#cannabis oil for liver cancer Europe
onlinecannabisoil · 5 years
Medical THC hemp oil is potentially life-changing to cure liver cancer
Could cannabis oil help cure liver disease ?
Liver cancer is a potentially fatal disease characterized by aggressive liver tumor growth. The 5-year survival rate for liver cancer is about 30% at early diagnosis.
If feasible, treatment usually involves surgery, local treatment, or chemo / radiotherapy. Now, new research indicates that cannabis oil to cure liver cancer can also help treat liver tumors.
Are you possibly one who needs another reason to swap the alcohol for cannabis? Research shows that weed could have a profound impact in the treatment of liver disease.
To date in 2019, approximately 28 million Americans have some type of liver illness. In fact, liver disease was ranked at the tenth most collective cause of death in the United States.
And the U.S. is far from alone.
Around the world, liver disease impacts millions of people’s lives which is not widely known.
Meanwhile, research shows cannabis not only alleviates pain and inflammation but also restores liver functioning.
This is huge! If a person’s liver gets brutally damaged e.g. (alcohol / sugar) it then will lose the ability to repair its cells and the entire organ will remain impaired.
So in a nut shell, this is what you need to know about the benefits of cannabis and liver disease.
What is liver cancer?
Liver cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the liver. There are many different types of liver cancer. However, the most common is hepatocellular carcinoma, which affects the main type of liver cells (hepatocytes).
Nutrients, medicines or substances such as alcohol pass through the blood into the liver, where they are processed, stored, modified and detoxified.
Then these substances are returned to the bloodstream so that the body can either use them or release them into the intestine, where they are excreted.
Liver cancer is caused by abnormal cell growth in the liver. These cells eventually adhere together and form a tumor.
As the tumor grows larger, it begins to affect the proper functioning of the liver. Because the liver is so vital to us, a tumor can be a potentially life-threatening hazard.
The most common cause of liver cancer is cirrhosis of the liver, which is caused by hepatitis or alcohol consumption.
Other factors that increase the risk of liver cancer are hepatitis B or C, diabetes, and other hereditary or non-alcoholic liver disease.
The Progression of Liver Disease
To better understand how the benefits of how cannabis can treat liver diseases, it will be beneficial to first look into how the liver functions.
The liver is the largest internal organ in the body and is extremely important for a variety of metabolic processes and different roles in the body including:
1. Processing, delivering and storing food
2. It plays an important role in detoxifying the body eg. cleaning the blood
3. Detoxifying harmful substances
4. It helps to extract nutrients from food (stores them and, if necessary)
5. It delivers nutrients to the cells if need be.
6. Producing of vital nutrients such as bile and much more!
A healthy liver is vital to human life.
However it is a fact that the liver also has an amazing ability to restore itself. A healthy liver can regenerate cells even if it's been damaged.
When an injury occurs to the liver which is too severe or has taken place over an extended period of time, it leads to the loss of this extra ordinary capability.
The liver goes on to eventually create scar tissue.
The first stage of this scarring is fibrosis. The last stage is cirrhosis.
What Causes liver Cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis may happen when the liver produces excess scar tissue from long-term damage.
A healthy liver will regenerate healthy cells. A liver that is unhealthy that over a long time has developed into cirrhosis will automatically regenerate scar tissue.
This scar tissue replaces the healthy cells. This indirectly results in the liver not being able to perform its daily functioning properly.
The longer this cycle continues, the more vicious it becomes. When the cirrhosis has gone to an advanced stage, the scar tissue will start to outnumber the good and healthy tissue.
This process in turn will make it increasingly tougher for the liver to perform its even most basic functions.
Cirrhosis may follow onto a large sum of incapacitating side effects including the following: fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, itching, and even yellowing of the skin.
However, research indicates cannabis can cure liver cirrhosis. In fact, it may even treat the root cause of the condition.
The Role of the Endocannabinoid System
Pic: Your cannabinoid receptors are embedded on the surface of your cells.
Why is cannabis effective for treating liver disease?
This is due to the endocannabinoid system, or ECS.
The ECS, present in both humans and animals, is one of the most important systems in the body.
First discovered in the late 1980s and early 90s, researchers found that the ECS is an expansive network of chemical compounds and receptors.
These receptors, CB1 and CB2, are located throughout the brain, body, organs, and central nervous system.
When working in unison, the receptors in the liver work together to form a signaling system that helps to sustain health & balance among nearly all metabolic processes.
A certain measure of this signaling involves the CB receptors working in conjunction with chemicals produced by the body called endocannabinoids.
When there is a dysfunction in this system, the cannabinoids in cannabis (like THC and CBD) happen to be nature's perfect supplement for the ECS.
Have a look the the following video and how it shows a cirrhosis damaged liver that has been hammered over a period of many years mainly by alcohol abuse and repairs itself from the use of medicinal cannabis oil for liver cancer whereby cells that are damaged heal themselves
Cannabinoids and the Liver
In 2005, researchers from Hebrew University Medical School found that endocannabinoids help modulate inflammatory responses along with vascular changes.
The study revealed endocannabinoids are crucial to neurological functioning and beneficial for people suffering from liver diseases such as cirrhosis and fibrosis.
The researchers from the study concluded:
“Endocannabinoids seem to be involved in numerous aspects of acute & chronic liver disease, as well as vascular changes, modulation of inflammatory process and neurological function.”
In 2012, a study published in cell death and disease revealed CBD (one of several cannabinoids present in cannabis) plays a critical part in the treatment of marijuana oil for liver disease.
During the 10 month course, mice were fed growing amounts various concentrations of different cannabinoids.
Astonishingly, the researchers found that CBD induced apoptosis in HSCs, or hepatic stellate cells. These HCSs responsible in part for the development of scar tissue in the liver are vital.
In other words, the CBD properties from cannabis killed off the harmful cells that lead to the progression of liver disease.
Granted, this study did not involve human subjects. Nevertheless, the results are telling, especially when we look at the research as a whole.
Just take the study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, for example.
In the study, researchers examined the effects of CBD on hepatic encephalopathy, a neuropsychiatric disorder caused by acute or chronic liver failure.
Mice were injected with both thioacetamide and saline in the study. Thioacetamide is a substance that encourages liver fibrosis in mice.
The experimental mice were then treated with one of two possible options - CBD or a vehicle (a substance comparable to that of CBD properties, minus the active element)
During the experiment, researchers discovered that CBD only had the ability to restore neurological & cognitive functioning impaired in thioacetamide-treated mice.
As a matter of fact, CBD alone restored normal liver functioning completely in the mice that were experiencing liver failure.
Upon finishing the study, the researchers concluded:
“Cannabidiol can fully restore liver function, and at the same time, normalizes the 5-HT levels & also relates to improving brain pathology in accordance with the normalization of brain function capacity.
We can then conclude, the effects of cannabidiol may result from an arrangement of its actions in the liver & the brain.”
Imagine for a moment if this same study had been performed on humans. Medicinal companies would likely be very much further in our understanding of medical cannabis oil to be used as a treatment for liver disease.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government still classifies pot as a Schedule I drug with zero medicinal properties. Clearly, the above research reveals the facts to be otherwise.
Medical marijuana oil is life-changing after taken for 4 months in order to cure liver cancer
Many people across the globe are suffering from liver disease right now and medicinal cannabis oil for liver cancer could potentially be the cure doctors cannot prescribe.
Medical cannabis: A new alternative?
Medical cannabis and cancer is a topic that attracts much attention in the medical community. Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD have already received much praise from patients and physicians for the effective treatment of side effects such as nausea, vomiting and pain.
However, research shows that these cannabinoids hide much more power in themselves.
Research into the effects of cannabinoids on cancer dates back to the late 1980s, with some studies showing that THC is able to stop the maturation process of damaged cultured liver cells. Since then, an increasing number of studies are trying to capture how cannabinoids can help cure liver cancer with cannabis oil.
Share this article if you are of the belief cannabis contains valuable medicinal properties.
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Desi Tips Vlogs
CBD (Cannabidiol) is derived from oil hemp. Many people indulge in cannabis, but the herb is a very different plant. Marijuana and cannabis can share the same scientific name, Cannabis sativa, but they are not the same. Marijuana is cultivated primarily for its psychoactive cannabinoid, a chemical compound called tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, for recreational and pharmaceutical uses. Marijuana contains both THC and CBD. Only THC is detected in cannabis, which is less than 0.3% compared to the heavy 5-35% of cannabis. The main cannabinoid in cannabis is CBD, but there are more than 100 cannabinoids in cannabis, as well as a compound that produces flavors and aromas called terpenes (such as the aroma of orange citrus, the unique aroma of pine trees, or lavender). Sweet Flower Aroma). For thousands of years, hemp has been cultivated for food, clothing, fiber, and fuel. It is one of the oldest pet crops in the world. In the early days, cannabis was an important crop in the United States During the 1700s, colonial farmers used to add hemp mainly because of its strong fiber. However, cannabis production was interrupted when the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed. Mainstream attitudes about cannabis have had a profound effect on the negative. The cannabis became "bad grass" because it produces the same species as marijuana, although it does not contain THC in large quantities of marijuana. Over the years, many people have speculated that the root cause of the anti-cannabis campaign has emerged over the fear that cannabis could become a low-cost alternative to the pulp. The American industrialist William Randolph Hurst and the DuPont family had a large investment in the wood and newspaper industries. They started a campaign to destroy the profitable hemp market, fearing that the increase of hemp would reduce their profits. However, years later, it was found that the cellulose does not have enough concentration to become a paper substitute for cannabis. After that long, hemp finally got its legal status in the US after the approval of the Farm Bill in 2018. Fungi, defined as less than 0.3 TH THC, are removed from Schedule I controlled substances. Products obtained from hemp are legal as long as they come from licensed hemp growers. More and more universities and hospitals have begun to study. Americans can now use CBD legally. It can be ordered online and shipped to all 50 states. The laws of marijuana are changing rapidly throughout the United States. Although it is still illegal at the federal level, many states have legalized marijuana. For the rest of the states, some have allowed it for medical use and some for recreational use. Human Endocana Benoid System (ECS)The cannabinoids that are made by our own body are called endocannabinoids (meaning "endo" inside). In the 1990s, researchers made a surprising discovery that ECS plays an important role in our overall health.ECS maintains constant contact with every organ system in the body. This communication involves messenger molecules called endocannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors on each cell that accept them. Think of it as a "key and lock" system. Receptor locks and endocannabinoids are keys that bind to and unlock these receptors. There are two main types of receptors within the ECS. Researchers found more than a thousand receptors in the body. CB1 receptors are located largely on the brain and spinal nerve cells as well as the eye and retina. CB2 receptors are mainly found in the immune system and organs and tissues such as the brain, spleen, blood cells, gastrointestinal and urinary tract. The body produces two types of endocannabinoids - Anandamide and 2-Ag. They are transported to cells via CB1 and CB2 receptors. As we age, the body becomes less efficient in producing anandamide and 2-AG. Proper functioning of the ECS also depends on the amount of omega 3 in the diet. Many people have experienced a feeling of "high" after intense exercise. Pickup mode comes from the release of endorphins. Researchers now know that it is also due to an increase in anandamide, which primarily targets CB1 receptors and, to a lesser extent, CB2 receptors. The second endocannabinoid, 2-AG, transmits signals to brain cells and activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors. 2-AG supports brain health, immune health as well as insulin sensitivity. Researchers have now discovered that both endocannabinoids, anandamide, and 2-AG, have a significant impact on many functions, including hunger, energy and balance, immunity, memory, metabolism, nervous system, sleep, and stress response.
Evidence of CBD health benefits
The hemp plant contains more than 100 cannabinoids. These compounds are closely similar to human endocannabinoids. The major cannabinoid in cannabis is CBD, and in marijuana, THC.
Unlike THC, CBD does not directly bind to our cannabinoid receptors. However, it stimulates the activity of both CB1 and CB2 receptors without directly tapping into them. National Institute of Health studies has found that CBD causes the body to release more and more endocannabinoids, especially 2-AG. Furthermore, CBD prevents the degradation of anandamide.
Scientists have now begun to discover many health benefits of CBD.
