#captain swan christmas fanfiction
Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 17: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 5090
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Notes: This story was written for 2019’s CSSS. (Is it just me, or does 2019 feel like it was about 85 years ago?) It should hopefully be obvious from the story itself, but this is a canon divergence from 3x20.  It’s been a minute, so a quick reminder of what was going on in our favorites’ lives at this point in the story: Zelena cursed Hook’s lips so that the next time he kissed Emma, she’d lose her magic.  She threatened to kill Emma’s family, starting with Henry, if Hook told Emma about the curse.  Hook then decided to send Henry to New York where he’d (hopefully) be safe, but before that could happen, Zelena’s monkeys attacked.  With the help of Emma and the Charmings, Hook was able to defeat the monkeys, but not before Zelena showed up, told everyone about the curse and promised to kill Henry.  Emma and the Charmings are furious at Hook for keeping the curse secret.  This story takes place in the following episode just after Hook and Emma head to the farmhouse to confront Zelena.  Divergences for this story: 1. Snow hasn’t yet gone into labor. 2. Zelena and Rumple aren’t waiting for CS at the farmhouse.  3. It’s Christmas Eve. 4. Blizzard.
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
Emma stomped into the farmhouse, ripping off her thoroughly snow-covered beanie and scarf and tossing them to the floor.  Of course she was trapped in the freaking Wicked Witch of the West’s creepy farmhouse–with Hook–on Christmas Eve–because of course she was!  That’s the way her life worked anymore.  Why’d she ever let Hook talk her into taking that memory potion in New York?  Her life was good there.  No monsters.  No over-the-top fairy tale villains.  No magic.  Just her and her son living their lives and being a normal family.
Granted, none of it had been real, she’d almost gotten engaged to a flying monkey and a part of her, even during the best moments in New York, felt like there was something missing, but that was beside the point!  She and Henry had been happy.  Was it really such a terrible thing to want to be happy?
Why the hell did Hook have to show up and destroy it all?
“We’re in luck, love,” the man himself called out cheerfully as he stepped inside and then, with some difficulty, closed the door against the bitter, howling wind.  “Zelena may be wicked, but at least she’s practical.  She left a nice, neat pile of firewood on the far side of the house.  Perhaps being stuck in a blizzard is’t the ideal way to spend Christmas Eve, but at least we’ll be quite comfortable.”
She rounded on him, wanting nothing more to wipe the smile from his face with a swift right hook.  “Not ideal?  Not ideal?!  Hook, my son, my parents, my baby brother or sister and the whole town are in danger from a crazy witch who wants to go back in time and wipe out my entire family line.  I think we’re a long way past not ideal.”
The smile slid from Hook’s face.  “It was not my intention to be flippant, Swan, but we must deal with the situation at hand.  You will be of no use to your lad or the rest of the town if you freeze to death, and at least we have the means to prevent that.”
“But Henry–”
“Will be fine,” Hook reassured, striding across the room until he could place reassuring hand and hook on her shoulders.  “He’s with Regina, and even at the height of her villainy, she loved Henry.  Protecting him will be her number one priority.”
Loathe as she was to admit it, Hook was right.  After the whole debacle yesterday–the storybook bringing back Henry’s memories, Zelena showing up and exposing Hook’s whole kiss curse situation, Zelena promising to kill Henry, Henry and Regina breaking the curse with True Love’s Kiss, the revelation of how the curse was cast in the first place (she still couldn’t believe her mother had actually crushed her father’s heart to cast it!)–Regina’s first act was to place a number of complex protection spells over Henry and every location he frequented.  Henry would likely suffer no lasting damage.
But Emma hadn’t wanted to take any chances. With Regina protecting Henry, and with Emma’s brother or sister still showing no signs of coming out to greet the world, Emma decided she was done playing defense. It was high time she take the fight to the Wicked Witch.  It was time to end this.  So armed with her magic and her faithful pirate, Emma had stormed out in the direction of Zelena’s farmhouse.
Stormed, it seemed, being the key word.  It began snowing just before she and Hook left her parent’s loft, and by the time they reached Zelena’s place, they were dealing with a full on blizzard.
Really, being home was the least Zelena could do given the fact Emma was giving up Christmas Eve with her son to kick her ass, but no.  She couldn’t even give them that.  There was no telling where Zelena and her Dark One puppet had gone, but it was clear they were not at home.
Emma hoped the witch froze solid in the blizzard.
Killian busied himself arranging the logs in the fireplace and then tried–without success–to start a blaze with the lighter he’d found lying upon the mantle.  Emma watched him struggle for a while, before growling, pushing him aside and calling on her reserves of anger and frustration to produce a fireball that soon had the fire blazing merrily.
“Bloody brilliant, love,” Killian murmured in obvious awe.  Despite herself, Emma felt her confidence soar in the wake of Hook’s constant, never-wavering faith in her.  
“You know Swan, it could be worse,” Hook said with a wicked grin.  “At least you’re trapped with a dashing rapscallion like meself.  There are any number of ways we could find to amuse ourselves that I can promise would be very enjoyable for both of us.”
When he waggled his eyebrows in that ridiculously over-the-top way of his, she lost it.
“Are you freaking kidding me right now?” she nearly shouted.  “We’re stuck here, my family’s in danger, a psycho witch and her equally psycho Dark One sidekick are still on the loose and all you can do is flirt!”
Growling, she turned to the fireplace, and tossed another fireball at the kindled wood for good measure, furious beyond belief at Hook, at Zelena, at the situation and, if she was being totally honest, at herself for the secret thrill that went through her every time he made outrageous or suggestive comments to her while giving her that look.  There was nothing between them!  There never would be.  She wouldn’t let it.
The farmhouse was silent for several moments, save for the crackling of the fire, and Emma eventually turned back toward Hook.  The look he gave her was a little too knowing, a little too understanding.  When he’d come for her in New York, he’d told her he knew her better than she knew herself, and though she hated to admit it, it was true.  It was a little unnerving how very well he understood her.
“Swan, what is this really about?” he asked simply.  
Emma growled.  “What do you mean, ‘What’s this really about?’  Did you forget about a certain green bitch with an insane grudge against her sister?”
“Of course not,” Hook said patiently, “but despite being snowed in, we are in no worse straights than we were yesterday.  You heard it yourself from your mother when you used your talking phone to let her know of our whereabouts.  Your family is fine, and Zelena hasn’t been seen since our confrontation in the boat house.  I reiterate.  What’s this really about?”
Emma glared at him for a long moment, before she finally sighed and dropped rather dramatically onto one of the ornate armchairs before the fire.  “It’s just…it’s just Christmas is Henry’s favorite time of year.  That kid loves Christmas.  Every year back in New York–and then in Boston before that–Christmas Eve was special.  We made a tradition out of it.  We’d sit before the tree drinking cocoa, reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’, singing our favorite carols.  Sometimes he even managed to talk me into letting him open a present or two.  It was the one night I never, under any circumstances, accepted a case or worked on one I had ongoing.  Christmas was for us.”
Emma felt the tears threatening at the back of her throat and she swallowed roughly, doing everything she knew to keep them from spilling over.  “And now, here I am on Christmas Eve, separated from him.  The kid’s going to be crushed.”
“Love,” Hook said gently, “the lad has a kind heart and a good head on his shoulders.  He understands the circumstances are beyond your control.  He knows how much spending this night together means to you, and he knows you’d never willingly miss spending it with him.”
“You know what the worst part of it is?” Emma asked bitterly. “The worst part of it is, as you’ve pointed out to me multiple times, none of it was real.  It didn’t happen.  It was nothing but the pleasant fake memories Regina gave us.”
Killian took ahold of her hand, and in a move that shocked even her, she let him.  “This past year, the lost year, was real.  Trust me love, Henry understands why you weren’t with him during the first ten years of his life.  He knows you didn’t abandon him.  He knows you did what you had to do to give him a good life.”
“Maybe,” Emma said, a lone tear breaking free and flowing down her cheek despite herself.
“Definitely,” Killian said with conviction
The lights flickered once and then went off completely, pitching the farmhouse into darkness, save for the flickering light from the fire.  Despite it being merely late-afternoon, the storm outside seems to have eclipsed the sun entirely.
“Fabulous,” Emma said with a groan.  “As if being stuck in a witch’s farmhouse on Christmas Eve wasn’t bad enough, now we’ll probably freeze to death without the heat.”
“I rather doubt that, Darling” Hook said with a flirtatious quirk of his eyebrow.  He slid his tongue along his bottom lip in a way that had Emma’s pulse racing, before invading her space and whispering the last bit.  “I’m sure we can come up with a way to keep warm.”
Emma leaned into him, actually leaned into him for a moment, before shaking herself out of it and taking a deliberate step back.
“Stop, Hook, just…stop!” she said through gritted teeth.  “This whole thing is your fault!  All of it!  We were happy  in New York, and you had to barge in and destroy it for us.  Then we get back here, and you manage to get yourself cursed–joke’s on Zelena by the way.  If she was smart, she’d have chosen to enchant the lips of someone I’d actually kiss.  Then you decide to take matters into your own hand instead of telling me about the threat to my son.  Hell, this is probably part of the plan too, isn’t it?  Get me alone, stranded in a blizzard and then try to seduce me.”
She’d hurt him.  She saw that clearly in his face for the space of two heartbeats, and then that hurt coalesced into anger.  “Despite what you may think of me, Swan, I’ve not yet developed an ability to control the weather.
Without another word, he stomped to the door.
“Where are you going?” she yelled after him, fire still flashing in her eyes.
“To gather more firewood,” he answered, voice hard.
And with a fierce slam of the door, he was gone.
For long moments after the door slammed after Hook, Emma continued to seethe.  Why was her life the way it was?  Why couldn’t she just be normal?  Why couldn’t she go back to her pleasant, comfortable life in New York with her son?  When she told people she was going back after this whole Zelena situation was over, why did they all look at her like she had just stated her plan to kick puppies?  This was her life, and she could live it as she pleased!  It was her prerogative to do what she felt was necessary to protect her son.  Where did Hook get off trying to convince her to stay with her family–and with him?
It’s not like she’d never see her loved ones again.  They’d still visit, and her family was welcome to come visit them.  But she was done.  She was done being the “savior”, done going after psychotic fairy tale villains, done being everything to everybody.  And most especially, she was done dealing with a pirate who made her heart race in a way she couldn’t control.
She’d done the whole “falling in love” thing before, and she had no intention of doing it again.
But as the minutes continued ticking past, Emma’s anger began to fade, and concern took its place.  Hook had been gone a long time; way too long to just gather up firewood.  What if….what if she’d finally driven him away?  What if he’d actually left her this time?  
A sick feeling took up residence in the pit of her stomach at the thought.  She wanted to tell herself she didn’t care; that she was glad he had finally stopped pestering her, but she couldn’t lie to herself anymore.  Hook had become much more than an ally to the heroes’ cause.  He’d become a friend, quite possibly the best friend she had.  He was her confidant, her support.  His endless faith in her gave her confidence when she no longer had faith in herself.  And the fact that he was so drop dead gorgeous and romantic that her insides turned to mush whenever he looked at her couldn’t be denied, at least not in the deep recesses of her heart where the truth resided.
Truth was, he’d been everything she needed during this whole stupid Wicked Witch business.  Despite what she might have said to him, she knew he pushed her not to further his own romantic interests but because he genuinely wanted her to find happiness.
And what did she do?  Time and time again, she pushed him away.  Time and time again she reforged the wall around her heart, trying to drive him away with cruel, cutting words.
Had she actually succeeded this time?  Was he ready to give up on her like everyone else had?  Gods, how was she going to handle it if he had?  Through everything, he’d been a constant in her life.  Why did she always do this?  Why did she always push away the people in her life that meant the most?
A small kernel of hope still lived inside her, reassuring her that he’d never abandoned her before, he wasn’t going to start now.
But that thought brought with it an entirely new concern.  What if something happened to him?  What if he was lost, freezing to death in the blizzard?  What if Zelena was lying in wait for him?  What if…?
As the minutes continued to pass, increasingly more fantastical worries about what may have happened to him took up residence in her mind until Emma feared she’d go crazy with the worry.  She was just on the point of going after him, when suddenly the door swung open, the furious blizzard winds blowing in both Killian and a fair amount of snow.
Without a word, Killian deposited an arm full of firewood beside the fire and then stepped outside to grab one more thing, before firmly closing the door again and shaking his head and shoulders like a wet dog.
The relief that suddenly flooded Emma was so strong that she couldn’t help herself.  She threw herself in his arms and buried her nose in his icy cold neck.  He was here; he’d come back to her.  He was okay.
For a moment, Killian stood still, but then his hooked arm came around her, and he hugged her to himself as tightly as she clung to him.  “Swan?” he asked.
Emma stepped back, wiping at her suddenly damp eyes.  “I’m sorry, okay?” she said, voice wavering with the emotion still at the back of his throat.  “I thought you’d left, and I get it.  The stuff I said to you–it was over the line and I’m sorry.”
Killian took a quick step back, unmistakable hurt back in his eyes.  “You thought I’d left?  Emma, haven’t I proven to you by now that I’d never leave you?”
“I know!” she was quick to reassure.  “It was stupid okay?  I just–I don’t know; I got scared, and when I get scared–” she shrugged.  “Wounds from the past tend to linger.”
His face softened.  “Well they needn’t with me,” he said gently. “I’m not so easily driven away.”
She smiled at him, a small, tenuous thing, but then the item in his hand caught her eye.  “Is that a pine tree?”
Killian smiled again.  “It’s not much, I’m afraid, but it was the best I could find in this tempest.”
“You got us a Christmas tree?”
Killian suddenly turned away, scratching at the back of his ear.  “I thought about what you said, Swan, about the traditions you are missing with your lad today.  I know it’s not the same as spending the day with him, but I thought–” he shrugged self-consciously, “I thought perhaps it would make your holiday marginally less bleak if we recreated some of your favorite traditions ourselves.”
For the second time that evening, Emma threw her arms around Killian.  “That’s one of the most thoughtful things anyone’s ever done for me.”
“I aim to please.”
Two hours later, Emma and Killian sat with each other before the fire, steaming mugs of instant hot cocoa in hand.  Emma smiled, looking over at the tree that they’d managed to decorate with bits and baubles they’d found scavenging through Zelena’s house (and leaving quite a mess in their wake, which felt rather satisfying).  Phase one of “Operation Christmas Cheer”, as Emma decided to call it in honor of Henry, complete, they’d turned their pillaging to the kitchen, managing to put together a haphazard meal of bread and cheese that Killian had toasted over the fire.  It was Emma who found the box of instant cocoa mix in Zelena’s cupboard, and, resourceful as always, Killian had heated it over the fire in a small saucepan.
Meal prepared, they’d raided every bedroom and closet, bringing all the pillows, blankets, comforters and afghans they could find and arranging a nest for themselves before the fire.
“I’m afraid we’ll need to bed down for the night here before the fire, Swan,” Killian said, once again scratching at his neck.  “With the storm still raging fiercely, we’d freeze in any of the bedrooms.”
Truth be told, Emma thought, as she bit into her grilled cheese sandwich, though she missed being with Henry, this Christmas Eve wasn’t turning out half bad.  
They ate in companionable silence, and when the last crumb had been consumed, Killian turned toward her with a smile.  “Are you ready for your story, Swan?”
“Story?” She asked.
“Of course,” he answered.  “That was an integral part of your Christmas Eve tradition, was it not?  Reading with your lad?”
Emma smiled.  “It was, but don’t worry about it.  It would be too much to ask that the Wicked Witch would keep any Christmas books around.”
“No matter,” Killian said, settling more comfortably onto his side of their blanket nest.  “I’ve no need of a book.”
“Oh really?” she grinned.  “How are you going to manage to read me a story with no book?”
“I’ve all I need up here, love,” he said, pointing to his head.  “Sit back and prepare to be transported into the holiday spirit.  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house…”
Emma’s jaw dropped.  “Wait, you know ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’?”
Killian gave her a mock offended look.  “I do read, Swan.  Quite extensively in fact.”
Emma smiled, laying upon her pillow and pulling a comforter up to cover her.  “Well, by all means, then, continue.”
As Killian’s voice droned on, reciting the story of a man awakened by the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve night, Emma felt her eyelids become heavy, and before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep, not visions of sugar plums, but visions of a thoughtful pirate that she just might be starting to fall for, dancing in her head.
Christmas morning dawned clear and bright, the blizzard finally at an end.  Emma woke to bright sunshine streaming through the front window.  For a moment, she was disoriented, wondering where she was and how she’d gotten there, but then the previous day rushed back to her.  Going after Zelena, the blizzard, being trapped in the farmhouse, taking out her frustration on Hook, being afraid Hook had left her, being overjoyed when he returned, his thoughtful Christmassy gestures.
Still thinking of Hook, Emma gradually became aware that she was quite warm and comfortable–and that was all thanks to the man who was currently spooning her, his strong arms holding her close.  They’d gone to sleep with a respectable amount of space between them; how did they wind up in each other’s arms?
For a moment, Emma wanted to run.  This was too close, too intimate, too–much.
But the more Emma thought about it, the more she realized she didn’t want to run, not anymore, not from this man.  He’d been proving himself to her over and over again since Neverland.  In the past few weeks alone, he’d been her rock as all this Wicked Witch crap had been going down.  He’d found her in New York–somehow; she was still fuzzy on the details–restored her memories, brought her back to her family, contributed an excellent strategic mind to planning sessions, been one of the best listening ears she’d ever had.
And then the harder to swallow stuff.  In these early morning moments, she could admit to herself that though some of the things he said to her were uncomfortable, they were uncomfortable truths.  Walsh’s presence in her life proved that she couldn’t get away from the fairytale crap, not really.  The fact that Henry had his memories back meant she couldn’t take him back to New York, at least not without a hell of a fight–with him, with Regina, with her parents, with everyone. He’d spoken the truth to her about all of it, even at the risk of her turning on him completely.  It was the mark of someone who truly, genuinely cared.
And all the while, she’d treated him like something nasty she’d stepped in.  She’d pushed, and pushed and pushed, but he’d stayed by her side.  He’d been so patient with her, he really ought to qualify for sainthood.
It was Christmas, the time to be with the ones you loved.  The time to tell them what they truly meant to you.  
She turned over in his arms and ran a hand over his stubbly cheek.  Still caught up in sleep, he mumbled “Swan” on a fond sigh, before opening his eyes–and then jumping to his feet faster than any person she’d ever seen.
“Swan!” he said, face flaming.  “My apologies love.  Not that I didn’t enjoy waking up with you in my arms, but I had no intention of taking advantage.”
Emma smiled, rolling her eyes fondly.  “Sit back down, you Victorian drama queen.  You didn’t take advantage.  Somehow we just–ended up like that over night.  Besides; I kind of liked it.  You’re warm.”
Killian did as she asked, sitting cross legged beside her as she sat up to mirror him.  “Just warm, love?  I’ve it on good authority that I’m hot.”
Emma laughed, playfully swatting his arm.  “Do you ever run out of these cheesy lines?”
“Haven’t yet in my three hundred years of existence.”
They laughed together for a moment, but then Emma turned serious, remnants of her musings of the morning still very much in mind.  “Hook, I think we need to talk.”
The smile slid from his face.  “As stated in Neverland, love, I find when a woman says that, I’m rarely in for a pleasant conversation.”
“You might be surprised this time.”
“Aye?” he asked, brow raising in interest. 
“I just–” she started, not sure how to even go about untangling all of the thoughts twisted up in her head.  “I get it; I get why you didn’t tell me about the lips curse thing.  I get that you were trying to protect Henry the best way you were able in an impossible situation.  I’m sorry I jumped down your throat about it.”
“You were concerned for your lad,” Killian said.  “I quite understand being angry at finding someone was keeping something about his welfare from you.”
“It’s not that,” Emma said, “or at least not just that.  Hook, I trust you; I really do.  I know you wouldn’t deliberately hurt Henry.  It’s just–hearing what Zelena threatened and what she did to you, it just brought it home again that I’m not enough.  Even with the whole savior thing, I can’t do a damn thing to help my family.  Zelena knows if she takes my magic, I’m useless.”
Killian straightened, frowning ferociously down at her.  “I cannot abide that kind of talk about the woman I–well, the woman I care for, particularly when it is blatantly false.  Emma, you are enough.  You’re more than enough, and it’s because she knows it that Zelena is going after you.  She said something similar to me.  She told me that she wants me to take away your magic, the thing that makes you special, but she was wrong as well.  Your magic isn’t what makes you special.  There’s not a bit of you that isn’t extraordinary.  Swan your determination, your goodness in the face of a difficult childhood, your strength and courage.  All of it make you who you are.  All of it convinces me without a doubt that even without your magic, you could defeat Zelena.”
Emma felt like a ball of warmth surrounded her, suffused her at his words.  She loved him.  She’d never admitted it to herself before, but nonetheless it was true.  She loved him, and she was done hiding behind her walls.
And she was certainly done letting villains try to determine her love life.
“Killian, can I ask you a question?” she asked.
“Anything, love.”
“Back in New York, when you first came to my apartment.  That was True Love’s Kiss you tried, wasn’t it?”
There was the scratching at his neck again.  “Aye.  I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try.”
“So you…you love me?”
His eyes widened.  “Swan, if you haven’t realized that by now, I don’t know what to tell  you.”
“No I mean, you truly love me, like curse-breaking true love?”
“For my part, aye,” he said, looking directly in her eyes.  “There’s no doubt in my mind, but for True Love to break a curse, it must be reciprocated.  New York proved that it is not, as is your prerogative, of course.”
Emma was silent for a moment, gathering her courage.  Finally she met his eyes.  “True Love’s Kiss also doesn’t work when one party doesn’t remember the other.”
