barbielore · 1 year
Pink Splendor Barbie may have been the highest selling Barbie at retail price, but the top price ever fetched for a Barbie was $302,500.
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Australian designer Stefano Canturi designed Barbie's whole look, including shoes, dress and jewelry. The jewelry in question was "three carats of white diamonds set around a one carat, square emerald-cut pink diamond" (source).
The proceeds from the auction went to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The winner of the auction remains anonymous.
The Stefano Canturi Barbie more than tripled the price for the next highest priced Barbie - depending on how you count the price.
A Barbie and the Diamond Castle promotional doll containing more than 20 carats of real diamonds was officially valued at $94,800, though has not been sold even at auction. The DeBeers 40th anniversary special edition Barbie was the previous record holder for sale at auction, selling in 1999 for $85,000.
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callmeanxietygirl · 10 months
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The most expensive Barbie doll...
Cause of the necklace
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OP I am new to twisted wonderland but I saw the binding hc post and I uuuuuh have a request if that’s okay. My request is basically like, MC/Yuu who is AFAB and NB or Trans Masc who isn’t out. They get sorted into dorms or something and refuse to wear the uniforms because Tiddies are More Pronounced and that’s not cash gender of them. and they basically get into a fight with the dorm leaders that lead to them coming out while yelling and then just. The dorm leaders are like ???? Well shit that’s fixable why didn’t you say that earlier ??
Trans Yuu
Yuu is a trans dude in the middle of transitioning at the worst place to do it— NRC.
Notes: went in a wild direction lmao. Anyways FTM Yuu. Shitty jokes and cringe.
You are a 2010 Stefani Canturi Barbie and God is a mother going through her kid's toys to donate to the Bratz section at goodwill, you are sure of it. There is no way in hell it was coincidence that you ended up in an all-boys school filled with the stupidest people you met otherwise. Perhaps god just assumed you were both dolls so it doesn’t really matter what toy pile you were put in, and you don’t know if that is the biggest compliment you have received— to be compared to cis dudes— or an insult (these men fucking suck).
With all the running around you had to do the first day, no one was able to sniff you out, yet. Still, it didn't last that long, and it didn’t. Deuce was far too kind and dense to really tell what you were, and Grim was Grim. Ace on the other hand almost seemed to side-eye you at times. You tried to ignore it and pray to the goodwill mom that he doesn’t say anything, and surprisingly he didn’t, you got that stupid gem, celebrated, and went over to your crow overlord (who doesn’t even notice your predicament either) to turn it in and go the fuck home. Perhaps the only break you got was the fact that people here spoke a sort of similar language to you even if it was a bit… strange. Whatever, you can think tomorrow, right now you can make yourself comfortable and finally sleep uninterrupted.
And then that fucker from before came to you at one in the morning, after you have unbound yourself and got comfortable begging for you to let him sleep in your bed, strange collar on his neck. “No, Ace. You can make yourself comfortable on the couch.” You crossed your arms over your chest nervously and thankfully the dumbass didn't notice.  “C’mon, c’mon, I’m super skinny! I won’t take up any space!” Ace pleaded. You and Grim looked at each other tiredly then back at Ace. “No.” You said before sighing and heading upstairs. 
“Awwee!! Cmon!!!” “Cry about it.” You sneered, but as you ascended the steps you notice Ace watching you with that look in his eyes from earlier. He knows doesn’t he…
You may not know Trey and Cater well, but you owe them your life. The dumbass trio you were with despite living in this world their whole life could not tell you the most basic shit about it for the life of them. And even worse, despite two of them being selected for this university and one choosing to sneak in with plenty of time to research it beforehand (hell, Ace has a brother who went here), they both decided to go in completely blind and not understand anything at all. 
