#cant i just eat a sandwich on a bench for the rest of my life
ingrid-said-no · 1 month
college is HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my ass is 25 and i am taking so long because i am so fuckinh depressed and i just want to DISAPPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant even do the things i enjoy anymore like write silly stuff!!!! and now i had to get my laptop fixed and they erased everything on it!!!!!!! without my permission!!!!!!! they said they kept it in a hard drive but i have to pay to get it back like what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do i look like i have money!!!!!! i already fucking paid to get my laptop fixed!!!!!!!! my fcuking files!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(mostly crying about my old goofy MS paint drawings i did over the years, but yeah sure my homework documents boohoo)
i am so tired!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello and goodbye.
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shy-poet-marvel · 4 years
Mind and Heartache
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Peter Parker X Male reader
Author’s Note : Hey guys, haven't post a story in a while so here you go. 
Summary : Someone attacked Peter. You, his boyfriend with telepathic/telekinetic powers must found out who
Warning : Male!reader, angst, reader focused, mention of blood and some broken bone
Word Count : 2887
Inspired by @bigfan-fanfic​​
Gif by : @sincerelysaraahh​
*Want to request something? Just ask!*
*Constructive criticism are welcome*
One of Peter’s hand is clutching the side of his stomach while the other one is prompted against a wall, both are covered in blood. ‘How many ribs did I break?’ Peter wondered, ‘three, four, or maybe even six?’, it feels all the same to him, his whole body hurt. He limped across the dark alleyway, ‘what matter is he already send his distress signal, they will come soon’, Peter’s thought was interrupted by that cold and ruthless sound. “Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out”
(Y/N)’s body was backed up against the wall in front of the bed, which Peter’s body lies lifeless in. Machinery surrounds him and tubes are coming out of his mouth, the morning sun still makes him look ethereal, but now is not the kind that you admire. His brain activity was low, too low. Wanda managed to intervene and stabilize his mind, but it almost like he’s gone, like a faint whisper just out of your earshot while loud noises enveloped his soft cries.
“He got jumped on by someone, someones, the crime scene was very contaminated by other variables that aren’t important, so combing through it will take a long time. Unfortunately, all of the Avengers were on a mission, so the ones that were able to respond were standard S.H.I.E.L.D agents”, normally when Tony Stark is addressing you, you should pay close attention, but now, all you cared about is who did this to your Peter.
“No use, it’s all blurry and disoriented, I’m guessing he had a lot to process when it happened. Trust me (Y/N), I’ve tried”, Wanda said out loud before you even try reading through his mind and the thought of Wanda poking through Peter’s mind makes you sick to your stomach, but if she can’t do it, in your condition right now, you cant do it too. “We’re doing our best to keep him alive, we’ll keep you updated, now go home (Y/N). You need to rest”
“All right”, you said reluctantly. The door to Peter’s room, your mind is made up.
“Can I have latte and that chocolate brownies?”
“Do you want to have the brownies re-heated?”
“Yes, please”, you then gave your card to pay for your order.
You sat across the window, looking at the stream of human going about their day. One are excited for their first date, while another are scared because they broke their new phone. Still not the one you’re looking for.
“Here’s your order”, the waitress sat down a vanilla latte with a love drawn on it and a warm chocolate brownies.
“Thank you”, you smiled at her and then continue searching.
This is another café you have visited in the last couple of hours. You aren't used to this amount of caffeine even though you usually like coffee. Another latte you order to drink on the go. It was a nice day out actually. The setting sun lay a golden hue to the city as you walked along its block, sipping on your coffee occasionally while walking back to Peter’s apartment. Aunt May was kind enough to let you stay at Peter’s room when he’s still in the hospital and unable to be visited. To show your gratitude for her you are the one who did all the cleaning and the chores.
After arriving at the apartment you started doing the laundry, with May’s shift and Peter at the ward no one is there to do it. While waiting for the laundry you decided to cook something, with the groceries you bought at a nearby deli. You prepped all the ingredients that you need, thinking about what you should make and decided on meatballs, macaroni, and cheese with cuts of smoked beef, a soup, and some fried rice. When all is done you eat the leftover pizza that’s on the fridge accompanied by some of the meatballs you cooked. You put all that’s left in containers and put a note on the table that states May’s dinner, breakfast, and lunch are all in the fridge and only needed to be re-heated. You spent sometime after dinner ironing and folding the clothes that are out of the dryer before you went to bed, with your nose buried in his sweater.
"I need to tell the Avenger about this", Peter muttered under his breath while climbing down the side of the building he is on. He only managed a few feet of swinging before he fell. He was shot at the right side of his abdomen. His back slam against the concert of the silent part of town.
 One of Peter’s hand is clutching the side of his stomach while the other one is prompted against a wall, both are covered in blood. ‘How many ribs did I break?’ Peter wondered, ‘three, four, or maybe even six?’, it feels all the same to him, his whole body hurt. He limped across the dark alleyway, ‘what matter is he already send his distress signal, they will come soon’, Peter’s thought was interrupted by that cold and ruthless sound. “Itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out”
"You can break my bone, hurt me, beat me up, even kill me, but for the love of God and all things good, do not hurt him", Peter said as intimidating as he could.
The man stood in silence before continuing the rhyme, "out came the sun, and dried up all the rain, and the itsy-bitsy spider founded dead. The end"
The next morning when you woke up you have a massive headache, like every brain cell that you have is on fire and just ready to explode ‘maybe this is the side effect of over-exerting your power’, you thought, you never really use your power to this much capacity over the last few days. You barely get into the kitchen without falling, when you hear a knock on the door. Trying your best to read who it is, but failed, like someone is blocking you or because when you did it your whole body hurts. With the last bit of your power, you took one of the kitchen knives and dragged yourself to the door. Your vision was hazy so you didn’t know who it was through the peephole.
“Who is it?”, you mustered up every ounce of power that you had to sounded normal.
“It’s us”, you opened the door to Wanda and Natasha.
You let them in and you guys talked about Peter’s condition, he’s getting better, slowly but surely, his physical condition is getting stable by the day, but still can’t be visited. You sigh in relief, it was the best news you heard all week.
“You know that we are doing our best to investigate who did this to Peter”, Natasha spoked softly.
Shocked because you know that she sounded like she knew what you’ve been doing before you ready to blame Wanda on reading your mind Natasha spoked. “I was a spy for most of my life, it’s not hard to read what you’ve been doing with just a few glance”.
So you talked more about how the investigation has been going, you also told them what you already find. Before they leave Natasha spoke, “I’ve been there you know, wanting revenge, it was never the answer, never will. I’m not your mom, so I can't tell you what to do or not to do, what I can tell you is be careful and you're not in this alone”, she gave you a button and then leave.