Childhood epilepsy
CBD has been pressurized for a variety of health benefits, but the strongest scientific evidence of this is the two drug-resistant childhood epilepsy conditions, namely the Lennox-Gast syndrome (LGS) and the Dravet syndrome. (DS) the treatment has its effect. The FDA recently approved for the first time epileptic derivatives from the CBD for these conditions. In several studies, CBD has been able to reduce the number of seizures, and in some cases, it has been able to completely prevent them.
Relieving pain
CBD can offer an alternative to the treatment of various types of chronic pain: fibromyalgia, gout, HIV, multiple sclerosis, neuropathic and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have found that applying CBD oil directly to the problem area helps reduce pain and swelling. CBD works by affecting cannabinoid receptor activity in the body, reducing inflammation, and interacting with neurotransmitters.
Researchers also found that subjects do not tolerate the effects of CBD, so there is no need for a constant dose increase. Unlike some pain medicines, CBD is not addictive and has no addictive effects, giving more relief to people who suffer from chronic pain.
An oral spray called Cetix, a combination of CBD and THC has been approved to treat multiple sclerosis-related pain and musculoskeletal disorders in several countries in Europe and Canada (but not in the United States). Is gone
Another controlled study found that sex significantly increased pain, restfulness and sleep quality during movement in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Anxiety and depression
Clinical trials have revealed that both marijuana and CBD can be effective in reducing various types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Stress disorder (PTSD) included.
Not only did the study participants feel better, but they also reported fewer academic impairments and anxiety. Scientists suggest that in addition to affecting the endocannabinoid system, CBD may also affect receptors involved in serotonin modulation, a chemical messenger that plays a role in controlling anxiety.
In addition, some studies also show that CBD reduces depression and contributes to psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. (Please note that none of the marijuana helps, and in fact, it can worsen psychology.)
Cancer Symptoms
Researchers found that cancer patients treated with marijuana-related CBD and THC suffered a significant reduction in pain. In addition, the one-to-one combination of CBD and THC administered by mouth spray reduced the side effects associated with cancer treatments such as nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.
Currently, more research is needed on whether CBD alone can produce the best results.
Several cell culture studies have shown that cannabinoids slow down tumor growth, reduce tumor invasion, and reduce tumor cell death in various types of cancer, including the brain, blood, breast, colon, pancreas, and prostate. It can attract people to the world.
Scientists believe that CBD works by potentially disrupting energy cancer cells, making the body's immune response more sensitive, and by discovering a new cannabinoid-related cancer pathway. However, human trials are needed before drawing more conclusions.
Other potential CBD benefits
Reduces blood pressure (caution if taking blood pressure medications) LDL (bad) lowers cholesterol and total cholesterol. It lowers uric acid levels and reduces gout symptoms. It helps with insomnia due to the effects of relaxation and anxiety. It helps people quit smoking and is a cure for people with opioid addiction. Reducing neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). Some research suggests that CBD can protect brain cells from damage and oxidative stress. Initial results have been widely positive, but more studies are needed. Type 1 and Type 2 reduce the chances of developing diabetes, especially in the early stages of the disease (no human trials yet). Symptoms of inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease (not yet a human test).
CBD Side Effects and Safety
CBD is generally well tolerated and rarely produces side effects. However, some people may want to take additional precautions, including:
People with weakened immune systems. In cell studies, CBDT and B were associated with reduced immune cell activity, therefore, increasing the chances of infection and increasing the incidence of HIV, tumor growth, metastasis, and asthma. People who take medicines. CBD can reduce the activity of liver enzymes, called cytochrome P450, which is responsible for metabolizing more than 60 percent of the recommended drugs. Consult your doctor to rule out any interactions as CBD can increase and decrease the effects of your medication. Use caution when combining CBD with herbs or herbs in dietary supplements. There is limited research on this type of interaction. Use caution when combining CBD with alcohol. Most people who use CBD do not report any side effects, but some may include a slight decrease in blood pressure, dry mouth, lightheadedness, drowsiness, gastrointestinal disorders, loss of appetite, and mood changes. Is.
Pregnant, lactating women and children
Currently, research on the safety of CBD use for pregnant and lactating women as well as children is lacking. Please consult your doctor before using it.
Avoid the use of hashish during pregnancy. Studies suggest that THC can disrupt the formation of neuronal networks and may result in congenital disorders related to the nervous system. Adolescents should not use cannabis because THC can affect their developing brains.
Important Considerations When Buying CBD Oil
Don't shop at retailers selling on Amazon. It is difficult to verify the authenticity and quality of the product. It's better to buy the next batch of the USA from licensed farmers. China is now a major exporter of CBD oil and more than 10% of its global market. Only buy CBD products that use the whole herb plant, not artificial and isolate, because the whole plant has a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, the active compounds that give the plant its flavor and aroma. Herbalists believe that terpenes in cannabis interact with cannabinoids to create an "enterprising effect" that exacerbates the detrimental effects of each individual ingredient. Only use pesticides and herbicides using ecological farming methods. Make sure that hemp is processed using CO2 extraction, which is soft, clean and does not use hard solvents, EtO (ethylene oxide) or gamma radiation. This method does not require heat, and the whole spectrum of cannabinoids remains in the mixture. Only buy CBD products that are natural and contain no additives, preservatives, emulsifiers or flavors. When buying CBD oil, the label should indicate how much CBD is in the bottle (in milligrams or mg) and its concentration (eg 1 drop = 2.4 mg CBD). Only buy from a company that provides third-party lab-certified test results for every batch of CBD sold. Since CBD Oil is not regulated, there is no guarantee that the consumer will get what is being advertised by a company. The Certificate of Analysis (COA) confirms that the product actually holds exactly what it claims as well as the concentration of CBD. This should include analysis showing the level of pesticides, herbicides, mold, fungi, mycotoxins, and heavy metals in the product. If the company cannot produce a COA, do not buy its product.
How to Use CBD Oil
First and foremost, CBD oil is not addictive. The US federal government contributes approximately 4% to THC addiction. CBD is zero. So leaving a cool turkey will not be a problem.
In addition, because there has never been an overdose death of cannabis, it is because our cerebral baggage, which controls our heart and breath, contains hardly any cannabinoid receptor. (Vaping safety is a separate issue that is still under investigation.)
CBD oil can be taken orally, orally or topically. Put the tongue down for a minute before swallowing. Add in drinks, drinks or smoothies for oral use. For topical use, apply the oil directly to the problem area.
Effective dosage varies from person to person and can be different for every illness or disorder.
For pain, the majority of CBD users consume between 10 and 30 mg of CBD daily. The first day start with 5 mg CBD. If you do not feel any positive effect, add 5 mg the next day. Repeat this process for several days until you know the positive results.
For a psychotic disorder such as anxiety or depression, start with an initial dose of 2 mg daily. Increase to 2 mg every day until you see positive results.
Consistency is the most important part of taking CBD oil. It is good to split the drops between morning and night, and almost at the same time every day. Make it together. From there, you can adjust the number of drops up or down as you begin to see the effects on your body.
Drug testing
As required by US law, full-spectrum CBD oil contains less than 0.3 TH THC. However, depending on the drug test and the sensitivity of the individual, it is possible that anyone using a full-spectrum CBD oil can test positive for THC.
Now CBD is legal in the US, it comes from hemp and doesn't give you "height". It contains less than 0.3% of THC, a psychoactive compound in marijuana. CBD is addictive and the body does not tolerate it. Studies show that CBD is quite safe and its adverse effects are minimal. However, if you have a weak immune system or are taking any medication, consult your doctor before using CBD. Use caution if you are drinking alcohol or using herbs or herbs. Pregnant and lactating women and children should consult their doctors before using CBD. There are now two medicines derived from CBD. One of two rare forms of childhood epilepsy and one for multiple sclerosis. CBD has natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties. CBD can be helpful in reducing anxiety among people with certain disorders. CBD, combined with THC, is effective in alleviating cancer and cancer treatment symptoms. The hemp tries to suck all the harmful chemicals from the soil. Therefore, it is appropriate that CBD oil comes from plants that grow using organic and sustainable farming practices. Buy CBD products that are the essence of the entire plant (not synthetic or isolated) using CO2 extraction that maintains a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes. Carol Chuang is a Certified Nutritionist. He holds a Master's Degree in Nutrition and is a Certified Glow Ain Practitioner. She specializes in metabolic typing and functional diagnostic nutrition.
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lonnylogue934 · 4 years
Barneys Blue Cheese Seeds
The Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Homeland Security has joined local police in the investigation, the suspect is a Jamaican man who purchased the plane only weeks before the incident. The man is believed to not only have a pilots license, but a long drug related police record as all right. Police believe the man knows someone nearby who end up being harboring him seen how searching has turned up nothing. Eat avocado and no, don't steer off it since fat. The fat in avocado wonderful and considered in nutrition circles as "healthy Fat". Avocado most likely richest in fiber in particular those that are fully ripe. Actually the a lot more mature it gets the better the fiber. Its 1 individuals rare food which can be really filling without calories. Similar to coffee avocados are extremely rich in antioxidants not as much the caffeine consumption. It is also an excellent involving Omega 3 fatty fatty acids. Avocados could be a complete meal when along with milk. You'll find it blends extremely well with numerous diverse associated with food like salads, guacamole, tortilla other people. This is not a boring health food. Keeping a on alright, so what we are eating is amazingly important to overall wellbeing. We should ban processed food from what we eat and opt for natural diet items. Organic extracts should be consumed continually. Consume all plant food colors possible in a healthy manner.
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
While we know it best for the bitter flavour it imparts to beer, we celebrate hops as an increasingly valuable herbal medicine – and as the 2018 International Herb of the Year.
Step into a hop field and you will witness a gorgeous feat of herbal engineering. Whether flourishing in towering lush columns or luxuriously sprawled on garden trellises, Humulus lupulus displays strength and beauty. Pungent and sharp, hops’ unique bouquet creates an impression, while its remarkable medicinal properties have stood the test of centuries. It’s no wonder that The International Herb Association has chosen hops as 2018’s Herb of the Year.
Garden Growth
Many folks are surprised to learn that Humulus lupulus is a member of the Cannabinaceae family, a small group of aromatic flowering plants that includes the cannabis genus. Both share some similar sedative characteristics; however, hops have a much milder effect. Native to Northern Europe, hops was widely cultivated for beer brewing, with England’s southeastern region once the largest exporter. An introduced species to Scotland and Ireland hops now thrives in most countries throughout the northern hemisphere, Asia, and Australia.
Growing from a stout branched root, Humulus is a hardy perennial and vigorous climber, reaching at least 20 feet in a growing season. Its fibrous yet flexible stems contain downward-pointing bristles that facilitate its twining growth, placing hops in the category of “bine” instead of a vine. Rough and stalked, its dark-green serrated leaves are heart-shaped and often lobed. Lower leaves are opposite; upper leaves exhibit single or alternate leaf patterns.
Being dioecious {male or female}, both plants are needed for pollination. Female plants produce catkins or strobiles one-and-a-quarter-inch lovely, yellow-green oblong bracts with papery overlapping scales. Inside these bracts, glands hold powdery, golden pollen containing lupulin, the source of hop’s bitter character. Hops are harvested at summer’s end for brewing and medicine.
Hops prefer partial to full sun and deep rich soil, growing in Zones 5-10. Plant them in rows 7-8 feet apart, training the bines to climb lines or other supported structures. Cut back bines to the ground every fall after harvest. If you’re cultivating it for home use, be careful. Hops are very invasive.
Hops in History
The name Humulus lupulus is believed to originate from humus {rich soil} and lupulus, from the Latin lupus, meaning wolf. Its common name hops derive from the Anglo-Saxon hoppan, meaning “to climb.”
Scientists discovered its distinct yellow pollen in excavated prehistoric sites in Britain, revealing its use by ancient people. Hops grew in popularity over the centuries, in part because of medieval beer brewers, who began using the strobiles in the 19th-century. Before hops, brewers used “gruit,” a mix of bitter aromatic herbs such as mugwort, ground ivy, dandelion, and wormwood to flavor their ale. When brewers discovered that hops preserved the ale while imparting a pleasant flavor, they soon began to replace these other herbs. Rumours also circulated that some gruit contained hallucinogenic, aphrodisiacal herbs {perhaps due to the thujone content found in wormwood}, while hops tended to quell the male libido, making it “safer” to consume. By the 14th-century, brewers used hops almost exclusively. The rest of northern Europe adopted this practice, sparking the large-scale cultivation of hops that still exists today.