Thankfully, your dear juniors seemed to take pity on you and actually took time to explain the bare fucking minimum for all four of your sakes. Yet as they explained everything to you in such sweet simplicity, you notice Trey look over to your form that you kept nervously wrapped up in the only oversized overcoat (that all Yuu’s in the manga have) to hide your figure. “Are you alright there Yuu?” He asks and you freeze. 
“Yeah, it's just…” Trey frowned and adjusted his glasses out of concern. “Did Crowley provide any resources for you? It must be difficult being stuck here as a girl and all.” You pause and before you can speak you are interrupted. “YOU’RE WHAT.” The dumbass trio all yelled at once making you, Trey, and Cater all shut your eyes pensively. “Dude! I mean bro— I mean— Ugh!” Ace sputtered, and Deuce looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die with how much he was overthinking. Looking over at Trey, the regret on his face was obvious, and you can only assume he thought you told the other three. “You didn’t tell us you're a girl!” Ace yaps.
“I’m not, I’m a guy, I just…” Cater speaks up. “They got the wrong body babes, it's nbd.” The ginger strikes a selfie pose, “That's a thing???” Deuce stared wide-eyed. “Exactly!” You speak up. Trey clears his throat, looking even more ashamed. “Ah, my…. I’m sorry Yuu I didn’t know.” “It’s fine, you didn’t know, plus I guess it was obvious.” At that, the group around you went quiet. 
“Uh no it wasn't ?” Ace crosses his arms. “Have you seen the guys in this school? Some of them straight up look like chicks!” “I thought you knew 'cause you were looking at me weird yesterday!” Ace’s face becomes slightly flustered. “I wasn’t staring—“ Ace stopped his excuse when he saw you and Trey glare. “Okay, fine I was! You happy?” “Why were you staring at them?” Grim asks unimpressed.
Ace gets even more flustered. “It's cause, well you know—“ Cater raises his brows and suppresses a knowing smile and a laugh to the best of his ability as he looks over at you. Ace huffs, “How did you not know Grim? You share a bed with them!” “Haaah? Don't change the subject—“ “Okay that's enough.”
Trey sighs. “Once again, I am very sorry about that Yuu, I thought—“ “It's okay Trey, you didn’t know… But also how did both of you know?” Cater winks, “Oh he’s just like that, babes. Trey-Kun attracts all sorts of fruit to him.” You snort and not how Trey seems to sigh, “Are you one of them?” Cater's eyes widen for a moment before he gives a chuckle. “Good one, but we’ve dealt with enough people in this school to tell by now, though. “So you both just have a gaydar, got it.” “Ooh I like that word, I’ll steal it from ya!” Cater winks again.
“In any case…” Trey adjusts his glasses again. “There's no need to sweat over it. You’ll fit in fine here, Yuu, however, I recommend that you bother Crowley for a spell or potion to get you switched to a new body as soon as possible so this conversation doesn't happen again.” Trey is putting on a brave face to hide his mortification of how he accidentally outed someone. “Crowley can be a real pain sometimes, but he will deliver on that at the very least. Until then you could probably get something from Sam’s for a temporary fix, though they will cost a small fee since they’re home-brewed, or brew your own potion.”
“Oh yeah, you guys have magic here for that stuff… that's crazy…” “Oh yeah, there’s no magic in your world huh Yuu-Kun?” Cater thinks for a moment, “Healthcare here includes that sorta care, but I imagine it’ll be a little difficult to apply for it since you're not from this world and stuff. Kinda hard to do that stuff if you don't exist here, huh?” Cater muses. “Alright, now let's get back to telling them about the dorms Trey!”
“Ah, one more thing, all of you.” Trey’s expression becomes more serious, and gestures to a table where two people— twins with teal hair sit together. “Be careful with Octavinelle students,” he warns, “especially those two. They work for their dorm leader, Azul. They’re scam artists, do not ever make a deal with any of them, especially you, Yuu. Do not tell them what you are.” “Why?” Cater nudges you. “They’ll totally be like ‘We can help you transition Yuu!’ And then your soul is theirs!”
