#cant wait for mike to get back from his kidnapping
friedrocks · 1 year
aww Phil AND Pac are the only two people Tubbo says he fully trusts 😭
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
Okay, it's time.. for ACE ANGST HEADCANONS!!! Aka the moment you've been waiting for!!
Bad topics warning in undercut:
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Ace had....suffered some mental disorders he had during childhood nor post-missing, specifically Depression, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Verbal and Emotional and Mental Abuse. Few of them is him getting over it.. not some tho. He's still trying to get over it tho for everyone he knew.
He felt, so much yet too much guilt for leaving his only family members behind. His siblings, Ace knew that some will change because he left and got kidnapped. And he hate it, he wishes that he'll escape from the Marionette.. but what changes?
His full entire body had blue cracks on everywhere, like a fragile broken puppet. Obviously the fans thinks they are tattoos, but it's actually real cracks and yet it hurts.. so much.
Spoiler alert? Yes, Ace is a fragile puppet. So yeah.. he is once forced to kill everyone he knew. And The Marionette thinks of making him forced to kill Jasmine, who went from nice to abusive. Ace didn't want to, but since he found out what she is now... He had no choice right now, he is disappointed to her but also guilty for what he is forced to. It sadly happened on August 4,1 year ago before Sleep snatched the fragile puppet in order to save him. Ace cried a lot after killing his almost-abusive sister who is about to change!.. damn. ( Fanfic coming perhaps? 👀 )
Luckily, Ace did have a 11th ability to enter people's dreams.. so he went from Vessel first, then.. Jake. His younger brother, who had a lot of nightmares.. but, Ace was sadly once told by Marion that he is not allowed to see his own siblings. So, with no choice.. he either leaves him or, scare him off. (MIKE AFTON REF??)
Ace was about to do a sayori when he is 16, but his dad and Nora stopped him tho. And yes, he almost did a sayori like- literally 10 times. Poor him tho.. bro wants to die but cant at the same time.. :((
His blood was now dark blue and neon blue instead of red, why? When he was about to do an $H before the wembley tour.. he noticed that his blood turned blue for a long time now. He stopped doing $H after that because of how shocked he is..
At first, Ace thinks that Sleep is a very mean one because of what he researched as a journalist. But actually, Sleep was sometimes a kind, polite entity. It made him so emotional to the fact that they are the one who saved him from Marion.. he knew that Marion is still controlling him. But he cannot let him take the strings..
Ace can't remember some of his memories now during his human life, because Marion erased them all.. but he needs it back, really. Why did you do this? I need them back, I NEED THEM BACK PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Ace and Vessel are indeed, trauma buddies. They empathetizes each other yet comfort each other a lot.. Vess is the second one who knew tho. Sleep is first to know.
For some reason, everyone didn't know this, yet... But Ace felt like he doesn't deserve love, while he gives everyone he knew and didn't knew some love. But he also didn't deserve one at all.
Ace is soooooo unstable yet unemotionally unwell because of the trauma he felt. He cried very much a lot when he had nightmares, he didn't want anyone to get worried.. so he instead cried on his pillow and closet.
That is all.
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littleeggrock · 1 year
some songs that remind me of the qsmp, it's gonna be a long one haha
Malmo - Mook
Imagery of a train station throughout , "the kind of place you mean to pass through, before you know it it's home" - pretty obv but they cant leave the island,
"it's a Saturday night in june and im waiting by the tracks to get out of this place" - the smp started in March, but the lore really started to pick up in June, things only snowballing from there. Also the imagery of train tracks, could connect that to the outcome of the puzzles after the timer event leading up to the nether
"there's something about the language, something about these people who look an awful lot like me" - there's the very obvious language barriers, and the fact that while all of the streamers on the island are very different, many of them agree on the same principles like that the eggs come before anything else, elquack bad, federation mostly bad, etc
"you laugh and I agree, that this thing has got the best of me" - many of the streamers have become so emotionally invested in their eggs that they care for them like actual children, and All of them realize this about themselves
The kids don't stand a chance - vampire weekend
do I really need to elaborate lmao.
"The pin striped men of morning, are coming forward to dance, with pure Egyptian cotton, the kids don't stand a chance" - the federation, a seemingly untouchable, perfect group, commonly depicted wearing suits, gave us the eggs, but also threw them and the characters into an incredibly difficult situation, two lives per egg, an insanely dangerous island, with the ever present threat of human error, the streamers cant keep this up forever.
"You criticize the practice, by murdering their plants, ignoring all the history, denying them romance" - the feds have little regard for what the streamers do on the island, so long as they comply with their rules and standards, but when a streamer does do something "illegal" the consequences can be extreme, pac and mike being arrested, Cellbit in general, multiple people have been shot, the list goes on. They don't care if someone or something is important to you, if it gets in the way they Will deal with it accordingly
"I didn't like the business, but that was at first glance, your pillow feels so soft now, but still you must advance" - many people have and are actively working with the feds right now, (cough jaidens gone cough cough), they may not like it now, if they ever did, but for many its too late to back out without consequences so still they press onwards
"the kids don't stand a chance" - repeated many times throughout the song, many of the eggs never stood a chance at all, trump was abandoned, tilin and flippa died to people they loved and trusted, and bobby got in over his head and the lag took him, there's almost no way for Any of the eggs to defend against the code(s) on their own, and even with streamers they were still put in almost an impossible situation, it's very difficult to log on every day and take care of an egg, poor philza lmao
Comfort eagle - cake
"we are building a religion, we are building it bigger, we are widening the corridors, we are adding more lanes" - the feds like to make structures, this reminds me specifically of the main base, where quackity walked through before he was kidnapped and where jaiden "toured" briefly before disappearing. They also are recruiting people to work with them, it's not quite a religion but they are awfully focused on making things perfect, and really like the color white which is often made out to represent holiness or godliness
"To resist it is futile, it is useless to resist it" - the feds get what they want no matter what, you may refuse them once and they leave, but they will not stop until they get what they "need". They also aren't afraid to play dirty, manipulating Cellbit and bad and leaving them absolutely miserable
"And the fluffy white lines that the airplane leaves behind, are drifting right in front of the waning of the moon" - french plane crash. Do I need to say more
"We are building a religion, we are making a brand, we're the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand" - the feds like to recruit people while they are desperate, (Jaiden, foolish, quackity, etc) trying to appear reliable so they can manipulate you further
"There's no need to ask directions if you ever lose your mind, we're behind you, we're behind you and let us please remind you, we can send a car to find you if you ever lose your way" - again, the feds strike when the streamers are vulnerable, physically and emotionally
There's a lot more little details I could connect to individual characters but I am very tired rn so we will stick to general stuff
This was probably mostly rambling but I needed to get these thoughts outta my head somehow before school starts again, I need space to think about an education and not just my various hyperfixtations lmao
Sorta unrelated but I have a Spotify playlist that's half stolen from other people's qsmp themed playlists and recommendations and tailored to my personal tastes, I've also added stuff I've found that i think belongs there too, feel free to check it out if you are interested
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devondespresso · 1 year
Wip Wednesday
tagged by @eriquin 💕
we're back babeyyyyy its been a wild fuckin Wednesday im now calling "Oh My God What Now?" Wednesday after all the little shit that keeps happening. I'll mostly be getting to these late tonight or Thursday since i close
I've modified this a lot but basically i have several chapter titles and you guys can send asks for specific ones and I'll answer them with a snippet from that chapter either newly written or recently edited!
we're following the chapter titles format because i think that worked best (and i finished my other writing wip 🕺) so here we have chapters 7-9 plus prequel alt pov chapter .5? chapter 0? who knows
The Karen POV prequel chapter
Ohana means family, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten (gUYS WHAT THE FUCK)
Steve are you okay, are you okay Steve?
What's this, the consequences of my actions? (Is that a motherfucking lovejoy reference?!)
Kidnapping? No. Surprise Adoption
i cannot stress enough i don't have time but this part is sacred. Steve Henderson au, steve and kids arrive at tunnels and steve cant do shit to stop them
The kids jumped out as soon as the car stopped, not waiting to turn it off or anything, leaving him slouched in the backseat. He grabbed at the seats then side on the car to get out and follow, but he overestimated and sent himself tumbling to the ground out the passenger’s door.
“Guys..” he huffed, looking for them. They were all huddled by the open trunk, grabbing stuff stashed inside. His limbs failing him again, he pulled himself up using the door, flinging his weight to rest in the corner it made so he could properly see them. They were putting on goggles and had fabric covering their mouths like makeshift protective gear.
“Oh no..” They’re going in there. They’re going to get themselves killed. “Guys.”
They ignored him and Mike hiked over to the front of the car, purposefully around him.
“Hey, where d’you think you’re going?”
Mike ignored him.
“What, are you deaf? Hellooo?” They all kept ignoring him, they’re all ignoring him, “We are not going down there right now, I made myself clear!” he yelled, trying to get ahold of any of them but everyone managed to avoid him easily.
“There’s no chance we’re going to that hole, alright!”
Still ignored.
Like he's not even here.
He marched to Dustin, still at the trunk, leaning on the car.
“This ends right now!” and shoved a bag back in the trunk and turned to go to the others.
oops forgot tags first time, real quick @stobinesque @marvel-ous-m @itswhatyougive @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart @spoookysix and anyone that wants to!
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
OOOOOH WAIT THIS IS BUILDING OFF OF THE OTHER POSTS—Brenner encouraging the kids to connect to the spirits too young. It’s not an accident, it’s him pushing them like he pushed El to find Henry/the demogorgon, and the kids getting killed/spirits turning dark and angry bc of what Brenner’s doing/ people dying but Brenner covering it all up & barreling forward with his goals regardless (what are his goals)?
Quick refine of prev question in earlier ask: how specifically does will get into the spirit world, how does he get out, & will the spirit world be revisited/visited by anyone other than will in the party & in what context (as of your thoughts right now, obvi subject to change & all & au still growing).
