#cancer pain treatment in gurgaon
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painspecialist · 2 years
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breasthealth · 1 year
Breast cancer removal techniques include mastectomy and lumpectomies. Both are efficient, yet they differ in their advantages and dangers.
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yamahamusicstore · 1 year
Methods of Breast Cancer Treatment in Gurgaon
Visit CK Birla Hospital to get consultation from the Breast Surgeon in Delhi NCR and advanced surgery for Breast health issues like Breast Pain, Cyst, Cancer and many more.
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bestbackpaindoctor · 2 years
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Cancer Pain Treatment in Gurgaon
Struggling With Severe Cancer Pain In The Middle Of Night?
Learn More About Breakthrough Pain In Cancer
Medical advancement has transitioned cancer from being a rapidly fatal disease to chronic disease. Cancer pain, however, still remains a major problem affecting 30–40% at the time of diagnosis, and 75% of those with advanced cancer. Although it may not always be possible to relieve cancer-related pain completely fortunately it can be effectively managed in most individuals with appropriate therapy. Effective pain control has been shown to improve the quality of life in all stages of the disease. Breakthrough pain is one pain that troubles even those cancer patients whose pain is otherwise well controlled. Its management requires careful evaluation by specialists with attention to detail. In the subsequent section we discuss more breakthrough pain and commonly asked questions.
What is breakthrough pain?
Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) is a transient exacerbation of pain superimposed on the background of controlled persistent pain. In simple words it refers to the sudden, relatively short-lasting severe pain episodes one experiences from time to time, often catching one unprepared, despite having background pain well controlled.
Here are a few characteristics of breakthrough pain
Pain is of moderate to severe intensity (between 4-10/10, average score 7/10)
Onset is rapid (between 3 to 5 minutes) or in some cases more gradual reaching peak intensity within a few minutes. In about two-thirds of the patients, the time to maximum pain intensity is less than 10 minutes
The duration of an untreated episode can be between 1 min and 4 h (average 30 min)
Multiple, predictable (in one-third of patients) or unpredictable episodes throughout the day
Effective pain management requires assessment of responsible factors and having a management plan rather than trying to reach out for emergency services during unsocial hours in a panic mode.
How common is breakthrough pain and what causes this pain?
BTcP is a common problem with studies reporting the incidence as approx. 50% to 75%. This is despite using strong painkillers to control the baseline pain. Patients with severe persisting pain, advanced cancer disease, and aggressive anticancer treatments are more likely to experience breakthrough pain.
BTcP may result from cancer itself (70–80% of cases) or the anticancer treatment (10–20% of cases) and is seen more commonly associated with certain cancers like head and neck cancer (70%), gastrointestinal (59%), lung (55%) and breast cancer (52%). Common examples of BTcP include mouth pain on swallowing due to inflammation of mouth lining (mucositis) or bone pain due to movement.
BTcP can originate from numerous sources (somatic, visceral, or neuropathic) and the cause may be different from the sources of persisting background pain. It may be associated with
Voluntary movements like sitting, standing
Involuntary movements like intestinal distension or
May occur spontaneously
This distinction is relevant as it may encourage more targeted treatment approaches. Up to half of the patients may experience two or more types of BTcP. Sometimes the term episodic pain is used synonymously with breakthrough pain although some researchers ascribe a different meaning to this term.
Another type of BTcP that one commonly encounters is the increased pain that can occur when the effect of painkillers is wearing off, just before the next dose is due. This is addressed as the “end of dose failure.” Some studies include this as a type of breakthrough pain whereas others do not.
Why do we need to treat breakthrough pain?
Breakthrough cancer pain is a common problem and can be associated with a variety of physical, psychological and social complications. Persisting pain often robs the sufferers of their independence and their ability to perform routine tasks, adversely affecting the quality of life. Besides causing suffering, the severity and unpredictability of breakthrough pain can adversely impact one’s confidence level, emotional health, and social interactions. Moreover, it is associated with increased utilization of healthcare and social care services with obvious financial implications.
