#car sale honda city
corwinfordreno20 · 1 year
Ford has always been a leader in the pickup truck market, and they continue to impress with the new 2023 Ford F-150. This year’s model brings some exciting new features and upgrades that may just sway you to buy one.
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 11 months
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What a difference 42 years makes juxtaposition of Honda City & Honda Motocompo, 1981 and Honda SUSTAINA-C Concept & Honda Pocket Concept, 2023. In the early 1980s Honda introduced the City small hatchback along with the Motocompo, a tiny folding motor cycle that was designed to tuck inside the City's boot. A this year's Japan Mobility Show Honda have presented the SUSTAINA-C Concept, a small electric car made of acrylic resin that is recycled and reused. The Pocket concept is a tiny folding electric bike that fits inside the SUSTAINA's rear hatch. The Motocomp was only on sale for 2 years before it was withdrawn due to lack of demand. No production plans have been announced for either of the 2023 concepts
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Tuesday, April 30, and there’s a 0% chance of rain. Highs are in the mid seventies, and the lows are in the mid forties.
The entire city of Amity Park lost all electronic connection at 10:23 AM on Friday the 26th. Televisions, Phones, Computers, and many other electronic devices were rendered useless. This was likely the work of Technus, though he was not seen at all during this time luckily, the issue was resolved at 1:53 AM this morning.
Several ghost attacks occurred during this communication blackout. The Wisconsin Ghost was sighted several times, but did not attack, several animal ghosts attacked, causing injury and damage to public property, Skulker fought against Danny Phantom, causing damage to roads with stray missiles, and the box ghost wreaked havoc in the post office.
A number of robberies were attempted during the blackout, including one successful robbery of a blue 2005 Honda Civic from a used car dealership by the name of Pete’s Auto Sales. Luckily, nobody was injured in any of these situations.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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thinplacesradio · 8 months
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stacked sound equipment and a radio with glowing green numbers. the image is distorted by VCR static. white text reads:
listen here, or anywhere you find your podcasts. transcript under the cut:
[static, radio tuning]
[traveling sales rep: don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right b-]
[a high-register voice, not the Host’s:]
Car radio, yet again. Fixed, for now. It’s from a 2005 Honda CR-V, which I know is old, but, as you know, it’s been acting up for months now, um, and it finally just gave out on me. I don’t even know what worked to resurrect it here, but, well. [tools moving] The mystery of life, I guess. I’m sure it’ll start jumping stations again any day now.
I could use a distraction so we are back to the transmitter. I’m building it from scratch instead of from a kit, uh, which basically means I’m just buying the parts that would have been in the kit separately, so I don’t really know if I’m saving money here or losing it. [tools clink] It’s pretty much kid stuff, but hey. It’s nice to go back to the basics sometimes, I guess. I think just to make it interesting I might take one of the old desktops to see if I can link it to some visuals? With different colors representing, I dunno, different letters, maybe? Maybe… make it so the words will show up as you tap the code in? Or I could just leave it with the binary, do kind of a black and white thing. I don’t know. [sigh] I don’t know.
[phone ringing] [voicemail]
Hey, it’s me, you know what to do!
[phone ringing] [voicemail]
Hey, it’s me, you –
No one knows where she is, why does nobody know where she is. I - I think there’s something wrong.
[phone ringing]
We’re sorry. You have reached a number that has been disconnected, or is no longer in service. To -
I didn’t quit my job today. This isn’t really a project log, but I almost quit my job today, and I didn’t, and I, I think that deserves to be noted down, somewhere. I love what I do. But - doing it doesn’t seem as important anymore when I could be looking for her. I know I haven’t found a single thing, but that’s no reason to stop. I - [sigh]
I don’t know why I’m talking around it like this. Someone that matters to me is gone, and no one knows what happened, or why, or if - 
I wish she was just ghosting me, specifically. Like, that’s not something I want, at all, but I would take it if it meant that she was safe, living her life somewhere else. [sigh]
I don’t. I don’t think she’s dead. I really hope she isn’t dead. Sometimes I’d be at work glancing at the chat and there would be no new messages. Or at home with my phone on the table building myself a new desktop, and there would be no new messages. But I could still feel her on the other side, connected to me with that, I don’t know, electronic tether. Even when she wasn’t there, it helped knowing that she was somewhere.
That’s how it feels, still. I think she’s somewhere. I just don’t know where.
Hiiiii, iris! Hi-riss! That’s nothing, sorry.  I texted you but I guess you must’ve lost track of time? I’ll just scale the building here and crawl in the IT window - you guys have windows, right? I feel like I imagine you in like a scifi basement most of the time. Anyway. I’m here, I’ll see you soon. Get down here before I bribe the security guard to let me in. I... yeah. See ya. I’ll be here.
[morse code beeping] 
T-E-S-T. S-O-S. [pause] Where… are… you? 
Stupid, Iris. Just, stupid.
[beep] [equipment rustling, clinking, scraping]
It was, um, same company, different cities. I called her on the phone before I ported in to fix her computer, and she was – warm? Tired. Not exactly funny, but trying to make me laugh. I didn’t, but I thought about it, just to see if she’d laugh back? She messaged me on the company chat after, to thank me, and sent me a link to an article we’d been talking about while I worked on her desktop. I don’t remember what it was about even though it feels like I should. There are a lot of things I’m already forgetting. But I messaged back, and then we didn’t stop messaging. Until eight months ago.