“That’s no different from where I’m from.”
Ace and Deuce were a bit weird with you for the next few hours, before Grim got annoyed with them acting overly cautious and insulted them, which in turn made them all have an annoying argument that you got involved in, in which they treated you like one of the bros. You have to make a note to get Grim the world's most premium tuna for that later. 
And when it came time to grab the tuna, you also had to check out Sam’s potion brewery, where you learned that Sam was a real cool dude. He’s a salesman at the end of the day, always looking for a profit, but at least he was fair. He never overpriced things and always knew how to make a good deal. And though you were prepared to drop nearly your whole allowance on a potion Sam seemed to stop you.
“Hey there little imp! Before you pick one of those out, what form are you lookin’ to take?” You look around for a moment, making sure no one was nearby. “I’m looking for a transitioning potion? I wanna be a dude…” You mutter. Anxiety brews in your gut as Sam leans in, keeping eye contact with you. The salesman then bounces back to his feet in an animated and theatrical manner. “Well, we got those iiiiiinnn STOCK! Lucky for you, we have all sorts to choose from!” Sam says before taking out crate after crate.
“Please, pick that one that calls to you.” You look at the vials nervously before pulling one out of the velvet casing they were carefully placed in. The liquid inside has the consistency of a purple, glittery syrup. “That's a great one!” Sam says. “One small issue though.” Oh god here it comes, by picking up the vial you probably should your soul to him and you're gonna be doomed to work here the rest of your life.
“That's gonna be temporary, little imp! Not good for the long term. The Mystery Shop cannot sell permanent potions for these unless you have a prescription, but my little friends from the other side say that you ain’t from these parts.” Sam smiles. “Take 4, on the house! And drink them all at once, that should give you around 4 and half months in that form!” “Really? Are you sure!” Sam nods, “Course! It's not a loss at all either, I get compensated to give em out anyways! Do be sure to tell Crowley to get you a permanent one though! Or it may be quicker to ask that professor of yours!”
“Thank you Mr.Sam! I’ll keep it in mind.”
Crowley is an asshole, a real bitch, and one of the most annoying people you know. But at least he can be reasonable once in a blue moon. When bringing up needing a potion he merely went on a 30-minute rant on how he’ll get a prescription for you because he’s “oh so generous” and totally not because he’s probably a fruit too like everyone else in this school. 
You expected this process of getting a prescription to be a very annoying and long wait, just for you to receive the paper later allowing it less than an hour later. Sam did say that asking Professor Crewel for a good potion would be better than asking him since he’s certified to make them. Given how extra he is with everything too, you're sure any potion by him would be insane. So here you were, head down and begging that this man help you, one alphabet soup to another. 
“Let me get this straight. You want me to make you a prescription potion for you, rather than get it from Sam’s because you think I would make a better one.” You nod, and Crewel could tell there wasn't any flattery behind your words, you truly believed what you said. “Sam didn’t put you up to this did he?” “I mean he mentioned you could help but that’s it, why is he plotting something?” “He’s been trying to get me to make him a batch of these for ages, saying that he only wants the highest quality products for his customers.” “Seems like I was right to go to you.”
Crewel almost lets out a sigh, before tapping his whip against his palm. “Fine then pup. I’ll give you a private lesson for potionology because you will be taking notes and helping me as well.” “Really?” “Crowley did say there is no record of you existing anywhere. Consider this the pre-lessons you were supposed to learn in high school.”
After an hour of work, you have successfully created three giant bottles of the stuff Crewel guided you to make, and now in your notes, you have the recipe just in case something happens to them. “Listen here.” Crewel commands and you whip your head to him. “Wait until those four months are up on the serum you are on before taking these. Take only 15 milligrams of each a day until you are all out. This way, it’s permanent and you don't have to worry about someone turning you back so easily.” The professor smiles and taps his baton in his other hand.
