#CAoS fanfic
frost-queen · 11 months
Witches hour (Reader x Ambrose Spellman)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are but a mortal friend of the Spellman's, working with Hilda in her shop as you become off interest to the Weird sisters and one wicked boy. They find it funny to scare you till it gets out of hand and you get hurt. Afraid and frightend you run to the Spellman's because you are too scared to be alone. Ambrose comforts you and considers to tell you magic is real and how he feels about you.
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“Ambrose.” – you called out as he was blocking your way in the small row between shelves. He chuckled leaning with his arm on top of the shelves. – “I’m just standing here.” – he answered smiley. – “Yes in my way.” – you laughed out picking a book from the few books you were carrying. With a small novel you hit Ambrose against his shoulder. It startled him making him flinch. – “You know how much your aunt hates you slouching against her books.” – you said teasingly. Ambrose smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm as you moved past him. You went to the next row to set the books you were carrying away. Noticing Ambrose had followed you. – “Shouldn’t you be at home helping your aunt Zelda?” – you questioned.
Ambrose pulled his shoulders up. – “Maybe?” – he replied mischievous. – “Wait till your aunt Hilda sees you here.” – you joked out. – “Alright, alright you sure can pester one way.” – Ambrose answered bothered as it made you laugh loud. – “Now go.” – you said slapping another book playfully at him. Ambrose moved his hands up, backing out of the row. – “Go.” – you mouthed laughable to him, seeing him linger. Looking over your shoulder you looked to see if Hilda was coming out of the back door or not. Ambrose exited with a grand gesture making you laugh loud. You kept laughing till you heard Hilda’s footsteps. She had come out of the back area carrying a box.
“Was.. was that Ambrose?” – she questioned seeing the last of a shim disappear into the night. – “Sure not, Ambrose is at home as he is supposed to.” – you told her with a cheeky smile. Aunt Hilda quirked her eyebrow up but was gullible enough to believe you. – “I’m just going to set this box away and we can start locking up for tonight.” – Hilda spoke showing the box your way. You hummed loud in response. Hilda left as you continued to stock the few remaining books away in your hand. On top of a shelf laid pumpkin lights as you smiled upon them. You blinked confused seeing a pumpkin light flicker. It was so briefly you weren’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or true. The lights appearing normal now. Leaning in closer you stared at the pumpkin light.
From the corner of your eye, you saw another pumpkin light flicker. Turning your head you saw it flicker clear as day. More lights started to flicker making you be stunned at bit, not knowing what to do. Then the flickering stopped, all the lights turned off from itself. Curious and confused you leaned closer once more, pointing your finger out to tap the light. The moment your finger touched the light you saw a scarier face appear on the light. It had scared you so much you dropped the book in your hand, jumping back against the bookcase behind you.
“Everything alright Y/n?” – Hilda asked lifting her head up from across the shop near the window. Looking back at the lights, they were normal again. – “Yes… everything is alright.” – you answered to pick up the fallen book. You quickly put it away. Meeting up with Hilda, you said your goodbye’s. – “See you tomorrow Y/n.” – she spoke giving you a hug. – “Happy spooky season.” – you called back to her, waving your goodbyes, knowing how much Hilda loved the spooky season of October. Only a few days till it would Halloween.
A cold breeze would creep up on you once you were outside. Leaves dancing in circles on the ground carried by the wind’s orchestra. Looking up to the night sky you saw a crescent moon. You started walking home in the dark of night. The trees rustling as a breeze swept underneath your coat sending your scarf up. It caught you off guard making you turn a bit around as if someone had touched you without permission. Your eyes went slowly up seeing a figure stand at the end of the street. Lighted up by a streetlight. It came you the chills. A loud scream carried away by the wind made you cover up your ears and duck down. Looking back up the shadow was gone. Panting and frightened you turned around only to be met up with the shadow.
You screamed your lungs out, swaying your arms around and take a run for it. You started running for your life, wondering if you had seen too many scary movies last night with Sabrina, Theo, Harvie and Rosie. That must be it. Your mind was still thinking about the scary movies you had seen. A dog barked loud making you jump away, picking up more speed to hurry up home. Out of breath you reached your house, hurrying to get the keys. Panicking his much you dropped them.
Scrambling to get them, your hand shook as you tried to stick the key in the keyhole. With one last scream of feeling rushed, you opened the door jumping inside. Without looking back, you shut the door behind you. Locking it immediately. Switching on the lights you felt more at ease. You jumped out of your skin seeing three girls in your living room. One of them sitting down, the other two sitting each on a side. – “Well hello mortal.” – the one in the middle purred out while checking out her nails.