I always want to know more about everything. Too much, probably. I can never stop digging. But she was the only one who really wanted to know more about… me.
I’m glad I got to meet her, but - I was supposed to keep meeting her - I - 
[morse code beeping]
Don’t… be… dead.
[beep] [equipment moving aggressively]
Rob told me today that if I’m not going to go out for drinks with them after work anymore my only hobby can’t be looking for someone who’s been missing for a year. Really kind of insensitive, honestly. [huff] But I have been reading too many police reports, so today I will be starting a new project altogether.
It’s the car radio, again, always the car radio. I should just buy a new one at this point, but then I’d never find out what was wrong with this one. Alright, okay, we’re trying scanning again, here we go.
[channels scan] [we hear the Sales Rep, and then the Host, cutting in and out:]
- Thank you for - feel - on - as always, our number is 71–
[Iris scrambles to stop the station but misses it. She tries tuning it back.]
Wait, wait wait wait wait. W-wait wait wait. 102 point 1. Oh my god. Oh my God. Wait. Hold on. 102 point - Wait, come back. Come back. 
I don’t – I don’t understand – [the road prov-] that’s Ha -
[beep] [keyboard clacking] 
I’m not the only person who’s heard her. There are people on subreddits talking about catching a radio call-in show on one frequency, exactly when they needed to hear it, but then not finding it again when they look for it, but just - How do I not need to hear it?
Here’s what I know about “the Host,” from what they know about the Host. Um, she’s always moving somewhere. She cares about her listeners. She’s experiencing impossible things, and so are the people calling in. And there’s a number.
Here’s what I know about my friend. She listened. She hated her job and always wanted a longer break. She loves pigeons and thinks that if aliens exist they’re single celled and acidophilic. She misses her mom. She was always reaching out for something. She was my friend.
[frantic music begins]
I know her voice, even if I haven’t heard it again. I know it was her, and I know I’m going to hear it again. I’m going to find the station. I’m going to find her.
[static] [Traveling Sales Rep: visit us at the - diner just off -] [Various Garbled Voices: the - road - provides - the - road - provides -]
Thin Places Radio is a podcast written by Kristen O’Neal and produced by Kaitlin Bruder. 
The voice of Iris is Kaitlin Bruder. 
The voice of H[static] is Kristen O’Neal. 
Editing and sound design are by Kaitlin Bruder, and the music track you heard in tonight’s episode is: Junoon by RANA. If you have a question to ask, a story to tell, or a suggestion for the host, give us a call at ‪(717) 382-8093. The lines are always open.
[Junoon plays]
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heathermarielocke · 4 months
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Breaking Down the Factors That Affect Market Perception in Auto Transport
Market Value Over Time
Resale value is a critical factor when purchasing a vehicle, as it represents the predicted market value of a car, truck, or SUV at the time of sale. It is essential to understand that a new car that depreciates faster than its competitors can lead to a lower trade-in value, potentially costing the owner more in the long run if they owe more than the vehicle's worth on a long-term loan. According to Kelley Blue Book's Best Resale Value Awards, vehicles that maintain the highest 5-year residual values, expressed as a percentage of their original Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP), are recognized for their ability to retain value. These awards are determined by experienced automotive analysts who utilize extensive data, including millions of transactions, vehicle specifications, economic conditions, and auction results, to predict and track vehicle depreciation effectively.
Brands like Lexus and Audi consistently rank near the top for value retention in the luxury segment, indicating that these vehicles are likely to depreciate less over time compared to others.
Conversely, brands such as Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo may struggle with maintaining high resale values, especially when compared to high-volume models like the Honda Civic or Toyota Sienna.
Brand Prestige and Consumer Perception
Brand perception significantly influences a vehicle's market value and resale potential. Consumers' perceptions are shaped by direct and indirect experiences with the brands, and this perception influences their decision-making process.
For instance, Lexus is often seen as the epitome of high resale value, which enhances its appeal among luxury buyers who consider future trade-in values.
On the other hand, mainstream car buyers who have experienced strong resale values with brands like Honda or Toyota may find the depreciation rates of luxury brands like Jaguar or Volvo less appealing.
The automotive industry's perception is also affected by factors such as safety, reliability, and operating costs. Dramatic events, such as Toyota's large-scale recalls, have been shown to impact brand perception negatively, affecting resale values.
Conversely, brands that manage to maintain strong safety reputations, like Volvo, despite challenges, can sustain their position in the market.
However, as consumer preferences evolve and more brands begin to excel in multiple categories, the perceived difference between top car brands and challengers is diminishing, making the competition for high resale value more intense.
In summary, understanding the factors that influence resale value and consumer perceptions can guide consumers in making informed purchasing decisions that consider both immediate benefits and long-term financial implications.
Making the Right Choice for Your Needs
Assessing Personal Needs and Preferences
When selecting the right vehicle for city driving, it is crucial to assess personal needs and preferences thoroughly. One should consider how the vehicle aligns with their lifestyle, budget, and driving conditions they frequently encounter.