Your grumbling stomach requests your attention before anything else, so you head to the kitchen once again. May left a thank you note on the fridge, opening it you see that May finished the soup, some of the fried rice, and brought the meatballs for her lunch. You eat what’s left of the fried rice in silence, wondering what to do. You decided on taking a shower before doing anything else. After getting out of the shower you went into Peter’s room to put on some clothes. With a black Nasa sweatshirt that you have and black sweatpants, you went out. The first couple of hours wasn’t productive because your powers were still acting up, your head still feels like it was going to explode, but not as bad as it was in the morning. Without you realized it was noon already. With some sandwiches and bottled water, you take your lunch in the near park bench. Eating alone again while watching people go about their day. After you threw away the trash in the garbage can nearby, you walked around the small park. Seeing a tree you decided to sit on it. Without realizing you drifted off.
It was supposed to be just a normal patrol, maybe catch some muggers, web some burglars, and maybe, just maybe prevent a heist. But this, this is above his power, how much Peter doesn’t want it to be.
“The plans are going smoothly, I presumed”, a man in black tuxedo spoke.
“Yes, we’ve already found out his patterns, his associates, people that are close to him, and most importantly, his ties to our friendly, neighborhood spider”, a man in a hooded robe answer.
Peter was shocked, who could this group of people are. Targeting him, or the people around him. They noticed Peter was eavesdropping on the conversation.
“There he is our little spider, gracing us with his presence”, the man in the black tuxedo announced. Peter can feel guns pointing at him.
“If you do anything to me, the Avengers will know about it”, Peter shouted while pushing his distress signal.
“ The world doesn’t just revolve around you or your little Avenger friend”, the man in the black tuxedo smiled coldly.
You got woken up by the rough wind. Unlike the other day, today seemed to be a gloomy one. The clouds are rolling in heavily, it’s going to rain, hard. You were only a couple of blocks away before it rained like cats and dogs. Entering Peter’s apartment, you were soaked to the bone. To your surprise, May was home, in the middle of the day.
“Oh my god (y/n) go dry up and change into some other clothes, I’ll make some tea”, she pushed you into Peter’s room. Wearing his sweater and some short, you put the wet clothes on the dryer before you sat down in the living room, next to May.
She offered you some hot tea to warm you up. “The hospitals let me leave early, Meg cover the rest of my shift for today, fortunately, I got home before it was raining”, she looked to you while you sipping on the comforting tea.
“Before I got home I visited Peter in the hospital, maybe you were there. I was planning on taking you to an ice cream shop or something, thanking you for doing so many chores for these past few days”, sadness sipped out of her every word.
“But when I arrived at Peter’s room I didn’t find you anywhere. He’s still can’t be visited but I was hoping you were waiting outside. I was ready on looking for you in the hospital. That’s when Natasha came to me and said that you never visited Peter since the day he was admitted”, she looked at you, stared at you with tears pooling in her eyes.
“What have you been doing these past few days (y/n)?”, May asked a question you don’t dare answer.
You were ecstatic, you finally find a lead on who attacked Peter. You told Natasha and here you are on an impromptu Avengers meeting.
“I didn’t get much since it was outside of my range. All I got was the named Jack O’ Riley, something about Project Liberation, and the code name ‘Sound’, you spoke to the one present, which is Tony, Wanda, Natasha, Clint, and Bruce.
“Jack O’ Riley, somehow that named seemed familiar”, Bruce spoke.
“Because it is, he worked with HYDRA before, we come across his name couple of times, we didn’t what role he play, until now”, Natasha spoked.
“Where were you when you find this out (y/)?”, Tony asked.
“I was just on the outside of Queens, maybe they’re in Brooklyn?”, you answered.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y you know what to do, let’s get to work guys, double time”, announced Tony.
“We will find those who did this to him and we will bring them to justice”, Wanda reassured you.
You sneak around the abandoned warehouse, using your power to hide your presence, but you still need to walk quietly. You stepped into the abandoned warehouse through the broken window on the top and slowly glide down to the behind a container.
You wanted to sneak around but someone announced your presence, “Finally, we’ve been waiting for you”.
Knowing your cover is blown you stopped hiding your presence and got out of the backside of the container, “you must be a telepath, being able to sense my presence like that, I know I should've concealed my presence more”.
You saw a man with a black tuxedo standing there, the darkness behind him. He stood with the support of a walking cane.
“Why did you target Spiderman?”, you shouted, knowing this man right here was the one that’s behind Peter’s attack.
“Peter was never our goal”, he smiled before snapping his fingers, and you were bombarded by a barrage of bullets from all sides.
You didn’t have time to wonder how you didn’t sense any man or machine inside the warehouse expect the one in front of you right now. You created a force field with your telekinetic powers. Minutes went by and they didn’t show any sign of stopping, you mustered up some power to produce a shock wave, stopping the rain of bullets.
“Marvelous, marvelous, you’re better than we expected”, the man in the black tuxedo clapped his hands.
You were astounded, with that blast he should've been sent flying, but he’s still standing with nothing on him. A hooded figure shows up next to him, but since when you should've felt them but you got nothing like it was dead.
“Where are my manners, my name is Jack O’ Riley and this is my sweet Nathan”, you were flown back to the stack of old crates as soon as he finished talking, thanks to your telekinesis you were able to soften the blow.
You saw him leaping to you, so you throw some of the broken crates to him before you doges his attack. You rested you back to a container before you can react he already got you pinned.
“You see, Nathan here is a telepath, but his power was weak. Until we figure out a way to take the telepathic and telekinetic ability of another just like him, the price is the person that we take their ability from died. Peter was a setup, we did want to kidnap him before that damned agents storm the place, but I guess by breaking a few of his bone did well enough to bring you here”, Jack said that as he walked to you.
“The sound of his bone when it cracked, the way he practically begged to spare you life, he was pathetic. You should've seen his face”, Nathan dumped images of Peter on the ground, the pain he felt, the fear that consumed him, the readiness to die to save you.
It makes you mad, enrage, furious. All of that anger you channeled into your power, it manifests by creating a big shock wave, big enough to destroy the warehouse. You can still see Nathan and Jack still breathing, badly wounded but still breathing, maybe Nathan tried to shield them both but it was only enough to let them on the brink of death. No matter what, more fun for you.
You lifted them up and then smashed them on the ground, “Did you feel that that’s what my Peter feel when you shot him down”.
You started to break their bones, “Do you like it when it’s you bones that are being broken?”, one by one, starting from their arms you break them.
“(Y/N)! Stop this! Please, I’m begging you”, you heard his voice. A voice soft as the sunrise but now is filled with pain and hurt. ‘Who dare hurt his Peter?’ you thought before you realize that most of the Avengers are around with Peter. You saw him there, standing, healthy, safe and sound, and afraid of you. You dropped down slowly, with two of you victims that are quickly being taken care of by the medic team.
You walked slowly to Peter, your Peter, that’s here, not in a hospital bed, with machinery around him. You only manage a few steps before falling, but not to the cold, hard, ground. The soft, warm, arms of your boyfriend are the one that breaks it.