How do we address this type of pain?
All cancer pain patients should be specifically assessed for the presence of BTcP. Standard pain management & palliative care practice is to prescribe medications for the constant background pain and a separate on-demand dose of pain-relieving measures for breakthrough pain. In BTcP there is no one treatment that works universally and the treatment needs to be individualized.
Selecting the right option requires a fair amount of expertise and familiarity with all the available options. There are a number of factors that need to be taken into account when deciding on the treatment and these include
The underlying cause of pain
Type of pain (nerve pain, nociceptive, mixed)
Pain characteristics (onset, duration, severity)
Predictable or unpredictable
Previous response to pain-relieving medications including opioids (efficacy, tolerability)
Background analgesic medications (may need to be adjusted) and drug interactions
Patient-related factors include age, other organ function, stage of cancer and individual preferences
Cost, availability, and safety aspects
Opioids (morphine-like drugs) are considered the preferred medications for treating BTcP. The profile of the drug selected to treat the BTcP needs to mirror the pain profile one is experiencing. For example, in cases of sudden onset short-lasting pain episodes, drugs like oral morphine may prove to be ineffective as they take 30 to 45 minutes to work. In such a situation rapidly acting drugs are more likely to be useful. A mismatch between pain profile and drug selected is likely to produce poor relief and/or more side effects
The route of drug administration is important as it controls how quickly the pain-relieving effects are apparent. Drugs given directly into the veins have a rapid effect although it requires an intravenous cannula to be present. Alternative routes such as through the nose or by intraoral route (sucking on tablets) of the rightly chosen drugs work within 5 -15 min. The dose of ‘rescue medication’ is determined by individual titration to ensure maximum relief with minimal side effects and may be subject to change over time.
A predictable episode of BTcP triggered by known factors, for example, eating can be managed by a planned administration of medicine prior to the activity taking into account the time taken for the medication to work. Some patients choose to restrict activity to reduce the number of  BTcP episodes.
Once the trial medication has been started, dose titration and regular reassessments are essential. All patients with new BTcP medications should be reevaluated within 48–72 h. Patient education regarding the correct and appropriate use of medications is essential as research evidence demonstrates incorrect usage, misuse/abuse, and underuse in a significant proportion.
Other non-opioid drugs are also useful in the management of BTcP. Examples include anti-inflammatories, benzodiazepines, paracetamol, etc. Preventing and treating BTcP is not just about medications as interventional techniques and non-pharmacological methods are other options that can be helpful.
Tags = Cancer Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Pain specialist in Gurgaon
Struggling With Severe Cancer Pain In
The Middle Of Night?
Learn More About Breakthrough Pain In Cancer
Medical advancement has transitioned cancer from being a rapidly fatal disease to chronic disease. Cancer pain, however, still remains a major problem affecting 30–40% at the time of diagnosis, and 75% of those with advanced cancer. Although it may not always be possible to relieve cancer-related pain completely fortunately it can be effectively managed in most individuals with appropriate therapy. Effective pain control has been shown to improve the quality of life in all stages of the disease. Breakthrough pain is one pain that troubles even those cancer patients whose pain is otherwise well controlled. Its management requires careful evaluation by specialists with attention to detail. In the subsequent section we discuss more breakthrough pain and commonly asked questions.
What is breakthrough pain?
Breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP) is a transient exacerbation of pain superimposed on the background of controlled persistent pain. In simple words it refers to the sudden, relatively short-lasting severe pain episodes one experiences from time to time, often catching one unprepared, despite having background pain well controlled.
Here are a few characteristics of breakthrough pain
Pain is of moderate to severe intensity (between 4-10/10, average score 7/10)
Onset is rapid (between 3 to 5 minutes) or in some cases more gradual reaching peak intensity within a few minutes. In about two-thirds of the patients, the time to maximum pain intensity is less than 10 minutes
The duration of an untreated episode can be between 1 min and 4 h (average 30 min)
Multiple, predictable (in one-third of patients) or unpredictable episodes throughout the day
Effective pain management requires assessment of responsible factors and having a management plan rather than trying to reach out for emergency services during unsocial hours in a panic mode.