“Any questions?” “Why am I on the serum then, sir?” “That one prepares your body for a more permanent change, especially if you show any complications with the magic used.” “Got it, sir, that’s all the questions I have.” “Good, now clean your workspace, and go back to your dorm. I expect you to be fully awake in the morning for class.” “Yes, sir” “And I also expect that you will be more responsive than your peers in class because of this.” “Of course, sir.”
Carefully putting the bottles in your bag, and using your jacket as a cushion for each one you braved your way outside nervously. Sam did say that the vials you took will take a while to take effect since your body isn’t used to magic…
The final thing you learned in these past two days was that the misogyny here is very much inclusive, you can't tell if that’s a sign of progress or not. The second you walked out of that door you had your very first instance of bullying (Aside from Ace) since arriving in this world. A few Savanaclaw jocks standing by seemed to immediately look over and snicker.
You stood your ground as they approached, knowing walking away would make it worse and if it got bad Crewel was still in that room. “Tch, you’re the new kid huh?” One said in a very stereotypical stupid school bully way. You’re half surprised they didn’t include some insult like “dweebus” or something. “Hah, bro doesn't even have good pecs, what a fucking girl.” One says. “Never knew they made exceptions for girls!” The other says.
“Uh, yeah, it's gonna take a while for this potion to take effect.” A cat boy scoffs, “What potion.” “The one that’s supposed to make me a boy, it's taking a while.” The group went silent for a moment, the weird wolfman sniffs the air at you for a moment before beckoning his bros to lean in and listen. After a painfully awkward moment, the cat boy leader comes back to lean into your face. “So you are a boy! Big deal! You still don't have pecs!” He says, changing his whole tune. “Yeah well you may be a boy but you're… your…” The fox boy pauses, trying to find a proper insult, just to be interrupted by the wolfman again. “But you fucking suck at being one!”
“YEAH!” All three cheer together as they finally find the right niche to bully you in. Suddenly the door next to you opens. “You three! Silence! Leave them alone, it's curfew! Or do you want me to put you to work?” Crewel reprimands, leaving the three running off with their tails between their legs. “You too Yuu.” And you nod and take it as your sign to leave.
You were gonna have a great time learning how to be a boy
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I'm so obsessed with Tango's factory and the power plant design. I know many of the design choices are influenced by block available in modes they are using but it's really amazing call back to XIX and early XX cantury industrial architecture.
Basically when industrial revolution began architecture were really confused how to design new types of building. Never before have they design a train station, a mass production factory or a power plant. In the beginning they start taking inspiration from historical architecture.
Factories were really tricky. They not only had to be functional and somehow safe (even if owners didn't care for workers they rather not have to buy new machines and loss a lot of products every time factory burn down), they also needed to be beautiful. They were often a important of the image of the company, and it's owner, and society was used to important buildings looking a certain way. Designers often took inspiration from churches. A source of energy or main panel to control the electricity was the central point of the building sometimes even place as a "alter" in focul point of the main hall. There were also a lot of big windows inspired by historical styles (you can see similar ones in Tango's design what I absolutely LOVE).
In textile Izraela's Poznański's manufacture in polish city Łódź you can clearly see how the machine are placed next to each other and are taking materials from the celling structure. It really reminds me of the conveyor belts Tango installed and future farm placements he talked about. Also the power is provided from the steam engine placed in the cetral square (?) and it's delivered from the bottom to higher floors.
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Machins in Izraela's Poznański's manufacture in Łódź (build 1877-1879).
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Interior of energy plant in Księżnym Młynie (1910). (LOOK AT THOSE WINDOWS AND STAIND GLASS AND THE DETAILS OMFG)
Train stations were usually inspired by coach houses (due to similar use), mansions (due to representative nature and usually being the first thing travelers saw while visiting the city) and neo gothical cathedrals. Later engineers modified the "standard" design when more and more safety measures were needed (more space so that if train crashes it won't demange the structure, higher cellings to let steam escape quicker and don't bother passengers and make building dirty) and also provide better experience for passages (adding places to sell tickets, provide shelter from rain, wind and other weather). All of that was beautiful combination of historical forms and new materials. Many of the train stations were breaking world records for being the widest steal structures and were quite literally works of art and engineering.