“There, there, (y/n) everything is going to be all right, no need to cry”, Peter said to your eyes, whipping away the tears you didn’t know you have. He places a comforting kiss inside of his warm hug. You felt it was only you two in this world.
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What we’ve always wanted!
wildefire said:If you’re still doing requests I’d like to know if you could do a stucky x reader skit? Where the reader and has a sort of jealous animosity towards the bous, and the rest of the team gets tired of it so they get locked in the gym together?
I hope this is okay. Sorry it’s taken me a while, I kinda struggled with it strangely.
Y/N: Where are you?x
Steve: out with Bucky, why?x
Y/N: Oh... we were meeting for lunch, remember?x
Steve: yes?
- Sorry doll. I completely forgot.
- Bucky says you’re welcome to join us. Will you? Please?x
Y/N: I’m okay, thanks. It was only for a catch up x
I sighed as I walked into the common area with my earphones in, blasting AC/DC. Thanks, Tony. I had’t been back to the tower all day and I’d been avoiding any calls. I just needed to be on my own for a bit. Sometimes I found being an Avenger overwhelming. I wasn’t a ‘super-soldier’ like Steve or an amazing assassin like Natasha. I was a computer geek, a hacker so to speak.
For what seemed like the 100th time my phone rang and I hung up. Suddenly my earphones were pulled out of my ears scaring the hell outta me. “What the-”
Steve frowned down at me, his arms folded over his chest. “Why’d you hang up?”
I rolled my eyes with a sigh. “I’m in the tower. I was gonna come and find you.” I lied, hoping Steve wouldn’t look into it.
“Right, so, you’ve been where, all day?” Steve shrugged his shoulders as he asked in his Cap voice. I rolled my eyes again at him. “Y/N! Stop, with the eye rolling, it’s annoying.” he sighed.
I shook my head, looking him up and down. “Where are you off?” I referred to his appearance.
“Oh, Bucky, Sam and I are going out for the night.” he beamed. My face dropped at his words. “Don’t change th-”
“Are you kidding me?” I creased my brow.
“What?” he shrugged.
“It’s Saturday night.” I said like it was obvious. He shrugged again. “We were gonna watch the next series of Sherlock, together.” I frowned.
“Oh, we’ve already watched it.” Bucky pattered my shoulder as he walked past me. I growled a little as I watched him enter the elevator with Sam.
I turned back to face Steve. “Why’d you watch it with, him? That was our thing.” I frowned.
Steve began laughing at me. “C’mon, doll. I can watch it again with you.”
I shook my head. “No you can’t. You’ve ruined it.” I sighed pushing passed him.
Bucky sighed dramatically. “You’re such a baby...C’mon, Punk. Let’s go.”
After binge watching Sherlock for about seven hours in my room, I headed down to the kitchen to get something to eat. It was well after 1am so most Avengers will have already turned in for the night. “Isn’t, it, past your bed time?” I ignored Bucky as I passed him, Steve, Sam, Natasha and Thor who were in the common area drinking. “See! I told you, she hates, ME!” he laughed.
I stood in the kitchen making myself a sandwich for myself trying to ignore the laughter in the next room. “Okay, what’s up your butt?” Nat asked from behind me.
“Nothing.” I shrugged.
“Y/N, don’t try to lie to me. I know you like the back of my hand.” she smirked as she stood next to me. “Spill, now.” she demanded.
I sighed putting the knife I had in my hand down. “I- I just... feel, I dunno-” I shrugged shaking my head. “Lonely.” I frowned looking up at her. “Without... Steve.” I dropped my head.
“Sexually?” she questioned with a raised eyebrow.
I screwed my face up ‘ewing’ at her. “What? No!” I shook my head almost gagging at the thought of me and Steve.
“OH MY GOD!” Bucky burst out laughing behind us. “That’s, hilarious!” he held his stomach as he bent over laughing. I groaned closing my eyes, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me whole.
Steve ran into the kitchen along with Sam and Thor, all looking ready for an attack. “What’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“She- her-” Bucky couldn’t talk cause of the laughing. “Brother-”
“Brother?” Steve raised his eyebrow at Bucky before looking at me and Nat. “What’s going on, Y/N?”
I shook my head about to speak but Nat piped up first. “Y/N is lonely, without you.” my eyes widened. “Possibly sexually?”
Steve and I pulled a face of disgust at each other as we stepped away from each-other. Bucky began laughing even more as did Sam. “I do not understand? I thought the two of you were, siblings?” Thor asked.
Bucky managed to calm his laughing down a little. “That’s, what I was trying, to, say.” he snickered. “It’d be like Nat asking me it.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Well, you and Steve are a lot closer tha-” Nat looked at me, a smirk forming on her lips. “Ah...” I shook my head as I once again picked my sandwich up and began leaving the kitchen. Nat following closely. “Are you jealous?”
“No.” I sighed as I walked into my room, sitting back on my bed. “I don’t hate him, either.”
“You heard, him?”
I nodded taking a deep breath as I placing my plate on the bedside table. “I don’t, hate him, Nat.” I sighed looking down. “Thor was right. Me and Steve were so close at one point, he was like my big brother but, I dunno, ever since Bucky came back into the picture... Steve’s, forgotten me.” I admitted. “I didn’t have a family growing up and Steve was starting to feel like what I was missing.”
“Have you told him? Them?” she sat up looking at me.
I shook my head. “Every time I try to, they go off to do something... I mean, are they fucking?” I blurted out making Nat burst out laughing. I covered my mouth as I began laughing with her.
Nat: Don’t forget training this morning x
- Don’t be late! x
Y/N: Yeah yeah. See you in 5!x
I headed down to the gym to meet Nat for our early training session. After last night I wasn’t really in no mood for anyone. I pushed the door open expecting to see Nat already running on the treadmill or getting somethings out for our session. “Nat!” I shouted. “Nat?” I frowned as I lifted my wrist to look at my watch. “Asshole tells me not to be late.” I muttered.
“Language!” I jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice behind me. He chuckled as he walked over to me. “What you doing here?” he asked dropping his stuff next to me.
“Having a party.” I shrugged. Steve rolled his eyes looking away. “That’s annoying.” I smirked a little, mocking him. “Why are you here? Don’t you usually go for a run this early?” I asked.
He nodded. “Yeah, but Buck wanted to train in here this morning.”
“The hell I did.” Bucky announced his arrival as he burst through the door. Both Steve and I frowned at his loudness. “You, were the one who wanted to train. You said it was a tea, thing.” he shrugged.
Before I could say anything else the sound of the doors being locked caught our attention. “YOU THREE AREN’T LEAVING UNTIL YOU TALK!” Natasha shouted through the door.
“About what?” Steve asked.
“Y/N knows!” Sam shouted.
I sighed shaking my head. Of course she told him. “There’s nothing to talk, about.” I answered.
“Not even the feeling lonely without, Steve?” Bucky smirked at me over his shoulder.