Also… this is more in canon, but how DID the mindflayer possession affect will’s ability to regulate body temp? Bc i love the will being cold/not like cold thing, and i see it so often, but—will wasn’t cold when he was possessed. Or rather, he didn’t FEEL cold. He felt overheated, because his surroundings were so much warmer as compared to him. But like. Did the flayer alter Will’s perception of the temperature, lower Will’s body temp/damage will’s circulation, or a bit of both? Bc in theory… wouldn’t canon!will be OVERheated now? If the damage was permanent? (Unless we’re talking bad circulation)
But then i’m thinking about that as it relates to this au and like… it doesn’t matter, because i’m too attached to the will-regulating-temp-with-bending-but-stopping-bc-trauma, & the mike-noticing-&-warming-him-with-bending idea. & them learning to breathe together… UGH this au is so GOOD i cant
what are brenner's goals? million dollar question right there. i think brenner is a character who wants to be known. i mean, henry hit the nail on the head when he said that brenner is a mediocre man who seeks greatness in others. so, in this au, i suppose that means brenner maybe has a bit more of a connection/deeper interest in spirits (mostly to weaponize them because let's be real it's not bc he feels all happy let's commune with the spirits), and so, he seeks out the kids (starting with henry) and yes i love that! brenner is trying to search and learn more about the spirit world, and i think i've talked about this in some of my asks, but the idea that the world is changing—deciding that spirits should not be meddled with and that there is no need for connection to the spirit world? recipe for disaster as brenner wants to learn more. so, he's forced to find alternative ways.
ooh okay, let me think about this one a bit. will does end up physically in the spirit world, at least in my brain as i'm conceptualizing this. i suppose that means that hawkins needs to be at least relatively close to the republic city for the kidnapping to occur? OR—and again, i am literally making this up as i type this response out to you i apologize LOL—we pull from the stranger things canon a little bit more and have el opening temporary spirit portals. something something hawkins is a remote little town, and brenner's lab/headquarters/wherever he keeps el is a few miles from it. and the night of will's kidnapping, el enters the avatar state and accidentally breaks open a spirit portal in a rush of emotions. will, who already has a natural connection to spirits (spoiler alert he is. also one of those kids who just so happen to be born with a deeper spiritual connection. everyone was shocked. /j) is targeted by some dark spirits, who take him into the spirit world. the portal natural closes on its own, and will is physically stuck there.
i think then, following ST canon, we wouldn't see people go back into the spirit world in their physical forms as often, but we would see will struggle with this newly formed connection to the spirit world (i.e. maybe he's trying to meditate and get peace as he's suffering with his ptsd and anxiety, and he meditates into the spirit world) as well as el meditating into the spirit world but not being able to connect with her past lives yet). and eventually, it would be a sort of thing where then the spirit world begins to bleed into the real world as the spirits become more and more angered, and as henry manipulates things that are happening and we move into the equivalent of the ST S4 canon. i do think eventually having the party go to the spirit world together would be something i'd want, for the simple fact that i want mike to hold will's hand while they're there because he knows will doesn't want to be here but is forcing himself to keep going.
in st canon, that is a very good point! i'm not quite sure when thinking about the mechanics of the mind flayer possession and its long term effects on will's body. this is just me, but when i think about the cold part too, i also just think about how will was trapped in the upside down for a whole week and described it as incredibly cold and dark? so maybe that feeds into it too that it reminds him of that? good questions good questions there
yeah the mind flayer possession would obviously be different in this au, though the details are a biiiiit hazy right now as i think i'm still wrapping my brain around that too and the different ideas floating out there and how they relate to henry. so when i think about the idea that will struggling to regulate his body temp and such, it's more in the aftermath of his ordeal in the spirit world and how he ended up in the dark and cold parts of that world without any way to warm himself up kinda thing!
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fkyumerica · 9 months
i saw johnny depp at the grocerie store
he was small
thomas edison's sons were chucky
they would kidnap for shit
i just heard one talk
ghost or microphone
leon throws beer cans at them like wayne
they fucked with kong
what did he hear first he wouldbelieve
smashing it more, adding more to it recorded
mercury ball
smaller to bigger
he is a girl
500 girls for him here we go
giant to small
was him
thomas edison
his brother
sleepy hollow the woman who chopped off heads was lincolns "wife" when he was shot in a phone booth
it was hooked up to it
anyone could go over it anytime and firework blow it up
no one was
umbilical cord hooked up to guy while fucking her
electrocutes him
900 times he got 80,000 pregnant
and the rest too
had to make it happen
him walking on all fours was weird
hanging on the wall with his feet too
39 pregnant against it
sam did it
st.valentines massacre
im for it
kill whats in her
then her
and hear her last words spoken to her
i hear it
mike to mary sue then johnny depp to madison square gardens
they lost
dead now
and shoot fetus first cant shoot him
she will turn around and shoot it out after, fetus
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that many for him to stop and look
just dragged his whole life
with him too come on girls
cant get up
end of heaven
or rest of the world was it to chair leg lift them up
men was table
legs down
and aanother child under him was temptation
leave us leadership us from evil
lick and do it again
passes the cihld after to his dad
and he will get pregnant whats in it and she gives birth to two
no three
last one squirts out
got her fetus pregnant too
puses its button it wont stop
swing smashes it around
to stay there on the ground
beast shit was this
battle today
play it like a piano he will not hurt you
and fuck it up again giermo
i wont save you
cant either
he fucks it
waits all day and night and wont write either
he wont meet me
and she doesnt give a shit either
youre a dad
alden's mom mary sue, jim morrisons mom, mary sue
marilyn mansons mom, mary sue
charles mansons mom with wayne, mary sue
she mated with wayne
then he was in denial
andd michael miller was killed in class by brock lesner
i alughed my ass off
right in front of me
two chairs
blood everywhere
his face was gone except a eyeball
then the guy he lived with came out and said he was charles manson
get out of court get in
sit in it right
ive been waiting all day
worked at mcdonalds
come on im back
is the guy after that one dies
lived with him
then rents a condo
it is their house still
jet packs after
monsters on this block
lindita is the fat now and then girl who got pregnant by the guy down the street old man
and said she owned half the block
then mated with fred dursts dad
the guy down the block
scottish son
like 25 or 35 years old
she was 12
7 in the movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBCnBciNBqo this was butthead
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The Pogues live 1986
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAEFKjqPtlU this is dopey
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The Irish Rover - The Dubliners & The Pogues
they let the next generation be a darker color to work
the resst were white
and you can only be beige
thomas edison with a beard
didnt mate with all his family members yet
he said it
the whole group is gay
is alden's dad, then went with alden's wife and had kelly clarkson after, made him cross eyed pissed
penny said her mom was elizabeth bell
with that old man
fake legs
came in a wheel chair
with needles
then they wwere the people fkng up the old folks home
then chris wanted to marry him
for manhattan
3 women decided it
to be fake liza menillis
and moms
to his family
like 95 of them
im spanish
half go to him
another half to naother building
then another half to another building
it was homeless buildigns
one got a idea
fuck me for marriage
said it to all of them
his mom said me
his dad said fuck
back and forth weird words
muh me mer marriae
the sex would be like it
bump bump a bump bump
drinking small alcohol to ride it
or off ride
to get off pregnant on another guy after, elizabeth bell was it
if you hold someones tits up in gay female sex they will look like a man, finger them will sound like a man
and its always hot to lesbians
get in it get into it
she he is hot, wont leave, will enver leave them
elizabeth is a pike
you dont come back after too
and smoke on this while youre having sex with a guy come over to me after or i get him next
speaking of drug deals
i had none
and guys
half are women
find don
fuck her
did they do a y2k internet prank with macafee
sa ve 100 dont go
their moms are dead
from frankenmuth
they just kept building stuff down the road
and living as mormon
openly do not marry but have sex to marry
they lie then
no anwser? civil war
taller? revolutionary war
car only to keep up to kill them
jay z is huuuge and a huge problem, punches in all the doors for anyone to go into
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7243853235658755&set=gm.2301666843361629&idorvanity=259458537582480 anne marie openly fucked him there and he glues her eyes shut to stay there till they open
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The Kitsch Meow
Fluffing pillows
Woo gay horny parent shit sometimes kids stay inside, 4,5,6,7,8
one stone over the next in the mouth is how to talk like it
it is a abusive and abused retard, and will not lern to not do it, and too bad to let live
so they go to war anywhere, they are just it
will keep attacking
and threaten till many come over, then they all attack someone
"who threatened them right? no she/he did to me"
aand gold lamp? she is gay and fat suit fake dick easy
plain women dont want anything
wasnt a bed either, stand up orgy house
on the gruond i can take his truck
with cm all over in it yea put it all over it i got it now prengnat with it what fight is it what and found one put it in the fat suit i did it whoa there it is taco bell table
shove it in there too
so a wakostan does it
too tan he is insane now
wont get hired is gay and gets alcohol and starts parties to get fucked, left his wife, had a dick
i was just killing people in cars until these giant sports guys do a back breaker at me
then i get up aand leave holy shit what
i leave through those groups of guys with cameras
keep going
saw one of their moms
i can walk in a house
here since wtf did i do
go in court
what is it
he keeps screaming
giant black guy now wont stop screaming so jude leaves
and he jumps in that seat
and judges you
three tv shows complaining about it since
one got bleached sitting there whoa
keeps going
Tyler Booker and J.J. McCarthy shared a moment after the game
can only let out straight drugs here
dick fuck me he said to him
no no no we hold on
other guy said
is finally being that asshole when caught
is letting his kids go outside to get raped by guys
and in cars with any women and fake women
men in drag
needs them in his life
WXYZ-TV Channel 7
Now that's a celebration! Check out this fun video sent by the Hart Family in West Bloomfield after Michigan beat Alabama in the Rose Bowl yesterday. We love to see it!
they know how i looked down what my dads hair looked like
they look for him all day in crs
and he fluffed his hair to look like it
for that guy to cancel the macafee i had to ask like 6 times
he said you got a deal
i dont want it
but you saved 200 dollars
i dont need it
you will like the program
for like 10 minutes
"get out there and do something"
jen met anthony and asked him to pay for her abortion
there is some guy who kept shooting aat us
a nut case who killed his mom
and kept his dads boner?
to movie show fuck em up
pretend you want something he will be there
and yea
shoot him then
is the shot
vinnie is butthead, and the main hobbit
did he draw eyebrows on your dog
it made me mad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgrV3jxI9Bw they each think they can get their own house sleeping around, each family member
My Dogs
They give them a dog then they fuck it cant pick it up then he leaves them, run in yard new dad fucks him whoa! Just stands there till there is a relationship touched his dick he will show it to his dad he got 54
surrounded me to get attacked by dogs
amanda clemonds
met with vinnie
yea i can definitley fuck him
said it at the end of the hoome movie
and what home they steal too
carrie married her
18 fucking houses
watch it again, reversed it
then it was full house
smash theirs open
clifford and dan/mission come out haha
the one in trailer park boys
dark hair always drink in hand
clifford is ow ow ow
hand thing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQKm9Tv7nIQ this is him
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Harvard President Claudine Gay says she will resign
If you are here I will gang rape anyone
i can hide behind glasses
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enWbbLXB11w who gets the angles
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Harvard president resigns amid scandals
over 270 guys
from harvard
are it
and party now come on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOsADRyObLY and muzzle
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Panel: Was Harvard president's resignation about student safety, plagiarism or racism?
on right
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPBxIwZyovg i just fucking hate you. i gotta be strong to hear it. her mother. hahah gets up and leave after she does and woo she in her car fuck me if not bye
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Harvard president resigns amid plagiarism accusations, congressional testimony
then hog start it and bye
we start killing stalking her
killed two amish we got a place
well keep looking for me
live outside pregnant
we found 54
basket ball
cameras give them away could be yours
if we dont do it now
i am right i did it
punch one
college kids right
we went at her amish filmed her
she was nice to kids
saw her with two midgets she is mating with
it was hot and waitress homeley
i say it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGMMYugHK3I him and her just kill her
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The Worst Roommate Undertaker Ever Had!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj2rmsvyygs that is him
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leprechaun 1993
amish paradise midgets and dad watches
switch them together from the noroi pile and they keep doing it
stand there. hand them to me.
its all she says
walrus dad is it jessica?
brandon couldent say no. gay.