Hops were not without its detractors, however. Henry VI and Henry VIII both banned it, calling it a “wicked weed that spoils the taste of the drink and endangers the people.” Hildegard von Bingen wrote that hops were “not very useful in benefiting man because it makes melancholy grow and weighs down his inner organs.”
Despite its critics, hops were well-established for centuries as a medicinal herb, serving as a treatment for a myriad of symptoms. Medicinal beers or “draughts” were brewed with hops and other herbs to ease pain and settle nerves and digestion. In 1653, Nicholas Culpepper recommended hops for the “heat of the liver and stomach” as well as for skin infections and headache. In England, they combined it with bread to make a poultice for stubborn sores and ulcers. Pillows of hops were prescribed to guide some of our most distinguished world leaders off to dreamland, including King George III and Abraham Lincoln.
English and Dutch colonists brought European hops to North America in 1629, where Native American tribes were already using our wild species, Humulus lupulus var. lupuloides in warm poultices for an earache and dental pain, and to ease the discomfort of pneumonia. A tea from the blossoms provided sedation and relief from intestinal pain, fever, and urinary disorders.
The United States Pharmacopoeia {1831-1916} listed hops as a treatment for anxiety, but it was used for almost every ill: as an external poultice to relieve chest colds, internally for bronchitis, and inhaled for sore throats. Mixed with lobelia and thornapple {Datura stramonium or jimsonweed} it remedied constipation. As a tea, it relieved headaches, menstrual pain, indigestion, and cystitis. A hops mouthwash targeted thrush, and flannels dipped in a hot infusion served as a compress for mumps. More strangely, people applied hops in heated bags to the wrists and feet to sweat fevers and sometimes fried it in lard to apply if for breast pain.
Hops Stranger Side
For generations, folk remedies included hops. It was believed that placing a hops-filled pillow under your bed would alleviate rheumatism, and women wore an amulet bag filled with hops around the neck to prevent morning sickness. One interesting custom suggested visiting a hops vine for seven consecutive mornings and biting the end of a shoot to cure epilepsy.
Traditional lore associated hops with sleep, dreams, and protection against bewitchment. Often people blamed malevolent forces and night visitations for their interrupted sleep and nightmares, and hops-filled pillows yet again came to the rescue, sometimes combined with other sedative herbs to promote peaceful sleep and ward off night terrors. Mothers would wash nursery room floors with a strong infusion of hops to help fussy children sleep through the night. Burning the herb at night also served to ward off evil spirits. Mixing hops and calendula flowers in a pillow would grant the sleeper dreams of lucky numbers. Combined with other “dreamy” herbs like mugwort and lavender, hops could stimulate vivid imagery and promote dream recall. In Celtic folklore, hops were connected to the wolf spirit, used to both conjure and tame this wild energy.
Modern Medicine
If beer makes you sleepy, blame it on the hops. Its soporific, nervine effect is a go-to remedy when nothing else works for stubborn insomnia. Hops relax the whole nervous system, calming anxiety, stress, and even nervous digestive disorders, thanks to its components humulone and lupulone, which mimic the active chemical in valium. In 2013, a study from the Indian Journal of Pharmacology found that hops combined with valerian and passionflower had an equal effect on sleep latency {the amount of time it takes to fall asleep}, sleep length, and night-waking as zolpidem [AAmbien}. And it’s considered a safe short-term alternative.
Aromatic and bitter hops is a classic digestive remedy. Because it stimulates gastric juices, it promotes healthy appetite and assimilation, while its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties relax the smooth muscles to ease painful gas and cramping, especially when associated with anxiety. This bitter property also makes it an excellent hepatic, increasing the flow of bile and toning the liver, encouraging optimal function. Traditionally, a cold infusion of hops was taken one hour before a meal to activate absorption, and sherry steeped in hops created a superb vintage digestif.
Hops’ antibacterial and antiseptic properties have been a proven, time-honoured remedy in eradicating intestinal parasites in humans and livestock.
Hormone Balance:
A 2016 study conducted by the midwifery department of Tabriz University in Iran confirmed the traditional use of hops for hormonal difficulties. A randomised placebo control group used to evaluate Humulus extract on menopausal symptoms found that women taking the extract had significantly fewer hot flashes than women in the placebo group. Researchers concluded that hops can be an effective treatment for early menopausal symptoms.
Yet these hormonal virtues aren’t limited to women. Preliminary research in Germany discovered that the flavanoid called xanthohumol found in hops blocks testosterone, thought to be a contributing factor in the onset of prostate cancer, prompting further investigation.
Pain Relief:
Less well known are the anodyne {pain-relieving} qualities of hops. Myrcene, humulene, and caryophyllene, the primary terpine properties in the herb, work together to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Combined with valerian, hops has made its way into traditional cough syrups to alleviate pain and calm spasmodic coughs that can accompany colds, flu, and allergies. Hops may be used internally and externally as a poultice or compress to soothe the inflammation and discomfort from cramps {including menstrual cramping}, and the pain of arthritis, earaches, and dental issues.
Wound Healing and More:
Topically, a hops poultice effectively alleviates chronic skin inflammations, mild wounds, ringworm, eczema, and painful swelling. In 2014, researchers found that the bracts of the hops strobile contain antioxidants that inhibit the dental bacteria responsible for cavities and gum disease. Recently, hops has become a trendy addition to natural deodorants for eliminating odour-causing microbes.
Essential Oil of Hops:
Sharp, bitter, earthy, and the hints of citrus, essential oil {EO} of hops is intriguing. The terpines concentrated in the oil create a highly antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedating, and pain-relieving action. For inhalation, hops EO works best when diffused, calming nerves, insomnia, and respiratory issues. To boost its effectiveness on sleeplessness, apply several drops to your pillowcase. For topical pain relief or to alleviate skin irritations, add a few drops to a soothing salve, carrier oil, or unscented lotion. Because its fragrance may not appeal to everyone, hops blends well with citrus oils, balsams, pines, nutmeg [also excellent for insomnia}, and spicy scents.
Hops Flower Essence:
To those needing a boost of self-esteem, youthful energy, and balance, hops flower essence imparts its exuberance and robust “personality.” Hops renew enthusiasm for living, creativity, new ideas, and travel while keeping one focused and centred. Great for overactive, frenetic minds, the herb helps to corral scattered energy, providing a feeling of control. Hops flower essence is wonderful for adults and adolescents who experience chronic over-stimulation, but also fatigue caused by this long-term, jittery stress.
Pregnant and nursing women, prepubescent children, those with estrogen-sensitive diseases, and those on hormonal medications should avoid hops due to its phytoestrogen content. This herb is contraindicated in people suffering from depression. Hops may interfere with sedative medications and alcohol.
Throughout history, hops has been a venerable staple in home remedies. The next time you’re struggling with sleep, anxiety, or a case of nervous digestion, consider reaching for hops. This time-tested herb may just provide the relief you need.
In this recipe, we temper strong hops and dandelion with chamomile and warming ginger for a vinegar that you can use as a mild digestive bitter or add to vegetables and salads. Use malt vinegar for sweetness [hops and malt are a traditional combination} or apple-cider vinegar for a crisper taste.
1 part hops {to taste}
1 part chamomile {to taste}
1/2 part dandelion leaf
1/4 part dry ginger root
1/8 part dried orange peel
Malt or apple-cider vinegar
In a glass jar combine herbs and cover to top with vinegar. Cap with a plastic or glass cover {vinegar is corrosive}. Store in a warm place for one to five days, shaking often, and testing for desired strength. Starin and bottle. Keep in the refrigerator for up to a year.
In combination, hops and valerian create a powerful sleep remedy. The addition of passionflower and skullcap quiets overactive minds and relaxes the body. Use this during bouts of insomnia to help facilitate peaceful, restorative sleep.
1 part hops
1 part valerian root
1/2 part passionflower
1/2 part skullcap
Combine herbs in a canning jar of your choice and cover with your favourite 80- to 100-proof alcohol to the top and cover. Store in a warm, dark place, shaking often, for four to six weeks. Strain and bottle. Dose: 20-30 drops one hour before bed and again upon retiring. Repeat dosage if you awake during the night. Use for up to two weeks.
Try this for a bittersweet zesty cocktail, aperitif, or with mineral water. For extra zing, add a pinch of freshly grated ginger.
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup honey
2 Tbls dried hops
1 tsp fresh lemon zest
Combine water and honey over low heat until well-mixed. Add hops and lemon zest. Remove from the heat, stir, cover, and steep 30 minutes. Test; if you prefer a stronger flavor, steep longer.
Get creative with this craft pillow, using different fabrics. These pillows also make great gifts for loved ones struggling to find sleep.
2 parts dried hops
2 parts dried lavender
2 parts dried mugwort
1 part dried chamomile
1 part dried roses
1/2 part dried marjoram
1/2 part dried catnip
Combine these aromatic, relaxing herbs and spoon into a 4 x 4-inch pillowcase, muslin bag, or sock. Secure the open side and place next to your pillow at bedtime for calming sleep and pleasant dreams.
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onlinecannabisoil · 5 years
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Medical marijuana oil to cure liver cancer is fast becoming recognized as a very important medicine for liver diseases. Increasingly day by day, it is being seen as a potential treatment for many different conditions of the liver. This includes cirrhosis of the liver as well as fatty liver diseases. Cannabis oil to cure liver cancer
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meganmariedeighan · 5 years
Is CBD Liquid legally available in Germany?
ingredients Much more important than taste aspects are the ingredients used to assess the quality. A top product is characterized by the use of high quality ingredients. Equally important is that the CBD Liquid has undergone quality control and has a corresponding test certificate. CBD e-liquids usually consist of five ingredients: in addition to the CBD, they also contain propylene glycol, known as E 1520, glycerine, known as E 422, natural flavors and distilled water. Nicotine-containing liquids also contain nicotine. The latter is rather to classify as negative in terms of health. The aromas are usually taken deeper moves. Nicotine can cause all the more fatal health damage.
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Amount of CBD included
An important quality criterion is the amount of contained CBD. Many of the CBD E-Liquids available today contain an amount of 100 milligrams of carrier compound composed as indicated above. However, the CBD content can be very different. The CBD dosages range from 50 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams. Beginners of the Vapen should start with a low CBD dose, because the CBD is absorbed very quickly during the vaping, and has a strong effect even at relatively low doses. In addition, at higher doses, more side effects are to be expected. The organism needs some time to get used to an increased CBD intake. Anyone wishing to use the most effective CBD Liquid for severe pain or a neurological condition must purchase appropriate liquids in higher doses after the acclimation phase.
The CBD contained in CBD Liquid addresses the body's own cannabinoid receptors. Thanks to its wide distribution throughout the body, it has effects on the psyche, the brain and the organism. However, the idea that the effect of CBD on the brain is similar to THC is illusory. However, one of the big advantages of e-liquids is the fast-acting effect. The inhalation of the E-Liquids generates an effect entry after just a few seconds. This is beneficial for chronically ill people who suffer from severe discomforts such as pain or the like. In such cases, it is particularly important to have a high CBD content and a very good quality of the liquid.
In the case of cancer, it must be questioned whether a high-quality and high-dose CBD e-liquid is sufficient in its effect, or whether the doctor should talk about one of the now prescription-only available CBD preparations with THC content. The prescription of such cannabis medication for concomitant treatment is often only possible in the final stage of a cancer.
Ingredients, THC content and aroma
Some of the questions about this topic section have already been answered in the previous chapter. With regard to the ingredients, it has to be stated that CBD is currently subject to a media hype. There is also the opportunity to realize high profit margins by trading in liquids. Therefore, it is reasonably close that some foreign manufacturers of liquids could use inferior or stretched vehicles and low quality flavors. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a reputable and certified CBD dealer from Europe.
The THC content of e-liquids in Germany has clear legal requirements that must be complied with. E-liquids, like all other CBD products, should never contain more than 0.2 percent THC. With the Vapen you notice this small THC portion possibly faster than with other dosage forms. As a rule, however, it is not noticed at all, for example in the multiply purified CBD isolates. So who buys CBD and hopes that he will get high, is subject to a mistake.
CBD liquids are not to be regarded as intoxicants, but rather as medical adjunct therapy usable. The liquids are often used for the self-treatment of chronic ailments, and for the reduction of painkillers and similar side-effect drugs. In case of doubt, the use of CBD E-Liquid should be discussed with the attending physician.
