#cape cornwall
allthingseurope · 2 years
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Cape Cornwall, UK (by Uwe Kogler)
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julialametta · 1 year
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"silent moment" / Cape Cornwall / UK / ©Julia Lametta
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autumncottageattic · 8 months
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logi1974 · 4 months
Cornwall 2024 - Tag 17
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Heute sind wir am westlichen Punkt Englands angekommen: Land’s End. Da es sich um eines der Top-Reiseziele in Cornwall handelt, ist frühes erscheinen erforderlich.
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Dieser ganze Rummelplatz mit Vergnügungsmeile und Bespaßung ist uns deutlich zu viel. Wir waren jedoch gut vorbereitet und fuhren direkt auf den links daneben liegenden Hotelparkplatz. Von dort kann man genauso gut sehen, ohne diesen ganzen Klimbim.
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Dabei ist in der Vorsaison noch nicht einmal richtig viel los. Wie groß muss der Trubel erst in der Hochsaison hier sein?
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Uns beschleicht der Verdacht: jeder Brite muss hier einmal gewesen sein. Die Schönheit der Natur, der Ausblick, das Meer, die Wanderrouten, all das interessiert nur die Wenigsten.
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Die Besucher hier sind laut, jeder nur mit sich, seiner Familie und natürlich mit dem Smartphon beschäftigt.
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Nix wie weg! Haken dran, Beweisfotos machen und schnell weiter fahren.
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Nur rund sechs Kilometer von dem trubeligen Land’s End entfernt liegt das sehr viel stillere Cape Cornwall, landschaftlich nicht weniger schön.
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Eine kleine Straße, gesäumt von den typischen Mauern und Hecken, führt auf den Parkplatz des National Trusts. Dort befindet sich ein kleines Besucherzentrum in dem man sich über diesen Zipfel Cornwalls informieren kann.
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Wir haben Glück, die See ist heute ruhig an dieser rauen Küstenlinie. Doch davon darf man sich nicht täuschen lassen.
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Auf der Seeseite des Hügel sehen wir eine Station der Coast Watch. Hier, am Cape Cornwall, gibt es, wie überall an der Küste, Freiwillige die Dienst zur Überwachung und Sicherung der Küste machen.
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Im 19. Jahrhundert operierte hier eine Zinnmine, die schon von weitem, durch ihren 1864 erbauten Schornstein, zu sehen ist. Dieser Schlot erinnert an die harte Arbeit vergangener Generationen, die ihre Spuren in den Felsen hinterlassen haben.
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Ein kleines Turmgebäude, es sieht ein wenig wie ein Leuchtturm ohne Leuchten aus und ist auch das Letzte, was von der Cape Cornwall Mine übrig geblieben ist und wird heute im Volksmund "The Heinz Monument" genannt.
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Im Jahr 1987 kaufte nämlich die, weltweit durch ihren Tomaten-Ketchup bekannte Firma, Heinz Company das Gelände an der Atlantikküste auf und schenkte es dem National Trust. Dieser nahm dieses Geschenk natürlich mit Kusshand an.
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Heute ist es Teil der Cornish Mining World Heritage Site. Die US-Firma, die Niederlassungen auch in Großbritannien hat, wollte mit dieser großzügigen Geste an die ersten hundert Jahre erinnern, in denen Produkte der Heinz Company im Königreich verkauft wurden.
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Bauunternehmer hatten schon ein Auge auf diese großartige Landschaft geworfen, da kam dieser Eingriff von Seiten der Firma Heinz gerade recht. Eine Steintafel, die eine Inschrift trägt, am Monument erinnert an die Schenkung.
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Vom Parkplatz aus schlagen wir den Weg über eine Wiese zum St. Helen's Oratory ein.
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Die Überreste dieser Kapelle und des Gebetsoratoriums liegen an einem grasbewachsenen Hang mit Blick auf das zerklüftete Meer und die Küste rund um.
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Das Oratory umfasste ursprünglich eine mittelalterliche Kapelle mit zugehörigem Wohngebäude und Gehegen für die Nutztiere. Die Kapelle ist als kleines, dachloses Gebäude mit einer Länge von 6,1 m und einer Breite von 4,2 m erhalten geblieben, das bis zur Traufhöhe reicht.
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Südlich und westlich der Kapelle befindet sich eine ebene Plattform, die vermutlich ein zugehöriges Wohnhaus darstellt, das größtenteils als vergrabene Elemente und Ablagerungen erhalten ist.