I rolled my eyes as I turned round to take a seat on the bench. “You make me sound creepy, saying it like that.” Bucky began laughing at me, making me annoyed. “Why do you think I hate you?” I asked.
“You do.” Bucky sighed resting his back against the doors.
I shook my head sighing. “I don’t, Bucky. How could I?... you’re lovely.” I smiled at him, making him look away trying to hide his reddening face.
“So, why do you, act, weird around, me?”
“Cause, I’m jealous.” I admitted.
“Of Bucky?” Steve chuckled taking a seat next to me.
“Thanks, Punk.” Bucky frowned at him.
Steve held his hand up in defence before putting his arm around me. “Y/N, you don’t need to be jealous of Bucky.”
“I’m not!” I got up quickly. “No offence dude but, my life is pretty good... apart from my parents dying when I was a kid...” I frowned. “I dunno, ever since you came back into the picture... Steve’s, forgotten me.” I admitted.
“I haven’t forgot about you, Y/N.” Steve admitted. “But, Bucky needs me more than-”
“No, I don’t.” Bucky sighed getting up. I watched him as he walked over to where we were. “Look Steve, I appreciate everything you and everyone has done for me so far but, I’m not a porcelain doll. You can leave me on my own once in a while.” he smiled placing his hand on Steve shoulder before sitting down next to him.
“I know, Buck, I just... worry, about you.” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry... to the both of you.”
There was silence in the gym for a brief moment before Bucky spoke up. “So, what are you jealous of?”
“Hmm... Steve’s like my big brother but I kinda feel like, he was just waiting for you... I didn’t have a family growing up and Steve was starting to feel like what I was missing.”
Bucky sighed getting up form the bench and stepped forwards. He hesitantly lifted his arms and wrapped them around me, pulling me into a hug. “Ya’know, I always wanted a little sister.” he smiled against the top of my head.
I wrapped my arms around him as I smiled into his chest, holding him closer. “Me too.” Steve joined the hug, making me laugh as they squashed me between the two of them.
“GET A ROOM!” Sam shouted, causing the three of us to let go of each other. “AH! What was that for?” I burst out laughing, knowing Natasha probably punched him in the arm for ruining a nice moment.
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smutbangtan · 7 years
Office Files - Chapter 11 ‘The Past’
Words: 6,194
Genre: Smut
Summary: You are a lawyer at a major company. You’ve been given the responsibility to oversee an intern.
Paring: Reader x Jimin x Namjoon x Jungkook
Trigger Warning: Death & Drug use
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***You - Four and a half years ago***
You didn't particularly like your apartment, but the thing that annoyed you most was the door. Every time you came home, you'd unlocked the door and basically had to nudge it open with your shoulder. You notified the building owner three times already and yet nothing was done. You started to believe it gave you shoulder and back pain.
You entered your apartment with a groan and started rubbing your shoulder. You threw your bag on the counter and headed straight for the fridge. It was Friday evening and you didn't have anything planned yet. You opened the fridge door and stuck your head in searching for something edible. The only thing inside was a half-eaten sandwich, an opened canned tuna and old milk.
"Babe?, you home?" said a male voice.
You looked over your fridge door and saw your boyfriend standing there in his boxes. He looked like he just got up. He was scratching his bare chest when he smiled lazily at you from the bedroom door.
"Oh hey" You said with a bright smile "I thought your had night shift tonight?" You blindly reached for the eaten sandwich and took a bite.
"I do, but I don't start till a little later today" He smirked then walked over to you, slowly leaning in and taking a bite also from your sandwich. You frowned, because he ate almost all of it.
"Okay, I'm going to order something. I'm starving!'" you said with the last piece of bread stuffed in your mouth. You kicked off your shoes, not caring where it landed and started searching through the entire take out pamphlets stuck on the fridge door. You had collected many pamphlets throughout the year. When it was payday you'd like to indulge in some fried kitchen or Chinese food. Thinking about food got you a little excited. You lived for food.
Your boyfriend kept his eyes on you with an amused look on his face as he walked over to the kitchen bench and silently slid a white envelope in your direction. His silence caught your attention and you darted your eyes to him then followed his stretched arm to the envelope on the bench. You gasped with widened eyes. He grinned and wiggled his brows at you suggestively. Leaving the pamphlets on the fridge, You cupped your mouth nervously and walked to him, keeping your eyes on mail. "When did it arrive?" You asked worriedly. He stepped close and wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. Being in his arms always comforted you, no matter how stressed or upset you felt. You closed your eyes briefly, immersed in his scent in presence, then you opened your eyes again to look at the paper that held your fate.
You both stared at the envelope in silence for a few minutes. "This afternoon. I'm just as curious as you are" he chuckled. You reached out slowly and picked up the envelope. With shaking hands you fumbled with the enveloped then ripped open the paper slowly.
"What if I didn't get it?" you asked, looking over your shoulder at him with a frown. He squeezed his arms around you reassuringly and smiled "You're qualified, I know you got it. I can feel it in my bones"
"But so are you, being qualified doesn't mean squat anymore" You said with a pout.
"That's true but you applied, and I know you got it. There's amazing people out there that are good at their job, like me. I'm amazing but that's why I haven't applied for any positions just yet. I like my shit paying job" He grinned. You rolled your eyes at his cockiness then ripped the mail further till the letter was exposed. You took a deep breath and slipped out the piece of unfolded paper and held it in front of you and your partners face .
"I didn't get it" You said with panic.
"Oh my god, you didn't even read it yet!" Your boyfriend laughed. He quickly spun you around and looked down at you with a reassuring smile. "You got this. I know you got this Y/N" You couldn't look at him, you stared at the ground with all these horrible thoughts going through your mind. You didn't want to be stuck in a community law firm for the rest of your life. You wanted to be a real lawyer.
It had only been a year since you left college and all you landed was a low salary job that couldn't even help you pay rent. You ended up moving in with your boyfriend and decided it was easier to save money. The apartment wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. You did live down town in the rougher part of the city which meant you had to travel an hour to work and back on the subway. Your partner however decided to take a break from responsibility and took a part time job a service station. He wanted to feel like he's making a contribution to society by working in a low paying job, which allowed him to see things in a different perspective before him becoming a hot shot lawyer. You didn't like the idea but you supported him anyway. Unlike your boyfriend, you didn't want to take a break. You were eager to move up the chain in society. You wanted to be working at a major company and to make something of yourself.
"But in all honesty Yoongi, what if I don't get it?" You looked up at him with worried eyes. You grasped the paper in your sweaty hands and started fiddling with it.
Your eyes started glistening with tears but you tried to blink them away. Yoongi reached up and held your shoulders and gave them a tight squeeze. He looked down at you with a serious face. "If you don't, you'll reapply. Your internship only lasted a month, which is quite rare." He said.