 “Who are you?” – you asked loudly. – “What are you doing in my house!” – The girl that sat clicked her tongue swaying her finger to the side. – “We’re but friends mortal.” – she slowly got up. – “Shall we play a game?” – she asked not expecting an answer from you. – “This one is called.” – the redhead on her left said. – “Hide and scream.” – the black-haired girl on her right filled in. With the snap of a finger went the power off. You squealed loud at the sudden darkness. – “Now run!” – A loud whisper filled your ears coming from behind. Lightning stuck all of the sudden, lighting up the room. You screamed loud seeing that the girl’s faces had become horrifying. Almost demonic. You started running for your life up the stairs. Hearing their loud giggling and cackling surround you.
You ran into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. – “Oh mortal let us in.” – one of them spoke, knocking gently on your door. Covering your mouth to silence your breathing, you backed away. – “We only want to play.” – one of the other spoke. You backed up against your bed as it startled you. A sudden grip around your ankle made your eyes widen. Before you could utter a scream you got pulled at your ankle.
Falling flat forwards, your face smacking hard against the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy hide underneath your bed. His face half caught by a shadow. His wicked smile reflecting against the darkness. You screamed it out, kicking your feet at him. What is going on? You thought. Rushing up to your feet, you wanted to run for your door, remembering in the last second that those three girls were just outside.
The boy came crawling from under your bed. Your eyes stood wide with fright, pressed against the door. He started to rise his hands as fire light up from your flooring. Forming a circle around you. You screamed it out as he could only laugh. What kind of witchcraft was this? Your head was spinning trying to process the magic just happening in your room while trying to deal with the fear. – “Leave me alone!” – you called out to him. He pouted his lips. – “But we were just making fun.” – he slashed his hand down as it made your head turn with a gasp. Feeling a sting on your cheek.
With trembling hands you went to touch it. Fingers stained with blood when you looked at them. He had left a cut on your cheek. – “You’re the devil!” – you called out. – “Oh honey I assure you I’m not. I am merely a child of night.” – he answered with a grin. Not wanting stay here with him, you jumped over the fires to the back of your room. – “Oh we got a runner.” – The boy called out swiping his hand across. A force picking you up as you got flung out of the window. Glass shattering as you crashed through it. You fell onto the lower roof part of your porch, rolling over it to drop to the ground, landing in a bush.
Groaning loud you got up seeing the cuts all over your arms and legs. You got up, running for your life. Limping at bit from the fall as you didn’t want to be home alone anymore. The boy was watching you run from up your room. The three girls coming to stand beside him. – “Great you’ve chased her away.” – Dorcas said slapping his arm. Agatha sighed loud. – “Ambrose would be furious if he finds out we scared his little mortal friend.” – she spoke making Prudence roll her eyes.
“I do not care one bit for that Spellman. He should know better than to mingle with lame mortals.” – Prudence chuckled deep. – “Shame I couldn’t make her bleed more.” – the boy said with a shrug of his shoulder. Dorcas and Agatha quirking their eyebrow at him. – “We don’t want her dead you moron! We just want her scared.” – Dorcas called out. The boy rolled with his eyes not caring much.
“Ambrose!” – you shouted loud. Huffing and puffing out of breath as you reached the Spellman’s house. – “Ambrose!” – you shouted again running up the porch. – “Ambrose! Ambrose please open up!” – you panicked banging loudly at their door. The door opened as you exhaled deep pushing yourself inside, not wanting to be one minute longer in the dark. – “Y/n what are you doing here?” – Sabrina asked as she had opened the door. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak. – “What happened?” – Sabrina wanted to know as Ambrose came down the stairs. – “Y/n?” – he said widening his eyes at the cuts on your body.
“What happened!” – Ambrose demanded to know, rushing up to you. – “I…I…I fell out of my window.” – you told him still catching your breath. – “What?” – Sabrina called out. Ambrose stared confused and slightly worried at you. Sabrina pulled her shoulders up as she had no clue as well. – “Come.” – Ambrose said wrapping his arm around you to lead you upstairs. Sabrina closed the door giving her cousin one last worried glance. Upstairs seated Ambrose you down on his bed. – “Now Y/n tell me what happened. How did you get these cuts?” – he spoke worriedly.