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Um das Wohnhaus herum und an die Kapelle angeschlossen ist eine Einfriedung, die durch eine Stein- und Erdbank begrenzt wird, die bis zu 17 m lang und 9 m breit ist und an die Kapellenwände anschließt.
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An einem ruhigem Tag ist es hier herrlich, muss aber unvorstellbar hart gewesen sein, als die Atlantikstürme hereinbrachen, da der Ort allen Südwestwinden ausgesetzt ist. Es ist wirklich ein Standort am „Ende der Welt“. 
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Wanderer sitzen auf den Bänken, die überall an den Wegrändern stehen, und genießen den Ausblick. Der Blick in die Ferne findet keinen Halt. Ja genau, das nächste Festland ist dann tatsächlich Amerika.
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Abseits des Trubels und der Massen bewahrt sich Cape Cornwall eine gewisse Authentizität. Wir sind froh, das Land’s End all die Touristen anzieht und wir nur wenige Kilometer weiter so einen netten Platz finden.
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Noch einen Fun Fact am Rande. Vor der Küste von Cape Cornwall liegt im Meer eine Felsenformation, The Brisons, die in der Region noch einen anderen Namen hat, nämlich „De Gaulle in der Badewanne“.
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Und tatsächlich, wenn man genau hinschaut, sieht man den Kopf des früheren französischen Staatspräsidenten mit seiner charakteristischen Nase und seinem Bauch aus dem Meer herausragen.
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Vom Cape Cornwall aus startet auch der Tin Coast Wanderweg. Die sieben Meilen lange Route verläuft entlang der alten Zinnminen vom Cape Cornwall bis zum Leuchtturm von Pendeen und den Tälern im Süden. Damit sind alle Fans der TV-Serie Poldark bestens vertraut.
Die Serie spielt in der Zeit des Zinnrauschs. Zahllose Schmelzen und Zinndörfer entstanden und Cornwalls Minen, in denen mehr als 50.000 Menschen arbeiteten, deckten 2/3 des Weltbedarfs.
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Hier haben die Menschen das Gestein seit Hunderten von Jahren abgebaut und auf der Suche nach Zinn und Kupfer ihre Stollen tief unter die Erde und manchmal unter das Meer getrieben. 
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Diese reiche und zerklüftete Küste ist von der Bergbaugeschichte Cornwalls geprägt. Die Tin Coast, die seit 2006 zum Weltkulturerbe gehört, verfügt an ihrem zerklüfteten Rand über beeindruckende verlassene Bauwerke und verfallene Maschinenhäuser.
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Hier gibt es jede Menge Geschichte. Daher ist es an einem so abgelegenen Ort mit Blick auf den Atlantischen Ozean leicht möglich, sich vorzustellen, wie das Leben vor mehreren hundert Jahren hier aussah.
Heute rahmen zerstörte Maschinenhäuser und Schornsteine ​​die Landschaft ein und schaffen eine ganz besondere Atmosphäre.
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Unsere nächste Station ist Botallack. Der National Trust besitzt und unterhält auch die Zinnminen Botallack und Levant. Wir machen auf jeden Fall das Beste aus unserer Mitgliedschaft.
Für unseren Besuch in der Zinnminen Botallack nutzten wir den Parkplatz The Botallack Count House. Dies liegt direkt neben dem Zinnbergbaugebiet Botallack und ist mit der Mitgliedschaft kostenlos.
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Als sich am Nachmittag der Himmel immer mehr zuzieht und Nebel aufkommt, fahren wir zurück ins Cottage.
Good Night!
Angie, Micha und Mister Bunnybear
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s38s73r · 2 years
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Cape Cornwall, St Just in Penwith, Cornwall /Kernow
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jbrasseul · 1 year
Chez Poldark
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art-h · 2 years
Reading Week Shenanigans
On the advice of my course compatriot, I decided to make my reading week count and understand professional practice a little better. I also wanted to understand the "Landscape" of Cornwall beyond the land itself. So I convinced my better half to be my travel partner down to Cape Cornwall once more, to visit Levant Mine & The Jackson Foundation Gallery.
I learned a lot from my visit to Levant that I didn't know before. On visiting St Just (the local town nearby), previously I had not considered it's location. It's only purpose as a town was to provide home to the miners and their families. Being a miner in days gone by was more deadly than being a police officer in the 21st century. If a flame reacted badly with any gases released while splitting rocks looking for ore, it would mean death for all nearby in the mine, not just that particular shaft. Re-learning with my adult head made me reconsider all the picturesque engine houses that scatter the Cornish landscape. It also made me think about what Cornwall lost in terms of economics. There is hope in 21st century mining however, that some mines might be able to sustainably supply lithium, providing a much needed injection of funds to Cornwall's undeveloped economy.