For individuals residing in urban areas, factors like vehicle size, maneuverability, and fuel efficiency take precedence. Compact cars with a tight turning radius are particularly advantageous in cities, where parking spaces are scarce, and streets are narrow.
Understanding one's commitment to vehicle maintenance is essential. A car is not merely a tool for transportation; it reflects one's responsibility and care. Regular maintenance such as timely oil changes and adherence to service schedules extends the lifespan of the vehicle and ensures reliable performance. Prospective buyers should ponder whether they are prepared to maintain a luxury car, which often requires more attention and higher costs, or if an affordable, reliable model better suits their practical needs.
For finding a reliable and responsible auto transport services, you can browse around this website. Lucky Star Auto Transport provide a professional car shipping services in California and nationwide. They offer direct car shipping guide, with fully insured car carriers and transporters that are reviewed for excellent service and competitive prices.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A Georgia mom is outraged over an interactive lesson taught during her daughter's field trip to the historic Mable House plantation in the city of Mableton, where third-graders were asked to simulate a slave auction by holding up signs containing dollar amounts equal to the prices of cars – except, in this instance, numbers indicated the value of humans.
"They lined the kids up. They had them to pick cars they wanted to be. So it was like $1,300, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, and it ranged from like Honda, Acura, Lamborghini, Ferrari. Each kid chose a car, and basically she [the instructor] began to explain to them that they're being sold. Each one of them had a real bill of sale in front of them, and she was explaining to them the cost analogy of them being sold then as a slave child today would be the equivalent of whatever car they were," Gladese Cleaves told Fox News Digital on Monday.
Cleaves said her 9-year-old daughter came home and told her about the field trip by referring to one her friends as a Lamborghini and then referring to herself as a Ferrari. The comments caught her attention, so she called her oldest daughter, who chaperoned the event, to ask what happened.
She then contacted her younger daughter's teacher at W.C. Abney Elementary School via email and spoke with her over the phone.
"What was crazy is that the teacher, when I called… her response was, ‘I explained to the children that these were nice slave owners,'" Cleaves recalled. "This is exactly what she said to me. She said, ‘I explained to the children that these were nice slave owners because they treated the slave like family.’I said, 'Don't say it again, Mrs. Westmoreland.' There's no way you could put nice and slave owner in the same sentence. There's no way."
She met with the principal, who, according to FOX 5 Atlanta, told parents the following in a letter:
"The lesson had never been part of the Mable House's curriculum for Abney students prior to that day, nor was it described in the field trip materials or mentioned on the Mable House website," the letter read.
Cleaves said the school's statement addressing the issue and the eventual ban on future trips to the site came after media reached out to the institution.
She argued she has still received no compassion from all fronts, and she believes school officials found the incident justifiable since a Black woman – donning attire synonymous with enslaved people from the antebellum South – had narrated the activity.
Cleaves's primary concern throughout the ordeal, however, was her daughter and how she said the assignment gave her a false narrative about a dark time in history by making slavery appear benign.
"They [the students] left there thinking that slavery was fine and that they clapped and that they danced and that it was a choice and that they could leave any time. That was the narrative that my child left there with on top of being on a chopping auction block," she said.
Cleaves said parents were not previously notified that the field trip would mention slavery and explained that they were told students would engage in arts and crafts while learning about 19th century history.
"The permission slip says nothing about that. It's little stick people in a wagon. So you think they're going to go learn about how corn was made, and they did learn about potato houses the slaves cooked in and that kind of thing, but nothing to the extent of them playing and running around a whipping tree because there's a whipping tree there with marks all over it. None of this were things that we were told," she said.
A photo of the permission slip provided to Fox News Digital mentioned chaperones, lunch plans for students, what children should wear to the trip and expected departure and arrival times.
Cleaves called for diversity, equity and inclusion training to better inform school officials on how to handle such situations, arguing that the teacher – who claimed she was unaware of how the activity would go – should have been better informed.
"What they're saying now is that the teacher didn't know that the narrator was going to do this. Let's give the benefit of the doubt. I believe that she did [know] because she helped paint the narrative of the cost analogy after the narrator spoke, so I'm not buying into any of that," she said.
Cleaves said the most harrowing part of the entire experience was telling her daughter the truth about slavery after the project gave her a false narrative. 
"The horrible part of this, all of this outside of my child believing a false narrative, outside of what she's been taught, is watching my child as I had to explain to her in depth why this was wrong and how her civil rights were violated and the truth about slavery. And literally watching the tears and the innocence leave her with exposing the truth at 9 years old because something else was given to her, meaning she would have learned about it, but it would have been in steps."
Fox News Digital reached out to an affiliate of the Mable House and Cobb County PARKS, to which the house is leased, but did not receive a comment from either.
The field trip programs occur through a nonprofit organization, however.
For News Digital also reached out to Paulding County School District for comment, but did not receive an immediate response.
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tacosaysroar · 1 year
10 Random Facts About Me
@trinilikesalt tagged pretty much everyone for this one, and I’m complying.