You looked frightened at him. – “There were these girls in my house.” – you told him. – “Girls?” – Ambrose repeated confused. – “Three of them. Demanding to play a game with me. All the lights went out!” – you panicked explaining your story to him. – “Then upstairs in my room was a boy, hiding under my bed. Fire! Ambrose there was fire!” – you grasped for his hand, startling him with your sudden loud voice. – “Fire?” – he questioned. – “Yes. Poof fire.” – you gestured out. – “It was like he created it out of thin air.” – you said as Ambrose’s eyes widened. – “He gave me this cut without touching me.” – you showed your cheek to Ambrose to show him.
“When I wanted to run I got thrown out of the window by a force. Leading to my appearance.” – Exhaling deep you felt yourself slowly come at ease. – “Darn witches.” – Ambrose mumbled under his breath. – “Huh?” – you said hearing a whiff of his words. Ambrose chuckled nervously. – “Have I gone crazy, or did they do magic?” – you asked to be certain you weren’t losing your mind. Ambrose slightly nodded, not wanting you to feel insane. He carefully watched your reaction trying to see if it was perhaps a good idea to tell you he was a witch as well. – “Okay…” – you replied neutral not sure how to react to it.
“Why… why would they taunt me? Is it because it is almost Halloween?” – you slapped Ambrose his hand out of pure over-reaction. Ambrose shook his head. – “It is because you are with me.” – he told you making you furrow your brows. – “Why would they do that?” – you wanted to know. Ambrose took a deep breath pulling you closer to him by your shoulders. – “Y/n I’m going to tell you something and I hope this doesn’t change anything… or at least maybe a bit.” -  he started.
“Ambrose you are scaring me a bit.” – you answered. – “Don’t be.” – he made sure. He took another deep breath before speaking. – “I am like them. I am also a witch, so is Sarbina and my aunties.” – your mouth fell open with shock. – “But I assure you we mean you no harm Y/n. We aren’t all bad, besides we adore you. Specially me… I…I…like…no love you Y/n. That… that is why the weird sisters, and that boy tormented you. It is because they can see I care for you, and I am so sorry for that.” – he finished.
You slowly smiled kissing Ambrose by surprise. Ambrose pulled startled away. – “I’m not scared anymore, knowing you won’t let anything happen to me.” – you told him. Ambrose nodded still trying to process the surprise kiss. – “Also I like…no love you too Ambrose. I just didn’t think you saw me in that way.” – Ambrose laughed loud, grabbing a hold of you to kiss you. This time longer and deeper. – “I promise you no harm will ever come to you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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jr--rodriguez · 7 months
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 3 months
Hello! I'm here for the "Leave the first sentence of a fic in my ask box and I will write the next five" fun :D
Here it goes: "No one will ever understand the things she'd do for love, but now, she thinks she just might be understood."
Desperately she hungered for it, a stray cat who had never learned to vocalise for human ears.
"What are you doing, Agatha?" Dorcas asked from atop the armoire (though she had not had a physical body in months).
"If I give Blackwood what he wants," the witch explained, drawing her athame and presenting it to the wet, stricken eyes of the restrained congregant, "then he'll be able to give the Void what She wants."
Dorcas kicked her legs, ten years old again, a waist-length braid of golden red swinging in time. "And then what happens?"
"She embraces all of us without judgement. No more pain or madness, sister. The Void has an endless potential for love."
************************ Thank you for the prompt! I spent a day letting it roll around in my head until it attached itself to Agatha, who ended up being the most isolated and desperate of the Weird Sisters, in the end.
𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘬 𝘣𝘰𝘹 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦*!
Here are the others!
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Making Her Melt
“Here,” Sabrina continued, taking a card from beside the register and stamping it. “You’ve already been in, so I’ll stamp it for that too.”
With a wide grin, Sabrina held the card out to Lilith, and Lilith just stared at it.
Frequent Lick Card, it read, Earn stamps with every purchase! Once full, get a free cone! Sabrina hadn’t just stamped it once, but five times.
(Or, Lilith finds herself getting wooed by the girl at the ice cream shop.)
rated teen, no magic single mom au, inspired by this tweet, read here on ao3
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fiery-courage · 7 months
fic: Screw you, Spellman | sabrina spellman x draco malfoy
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❝ Sabrina is definitely not good at making friends (except that Spellman is not particularly sad about this), but she is doing well in her studies. It doesn't take much effort for her to take her well-deserved place among the best in Potions on a par with Malfoy. This fact causes him a wave of indignation and a new series of verbal taunts, but nothing can be done about it. Sabrina just smiles smugly at his words.