How common is breakthrough pain and what causes this pain?
BTcP is a common problem with studies reporting the incidence as approx. 50% to 75%. This is despite using strong painkillers to control the baseline pain. Patients with severe persisting pain, advanced cancer disease, and aggressive anticancer treatments are more likely to experience breakthrough pain.
BTcP may result from cancer itself (70–80% of cases) or the anticancer treatment (10–20% of cases) and is seen more commonly associated with certain cancers like head and neck cancer (70%), gastrointestinal (59%), lung (55%) and breast cancer (52%). Common examples of BTcP include mouth pain on swallowing due to inflammation of mouth lining (mucositis) or bone pain due to movement.
BTcP can originate from numerous sources (somatic, visceral, or neuropathic) and the cause may be different from the sources of persisting background pain. It may be associated with
Voluntary movements like sitting, standing
Involuntary movements like intestinal distension or
May occur spontaneously
This distinction is relevant as it may encourage more targeted treatment approaches. Up to half of the patients may experience two or more types of BTcP. Sometimes the term episodic pain is used synonymously with breakthrough pain although some researchers ascribe a different meaning to this term.
Another type of BTcP that one commonly encounters is the increased pain that can occur when the effect of painkillers is wearing off, just before the next dose is due. This is addressed as the “end of dose failure.” Some studies include this as a type of breakthrough pain whereas others do not.
Why do we need to treat breakthrough pain?
Breakthrough cancer pain is a common problem and can be associated with a variety of physical, psychological and social complications. Persisting pain often robs the sufferers of their independence and their ability to perform routine tasks, adversely affecting the quality of life. Besides causing suffering, the severity and unpredictability of breakthrough pain can adversely impact one’s confidence level, emotional health, and social interactions. Moreover, it is associated with increased utilization of healthcare and social care services with obvious financial implications.
How do we address this type of pain?
All cancer pain patients should be specifically assessed for the presence of BTcP. Standard pain management & palliative care practice is to prescribe medications for the constant background pain and a separate on-demand dose of pain-relieving measures for breakthrough pain. In BTcP there is no one treatment that works universally and the treatment needs to be individualized.
Selecting the right option requires a fair amount of expertise and familiarity with all the available options. There are a number of factors that need to be taken into account when deciding on the treatment and these include
The underlying cause of pain
Type of pain (nerve pain, nociceptive, mixed)
Pain characteristics (onset, duration, severity)
Predictable or unpredictable
Previous response to pain-relieving medications including opioids (efficacy, tolerability)
Background analgesic medications (may need to be adjusted) and drug interactions
Patient-related factors include age, other organ function, stage of cancer and individual preferences
Cost, availability, and safety aspects
Opioids (morphine-like drugs) are considered the preferred medications for treating BTcP. The profile of the drug selected to treat the BTcP needs to mirror the pain profile one is experiencing. For example, in cases of sudden onset short-lasting pain episodes, drugs like oral morphine may prove to be ineffective as they take 30 to 45 minutes to work. In such a situation rapidly acting drugs are more likely to be useful. A mismatch between pain profile and drug selected is likely to produce poor relief and/or more side effects
The route of drug administration is important as it controls how quickly the pain-relieving effects are apparent. Drugs given directly into the veins have a rapid effect although it requires an intravenous cannula to be present. Alternative routes such as through the nose or by intraoral route (sucking on tablets) of the rightly chosen drugs work within 5 -15 min. The dose of ‘rescue medication’ is determined by individual titration to ensure maximum relief with minimal side effects and may be subject to change over time.
A predictable episode of BTcP triggered by known factors, for example, eating can be managed by a planned administration of medicine prior to the activity taking into account the time taken for the medication to work. Some patients choose to restrict activity to reduce the number of  BTcP episodes.