1) My very first car was a teal mustang convertible with white leather interior. My parents bought it from our neighbors. The husband had recently died in a motorcycle accident and the widow was looking to unload some things. Their son was a year ahead of me, and I’ve often wondered how he felt about that sale. (It didn’t last long. It wasn’t good in the snow, and after one incident my parents got nervous about the roll factor and traded it for a little Honda. Which was fine by me. The mustang had a real 80s vibe in the 90s and was expensive to fuel.)
2) I’ve ridden a camel, an elephant, a zebra, and many ponies and horses.
3) I’ve lived in 8 states (one of them twice), DC (which is a city without a state) and two different countries.
4) I’m actually a blond. When I was a toddler, I was a platinum blond. White hair and black eyes. Now (not including the gray) my hair is the darkest blond on the color wheel. Underneath the red anyway.
5) I learned to swim before I learned how to walk.
6) I have a very good ear. I’m pretty good at predicting what note’s next in a song I’ve never heard before, and by the 2nd time the chorus plays, I can probably find a harmony for it.
7) This is pure coincidence — or maybe evidence that I have more of a type than I think I do — but I’ve never dated anyone (seriously) who didn’t play soccer for school or on a rec team at some point in their life. It’s maybe a little bit the physique (I do like a guy with nice legs and a firm butt) but mostly I think the personality it attracts.
8) I hate salad dressing and condiments. Pickles, too. Anything with a vinegar base is a hard pass. That used to be tricky in a restaurant situation, but people are so aware of allergies and other dietary restrictions at this point, that it’s become way easier to avoid.
9) When I was a toddler, my parents bought a parenting book titled The Strong-Willed Child. I don’t think it helped them. Honestly, I’m still mildly allergic to being told what to do or being treated in any way that implies that person thinks they have power over me. Several of my long term friends have stories about me enthusiastically correcting anyone foolish enough to make that mistake.
10) I LOVE to dance. In my 20s, I was on a dance floor at least 2 nights a week. It’s literally the only thing I miss about being that age. And it’s a travesty that we sort of age out of going dancing. We need 35+ dance clubs.
If you’ve read all the way through this, consider yourself tagged!
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follow-up-news · 5 months
The Chevrolet Malibu, the last sedan still sold by General Motors’ biggest selling brand, will end production this year, the company announced. Malibu production will end in November as the factory that builds it, the Fairfax Assembly Plant in Kansas City, Kansas, is reconfigured to build a new generation of the Chevrolet Bolt EV. With the Malibu’s demise, General Motors’ mainstream Chevrolet brand will sell only trucks, SUVs, and the Corvette, a two-seat sports car, in the United States. Chevy’s close competitor, Ford, made a similar move years ago when it stopped selling the Taurus and Fusion sedans, leaving the two-door Mustang as the only traditional car in its line-up. Chevrolet stopped making its Mustang competitor, the Camaro, last year. Traditional cars – vehicles that are not SUVs, trucks or vans – make up less than 20% of US auto sales, according to Cox Automotive. The last generation of the Malibu was first introduced in 2016, making it much older than competitors such as the relatively popular Honda Accord and Toyota Camry. A new version of the Camry, now available only as a hybrid, just went into production. Still, GM sold more than 130,000 Malibus last year, a 13% increase from the year before.
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allhorsenoplinko · 2 years
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(In order) 1997 Honda Allure Styling Prototype, 1994 Honda UniQ Concept,  1999 Honda Allure (1st Gen), 2002 Honda Allure (Concept), and 2019 Honda Allure (Concept)
Now for the lore:
Honda decided to make a microcar in 1993, produced for Europe and China, as a cheap car for inter-city travel, called the Honda Allure, revealed at the Geneva Motor Show in 1997, the car was prepared for mass production with an option of either a 0.5L gasoline engine, or an electric motor with a range of 80 miles.
The 1994 Honda UniQ was a concept that would eventually evolve into the Allure, though this would be after a decision to shrink the model, from a 1 liter engined, 2+2 seater, to a 2 seater with a 0.5 liter engine, for more likely sales.
In 2002, a preview for the Second Gen Honda Allure was showed off at Geneva again, potentially expanding to the North and South American markets as non-road-legal carts, offered with a 100 mile range electric battery, alternatively a 0.7 liter engine, a revised version of the 0.5 liter engine from the previous generation. It wound up selling ~500,000 units worldwide, from 2004-2009, selling 10% of all units in the United States alone.
In 2009, the Allure was discontinued due to changing safety regulations in Europe, and the North American market dropping off over the course of the 5 year second generation, but in 2019, a third generation was revealed at the New York International Auto Show, to a near-production standard, equipped with a Hydrogen system at the show, which was purely for demonstration, but was to be sold in mass markets as a new EV for Honda to test their mettle on. As of 2023, 500,000 units have been sold, despite the massive issues in production due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, proving even more popular than the originals in North America, and not likely to be replaced in the near future by a next generation.
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rent a car in lahore
If you are looking for a trusted car rental service in Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Lahore, Murree, Peshawar, Faisalabad, or Multan, look no further than Transporter Car Rental. With years of experience in the industry, Transporter Car Rental has become a leading provider of rental and sale, purchase services for cars of different makes and models
At Transporter Car Rental, you can find a wide selection of vehicles to suit your preferences and budget. From compact cars to luxury sedans, SUVs, and vans, Transporter Car Rental has it all. Whether you need a car for a solo trip or a family vacation, you can find the perfect vehicle at Transporter Car Rental.