It was true, usually internships lasts for about six months till over a year. Luckily you were allowed off work for 30 days unpaid at your current job, which worked out perfectly for you to take the internship, but not financially. You and Yoongi were on a strict budget that month.
"How about I read it first then?" Said Yoongi with a smile. He gently took the folded paper from your hand and took a step back. He eyed you as he opened the letter then started reading it. You chewed your bottom lip nervously. The silence was deafening and it was only getting worse. You could see Yoongi's eyes darting back and forth across the paper and his lips moving a little as he read each word. You could feel your heart beating faster, only then you realized that you were holding your breath with anticipation.
Once he was finished he slowly lowered the paper and sighed. He pursed his lips into a thin line and stared at you. Your heart shattered. You could literally feel it being torn. All those hours in the office, you even sacrificed your weekends while being an intern, all for nothing. It was your first application and you wanted it to be your lucky shot. You swallowed hard and looked to the fridge, staring at the food pamphlets. Tonight you were going to eat your sadness away.
"I told you you'll get it" grinned Yoongi.
You blinked. "Wait... what?" You turned your head back to him.
He arched a brow at you with a 'I told you so look' and handed you the letter. You quickly snatched it from his hand. You skimmed the letter then read the important details. You were starting in 3 weeks. You looked at Yoongi in disbelief as he gave you another 'I told you so' look with a shrug and his hands in the air.
You screamed suddenly and started jumping around, waving the paper in the air.
"OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE IT!" you squealed with excitement and jumped on Yoongi while laughing hysterically. You quickly wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into the hardest kiss, ending it with a loud "muah!" coming from your mouth.
"I start in 3 weeks!" You squeaked as you looked at him closely with the brightest smile then you looked at the paper again, reading into the details. "It gives me enough time to hand in a resignation letter"
Yoongi watched you closely, he was happy for you but something inside stung him a little. As you were reading the letter with widened eyes and muttering out loud the details, Yoongi stepped forward and smoothed down your hair with both hands and planted a soft a kiss on your forehead "You should be proud" he said softly then planted another one "I should get ready for work" he sighed sadly.
You quickly darted your eyes off the paper after hearing your boyfriend's words then gasped, a little exaggeratedly. You jumped on Yoongi and wrapped your arms around him possessively into a bear hug. You looked up at him with a pout and fluttering lashes "No! Call in sick. We have to celebrate!"
In the back of your mind you had a feeling this would happen. Even on the very first day of getting your acceptance letter, Yoongi acted strange. Only later did you find out that he tried applying for positions six months earlier only to be rejected each time. Yoongi didn't tell you because he felt ashamed. Once you started at your new job, things slowly started changing at home.
At first it began with Yoongi questioning your decisions whenever you mentioned work issues and clients you had to deal with. It then lead to back handed comments with 'It's a joke babe' whenever he said anything slightly insulting. It seemed your boyfriend started to resent you and distanced himself from you, the longer you worked at your new job. He felt your success was his failure. He hated the idea of being the 'loser boyfriend' while you earned a lot more than he ever had and probably ever will.
Both of your schedules didn't allow you to see each other. When you had to get up early for your new job, Yoongi was already on his way home from a night shift. There were even times where he wouldn't even join you in bed and decided to sleep on the couch instead. When you asked him about it, he only told you bluntly that he found it more convenient. You didn't want to admit to yourself that your relationship was changing. In your mind it was just a 'bump in the road' and things would adjust when you settled into your work.
You were college sweet hearts and you had so much hope for this relationship. You loved him so deeply that it blinded you as he decided to take 'his break' and gave you almost all the financial responsibility. You figured he would do the same for you in return, but that wasn't the case. You both matured and grew into adults but had different ideas and plans in life. You both became strangers in your own home.
You both stood in the kitchen in silence. Yoongi stepped away from you and was making his way towards the front door. "Do you love me?" He asked you bluntly.
You replied instantly with desperation in your eyes "Yes!" Why couldn't he see your perspective? Yoongi couldn't look at you, he took a deep breath then slipped one of his hands out of his pockets and motioned them, pointing to you and himself "Then maybe, our situation right now isn't working. It's not working for us. It's your work that's destroying this relationship"
You frowned. What was he saying? You shook your head slowly, trying to understand what he meant "Are you asking me to choose?" Yoongi pursed his lips. He sighed then reached over and grabbed the car keys from the kitchen bench. The conversation was over. You knew that his silence meant you guessed right. He eyed you once more before leaving for work.
Weeks had passed since after the breakup and you had to move in with your parents while you looked for a new place. You secluded yourself from your friends and family since you worked almost seven days a week. At first you were the same person that everyone knew at work. But something stirred inside you. Usually every Friday you'd join a group of female workers for happy hour, but after the breakup you declined the offer every time. As time passed, they wouldn't bother asking you anymore.
You gradually moved up from one department to another until you were given your own. You concluded that if you wanted to become the best you could be in your job, you had to cut all ties. Serious relationships were a waste of time. You believed eventually men would turn on you and expect you to sacrifice all your hard work, only to be disappointed in the end. You changed from the person with a bubbly personality and with a sense of humour to the bitch you are today.
****Jungkook two years ago*****
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Jungkook sat there patiently, drumming his fingers on his thighs. He was so nervous that he couldn't sit still. He quickly scanned the waiting room again and took in more details of the area. He could smell the fresh paint mixed with a floral smell. He glanced at the large vase with freshly cut flowers in front of him on the coffee table, then to the receptionist at the front desk where she typed away. He nervously licked his lips then smoothed down his cheap suit. He weighed down the pros and cons on taking on this internship during his last year in college. He felt this would put him in an advantage when he graduates. There was no money involved but that didn't matter to him. The internship worked out well with his current college timetable. He knew he could juggle both responsibilities.
"Jeon Jungkook?" Said a male voice.
Jungkook immediately stood up with doe eyes and pursed his lips "Yes, that's me" he said quietly.
An older male with greying hair and wearing a dark pinned striped suit walked over and held out his hand. Jungkook shook it immediately and tried to give his best smile.
"Welcome to Slaters Lawyers. I was impressed with your resume, I believe your still in College?" He arched a brow at him.
Jungkook nodded slowly and placed a sweaty hand into a pocket, trying his hardest not to look so nervous. "Yes I am Sir" The older male chuckled and patted his shoulder encouragingly "Call me Frank, you'll be working under me for the next three months" Frank turned around and started walking past the waiting room into the main office areas.
Jungkook started following the man. Frank was immediately handed a file by someone from another department and started walking as he spoke to Jungkook. "You are aware that this is an unpaid internship?" Jungkook nodded at him even though Frank couldn't see. They both passed a small office area where people typed away silently while others gathered in corners talking over files. Frank opened a meeting room door and allowed Jungkook to walk in first. Jungkook looked around and saw another young male sitting patiently on the far side of the room. He looked just as scared as he was. He looked scruffy with blonde hair combed back with best effort, his suit looked expensive however. Jungkook nodded at the young man as a greeting whilst Frank stood in front of the large table. He motioned his hand for Jungkook to sit. He did obediently and smoothed down his sweaty hands on his thighs.