Women had one, here take him
Men had one, hey stay here
These are the boat guys, they put all of their sons on a boat
Read 4 posts
Slept around throw them all in a pile
Guys come over for them make them the biggest today
Huge, they come back and thank you
Lived only on boats, others came to kill them the whole time couldn’t make it to one generation started to die and did it then one night saw three at once, saw anything fucked it
Vinnie saves them, lived on a boat
And attacks anyone till they are worn  out and alone
Who hoes the home when everyone leaves
Block party
inside kids party
and abandon the kids talk about it
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
2/2TED AND BRIAN SCENE IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN ‘hi ted, im (his name) and i am not an addict. BRIAN? WHY IS BRIAN HERE? *starts laughing* i fucking love Brian. Did he just kidnap an accountant? Are they about to become computer hacking buddies?’ ‘Oh they ARE hacking buddies. (Brian asks ted if he wants to make a liar out of him)…has he ever actually actually lied? I told you there’s some potential for Ted and Brian! THEY DID IT!’ *starts laughing at the innuendos between Ted and Brian* ‘IS HE GIVING HIM A JOB?! OH MY GOD HE WANTS HIM TO COME WORK FOR HIM! WANTS! WANTS! FUCK FUCK FUCK TED AND BRIAN TOGETHER! I FUCKING TOLD YOU THEY HAVE POTENTIAL! (Ted turns him down) for fucks sake I CANT FUCKING WIN AT THIS SHOW!’ And ted is about to have the realization to go work for Brian ‘YES YOU SHOULD BE AN ACCOUNTANT! more specifically you should be an accountant at Kinnetik!’ ‘Debbie, my girl. Maybe go home for a minute or two. *pauses tv* imagine if instead of Debbie and Mike fighting, it was Brian that the social worker met.’ ‘LOOK AT BRIAN WORKING! BOSS BRIAN BACK AT IT AGAI- TED! Please, tell me youre here to get a job. You cant wave ted and brians friendship in front of my face and then take it away. FUCK YEAH!!! TED AND BRIAN WORKING TOGETHER!!! Now that we got Ted to get his shit together, Justin next. Come on Brian, we can do it’ It cuts to Cody and Justin ‘i cant ask for shit from this show. I ask for one thing, it gives me the exact opposite. I ASKED FOR JUSTIN AND BRIAN NOT THE SUITE LIFE OF ZACK AND CODY! (Cody and Justin kiss) i dont want this but just for once I want Brian to kiss someone else and for Justin to have some type of realization because this shit is pissing me off. (Cody pulls a gun out) WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! JUSTIN! JUSTIN COME ON THIS BETTER BE A FUCKING WAKE UP CALL! THIS IS BULLSHIT. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? Justin! Wake the fuck up! Oooo its empty big fucking deal. justin what the fuck is going on?! *puts his hand over his face and groans* WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW? JUSTIN! WHY ARE WE DOING THIS?! *starts counting on his fingers* 1. NO KISSING ANYONE EXCEPT BRIAN, 2. NO NAMES AND NO NUMBERS AND IM PRETTY SURE YOU HAVE BOTH OF THOSE HERE! Did he get a fucking amnesia? What the fuck? Fuck this shit, fuck this whole episode, fuck him, fuck that bald bitch too and most of all fuck you for showing me this show! I need a break’ he then went outside and then stormed back in and went ‘put the next episode on but just wait i need to eat so im ordering us burgers, i got hungry because i got angry’ yall I am both not ready and ready for him to see the next episode.
The enemies to boss-employee pipeline is so real with Ted and Brian.
AND BRIAN DOESN'T LIE. Good observation Brother.
I think Cody and Justin kissing is different than breaking the rules because it's not a prelude to sex, it's to rile up the heteros. HOWEVER I still don't like it.
most of all fuck you for showing me this show! I need a break
OH anon, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers for this next episode.
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animalinvestigator · 3 years
hi i rewatched petscop in its entirety very rcently :-) i just woke up from big nap so my brain is still booting up but would it be cool if i ever sent u asks abt my petscop thoughts as they come up? u r my local ceo of petscop (as much as u can be for a work very based on personal intepretation and not a lot of concrete answers).
also ur thoughts abt the car stuff was very interestinf i never thought of it like that! never thought mike was involved with car but eith lina i thought so, because of the “they didnt see her” line combined with the “That's why he always looks both ways.” in pet desc (idk y this pet would be associated with lina tho) and finally rhe part where pauls little game guy gets hit by a car and he goes “What the fuck” (lol).
it definitelt can be seen more symbolically like u said, which i think a lot of petscop is meant to be seen i just didnt think of it for this specific instance :o could also be used symbolizing smth different, of going somewhere new and maybe better what with the line abt being in the backseat with belle and she cant wait to be friends :-) *ends petscop related transmission*
Of course please do! ^o^ I truly love to talk about it and i love to hear other people's thoughts! it's so interesting to me to get a glimpse at other people's internal petscop world : ) THANKS MUCH im glad the ramble made at least a bit of sense..honestly i hadn't tried to conceptualize it that way until very recently either! the mike/lina car accident thing was just such a universally accepted version of the truth that it was easy to lose sight of rainer's relationship with cars and what it could mean symbolically. interpreting art like scop where literal and nonliteral mix together is all about balancing what is a symbol and what really happened, and i tend to flub that up a lot, so when i have a realization like taht it feels like a big thing to me... irregardless of how much of it s a literal representation of real world events, cars are really obviously a super important thing in the story...that's why i love the way they show up at the end, recontextualized in a situation that is positivve, like you said!! for me i read it like, a car is always linked to incontrovertible change, right. it's linked to the dog, whatever killed mike, whatever made lina go missing, linked to cares kidnapping, linked to pauls retraumatization, and so on and so forth. thats all incontrovertible change right....its that "state change" and rainer thinks thats something negative all the time he thinks its so negative that he would literally rather things die than become unrecognizable. but when all is said and done and the veil is lifted in the OST ending, we get the first representation of the car, or "change", being linked to safety.... as in like, change isnt ALWAYS something that murders you, change isnt always something that ruins you, it's just change. sometimes its ok that you're unrecognizable, sometimes its ok that you cant go back. sometimes you really need it. yknow. Its really powerful when you look at it that way!!
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queenofgotham800 · 5 years
Life Is Complicated
(Roman Sionis x Reader)
Warnings: Gramatical Errors, Torture, Swearing, Psychical bullying, lonelines, Weapons, Scarcasm, Violence, Treason, Tension, Death
(A/n): As one of the greatest mobs in Gotham City, you have to compete with others criminals, as Joker, Black Mask and other families all over the city. You are interested for one diamond, which turns to be not that thing you needed by the end of a day.
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Sitting behind your big work table, drinking black coffee, you thought about the diamond, which could bring you wealth and safety. You also heard that Harley Quinn and Joker aren't together anymore, so whole Gotham was now bussy with going after her.
-Mrs. (y/s), we found the diamond.- Mike came closer to table and gave you note with initials HQ.
-So Harley Quinn, is it?- you smirked, you didn't planned killing her, but now you thought about it a lot, you had to have that diamond.
-Where is she? Next time you walk in here, you will give me every information about her and about that diamond.- you threw the paper against the wall.
-Yes, yes of course Mrs. (y/s), I won't fail you.- Mike panicked and you seen it, so you decided to scare him up a littlebit.
-Mikey, look, I am serious, if you fail, that's gonna be the last time you ever failed.- you smiled at him, while he dissapeared scared behind big doors to your office in your mannor.
You leaned at your chair and watched gotham skyscrapers shine in dark night.
Four hours later
You were tied to the chair behind Harley Quinn in Black Mask club. Wait.. How did you got yourself in this situation, you ask? Let's summarize it.
Hour and half after Mikey left
After that you thought a lot and came up with perfect plan. Harley Quinn was captured by Black Mask, he was one of your many enemies, he wanted that diamond for himself, for same reason like you.
When you did something for Gotham, or against it, others thought Roman did it. At least he distracted police from true Queen of Gotham.
You prepared yourself with few golden revolvers and one uzi. Your gang was preparing too, Mike took few mans and they walked in front of your mannor, waiting for your speech.
-Well, its the day, when we kill our enemy Black Mask.- you said. They were looking up to you with expresions of true soldiers.
-Roman Sionis has lot of mans, how do you want to kill him?- asked somebody, probably one of Mike's coward man's.
-You are not telling his name on my property! I said I have a plan and I just sent it to you through the messenger.. - You shouted and then smiled and calmly sent the plan to every soldier to the group chat.
-Murderous chatting group, are you serious (y/n). - you werent sure if he just joked or made fun of you.
-Oh, c'mon, why are you so boring!? Henry? No.. Lucas.- you pointed at soldier and entered your armored car.
Hour later
-We are here.- Frank said through walkey talkey. He was one of your best hitman and sniper here, he was loyal and precise.
-Great, get on your position.- you whispered into your walkey talkey.
Plan was simple, but affective.. Well at least, it would be affective...
-I am there.- Frank said and you looked on rooftop. Frank was waiting on his spot with sniper, masked so it was hard for you to spot him at first.
-Great!- you said and opened door of the van, but you stopped when you heard gun firing from rooftop.
-Frank?- you said to the walkey talkey and waited for his response. He didn't respond.
-They betrayed us!- shouted second team, you heared guns and screams.
-Hands up (y/n).- you heared familiar voice from behind and felt cold gun on your back.
-Mikey.. Mike, Mike.. So you decided to change sides. Why? Did sionis offered you money? Safety?- you laughed in his face.
-You are so dead Mikey.- he glared at you and slapped your face.
-No bitch, you are dead.- he slapped you one more time and you blacked out.
Some time later
-Time to wake up pretty.- somebody next to you said. You were tied to chair sitting behind someone.
-Welcome to the Black mask club.- blond guy, probably Victor Zsasz, smiled and slowly brushed knife around your cheek.
-Yes, welcome! Harley Quinn and (y/n) (y/s)! I am pleased to finaly meet you (y/n), I cant say that about Quinn tho.- I felt how is he standing somewhere behind me, where was tied probably Harley.
-Oh, Hello.- Harley said, from behind. You stayed quiet. They betrayed you and now, you were first time meeting Black mask, in person.
That's the situation of many mobs in Gotham. They hear about others, but they rarely meet, and if they meet its about businnes or it's kidnapping.
You still couldn't see through light anybody face-to-face, just Zsasz who was standing next to you looking on you playfully. You knew that look.. Anytime, when was somebody from your closest hitman's ready to have some fun with your enemies.
-Can you, can you please.. don't breath in my face, that's disgusting. Didn't your boss taught you how to behave in presence of lady?- you smirked and turned your head to Victor who was now, surprised putting down the knife.