He stared at her incredulously for a long moment. “Are you saying you think we share True Love?” he began, apparently unable to finish the sentence.
Emma shrugged.  “I mean, I don’t know. How could I?  But–I’m willing to test it out.  Are you?”
He swallowed hard.  “Gods know how badly I wish to kiss you, Swan, but are you sure?  Your magic is part of who you are.  I cannot be the reason you lose it.”
“You won’t,” Emma said, scooting forward and invading his space.  “I think this will work, but even if it doesn’t I know that there’s nothing our family can’t accomplish.  With or without my magic, Greeny doesn’t stand a chance.  So what do you say?  Are you willing to take a leap of faith?”
In answer, Killian leaned forward covering her lips with his own.  Emma sighed into the kiss, everything about it felt right.  Come what may, she was not denying herself this pleasure again.
Emma had just tilted her head to deepen the kiss, when suddenly a shockwave burst forth from their joined lips and suffused the entire farmhouse.  She pulled away.  “Hook–was that–?”
His face a mask of awe, Killian answered.  “I think so.  Give it a try, my love.”
Emma concentrated her emotions, directing them toward the place within her where her magic had always been.  Continuing to focus, she waved her hand, and suddenly a fireball shot forth, reigniting the fire that had burnt down to mere embers.
“True Love,” she said in shock.  “It’s true love.”
“Aye that it is,” Killian said, moving toward her once again.  “The question is, what are we going to do about it?”
“Well, for starters, this,” Emma said, surging forward with enough vigor to knock him to the floor.  Emma took his mouth with the kind of wild abandon she’d never even imagined displaying.  He gave back as good as he got, his hand tangling in her hair and his hooked arm molding her to himself.  
Emma’s hand had just moved to unclasp his vest when suddenly the farmhouse door opened and Leroy burst through, walkie talkie in hand.  “Relax your majesties,” he said.  “I found ‘em.  They’re at the farmhouse sucking face like a couple horny teenagers.”
Emma sighed in frustration before getting to her feet and then offering Killian her hand.
“You know, Swan,” Killian said when he was back on his feet.  “I think someone needs to muzzle that dwarf.”
Emma giggled, as the sound of her father’s shocked “WHAT?!” on the other end of the walkie came through.
She shrugged.  “What can I say?  It wouldn’t be Christmas without a little family drama.”
“True enough, love.  Shall we adjourn to your parents’ loft and face the music together?”
“Absolutely,” Emma answered, taking his hand and lacing his fingers with hers.  “Together is how I see us doing a lot of things in the future.”
4 notes · View notes
"Last Chance" by kazoosandfannypacks
Pairing: Captain Swan Rating: General Word Count: 1K Summary: Killian had been hoping to tell Emma about his feelings for her at some point this Christmas break, as their friends visited with her brother. As the holiday came and went, Killian feared he may have missed his chance. Fortunately for him, one last Christmas decoration has yet to be put away- and it may be just what they need to break the ice. Tags: au, fluff, captain swan, one shot, modern au, christmas, snowing, first kiss, oneshot, college au Author's notes: This one's based on a prompt that @everything-person sent to the discord a while back! It was probably jsut after Christmas when it was sent, and I wrote it not long after that, but it sat in my drafts for a while. After a poll revealed y'all wouldn't mind a Christmas fic in May, I've decided today would be an awesome day to post it. I hope you guys enjoy it! Shoutout to @booksteaandtoomuchtv for betaing! Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter  @ultraluckycatnd  @cs-rylie @silver-the-phoenix @pawshapedheart  [if you’d like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!] Also on Ao3!
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 Killian smiled at Emma across the room as she took down the decorations on the tree, just like he'd smiled at her when she'd helped put them up, and like he'd smiled at her when they'd helped her sister-in-law make cutout cookies, and when they'd all gone caroling and got hot chocolate afterwards, and when they exchanged gifts on Christmas morning, and when they all sat down for a Christmas dinner- and really, like he'd been smiling at her since the day he met her at a campus-wide fall festival- one that he'd almost decided not to attend; one that she'd've skipped out on if her friends hadn't dragged her along.
 But how fortunate was he that he'd gone, and that he'd somehow fallen in with her friend group there, and how readily they invited him to join them at various activities afterwards. Already they'd celebrated a few birthdays together, set up a trunk for trunk-or-treat, gone on a few hikes- and now they'd even celebrated Christmas together.
 It really was kind of Emma's brother to invite him and some of their other friends to stay over the week for Christmas. It was nice to get away from the dorms for a bit to celebrate a small town Christmas.
 It also would've been the perfect opportunity for Killian to tell Emma how he felt about her. Christmas magic in the air, blanket of snow across the town, the lights, the excitement, the merriment, the wonder- but as Killian helped her brother, David, take down the last string of Christmas lights, he realized he'd probably missed his chance at a Christmas miracle. Tomorrow they'd head back to school, back to classes and teachers and homework- back to normal.
 And, unfortunately for Killian, his normal life only involved liking Emma from a distance.
 "And it looks like another family- and friends- Christmas is officially in the books." David said, wrapping up the last string of lights.
 "Thanks for having us," Killian said.
 "Our pleasure," David said, "the more the merrier."
 "Allow me," Killian said, taking the string of lights from David, "you've already done more than enough for us."
 A bright green tote labeled "XMAS LIGHTS" sat just between this room and the living room- where Emma had been taking the last of the decorations off the tree. Killian wondered if he could steal another glance at Emma without anyone noticing, but his glance revealed she was coming that way, with a string of lights of her own to put away.
 "Here," Killian said, walking past the tote to take the string of lights from her.
 "I can get it," she said, holding out the string of lights at arms length away from him.
 "It's really no trouble at all," Killian said. He stood in the doorway between her and the box of lights, and when she tried to walk past him, he sidestepped into her path. She tried again, and he blocked her again, and again, and the same result.
 She sighed as she handed him the bundle of lights. "You really are taking the fun out of this."
 "Am I?" Killian asked with a smug smile.
 Mary Margaret interrupted their conversation to yell something past them both, to David.
 "Oh, David! We still need to take the mistletoe down too!"
 Killian knew which doorway the mistletoe hung in almost too well- he'd seen David catch his wife standing there a few too many times- and it happened to be the very same doorway that Killian and Emma were now standing under.
 "No," Emma said, "I already…."
 She looked up at the ceiling almost confused, like she hadn't expected the mistletoe to be right where it had been for the last two weeks, so much so Killian almost didn't expect it to be there either. But Killian looked up too, and sure enough, there was the mistletoe, right above himself and Emma Swan.
 "This is almost too good to be true," Killian thought. Fate had given him one last chance at a Christmas miracle.
 "I thought I took that down," Emma said.
 Killian swallowed the lump in his throat- it was now or never.
 "We're under the mistletoe," he said, trying not to chicken out as her eyes met his, "and there's this tradition…."
 "Do Christmas traditions still count after New Year's?" Emma asked.
 "I sure hope so." Killian thought.
 "The last chance of the season," he said, "may I?"
 Emma smiled and nodded, and Killian's heart skipped a beat as she said, "Yeah."
 He closed his eyes and leaned forward, meeting her lips with his for the most perfect moment of his life. Her lips touching his was like a meteor shower, or a firework- beautiful, entrancing, dangerous- and done and over with way too soon. He pulled away, smiling, wishing he could've made that moment last longer, but not wanting to push her further than she was willing to go.
 He thought his heart was beating so loud she could probably hear it, but realized instead that the sound was their friends clapping. He didn't turn to look at them though- in that moment, all he wanted to see was Emma.
 "Is that the best you got?" Emma asked.
 "What?" Killian asked.
 "It's like you said," Emma said, taking from his hands the bundles of lights that had gotten them into this beautiful mess in the first place. She threw them aside, probably landing them somewhere near the tote they belonged in.
 "'Last chance of the season-'" she said, "might as well make it a good one."
 She placed her hands on his neck, stood up on tiptoes so her lips were parallel with his, then whispered, "May I?"
 Killian couldn't get out much more than a nod and a breath that sounded almost like a "yeah," not even seeing this moment coming in his wildest daydreams- Emma Swan asking to kiss him.
 She slid her hands down to his collar and pulled him closer, drawing his lips down into hers in a kiss that blew the last one out of the water.
 He placed his hands on her waist, trying to experience everything he could in this moment- his lips exploring hers, her body in his hands, the lingering taste of gingerbread in her breath, a subtle pine smell, her warmth- holding her closer than he'd ever dared dream she'd let him. He was so lost in the moment he didn't even hear their friends cheering around him as he wrapped one of his hands further around her side, resting her neck in his other, pulling her into a dip and holding her as tightly as he could, pulling her even closer as he kissed her.
 For the past three months he'd been watching her from a distance, wishing he could tell her how much she meant to him, wishing he could even just take her hand, ask her to get coffee, hold her at a dance, walk her back to her dorm and kiss her goodnight. And now that he had her in his arms and had her lips on his, he had three months of catching up to do, and one kiss to do it in. Every moment spent pining from a distance equalled another ounce of passion and love he needed to communicate in this kiss.
 But as all good things have to, this kiss came to an end. Emma pulled away, her hands still on his neck, her eyes still sparkling in reflection of his, her breath still lingering on his lips. They both breathed heavily, still lost in their own little world a moment longer, until he gently stood her upright again.
 "Wow," he whispered, hoping his voice wouldn't be drowned out by the cheering of her friends around them. "Swan, that was…."
 "I know," Emma whispered, a look in her eyes that said it still wasn't nearly enough.
 But she shook her head and blinked back to reality, and he as well noticed the crowd of spectators around them. Then he looked back down to Emma, her cheeks flushed with the most perfect shade of red he'd seen that whole Christmas season.
 She smiled as she let go of him, albeit a bit awkwardly, and he watched her walk away from him, not taking his eyes off her until she'd walked out the back door and disappeared from view. The rest of the group, apparently, had decided the show was over and got back to whatever they'd been doing before Killian's life changed forever like that.
Killian ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath, leaning against the doorway to brace himself and his thoughts. He'd just kissed Emma Swan. He'd practically made out with her- and if he could do that, what was stopping him from finding a moment with her later, telling her how he felt, asking her if she wanted him to be something more to her.
 He smiled as he took down that fateful mistletoe plant, now filled with hope that maybe things wouldn't be so normal when they got back to school- or maybe normal would be something even better now.
 Maybe he hadn't missed his chance with Emma after all.
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the-darkdragonfly · 2 years
Old Times' Sake - A Captain Swan Tale
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Merry Christmas!!!!
This is a little angister than last years (haha - it's been a year, hasn't it?) but it's also kinda cute...
Thank you to @donteattheappleshook for fixing all my problems (imaginary, grammatical, and real). Love you babe.
Blasted, bloody Christmas. 
Killian hated Christmas. 
Hated having to come back to the town which had left so many wounds on his soul. Hating watching his brother and father pretend they were happy to spend time together. 
Killian didn’t pretend. 
He brooded and drank and fucked Emma Swan in the small room above the diner he had eaten at every Sunday as a child until the day his father decided he wanted a different life and left them for a nurse who had taken care of him after the accident, leaving behind two young boys.  
He nodded at her offer, hands finding her hips as she pushed back into him- do you have something against palatable alcohol, Swan? 
It had started simply enough, like most things did... 
Read the rest here on A03.
@elizabeethan @donteattheappleshook @sailtoafarawayland @teamhook @wefoundloveunderthelight @caught-in-the-filter @batana54 @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgood @snowbellewells @hollyethecurious @jrob64 @kmomof4 @artistic-writer @gingerpolyglot @xarandomdreamx @justanother-unluckysoul @zaharadessert @jadehowlettthewolf @xsjax @karlyfr13s @tiganasummertree @wyntereyez @klynn-stormz @onceratheart18 @rkrbirdgirl @ouatdaily @blowmiakisscolin @courtorderedcake @winterbaby89 @pirateprincessofpizza @superchocovian @deckerstarblanche @jlsadphoenix @alexa-fangirl-forever @stahlop @undercaffinatednightmare @lostintheskyfaraway @anmylica @motherkatereloyshipper @last-tsarina @lfh1226-linda @hookedmom @yikes-00 @midnightsuki
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anmylica · 2 years
Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
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Summary: Killian and Emma have been secretly dating for close to a year, only none of their friends know it. They’ve agreed to keep it a secret until they know it’s real, but what happens when Emma’s brother, David, starts to become suspicious? One thing is for sure, this Christmas will be one that none of them forget!
Inspiration for this fic: @xarandomdreamx and @kmomof4 encouraged me to write this fic (fondly referred to as the procrastination fic) based on a prompt in the CSMM Discord that said: “Christmas prompt: Emma and Killian have been dating about a year or so but they kept it secret because Killian is Emma’s brothers best friend. So Christmas comes around and they have to act like they haven’t been sleeping together so David won’t give Killian a black eye for Christmas.” My idea was based on the Buzzfeed article where someone wrote about how they knew two people were dating (“At a place I worked at about 25 years ago, my co-worker had dropped her screwdriver, and our boss picked it up and stuck it in her pocket. Later that day, my buddy said, 'She did not flinch or look away from what she was doing when his hand went to her pocket — his hand has been in that pocket before.” —u/CathyTheGreatsHorse). I also blame @everything-person and @teamhook for this fic, as they were the ones who either came up with the prompt or encouraged me to add another WIP. I’m debating adding a part 2, as I couldn’t work my other ideas into the narrative, but we’ll see!
This is my (surprise) gift to them, but also to the fandom as a whole. May your days be merry and bright!
The title is also from a Christina Perri song, in case you recognize it!
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Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
David tried really, really hard not to disturb his sister before 9:30 in the morning on her days off (and let’s be honest, he tried not to disturb her before he had to on days she wasn’t off anyway), as Emma “Swan” Nolan wasn’t a morning person in any interpretation of the word. But his wife, and Emma’s best friend, Mary Margaret Nolan, wouldn’t hear of his excuses and forced him to brave his sister’s wrath and bring her her favorite leath jacket (that she had inconveniently left at his place last week and thus subsequently nagged him to death about delivering it to her). He rolled his eyes, but he liked to remain on his wife’s good side, so he reluctantly agreed to run it over to her early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
He had just parked his truck, thankful that he didn’t have to work today himself, when he saw her door open. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘she’s already awake. I won’t have to slay the dragon today, after all. This makes this easier.’
He was just about to open his door when he saw his best friend and fellow sheriff’s deputy, Killian Jones, step out of Emma’s apartment. He stopped in his tracks, his hand on the handle of the door and poised to throw it open. He stared at the sight before him, turned his eyes briefly back to the dash to check the time, and then turned his eyes back to his best friend and his sister. He watched as Emma followed Killian out, wearing nothing but the button down shirt he could have sworn he saw Killian wearing yesterday while they worked their shift and a pair of socks. Killian turned and gave his sister a long, slow, lingering kiss. The kiss lasted so long it made David feel awkward, as if he were about to get a show he didn’t ever want to see. Finally (at last) Killian pulled away and left, getting into his vintage Shelby Mustang and waving as he did so. Emma waved back and stood staring in the doorway as he pulled out of sight. Once she couldn’t see him, she disappeared back into her appartment.
David stared at the closed door dumbfounded. What had he just witnessed? He hadn’t seen them together before this. He wouldn’t ever have said they would have been attracted to each other before this. (That was a lie; all the rest of his friends had commented numerous times before that you would get an explosion if you lit a match anywhere near them, but David refused to accept that as truth.) Did any of their friends know about this? Surely not. Mary Margaret couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, Ruby couldn’t hold back gossip this juicy (her words, not his), and, although discreet, Belle would have told Mary Margaret. David doubted that any of their other friends, though probably not Victor, would even care about this revelation. (Again, this was a lie. Liam, Victor, Graham, Eric, and Jefferson were all highly invested in the not-Killian-and-Emma ship.)
How long had they even been together, for that matter? Or were they even dating? David was going to break every single bone in Killian’s body if he were putting one over on his sister. The bro code had to be honored, in this case. There was no way Killian was getting out of the consequences.
David sat so long in his truck pondering this new revelation that he was startled to see that thirty minutes had passed. Deciding that this was plenty of time to wait, he got out of his truck and delivered his sister’s jacket, though he didn’t say a word about what he had seen. He needed more information than what he had to go on, at present. Surely there had to be another explanation? When Emma answered the door, he greeted her the same as he always did and presented her her red leather jacket.
Nope. Everything was just fine. He was not going to automatically assume they were boning just because of circumstantial evidence. He was going to wait for further proof.
“Dude, they’ve gotta be fucking,” Victor exclaimed later that evening. Their group of friends had all met at the Rabbit Hole for their traditional post-Thanksgiving get together. Some years they had it at one of their places, but no one had felt like staying in, so they all agreed to go to the best bar in Storybrooke.
“Who?” Demanded Liam, turning to look at who Victor was pointing at.
“Killian and Emma,” Victor replied. “Look at them! All cosy playing pool together.”
Belle frowned. “How does this indicate they’re together?”
“Look how close they are! I only get that close to girls I’m trying to persuade to go home with me.”
David examined the amount of space between his friend and his sister. They might have been closer than strictly necessary, but that was because another group was playing pool at the next table over and were on the same side as Killian and Emma. They weren’t any closer than anyone else.
“It doesn’t look that close to me,” Liam dismissed skeptically.
“No, not right now, but I swear just a second ago they were like this,” Victor insisted as he pressed as close as he could to Mary Margaret, who shrank back away from him instantly, making a face. “You don’t get that close unless you’re banging.”
Mary Margaret scoffed. “Must you be so disgusting?”
Ruby laughed and Graham grinned. DIsgusting and sleazy were Victor’s middle names.
Victor cast a roguish grin towards Mary Margaret. “It’s a talent,” he replied flippantly. “But I still stand by what I said.”
Liam’s brow furrowed as he contemplated the picture that Killian and Emma presented. “I haven’t seen him with anyone since Milah. He’s brought a few home for the night, but nothing serious.”
Belle nodded in agreement. “It’s been the same way for Emma. We all know how Neal turned out.”
Silence fell over the table as they all agreed, remembering how badly Neal and Milah, who were brother and sister, had screwed over their friends. Neither lived in Storybrooke anymore, and it was a good thing, as David was willing to bet that many of their friend-group would have had criminal records if they had stayed in town.
Victor nodded sagely. “Yes, well, be that as it may, they’re doing the dirty.”
Everyone rolled their eyes in response, but no one at the table deigned to reply.
“Who’s doing the dirty?” Elsa asked as she had just walked up, shrugging off her ice blue coat as Liam jumped up to help her.
“Killian and Emma!” Victor announced triumphantly.
Elsa rolled her eyes. “How on earth did you figure that?”
Victor pointed at them. “Behold!”
Elsa and the group turned to watch Killian and Emma again. Killian seemed to be mocking a guy’s stroking technique from the next pool table over while Emma had collapsed against the table in tears from laughing so hard. Killian was laughing at how much Emma was laughing, but this was nothing different from how they had acted in the past. Elsa turned back to Victor with one eyebrow raised as if to say, ‘Is that all you’ve got?’
“Oh yes,” Elsa replied as she sat on Liam’s lap, “they’re getting it on right as we speak.”
Victor huffed in frustration. “I’m telling you, they are!”
Graham pulled out his phone. “Let’s do some research,” he responded. “Let’s find out what the Internet says.” He ran a quick search on his phone. “First: do they make a lot of eye contact?”
Everyone turned to evaluate how much eye contact the two were making. Neither looked at the other very long.
“Alright, next: do they seem closer in general?” Graham continued. They group fell silent as they thought about it. David silently watched the others shrug, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if what he witnessed counted as closer, anyway. One by one, they all shook their heads.
Graham nodded his head. “Are they sharing lingering looks?”
They all looked up to see Killian checking out a brunette in a short mini skirt who was jumping up and down and Emma eyeing a guy at the bar.
Graham shook his head. “Doesn’t look like it. Do they communicate in a secret language?”
Mary Margaret was the one who answered that. “They’ve always communicated in a secret language.”
Liam nodded his head in agreement. “Ever since they were in school together. Even when he was with Milah and she was with Neal. That hasn’t changed.”
Everyone nodded. Victor mused, “Yeah, I can see that one.”
Graham turned his head back to his phone. “They become very protective of one another.”
Belle was the one who answered this. “They’ve always been protective of one another. Remember what happened with Neal?”
Everyone winced and David laughed. Neal had cheated on Emma back in high school with a girl named Tamara, and Killian had kicked his ass. This was right before Killian found out that Milah had gotten pregnant by an older man in the community, Robert Gold, and was planning on eloping with him (he was one of the richer men in town). Once Killian had found out, Emma was quick to take up for him in return. They’ve always been that way with each other. After thinking on it, David wondered if maybe that should have been a hint to him then that there was something between them.
Graham said the next item on the list. “You will see them together more and at odd times.”
Ruby shook her head. “That’s inconclusive since they both work such crazy schedules. And they’re always together or with us in a group.”
“They suddenly have more to say to each other,” Graham continued.
David and Liam shook their heads. “The last conversations we’ve had have been about the usual stuff. He hasn’t mentioned Emma at all,” Liam said. David agreed.
“She hasn’t mentioned him to me either,” Elsa replied and the other ladies agreed.
“They tease each other more or they choose their words more carefully.” Graham looked at everyone, but they shook their heads.
“They’re smiling and happy all the time.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head as she thought about this one. “Maybe? Emma does seem happier recently.”
“So does Killian, but he’s been talking about a lot of good happening at the station,” Liam added.
Graham nodded his head. “So that’s a possibility. What about avoiding each other?”