With regard to the flavors used in the CBD Liquids Test, there are currently no findings on the health benefits or possible sequelae. Potentially, however, there are inhalation risks associated with long-term use of flavored e-liquids, which hardly anyone is aware of. Whether vaping with flavored liquids can cause or aggravate intolerance or allergy to fragrances in sensitive people is unknown.
The fact is that the flavors contained in an e-liquid with CBD have to have a food suitability according to the legislator. Nevertheless, the debate on the potential health hazards of flavored CBD liquids is controversial. It is therefore worthwhile to use the arguments of both sides in order to come to a personal judgment regarding possible risks. Which interest group stands behind the pros and cons, but for a medical layman is hardly comprehensible.
As a precaution, people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma or COPD should rather test the non-flavored CBD Liquid, but choose the pure CBD Liquid with no flavors and nicotine content. The same applies to people who suffer from chronic fragrance intolerances. From our point of view, the fragrances used present a comprehensible health risk if they are present in nicotine-containing e-liquids. The inhalation of nicotine is likely to be much lower, because it just tastes good. Every consumer is well informed today about the dangers of long-term nicotine consumption.
Use, intake, dosage during smoking or vaporization?
CBD "steaming" is generally considered to be the most efficient and healthy way to enjoy CBD consumption - provided the consumer chooses nicotine-free e-liquids. The fast-acting effect of vaping does its job. The vaporizers are already considered a success story. From the point of view of the manufacturers, they even represent the "future of the green industry". In the vaporizers, many see a healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes. There are no combustion residues in the vape that can be inhaled.
Cannabidiol has brought to the fore a whole new cannabis target. Not everyone wants to use the psychoactive substance THC to relax and get rid of stress consequences. CBD offers all the benefits of hemp to these consumers - minus the disadvantages that the THC-induced intoxication can bring with continuous use. In addition, the vaping is the most efficient use for CDB. The bioavailability of the CBD is higher in the vape than usual. For most CBD products, only a relatively small proportion of the consumed CBD enters the bloodstream.
CBD products are expected to have a percent oral bioavailability of about 15 percent. On average, only about 14 milligrams of 100 milligrams of cannabidiol enter the bloodstream. The rest is stored in body fat because it is not water soluble. To calculate is also the so-called "first pass effect", which occurs with oral CBD intake. Ingestion via the mouth - for example in a drink - causes the passage of CBD through the digestive tract. The liver eliminates part of the CBD and thus reduces its availability. However, intestinal transit can be circumvented by sublingual administration. This CBD oil is placed under the tongue.
However, when vaping or vaporizing CBD liquids, oils or flowers, we have the best method available to avoid such a high loss of bioavailability. Because here, the CBD can get directly into the lungs and into the bloodstream. The "first-pass effect" is completely nullified when evaporating CBD Liquid. Thus, four times more CBD can be taken from an e-liquid. The bioavailability of CBD increases with the vaping to 50-60 percent. In other words, it takes a much smaller amount of CBD liquid to achieve the same effect that the CBD consumer would have made with four times the amount of oral CBD oil.
Another advantage is that no meal can delay the absorption and the onset of action when steaming. When CBD evaporates oil or e-liquid with high cannabidiol content, the effect is significantly faster. That can make a difference from half an hour to half an hour. The dose of CBD may be different for a 100 milliliter capacity liquid bottle of the same size. There are 100 milliliter bottles with 25 milligrams of CBD, up to a CBD share of 500 milligrams. Basically, CBD beginners should always choose the lowest dose of 10-15 milligrams of CBD. After the acclimation phase, the dose can be increased if necessary.
The vaporizer (or vape pen) is a great way to spare your scratchy throat from smoking cigarettes with hemp ingredients. The vapors of inhaled CBD oil from a vaporizer are significantly milder. In addition, the oil or liquid can be better dosed, and controlled in the effect.
Is CBD Liquid legally available in Germany?
CBD e-liquids, and all other CBD products on the market, are legal, as long as the THC content is proven to be below 0.2 percent. But that only applies to the CBD. The THC is still a drug of intoxication, and therefore illegal. It is subject to the Narcotics Act. Legal, but prescriptive and only in the final stages of a fatal disease, some already approved drugs with CBD and THC content can be used.
Watch out for travelers who want to take their CBD and vaporizers abroad. In Thailand, for example, all THC products are strictly prohibited. Even a CBD liquid could lead to an arrest here because of its minimal residual THC content. This could potentially be the case in other travel destinations. To be on the safe side, CBD should not be consumed in such travel countries. One indication is the countries in which CBD may already be legally consumed. In all other travel countries there could potentially be problems with it - especially since CBD has not been publicly known and accepted as medically usable drugs.
Often CBD is considered as a dietary supplement, so that a medical use is considered unassignable. Possibly this will complicate the sale of CBD preparations in Germany in the future, or provide conditions. Even the aromatization removes the CBD-containing liquids from being regarded as an approved drug with proven effects.
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What should consumers pay attention to when buying?
In essence, this has already been answered elsewhere. When buying should always be paid to high quality. CBD e-liquids should only be purchased from online merchants in Europe who are trustworthy. From the consumer's point of view, Scandinavian or Swiss manufacturers are currently in the lead with good to excellent qualities. In Europe, high manufacturing standards are likely. In addition, European e-liquid manufacturers are subject to many regulations and controls that are not available in Asia or Africa. Over-priced e-liquids can not meet these standards. In our CBD Liquid Test you will find the best product.
CFD crystals test
CBD Liquid Test and Leaderboard at the top of this page.
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moxxart · 7 years
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I so wish I knew about CBD for dogs and had done the research I have now done on Cannabis (CBD Rich Hemp Oil) for dogs, when Dr. Jean and I were writing our book entitled, PALEO DOG.
I did not know of the benefits for CBD Rich Oil and dogs when we were writing the book as I began my research in January 2015 and our book was released in June of 2014 so hopefully our readers will be able to refer to this blog as I personally feel that CBD Rich Hemp Oil is very important for all mammals.
One exciting reason for the big push for CBD for pets and people is because of the discovery of our endocannabinoid system which is found in all vertebrates. Read on and you will learn more about this amazing system. Insects it seems do not have an endocannabinoid system but it is amazing how this ancient system is just waiting for us to add CBD Rich Hemp Oil which is marketed as a nutritional supplement.
First off we are not talking about Marijuana we are talking about CBD Rich Hemp Oil and in the case of the product I use and recommend this products hemp comes from bio dynamic farms in Europe which have much higher standards than our organic standards here in the USA and this type of hemp offers the highest levels of CBD. We have heard horror stories about the contamination from pesticides in hemp grown in the USA.
Letting your dog get into the leaves, buds or any part of the cannabis or marijuana plant is  NO NO!
If You Grow Marijuana Please Don’t let your Dog, Cat or Child Get Into It!
Most of you know that CBD Rich Hemp Oil is now legal in all 50 states, however poison control centers are hearing reports and have concerns about companion animals getting into their owners’ marijuana which they have or are growing for recreational use. I am personally not a fan of recreational use as I don’t like the ‘high’ feeling one gets from ingesting or using something high in THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is the aspect of marijuana that causes the psychoactive activity,
So please keep it secured and far away  from your children and your dogs and cats because the side effects from marijuana can be quite severe, including lethargy, dilated pupils, drooling, being off balance, muscle twitching, vomiting, involuntary urination and even unconsciousness.
If this happens accidentally to your dog, take him to the vet immediately. He’ll need palliative support until the effects wear off however it is much better to be safe than sorry.
Marijuana Vs. Hemp
Marijuana is grown to contain high levels of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and these levels have increased over the years from, once upon a time being about 1-5% and now as much as 30% or more. THC acts on cells in the brain and THC is a controlled substance. People thought initially that it was the THC that had the medicinal benefits, however that is not entirely true any longer. You see hemp is just another form of cannabis which contains high levels of the non-psychoactive component called cannabidiol (CBD) instead of THC and most products contain the legal limit of 0.3% to  0.03% and this is considered to be only a trace. The Veterinary Medical Examining Board of Oregon states that “Marijuana is not approved for  Veterinary use” and that a vet may not write a prescription for “pet marijuana” however CBD Rich Hemp oil is a completely different story and it is Hemp Oil that is the subject of this blog.  And industrial hemp products are legal in all 50 states.  Hemp Oil contains the desirable properties and provides the activation of the bodies own self healing ability that is what we are looking to activate.
It’s important to note that Cannabis has been used since ancient times and it was marketed and used extensively for people and pets prior to 1937’s Marijuana Act.
In 2900 BCE the Chinese Emperor Fu Hsi found cannabis to possess both yin and yang and the Chinese practitioners included it in their pharmacopoeia. Even the book of Exodus mentions it as holy anointing oil. The Egyptians used its oil for glaucoma, inflammation and also for enemas. This was recorded in the first medical text book that we know of called, The Ebers Papyrus circa 155 BCE.  The ancient Greeks used it to dress wounds and sores for their horses and cannabis (CBD Rich Hemp Oil) is now a very valuable tool for horse owners today. For humans the Greeks used it for tapeworms and added it to their water or wine to treat inflammation and pain caused by obstructions of the ear.  We find it used in ancient times in Indian medicine as back as far as 1000 BCE where it was described as a “Sacred Plant.” It was said that it ‘quickened the mind’ gave strength and agility, helped achieve spiritual freedom and higher consciousness, lower fevers, help with appetite and digestion and was also said to be beneficial for relief from headaches. The Indians even mixed it with milk for an anesthesia effect.
Some Cannabis/Hemp History
Wikipedia shares that “in 1619, King James I decreed that the American colonists of Jamestown would need to step up efforts to do their fair share towards supporting England. The Virginia Company enacted the decree, asking Jamestown’s land owners to grow and export 100 hemp plants to help support England’s cause. Later the colonists would grow it to support its expansion in the Americas. George Washington grew hemp at Mount Vernon as one of his three primary crops. The use of hemp for rope and fabric later became ubiquitous throughout the 18th and 19th centuries in the United States. Medicinal preparations of cannabis became available in American pharmacies in the 1850s following an introduction to its use in Western medicine by William O’Shaughnessy a decade earlier in 1839.” Several of the drafts of the Declaration of Independence were written on hemp paper.
The endocannabinoid system is not something that just us humans and mammals have as it is such an ancient system and was actually found to be present in primitive animals 600 million years ago…including birds, reptiles and fish.
As a Cannabis activist I am so happy to see a resurgence globally of industrial hemp because of its benefits to so many animals and people, too. It is actually said to be the first cultivated plant on Mother Earth or least one of the first. It’s evolution is linked to multi cellular animals. They modulate every other neurotransmitter and are like the master regulator.
Please don’t think of CBD Rich Hemp Oil just for sick people or pets as it has much value in general wellness and also for anti-aging.
The mind blowing fact is that ALL mammals have cannabis receptors!
The cannabis plant itself contains different chemicals, which include CBD or cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids. All these work together as a team and provide what we refer to as the ‘entourage” effect.  Humans and other mammals/vertebrates have specific cannabinoid receptor sites. These sites are primarily in the brain and central nervous system, and in peripheral organs, especially immune cells. They make up what’s called the endocannabinoid system.
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Discovery of the Endocannabinoid system
My blog entitled:
“Who discovered the Endocannabinoid system?” shares that
Raphael Mechoulam, PhD, Professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, in 1964 identified Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is the chemical in marijuana that causes the high it is famous for, but this didn’t explain why there seemed to be benefits medically arising out of its use, such as help with nausea, seizures and helps, with pain, anxiety, mental function, arthritis, aging, bone health, cancer, colitis, degenerative myelopathy (ALS), degenerative myelopathy (DM), diabetes, free radicals, glaucoma, infections, inflammation, obesity, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), skin conditions, spinal injury, vomiting,  and may help alleviate anxiety type symptoms in conditions like heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lower urinary tract infections and so much more as we learn more on more nearly every day.
“I recommend the animal companion take the CBD Rich Hemp Oil, first before attempting to help their dog, because just like the flight attendants tell us on planes, use the oxygen mask yourself first before helping others. Our animals companions pick up our stress so in the case of the Prime My Body product a couple of pumps of this hemp oil under the tongue will help to destress us humans so we can help our animals and others more efficiently.”
~ Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D
In the nineties, what we refer to today as the endocannabinoid system was discovered. The endogenous cannabinoid, arachidonylethanolamide or Anandamide (a Sanskrit word meaning blissful amide) was also discovered by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam’s  at his laboratory in Israel back in 1992. This discovery built on the idea that when cannabis receptors were found there had to be an endogenous ligand that would be the key to its use. Back in Mechoulam’s lab a second endocannabinoid called 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) was also discovered.
These discoveries of the cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids and the related enzymes make up what is now called the endocannabinoid system and it seems to be essential in most if not all physiological systems. The endocannabinoid system is essential to life and it relates messages that affect how we relax, eat, sleep, forget and protect.
As Dr. Sulak explains, “the endocannabinoid system, with its complex actions in our immune system, nervous system, and all of the body’s organs, is literally a bridge between body and mind. By understanding this system we begin to see a mechanism that explains how states of consciousness can promote health or disease. And in addition to regulating our internal and cellular homeostasis, cannabinoids influence a person’s relationship with the external environment. Socially, the administration of cannabinoids clearly alters human behavior, often promoting sharing, humor, and creativity. By mediating neurogenesis, neuronal plasticity, and learning, cannabinoids may directly influence a person’s open-mindedness and ability to move beyond limiting patterns of thought and behavior from past situations. Reformatting these old patterns is an essential part of health in our quickly changing environment.”
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I love this video below as it gives us a great learning experience on how CBD Rich Hemp Oil helps our bodies (all mammals bodies as well as vertebrates). The doctor presenting in this video below also uses the same brand I use after doing my own due diligence on it, which is called Prime My Body Nano-enhanced hemp Oil . This product is for people however I much prefer to use a product graded for human consumption than one that some company has formulated specifically dogs or cats as I want to be sure there have not been any comprises made on quality. And since I know Prime My Body now quite well and I take this product myself after 3 years of experimenting I feel that just adjusting the dosage for a dog or cat is the way to go for our precious companion animals.
The thing that impresses me the most about the Prime My Body Nanoenhanced Hemp Oil product is the special liposomal delivery system created by Dr. Christopher Shade. It is so important for CBD Rich Hemp Oil to be absorbed in the mucosa of the mouth so it bypasses the gut and delivers these phytochemicals right in the mouth which then allows it to be absorbed into the tiny capillaries in the mouth and make it to our entire circulatory system.
PMB Nano-enhanced hemp oil is dosed sublingually or just rubbed onto the gums in your dogs mouth.  You will often hear about this product or that product being recommended however take a look at this graph and see for yourself why for the people and animals I love and for myself, I have chosen PMB. It’s true that I make a little commission from my loyal friends and followers when they go to my website to order but this helps me quite a bit as I am a cancer survivor myself and also need the resources to purchase my own product however this is not why I distribute PMB as I can have that option with any number of other companies and this one has the quality and purity that I must have to put my name and reputation behind it.
My research began 3 years ago when I was going through chemo and my own chemo nurse told me about the benefits of CBD Rich Hemp Oil that she was seeing at the infusion center at a major hospital. That is how I found what to take myself but as they say I had to kiss a lot of frogs to find my prince of CBD Rich Hemp oil.
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Is CBD Rich Hemp Oil Considered to be Safe for Dogs?
Doctors, veterinarians and many practitioners use CBD Rich Hemp Oil  because it does not contain THC so therefore CBD Rich hemp oil does not cause any psycho-activity so therefore it is deemed to be safe but please understand that your vet cannot prescribe this for your companion animal so its best for you to do your own research and proceed accordingly but many vets may speak candidly with you about its benefits, off the record.
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Now that we have a good idea of why CBD Rich Hemp Oil is so important for us vertebrates lets move on and see what it helps!
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According to a recent article, CBD Rich hemp oil can help with both chronic and acute diseases that veterinarian and dog lovers are dealing with today. Among chronic conditions, it is said to be helpful with arthritis, compromised immune systems, stress responses, aggression and digestive issues. It is also being seen to help with the effects on Type 1 diabetes, organ diseases and cancer.
Veterinarians are also finding CBD Rich hemp oil can be useful in treating acute ailments like sprains and strains, torn ligaments, bone breaks and even during post-operative care to reduce swelling, pain and stiffness.
If your dog is taking conventional drugs for any conditions, CBD Rich hemp oil may make it possible to use lower doses of these drugs to still achieve therapeutic effects. Since conventional medicines have plenty of side effects, this is a useful benefit of CBD. However please do not administer or take CBD Rich Hemp Oil at the same time as dosing meds like de-wormers or heartworm meds. Good idea to discontinue use for a couple of days till they clear the system. Under normal circumstances we administer our PMB Hemp Oil 10 minutes before feeding so the mouth is nice and clean and the mucosa in the month can receive the CBD rich hemp oil without interference.
The article referenced above shared the following case studies which were provided by Australian holistic veterinarian, Dr. Edward Bassingthwaighte who said that he has been amazed at the success he’s had treating some dogs with cannabis. Here are a couple of cases he shared:
One is a senior Staffy who had a fast-growing tumor about 6 cm in diameter in her mammary gland. Chest x-rays showed there might be mestatasis. Dr Bassingthwaighte treated her with CBD oil and some other herbal medicines. The tumor shrank away to nothing over three months and she’s still going strong six months later, with no recurrence. She’d had multiple tumors surgically removed over the years, but it was the CBD oil that really helped her.
The other case is a little old Jack Russell with a severe heart murmur and painful arthritis. He received a whole plant extract containing CBD and in this case also some THC, diluted in 10 ml of cold pressed hemp seed oil. After a month of this medicine he was much happier and more active, wanting to go for long walks, and his heart murmur was much less severe. Dr Bassingthwaighte says “I simply can’t explain the improved heart murmur. They normally don’t get better.”
Note: Most veterinarian and other practitioners see no need to include THC however there are lots of people experimenting and we must remember that is why doctors call their place of business and what they do “their practice” ..it is indeed all practice and trial and error.
  Click to see the survey the AHVMA did with cannabis: survey with cannabis
How much how often?
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Check out this post for more information and also a very clear version of the dosing images.
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I recommend just one drop to start (open the PMB bottle and use a one ml. eye dropper to pull up one drop to begin with and then add a drop every few days and work up with 2 or 3 more drops until you see the results you are hoping to obtain.  Human dosages uses 150 pounds as their guideline and we humans dose usually at 4 pumps under the tongue per day from the large 50ml PMB bottle and I personally use it 4 times a day with the last dose being right before bed. Dogs and cats do well on one or two or three doses per day as well.
For dosing dogs start with one drop in the palm of your hand and just rub into your dogs gums which most dogs actually like but if this is not possible use a dropper or syringe and administer the CBD Rich Hemp oil right in the pocket at the sides of your dogs mouth which most of us know how to do and if you don’t know how to do this, have your groomer or vet show you how. Remember we don’t want the hemp oil to be swallowed right away we want to get it absorbed by the mucosa in the mouth. It is ok to mix it with a little water if this easier for you.
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Check out my Prime My Body Nano-enhanced Hemp Oil website as a retail customer at $149 for a large 50ml bottle, or as a preferred customer on monthly auto ship for $119 which is a great discount or join me in paying Prime My Body forward as an affiliate. PMB offers a 30 money back guarantee and your whole family can benefit by this amazing product. PMB does not contain any filler oils and has the special sublingual liposomal nano-enhanced delivery system created by Dr. Christopher Shade of QuickSilver Scientific.  Please watch Dr. Shade briefly explain the proprietary delivery system below:
See http://www.artofwellness.primemybody.com
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CBD Rich Hemp Oil for Dogs I so wish I knew about CBD for dogs and had done the research I have now done on 
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pianissimoreno-blog · 5 years
Gauging the Benefits of High Dosage CBD
I know it’s bad form, but I’ll start this blog post with an apology to my readers: my posts are typically a page or less, but some topics cover so much territory that it commands more space.
I’ll be the first to say I’m not a doctor. I don’t give medical advice and have no medical training whatsoever. The FDA requires that we say that our products have not been evaluated and can make no claims that we can treat or cure any medical problem; as much as I dislike the FDA, I agree with that statement.
There is, however, a big BUT; as a CBD products manufacturer, we receive requests all the time from people who think more is better and they may be right. There is research to support the benefits of conditions that traditional medicine doesn’t have a good solution. Please understand that CBD is not a cure-all or a silver bullet that fixes everything, but it may have its place as an affordable alternative medicine capable of helping people manage symptoms like pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, migraine headaches, and other neurological issues and that’s what we’re here for.
The reason people ask about high dosage CBD is that they generally have, or know someone who has a nerve degenerative disease, like MS, for instance. It’s tough to narrow the scope of this paper because the subject matter is so broad, but I’ll start off by saying I have MS so I have firsthand experience. MS is a serious problem and I won’t gloss over the seriousness of it; there is no cure but catching it early and seeing a specialist will improve your odds of coping with it.
I have what’s called late-onset MS; I got it after age 50 which is fairly rare, so lucky me!
No one knows the exact cause but it’s generally believed to be related to your immune system, genetics, infection or environmental issues like geography, which contributes to lack of sunlight or vitamin D, toxins, or chemical exposure.
So, what does CBD have to do with MS you ask? Well, since there is no cure, the Big Pharma options are limited, expensive, and generally have bad side effects like attacking your liver. I did an Interferon based drug called Avonex by Biogen for a year and a half and it’s an ugly, massive depressant. They say it has no other side effects other than what they call “flu-like symptoms,” which means you feel like absolute crap for 6.5 days and then on day 7, it’s time for another shot!! Doing that for the rest of your life, in my experience, is not a good option.
As a side note, I got depressed enough that I started reading books on the power of positive thinking and I found that happiness is a choice. If you don’t believe it, I suggest reading Tony Robbins book, “Awaken the Giant Within.” I promise it will be worth your time and is mostly fact-based research. My wife started calling me Peter Pan because I only think happy thoughts and I’m good with that!  It changed my perspective forever.
These are the four basic types of multiple sclerosis:
RRMS or relapsing-remitting ms
SPMS or secondary-progressive ms
PPMS or primary-progressive ms
PRMS or progressive-relapsing ms
These four categories describe the course that MS typically follows during a persons’ lifetime. Within each of these four types of multiple sclerosis, there are varying degrees of severity. With that said, no two MS patients will ever be exactly the same. MS can be unpredictable but it generally does not produce big changes overnight; it can take months or years to see noticeable changes.  You’ll need to be prepared to deal with it for the rest of your life, so the goal should be to manage it in such a way that you still have a decent quality of life. For me, I’m not wired to sit around and do nothing, so staying active is the key to longevity.
The research continues, especially on autoimmune disorders and neurological issues like MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, etc. The website, https://www.projectcbd.org/  has an incredible online reference library of conditions that you may be interested in to research for yourself.  I like this site because it’s based on science and facts and not speculation or BS.  After you click on the links below, look to the right under “Browse Conditions” and see what’s out there.
https://www.projectcbd.org/cbd-for/can-cbd-help-me or https://www.projectcbd.org/multiple-sclerosis-ms
I don’t have a definition of high dosage, because for me, it’s anything above a daily maintenance dosage of 20-60 mg CBD per day.
However, there is an approved CBD prescription for epilepsy and you can be assured there are more in the pipeline that can give ideas of dosage on particular medical problems.
There is also a website for dosing recommendations:
There has been some research done by legitimate research clinics like the Mayo Clinic and more needs to be done. The following provides a simple guideline for dosage recommendations:
Mayo Clinic Weighs in on CBD - Offers Dosage Suggestions
The Mayo Clinic suggests CBD dosages based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, and expert opinion. Cannabinoid dosages and duration of treatment depend mainly on the illness (and countless other factors).
The following chart from Mayo Clinic provides specific dosage recommendations for various illnesses:
Loss of Appetite in Cancer Patients: 2.5mg of THC (orally), with or without 1mg of CBD for six weeks. [S] 
Chronic Pain: 2.5-20mg of CBD [with or without     THC] (orally). [S]
Epilepsy: 200-300mg of CBD (orally) daily. [S]
Movement Problems Due to Huntington’s     Disease: 10mg of CBD per kg of body weight daily for six weeks (orally). [S]
Sleep Disorders: 40mg-160mg of CBD (orally). [S]
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms: Cannabis plant extracts containing 2.5-120 milligrams of a     THC/CBD combination daily for 2-15 weeks. Patients typically use eight sprays within any three hours, with a maximum of 48 sprays in any 24-hour     period. [S]
Schizophrenia: 40-1,280mg oral CBD daily. [S]
Glaucoma: A single sublingual CBD dosage of 20-40mg (>40 mg may increase eye pressure). [S]
 Doses up to 1,500 mg per day has also been shown to be well tolerated by humans:
Just for fun, do a search on “CBD Dosing chart” and see what comes up; you’ll be surprised.
