Caninekin culture is wanting to put your head out of the car window (but not actually doing it because it's risky and even physical dogs shouldn't be allowed to do so).
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Canine culture is missing your mouth/snout the most more than anything else.
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Great Dane Therian/Kin culture is wanting to protect others then realizing that you aren’t in fact a giant guard dog physically (Unfortunately, though I do identify as one physically) and can’t just bite or scare off anyone who hurts you or your loved ones.
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
Canine culture is holding something in your mouth when your hands are full and then forgetting to put it back in your hands when they’re free bc it just feels more natural to be holding it in your mouth
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caninekin-culture-is · 3 months
Canine culture is befriended all cats just to spite the steriotype.
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
caninekin culture is being obsessed with origami claws as a kid
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caninekin-culture-is · 4 months
caninekin culture is yawning with your tongue before realising how silly you probably look
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caninekin-culture-is · 3 months
caninekin culture is wanting to bite your friends affectionately and as a playful thing but you don’t want to seem weird so you just stare at them
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caninekin-culture-is · 4 months
Caninekin culture is drinking your glass of water with your tongue and trying to drink it like a dog drinking from a bowl even though it’s a glass of water and your chin is too wide to fit because you don’t have a muzzle
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
Caninekin culture is having the urge to bear your teeth at every inconvenience.
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Caninekin culture is going outside in the evening only to see a full moon and thinking "Wow, a full moon. In movies, wolves howl at the moon," and then remembering that that's a myth, but now because you're thinking about howling you have to howl and so then you howl at the moon.
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
Canine culture is having really fucked up gnarly crooked and chipped teeth
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
caninekin culture is having to move your phantom tail out of the way to sit down
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caninekin-culture-is · 2 months
Canine culture is pushing your head against your partner’s hand when they stop giving scratchies
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Canine culture is barking at that weird ass squirrel you saw in a Denny’s parking lot at 3:28 in the morning.
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caninekin-culture-is · 3 months
Caninekin culture is meowing as a vocal stim even though you're a canine.
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