Everyone shook their heads. If they had started avoiding each other, none of their friend group had noticed. David wondered if the lack of mentioning the other recently counted as avoidance, but he kept silent.
“Alright, last one. Have they started touching more recently?”
Victor started vigorously nodding his head. “Dude I just saw Killian’s hands in Emma’s pockets and they were standing right beside each other!”
They all turned to look back at Killian and Emma. Neither was beside the other, and they were taking drinks out of their glasses. Everyone turned and looked at Victor in disbelief.
“Not right now, I mean earlier! When I decided they were getting lucky with each other!”
Elsa scoffed. “Oh, you decided. Suddenly it’s all becoming clear.”
Liam shook his head. “You can’t just decide these things Victor, we’ve been over this!”
Ruby rolled her eyes as Victor protested, “I’m telling you, it was real what I saw!”
Everyone picked up their glasses and took a drink with no one bothering to say anything in response to Victor’s whining. Emma and Killian were making their way over with newly refilled glasses.
“I have emerged victorious!” Killian announced to the table as he sat in his abandoned chair, Emma coming behind him rolling her eyes.
“He won by a scratch,” she corrected.
“That’s not all I win by a scratch, Swan,” Killian winked at her, causing Emma to roll her eyes.
“Well, win with that brunette over there by a scratch,” she threw back. “I’ve got to head out, I’ve got research to do for my next job. I’ll see everyone later?” Emma surveyed the table. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
“Emma! Don’t forget that we’re doing Dirty Santa at our place on the 10th,” Mary Margaret added. “I meant to tell everyone, so I guess I’m telling all of you now.”
Emma nodded and waved at everyone, grabbing her jacket. David watched carefully to see when Killian left, still suspicious of their dating status. After about ten minutes, Killian said his goodbyes as well, citing an overtime shift he was picking up in the morning. David knew this to be true, so it didn’t seem too off for him, but he also wondered at how close in time Killian’s leaving was to Emma’s departure. There were a lot of signs that seemed to point to Killian and Emma being a thing.
David wondered what he should do next.
It turned out there wasn’t much he could do next to confirm what he suspected, as the flu began to go around the station and he had to start covering extra shifts. He and Killian began working overtime trying to fill in where they could, with Graham (who was the sheriff) filling in on the road with the rest of the deputies as needed. After almost two weeks of this, things finally slowed down to where they could resume their normal shift work. Killian and Emma hadn’t, as far as David knew, spent any time together outside of what they already did at work.
Emma also worked for the Storybrooke Sheriff’s Office, but as a detective who investigated murders or cold case files. Her schedule was a bit different from theirs, but every now and then, she had to fill in on shift work the same as everybody else. The recent flu endemic meant that she was pulling more road work than usual, and she was patrolling more with David. This was how he had known that Emma and Killian hadn’t seen each other much, as they were all pulling overtime. None of them were at home much, so there was no way for them to see each other outside of work, right? And David never saw them flirt while on the job, at least not recently. They had quit their ridiculous flirting-on-the-job stuff almost eight months ago.
It made David very happy that his best friend and sister finally saw fit to cease making everyone else so uncomfortable. It was very considerate of them, really.
On what Graham had sworn to them was their last shift of pulling double duty, Emma had collapsed into a desk in the bullpen. “If I have to arrest another drunken guy from The Rabbit Hole, I’m going to scream,” she announced.
David laughed. “At least we’ll have everyone else covering for us while we get some time off.”
“That’s the only good thing about this,” she agreed.
Their conversation was interrupted by Killian coming in bearing coffee and a box of donuts. He wordlessly handed David a cup, to which David muttered, “Thanks,” and set the box down. He proceeded to hand Emma her cup, which she took without a word of thanks, and she opened the box.
“There better be a bear claw in here,” she said as she pried open the top.
Killian chuckled. “Oh there is,” he laughed in return. “And one for me as well.” He handed her a napkin, which she took without any mention of gratitude, and handed one to David as well. David did express gratitude again, and they all dug into the donuts.
Killian and Emma joked around like always, but David was silent.
He couldn’t imagine not telling someone who wasn’t Mary Margaret thanks for something they had done for him, and he knew that his and Emma’s parents had instilled better manners than that. By this point, he was ninety percent sure that Victor Whale’s summation of events between Killian Jones and Emma Nolan was correct.
But he didn’t receive confirmation until the night of the Christmas for Friends party at his and Mary Margaret’s house that they did every year.
It was still very early in the evening, and not everyone had arrived at David and Mary Margaret’s place yet. Though Ruby, Graham, Victor, Emma, and Killian were there, several other couples had yet to arrive, including Killian’s brother and his girlfriend, Elsa. Emma was helping Mary Margaret with a few last minute details while Killian and David set up the drinks bar. Everyone was chatting lightly together, laughing, and enjoying the first gathering in a few days that they had gotten to arrange.
After placing the ice in the bucket, Killian took his phone out of his pocket to call his brother to find out how much longer it would be before they arrived, only to discover that it was dead.
“Bloody hell, I forgot to charge my phone before I came over here,” he cursed. David was just about to offer his phone to Killian to use, but his sister beat him to it.
“Here, use mine!” Emma handed it to Killian, who took it (again, without a thank you, David noticed) and stepped outside.
The conversation inside the loft continued as it always had, with everyone laughing and snacking before the rest of their friends arrived. Killian came back in after a moment.
“Liam says he and Elsa are about five minutes from here,” he announced once the door shut behind him. “He said to make sure his favorite cookies are ready to go, Mary Margaret.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “They’re right where I always put them.”
Emma laughed and kept stirring the homemade dip she had just gotten ready. Both of her hands were too messy to take her phone from Killian. David watched as Killian slipped her phone into her pocket without a word; David also noticed Emma’s distinct lack of reaction at Killian’s hand going into the front right pocket of her too-tight jeans.
He wasn’t going to say anything. He finally had the confirmation that there was something going on between them, and that was all he really needed. David glanced around at everyone else, but no one else seemed to have noticed anything. He was the only one who realized there was a romantic (or something like that) relationship between his sister and his best friend. Obviously they felt the need to keep it a secret, so he wouldn’t be the one to rat them out. Nope, he was the one who could keep secrets in his relationship. Had it been Mary Margaret, she’d have already announced it to the world. But he didn’t need to do that. They would tell the whole group when they were ready.
“You’re fucking my sister,” David said loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stopped and looked at him. Emma turned and gave him a strange look, and Killian looked up from the tray of cookies with what could only be described as a deer-in-the-headlights expression.
“What?” Victor asked. “Who’s fucking your sister?”
“Wait, what?” Ruby asked. “Is that really what he said?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what he said!” Victor replied.
“Pardon, mate?” Killian asked.
Victor looked at Killian. “Is he talking about you?” Killian looked back at Victor helplessly.
“You sorry son of a bitch. How dare you try to take advantage of Emma?” David continued, starting to feel really angry at the secrecy.
“Who’s taking advantage of me?” Emma asked indignantly.
Victor gave a leering look. “I’d have taken advantage if I could have gotten it,” he responded to her, earning a disgusted look from both Emma and Killian.
“It’s a good thing you never could have ‘gotten it,’” Killian snarled back.
“Hey, I’ve never made it a secret that I’d have gotten Emma in the sack if I could have,” Victor shot back.
“Are you sure you’re not on call at the hospital? Because you’re about to have to go there,” Killian retorted as he took a step closer to Whale and angled his body to be slightly in front of Emma’s.
“Oh, I think you’ll be the one there before me,” Victor responded, instinctively stepping forward at Killian’s challenging tone.
“Touch him and you’ll have more to deal with than him,” Emma responded to Killian being threatened.
“Killian Jones is about to have more to deal with if I have anything to say about it,” David cut in. “How long have you been screwing my sister?”
Killian looked back at David. “Mate, I have no idea what you’re-“
“I saw you at her house!” David cut him off. “You left at 7:30 in the morning for an overtime shift the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Emma is never up before 9 on weekends she’s off! And she opened the door wearing nothing but your shirt that you had worn the day before!”
Everyone’s heads had been turned to David, but once he commented on his sister’s state of dress, all eyes swerved to land on Killian, who was growing a bit red and had his jaw clenched.
“How do you know that?” Emma asked.
“I was there outside your apartment! Remember that I brought you your favorite red jacket back? I saw you kiss! I stayed out in my truck for thirty minutes after he left wondering what was going on, why neither of you had said anything!”
Emma and Killian fell silent, as the rest of their friends looked on in abject curiousity. David stared at them hard. No one said anything.
Belle, Will, Liam, and Elsa arrived, opening the door and letting themselves in without knocking. They had been friends for so long that they no longer felt the need to follow the standard niceties. They were all laughing amongst themselves, but that laughter quickly died upon their entering the room.
Each of the newcomers surveyed the loft. The atmosphere was tense and expectant. They slowly filed in, wondering what kind of minefield they were entering.
“Is everything alright?” Liam asked tentatively.
“Dude! You just missed it! David just accused your brother of doin’ a little bow chicka wow wow with his sister!” Victor enunciated his words by doing a lurid dance, making sure to gyrate his hips as he spoke. Ruby had to cover her mouth to muffle her laugh, and Graham had to look down at his feet. Mary Margaret rubbed her forehead in exasperation. David scowled at Victor.
Liam frowned. “He what?”
“Actually, we don’t really know what happened.” Mary Margaret shot a warning look at her husband. “David just made a baseless accusation.”
“What kind of baseless accusation?” Liam asked.
“He claimed that Emma and Killian are sleeping together,” Ruby said to fill him in.
“It’s not baseless! He put her phone in her front pocket!” David exclaimed. Everyone stared at David’s exclamation.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a hell of a sign, innit? Putting someone’s phone in their pocket is always how I determine how someone is doing the deed,” Will stated. Killian scoffed and shook his head, but before he or Emma could say anything, Belle piped up.
“No, I think David actually has a point, here. People don’t do that unless they’re very close.”
“I’m sure there’s a more reasonable explanation to that action. Maybe Emma told Killian to put it in her pocket?” Liam suggested.
David shook his head. “I was watching them. She didn’t say a word.”
Killian by this point had clenched his jaw and Emma could see the muscle twitching in his jaw (which, if she were being honest, was insanely attractive to her). She knew things were about to boil over very quickly, ruining their Christmas party, if something didn’t give soon. She crossed over to him and took his hand in hers. He looked at her for a long moment, and for that one moment the room faded away. Killian visibly calmed down with just that connection.
David watched their silent interaction, and in that instant he knew. Nothing he said or did would stop what was unfolding. No matter what else was said, his best friend and his sister were more serious than everyone was making it out to be. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, zoning out of the conversation continuing around him, Emma and Killian not being able to get a word in edgewise.
Perhaps this was why they hadn’t said anything yet? Perhaps they knew what would happen if everyone in their group of friends found out before they were ready to tell people?
“YOU GOTTA SEND ME DOWN A MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I WANT A WOMAN IN RED WITH A BOW IN MY BED!” Victor started half-singing, half-shouting in response to something David hadn’t heard from Will, who was laughing.
“The only bow around here is gonna be the one they have to tie your bandages with, Whale!” Killian shouted in return, though not nearly as loudly as Victor was wailing.
Victor paid him no mind as the girls all rolled their eyes or put their heads in their hands. “MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I CAN HEAR YOU COMING DOWN MY SMOKE STACK, YOU WANNA RIDE MY REINDEER AND RING MY JINGLE BELLS!” He resumed the suggestive dance around the loft.
“What are you, twelve?!” Emma sneered. “Grow up, Whale! This is why we haven’t told anyone yet!” She looked very upset, tears forming in her eyes, and David knew he had just fucked up majorly with her.
Victor didn’t stop his antics, carrying on butchering the song and everyone started to get irritated. David had finally had enough. He yelled as loud as he could, and everyone stopped.
“Victor, if you can’t comport yourself properly you need to leave,” he said. Then he turned to Emma and Killian. “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost nine months,” Killian answered.
“That long?!” Ruby exclaimed in disbelief, but she was quickly silenced with a look from David.
“Aye, that long. At first, it was so new and we wanted to see if it was something that would last, and then once it became apparent it would, we enjoyed not having to worry about all of this,” Killian waved his hand around to indicate the chaos that had taken off this night.
Emma looked at Killian, who looked back at her.
“We’ve both been interested in each other for longer than we care to admit. I hate that it took us this long to give us a chance,” she said.
“We alway said you two would be perfect together,” Belle responded, smiling gently.
“Yeah, we are,” Emma and Killian shared smiles.
“It’s crazy because I don’t think any of us realized a change in how you acted,” Elsa added, trying to make sure the conversation stayed on a more serious note. “We all probably suspected something at various points, but the two of you never really changed towards one another.”
Emma shrugged and Killian responded, “We just continued as we were. I guess when you’ve been in love for so long, nothing really changes in how you treat each other.”
David nodded and they all fell silent for a moment. Finally Will piped up, “I thought this was supposed to be a party? Have we finished with the Killian-and-Emma-sitting-in-a-tree nonsense, or are we going to carry on with that some more? Because I would really like to get to the gift-giving portion of our evening.“
Everyone started laughing and the serious atmosphere was broken. Everyone started mingling, separating into groups as they finally moved past the confrontation.
David moved closer to Emma and Killian, who had retreated and were standing quite close, having their own conversation. David hated to interrupt, but he felt he owed them an apology. He had this bad tendency to fly off the handle once his temper was lost, and he had definitely lost it today.
Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
David tried really, really hard not to disturb his sister before 9:30 in the morning on her days off (and let’s be honest, he tried not to disturb her before he had to on days she wasn’t off anyway), as Emma “Swan” Nolan wasn’t a morning person in any interpretation of the word. But his wife, and Emma’s best friend, Mary Margaret Nolan, wouldn’t hear of his excuses and forced him to brave his sister’s wrath and bring her her favorite leath jacket (that she had inconveniently left at his place last week and thus subsequently nagged him to death about delivering it to her). He rolled his eyes, but he liked to remain on his wife’s good side, so he reluctantly agreed to run it over to her early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
He had just parked his truck, thankful that he didn’t have to work today himself, when he saw her door open. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘she’s already awake. I won’t have to slay the dragon today, after all. This makes this easier.’
He was just about to open his door when he saw his best friend and fellow sheriff’s deputy, Killian Jones, step out of Emma’s apartment. He stopped in his tracks, his hand on the handle of the door and poised to throw it open. He stared at the sight before him, turned his eyes briefly back to the dash to check the time, and then turned his eyes back to his best friend and his sister. He watched as Emma followed Killian out, wearing nothing but the button down shirt he could have sworn he saw Killian wearing yesterday while they worked their shift and a pair of socks. Killian turned and gave his sister a long, slow, lingering kiss. The kiss lasted so long it made David feel awkward, as if he were about to get a show he didn’t ever want to see. Finally (at last) Killian pulled away and left, getting into his vintage Shelby Mustang and waving as he did so. Emma waved back and stood staring in the doorway as he pulled out of sight. Once she couldn’t see him, she disappeared back into her appartment.
David stared at the closed door dumbfounded. What had he just witnessed? He hadn’t seen them together before this. He wouldn’t ever have said they would have been attracted to each other before this. (That was a lie; all the rest of his friends had commented numerous times before that you would get an explosion if you lit a match anywhere near them, but David refused to accept that as truth.) Did any of their friends know about this? Surely not. Mary Margaret couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, Ruby couldn’t hold back gossip this juicy (her words, not his), and, although discreet, Belle would have told Mary Margaret. David doubted that any of their other friends, though probably not Victor, would even care about this revelation. (Again, this was a lie. Liam, Victor, Graham, Eric, and Jefferson were all highly invested in the not-Killian-and-Emma ship.)
How long had they even been together, for that matter? Or were they even dating? David was going to break every single bone in Killian’s body if he were putting one over on his sister. The bro code had to be honored, in this case. There was no way Killian was getting out of the consequences.
David sat so long in his truck pondering this new revelation that he was startled to see that thirty minutes had passed. Deciding that this was plenty of time to wait, he got out of his truck and delivered his sister’s jacket, though he didn’t say a word about what he had seen. He needed more information than what he had to go on, at present. Surely there had to be another explanation? When Emma answered the door, he greeted her the same as he always did and presented her her red leather jacket.
Nope. Everything was just fine. He was not going to automatically assume they were boning just because of circumstantial evidence. He was going to wait for further proof.
“Dude, they’ve gotta be fucking,” Victor exclaimed later that evening. Their group of friends had all met at the Rabbit Hole for their traditional post-Thanksgiving get together. Some years they had it at one of their places, but no one had felt like staying in, so they all agreed to go to the best bar in Storybrooke.
“Who?” Demanded Liam, turning to look at who Victor was pointing at.
“Killian and Emma,” Victor replied. “Look at them! All cosy playing pool together.”
Belle frowned. “How does this indicate they’re together?”
“Look how close they are! I only get that close to girls I’m trying to persuade to go home with me.”
David examined the amount of space between his friend and his sister. They might have been closer than strictly necessary, but that was because another group was playing pool at the next table over and were on the same side as Killian and Emma. They weren’t any closer than anyone else.
“It doesn’t look that close to me,” Liam dismissed skeptically.
“No, not right now, but I swear just a second ago they were like this,” Victor insisted as he pressed as close as he could to Mary Margaret, who shrank back away from him instantly, making a face. “You don’t get that close unless you’re banging.”
Mary Margaret scoffed. “Must you be so disgusting?”
Ruby laughed and Graham grinned. DIsgusting and sleazy were Victor’s middle names.
Victor cast a roguish grin towards Mary Margaret. “It’s a talent,” he replied flippantly. “But I still stand by what I said.”
Liam’s brow furrowed as he contemplated the picture that Killian and Emma presented. “I haven’t seen him with anyone since Milah. He’s brought a few home for the night, but nothing serious.”
Belle nodded in agreement. “It’s been the same way for Emma. We all know how Neal turned out.”
Silence fell over the table as they all agreed, remembering how badly Neal and Milah, who were brother and sister, had screwed over their friends. Neither lived in Storybrooke anymore, and it was a good thing, as David was willing to bet that many of their friend-group would have had criminal records if they had stayed in town.
Victor nodded sagely. “Yes, well, be that as it may, they’re doing the dirty.”
Everyone rolled their eyes in response, but no one at the table deigned to reply.
“Who’s doing the dirty?” Elsa asked as she had just walked up, shrugging off her ice blue coat as Liam jumped up to help her.
“Killian and Emma!” Victor announced triumphantly.
Elsa rolled her eyes. “How on earth did you figure that?”
Victor pointed at them. “Behold!”
Elsa and the group turned to watch Killian and Emma again. Killian seemed to be mocking a guy’s stroking technique from the next pool table over while Emma had collapsed against the table in tears from laughing so hard. Killian was laughing at how much Emma was laughing, but this was nothing different from how they had acted in the past. Elsa turned back to Victor with one eyebrow raised as if to say, ‘Is that all you’ve got?’
“Oh yes,” Elsa replied as she sat on Liam’s lap, “they’re getting it on right as we speak.”
Victor huffed in frustration. “I’m telling you, they are!”
Graham pulled out his phone. “Let’s do some research,” he responded. “Let’s find out what the Internet says.” He ran a quick search on his phone. “First: do they make a lot of eye contact?”
Everyone turned to evaluate how much eye contact the two were making. Neither looked at the other very long.
“Alright, next: do they seem closer in general?” Graham continued. They group fell silent as they thought about it. David silently watched the others shrug, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if what he witnessed counted as closer, anyway. One by one, they all shook their heads.
Graham nodded his head. “Are they sharing lingering looks?”
They all looked up to see Killian checking out a brunette in a short mini skirt who was jumping up and down and Emma eyeing a guy at the bar.
Graham shook his head. “Doesn’t look like it. Do they communicate in a secret language?”
Mary Margaret was the one who answered that. “They’ve always communicated in a secret language.”
Liam nodded his head in agreement. “Ever since they were in school together. Even when he was with Milah and she was with Neal. That hasn’t changed.”
Everyone nodded. Victor mused, “Yeah, I can see that one.”
Graham turned his head back to his phone. “They become very protective of one another.”
Belle was the one who answered this. “They’ve always been protective of one another. Remember what happened with Neal?”
Everyone winced and David laughed. Neal had cheated on Emma back in high school with a girl named Tamara, and Killian had kicked his ass. This was right before Killian found out that Milah had gotten pregnant by an older man in the community, Robert Gold, and was planning on eloping with him (he was one of the richer men in town). Once Killian had found out, Emma was quick to take up for him in return. They’ve always been that way with each other. After thinking on it, David wondered if maybe that should have been a hint to him then that there was something between them.
Graham said the next item on the list. “You will see them together more and at odd times.”
Ruby shook her head. “That’s inconclusive since they both work such crazy schedules. And they’re always together or with us in a group.”
“They suddenly have more to say to each other,” Graham continued.
David and Liam shook their heads. “The last conversations we’ve had have been about the usual stuff. He hasn’t mentioned Emma at all,” Liam said. David agreed.
“She hasn’t mentioned him to me either,” Elsa replied and the other ladies agreed.
“They tease each other more or they choose their words more carefully.” Graham looked at everyone, but they shook their heads.
“They’re smiling and happy all the time.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head as she thought about this one. “Maybe? Emma does seem happier recently.”
“So does Killian, but he’s been talking about a lot of good happening at the station,” Liam added.
Graham nodded his head. “So that’s a possibility. What about avoiding each other?”
Everyone shook their heads. If they had started avoiding each other, none of their friend group had noticed. David wondered if the lack of mentioning the other recently counted as avoidance, but he kept silent.
“Alright, last one. Have they started touching more recently?”
Victor started vigorously nodding his head. “Dude I just saw Killian’s hands in Emma’s pockets and they were standing right beside each other!”