"Jungkook, meet Mark. He is also an intern here for the next three months. You both will be working under myself, and some other individuals. Depending on what they want you to do. After the three months, we will give you an evaluation report." Both Jungkook and Mark nodded silently.
The first few weeks consisted on running errands but mostly paper work. Jungkook had a chance to shadow Frank during court sessions and also a few client meetings. He wasn't responsible with any file work or clients but he was satisfied. Juggling classes and internship started to take a toll on Jungkook. His grades weren't falling but his energy and stamina was. There were times where he had to leave class early just to catch the subway to his internship in the city. After an evening in the office, he had to return back to campus so he could study for upcoming exams and tests. He was so disconnected from the employees at work, he didn't have time to mingle for Happy Hour in the office, or head down to the bar with Mark and Frank. As time passed he started to notice that Mark and Frank were a lot closer than himself. They started to have inside jokes about some of the women on the office floor or reminisce over weekend events which Jungkook unfortunately missed out on.
It was already halfway through the internship and Jungkook felt like he wasn't getting anywhere. He had a feeling it might not get a position in the company plainly due to not being able to bond with workers. Frank decided to hold a meeting for Mark and Jungkook, a general overview of performance and expectations for the next month.
"Mark, I like how you dealt with file work yesterday, well done buddy" Frank nodded approvingly while staring down at Mark's file. Mark grinned and adjusted his suit jacket, being satisfied with the praise. Frank slowly shut the file and sighed as he looked over at Jungkook's direction. "Jungkook, you're such a hard worker but I feel something is missing" Frank pursed his lips then leaned back on his chair. His eyes narrowed in thought as he stared at the young man.
Jungkook was about to answer when Frank's secretary walked in with a tray of coffee and biscuits. The young woman smiled at them and slid the tray onto the table centre and started preparing coffee for the three men. Frank's attention moved from Jungkook to the slightly bent woman over the table as she prepared the coffee. Frank grinned from liking what he saw and started talking to his secretary with a different demeanor and less professional.
"Shirley, are you single?" grinned Frank. Mark started chuckling but covered his mouth, trying to hold it back. The young man was amused by what his boss was doing. Jungkook on the other hand was taken back by the sudden question. He furrowed his eyes a little then looked at the young woman, as she silently poured the milk then sugar. She pursed her lips at first then looked over at Frank with a small smile. "Yes, I am. I think you already asked me this a few weeks ago" She started stirring in the sugar.
Frank raised his hands defensively then smirked "Yes I know, just wanted to make sure" The woman nodded to herself then walked around, placing each cup of coffee to the men in the room. Jungkook watched the woman's face and he could tell she felt uncomfortable. He was starting to feel uncomfortable as well. When he first entered the internship, he didn't notice at first but then started to see the mild sexism in the office. Mostly it was back handed remarks and inside jokes within the men. Jungkook never participated in any of it, he felt disgusted and figured he just had to put up with it till he finished his internship.
The secretary left the room with an empty tray and closed the door, giving Jungkook a quick look before she turned around and closed the door behind her. Frank's eyes followed the woman, then once she left he whistled out a breath and laughed. "I love it when she's uncomfortable" He wiggled his eyes approvingly to Mark who sat there grinning back and giving him a thumbs up.
"Jungkook, you need to relax a little and have a little fun at work. You can take things seriously all the time, or you won't get anywhere" said Frank with a smirk.
"Aren't you married?" Said Jungkook suddenly. Frank's face dropped and darted his eyes at him with a stern look. "It doesn't mean I can't have fun." He said bluntly. Mark nodded in agreement then reached for his coffee and took a small sip. His beady eyes darted from Frank to Jungkook, silently amused.
Jungkook looked over at Mark. He only knew little of Mark but later found out his was from quite a wealthy family. Jungkook concluded Mark's father probably put him here without any effort from Mark's behalf. Mark was a follower; he never really put innovative ideas forth or disagreed with Frank. Jungkook on the other hand had to speak his mind, it never got him in any trouble but other workers usually would go to Mark to get things done because they would know he wouldn't put up a fight.
"Well.." Frank sighed then adjusted his blazer before standing "Thank fuck it's Friday. Mark you're coming out for drinks right?" Mark stood suddenly after placing his coffee down and picked up a few of the papers around him. "Yep, as always"
Frank turned his black eyes to Jungkook then reached out, planting a hand on his shoulder and giving it a painful squeeze "And you're coming too Jungkook. I'm not taking a no for an answer this time" Jungkook hesitated then ran through all the possible scenarios that would happen if he didn't go home tonight as scheduled. It would mean he would need to study on a Saturday and not attend the extra class in the morning.
"Okay, I'll come" He nodded slowly. He knew he was going to regret it later.
Jungkook stood alone at the bar as he quietly sipped his drink. He told everyone that he ordered a gin and coke, but it was just coke. Jungkook had no intentions of getting drunk tonight. He didn't have time. He scanned the area and watched how other colleagues stood in their cliques, talking away and laughing at lame jokes. Mark noticed Jungkook standing awkwardly on his own so he decided to come over, not to keep him company but he had other intentions.
"Hey" said Mark as walked over to stand beside Jungkook.
"Hey" Jungkook said bluntly. He didn't feel like talking right now. He lowered his eyes towards his own drink and swirled the contents a little, pretending as though he's mixing in the jin further into the coke.
"I know now isn't the time we should be talking about work, but I was wondering if you could look over some documents? I just need fresh eyes to proof check a few things." Asked Mark as he downed his own drink.
Jungkook lifted his eyes at him with raised brows. He was a little taken back to be asked by another intern to have things proof read. This was the first time Mark had asked Jungkook to help him with something.
"Err yeah sure" Jungkook shrugged. He didn't think any more of it until a month later towards the end of this internship.
Mark's small request ended up at his own advantage. He used Jungkook's skills in noticing minuet errors to get himself ahead in the internship. Mark scheduled a private meeting with Frank and handed in a document which entailed a private contractor that Frank was networking with. It was a small project Mark was working on the side. Frank was impressed by Mark's little project.
This small project alone allowed Mark to handle other responsibilities outside of his contract. Jungkook knew immediately that he had lost the race. How could he have been so stupid and willing to help others when he alone we struggling? A week later, Jungkook received a letter from the company, thanking him for his efforts and time but unfortunately there was no job position for him once he finished College. It was obvious that Mark clearly got the position. He used Jungkook. He had more money, which meant he had more time to bond and spend time with colleagues.
He should've known that if a person is at the bottom of the pecking order, they need to defend for themselves no matter the damage. In Jungkook's perspective, that's how people make it in the industry.
