#cant kill myself and leave my boy alone so i gotta stick around
thiamfresh · 8 months
My mum after watching my brother throw things at me and call me a lazy, worthless bitch because I was sitting on the floor while sorting through the food shopping bags because I was too dizzy to stand up (thanks covid)
"You could at least try to get along with him-"
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a-kayy47 · 5 years
Learning to live:Chapter 2
So what brings you and the rugrats to Charming?" Tig asked. I knew he wasn't really intrested, he just wanted to know if I was going to be trouble, I won't but my ex might be. "Well, I got tired of my kids sperm donor cheating on me and being a junkie. After 7 years of it, it gets old" I said looking down at my feet and taking deep drags of my cigarette. "Why didn't you leave sooner lass?" Brit's ol'man asked.
"Honestly, I didn't think I deserved better or would ever find anyone who would ever want me." I answered still looking down.
"Fuck that prick! You deserve better babe. You're a damn good momma, you work every fucking day and never do anything for yourself, shit whens the last time you've actually had fun?" Brit asked me.
"Umm...Like real fun? Probably the last party I went to at Uncle Tom's clubhouse when I got arrested." I said looking up with a shit eating grin on my face.
"I wouldn't say getting arrested is fun." A bigger guy with glasses piped in as he walked up to us.
"That's because you've never been arrested with this bitch!" Brit said. "I remember it like it was yesterday. We was 16 and ate shrooms for the first time. And for some reason we thought it would be fun to get payback at some fucking blonde bitch for calling us biker whores and shit so we stole her car and pushed it into the lake!" Britni said laughing reminiscing on the memory. "You pushed a car in a lake and didnt get jail time?" The bigger guy asked again. "Oh that's not why we got arrested!" I said laughing. "Miss let's sneak into the local bar and dance naked on the bar is what got us arrested!" Britni told them still laughing uncontrollably at the memory.
"Yeah, I got public indecency and underage intoxication." I told them "You also tried to blow the cop to get him to let you go!" Britni reminded me. "Fuck, I forgot about that! Hey, at least he was attractive!" I said laughing "Dude he was twice your age!" She replied.
"We used to have so much fun. I miss it so much, all these fuckers want to do is drink till they pass out or bury their face in pussy!" Brit said putting her arm over my shoulder and squeezing.
"Well I haven't had sex since I got pregnant with Rayne and I haven't drank till I passed out since I was 18 so I'm not much fun anymore."
"Well we'll just have to change that! You're a hot peice of ass babe! You gotta get laid!" Brit said smacking my ass.
"Wait, did you just say you haven't had sex since you got pregnant with your girl..shes what like 5?" Tig asked with wide eyes.
"Yepp, she'll be 6 in September."
"But, you're like super hot!" The bigger guy said.
"Well thanks, I'm sorry I didnt catch your name."
"Phil." He told me.
"Well thank you Phil. But a lot of people dont think so, including myself. I still have baby weight to loose and it's been almost 6 years so." I said with a little chuckle.
•Happy's POV•
This chick was crazy! Staying with a dude for 7 years getting cheated on all because she didnt think anybody would want her! And not having sex in 5 years but knowing her boyfriend was out fucking anything with two sets of lips. She deserved better! The sparkle in her eye and the way she laughed while remembering all the fun her and Britni used to have warmed my heart even though I'd never tell anyone that. Everyone deserves to blow off some steam every now and then. Hell if I didnt get too I'd loose my fucking mind! And what the hell was she talking about no one wanting her, fuck I'd take her to my dorm and have my way with her right now! She was perfect! Beautiful face, tattoos lining her arms and hands, long thick black hair that I wanted to wrap my hands in, nice full chest that you could definitely tell was real the way they bounced when she laughed. Light skin with a slight olive undertone, a nice waist with a little belly from having kids, wide child bearing hips with a nice plump ass to match. She was bigger than the girls around here but shit that's what I liked something I could be rough with in bed and not worrying about breaking her. She may be bigger but you could tell she worked out, her ass was nice and firm but still had that fantastic bounce when she walked I could only imagine what it would look like bouncing on my dick. I wanted to find the fucker that ever treated her wrong and make him regret every single time he put his hands on her.
I remembered seeing her at the gas station and couldn't get those beautiful green eyes and plump lips out of his head then to see her pull up her and find out she's staying. By the time it was all said in done I'd have this women and she'd never remember that prick.
"Shut the hell up girl! I know you workout everyday!" Brit said pushing my shoulder. "Not everyday, and now I wont be able to since I don't have anywhere to keep up my boxing lessons." I said looking over to check on the kids.
"Happy boxes, he could teach ya a little." Tig said grinning at Happy.
"I'm sure he's busy with other things. I'll just have to stick to walking or jogging then the kids can tag along."I said shrugging it off.
"Be out here tomorrow morning at 8." Happy said which shocked all of us.
"I'll be there, Thanks." I said shyly.
"Alright let's go get you and the kids settled in. I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow." Britni said breaking the conversation.
"God yes, I have to get the kids enrolled in school and look for a salon and see if they're hiring." I said exhausted just thinking about it.
"Well the school thing I can help with, Tara, Jax' ol'lady can help with that she just enrolled Thomas their youngest. And as for a salon there is only one and it's a barber shop most women go to Oakland to get their hair done but he's a good friend and with some talking to should give you a booth. I know the ladies would love a hairstylist closer home." Britni said filling me in.
After about a 10-minute drive from the TM we arrived at Britni's apartment.  The kids were beyond excited to get settled in somewhere for more than a night, and I couldn’t blame them in all honesty I was too. Brit pulled her Camaro into the garage and I parked by the sidewalk that lead to her  “apartment” as she called it, to me it was just a small house. She walked up to the car and immediately started helping me get things out. The kids had already jumped out and were sitting on the steps that lead up to the porch.
“Just get what ya’ll need tonight and I’ll send someone over tomorrow to help you unload the rest?” She stated opening the back hatch.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that I can get it. I packed it myself.” I replied with a chuckle.
“Don’t argue! Anyways if I didn’t send someone to help Gemma would have my head.” She said with an eye roll.
“Is someone afraid of this Gemma?” I asked with a smirk.
“We all are.” She answered flatly. “Wait till YOU meet her! I’m sure you’ll give her a run for her money!” She said with that smirk of hers that I knew meant trouble.
“Great! Can’t wait!” I said sarcastically grabbing the kids’ bags.
Brit grabbed my bag and led me to the door, unlocking it and entering the house. She had a nice place. As soon as you walked in the door you entered the living room, which she had painted a dark gray with a black leather couch and recliner on one side and a big flat screen TV on the other. The living room led into the kitchen, which had a small island in the middle of both rooms, it was simple black and gray just like Brit. I noticed that there was a door on each side of the living room, which I was guessing was the two bedrooms.
The kids hurried inside and stretched out on the couch and turned on the TV making them selves a home right away. I followed Brit to the door that was on the right side of the living room.
“It’s not much but its better than where you was.” Brit said as she walked in the room and flipped on the light.
 “Anything was better than that! I’ll never be able to repay you, you know that right!” I told her in all seriousness.
“Shut your mouth, you and those babies are all the family I have left, if something would have happened to you I would of lost my mind. I just wish I could have got you out sooner, before the beatings started.” She said low.
“How did you know about that?” I asked looking down at my feet.
“Let’s just say Jamie called me every time you was in the hospital.” She told me.
That boy, I swear he might be quit and keep to himself but he never misses a thing.
“Annie, why didn’t you call me sooner? I would have got you out. I have a whole MC that would have backed me!” She said grabbing me by the shoulders and making me look her in the eyes.
“I was scared, you don’t know how many times I tried, I tried so fucking hard but I could never do it.” I said starting to cry.
“After the last time he put me in the hospital I was done. He really did a number on me that time.” I said lifting up the bottom of my shorts and showing her a scar that went 8 inches across my upper thigh.
“What the fuck Annie!” She asked running her fingers across the scar.
“My shorts were to short for a “Fat Bitch” to wear so he decided that he need to make a permanent mark to show me that my shorts had to be below that line.”
“This is the first time I’ve wore shorts in two years.”
I told her still looking at my feet.
“Babe you are worth so much more than that. Why didn’t you tell me what was happening?” She asked me again.
“I was embarrassed. I was such a strong person before I got with him I didn’t take shit from anyone let alone a man. Then I got with him and it was like I was trapped. I was scared to leave because if he ever found me I was sure he would kill me, and I couldn’t do that to the kids. That’s why I came here, I knew if he finds me here and kills me at least they had you to protect them. I cant let him get my babies..he would destroy them. They’re so innocent and sweet and have such a big heart and he’s so evil he would ruin them.” I rambled to her.
“I’m so sorry Annie, but know you are safe here YOU and those kids. Neither the MC nor me will let anything happen to you. And I promise you we will get the old Annie back! Now lets get you all settled in, you have a busy day tomorrow.” Britni said giving me a longing hug.