They all turned to look back at Killian and Emma. Neither was beside the other, and they were taking drinks out of their glasses. Everyone turned and looked at Victor in disbelief.
“Not right now, I mean earlier! When I decided they were getting lucky with each other!”
Elsa scoffed. “Oh, you decided. Suddenly it’s all becoming clear.”
Liam shook his head. “You can’t just decide these things Victor, we’ve been over this!”
Ruby rolled her eyes as Victor protested, “I’m telling you, it was real what I saw!”
Everyone picked up their glasses and took a drink with no one bothering to say anything in response to Victor’s whining. Emma and Killian were making their way over with newly refilled glasses.
“I have emerged victorious!” Killian announced to the table as he sat in his abandoned chair, Emma coming behind him rolling her eyes.
“He won by a scratch,” she corrected.
“That’s not all I win by a scratch, Swan,” Killian winked at her, causing Emma to roll her eyes.
“Well, win with that brunette over there by a scratch,” she threw back. “I’ve got to head out, I’ve got research to do for my next job. I’ll see everyone later?” Emma surveyed the table. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
“Emma! Don’t forget that we’re doing Dirty Santa at our place on the 10th,” Mary Margaret added. “I meant to tell everyone, so I guess I’m telling all of you now.”
Emma nodded and waved at everyone, grabbing her jacket. David watched carefully to see when Killian left, still suspicious of their dating status. After about ten minutes, Killian said his goodbyes as well, citing an overtime shift he was picking up in the morning. David knew this to be true, so it didn’t seem too off for him, but he also wondered at how close in time Killian’s leaving was to Emma’s departure. There were a lot of signs that seemed to point to Killian and Emma being a thing.
David wondered what he should do next.
It turned out there wasn’t much he could do next to confirm what he suspected, as the flu began to go around the station and he had to start covering extra shifts. He and Killian began working overtime trying to fill in where they could, with Graham (who was the sheriff) filling in on the road with the rest of the deputies as needed. After almost two weeks of this, things finally slowed down to where they could resume their normal shift work. Killian and Emma hadn’t, as far as David knew, spent any time together outside of what they already did at work.
Emma also worked for the Storybrooke Sheriff’s Office, but as a detective who investigated murders or cold case files. Her schedule was a bit different from theirs, but every now and then, she had to fill in on shift work the same as everybody else. The recent flu endemic meant that she was pulling more road work than usual, and she was patrolling more with David. This was how he had known that Emma and Killian hadn’t seen each other much, as they were all pulling overtime. None of them were at home much, so there was no way for them to see each other outside of work, right? And David never saw them flirt while on the job, at least not recently. They had quit their ridiculous flirting-on-the-job stuff almost eight months ago.
It made David very happy that his best friend and sister finally saw fit to cease making everyone else so uncomfortable. It was very considerate of them, really.
On what Graham had sworn to them was their last shift of pulling double duty, Emma had collapsed into a desk in the bullpen. “If I have to arrest another drunken guy from The Rabbit Hole, I’m going to scream,” she announced.
David laughed. “At least we’ll have everyone else covering for us while we get some time off.”
“That’s the only good thing about this,” she agreed.
Their conversation was interrupted by Killian coming in bearing coffee and a box of donuts. He wordlessly handed David a cup, to which David muttered, “Thanks,” and set the box down. He proceeded to hand Emma her cup, which she took without a word of thanks, and she opened the box.
“There better be a bear claw in here,” she said as she pried open the top.
Killian chuckled. “Oh there is,” he laughed in return. “And one for me as well.” He handed her a napkin, which she took without any mention of gratitude, and handed one to David as well. David did express gratitude again, and they all dug into the donuts.
Killian and Emma joked around like always, but David was silent.
He couldn’t imagine not telling someone who wasn’t Mary Margaret thanks for something they had done for him, and he knew that his and Emma’s parents had instilled better manners than that. By this point, he was ninety percent sure that Victor Whale’s summation of events between Killian Jones and Emma Nolan was correct.
But he didn’t receive confirmation until the night of the Christmas for Friends party at his and Mary Margaret’s house that they did every year.
It was still very early in the evening, and not everyone had arrived at David and Mary Margaret’s place yet. Though Ruby, Graham, Victor, Emma, and Killian were there, several other couples had yet to arrive, including Killian’s brother and his girlfriend, Elsa. Emma was helping Mary Margaret with a few last minute details while Killian and David set up the drinks bar. Everyone was chatting lightly together, laughing, and enjoying the first gathering in a few days that they had gotten to arrange.
After placing the ice in the bucket, Killian took his phone out of his pocket to call his brother to find out how much longer it would be before they arrived, only to discover that it was dead.
“Bloody hell, I forgot to charge my phone before I came over here,” he cursed. David was just about to offer his phone to Killian to use, but his sister beat him to it.
“Here, use mine!” Emma handed it to Killian, who took it (again, without a thank you, David noticed) and stepped outside.
The conversation inside the loft continued as it always had, with everyone laughing and snacking before the rest of their friends arrived. Killian came back in after a moment.
“Liam says he and Elsa are about five minutes from here,” he announced once the door shut behind him. “He said to make sure his favorite cookies are ready to go, Mary Margaret.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “They’re right where I always put them.”
Emma laughed and kept stirring the homemade dip she had just gotten ready. Both of her hands were too messy to take her phone from Killian. David watched as Killian slipped her phone into her pocket without a word; David also noticed Emma’s distinct lack of reaction at Killian’s hand going into the front right pocket of her too-tight jeans.
He wasn’t going to say anything. He finally had the confirmation that there was something going on between them, and that was all he really needed. David glanced around at everyone else, but no one else seemed to have noticed anything. He was the only one who realized there was a romantic (or something like that) relationship between his sister and his best friend. Obviously they felt the need to keep it a secret, so he wouldn’t be the one to rat them out. Nope, he was the one who could keep secrets in his relationship. Had it been Mary Margaret, she’d have already announced it to the world. But he didn’t need to do that. They would tell the whole group when they were ready.
“You’re fucking my sister,” David said loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stopped and looked at him. Emma turned and gave him a strange look, and Killian looked up from the tray of cookies with what could only be described as a deer-in-the-headlights expression.
“What?” Victor asked. “Who’s fucking your sister?”
“Wait, what?” Ruby asked. “Is that really what he said?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what he said!” Victor replied.
“Pardon, mate?” Killian asked.
Victor looked at Killian. “Is he talking about you?” Killian looked back at Victor helplessly.
“You sorry son of a bitch. How dare you try to take advantage of Emma?” David continued, starting to feel really angry at the secrecy.
“Who’s taking advantage of me?” Emma asked indignantly.
Victor gave a leering look. “I’d have taken advantage if I could have gotten it,” he responded to her, earning a disgusted look from both Emma and Killian.
“It’s a good thing you never could have ‘gotten it,’” Killian snarled back.
“Hey, I’ve never made it a secret that I’d have gotten Emma in the sack if I could have,” Victor shot back.
“Are you sure you’re not on call at the hospital? Because you’re about to have to go there,” Killian retorted as he took a step closer to Whale and angled his body to be slightly in front of Emma’s.
“Oh, I think you’ll be the one there before me,” Victor responded, instinctively stepping forward at Killian’s challenging tone.
“Touch him and you’ll have more to deal with than him,” Emma responded to Killian being threatened.
“Killian Jones is about to have more to deal with if I have anything to say about it,” David cut in. “How long have you been screwing my sister?”
Killian looked back at David. “Mate, I have no idea what you’re-“
“I saw you at her house!” David cut him off. “You left at 7:30 in the morning for an overtime shift the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Emma is never up before 9 on weekends she’s off! And she opened the door wearing nothing but your shirt that you had worn the day before!”
Everyone’s heads had been turned to David, but once he commented on his sister’s state of dress, all eyes swerved to land on Killian, who was growing a bit red and had his jaw clenched.
“How do you know that?” Emma asked.
“I was there outside your apartment! Remember that I brought you your favorite red jacket back? I saw you kiss! I stayed out in my truck for thirty minutes after he left wondering what was going on, why neither of you had said anything!”
Emma and Killian fell silent, as the rest of their friends looked on in abject curiousity. David stared at them hard. No one said anything.
Belle, Will, Liam, and Elsa arrived, opening the door and letting themselves in without knocking. They had been friends for so long that they no longer felt the need to follow the standard niceties. They were all laughing amongst themselves, but that laughter quickly died upon their entering the room.
Each of the newcomers surveyed the loft. The atmosphere was tense and expectant. They slowly filed in, wondering what kind of minefield they were entering.
“Is everything alright?” Liam asked tentatively.
“Dude! You just missed it! David just accused your brother of doin’ a little bow chicka wow wow with his sister!” Victor enunciated his words by doing a lurid dance, making sure to gyrate his hips as he spoke. Ruby had to cover her mouth to muffle her laugh, and Graham had to look down at his feet. Mary Margaret rubbed her forehead in exasperation. David scowled at Victor.
Liam frowned. “He what?”
“Actually, we don’t really know what happened.” Mary Margaret shot a warning look at her husband. “David just made a baseless accusation.”
“What kind of baseless accusation?” Liam asked.
“He claimed that Emma and Killian are sleeping together,” Ruby said to fill him in.
“It’s not baseless! He put her phone in her front pocket!” David exclaimed. Everyone stared at David’s exclamation.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a hell of a sign, innit? Putting someone’s phone in their pocket is always how I determine how someone is doing the deed,” Will stated. Killian scoffed and shook his head, but before he or Emma could say anything, Belle piped up.
“No, I think David actually has a point, here. People don’t do that unless they’re very close.”
“I’m sure there’s a more reasonable explanation to that action. Maybe Emma told Killian to put it in her pocket?” Liam suggested.
David shook his head. “I was watching them. She didn’t say a word.”
Killian by this point had clenched his jaw and Emma could see the muscle twitching in his jaw (which, if she were being honest, was insanely attractive to her). She knew things were about to boil over very quickly, ruining their Christmas party, if something didn’t give soon. She crossed over to him and took his hand in hers. He looked at her for a long moment, and for that one moment the room faded away. Killian visibly calmed down with just that connection.
David watched their silent interaction, and in that instant he knew. Nothing he said or did would stop what was unfolding. No matter what else was said, his best friend and his sister were more serious than everyone was making it out to be. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, zoning out of the conversation continuing around him, Emma and Killian not being able to get a word in edgewise.
Perhaps this was why they hadn’t said anything yet? Perhaps they knew what would happen if everyone in their group of friends found out before they were ready to tell people?
“YOU GOTTA SEND ME DOWN A MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I WANT A WOMAN IN RED WITH A BOW IN MY BED!” Victor started half-singing, half-shouting in response to something David hadn’t heard from Will, who was laughing.
“The only bow around here is gonna be the one they have to tie your bandages with, Whale!” Killian shouted in return, though not nearly as loudly as Victor was wailing.
Victor paid him no mind as the girls all rolled their eyes or put their heads in their hands. “MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I CAN HEAR YOU COMING DOWN MY SMOKE STACK, YOU WANNA RIDE MY REINDEER AND RING MY JINGLE BELLS!” He resumed the suggestive dance around the loft.
“What are you, twelve?!” Emma sneered. “Grow up, Whale! This is why we haven’t told anyone yet!” She looked very upset, tears forming in her eyes, and David knew he had just fucked up majorly with her.
Victor didn’t stop his antics, carrying on butchering the song and everyone started to get irritated. David had finally had enough. He yelled as loud as he could, and everyone stopped.
“Victor, if you can’t comport yourself properly you need to leave,” he said. Then he turned to Emma and Killian. “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost nine months,” Killian answered.
“That long?!” Ruby exclaimed in disbelief, but she was quickly silenced with a look from David.
“Aye, that long. At first, it was so new and we wanted to see if it was something that would last, and then once it became apparent it would, we enjoyed not having to worry about all of this,” Killian waved his hand around to indicate the chaos that had taken off this night.
Emma looked at Killian, who looked back at her.
“We’ve both been interested in each other for longer than we care to admit. I hate that it took us this long to give us a chance,” she said.
“We alway said you two would be perfect together,” Belle responded, smiling gently.
“Yeah, we are,” Emma and Killian shared smiles.
“It’s crazy because I don’t think any of us realized a change in how you acted,” Elsa added, trying to make sure the conversation stayed on a more serious note. “We all probably suspected something at various points, but the two of you never really changed towards one another.”
Emma shrugged and Killian responded, “We just continued as we were. I guess when you’ve been in love for so long, nothing really changes in how you treat each other.”
David nodded and they all fell silent for a moment. Finally Will piped up, “I thought this was supposed to be a party? Have we finished with the Killian-and-Emma-sitting-in-a-tree nonsense, or are we going to carry on with that some more? Because I would really like to get to the gift-giving portion of our evening.“
Everyone started laughing and the serious atmosphere was broken.  Everyone started mingling again, separating into groups as they finally moved past the confrontation.  
David moved closer to Emma and Killian, who had retreated and were standing quite close, having their own conversation.  David hated to interrupt, but he felt he owed them an apology. He had this bad tendency to fly off the handle once his temper was lost, and he had definitely lost it today.
Emma and Killian paused in their conversation and eyed him warily.
“Come to berate us some more?” Killian sardonically asked.
David winced.  “I guess I deserve that one.”
Emma looked at him disbelievingly. “‘Guess?’”
David nodded placatingly.  “You’re right.  I do deserve it.  I’m sorry for saying it the way I did and getting the peanut gallery involved.  I didn’t mean to interrogate you like that.  I was just a little shocked that I was right.”
Killian looked at David and said, “So you had to accuse me of ‘fucking’ your sister?”
“I’m sorry!  I could have used better language.  Emma, you know my mouth sometimes speaks before it thinks.”
“Before you think, you mean” she retorted, crossing her arms.
David nodded.  “Can you forgive me?”
Emma sighed and looked at Killian, who gazed softly back at her.  “I guess we can,” she responded.
Killian wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him.  “It’s alright, mate.  Though I do intend to hold it over your head for a very long time,” he added to Emma’s answer.
David chuckled.  “I’d expect nothing less.”
The three of them smiled, turning to watch the others when they heard Will carry on about how many presents were under the tree, and that it was time to stop lollygagging around and get to the point of the evening.
They all began exchanging presents as Christina Perri sang, “Let all your memories hold you close no matter where you are.  You're not alone because the ones you love are never far If Christmas is in your heart,” on the radio that Mary Margaret had turned on moments before to play softly in the background.  
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3. From December 1st-25th, we'll be sharing all the works sent in here on this page, so make sure to give us a follow!
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🎄 All of the works submitted for this event must primarily feature Captain Swan, though the presence of other ships in a work does not disqualify it!
🎄 All of the works submitted for this event must primarily focus on Christmas. If it doesn't fit that criteria, please specify at the end of the form why you think it should be included in this event.
🎄This event does not require any kind of sign-up.
🎄 You may submit as many works as you would like, but if you choose to do so, fill out a separate form each time.
🎄 You are allowed (and encouraged!) to refer your own works!
🎄 Planning on posting something Christmas themed this December and want us to share it? Just tag @captainswanholidayspecialreruns when you post it, and we'll share it here!
🎄 Mature content is allowed, but only under a readmore or as an ao3 link, and will be marked with an easily recognizable "after dark" banner. If you're posting a mature fic but don't know how to add a keep reading tab, send us a dm and we'll help you out.
🎄 If a work is referred by someone other than its original poster, we will be contacting the poster to ask if it's okay to share their work in this event.
🎄 The goal here is to spread positivity for a lot of the fanworks out there, not to spew hate. As such, anyone who responds to a posted work with negativity, hate, or unwarranted criticism will be blocked from this blog permanently.
🎄 We reserve the right to not share a requested work, even without a good reason. However, since our goal is to share as many works and as much CS love as possible, we will try to avoid doing this.
Stay jolly, loves!
🎄 kazzy and the CSHSR crewmates!
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captainodonoghue · 2 years
Hi... you have been a fan longer than me... I believe I've been a fan for almost 4 years now.
And if I reveal that I wrote my first fanfic (not ouat) back in 2003 that will make me an "older" fanfiction writer 🙈 but I do love to challenge myself w various writing skills and change genres etc. Or making my own original novels too (still nothing serious)
If you had to pick the most romantic setting/act/scene you could ever imagine our captainswan would ever venture out on, what would that be????
That's still a lot of years, Santa! How did you find out about OUAT and Captain Swan? Through tumblr?
What kind of original novels do you write? That's so awesome! What was your first fanfic about?
The most romantic setting? I'm always thinking about different romantic scenarios but right now I feel like my mind is blocked!
*a few hours later* (literally. i left to run some errands and came back... with inspiration! haha)
At first I thought of a Christmas -y background with snow, lights, etc but then it hit me. Killian and Emma on the Jolly Roger. It's night and the moon is at its waxing crescent phase (or no moon at all) so there's not much light. You can clearly see the stars, the galaxies etc. (I love it so much when it's dark outside and you can see the night sky in all its glory! It's so magical, it's like it's painted with gold dust.) They're slow dancing, no music just the sound of the sea and Killian humming. And then Emma tells him that she's pregnant (with Hope) or maybe it's set earlier in their relationship and that's when they exchange their first 'I love you's !!!
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(actual representation of me right now! haha)
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starrnobella · 2 years
My submission for #ChristmasinJuly in Melting Pot Fanfiction (18+) this year!!
Secrets, Sailing, Snow Cones, & Sunsets
Rated: General Audiences
Author: starrnobella
Pairing: Killian Jones [Captain Hook]/Emma Swan
Universe(s): Once Upon a Time
Prompt: Paros, Greece - Snow Cones
Word Count: 1,460
Summary: Emma and Killian enjoy a hidden trip away to Paros, Greece, and find themselves experiencing new things together.
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Secrets, Sailing, Snow Cones, & Sunsets
Rated: General Audiences Author: starrnobella Pairing: Killian Jones [Captain Hook]/Emma Swan Universe(s): Once Upon a Time Prompt: Paros, Greece - Snow Cones Word Count: 1,460 Summary: Emma and Killian enjoy a hidden trip away to Paros, Greece, and find themselves experiencing new things together.
Read stories from the entire collection here!
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kmomof4 · 5 years
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Anyone up for some CS Christmas fluff? Well, here you go!!!
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Make Me Look Good
A CS Christmas fic 
AN: This fic is inspired by the Disney Christmas Movie, Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas: Christmas Maximus. The song at the beginning is sung to Goofy by his son Max and it occured to me that the entire scenario in the movie could also be applied to Liam, Killian, and Emma. Thus, this fic was born. All the love to @winterbaby89​ and @profdanglaisstuff​ for beta services and to @imagnifika​ for the use of her gif in my artwork.
ao3 link
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
@hollyethecurious​ @winterbaby89​ @snowbellewells​ @stahlop​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @jennjenn615​ @kingofmyheart14​ @profdanglaisstuff​ @branlovestowrite​ @thisonesatellite​ @ultraluckycatnd​ @flslp87​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @let-it-raines​ @shireness-says​ @kymbersmith-90​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​ @bethacaciakay​ @searchingwardrobes​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​ @teamhook​ @aprilqueen84​ @qualitycoffeethings​ @superchocovian​ @artistic-writer​ @donteattheappleshook​ @doodlelolly0910​ @seriouslyhooked​ @tiganasummertree​
Under the cut, unless Tumblr ate it.
I gotta boatload of butterflies in my belly
I’m short of breath with legs of jelly
Feel like I’m floating about five feet off the ground
So I’ve got to ask for just one big favor
That my dad be on his best behavior
When he sees the two of us around
I’m gonna try to face the holidays fearlessly
And I hope he’ll do his best not to embarrass me.
Make me look good
Make me shine
If you make me look good
I just might get to make her mine
Make me look good
You have a tendency to frustrate me
Seems that you humiliate me
Every single time you get the chance.
Is it any wonder that I’m so frantic
What with all your crazy antics
Ruining all my chances for romance?
I don’t expect you to become suddenly dignified
Could you just try to prove that you are on my side
Make me look good
Make me shine
If you make me look good
I just might get to make her mine
Make me look good.
I only wanted to make a good impression
Now I must make a confession
Wish I hadn’t acted selfishly
I guess I should apologize to you
After all you filled my life with laughter
No doubt about it you’ve been so good to me.
I don’t know why I was so worried
‘Cause strange but true
You’re my one and only dad
And I’m so proud of you
You made me look good
You made me shine
You made me look so good
It looks like I’m gonna make her mine
You made me look good
Everything’s fine
You made me look so good
It looks like I’m gonna make her mine
You made me look good.
Liam Jones was taking one last circuit through the house, mentally checking off the list he had made when his little brother Killian had called home from college the week before.
“Hey, Killy!”
“Killian! Call me Killian, Liam. Please!”
“Killian,” he acquiesced. “It’s good to hear from you, little brother.”
“Younger brother,” Killian mumbled.
“Yes, younger brother,” he agreed, “Sorry, Killian. When are you coming home for Christmas?”
“Ah,” he could almost see Killian scratching behind his ear sheepishly, “that’s what I was calling about. See, ah, I was hoping to bring someone with me.”
“Oh really,” Liam exclaimed, breaking into a wide grin of delight that he was sure his brother could hear over the miles.
Killian chuckled, “Aye, brother. Her name is Emma and she’s in my Economics class. We’ve been study partners this semester. She doesn’t have any family to go home to for the holiday. She’d be spending it here in the dorm, so I invited her to join us. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“No, of course not, Killian,” Liam laughed, “She can stay in the guest bedroom.”
