on GameCube and Wii). We’ll need a Bokoblin from the are and DO NOT KILL IT AND SAVE OR YOU ARE SCREWED. We’ll need to bring it to the wall of twilight, align it with a black mark on the wall and do a really big double attack on it. If we do it right we’ll bypass the area where Midna will tell us to go back and she'll let us into the twilight. Please note: this glitch is the hardest thing to do (in my experience). It took me over a year to do this, as I rage quit a lot from doing it over and over and over again, and I got it cause I was very lucky.
So, after that long intro, it's all good. Progress as normal, get to the forest temple and prepare to think you're stuck. Everything was great and normal until the first room with the spiders on the vines. Remember: we don't have the slingshot. But, the solution is easy: find some Boko Baba seed things and throw it at the spiders. Easy peasy. Now before we leave, there is one thing to note: beating the mini-boss of this dungeon with jump attacks is a no-go, cause that will hard crash the game with a very fun sound playing. Beat him (and the boss) slowly and it'll be good.
Go to the Eldin province and we'll be at the glitchy part of the run (twilight and light). Go through normally until we get to the gate to Kakariko. Go through it and we'll be taken into a cutscene. Remember the King Bokoblin fight? Yeah, that's here now, just will no voices for the NPCs. Watch the cutscene. Now the world is weird cause it's the world of light with a twilight filter. Midna will tell us to help Colin and there will be no shadow monsters or dying spirit of light. To fix this, just leave the area (side note: this is where we go if we fight King Bokoblin right after doing the glitch and we'll be softlocked cause we're human, but now we're a wolf and can do things now). Going to a new area puts everything back to where it should, but we can go back to the gate and start the same cutscene as many times as we want, as there's no limit to this or the number of times we can fix it. When we're done, go on as normal, get the bugs, and save the land. Once we are done talking to the spirit, another cutscene will play, the one where we get our horse. The game most likely triggers this because we have the iron boots (remember?), and it has to play it for later, which starts the Epona scene. Get her and save Colin. Do that and go to death mountain.
(if we wish, we can go to Ordon spring to get the hidden skill from the stone we probably activated in the twilight, but we’ll be unable to do it because we need a shield. We can buy a shield, but we either lose the nice metal shield for a cheap wooden one that burns or we pay 200 rupees to tell the game "Hey, I have the shield now, even though I've had it the entire time," which is something I didn't want to do, so I'm not getting any of the hidden skills, which pains me cause I want the back slice)
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(This is in the Arbiter's Ground area but it's the same thing) (Also grandpa Time is blind cause I GOT A SHEILD) (ok boomer)
Back on point, go up to death mountain and realize that we don't have to take damage from that Goron because we got the boots (we won't be softlocked so it's good).
Now play through the area normally. Actually, play through the game normally, as everything from here on out is just a normal playthrough. We just do get the slingshot, the Ordon sword or shield, fishing rod, two bottles (one from the shop in Ordon and the other in the fishing area since we need the fishing rod to get it), and six hidden skills (if we don't want to part with a FREE metal shield).
So, I bet someones thinking about a problem in the future part of the gameplay. Right now I am it Arbiter's Grounds. (I found out it is possible to perform back in time again (but I think the point of restarting is just a bit later than I remember, since past of Link's gauntlet had to be seen then, and now it's the tips of his fingers). I think everything will go fine until we get to Snowpeak, or rather, not get to Snowpeak. We need the fishing rod to get the reekfish, and guess what we don't have: the reekfish. I believe one of three things will happen-
1) The game will hard crash (or just regular crash) cause we don't have the fishing rod, and the game will get really confused and die.
2) Nothing will happen. What I mean by this is that we won't be able to accept the earing addition and either Ralis will keep the earing or it will vanish and we never see it again.
3) The game spawns a fishing rod for the player to have and we go on as normal. With this, we'd be able to get a third bottle.
With the first two points, we will be softlocked, as the game will put us back at the start if we go into the blizzard.
I'm not sure what will happen at that point, but no matter what happens, whether we get the rod or not, I'm going to keep exploring with this glitch; I'll find the do's, don'ts, and mega don'ts. When I find something new I'll add it here later. Hope someone has fun with this and wish me luck! 🤞
Edit: So there's actually a fourth option: the fish hook is a new item in your inventory and now we're stuck.
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So.....not what I was hoping for but that's what we get for trying to kill the game. The sad thing is that if we go to Colin's house we can see a fishing rod on the wall. I even found out that we cannot buy the slingshot because it's not in the shop in Ordon and the wooden sword doesnt appear in our house. Another new piece of info: we dont have the Ordon Spring warp since we never got the sword and shield in the beginning of the game.