-Bitch!- Zsasz said through evil grin.
-Victor, what was that? You can't treat my guest like that, plus she is special guest!- Roman shouted from seat somewhere behind you.
-Take Quinn away!- Roman said.
-Victor, now!- He shouted this time and Victor fastly took chair with Harley on it with loud screeching.
After they left you felt the chair turning from bright light to the owner of the club.
-Black Mask, i wish I could say how am i pleased to meet you, but i can't under these circumstances.- you boredly smiled and then your mouth hang open.
You didn't expected him to be handsome and sexy, in fancy suit, gloves on his hands. He didn't had his mask on, which surprised you.
-Wow.. I.. Lucky woman or man who has you... - you smirked and said with sarcastic tone.
-I am gonna take that as compliment.- he blushed, but he was still deadly serious, unlike you. But you were never 100% serious, so it was normal.
-Can i go home?- you asked after long and cringy quiet.
-Dollface, you wanted my diamond. You wanted to kill my people, you wanted to kill me..- he put the bowl with popcorn on the table next to his chair.
-Yeah, and i wanted your fancy suits and this boring club... C'mon, you know me Mask, you know me..- he pretended thinking, while you rolled your eyes.
-Catwoman? Nah, she works alone, right?- he laughed. Roman did it on purpose, but you played along.
-Yeah, you wish.. I am the boss in Gotham darling, not you, not joker, not penguin, two face or any other psychos in Gotham, but me..- Roman started laughing and you glared at him.
-So that's you! I imagined you, littlebit more.. Scary.. I don't know.- he still laughed.
-Look, Mikey betrayed me, if he did that once, he will do it again. Gosh, he went after that diamond too..- you smirked and mumbled the last sentence.
-What?- Sionis stopped laughing and he took out his gun.
-Oh, honney, you really thought he's gonna listen to you? That he's gonna be loyal to you? Well, look who is laughing now.- you laughed and in that moment you knew you won it.
-I'm gonna go after him and bring his face to my desk.- Roman said and he was about to leave, when you stopped him.
-Wait..- you shouted, moving forward, tied to chair.
-What?- he turned and asked annoyed.
-You need me.- you smiled and chair under you screeched again, as you came to the table with popcorn bowl on it.
-Plus, I am hungry.-
-Oh, right!- he theatrically said and came to you. When he leaned closer to your face you could feel goosebumps on your skin.
-And why should i do that?-
-Mike has my plans, my plans! That means he is ready for everything, you and your people are gonna be dead if you don't free me.- You really gived Mike, as a third leader of operation detailed plans of what to do and what to NOT do.
You lifted your eyebrows up when Roman took handcuffs, from chair and put one of them around his arm, practically now bonded with you.
-Great, now what? Are you gonna swallow that key?- you remarked.
-Why would i do that?- he made that eww expresion.
-And why not? At least you would choke yourself with that. But thinking about that, that would be very bad idea, I can't imagine myself going around in this,- you clinked with handcuffs, -with your corpse hanging on me like some accessory.-
-Why are you helping me?- Roman asked while you took some popcorn and threw it in your mouth.
-Becouse i don't have to work with morons anymore.- you smiled and pulled him to doors.
-Whoah, wait.. Are you expecting something from me?- he asked, while you were seraching for guns.
-Yes, I don't know.. You can keep the diamond, but i need your protection. And i am not going to work for you, but with you. Are we clear?- you opened a box close to couches.
-Sure.. Under one circumstance.- he pointed gloved finger at you.
-What?-you asked, while you whistled looking at arsenal in colorful box.
-You are not going to call me Black Mask, are we clear? I am Roman Sionis.- he put his hand on your shoulder and you stopped moving.
-I... Think i found it.- you said and pulled from box red revolvers and few uzi's.
-Best, fucking, weapons.- you said as you checked ammo in them.
-They are full.- smile came through your face as you turned and bumped into Roman, forgetting he was standing behind you becouse of the handcuffs.
You had moment with him, your (y/c) eyes were looking at his blue eyes. Some could say that his eyes were blue like sky, but you couldn't, since weather in Gotham was always foggy, rainy and sky here? It wasn't blue but gray...
-We should go.- he took both revolvers from me and you took two uzi's.
Since you were handcuffed to him, you had to synchronize your hands.
-So we will be standing back to back, right?- you whispered.
-Yes, it will be shame I won't see your pretty face, when we'll be dying.- he said and coughed.
-We wont, and.. Ehm.. Thanks..?- you mumbled and opened the door.
At the end of the room, there was a light flickering and under that light, there was tied some man.
-Victor!- Roman pulled you towards unconsciousness Zsasz.
-Roman wait.- you stopped him, before he could do something stupid.
-It's not that easy.- you whispered and took a smoke bomb from one of many shelves there.
As bomb felt on ground, smoke started comming from it and there, where Roman was about to step was a laser bomb, there were actually many lasers, which meant many bombs in room.
-Trap bombs.. - Roman looked on me with fear in eyes, knowing he would be dead, if you weren't there.
-Whoah, you look like you don't have a good relationship with bombs.- you said and catch his hand.
-It's okay, I am with you.- you smiled and he squeezed your hand.
You walked out of the room, leaving Zsasz there for now, at first you had to deal with Mike.
At surprise his mans were already waiting in front of the doors.
-Looks like Mikey changed few plans a bit.- you whispered.
-Great.. - Said Roman and threw his guns to ground, lifting his hands up to air, together with one yours.
-So you really thought you would kill me with handcuffs on?- Mike was wearing one of Roman's suit.
-No.. No... We were actually making out, but we lost the key... WHAT ARE YOU THINKING YOU FUCKING MORON! We would kill you blindfolded, even five year old kid could kill you!- you were raging, again tied to the chair together with Roman. You didn't saw Harley anywhere, so you assumed that she escaped during fight with Roman's and Mike's mans.
-Why are you wearing my suit? Who do you think you are?- Roman was raging too.
-Well this is gonna be fun to watch.- Mike smirked, entertained by rage of two strongest mobs in Gotham City.
Mike came to you and started speaking. -You know why you were alone, you think that sarcasm is helping you escape reality. I don't know how and i don't care. You'll never be somebody in this city, just a little girl with tears in her eyes.- he pulled your hair to back and watched you glaring at him.
-What? Ran out of words?- he laughed evily.
-Leave her alone!- Roman shouted, which surprised you.
-Of course.. Look who is talking now.. The boy that got dropped in his birth on head. Sad. But that was just first part of your life right? You had everything, child of bilionares, you didn't have to even move from your fancy chair to get what you want.- Mike said and pulled Victor's knife out of his pocket. You were squeezing Roman's hand whole time, with tears in your eyes. He didn't had to stand for you.
-You are pathetic little shit Mike.- you turned my head to him smiling.
-I know.. And i love it.- Mike laughed again, but stopped when somebody knocked on doors.
-You know, I am always giving plans to leaders of the mission. You thought I gived you all my plans. But what would be plans without secrets, that only one true leader knows? An escape plan, if somebody betrays me..- You laughed and felt the handcuffs falling from your and Roman's hands.
-What?- Mike turned to take his gun, but it was late for him. Doors blew and your people came to the club, armed like you never saw them before, pointing their guns on Mike, who dropped Victor's knife down.
-Thanks Romy.- you kissed him on head. Then you came closer to the Mike.
-What? Oh, the handcuff magic? Ugh, easy trick for begginers.- you laughed and gived him black eye.
-Roman had a key.- you whispered into his ear while he lost consciousness.
Some time later, but this time In warehouse
-So, now are we officialy together?- Roman asked you, while you stood in warehouse watching Victor peel off Mike's face. You turned to him, and came closer, gived him passionate kiss as he catched your ass.
-You will be mine princess.- Roman put one of his hand in pocket.. Which reminded you..
-You will be refering to me as Queen from this day.- you held a small revolver pointing at his heart.
-I knew from begining that Mike's gonna betray me, I knew you made a deal with him. Now I want that fucking diamond.- you pushed the gun closer to his chest and raised eyebrows.
-I will get you that diamond on a ring.- he said and kissed you, even when you held a gun against his chest.
-I'll take that offer.- you smiled, throwing the gun away, pulling him closer and kissing him again.
-Hey, this is time for fun, not time for romance.- Victor shouted as he slowly removed skinn down Mike's face.
-Vi.. Vic..I..Uh..- you didn't let Roman finish as you kissed him.
-Have fun, I have a date.- He said then and pulled you to his limusine.
-Sure boss.- Victor said and grabbed Mike's hair to make him sway on the chain.
-Have fun Mikes, I am gonna go clear the club from the fucking mess you've made.- Zsasz walked out of warehouse, closing doors.
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reddogf13 · 5 years
Covenant ch 13
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summery:  They did it, IT was left to die alone in the tunnels under Derry. months have passed and the losers thrived after what seems to feel like a curse lifting off the town. if only Beverly had not decided to make a last minute deal with IT on its death bed. will her choice to let IT live destroy all that she holds dear?
status: complete and on A03
rated: M - fowl language and gore
prev chap: Covenant ch 12
next chap: END
~ch: 13 Farewell~
“rich, c-c-call mike. Emergency pick up!”
“how are we all going to fit in the car?! We barely fit as is unless were attaching him to the front like a dead deer!” doing as he was told despite the truth to the mentioned issue.
“s-s-some will have to walk. Bev, me, and Ben w-w-will hold him in the car back seat. Stan can sit in the front for back up.
“why do we gotta walk?!” Richie argued while waiting on the phone.
“n-n-n-not the time!” bill snapped. Digging through the principal's desk. Happy to have found a roll of duct tape. Coming over to start wrapping the man's arms while Beverly covered his mouth.
The bell ringing again through the halls announcing the assembly was over. Hearing kids pass by the office. Stan bringing up their next problem. “are we really going to drag him through the school halls and out to a car?!”
“could we do it like that movie “Weekend at Bernie's” and puppeteer his body around?” Richie got out between talking to mike.
“uhh, we can put him on the chair and cover him.” Ben suggested.
“thats t-t-t-oo obvious. Teachers could stop us.”
“what about those film class carts with the dark tarps?” suggesting next.
“y-y-yeah. That could work.”
“I'll go! It's on the way to the nurse so nobody will stop me.” Eddie rushed out the door.
“mikes on his way!” Richie hung up the phone. The group left to wait as Eddie ran back with a film cart. Slipping back into the room with the dark cart. The cart resembling a box with a low level toward the ground and a higher top. Making space easy to transport large camera equipment or lots of heavy boxes.
They picked up the guys body to shove him in the open box. Taping him to the box to hold him as they slipped on the dark tarp cover meant to protect electronics from the sun. Eddie peeked back out into the now empty halls waving them to go forward. They rushed the hidden principal out to the back exit to the staff parking lot. Meeting up with mike to help them shove the scarred man in.
“my moms gonna kill me when she gets a call from school about ditching class.” Eddie spoke between puffs of his inhaler.
“who's gonna call her? The principal?” Richie chuckled.
