#canada government immigration website
immigrationbyvalueadz · 4 months
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Canada Immigration Consultants - Trusted Services for Global Mobility
Valueadz Immigration offers exceptional immigration and investment plans to people around the world. Apply to travel, study, work or immigrate to Canada with top companies. Trusted by millions of candidates and recommended by thousands of students.
VISIT US NOW : https://immigrationbyvalueadz.com/
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twistedsickopath · 1 year
visit my new tag #ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices for highly entertaining accounts of my experiences dealing with any kind of company's or government's wonderful treatment of their obviously very strongly valued customers and their very astronomically high quality offered services
#psalms#a new tag for any rant posts like the last one i just made or the one from a few weeks ago about the fun of cancelling a subscription#under the influence of current day late capitalism business management practices#truly makes me feel seen and cared for as a client i promise you#10/10 customer service would recommend if you want to have a laff at how hilariously atrocious someone is at doing their job#or at how fucking deluisonal companies and businesses can be when faced with even a little bit of notoriety#and dont even get me started about government offered services and how much i love having to get anything from them#quebec's gubbermint cant even make a website that doesnt look like it's still the year 2005 and whose menus make any kind of sense#like yall trying to find information about anything on a gov site is a lost cause both in the case of qc and canada#both official government sites couldn't be more confusing and disjointed and info couldn't be any harder to access if it was on purpose#their websites are so so so badly made that it's almost fucking hilarious#i have never felt frustration such as when we were working on my wife's immigration papers and had to find answers on the CIA's website#canadian immigration agency you know that cia not... you get it#maybe put some of those tax dollars you love allocating to military budgets à la con into making yourself an usable website you fucks#maybe with some of the money you're not actually fixing roads and schools and hospitals with you could hire a web developer#anyways#im v mad w the state of things tonite :)#ellis's adventures in late capitalism customer service and predatory business practices
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morgenlich · 11 months
can i ask what resources you used for info on moving to europe? its something im considering and i have been doing research myself, but a lot of good advice was on reddit and im not really sure if reddit is still usable.
well, first i'll say that most of reddit is still usable to me so don't lose hope on that front!
there's not a lot of advice i can give in general, only wrt moving to germany because that's where i'm going specifically so i've been doing So Much reading the past few months from official govt sites more than anything else--tho regardless of what country you want to move to, govt sites with info on immigration are a good starting point.
tldr, more details under the cut:
-you're gonna need housing and health insurance
-you're gonna need to look into visas/residency permits (visas are for entry into the country, if you're from the US or Canada you probably won't need one) and their specific requirements
-ur nearest consulate is going to be a good source of info and point of contact
the first things, imo, that you need to know are:
1 do you need a visa to get in (if so, what kind, what are the requirements, etc)
2 steps for establishing a residency permit once you're there
and getting all your ducks in a row on those fronts (often the visa and residency permit will have the same requirements as each other from what i've noticed, though as a US citizen i haven't paid much attention because i don't require a visa to enter the vast majority of european countries). this is all info that will be available on official websites, including consulate/embassy sites. it may be helpful to start out looking for info on the site of the relevant consulate website, they will often include links to further resources, or just shoot them an email with questions you have if you can't find answers there.
but important questions for these:
-is there a language requirement? for example, in germany, to be able to work you need to be at a B1 level of german on the CEFR scale. C1 is required for university admissions. etc.
--is there a possibility of a language learner's visa/permit if you're not at that level? what are the requirements for that? (again with germany as an example: you will not be allowed to have a job while you have this residency permit and therefore must prove to the govt that you can financially support yourself for a year through a locked bank account with a minimum of around 11k euro in it).
-what additional documentation is required, besides just your passport? how do you acquire it?
--you will probably have to get passport photos taken again after you've moved because (i'm assuming anon is from the US but i'm sure this applies to other countries too) required biometric photo sizes vary by country and you will almost certainly need one for any residency permit or other documentation.
the other important thing will be securing housing, which gets to be a massive fucking pain when you live on the other side of the ocean. doomspiral and i lucked out massively finding a prefurnished place in berlin (which is an especially hard city to find housing in in general). you are just going to have to keep trying to contact places until someone actually responds to you, unfortunately. and, realistically, you're going to have to trust that the listing is actually accurate to what you saw on the website.
also, i know that in both germany and austria, once you've actually moved, you will have to register your address with the local government (like within a matter of days, this is not something you can put off literally at all), so look into if you need to do that and what forms are required if you do (i forget the reqs in austria, but in germany it's your passport and a specific form you and the landlord fill out)
european countries are going to require that you have health insurance. there are companies that cater specifically to immigrants and/or students (if you happen to be doing uni there--look into the student insurance it'll be much cheaper lol). try to familiarize yourself with the way the insurance system works; for example, in germany it's not unheard of for you to have a deductible (this is still going to be Much Cheaper than a deductible from an american company lmao). also in general it doesn't hurt to be aware of things like abortion and birth control access (fun fact! abortion is totally illegal in germany and has been since the 1930s and yes you are doing that math correctly about who put those laws in place).
i highly highly recommend putting together checklists of documents you need for each major thing mentioned here. also learn how to use excel to create budgets because it's a lifesaver lol
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mariacallous · 4 months
On Monday morning, the organizers of the Take Our Border Back convoy kicked off their road trip to the Texas–Mexico border in Virginia Beach. Though they claimed that up to 40,000 trucks would be joining, only 20 vehicles made up the convoy as it rolled into Jacksonville, Florida, 14 hours later. The promised support had not materialized—not a single truck showed up, tires were reportedly slashed, participants got lost, and paranoia struck the group. In short, the convoy was a complete mess.