He could hear Killian’s sigh of relief. “Good! Yes! Thank you!” His relief was palpable through the line. “Uhh,” he stuttered, “there’s something else, Liam. I really like her, okay? I want her to have a good time, but I also want to ask her out. And having my brother call me ‘Killy’ or ‘little brother’ isn’t exactly conducive to...”
“Say no more, brother,” he assured, “I will be on my best behavior and will do my best to make you look good in the eyes of your lady love.”
“Thank you, Liam,” Killian replied, sincerely.
After chatting for a little while longer and ascertaining the day, time, and location of their arrival, the brothers hung up.
After making sure that everything was in order for their arrival, Liam left to pick Killian and Emma up at the airport.
“There it is,” Emma called, just before he saw her bright yellow duffle bag come around the corner of the luggage carousel. Killian lunged for it and slung it over his shoulder before Emma had a chance to grab it herself. “So now you’re gonna be a gentleman,” she groused good naturedly, with no real heat behind her feigned annoyance.
“I’m always a gentleman, Swan,” he replied, waggling his eyebrows at her. He reached behind himself and grabbed his rolling suitcase before holding his other elbow out for her to take. She shot him a smirk and looped her arm through his.
“Killian,” a voice boomed ahead of them. “Welcome home, li- uh, brother,” he quickly corrected himself.
A parade of emotions made their way across Killian’s face. Surprise, embarrassment, and finally awkward bashfulness mixed with gratefulness settled in his visage as his cheeks and the top of his ears flamed red. “And that,” he began, “is my brother, Liam.” Emma squeezed his arm while they continued walking toward the overjoyed man.
Killian had told her all about the older brother who had raised him once his mother passed away when he was 13. Liam had just turned 22 and graduated college, so he was able to take custody of his “little” brother. She remembered the way he had rolled his eyes when he had told her. He had gone on to tell her how Liam was always there for him and made sure that he had everything he needed as he grew up, but still taught him the values of hard work, and love for family. Things that their father had taught him before he passed away when Killian was only a toddler.
Standing before Killian’s hero now, she watched as the brothers embraced warmly before two pairs of blue eyes turned to her. “Liam, I’d like you to meet,” Killian began.
“And you must be Emma,” Liam interrupted, greeting her, while grasping her hand in both of his. “It’s wonderful to finally meet the woman who helped this guy pass economics.”
Emma blushed, cutting her eyes toward Killian, who was furiously scratching behind his ear. “Oh, more like it was the other way around,” she laughed. “I couldn’t make heads or tails of supply and demand or macro versus micro economics until Killian started studying with me.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Swan,” he replied. “You helped me just as much as I helped you. If not more.”  She could get lost in his cerulean gaze if she let herself, so she bashfully ducked her head, breaking the spell.
“Well, we are very glad you were able to join us for Christmas, Emma,” Liam acknowledged, grabbing Killian’s suitcase and leading them toward the parking lot. “I’ve gathered all of Killian’s favorites,” he continued, “and he’s informed me of your penchant for hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and cinnamon.” Liam looked over at her with a grin and a wink. “So I made sure I have all the necessary ingredients.” Emma couldn’t help the wide smile that broke over her face at his revelation. She turned back to Killian, her countenance morphing into a shy smile and knocked her shoulder into his.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she protested weakly, nearly in a whisper.
“Of course I did, Swan,” he maintained, knocking his own shoulder into hers. “We wanted to make sure you felt perfectly comfortable in our home.”
“I’m sure I will. Thank you, Killian.”
Arriving at the car, Killian opened the door for Emma before depositing himself in the back for the ride home.
Christmas Eve had arrived.
Liam had kept his word and had done nothing to embarrass Killian in the nearly two weeks since he and Emma had arrived home for Christmas. As far as he could tell, Emma had had a good time. They had done all the touristy things that Killian hadn’t done since he’d gone on junior high field trips and Emma had never done, having never visited Boston before. Liam had saved the decorating of the tree and the exterior of the house until they arrived. The lack of snow so far this season had put a bit of a damper on the decorating, but Liam simply shrugged his shoulders and cranked up the Christmas music until Emma and Killian joined him in the very loud renditions of classic Christmas songs and carols as they worked. The evenings were filled with Christmas movies, hot chocolate and popcorn, and lots of laughter. Emma was fitting right in with him and Liam, and Killian couldn’t be happier.
Killian climbed the steps to the front porch of the house after doing some last minute Christmas shopping. Peering through the picture window into the den and the kitchen beyond he saw Emma sitting on the counter swinging her legs, while Liam stood at the stove working on their dinner. Emma was laughing at something he said and Killian smiled at the scene.
He could see the sparkle in her eyes from where he stood and his heart swelled with affection for the beautiful girl that held his heart in her hands. He was so happy to see her so happy. It had taken most of the semester to get to where their friendship stood today. She was slow to trust. Slow to let someone behind the emotional walls she had built around her heart. Being abandoned as a baby and bouncing around the foster system during your formative years would do that to you. Now that he had been privileged to see the real Emma Swan behind the strong, prickly exterior she showed most of the world, he would happily remain hers for the rest of his days. He just hoped that bringing her home, introducing her to Liam, and showing her a good time around Boston would further soften her heart toward him so that when he finally worked up the courage to ask her out, she’d agree.
The shy glances and her close proximity when they watched movies in the evening suggested that she might be interested in taking their friendship to the next level, but the thought of her possible rejection was enough to get the butterflies swirling in his belly and cause him to chicken out on more than one occasion. But on the Freedom Trail last week, Killian had seen something in a display window that he was sure would help him overcome his nerves and actually ask Emma out on a real date. The thought of her reaction had a smile lifting his lips as he opened the door to the house.
Laughter and the smell of apples and cinnamon tickled his senses as he made his way into the house. Removing his coat, scarf, and hat, he hung them on the coat tree in the foyer and made his way into the kitchen. “Did you find what you were looking for, brother?” Liam asked, turning away from where the hot wassail punch was simmering.
“Yes, I did,” he began, turning his eyes on Emma and waggling his brows at her. A grin split her face as she hopped down off the island and made a beeline for where he stood.
“Did you get something for me,” she exclaimed, reaching for his arms as he spun out of her grasp.
“Maybe,” he replied, laughing at her playful reaches and grabs for him as he stayed just out of her reach. He led her on a merry chase around the kitchen and the sofa in the den before he nearly collided with Liam, slowing him down enough that Emma was able to tackle him, landing on top of him as he hit the floor with an “oof.” The twinkling lights from the decorated tree projected a warm halo on her porcelain skin as he stared into her eyes. Her lips parted into a soft O as she stared right back at him. Killian was spellbound as laughter was replaced by awareness in their emerald depths. Without even realizing it, his hand tangled in her golden locks as her head lowered towards his and eyelids fluttered closed in anticipation when a sharp clearing of a throat broke the spell they were under.
They both startled and turned toward Liam who was settling himself down in his favorite chair. “Maybe if we turn on White Christmas, it’ll snow,” he groused, glancing speculatively in their direction.
Emma scrambled off him and dusted herself off avoiding his eyes as he turned toward Liam who just shrugged his shoulders and grinned, not looking sorry in the least. Killian’s cheeks and ears flamed at the thought of what might have happened if Liam hadn’t interrupted. The look in her eyes, the openness, the vulnerability, took his breath away. All he had wanted to do this semester was to be her friend, get behind her walls and get her to open up to him. And now, the trust and affection he saw in her eyes made it all worthwhile.
Emma had settled on one side of the sofa and given the nerves that he could feel rolling off her, he took the opposite end. She turned apologetic eyes toward him as he got himself settled and Liam pulled up the movie. Killian shot her a reassuring smirk before deciding that White Christmas needed wassail punch and popcorn.
When he arrived back with their snacks, he sat more toward the middle of the sofa instead of the end. Settling back into the cushions, he placed his arm across the back of the sofa and could just touch her shoulder with her hair cascading over his arm. As the movie progressed, Emma inched closer to him, until by the time the General was entering the dining room for his Christmas surprise, she was fully snuggled into his side, with his arm around her shoulders. The peace and contentment of Christmas washed over him as he held the girl he loved in his arms and gazed out the picture window the tree was partially obscuring. Fat, soft flakes were drifting down from the sky. It was already accumulating on the ground. A grin broke out on his face as he squeezed Emma’s shoulders and brought her attention to the falling snow.
“It’s finally snowing!” Liam exclaimed, jumping to his feet and heading for the front door. “Looks like my plan worked!” He turned toward the couple on the sofa. “Coming?” he asked.
Killian looked down at Emma. Her face was radiant as she shook her head. “We’ll be out once the movie’s over.” The opening strands of “White Christmas” with the entire cast was just beginning. Liam bundled up and headed out into the winter wonderland.
Bob Wallace was opening his knight on a white charger from Betty when Killian reached in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Emma’s eyes widened in surprise as he whispered “Merry Christmas, Swan.”
“But I didn’t get you anything,” she protested.
“I’m not worried about that, Swan. Your friendship and having you here for Christmas is enough of a present. Open it,” he urged, nodding at the box.
Emma opened the box and gasped. Inside lay a silver teardrop pendant shaped like a swan, and embellished with small crystals and one flawless freshwater pearl.
“It’s beautiful,” she breathed, ”Help me put it on.” She turned away from him and pulled her hair over her shoulder. He pulled the pendant out of the box and situated it before engaging the clasp at the nape of her neck. She turned her face toward the necklace and held it up to get a better look at it. “You shouldn’t have, you know,” she murmured.
“I know, Swan,” he replied. “Don’t worry. I got a good deal on it. When I saw it, it made me think of you and I wanted you to have it.” He stared into her eyes as she looked at him, willing her to see everything in his heart he was trying to convey to her.
She tilted her head up and drew him down to her as her lips just barely brushed his. “Thank you, Killian. I’ll treasure it always.” Her forehead rested against his as he drew her closer and captured her mouth in a much more passionate slide of lips then the earlier kiss had been. His tongue delved and tangled with hers as she gave as good as she got. When they finally broke for air, they both fought to catch their breath.
“That was…” Killian murmured.
“Definitely not a one time thing,” she quipped. “Merry Christmas, Killian,” she sighed, her face breaking into a radiant smile that literally took what little breath he had away.
“Merry Christmas, Swan,” he agreed, before taking her lips again.
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you enjoyed the fluff!
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 20: The Twelve Sweaters of Christmas
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 1986
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Note:  This story was written for my “Christmas with Captain Swan” collection in 2020.
Note #2: *facepalm* Somehow when I originally posted this yesterday, I accidentally repeated the text of "The Gingerbread Castle", which was the rerun for day 19. As a result, I have decided to reblog this one, so you get the ACTUAL "Twelve Sweaters of Christmas"
CS Genre: AU
Killian Jones neatly folded what felt like the one-hundredth sweater today, and stacked it on top of the pile.  He prided himself on running a clean, neat, ship-shape establishment, and he hated when his clothing went askew.
Of course, given the fact that it was twelve days before Christmas, keeping things neat and tidy was a constant battle.
Killian never would have believed he’d find himself here.  He’d had a promising career in front of him.  He’d joined the Navy fresh out of high school, determined to follow in his older brother Liam’s footsteps.  Liam had been his hero, he’d been brother and father and best friend to him after their mother died and their father abandoned them.  
If only he hadn’t had to be a hero to everyone else.  When Killian was seventeen, Liam had perished at sea after a terrible storm.  He’d sacrificed his own life, saving seven of his crewmates before finally succumbing to the ocean’s fury.
After several months of aching grief, Killian had decided to live a life to make his brother proud.  He’d decided to go into the Navy himself.  He’d been a natural, taking to the water like a merman, never more content, never feeling closer to Liam than when he was out on the water.  Things were looking up.
Unfortunately, tragedies rarely come on their own.  When it rains it pours, and all that.  Two years into his naval career, Killian got into a catastrophic automobile accident.  Not only had he lost his love, his Milah, he’d also lost his hand.
And so he’d found himself alone, his promising career down the drain and with no idea what he was to do with his life.
Killian took a deep breath as he picked up yet another sweater to fold.  Such dark thoughts had no place on this beautiful, snowy day, less than a fortnight before Christmas.  Suffice it to say, after spiralling for a time, Killian had picked himself up and started on a new venture:
He’d come across the clothing store quite by accident.  He’d been passing through the small, sea-side village of Storybrooke, Maine one day, and just happened to step into the store.  It was intriguing; had something of an edgy, pirate theme to it.  It was run by an eccentric man named Edward Teach, who went by the moniker “Blackbeard”, no doubt due to the bushy mass of facial hair he sported.
Something about the store spoke to him, excited him in a way nothing had in months.  Perhaps he could run an establishment such as this, combine a theme he was passionate about with goods people needed, and voila!  The perfect business venture.
He hadn’t been in the store ten minutes before he’d made a promise to himself: Revenge is going to be mine.
It almost felt like fate the way everything worked out after that.  As it happened, “Blackbeard” was looking to retire.  Within a month, Killian had used the last of his inheritance from Liam to purchase Revenge and make it his own.
Nearly ten years later it was still going strong.  He’d even managed to expand, turn it from something thoroughly niche into something more mainstream--while still maintaining it’s edge and it’s roots.
Revenge was Killian’s baby, and he was incredibly proud of it, and never more so than at Christmas.  He prided himself on having everything the discerning Storybrooke customer could want for their holiday clothing needs.
The bell over the door sounded, and Killian looked up to see an angel with soft waves of sun-gold hair, tight jeans and a red leather jacket walking purposely toward him.
More like stomping toward him.  The way her green eyes glittered dangerously as she approached proved that she was quite the angry angel.
She was utterly magnificent.
“Lost a bet,” she said curtly.  “Point me in the direction of your ugliest Christmas sweaters.”
Emma Swan should have known better than to make a bet against Ruby, particularly about something outrageous, and if there was anything Ruby’s clothing choice today was, it was outrageous.
Emma liked Christmas--within reason.  Who didn’t like time off and peace on earth and all the holiday goodies you could eat?
But there was nothing reasonable about the sweater Ruby had chosen to wear for her shift at the diner this morning.
Emma groaned as her roommate sashayed out of her bedroom into the shared living room of their apartment..
“Ruby, it’s too early for this,” she groused.  “You look like Christmas threw all over you.”
Ruby poured herself a mug of coffee, and then sat opposite Emma on the couch.  “Hey don’t knock it.  Everybody loves a good ugly Christmas sweater.”
“More like loves to hate it,” Emma muttered.
A sudden gleam came into Ruby’s eye.  That really should have been Emma’s first clue to turn and run.  Nothing good ever came of Ruby looking at her like that.
“Wanna make a friendly wager on that?” Ruby asked.
“A wager on how many people will hate your clothing choices?”
Ruby rolled her eyes.  “The opposite.  I bet you I get more compliments today wearing this sweater than I’d get on any other day.”
“How would we even quantify that?” Emma asked.  “You usually keep count of the compliments you get?”
“Fine,” Ruby conceded.  “How about this: Come into Granny’s on your lunch break and sit in my section.  I bet you I get a genuine compliment on my sweater during your meal--totally unprompted too.”
Emma considered it.  “What are the stakes?”
Ruby thought for a minute and then smiled.  It was not a reassuring sight.  “You win, and I clean the apartment for a month.  But if I win….if I win, you have to wear an ‘ugly’ Christmas sweater every day until Christmas.”
Emma didn’t even take a moment to consider it.  Getting out of cleaning for an entire month?  So worth this bet, and it wasn’t like she was going to lose anyway.
“You’re on.”
Later that day when Emma and her partner, Sheriff Graham Humbert, stopped by the diner for lunch, they hadn’t been seated for five minutes before Emma realized she’d made a profound mistake.
“Hey guys!” Ruby smiled at them as she reached their table and pulled out her pencil and pad of paper.  “How’s your day going?  It’s been crazy around here this morning!”
“Pretty quiet at the sheriff’s station,” Graham said, smiling as he looked her over.  “That’s quite a sweater you’re wearing today, Ruby.  Very festive; I like it!”
Emma groaned as Ruby shot her a triumphant look.  Rookie mistake.  She should have known better than to bring Graham with her to lunch.  It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Graham had been more than half in love with Ruby for years.  She should have brought someone like Leroy to lunch.  She doubted that man had ever complimented anyone in his life.
But Emma was a woman of her word.  She’d lost the bet fair and square, and pay up she would.
Which is why she currently found herself talking to the owner and proprietor of Revenge.  
“Lost a bet,” she said curtly.  “Point me in the direction of your ugliest Christmas sweaters.”
The man behind the desk--Killian, his name tag said--grinned at her.  “Love, I’d wager the term ugly could never be applied to you no matter what you wear or don’t wear.”
Emma rolled her eyes.  The guy was hot, she’d give him that--with his artfully messy black hair, piercing blue eyes and reddish scruff.  And all the leather.  It really should be illegal for a man to wear that much leather and to wear it so well.  Still, Emma was in no mood for being hit on--handsome man or no.
“You’re hilarious,” she said dead pan.  “Now about those sweaters…”
He grinned again and then winked.  Actually winked.  “Hilarious?” he asked, stepping around the corner and gesturing for her to follow him.  “I prefer dashing rapscallion, scoundrel.”
Her stomach did not swoop at the way he almost growled that last word.  It didn’t!  
The fact that she was totally lying to herself annoyed her more than every aspect of this ridiculous bet.  “How about you be ‘shop owner who does his job and points the customer in the right direction’?  Think you could manage that?”
The rest of Emma’s shopping experience went without a hitch.  She grabbed the plainest Christmas sweater she could find--a simple powder blue v-neck covered tastefully with snowflakes. 
Maybe Ruby would take pity on her and call her bet paid off if she wore this thing.
Probably not, but one never knew.  It was the season of miracles, after all.
The next morning, Killian opened the store as usual, taking a moment to be sure everything was ship-shape before unlocking the doors and turning the sign in the window to read “open”.  He glanced over at his “ugly Christmas sweater” display and smiled wistfully to himself.
He’d spent a fair amount of the evening thinking about her, Emma Swan, her credit card had proclaimed.  She was beautiful, aye, but there was more to it than that.  Though their interaction had scarcely lasted a quarter of an hour, though their conversation had been relegated to Christmas sweaters and the bet that had forced her to purchase one, he had the strangest sense that they were the same deep down, that they were kindred souls.
He was utterly captivated by her.
Killian sighed as he turned on the cash register and checked his supply of cash in preparation for what would likely be another busy day.    It was the first time he’d had any meaningful glimmer of interest in a woman since Milah’s death, and he was surprised at how nervous it had made him to interact with her.  For probably the thousandth time since yesterday afternoon he mentally kicked himself for not getting her number. 
A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets.  Liam had told him that five hundred times if he’d told him once.  
Well, there was no sense dwelling on it now.  Emma Swan had walked out of his life when she walked out of his store, and there was no changing that.
Or so he thought.
Not a quarter of an hour after opening his doors, who should arrive, charging forth in all her wrathful glory than the lovely Miss Swan herself?
Killian grinned at her teasingly.  “Back again, love?  Couldn’t resist my dashing self, is it?”
She rolled her eyes.  “You wish.”
He did.  He really, really did.
“Well, Swan, what can I help you with this lovely morning?” he asked.
She looked surprised.  “You remember my name?”
Killian chuckled and scratched behind his ear.  “I never forget a face, and yours, love, is exceptionally beautiful.”
“Not your love,” she said, but Killian took note of the way her cheeks reddened at the simple endearment.  “Anyway, I’m not here to flirt.  I’m here for another sweater.”
“Another Christmas sweater?”
“Yeah,” she said with a sigh.  “Apparently that blue one with the snowflakes I bought yesterday won’t fulfill my bet.  Ruby told me it barely even fit the category.  Got anything uglier for me?”
“You, darling are in luck,” Killian said.  “Revenge just so happens to stock some of the ugliest ugly Christmas sweaters in the state.”
Today, after a fair bit more banter and pleasant small talk, she’d decided on a red, woolen zip-up cardigan.  Featured prominently on the sweater were several applique snowmen playing musical instruments.  It was...it was quite something.
“This is actually kind of perfect,” Emma said, trying it on and looking herself up and down in the floor length mirrored column next to the sweater display.  “Definitely fits the category, plus it’s a cardigan.  I can take it off after I’ve shown Ruby I actually wore it.  I’ll just say I’m too hot or something.”
He grinned teasingly at her and wiggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner.  “You certainly are, love.”
She laughed at that before removing the sweater and setting it on the counter to be rung up.  “Do those exaggerated lines actually work on anyone?”
“You’d be surprised,” he answered.  “At any rate, they seem to have served their purpose today.  You seem to be leaving my establishment in better spirits than you entered it.”
She smiled.  “I guess I am.  Thanks, Killian.”
He inclined his head.  “A lady in distress needs my assistance, and her wish is my command.”
She laughed again.  “Alright, well I have to get to work.”
He rang her up and wished her a good day.  Just before she stepped out the door, he called out to her again.  She turned toward him.
“Any chance I might see you again?” he asked, feeling like a tongue-tied young lad with the lass he fancied.
“With Ruby being the way she is,” Emma said, “probably a really good chance I’ll be back.”
And so she had.  She returned the next day, settling on a sweater bearing the visage of The Grinch, the day after, choosing one that depicted all twelve gifts from the famous song, the one after that in her own, colorful words, looked like Christmas exploded in woolen form.
Each day their conversations lasted longer, and each day he fell a little bit more for the lovely Miss Swan.  He came to look forward to her visits every day with eager anticipation, mentally thanking whatever brilliant soul invented the “ugly  Christmas sweater”.
On the fifth day, Killian managed to unearth a gem of such glittering ugliness and ostentation, he felt the need to pat himself on the back.