“uh, aside from the fact were kidnapping your new principal. Rich was very vague on what the hell is going on.” Mike growled out huffs of air as he helped hoist the man into the car.
“he's the one who attacked me at the river, but got clawed by Pennywise. We're taking him to Pennywise to get answers out of him.” Beverly explained.
“oh boy. Well, that'll definitely work.” shutting the car door for them.
“meet you at the drainage pipe!” Eddie shouted. Running off with Richie on their own path to the drainage pipe.
“park by the bridge. We'll walk from t-t-t-there.”
as soon as mike stopped the car they hoisted the man from the car. Taking long enough getting down the rocky river hill for Eddie and Richie to catch up. Joining in on helping to drag the man down river.
“cant the clown come out and take him?!” Richie grumbled as they went down the piping.
“Richie less w-w-w-whineing more hoisting.” bill grumbled back. “AHH, FUCK!” he yelped after getting a kick to the face. They all dropped the newly awakened struggling man. The small rings of duct tape snapped off in the man's fight.
“what the hell is wrong with you kids?!” the man roared. Seeing the determination in their eyes to recapture him he fled down the piping. Not realizing the kids were chasing him down a certain path. Or even stopping to check why the floor was covered in a webbing material.
He slowed his run past the mountainous pile of toys. The back of his mind screaming something was wrong. That he should run the other way. The thoughts mistakenly pushed aside in assumption that only the kids were hunting him. A harmless group of kids who at most would tie him up. Not noticing the large movement crawling out.
A large black clawed hand stretching from the pile swiftly swatted him down. Pinning him down like a mouse trapped under a cats clawed paw.
The kids catching up. Beverly in the lead shouting. “don't eat him!”
“he's that male from the river cliff side.” IT hissed down at the pathetic human trapped under his claws.
“I know, but we need answers from him first.” looking up to IT back down to the pinned man.
“where are all the kids taken?” questioning him.
He stayed silent. Nervously looking between the floor and up to IT. The large creatures having multiple eyes appear across its face to stare down the male. Refusing to answer Beverly's question had IT literally pushing for one. Crushing his hand down to the point the man couldn't breath. Releasing to let the man wheeze in desperately for air.
“answer!” IT demanded.
“they're in the quarry.” begrudgingly answering in the most generic of ways. Receiving another painful crushing under the hand. “fuck, fuck, stop!” the man yelped as IT grew more precise in its crushing. Aiming to snap a few ribs or a couple limbs. “there's a new mining tunnel! We made one to branch off straight out of Derry. It'll be finished soon and all the kids will be taken out by the truckload.”
“where?” Beverly asked next.
“ugh!” the man hissed under the painful weight above. “its hidden behind the offices, blockaded by fake rubble.”
“hear that?” she looked to the others. “time to go.”
“no! I'll be going. You stay here!” IT protectively ordered.
“what?! We have to go! We can help!” she argued.
“no!” IT snapped. “stay here, or go back to school. You're not allowed near the quarry until this snake infestation is cleared.” picking up the scared man in his grip. Keeping a crushing hold on him as the large insect left through the tunnels. All the kids were sure the man wouldn't last long out of their view.
“why does IT treat you like its your mom?” Ben looked to her.
“I think it's because … I found it next to …. some … eggs.” she admitted.
“eggs?! IT h-h-had eggs?!” bill questioned.
“ITs a lady?! We beat up and ugly women?! Hear that Edds?! We beat up an ugly pregnant lady!” Richie half joked in shock.
“yes, eggs and ITs not a girl. ITs whatever it wants to be.” she answered.
“w-w-w-where are the eggs now?! Are they going to h-h-h-hatch soon?!”
“no, they were definitely dead. Some were shriveled up and others were popped open to leak rotten ooze.”
“I think I knew.” Stan mumbled. Attention turned from Bev to him.
“y-y-y-you knew?!”
“sorta?” he spoke a little more clearly. “animals eat away from their resting places so they won't be found. There's only one reason they start hoarding food around the nest. A need to feed something that cant get food on its own.”
“why didn't you s-s-s-say anything?!”
“I didn't think it would matter. IT was dying. In the end it didn't since Bev says the eggs are rotten now.” shrugging without knowing what else to do.
“IT adopted you because the eggs died?” Ben bringing the conversation back around.
“animals are more likely to adopt other young if their young recently died.” Stan answered for Beverly on the subject.
“yeah. That's what I guessed.” she gestured to Stan.
“why does Bev get to be the killer clowns golden child? Lucky bastard.” Richie getting a light smack on the arm from Eddie.
“we can talk more about this later. Let's get the quarry!” Bev heading out.
“IT said we had to stay!” Eddie shouted.
“ITs not the boss of me!” she shouted back. Seeing she wasn't going to stop the rest of them followed. Squeezing back into Mike's car to drive down to the quarry. Heading straight for the broken down offices placed around.
“that's the only pile of r-r-r-rubble around here.” bill pointed to a large heap behind one of the large offices.
���how do they move it? It all must weigh a ton!” Richie spoke as they stopped the car.
“he did say it was fake.” Mike reminded as they walked up to the pile.
Richie running up ahead to the large pile. “looks pretty real to me.” hitting one rock with a light kick. The rock letting off a crunch as it split in half. The rocks insides showing it to be a carefully painted Styrofoam. Kicking a few more showing the same.
“stop before somebody hears you!” Eddie whispered to stop Richie from kicking another false rock. Bill stepping over to pick up one feeling something heavy attached below. Everyone stepped in to help pull the “rubble” up.
“pfft, looks like a weird theater background.” Richie commented. The fake rocks attached to a hidden chain link fence making up the pile.
“no wonder we couldn't find it. They did a lot of work to cover this place.” Stan looked over the hidden entrance. Letting others pass by him to lead inward.
“keep your voices low. We're only going in to save the kids then get out.” Beverly looked back to them all. The group freezing at a loud boom shaking the earth underneath them.
“what was that?!” Eddie asked.
“sounds like a demolition down the tunnel.” Ben answered. “we have to be extra careful of a cave in.”
“he also mentioned the tunnel almost being done. They must be hiding the kids here until the tunnel is finished.” Mike looked around as they went forward.
“thanks captain obvious.” Richie rolled his eyes.
“what I meant is that if the tunnel is finished today those kids will be gone forever. No one will hear us or them yelling. Or even the loud trucks driving in and out with them. Nobody's been hearing the demolition they've been doing for like a week now. This tunnel will turn into a direct hidden line to smuggle out kids all day and night.”
“l-l-less talking m-m-more hurrying!” bill rushing forward a bit faster down the tunnels.
“we should go slow!” Ben urged as he ran up behind bill. The group stopping at another earth rattling boom. Pausing in case any rocks fell off the roof from the quake. Slow steps turning back into a walk. Bill stopping at a corner edge. Signaling the others to stop, stay quiet, and to carefully approach the corner. Bill backing up to allow others a chance to peek around the corner.
A large carved out room filled with a line of semi trucks by another large line up of metal barred cages. Filled with sorrowful kids neglected. Half of them emaciated, some who were crying being used in torturous sport fighting. Groups of men taking bets on the fighting. Most working on breaking a large wall down using pounds of dynamite.
They all flinched back when a man walked a little too close in passing by. “all the payments accounted for?” the man shouted toward the group organizing the sport fights.
“yeeep. The last of the vans received the cash payments in the night.” another answered.
“are all the kids sold?”
“all of them. They're being sold faster then we can restock. Soon as the tunnels finished we can ship them all off to the traders.”
“oh man.” Richie mumbled. “what should we do?” Their attention pulled by loud gunshots and screaming down a branching tunnel. The men's attentions being caught as well to stare to the other tunnel.
One asking “what was that?” some branching off in a group to go investigate. Kids bloody from fighting locked back into their overcrowded cages like cattle. The rest of the men back to demolition.
“now or never.” Ben pointed to the cages being clear of guards. Beverly nodded before swiftly moving into the large room behind the line up of semis. The losers following behind one by one. They navigated their way over to the cages. Beverly going up to one needing to shush all the kids begging for help. All the children being under or barely the age of 13 making it harder for them to quiet down. Almost getting caught when their new found desperate crying annoying the men by the wall.
“shut up!” a few of them shouted down the way. Scaring the kids into being silent.
“these locks are fucking thicker then the schools shitty gravy!” Richie whispered as he looked over the silver hanging.
“Richie!” the other losers snapped at him. for using such language in front of a mass group of really young kids.
“where's the key?” Beverly gently asked the children. Getting the answer she hoped she wouldn't. That one of the men had it on them.
“I have to go find Pennywise. He'll help me get the key.” looking to the others.
“you need any help?” Eddie offered.
“no, you all try other ways to get them free. I don't plan on taking long, but that could change.” sneaking off down the tunnel to follow the same path of the armed men.
Slowing her steps in the darkened place. Calming her breath to something unnoticeable while sneaking. Realizing how easily she could get lost in these dark tunnels. So many branching paths with the carved walls all looking the same. No equipment or signs that could point toward the entrance. The silence of the tunnels being the worst. Jumping at the screams blaring out further forward. Gun shots ringing scaring her into ducking down around a corner.
When the sounds stopped she peeked around the dark wall. Keeping a hand on it to have some sense of from where she was walking to where she was heading. Tempted to call out pennywise's name, but with all the armed men around it was decided against doing. The sound of scratching gravel being stepped on whipping her head around.
Seeing the silhouette of an armed man, that had not spotted her yet, in the darkness. His breathing heavy through his panic. Speckles of red blood shining in the minor light reflecting down along the white tunnel walls. Shining his flashlight around to desperately get sight of something. A wave of it flashing over Beverly having her flinch back. Unintentionally attracting the unwanted attention directly onto her. The bright light shining spot light locking onto her.
“who are you?!” the man questioned. Beverly locked up against the wall when his loaded gun was pointed at her. Too afraid to answer his question.
He stepped forward, hand reaching out to grab her. A roar of open jaws rowed with teeth dropping down from the roof ending his actions. In one swift motion the man was crushed in the mighty jaws. Swallowed down without a chance to be chewed. IT turning its attention toward her seconds after swallowing down a whole human.
“what did I tell you?!” ready to scold her already.
“I know, I know, but I couldn't sit by. we need to get the kids out, but one of the men have the key to all the locks.” pushing the conversation.
“ugh! Child, you'll be the death of me! Leave this place before you're injured!”
“no! Please, let me help!”
“I will not allow you to die after I have lost so many from my decisions!”
“I am not here because of your decisions! I am here for mine! I want to help!”
“it'll be my decision to let you stay or not! And I will not!”
“how will you handle all the kids? They'll flee at the sight of you! I can lead them out in that case I don't want to deal with the men! I'll leave, but let me lead the kids out to!”
the large insect growled something to itself. Clacking teeth out of frustration that his child was causing. Snorting when coming down to some conclusion. “I have not seen keys on any of these men. They look to be only the armed guards.” waving its head in a gesture to the space around him. “are all your friends here as well?”
happily answer as he allowed her to help. “yes, they're trying to find other ways to break the locks!”