Once the trial medication has been started, dose titration and regular reassessments are essential. All patients with new BTcP medications should be reevaluated within 48–72 h. Patient education regarding the correct and appropriate use of medications is essential as research evidence demonstrates incorrect usage, misuse/abuse, and underuse in a significant proportion.
Other non-opioid drugs are also useful in the management of BTcP. Examples include anti-inflammatories, benzodiazepines, paracetamol, etc. Preventing and treating BTcP is not just about medications as interventional techniques and non-pharmacological methods are other options that can be helpful.
Tags = Cancer Pain Treatment in Delhi, Pain Management in Delhi, Pain specialist in Gurgaon
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Gynaecologist Services in Gurgaon by Best gynae in Gurgaon
Our Services
She is a well-known Obstetrician and Best Gynaecologist in Gurugram who offers specialized services tailored to women’s health needs. Patients can find compassionate and expert care at the clinic, from high-risk pregnancy care to advanced gynecological treatments. Dr. Preeti Rastogi and her team are dedicated to providing the best possible care for women of all ages.
High-risk Pregnancy
Expert care for delicate pregnancies, ensuring the well-being of both mother and child. High Risk pregnancy management including diabetes, Hypertension, Twin pregnancy, Jaundice and Anemia during Pregnancy.
We provide compassionate support and management of menopausal symptoms for a smoother transition. Consult Best gynecologist in Gurgaon
Comprehensive care for women’s reproductive health needs.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Advanced techniques for smaller incisions, faster recovery, and better outcomes.
Birth Control
Tailored contraceptive options to meet individual needs and preferences.
We are known as the Best Obstetrician in Gurgaon as we provide dedicated care throughout pregnancy and childbirth for a safe and memorable experience.
Cancer Screening
Early detection and prevention of gynecological cancers for better treatment outcomes.
Precise examination and diagnosis of cervical abnormalities.
Ovarian Cysts
Evaluation and management of ovarian cysts to maintain reproductive health.
Pelvic Pain
Identifying and treating underlying causes for improved quality of life.
Specialised care for managing endometriosis-related symptoms and concerns.
Expert management of uterine fibroids for symptom relief and improved well-being.
Solutions for pelvic organ prolapse to restore comfort and function.
Heavy Menstrual Cycle
Diagnosis and treatments to address heavy menstrual bleeding.
Hormone Therapy
Individualized hormone management for hormonal imbalances and related conditions.
Advanced imaging services for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.
Specialized care for pelvic floor disorders and urinary issues.
Comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatments to assist couples in achieving pregnancy.
Vaginal Tightening
Non-surgical procedures for vaginal rejuvenation, restoring confidence and comfort.
 Our Latest Services
At Dr. Clinic, we are committed to staying at the forefront of medical advancements, constantly updating our services to provide the best possible healthcare for our patients. Here are our latest services, including
Modern Hospital – Tertiary Care Center
Our clinic boasts a modern and state-of-the-art hospital facility designed to deliver tertiary care services of the highest standard. It is equipped with the latest medical technology and staffed by a team of experienced and skilled healthcare professionals. Hence, we offer comprehensive and specialized care to address various medical conditions.
 Why choose us?
If you are looking for the Best Gynecologist near me, choose Dr. Preeti Rastogi. Choosing her means entrusting your health to a highly skilled and caring professional dedicated to providing the best care for women’s health needs. There are several compelling reasons to choose Dr. Preeti Rastogi for your healthcare needs, including
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indiamedicaltourism · 15 days
Hip Replacement Surgery India
Hip replacement surgery is a medical procedure in which a damaged part of the hip joint is surgically removed and then replaced by prostheses. The prosthesis is an artificial joint made of metal, hard plastic, and ceramics. Total hip arthroplasty is done to reduce chronic pain and improve mobility in the hip region. The most common reason to get hip replacement surgery is arthritis and insufferable pain. This surgery can be beneficial for people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteonecrosis. This article explores hip replacement surgery costs, the best hip replacement surgery hospitals, and the top hip replacement surgeons in India.
Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in India
Hip replacement surgery cost in India ranges between US$3500 and US$15000 depending upon various factors. This includes the location and reputation of the hospital, and the severity of the damage. A unilateral hip replacement costs US$4000 to US$6000 and a bilateral hip replacement costs US$9000 to US$12000 in India. The price of hip replacement surgery in India is affordable and low cost while being extremely successful. This makes hip replacement surgery in India an ideal option for international patients.
Best Hip Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
India has many hip replacement surgery hospitals with esteemed orthopedic surgeons. The orthopedic hospitals in India provide excellent healthcare facilities, world-class orthopedic surgeons, and state-of-the-art equipment. The best hip replacement surgery hospitals in India offer outstanding services to foreign patients. Here’s a list of some of the best hip replacement surgery hospitals in India:
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi
Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
BLK Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai
Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad
Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Medanta The Medicity, Gurgaon
Top Hip Replacement Surgeons in India
There are several award-winning hip replacement surgeons in India. The medical consultants at Al Afiya Medi Tour can help you find highly experienced and skilled orthopedic surgeons to get the best results. If you are looking to get your hip arthroplasty, here are the top five hip replacement surgeons in India:
Dr. Harshavardhan Hegde - MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), MCh (Orthopaedics)
Dr. Vijay C. Bose - MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), DNB (Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surgery), FRCS (Trauma & Orthopedic Surgery)
Dr. Ashok Rajgopal - MBBS, MS – Orthopaedics, FRCS (General Surgery)
Dr. A. B. Govindaraj - MBBS, FRCS (Fellowship of Orthopedic Surgery)
Dr. Pradeep Bhosale - MBBS, MS (Orthopaedics), DNB (Orthopaedics)
Al AfiyaMedi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation etc. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment, bone marrow transplant cost, best liver transplant hospital, cosmetic and plastic surgery, heart surgery, spine tumor surgery, cancer treatment cost, lung transplant, liver transplant cost, top shoulder replacement surgeons, shoulder replacement surgery cost, hip replacement surgery, best bone marrow hospital, etc.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2024/06/hip-replacement-surgery-india.html
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mymedtrips · 23 days
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeons in India
In a human body the shoulder is the most complicated as well as the most flexible joint. The shoulder connects the upper arms of the body with the torso. It is made up of three bones, they are: the clavicle or the collarbone, the scapula which is also known as the shoulder blade, and the humerus or the upper arm bone, these three bones are interconnected with muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
The shoulder joint which is also known as the glenohumeral joint is the main joint of the shoulder. It consists of a ball and a socket joint which allows the arm to rotate in a circular motion. Thus, the shoulder is the most movable and unsteady joint in the body which often tends to problems like fracture, pain, shoulder dislocation.
Shoulder replacement surgery is done to relieve the shoulder pain or to remove other injuries that damages the shoulder joint. Best shoulder replacement surgery doctors in India recommend shoulder replacement surgery if one is suffering from very bad pain, or one can barely move his arm and shoulder, or one has lost cartilage or is not able to do the daily activities.
Shoulder Replacement Surgery Cost in India
The shoulder replacement surgery cost in India varies from place to place as it depends on multiple factors like hospitals in which the diagnosis is done and the surgeries takes place, best surgeons for shoulder replacement surgery in India have different consultation fees, different cities have different costs. The average cost of shoulder replacement surgery in India is ₹ 3,00,000. The price of shoulder replacement surgery in India maximum counts to ₹ 4,00,000. The economically weaker section people do not get the chance for the shoulder replacement surgery because for them the shoulder replacement surgery price in India is a little bit high, so they go for other ways of treatment.
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgery Hospitals in India
There are many shoulder replacement surgery hospitals in India, among them some are the best hospital for shoulder replacement surgery in India. The best shoulder replacement surgery hospitals in India are: Columbia Asia Hospital in Bengaluru, Max Smart Super Speciality Hospital in New Delhi, Fortis Hospital in Bengaluru and many more.