Transporter Car Rental offers competitive rates on its rental and sale, purchase services. You can choose from various rental plans, including hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly rentals, depending on your needs. Moreover, you can enjoy discounts and special deals on certain vehicles and rental periods.
Booking a car rental with Transporter Car Rental is quick and hassle-free. You can book online or call the customer service center to make a reservation. The process is straightforward, and you can choose your pick-up and drop-off locations, rental period, and vehicle type with ease.
Transporter Car Rental prides itself on providing top-quality service to its customers. All rental vehicles are well-maintained and regularly serviced to ensure safe and comfortable rides. Moreover, the company has a team of professional and friendly staff who are ready to assist you with any queries or concerns.
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corwinfordreno20 · 1 year
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mktspectra23 · 1 year
Honda hi Honda!!
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Honda has revealed its second fully electric vehicle in the global market. It is called e.Ny1 and was showcased at its European Media Event in Offenbach, Germany. The first fully-electric Honda car that is on sale in Germany is the e city car which is known for its quirky design language.  
Task at hand- You are the CMO of Honda Cars India Ltd. and you have to launch the same car in the Indian segments with various marketing strategies and prepare the phase wise marketing plan and also choose the ambassador you’ll choose for the campaign of honda in the above ad.
Detailed report on the different marketing strategies catering to the target audience (include the brand ambassador )
Marketing campaign
Phase Wise implementation plan
Project’s budget sheet for the marketing expenses
PPT including STP, SWOT, PESTLE analysis and Product Life Cycle
Deadline:- 11:00 PM ( 17th October)
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EVs are going mainstream: Honda-e and BMW i3  parked in old city, Riga, Latvia, April 14, 2023. Photo by D.P.
P.S. The increase in the number of electric cars will soon also be visible in the curves of gas station sales statistics: Demand for Russian and OPEC cartel fuel decreases with every electric car on the road...At first these changes seem invisible, but slowly and unstoppably they are already happening... 
Pretty soon no one will need Russian oil...!    
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oh-phineas · 2 years
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Saturday, November 26 — The Final Labor: Based on the final task for the labors, write an AU featuring all your characters in a role. Choose an AU, set out a list of goals for yourself based on tropes within that AU (ex. a red shirt has to die if you’re doing Star Trek or someone in the group gets bitten by a zombie and doesn’t tell the rest if you’re doing an apocalypse), then write to your heart’s content! To count, each character must have a role and your tropes must be laid out beforehand.
(Inspired by The Office, Parks and Rec, Abbott Elementary)
And featuring other tropes such as...
Gift gone missing!
Looking into the camera!
Humorous shots illustrating voiceovers!
An office party that gets a little crazy!
An ill-advised entrepreneur’s idea!
Takes place in an extremely random city!
Let’s go!!!
[We open on a nondescript office park in a small American city. A Honda Civic pulls into a parking spot and an angry man storms out of a Subway sandwich shop. We witness an exchange between the driver of the Civic and the sandwich artist. Meanwhile, voiceover]
LIGHTNING: Myyyy name is Montgomery McQueen, I am the regional manager of the InterPride branch here in Trenton— Trenton Makes, the World Takes.
[The shot cuts to LIGHTNING, who is now sitting in his office, a small room with dark green wallpaper and a window behind him covered in blinds. His desk is littered with NASCAR paraphernalia as well as several Hot Wheels cars, one of which he is idly moving back and forth as he speaks]
LIGHTNING: You can call me Lightning, everyone does. Kachow. [HE winks] People always ask me what gets me out of bed in the morning, and you know what I say? I like the idea that I can inspire my team.
[Cut to PHINEAS, a twenty something wearing a blazer over a hoodie, who is tapping his fingers on the copy machine while it prints sheet after sheet]
LIGHTNING [voiceover]: They are so… what’s the word I’m looking for?
[Cut to AQUATA, who is playing Solitaire on her computer while chatting with someone on the phone, looking annoyed]
LIGHTNING [voiceover]: They just need a little guidance, I think. And I am a veteran of this place. Twenty years! When I first started at this place, I was just an intern. But then I grew up. And blossomed. I want to watch these kids blossom, you know?
[Cut to TANYA in the kitchen, spooning soup from one Tupperware to another, and then pan to BRUCE, who stares directly into the camera, looking terrified, and then disappears into another room. Cut to LIGHTNING in his office again, who stops playing with the car and looks into the camera with a grin.
LIGHTNING: Welcome to Interpride!
[OPENING CREDITS: LOVELY DAY by Bill Withers. In one continuous shot, the camera makes its way through the office, beginning at the reception desk, where TANYA is filing her nails. It pans to MIRABEL, who is rushing through the entryway with a stack of filing folders, which she drops and spills everywhere. In a quick pan, the camera turns to TIANA and AQUATA, who appear to be gossiping at the water cooler. PHINEAS tosses a business card onto ANNA’S desk, who blushes, and then pans to BRUCE, who is once again staring into the camera. A Zoom screen pops up on an unattended computer, showing ANNIE, waving and grinning. Then the camera moves again, past several desks until it settles on LIGHTNING, kicking his feet up on his desk. The camera zooms in on a mug on LIGHTNING’S desk with the words INTERPRIDE, INC. emblazoned across the front].