We walked out to the living room to see both kids passed out on the couch. I grabbed their blankets from their bag and cover both of them up and them a kiss on the forehead before I went to get ready to go to sleep myself. Britt went over and locked the door “Don’t worry only people that has a key is Chibs and Happy and they shouldn’t be by tonight.” She reassured me. I gave her a nod and told her good night. I went to my room and took off my clothes to change into a big-oversized Harley Davidson shirt and pair panties. I checked my purse for the 9mm that I picked up before we left West Virginia from an old friend. I made sure the mag was filled and out of the gun and laid both in the draw in the nightstand by the bed. The only thing that was going to help me sleep at night is knowing I had something to protect my babies! I laid in bed thinking about everything I had to do tomorrow and drifted off to sleep.
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Hi :) would you write one where ChopTop met the reader the the radio station along with Strech*idk if i spelled it right* but the reader dressed similar to him and was in a band herself makeing ChopTop love struck and just his stuttering getting worst and forgeting what to say witch the reader finds cute maybe it would get slightly nsfw to to the ebd but you can pick its ok if its just fluff :3 *sorry if its to long*
((Sorry this took so long! Gotta love my boy Chop-Top and this prompt not only gave me an excuse to rewatch his intro scene but it also seems super fun! It is a challenge to figure out dialogue for him tho because he’s so bizarre in all the best ways. This one didn’t end up being too romantic but I’ve been thinking about maybe writing a continuation for this just cause there’s so much more I can do with it. So let me know if any of y’all are interested! Tagging: @i-cant-get-with-it
Chop Top meets hippie s/o @ the radio station:
It’s been a pretty rough week at the station. Your good friend Vanita had gotten a terrible call-in the other day. Initially she thought it was a prank, as the men had been obnoxious all day, but even she couldn’t ignore the terrible screaming and shill grating of metal on metal. Not when she saw that article in the paper that seemed to match the call-in. She had told you about the plan she devised with some old sheriff, about playing the tape over the radio. To you it seemed like a bad idea and a great way to put a giant target on her back, but she was insistent that she had to do it and make a difference. Despite your worries, you couldn’t just leave her alone, so you decided to stay with her after that night’s broadcast.
Tonight had done nothing to ease your concerns, angry callers had been cursing out the station and since Stretch first aired the tape. L.G. seemed to be the most upset by it, talking about how much trouble Vanita was going to get into, though anyone with eyes could tell how soft he was on her. Sadly, it didn’t seem like the feelings were returned quite the same way. At least not yet, you thought, as you watched her turn down his offer to grab some coffee with him. Guess you two were sticking around for this “Lefty” guy.
Shortly after L.G. left, you heard the phone ring. You went to reach for it, but Stretch got there first. “Hello?…Hello?…Lefty?” You could guess from her side of the conversation that she was being met with silence. You raised an eyebrow and she looked at you, equally confused. The mysterious caller hung up. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked.
“No clue,” Stretch shrugged, “We get some weird callers sometimes, but-.” As if on a cue, you two heard a small slam from the other side of the station. Vanita’s eyes flicked to you. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
Stretch had been gone for a suspicious amount of time, when you decided you needed to go after her. You stood in the doorway of the hall leading to the lobby. From there, you could hear Stretch and a strange male voice, talking manically. “Hi, I know what you’re thinking. This is weird. Hope I can handle it.“ You peered out into the lobby, there you saw Vanita nervously backed against her desk, across from her was an odd man. He appeared to be in his 30s, dressed in patched and campy hippie clothes, the odd look topped off with a shappy mop of black hair and lavender Lennon specs. Though a somewhat tacky outfit, it reminded you of the way you and your bandmates dressed, especially when hanging out around at festivals. He started getting up and moving towards Stretch, and you walked out from the doorframe. Both sets of eyes looking your direction.
“Uhhh, hey man…what’s up?” you asked, awkwardly trying to redirect him. He turned to you, and looked you up and down, face unreadable.
“Wh-Who  the hell’re you? I thought it was j-just the DJ?”
“Well it isn’t space cadet! Who the hell are you?”
“I-I-I’m just a fan,” he turned back to Stretch, “Me and my little brother, Bubba, we listen to this show e-every night.” He turned back to you with a sick grin, “Music…is my life.”
You smiled at that, “Oh? I dig it. I’m in a band myself.”
His eyes went wide at that, and the barely contained manic energy in him seemed to ramp up, “O-Oh yeah? Wh-What’re you like? Something h-h-heavy? Like-like Iron Butterfly!”
You chuckled. Despite him being kind of a freaky-deaky dork, you had to admit the spaz was kind of endearing and a little cute. “Kinda. We’re more like Vanilla Fudge or Quicksilver Messenger Service than anything.”
“Far-Out! So-”
“I hate to interrupt,” Stretch cut in, “But the station is closed for the night.”
The man turned back to her, a strange glint in his eye and a sick grin that made you shudder. “Well, y’see, I wa-wanted to phone in my request but, but I al-al-always get too nervous, y’know?” He paused for a reaction before continuing, “But, well, since I’m here. In-In flesh-and-blood…I figured I could just give you my request now right!
Stretch looked to you for help and you just lifted your hands in a shrug-like gesture. “Uh, sure, sure. You can tell me your request and then you need to leave.”
The man chuckled, and started heating up the coat hanger he was holding with an old rainbow lighter. “Al-Alright…How about Cold Stone Fever from uh, Humble Pie! Or uh…” he picked at his scalp, ”In Da Vidda da Gadda babey. Heh heh yeah…” he turned to you, “Real, uh, heavy stuff, y’know.” You hid a laugh behind your hand, at his goofy smile and the fact that he got both song titles wrong.
Then that menace was back in his eyes, “Or…how about s-something like that, uh, Lefty r-request record you played today? How’d it go again?” You and Stretch’s eyes went wide as the man screamed and growled in mimicry of the terrible sounds of the attack. You looked at each other in mutual fear at this man standing between you and the exit. “Wh-What was that anyway? R-Rambo III soundtrack?” he chuckled at his own joke. “Could you play it again? Or, uh, m-maybe you co-could get me a copy!” He grinned, “You could both sign it. To-To-To a far out fan!”
He seemed to respond better to you so you spoke up, “We, uh, actually don’t have a copy. Sorry sir. But we could, er,  play your other requests.”
Something dark passed over his face that you couldn’t quite place. He looked to the side in the records vault. “Hey, uh, is this where you keep the golden oldies? And mayb-” The rest of the sentence was cut off when the lights suddenly flipped on, revealing a horrifying giant wielding what looked like a chainsaw. You and Vanita screamed, she ran off towards the back rooms while you ducked out of the way into the far corner of the room behind and hid on the far side of the sofa. You heard the man from earlier hollering in pain and wailing at the giant to “Get the girl!” You saw the giant run after Vanita through the door, and you peered out from your hiding place. You watched the man from before scream and clutch at his head. “He dented my plate! My brain is burning! Nam flashback! Nam flashback! Leatherface, you bitch, I’ll…Oh just look what you did to my Sonny Bono wig. Oh, God damn it!”
You listened to the man’s cries of pain and rage from your hiding place as you resisted the urge to help him. Judging from what you could make out from his rant, he was clearly with the man trying to kill Stretch. Oh god…Vanita…what have you gotten yourself into? He eventually managed to get to his feet and began to go through the records vault, muttering something about dogs hunting. You covered your ears and tried to block out the terrible sounds coming from behind the door leading to the recording area.
You heard a door open from the other side of the room. “Hey! What the shit?” L.G was back! Maybe he could get the police and everything would be okay.
“Lick my plate you dog dick!” the hippie yelled, flipping L.G. the bird. It would have been funny if the whole situation wasn’t so terrifying.
“What the fuck you think you’re doing in here, you crazy-looking little son of a bitch? Get out of here!” You wanted to scream at L.G. to run out of here and get help, that these guys were totally buggin and super dangerous. But you stayed quiet for fear of revealing your position. This turned out to be a lethal decision as the man lunged at L.G. brandishing a hammer. “Time for incoming mail!” he shrieked, slamming into hammer into L.G.’s skull, “Ho Chi Minh!” Over and over you heard the sickening thuds through your covered ears. You squeezed your eyes shut but you couldn’t pretend it just wasn’t happening. Hell, the same thing was probably happening to Stretch right now .
You didn’t even realize you were crying until you felt the warmth of the tears sliding down your face, but someone else did. You open your eyes to see the killer’s leering face less than a foot from your own, “H-H-Hey there, rock’n’roll b-bunny! T-th-th-thought I lost ya t-there.”
“Please, don’t kill me,” you sobbed, “I’m, like, really sorry for whatever’s making you upset.”
This seemed to make the man nervous, and he started picking twitchily at the edge of a metal plate embedded in his skull. “I-I…I ain’t g-gonna, er, kill you. J-Just…” he looked around the room frantically, as if trying to find a solution to his problem. He spied the hammer over by L.G.’s corpse and his face broke into a grin. He scrambled to grab it, whipped back around, and started getting closer to you, arms out ahead of him as if you were a spooked animal. And I guess in a way you were. “N-Now do-don’t move or-or nothing. It It ain’t gonna h-hurt.”
