#caos background
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 3 months
Hello! I'm here for the "Leave the first sentence of a fic in my ask box and I will write the next five" fun :D
Here it goes: "No one will ever understand the things she'd do for love, but now, she thinks she just might be understood."
Desperately she hungered for it, a stray cat who had never learned to vocalise for human ears.
"What are you doing, Agatha?" Dorcas asked from atop the armoire (though she had not had a physical body in months).
"If I give Blackwood what he wants," the witch explained, drawing her athame and presenting it to the wet, stricken eyes of the restrained congregant, "then he'll be able to give the Void what She wants."
Dorcas kicked her legs, ten years old again, a waist-length braid of golden red swinging in time. "And then what happens?"
"She embraces all of us without judgement. No more pain or madness, sister. The Void has an endless potential for love."
************************ Thank you for the prompt! I spent a day letting it roll around in my head until it attached itself to Agatha, who ended up being the most isolated and desperate of the Weird Sisters, in the end.
𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬 𝘣𝘰𝘹 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦*!
Here are the others!
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simayeeet · 1 year
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this was real im fairly certain
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strangenewwords · 20 days
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Astonishing X-Men #52 (2004)
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I don’t know what is wrong with the House of Carnation that they let Xuân Cao Mạnh wear the same dress to the Hellfire Gala 2 years in a row. Disgusting.
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j0shh-m4d · 2 years
Can I please see more of jebus He's so cute and hes so damn tiny. He's a tiny angel who will destroy Kirby 🥺💖
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lurkinginnernarrator · 2 months
Yk what would be interesting?
Shen Yuan as a beast hunter.
Him taking into account SQQ's unstable cultivation, the fact that while he is a suitable actor he's not a perfect one, and promptly deciding on a course of action.
"Zhangmen-shixiong, Qing Jing is the scholarly peak. If we are not hunting down knowledge, and capturing it for the future generations, what kind of scholars would that make us? This master cannot allow such a thing to occur.
So this master will be setting an example for my disciples by going out myself on such an endeavor.
And not only is Qing Jing the peak of scholars, but we are cultivators as well. Is it not our duty to be intercessors between the spiritual and demonic things and the common people?"
Yue Qingyuan can do nothing but agree.
Cut to SY!SQQ hunting down rare and powerful beasts, his hunts taking months, as he stalks the beasts and observes their behaviors; compiling valuable information about countless beasts. He then cleanly kills the beasts, all the valuable parts go to Cang Qiong, usually to Mu Qingfang.
The rare beasts improve SQQ's cultivation base and level by leaps and bounds.
And! He doesn't have to navigate the original goods personal relationships because he's not at CQ! Being a poser is so much easier when you just have to be untouchable immortal.
Whenever SQQ comes back to CQMS it's to drop off a carcass or because he absolutely has to for peak lord business. Otherwise he's always out on some sort of quest.
The Qing Jing Peak Lord's skills shoot up by 100²
His steps are silent, when he's not thinking about it he just fades into the background, continually being on hunts where silence is necessary, being less than a whisper becomes muscle memory.
His gaze isn't only scathing anymore, it's also piercing. He observes everything.
His movements are quick, graceful, full of power and yet incredibly calculated. You can't hit a Blood Blossoming Demonic Hummingbird too hard, or it'll crumple, but if you don't hit it hard enough you'll be an exsanguinated husk.
He also takes to wearing a fur mantle: it's from a Heavenly Moon Snake-Leopard, some poachers had been stalking the Snake-Leopard for months, driving it into madness. SQQ dealt with the poachers of course, but the Snake-Leopard was beyond saving. While unfortunate, the fur is so useful! Warm, water repellent, regenerative, acid resistant, and excellent camouflage! The Snake-Leopard also gifted SQQ its fangs for killing the poachers, and they make impressive daggers.
Qing Jing Peak cannot get enough of this cool badass Shizun who puts even the Liu Qingge to shame when it comes to beast hunting! And whenever he comes back to the peak he has lessons on his hunts! He even brings back specimens!!
Mu Qingfang appreciates Shen-Shixiong's newfound hobby immensely. Not to disparage Liu-Shixiong's contributions, but Shen-Shixiong brought him not one, but TWO intact Yellow Butterfly-Lizard carcasses, liver, wings AND tongue intact! The downside Shen-Shixiong hunting so much Liu Qingge has less to do, which unfortunately means more work Qian Cao, patching up Bai Zhan Disciples. And the Sect Leader seems... Depressed? MQF will have his Head Disciple drop off some Blue Lily of Uplifting tea for him.
Liu Qingge is upset at being benched and very confused???
Yue Qingyuan just smiles painfully. "As long as Xia-— as long as Shen-Shidi is happy..."
(LBH is of course enamoured with his powerful and righteous Shizun)
And of course, SY!SQQ's skills do help him out quite a bit, his reaction time improved drastically, meaning no Without-A-Cure. And canon goes just a bit easier. Maybe.
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afsosville · 4 days
You know what would've been nice? Shen Jiu ending up on a different peak that's actually good for him. Maybe Qian Cao, or the beast taming peak could've been hella therapeutic. Or the alcohol/brewery peak to drown away all his sorrows. But what if he stayed fucked up, in a way that's actually good and productive for society? Yeah, I wanna toss him over to Yin Hui and let him run wild! I've seen many iterations of Yin Hui, the fanon peak for espionage and poisons in fanfics. By extension, Yin Hui is also covertly the assassination peak, and I wish this peak got more attention around here tbh. Why do I think this peak is the most well suited for Shen Jiu? BECAUSE ASSASSINS. Duh.
So here comes a baby demonic cultivator Shen Jiu and the Yin Hui peak lord immediately wants him. Shen Jiu would be more readily accepted by his peak martial siblings, and no one would bat an eye at Shen Jiu, his standoffish personality or shady past. A lot of Yin Hui disciples are from questionable backgrounds since the Yin Hui peak lord naturally has to be very particular about selecting their disciples. Yin Hui was established to protect the sect and its people by any means necessary. Sure, the rest of the sect may fight against the supernatural, demons, and the undead, but Yin Hui fights an even greater monster: people.
The Yin Hui peak lord manipulated things so that the first impression the rest of the sect has about Shen Jiu is 'that new badass Yin Hui disciple that killed the criminal Wu Yanzi and saved the future sect leader!' (Seeing as Wu Yanzi would be the very sort of ppl they assassinate, he's already getting goated on Yin Hui too.) So Shen Jiu is known as that new prodigious disciple from Yin Hui and is getting some goddamn respect! And just because of his association with his peak, fewer people are inclined to question his background and whatnot since there's an understanding that the identity of the YH disciples needs to be heavily guarded. The Yin Hui peak lord finds out about the Qiu's soon enough, and they erase any and all traces leading back to Shen Jiu. Even framing it in a way that makes it look like WY did the massacre. Any credibility Qiu Haitang could've had for Shen Jiu's murder accusations is thrown out the window. (Ain’t no way in hell the Yin Hui peak lord is going to name SJ that stupid trauma inducing name like a certain Qing Jing peak lord, that's for sure.)
I'm pulling in elements from MDZS over here. In my version of Yin Hui, they have disciples who practice demonic cultivation, but they make sure it's in a safer way that won't hurt them. There's a surprising number of disciples who have damaged cultivation and chose to cultivate the ghost path. The previous generations of Yin Hui peak lords have created Wei Wuxian's inventions in this AU, and is used by the rest of the peak, like the compass of ill winds, paper metamorphosis, the spirit attraction flag, and empathy. I lowkey want a Wei Wuxian that's native to SV to be the Yin Hui peak lord, now that I think about it. He's good with his kiddos and would be an awesome shizun. And ofc, Shen Jiu is a reflection of his environment, so he's certainly making an example out of Wei Wuxian, one of the only positive influences in his life.
Shen Jiu still has his violent tendencies, so nothing has changed about that, but he learns to take that pent-up energy out on missions instead. And he does them well. It even gives him an edge. Everyone else thinks he's just reallyyy good at his job, as expected of the talented head disciple of Yin Hui!!
He really does try his best to not be an ass (bc he gets the love he deserves on Yin Hui) and ends up venting in a different way (coz he knows better than to take it out on people who don’t deserve it.) His shizun really gave him the free reign to kill sl@ve trad3rs, human tr@ffick3rs, r-ists, and other scum whenever he wanted, in the name of stress relief lol. If killing a particular person becomes politically complicated, like the Old Palace Bastard, then you best believe he's going to scheme like the little schemer he is. He's going to Nie Huaisang the OPM.