The convoy was organized last week as a show of support for Texas governor Greg Abbott and his decision to defy the federal government and President Joe Biden about the installation of razor wire along the Texas–Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas. While at least one organizer initially said they planned to hunt down migrants along the border in collaboration with sympathetic members of law enforcement, the group appeared to walk back that assertion on Monday, issuing a statement that the convoy would not be heading to the border at all but instead going to Quemado, a tiny town in Catron County, Texas. The group’s website, however, still lists the route of the convoy as “Virginia Beach, VA, to Eagle Pass,” and members of the planning group on Telegram still say they are going to the Texas border.
The organizers also repeatedly stated that the event was peaceful, though online chats in a related Telegram group show members discussing “exterminating” migrants. A known white nationalist who was kicked out of the People’s Convoy in 2022, Ryan Sanchez, is among those most active in the group. Sanchez was previously a Marine Corp reservist who says he was kicked out after he was reported to have been demonstrating alongside the Rise Above Movement, an alt-right street-fighting group that took part in the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, which led to the death of one counterprotester.
“I think the Eagle Pass rally is going to be the ’main event,’” Sanchez wrote in the convoy Telegram channel. “We need to think strategically and concentrate our limited resources where they will have the greatest effect.”
But on the first day of the convoy, some attendees woke up to find their tires slashed, according to one of the main livestreamers who posted pictures on X of the cars outside a motel. The meeting point also had to be hastily rearranged on Monday morning when the owners of the original location told the organizers they couldn’t gather there.
When the convoy did finally come together in a hotel parking lot in Norfolk, Virginia, there were a few dozen people and around 20 vehicles, based on video footage reviewed by WIRED and comments made by the livestreamers responding to questions from supporters.
The day began with a speech from Craig Hudgins, one of the organizers, who stressed that the event was a "peaceful, peaceable demonstration.” Hudgins also claimed—without evidence—that he had heard that up to “40,000 truckers from all over the country and Canada” would be joining the convoy—although not a single one of those trucks managed to join the group during the first day. The convoy members also heard from Ivan Raiklin, who was involved in the efforts to block Joe Biden’s election win and is an ally of disgraced national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Finally, after a prayer from a pastor linked to the Church Militant, a far-right religious website, the convoy rolled out an hour later than scheduled and headed down I-95. It was spearheaded by a bus covered in MAGA slogans.
Almost immediately, one of the vehicles in the convoy got lost, according to messages posted in the Zello walkie-talkie app that the group is using to communicate while on the road. Later, when the convoy linked up to discuss evening plans, the meeting quickly descended into an argument about where they were going to be staying. Even trying to meet up at a gas station was difficult: Due to the size of a Buc-ee’s in South Carolina, convoy members couldn’t locate each other.
A few hours into the trip, the lead bus pulled over onto the highway shoulder and kicked out one of the people onboard, who had traveled on his own from Washington, DC. It was unclear exactly why he was ejected, but the man, who is part of a group that protests daily in support of people jailed for rioting at the Capitol on January 6, was left stranded in Florence, South Carolina, without his wallet, according to details discussed on a livestream of someone in contact with the man.
Throughout the day, the half-dozen people livestreaming the convoy spent much of their time responding to questions from some of the thousands of people watching.
Most of the questions were about the conspiracy that the convoy is a “setup” by the federal government to “entrap patriots.” That sense of paranoia has been present in the group from the very beginning, according to leaks of the group’s chats on Discord: “This will end up loaded with trolls and feds in no time,” one member wrote a week ago.
Paranoia was also prevalent on the Telegram channels used to coordinate the convoy in different parts of the country. “I hope it’s not another J6 trap. People need to pray for discernment about this. But after 3 years of this people are sick of it,” one member wrote, referring to the widely debunked conspiracy that the Capitol insurrection was a left-wing plan to trap Trump supporters.
On Monday, after the cars had started on the road, organizers issued a press release, claiming “groups are forming to infiltrate the convoy.” The statement also claims that “nowhere on the website does it say anything about the convoy going to the border,” which is inaccurate, as the route for the main convoy clearly states the final destination is Eagle Pass.
Additionally, one of the organizers of the convoy, Pete Chambers, told Alex Jones last week that his plan included traveling to the border to hunt migrants and work with local law enforcement to capture them. Among those traveling with the convoy, multiple people on Monday mentioned going to Eagle Pass. “We’re all going to the border,” one member declared on the livestream on Monday night.
Though the convoy’s start was full of mishaps, others planning to join the convoy still appear to be taking their plans seriously. Online, a number of people are openly talking about going to the border: “Those going to Eagle Pass on Saturday, message me,” one member of the Texas-focused Take Our Border Back Telegram channel wrote. “I'm organizing level 2 security detail composed of veterans and prior law enforcement guys. We're not going to engage any threats or go in guns blazing. We'll just keep a watchful eye and report any suspicious behavior.”