Your soft sobs turned into bawling, “NoNoNo Oh God PleasePleasePleasePlease Don’t do this Please don’t do this!”
You noticed some emotion flash across his face that you couldn’t figure out. “A-one and a-two and a-three!” and the hammer fell down on your skull. You collapsed, yet you kept fading in and out of consciousness. You heard footsteps coming through the door to the studio and what sounded like the two men having a one sided conversation. “Did you get her, Bubba? Did you get that bitch? She was my fave…but-but she knew! And now…nobody knows!…L-look what you did to my plate, you bitch!…Y-You got her? Di-Did you get her good?…Slap me five!
You heard footsteps coming closer but you couldn’t see what was happening as you felt yourself getting dragged over to a damp section of floor. “I got some too. Bonus bodies! Look at that beef,” you vaguely felt a slap against your thigh, but it was as if you were made of cotton. “Help me get it out of here!,” said the hippie as you felt yourself be hoisted onto the larger man’s shoulders.
 You were tossed in what seemed like the back of a truck, though you were so dizzy it was hard to tell. Finally you succumbed to your head injury and passed out. The giant, Bubba, left to sit shotgun and only Chop-top stayed by, standing over you with a dopey look on his face. “Don’t wo-worry baby, we’ll b-be home soon,” he gave you a sloppy peck on the cheek and ran back around to the driver’s side. “Alright Bubba! Let’s blow this pop stand!” he yelled, and sped off back to where the rest of the family was waiting.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
Last Night
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“LET ME OUT” I scream russeling the bars
“Not gonna happen sweetheart” The sheriff tells me as he sorts out paperwork on his desk “sorry...” he sighs
“LET ME OUT!” I yell
“sorry Sweetheart I’m going out got to leave you with the deputy when the danm boy get’s here” the sheriff sighs
“I’m here, here” whitey ran in though the door
“Okay what the hell is wrong with you...you had a bath, you don’t do that” the sheriff says to him
“I uh, I just uh wanted to uh....” Whitey stutters
“I don’t wanna know” the sheriff says “Look after the murder” he tells the boy “Miss Y/n, This is my deputy Whitey Winn he’s gonna keep an eye on ya tonight” he tells me and I dont reply 
the sheriff then quickly left me alone with this deputy boy 
“sooooo.....” He begins 
“Don’t” I tell him with a sigh
“Okay” he sighs “look missy, It dont matter what ya done to me” he shrugs
“Really?” i smirk
“Uh hu, Don’t mind, hated the old bastard personalty” he laughs leaning on the wall by my cell
“So did I” I smirk “He caught me taking candy once, Spanked my bare bottom for stealin’” I laugh
“Ohhh where you always such a bad girl?” he asks
“Oh yes sir Mr Winn” I smirk “Over time a girl learns to like getting spanked” I smirk
“Really?” He smirks turning and leaning on my cell it’self keeping his one hand on his gun “Might just have to give you a spanking myself see if that’s true” he smirked
“I wouldn’t mind” I smirk
“Bare hand on bottom or...” he smirks at me
“that’s up to you” I smirk going close to the bars within a few inches of him 
“ah ah back up little lady, not so close” he tells me drawing his gun on me
“No” I smirk
“Back up else I’m putting a bullet in your leg darlin’“ he tells me so I sigh backing away
“I thought you might be fun” I sigh
“can’t have you too close hun, don’t know what you’ll do” he sighs
“I wont kill you if that’s what your worried about” I sigh 
“really you wont kill me, even if I shot you?” he asks
“Nope, I got no problem with you Mr Winn, I have a rule I don’t kill pretty boys” I explain
“Really? I’m a pretty boy?” he asked a little surprised
“Oh yeah, town of mostly women, surprised they arnt beating your door down Whitey” I smirk
“No... all a bit to old for me” he sighs
“what about me?” I smirk going right close to him
“Your getting hanged in the morning Hun, don’t matter trying to seduce me your a bit late should have done that yesterday” he smirked
“Aww why didn’t you come see me yesterday then  I would have” I smirk
“I was helping the ladies in town with some Hotel repairs” he shrugs
“aww too bad you could have got seduced” I smirk
“I admit ‘m kinda regretting the decision now” he smirked
“But what says I can’t seduce you today” I smirk trying to get my hand out the bars to play with  his hair
“Oh no you dont” he says pointing his gun at me again “No hands outside the bars, or you wont have no hands” he says
“What does it matter I’m getting hanged tomorrow anyway” I laugh
“You keep being so damn miss behaved will come in there and give you a spanking I swear” he smirks at me
“Why not I don’t learn well” I smirk 
“Don’t want you escaping hun” He smirks
“I promise I wont escape, Ive come to terms with my death Whitey i dont fear it I aint getting out of it, I killed a bad man I aint afraid of my maker for that” I smile
“You promise, no trying to escape?” he asks
“I promise, after a spanking I always become such a good girl” I smirk
“Oh why didn’t you get a spanking  before you shot a man” he laughs
“You weren’t about then” I smirk
“should have called on me” he smirked
“I remember, for another life” I smirk “When I get the drive to be a bad girl so find Whitey Winn he’ll spank a bad girl back to being good for a dollar and eighty eighty cents” I smirk
“Wow, Im charging now?” he smirks
“I think you would first few girls that would be free but the ones like me who would keep coming back they get charged, but every tenth is free or something like that” I smirk 
“I suppose you would be my number one customer” he smirks
“Oh I would have to move in with you for you to keep up with my business Mr Winn, it would save a lot of time and money for us both if I would just seduce you and marry you, then I would get it free every night” I smirk leaning on the bars setting my tits around the center pole so it goes between my tits and starring at him as I lick up the pole
“Not every night, some night’s my little wifey gotta look after her husband” he smirks
“I would, every night after my spanking, I’ll suck ya till ya scream big boy” I smirk
“Oh would you now?” he smirks looking me up and down and I just wink at him
“Just a little business Idea for ya, In your next life” I smirk
“I’ll think about it” he laughs “But how will I in this next life meant to know it’s you?” he smirks
“You wont forget me” I smirk winking at him “Could I have something to eat your sheriff might be merciful with his bullets but by god is he stingey with the dinners around here” I beg
“Alright, what do you want? i think theirs some cakes and things somewhere” he offers leaving my bars for a moment to look around 
“Fruit if you got some, I’m dieting to many cakes ...don’t wanna cheat now I’m so close to death and all” I giggle so he gets me a banana “Ohh thank you” I giggle trying to take it
“Hands in the bars, I told ya bout that” he sighs giving me the banana 
“Big one” I smirk
“guessed you probably liked the big ones” he smirks as I peal it
“I have a feeling you aint talking bout fruit no more?” I laugh
“Maybe I aint” he smirks “go on then you wanted it” he sighs so i smirk taking as much of it as I possibly could almost the whole thing in my mouth in one go and looking at him I saw him bite his lip a little excited so I bite making him jump “You are a dirty girl” he sighs
“Your the one thinking off it like that” I smirk “soo, what times my hanging?” i ask
“Nine” he shrugs
“Really can’t you push it back a bit I want my last morning to be a lie in” I beg
“sorry hun nothing I can do bout it” he shrugs
“Fine don’t I get like a last meal?” I smirk
“sorry can’t afford it, this place aint exactly a golden city” he sighs
“It’s okay, what about a last request?” I smirk
“in the morning hun” he smirks going to sit in his chair and sleep as it was getting fairly late now 
“Whitey?” I smirk
“Yes?” he asks
“What would push you enough to spank me?” I smirk
“if you want it so damn bad you only gotta ask darlin’“ he smirks leaning his arm on his desk and smirking at me
“Nope, wont feel the same, has to be for being bad” I smirk and I just giggle putting both my hands out side the bars trying to reach him “Ohh my hands are out” I smirk “and my head” i giggle sticking my head out the bar’s but he just laughed at me 
“You just want a spanking that’s all you want?” he smirks
“but only for being bad” I smirk
“well if you got dollar eighty eight cents I’ll find something bad you’ve done” he smirks leaning on my bars so I dug some money out my bra and stuck it out the bars and he happily took it counting it all making sure it was real and such “this is four dollars” he says
“I know, It should be a long one” I smirk
“alright, i will keep this any bad thing you do you get a spanking” he smirks
“But I want it now!” I complain
“Hun Im in here all night if you dont act up by morning i’ll give ya the money back” he smirks going and sitting in his chair and almost instantly was asleep so I sigh sitting on my bed for a while very grumpy i feel in pain somehow when I moved I moved a hair pin in my hair and it was poking me so I took it out and smirked seeing the door lock better getting on my knees and picking the lock pretty easy it didn't even wake him up so I smirked sitting on his desk and taking one of his guns 
“Hey Whitey” I smirk he opened his eyes facing my cell and quickly noticing I wasn’t in it and that I was pointing his own gun at him
“How did you do that?” he asks more surprised I did it then mad at me for it
“hair pin” I giggle with a shrug he quickly gets up grabbing my arm taking his gun back and throwing me back in my cell locking the cell again and holding his hand out to me so I hand over my hair pin
“the rest too” he sighs so I take all my hair pins out and hand them over to him letting my hair fall down all over the place and  he threw my hair pins away out the window “You are a very bad girl when ya wanna be” he smirks grabbing my waist though the bars and forcing my back tightly against the bars and I felt his hand very firmly grab my arse cheek 
“ohhh Mr Winn I don’t believe a grope was part of the arrangement” I smirk
“Yeah well then you broke out and stole my gun, Bad girls get a spanking, Naughty girls get fucked,but sexy girls have to cum” he smirks
“Which am I?” I smirk
“That’s just the problem darlin’ your all of them” he smirks before spanking me hard though the bars making me lightly groan “cant get a proper angle though the bars” he sighs
“why don’t you come in here then?” I smirk 
“No more escaping” he smirks and I nod
“Good girl” he smirks unlocking my door and quickly locking himself back inside with me “bend over the bed” he smirks at me but I shake my head “Oh but you where being so good, going back to bad girl now you know what your getting for it?” he smirks coming over obviously to bend me over himself but I grab his neck and kiss him hard until he melts into my kisses and I pull away leaving him wanting more but I turn around putting my hands on the cell bars putting them on the outside of the bars separating my legs to stand easier and within seconds I felt his hand on my waist soothing me for a moment as you would a beast before you kill it and sharply and painfully his hand hits me spanking me hard he kept going each time harder and rougher on me making me moan louder each time biting my mouth to the point of blood wanting more worse harder faster and as if he heard my request he moved up my dress revealing my bare ass cheeks to him and spanking me harder making me moan loudly for a moment running his hands all over me exploring me for a moment “You know if you went such a bad girl, I think I would marry you” he smirked
“You know?” I smirk
“I would, but if you went so bad You wouldn’t like spanking so much would you?” he smirks and I just moan in response as he spanks me again my cheek feeling sore already “and I’m not sure I would like ya any other way” he smirks
“Ohh... good girl or bad I will always need a spanking whitey” I smirk
“Good” he smirks spanking me hard both sides making me moan loudly almost screaming “where you gonna say somthing?” he smirks
“No” I begin
“Lair” he smirks doing it again but harder
“UMMMM!” I scream
“come on you wanna say somthin’ what is it?”