[We open on MIRABEL, who is carefully lettering the back of a mixtape. The phone rings, prompting the camera to quickly pan to the reception desk, in a motion that seems hurried. We see TANYA, who appears to be assembling some kind of mysterious contraption, roll her eyes and press a button, which prompts the phone in LIGHTNING’S office to ring.]
LIGHTNING: Annie! So good to hear from you!
[LIGHTNING stands up and shuts the door, and the camera zooms in through an opening in the blinds that separate Lightning’s office window from the rest of the office. We hear ANNIE’S voice through the speakerphone].
ANNIE: Hey, Monty. I’m just gonna cut to the chase. I need you to get me that name by end of day.
LIGHTNING: [chuckles nervously] It’s Lightning, now, remember? We’re doing Lightning.
ANNIE: Uhhh, yeah, sure, Lightning [she says it carefully, the verbal equivalent of pinching the tiniest piece of fabric between two fingers when picking up someone else’s laundry].
[We cut to LIGHTNING in an interview shot in his office]
LIGHTNING: Annie is what I would call… well, Annie is from corporate. She doesn’t really understand the way things work in our little family.
[Cut to ANNIE, a well-dressed woman in her forties in a much sleeker-looking office. The Interpride, Inc. logo is mounted on the wall behind her].
ANNIE: [deadpan] Monty is an idiot.
[Cut to LIGHTNING in his office, on the phone with ANNIE again]
LIGHTNING: So, here’s the thing, Annie. I couuuuld get you that name, or—
ANNIE [through the phone]: Lightning, I really don’t wanna hear it. We’re on a time crunch. Get me that name.
[Cut to LIGHTNING in interview setting again]
LIGHTNING: Layoffs? Of course there aren’t going to be layoffs. [Chuckles nervously] Who said anything about layoffs?
[ANNA types away at her desk, which is plastered with photos of herself and PHINEAS. There are also various books and knickknacks scattered about. On the other side of her cubicle sits AQUATA, who has a resting angry face as she furiously punches numbers into a spreadsheet]
ANNA: Hey, Aquata?
AQUATA [joylessly, not pausing her typing]: What?
ANNA: Can you make sure you send me those Q3 sales numbers?
AQUATA: I already sent them to you.
ANNA: Really? Because the only email I have in the past hour from you is blank, with just this attachment where it looks like you were ordering something from AliEx—
AQUATA: [suddenly pausing her typing] Uh, give me a second, I’ll have it over to you in a minute.
[PHINEAS sidles up to Anna’s desk, prompting an eye roll from AQUATA, who goes back to typing]
PHINEAS: Hey hey heeeey, how’s my favorite Twitter Boss?
ANNA: [simpering] My official title is social media assistant, Phineas.
PHINEAS: Aahhhh, that’s what it was. How about smartypants?
ANNA: [giggling] Shouldn’t you have work to do?
[The camera pans to BRUCE, who is talking on a headset, but still manages to get a direct look into the camera. It pans back to PHINEAS]
PHINEAS: Prolly. But I wanted to talk to you.
ANNA: Okay, well, we’re still on tonight, right?
[PHINEAS’S face goes entirely blank, like he has no idea what ANNA is talking about. The camera pans to MIRABEL, who has paused in writing on the back of the cassette tape, now watching PHINEAS disdainfully. She glances to her side and sees the camera focused on her, blushes, knocks the tape onto the ground, seems to panic momentarily, and then goes back to typing something on her computer. TIANA walks by, sees the tape on the ground, and picks it up, then walks away]
[It dawns on PHINEAS, as we pan back to him, that he was supposed to have a date with ANNA tonight].
PHINEAS: Oh, man, I’m really sorry, babe, but I got this really important call with a potential investor tonight.
[Cut to PHINEAS in the conference room, being interviewed]
PHINEAS: Yeah! So, it’s basically the Keurig of hot sauce. The idea is that you pop one of these bad boys in the machine [holding up a small red pod] and it’ll evenly distribute it all over whatever you’re eating. No more guesswork. And it’s single serving! So you don’t have to open a whole bottle every time you want to try a new variety. I’ve been talking to some people about it, and I think I stand a pretty good chance at getting on Shark Tank.
[Cut to ANNA in the conference room, being interviewed]
ANNA: Um, yeah! [Looking a bit tired, a bit disappointed] I’m totally supportive of Phineas’s ideas. He’s really smart. [Overcompensating a little] I mean, I think that just comes with the territory of dating a genius, you know? You gotta let them do their thing. Sometimes they’re a little… forgetful.
[Cut to ANNA and PHINEAS still chatting by ANNA’s desk. MIRABEL walks by, looking panicked now, and stops at the reception desk. TANYA doesn’t look up from the contraption she is still building at her desk].
MIRABEL: Tanya— [TANYA ignores here. MIRABEL groans and raises her voice, more sharply now] Tanya!
TANYA: [looking up, scowling] Jeez, why are you so loud?