Since Shen Jiu is not salty about his fucked up cultivation, and his martial siblings respect him, they get along just fine. His cultivation is some parts similar to Wei Wuxian's: Shen Jiu is a ghost cultivator influenced by music. Sure, he may not be that great of a spiritual cultivator, so what? He's pulling up like the Yiling Patriarch with his demonic cultivation and a haunted guqin of his own.
And guess what? Shen Jiu enjoys teaching. He's training miniature assassins, spies, and the art of demonic cultivation, so forgive him if he's more than a little enthusiastic about it. I imagine that he's exactly like Shifu from kung fu panda when it comes to teaching. Still extremely harsh and strict when training, but outside of actually teaching, he's an attentive and caring shizun. And yes, he completely does act like a father figure who is proud of his murder babies, and ends up being called A-Ba so much that all of Cang Qiong thinks he's officially adopted every single one of his disciples. (After being saved by SJ on a mission, NYY persistently begs SJ to take her in even though he desperately thinks Yin Hui isn't a good fit for her. And then, after being under him for a while, she's completed her first mission successfully, has smn else's blood on her face, and is smiling brightly. 
Ning Yingying: "I completed my mission shizun! Are you proud of me?"
Shen Jiu: "..."
Some other peaklord: "Haha like father like daughter! She's definitely your girl alright!"
Shen Jiu: "...!?!" )
Yue Qingyuan is conerneth about his Xiao Jiu, but as long as he's happy, who cares. Shen Jiu has a better relationship with the other peak lords, so when asked about why he visits brothels, he straight up tells them that it's the best place to gather information in the dark. He doesn't have that mentality of "why explain myself when no ones finna believe me anyway" He actually trusts them and is more honest with time. Shen Jiu does come clean about killing the Qiu's at some point, and the peak lords are all like-
"I didn't hear shit"
"See, I'm blind in my left eye, and 75% blind in my right-"
"Completely understandable, Shen shidi!"
They don't even ask why he did it and just assume he had a valid reason, and he absolutely fucking did.
Oh, Shen Jiu gets accused of playing dirty? Liu Qingge, he literally kills ppl and makes poison as a daytime fucking job ofc he's gonna play dirty! Shen Jiu tried killing you that one time on the well mission? Bro you good? The fact that you think he tried to kill you and failed?? You just insulted an entire peak of disciples and their ancestors. You would've been dead before you could even think of sensing their killing intent if it were true. And there was a witness too, doofus. Be fucking for real. Nahh coz there definitely would be more people who are taking Shen Jiu's side whenever the two of them fight.
Shen Jiu uses a shit ton of versatile weapons because most of his fighting and cultivation prowess comes from his wits and adapting to fighting with different styles/methods. He is kinda similar to Xie Lian bc both of them lack spiritual energy/qi (damaged spirit roots in Shen Jiu's case), but that does not mean they are weaker. It just means they learned to train their body and minds instead of relying on cultivation/qi. He has a massive arsenal of weapons along with the demonic cultivation. (Airport security would hate him)
Yin Hui has got to be my favorite fanon peak, and Yin Hui! Shen Jiu plauges so many of my waking thoughts, I can't stop-
I can add elements from my other hyperfixation into this AU, the Avatar Chronicles. Which are the written books from ATLA. The criminal organization Kyoshi joined, the Daofei, for example, could be a good plot point. Or the Platinum Affair from the Yangchen books. If you don’t know what the Avatar Chronicles are, just ignore this last part lol.
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sombredancer · 6 months
Asian dramas and relationship dynamics
There are my favorite relationship dynamics as a list. Opposites attract + power couple
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Drama: I Am Nobody /  异人之下 Characters: Zhuge Qing & Wang Ye Screentime: Minor I like it when characters are different in a way they could complement one another, but at the same time they are similar in terms of what is important for people to stay stuck together. Zhuge Qing is public, easy-going and wants to be friends with Wang Ye. Wang Ye is mysterious, reflexive and doesn't want to be bothered by other people. But no one can beat extrovert if he decided to be friends with you =) Plus, they are united by their superpowers: they are both powerful sorcerers and their sorcery is very similar in its nature. So they can compete and learn from each other and, if necessary, kick enemy's ass together. ̶A̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶d̶y̶n̶a̶m̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶c̶k̶ ̶B̶L̶ ̶v̶i̶b̶e̶s.̶ By the end of season 1 they are OK and together.
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Drama: Mysterious Lotus Casebook / 莲花楼 Characters: Di Feisheng & Li Lianhua Screentime: Secondary Di Feisheng is a leader of a demonic sect, a former slave and a very straightforward man. Li Lianhua is a former leader of a righteous sect and an extremely sly man with not-so-bad background. But both of them are the best martial artists in Jianghu and went through a lot together. One wants everyone to leave him alone, another wants to be with him together forever. Both of them don't give a damn about everything that happens in the world but they care for each other. B̶L̶-̶v̶i̶b̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶t̶t̶a̶c̶h̶e̶d̶.̶ The ending of the drama is obscure but I'd like to think they both are alive and happy together.
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Drama: The Blood of Youth / 少年歌行 Characters: Xiao Se & Ye Anshi Screentime: Secondary A leader of a demonic sect who has an ultimate martial knowledge and a former best righteous martial artist, who is suffering from decease and can't fight anymore. What can unite them? The answer is: the similar mindset. They both had a great power and lost it, they both are shouldering great responsibilities which don't make them happy. Despite the fact that they should be on the opposite sides in Jianghu world, they are still good friends. M̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶B̶L̶-̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶,̶ ̶a̶l̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶X̶i̶a̶o̶ ̶S̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶g̶i̶r̶l̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶.̶ There is a small extra ep at the end of drama, when they meet each other again in a very romantic way. Just search for it.
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Drama: The Legends / 招摇 Characters: Lu Shiqi & Qin Qianxian Screentime: Minor She is from a demonic sect. He is from a righteous one. She is immune to the impact of spiritual power. He is the one of the most powerful people in terms of spiritual power. She is dumb, straightforward and pure-hearted. He is blissed yet sensible and burdened with difficult moral choices. They could be an ideal Yin-Yang couple. But they have BE, because it's "The Legends", everyone should die in here Т_Т.
Pride and Prejudice + power couple
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Drama: The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity / 晴雅集 Characters: Bo Ya & Qing Ming Screentime: Main This dynanics is similar with the previous one, but here we are focused on how they ended up together. Bo Ya has prejudice against demons-yao and believes all of them should be executed. He meets half-demon-sorcerer Qing Ming who helps him to overcome his prejudice. Finally, they become friends (or̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶) and together they win over the evil forces. At the end they are separated but there is a hope they meet again.
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Drama: Wuliang / 无量 Characters: Po Xiao & Feng Ren Screentime: Main People of different social status both seek to get a magical sutra. During a road trip they exchange opinions on the sutra and how to use it and change each other's mind. In the end it turns out that they together saved the world and can be finally together. As friends, of course.
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Drama: Oh No! Here Comes Trouble / 不良執念清除師 Characters: Pu Yiyong & Cao Guangyan Screentime: Main Pu Yiyong looks like lowlife, studies very bad and hates Cao Guangyan, who is self-confident, smart and thinks low of Pu Yiyong. But a mysterious case with ghosts forces them to interact and they find out, that together they are a perfect team. Honestly speaking, this little series couldn't develop this topic as good as I hoped, but it's a really interesting story, so you can watch it for the ghost detective plot and get this type of relationship in addition. It's a Taiwanese drama, so BL-jokes and dalliance with a viewer were huge, but it didn`t help much. Still a nice dynamics and a good drama. Us vs the World
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Drama: The Untamed / 陈情令 Characters: Wei Wuxian & Lan Wangji Screentime: Main I don`t like the novel, but I like drama exactly because here I can see this dynamics. In the past life of Wei Wuxiang Lan Wangji was not strong enough to go against the whole world to protect his friend (well, in the novel they are lovers, but it kills the main idea of this dynamics by turning it into "I do it all just to get into your bed", which is meh), and his friend died. Suddenly, 16 years later, he gets a chance to choose once more: to be a part of society and watch once more his friend dying or to be with him against everyone this time. The moment he chooses to be with Wei Wuxian against the whole world I felt cathartic pleasure. The drama ends up on a little bit obscure but positive note.
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Drama: Word of Honor / 山河令 Characters: Zhou Zishu & Wen Kexing Screentime: Main A former king's assassin who is at the brink of death and just wants to live the time left in silence and a birdy master of the most skillful criminals find each other, find out that they are brothers-in-teachings and decide to fight against the world together just to live in silence and enjoy each other's company. When one thinks it's his last second of life, the other comes to help him even if they both can't beat the greater number of enemies and will die for sure. Catharsis! The drama has a small extra ep where they are together and all right.