Here is another good explanation:  https://www.whatiscbd.com/cbd-multiple-sclerosis-treatment/
I don’t recommend high dosages but it may be a good alternative to opioids or other narcotics. We do not produce or sell any THC products. Our goal is to get you healthy, not high. Therefore, we only produce CBD products made from pure hemp-derived CBD isolate to guarantee purity and quality.
This means that, as opposed to THC, CBD oil will not impair your:
·        Consciousness
·        Reaction time
·        Perception
·        Sensory awareness
Although many have tried, it is NOT possible to overdose on CBD. There are no records of any fatal overdoses with cannabis, including CBD oil. In fact, one study suggested that to die from cannabis, you would have to smoke the equivalent of 15 lbs of MJ in 15 seconds! However, it is possible to over-medicate and with that said, taking high amounts of CBD may increase the risk of a few known minor side effects of CBD.  These include:
·        Dry mouth
·        Low blood pressure
·        Lightheadedness
·        Drowsiness or wakefulness
According to the National Cancer Institute, you cannot die of a marijuana or hemp overdose and here’s why:
“Cannabinoid receptors, unlike opioid receptors, are not located in the brainstem areas controlling respiration, lethal overdoses from Cannabis and cannabinoids do not occur.”
So, back to our topic, are there benefits to a high dosage of CBD?  At this point, it’s safe to say that even the FDA agrees that CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory agent; this is important because what causes pain is inflamed nerves and reducing the inflammation reduces pain.  Even athletes use CBD to help their bodies recover faster and it’s not considered a performance-enhancing drug, so it’s legal.
CBD oil has natural anti-inflammatories, which can go a long way in helping to treat chronic pain. It also contains muscle-relaxing properties that help ease pressure on sensitive nerves, reduce anxiety and help users sleep better.
A symptom I experienced from MS is leg spasticity; sometimes it appears as restless leg syndrome at night or muscle twitching in my quads.  For more information, see: https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/2019/01/10/leg-spasticity-manage-ms-need-to-know/
I have found CBD to be very effective at relaxing the leg muscles enough to where it is no longer an issue. In conjunction with CBD usage, you might want to consider physical therapy to strengthen up muscles. I did because my knees were getting weak and the results have been good so far.
Clinical research into CBD oil for nerve degeneration diseases is in its relatively early stages, but most of it points to positive results. As researchers conduct more large-scale clinical trials of CBD oil, results are expected to demonstrate powerful and effective treatment of these diseases, so stay tuned.
Chronic pain has become an epidemic world-wide, especially as the Boomer generation approaches old age. For example, in Europe, chronic pain effects 1 in 4 elderly people. In Australia, this epidemic is of massive proportions, extending to over half of the elderly population, and as high as 80% of patients in nursing homes.
In the US, responses to an ABC News poll indicate as many as 38 million adults in the US deal with chronic pain on a daily basis, and as many as 12 million US citizens have used cannabis to help alleviate this pain. (http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/979a1TheFightAgainstPain.pdf)
The available medications for attempting to treat this pain are limited to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiates, and anti-depressants; all hard-core drugs with harsh side effects of their own, and limited effectiveness. It’s almost as though the patient is trading a half-cure for being put on even more drugs to deal with the debilitating side effects. My opinion here, but this system seems oriented towards making money for the drug companies and not dealing with the issue in a practical and humane way.
There are benefits to using CBD in nerve degeneration:  https://wakeup-world.com/2016/03/20/cannabis-as-medicine-how-cbd-cannabidiol-benefits-the-human-brain-and-nervous-system/  
Nerve degeneration diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s have some of the highest disease burdens. According to the World Health Organization, disease burdens are the number of healthy years affected by disability and death. With little to no cure for these diseases, we can only be thankful for CBD, and its phenomenal medicinal qualities.  
I don’t have experience with those diseases but for me, it’s all about quality of life.  You have a choice in the matter: it can rule your life if you let it or you can suck it up, control the symptoms the best you can and take back your life.  
While it’s still a drug, CBD is a natural plant based non-addictive drug that can be a useful option to help you get through life and enjoy the good things.
Due to lack of clinical research, dosing quantities are a trial and error kind of operation and everyone is different, so I suggest starting small and dialing it up in small increments until you find what works for you.
I’m an engineer by schooling so I’m a little particular on being exact. We put an eye dropper in our tincture bottles that is calibrated in 0.25 ml increments up to a full 1.0 ml.  In addition, we design products to have a 30-day supply. For example, if there is a 1200 mg tincture, your daily dose would be 40 mg of CBD for every 1.0 ml (since 1200 mg divided by 30 days is 40 mg/day).  You can use the eye dropper increments to dial in the exact dosage, or if you want less or more than the suggested daily dose.  
If anyone wants a large dosage, then we’ll do something divisible by 30; for instance 4800mg/30 = 160 mg per dose and you may want to try it numerous times daily to get up to your desired dosage per day.  Say you want 1280 mg per day, that’s 8 times per day of 160 mg.
On average, our experience has shown that the CBD effect lasts about 2-5 hours, depending upon body mass and metabolism, so I would suggest at a minimum, give yourself a dose in the morning and evening.  If pain is chronic, then use it a few times during the day as well. Your body will metabolize the CBD through your liver so if you find that the effect wears off after 4 hours, then take another dose at about the 3.5 hour mark so you have continuous coverage.
Like I said, it’s trial and error so you might want to keep a diary to help you make more accurate predictions on when and how much to take to dial in your dosage. This is an old school technique, but it works.
Although not confirmed, some clinical studies indicate the possibility of actual nerve regeneration for damaged nerves.  This will hopefully be a future topic of conversation.
If you have any comments or would like to see a high dosage CBD product, let me know at:
[email protected] or call me at 775-560-6171
Stay Healthy!  
0 notes
azveille · 6 years
FT Health : Combating cancer; Brexit and EU medicine verification
World Cancer Day highlighted the world’s second leading cause of death, killing almost 10m people in 2017 — a rise of 25 per cent over a decade. 
Given that some 97 per cent of cancer drugs fail, there is perhaps no surprise that snake-oil cures are still with us. Cancer patients in poorer countries suffer the most: many do not get the pain relief they need because of opioid addiction fears. 
There are some reasons to be optimistic. Scientific breakthroughs such as immunotherapy continue apace, immunisation is helping the fight against liver and cervical cancer; and screening regimes are improving. 
But a focus on new cancer medicines should not obscure the need for greater funding of research into other more neglected diseases. Nor should it divert attention from the need for much greater focus on prevention. 
Persuading governments to raise taxes on tobacco is the prime example: lung cancer death rates in men have dropped by nearly 60 per cent over the last 40 years.
New research showing a rise in obesity-linked cases among the young is a reminder that although up to half of all cancers are preventable, much more needs to be done.
Three questions 
Hugh Pullen, president of the European Medicines Verification Organisation, whose new system involving the whole meds supply chain across Europe goes live on Saturday (February 9). 
Why does Europe need a new system? 
The legitimate supply chain is already very secure but there have been instances of falsification in the past and the technology is now available to permit this end point verification, so it's a further step in making the supply chain secure. We have the technology and the ability to do that, so it's the right thing to do. 
Why did it take so long? 
There was a period of developing and implementing regulations by the Commission and the EU institutions . . . Let's not underestimate the complexity of this: you're talking about 2,000 manufacturers, 140,000 pharmacies across Europe and to build a system that can manage all of that there was a certain number of years built into the legislation to enable it to be built and implemented.
What effect will Brexit have? 
In Theresa May's current [proposed] agreement the transition period is due to end at the end of 2020. So if the deal is agreed between the UK and the EU, then the UK is basically a part like every other country in the system. I think in the case of a no-deal Brexit then it's very uncertain, as everything else. 
Measles marches on More children in Europe are being vaccinated against measles but immunisation gaps mean the disease has hit a decade high. US officials are increasingly worried about an outbreak in Washington State: “If you have a population that is unvaccinated, it’s like throwing a match into a can of gasoline.” The “anti-vaxxer” movement was described as a “worldwide pandemic”. An outbreak has killed dozens in the Philippines. (WHO, NYT, BBC, LA Times) 
Mental health matters UK ministers used Mental Health Awareness Week to launch “the largest mental health trials in the world” in schools across England. Austerity cuts in local services mean however that parity of esteem for mental and physical health is still far away. The UK published its first official guidance on children's screen time and social media use. (Gov.UK, Private Eye audio, BBC) 
Road accidents Africa has the highest rates of road traffic deaths in the world — 27 in 100,000 people — despite having less than 3 per cent of the world’s vehicles. The problem, also prevalent in south-east Asia, is almost certainly under-reported. (Devex) 
Urbanisation and health The total number of people living in cities is set to hit 2.5bn by 2050, with most of this growth in Africa and Asia. With deaths due to “diseases of density” declining, this rapid urbanisation holds out hope of better health services for the masses. (Council on Foreign Relations)
Dame Sally bows out Dame Sally Davies is leaving her post as Chief Medical Officer for England and Chief Medical Advisor to the UK government for a new role at Trinity College, Cambridge. Her key achievements include domestic and international campaigning against antimicrobial resistance. (Department of Health) 
VR advances Virtual reality is still mainly thought of as a gaming technology but it has important clinical uses including in operating theatres and for cervical smears. It can also help reduce the pain of childbirth. (Times, WSJ) 
DNA downsides Healthcare providers and private companies are encouraging patients to take genetic tests and help create databases for research, but the practice raises serious questions around consent and how data are sold on. (The Conversation) 
Medical cannabis Cannabis for medical use has been legal in many US states since 1996 but reliable data on its usage are scarce. Chronic pain is the most common qualifying condition. UK MPs launched an inquiry into medical cannabis use while the WHO is considering changing its long-term position. New York officials cracked down on restaurants selling foods containing cannabidiol (CBD), the cannabis derivative. (Health Affairs, UK parliament, WHO, NYT).
Best from the journals 
Suicides and medication Annual deaths from suicide hit 817,000 in 2016, a 6.7 per cent increase over 1990. However, when adjusted for age, the death rate dropped by almost a third. Men are disproportionately affected. An opinion piece explains why disabled people fear legalisation of assisted suicide. A ketamine-based drug could be used for treatment-resistant depression — and eventually to deter suicidal thinking. (BMJ, Bloomberg) 
China scandal A damning report called for the retraction of more than 400 scientific papers on organ transplantation on fears that the organs were obtained unethically from Chinese prisoners. It has been alleged that the enormous trade in transplants in China is fuelled by prisoners of conscience having their organs forcibly removed. (BMJ Open, WSJ) 
Women in global health Women make up 75 per cent of the global health workforce, but only a small proportion of leadership positions. A Lancet special examines gender bias in funding, the failure of universities to improve gender diversity and why male bias leads to less rigorous research. (The Lancet) 
Tackling knife crime British hospital doctors are being severely tested by the recent rise in knife crime. Treating horrifying wounds is bad enough, but dealing with traumatised victims and families is making frontline roles especially difficult. (BMJ) 
Diabetes drug delivery High-tech pills that inject insulin directly into the stomach wall could give people with diabetes an alternative to injecting themselves through the skin. The system was inspired by the shape of a tortoise. (Science, FT)
0 notes
lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
The World Anti-Doping Agency Just Gave Olympic Athletes the Green Light to Use CBD Products
The World Anti-Doping Agency just gave Olympic athletes the green light to use CBD products - or cannabinoids - to manage their pain.
And it only took 2,800 years. More on that in a moment…
The ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides wrote extensively about CBD and cannabis in his five-volume medical text.
This is huge news for people who depend on their bodies to perform at peak levels day in and day out.
But it's also big news for my patients at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.
You see, living where I do in South Florida, I have a lot of patients of retirement age. And they moved to this area so they could enjoy their days outdoors playing golf and tennis all year round.