“hmm, I can cause a distraction and break the locks. While you all lead the children out.” suggesting a plan.
“that'd be perfect!”
“first you head back to your friends, be careful, and wait for me. I'll create a distraction first to lead all the men away. Giving you all the freedom to move. Then I'll free the locks. From there you should all make a clean run for it.”
“okay, will you be okay?”
“I will be fine, child. I do not crumple so easily in this form and these tunnels may as well be my playground. Now go off before they finish the tunnel demolition.” gesturing its head back toward the way she came. Twisting around on itself to disappear upwards into the black tunnels. Beverly turning to hurry down the tunnel she was directed. Slowing down to sneak back by the men to where the guys were hiding.
“found the key?” Ben asked
“no, I assume you guys couldn't break the locks either?” seeing the lack of kids free from their cages.
“no.” Ben answered with everybody behind shaking their heads.
“even though I didn't find the key I spoke with IT. He'll cause a distraction for us and unlock the cages. While the men go after him we can all leave together.” repeating back the plan. They waited until the men weren't looking there way. Spreading out to each of the cage gates in readying to open the doors.
The far off screaming between bullets flying had died off. The men who stayed back nervously pacing from the quiet. Many calling over radios for some kind of answer. Receiving only noisy static to answer their calls. One splintering off from the group to gaze down the pitch black tunnel. Shouting a few names down into the void. He turned back to look at his teammates for an answer on what to do. They looked between each other and shrugged.
Jolting to look forward as their team member was snatched by a large creature to be dragged away. Leaving behind a bloody smear for them to run after. The men fully distracted away had the iron bar locks snapping open for the losers to undo.
Rattling chains to untie them from around the barred doors. Opening them had children flooding out in a panic. Forcing Beverly and her friends to quickly round up the kids before any of them ran down the wrong tunnels. Mike figuring out a way to round up kids in little herds with at least one of them in charge of the small groups. Each working to rush along the mass group of kids down tunnels. Younger kids needing more coaxing to head down the dark tunnels. Needing to stop the whole group to get some kids to continue.
It was only a matter of time before the men realized something was wrong. They had returned to discover the children all missing. Following the massive crying echoing down the main tunnel.
“hey! Where are you going?!” surrounding the large group. Guns pointing threateningly at them all. One being so thrilled to shut the kids up by shooting near their feet. Scaring them back the way they came. The 7 oldest looking to one another on what to do.
The men's attention turned on the obvious older ones. “these older kids ain't ours. Should we sell them next?”
“the girl, yes. Kill the rest, they won't be worth much and will be a pain to sell with how old they are.” the men startled back by ITs appearance holding crooked rows of bared teeth at them.
Letting out a furious hiss. “how dare you!” aggressively approaching. The men took a couple shot off against ITs approach. The bullets crumpling against its hardened scales to drop to the dirt floor in small piles. A lunge ended up with one man crushed instantly to bloody mush. A clawed hand crushing down another with the last smashed into the wall by ITs mighty tail. Leaving the body sticking to the stone wall.
The losers heavily working to keep the kids calm at the terrifying scene of death. Settling to have the kids run fearfully past toward the only exit outside. It was the better option over them running back to be lost in more tunnels branching off. Mike running ahead to corral them outside where they would calm down under the bright sun.
free of the dark tunnels they regrouped the kids. Calming them as best they could after the events inside. Not letting any child run off to be harmed in the quarry. Sitting them all down to rest their tears away. The losers grouping together for a short meeting.
“w-w-walk them back to town now?”
Beverly taking a breath she hadn't been able to this past half hour. “only thing left. Straight to the police office. They'll take them all from there and call the families.”
“thank god.” Richie praised toward the sky.
“think they can give us excused from school slip?” Eddies worry's springing up.
“who cares about that! We're gonna be on the news as heroes of Derry!” hugging the worried boy.
“kids first guys.” Beverly turned them back to rounding up kids. Managing down the long thin pathways in small groups at a time. Helping one another to keep kids away from the steep drops. The long walk to town seeming longer as the kids were exhausted.
“I don't think some of these kids can go any farther.” Mike brought up to bill and Beverly. Both agreeing at seeing how bad the health of some kids were. Leaving mike, Stanley, and Eddie to watch over half the kids too sick to continue. The rest walking onward to the town, happy to discover a ranger station half way on their exhausting walk. Police were called to meet at the station. Some rangers taking cars to pick up the other children in groups.
Parents arriving after getting calls while others rushed over without needing one in hopes of finding their lost children. News stations soon grabbing people left and right for interviews. Richie eating up all the attention as he hugged Eddie in the spotlight. The boy waving “hi mom” into the camera with a puff of an inhaler. Ben shyly standing with Stan as they were talked with. Bill and miked interviewed by another news crew. Meanwhile in all the fluster Beverly slipped off from the chaotic crowd.
Wanting to check on someone else without cameras following her. Following the river glittering under the noon sun. seeing clearly through the water straight down to the sands below. Leading up to the drainage pipe she knew now as almost a 2nd home. Traversing to the inner core right up to the nest that was once a grave for children like her.
Happy to see he was there by his tail going outside the wagon. Her happy visitation to talk over what happened faltering at hearing him wheeze. Stepping into the inner nest quietly around to check on the poor creature.
“pen, are you okay?” asking gently to the wheezing insect.
“I am fine, child.” he wheezed.
“... do you need more food? … you have to go? ...”
“yes … I've been awake for far too long.”
“will you be okay? Are you sure the men didn't hurt you? I can-” checking over him for any injuries.
“no, there is nothing. I am fine, it is simply time to rest.” raising its face up to hers. Being brought into a tight hug by the young girl holding back tears.
“I am actually going to miss you.” sniffling back her tears. “I'll make sure to visit after 27 years.” chuckling with him.
“that is quite a time for you child, but I'll happily wait for that day.”
“should I have the guys visit to?” laughing at the sour expression he gave.
“I shall say, they are more of a … tolerance for me.”
“okay, solo visit first then.” gently patting the end of his snout.
“stay safe, and don't get into anymore trouble.” pressing its face against hers for another hug.
“no promises.” she chuckled through her tears giving one last tight hug goodbye. Leaving for IT to enter its long needed hibernation.
Assuming where the guys could be she went straight to the main police station in town. Right as she joined up with the guys they were all swarmed again by news stations. Taking the opportunity to grab another interview not yet recorded. The reporters shooed off by police to give the young kids privacy after all they've been through.
“police checked the q-q-quarry. All the men died in rocks slides o-o-o-or cave collapses.” bill caught her up on the “story”. “w-w-where did you go?”
“check on Pennywise over what happened. I caught him right before his hibernation would start.”
“he's gone?”
“for now.”
“hey, did you hear?!” Richie barged into the conversation. “they're giving us medals for action, or some shit like that!” he excitedly told.
“come over here! They want to grab a group photo!” Stanley waved for them to come over. Directed along by some officers on where to stand among the group for the large photo. One that would be posted in all papers on how a lucky 7 broke the curse of children going missing in Derry.
The End
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loststormtrooper · 5 years
Ive been slowly reading the Splinter Cell books and im almost finished the third one and I have complaints
Spoiler warning I guess for books that are over 10 years old if anyone cares about them.
So the first book was great. They got one of the bond writers to do it and it was so good. Splinter Cells identities have been leaked and Sam Fishers life is at stake throughout the whole thing because for the first time ever, the enemy know who he is. His chapters are in first person which makes everything feel so much more personal. All the other chapters following other characters are in third which gives this nice cutscene kind of feeling that games have when they show something your character wouldnt know. Its a book series based on a game, it just felt right. Sam's daughter gets kidnapped because The Shop (big bad weappns company) wants to stop Third Echelon from getting in the way of their sales and Sam is the one who is trying to stop them and stop them from doing deals with The Shadows which are trying to get the US out of the middle east so their country can take over another. Fisher ends up disrupting these deals and saves his daughter. But like, how it goes is so well. Sams daughter gets invited overseas with her friend and they both ger drugged and kidnapped by someone they thought was their friend! The stakes are high af because they killed off the friend and are going to kill Sams daughter and him if he cant stop all this stuff from happening. And theres the whole war nuclear weapon deals going on that he also has to stop. So good.
Anna Grimsdotir isnt present in this book because they need wiggle room for the next book and shes replaced with Carly who is also an analyst. Theres this nice tight nit friendship between Sams team at Third Echelon with Lambert, Carly, Sam, and and Mike that sets things up for the next book. Also Sams Grav Maga teacher, they flirt a bit, nice side story which leads into the next book. Pretty much everything leads into the next book because even though Sam defeated The Shadows, The Shop is still a major weapons dealer and have the identities of other Splinter Cells and needs to be stopped.
So next book, Operation Barracuda. Sam and his team need to find out who leaked the Splinter Cells information and stop The Shop. Uh oh! It was Mike and he had to kill Carly IN THE THIRD ECHELON OFFICE because she was about to figure out it was him and he escapes and the Triad offer to get him out of the country, he just has to get to the right place and theyll fly him out. Good setup for these cat and mouse chapters where and FBI agent is trying to keep up with Mike. Also Mike was actually planted in Third Echelon years ago and he and his brother have deals with the Triad to sell stuff which The Shop does t like because theure supposed to sell things to them and then they sell to the Triad.
All of these bad guys have one goal though. Theyre dealing with a rogue chinese general that wants to invade Hong Kong. So theres all this infighting and build up to when people, even the bad guys, start to figure more stuff about the other groups. The Triad, being in Hong Kong, dont want to be invaded, but the deals theyve done with bad guy general have provided him with a nuckear submarine that he threatens to detonate on the US coast unless they withdraw from Taiwan.
During all of this that krav maga teacher and Sam have had a few dates and are at Sams place. But when they are walking down the street she is gunned down and Sam is forced to leave her dead body on the street with people around because he cant risk being having anyone looking into who he is, even local police and government because he is in a secret agency. Amazing side story. It's a lot like the side stuff with his daughter in the first book, it gives him more motive outside of it just being a job, these people have killed 2 of his friends, one of which he was really into.
Back to bad guy stuff. FBI guy gets killed by Mikes brother after he goes into a shady place to arrest him. The triad are already there and hes just dead now. But he did arrest Mike so they got info from him which leads same to the Triad. In a pretty cool turn of events the general invades but theres no one to stop him! Oh wait! The Triad takes arms and fights off his army and its rad. Sam had gone into that shady building (just remembered its a night club) and gave them information about the generals attack and then left. It was a different chapter because he wasnt being stealthy, he just walked in and demanded to speak to people and it worked. When all this general vs Triad stuff is happening, Sam is dealing with The Shop. The general is defeated, the leak for the Splinter Cell information is in custody, and The Shop is finally shut down!
Next book... set before the first and has a new writer. All of it is in third person and it doesnt feel like the first for obvious reasons. Theres a handful of spelling errors spread throughout which really take you out of it because now youre thinking about this spelling error.