As the convoy has gained some media attention, the Telegram channels have been scrubbed of a lot of the more virulent, racist, and violent language used by members. However, leaks of the Telegram chat detail clearly how members spoke openly about “exterminating” migrants.
Since Abbott issued his letter in defiance of the Biden administration, he has seen support flow in from dozens of GOP governors and former president Donald Trump, who has urged other states to send troops to Texas. The convoy has been portrayed in right-wing media in recent days as part of a wider right-wing effort to support Abbott and resist Biden’s immigration policies, and as a result, its organizers have been able to raise over $140,000 on a Christian-focused crowdfunding website.
On Tuesday morning, the convoy departed Jacksonville for Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with a few more vehicles joining the group—but still no trucks.
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lebizcanada20 · 1 month
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
Canada PNP 2024- Provincial Nominee Programs for Skilled Workers
The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a set of Canadian immigration programs operated by the Government of Canada in partnership with individual provinces, each of which having its own requirements and 'streams' (i.e., target groups). In a program stream, provinces and territories may, for example, target: business people, students, skilled workers, or semi-skilled workers.
While provincial governments manage PNPs according to their individual objectives, the federal government's immigration department, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, ultimately administers and decides on permanent residence applications.
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What is the process of Canada PNP in 2024?
Have a valid Express entry profile.
Choose a suitable PNP Program.
Check the eligibility & in-demand occupations
Create an account on the official PNP website
Get an invite to apply for the PNP
File an application by submitting docs
Get nomination from Provincial Govt.
Secure 600 CRS Points upon nomination
File ITA in Express Entry & Get a Permanent Resident Canada Visa
What Are The Available Canada PNP Pathways In 2024?
1 Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program 
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply.
2 British Columbia PNP Program
Job offer needed in the profile from TEER 0,1,2&3
3 Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program
No job offer required. Any profile from TEER 0,1,2&3 can apply for Canada PR
4 Nova Scotia Nominee Program
No job offer required. Only need a letter of interest to apply
5 Manitoba PNP Program
Must have a family member and experience in the province.
6 Alberta Advantage Immigration Program
Have experience in an in-demand occupation and family connection in Alberta or a job offer from Alberta.
7 New Brunswick Canada PNP Program  
Have a job offer or a family connection in the province.
8 Prince Edward Island PNP Program
Have a job offer or work experience in the province.
BC Provincial Nominee Program
The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) is an immigration program for British Columbia that gives "high-demand foreign workers and experienced entrepreneurs" the opportunity to become a permanent resident in BC.The BC PNP offers 2 pathways to obtain a permanent residence in BC, each containing different streams one can apply under, depending on their National Occupational Classification skill level, job, or international-student status:
Skills Immigration: This stream, primarily using a points-based invitation system, is for skilled and semi-skilled workers in high-demand occupations in BC. Candidates may not need prior work experience for some categories; however, Entry-Level and Semi-Skilled category applicants require B.C. work experience. Candidates may have work experience from abroad; and recent international graduates of a Canadian post-secondary institution may not need any work experience, depending on the job being offered.
BC PNP Tech: Those in specific tech occupations may qualify for invitation at a lower points threshold and receive priority assignment for processing..
Express Entry: International Student and Skilled Worker candidates can select either the Express Entry or Standard version of the BC PNP streams. Express Entry streams offer shorter timelines for federal permanent residence application processing.
Priority Occupations: Since 2022, the BC PNP has also provided occupation specific invitations to apply at lower point thresholds based on specific occupations in education, healthcare and veterinary care.
Health Authority and International Post-Graduate Streams - Qualifying candidates, such as those with a job offer from a public health authority or those who've graduated from selected programs at BC post-secondary institutions, can apply directly to the program without registering, obtaining a score and being invited to apply.
Entrepreneur Immigration: This stream, using a points-based invitation system, is for experienced entrepreneurs who wish to actively manage a business in BC. Applicants must create a minimum number of jobs, have the required personal net worth, and make a minimum level of eligible investment.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to start a new business in participating regional communities across BC.
Entrepreneur Immigration – Base: an option for entrepreneurs who wish to acquire or start a new business in the province.
Strategic Projects: an option for international companies seeking to expand into BC, and who require permanent residency for key employees. 
Are you tired of waiting in the Express Entry Pool? Do you want quick Alternate Solutions? You can immigrate to Canada with fast processing times via PNP pathways. Call our experts at +91- 8375012389 or mail us at [email protected]
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Unlocking Your Path to Canada: Navigating Immigration Opportunities
In today's globalized world, Canada stands out as one of the most sought-after destinations for individuals looking to immigrate for various reasons such as work, study, or reunification with family. As an aspiring immigrant, navigating the intricacies of Canada immigration system can be daunting. However, with the guidance of trusted professionals like Talent Connected Worldwide, the journey becomes smoother and more manageable.
Understanding Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Canada immigration policies are administered by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the government body responsible for overseeing immigration matters. To initiate the immigration process, individuals often turn to the official IRCC website, a comprehensive resource providing information on various immigration programs, eligibility criteria, and application procedures.
One of the initial steps in the immigration process is accessing the Canada immigration official site, where prospective immigrants can explore the different pathways available to them. Whether it's the Express Entry system for skilled workers, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), or family sponsorship, our official website offers valuable insights into each program's requirements and processes.