Best Shoulder Replacement Surgeons in India
Some of the most highly rated doctors for shoulder replacement in India are: Dr. Subhash Jangid of Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurgaon, India, with 25 years of experience; Dr. Vijay Sharma of Medeor Hospital, Delhi, India, with 15 years of experience and Dr. Hemant Gupta from Max Super Specialty Hospital, Ghaziabad with 36 years of experience.
My Med Trip is a top medical tourism company. We provide complete medical and healthcare services with consulting in India for patients from all over the world including South African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, etc. We help you in finding the best hospitals, doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer Kidney, liver, lung, heart, and bone marrow transplants and treatment; shoulder replacement surgery cost in India, knee replacement surgery cost, breast cancer surgery cost, skin cancer treatment, kidney transplant cost, heart transplant, bone marrow transplant cost, heart replacement, best heart hospital in India, knee replacement, top Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/09/best-shoulder-replacement-surgeons-in.html
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anuj1985 · 25 days
Which Conditions Treated by urologist
A urologist is a medical specialist who focuses on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the urinary tract and the male reproductive system. Their expertise spans a range of issues affecting kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and the male organs responsible for reproduction. The role of a urologist is multifaceted, involving patient consultations, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and ongoing patient care. Here is a detailed exploration of what an urologist does, the conditions they treat, and the significance of their work.
Conditions Treated
Urinary Tract Infections:
Urinary Tract Infections are common infections that occur when bacteria, often Escherichia coli, enter the urinary tract. They affect the bladder, urethra, ureters, and kidneys, with cystitis being the most common type. Symptoms include a strong urge to urinate, burning sensation during urination, cloudy or strong-smelling urine, and pelvic pain in women. UTIs are more prevalent in women due to their shorter urethra, which facilitates easier bacterial entry. Risk factors include activity, certain types of birth control, menopause, and urinary tract abnormalities. Diagnosis is typically confirmed through urinalysis and urine cultures. Treatment involves antibiotics to eliminate the infection and recommendations for increased fluid intake to help flush out bacteria. Preventive measures include proper hygiene, urinating after intercourse, and staying well-hydrated. Chronic or recurrent UTIs may require further investigation and management by an urologist.
 Kidney Stones:
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. They develop when urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together. Common types include calcium stones, struvite stones, uric acid stones, and cystine stones. Risk factors include dehydration, certain diets, obesity, and genetic predisposition. Symptoms often include severe pain in the side and back, pain during urination, pink or red urine, nausea, and frequent urination. Treatment options range from increased water intake and pain relievers to medical procedures like shock wave lithotripsy or surgery, depending on the stone’s size and type. Preventative measures include staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet low in salt and animal protein, and maintaining a healthy weight. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to avoid complications such as urinary infections or kidney damage. If you are suffering from any serious kidney disease and the doctor has asked you for kidney transplant, then you must consult Dr. Sumit Sharma once. Doctor Sumit is considered the Best Kidney Transplant Surgeon in Gurgaon.
Prostate Conditions:
Prostate conditions primarily include prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer. Prostatitis, an inflammation often caused by infection, leads to pain and urinary issues. BPH, common in older men, involves the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, causing urinary difficulties. Prostate cancer, one of the most prevalent cancers in men, may present with urinary symptoms or remain asymptomatic in early stages. Diagnosis typically involves physical exams, PSA blood tests, and imaging. Treatments vary from medications and minimally invasive procedures to surgery and radiation, depending on the condition's type and severity. Regular screening and prompt treatment are vital for management.
Male Reproductive Health:
Male reproductive health encompasses the proper functioning of the male reproductive organs, including the testes, penis, prostate, and associated glands and ducts. Key aspects include hormone production, sperm production. Common concerns are erectile dysfunction, infertility, prostate conditions. Maintaining reproductive health involves a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, a balanced diet, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol, and practicing safe sex. Regular medical check-ups and prompt attention to symptoms like pain, swelling, or changes in sexual function are crucial for early detection and treatment of potential issues.