“Nothing” I groan
“Lair” He smirks spanking me harder then ever both sides making it sting insantly
“Uhh WHITEY!” I moan
“Ohhh Thats what it was, you where moaning for me” he smirks doing it again 
 “I think this is the best my hands can do Im afraid missy” he smirks as I hear him fiddling with somthing little metal sounds and suddenly 
“UHHHHH WHITEY!” I scream as he spanks me with his empty gun it felt so bad but so so good “Uhhh Whitey Please” I beg
“what you want it again?” he smirks and I just nod and he spanks me using his hands again to tease me
“Please Whitey!” I beg and within seconds I feel him use his gun again
“Uhhhhhh WHITEY YES!” I scream hearing my screams spook the horses outside 
“one for breaking out” he smirks hitting me hard again spanking me with his gun “two for taking my gun” he smirks doing it again “three for being so dirty” and again and again “and this one cause I like ya screaming” he smirks hitting me again harder then before leaving me as a moaning mess against the bars “that’s enough spanking for one night hun” he smirks
“What No! Whitey please more Please Please! just a little more” I beg “this might be the last time I get a spanking and our so good at it” I beg
“am I?” he smirks running his hands all over me and spanking me again less hard this time
“Uhh Yes! Whitey please” I beg
“No more spanking” he smirks making me sigh a little annoyed he stopped till I felt something on me on my bare skin something big, and hard and throbbing
“Ummm Whitey, is that your gun on my back or do you just really like spanking me” I smirk
“well My guns are in there hostlers darlin’” he smirks
“thought so” I giggle 
“so it’s not my gun one guess gone, what else could it be?” he smirks
“Ummmm maybe some more fruit for me?” I smirk playing with him
“Ohh good guess, but sorry honey wrong again” he smirks spanking me hard again
“Uhhh Whitey” I moan softly
“go on then...what is it?” he smirks
“Your cock?” I smirk
“well done” he smirks “do you wanna guess where my cock is going?” he smirks
“Im my pussy?” I ask sweetly
“Got it in one darlin’“ he smirks and I feel him move me up a little where I had fallen a little cause of my spanking and slowly push inside me 
“Ohhhh Whitey!” I moan as soon as I felt him inside me it felt so good my god am i gonna miss him when he leaves again it takes him a little while he starts to move going all the way out just leaving the tip inside me and going back as deep as he could go “UHHH WHITEY YES! OH GOD WHITEY!” I moan
“Uhh god damn your Good” he moans back
“I havent had a man in here since 1882 should have cleaned up the place” I smirk
“oh no bother darlin’ I’ll make do” he smirks grabbing my hips hard and going in and out and in and out so fast and so deep god it made me gush on the inside and outside i swear someone will have to clean the floor under me soon else I might just be the cause of a La Belle flash flood I could hear the horse outside causing a lot of noise almost as much as we where in here “what the hells wrong with him” He sighs
“He knows his masters riding something else” I smirk
“Oh yeah, think he’s jealous” he smirks thrusting slowly and teasingly 
“Oh I would Indeed, but I aint quiet so used to having such a powerful stallion between my legs” I smirk
“You aint talking bout horses no more are ya missy” he smirks 
“Indeed I aint Mr Winn” I smirk so he smirks at me more going as fast, as hard, as deep and as rough as humanly possible I felt my orgasm explode inside me spraying my squirt all over his cock as I rocked into a state of bliss by his continued pounding trying to make my high last as long as possible but even when it began to die he didn’t stop he kept up this pase for so long I was rearing again but as I felt my pussy twinge so close to another I felt him shoot off inside me like a firework the hot sticky stuff coating my insides his thrusts slow and small trying to elongate his pleasure for as long as he could trying to avoid the pain of the gentlemen’s after orgasm his hips jerking in some odd angles and ways trying to get every drop of his seed inside me
“Uhhh Good girl” He moans still calming down
“My god Mr Winn, if I knew breaking out got me that, I would have broken out ten times by now” I smirk just as he pulled out of me i felt so empty him not being here anymore
“Umm Miss Y/n if I knew how good that was I’m not sure I would have ever left you alone” he smirked
“Uhh I’ll hold you too that whitey next time” I smirk sitting on my bed and he sat beside me both of us exhausted letting his now soft and smaller cock just sit out his pants to lazy to fix it 
“You wanna know somthin’?” he smirks and I just nod still calming down “I’ve never done that before”
“really?” I giggle
“Yeah, Never even kissed a young lady... until tonight” he smirked at me
“Ummm I doubt that whitey, your far to good at spanking to be so innocent” I smirk
“No honest, Never, you where my first” he smiles at me blushing a little
“aww whitey” I giggle cuddling closely to him “I would make you feel better the old Oh I was too dont worry, but honestly I dont even know who my first was...some horny boy in the forest most likely” I sigh “so, hanging tomorrow morning” I sigh
“Unfortunately so darlin’“ he sighs looking a bit upset 
“You where all for my hanging before, im a sick little murder” I smirk
“that was before I feel in love with ya” he smirks giving me a kiss
“yeah well, shit happens” I sigh “now I do believe I owe you something Whitey Winn, I said a good husband spanks his lady to make her behave and she rewards her good husband with sucking him till he screams, you might not be my husband but you still spanked me better then any man Ive never known, not even my pa could spank me back to being good as good as you can whitey” I smirk
“thanks I’ll take that as a compliment, but you dont owe me nothing the deal was a spanking for a suck i got to fuck ya thats much better if anything I owe you” he smirks
“and you made me cum almost twice actually, Id say I owe you one” I smirk
“sorry I was trying to get you there I swear I was but...I couldn't hold it no more” he sighs
“It’s okay, you’ll just have to owe me” I smirk “and i’ll owe you one” I smirk giving him a kiss “Whitey winn” i smirk “You think in another life I could’ve been Mrs Winn?” I smirk
“un doubt-ably” he smiles
“I look forward to when I get to live that one” I smirk “I don’t think i will be so luck to get that one next” I smirk
“I hope you do” he smiles at me giving me a few more sweet kisses before we both feel asleep here in my cell 
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
I just read a fanfic with this recently and i'm lowkey obsessed with the idea, but how about dadsona asking the respective kid(s) for permission to propose to their dad?