Navigating the Canada Immigration Application Form PDF
Once individuals have identified the immigration stream that aligns with their goals and qualifications, the next crucial step is completing the necessary application forms. These forms play a pivotal role in the immigration process, serving as the primary means of communication between applicants and IRCC.
Navigating through the plethora of Canada immigration application form PDFs can be overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with the terminology and requirements. This is where Talent Connected Worldwide steps in, providing expert guidance and support to ensure that applicants complete their forms accurately and efficiently.
Why Choose Us
With a team of experienced professionals well-versed in Canadian immigration laws and procedures, Talent Connected Worldwide offers personalized assistance tailored to each client's unique circumstances. From document preparation to submission and follow-up, their comprehensive services cover every aspect of the immigration process, alleviating the stress and uncertainty often associated with such endeavors.
Moreover, Talent Connected Worldwide prides itself on its commitment to transparency and integrity, ensuring that clients receive accurate information and honest advice throughout their immigration journey. By fostering trust and open communication, they establish enduring partnerships with their clients, guiding them towards successful outcomes and fulfilling experiences in Canada.
In conclusion, embarking on the journey of Canada immigration requires careful planning, informed decision-making, and expert guidance. With the support of trusted professionals like Talent Connected Worldwide and the resources provided by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, aspiring immigrants can navigate the complexities of the immigration process with confidence and clarity. Together, we can turn dreams of a new life in Canada into reality.
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naturalrights-retard · 8 months
Canada to be Short 3.45 Million Homes by 2030
Blog/Real Estate
Posted Oct 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong
The demand for housing in Canada drastically outweighs the supply. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has confirmed that fewer new builds are expected for 2024. In fact, the agency anticipates that Canada will be short by 3.45 million homes by 2030 – right on time. Better yet, the gap is certain to widen if/when Canada expands its immigration policies.
The CMHC expected Canada to build 18.58 million new dwellings by 2030 but recently revised that estimate down to 18.19 million. Ontario has the largest current supply gap with a deficit of 1.46 million homes. Nova Scotia, Quebec, B.C., and Alberta experienced a notable decrease in supply compared to last year’s projections. Despite Canadians having nowhere to call home, Trudeau plans to open the border to 500,000 immigrants by 2025.
“This report again highlights the crucial role of increasing housing supply if the goal is to make housing affordable for everyone in Canada. It also demonstrates the importance of examining both economic and demographic variables given the recent changes that have been experienced in both,” Aled ab Iorwerth, deputy chief economist at CMHC, said in the report. The CMHC also admitted that the supply gap will widen if immigration persists.
Therefore, expect Trudeau to extend his current immigration policies. This is precisely what is needed for the government to take over and create 15-minute cities to solve the crisis they created. It is all spelled out on the United Nations website. As you can see in the video below, people want to do the right thing by housing the homeless, but that is not financially possible and avoids the core issue. When there are encampments throughout the nation, the people will be less reluctant to deny government assistance. Government assistance equates to using tax dollars to subsidize housing for others, which will make it increasingly hard for those barely getting by. In comes 15-minute cities with free transportation and that affordable housing everyone has wished to see, yet it will only be affordable because you will be renting from the elite indefinitely. You will own NOTHING.
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fuckyeahilike · 8 months
I love you, Iceland
October 24, 2023
HUSAVIK, Iceland (AP) — Schools, shops, banks and Iceland’s famous swimming pools shut on Tuesday as women in the volcanic island nation — including the prime minister — went on strike to push for an end to unequal pay and gender-based violence.
Icelanders awoke to all-male news teams announcing shutdowns across the country, with public transport delayed, hospitals understaffed and hotel rooms uncleaned. Trade unions, the strike’s main organizers, called on women and nonbinary people to refuse paid and unpaid work, including chores. About 90% of the country’s workers belong to a union.
Prime Minister Katrin Jakobsdóttir said she would stay home as part of the strike — “kvennaverkfall” in Icelandic — and expected other women in her Cabinet would do the same.
Iceland, a rugged island of around 380,000 people just below the Arctic Circle, has been ranked as the world’s most gender-equal country 14 years in a row by the World Economic Forum, which measures pay, education, health care and other factors.
No country has achieved full equality, and there remains a gender pay gap in Iceland.
Tuesday’s walkout, running from midnight to midnight, was billed as the biggest since Iceland’s first such event on Oct. 24, 1975, when 90% of women refused to work, clean or look after children, to voice anger at discrimination in the workplace.
In 1976, Iceland passed a law guaranteeing equal rights irrespective of gender. Since then there have been several partial-day strikes, most recently in 2018, with women walking off the job in the early afternoon, symbolizing the time of day when women, on average, stop earning compared to men.
Iceland’s chools and the health system, which have female-dominated workforces, said they would be heavily affected. National broadcaster RUV said it was reducing television and radio broadcasts for the day, and reported that only one bank branch in the country was open.
Gatherings on Tuesday were held across Iceland, the largest in Reykjavik, where much of the capital’s center was closed to traffic and tens of thousands gathered on the grassy Arnarhóll hill for a rally.
Speakers listed grim facts about economic inequality and sexual violence in Iceland, ending by asking, “You call that equality?” The crowd thundered back: “No!”
“We have not yet reached our goals of full gender equality and we are still tackling the gender-based wage gap, which is unacceptable in 2023,” Jakobsdóttir told news website mbl.is. “We are still tackling gender-based violence, which has been a priority for my government to tackle.”