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Great example in Milano Central Train Station.
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Also Train Station Abando Indalecio Prieto in Bilbao because it's beautiful and underrated open in 1898. Pay attention to that amazing stain glass window.
And don't get me started on secession style and how IT influenced industrial architecture...
Anyway I love the creator mod smp/series/season 2 and I can't wait for the amazing industrial architecture and steampink vibes.
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steliosagapitos · 1 year
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       ~ “The necklace-diamond Satine (Nicole Kidman) in Moulin Rouge. The most expensive diamond necklace by Stefano Canturi designed for Nicole Kidman’s character Satine in the film Moulin Rouge, is a modern reworking of the garland style of necklace fashionable in 1890s Paris. With a total of 134 carats, the necklace has an estimate of $ 750,000 to $ 1 million.“ ~
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houseofcold · 28 days
Stefano Canturi necklace
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blacksnake3 · 2 months
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Stefano Canturi necklace.
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phantomvogue · 10 months
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Satine necklace, created by Canturi
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drugastraian · 1 year
Frezare pentru Profilare Canturi | Albertool.com
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dimxndsareforever · 1 year
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"I just watched Moulin Rouge again the other night and I fell back in love with Nicole Kidman's necklace. Over a Million Dollars and 135 in carats. Oooooo how I want it so bad! Sadly locked away in the Canturi collection. I may have to fix this...."
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vascoforest · 1 year
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Plăci acustice Materiale eficiente acustic: panouri furniruite sau laminate Acustica exceptionala este asigurata prin performante excelente de absorbtie a sunetului. Panourile noastre INOIS®️ optimizează nivelul acustic al unei încăperi. Toate esentele nobile de furnir pot fi oferite. Partea din spate a panoului este acoperită cu un fleece acustic special. Canturi și tratamente de suprafață cu lac UV sau ulei UV la cerere. INOIS®️TS: ECO Placa Acustica cu fleece din PET reciclat Produs durabil și elegant Lâna folosită constă din peste 30% PET reciclat, ceea ce corespunde unei cantități de cel puțin 50 de bucăți de sticle PET de 0,5l. Efectul acustic al INOIS®️ TS oferă o atmosferă unică și familiară, atât în sectorul comercial, cât și în cel privat. Combinația exclusivă constă dintr-un fleece durabil și șipci MDF de înaltă calitate, cu o suprafață naturală din lemn real - disponibilă și deja lăcuită sau unsă. Panourile pot fi, de asemenea, adaptate pe pereți și tavane fără probleme și se potrivesc cu orice proprietate și cu orice stil de mobilier. Aspectul lamelelor face ca camera să pară mai adâncă, mai mare și oferă o atracție modernă. Rezultatul este reverberația și un climat interior liniştitor. #acousticpanels #panouridecorative #panouacustic #acoustic #panels #interiordecor design #design #architecture #art #interior #homedecor #home #decor #panel #furniture #wood #homedesign #artist #interiors #inspiration #wall #modern #designer #archilovers #wallpanels #architecturelovers (at Bucharest, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CowV8-JKENp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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designnurd · 2 years