Craig; This was it. A clear Saturday morning. Craig was out and about for his early jog with little River strapped to his chest, leaving you with Hazel and Briar, who were scarfing down the extra special breakfast of pancakes and ice cream with a side of chocolate. You figured that the girls deserved a little prepping before you popped the big question, so you set down your fork and took a deep breath. ‘Alright, girls. There’s actually something I’ve been meaning to ask you two.’ You began. ‘You think I’m a good guy, right?’  Both girls smiled. ‘Of course, we do, Y/N.’ Briar answered, biting off the tip of the strawberry on her pancake. ‘You’re charming and smart, your jokes are a bit terrible but tolerable, for the most part at least.’  ‘Dude, you just gave me ice cream and pancakes for breakfast. You’re totally cool in my book.’ Hazel chimed in, mouth full of pancake. You laughed.  ‘Well, that’s good. I didn’t want you both to think I was some sort of bad guy who just waltzed into your family since I am planning to propose to your dad in a few weeks-’
 ‘What?!’ The twins exclaimed, looking equally shocked as Briar dropping her strawberry and Hazel choking on her pancake, reaching for the hot chocolate to wash it down. You covered your mouth in regret. The table was silent for a while, both parties staring at each other in astonishment. It was Hazel who broke the silence with an awkward cough. She still looked surprised. ‘I mean, I’m not against it. Dad does talk about how much he loves you and, well. It’s clear he loves you so uh…’ Hazel nudged her twin, silently begging for her to back her up. Briar sighed and looked into your eyes. You knew she wasn’t going to be kidding around this time. ‘Y/N. Do you love our dad with all your heart?’
 ‘Yes.’ You replied without hesitance. 
 ‘Will you always make sure he’s in a good place and when he’s not, will you be there for him?’
  ‘Do you promise not to hurt him, in which case Briar and I will cast our super secret demonic witch twin powers on you to curse you and your descendants for decades?’  You stared at Hazel, who looked dead serious before laughing at your extra shocked expression. ‘I’m just kidding, dude. Just make sure you take good care of dad, he really deserves it.’  A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you leaned back on your chair. ‘Thank you so much, girls. You won’t regret this, I swear.’Hugo; The front door opened to signal somebody had arrived home. You knew that it wasn’t Hugo considering he had texted you an hour ago that he was coming home late thanks to a bunch of middle schoolers in detention for setting fire to the trash bins. That meant you and Ernest were alone for the rest of the afternoon, and that gave you the chance to have a heart to heart talk with the moody teen. You watched as he made his way into the kitchen, where you sat on the sofa pretending to read a book. This was it. Now or never.  ‘Hey, Ernest? You mind if you come over here? I kinda wanna talk about something.’ No reply. This was gonna be a little tricky. ‘I could convince your dad to get a dog if you talk to me!’
 The footsteps stopped, then made their way towards you. Ernest groaned and threw his bag down, leaning against the wall. ‘Well? What is it? I don’t have all day, loser.’
You smiled and put down the book you were “reading”. ‘You know, your dad really cares about you.’ ‘Is this what your talk’s about?’ He scoffed. ‘If I wanted to hear about cheesy bullshit I would have just gone to the guidance counselor’s office. Did Hugo talk you into this?’ ‘Ernest, I know you don’t seem to care about your father much, but you should know that he still loves you. Very much, in fact. Hell, he told me once that you could throw a dozen cherry bombs into the boys’ toilets and he’d still love you.’ You spotted his face beginning to soften, so you went on. ‘Actually, that’s one of the reasons I like your dad. He’s devoted to you and everything else he does. It’s really admiring, don’t you think?’ That was it. Tears began to roll down the young teen’s cheeks, trying to wipe them away with his orange sleeve. You sat up and opened your arms, Ernest running into them and sobbing into your shirt. ‘I-I know Dad loves me…’ He gulped. ‘I just..cant myself to..show him that-’ He collapsed into a fit of sobs. You sat him down on the sofa, wiping his eyes before sitting down beside him. ‘I know you love your dad, Ernest. I understand that it’s kinda hard to show that you love him, but I know you do.’ You put your arm around him, hesitant at first, but when you saw that the young man didn’t mind, you relaxed. ‘That’s why I want to ask for your blessing to propose to him.’ Ernest’s tired eyes widened for a moment at what you said, turning to you in shock. ‘Y-You want to…what?’ ‘Marry him, Ernest. If it’s alright with you, of course.’ He took a deep breath and stood up from the couch, grabbing his backpack and starting to walk away. Before you could start panicking, he turns to you with a smirk on his face. ‘Mastiff first, and Hugo’s all yours.’Robert; You weren’t going to lie; Val seemed quite intimidating. Her city life clothes and her half joking, half serious attitude and her overall demeanor made you almost cower in your dad shoes. But you had to get her permission. After all, it was her dad, she deserves to be okay with it before you try something as big as marriage. You invited her over to Jim and Kim’s while Robert was off in the woods that night. The bar doors opened to reveal Val in all her shining glory, spotting you at a booth in the corner and giving you a friendly wave before walking over to you. ‘Well, Y/N? What kinda fuckery has my old man gotten up to now?’ She joked as she settled down in the leather booth. ‘Set fire to the woods? Lost his foot in a tragic car accident? Found the Dover Ghost but got taken away by it, and now you’re trying to tell me that my beloved father has been kidnapped and may never be seen again?’ Yep. This was Robert’s daughter, alright. ‘No, no, and unfortunately, no. It does have something to do with Robert, though.’ ‘Welp, I didn’t come all this way to hear small talk.’ Val turned away for a second to order two shots from Neil, who nods and delivers it over. ‘Spill the beans, dude.’ You took a minute to assess the moment. There was Val, a smart, playful yet serious woman if you messed with her or her dad. One wrong step and she would definitely send you flying to the moon and back. Or poke a hole into your head with her super sharp nails. The point was, this was your one chance. And you couldn’t blow it.  ‘So, uh, marriage, right?’ You blurted out, trying to segway into the question. Val looked up at you with an eyebrow raised. Great job, Y/N, you thought to yourself as you awkwardly downed the shot glass, hoping the liquid courage would hit sooner. ‘Kinda a weird thing if you think about it. “Hey, I love you so much I’m going to get the government involved so you cant leave.”. What a weird thing, huh?’ Nice, you made the situation even more awkward. Val sipped her shot glass skeptically. ‘You alright, Y/N? You look a little pale.’ Shaking yourself out of your nervous state, you looked up to the confused Val. ‘Okay, Val. I’m not gonna lie; I really love your dad. I mean, I think it’s been fairly obvious already, but I really love him. I know you both have been through some stuff, stuff that I don’t have to get involved into if you don’t want to, but I know both of you love and care for each other. That’s why I was wondering if you were alright with, uh, letting me marry him.’ Neither of you spoke for a moment, Val ordering two more shots which were delivered way quicker than usual. She picked up her glass and stared into the liquor inside.  ‘You know, Dad’s been through a lot. Losing Mom. Losing me. I used to hate him for being such an asshole, even thinking he was incapable of loving anything other than himself. But lately, he’s been..better. He’s so willing to patch things up, get his shit together, and sometimes I wonder how that happened. So on the day I came back, I asked him.’ She looked back to me and smiled. ‘He said he met someone. Someone who shoved some sense through his mind and made him wake up. I couldn’t even explain the words Dad used as he described you. They were all good, don’t worry. My father isn’t exactly the best when it comes to emotions, but when I saw what influence you had on him, I knew I wanted you to stick around.’ With a flourish, she raised her shot glass in a toasting motion. ‘A toast to Y/N, my future step-dad and loving husband of Robert Small.’Joseph; After weeks and weeks of waiting for the right moment, you finally found a short window of time where Joseph wasn’t with the kids. Sleeping in thanks to a late date on his yacht the night before. Thanks to this, you managed to wake up the twins and Chris (you left Crish to sleep soundly in his crib) , who were mumbling about not wanting to before you mentioned chocolate brownies, to which Christie jumped up to the chance while Chris and Christian just stirred at the thought of getting to lick the bowl. You set the kids to do their own tasks before starting the talk. ‘So, there’s one thing I gotta know; are you guys actually planning to kill me in my sleep?’ Chris groaned and shook his head, signaling that he wasn’t interested. Christie and Christian shook their heads too. You breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Phew, that’s a good thing. Well, do you think I’m an alright guy, then?’The three stared at each other for a moment, then nodded. You smiled. This was going better than expected. ‘Great. So, this next question might be a bit…shocking but it’s very important to get your answer. It’s okay to be honest and say no, alright?’All three children froze. Christie’s brush had stopped buttering the tray. Christian’s mallet hovered over the crushed nuts. Chris’s hand had stopped moving the spoon to mix. They turned towards you at the same time, making you feel quite anxious. ‘I, uh, kindawannamarryyourdad.’ You mumbled, suddenly taken aback by the children’s creepiness. Christie and Christian walked up to you, and just when you think they’re going to pull out two knives and stab you for wanting to marry their father, they wrap their tiny arms around you and mutter ‘new father’. Chris walks towards you, eyes boring into yours. ‘We love Dad a lot. Just don’t try anything, got it?’You nodded vigorously, and Chris shuffled back to continue mixing the bowl. The two refused to leave your waist, and though it was a cute gesture, you pried them off and insisted you had to continue the brownies, planning to make them a present for your future fiance. And, of course, you let the kids lick the bowl just this once.Damien; It didn’t take a detective to know that Lucien was a tough nut to crack. His rebellious ways made it a bit difficult to pin him down while Damien wasn’t around, but you finally got some alone time with him when Damien was off dealing with a dog emergency at the animal shelter. You heard loud rock music through the door leading into his bedroom. Knocking on Lucien’s door, the music shut off and a familiar voice shouted through the door. ‘What the fuck is it?’ ‘Lucien? It’s just me.’ You replied. ‘I was hoping we could talk for a bit, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask-’ Before you could finish, the teen had already pulled his door open. ‘Well? What is it?’ You mentioned that it would be better if you talked in the living room, and he begrudgingly trudged to the living room and plopped on the couch. ‘So what the hell is this about? If it’s my music, then yeah, I’ll tone it-’ ‘It, uh, isn’t just that, kid.’ You sat yourself down beside him. ‘I mean, yeah, it’d be really nice if you could, but there’s been something else I’ve wanted to talk to you about. It’s about Damien.’ You could see Lucien’s face go from angsty, passive-aggressive, oh-my-god-leave-me-alone to point blank serious. Lucien was a rebellious teen, however, that didn’t mean he didn’t care about his father. It was surprising, actually. They both had a loving relationship, which is mostly the reason why you wanted to ask Lucien for permission in the first place. Sure, he was glad that you made his dad feel good about himself, but to marry the man who’s been raising him alone for years? That was pretty big, and you had to make sure Lucien was okay with it. ‘Y/N? You look a little pale, is it something bad?’ Lucien’s voice was unnaturally soft. You cleared your throat and spoke up. ‘Lucien, I know you love your dad a lot. I also know that you matter a lot to him, and he sees you as his entire world. So it’s kind of well and good to ask; are you alright with letting me marry your father?’ It was Lucien’s turn to become pale as a ghost. He stared at you with unblinking eyes and an unreadable face before slouching into the sofa.  ‘You know, I kinda expected this. You and Dad have been so close lately, and don’t get me wrong, I’m all for it.’ He rubbed his eyes. ‘I’m really happy that he’s found someone to kind of, be weird with and shit, you know? He seems really content with you, so go ahead.’ You smiled, thanking Lucien for his blessing. Maybe he wasn’t that tough of a nut to crack after all.  ‘Oh, and by the way, find a better place to hide your engagement ring, dude.’ The teen laughed before heading upstairs into his room.Mat; Carmensita was a sweetheart. She gave you the utmost respect, and you treated her like a mini Amanda, joking around with her and (attempting at) making matching flower crowns for you, her, and Mat. Despite this, she seemed a bit weak with emotions. This was evident throughout the many times she cried during an emotional scene during movie night, wherein Mat had to give her a big dad hug, asking you to skip the scene so Carmensita would stop crying. This made you a bit hesitant to ask for her blessing at first, but you decided to pull through with it anyway. It was in the evening, where Mat was off at the Coffee Spoon for open mic night. You passed for tonight, pretending to have a headache and insisting you would be fine with Carmensita. Waving goodbye to your boyfriend as he walked off into the night, you had a nice light dinner with the young girl, listening to her go on about school. ‘Miss Davers is a bit weird, but you get used to her eventually.’ She gobbled down on her food. ‘Maybe you can teach me algebra, Y/N?’ ‘Hmn,’ You bluntly replied, picking at your dinner. You were so nervous that you couldn’t even eat anything in fear of choking it up and scaring the daylights out of her, which was not going to be the best moment to ask for her blessing. She noticed your silence and put down her utensils. She looked at you with concern. ‘Y/N, you’re really quiet tonight. Is it the headache? Should I call Dad?’ ‘N-No, sweetie. I’m fine, just a little..’ You bit your lip. ‘Do you like me, Carmensita?’ ‘Of course!’ Carmensita’s mouth curved into a smile, showing off her braces. ‘Did you really need to ask?’ ‘Actually, yes.’ You sighed. ‘Sweetheart, I need to ask you something. It’s pretty important, and I just want to let you know that I completely understand if you say no, alright?’ Looking a bit scared, she nodded anyway. Here goes nothing; ‘Will you let me marry your dad?’ Shock. Screaming. Crying. You prepared yourself for anything that Carmensita would react with, and sure enough, the young girl started bawling up. Just as you were about to call your attempt a massive fail, she began giggling and wiping her eyes. ‘Ah, jeez. You really scared me for a second, Y/N. I thought you were going to ask something way worse, like you were some sort of alien and you were gonna ask me to run away and join your alien family or something.’ She walked over to you and buried her head in your chest. ‘Of course, I’ll let you marry him, Y/N. There’s no other person I’d choose. You make him feel so happy and giddy and you both seem so cute together. How could I say no?’ ‘You sure it’s alright? I could be a huge hug alien ready to crush my next victim into a warm embrace!’ You joked, patting her frizzy brown hair. She laughed and smiled up at you. ‘Hug alien, shmug alien. Dad is all yours.’Brian; Daisy was Brian’s pride and joy. He practically put her on a pedestal and worshipped her every day of his life, so you decided it would only be proper to ask for her permission to marry her father. She was a smart, sensible girl, surely she would understand, right? You knocked on her door on a late afternoon when Brian had gone shopping. She called to let you come in and you did just that.Her walls were filled with trophies and medals, along with laminated certificates and a bunch of pictures with her dad. Their closeness intimidated you, but you were determined to see this through, sitting on the edge of her bed beside as she put down her book. ‘Hi, Y/N. Have you and Dad finished your “who’s the best daughter cuddler’ competition yet?’ She gleamed. You chuckled, remembering that day where you and Brian had a huge cuddlefest on the couch with Daisy in the smack middle, content of course but slightly unable to breathe in between the two huggers.  You put a hand on Daisy’s back to reassure her. ‘Daisy, I’m happy to announce that your father and I have decided that we are both sufficient cuddlers and will not be subduing you to our cuddling competitions. Thank you very much for your participation and we hope to see you again next year!’ The girl giggled, covering her mouth and muttering something along the lines of ‘It was a good experience’. You cleared your throat. ‘Jokes aside, there is something I want to talk to you about, Daisy.’
 ’Anything, Y/N.’
 You took a moment to look at her. She had Brian’s hair and freckles, hell, even a bit of his eyes. It was almost as if you were looking at Brian himself, which made you extra nervous. ‘D-Daisy, d-do you think I could marry your d-dad?’ You stuttered, unable to get the words out. Daisy went from slightly curious to absolutely shocked. She let her jaw drop and hang as her widened eyes stared at you. You assumed she was trying to find a way to say no and started to let yourself out before a hand grabbed you. ‘Wait, Y/N! It’s not that I’m going to say no, it’s just… so astonishing. Don’t leave, please.’
 You propped yourself back onto her duvet as she grasped your arm, thinking that you were going to walk away at any second.
 ‘Sorry, I got a bit scared there for a minute.’ She apologized. ‘You know, Dad really likes you. Whenever you aren’t around, he would talk to me about how much he loves you and cares about you, asking me for help to think about competitions just to get closer to you, stuff like that. And I’m not going to lie; I enjoy it. But what makes you different is that you make Dad feel good about himself. He takes a lot of pride in me that he sometimes forgets to see the actual good of the real him. You make him feel like he should be proud the way he is, and I’d love for you to be a part of our lives.’ Daisy nuzzled into you. ‘Still with me, Y/N?’ ‘Sure am, Daisy. And thank you.’
((ahhh im sorry this took forever, i was writing this during my breaks of reviewing for exams and i just couldnt concentrate without wanting to finish this prompt! super sorry it looks rushed, i’ll be back to answering prompts regularly by tomorrow after my last exam!!)) 