Jakobsdóttir’s Cabinet is evenly split between male and female ministers, and nearly half of lawmakers in Iceland’s parliament, the Althingi, are women.
But while women in Iceland have pushed or broken the glass ceiling to top jobs — from bishop to leaders of the national wrestling association — the lowest-paying jobs, such as cleaning and child care, are still predominantly done by women.
The work, essential to Iceland’s tourism-dominated economy, also depends heavily on immigrants, who on the whole work longer hours and take home the lowest salaries. Around 22% of the female workforce is foreign-born, according to Statistics Iceland.
“Foreign women are more vulnerable,” said Alice Clarke, an artist and designer from Canada who has lived in Iceland for 30 years. “Hopefully what is being done today will help to change that.”
Iceland’s 1975 strike inspired similar protests in other countries including Poland, where women boycotted jobs and classes in 2016 to protest a proposed abortion ban. In Spain, women staged a 24-hour strike in 2018 on March 8, International Women’s Day, under the theme “If we stop, the world stops.”
Spain’s acting equality minister, Irene Montero, said Tuesday that the 2018 strike was inspired by Iceland’s 1975 walkout and expressed full support for the latest protest.
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visas-connect · 1 year
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Title: Understanding Income Proof Requirements for a Student Visa in Canada
Introduction: When applying for a student visa in Canada, providing the necessary income proof is a crucial step. The specific type of income proof required may vary based on individual circumstances. In this blog post, we will explore the common types of income proof accepted and shed light on the financial requirements set by the Canadian government for international students.
Types of Income Proof:
Bank Statements: Submitting bank statements for the past 4 months showing a minimum balance of CAD 10,000 (or the equivalent in your home currency) is often accepted.
Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC): A letter from a financial institution confirming a GIC with a minimum value of CAD 10,000 can serve as proof of financial resources.
Scholarship or Financial Aid: A letter from your school stating that you have been awarded a scholarship or financial aid covering your tuition and living expenses is another form of income proof.
Employment Letter: If you plan to continue working while studying, a letter from your employer stating your intent and income can be considered.
Alternative Evidence of Financial Resources: In cases where the above documents are not available, you may provide alternative evidence, such as property ownership documents, investment statements, tax returns, or letters of financial support from family members or friends.
Considerations: The amount of income proof required may depend on the duration of your study program. Shorter programs may require less documentation than longer-term programs. It is important to note that each province or territory in Canada may have specific financial requirements for international students.
Submission and Application Process: Once you have gathered the necessary income proof, you can submit it with your study permit application either online or by mail. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will review your application and determine whether to grant you a study permit.
Conclusion: Understanding the income proof requirements for a student visa in Canada is essential for a successful application. By providing the requested income proof and meeting the financial requirements, you increase your chances of obtaining a study permit and pursuing your educational journey in Canada.
Remember to refer to the official website of IRCC for the most up-to-date information regarding financial requirements for student visas.
#StudentVisa #StudyInCanada #IncomeProof #FinancialRequirements #InternationalStudents #VisaApplication #IRCC #StudyPermit #EducationAbroad #CanadaVisa #FinancialResources #Scholarships #EmploymentProof #BankStatements #GIC #VisaProcess #VisaAssistance #VisasConnect
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mdlearning · 10 months
Working in Canada
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Working in Canada as a foreign national involves understanding the country's immigration and employment regulations. Canada offers various pathways for individuals interested in working there. Here are some key steps and considerations:
1. **Determine Eligibility:** Before pursuing employment in Canada, determine if you are eligible to work there. Common pathways include:    - Temporary Work Permits: These allow you to work in Canada for a specific job and period. Common categories include the International Mobility Program and the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.    - Express Entry: This system is used for certain skilled workers who want to become permanent residents. It includes the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian Experience Class.
2. **Job Search and Networking:** Research Canadian companies and industries that match your skills and qualifications. Networking can help you find job opportunities and make connections.
3. **Job Offer:** In many cases, you will need a valid job offer from a Canadian employer to apply for a work permit.
4. **Work Permit Application:** Once you have a job offer, you or your employer will need to apply for a work permit through the appropriate channels, such as the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.
5. **Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA):** Depending on the type of work permit and your circumstances, your employer may need to obtain an LMIA, which is a document that shows there is a need for a foreign worker.
6. **Express Entry Profile:** If you are considering permanent residency, create an Express Entry profile and receive an invitation to apply for permanent residence based on factors such as your age, education, work experience, and language proficiency.
7. **Documentation:** Prepare all required documentation, including forms, job offer letters, and supporting documents, for your work permit or permanent residency application.
8. **Biometrics and Medical Exams:** Depending on your situation, you may need to provide biometric data and undergo a medical examination.
9. **Arrival in Canada:** Once your work permit is approved, you can travel to Canada and start working.
10. **Permanent Residency:** If your goal is to become a permanent resident of Canada, you can explore options like the Provincial Nominee Program, Family Sponsorship, and other pathways available through Express Entry.
It's important to stay updated on Canadian immigration policies and procedures, as they may change over time. Consulting with an immigration consultant or an authorized representative, as well as using official government resources, is advisable to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.