She understands that she has hurt his overblown ego. ❞
fanfic: Screw you, Spellman { read on Ficbook , read on AO3 }
pairing: Sabrina Spellman x Draco Malfoy
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hillh0use · 4 months
should I write a Harvey/Nick fic? I think yes
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sabrinaandlilith · 4 months
sabrina edging lilith maybe bc lilith's been a very /mischievious/? idk man dhhdjxjdkd hide me
rip this has been sitting in my inbox since 2019 but finally!! here is a little fic!!
Sabrina had always had a smart mouth. She talked back, was totally unable to take orders, and generally, Lilith found her to be a brat. But sometimes, her smart mouth came in handy, like when she was on her knees before the throne of Hell, paying the regent the respect Lilith knew she deserved.
“That’s it,” Lilith murmured, eyes fixed downward as she slid a hand through Sabrina’s short, white hair. The girl made such a pretty picture, her big brown eyes staring up as she lapped at Lilith’s swollen folds. Her tongue soothing Lilith’s clit and her frazzled nerves, her flushed cheeks bracketed by Lilith’s pale thighs.
Lilith was so close, heat coiling tighter and tighter in her stomach as Sabrina’s clever rogue worked. But right before she reached her peak, Sabrina pulled back.
“Fuck,” Lilith gasped, looking down. Her elusive orgasm slipped away, leaving her feeling unsatisfied.
Sabrina smirked up at her.
With a grunt, Lilith caught her by the hair, forcing Sabrina’s smug face back into her cunt, “I’m not done with you yet, little queen.”
The younger witch traced lazy circles around Lilith’s most sensitive bundle of nerves, slowly dipping in and out of her slit. Her eyes twinkled with mischief and the suspicion that she knew exactly what she was doing formed in Lilith’s mind. Just as her orgasm began to crest again, Sabrina squirmed, tongue retreating back behind her pretty pink lips, leaving Lilith wanting again.
It was on purpose. Sabrina’s little defiance was payback for the day before, when Lilith had pulled her queen over her knee and spanked her until her bottom was bright red. Now Sabrina was teasing her, edging her until Lilith went mad with desire.
Shifting forward on the throne, Lilith gripped Sabrina by the hair. She grinder against the girl’s open mouth, ignoring the little noises Sabrina made beneath her. Between her legs, Sabrina’s eyes widened, unable to pull away as Lilith finally orgasmed, intense white heat flooding through her body as she came. Lilith tensed, then slumped back onto the throne, finally releasing the queen.
“Little brat,” Lilith said, watching as Sabrina glared at her, whipping her mouth with annoyance.
“Brute,” Sabrina snapped back, “You should be punished for manhandling your queen.”
“The regent is immune from your homicidal little whims,” said Lilith. She waved her hand, and with a puff of purple magic, a chastity belt materialized around Sabrina’s middle, like a cumbersome metal diaper. “You can have that off once you learn to behave.”
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lapetiterosenoire · 5 months
Une force capable de défier toute divinité !
Un caméléon pouvant s'adapter à chaque individu,
Son environnement et le moindre imprévu.
Un être qui se fond dans la masse et devient...
░▒▓█►─═ 🥀 ═─◄█▓▒░
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shadowedstardust · 5 months
the antichrist, [redacted]
pairing - none. sabrina spellman-centric.
summary - Maiden says, “As the sun becomes the moon.” Mother says, “And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth.” Crone says, “The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken.”
warnings - multiple references to christianity
word count - 758 (tried not to make it too long, made it way too short)
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Hecate gained a devout worshiper in Sabrina when her Aunt Hilda’s hand burst forth from the Cain Pit. Hecate settled into her soul when her reverence became clear and filled it with acceptance.
And Sabrina didn’t have much of that these days.
She was always too… something. Too wild, too tame, too unknown, too powerful.
Hecate knew all of these things and more and accepted her. That was all Sabrina needed.
She prayed to Hecate every morning, noon, and night. Leaving offerings at her altar that disappeared the second they left her sight.
A feeling of warmth always rested in her soul after her prayers. She feels better worshiping Hecate for a month than the Dark Lord for over a decade.
And she feels this is why Hecate bestows the information on her.
Maiden, Mother, and Crone stand before her.
And Sabrina drops her knees.
Maiden says, “As the sun becomes the moon.”
Mother says, “And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth.”
Crone says, “The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken.”
“1st John, 2:18,” they say together. “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard the Antichrist is coming…”
Sabrina wakes with a gasp. A cold sweat on her body… but a warmth lingers in her soul.
It takes her a week but she decodes the prophecy. Ambrose would’ve helped if she asked, but she didn’t want him to know.