Pelvic Floor Disorders:
Pelvic floor disorders occur when the muscles and connective tissues supporting the pelvic organs weaken or are injured, leading to problems like pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence, and fecal incontinence. Common causes include childbirth, aging, obesity, heavy lifting, and chronic coughing. Symptoms vary but can include a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, urinary urgency, leakage, difficulty emptying the bladder or bowels, and discomfort during sexual activity. Diagnosis often involves physical exams, imaging tests, and urodynamic studies. Treatment options range from lifestyle changes, pelvic floor exercises, and physical therapy to medications, pessary devices, or surgery. Preventative measures include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding heavy lifting, managing chronic coughs, and performing regular pelvic floor exercises. Early intervention is essential to manage symptoms effectively and improve quality of life.
Urologists are integral to the healthcare system, addressing essential aspects of urinary and male reproductive health. Doctor Sumit Sharma is considered to be the Best Urologist in Gurgaon and Best Andrologist in Gurgaon. Their expertise ranges from treating common infections to performing complex surgeries. With ongoing advancements in medical technology and a focus on holistic patient care, urologists continue to improve patient outcomes and contribute significantly to medical science.
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painspecialist · 2 years
Why Does Cancer Cause Pain?
Sources of pain in cancer may not be easy to identify and often require detailed assessment with attention to detail. Identification of the source often holds the key to correct treatment and ability to provide relief. Pain in cancer may originate from
Cancer itself – When cancer grows it damages the tissues. It causes inflammation, unusual stretching, irritation and all this can lead to pain. Like if we talk about a pancreatic cancer, when it grows or stretches it can irritate the diaphragm (main breathing muscle) and that cause shoulder pain
Cancer spread – when cancer grows uncontrollably then it can spread to the nearby or distant body parts like the bone, liver, kidney, lymph nodes etc.
Associated problems like bloating, constipation, blockage of ducts, clotting problems, distention of liver or abdomen etc.
Cancer treatments like radiotherapy or chemotherapy are known to cause nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy. Surgery may also be associated with chronic persistent pain.
Extra stress on other body parts – Often to protect one part of our body, we put pressure on other parts for example using crutches to offload a leg may become the source of shoulder pain as the crutches place extra load on my shoulder
Other coincidental problems – it is not necessary that all pain that every cancer patient suffers is due to cancer. There could be other coincidental problems like in the general population such as arthritis. So it is important to identify not only the type of pain but also the source of pain, before we plan treatment.
Pain related to cancer may have different components such as background pain and breakthrough pain. These need to be taken into account while making treatment plans. Let’s take an example of pain due to pancreatic cancer. These patients may have a constant pain (background pain) and there may be increased pain that comes after eating (breakthrough pain). Breakthrough pain may happen due to provoked or unprovoked factors and when we make a treatment plan it is important to have a plan for breakthrough pain.
TAG :Best Back Pain Doctor in Delhi, Cancer Pain treatment in Delhi, Chronic Post Surgical Pain treatment in Delhi, Cancer Pain treatment in Delhi
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Why Does Cancer Cause Pain? - Removemypain
Sources of pain in cancer may not be easy to identify and often require detailed assessment with attention to detail. Identification of the source often holds the key to correct treatment and the ability to provide relief. Pain in cancer may originate from
Cancer itself – When cancer grows it damages the tissues. It causes inflammation, unusual stretching, irritation and all of this can lead to pain. Like if we talk about pancreatic cancer, when it grows or stretches it can irritate the diaphragm (main breathing muscle), and that causes shoulder pain
Cancer spread – when cancer grows uncontrollably then it can spread to the nearby or distant body parts like the bone, liver, kidney, lymph nodes, etc.
Associated problems like bloating, constipation, blockage of ducts, clotting problems, distention of the liver or abdomen, etc.