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After this, we visited the Jackson Foundation Gallery for an injection of Cornish Art inspiration. Admittedly, I had not heard of Kurt Jackson before starting my time at university. I have quickly become a firm follower of his work and explored his latest collection focused around the Helford River area. Unfortunately I was limited by the staff as to how many photos I could take, so what I have here are the few I could surreptitiously capture:
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Laid out on a piece of wood were his sketchbook pieces from the Helford river. I was blown away by their simplicity and beauty from that simplicity. I have often doubted my work for being too simple, but to see these preliminary sketches formed by someone who has become a bit of an inspiration to me really touched me. (So much so I was "forced" to purchase a copy of the book containing his sketchbooks!) From that book, I learned that his views about sketchbooks are similar to that of a view professionals I have met that say the body of preliminary work should stand as bodies of work in their own right. I am compelled to agree wholeheartedly. I also was surprised to see a piece of Jackson's in ink. I had never seen any of his work beyond his renowned paintings, I loved seeing his skills transferred into a medium I am falling in love with. Upstairs in the gallery was a little less monitored, so I took the following pics of an exhibition of photographer Ander Gunn:
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Ever since my own stint at Photography at A-level, I have loved B&W photography; I often thought it is a wonderful gift to see the world without noisy colours. It makes things a little simpler to see shades of grey over so many difficult and overstimulating colours. Seeing a large body of work focusing on more than what I was able to capture here was very nostalgic for me. Also seeing famous faces captured in such a familiar way made the work that much more relatable. Seeing both these places made me wonder about the nature of how these people are able to create and live their lives.
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Queen Camilla || Bruce Oldfield
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holliano · 3 months
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Photos my aunt sent me.
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inthedarktrees · 10 months
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Girls in hoods and capes as they make their way along a pier to take part in daily dancing lessons. The girls are evacuees now studying at a school in Cornwall, England, August 1941.
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bluecote · 1 year
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Cape Cornwall
June 23
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melancholicstation · 6 days
The Socially Active Secretary: Chapter One
authors note: this is more of establishing of context around our main secretary girl!! our favourite pathetic catholic men (the kennedys) will come very soon i promise, all in due time. 🍺 please leave comments of any questions/likes/dislikes/all around opinions so i know if your interested!!!
pairing: robert francis kennedy female ❤︎ original character charlotte agapov (secretary!reader)
synopsis: charlotte agapov, a divorcee whom recently moved back to the states after a disastrous lovers quarrel, assumes the secretarial position to the most important man in America, but it is not he who has captured her attention, no. instead, it's his meek younger brother, the runt of the kennedy pack, bobby francis kennedy.
[1403 words]
taglist: @kennediva @absurdlyvintage
chapter two, three
masterlist charlotte moodboard rfk moodboard
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(border from jenny holzer truisms 2018)
Chapter One
May 1st , 1961
There Charlotte stood, rolling on the balls of her feet, observing the woman before her in the mirror, finding her increasingly difficult to place her as recognisable. She had all the features that Charlotte understood to be her own, but she felt like nothing of the sort. Swathed in wool, to accommodate for the seemingly perpetuate damp state of Massachusetts in the month of May, and encompassed by a calf-length dress fit with double-faced cashmere in a mousey grey. Due to her contentious divorce with the English baron Hugo Cornwall, he had ordered for all her typical clothes to be held in a storage facility in Kent instead of its original location: Brookline Massachusetts. He knew how important those items were to Charlotte, and he used them as nothing more as a bargaining chip.
As a result of the divorce Charlotte had been tabloid-manhandled out of Britain and promptly returned to her mother country, the United States, and backed right into perusing the job boards in the Cape Cod Times by her alimony-avoiding, hector of an ex-husband. Hugo, at 40, knew of nothing but a life of bone china plates and private charter jets, getting by in this world from a combination of generational handouts from his godmother's situated in a nondescript European country off the coast and the humiliatingly tacky private tours he host every Saturday evening of the inherited estates cashing in a small fortune. And yet, he avoids the alimony checkers in a not so dissimilar fashion to that of his shunned family embarrassment of an uncle, who was, as of last month, avoiding taxes of in sunny Monte Carlo.