****Jimin three years ago****
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"Your Honor! The defendant was a victim in this terrible incident. There is nothing he could've done. Clearly the Plaintiff came out of the blue" Said the suited lawyer. He was older, in his early forties. The man smoothed down his expensive suit and stood next to the Plaintiff's lawyer. The other lawyer was much older, wearing a worn out suit that's seen the best of it's day. He looked at the defendant's lawyer in somewhat disgust and shook his head. The judge at the front sighed then pinched her nose. The case had been going for over an hour. Usually a case like this would last for about twenty minutes, but this was different, a private court case in a different location of the court house. She pursed her lips in thought then scanned her court room.
On the defendant's side sat a young man with orange hair, looking somewhat burdened of the whole situation. He wore a light blue leather jacket, a white shirt and jeans. He sat there leaning back on a chair with opened legs. He wasn't wearing what a defendant would usually wear. Clothing that showed professionalism. What annoyed her most was, he was wearing a pair of large black sunglasses in her court room. The man was surrounded by four lawyers, defending his case. She knew of his orange haired young man, and whenever money was involved that's where justice would follow. The judge scanned the plaintiff's corner, and there sat a family of three. There was a husband with two children who were being minded by what looked like their grandmother at the back of the court room
The testimony she heard so far was convincing enough to side with the plaintiff, however she couldn't. Her hands were tied and remembered a conversation she had with someone high up on the chain a day ago that made her anxious. It wasn't the first time a judge was told to side with either the plaintiff or the defendant with either blackmail or bribery, but it was the first time for her.
She was starting to feel annoyed by the whole situation.
"Could you tell the defendant to take those damn shades off in my court room!" Shouted the judge. The orange headed man instantly pulled off his shades, and nodded slightly as an apology. The judge narrowed her eyes at him and saw his whole face. He looked pale, with red eyes and darkened eye bags. 'Drugs' she thought. After a few more minutes, and hearing each side of the case from each lawyer, she made her decision. It wasn't what she wanted, but threats from the inside meant she had to do what she was told.
"Case number 20308, Jones Vs Park. Mr Park Jimin you are charged with involuntary manslaughter. You are required to do community service, and drug rehabilitation. All charges will be off record" Said the judge. She raised her gavel and loudly knocked it down against its wooden plank to end her case.
*** Jimin One month before the court case**
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The club was at its peak for the night. The lights swirled in various colours over the dance floor where people grind and danced against each other. On the far end of the club were private booths. In one of them were a group of young women in their early twenties celebrating a hen's night. They wore matching outfits and a pink sachet's across their bodies that had 'brides to be' printed in white. The young group of women caught Jimin's attention for a moment but then turned his gaze back towards the large dance floor in front then to the two women sitting on either side of him.
Tonight he wore black torn jeans, white shirt and a black leather jacket. His fingers were adorned with silver rings. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair slowly then taking in the atmosphere of the club. He sat there with his legs wide, and his arms wrapped around the beautiful women. Jimin grinned to himself and was pleased with how his night was going so far. The women beside him wore tight fitted dresses causing their breasts to almost spill out of the top. Each of them had their own style of jewelry and hair, it's how Jimin liked his women. He liked them slutty. Jimin turned to one of the women and whispered something dirty in her ear. She laughed out loud then slapped his chest playfully. He gave a tight squeeze on her thigh and gave her a wink. Jimin didn't know which woman he wanted to fuck first. He figured he could take both home, watch them eat each other out then have them both suck his dick. Just thinking about it was starting to get his crotch hard. He was about to suggest leaving the club, but a waitress walked over, setting a silver tray with three drinks and a small gift.
Jimin lowered his eyes to the tray and nodded, pleased with the gift. The young waitress smiled sweetly and motioned her hands "A gift from Club Diago, for being a loyal customer" She flashed a smile at him. She heard of Jimin and his generous tips. She served him a few times at the bar, but she never came this close to the known man.
Jimin reached into his back pocket and slipped out a few one hundred-dollar notes and handed it to the young woman without looking at her. The waitress took the tip with a small bow and quickly left the three customers in the booth alone. Jimin's eyes were on the 3 thin lines of cocaine on the silver tray. The two women clapped enthusiastically then were given a one hundred dollar note each from Jimin. All three of them rolled the paper into a small pipe then leaned forward and sniffed the white powder through the rolled money. Jimin instantly felt the buzzed. He sighed in satisfaction and leaned back with his eyes rolling back to a close.
**10 minutes later**
The sound of laughing echoed through the parking lot. Jimin had an arm wrapped around one of the woman's waist as they both headed to his car. Jimin's mind was buzzing from the alcohol but also the line of cocaine he just took. Everything around him turned into high definition. He could see the brightness and shades of all objects around him. The street lights and car head lights where extra bright with dazzling colours. It was euphoric. Jimin darted his eyes to the beautiful woman and scanned down to her sexy attire and her soft curves. He wanted her so badly but he knew he had to wait till he got back home.
"Where's your friend?" He asked with a grin. He looked over her shoulder, searching for the second woman that was with him for the night.
"Don't know, don't care. I rather have you all to myself tonight" She smirked then stepped forward and pressed herself against Jimin's chest and gave him an open-mouthed kiss, sucking him soft plump lips. He groaned into her mouth then reached around and grasps her ass tightly. He could feel his bulge against his tight pants. As they kissed, Jimin backed her up against his car and they kissed hungrily for a few moments before Jimin broke the kiss.
"Get in the car, I rather fuck you at my place than here. That way I can have my way with you" He said firmly. The woman nodded slowly then slipped out of Jimin's tight grip then walked around and got into his car.
Jimin had so many things planned once he got his date home. He had to remind himself that although he felt 'fine' he was driving with alcohol and drugs in his system. But right now, he didn't care. Moments passed and Jimin was already halfway home. The silence between himself and the woman was deafening. The woman started to get bored and couldn't wait to fuck him. She moved her head to his direction and watched Jimin tightly grip the steering wheel, and noticed how he kept clenching his jaw. She arched a brow curiously then lowered her gaze to his crotch and saw the bulge already forming in his pants. She was impressed that he hadn't tried anything on her yet in the car as he drove. An idea popped in her mind. She grinned to herself and reached over and cupped his crotch and started massaging it in small circles.
Jimin immediately hissed at the sudden touch. "Ah fuck.." Jimin licked his lips but didn't take his eyes off the road. "Sweetie, we're almost home. Just wait a minute"
She pouts playfully as she continued to massage her hand in slow circles over his hardened clothed crotch. "But I can't wait a minute" She moved a little closer then with two hands she quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down the zip.
"Ah.. what are you doing?" Jimin looked down for only half a second then looked back at the road before turning a corner after an intersection.
She chuckled "I just want a taste, that's all" She fluttered her lashes at him, in time for Jimin to turn and look at her briefly with licked lips.
"Just wait five more minutes" His foot pressed harder on the accelerator then came to a sudden stop. He stopped just in time at a red light. The woman took this perfect opportunity to pull down the zipper. Jimin couldn't wait anymore. He lifted his hips a little to allow her to slip his pants down a little to reveal his hardened cock.