“Yep, that’s certainly a disaster,” Emma said grinning at the garment covered in a large Christmas tree, filled with ornaments and a banner along the bottom that read MERRY CHRISTMAS! In huge letters.
“Oh, but love, you haven’t even seen the best part,” Killian announced.  “This particular sweater comes with a battery pack.”
She shot him a disbelieving look.  “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what exactly does the battery pack do.”
Instead of answering, he turned the device on.  LED lights flashed in every tiny ornament on the sweater, and the MERRY CHRISTMAS! nearly had a strobe light effect.
Emma groaned before dissolving into laughter.  “This is it.  This is the ugly Christmas sweater of all ugly Christmas sweaters.  If this doesn’t satisfy Ruby, I admit defeat.”
Killian watched her go that day with more than a little melancholy.  What if that was the sweater that would do the trick?  What if she didn’t return again?
He needn’t have worried.  Emma Swan showed up at his door bright and early the next morning.
His heart leapt at the sight of her.  He’d fallen hard and fast for this woman, and he saw no likelihood that would change any time soon.
“What? Even the monstrosity with the flickering lights didn’t satisfy the demanding Miss Lucas?” Killian asked by way of greeting.
Emma laughed.  “Oh it did,” Emma assured.  “I think I actually managed to render her speechless with that one.  It’s just...well my bet was for a different sweater every day until Christmas, and I’m a woman of my word.”
And for that he was profoundly grateful.
So it continued.  Each day she came in, each day she bought a sweater, and each day he fell a little bit more in love with her.
When Christmas Eve arrived, Killian noticed a change in Emma’s demeanor almost instantly.  She looked...uncomfortable.
“Is something the matter Love?” he asked, brow furrowed.
“No,” she said, drawing out the syllable, “It’s just..well...I’m here to ask you out.”
Killian choked on the sip of coffee he’d just injudiciously taken.  “Pardon?”
“Okay, first I have a little confession to make,” Emma said.  “Remember that ridiculous sweater with the battery pack around day five or six?”
“Aye,” he said carefully.
“Well, after I wore that, Ruby actually released me from my bet,” she said, looking bashful.  “She told me I’d fulfilled the spirit of it or something like that.”
Killian felt the smile creeping over his face.  “And yet you continued coming in and making your purchases every day.  Whatever for, darling?”
She tried to look stern.  “Look, don’t make a bigger deal of it than it is, but, I don’t know.  I kind of enjoyed our daily shopping sessions and conversations and all of that.”
His smile grew.  “You enjoy my company!”
“Don’t let it go to that over-inflated ego of yours.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, making a cross-my-heart motion over his chest.  “And for the record, I have greatly enjoyed our little...retail dalliances...quite a bit as well.  Now what was that about asking me out?”
She suddenly looked bashful again. “So the sheriff’s department is throwing this Christmas bash and ugly sweater contest tonight, and I was hoping maybe you’d...I mean, I know it’s Christmas Eve, and people want to spend it with family, and I totally get it if you’re not interested or it’s not your thing or whatever, and don’t feel obligated, but I just thought--”
Killian leaned across the counter and kissed her.  “Swan, I would like nothing better than to accompany you to your party.  Just tell me when and where.”
Ruby watched Emma walk into the diner hand in hand with Killian Jones later that evening.  She smiled broadly, reaching over to slap Graham’s arm as he sat beside her.
“Ow!” Graham groused.  “What was that for?”
“Look!” Ruby said.  “It worked!  I told you it would work!”
Graham obediently followed her directions and then grinned.  “I can’t believe you talked me into helping you rig that bet just to play matchmaker!”
“I told you!” she said again.  “Didn’t I tell you?  I knew Killian would be perfect for Emma.  She just needed a little push.”
“That she did,” Graham said with a laugh.  “Remind me to never doubt you again.”
They watched for a moment as Emma looped her arms around Killian’s neck and the two began swaying gently to the music that was playing.
Who would have known that an ugly Christmas sweater would lead to what was sure to become a romance for the ages?
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Emma's First Perfect Christmas- CUT CONTENT!
As I write, I end up cutting out a lot of dialogue and scenes, throwing them in a special place I like to call "the cryochamber" to save them to use later. It's later, so here's some dialogue, scenes, and other tidbits that, while I dearly loved, ultimately didn't make the final cut in my Christmas fic for @booksteaandtoomuchtv, Emma's First Perfect Christmas.
Thanksgiving dinner at the Charming’s farmhouse was over. Henry and Killian were in the kitchen washing dishes, little Neal was taking an afternoon nap, and Emma sat in the living room with Mary Margaret, David, and Regina. “I think this one’s been our best Thanksgiving yet.” David said. “Dad,” Emma said, “this is only our third Thanksgiving together.” “So?” “It’s not like there’s a lot to compare it against.” Emma shrugged. “But it was a lovely meal.” “Thank you.” Regina and David both said at the same time. There was a moment’s pause, and Mary Margaret spoke up. “So, David and I were discussing… now that we don’t have any crises we’re facing, and since we’ve finally got Thanksgivings down, wouldn’t now be a great time to start, I don’t know, celebrating another holiday?” “What did you have in mind?” Regina asked. “Christmas?” Mary Margaret suggested . Emma bit her lip, hoping Regina would be the bad guy again for a moment and shoot down the idea. “That sounds like a lovely idea!” Regina looked up at Emma. “We’ve got quite a few years of Christmases with our son to catch up on.” “We’ve missed out on quite a few with our daughter too.” David and Mary Margaret. “I’m not a little kid anymore.” Emma said. “You guys don’t have to make up for everything I missed out on as a kid.” “It’s not just that.” Mary Margaret said. “There’s so many traditions and moments and memories that we could be having.” “Christmas is the closest thing to magic this land has outside of Storybrooke.” Regina said. “What would be a better place to celebrate it?”
Christmas had never meant much to Emma Swan. She’d been in the system for half her Christmases, and even when she had a family at Christmas, she still couldn’t catch the Christmas spirit. She was thankful that Storybrooke seemed oblivious to Christmas- it hadn’t been celebrated in twenty eight cursed years, and it’s hard to create new traditions and memories when you’re constantly under threat from the baddie of the week.
“Maybe some simple decorations,” she said. “Some garland and a tree, stockings by the fire,” “You hang up socks?" “And then fill them with candy.” Emma laughed. “You’ll like it, trust me. And mistletoe over the doorframe.” “Missile-what now?” “It’s like a magic plant.” Emma said. “Tradition says that you have to kiss whoever’s standing underneath.” Killian smiled and raised an eyebrow. “I love Christmas.” “I think I might love it this year too.” Emma said. She let herself hope a little more, dream of what a perfect Christmas would look like. “We’ll eat dinner with my parents on Christmas Eve, and come home and fall asleep by the light of the tree.” “You have trees that glow at Christmas?”
"Okay." Henry said, then shifted his eyes to look at Killian. "Did you ever do anything like this in the Enchanted Forest?" "Did we ever drive into the woods during a snowstorm to bring back a tree to decorate?" Killian asked. "Of course not!" He noticed a touch of disappointment in Henry's face at his dismissive reply and knew he'd better come up with something. "But I do recall, back when my brother and I were..." he paused a little, not wanting to cast a pall on the moment, "before we joined the navy. One day when I was younger, I spent a week bedridden. I awoke each day while sick to find an extra half ration of food on the floor by my hammock. Liam said it must've been left by the fairies, so I could build up my energy and recover- I didn't believe him for a second, but he went to elaborate steps to prove it to me, even leaving a 'bed' for the fairies- an old sock, but who was to tell the difference- and a 'tree' to give them shade- a large splinter from an old crate, but surely the fairies knew better."
"Rule number one- just because a lady can carry her weight doesn't mean she should have to."  Emma crossed her arms. "Life advice from Mr. Old Fashioned over here?"  "That's Captain Old Fashioned to you, love." He smiled back at her. "And we want to do this for you."  "You do so much for us, mom." Henry added. "We're doing this for you." Killian smiled at Henry and nodded proudly.  "Alright." Emma said.
"You look a little cold." she said.  He felt more than just a little cold, but tried to play it cool instead.  "Do I?"  His attempts to play it cool almost felt lukewarm- but her response was hot.
Taglist:@zahara@kmomof4@jonesfandomfanatic@booksteaandtoomuchtv@jrob64@tiganasummertree@anmylica@teamhook@undercaffinatednightmare@gingerchangeling@lonelyspectator@caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
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ineffablecolors · 6 years
If you happen to still do the winter prompts, I have a request, and no rush or worries if it takes time to complete! -- 47. our first date goes horribly so i don’t know why i say yes to a second date, and now, we’re stuck at the diner until the snow slows down and i’m having fun
I’m happily ignoring the madness that is tumblr right now to bring you this prompt that really got me inspired (thanks, Sarah :*) and that I only altered a little bit. :D Again, if you like this, check out all of ‘Tis The Season and if you really really like it, check out my brand new book which also contains a selection of Christmas stories - thank youuu!
47. our first date goes horribly so i don’t know why i say yes to a second date, and now, we’re stuck at the diner until the snow slows down and i’m having fun from @lifeinahole27
Fifth Date is the Charm; ~ 7, 500 words; FF.NET || AO3
So… I caught my guy faster than expected.. doyou wanna get a cup of something at Granny’s maybe?
It’s Emma by the way.
From last week?
Killian stares down athis phone, his finger a bit numb from shock. He was fully convinced that thefirst two messages were meant for someone else and was just typing a reply(something along the lines of Sorry,lass, I think you texted the wrong number. This is the inadequate arsehole youwent out with last week.) when the other two came in.
Is it possible thatshe had more than one date last week? Well, it’s certainly more probable thanher wishing to see him again. Ever. In any situation. Let alone a social one.Their date was a “low point” for Killian. And that coming from a guy who, inthe last year alone, lost his hand, his job and his girlfriend in that preciseorder, each one as a consequence of the previous.
Hello, Swan. I feel like I should make sureyou’re aware – this is Killian Jones. Ruby set us up last week.
He tosses the phoneback on his coffee table, sure that he is not going to even get an oh shit, sorry, wrong number and headsto the kitchen, sending a silent prayer that there is some spaghetti leftbecause he does not want to gooutside in this weather.
He’s out of spaghetti.Of course, he is. The universe doesn’t leave pasta in the cupboards of thepeople it hates.
His phone pings againand he feels bad for underestimating Emma Swan’s politeness. After all, this isthe woman who stoically sat through the excruciating two hours that constitutedtheir “date” and even asked if he needed a ride home afterwards. The woman ispart angel. But then he figured that out pretty quickly. That was part of theproblem.
I know?
Killian frowns down atthe bright screen. The hell? He starts sliding his thumb over the keyboard,cursing as he gets every second word wrong in his rush.
I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure. You wantto get something to drink at Granny’s? Now? With me?
He scrunches up hisface. Can you get second-hand embarrassment from your own texts? Or is thatjust first-hand embarrassment?
Umm, yes? If you want to?
He doesn’t understand.Is this to be payback? Maybe she’ll stand him up? Or show up and throw a drinkin his face? In either case, she is entitled to it, he won’t deny her that. Andit won’t take more than a few minutes probably, he can replenish his pastasupplies on the way back.
Of course. I can be there in half an hour?
Sounds good. See you there.
Well, this will beinteresting.
Emma circles theperimeter around Granny’s, cursing under her breath as she tries and fails tofind a parking spot.
Honestly, if you askher why she is doing this… she can’t really tell you. She bagged her skipeasily, she got paid right away, she felt good – she did not feel like goinghome, drinking hot chocolate alone and rewatching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. for theeleventh time. And Killian Jones’s unshaven face came unbidden into her mind.
Emma’s been on a lotof bad dates, not even counting all the honey traps, and Killian Jones was byno means the worst. He didn’t get handsy, he didn’t laugh in her face when shetold him what she does for a living and he didn’t spend the evening talking toher boobs.
Admittedly, he didn’tdo much talking at all. Or staring. She was fully convinced that the guy just wasn’tinto her and regretted agreeing to the date throughout the whole evening. Shecan’t deny it left a slightly bitter taste in her mouth.
For her part, Emma wasrather pleasantly surprised when she walked into the Rabbit Hole and sawKillian waiting for her at the bar. At first glance, he was without a doubt theman she would have chosen, if she had her pick from the whole venue. Hell, fromany venue she had been in for quite some time. The broody air and hunchedshoulders didn’t bother her, she often gave off the same vibe while in public.What did bother her was that nothing changed when she approached him, sayinghis name. Oh, he straightened up and turned to her with an attempt at a smilebut it dropped as soon as he set eyes on her.
And, yeah, alright,she didn’t put that much effort into her look – just her standard jeans, a nicewhite sweater, her favourite leather jacket and a fluffy scarf that wasprobably not the sexiest touch. She’d curled her hair though and done hermake-up in her favourite beautiful but understated way. She’d thought shelooked nice. Apparently Killian Jones didn’t think so. He never even took hishands out of his pockets.
He sits down in one ofthe more secluded booths at Granny’s and breathes a sigh of relief when neitherof the two waitresses in the diner are Ruby.
On the way here, herealized Emma might have very well asked him to come so she can pointaccusatorily at him while giving Ruby a piece of her mind for setting her upwith someone the likes of him.
Honestly, he has noidea what the hell Lucas was thinking when she did that. He has brought hissocial interactions down to the bare minimum during the last few months, hecertainly hasn’t entertained any members of the fairer sex since Milah lookedat him with all the disappointment in the world and slammed his door shut.
But Ruby has been onhis case for weeks. He thought one date wouldn’t kill him. He’ll make politeconversation with the girl, walk her home and assure her she didn’t have tocall him back. He’ll get Lucas off his back and go back to enjoying his coffeeand scrambled eggs in peace.
And it’s not like heexpected her to set him up with some evil witch, he thinks he can still makefor some pleasant company, even if he is neither one-night stand, nor seriousrelationship material anymore. But this – Emma Swan. He could wring Ruby’s neckfor this.
He felt like thebiggest arse as she came up to him – keeping his hands in his pockets and noteven getting out of his chair, his face probably doing something less thanappealing when he saw her. But— bloodyhell. Why? Why on earth would Ruby torture him with a woman like that? Awoman who he will very much like to call him back. A woman that he not onlydidn’t have a shot with but who probably had a line of men, waiting for achance to spend an evening with her. And she was wasting it on him.
Her smile was a bittight, a bit untrusting from the start, and Killian… Killian just couldn’tbring himself to go through the motions of trying to charm a woman with whomhis failure was guaranteed. So he let her talk – about her frankly badass job,her love of Christmas lights and her dislike of tinsel and glitter, her favouriteTV shows and the first Game of Thrones book that has been gathering dust on hershelf for the last two months.
He snuck the occasionalglance at her but mostly kept his gaze focused on his glass of rum and hisright hand in his pocket so it wasn’t too obvious that his left one never cameout either. He was sure Lucas had told her but there was no reason to make thelass even more uncomfortable. And no reason to tempt himself by looking at heror engaging her in conversation when she was already proving too witty andcharming for his own good. Eventually her voice trailed off and she tried toask him some questions as well.
Killian orders a cupof tea and cringes at the memory of his monosyllabic replies to the beautifulwoman who at least tried to make their interaction seem like a date.
The bell above herjingles loudly and she quickly scans all the patrons in the diner. She is noteven a little surprised when she spots Killian Jones at the most secludedtable.
Maybe it’s partiallyto preserve some of her own dignity but Emma has managed to convince herselfthat Killian is simply not a people’s person. To a degree that skirts the linewith rudeness.
Again, she questionsthe wisdom of giving into her inexplicable desire to see the guy again. Perhapsit is the mystery that still clings to him. Emma hates leaving a case unsolvedand Killian really didn’t give her enough to figure out what kind of a personhe really is. He told her he was between jobs, said he had no family in townand not that many friends unless you counted Belle’s never-ending flow of bookrecommendations and Ruby’s never-ending attempts to get him “out there”. Emmatried not to cringe at the obvious bitterness in those two words. She is prettysure she failed.
She could have gottenangry – she felt her indignation rising on a couple of occasions when his lackof desire to be there with her became a bit too obvious – but the guy justlooked too damn unhappy for her to get properly mad at him. It genuinely seemedlike he had beef with the whole damn world – she just happened to be in it. Andas the evening wore on he seemed to get even more quiet – a feat that Emmawould’ve thought impossible – until he almost seemed unaware of her presence.It was then that she started wondering if he’d ordered more than the two drinksshe saw.
She was fullyconvinced he had when she finally decided to put them both out of their miseryand suggested they call it a night only to have his “sure, love” come out a bitslurred at the end and have him almost topple out of his chair.
Yup, somehow, he’dmanaged to get himself drunk without her noticing. Then the bartender handedher the check – Killian already on his way to the door and really, she didn’teven mind paying for the privilege of getting out of there and away from him –and she could confirm that she’d had two glasses of whiskey and he’d had justtwo glasses of rum. Seriously? Lightweight it was then.
From then on sheslapped the bills on the counter and ran after the guy to offer that they sharea cab, just so she wouldn’t have to feel guilty for the rest of her life, ifthey found him in a ditch somewhere after he had two freaking drinks with her. He was leaning against the wall, eyesclosed and little breaths coming out of his mouth as puffs of white. He shookhis head at her offer and she rolled her eyes – she wasn’t going to beg to seehim home.
And if that was that,maybe she wouldn’t be walking toward his table right now. But just as she wasturning to leave, Killian grabbed her hand and apologized. She still isn’t surewhat he apologized for – barelytalking to her, getting pissed, leaving her to foot the bill, blatantlyrejecting her?
But he was genuine.That one part, his “sorry about this, Swan” was more genuine than anything elsethat night.
So here she is.
She is just asgorgeous as he remembers – perhaps even more so in the soft light of the snowyday. He can now tell that she’d done her hair and make-up specifically for thatnight and he feels like something has lodged itself in his throat.
This woman – anabsolutely stunning woman that for some reason is trying to give him somethingresembling a smile right now – prepared for a date with him and he repaid herby being an absolute wanker.
Then again, this isnot the first time he is realizing this. About an hour into their date (he usesthe term very loosely) he decided that he should give himself a slap over thehead and at least attempt to behave like the gentleman he used to claim he was.But by then it was too late.
Killian tried toformulate some kind of an engaging question, to recall some fun story with Rubyand Belle but he found his mind in complete disarray. He looked down at hishalf-empty glass, wondering how the hell he could’ve gotten drunk on a coupleof glasses. And then he remembered the pills.
He looks at her for afew seconds without blinking and Emma is already cursing herself for her poordecision making.
Seriously though, whatthe actual fuck? She doesn’t give most guys even a first chance, why on earthis she giving this idiot a second one?
A little voice in herhead tells her in has something to do with how blue and sad his eyes are andhow his full lips are a bit chapped from the cold and his cheeks a little pink,but Emma likes to think that she is not that shallow. It’s part of the reason,sure, but—
Thankfully, Killianseems to shake himself out of his thoughts and jumps to his feet. He evenextends his hand. She takes it and watches him debate with himself for a moment– his thumb doing two sweeps over her chilled skin – before he shakes it andlets it go.
She is notdisappointed – this is already going better than last time. He hasn’t lookedaway from her yet. Actually, he is staring at her pretty hard. It makes herlook away first, nodding toward the table he was sitting at.
“Right. Please,” hewaves in a sort of invitation and Emma slips into the booth.
Killian remainsstanding for a few seconds before he joins her. His hand wraps around the cupof tea on the table and Emma looks around for a waitress – she’d like a cup shecan fidget with and hide behind as well.
There is no waitressin sight – she should tell Granny her staff is slacking off. The silence hascontinued long enough to be awkward now. Why did she do this to them again?
She startles at thesound of her name coming from him – badly enough that Killian looks genuinelyalarmed, then confused, then worried. She is pretty sure he is starting toquestion if he remembered her name right.
“Um, yeah?”
He sighs in relief.Yup, definitely questioning.
“Look, can I just— Ihave no idea why you decided to text me.”
The good thing aboutwinter is that your cheeks have an excuse for being pink at all times. She’lltake it.
“But I’m glad you didbecause I really wanted to apologize for last week.”
“You—“ she starts tosay that he doesn’t have to but, well, he kinda does have to. “It was a prettyshit date.”
He chuckles without alick of humour in the sound and Emma’s eyes widen a little when she realizesshe said that out loud but she schools her expression back into mild interestin his apology before he looks up at her from under his lashes.
Shit, he looks reallyapologetic.
“I know. I haveresigned myself to being your “worst date” story.”
It’s her time tochuckle and there is quite a bit of humour in it.
“Please, don’t flatteryourself.”
Killian’s eyebrowjumps in surprise and her smile is really more teasing than mocking.
“It was pretty bad butnot my worst by far.”
His other eyebrowjoins its partner high on his forehead and he leans forward in an unconscious showof interest the kind of which she has learnt to read in people, the kind he didnot display even once on their first date.
Wait, is this theirsecond date? Did she actually ask him on a second date?
“Well, I know I haveno right to it but I just have to hear this story. If you’ll be so kind.”
She contemplates himfor a moment, her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed and she knows her look isprobably making him sweat a little under his layers. Good.
He knew Emma Swan wasinteresting – a woman has to be to singlehandedly carry out 90% of theconversation during an almost-2-hour date – he did not know she can bepositively hilarious.
The story of her datewith some guy named Walsh makes him clench his fist and grit his teeth morethan once at the nerve of that man but the way Emma tells it makes itimpossible for him not to laugh out loud. The image of her giving the bastard ablack eye also aids his merriment.
He admits that hedoesn’t have many dating horror stories to repay her with.
“Is that cuz I was yourworst?” she asks suspiciously, narrowing her pretty eyes at him once more.
His ears feel likethey are on fire.
