#canon flections
fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Hello Hello fellow fictionkinfessions readers!
I'm curious about something and would like to ask a question; Does being fictionkin (assuming your kintype is human/humanoid) affect your own humanity/personhood?
I've noticed recently that for me being fictionkin extends to being fictional, I feel very uncomfortable identifying outside of tropes and don't really view myself as a person but a character. I also only feel attraction (mostly platonic, but also general) towards other fictional people, or those I can easily convince myself are fictional (e.g. people we only know over the internet).
I feel much more as if being fictional is a sort of additional species, rather than just a specific character.
Do any of you feel the same way or does your fictionkintype only affect who you are but not what way you are?
- Shaun Hastings #📋
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butterfly-winx · 3 years
What kinda accents do the realms have? You can say in comparison to real one or just describe, it works either way
Butterfly canon is built on the assumption that there is some sort of universe wide spell easing communication. Another winxer coined the term Universal Translation Spell which I also like to use with my own imposed limitations.
The butterfly UTS is meant to enable communication and works best on spoken language. It gives the listener the ability to understand what is being said to them regardless of what language the words have been said in. The listener will still hear the foreign language, but receive an instant seamless translation in their brain as if they were able to speak the language in question. Over time people learn to tune out the words they hear as it can be headache inducing after prolonged exposure.
What the UTS doesn’t enable is the acquisition of the ability to process written language. People won’t be able to write in any language unless they do study it. Reading ability is also limited: people are only able to understand texts if they have an idea what it says. Once a translation is given, they will be able to parse the text better and are able to build “vocabulary” and understanding in a language using the UTS. This is ofc still not equal to having learned a language, because the UTS slides over cultural references, or linguistically important structures and just delivers an unembellished basic translation. To be able to express oneself in a nuanced way, one still has to study languages.
So there is no “common language” everyone learns to speak. If people choose to learn a foreign language, they do it for practical reasons like communicating with frequent foreign language speaking partners or because their native language is a dialect and they need to know the official language of their realm for legal applications. Alfea mandates all students study Magics Standard, to help students integrate and learn about the local culture. Knowing Magics Standard also enables them to use Alfea’s and Magics City’s extensive library without having to rely on audio recorded material only.
Given this, I can describe the phoneme case of each of the girls’ native languages, which would influence their accent in any language they chose to learn.
Native language: Solkaros
Sounds: Solkaros has only 4 vowels, which only exist in a few combinations; consonants are either very hard or are complex sounds like tl, hu(wa) and ng; Solkaros combines flection/conjugation with nouns and verbs and the word length is long (old Solarian doesn’t); words have no innate inflection and are spoken flat/with equal weight on each syllable
Writing system: letter by letter
Speaks: Old/Ceremonial Solarian, Magics Common, very little Esperanto
Resulting accents: Stella tends to overpronounce or catch on consonants like t, ch and pronounces her dʒ-s like a hard g instead
Native language: Gou dialect Melodean
Sounds: Melodean is an inflection heavy language, in which intonation of words matters and is used to differentiate meaning; Melodean has over 18 distinct vowel sounds, Gou uses about 15 of them and sounds a little flatter in comparison; consonants are almost completely unvoiced ones (f, r/l, n, t, ch, q) and lack voiced ones like (z, g); word length is very short
Writing system: pictogram based
Speaks: Simplified Melodean (official language) Magics Common
Resulting accents: Musa sounds very soft and has trouble with harsh ch, or rolled r sounds, she sometimes runs out of breath on longer words (6+ syllables)
Native language: Bisayang 
Sounds: Bisayang is heavy on consonant grouping, using a lot of combinations as it has a low total sound repertoire of 20 distinct letters/sounds; if doesn’t use f, voiced h sounds, but has three different n/ng/nmg sounds; word length is variable with shorter verbs spoken upfront and long noun constructs
Writing system: syllabic
Speaks: Tulang Linpi (official language), Magics Common
Resulting accent: Flora sounds nasal in her n, m, b and g sounds and tends to replace consonants she doesn’t really know with familiar ones before getting confident (eg f->p, cs/tsh -> sh)
Native language: Jordan
Sounds: Very heavy on r and hard ch sounds; has a characteristic inflection where the last vowel of nouns is stressed creating a lilting speech; 
Writing system: combination of syllabic with pictograms
Speaks: Trible (language of Tribilisi), Magics Common, very little Esperanto
Resulting accent: Tecna unconsciously recreates the Jordan lilt in their speech, pronounces g, ch and tsh sounds hard and rolls their r, strangely no trouble with ny/ty sounds
Native language: Esperanto (south)
Sounds: t, k, soft ch, dʒ , and sh consonants are very common, has a rolled r; uses 7 vowel sounds, e the most frequent of them; south dialect is heavy on inflection and stresses s and sh sounds longer, making syllables follow a fast-long-fast rhythm when speaking; south dialect adds vowels to the ends of words and doesn’t leave final consonants unsounded
Writing: letter by letter
Speaks: Frederican, Magics Standard, Dominian, 
Resulting accent: Bloom speaks often with Esperanto rhythm and unintentionally stresses consonants at the end of words, has trouble with y/ly/ty sounds
Native language: A’gu
Sounds: uses mostly sounded consonants like m, ʒ, g; y, f and r are also frequently used; very soft sound relying on swallowed consonant sounds and heavy complex vowels; oi, uo and a are frequent sounds; words are frequently equal in length so words of importnace are stressed; mostly spoken with a wide, slightly open mouth
Speaks: Igbou, Magics Standard, Pachit (Nabu’s language)
Resulting accent: Pronounces her a’s and e’s flat and doesn’t open her mouth too much for very clear sounds, makes every sound a complex sound through that
Native language: Esperanto (blend of west and south)
Sounds: Same as with Bloom; the west dialect doesn’t stress final consonants and has a different rhythm: most words are stressed on the first syllable; Stronger w, and harder ch sounds
Speaks: Frederican, very little Magics Standard
Resulting accent: Has no trouble with throathy ch sounds, but lisped s, and ly/ty sounds are difficult, front-heavy intonation on words
Native language: Dominian 
Sounds: Bright and open mouthed vowel sounds, 9 distinct ones spoken in isolation, complex consonants like ar, ny, ty (rare), gn; final syllables are often swallowed; inflection is not word specific, but changes within a sentence going from high tone sections to low tone sections marking different sentence components
Writing: letter by letter with few exceptions in “cursive”
Speaks: Old Dominian Runespeak, Magics Standard, Simplified Melodean
Resulting accent: Has trouble with complex vowel sounds and usually speaks with either or sound, speaks longer sections with on breath than strictly necessary in Melodean
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spaceacex · 8 years
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Selfi-flection off the DUMBO sign. #NYC #photography #snapshot #picoftheday #photo #canon #picture #SpaceAcePics #capture #composition #art #all_shots #focus #moment #abc7ny #nypix #photooftheday #pics #photoshoot #photogrid #instagood #artofvisuals #nycprimeshot #Brooklyn #moodygrams #nypostnyc #worldbestgram #newyork #fox5ny #teamcanon (at DUMBO, Brooklyn)
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