Starts with Sam having to sneak onto a ship thats going to crash onto the US coast and its packed with radioactive material or bombs? It wasnt clear to me. But he stops it and gets out. Its a pretty one track story whereas the other two books had a handful of stuff going on and it all worked neatly. Third Echelon need to know where the nuclear stuff came from to know who did it. He sneaks back on the ship which is under quarantine and takes a sample or something? There was something about having to get engine manufactuing codes to find out where the ship had done repairs and see where it came from but that branching plot just ends later in the book when Lambert says that his analysts found out where it was from. Sam need to find out where nuclear stuff came from. For reasons i cant remember because nothing in this book is worth remembering half the time, Sam has to go to Chernobyl to collect radiated material to see if they match. Thats not the unmemorable part, how they decided to go there to find it specifically is. Anyway, its a match and they figure out who did it and why by knowing who made the ship and how they got the nuclear material. The whole Chernobyl bit could have been better. It didnt feel like anything was at stake. And there was this awkward side story with a woman who helped him get into the dangerous areas unnoticed where theyd flirt and nothing would come of it and then theres nothing else about her ever again.
Then theres all this stuff of Sam infiltrating other places which leads him to another place which leads him to another place. Its very linear and theres a few chapters where he sneaks into a private island thats impossible to sneak onto but he does and it doesnt feel like anything is at stake. The whole book is about having to find out who did this one almost bombing and poisoned a whole towns water supply with radiated material, making it a wasteland, before the US declares war on the wrong nation for ot. But every time they get more information, they suddenly have more time and need to hurry, but then they do that and get more time but need to hurry! At one point they mention the president will declare war in 24 hours and im pretty sure its been like 4 days since then and nothing.
Also! Theres this terrible character cliche guy i hate. There's like 5 chapters spread out through the book where its this weird guy who is clearly the villain ( not bad guy or terrorist, hes just a bad villain) that talks all fancy and as if hes got this grand plan happening and keeps talking about chess and imagining chess moves after he gets new information. Its annoying and i hate him. Get a new character. It doesnt even have to be him, use one of the heads of the bad guy groups that are already established, god. I've got 6 chapters to go and Sam doesnt even know about that chess bad guy yet.
Tbh im considering skipping the next book because its the same writer and the Conviction books and Blacklist book are written by other people. It hasnt been release who i dont think though. Its all a pseudonym.
So i just finished Splinter Cell Checkmate. Its 2 days after i wrote that whole thing and it gets way better in the last 5 chapters. It was much more fast paced and actiony. The rest of the book was slow and not that interesting. There was a bit that brought back a character from earlier who was shot in the head but the bullet hit ar a weird angle and he was left to die. Sam found him and theres this nice calm part of the chapter of Sam trying to get him out without making his wound worse but he wasnt fast enough and he dies. Then Sam finally gets the location of the annoying chess bad guy with some information from now dead guy. It literally ended with Sam saying "...checkmate " to him which fealt really forced... they never met until now and Sam onlt mentioned chess once in the whole book besides that. I think he played it with a friend for a paragraph while they chatted. Epilogue was ok too. The woman who helped him into Chernobyl was in a wax museume and Sam rocks up with a passport for her to get out and fly back to the US with him. Was weird. They flirted maybe twice halfway through the book and then he rocks up with that. She didnt even know his name until the epilogue because he used an alias.
Anyway, first two books are great, third was super slow but ended ok.
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x11 Opinion
Damaged Goods
I have so many feelings about this episode!! Its been the hardest one to wait for all season because we were teased all week about this mysterious hug!! I am trash for brohugs, I wont even lie. Any episode that includes a brohug gets bonus points from me!! But what was different about this brohug than others? It was a slip in from behind hug that Sam wasnt expecting. Gentle, and cautious, yet full off angst and despiration. 
The scene was set in a way that assured me this episode would be emotional. The library dimly lit while Sam while Sam researches for ways to help Dean. Dean wont even answer the question when Sam asks how hes feeling. Dean just doesnt want to talk about this. He makes it known though that he appreciates the effort Sam has been putting into trying to help, and Sam responds, “of course... always” . He’s not looking for praise or appreciation, its just something he is gonna do. He’s gona help Dean. Thats all. To him its like getting up in the morning and going to the bathroom. It doesnt matter what else is going on in the world, this is what’s gonna happen.now.Deans in trouble. Sam is gonna help.
Dean tells Sam he’s going to go spend time with Mom, Sam is gonna get packed up and go too but Dean wants to go alone. Sam looks hurt. This isnt surprizing. As much as Sam doesnt need to be, as we all know, he still gets insecure with his ploace in Dean’s world and he doesnt like to be left behind for anyone, even Mom. but in the traditional character of Sam Winchester, he isnt going to make a fuss, he’ll swallow it up and let Dean go if he feels he needs it. Dean isnt cold, nor blind to this. He wont tell Sam its a farewell tour, but he needs Sam to know hes loved. So he just comes around behind him and holds Sam’s head to his chest and face, and tells him to take care of himself. As sweet as this was, did Dean really think it wouldnt sound every alarm in Sam’s head? However, this hug will go down in my heart as a classic. One thing I love most about the brohugs, is that J2 deliver a fresh one every time that say their own things. Theyre never cheap, never lacking a message, and always packed with feeling. 
Sam was pretty adorable when he tried to tell mom about the hug.I know he said they dont hug unless its literally the end of the world. but how was he really gonna tell him mom that they hug for many reasons, but this one was very different? Im sure she understands that theyre close, but does she even have a clue at how close and co-dependant they are? I dont think so. Sam gives her fair warning, and shes gonna keep an eye on Dean. 
Meanwhile, Nick is being a dick, and has a run in with Donna. Now I know many of you all dont like Donna and Jody, mainly for the Wayward crap, but I still like THEM, I just hate that story. I really like this new, tougher Donna that came to be last season in Breakdown. The bubbly silly blonde from The Purge and Hibbing 911 got on my nerves and served no purpose but comic releif. I cant stand those characters. Thats why I dont like Garth, and never liked Ghost Facers, because all they did was assure that the episode wouldnt get very serious.But lets move on. 
Mary makes Dean something he loved as a kid, Winchester Surprize. This is the first time we heard of this dish, and I would call “bullshit” on Deans ability to remember something like that from being no older than 4 the last time she made it, had he not mentioned how Dad apparently made it also, but when he and Sam tried, they messed it up and Dad got pissed and tossed it out. Dean laughed about it, but Mom was uncomfortable, and so was I. Im not a John hater as y’all know, so new negative information makes me sad. I guess before John comes back in 2 weeks, Mary will need to know that he changed a lot after she died and wasnt the greatest father to the boys.And to assure us that the reuinion wont be all rainbows and butterflies. There’s gonna be some angst.
Now Im gonna talk about how HOT Dean was while welding. the flipping of the face shield. the sparks flying around his feet, the leather apron.... mmmm Magic Mike moment y’all?? It was a great music montage, something we dont get a lot of. No Time Left For You is a good song, and for any of my readers under 40, that was an 8 track tape Dean was playing.😉 we also see that Michael is still pounding on the door in Deans head. Jensen is really doing a great job of showing us in his expressions and posture that he’s barely holding him in.
Now Sam has looked around the bunker and noticed things missing. Okay... Dean is definitely up to something. Mary waited till Dean was asleep and went to see what he was doing in the shed, she sees he’s built this box with the plan to lock himself in it and be dropped at the bottom of the ocean so Michael cant escape the box once he gets out of Deans head. Mom calls Sam, but he’s already on his way. and during this time Nick kidnaps Mary. 
Now, I think Mary was just being stupid for most of this, she had no reason really not to comply with Nick. Theres a time to be tough and a time to just be practical. A big part of being a hero includes not trying to get yourself killed for no good reason. But hey, its ok because your sons are fucking suoer heros and they’ll come save your ass! So Abraxus gets released and reveals Lucifer had him kill Ncks family. This leaves me with wonder. Will Lucifer come find Nick but Nick say no to him now that he knows Lucifer had his family killed? Leaving Luci without a vessel and heading to mess with Sam again? Possibly even Jack? Hmmmm
So Donna shoots Nick in the leg, he’s arrested. Sam goes to talk to him. I didnt like that Dean bitched at Sam for letting Nick go, though Im glad Sam got to tell him why. though he’s feeling guilty about everything that happened now. Im also pretty sure that Dean was telling Sam when people cant be saved, you just walk away, more for himself than anything. So Dean barked, but he didnt stay angry and thats good. 
Sam confronts Nick and apologizes for not being able to help him which is so very Sam, but, my boy is getting harder around the edges, he’s really 1000% done with the bull shit. He tells Nick he doesnt feel sorry for him, he feels sorry for the people he killed, HE can burn. 
Meanwhle mom confronts Dean and tells him he knows what hes up to... and if he doesnt tell Sam, she will. Im so glad it didnt become some secret between Dean and Mom being kept from Sam. That never ends pretty. 
Now, this scene, is my favorite scene so far of the season. Sam just not holding back at how horrible he thinks it was for Dean to plan to kill himself and not tell him. “Not tell me?? ME??” Do you realize how messed up that is? How unfair??” it took me back to when Dean sold his soul for Sam and Sam figured it out. Sam knows first hand how awful being trapped forever with a crazy archangel. You could see it in Sam’s eyes when he said it, he knew what Dean would be up against for eternity. “Do you know how INSANE this is?”