"Yum" She said sweetly. She shifted her body further to Jimin's side of the car until her head hovered above his waist. She gave one last look at Jimin before slipping the length of his cock into her warm mouth. Jimin immediately clenched his thighs from the feeling of her mouth. Luckily his foot was on the brake pad. "Shit.." He tilted his head back and groaned at the pleasurable feeling. Jimin kept one hand on the steering wheel and moved the other hand onto the woman's scalp. He grabbed a clenched full of her hair and painfully held it, pushing her head down further into his dick. He could feel the gag flexes working over his cock, a warm ripple covering his length. The woman groaned at the feeling and so did he. Jimin pulled her head up and off his cock and breathed out heavily, watching his wet cock slip out and only leaving a string of saliva down her mouth. He wanted to continue but first he checked if the light was still red, and thankfully it still was.
"Take it all" He said firmly. She immediately obeyed and willingly took his cock back into her mouth until the bridge of her nose rested against his thigh. Jimin hissed again, feeling her throat muscles and felt her gagging again. Jimin released her hair from his eager fingers and reached down and pinched her nose, blocking her airway completely for her to completely take his length.
"Swallow" He said.
And she did. Jimin could now fully feel the length of her throat and her muscles working, trying to regurgitate. The more she gagged, the harder he felt and more pleasure coursed through him. He quickly looked up and saw the light turn green.
"I want you to keep working on my cock while we get back to my place. Ah fuck, don't stop" he spoke through gritted teeth. He placed both hands on the steering wheel as support and pressed on the accelerator. He could feel the woman work her warm tongue over his head of his cock, slurping up the excess saliva she left there with his pre cum then took in his cock again repeatedly. Jimin groaned from the feeling. He couldn't take it anymore, he prayed that his apartment would come sooner. Jimin turned the second last corner near his apartment. He was almost home. He lowered his eyes, briefly and saw the woman's head bob up and down over his dick.
That brief second was all it took. The second Jimin lifted his eyes, it was already too late. The last thing Jimin remembered seeing was a middle aged woman crossing the road.
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numenorika · 7 years
ail on me
just a party
just a new year
held you on
the garden shed was quiet tools on shelves still i am warm with you you’ll never read it my favourite book but it don’t matter i sat on a lobby seat after my lecture teachers were going home pavement was a cool head rest wandering and rollling radio made a point when turning corners when you made a stand it’s just a coastal view we freak out on the headland base grasses envelop us the sunlight makes it point a couple moths with her Hera spoke in arrowhead whispers video was a way feeling was betrayal 
another face a corner beyond the side theres an abstract concept make your lecture make your homeroom whatever I’m a liar i lie to myself
i lie in ernest the man who knew to much scripts and forgotten lands never forgit them you are reading but youre not reading me im a lazy pitter-patter as pleasurable as it might seem im a dictaphone sands are cruel now beauty is a death mask i have a heavy heart leaning on the wide wash fruit beer one or two order up wicked greedy sleek high above the ocean guitars and bass and drums and a camera that looks to the horizon the same blue green grass that sucked me and held me and spelled future in so many words
I had a moment to recall what the sky was doing the leaves were dancing but the branches were still moving the wind was facilitating you’ll never read it  but you will never see me
waiting for machinery whenever whenever whenever whenever i lived your bedroom it was sweet and cold and lit with sun and the kind movement parting from the stage show its all a lie it;s a beautiful sight theres just something that fills the spaces of the gallery and the wind and the grapevine i once loved all that you were I walked through glass doors to read my book
heavy hand fire leaps across the dividers daycare who cares just the girl on the slide where did you go? a question forever unanswered I had a crush on you i made my way across glass windows I was punching above my grade second or third festival season will we be remembered by the train capacity you said Ill never be here sigh and make your way you’ll never read the script you’re a carpark proud of the sky and the light that doesnt shine” im waiting for the real spirit its a bitter taste in my chest i loved the moment it was such a moment closer makes you proud but i’m there i am just there its just the same as the analysis golden doorways glass above me paper scrolls spilling out from my pockets I listen to the wild got a view of the fields and the sports centre I’m waiting for a ride listening for tar on the pavement poetry and science there was a note that told me to make my own way ok, then, ok I’ll wait here for my ride
it was breif but it meant something on the grass outside the food hall laying silent looks were exchanged with a knowing knowledge outside of lecture
in the stone courtyard i cant tell you why i am still there a kind girl a little lover meeting for a cigarette theres nothing mystical here wooden tables laminated sleek and shining and i made myself a real body I said something when i exchanged my dollars for candy and chips and sandwiches
walking by the buiding there live them all whatever you want wherever you walk lets take a moment to just look where we are it;s so obvious like an 80s movie boardwalk could you imagine the kind of thing that holds me to it and i’ll never ask
just break away and sleep when you want to you’ll have the only gold rune still bottles on windowsills that light up i’m bursting at the seams goodnight was a lie you’re still walking cant place you but i know you’re there glass windows supersonic students of history well we are philosophy students up here whatever, really
ill have my papers by mys ide eating chips and sweet chili sauce they’ll laugh at me because they comfy and coming down of whatever happened in their skyline waiting for a train they made it to campas cant complain just a livid scream just pornography just little streets so evidently my lover makes your lunch and burns inside her inside him inside whatever the day was about a fleeting glance it was a big goodbye it was well meaning it was a cry to nature it was a water moving it was a glance of recognition there is nothing here burning breath burning breath here we are to be secret there is just a barrier on cold and peace peak of the mountain where the hope is clear come on, graze the garden whatever whatever smile and take it still grinding on the illuminant
its just a park bench
its just somewhere where you can feel ok the scientist are leaving for the day you have a coffee that makes you feel ok not so removed loving some memory will she be here for me, or wil she look to towering stone buildings why am i still here, why do i wait so happy i the name of a song
im so inside it i will smell what we want ill sit and stay and be a stranger lessoned learned
we got it
the scholastic wave fades makes me a pitcher of piss never slept on the grounds call for me sleep with me whatever you want it was a difficult time but I still made my class surrealism 101 made then made my way to read the truth on the page draw from the ocean whatever you see please take all you have to take break like the waves no matter what time of day even if its your ex-lovers afternoon just look towards your real truth love what you love love it immeasurably break like the waves love like the times
crying tiger thai food banquet restaurant well coin toss escalator up to the top floor hotel room wake when you want warm arms crystal windows i got to make my way beyond the thoroughfare
jubilant elation coins for precious materials breathe in and picnic on the heath cross the road take a snapshot or don’t heres the life sleeping behind the wheel calmly leaving me heaving on the wooden bandstand make music make love make whatever makes the tiles under your feet climate denial itchy ear  so i am confused how the sound of screaming steel is the same from distant film reels deep in the body whatever you want the snowy love it is all mine just an accidental imperative 
ione talisman
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