She didn’t want anyone to know.
As the sun becomes the moon. Her sunny blonde hair became platinum white after signing the Book of the Beast. And the daughter is ravaged by the Earth. She winced thinking of the Sabrina encased in stone, rotting there while she lived. The powers of Satan’s progeny will awaken. 
Sabrina looks over to her father standing beside her throne and rolls her eyes. She didn’t see what fathers were all cracked up to be so far.
“Why must you roll your eyes? I’m simply standing here.” Lucifer complains.
“We agreed you wouldn’t talk today”
She sees Lucifer roll his eyes in her peripheral. It’s the same way she rolls her own.
After her coronation, she fashioned an agreement with her father. She comes down to Hell twice a week for a couple of hours to learn more about the workings of Hell and spend time with her father. It’s not the best but it's not the worst either.
Sabrina hops off her throne and brushes her hair out of her face. She’s been forgoing her headband lately. New prophecy, new hairstyle. “Can we go to the library?” She’s never been but it was on her map of the castle.
“Together?” Lucifer asks.
“That's what we means.” She can’t let him get a big head. She’s still way too awesome to be his daughter.
“So, what are we here for, daughter?”
They’re walking through the halls of the castle’s library. It’s vast and the books are placed on golden stacks, she assumes they’re actual gold. The floor is covered in a painting that reminds her of the Sistine Chapel except this features more shades of red. The glass ceiling provides a wonderful view of Hell’s red sun and grey clouds.
(Ambrose would love this, she thinks.)
Beside her, Lucifer brags that it’s the largest collection of books in the Infernal Realm, holding books from the Library of Alexandria and unfinished manuscripts stolen from the Mortal Realm.
Sabrina raises an eyebrow. Lucifer continues. “Mortals may be below us but they are masters of the arts.” She follows him through more stacks until he stops and gestures to a wall. “Here we are… the Wall of Records.”
Thousands of small metal drawers cover the wall, all a wonderful gold. She’s beginning to see a theme here. A ladder rolls along the wall, not gold but silver.
“Hold your hand out,” he instructs. Sabrina does. “Now, say what you want in your royal voice.”
She doesn’t take a deep breath, though she wants to, but it would tremble. “The Antichrist,” she says in a strong, loud, and clear voice. They had spent an hour perfecting it while her handmaidens dressed her for her coronation.
A card flies out and only one book is on it.
An Encyclopedia of the Antichrist by Lucius Meyer.
Two days later, Sabrina returns the book to the library. Lucifer asks, “How was it?”
The Antichrist has no strict fate to destroy the world or be smitten by Jesus Christ upon his return. The Antichrist could destroy the world or not… no one truly knows.
shadow spiels!
sabrina is one of my top tier characters. i love her above all others. the potential she had was insane. anyway, i saw the antichrist theory in an article or on reddit and ran with it. not very far though.
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wisteriaxx · 6 months
oh, where’s my love?
🖤 set after part 4
🤍 fandom: caos/nabrina
🖤 rated: mature
🤍 no happy endings, pure angst
link 🔗:
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habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
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Chapters: 2/10 Fandom: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (TV 2018) Summary: Fate is a funny inescapable thing.
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frost-queen · 7 months
Where angels fall (Reader x Caliban)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22,@elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Sabrina's friend and brought down from the heavens. When you meet Caliban, he is very suspicious you might be more than a mortal. When Caliban and you grow closer and fall in love, you decide to tell him one day about how you are an angel. Caliban wanting nothing more but to have you all for himself, corrupts you into giving up your wings to be with him.
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The sky rumbled. Thick clouds covering up the clear sky. Another rumble thundered behind the clouds. Then a light lighting up some of the clouds. It got brighter as it made the clouds part. Creating a way as the light busted out, hitting the ground hard. For a moment it lighted the brightest till it dimmed out.
The light being swallowed back up. The clouds drawing closer again. On the ground a figure kneeling till it slowly rose. Taking a deep breath. Greendale. Your newly home for as long as he ordered you. The faint glow from around you dimmed out. You took your first step. Stumbling. The next one steadier. As you walked on earth for the first time. Being far away from home.
“Hey Y/n!” – Sabrina said when she entered the library. She approached you as you were seated down reading a book with much interest. – “Hey Sabrina.” – you replied glancing briefly up from your book when she came closer to your table. She smiled at you, resting her hand on the table as you suddenly heard another voice. One you didn’t knew. – “Sabrina!” – the voice called out as you noticed Sabrina rolling with her eyes.