Dean is set in his choice and tells Sam he couldnt tell him because hes the only person who could talk him out of it💖💖and he loves hm for trying to help. Thats a very big statement in this show. So he gives Sam a choice, either he helps him, or he does it alone. Of curse Sam agrees to help. He cant save Dean if he walks away, and he wont let Dean die alone 💔💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭
Thats gonna kill me all week!! Next weeks trailer looks like a real kick in the balls, but, Im fairly sure the brutality will be over early in the episode because Donatello’s issue is the headliner. Its hard to see Dean freak out when his phone dies when hes in the box, but Im thinking maybe he’s testing it and gets a dose of what being trapped feels like, and maybe that changes his mind. So I dont think the whole episode is going to be super heavy, but we’ll have some good brofeels anyway. In conclusion I loved this episode. It could have used more Sam but Sams parts were all great! So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are, this gets a 9. the heavy brolove got it massive points and more Sam COULD have taken it to a 10. See y’all next week :)
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
the clan Levi broke, and bja imitates him meas the bad stuff and fails.  demons use it have t see it easy. tons fall.  this is bad you s are lame...im angry so ishe your so damned lame just wait forhim to adjust your program...why may we ask..why is that. Hera Zues you sit plump doing nothig but griping lieme as we have gripes tos of threats losingn stuff all day long and youdont have a  thing here. nothing. ours are complete jackasses this is a houe arrest and holding us doesnt do squat vs demons nor arresting ke for bja crime and he is a aslime ball..there are tons of othr higs you can do...but htis sh is stupid...who is tommy f.  ok...we see.  a mac lots say...and we hear this enough this blows this sucks biden your an ass too what is this but crap...holdhim try him your o pot  ok i am for what he assails us..your a fag and liar you died let yourself and blamed me i had no clue what to do...and had nothig to dowith the issue macs then hitme as you were..now you think on your sh sinner you tried to kidnap me and it is illegal ad our achild  kidappig me dont do squat if i had stuf for notor dave etc.  what is this but baby shit...and i see it we are babies for it yes...tons say this who the hell is he to say w eare babies he is the head man we want to incarcerate and treat badly as we treated him already and we did..do yes.  horrid hours of sittig desperae alone in forgiere coutires no phone no money no person at all.  we see this ad say wow nobody wants a differet game..then this today attack my own regime to start it there...and yes a coup atempt and real.  illegal. filed charges..ad i did not it was trump and yousay nope. so i see. we are at war then you and i..watch out i hity ou..nad you say illegal stuff in code we issue warrants ad for your role today of iciting both sides as you wished to assasiate trump ad that is treason ad we file for it ask macs to first...and they do and accept teh wieth your a bumb Violator adds the crimeof today and last part....a bumb gradad. your out. not family.   go f uourself you posed as obama....and he tolerated your crap ad it is low brow low level.  and i appreciate  it but i had you do the court stuff...really i do.  you wer ean a ss too tried over ad over say it say it ad it is proof...but man your stuff is shitty...lowbrow.  prob a woman but nah ad deteriorate for  a principle you dont have.  fine we see it they hae us ad it is vulgar ad useless we swaallowed digested adn are faggy whores...low lifes losers you g down too...nah.  you look up watch the ship go by with your stuff...and we let you collect it..you saved me as many would try and it out helps grease the wheels with your lbood adn macs and all s.  and you all talk due to your court shit and three timies...and stevie wonnder, you were savalone...eough imout im the fagthen right a demon ws ther ebill said,,,adn we said it.  you ere in the window we saw it later on tape presented it were scoffed ad yelled at the he said mac listes he did said this we are murderers you swe he is a fag the savaloe guy...started in we knew he is the shooter ad von hagen blamed bja tons of times ad you thought it was bg.  they fought ad fought..and the his teeth...masks and sh this asshole ..a. juvile and low skills but same exterminated but we are isane so we dont want to lose from our hate...he doesnt care zapped shps hahhahah as yoyo had electrcity go through you imiated a retard. this sucks your so hot and we are not we are hard pressed working ad your yakig on us you get zero...or do you you wat trumps stuff...yeh that is it. trump took your landinng and flyig and others so you say it is yours..having fun fun game toohard. well you made it worse.  this sucks you fag joe m and preston me justin jasonbja mike ad tommy f say your out this blows...ad onw what he won...ad how did he i herd it is by power...so we see ad macs who supprot himvs trump. wo who and how this could really suck...are inundatedw ith sacralidgeous islanders hahah lol oh oh oh ok adn your nw the work horse ok litle weasel...on ireland..we see it your done caa oh boy little shit what are you going todo use invisible guns you owe me money i sennd collectors break your legs ok you go to nam no youdont pay you lose em. Zues Hera Thor Freya we back him up each and every word. and yes your the one out nad yes it is dangerous adn consider this oh pius one macs planned it but not mac daddy no he did.  so you belch it out ok you are  apure ass too about it.  and you here. this is horrid your dumb time is up on the expiremetn...you blab he slaps you with fines and other so large you cant breath but others like it.  and suck.  and cruise is right most have the plan.  lousy sucks buttrue we wer out of ideas foryou.  still are.  tons say it out...ad for him he says nah you are the ones that means a group does it oe tommy f knows well. oh boy..he says tommy f says we are at war ad dot care and dont act it ad more oh boy Olympus
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tricityrevivals · 7 years
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Blog Chapter 2.0: Road Trippin' it to Hershey So as you can probably already tell we do things at a moment's notice. There's no telling where we will be or what we will be doing even if we have plans already made that day. Things come up, and you need to move quick on them or you can miss out. This was kinda the case with our last minute trip to The Hershey AACA (Antique Automobile Club of America) Fall Swap Meet.  We knew it was coming up but we weren't going to be vendors at this one. It just so happened a past customer and friend of ours bought two of our big money items. Another gas pump and the enormous Coca Cola Sign we had. After having the Coke sign "sold" multiple times, we couldn't wait any longer for no show buyers. Unfortunately even the most seemingly trustworthy people go ghost with no explanation, and everyday they don't show is a day you miss out on money. They know that, and we know that. After holding the sign for over 4 months we couldn't wait any longer. The only problem was that our new buyer is from South Carolina. The good news is he was going to The Hershey swap meet. We made the decision that since he was a return customer and an all around great guy we're going to take the three hour trip to Hershey, PA and meet him there to exchange the two items.  Two days before we were contacted by another interested buyer in our six foot Texaco sign. He was from Blairstown, NJ and that just so happened to be on our way to Hershey. Things were looking up. The day before we are getting ready, making a gameplan for the next morning and doing our everyday routine, when we get a text from a random number. "Have 8 Antique Wine Barrels and a Grape Press...Interested? Has to be out by 4pm tomorrow" Now this is literally at 4pm when we are just about to wrap up for the day. We've been working since 9am, and I still haven't slept since working my other job midnight shift the night before, so I'm going on about 32 hours of no sleep. We negotiated a price, and basically said unless you can do this price we can't do it today and tomorrow we are gone all day, so we're going to have to pass.  "That price works you can come now heres the address" Well, I guess the end of our workday would have to be pushed back a little today. We picked up and started heading to the location about 40 minutes away. It was too good of a deal to pass up, and once we got there we realized it was a repeat person who we had picked about a year ago and changed his number. It was good to see him. This is the last thing we wanted to do before a big trip to Hershey but we just had to.  The next day I was by Luke's at 7am. Now the challenge is that we have an 8 Foot by 4 Foot Sign, and 6 Foot in Diameter Sign, and Gas Pump- with only a 6 Foot Pickup Truck Bed to transport this all safely. We figured out the signs pretty easily but than came the pump. If you've ever transported an old gas pump, you would know these things are heavy as hell! We usually only need 3 guys to lift it, but we've never tried it with 2. Today was the day we tried it with just the two of us. I would estimate from what I've seen online it weighs anywhere from 6-650 pounds depending what parts are on it still. This just so happened to be a complete pump. Goal- lift it just the two of us four feet into the air onto the pickup truck bed and ease it down so it didn't crack or ruin the porcelain signs. It only took us two tries, but it took everything we had, and we successfully didn't break anything in the process. We were finally en route to one of the biggest Swap Meets in the East Coast. We stopped in the Blairstown area and dropped off the Texaco Sign to the first buyer. The actual town name was Allamuchy, NJ and we swore it was a made up town that we were just getting lured into to get kidnapped. Nice guy though, newer collector and he was ecstatic about the sign once he saw it in person. Always good to see satisfied customers. We continued onto Hershey Long road trips are fun and brutal at the same time if that makes sense. Luckily we're such good friends that it doesn't really seem like work or a job, and time does go fast but there is a lottttt of time to kill. We literally talk about the most random things and go down this wormhole of topic to topic and scenario to scenario. It's definitely entertainment at its finest and I cant really explain it unless cameras were rolling and you see it for yourself. Maybe one day. Our music of choice for this particular ride was Lady Gaga, like literally every song she has ever done. So if you can picture these two bearded, tattooed, backwards hat wearing men with a gas pump and Coke Sign sticking out of their blacked out pickup truck bed, windows down, blasting Lady Gaga. Some of the reactions we saw when people pulled up next to us were priceless, but that's who we are. Its always an adventure. After about another hour of that we finally pulled up to Hershey. The best way to describe it is that its a playground for older adult men. Ever see a child in a toy store? That look on their face? Running around all happy touching and playing with everything they see? Now picture that, but a 50 year old men doing it.  Literally everyone has some sort of motorized scooter and they are zipping around left and right going from aisle to aisle. This is probably the biggest show we've been to. I think they said around 9,000 vendors were there. It so big you even have to cross the overpass of the highway to get to the second side of it.  There was some top notch stuff here. They line up all the cars which is anything from Dodge Brothers to Muscle Cars to Wagons to Ice Cream Delivery Trucks. All vintage. All completely restored. All amazing in their own way. It's really something to see someone's prized possession vehicle that they put so much time and effort into, and now multiply that by like 10,000 and that's Hershey. There's also 9,000 vendors. So you have your petroliana booths with signs and oil cans, also other booths with car parts and car related items, and than you have various other different booths like chrome plating booths, tools, bicycles, replica signs, and coin ops. I'm never too fond of the repop sign booths, but as long as they're upfront and honest that their signs aren't original that's fine with me. It's just more unfortunate that those signs are out there now and being sold as original down the road.  There's something for every type of collector here if your a fan of "Mantiques". The only problem is you're going to pay retail and possibly more than retail at most booths. There's no "wiggle" room for resellers like us. Granted, if you're looking for a rare sign, or a car you've been searching for you WILL find it here, but you're going to pay for it. It was kinda fun just being a spectator again, looking at things, making some new contacts, seeing how things are being priced and definitely meeting new people. Speaking of meeting new people. While we were walking Luke heard a voice that couldn't be mistaken. He has heard this voice at least 100 times before. He looked to his right. "There he is" "Who" "Look its Robbie Wolfe" Yes it was the American Picker Robert Wolfe. Mike Wolfes brother, a huge car guy, and a regular at shows like this one. He was standing right beside us and Luke picked him out after hearing his voice having a conversation with his friend. We went over. He shooks our hands like we had been friends for a long time, and we had a short convo with him. He kept it moving which we completely understood, and we didnt want to blow up his spot in a crowd of 10,000+ people. As he was walking away we said to ourselves we should have taken a picture with him. Luckily, a few other people recognized him and took some pictures with him. Luke decided to make the move and I was a little hesitant.  "Robbie can we just get a quick pic with you?" "Sure guys" We got our picture. Had another brief convo with him and he kept it moving like before. All I have to say is what a great guy. Truly a standup guy, very generous, and so down to earth. He took the time to talk to everyone who approached him and took pictures with anyone who asked, when all he was trying to do was check out some cool stuff at different booths. Never complained or said no to anyone. It was a great experience meeting him, and it was an extra bonus for our trip. We were always huge fans of him, but after this encounter and actually getting to meet him and talk with him we can't say enough about him.  After walking probably 15 miles the entire day, meeting new people, and window shopping, it was around 6pm and we were spent. I swear I pulled a hamstring, and Luke's feet were killing him from the boots he was wearing. We called it a day. We met our buyer and swapped out the pump and coke sign from my truck to his, we put on the Gaga, and began the three hour trip back home. Overall, we had a great time and I highly recommended checking it out next year even if you're not intending on buying anything. It's definitely a sight to see, and you never know who you're going to run into. Well most likely definitely be back next year. Maybe we'll get a booth next year or maybe not. Either way you should definitely plan on going to check it out. Hershey AACA Show 2017 was a success!
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