MIRABEL: [sighing] Tanya, have you seen, like, a little cassette tape?
TANYA: [back to working on her gadget] No. 
[Cut to MIRABEL in the conference room, interview setup]
MIRABEL: Okay, it’s really silly, but— I made this mixtape for Anna because we’ve been friends for a while now…
[Continue in voiceover as cut to a shot of ANNA leaning over the barrier of MIRABEL’s cubicle, giggling. MIRABEL looks up at her, blushing]
MIRABEL: And then I actually looked at it and I was like, wow, uh, actually, I don’t think her boyfriend would appreciate this…
MIRABEL: What songs do I have on it? Uh, I dunno, it’s just that I think it could be interpreted a certain way… Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne, Break Up With Your Girlfriend by Ariana Grande… The point is that I really need to get this thing back before Anna sees it and gets the wrong idea.
[Cut back to MIRABEL at the reception desk. LIGHTNING walks by, whistling Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.]
MIRABEL: Wait! Lightning!
LIGHTNING: Mirabel! Just the person I was looking for. Follow me, I have something to talk to you about.
[MIRABEL visibly perks up and follows LIGHTNING into his office. He sighs loudly, long-sufferingly, as though he has the most difficult job in existence]
LIGHTNING: Have a seat. Mirabel, Mirabel, Mirabel…
[MIRABEL sits in one of the chairs opposite LIGHTNING’s desk, starting to look more confused/worried]
LIGHTNING: Well, there’s no easy way to say this. You’re fired.
MIRABEL: What?! Why?!
LIGHTNING: [Looks aside into camera and cringes, then takes a deep breath and hardens his expression as he looks at MIRABEL again] You are… not an essential member of this team, and corporate has mandated layoffs. I’m sorry. Maybe if your performance had—
MIRABEL: Performance? I’m Human Resources! The only Human Resources rep at this branch! Is that even legal? 
LIGHTNING: [pauses, as though unsure if this is actually legal] Uh, well, actually— [glances down at his notepad again] Kidding!
MIRABEL: [looking completely and utterly lost now] What? You’re kidding?
LIGHTNING: Come on, Mirabel, learn to take a joke! [He stands up] Now get back to work! Oh, we do have fun here…
MIRABEL: That wasn’t— how—
LIGHTNING: [chuckling] Oh, Mirabel. C’mon, you’ve got to get back to work now…
MIRABEL: [standing up but not leaving] So corporate isn’t mandating layoffs?
LIGHTNING: Uh, well, we’ll have to see about that one, actually, I’m not… sure.
MIRABEL: You’re not sure.
LIGHTNING: Don’t worry about it. [glances into the camera and smiles nervously]
[The BREAKROOM, a small kitchenette area with appliances, a water cooler, and a table. AQUATA and TIANA hover by the water cooler, while BRUCE eats grocery store sushi and TANYA furiously types code into a laptop]
AQUATA: I’m just saying, the client sent me an entire handle of vodka and what was I supposed to do, say no?
TIANA: I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what you were supposed to do.
[Cut to TIANA in the conference room interview setup]
TIANA: Look, I’ve worked here for thirty years, I don’t give a [bleep] what people do anymore. If Aquata gets written up, not my problem.
AQUATA: I just think if we have an office party and we all drink it, you can split up the cost of it so that it’s actually way under the maximum gift threshold.
TIANA: I’m not sure that’s how that–
[MIRABEL bursts in]
MIRABEL: Someone’s getting laid off!
[BRUCE stares into the camera in horror]
AQUATA: What?!
TIANA: What…
AQUATA: Well, who?
MIRABEL: I don’t know! It was almost me!
TIANA: You don’t know and you’re HR?
MIRABEL: I don’t know what just happened, but Lightning called me into his office and tried to fire me and then he changed his mind and tried to act like it was a joke, but when I tried to ask about the layoff rumors, he started acting really weird?
[TIANA, AQUATA, and BRUCE’S jaws drop in horror]
AQUATA: I’m pretty sure my buddy Henry at corporate mentioned there have been cuts recently…
TIANA: [nonplussed] You mean your buddy Henry who’s getting investigated for wire fraud?
[Cut to BRUCE in conference room, interview setup]
BRUCE: [terrified] I don’t know anything about that. They just brought me on for some extra customer service help after Lightning’s Twitter incident [Cut] I don’t know anything about the Twitter incident, either. Please don’t ask me this stuff!
[Cut to BREAK ROOM] 
MIRABEL: Look, I can try and get in touch with Annie and see what’s going on, but…
TANYA: [snorts] I’ll take care of it.
[EVERYONE stares at TANYA]
AQUATA: What do you mean, you’ll take care of it?
BRUCE: I think it’s better if we don’t ask questions.
TANYA: Exactly. Everyone listen to Bruce.
[An awkward silence descends]
MIRABEL: Uh, so, while I have everyone here, has anyone seen a mixtape?
TIANA: The one Lightning dropped?
TIANA: I dunno, I saw a mixtape on the ground and it was exactly his taste in music, so I put it in his mailbox. Why? It didn’t belong to you, did it? It looked like some kind of weird jealousy playlist. Assumed it had to do with his obvious crush on Annie. The whole vibe of it was pretty pathetic, to be honest.