Clearly she didn’t like this person this much. Glancing to the side you saw a young boy approach. Blonde and very attractive. – “I wasn’t done talking to you back in ...” – the boy said as Sabrina cleared her throat stopping the last of his words. She hinted with her head at you as the boy chuckled humorously.
“A memory wipe can be easy on your mortal friend Sabrina.” – he said all cocky. – “Caliban!” – Sabrina groaned out, clearly annoyed with him. – “Yet.” – Caliban continued approaching your table. You lowered your book when he set his hand by your side, coming to hover over your shoulder. He took a deep breath, taking in your smell. – “This mortal doesn’t smell mortal enough.”
You grabbed your book, lifted it up and slapped it up right in Caliban’s face. It startled him, making him stumble back and away from you. – “Personal space is a thing creep!” – you called out, shoving your chair back. Sabrina snickered silently as Caliban was touching his nose where you had hit him. You had gotten up, keeping the book under your armpit. Coming face to face with the creep that was sniffing you. Now you had a clear look of him. And he off you. – “Feisty that one is.” – he said to Sabrina.
Sabrina pulled her shoulders up with an innocent smile. You threw him a sarcastic smile to annoy him. – “So not so mortal, who are you?” – he wanted to know, dying with curiosity. There was something about you that was a mystery. There were some parts of you human, but not all. Something supernatural. When you remained silent went Caliban down in a bow. – “Caliban, prince of hell!” – he exaggerated with some flair.
Sabrina sighed loud with a roll of her eyes. – “Pleasure.” – you responded dull and unbothered. Caliban chuckled nervously when you didn’t seem impressed at all. – “And yours? Who are you?” – he asked taking a step closer to you. – “Wouldn’t you like to know.” – you answered witty taking your leave. Caliban stared stunned back at you. – “Sabrina?” – he asked, pleading with her for answers. Sabrina pulled her shoulders and hands up, not getting involved with it.
After a few classes you went up to your locker. Shutting the door, you were surprised by Caliban standing by your locker. A smug smile on his lips. – “So?” – he said leaning with his hand against the lockers. – “Must I guess or drag it out of you?” – he offered. You laughed at his eagerness. – “I’ll give you my name if you get on your knees and beg.” – you said just to tease him.
Caliban blinked surprised but then slowly went down to one knee, palms up as if bringing you a piece offering. – “Oh my!” – you said astonished that he was foolish enough to do so. You laughed loud, turning around and leaving before his other knee could touch the ground. – “But…” – Caliban muttered out, watching you leave.
“What are you doing?” – he turned his head seeing Sabrina stare confused at him. – “Nothing.” – Caliban replied bitsy, getting up quickly. Still snickering you clutched your books closer to your chest. It was kind of fun seeing the prince of hell throw himself at you like that. If only he knew you were his opposite. Pure and light.
A few days later you were at the library again. A hidden section in a corner at an hour most had gone home. You were reading informative when you heard a whish of flames burning. You immediately shut your book, sliding it down on your lap. For it could only be one person that appeared out of thin air like that. – “So here you are hiding, not so mortal.” – you heard Caliban speak as his footsteps approached from behind.
He set his hand down on the table again, coming to hover over your shoulder. He brought his head down against your ear. – “So you like playing games.” – he whispered as it felt intimate and fluttering. – “Only with you.” – you teased letting your head fall back to look at him. Caliban came hovering over your face with his, smiling flirtatious. – “For a name I shall get on my knees, I will go to hell and bring you the brightest jewel just to hear your name from your lips.” – he spoke making you smile.
“Please don’t.” – you chuckled out bringing your head back. You got up making Caliban move back to give you space. You went to a bookshelf, placing the book you had read back before Caliban could notice it. Caliban picked up another book, opening it uninterested. – “So what must I do?” – he asked. – “To hear that glorious name of yours.” – he added coming nearer.
You turned back to him, leaning against the bookcase. – “Why? Is the prince of hell interested in a mortal?” – you asked as he kept coming closer. He shut the book, dropping it on the table before he neared you. His arm he rested above your head against the bookshelf. – “Very.” – he spoke lowly. You felt yourself supress a squeal at how flirtatious that was of him.
“Not so mortal.” – he finished tilting your chin a bit back with his thumb. You took a deep breath, debating hard. Yet there was no harm in sharing a name. That still didn’t gave away what you truly were. One send from above, his sworn enemy. – “Y/n.” – you told him. Caliban’s smile widened. He was still touching your chin with his thumb. – “Y/n, a name for a princess.”