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Drama: The Legends / 招摇 Characters: Li Chenlan & Lu Zhaoyao Screentime: Main Them, again! The first half of the drama they have enemies-to-lovers dynamics, but then, when they find out the truth about Zhao Yao's death and about feelings for each other, they turn into Bonny and Clyde and go annihilate the righteous guys who are in fact not-so-righteous. And it makes me feel cathartic, too. A very catharsis-causing dynamics, indeed! It's little obscure, but they will be fine at the end of the drama.
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Drama: Dong Lan Xue / 东栏雪 Characters: Shen Yan & Chu Ningyuan Screentime: Main Two bad guys work together to get power in the palace. And get involved in romantic relationship during their power gaining. Nice story with an open ending.
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Drama: Derailment /脱轨 Characters: Qi Lian & Jiang Xiaoyuan Screentime: Main It's a little story inside a big one about transmigrators that you can read in another of my posts. It lasts something like 1,5 eps of the drama but is a nice story itself. A lonely bellicose boy from a rich family runs away from home where no one cares for him and lives on the street. A lonely girl from an extremely poor family and being bullied by classmates tries to survive in this world. They meet each other and understand that it's easier to fight their fate together. Nice story, it's a pity that this one is too short and not a main plot of the drama.
The next post will be about Asian dramas and familial dynamics.
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pinkyqil · 2 months
Mischievous reader headcanons pls?
Mischievous reader hcs/fun facts for you guys
Author notes: Use of she/her & they pronouns this is just for shits and giggles don't take it to heart and have a heartattack everything is fictional meaning fake made up !
Mischievous!r: calls herself cata protector cause she's a defender
Mischievous!r: for someone who causes a lot of trouble is the biggest crybaby, it's one of the ways that gets her out of trouble.
Mischievous!r: is a menace on social media it not that she as no media training she refuses to be perceived as boring making sure her mom and social media manager have a hard time cause she's either fighting with journalists or just being a wild teenager online.
Mischievous!r: is eligible to play for the Brazilian national team or the Spanish nt is one of the reasons why she hasn't gotten called up cause it an on going situations
Mischievous!r: on her way to mapi's places doing a live stream on Instagram she had gotten chased by a dog, ran the fastest for the first time in her career while she was getting chased by someone's chihuahua, mapi was on her balcony getting a full stage show laughing her ass off recording and poor r had a traumatic experience that was caught on camera least to say she had gotten injured by jumping a fence unsuccessfully but some how managed to save her soul later on got teased by the rest of the team and media not readers best or brightest moments.
Mischievous!r: either she's on live or on twitter shit talking about madrid player's only the ones she doesn't like and half the time it ends with her cursing out madridistas on live and it causes fuel between the two fans making her go viral numerous times. One of the times was when a madridistas tweets how can you be born in the city but hate it so much tagging r which she replied spainsh citizens but born in a ciudad de mierda photo background of Barcelona theme jersey room let's just say bbygirl almost got her ass canceled.
Mischievous!r: the moment of her signing she had already meet mapi which is were there "bad blood" started while her agents where working on something she found a way to sneak out and some how ended in the changing room deciding she would hide something that belongs to who knows who while she was in the act of doing so she gets caught red handed by mapi and frames it on mapi because she saw the cameras coming her way it and wanted to prostrate good characters, was a funny situation cause half of it was caught on cams anyway and got posted to the instagram page.
Mischievous!r: her little group that consists with vicky,salma,jana,bruna,cata,pina,patri and occasionally esme that group always as the older player's going mad whenever there all together on team bounding it so bad that r and vicky have to be separated cause they always doing dumb shit together
Mischievous!r: was forced to apologize about the things she said about madrid on national TV cause she could get a ban if she didn't. just to go back shitting on Madrid not even 5 days later got made fun of in the gc and the news went viral.
Mischievous!r: always causing trouble and caos everywhere she goes
Mischievous!r: nobody on the team knows but goes on motorcycling rides with mapi
Mischievous!r: the player she looks up too the most is aitana even before she joined barca aitana as always been a role model for her
Mischievous!r: if she wasn't a footballer she'll had become a gymnast
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
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-Biblically accurate Early-Third-Century Warlord (Cao Cao), with Loser Liege Lord (Liu Bei) for scale-
So Cao Cao’s tomb has (allegedly) been found, and apparently he was this tiny little guy (1.55 m), for reference, the average height was about 1.7m. I was so delighted by the news I immediately went and drew this. The stories of xu chu picking him up under one arm are so much more plausible now!  I think his victories are even more impressive in hindsight, given that he could’ve been carried off by a hawk at any time.
I decided to show the two of them displaying their greatest strengths:
lui bei was the populist, who was beloved by the poor and downtrodden, despite having very little to show for it for the first 3/4s of his life. Historically, he was both a coarse, hot-tempered con-man who seem to be primarily motivated by fame and frivolity, and a tremendously kindhearted and brave defender of the common people. I’ve drawn him holding out a peach (and allusion to the fictional peach garden oath). he’s wearing straw sandals he made himself, a nod to his humble beginnings, and an incongruously fine robe with the sleeves rolled up, like he’s been working in a field… or preparing for a fight. One fist is tightly clenched and held stiffly by his side, even as he smiles warmly. Just like his namesake, he is both prepared 备and has hidden depths 玄. (I’ve seen the robe tucked into the belt in multiple places, I assume it’s just for ease of motion, but it’s also occurred to me it would be a good “pocket”.)
cao cao is well known for being a brutal and brilliant man, the phrase ‘ speak of cao cao and he shall appear’ is synonymous with the English phase, ‘speak of the devil.” What is less well known is that he was actually a very reasonable and respected leader, who often brought talented men into his fold, regardless of background or previous allegiance. This meritocratic system was one of the reasons for his success. I drew cao cao wearing fine, but understated clothes, with a full set of armour, as he was well known for personally leading his forces on campaigns. With one hand, he points to the ground before him, commanding you to kneel down and swear your allegiance to him. His sword is sheathed, but displayed prominently. He can be very merciful, but only once.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
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The second edition of printed media for Ties That Bind’s lore and timeline, featuring The Honorable Meirion Emrys Rodric (Mirage) gracing the cover of GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly) with stories inside featuring Thunderhoof (who doesn’t go by his birth name of Tulio Hoffman at this point), Sideswipe (Sergio Saverio) and Senator Shockwave (Sharifuddin Waseem)!
Reporter bylines feat. some of my fave mutuals, @fandomrecycling @cao-the-dreamer and @lunarsilverfox ! Y’all feel free to imagine how those interviews went haha~
GQ is a MUCH harder magazine to do a template for since it’s a LOT busier that TIME and the fonts/details change depending on the edition so I won’t be putting up a template for it, but magazine covers WILL be part of what I will offer when I reopen commissions!
This is part of a series!
First Edition: TIME Persons of the Year feat. Megatron and OP
Second Edition: GQ feat. Mirage
Background characters under the cut, because I have a soft spot for them.
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cerezatodd · 1 month
Shen Yuan transmigrated as a baby before canon, either left in forest by someone o born from a magical plant.
He survives only because he was found by the previous Qian Cao Peak Lord, a few months before ascension.
The Peak Lord then put Mu QingFang in charge of taking care of Baby!Shen Yuan until he could put him for adoption. But MQF bonds with Baby!Shen Yuan and decides "this is MY CHILD" once he is Peak Lord.
The twist? Shen Yuan looks like the lovechild of YQY and SQQ, more noticible the older he gets. So he hides him in Qian Cao and swear his disciples and martial sibiling in silence.
Only Wei QingWei (because I ship it) knows - among the others Peak Lords- and is co-parenting Shen Yuan.
Then SQQ qi deviation happens and is taken to Qian Cao instead of being left in the Bamboo House.
The innevitable descovery happens.
Shang QingHua is freaking out in silence in a corner
EDIT: Picture this. Little Shen Yuan and MQF tending to the private medicinal garden, with WQW seting up their lunch in the background.
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minnarr · 5 months
REFERENCE POST: very minor characters of Word of Honor
I originally gathered these blorbos together for a presentation called "Writing in the Margins: finding story in the minor characters of Word of Honor" (sometimes, in a pinch, I title slide deck party presentations like a paper because it's easy). My criteria for this presentation was that I wanted to highlight characters to whom a lot of people's reaction would be, "Who?" So characters like Gu Miaomiao and Gao Xiaolian and Deng Kuan, while my beloveds, are not here because they are just a bit too present in the story.
Why should you click through and read? Well, honestly, I'm adapting this as a resource for fellow fic writers who just want some folks to help flesh out the world. This post is divided into three sections: Chengling's Generation, Tianchaung's Orbit, and The Previous Generation. There's so much just going on in the background; let's take a look.