-Mod Coffee Cake
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galimatios · 5 years
sci-fi au again but it’s some bastardized blame au feat. my twins
thinking about a bastardized blame au that borrows the setting of blame but with some minor differences, aka humans weren't dead for as long and silicon lifeforms are part of a disease that turns pure humans into half synthetic life, aka go feral go crazy some retain intellect tho, and pure silicon creatures are fully sentient and intelligent but im thinking of a society in which android labor was widespread, but bc humans were wiped by silicon corruption, there's huge populations of androids w/o purpose humans do still exist but they're not pure, most of them have varying levels of silicon corruption as well as varying resistances. it does grant these humans superhuman strength or healing though i kind of. wanna put rey and ray as twins in this au as bounty hunters aka humans who hunt down corrupted humans who've gone too far... but they also do odd delivery jobs and stuff likelihood is that they've been alive for Way longer than humans should be due to their own corruption they remember what life was like before things went to shit ray owned a restaurant and rey owned the bar on top of it as siblings they went thru hell together and back and this was their dream and. well. then shit changed but also aesthetic bc: rey with short hair, tank top, sci-fi ass gear and army boots she's also the Slightly Older twin and holds this to ray all the time they argue. Nonstop. sometimes they cant stand eachother bc dumbasses both have strong aggressive personalities but (and ive been thinking abt rey w a sibling for a while) at the end of the day they trust eachother bc they both had the same shitty mom and survived. they can do anything, they're Them? but the scourge... well. they're always upbeat. they have eachother after all, but sometimes when they're alone, ray gets nostalgic. a little wistful, a little sad "it was nice while it lasted, huh? not even a full ass decade, and everything came tumbling down." legs hanging off a ledge, the smell of cigarette smoke "wonder how dom's doing." rey doesn't want to talk about her. she steals the cig from his mouth and puts it out. "that shit ain't good for you." "the fuck? you smoke too you know." but rey's already leaving. neither of them know if dom survived. ray lost a best friend, rey lost a lover it's been two hundred years, maybe more. if she hadn't shown up, dead or alive, she's probably gone but the thing is, the megastructure is huge. so vastly huge and confusing, anything can happen. ray thinks one day she'll show up. dom is tough. she's out there somewhere. (END PROSE) also i just love the idea of rey being a heavy firearm user and she just has a huge laser cannon strapped to her back at all times ray thinks weird flex but ok he probably uses a device that resembles some sci-fi spear/rapier thing but it channels electricity so on his command he can roast shit and also override / destroy power structures as needed. both of them have mechanical skills, can hotwire stuff, they're too dumb for hacking so they usually just try to physically brute force shit (aka... hitting it until it works) ray... leather jacket and gloves. NOTED THO: organic materials are really rare and are either salvaged or synthetically created instead. so this is like fake ass bioengineered leather from one of the few bastions of semi-human life, a big city within the megastructure that's where rey and ray live... they actually do want to start a restaurant again but. i think they've sworn off it until they find out what happened to dom, bc she's the only person they've ever trusted with their dream so until then, bounty work ok wow i kind of love ray w a fucking. black electric rapier spike thing + black gloves and black jacket, leather fucking pants, DANGER BOY!!! then rey loves firearms but sometimes she JUST PUNCHES SHIT. SHE'S STRONG!!! fingerless gloves for the girl. cries I love my redheads
KEITH PROBABLY. WOULD BE A TRAINEE BOUNTY HUNTER/SCOUT AND PROBABLY HAS A MASSIVE CRUSH ON RAY LMFAO. ray is like lmfao (puts hand on head) u are So Short keith: kkkdjdjsjhdhdhfnfbfbfjgjfjfj rey voice god you have bad taste keith follows ray around like a puppy who wants to be helpful and ray doesnt particularly mind as long as he doesnt get in the way. but its like. this video (youtu.be/TJAqwSmbKJc)
SORRY KEITH HE LIKES HUNKS AND TWUNKS BUT UR TWINKISH TWUNK AT BEST but ray has a soft spot for him once keith proves he's actually super capable at his job puppy gets head pats god i wanna stick all my ocs in this au now jonah would be s service android who used to work for a family he really cherished but they were wiped out. so now he just. kind of drifts. AI technology is self learning so i believe at this point androids have largely gained sentience and semihumans treat them like one of them alister.... heh. fuck. i really want him to be an antagonist actually but a kind of misunderstood one. he's definitely the root of everything. he is probably the progenitor of the scourge and is a human mind implanted into a fully silicon body. who KNOWS how old he is in actuality he was a sick, dying child whose experimental treatment went horribly wrong but this silicon body is stronger, faster, better. he feels no pain anymore. he can walk and run. but he's also immortal. and he can't be with humans bc contact with him is toxic humans with weak resistances died immediately once the plague started. so all the humans left are those who resisted full corruption they went after the source of the plague, intending to kill to stop its spread but even when they did get to alister, they couldnt kill him and boy they tried! took him into labs and did horrible things! some succumbed to the plague from overexposure to him but nothing seemed to stop Alister decided he had enough, killed everyone in a haze, left, then decided to make silicon lifeforms he was lonely! all of them are precious to him and every time a hunter kills one, he mourns semihumans who become fully or mostly corrupted he considers part of his family too GOD I COULD MAKE AND PORT SO MANY OCS cade is about 60-70% corrupted. he's definitely in alister's ranks i gotta think tho bc i do want one pure human with the net terminal gene. probably hidden somewhere in one of those cryosomething freeze tanks idk if i have an oc pure enough to fit the role i gotta check my roster TO EXPLAIN THIS. you need the gene to access the netsphere the netsphere is like an evolved form of the internet that's sort of like heaven and also controls some things in base reality, like the robots that are in charge of automated construction of new structures- these have gone haywire which led to uncontrolled growth this is just canon material but my addition is that once alister went full silicon, he also unintentionally became connected to the netsphere without any real authority to do anything, but the system still detected a breach and it locked Everyone out after alister infected them originally only those of pure genetic pedigrees possessed the net gene haha i love caste systems but now they're all fucking Dead. i imagine life wasn't GREAT before the scourge but it was better than a semi-post-post scarcity environment where some places are uninhabitable so you have silicon life out hunting humans to protect alister, or just for territory, and security systems that have been tripped and now safeguards are running around killing everything that moves safeguards are like antivirus programs but like. in base reality
GOD ALISTER GROWN UP BUT LIKE EVIL AESTHETIC. ALL BLACK EVERYTHING. he definitely has morphing skills, he can connect himself to technology and easily control it bc hes not organic, innocent boy is now twisted and sitting on his throne of black, corrupted human bones truthfully though alister just... wants to successfully turn more humans into silicon so he can make friends and be happy it's sad that they don't usually survive. hundreds of years of loneliness dulled his moral compass the silicon close to him feel like they're not enough they are hideous but fully sentient and intelligent with the same emotions as humans but ig to alister it's not the same. he still loves them but. he truly was human in the past in the end silicon can't truly replace flesh alex... is a high level safeguard with sentience unlike the low level automated ones that attack everything fuck ALEX OF ALL MY OCS TAKES THE PLACE OF KILLY IN CANON THE FUCK he'd probably operate differently tho. way more compassion
"once i find the net terminal gene, most likely the system will begin to purge all impurities. any and all corrupted will likely die. ... but i see no reason to shorten the life of a man already dead." this includes the humans with resistances. people like rey, ray, keith all resistant humans are <50% corrupted. they cannot be allowed to live bc there is a chance exposure to toxic materials or alister will continue the process but i think alex would change his mind and try to find a way to cure it using the net terminal gene he makes friends with the bounty hunting group, aka keith and the twins... and eventually they will find dom and. oh god what if dom is 80+ percent corrupted what if they have to put her down I AM MAKING MYSELF UPSET
BUT FUCK IT WPULD BE A GOOD CATALYST FOR ALEX TO CHANGE HIS MIND ABOUT LETTING ALL THE CORRUPTED DIE AHHHHH also alex in an all black suit with a little cyan neck ribbon I LOVE MY OCS SORRY I ALSO LOVE BLAME AND SCIFI FUCK ME UP anyway i think im done for now but ughghfjgh im thinking about this for days
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unicornninjabitch · 7 years
Follower: literally no one asked for a depressing ass life update
Me; …… lol you wild anyways
I hate not being able to ask for help and i hate not being able to stand up for myself. Growing up i was thrown into a lot of fights between my parents and i always felt like i had to pick a side and stick to it and i usually sided with my mom for reasons we dont gotta get into rn so me and my mom have been super close like my whole life. She was all I had for most of my life because i was a kid playing parent since my mom worked a lot and my dad wanted to do whatever he wanted, so imagine little me barely out of elementary school trying to make sure my 5 year old brother is doing homework and the angry 8 year old isnt being a complete asshole to the 5 year old. I never really got to just be a kid cause i was making sure the house wouldnt fall apart under our feet, so now that im being thrown to the wolves as far as growing up goes I don’t think its fair that when i ask for help i get looked down on and belittled and get looked at like im some stupid kid, like, i was never allowed to just be a stupid kid so how come now that im 18 and dont know how to do everything immediately am i suddenly a stupid kid who probably cant make it in the real world? Its bullshit and not fair. Tbh its not just that i cant ask for help with cause growing up i thought asking for help meant weakness and i had to be strong cause i was the oldest and asking for help meant stressing out my mom even more than she was cause she had a hard time putting food on the table by herself.