You punched him in the armpit for being so ridiculous. Caliban only chuckled as if not effected by the pain. You pushed him away returning to the table. From behind you, you could hear him mumble your name. Saying it like a mantra over and over. As if he thought he’d forget about it. It made you snicker quietly at how ridiculously cute it was. – “Caliban, saying my name three times isn’t going to summon me like bloody Mary!” – you called out to him.
Caliban smiled sheepishly, being caught by you. He hastened himself to your side, pulling a chair back to sit down with you. – “Maybe I like saying it. Y/n.” – he spoke leaning with his chin on his hand. You rolled your eyes at him. Caliban gawked in disbelieve at you. – “Don’t roll your eyes at me, not so mortal.” – he said grabbing your wrist and holding it down on the table.
His sense of immaturity only made you laugh louder. – “Don’t mock me not so mortal Y/n!” – he called out pulling at your wrist. You fell forwards coming face to face with him. Noses inches away from each other. Laughter had stopped as you could only remain still before pulling aware away. Hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed.
Walking home that night, you gently tapped your hand against your forehead. – “Stop, stop, stop.” – you muttered out trying to knock some sense into you. – “Stop liking him.” – you slapped yourself hard, a bit too hard, making you rub the area with shame. Taking a deep breath you kept telling yourself to not fall for him. No good would come from it. The prince of hell with an angel from the heavens.
Not falling for Caliban was hard. Harder than any other task you had even been given. He wasn’t even school bound yet he kept appearing out of nowhere just to see you. His acts towards you were always full of flirts and charm. There had been a few close encounters where you had almost kissed him. The urge haven grown so desperate, you barely had any control over yourself.
Caliban was doing something to you and you couldn’t stop it. It was too late for that. There was no point in denying it that you liked Caliban and that he liked you in return. Perhaps telling him the truth about yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You felt comfortable and loved enough around him to share your true self. You would do anything for him. That is how deep you had fallen for him. The prince of hell had you on your knees.
It was getting darker as Caliban was walking you home. Biting your lip, you took his hand, pulling him away from the main road over some grass fields. – “This isn’t your usual route home.” – he commented, blindly following you. – “I know.” – you answered going over a pumpkin patch, watching out carefully to not step on one. – “So where are we going Y/n?” – he asked nearly stepping on a pumpkin.
You remained silent walking over to a near small forest. You needed to be away from spying eyes if you were to reveal your true self to Caliban. Near an abandoned playground in the woods you came to a halt. – “Romantic.” – Caliban commented with a chuckle as you shushed him. – “Caliban, you were right, I’m not a mortal.” – you told him. – “I knew it!” – he called out with glory. – “I smelled it on you right away.” – you slapped him to stop interrupting you.
“Caliban listen!” – you made clear. You took a deep breath as Caliban could only stare at you. Was perhaps finally his burning desire off knowing going to be fulfilled? – “I’m going to show you who I truly am, but please don’t feel repulsed.” – you begged him. – “How can I be repulsed by you, princess?” – he answered brushing his fingers down your cheek.
You took his hands taking a step back. You closed your eyes. Caliban stared in awe at you when you started to glow. Light up with a soft bright light. Then with the sound of feathers appeared two white wings from your back. Opening briefly to its full length, before settling behind you. Caliban gawked in love at you. Going down on his knees for you as he bestowed upon your light. – “I am a child of the heavens.” – you told him after having opened your eyes once more.
“You are angelic Y/n.” – he complimented in wonder. He kissed your glowing hands making you smile flustered. Aware of your own self and Caliban’s nature, you looked saddened away. The heavens and the hell couldn’t be together. They never could. Caliban noticed the sadness on your face. He got back up stroking your cheek with his thumb. – “I want you so badly Y/n, but He and Lucifer will never allow us to be.” – Caliban spoke. – “I want you too.” – you answered bringing his hand down from your cheek to hold.
“What if we keep it secret?” – you asked. Caliban shook his head.  – “Yours and mine, would never let it pass. He will cut off your wings for loving a hell bound prince.” – he went on. – “He is forgiving.” – you told Caliban. – “He is not, not about this. We shouldn’t be.” – Caliban pushed your hand away, turning himself away. – “No!” – you called out as Caliban smirked half.
“I want to be with you. I want to be yours. I love you Caliban.” – you said desperately wanting him back. – “I love you too Y/n, but your wings prevent us from being together.” – he said saddened. – “Then I don’t want them!” – you shouted. Caliban smiled. His corruption working. – “Are you sure? There is no return Y/n.” – he had turned himself back to you. You nodded. – “I love you, I don’t want my wings if I can’t be yours.” – you told him clearly.