Chengling's Generation
Mu Yunge
Introduction: Episode 5* Suggested Episodes: 5, 7
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* by "introduction", I mean the episode in which their name card appears, officially introducing them; for some characters, as with Mu Yunge, their first appearance in the show happens before that point
Mu Yunge is an interesting inclusion because I don't like him. He's pretty much there to suck, and then die. He's here for two reasons. One, he does a lot to flesh out his world; two, he's in the boyband in the concert they did after Word of Honor wrapped, and that is my favorite part.
I'm really only going to address the first one here. Oh, Mu Yunge. He's there to show how the Department of the Unfaithful operates, and how very present the violent misogyny they address still is in his world. He's also (to all appearances) a young man in good standing in the martial arts world. Deng Kuan is close enough to him that he's selected as one of the friends to take part in the deathmatch in his name. What does this say about the young men of that generation? And his death also has echoes in the background drama in the show: Mu Siyuan (his dad) becomes a loud voice against the ghosts and later Gao Chong.
Zhu Yaozhi
Introduction: 3 Suggested Episodes: 7, 14, & 24
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Zhu Yaozhi is fascinating to me because he is such an encapsulation of what Word of Honor does with its larger plot. Because, like, there's all these moving pieces and a lot of them are moving in the background and the main characters don't really notice or give a shit, but they're definitely moving along arcs that make sense from their point of view.
This guy is a disciple of Yueyang Sect, Gao Chong's sect (along with Deng Kuan); we see him multiple times just doing kind of grunt work/investigation for them, most notably when he follows up on the guy Gu Xiang beat up for harrassing musicians and then is apologetic and embarrassed for believing his side of the story (episode 7). He's also buddies with Mo Weixu, Cao Weining's shixiong, and teases Cao Weining to him. (See this gifset for part of the scene in question, from episode 14). Early Zhu Yaozhi is a goofball who's just doing his job.
After Gao Chong's disgrace, he goes searching for Gao Xiaolian and we lose track of him until he turns up again in ep 24 being menaced by Mu Siyuan. Mu Siyuan wants him to say his master was evil and colluded with the ghosts, and Zhu Yaozhi refuses and tries to punch him. It's great. It also gives us Shen Shen to the rescue in the middle of his own loyalty/figuring out how to be truly righteous arc. I have a lot of feelings about this. He's such a useful character for showing us what Yueyang Sect is like and what becomes of it after Gao Chong dies.
Song Huairen (L) & Xie Wuyang (R)
Introduction: SHR: 5 / XWY: 8 Suggested Episodes: SHR: 5 / XWY: 9, 17
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I've paired these because they're both Xie Wang’s competition, young men who also call Zhao Jing yifu. They are both disciples of Yueyang Sect; Song Huairen is supposed to be a favored disciple of Gao Chong. Xie Wang eliminates him the same night we meet him and plays it off to Zhao Jing as the shell game with the Glazed Armor going wrong.
Xie Wuyang meanwhile starts off as a character who makes Zhang Chengling’s life at Yueyang uncomfortable—up to and including whipping him during training. Very satisfyingly, Gu Xiang knocks him out when he’s giving Chengling a hard time in episode 11. Later on, after Zhao Jing has settled in at Yueyang, Xie Wuyang serves him in his private rooms doing stuff like giving him manicures. 
Mo Weixu
Introduction: 14 Suggested Episodes: 14, 26-28
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Mo Weixu is the son of Mo Huaiyang (Cao Weining's horrible shifu) and Cao Weining's da-shixiong. When he first appears, he scolds Cao Weining for having no ambition but then shoos him off to check on Gu Xiang anyway, and we see this mix of sternness-as-concern and indulgence continue. He's kind to Gu Xiang, and helps guide her through greeting their shishu Fan Huaikong properly, but he also warns Cao Weining that she might not be everything she appears. He's kind of the level-headed ballast to Cao Weining's naivete and worries about him.
Mo Weixu is not at Cao Weining's wedding. Mo Huaiyang says he had to cleanse his sect because his disciple and shidi were bewitched by Gu Xiang. However, in episode 36, Xie Wang specifically says that they never found Mo Weixu's body, even though they definitely found Fan Huaikong's. Fellow fic writers: you know what that means.
Tianchuang's Orbit
Bi Xingming (L) & Cheng Zichen (R)
Introduction: 31 Suggested Episodes: 31
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Disciples of Siji hidden in Tianchuang! These two were both taken as disciples by men within Tianchuang and took their surnames; Bi Xingming’s first shifu is Bi Changfeng, the guy who took the nails in episode 1. Cheng Zichen's is a guy called Cheng Xiu. They show up in like one episode but I’m obsessed with them. They lead the party of Tianchuang ducklings who rescue Zhou Zishu and then get inducted into Siji as Zhou Zishu’s disciples. Bi Xingming is specifically shown to be very eager about this, but is told he’ll have to wait to have a ceremony about it till his shixiong Chengling comes back.
Princess Jing'an
Introduction: 1 Suggested Episodes: 1
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Talk about one-scene wonders—Princess Jing'an left an impression on me. What kind of past interactions does it imply that she calls Zhou Zishu Zhou-shixiong, but he doesn't know she and Jiuxiao were in love? I have questions and I want to answer them. Also even in her like 2 minutes of screentime we see her sharp and defiant and angry and it makes me want to write her SO bad.
Introduction: [N/A] Suggested Episodes: 30
She is literally mentioned in like 1 or 2 lines in episode 30 so she’s less fascinating for her Word of Honor appearance than for how she is mentioned here paired with her role in Qi Ye (the novel that's the prequel to the novel SHL is based on): In Qi Ye, Su Qingluan (originally named Su Cui'r) is a beauty who becomes part of the crown prince party, gets caught working against them, and is confined to a house as Helian Yi’s concubine for the foreseeable future.
In Word of Honor, she’s one of the people (the list also includes Zhou Zishu, Yunxing, Qin Jiuxiao, and Jing Beiyuan) who swore together in her courtyard to make Jinwang emperor, which implies a much more active role in their party than in Qi Ye. We also know she killed herself before the events of canon (or at least as far as Jinwang knows; in the same section, Zhou Zishu says that Jinwang poisoned Jing Beiyuan to death with a straight face). This seems to be part of the whole party splintering over time. Once more: implied story, free real estate (jazz hands).
Jing Beiyuan's six siblings
At one point Jing Beiyuan justifies being called Qi Ye (Lord Seventh) by saying he's the seventh kid in his generation. (There's a different, much more absurd, justification in the novels). I take him at his word just because that's the funniest option. I don't have more to say beyond just:
are they worse than him? are they normal?
The Previous Generation
Introduction: [N/A] Suggested Episodes: 12, 24
SIDEBAR: the moms. The dads have SO much narrative weight in the story in ways that most of the moms really don’t—they’re often nameless or fully invisible—so I leap at even the tiniest mentions of what they’re like and think a lot about them. Qin-furen’s the only one who really lands in the sweet spot for this post: enough info to play with and not make a total OC, not enough screentime that I expect to find many fics with her.
This is the wife of Qin Huaizhang, Zhou Zishu’s shifu. She’s mentioned in just a handful of lines and unnamed. She rescued rabbits and apparently was fearsome with her husband about it. She was friends with Chengling’s mom, who had a similar dynamic with her husband, according to Chengling. In episode 12, Zhou Zishu says, “I wanted to practice martial arts when I was a child. Sometimes, when my master forced me to play, I would seek help from his wife. She always stood by my side and criticized my master.” I have spent a truly stupid amount of time looking at her gravestone trying to glean info, and I’m still not really sure what we should be calling her.
Yue Feng'er
Introduction: 19 Suggested Episodes: 19
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The eldest disciple of her generation at Healer Valley and the wife of Rong Xuan. She rough-houses with Shen Shen and is known by her own title as well as being the eldest of the Three Heroes of Healers Valley. She’s presumably well-known in the martial arts world, and woven right into the web of friendships that started off all this tragedy. And she also loved her husband so fiercely that when he was poisoned she used a forbidden technique and took the heart out of a living man to try to heal him. She’s a powerful healer and at least as much a monster as he is and I like her so much.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! Ok so I don't know if I late to your Adele Song Tribute (if I am that's totally alright!) but if you still have space what about something for Tommy or Jonathan with the song Skyfall? Maybe something about reader standing by her man/comforting him when everything seems to be falling part? I think it's one of my favourite songs of hers and not just because I love the James Bond movie of the same name😂 you totally don't have to to though if you don't want too❤️❤️
Hey Addie! Don’t worry you’re never late 🤗 thank you so much for sending in this request! It’s the first one of the ones I got that I started worked with because I particularly LOVE that song and watching the performance to get inspiration is something I really enjoy! ♥️ so I hope you like this 🥰
The lyrics for the song are in italics. As I was debating whether what background story to choose from to develop this story, I had like a moment flashing before my eyes… I definitely enjoyed writing a dark Tommy story for “The way to a man’s heart” but the thought kept coming back to me, how about the opposite? How about someone who actually loves him and wants to help him and his family? So I turned everything upside down and came up with this.