Cancer treatments like radiotherapy or chemotherapy are known to cause nerve pain (peripheral neuropathy. Surgery may also be associated with chronic persistent pain.
Extra stress on other body parts – Often to protect one part of our body, we put pressure on other parts for example using crutches to offload a leg may become the source of shoulder pain as the crutches place extra load on my shoulder
Other coincidental problems – it is not necessary that all pain that every cancer patient suffers is due to cancer. There could be other coincidental problems in the general population such as arthritis. So it is important to identify not only the type of pain but also the source of pain before we plan treatment.
Pain-related to cancer may have different components such as background pain and breakthrough pain. These need to be taken into account while making treatment plans. Let’s take an example of pain due to pancreatic cancer. These patients may have constant pain (background pain) and there may be increased pain that comes after eating (breakthrough pain). Breakthrough pain may happen due to provoked or unprovoked factors and when we make a treatment plan it is important to have a plan for breakthrough pain.
Tag = Cancer pain treatment in Delhi, Cancer Pain Treatment in Gurgaon, Pain management centre in Delhi
Read more about Cancer treatment https://www.removemypain.com/cancer-pain.html
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breasthealth · 1 year
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manipalhospital1 · 4 months
Hysterectomy: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Removing Uterus
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Hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus by surgical method. If the uterus is removed along with the cervix it is called complete hysterectomy. If the uterine body is removed leaving behind the cervix, it is called partial hysterectomy. Sometimes the ovaries, fallopian tubes and other surrounding structures are also removed.
Hysterectomy is a major surgical procedure that has risks and benefits and affects the hormonal balance in the body. For these reasons, hysterectomy is only recommended when all other modalities have failed.
What are the types of Hysterectomy?
The type of hysterectomy involves the removal of both the uterus and the cervix. 
Radical Hysterectomy
This type of hysterectomy involves the complete removal of the uterus, cervix, upper vagina and parametrium. Lymph nodes, ovaries and fallopian tubes are also removed in such cases.
Total Hysterectomy
​​​​​​​This is a type of hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus and cervix. It may or may not involve the removal of ovaries. Ovaries are clearly not of prime concern in total hysterectomy.
Subtotal Hysterectomy
​​​​​​​This is a process of removing the uterus, leaving the cervix in situ. Subtotal hysterectomy was introduced with the view to improve sexual functioning after hysterectomy.
Why would you need a hysterectomy?
There are various conditions, where hysterectomy becomes essential and used to treat many women's health conditions:
When uterine fibroids cause pain, uterine bleeding and other problems, hysterectomy becomes necessary, especially when medical management has failed.
There are conditions wherein the uterus slides into the vaginal canal and outside. This is known as uterine prolapse.
Cancer of the uterine, cervix and ovaries.
Endometriosis is a condition where cells from the lining of the uterus appear outside the uterine cavity. It is commonly seen in the reproductive years.
Intractable bleeding after delivery.
Consult with our team of gynecologists in Gurgaon to know more about it.
What are the advantages of a uterus removal?
The advantages of hysterectomy improves the quality of life and psychological outcome:
The main reason for women to undergo hysterectomy is abnormal uterine bleeding.
Hysterectomy relieves abnormal uterine bleeding which is painful and distressing.
Hysterectomy prevents uterine cancer and is a lifesaver for women who have a family history of cancerous growth in their uterus.
Hysterectomy for fibroids in the uterus offers great relief to those who have symptoms like bleeding, cramps, urinary problems etc.
What are the disadvantages of a uterus removal?
The disadvantages of Hysterectomy involve risks associated with abdominal hysterectomy surgery:
Premature menopause is associated with long-term health risks which may include premature death, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease and so on.
Removing the ovaries can cause many health problems including a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, bone weakening and arthritis.
Removal of the uterus can cause chronic pelvic problems, that affect the organ, which cause severe pain in the pelvis.
Contact us now to get the finest treatment at the best gynecologist hospital in Gurgaon. 
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