Caliban smiled cupping your cheek. – “Then be my princess.” – he whispered before kissing you. The moment your lips touched his, your wings started to disintegrate. The glow on you fading out to nothing. But a mortal appearance you had. Letting the change pass by you, you kept kissing Caliban. Now I have you for eternity Caliban thought.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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hydr0phius · 2 years
Postal Complaint: Received Damaged Goods Again - Whumptober 2022
I've started with Mary Wardwell again like I did last year (this poor woman, istl). There's a chapter dedicated to content warnings at the start of this for all CAoS pieces currently in this thing here:
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 2 years
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The story of Answers for Mary continues, in Seasons of Lilith!
Chapter One: A Path Obscured Chapter Two: Prevention is Better Chapter Three: Seals and Scaffolding Chapter Four: A Feeling That Persists Chapter Five: Atmospheric Pressure Chapter Six: To Converse, with Past and Future Chapter Seven: False Equivalence Chapter Eight: Expectations Chapter Nine: Prelude, in Reproach Sharp Chapter Ten: Onward and Inward Chapter Eleven: The Memory of Bones Chapter Twelve: Postpartum, fragment i Chapter Thirteen: Postpartum, fragment ii Chapter Fourteen: Postpartum, fragment iii Chapter Fifteen: Postpartum, abscedo  Chapter Sixteen: Creatures of Limbo Chapter Seventeen: Precarities of Trust Chapter Eighteen: Breathing Room Chapter Nineteen: Guilt by Omission Chapter Twenty: Outsiders Chapter Twenty-one: Conditional Release Chapter Twenty-two: Poco a poco Chapter Twenty-three: Abeyance of Vision Chapter Twenty-four: Confessions and Heresies (of the Heart)  Chapter Twenty-five: No Less Defiant in Knots Chapter Twenty-six: La Grande Trompeuse
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fic recs: monsterfucker sabrina!
Despite being canonically rich with opportunities, there seems to a distinct lack of monster fucking fics in the caos fandom. Since my fandom forte is Black Sabith, I've made a little list of monster fucker Black Sabith fic recs. This is a little self promo-y but I highly recomend the first two fics mentioned and if there's a fic I'm missing, let me know!
Lucky Pennies by TechnicolorRevel  - Classic Omegaverse! This fic was posted pretty early on in the fandom and an underrated classic. It's so hot and fun and I recommend. The salt of it by TheonlyDan - This AU is so cleverly done, combining mystery and and good old fashioned tentacle monsters. In it, Sabrina is a maid for Lilith, a Madame who's hiding a monstrous secret. TheonlyDan's fics have such an intoxicating ambiance to them, I always feel like I can feel them in the air while I'm reading and this is no different.
I have four monster fucker Sabrina fics of my own! But I want to write another soon, maybe for this year's kinktober.
In the Dragon's Grasp by JediAnnieScrambler  - My CAOS meets Fourth Wing AU which asks the question, what if they fucked the dragons in Fourth Wing instead of the other humans. I'm really happy with how it turned it out.
you are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl  by JediAnnieScrambler - By far my darkest monster fucker fic, so mind the tags. When a werewolf is spotted in Greendale, Sabrina ignores her aunts warning and takes it upon herself to hunt it down- but hunting werewolves turns out to be more than she's exacting. It's Omagaverse-lite with noncon, written for Sapphic Dead Dove Week 2024.
into the deep by JediAnnieScrambler - Some more tentacle monsters! During a long sea voyage, Sabrina is washed overboard and discovered by Lilith, a kraken who has devious intentions. It has some Hades/Persephone vibes as well.
On the Naughty List by JediAnnieScrambler - this is the most monster lite of my monster fucker Sabrina fics. Nick Scratch is Saint Nicholas and Lilith is his mother- Krampus. Sabrina doesn't embrace the Christmas spirit so Krampus!Lilith is none to happy to make sure she's filled with it. Think of it as a PWP wrapped in twinkle lights.
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fiery-courage · 7 months
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❝ Anger and resentment are boiling in her. She would love to throw some kind of clever curse at Draco, but instead turns away and pretends to read a textbook, although her thoughts are far from what is written there. Draco does about the same thing, not forgetting to have a few words with Crabbe and Goyle, who continue to prepare their potion at the next desk.
At the end of the lesson, they both get a grade of "dreadful" and a stern look from Snape into the bargain. ❞
fic: Screw you, Spellman {read on Ficbook}
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