Adele song: Skyfall
Tommy Shelby x reader (smut)
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This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
That’s all that filled the halls.
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Y/N took a deep and shaky breath to build some courage and walked towards the love of her life.
Tommy had been staring at the road the police cars took after arresting Polly, Arthur, John and Michael, but they were long gone.
She’d never forget the look in their faces as they were processing what was happening; everything was caos, the people she considered her chosen family yelling, cursing Tommy, trying to find a way out. She felt useless.
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
Esme and Linda were looking at Tommy with such anger, that it made her heart ache for him. Jaws clenched, pointing fingers at him as they were escorted out of the house.
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
Softly she touched his shoulder to let him know she was close.
“Tom.” She could hardly even her own voice. “Come.”
It took a huge strength from her to snap Tommy out of his trance.
“Frances can you please prepare me a tea for Mr. Shelby? Lavender or Valerian Root… double.”
“Right away Madame.” The maid nodded and rushed towards the kitchen.
“I need to be alone.” Tommy mumbled as he stood in front of the staircase.
“No.” She stated firmly. “I’m -” her voice broke down a bit, “I’m right here for you Tom.”
“Y/N please,” he replied in that warning tone he used when he was about to loose his patience, “I’m not a very good company at the moment.”
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
She could see the pain in his eyes, and it was the hardest thing to endure.
Tommy had stepped up for his family since a very young age, he worked really hard for everyone, put everything single member of the family before him or his needs… it was time to make him a priority.
She couldn’t look another way and pretend he was alright.
Because he wasn’t, but he didn’t know how to ask for help either.
With all the love she held in her heart for this man she kneeled before him, Tommy didn’t lift his head as it was hanging close to his knees, he looked defeated.
“You got this, Tom, love,” gently but with a firm hand, Y/N lifted his chin to make him look at her, “this seems like a very dark time and that everything’s going the wrong way, but you always find a way to make it better, you always find a way out.”
“They hate me, Y/N as if they needed one more reason… there was nothing I could do to stop them from going to fucking jail.”
“I know darling.”
“All of this…” he extended his arms while looking around the room, “money, power, and for what? They’re in a fucking prison cell, the size of a shoebox. Someone else paid the judges and police more than I did.”
Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
“That’s where you’re wrong, my darling… you can use it to get your position back, if they got your family in prison and they want to play dirty? But you can play smarter than your enemies, I know you will get your family out of jail soon.”
That seemed to work on him, his features were softer, his shoulders weren’t so tense.
“What would I do without you? Ey?” His thumb outlined her cheek.
“Drive Frances crazy?” Y/N joked earning a small chuckle from Tommy that felt like the sweetest thing ever. “Now, I know it’s almost impossible, but have some rest, it will help you think better in the morning.”
“Will it work if I say no?” Tommy tried, knowing the answer before he even opened his mouth.
“Absolutely not.” She slapped his arm lightly before extending her arms towards him to ask for help to get up.
Getting rid of his suit jacket she placed it carefully on the chair, then Tommy let her unbutton his vest and shirt, but first she needed to get rid of the holster and gun.
His mind was going down in a spiral with worry, fears, the monsters inside his head, the tunnel closing up while he tried to reach the stairs to get out… but there right next to him was a woman who trusted him, who believed in him, who was trying to be the light in his darkness.
The only one he could trust to disarm him, both physically and emotionally.
Before he knew it, she tucked him in bed now only wearing his shorts, then she took a cigarette and the matches and lighted it for him, knowing so well he needed a smoke.
“I won’t take long, don’t go anywhere.” She requested right before pressing her full lips to his.
There was only one way to make that mind of him go numb.
He needed to think straight to choose his next move, but he wouldn’t be able to do so when he was in that altered state.
So she removed her skirt and blouse, applied some perfume and subtle lipstick and walked out of the bathroom wearing only her intimate pieces of clothing, a silky short in pale pink with a touch of black lace and matching bra.
As she slowly and tentatively walked towards the empty side of the bed, Tommy was under some kind of spell, his eyes devouring her body.
He was in the same position she left him; the sheets around his waist, bare chest and leaning against the headboard.
Still looking vulnerable after the horrible events of the day, but in his eyes she found a small flame starting to grow with each step she took. As it grew Tommy licked his lips in preparation of what was coming, he was aware of the power Y/N held over him once the bedroom door was closed.
His mind was already in blank as she straddled him, her fingers running up and down his chest. Tommy’s hands immediately circled her waist as he looked up with adoration in his eyes.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Tommy asked in a whisper, his body reacting as she rocked her hips slightly, tempting him, barely brushing against his member.
“Taking off my clothes.” Y/N replied in an innocent voice as if it wasn’t obvious.
Tommy groaned in pleasure as her upper body wasn’t covered anymore. He only dared to close his eyes a moment as she took off his glasses very carefully and placed it on his nightstand. He hissed as she took again her previous spot on him, leaning down to finally give him a proper and deep kiss.
As his mouth explored her neck and collarbone, his hands removed her underwear. A moment later, she was helping him out of his shorts. The atmosphere getting heated rapidly… it wasn’t long before Y/N was rocking her hips back and forth, teasing Tommy, just allowing the tip of his cock inside of her body, as Y/N moved an inch down only to move up again almost all the way out. He protested and tried to move her body down again, he needed her warm walls envelope him.
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
“Fuck… Y/N.” He moaned and to her it was the most beautiful sound.
But she wasn’t going to give in, just as Tommy tried to grind her against his hard member, she moved up again. The burning feeling between her legs only adding more pleasure.
“Not yet dear.” She enjoyed the half empty feeling of just having his tip inside and decided to change her pace and angle by making circles with her hips.
Tommy was weak when it came to her, there was no use in trying to deny it, but when it involved her naked, he would do anything she wanted him to.
“Please… I can’t hold it.” She noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead, how tense his jaw was, his beautiful blue eyes closed and felt the rhythm of his heart against her palm.
That’s when she finally in a fluid moment took all of him, his eyes snapped open and a low fuck escaped his lips as he could only focus on the fluttering feeling around him. Y/N controlled her movements to prolong her own pleasure. Throwing her head back she gave in the feeling of being connected so intimately to Tommy, hitting the sweet spot inside of her over and over and suddenly watching him with his mouth hanging open, the veins on his neck pulsing, groaning and trying to not come undone before her it was too much.
“Don’t hold back.” Y/N encouraged him as she guided one of his hands to her center, where she needed him, his skilled fingers set her on fire in mere seconds and they both reached the climax together.
By the end of the night, Tommy was exhausted, Y/N noticed when the rhythm of his breathing changed and he stopped clearing his sore throat after too many cigarettes. She didn’t dare to move to make sure from her current position; head resting on his chest, his arm around her waist. But at least she achieved her main goal… make him feel tired enough to get some sleep.
She knew he would deal with everything in the morning with a clear head, but for now she only wanted to enjoy the feeling of his lean body relaxed, his deep breaths helping her to relax as well.
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
The following morning when Y/N opened her eyes, she noticed Tommy wasn’t in bed with her but she could hear him moving around the bathroom so picking his undershirt from the floor, she tiptoed towards him finding Tommy tucking his shirt inside his pants.
“Morning Mr. Shelby, slept well?”
“Like a baby, you wore me out.” There was a hint of a smile, before returning to his usual serious expression.
“I’m coming with you to the office.” Y/N announced, but before Tommy could protest, she added; “think you probably need some extra hands these days.”
Tommy swallowed watching her strip down to enter the shower. “Thank you.”
She’d choose to tease him for accepting help so easily, but given the circumstances she decided to pass on and hurry up, without his family around the work and papers would pile up.
“Can you take over Polly’s calendar?” Tommy asked as they rushed towards the door.
“Ada will help us as well, I need to go out during lunch though, I asked Michael to do something but…” he trailed off and let the words hanging in the air.
As the car left Arrow House, Y/N squeezed his hand in an attempt to give Tommy some reassurance. On their way to the Shelby headquarters, Y/N helped him sign a couple of documents and a letter, as the ride went in silence, she knew he was already making a plan so she decided to give him time and space to do what he did best.