As for standing up for myself, okay i havent hidden that my mom hasnt been supportive in any way after i came out cause i try to cover it up with humor, but like, she was my best friend for so many years when i had no one else to lean on (and thats a story for another day tbfh) she was like all i had. She was supportive of my writing even when it sucked and when i wanted to be a teacher but its like she did a 180 or some shit. Okay so when i switched to wanting to do psych she was kinda like “okay but make sure a certificate will be transferable or whatever” and one time i said how i THOUGHT about MAYBE doing english as a major cause i love writing and i thought maybe i could start up a publishing company that mostly published books centered around minorities cause that seemed like something id enjoy tbh, but she shitted all over even the thought of majoring in english just like “What job could you possibly get with an english degree?” and her friend, with an english degree, told me an English degree is basically useless and like??yes i understand english isnt the most employable degree but maybe i want more to life than a job, maybe i wanted to do something im passionate about or something (dont get me wrong im really passionate with my current career path but still it was an idea i was really into and wanted to learn more about and i still wanna double major but besides the point) I couldnt even explaing why i was thinking about that major i kinda defulted to head down, shoulders drop, say “yeah maybe you gotta point” and like thats not fair to me i dont think. That was the start of the slippery slope of her becoming more and more unsupportive with everything i do. I didnt apply to that many schools and most the final 2 were Elizabethtown College and University of Bridgeport, Etown was way more expensive and i kinda didnt want to go there tbh but they said i could apply for free so i did. Now for college i did EVERYTHING myself. I looked up colleges, compared prices and scholarships, took notes on all the majors and minors i thought i could want, applied on my own and anything else I did by myself. Looking back i realize i probably shouldve applied to more schools or looked more at the professors or something, but i didnt cause i didnt know to, but she gave me such a hard time with UB. She complained about everything about it until i finally said “fine ill just go to county and then Rutger or something” (which isnt a bad plan and wouldve saved me a shit ton of money but i wanted to get tf away from jersey) Thats when she said fine and said she’d help financially (even though the loans getting transfered to my name after i graduate but okay). So there was kinda a wedge in our relationship but nothing huge we were still pretty close but we just ignored certain subjects like school and shit. Then in the summer she gave me hell for not working like we agreed i wouldnt work during the school year cause i speant so much of junior year wanting to kill myself and was so fucking depressed we, as in the both of us, decieded on that, than in the VERY begining of summer i broke my fucking ankle, so i couldnt really walk anywhere and i dont drive (side note, i hate when driving gets brought up because just sitting behind the wheel gives me so much anxiety, like yes its a good skill to have but i cant drive so please leave me alone i hate myself for it enough) Plus i speant a majority of the summer super depressed and anxiety ridden and kinda scared about a lot of stuff.So it was nice to hear i was lazy and ungrateful when somedays it took everything to get out of bed to feed myself let alone clean up around the house. Also as a certified Millennial™  I cover my self hatred and depression with jokes and memes o the one day i make a joke about it and she said “you dont really hate yourself, you wouldnt know what that feels like” Okay 1. I most definetly hate myself just cause i dont walk around super edgy and emo doesnt mean i stopped critizing my every action, just cause you dont notice me not letting myself eat/eating everything in sight doesnt mean i dont wish i looked like literally anything else. No i hate myself i just cover it up so fuck off.
Then theres coming out (which gets its own paragraph cause its a fucking mess). I came up via a letter that i left in her room and she didnt say anything for maybe a week so i speant a week with my defult being panic attack or “maybe everythings gonna be okay i mean she hasnt really said my name i dont think and maybe everythings okay and youre just freaking out for nothing” but nope we had a talk and if you dont know apperently you have to know right out of the womb that your trans. My moms best friend has a niece whos trans and she was given so much shit from the adults in her life just and still does (this kids literally 14 and they treat the poor girl like such shit its awful) and i was never into sterotypical “boy things”. I didnt like sports other than soccer but only for fun, I was very much the quiet kid who usually had his nose in a book, so i think that mixed with seeing this little girl treated like trash by people we both loved and looked up to (cause my moms best friends family is kinda like a second family to me) i never thought that could ever be me. Later in life i questioned my sexuality and looking at a bunch of terms and things some of them related to me, but i thought no ill put that on the back burner for now just cause maybe im just projecting/thinking about it too much rn. Then even later in life Kate came out to me and we talked and i noticed some similarities in what she said to what i felt, so i looked up terms and definitions and took online quizzes almost all day everyday to figure out what was going on with me. Almost as long as i known Kate shes been my safe person, especially with this just in case I realized no this isnt who i am or whatever, but either way Kate was a huge support and great person to rely on and my fears and other stuff. After more constant quizzes and reading and asking myself if i just wanted to be a *~special snowflake~* and testing waters and shit I decieded yes this is who i am...shit im gonna have to come out. My mom basically said “you arent trans, youre making this up and being ridiculous. Im not calling you that name and i wont call you he/him and that hurt a lot. Like she didnt even say Alexander she said “whatever name you put”. Mind you im absolutely heart broken cause i thought if anyone my mom would be supportive. She offered if Kate ever wanted she could crash with us and she calls her best friends niece the right name, but when it came to me she thought it was fake. Now at this point im trying not to cry out loud and im clenching my jaw so hard it hurt till the next afternoon. I dont know if its just me or what, but it feels like after that shes rubbing it in. It feels like shes using my birth name more and saying she/her and shit. She also acted like i was an idiot like i know that changing my name is a process, but she also said if any of my college stuff had Alexander on it she wouldnt help pay for it which really hurt. I really try to ignore/avoid her just cause it hurts less than figurative slaps to the face its like, *slap* girl, *slap* birthname, *slap* liar, *slap* making it up, *slap* thats not how it works, *slap* youre being disrespectful as hell, *slap* you arent a boy *fucking uppercut*, but i cant always ignore her which leads to tonight.
My cousins had like a little party for their birthday and it was awful for me (in their defense im not out to them but still it makes me super uncomfortable but its not their fault really). We looked at baby pictures so it was a lot of “omg look how pretty you were” and “oh my goodness i love that dress you look so beautiful there” Then my hair, of course got brought up and people were like “oh you know girls are so much prettier with long hair” and “when are you gonna grow it back out like hers?” (cause you know girls HAVE to have long hair *sarcasm*) so i just kinda awkwardly laugh and change the subject. Of course my moms pointing out all the pictures of me in a dress or with long hair or whatever. Then it was super fun picture time!! I hate pictures (that i dont take cause those are under my control and shit) for a lot of reasons. I always feel like i look fat and i notice everything thats “feminine” about my body and we already went over the self hate thing but still i hate pictures and im visibly uncomfortable while theyre happening. Someone says “oh stop youll love them in 20 years” like or ill hate them cause ill remember being so uncomfortable and so ready to walk home and ill remember not being able to forget that my whole family will probably always think im a girl no matter what i do. Then we get on to college. Im the first to go to college and everyone was like where are you going, what are you majoring in blah blah blah. So i answer their questions and be a polite kid. And everytime someone asked when i was leaving my mom jumped on it “3 weeks from today!!” like shit so by the end of the night my binders starting to get uncomfortable, im socially tired, ive been uncomfortable for 20 minutes, and im hating the amount of hugs im getting cause i can feel my boobs more than and shit. So someone said something about me leaving so i was like “you still have like a month” and of course my mom goes “3 weeks!!” so im fucking annoyed by everything and like just ready to go to CT now so im like “we get it your counting down the days i leave” and she got an attitude so i turn to my uncle and say im about to make it 2 weeks and shes like how about 1? So i just shrug and say okay bye like im unfazzed right now. Then we go drop my brother off at our dads and as soon as we pull away shes yelling at me about my “attitude lately” like what??!! Youve ruined so much for me lately im allowed to be angry! You destroyed my confidence about coming out. You made me feel like something was wrong with me. YOU completely destroyed our relationship and maybe i did too, but you know what?! Im completely justified in being uncomfortable around you! When my 14 year old brother (who has been really amazing and apologized for having to call me my birth name which he didnt have to cause he knew im only out to a handful of people but it was still sweet of him) asked how you were about this you said what you said to me which is fucking bullshit!! Youve treated me like shit lately and youll walk in and start nagging/complaining/yelling at me cause you dont know how to handle your angry which ive delt with for so fucking long!! Like when am i allowed to be mad at you?! When am i allowed to say no ive had it with your bullshit?!! But of course i dont know how to actual articulate this without a huge fight going off cause those just trigger a huge anxiety attack and shit and screaming and fighting is something i avoid at almost every cost because its scary to me fo a million and three reasons. Like im so ready to burry my ass in debt just to keep out of this house like i dont want to be anywhere near here. I dont wanna come home ever. I want to stay in CT forever just so i dont have to deal with this shit which i know probably isnt healthy but whatever i dont care anymore she gives me so much shit i dont care.
But i still feel guilty i guess. Ive never been ANGRY at my mom, i rarely fought with her, she was always my rock and i know what certain holidays, mostly Christmas, mean to her, but i dont know if i can bring myself to come home just to be around her so much and fall back into being called my birthname or she/her or whatever. I dont know i feel bad not wanting to come home because the boys moved in with our dad (which i cant do for reasons that dont need to be talked about atm) and i dont want to make her sad cause shes my mom, but i dont want to hurt myself because shes my mom, you know?
I dont care about our relationships, me being trans isnt going away a few years (which she told me we could revisit this in a few years like bitch what??!!) wont mean anything except me, once again, doing everything completely on my fucking own! Ill be alone and it feel like almost like i always be alone, like maybe ill go to CT and still wind up with the Fuck Up™ gene being very present in my life. Idk somedays i just feel like maybe no ones supposed to saty in my life, which i dont want to be true cause rn i have some amazing people in my life and im scared theyll leave too just meant to be abandoned and alone or something. The thing is im a sentimental, touch starved, emotional piece of shit and i really love people being consistent in my life and being left alone is such a huge fear of mine and i feel like some of my friends are already disappearing from my life (which i know happens and is natural especially after school but it still hurts to some degree ig)
So yeah lifes kinda full of bullshit right now and i cant wait to move out and study almost year round to avoid being home as much as possible and theres really no reason to this other than for me to complain about life and shit ig
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