Additionally, consider factors such as cost of living, lifestyle, and cultural adaptation when considering working in Canada.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
News Websites Should Not Allow Comments! (A story in pictures)
And now, the comments:
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OK. 👍
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(Note: The photo with this article has a woman and child in headscarves, as you can see above.) OK. 👍
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OK. 👍
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NOT OK. 👎☹️
In fact, flagged and never went live even for an instant, because I got into an argument with someone cosplaying as a Nazi Space Lizard recently.
Bonus points, this is the person who wrote the article:
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I bet she's not thrilled with her words being turned into a platform for anti-immigrant rhetoric either. Not 100%, because this is all a result of the political/media/corporate fixation on "civility," but if she's boots-on-the-ground covering these issues, I bet she doesn't have the luxury of pretending to be "nice."
Canada's leading news website is apparently Yahoo.com, but CBC News is in second place. They are currently shooting themselves in the foot by providing a safe space for scared conservatives to self-soothe on select articles.
I live in Surrey, it's the first walkable place I've ever lived, and it's been very kind to us. If government intervention manages to bring the rent under control, I'd be willing to stay here the rest of my life. My S/O and I are immigrants too, but native English speakers and fair skinned, so people feel quite safe saying, "Oh? Surrey? That place isn't very nice. *WINK*" It is, in fact, extremely nice, just suffering the same housing and health care shortages as the rest of Canada - and, no, not because there are people here who wear headscarves.
My tax dollars are not being used to fund concentration camps here - that I am aware of - but I still run into people who would happily spend money to make such things a Canadian institution. Noplace is safe, but this is as safe as my little family can afford to get at the moment. Here we are and here we'll stay, and next year we'll end up wherever a new CPA can get a good job and affordable housing. I hope that'll still be here, and I hope here will still be safer than where we were, but there are no guarantees right now. It's real bad right now.
But, if one is trapped in a "fair and balanced, let's give everyone a platform!" liberal news media mindset, just turning off the comments is the fairest, most ass-covering thing one can do. And one should do that.
I gotta get my local news somewhere, so a boycott would not be effective or practical. You'll just have to put up with occasional posts expressing my frustration with Canadian conservatives, until they do the smart thing and turn off the comments.
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immigrationbyvalueadz · 3 months
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Expert Immigration Services | Navigate the Immigration Process with Ease
Our seasoned team provides comprehensive immigration services, ensuring smooth navigation through complex legal processes. Trust us to handle your immigration needs efficiently.
#immigration #visa #travel #india #canadaimmigrationconsultants
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Why Should You Seek Legal Counsel from Immigration Lawyers in Canada
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With the increase in job opportunities, scope of education, and healthcare facilities, Canada has become a thriving economy in the last few decades. So, it’s true that your decision to immigrate to Canada can help you see a brighter tomorrow. But the immigration process might not be as simple as it may seem. Without in-depth knowledge of bureaucracy and the paperwork involved, things might become difficult for you to handle the entire process on your own. 
Why hire a Canada Immigration Lawyer? 
It’s not mandatory for an individual to seek specialized legal advice from immigration lawyers in Canada. However, it can surely increase the chances of achieving a successful immigration application. If you aren’t sure why you should hire an immigration lawyer, here are the reasons explained below. 
Relevant Knowledge and Expertise to Handle Complex Cases 
It’s necessary for you to have information on the basic immigration process and its legal requirements. However, your case might have some specific complexities which require specialized knowledge and expertise. For instance, any criminal or medical inadmissibility might block your immigration, and to eliminate such obstacles, it’s always ideal to seek professional help.
Covid-19 has influenced Canadian immigration laws further. Understanding the testing requirements, quarantines, vaccine requirements, etc., can be critical sometimes. So, it’s always better to have an experienced lawyer by your side.
Rule Out Any Kind of Confusion Involved 
No matter how much you plan and prepare for the immigration process, there is always room for confusion. In fact, browsing the government website might be a little tough, especially for non-native English speakers. The forms, required documentation, and process can change without prior notice, making it more complicated. So, whether you’re applying for a work permit, permanent residence, family sponsorship, or any other immigration program, hiring a trusted lawyer can always be beneficial for you. 
Prior refusal of Immigration Application
It’s embarrassing to take all the pain and stress of preparing and submitting an immigration application only to get it refused by the government authority. So, if your application has been refused before, it’s ideal to rule out the odd chances by hiring a competent Canadian immigration lawyer. He will not only review your application but, also find the errors and make the necessary corrections. 
Improve Your Chances of Immigration Success
There’s no magic trick to obtain a successful application. However, with the experience of understanding and synthesizing Canadian immigration laws, the lawyer can ensure that the application is being filled out properly and proceed smoothly. 
While filling in the details on your own, you might come across legal language or some questions which you aren’t familiar to. On the contrary, a specialized lawyer has a detailed understanding of the different streams of immigration law and can make the legalese easy to understand for you. 
Closing Thoughts
Hiring a competent lawyer to apply express entry in Canada is a prudent investment that can help you succeed in your Canada immigration journey. Seeking her legal representation can help you live your long-cherished dream of moving to Canada. So, if you’re willing to immigrate to this prosperous nation but confused about how to get started, you must get in touch with a proficient lawyer for legal counsel.
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globalopportunities · 2 years
What Are The Benefits of Studying In Canada?
There are many good reasons to consider studying in Canada, but the news team at Global Opportunities has done the research and ranked the top five of these reasons for you.