“No, I… well, I’veactually avoided labelling… last time as a date, in my head at least.”
Her brows furrow inconfusion and he wants to apologize again but he can’t really do that without eitherwaxing poetic about her beauty and patience or spiraling into his tragic littlestory.
“But I can mostcertainly regale you with the tale of my most embarrassing date.”
Emma’s look tells himthat she knows exactly what he is doing but she is intrigued enough to let itslide. So she takes her hot cocoa, leans back in her booth and waves her handfor him to proceed. She looks positively regal and he hides his desire to bowand call her “your Highness” behind a rakish grin.
He tells her about hisfifth date with Tink and makes sure to emphasize the amount of glitter the girlhad been covered in, remembering Emma’s dislike for the stuff. He is rewardedwith the adorable scrunch of her nose. He recalls how Liam came home early andhe was so proud of himself for managing to pull Tink’s dress down and get offhis knees in time.
“So he didn’t catchyou? How is that your most embarrassing story?”
“Aye, he didn’t reallyand I was damn proud of myself, acting all cool and nonchalant, all the whilewondering why Liam’s face was getting redder by the second. He managed torestrain himself for ten seconds before he was bent over, hands braced on hisknees, laughing his sodding ass off. I was so bloody confused.”
“So he knew?”
“’Course he bloodyknew! I had glitter all over my face!”
Emma sits there for asolid ten seconds as well – her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open a littlebit before she bursts into laughter.
“What? How—“ she triesto take a breath but then dissolves into another fit of giggles.
Honestly, he is soproud of himself – this is the least he has ever minded telling this story.
“She had glitter down there?”
“Darling, she hadglitter everywhere. Something about asparkling body lotion. Hell if I know. I told her that can’t be good for herbut I don’t think I was very credible, seeing as my face was bright red and covered in glitter and I couldn’tget my brother to stop laughing at me.”
Her sides hurt alittle bit but Emma thinks it’s totally worth it. Killian seems rather pleasedwith himself for someone who just revealed that he got caught going down on afreaky fairy or something. Seriously, glitter was the worst, why would you wantit—
She shudders.
“Can I tell him aboutour date and how you were taken down by two glasses of rum then?”
She means it as ajoke, she really does. She is not that upsetabout that, she knows how easily alcohol can get the better of you – you’re abit tired, you’re a bit hungry and before you know it you’re drunk on twobeers. It’s happened to her, she is not—
But Killian’s faceliterally crumbles and she doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal.
“I’m afraid that will be quite the feat.Unless you have the ability to communicate with the departed.”
What now?
“The depa— oh!”
“Fuck. I’m sorry. I—“
“I’m alright, lass. Noway you could’ve known. Doesn’t really follow the rules of logic. He was barely30.”
She swallows. Herthroat is just a little raw from laughing so much. She feels horrible about it.Yet, she kind of appreciates it – that he told her a story about his late brother.
“And, umm, just so wecan… clear the air. I was going to explain earlier as well but…”
Killian is back tolooking uncomfortable and contrite and she doesn’t really care for it, she justwants to tell him that it’s fine, that everybody has off days and—
“I wasn’t drunk. It’sjust… the cold months give me a bit of trouble. With the… the hand. The pain.And I’d got those new pain meds the day before and I completely forgot that Iwasn’t supposed to mix those with alcohol and… yeah. You know the rest.”
He is not looking ather at all anymore and it makes her feel even more lost in this conversationwhen she can’t read things in his eyes. Now that she has spent some timeactually looking at them, she has a clue why he didn’t look at her much lasttime – Killian Jones wears his heart in his eyes.
And now he onlychances a glance at her. He looks self-conscious and she hasn’t got a clue whathe is talking about.
“I’m sorry, what? Whywere you on pain meds? What did you do to your hand?”
All other emotionsdepart Killian’s face to make room for his utter confusion.
“Lucas didn’t tellyou?”
“Tell me what?”
“Bloody hell,” hemutters under his breath and for a second she thinks he looks angry but whetherit’s at her or himself or Ruby she has absolutely no idea.
He cuts her off with ashake of his head and takes a deep breath before he puts his hands on thetable.
It takes her a moment.
His right hand is onthe table, his left one however ends at his wrist and all she can see in hissleeve is the shirt tucked around the end of his forearm.
“I’m sorry. I reallythought you knew.”
“No, I—“ she looks upand he seems so damn guilty – why on earth would he feel guilty? “Killian, it’sfine, you don’t have to apologize.”
She reaches for hisright hand and he instinctively pulls the left one back. It makes her hesitatefor a moment but she leaves her hand where it rests lightly over his own.
“This isn’t somethingyou – or Ruby – needed to warn me about.”
His snort ishumourless and dismissive and makes her a little angry. She hasn’t been angryat him today but it almost feels like familiar territory.
“Sure it is.”
“Umm, it’s really not.Do you usually ask for your dates’ medical records before you go out with themfor the first time?”
“It’s not like I havediabetes, Swan, I’m missing a limb.”
“Right. And I reallydon’t want to diminish your pain but I’m pretty sure you can die from diabetesso…”
“Aye, but it’s not…”
He gestures aroundwith his left forearm, seemingly at a loss for words and she arches an eyebrow,daring him to say something stupid. He rolls his eyes at her and sighs.
“Well, at the veryleast, it might’ve prepared you for a situation where your date is a moron who mixed up his pain meds.”
“Are you calling me amoron?”
“No, I—what? Love, Iwas obviously referring to myself.”
“Bold of you to assumethat I’ve never mixed painkillers with alcohol, Jones.”
He chuckles butquickly tries to adopt a stern expression that makes her grin in turn.
“Do I want to hearthat story? I should warn you that is a very dangerous practice and—“
“Well, I did do it athome. And kind of by accident. I mean really, I think my insides were trying tokill me, I didn’t even remember I’d taken some painkillers.”
He frowns at her andshe just waves him off.
“Wanna order somefood?”
They order pancakesand a mountain of scrambled eggs and Killian’s never had a preference about howmuch women eat one way or the other but the way Emma cuts into the pancakesbefore she has even swallowed her mouthful of eggs pulls insistently at thecorners of his mouth.
Then she goes and cutsthe whole stack in four and he feels his heart squeeze almost painfully. Itmight just be the way she does it – though the quick look she steals at himtells another story – he doesn’t know, but he is thankful that he wouldn’t haveto awkwardly break the food with his fork all the same.
Emma is in the middleof telling him about a particularly stupid slip she had to chase a couple ofmonths ago when Granny comes out of the back – flushed and agitated.
“OK, folks, nothing toworry about, we’re just locking the doors for safety reasons. If you want toleave – which I really don’t advise you to do but it’s your life and toes afterall – just come up to the counter and Ella here will give you the key.”
“Wait, what?”
Emma looks around andthey realize two things at the same time – there are only a couple of peoplebeside them left in the diner and the outside world is nothing but a wall ofwhiteness now.
“Was this in the forecast?”he gets up and wipes at the window – nothing, just more blinding whiteness.
“I don’t believe inthat so.”
He turns back to her –amusement probably painted all over his face.
“You don’t believe itweather forecasts?”
“Nope,” Emma plopsdown in her seat and takes another bite of pancakes dripping with maple syrup,calm as can been.
“If you don’t mind mesaying, you don’t seem particularly bothered to be snowed in here for theforeseeable future, lass?”
She shrugs and wipesher mouth with the back of her hand – then she looks up at him as if he caughther committing a horrendous crime and reaches for a napkin. He swallows hischuckle, sure that she will take it the wrong way.
“I mean, I don’t haveanything to do. It’s warm, there’s food, you seem to improve on the secondviewing.”
“High praise.”
She rolls her eyes andnudges the last of the eggs toward him but he just shakes his head.
“I think I’ll go getsome coffee since we’ll be stuck here for a while. You want anything?”
“Mmm, coffee soundsgood. You sure you don’t want any more of this?”
“All yours, Swan.”
He goes to the counterand orders two large cups of coffee and pretends he doesn’t see the wink Grannythrows his way before she disappears into her kitchen.
Yes, he likes to thinkthis is going much better than last time, perhaps so well that after they getout of this snow trap he might be able to call Emma Swan a friend. But he istrying really hard not to think too much about all the other things that hewould like to call her – in low tones that do not belong in a diner or anypublic place really.
Ella deposits the twomugs in front of him with a smile and he thanks her, taking one and bringing itto Emma before he returns for his own. The timing – as it usually is in hislife – is bloody terrible and the pain shoots up his left arm just as his rightone picks up the red mug.
The noise of porcelainhitting the tiled floor is deafening in the quiet diner and Emma’s head whipsaround just in time to see Killian step back from the black puddle on the floorand squeeze his eyes tightly shut, his hand clamped around his left arm.
She jumps out of thebooth and steps right through the mess on the floor. Ella is already comingtoward them with a mop in hand so Emma just takes Killian by the arm and slowlyguides him back to their booth. His jaw is clenched so tight it must hurt butthe way his nails are digging into his sweater makes her think that he hasbigger issues than that.
“Hey, Killian? What’sgoing on? Are you in pain?”
“It’ll pass,” he gritsout and that’s really not what she asked.
“Can we make it passfaster?”
He shakes his head andfinally opens his eyes. She almost wishes he didn’t – if she had any doubtabout how much pain he is in, it’s gone now.
“I-it’s fine, lass.Just need a… a sec.”
He swallows, his Adamapple going up and down with effort.
“Do you have yourpills?”
Another shake.
“OK, we should leave.”
She makes to get upfrom where she is kneeling beside him and ask Ella for the keys when Killian’shand falls on her arm.
“Don’t. It’ll passsoon.”
She frowns at him.
“Are you sure? Howabout regular painkillers? Somebody must have something?”
She glances back atthe counter – Granny has come out of the kitchen, looking at them with obviousconcern and trying to figure out how to help, and Ella seems terriblyuncomfortable and a bit upset. Emma feels something possessive and kindaviolent gather at the pit of her stomach and she just wants them to stopstaring. Killian must hate people staring. She hopes she is not glaring toohard.
But when she turnsaround he isn’t looking at the women behind the counter, he’s looking at her,and it’s then that she realizes his hand has slid down and is now holding hers.
For the most part, hewould really prefer to erase the last five minutes or at least to have spentthem in the privacy of Granny’s bathroom. Or better yet, he would prefer tohave taken his bloody meds today. But he can’t deny that some small part ofhim, that is threatening to grow by the second, has latched onto the way Emmalooks with concern – for him no less– in her eyes, the set of her shoulders when she is ready to take control ofthe situation and her fingers – warm and firm as she squeezes his hand back.
“I’m fine, love. Thankyou,” he lets himself infuse the words with all the emotion inside him rightnow.
“You know if the coldmakes it worse, you really should’ve said no to coming here.”
“And let you go onbelieving that two rums put me out of commission?”
She rolls her eyes.
“Priorities,” shemutters with some ill-concealed amusement. “Let me get you another coffee.”
“That’s al—”
But she is alreadygetting up and waving at Ella for another cup of coffee so he returns his focusto his damn arm. The pain is duller now, not the blinding shock that made himdrop his blasted mug. Fuck, the mug.
Killian gets up anddigs his wallet out of his pocket before he approaches the bar, rotating hisleft shoulder carefully.
“Let me pay you forthe mug, lass.”
“Oh,” Ella looks athim with eyes as wide as saucers and then glances at Emma uncertainly, almostas if asking permission – he would be amused, if he didn’t find it so weird.“That’s not ne—”
“I insist. Just add itto our bill and give me the check.”
It’s as he is takingthe bills out of his wallet that it hits him.
“Bloody hell!”
She was just reachingfor his second cup of coffee when his voice startles her and her hand landsflat on the counter instead. She swears Killian is just not meant to have anycoffee today. Or they are meant to break all of Granny’s mugs.
“What’s wrong?”
Her eyes quickly zeroin on his hands and then jump up to his face. But Killian doesn’t seem to be inpain, he just looks like she just slapped him across the face.
“What? What did I do?”
“Emma—” it comes outall low and gruff and she is pretty sure he doesn’t intend for the word to havethe effect that it does on her. “Emma, did I leave without paying last time?”
“Oh,” her whole bodyloosens and she signs in relief before she grabs his mug and makes her way backto their booth. “Yeah, you were pretty out of it.”
“Bloody buggeringfuck.”
He follows after her,his hand working restlessly through his hair before he reaches for the mug.
“That’s pretty hot.”
He huffs indispleasure but leaves the coffee on the table and drops back in his seat,grimacing a bit and reaching over to rub at his arm again.
“You sure you’re ok?”
“I’m fine. Let’s getback to something more important. I saddled you with the bloody check last time—”
“How on earth is thatmore important?!”
“—and you called meagain?!”
She was about to gointo some basic self-preservation lessons and the value of health and comfortover splitting the fucking check but that part effectively shuts her up.
Logically, Emma knewthat he might question why she texted him again after what she herself dubbed “apretty shitty date” but… well, she was hoping he might get around to it afteranother couple of dates.
“I guess,” she shrugs.
Good one. Veryeloquent.
“Swan, you—” he shakeshis head and runs his hand throw his hair a few more times, tugging on thelittle earring in his ear – which does not make her smile, absolutely not – andhuffs a few more times before he fixes her with a disbelieving stare. “Youcalled a guy who said a dozen words to you all evening, got drunk – to your knowledge,and left you to foot the bloody check?!”
“Well, technically, Ididn’t call. I texted. And I don’t know… there was a small chance that you werejust being very feminist about it.”
If his eyebrow gotboosted by any more disbelief, it would probably fly off his forehead.
“What? Are you tryingto say you’re not?”
“I assure you, I’mfully capable of reconciling the feminist and the gentleman inside me and noneof them approve of leaving a lady to pay for everything after she has been putthrough a most unpleasant ordeal.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Jesus. You make itsound like you made me undergo a medical procedure.”
“Swan, I think we needto talk about your choices.”
“Oh, for the love of—Get off your high horse, you’re not that special.”
“Never said or thoughtI was, I’m just genuinely worried about your forgiving nature.”
She snorts.
“Yeah, trust me, not athing you should be worried about, seeing as it doesn’t even exist.”
“And yet here I am,proof of the exact opposite.”
She leans back andstudies him carefully, trying to decide if he is in any way flattering himself.He doesn’t seem to be and, from what she has seen today, Emma really doesn’tthink Killian Jones is all that full of himself actually.
“You are a fluke, ok?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I don’t mean it like…in a bad away,” she looks down at her hands, his eyes suddenly a bit toocurious and unguarded. “But I don’t usually give people chances and I don’tusually do… this.”
She waves her handover the table between them. Yes, eloquent indeed.
Killian doesn’t reallyknow what to say to that. He tries really hard not to read between lines thatare probably not there.
“You don’t get snowedin diners with strangers you had a horrible date with?”
She rolls her eyes athim. He thinks he is beginning to like it when she does that. Bad form probablybut he can’t really help it.
“I don’t date,” shesays simply and the shock must be written all over his face because she shrugsher shoulders and looks away in the next second. “What? It’s why Ruby set usup, isn’t it?”
Now it makes somesense. Well, not a lot, he still thinks Lucas should’ve been able to tell that,even if she is pretty rusty, Emma can do far better than him. Maybe a couple ofyears ago but even then, he’s not sure. He feels like one has to have somethingspecial indeed to make it with Emma Swan. As it should be.
“What did you mean by“oh”? Isn’t that what you thought as well?”
“Well, no. I-Iactually thought we were quite badly matched when we met.”
Her “oh” is not one ofrealization though, he doesn’t even need to be paying that close attention tosense the undercurrent of disappointment and rejection.
How on earth can he reject her?
“Emma, I don’t mean—”
“No, that’s… umm,that’s ok. I kinda got that last time as well, I don’t know why I thought— Weshould— Do you think we can go now?”
She should get up. Sheshould just get up and leave. But she really doesn’t want to look like evenmore of an idiot when she tries to walk out of the door and is just met with a wallof snow and forced to go back in with her tail tucked between her legs and sitat a table in the opposite end of the diner because—
Why did she thinkthings were going better this time around?
“No. Swan, will youplease hear me out?”
“Killian, it’s fine.You’re not obligated to like me just because Ruby set us up. Really this is…this is on me, I should’ve gotten the message—”
“There was nomessage!”
She looks up sharply.Really, he doesn’t need to take a tone withher while rejecting her.
“Really? Then you havea very strange way of expressing your interest in people!”
He slums back againstthe seat, his shoulders and head dropping a little as he rubs at the back ofhis neck and then down his arm and she’s kinda angry that she is still kindaworried that he is still in pain.
“I know, I… I’m sorry.Again. For… that whole evening. But I just…” he takes a deep, fortifying breathand looks her straight in the eye and Emma has just a moment to assimilate thefact that he looks like he is about to drop something heavy before hecontinues. “My ex-girlfriend left after I lost my hand and my job.”
The fuck?! What kindof—
“And she didn’t botherbeing too nice about it. And I really didn’t need her to help me re-adjust myworld view but, anyway,” he waves his hand through the air as if that’s allpast and done and unimportant now and she really wants to disagree. “When Lucassaid she wanted to set me up with a friend of hers I really didn’t expect…”
He waves at her thistime and she is a little frustrated with a whole lot of things.
“What? What’s thematter with me?!”
“Nothing! That’s thebloody point!”
“Excuse me?”
“I don’t mean…Bloody hell, Swan, surely you’re aware that you’re absolutely stunning.”
Well, she wouldn’t goas far as—
“Positively hilarious,enticingly confident and a tad intimidating.”
Her mouth hangsslightly open and Killian thinks thisis now the most embarrassing date of his life because he didn’t really mean todo… that.
“I… don’t think I’veever heard a human use the phrase “enticingly confident” before.”
He cringes.
“Yeah, well… it’s beenin my head for a while.”
“I- I think I’mflattered?”
He chuckles and looksanywhere but at her as he searches for a way to change the bloody subject. Theblasted snow is still falling.
“Aye, well, feel freeto add it to your dating CV.”
Cue awkward laugher.Take a sip of coffee to cover it up. Do not look the stunning woman in questionin the eyes.
“Wait, so you what?Decided I was out of your league or something?”
He shrugs and nods anddoes not look at her.
Her voice is somewherebetween disbelieving and giddy and genuinely sounds like he told her he isgoing to adopt a panda bear or something equally ridiculous. He gives her adirty look.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
She does an admirableeffort of tampering down her smile but it just breaks out again and he almostcan’t be mad at her.
“I just… you knowthat’s really stupid, right? And like, I have a ton of baggage.”
“Swan,” he sighs andtries to give her a smile as well but he really just wants this pointlessdiscussion to be over. “Everybody has baggage.”
“No, I mean like,serious baggage like…” she chews on her bottom lip for a second, obviouslycontemplating whether or not she should tell him this – whatever this is – and he is about to assure herthat she doesn’t have to when she powers on. “Foster care record and criminalrecord and lots of abandonment kinda baggage.”
He frowns andcontemplates, if he should reach over or say he is sorry or—
“But that’s… like,really besides the point. I mean, I know fuck all about dating andrelationships, but I’m pretty sure it’s not about completing a checklist ofthings that the other person should or shouldn’t have.”
“Aye, of course, but—”
“Like, the sum of allthat shit is probably what makes a person who they are but they’re not just…their childhood or their master’s degree or their crappy apartment or theirhorrifying dating history.”
His laughter is moregenuine now and he finds it easier to smile at her.
“You just either likea person or you don’t,” Emma nods, as if she is quite happy with the conclusionshe has reached and he can’t quite argue with her.
It just raises a veryobvious question that he finds he actually has the nerve to ask.
“And you decided youlike me?”
She doesn’t even stopto think about the consequences, she just rolls her eyes at him and answers inher best deadpan voice.
“No, I asked you outagain because of your excellent conversation skills and impressiveconstitution.”
She almost laughs atthe way his face is trying to reconcile the awe and indignation that seem to bebattling for dominance inside him.
“Honestly, I just feltlike I didn’t get the chance to figure you out. And I wanted another try.”
“Well, I think you’rea bit too complex to figure out on two dates but I now know that you’ll let mehave the last bite of eggs, do not actually get smashed from two glasses of rumand will go down on a girl on the fifth date.”
The way his eyesalmost pop out of his head is exactly the reaction she was hoping for so Emmaleans back and brings her mug to her mouth with a satisfied grin before shedelivers her closing argument.
“So I really think weshould have at least three more dates.”
(She has to go chase askip in the middle of their fifth date and Emma is not ashamed to admit thatshe has never slammed a guy against the hood of her car with that much pent-upfrustration.
Killian has the nerveto say it’s a good thing they got interrupted or he never would’ve gotten asixth date – which is beyond ridiculous, seeing as they’ve already madeChristmas and New Year plans together – but Emma exercises levels of restraintshe did not know she possessed and makes him wait until the seventh date justto prove him wrong.)
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fllmetalheart · 6 years
A Thrill of Hope
I may be a day late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS, FOLKS! Here’s my present to you: a day-late Captain Swan(ish) holiday snippet! Enjoy! 
Summary: Emma struggles with keeping her walls down for her first family Christmas, when she begins doubting her place in their “perfect, happy” family. Fortunately, a certain ex-Pirate Captain is there to reinforce her hope.
For as long as she remembered, Emma Swan was alone. She spent her days fending for herself and her holidays weren't exactly "merry and bright" as it was for many others. She never imagined to have friends to share gifts with, or a family to eat Christmas dinner with - less than she expected to be a "Savior" for a town of fairy tale folk, slay a freaking dragon, find her sons and parents, and fall in love. Being a part of a family, being happy was never in the cards for the Savior ... Or so she thought.