Once it became incredibly clear that Hugo was never going to cough up, and that her mother's invitation of staying at her summer house in Martha's Vineyard had a fast approaching expiry date Charlotte started to look for her next move.
Just when she had nearly exhausted all her mother's country club friends who, in a tone that could only be translated as deeply patronising stated that,
"Unemployment for such a young, american divorcee was 'in' for 1962" and that they would "call back in April to work something out"
However, April came and went, and still nothing. During the 16-month stint since Charlotte's divorce of 1961, Charlotte felt very sorry for herself and--well that's about all she did really.
Not only did getting married at 20, and it's later disillusion 8 years later, create an abstract wreckage sculpture out of her self-esteem and physical health, it stripped all prior job experience that a girl her age should've been building. After all, she could still feel her mother's fingertips ushering an 20 year old Charlotte's hands away from a flyer, held by a piece of battered painter's tape on a lamppost advertising a law school in the area,
"Oh for christ sake what are staring at now Charlotte?, you know we have caroline's recital across town, and I swear if I have to hear your aunts nasally whine one more time so help me God I will--"
Charlotte abandons her post of intense eye contact with the poster fluttering by the winds will almost instantly and returns through a soft tone "I-I'm coming now, it just captured my eye that's all."
The rest of the walk was blanketed in a soft wool of repression and thoughts better left unspoken until her mother turned on her heal, the gravel exclaiming a pleasant crunch in response,
"Don't you dare think I didn't see what you were looking at Charlotte, these are not the aspirations expected of a future baroness, you won't have any need for these silly machinations once you're tending to your husband and your home together. I understand that your nervous but think of how happy you'll be in a short few months with Hugo."
Her mother assured her in such a cadence, with such wistful hope, not meaning to make Charlotte's stomach drop but it did all the same.
"You know, I got nervous too, when I was engaged to your father. I thought about leaving more times than Sinatra's gets played on the radio at Green's pharmacy, but I stuck it out. And I got rewarded a great deal for that, for that bravery, and you will too. Far more than I ever did, I mean you're marrying a Baron who is infatuated with you for Pete's sake!"
Charlotte thinks to scoff at the notion that Hugo is at all capable of the feeling of infatuation but halts when she observes the expression of sheer elation on her mother's face.
"Everything will run as it's meant to if you do what's best, I promise",
and with that a kiss is pressed to Charlotte's forehead, and the conversation is recklessly abandoned by both parties.
Charlotte had stayed in that marriage for 8 years and what did she have to show for it? Surely not anything tangentially useful. Sure, now she knew the intricacies of English etiquette and the British aversion to hugs but that's nothing to be put on a resume. However, one worthy advantage that came out of the grotesque misalignment that was their marriage was that around the 4th year mark Charlotte had managed to secure an English degree from the University of London. Now that was certainly something to put on her resume.
Still the world seemed to completely turn its back on Charlotte, though only on a strictly employment basis, she still attended mass each Sunday and caught up with her still married, though not happily, socialite friends but it was hard to find common ground anymore. Before she could feasibly pass as one of them, now even if they didn't explicitly state it, Charlotte was now regarded as persona no grata for the entirety of the high society scene of London. She was left with a bunch empty friends, and an, as if increasing by the day, empty purse strings.
That was until a job ad in The Boston Globe caught the baby blue shadowed eye of Charlotte during her quite lonely solo escapade to the local sandwich bar across the street from her flat.
It read, in a thick professional font:
'Exciting Secretary Position Available at political epicentre of Washington D.C!
Are you a talented and organised individual seeking a rewarding career in a fast-paced office environment? Our office is looking for a professional Secretary to join our team and contribute to our continued success.
Position: Secretary Location: Top Secret [Call to confirm details] Salary: Competitive, with excellent benefits
managing and prioritising daily office tasks with efficiency
coordinating appointments and travel
managing diaries
support senior executives
having a pleasant demeanour when interacting with important officials
High School Diploma or equivalent
Apply today to be part of a supportive and thriving workplace!
Phone: *** *** ***''
Now sure, the vague nature of who exactly the job would have Charlotte working for was strange and a little more than unnerving but realistically Charlotte, a 29 year old women with the same employment history as a 18 year old fresh out of high school, was going to take whatever she could get at this point.
The girl took the changing of the sky from bright periwinkle to a dim earl grey, as a sign to head back to her place in order to escape the fast approaching storm, the newspaper resting comparably rolled up in the crook of her arm.