Five reasons why you should study in Canada
1. Safe and beautiful
Canada is considered a very safe country. It boosts lower crime rates than many other western nations. In addition, its vast geography and expansive unspoiled wilderness are a sight to behold. If nature isn’t your thing, Canadian cities are full of culture, museums, galleries, and exciting things to do.
2. Multicultural environment
Multiculturalism is a trademark of Canada. Everyone is welcomed and embraced. Vancouver and the surrounding municipalities have rich and vibrant Chinese and Indian communities, but many nationalities and ethnicities are well represented throughout the country and city. In 1971, Canada was the first country in the world to adopt multiculturalism as an official policy. By so doing, Canada affirmed the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, language, or their religious affiliation.
3. Affordable Education
International students can attend school in Canada for a significantly lower price compared to other countries. The average tuition fees for colleges and universities in Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., the U.S., and Canada are compared in this article. The U.S. was by far the most expensive, and Canada was by far the most cost-efficient.
4. Quality Education
You don't always get what you pay for in life. Despite being less expensive than other nations, Canada has some of the world's most acceptable living and educational standards. British Columbia and Canada's universities are renowned for their quality on a global scale. This is caused, in part, by the fact that provincial governments regulate institutions. You know a Canadian university, like UCW, is up to tight government criteria if you're a student there. UCW undergoes a regular five-year quality review of programming by the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education.
5. Work and immigration opportunities
If they have been enrolled in full-time studies for at least six months, many international students in Canada are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week. Former students can apply for a postgraduate work permit after graduation. After finishing school, there is also the option of immigrating to Canada. Remember that the rules and regulations governing work permits and immigration are subject to change. Visit the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada website for the most up-to-date information. #studyincanda #studyabroad #highereducation
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uwimmigrations · 3 days
Permanent Immigration Services Canada: Your Gateway to a New Beginning
Canada, with its stunning landscapes, diverse culture, and thriving economy, has become one of the most sought-after destinations for individuals seeking a better quality of life. The prospect of becoming a permanent resident in Canada is an exciting journey filled with opportunities, and understanding the available immigration services can make this process smoother and more efficient. In this blog, we will explore the various permanent immigration services Canada offers, helping you navigate your path to a new beginning in the Great White North.
Why Choose Canada for Permanent Residency?
Before diving into the specifics of immigration services, it’s important to understand why Canada is a top choice for immigrants worldwide:
High Quality of Life: Canada consistently ranks high in global quality of life indices, offering excellent healthcare, education, and social services.
Cultural Diversity: Known for its multicultural society, Canada is a welcoming place for people from all backgrounds.
Economic Opportunities: With a strong economy and a demand for skilled workers, Canada provides numerous job opportunities.
Safe and Peaceful Environment: Canada is one of the safest countries, with low crime rates and a peaceful society.
Understanding Permanent Immigration Services in Canada
1. Express Entry Program
The Express Entry program is one of the fastest and most popular ways to gain permanent residency in Canada. It manages applications for three economic immigration categories:
Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
Applicants are assessed based on factors like age, education, work experience, and language proficiency. Those who meet the criteria are placed in a pool and ranked using the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). The highest-ranking candidates receive invitations to apply for permanent residency.
2. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
Each province and territory in Canada has its own immigration programs, known as Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). These programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of the local labor market. By receiving a provincial nomination, applicants can significantly increase their CRS score and improve their chances of gaining permanent residency.
3. Family Sponsorship
Canada values family reunification, and through the Family Sponsorship program, citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their relatives to come and live in Canada permanently. Eligible family members include spouses, common-law partners, dependent children, parents, and grandparents.
4. Start-Up Visa Program
For entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas, the Start-Up Visa program offers a pathway to permanent residency. Applicants must have a qualifying business, a letter of support from a designated organization, meet language requirements, and have sufficient settlement funds.
5. Self-Employed Program
The Self-Employed Program targets individuals with relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics, as well as those who can contribute significantly to Canada’s cultural or athletic life. Applicants are assessed based on their experience, intention to become self-employed in Canada, and ability to support themselves and their families.
How to Apply for Permanent Residency
Navigating the Canadian immigration process can be complex, but there are numerous resources and services available to assist you:
Government Websites: The official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provides detailed information on all immigration programs, eligibility criteria, and application processes.
Immigration Consultants and Lawyers: Certified immigration consultants and lawyers can offer personalized guidance and support throughout your application process.
Settlement Services: Various organizations across Canada provide settlement services, including language training, employment support, and community integration programs to help newcomers adapt to their new life in Canada.
Canada’s permanent immigration services offer diverse pathways for individuals and families looking to make Canada their new home. Whether you are a skilled worker, an entrepreneur, a family member, or a self-employed individual, there are options available to suit your needs. With the right preparation and assistance, you can embark on a successful journey towards permanent residency and a brighter future in Canada.
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rohanseoewe · 5 days
FOR KOREAN CITIZENS - INDIAN ELECTRONIC VISA Fast and Urgent Indian Government Visa - Electronic Visa Indian Application Online - 빠르고 신속한 인도 공식 eVisa 온라인 신청.