But the aches and pains that go along with getting older sometimes keep my patients from doing the things they love.
My patients want natural solutions to treat their pain. And that's what I offer them. But now, I have a new tool in my arsenal that's highly effective, natural and safe - CBD.
You see, my patients know that Big Pharma's painkillers are not a good long-term choice. By now, everyone is aware of the opioid epidemic in our country. But even over-the-counter pain meds are dangerous…
Low-dose aspirin is toxic when taken too often. Regular use increases your risk of bleeding, getting ulcers, developing hearing loss and having liver and kidney failure.1 Even conventional doctors and the FDA have stopped recommending that everyone take a low-dose aspirin daily because they finally get that the risks outweigh any benefit.
Acetaminophen, or Tylenol, is marketed as the world's safest drug. But recent studies found it can increase blood pressure, double your risk of certain cancers, lead to broken bones and cause liver damage.2,3,4,5
NSAIDs increase your risk of heart attack and stroke - within just one week of consistent use. And the more you use, the more your risk goes up.6
Cannabis-based remedies were one of the world's leading medicines for thousands of years.
The two oldest forms of medicine - Ayurveda and Chinese - used CBD oil to treat everything from high blood pressure and cancer to sexual dysfunction and pain. And the ancient Egyptians wrote extensively about it in the world's oldest medical textbook, the Ebers Papyrus.
And as it turns out, the very first Olympians, back in 776 B.C., used CBD oil to treat a variety of illnesses and ailments.
Years later, the ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides, wrote extensively about it in his medical text De Materia Medica.
In this five-volume pharmacopoeia, he said that “[cannabis] is a plant of much use in this life” and that its uses include… “the treatment of inflammation and [arthritis],” as well as the “twisting of the sinews,” or tendons.7
CBD was also widely used extensively in America until the 1930s. In fact, it made up half of all medicines prescribed and sold.
But then the government got involved and declared this lifesaving drug illegal. Luckily, they've reversed course in recent years. Today, CBD products are legal in some states.
That's a relief for a lot of my patients because CBD is leading a pain-relieving revolution we haven't seen since the invention of aspirin. And today's research backs up what 10,000 years of use has found.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly suppressed chronic inflammation and pain in animals without causing either tolerance or addiction.8
In a separate study, researchers applied CBD oil to severely arthritic rats for four days. Their research reported a significant drop in inflammation and pain, without side effects.9
A third study followed 2,700 cancer patients in severe pain for six months. After using CBD oil, almost every single study participant reported that their chronic pain was cut in half - with none of the side effects they got from their prescription medications.
If severe pain were all that CBD treated, I'd still recommend it. But this miracle oil has also been proven to treat cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease. Look for more on that in a future letter…
Knock Out Pain with These 3 Herbal Remedies
Take the original aspirin. White willow bark contains salicin, the same compound found in aspirin. It comes from a tree native to Europe and Asia. Hippocrates had his patients chew on white willow bark to reduce inflammation.
Studies show it not only relieves arthritis pain but also increases mobility in the back, knees, hips and other joints. And a study in the American Journal of Medicine found it extremely effective for lower back pain.
I recommend 240 mg per day.
Try the “golden miracle.” That's what I call curcumin. This South Indian spice has 619 health benefits that are supported by nearly 7,000 studies. But curcumin is best known as a powerful anti-inflammatory. In fact, studies show it reduces arthritis joint pain by 60% and joint swelling by 73%. Another clinical trial found it was more effective than prescription strength NSAID.
Look for a supplement that contains piperine. This black pepper extract boosts absorbency by 2,000%.
I recommend 400 mg to 500 mg twice a day.
Use this “NSAID substitute.” That's how researchers at the University of Miami refer to ginger. In their study, they compared a ginger extract to a placebo in 247 patients with osteoarthritis. The ginger reduced pain and stiffness in knee joints by 40% over the placebo.11 And a second study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that ginger reduce pain in both muscles and joints by as much as 25%.12
Ginger contains 12 different compounds that fight excess inflammation. Some block the enzyme which triggers it. Some lower pain-receptor and nerve-ending sensitivity. Together they work as well as any over-the-counter remedy you can find.
I recommend you take 750 mg of liquid ginger extract a day.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. I'm currently working on my own CBD product to release in the next couple of months. With my decades of experience searching for natural herbal cures around the world, this seemed like the obvious next step.
The studies and research I've read have been incredible. And I can't wait to share this new powerful no-prescription-required treatment with my patients. Stay tuned!
1. Harvard Health Letter. Weighing the risks and benefits of aspirin therapy. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/weighing-the-risks-and-benefits-of-aspirin-therapy. November 2017. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 2. Harvard Health Letter. Acetaminophen may boost blood pressure. February 2011. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/acetaminophen-may-boost-blood-pressure. Accessed May 8, 2018. 3. Walter RB, et al. “Long-term use of acetaminophen, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of hematologic malignancies: results from the prospective Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study.” J Clin Oncol. 2011;29(17):2424-2431. 4. Williams LJ, et. al. “Paracetamol (acetaminophen) use, fracture and bone mineral density.” Bone. 2011;48(6):1277-1281. 5. FDA U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Can an aspirin a day help prevent a heart attack? 6. Harvard Health Publishing. FDA strengthens warning that NSAIDs increase heart attack and stroke risk. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-strengthens-warning-that-nsaids-increase-heart-attack-and-stroke-risk-201507138138. Updated August 22, 2017. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 7. Pedanius Dioscorides. Full Text of De Materia Medica. https://archive.org/stream/de-materia-medica/scribd-download.com_dioscorides-de-materia-medica_djvu.txt. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 8. Xiong W, et al. “Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors.” J Exp Med. 2012;209(6):1121-1134. 9. Hammell DC, et al. “Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis.” Eur J Pain. 2016; 20(6): 936-948. 10. Chandran B and Goel A. “A randomized, pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of curcumin in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis.” Phytother Res. 2012;26(11):1719-1725. 11. Altman RD and Marcussen KC. “Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis.” Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44(11):2531-2538. 12. Ozgoli G, et al. “Comparison of effects of ginger, mefenamic acid, and ibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea.” J Altern Complement Med. 2009;15(2):129-132.
The post The World Anti-Doping Agency Just Gave Olympic Athletes the Green Light to Use CBD Products appeared first on Dr. Al Sears, MD Anti Aging Pioneer Alternative Health Newsletter.
0 notes
battybat-boss · 6 years
The World Anti-Doping Agency Just Gave Olympic Athletes the Green Light to Use CBD Products
The World Anti-Doping Agency just gave Olympic athletes the green light to use CBD products - or cannabinoids - to manage their pain.
And it only took 2,800 years. More on that in a moment…
The ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides wrote extensively about CBD and cannabis in his five-volume medical text.
This is huge news for people who depend on their bodies to perform at peak levels day in and day out.
But it's also big news for my patients at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.
You see, living where I do in South Florida, I have a lot of patients of retirement age. And they moved to this area so they could enjoy their days outdoors playing golf and tennis all year round.
But the aches and pains that go along with getting older sometimes keep my patients from doing the things they love.
My patients want natural solutions to treat their pain. And that's what I offer them. But now, I have a new tool in my arsenal that's highly effective, natural and safe - CBD.
You see, my patients know that Big Pharma's painkillers are not a good long-term choice. By now, everyone is aware of the opioid epidemic in our country. But even over-the-counter pain meds are dangerous…
Low-dose aspirin is toxic when taken too often. Regular use increases your risk of bleeding, getting ulcers, developing hearing loss and having liver and kidney failure.1 Even conventional doctors and the FDA have stopped recommending that everyone take a low-dose aspirin daily because they finally get that the risks outweigh any benefit.
Acetaminophen, or Tylenol, is marketed as the world's safest drug. But recent studies found it can increase blood pressure, double your risk of certain cancers, lead to broken bones and cause liver damage.2,3,4,5
NSAIDs increase your risk of heart attack and stroke - within just one week of consistent use. And the more you use, the more your risk goes up.6
Cannabis-based remedies were one of the world's leading medicines for thousands of years.
The two oldest forms of medicine - Ayurveda and Chinese - used CBD oil to treat everything from high blood pressure and cancer to sexual dysfunction and pain. And the ancient Egyptians wrote extensively about it in the world's oldest medical textbook, the Ebers Papyrus.
And as it turns out, the very first Olympians, back in 776 B.C., used CBD oil to treat a variety of illnesses and ailments.
Years later, the ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides, wrote extensively about it in his medical text De Materia Medica.
In this five-volume pharmacopoeia, he said that “[cannabis] is a plant of much use in this life” and that its uses include… “the treatment of inflammation and [arthritis],” as well as the “twisting of the sinews,” or tendons.7
CBD was also widely used extensively in America until the 1930s. In fact, it made up half of all medicines prescribed and sold.
But then the government got involved and declared this lifesaving drug illegal. Luckily, they've reversed course in recent years. Today, CBD products are legal in some states.
That's a relief for a lot of my patients because CBD is leading a pain-relieving revolution we haven't seen since the invention of aspirin. And today's research backs up what 10,000 years of use has found.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD significantly suppressed chronic inflammation and pain in animals without causing either tolerance or addiction.8
In a separate study, researchers applied CBD oil to severely arthritic rats for four days. Their research reported a significant drop in inflammation and pain, without side effects.9
A third study followed 2,700 cancer patients in severe pain for six months. After using CBD oil, almost every single study participant reported that their chronic pain was cut in half - with none of the side effects they got from their prescription medications.
If severe pain were all that CBD treated, I'd still recommend it. But this miracle oil has also been proven to treat cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and heart disease. Look for more on that in a future letter…
Knock Out Pain with These 3 Herbal Remedies
Take the original aspirin. White willow bark contains salicin, the same compound found in aspirin. It comes from a tree native to Europe and Asia. Hippocrates had his patients chew on white willow bark to reduce inflammation.
Studies show it not only relieves arthritis pain but also increases mobility in the back, knees, hips and other joints. And a study in the American Journal of Medicine found it extremely effective for lower back pain.
I recommend 240 mg per day.
Try the “golden miracle.” That's what I call curcumin. This South Indian spice has 619 health benefits that are supported by nearly 7,000 studies. But curcumin is best known as a powerful anti-inflammatory. In fact, studies show it reduces arthritis joint pain by 60% and joint swelling by 73%. Another clinical trial found it was more effective than prescription strength NSAID.
Look for a supplement that contains piperine. This black pepper extract boosts absorbency by 2,000%.
I recommend 400 mg to 500 mg twice a day.
Use this “NSAID substitute.” That's how researchers at the University of Miami refer to ginger. In their study, they compared a ginger extract to a placebo in 247 patients with osteoarthritis. The ginger reduced pain and stiffness in knee joints by 40% over the placebo.11 And a second study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that ginger reduce pain in both muscles and joints by as much as 25%.12
Ginger contains 12 different compounds that fight excess inflammation. Some block the enzyme which triggers it. Some lower pain-receptor and nerve-ending sensitivity. Together they work as well as any over-the-counter remedy you can find.
I recommend you take 750 mg of liquid ginger extract a day.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. I'm currently working on my own CBD product to release in the next couple of months. With my decades of experience searching for natural herbal cures around the world, this seemed like the obvious next step.
The studies and research I've read have been incredible. And I can't wait to share this new powerful no-prescription-required treatment with my patients. Stay tuned!
1. Harvard Health Letter. Weighing the risks and benefits of aspirin therapy. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/weighing-the-risks-and-benefits-of-aspirin-therapy. November 2017. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 2. Harvard Health Letter. Acetaminophen may boost blood pressure. February 2011. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/acetaminophen-may-boost-blood-pressure. Accessed May 8, 2018. 3. Walter RB, et al. “Long-term use of acetaminophen, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of hematologic malignancies: results from the prospective Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) study.” J Clin Oncol. 2011;29(17):2424-2431. 4. Williams LJ, et. al. “Paracetamol (acetaminophen) use, fracture and bone mineral density.” Bone. 2011;48(6):1277-1281. 5. FDA U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Can an aspirin a day help prevent a heart attack? 6. Harvard Health Publishing. FDA strengthens warning that NSAIDs increase heart attack and stroke risk. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-strengthens-warning-that-nsaids-increase-heart-attack-and-stroke-risk-201507138138. Updated August 22, 2017. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 7. Pedanius Dioscorides. Full Text of De Materia Medica. https://archive.org/stream/de-materia-medica/scribd-download.com_dioscorides-de-materia-medica_djvu.txt. Accessed on August 17, 2018. 8. Xiong W, et al. “Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors.” J Exp Med. 2012;209(6):1121-1134. 9. Hammell DC, et al. “Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis.” Eur J Pain. 2016; 20(6): 936-948. 10. Chandran B and Goel A. “A randomized, pilot study to assess the efficacy and safety of curcumin in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis.” Phytother Res. 2012;26(11):1719-1725. 11. Altman RD and Marcussen KC. “Effects of a ginger extract on knee pain in patients with osteoarthritis.” Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44(11):2531-2538. 12. Ozgoli G, et al. “Comparison of effects of ginger, mefenamic acid, and ibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea.” J Altern Complement Med. 2009;15(2):129-132.