Prior to returning to her apartment Charlotte had come to forget about the job as she had ran a few errands after the sandwich bar, that was until her feet met the door mat of her apartment. It was no longer clean as she had left it prior it now had, scrawled in big black letters, 'warning of eviction if payment is not obtained by next month'.
Charlotte's shaking hands move to pick up the yellow slip, and as she makes her way through her apartment, periodically leaving her jacket on the armrest of her laughably small settee in her stress-filled haze, she then starts to remember the job offer from the afternoon.
Sure the ad's ambiguity was a bit strange, but truly who was she to judge? It's not like the job offers were exactly rolling in at the moment.
'Oh what the hell, she might as well give it a go!' Charlotte thought, as she hesitantly dialled up the rotary.
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julialametta · 9 months
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"walked along the nightfall" / Cape Cornwall / UK / ©Julia Lametta
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scotianostra · 8 months
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The Bell Rock Lighthouse, off the coast of Angus, was first lit on the 1st of February 1811.
Over 200 years after it was first built, the Bell Rock Lighthouse still stands - proudly flashing its warning light. Eleven miles out to sea off the east coast of Scotland, it is a remarkable sight - a white stone tower over 30m (100ft) high, rising seemingly without support out of the North Sea.
In fact, it is precariously poised on a treacherous sandstone reef, which, except at low tides, lies submerged just beneath the waves.
The treacherous reef on which it stands is in the North Sea, between the Firths of Forth and Tay, some 12 miles south of Arbroath and 14 miles south east of St Andrews. The red sandstone outcrop is 435m long and the lighthouse is founded on the main section, 130m long and 70m wide, and only 1.2m above the surface at low water spring tide.
The reef was known originally as Inchcape Rock or Cape Rock. According to tradition, in the 14th century the Abbot of Aberbrothok (Arbroath) placed a floating bell on it to warn mariners, hence its present name. Legend has it that sometime later a Dutch pirate removed the bell but he was later shipwrecked and perished on the same reef. The rocks were dangerous to ships sailing along the east coast of Scotland and by the end of the 18th century the need for a lighthouse was clear.
A severe storm in December 1799, in which about 70 vessels were wrecked, prompted Stevenson to propose a beacon-style lighthouse on six cast iron pillars.
Stevenson submitted a scale model of his idea to the Northern Lighthouse Board in summer 1800 — accurate physical modelling was to become something he often employed subsequently on important projects.
Stevenson drew the inspiration for his lighthouse design from the Eddystone Lighthouse, off the coast of Cornwall.
Built 50 years earlier by John Smeaton, this was a milestone in lighthouse design. Shaped with the now classic wide base, tapering to a narrow tower (Smeaton had modelled it on an oak tree he had witnessed defying a storm), it was the only off-shore structure that had until then managed to survive for any length of time against the constant battering of the seas.
Stevenson elaborated on this design. His lighthouse would have to be higher, over 30m (100ft), if it was to survive the cruel waves of the North Sea. He also incorporated more efficient reflectors, using the latest oil lighting technology, which would make his beacon the brightest yet seen.
But the Northern Lighthouse Board rejected the plan outright; in their eyes Stevenson was attempting the impossible, and besides, it was going to cost the huge sum of £42,685 and 8 shillings.
The rock had to claim another victim before the Board revisited Stevenson's plans. In 1804 the huge 64-gun HMS York was ripped apart on the rock, with the loss of all 491 crew. The NLB could delay no longer. Britain's most eminent engineer, John Rennie, was invited to give his advice.
Rennie had never actually built a lighthouse, but the Board was so impressed by his record that he was given the job of chief engineer. Robert Stevenson was to work as his resident engineer.
History does not record Stevenson's reaction to the news, but it must have come as a bitter blow to this ambitious young man. What history does record is that the structure on Bell Rock came to be known not as Rennie's but as Stevenson's Lighthouse.
Work started in 1807 and what followed was a four-year epic, with work severely restricted by tides that on occasion submerged the rock’s surface to twelve feet. The offshore activity only proceed during the summer months, and even then only with difficulty. Poor weather in the summer of 1808 allowed only 80 hours of work were completed.
To avoid time lost in shuttling workers to and fro Stevenson built a temporary wooden “Beacon House” on the rock and this served as both a base of operations and living quarters for fifteen men. As this structure (see illustrations) was also exposed to storms during the construction period, residence on it must have in itself have been a nightmare. During the winter months Stevenson kept his crews busy ashore, dressing the individual granite blocks needed for the tower. The total number required was some 2500 and all were drawn to the dockside by one of the unsung heroes of the project, a horse called Bassey.