As soon as Tommy crossed the door Lizzie and other secretaries and employees were trying to figure out what would happen now, uncertainty decorating their features. Everyone following his instructions, not asking questions, they were just obeying his orders, he was back to being the boss once more, not showing an ounce of emotion, of course he wouldn’t show the vulnerable side Y/N saw the previous night.
Y/N marched to the kitchen in silence to prepare him some tea.
“This is a mess, how did you handled him last night?” Ada asked leaning against the table.
“As best as he let me.” Y/N sighed. “I think he’ll need something stronger, but Polly keeps the booze locked and I don’t know where her keys are.”
“I need to go through Arthur’s papers later, if I find something, I’ll give it to you.” Ada proposed in a low tone, still shocked.
“I’m planing to pay Polly a visit, she might need a change of clothes and other things, would you come with me?”
“The safe combination wont work, Y/N I need you to open it.” Tommy appeared out of breath, he looked like he had been moving furniture around and it was only past eight o’clock.
“Alright I’ll take that as my cue to go.” Ada left them with her own cup of tea, she had a long day ahead and knew when to stay away from her brother.
Pouring the two cups, Y/N gave Tommy his to try to keep him busy as he was looking over her shoulder, as if with that she would be able to open the safe faster.
“What’s so urgent?” She didn’t understand, Tommy had already paid for protection for his family while they were in jail. That was something.
But the combination she was using didn’t work either and Tommy was growing impatient.
“Hang on, Pol told me something about a picture.” Y/N clicked her fingers and started opening the back of a frame that was sitting on Polly’s desk, hidden behind a photo of Michael, there was a paper with the new combination.
“Why the hell did she choose to hide combination there?” Tommy complained, shaking his head.
“Because no one would think of opening a photo frame?” Y/N chuckled and left him to start organizing the things she would be helping around with.
First she started to make a list of the things that were needed at the office, then she got busy with the car spares of the upcoming shipments which kept her busy most of the morning.
The following weeks happened exactly like that, super busy days by keeping the books in order, registering the accountability made her feel exhausted by the end of the day and her feet were sore when she got involved in dispatching the Scotch whiskey. She could barely realize when it was lunch time and before she knew it, it was already nine o’clock and Tommy took some papers to keep working from home.
Rubbing his eyes, he locked the door to his office and walked through the empty property, all employees were gone home for the day, except for one; the most loyal one, the one who stepped in and didn’t ask what she needed to do, she got completely hands on immediately and didn’t stop until he was ready to go. Y/N had been developing incredible leadership skills, she made everything go right on time, she made sure meetings were efficient and all employees had clear instructions.
Tommy looked around for her since all he could find was silence,so it was a surprise to find her sitting on the floor inside the safe, somehow she also managed to make the count and organize the mess they had inside. After feeling on the edge for days, watching her skirt wrinkled, a lock of hair bothering her vision and making her blow some air in a lousy attempt to move it back made his day go a million times better.
She wasn’t a Shelby yet, - he should change that soon- but somehow she had managed to earn that last name by her endless support and all the hard work she was doing.
“You’re making me start thinking I should have everyone else fired and hire you full time, what the hell are you doing Y/N?” Tommy asked with his arms folded against his chest, the hint of a smile dancing in his lips. He couldn’t hide the amusement in his features.
Face it all together
At Skyfall
“Why do you have a King’s letter here?” Y/N raised her hand with a wrinkled paper, that caught Tommy’s attention right away.
“Where did you find it?” His eyes scanned the words at speed.
“After finishing the count, I started organizing the licenses and papers, this briefcase was at the back.” She explained showing him the other papers. “What’s the matter?”
Then, in a surprising motion, Tommy took her face between his hands and gave her a loud and effusive kiss on the lips.
“This is better than the fucking lottery!”
He announced storming out of the safe, Y/N rushed to close it before following his steps confused.
“You’re a fucking genius.”
“I’m not following.” She frowned while Tommy poured two glasses, this was the first time she saw him smile for weeks, his eyes finally showing life.
“I found that briefcase by accident some time ago, it involves the King in some shit ,” his eyes were shining like the stars outside, “this is my ticket to get my family out and all thanks to you.”
Tommy pulled her by the hips to make her sit on his lap.
“What are you waiting for then? Go on!” She encouraged him, but Tommy had other plans.
“If it wasn’t for you during this difficult time, I wouldn’t be able to do this, you know that right?” His hand came to caress her cheek while she took a moment to savor his sweet words. “This is far from the ideal proposal and I don’t even have a ring right now, but I need you to know that I want you by my side forever.”
“Oh Tommy!” Her eyes got teary, she was so tired and worried for him, thinking he would explode at any moment so this was totally unexpected.
And for the first time in days, they both felt like they did a good job by keeping the business afloat and finally the way to get the family free. After hugging tightly and another round of kisses, Y/N pulled back.
“First things first, we’re going to write a letter to get your family out of jail,” Y/N stated excitedly, “we should do a tea party and invite Mr. Churchill and other VIP guests.”
Tommy chuckled.
“And let me pick up Aunt Pol, she is still angry with you.”
“Fair enough.” He answered leaning back on his chair as Y/N was writing the letter.
After asking a blinder to deliver it personally, Y/N walked back into Tommy’s office finding him with his eyes closed and two fingers massaging his temples.
“Everything will be alright.” She hugged him from behind, taking in how worried he really was, but he had been disguising as strong and tough and intimidating all the time.
“I know,” when Tommy looked into her eyes, she found sadness. “Thank you for doing this.”
“Tommy… I knew you’d find a wait to get them out.”
“This shouldn’t be happening. Not to them.”
“Let’s focus on the future now, hmm?” Y/N kissed his cheek.
That was all he could think of now. And all of the things they’d do together.
He was so grateful for the way she managed everything, kept him grounded and focused, encouraged him to keep going, to not give up, she stood up for him when he needed it the most.
And there was nothing on earth good enough to show her how grateful he really was.
Adele songs challenge
Master List
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @zablife @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra
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Zestial is in the background cheering for the Carmines (that most certainly are smart enough not to go out unprepared)
Emilie probably breaks up fights non stop and is tired of everyone's attitude (I subscribe to laundryboy's headcanon, but I'm unable to tag her)
Vaggie is protective, Angel is down for caos and Vox will inevitably get his screen smashed.
Charlie will bring bandages.
I hope you enjoy!
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marrziy · 10 months
Rafe Cameron x Male Reader
Entre Tapas, Ciúmes e Fodas (1/3)
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• Série: Outer Banks.
• Personagem: Rafe Cameron.
•‼️Relacionamento conturbado (lê-se nada saudável), briga, discussão e violência. Os dois protagonistas sendo inconsequentes e, como diria Arthur Aguiar, "fora da casinha, fora da casinhaaa..."‼️
• P.S: O capítulo intercala entre a contextualização do presente e do tempo presente em si. Separei e destaquei esses momentos, creio que não esteja confuso. Basicamente, há trechos no meio do enredo que fogem da trama principal para dar contexto e conduzir o background da história.
• Sinopse: M/n e Rafe estão numa relação confusa. Os dois rapazes supostamente têm algo exclusivo, mas nenhuma confirmação ou pedido foi feito desde que iniciaram essa espécie de vínculo. Em uma festa na mansão Cameron, M/n propositalmente dá moral para JJ Maybank. M/n quer que Rafe sinta o mesmo que ele sentiu quando o flagrou com uma garota na fogueira anual, mas um Rafe irritado ocasiona em um M/n irritado, e a soma final resulta em caos.
Palavras: aproximadamente 3,1k
• Narrador: 1° pessoa (M/n) - presente/passado.
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[• • •]
Os Cameron e a minha família estão em uma união estável de anos, duas linhagens de kooks conectadas pela parceria de empresas e laços fortes. Conheço Rafe e Sarah desde a infância, vi Wheezie crescer e modéstia à parte, sou como um quarto filho para o senhor Cameron. Meu pai é o sócio mais valioso de Ward e minha mãe, de acordo com Rose, era a companhia perfeita para fofocar e discutir frustrações.
Como filho único, eu me sentia sozinho em casa. Meus pais só eram presentes quando necessário ou quando o filhinho supostamente perfeito deles fugia da curva pré-destinada de um kook que faz jus ao status de mauricinho entojado.
Eu e meus velhos temos percepções diferentes sobre quem eu deveria ser, e por muito tempo, eu segui o modelo, mas conforme crescia, fui aflorando a certeza de que eu não queria traçar o mesmo rumo que eles, não queria ser um cara desesperado por jantar pontos sociais, fingir simpatia com gente mesquinha e muito menos lamber as bolas de um velho jurássico para fechar algum negócio.