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The Moulin Rouge murals 4️⃣ Orpheum Theatre are my first murals that I’ve completed only using spray paint 😱 Here’s the Bohemian Ideal of LOVE! 🐘 🛝2️⃣: Happy birthday, Amy Winehouse 🥲 ❤️‍🔥 Thanks again for helping freehand sketch out the panels @machadolindsey 🥳 🕵🏽‍♂️ The necklace made for Moulin Rouge, is the most expensive piece of jewelry created for film as it appears in the Guinness Book of World Records. Designed and made by Stefano Canturi, the original necklace was made with 1,308 diamonds, weighing a total of 134 carats, and was worth an estimated $1,000,000! 💎 @broadwaysf @moulinrougebway @sfpubliclibrary @canturi #MoulinRouge #MoulinRougeTheMusical #MoulinRougeSanFrancisco #MoulinRougeBroadway #Muralsf #sfMural #SanFranciscoMuralist #MuralistSanFrancisco #TimeLapseArt #MuralTimeLapse #mexicanMuralist #OrpheumTheatre #OrpheumTheater #Bohemianideals #BohemianLikeMe #Bollywood #tuberculosis #Consumption #AmyWinehouse #WillYouStillLoveMeTomorrow #StefanoCanturi #Canturi #GuinnessBookOfWorldRecords #MillionDollarNecklace ♥️ (at Orpheum Theatre (San Francisco)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CifuVOcJcm6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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olo-mag · 2 years
【玩物養志】史上最貴鑽石 Barbie
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問世於 1959 年的 Barbie,堪稱跨世代的「玩具界時尚女王」。近月荷里女演員瑪格羅比主演的《芭比 Barbie》真人版電影宣布將於 2023 上映,再次激發大眾對這娃娃的好奇心。
經歲月沉澱,Barbie 地位遠超「玩具」定義。想當年,其創作者 Ruth Handler 隨波蘭裔父母逃避故鄉亂局、移民美國尋夢,長大後她感激爸媽的悉心培育,於是靈機一觸想到以她的愛女「Barbara」小名「Barbie」,再參照其時流行的玩偶特色,設計出首款仿成人形態的換衫娃娃,並將之設定出熱愛旅行、冒險和時尚等個性。從此,Barbie 造型及故事持續進化,由當初僅梳着馬尾辮、身穿斑馬紋泳裝的金髮及深褐色頭髮女郎,陸續化身不同國籍、種族、背景的模樣。
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Barbie 跟各大品牌及珠寶商合作,又使她從市值僅 $3 美元的玩具躍升身價不菲的霸氣女王。例如著名珠寶設計師 Stefano Canturi 為防治乳癌研究基金會設計,專門為該會拍賣所創作的「鑽石 Barbie」,從頸項及手上均配戴上鑽石鏈和鑽戒,2010 年就於佳得士成功以 $300,000 美元的天價紀錄成交,是史上最昂貴的款式。
另外,1999 年,著名珠寶商 DE BEERS 恭賀 Barbie 四十芳齡,給她製作了共鑲嵌上 160 顆鑽石及白鑽的性感禮服,以嶄新形象及 $85,000 美元高身價喜迎新里程。至於前文提到的 1959 年原裝版 Barbie,若然保存狀況完好,當下拍賣價亦可高達 $27,450 美元,假如你家中擁有一隻,絕對可列作家傳之寶!
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撰文:K.C. 圖片來源: 劇照(Warner Bros pictures Barbie Movie)及品牌圖片
___________________ 活過不白過 Follow us on IG:https://bit.ly/2yjkquY ___________________ #OnlyLiveOnce #玩物養志 #玩具 #Toy #時尚女王 #Fashion #Barbie #芭比 #Barbra #人偶 #娃娃 #RuthHandler #StefanoCanturi #佳得士 #DEBEERS
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celinecooperjones · 2 years
I know it's a weird question, but I'd love to hear from you! Or how do you imagine an AU where Jocye and Hopper are two cantury rock stars? Kind of like Johnny Cash and June Carter, but in Hawkins, and mixed up, do you have characters and events from the first three seasons? Wouldn't that be one of the most passionate love stories ever? 🥰🥰
Funny you say this because I actually have a fic based on almost this exact idea, but with a different ship. (Falice-Riverdale)
I’ll link it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36462418/chapters/90920287
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myobt · 4 years
Australian Geometry
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Stefano Canturi (more…)
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glamzery · 7 years
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