The lighthouse came into service in 1810 and was to fulfil its purpose very effectively. Between then and 1914 only a single ship was lost on the rock, a steamer called the Rosecraig that ran aground during a fog in 1908, fortunately without loss of life.
The light has now operated for 212 years and has undergone many significant and ingenious upgrades and changes, some of them even being undertaken by non-Stevenson engineers. It was a manned light for 177 years, the lives of those keepers on their temporary Alcatraz being a source of equal fascination
The lighthouse was manned until 1988, when the station turned automatic and the last men were withdrawn.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Kate narrating a documentary about bee-keeping and honeymaking? Earthshot giving us a 6 episode documentary series about their winners narrated by Cate Blanchett or a 2-hour special about Cape Town and South Africa (and every Earthshot city) by David Attenborough or a local expert? A 30-minute travel program about Cornwall by the Duchy of Cornwall? 3-minute YouTube videos about their charities and patronages produced by the people who work there or who benefit from services posted ahead of their visits? William narrating a documentary about his homeless initiative in Cornwall? A summer exhibition in KP’s display hall of Kate’s dresses or a Kate-curated show of the Royal Collection or loans from her patronages?
Yes, yes, and yes!!!! William and Catherine really are the first gen of royals to belong wholly to the social media generation. They should use it’s global reach much more expansively and more expertly. 
For Catherine: yes to beekeeping lol! Show the children - during small, limited vignettes - helping her. Further though, she has a degree in Art History. The BRF/RCT has a priceless art collection, most of it largely unseen/unknown by the greater public. Pair these two gems together in some (“fun yet informative”) documentaries…even a series. Same for the BRF photo collection. The BRF has been photographed by iconic photographers…Cecil Beaton, Richard Avedon (D/Dss of Windsor lol), Annie Leibowitz, Mario Testino (those stunning Diana photos). Sure, some of it’s been done before, but let the people see these treasures again in an updated modern media presentation - interspersed/“edited” :) with pertinent film footage and interviews - and hosted by Catherine.
And not just the BRF art/photography treasures, but ditto for their fashion (an entire series in itself!), jewelry/tiaras (what exactly IS inside the Royal Vault, anyway, hiding unseen?), castles/palaces/homes (let’s see inside Balmoral, Sandringham, Kensington, Adelaide Cottage (limited access), Frogmore House - but minus Frog Cott…we already know what Soho House design looks like, although Frog Cott cemetery might be informative…), priceless antique furniture, properties/gardens, horse stables and animals, even their vehicles (rare carriages, automobiles, boats, aircraft)! How about a documentary on the Royal Ballet, hosted by Catherine and Charlotte, w footage included of Granny Diana at the RB? Each of these categories could easily fill an episode, presented by C. The catch, of course, would be to present all of this “to the people” in a way that doesn’t scream “let y'all eat cake!” but rather “this is yours, be proud of its beauty and history, which also is yours” ala Jackie Kennedy at the White House.
And separately from the above “fine arts” themes, yes, let’s also see much more in-depth coverage - by William and Catherine - of their charities and the bts work/progress involved, especially as related to Early Years research and work!
For William: yes to a documentary tour and inside look at the Duchy of Cornwall (that is much larger than just Cornwall lol)! William could pilot the helicopter - filmed up-close-and-personal inside the cockpit - as he takes us on the tour, with on-the-ground coverage as well, of course. And YES to expanded coverage of Earthshot and the ongoing progress of its winners (and nominees). Show the people what innovations Earthshot is catalyzing. This also has the built in advantage of appealing to youth, diversity/CW, and cutting edge climate change concerns….ie, the future. BTW tie in Earthshot with the Duchy of Cornwall and show us how the Duchy is incorporating climate change initiatives…organic farming, wind power, sustainability, re-planting, etc.
All of this could be widely and easily disseminated to a large, young, global audience both on social media/KP youtube and via media networks (ITV, BBC, etc.). Get busy, William and Catherine! Make your impending future reign a glorious one, a British Renaissance! (From an American fan with British ancestry)
My hope is for Kate to include the kids in one of her promo videos for her Christmas carol service. I’d love to see them decorating a tree together or baking holiday cookies while they’re still young and small(ish).
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britinthepnw · 2 months
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cape cornwall
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