A mansão Cameron sempre foi a minha primeira casa. Os momentos mais memoráveis da minha infância ocorreram no enorme jardim daquela residência. Rose, a tal madrasta má, título dado por Sarah na plenitude de seus cinco anos, independente de me encarar como "o filho da minha amiga" e ter esse como seu único motivo para ser tão hospitaleira, fazia o meu eu de seis anos se sentir acolhido.
Ward Cameron, sendo a figura ocupada que impõe respeito aos demais detentores da metade Kook de Outer Banks, nas raras vezes em que participava das aventuras junto a mim, Rafe e Sarah, tornava a brincadeira mais especial, me dando o gostinho do que seria ter um pai que verdadeiramente exerce a paternidade.
[• • •]
Eu não queria estar aqui, pois sei que ele marcaria presença. Óbvio... o maldito mora nessa casa, seria inocência da minha parte pensar que eu não toparia com sua figura indesejada.
Assim como o Jerry foge da porra do Tom, nos últimos dias eu tento escapar de Rafe até no pensamento.
Infelizmente falhei na parte em que tento não pensar no desgraçado, o filho da puta não sai da minha cabeça e é o motivo do meu tormento diário.
Tem a tal da abstinência, a parte que eu sinto falta, mas essa é ofuscada pelo meu desejo de socar aquele rostinho lindo. A raiva e a mágoa pulsam no meu peito desde aquele dia infeliz na fogueira. Devia ser um fim de semana incrível, era um puta festão com música alta, bebidas e gente para um santo caralho.
Aí eu vi Rafe.
O cara que agia e expressava em palavras o quanto eu era único, que fazia melaço do meu coração e que mesmo não assumindo um namoro comigo, me tratava como seu e eu retribuía, o tratando como meu.
Aos amassos com uma garota.
Rafe usava a boca que tanto me beijou no pescoço de outro alguém. Com a língua, ele trilhava o mesmo percurso que já trilhou para decorar cada cantinho do meu corpo. As mãos do arrombado apertavam a cintura daquela mulher com a mesma posse que ele costumava depositar em mim.
Não foi traição, não estamos namorando, mas tínhamos algo em construção... alguma coisa estava sendo moldada.
Até tudo desmoronar.
No último vislumbre que tive do cafajeste, ele estava calculando a minha presença, me encarando fixamente antes de esboçar... espanto? Não sei, não fiquei lá para ter certeza.
Qual era o plano? Uma rapidinha enquanto eu não chegava? Ele fingiria normalidade depois? Iria esconder essa merda de mim?
Fiquei até grato por presenciar aquilo, pelo menos eu não seria trouxa sem consciência. Consegui ir embora antes que Rafe me abordasse com suas falácias, evitando uma discussão ao redor daquele mar de gente. Conhecendo a nossa natureza instável, nós dois acabaríamos como símbolos daquela noite.
Sarah é a única a saber com amplitude sobre o nosso... lance. Ela é minha melhor amiga e irmã do vacilão, uma hora ou outra ela descobriria que há algo além do carnal nessa história. Pessoas próximas apenas desconfiam sobre rolar algo entre quatro paredes. Os amigos de Rafe, por exemplo, categorizam como brotheragem.
E quem me dera se essa pataquada se resumisse a dois caras com tesão.
Ignorei as ligações e mensagens do loiro. Me poupei de excluir seu número, já que eu o tinha decorado. Cheguei a me privar de sair, tamanha falta de vontade para lidar com esse porre.
Rafe me procurou em casa, e como o babaca é visto com bons olhos pelos meus pais, sua visita seria facilmente concedida. Felizmente os patrões mal param em casa e eu consegui passar aos empregados a informação de que Rafe não é bem vindo.
Uma reação exagerada? Sei lá.
Mas eu não protegi meu coração insistente, doeu demais senti-lo ser esmagado por um desgraçado indeciso.
Passei o resto daquela fatídica noite me sentindo um caco, completamente frágil. Em casa, chorei, me acabei no meu quarto. Na manhã seguinte, a realidade bateu forte. Eu nunca havia me sentido tão patético.
Eu me martirizei por me permitir chegar a tal ponto, mas pelo menos me divertia pensar no quão clichê era a minha sofrência. Poderia facilmente vender as minhas tragédias para a Netflix, renderia um bom drama com jovens-tcholas-trouxas-apaixonados.
Eu sabia que precisava superar, mas quando o problema batia de frente, eu não conseguia encará-lo.
A primeira metade da semana pós-desgraça foi soturna. Eu passei a refletir sobre os porquês de Rafe estar com outra pessoa, comecei a procurar falhas em mim que pudessem ter o levado a fazer o que fez, ponderando o mofo alheio como se fosse meu.
Apesar do formato da nossa relação não ser oficial, eu me sentia traído. A sensação de ilusão que fica, é péssima. O mínimo retrogosto de sinceridade se dilui na alma e mesmo que eu não tenha feito nada, me sentia insuficiente, como se o que levou Rafe a me "trair" fosse algo que faltasse em mim, algo que ele procurou e encontrou naquela garota.
Sarah me ajudou a sair dessa fossa. A teimosia da loira serviu de algo, afinal. É tradição da Cameron do meio planejar uma festa bombástica sempre que seus responsáveis estivessem fora, e hoje é o dia. Ela não queria que eu perdesse, e percebendo minha ausência nos últimos dias, ela moldou sua rotina inteirinha ao meu redor, decidida a me animar.
Uma amiga foda, no mínimo.
Eu esqueci dessa lição de me tratar com mais amor e Sarah me relembrou de praticá-la. O sentido da vida é para frente, e eu não devia permitir que um cara de juras falsas me arraste para a direção contrária.
Mesmo que essa situação ainda machuque, eu decidi fazer algo a respeito, e nessa noite de sexta, eu me empenhei em me sentir gostoso.
Às dez da noite eu compareço a residência dos Cameron. De longe é possível ouvir a música alta e ter certo vislumbre da iluminação neon que foge dos limites impostos pelas paredes e janelas da bela moradia. A festa se estende de dentro para fora, com várias pessoas no jardim e muitas outras curtindo o som enervante na mansão. Alguns olhares desejosos são direcionados a mim e eu anoto cada um deles, fazendo uma listinha mental com quem eu vou foder hoje à noite.
Já tenho nove rostinhos decorados, mas tem um em específico que eu venho pensando desde que saí de casa...
[• • •]
Sarah e eu somos bem parecidos. Algo que se destaca em nós dois e que se difere da maioria dos Kooks, é o asco que sentimos pelo que envolve ser um kook.
É sufocante estar rodeado de tanta mesquice. Nascemos em berço de ouro e realmente é bom ter o melhor que o dinheiro pode comprar, mas a grana não arca com a paciência necessária para lidar com tanta gente que tem a moeda americana reluzindo no lugar do cérebro.
O nível da falta de classe entre os da classe alta chega a ser vergonhoso.
O dinheiro cega muitos por aqui. Tem quem chegue ao ponto de definir todos os pogues como maus-caracteres, ladrões e oportunistas, resumindo o lado menos rico da ilha com base em puro preconceito e no raciocínio do "tirei do meu cu".
O lado que sustenta o outro, é desvalorizado e visto como inferior. É revoltante ver esse pensamento ser passado adiante, com filhos aprendendo com os pais a arte da filha-da-putisse.
Eu e Sarah já fizemos parte disso. Quando mais jovens, considerávamos os pogues má influência e costumávamos evitar qualquer tipo de interação com eles. Com o tempo, seja através de festas ou com as nossas escapulidas para o lado pogue da ilha, conforme conviviamos com a outra metade de Outer Banks, de realidade tão distinta, acabamos por encontrar um refúgio. Fundamos amizades, Sarah construiu algo a mais com um garoto de lá e, obviamente, o nosso pensamento sobre aquele lugar e as pessoas que ali vivem, foi totalmente remoldado.
Nossa aproximação com os pogues rendeu burburinho. Um ato tão singelo foi considerado rebelde, nossos nomes passaram a ser trocados por apelidos e comentários como "decidiu virar pogue agora?", "o lado morto de fome é mais animado?" e até "sentar pra vagabundo é mais gostoso?" se tornaram frequentes.
Para Sarah, a resposta para todos esses questionamentos seria um simples "sim", mas quem perguntava não precisava saber. Ignorar sempre foi a via mais segura.
Eu queria poder afirmar o mesmo sobre mim, mas infelizmente tinha um kook que me prendia na redoma voraz ao seu redor.
[• • •]
Apesar da rixa entre pogues e kooks, e as discussões e brigas serem mais que esperadas quando os dois grupos dividem o mesmo espaço, sabemos aproveitar uma festa independente disso. Há duas opções caso algum babaca eleve o nível ao ponto de sair distribuindo socos: separamos a briga ou fazemos dela o entretenimento da noite.