In only a short two years since she had found the quaint town, she managed to check the boxes of all listed above; now came the real challenge. Christmas time with said family.
Mary Margaret and Granny were busy making the turkey, David was talking to Archie and Ruby while watching the dwarves from the corner of his eye to make sure they wouldn't cause a ruckus, and Killian was helping Henry with decorations while Emma and Regina were standing off to the side, bewildered at the whole ordeal.
“This whole thing is pretty funny if you think about it," Emma chuckled as she watched Killian struggle with the 'bloody fairy lights.'
“What is?" Regina lifted her eyebrow as she took a delicate sip from her wine glass.
“I'm about to have Christmas dinner with Snow White, Prince Charming, Little Red Riding Hood, Jiminey Cricket, seven dwarves, my boyfriend who just so happens to be Captain Hook," Emma laughed while Regina realized where she was going with this and chuckled, too. "And the ex-Evil Queen is lounging around, sipping wine with me."
"Well, you said you wanted a family, right?" Mayor Mills smiled broadly and nodded her head to the throng of fairy tale characters. “What do you think?”
“I think this will do it,” Emma grinned, but it faltered as she scanned the crowd again and felt her heart hammer in her chest. She had never done this before. What if she messed up or did the wrong thing? What if she makes a fool of herself? What if they realize how broken she is and deem her not worthy of their “perfect, happy” family?
Before her thoughts could further drag out her anxiety, Killian came up to her with furrowed eyebrows and a mad grin, and Regina took that as her cue to find Robin. 
“This world never ceases to astound me, Swan. Look at these fascinating little trinkets Henry was showing me. Although I have to say, they don’t look anything like crackers to me,” He handed her a Christmas Cracker, and Emma nearly forgot all her troubles as she fought back a threatening fit of laughter. She had hoped that her smile would be a mask to hide away the inner conflict that was raging inside her; Killian, of course, saw right through her. “Are you alright, Swan?”
“Yeah,” She winced at how high her voice sounded. Her eyes darted around the room quickly, looking for a good excuse before meeting his vibrant eyes. “Of course. It’s just that with seven dwarves, an ex-pirate and evil queen and several fairy tale idols, an accident is bound to happen at some point.”
His eyes studied hers for several long moments, and Emma felt herself drifting into them and her walls that were on the verge of rebuilding were slowly crumbling down once again because, damn, his eyes were so blue and could see through her. He opened his mouth, about to say something when Granny strode into the lofts living room.
“Alright, you hungry wolves,” Ruby visibly snorted at her Grandmothers pun. “Bring it in, dinners ready.”
As the sea of characters began making their way to the long table that was set out, Killian gently grabbed her hand, murmuring into her ear, “We’ll talk later.”
Dinner itself was a whole other ordeal - how was she supposed to put on a joyous smile and continue Mary Margaret’s chatter while she was internally battling herself. However, she forced herself to calm down when she noticed how comfortable Henry was. She may be getting used to the idea of being in a family, and she may not have had this experience growing up, but she’d be damn sure that her son wouldn’t go through what she did. So with a final deep breath, she put on a real smile as she talked to Henry and made easy conversation with her father and Ruby.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Killian, who was sitting across from her and Henry, was casting knowing, skeptical glances her way. He knew. He always knew.
“Everyone,” David cleared his throat out as he and Mary Margaret stood up, effectively silencing the throng.
“We would just like to thank everyone for coming out,” Snow beamed. “We know it hasn’t been an easy year, but I know that none of us could have gone through it without each other. Merry Christmas,” She raised her glass, and David followed suit.
“And here’s a year without any witches or snow queens,” He added his two bits in as they cheered and drank their champagne - for Henry, his soda.
As they all made their way to the living room to chatter and prepare for gifts once their plates were cleared, Killian pulled Emma aside and they stepped out the front door to gain some privacy from the loft full of people.
“What’s going on, Swan?” He questioned gently, intertwining his hand with hers as a gesture of silent support.
"Killian," She shook her head. "I don't think now is -"
"You don't have to hide away your emotions, Emma. I'm here for you, love. Your family is here for you - whatever it is, you don't have to face it alone," He gave her hand a gentle squeeze when a sudden look of understatement dawned on his face. "That's what you're afraid of: your family, or rather, loosing them, I gather.”
Emma exhaled deeply and broke eye contact to collect her thoughts before looking up again, “Two years ago, I had no one, okay? Nobody. I was on my own, working as a bail bondswoman. Then Henry found me, brought me here, and last year I’m pretty sure we missed Christmas because we were stuck in the Enchanted Forest, kicking your and Cora’s asses-”
“Uncalled for, but carry on,” He piped in.
“This is my first Christmas with a family,” She finally let out, her voice wavering slightly. “And I can’t help but think what if I’m not good enough to be deemed worthy of their perfect, fairy tale family? I’ve never done this before.”
Her eyes welled up with tears, and she felt heat rise to her cheeks, but she would not cry. Killian let a few moments go by for her to breathe, before he quietly spoke up, “I’ve never done this before either. Although I could never understand what you went through growing up, I do understand how you feel right now. But Emma, listen to me, love,” He gently grabbed her chin and titled her head so her eyes met his. “Those people in there, as loud and unexpected as they may be, they are your family. And just like me, they’re in this for the long haul. There’s nothing you could ever do that could change how they think and feel about you, believe me. I have yet to see you fail,” He repeated with a nostalgic glint in his eyes. “You’re not alone anymore, Swan.”
Emma felt her heart shatter and swell all at the same time, and she thought ‘screw it,’ before letting the dam holding back the tears collapse. Without hesitation, strong arms wrapped around her and she nestled her nose into his neck.
“Neither are you,” Her voice cracked and she could almost feel the smile on his lips as he dug his nose into her hair.
After a while, Emma felt her nerves calm down and she nervously scratching her nose once they parted. Killian gave her a small smile as he wiped her eyes dry before leaning down. She met his lips halfway and they kissed briefly but passionately, and in that moment, she had no doubts.
They made their way back inside, and saw that everyone was captivated by an over exaggerated story that Leroy was sharing about an accident in the mines back when they lived in the Enchanted Forest. They walked in just as everyone started laughing, while Sleepy was exasperatedly saying that it “wasn’t his fault he was feeling sleepy and forgot to secure the cart.” 
“Ah, there you two are,” Snow smiled brightly when Emma and Killian approached them, and Emma noticed with a roll of her eyes how David broadened his shoulders a little more at the implication. Just in time, we were about to start exchanging gifts!”
Emma had just enough time to flash her a quick smile before her mother buzzed off, leaving them all gaping in her enthusiasm. 
By the end of the night, Emma had aquainted a new knitted sweater from Granny, a belt for her sword from David, an old fashioned copy of The Ugly Duckling from Henry, a silver necklace with an anchor pendant from Killian, and several mini inventions from each of the dwarves. She sat there, laughing with them all with a full heart from being in their company, seeing Henry’s excitment when he saw the new collection of Harry Potter books he gave her - but more deeply, from knowing that no one in that room was looking at her any differently.
She did it. She had survived her first family Christmas.
And she silently hoped that any more witches, snow queens or other noteable villains could hold out during the holidays so that she could do this all over again.
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Hello, loves!
In just a few days, the form will open up for Captain Swan Christmas Reruns. Be ready to share some of your favorite festive fics, fanarts, gifsets, and other CS Christmas works, because this link will only be active for a week!
Also! We're looking for a couple more crewmates to join our lovely mod team, so if you love Captain Swan, Christmas, and reading fanfiction, shoot us a message; we'd love to add you to the team.
Stay lovely!
🏴‍☠️❤️💚🦢 Kazzy and the CSHSRR crew
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For That Special Someone: A CS Fic:: CSFE prompt #1
Title: For That Special Someone Rating: M (it’s smuffy)  Summary: Killian didn't understand much about this realm's strange traditions, and usually they were too busy defeating villains for someone to explain it. The Prince did explain to him however, that it was tradition to get those who love a gift, something meaningful. He needed to find the best gifts, but nothing would be worthy of his Swan. What's a pirate to do? AN: Written for the @csficexchange, really excited for this project! No beta on this bad boy so please show mercy!! Can you also guess what Christmas movie I stole the title from??? Happy holidays to all! You can also read this on ff.net (where you can catch my other stories) All the love! 
Prompt #1 Write a CS drabble/ficlet that includes the following elements: - Killian giving Emma a gift - Killian wearing no shirt at some point - Killian fighting with sellotape - Snow
Killian didn’t understand much about this realm and it’s strange traditions, and usually they were too busy defeating villains for someone to explain it all to him. Typically, if everyone was busy Henry helped him, but he was busy helping Regina get ready for this tree lighting ceremony thing. He didn’t understand why the people of Storybrooke would want to set a bloody tree on fire, but he was in no room to cause a fuss.
The Prince did explain to him however, that it was tradition to get those who love a gift, something meaningful. Killian knew that Emma was purposely leaving out some of the details of this holiday; the gift exchange for whatever reasons was a part of that. He needed to find the best gifts, but nothing would be worthy of his Swan.
Speaking of which, he was late to meet her at the station so they could get lunch together. Killian quickly jumped out of bed in hopes of not keeping Emma waiting; if she didn’t eat Henry said she would get “hangry”. He was able to get dressed in no time, his change of wardrobe had definitely come with some benefits, one of them being how fast it took to put on - more importantly take off - his clothes. Killian grabbed his leather jacket, remembering the last time that Emma had worn it, with nothing else. That woman was going to be the death of him, teasing him like that, and if he didn’t get make it to lunch soon she would surely kill him.
Emma had offered to teach him how to drive, but Killian refused to get behind the wheel of that blasted yellow vessel of hers. He had to keep a steady pace in order to make it remotely on time, but then it caught his eye. In one of the shop’s window was a giant sign that read “For That Special Someone”. Killian knew he didn’t have time to waste, but with Christmas in just two short days he knew he needed to get something for Emma, she was indeed that someone special for him.
Without a second thought he walked into the store, overwhelmed with some very strong perfume, which he made a note of not to get for Emma. Immediately someone who had to be a fairy greeted him she was so small. The lass had long dirty blonde hair; her hair was long as she was. She was wearing a dress, obviously made by hand, making her green eyes shine, just not as brightly as Emma’s does of course.  
“Killian Jones, why I never thought the day would come that we’d see you in the store. Can I help you find something in particular?” He looked down at her nametag, which simply read “Ina”, she knew him of course, but he could not for the lives of him remember the lass. “Ah, Captain I’m offended. You don’t remember me, do you?” He shook his head modestly; he soon caught on to her sarcasm, which was a relief.
“Here I go by Ina, but maybe you remember me from the Enchanted Forest as Thumbelina?” Ah! The lass had helped him many moons ago back in their land with some stitching after a close encounter with Blackbeard.
“Sorry about that lass, bad form to forget an old friend.” She covered her mouth as if she was trying to hold back her laugh, “No worries Captain. If all the rumors are true, you’ve been busy the last few years. And with the Savior nonetheless. I take it she’s the reason why you’re here today?”
“Aye, I need to buy her a gift, but I have no idea where to begin or…” That’s when Killian looked  around and say some of the items the store had to offer, a blush crept across his cheeks which Ina was kind enough not to point out. The two of them walked around the store for a few minutes, she answered all of his questions about the variety of items he was debating between. He knew he needed to hurry up, he had already kept Emma waiting long enough, and Ina was kind enough to offer to wrap the gifts for him and to hold onto them until so that she would not see the gifts at lunch.
Killian ran to the station, no Emma in sight. There was a note waiting for him on her desk:
Another Leroy call, raincheck on Granny’s? Probably won’t make it home in time beforehand, so I’ll see you at the tree lighting!
- Your Swan
He laughed at the nickname she had bestowed upon him after their trip back from the Underworld; apparently, Liam was able to share one embarrassing story with her. He would be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat whenever she referenced to the house and their home. Seems as though the Lost Girl and Captain Hook found their home, together.
He ran back to the store and grabbed his gifts for Emma, along with a small box to put another gift in that he had waiting back home.
Killian was walking around Main Street trying to find Emma and the rest of the Charming-Swan-Mills-Jones-Hood-Stiltskin clan, god this family was ridiculous. He found Gold and Belle, who seemed to be trying to get baby Gideon to look at all the lights hanging on the buildings. After a quick chat they pointed her in the direction of Granny’s, of course she was in there.
He found the rest of their family all piled in the one booth with Emma inhaling what he believed was her signature side of onion rings. She merely waved as he walked over to the group, too busy trying to finish her dinner.
“Swan, you know you can breathe, right? No one is going to take your food away from you love.” She shot him a sarcastic smile back as she lifted another bite to her mouth.
“Killian are you excited for the ceremony?” He looked over to Henry, he reminded him so much of Bae at this age, it was something that he loved, but it also served as a reminder of all his past sins. He tried to be a better man, not just for Emma, but for her boy as well. He knew Henry looked up to him as some sort of paternal figure and he never intended on letting the lad down. Henry had always welcomed him warmly and went out of his way to make sure that Killian always felt included in everything that they did.
“Aye lad I would say so. Although I don’t understand why we’re lighting a tree on fire in memory of that baby.” The entire table busted out in laughter, he knew they meant nothing by it, but he could feel his face burning up with embarrassment. Emma slide from out of the booth and grabbed his hook.
“We don’t actually light the tree on fire Killian, it’s with little bulbs.” To try to help explain her point she pointed to the bar covered in a string of lights. Killian chuckled, trying to play it off, but his blush wouldn’t seem to fade.
Emma tried to help change the subject to help their family talk about something else for the moment. “Hey I need to go on patrol real fast, want to come?” Killian never turned down a chance to go on patrol with Emma; he loved spending time with her. Especially now that he was the deputy sheriff they took advantage of any alone time they could get. She gave her parents a hug goodbye and was able to grab a running Neal and swooped him up for a big hug. It was amazing seeing Emma and her brother get along so well, every time she held Neal he couldn’t help but picture her holding their own babe, maybe one day.
“Hey I’m sorry that I didn’t explain the tree lighting thing better Killian, I didn’t mean to leave you in the dark like that.” Killian told her not to worry about it; he knew she didn’t mean any harm by it.
They walked down the Main Street, saying hello to everyone enjoying the festivities, but Killian could see Emma started to get uneasy for some reason. She clang close to him, not that he minded, but he knew she did this more often when she was upset.
“Love?” She looked over at him, breaking her train of thought. “I’m a bit tired from today, and I know you had a long one as well. Why not go home for a little and relax? You said the tree is not going to be lit for another 4 hours. Shall we sail away?” She gave him a knowing smile, the one where she remembers he can read her like a book. They decide to walk home, they were halfway there anyways and the bug was on the other end of the road.
As they walked in the door Killian could still see Emma was tense, her past demons still trying to mess with her. Killian couldn’t blame her, here he was nearly 300 and there were nights he would wake the house up from his nightmares.
“Shall I prepare a bath for you my love?” He grabbed her by the waist giving her one Captain Hook’s famous sly smile as she blushed. He loved that after all the monsters, battles, hell, they were married, and he could still make her blush like that. Deciding he wanted to go over the top, he picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs to their room. He left her in their bedroom while he started the bath for her, making sure it was just perfect for her.
“Emma, would you like me to grab you some wine-” Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. She found his gifts. All of them, thankfully they were in boxes.
“Killian would you like to try and explain all of this?” She didn’t seem mad, just shocked which was good he guessed. She was just staring at him, waiting for him to explain himself.
“You see, a certain Prince may or may not have told me that in this realm it is customary to give someone special a gift around this time of year. Therefore, when I was walking by Thumbelina’s store today and the sign said “For That Special Someone” I thought it was a good idea, which obviously it wasn’t. Emma I’m sorry I-”
He was cut off; she had ran over to him kissing the hell out of him. It reminded him of their shared moment in Neverland, gods he would never forget that moment. When he finally knew how her lips felt against his, it was just a taste and he would never be sated. This kiss, however, started to grow hungrier by the second. Each turning their heads trying to deepen the kiss, trying to get closer to each other. Emma wrapped her legs around Killian has he picked her up.
“Now love what am I to do with you? I was trying to be a gentleman and run you a nice relaxing bath, but now? Now I have half a mind to take you just like this. What shall it be?” He grinded his growing member into her barely clothed mound to try to expedite an answer from her.
“Gentlemen are overrated.” With that, Killian removed the rest of her clothes and she stripped him of his shirt. She rubbed her hands around his chest while he was kissing his way down her neck.
“Love do you want to unwrap some of your gifts?” His accent always sounded rich during their more enjoyable activities, but tonight it was truly thicker. He started making way down her body with his good hand, and using his hook to play with her breasts.
“Killian, god, uhh I don’t think...stop teasing me! I don’t think right now is the, fuck, most appropriate time for them.” He pulled back from her, hearing a slight whimper come from her kiss swollen lips. Killian looked at her, pupils blown, just like his. She leaned in trying to kiss him again.
“Ah ah ah love. I think you might enjoy,” he walked over to the dresser half naked with his pants barely above his ass, “these two specifically.” He gave her a hungry look as he strolled back over to her with the gifts in hand. When Emma saw the gifts in question, her mouth dropped.
In his right hand was a vibrator, it was large, but not as big as Killian was. He knew his ego didn’t need the boost, but it never hurt. The other was a custom gift Ina made just him and more importantly his hook. It was an attachment, just like his hook, it was like a prosthetic except with three fingers.
By the way Emma looked at him he knew exactly what those three fingers were going to be doing in a moment. “Killian, I told you before I love you just the way you are, hook and all. In fact, how many times have I told you I find the hook sexy?” Her voice all the sudden huskier, he needed to remove the confines of his pants because it was just painful at this point.  
“Emma, love, I know that you’re a fan of every part of me, but I wanted to try something new. If you don’t want to then I will gladly put it away.” She closed the distance between them with a soft and tender kiss, chaste but full of passion nonetheless. They used the attachment and the vibrator, smashing their old record of three orgasms making it a groundbreaking six.
By the time, they were finished they were a sweaty mess, limbs intertwined, they couldn’t tell where one started and the other took over. Still trying to catch her breath Killian leaned over to look at his Emma.
God she was breathtaking. Her hair fanned out across the pillow like a goddess, and her blush, which once was restricted on her face, now spread throughout her body as if she were glowing.  “Love? Not to ruin the moment, but can you explain what happened?”
“Killian, when two people love each other very much they-” she cut herself off with fits of laughter, Killian snickered, but waited for her to answer his question. “You know my story Killian; you know it wasn’t an easy childhood. I know it’s silly to still get emotional about these type of things, but I can’t help it sometimes. I see Neal and I know he’ll never wonder if our parents love him.”
“Emma your parents love you so very much.” He didn’t mean to interrupt her, he just couldn’t help it.
“No, I know they do, but I didn’t know that until I was 28. He will never have a day go by that he questions it. I’m so thankful that I found my parents and that I found you, but it still scares me sometimes. I know how fast happiness can be taken from me and I just can’t imagine life without you and everyone else.” Killian wrapped his arms around her, holding her until she stopped shaking and her breathing returned back to normal. He kissed the top of her head reminding him that he would never leave her; no one would ever leave her again.
“Well, I was going to wait to give you this gift love, but since the other surprises are spoiled it can’t hurt.”
“Killian, please I don’t think my body could handle another round.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek as he walked back to the dresser to grab the small box and handed it back to her. She gave a weary smile back to him as he nodded for her to open the gift.
There inside was a gorgeous glass swan pendant attached to a bracelet. Emma looked up at him holding back her tears.
“It was my mother’s.” He stated in a calm manner, a ghost of a smile graced his lips before he continued, “When I was younger she would tell us these grand stories, one of them being about this swan. It was this tale of how a hero needed to get across this lake to find this great treasure, the missing princess and help the rest of the village bring back their happiness. The problem was there was no way to walk around this lake, you couldn’t merely swim across it, and no boat had made it to the other side. This hero wouldn’t give up, sounds like a few heroes I know.” They both shared a soft laugh, things hadn’t always been easy between her parents and him, but they came to love one another regardless of their rocky start.
“The great hero went to the water and the only creature in sight was this giant swan. It never spoke to him, but he was drawn to the creature. Every day he could come back to the same spot, he would try to figure out how to make it across. All the while, he would feed the swan, making sure it was taken care of. One day the hero had finally figured out what to do to get across, he went to say goodbye to the swan, but alas, she wasn’t here. For some reason he couldn’t leave without saying goodbye to the creature that had helped in, listened to him, really been his only saving grace. He waited for the swan to return, finally in the morning she appeared guiding him to the water. For some reason he knew the swan meant for him to get upon her back as she would take them to the other side.
When they finally made it to the other side the hero turned around, gave the swan a kiss on its head, and this light blinded him. It turns out the swan was the long lost princess all along. Her beauty was unmatched and they knew they were true love. She always told us that one day we would find our swan, the woman who would be our savior. I don’t think she thought I’d fall in love with the literal savior or a Swan, regardless I wanted you to have this. It’s the last thing she gave me before she passed.” Killian had held back his tears for long enough, when Emma embraced him he finally let go.
“Killian, it would be my honor to wear this. Can you help me?” He helped remove the charms from her bracelet she was wearing to make room for the swan. “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful, thank you Killian.”
“Merry Christmas my love.”
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starrnobella · 5 years
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12 Days of Captain Swan: Christmas Cookies starrnobella Pairing: Captain Swan Rated K Summary: What's your favorite kind of Christmas cookie, and how long can you wait to eat them after they've been baked? COMPLETE Song Link: https://open.spotify.com/track/2l9OCqqyFghMIMOqoDDvfr?si=L9hVINTLR0-MJGyjbunO1g Links: FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13451987/8/12-Days-of-Captain-Swan AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/21872632
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