The post The World Anti-Doping Agency Just Gave Olympic Athletes the Green Light to Use CBD Products appeared first on Dr. Al Sears, MD Anti Aging Pioneer Alternative Health Newsletter.
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jakehglover · 6 years
What Happens to Your Body When You Use Medical Marijuana?
By Dr. Mercola
Marijuana, or cannabis, has been used for at least 5,000 years and has an extensive history of traditional uses as an industrial material and a botanical medicine all throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and America.1
Read on to learn more about medical marijuana's healing benefits how it has gotten its bad rap and why you'd want your own state to approve its use, too.
What Is Medical Marijuana?
The term "medical marijuana" refers to the use of the whole, unprocessed marijuana plant and its pure extracts to treat a disease or improve a symptom.2 It must be sourced from a medicinal-grade cannabis plant that has been meticulously grown without the use of toxic pesticides and fertilizers.
Marijuana's incredible healing properties come from its high cannabidiol (CBD) content and critical levels of medical terpenes and flavonoids. It also contains some tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the molecule that gives the psychoactive effects that most recreational users are after. Through traditional plant breeding techniques and seed exchanges, growers have started producing cannabis plants that have higher levels of CBD and lower levels of THC for medical use.
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved medical marijuana,3 more and more physicians are starting to reverse their stand on the issue and swear by its effectiveness and health benefits.
In a 2015 CBS interview, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy acknowledged that marijuana may be useful for certain medical conditions, saying: "We have some preliminary data showing that for certain medical conditions and symptoms, marijuana can be helpful."4
Likewise, CNN's chief medical correspondent and neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta also made a highly publicized reversal on his marijuana stance after the production of his two-part series "Weed." In a commentary published on CNN's website, he said:5
"There is now promising research into the use of marijuana that could impact tens of thousands of children and adults, including treatment for cancer, epilepsy and Alzheimer's, to name just a few.
With regard to pain alone, marijuana could greatly reduce the demand for narcotics and simultaneously decrease the number of accidental painkiller overdoses, which are the greatest cause of preventable death in this country."
How Does Medical Marijuana Work and What Diseases Can It Be Used For?
Historically, marijuana has been used as a botanical medicine since the 19th and 20th centuries.6 Today, marijuana's claim as a potential panacea is backed up by countless studies crediting its healing potential to its cannabidiol content.
There is actually an endocannabinoid system in the human body. This ancient biological system, which also exists in other mammals, was first described in the journal Science in 1992,7 and is said to be responsible for releasing human cannabinoids that interact with cannabinoid receptors found in virtually all your tissues, embedded in your cell membranes.
Cannabinoid receptors can be found in your brain, lungs, liver, kidneys and immune system. Both the therapeutic and psychoactive properties of marijuana occur when a cannabinoid activates a cannabinoid receptor.8
There's still ongoing research as to how far they impact your health, but to date, it's known that cannabinoid receptors play an important role in many body processes, including metabolic regulation, cravings, pain, anxiety, bone growth and immune function.9 Overall, it's said that cannabinoids bring balance to your tissues and biological systems.
Dr. Allan Frankel, a board-certified internist in California who has successfully treated patients with medical marijuana for more than a decade, has personally seen tumors virtually disappear in some patients using no other therapy except taking 40 to 60 milligrams of cannabinoids a day. Other common ailments that may benefit from medical marijuana use include:
Arthritis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis10
Degenerative neurological disorders such as dystonia11
Multiple sclerosis12
Parkinson's disease13
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)14
Epilepsy and seizures15
CBD also works as an excellent painkiller and works well in treating anxiety issues.16 Cannabis oil, on the other hand, when applied topically may help heal sunburn overnight.
How to Obtain and Use Medical Marijuana
At present, medical cannabis is now legal in 30 U.S. states. Most of these areas permit its use under certain medical circumstances only, and some allow CBD oils or pills only. In eight states, it's legal to be used recreationally.17,18
In states where medical marijuana is legal like California, Colorado, Vermont and New York, you can join a collective, or a legal entity consisting of a group of patients that can grow and share cannabis medicines with each other. By signing up as a member, you gain the right to grow and share your medicine.
Frankel notes that a patient who's at the age of 18 can secure a medical cannabis card recommendation letter if their attending physician or doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.) advises or agrees to it. With your medical cannabis card, you now have the liberty to choose the collective you want to belong to. Medical marijuana can be administered to patients using one of the following methods:19,20
Inhalation — Allows the patient to titrate the dosage. It has an instantaneous effect as the medication is rapidly taken into the lungs and quickly absorbed through the capillaries into the bloodstream. The effects of inhaled cannabis will last approximately four hours.
Smoking — Can be done using a joint or the cigarette form (hand-or machine-rolled), a pipe, or bong (water pipe). Smoking medical marijuana by joint is believed to be inefficient, though, as the medication goes with the smoke as the cigarette burns. Smoking small amounts using a water pipe is more advisable because the cool smoke is less irritating to the airway. This method is not recommended to anyone with lung damage.
Vaporization — Like a nebulizer treatment, cannabis can be heated to a temperature that will release the medication in vapors to be inhaled by the patient.
Sublingual (under the tongue) or oramucosal (in the oral cavity) delivery — Made possible using oils or tinctures, it is readily delivered into the bloodstream and provides a rapid effect. Tinctures can be administered through a dropper under the tongue or sprayed in the mouth to be absorbed in the oral cavity. This is highly recommended for nonsmoking patients.
Oral ingestion — Nonsmokers can also take medical marijuana through pills or mandibles, which are edible cannabis products in the form of teas, cookies or brownies.
The primary drawback of this approach is that because cannabinoids are fat-soluble, there may be issues when it comes to absorption, depending on the patient's metabolism. A good workaround for this problem is using cannabis butter, which fat-soluble cannabinoids blend well with.
Topical application — Cannabis can be applied as an ointment, lotion or poultice for treating skin inflammations, arthritis and muscle pain. It is unclear how cannabinoids are absorbed transdermally, although its credit should also go to the more soluble terpenoids and flavonoids that also have anti-inflammatory properties.
Keep in mind: Make sure that your medicine has been sourced from a medicinal-grade cannabis plant without the threat of chemical residues, which may cause further harm. It's also important to find a knowledgeable cannabis physician who can help you determine the correct amount you need, as proper dosing is crucial when using medical cannabis.
Potential Side Effects of Medical Cannabis
Dr. Margaret Gedde, a Stanford-trained pathologist and award-winning researcher who specializes in the therapeutic use of cannabis, says the only concern you'll have to worry about medical marijuana is the psychoactivity of THC or its ability to make you feel "high." Too high a dose of THC can also trigger anxiety. You can avoid this side effect by specifically looking for high CBD and low THC marijuana formulations.
"THC can induce anxiety if the dose is wrong or the strain is not compatible with that person. [Still], many use THC to relieve anxiety. Because we have hundreds of different strains of marijuana and cannabis, each of which is slightly different, there is a huge potential to customize [the drug] for each person," Gedde explains.
She also notes that CBD and THC actually work very well in combination. She notes that CBD actually helps temper the psychoactivity of the THC. What's more, when the plant is unheated or used raw, it actually does not contain THC, but rather THC acid (THCA). So if you eat it raw, you get the THCA, which is responsible for relieving pain and spasms. THCA acts as a synergizing agent, yet it doesn't deliver the psychoactivity associated with THC. Hence, consuming marijuana raw will let you reap the benefits without the adverse effects.
Beware of Synthetic Marijuana
The risk brought by different versions of synthetic marijuana should also be considered. Imported from Asian countries under the guise of potpourri, herbal incense and even plant food, the synthetic powder is mixed in a lab and shipped to the U.S., where retailers spray it onto a leaf — often an herb or a spice — that can be smoked, just like pot.
It not only binds to cannabis receptors in your body up to 1,000 times more strongly than standard marijuana, but also produces gripping effects on serotonin and other receptors in your brain. You can't overdose on real pot, but you CAN overdose on synthetic versions — and it doesn't take very much.
Most people don't realize how dangerous synthetic marijuana can be. Unlike medical marijuana, synthetic marijuana not only is void of any healing component, but also may put you at risk of serious side effects, including:21,22
Brain damage
Kidney problem
Cardiac problem
Acute psychosis
Tachycardia (an abnormally rapid heart rate)
Hypokalemia (a deficiency of potassium in the bloodstream)
I highly recommend asking your physician or D.O. about reputable medicinal-grade marijuana plant growers or credible apothecaries near your area that sell natural cannabis products for medicinal purposes.
If Marijuana Is so Beneficial, Why Is It a Schedule 1 Drug?
In one of my interviews with Frankel, he explained how people have forgotten cannabis was once a botanical medicine, and how it became known as a notorious form of illegal drug:
"What happened in the '60s and '70s was that due to desires for psychedelia, the changes in the war in Vietnam, and the war on drugs with Nixon, the types of strains that were available and the demand for psychedelia changed. Before we knew it, CBD — due to a lack of 'stoniness' — was bred out of the plant."
As a result of growers breeding out the all-important CBD, marijuana became known primarily as a plant that gets you high. Its original medicinal properties and uses largely fell by the wayside.
Currently in the U.S., marijuana is classified as a Schedule 1 controlled substance, a category reserved specifically for the most dangerous illicit drugs, such as heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and ecstasy.23 Based on the 1970 Controlled Substance Act, drugs from this group:24
Have a high potential for abuse
Have no accepted medical use in the United States
Have lack of accepted safety under medical supervision
Personally, I find it disheartening that something as promising as marijuana is being demonized due to inappropriate use.
It's such a shame, too, that the federal government seemed so careless in approving the recreational use of marijuana (which made the ongoing cycle of substance abuse and addiction in our country even worse), but played it tough when it comes to approving medical cannabis, which could potentially benefit countless of people by improving many conditions and taking the place of a number of synthetic drugs. Who would not want that? Well, clearly, not those whose bottom line would be affected.
Stay Informed on Medical Marijuana and Other Homeopathic Treatments
Homeopathic remedies have always been under assault, and the case with medical cannabis is a clear example. Despite its outstanding health potential if used in medicinally appropriate methods, it's still shunned by federal agencies and demonized to be "dangerous" — even though there's no risk of overdose or death from cannabis, which is something that cannot be said for other conventional remedies like opioids.
It really all boils down to freedom of choice. I believe that if a homeopathic is working for you, then you should be allowed to use it, especially considering the other things you're allowed to use but expose you to significant if not extreme risks, like alcohol, cigarettes or opioids and certain over-the-counter medications.
I advise you to read my other articles on medical marijuana and watch my interview with Gedde, who also runs a Colorado-based alternative medical practice that specializes in cannabis use. Meanwhile, my interview with Todd Harrison, an attorney who specializes in food and drug law, expands on the current legal status of CBD oil and other homeopathic treatments. You can also read about the history of cannabis in this article "Cannabis: A Lost History," which includes other helpful resources about the medical benefits of this plant.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/08/04/medical-marijuana2.aspx
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onlinecannabisoil · 5 years
Medical marijuana to cure liver cancer
Medical marijuana to cure liver cancer
Could cannabis oil help cure liver disease ?
Liver cancer is a potentially fatal disease characterized by aggressive liver tumor growth. The 5-year survival rate for liver cancer is about 30% at early diagnosis.
If feasible, treatment usually involves surgery, local treatment, or chemo / radiotherapy. Now, new research indicates that cannabis oil to cure liver cancercan also help treat liver…
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