Mesmo com os conflitos de lei, geral costuma esquecer dessa merda de rivalidade quando estão com álcool e droga vazando de seus respectivos rabos.
É até engraçado ver um kook de nariz empinado pegando um pogue marrento em festas assim, sendo que ambos juram ódio recíproco quando não estão altos.
A hipocrisia da galera é ressaltada quando o grave inebriante da canção contagia do corpo mais imóvel ao mais agitado, vagando entre as pessoas misturadas que dançam, bebem, beijam e interagem entre si com o filtro social desligado.
No meio de tantos corpos banhados ao neon da iluminação piscante, de cores vibrantes do azul e vermelho ao roxo, eu finalmente encontro o loiro que eu quero.
JJ está de costas para mim, se servindo com as bebidas disponíveis em uma mesa, misturando as opções em uma espécie de salada alcoólica.
Meus passos animados em direção ao Maybank se tornam vagarosos conforme meus olhos capturam Rafe.
Os móveis que não foram retirados para ampliar o espaço, estão escorados nas paredes, e em um sofá afastado, rodeado por seus amigos e algumas pessoas desconhecidas por mim, Rafe ri de, imagino eu, alguma besteira qualquer dita por Topper.
Fico feliz que ele não me percebeu ali. No fundo, sua atenção é algo que eu quero, mas não é algo que eu preciso, então sufoco a vontade de desviar minha rota e sigo reto até JJ.
Estou disposto a retribuir as investidas do Maybank. Tenho as respostas perfeitas para as cantadas do loiro e não pretendo desviar de nenhuma proposta que ele possa me apresentar.
Já recusei uma foda com esse gostoso por estar em um relacionamento que só existia na minha cabeça. Esses com certeza estão no meu top dez arrependimentos da vida, tanto me relacionar com Rafe quanto não ter topado transar com JJ.
Me aproximo discretamente, elevando meus braços até cobrir os mirantes do Maybank. Ele logo saca, rindo baixinho enquanto tateia as costas das minhas mãos. Sou interrompido por sua voz quando eu estava prestes a soltar o clássico "adivinha quem é".
— Cala a boca! – o loiro profere, afobado. Eu decapitei minha fala no mesmo instante, sorrindo enquanto minha testa franze, curioso quanto a forma que JJ reagiu. — Opa... Foi mal! Se eu pareci bravo, juro que foi sem querer. – ele ri meio sem graça e eu mordo meu lábio inferior, contendo uma risada. — Mas eu meio que quis mandar você calar a boca mesmo. Eu devia ter sido mais mansinho, mas já foi, então foda-se. – ele fala e eu o ouço com atenção.
Estou bem próximo de JJ e luto contra a vontade de colar meu corpo ao dele.
— Mas me deixe adivinhar! Se você falar alguma coisa, eu vou saber quem é logo de cara, aí não vai ter graça. – o loiro conclui, me arremessando ao estupefato.
Minha mente explode. Porra, isso faz muito sentido. Permaneço calado enquanto devaneio sobre eu não ter raciocinado sobre isso, me sentindo meio tapado no processo.
— Ok, vejamos... – JJ leva a mão direita para trás, encontrando meu corpo enquanto ainda usa a esquerda para tatear minhas mãos em seus olhos. — Eu sei que é um cara... – ele relata sua constatação com os dedos trilhando do meu quadril a minha cintura, apertando minhas curvas com pressão. — Chega mais perto, tá meio difícil dizer quem é. – eu consigo imaginar perfeitamente o sorriso desse filho da puta no momento em que ele desce a palma até a minha bunda, afundando os dedos ali ao passo que me guia para si, até ter meu peitoral tocando suas costas.
Aproveito da aproximidade para sussurrar em seu ouvido — Ah, para. Cê acha que me engana? Eu sei que você já sabe que sou eu. – tiro minhas mãos do rosto do Maybank e tomo distância. O loiro se vira, me encarando dos pés a cabeça, exibindo o maldito sorriso cafajeste que me faria abrir as pernas instantaneamente se não estivéssemos rodeados por gente. O desgraçado sabe que é charmoso e usa isso a seu favor.
— Me pegou. – ele gesticula, erguendo as mãos em rendimento. JJ fixa seu olhar no meu corpo. — Você sempre tá bonito, mas não é meio criminoso andar tão gostoso por aí? - um atacante nato, JJ não perde uma.
— Vou me privar de te elogiar, você já é muito convencido. – eu me recosto na mesa de bebidas, vidrado nos olhos brilhantes do loiro certo. — Senti sua falta, do seu jeitinho...
— Você andou sumido nesses últimos dias. O que aconteceu com meu kook preferido?
Antes que eu possa responder, minha atenção é fisgada pelo Cameron atrás de JJ. Rafe, ainda no sofá do outro lado da sala, se encontra no mesmo cenário de antes, rodeado por pessoas seguindo a lógica de uma festa, ou seja, estão dançando, rindo por pouco, se pegando ou ficando embriagadas. Mas Rafe foge dessa órbita, adaptando para si apenas a parte de se embebedar, já que com um copo vermelho, ele vira a bebida com os olhos focados em mim, ignorando as pessoas ao seu redor e me encarando com seu semblante vazio, que não dizia nada, mas por ser direcionado a mim, me faz somar um mais um.
Ele está incomodado com minha interação com JJ.
Meus olhos encontram os dele e no mesmo instante eu desvio minha atenção, empurrando Rafe para o baú, decidido a ignorá-lo em prol do meu querer esquecer e medo de lidar.
Essa pequena alteração de foco e silêncio repentino fez JJ virar para onde eu estava mirando. Ele busca se situar sobre minha reação, mas eu o impeço, agarrando suas bochechas e o trazendo de volta para mim antes que seu olhar encontre o problema.
— Não foi nada demais, só peguei um resfriado. Me isolei em casa até passar, mas já tô melhor. Gentileza sua perguntar, valeu! – minto, me recusando a tocar no assunto quando eu devia estar me divertindo.
É nítido que minha resposta não colou. É difícil enganar o enganador. — Fico feliz que você esteja bem. – mas JJ respeita minha decisão de omissão e não toca mais no assunto. — Ah, eu tenho uma coisa pra você!
O Maybank enfia a mão no bolso esquerdo de sua bermuda, revirando a palma nos limites de pano, tirando de lá um emaranhado de linha, que revela-se um colar no processo em que JJ desembaraça a peça e a estende para mim. Eu a pego, observando cada detalhe, desde o nó que une as pontas da linha preta até as pedras coloridas de confecção que decoram a extensão da linha rumo a conchinha branca no centro.
— Feliz aniversário! Eu sei que foi sexta passada, mas só topei com você agora e eu não queria deixar passar. A Kie me ajudou a fazer. Não é grande coisa, mas espero que você goste. Eu passei por uma loja e vi um parecido, na hora pensei em você, mas aquela porra custava os olhos da cara, então fiz a minha versão capenga e-
Eu pulo com os braços abertos em JJ, abraçando seu pescoço, cortando seu discurso apressado e distribuindo beijos avulsos por sua face. Ele retribui, rodeando minha cintura com seus braços fortes. — Meu Deus, você é tão... perfeito! – após nos separamos, assim como o loiro tenta disfarçar sua timidez rara, eu tento disfarçar a minha emoção. Eu coloco o colar, segurando a concha na palma da mão, admirando o presente genuíno. — Eu amei! Porra, eu não mereço você!
— Para, vai... Assim eu fico sem graça! Tenho que manter a minha pose de bad boy. – JJ se direciona até a mesa, pegando duas garrafas de cerveja e alguns copos. — Vem comigo! Eu tô lá fora com a galera. Kiara deve tá puta com a minha demora, levar você vai fazer ela esquecer de brigar comigo. Bora?
— Vai na frente. Eu apareço lá, só vou dar uma passadinha no banheiro. – JJ me dá um beijo na testa antes de se virar e eu desconto sua mão boba de mais cedo, dando um tapa carregado em sua bunda antes que ele suma de vista.
— Eu vou devolver isso mais tarde, só que você vai estar sem roupas! Me aguarde! – posso ouvir JJ, suas palavras diluídas na canção alta que ronda por toda a casa. "Mal posso esperar" é a frase que ecoa pela minha cabeça.
O plano era me olhar no espelho, só para ter certeza se meu cabelo se rebelou ou não contra mim nesse meio tempo, mas eu não contava com a porra do demônio sussurrando nas minhas costas.
— Está se divertindo? – a voz de Rafe soa atrás de mim, próxima até demais.
Continua na parte 2...
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