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인도 정부는 2014년부터 신속한 승인을 위해 eVisa를 도입했습니다. 이 시설은 일부 국가로 제한되었지만 이제는 166개국 이상으로 확장되었습니다. 인도 eVisa에는 컨퍼런스, 비즈니스, 관광, 의료, 의료 보조원 등 2가지 유형이 있습니다. 인도 eVisa 온라인 양식을 작성하는 데는 단 72분밖에 걸리지 않습니다. 결제를 완료한 후 인도용 eVisa가 이메일을 받기까지 24시간이 소요됩니다. 인도 비즈니스 비자 또는 인도 관광 비자에는 여권에 스탬프나 스티커가 필요하지 않습니다. 공항이나 항구로 운전하여 인도를 방문할 수 있습니다. 본국의 이민국 직원은 인도 eVisa 또는 전자 비자가 컴퓨터 시스템의 여권과 연결되어 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 이것이 인도에 입국하는 가장 편리한 방법입니다. 얼굴 사진이나 여권 페이지 사진을 업로드하라는 요청을 받을 수 있습니다. 업로드할 수 없는 경우 웹사이트의 문의처 링크를 통해 이메일로 보내주시면 됩니다. 친절하고 도움이 되는 직원이 6시간 이내에 응답하고 도움을 드릴 것입니다. 6개월 미만 동안 인도에 머무르고 싶다면 이 유형의 인도 전자 eVisa가 이상적이며 귀하의 요구에 가장 적합합니다. 인도에 입국할 때 확인해야 할 유일한 것은 여권의 유효 기간이 166개월인지, 이민국 직원이 공항과 항구에 입국하고 도장을 찍을 수 있도록 빈 페이지가 몇 장 있는지 확인하는 것입니다. 여권을 택배로 보내거나 여권에 eVisa stmap을 얻을 필요는 없습니다. 승인 eVisa 이메일을 휴대폰에 보관하거나 인쇄본으로 보관할 수도 있습니다. 100개 이상의 국가가 신청할 수 있습니다. 다음은 인도 전자 비자, 핀란드, 오스트리아, 사우디아라비아, 인도네시아, UAE, 미국, 필리핀, 에스토니아, 스웨덴, 브라질, 대한민국에 대해 XNUMX% 온라인 프로세스를 신청할 수 있는 몇 가지 샘플입니다. , 호주, 포르투갈, 브루나이, 이스라엘, 스페인, 일본, 카타르, 요르단, 그리스, 덴마크, 리투아니아, 볼리비아, 헝가리, 노르웨이, 라트비아, 아르헨티나, 조지아, 크로아티아, 싱가포르, 보츠와나, 독일, 라오스, 키프로스, 콜롬비아, 멕시코 , 벨기에, 말레이시아, 폴란드, 베네수엘라, 오만, 보스니아 헤르체고비나, 체코, 스리랑카, 아제르바이잔, 카자흐스탄, 아일랜드, 칠레, 벨로루시, 뉴질랜드, 아르메니아, 이탈리아, 페루, 프랑스, ​​불가리아, 루마니아, 영국, 대만 , 아이슬란드, 캐나다, 파라과이, 벨리즈, 남아프리카공화국, 베트남, 러시아, 캄보디아, 피지, 스위스, 네덜란드  Indian Government has introduced eVisa for rapid approvals since 2014. This facility was limited to a few countries, but now it has been extended to over 166 nationalities. There are five types of India eVisa such as Conference, Business, Tourist, Medical and Medical Attendant. The online form for Indian eVisa takes only 2 minutes to complete. Once you have made the payment, then eVisa for India takes 72 hours to receive by email. There is no stamp or sticker on the passport required for Indian Business Visa or Indian Tourist Visa. You can drive to the airport or seaport and visit India. The immigration officers in your home country know that Indian eVisa or electronic Visa is linked to your passport in the computer system. This is the most convenient way to enter India. You may be asked to upload face photo or passport page photo, if you cannot upload it then you can simply email it to us via Contact Us link on our website. Our friendly and helpful staff will respond and assist you within 24 hours. If you want to stay in India for less than 6 months, then this type of electronic Indian eVisa is ideal and best suited for your needs. The only thing you need to make sure is that your passport has 6 months of validity when you enter India and it has couple of blank pages so that immigration officers can allow you to enter the airport and seaport and put a stamp. You are not required to courier  your passport or get an eVisa stmap on the passport. Just keep the approval eVisa email on your phone or you may keep a printout copy of it. Over 166 countries are eligible to apply, here is a sample of few that can apply 100 percent online process for Indian electronic Visa, Finland, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, UAE, USA, Philippines, Estonia, Sweden, Brazil, Republic of Korea, Australia, Portugal, Brunei, Israel, Spain, Japan, Qatar, Jordan, Greece, Denmark, Lithuania, Bolivia, Hungary, Norway, Latvia, Argentina, Georgia, Croatia, Singapore, Botswana, Germany, Laos, Cyprus, Colombia, Mexico, Belgium, Malaysia, Poland, Venezuela, Oman, Bosnia  and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Chile, Belarus, New Zealand, Armenia, Italy, Peru, France, Bulgaria, Romania, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Iceland, Canada, Paraguay, Belize, South Africa, Vietnam, Russia, Cambodia, Fiji, Switzerland, Netherlands.
Address :  43-12 Seosomun-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Phone : +82 2-2022-3800
Website : https://www.visasindia.org/ko/visa/
Business Hours : 24/7/365
Owner / Official Contact Name :Chander Mali  Chowdhary.
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