So I'm going to see if there's a way to skip snowpeak. However, this will definitely be a problem later on during the Zant fight since we need the ball and chain. Wish me luck on that!
TL, DR: go back in time and save Hyrule on hard mode.
UPDATE: So I saw a video on YouTube talking about having all of our items in the king bulblin fight. What we need to do is do back in time and take damage before doing so. I did it in Arbiter's Grounds and got there fine. Then we need to pull up the title screen and fall into a void. Right before Link starts screaming, we push a+b (or start since this works on the gamecube). If done correctly we should here Link screaming on the file select. Now we have to choose a game file. If we choose a new file, we go through naming Link and Epona and when we start this happens:
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(I sat here for 10 minutes. We can't do anything except power off and press home, but pushing reset still keeps us at this screen and now we can't use the home button).
If we select a file that already has data, then we go to the bulblin fight with all the items we had before the glitch, including the master sword (I'm doing this on a file where I already did the back in time glitch so I still dont have the fishing rod).
So, I was watching YouTube and looked up Twilight Princess glitches and saw a glitch for early City In The Sky. By doing this glitch, we can skip all of Snowpeak Ruins and the Temple Of Time. Seeing as how the ball and chain is not needed to finish the game after Snowpeak and the dominon rod is only needed for the search for the sky quest (which we can skip while doing this glitch), we will be able to progress without the fishing rod and skip three hours of gameplay. I was hoping we could find a way to get the fishing rod so we could 100% the game, but now we definitely can't do that.
Early City In The Sky glitch:
Requirements: Master Sword and visited the desert at least once (completion of of Arbiter's Grounds recommended)
As soon as we have access to the Master Sword, we need to head to Lake Hylia. We need to go to the desert. Once at the desert, I recommend completing the Arbiter's Grounds, but that's not necessary right now. Now we warp to Kakariko village and go to Renado's basement. By sliding with z-targeting into the space between the statue and the wall (right on wii, left on gamecube). The angle is kinda precise so finding a YouTube video is recommended for finding a good angle. Once we're positioned right, we need to turn into wolf Link. If everything is correct we will clip past the statue. Now, as wolf link, go up to the cannon and say you'd like to warp. Midna will say Shad is still standing there (even though he's not). We can still warp the cannon as long as we open the map right after Midna is done talking (spam the button it has to be right after she's done). Turn on portals and warp to Lake Hylia and Midna will warp Link and the cannon there (we have to be in wolf form. Also, DO NOT AND QUIT IN THE ROOM. Apparently doing this on the wii will trap us as Midna won't let us warp)
Now at Lake Hylia we talk to the cannon guy and cough up 300 rupees. Here we can do some side quests. I finally caved and bought the Hylian shield and got the four hidden skills I had yet to get. (Note: apparently if you dony visit the desert before asking the guy to fix the cannon the game might crash). I have yet to to to the sky so I will see how that goes later.
End of the game stuff: We will be able to beat the game with a max of 16 hearts, 43 poe souls, 23 bugs, 2 bottles, five hidden skills, no Ordon sword/shield, no fishing rod, slingshot, no ball and chain, and no dominon rod. This is the max amount of items we can get. I will attempt this run again but try and see what the least amount of weapons required to beat the game is.
Edit: oof speedrunners use this to go fast in the game. This is just a way if you want practice doing speedruns of this game so you can get gud
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changeling-rin · 3 years
If the Links (including Lyric, Oni, Wraith, and the others) were in Codex's position, what would they write for the thesis? (Because well, I can't ask much about Codex's adventure...) (Servo)
"What about the dichotomy of good and evil?"
"Nobody actually thinks that's interesting!"
"Well yeah but isn't that the point of a thesis?"
"Guys we should probably actually try, here. What if we examined the various types of time and space travel?"
"Somehow I expected that to come from literally anyone's mouth but yours, Steam."
"What, just because I don't have my own version of time travel!? SCREW YOU I HAVE A TRAIN AND IT COUNTS."
"Okay first of all, we're in a library. Second of all, how does a Train count as time travel?"
"I think he meant space travel."
"If we're doing space travel then isn't Gen technically the only one who actually counts?"
"I can say with confidence that I've never been to space."
"Well no but you live in the clouds and that's close enough, probably?"
"OKAY maybe we should call it distance travel instead."
"But that means that we're going to have to account for Cerise, all the Eponas, the King, the Spirit Train, Dusk's Spinner, all the Clawshots we own, all the Warp Methods we own, all the Pegasus Boot variants we own, probably the walk and run speeds of Dusk's wolf form, and the walk and run speeds of everyone regularly. And I don't think we have the attention span for that much research."
[a contemplative silence]
"...amount of explosives it takes to blow up our respective Final Villains?"
"Yeah sure, why not."
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