MIRABEL: [Glances at the camera, horrified, then looks back at TIANA] Uhhh, no, I must be thinking of a different one.
[The CONFERENCE ROOM. ANNA sits toward the front, anxiously tapping her fingers. PHINEAS sits next to her, scrolling on his phone. TANYA is peeling an orange. AQUATA, MIRABEL, and BRUCE sit toward the back, looking somewhat anxious as well. TIANA is dozing off. LIGHTNING stands at the front of the room, giving a presentation]
LIGHTNING: So I know there has been a lot of scuttlebutt lately about potential layoffs, and I am pleased to announce–
[Pan to the other employees, who lean forward with interest, except for TANYA, PHINEAS, and TIANA, who are still checked out]
LIGHTNING: You have nothing to worry about unless you have had any kind of performance issue.
[General confusion and outbursts from the employees]
MIRABEL: What does that even mean?
LIGHTNING: It means that I’m going to evaluate everyone’s performance and–
TANYA: Guys, I really wouldn’t be that worried. It’ll work itself out.
LIGHTNING: Exactly! That’s the spirit, Tanya. Everything happens for a reason.
TANYA: No, I mean, nobody’s getting laid off. You should be getting a call from Annie in three, two…
[Phone rings]
LIGHTNING: I will… go get that.
[Quick camera pan to LIGHTNING on the wall phone]
LIGHTNING: Uh… huh. Uh huh. Well! That’s good news! I knew you would see reason… oh, it has nothing to do with me. I mean, it had a little to do with me, right? Since I’m the branch manager? [A beat] Uh, anyway. Thank you for the great news. I will share with my staff!
[LIGHTNING returns to the front of the conference room, camera follows]
LIGHTNING: Well, good news, no one is getting laid off!
AQUATA: What?!
[Zoom in on TIANA rolling her eyes]
MIRABEL: How is that possible?
LIGHTNING: You know, sometimes the stars align, and… 
[Cut to TANYA in the conference room, interview setup]
TANYA: [smirking, self-satisfied] All I’m gonna say is that Henry isn’t the only one who was involved at wire fraud at corporate. 
[Cut to main scene in conference room]
LIGHTNING: You know what? We should celebrate! It’s already four, let’s start happy hour now. I actually found this mix tape, looks like perfect party music. 
[zoom in on MIRABEL, who glances at the camera nervously]
[The main office setting. Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield is playing, and the staff is milling about. AQUATA is pouring shots of vodka]
AQUATA: For legal reasons, I need everyone to have at least one.
TIANA: You don’t need to tell me twice.
[They both drink]
[Pan to ANNA, approaching MIRABEL]
ANNA: I think it was really sweet of you to make that mixtape.
MIRABEL: [nearly spitting out her drink] What? I didn’t make that mixtape! I don’t– it’s not–
ANNA: [giggling] It’s okay. I know you didn’t want anyone to know. But I didn’t think anyone else noticed how sad Lightning was when he found out that Annie had a boyfriend, so I thought it was really nice to get him a playlist of some songs he could use to cope with that.
MIRABEL: [realization dawning on her] Oh. Yeah. Yeah, uh, you got me.
[ANNA pats MIRABEL on the shoulder, and MIRABEL blushes]
[Cut to LIGHTNING in his office, interview setup]
LIGHTNING: You know, I think the best part of being a boss is seeing people come together like this. 
[Voiceover continues as the camera cuts to scenes of the party. PHINEAS teaches BRUCE a TikTok dance]
LIGHTNING: Some people think an office is just an office, but it’s also a community, you know?
[AQUATA tosses a piece of popcorn and ANNA catches it in her mouth. They both cheer. MIRABEL watches, smiling]
LIGHTNING: They say you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family. Well, you also can’t pick your coworkers. Unless you’re me. I pick all the coworkers.
[TANYA mutters something, and BRUCE glances at her in surprise, as though holding back laughter. TIANA makes a remark. Then they all burst out laughing. Cut back to LIGHTNING in his office]
LIGHTNING: I think I did a pretty good job picking, didn’t I?
[Phone rings]
LIGHTNING: Annie! You know, I actually can’t talk, happy hour’s starting. And you won’t believe this playlist.
[PHINEAS in the conference room, interview setup] 
PHINEAS: So there’s five different flavors right now. Coolio Chipotle, Slammin’ Sriracha, Garbage Sauce, Jalapeno Business, and Flynn Surprise. We actually have a prototype for the machine, too, you wanna see it?
[takes out a Keurig machine with the words INSTA-SAUCED taped over the logo]
PHINEAS: So, I put my burrito here… [puts burrito under the dispenser] and one of the sauce cups goes here… [adds a reusable K-cup to the top] and away… we…
[Machine pops open, spraying hot sauce everywhere]
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deccanhonda · 5 hours
Discover the Best Honda Showroom in Dhankawadi for All Your Automotive Needs
If you’re in search of the best Honda showroom in Dhankawadi, Pune, look no further. This vibrant neighborhood is home to one of the most reliable Honda dealerships, offering a wide range of two-wheelers and four-wheelers, exceptional service, and genuine spare parts. Whether you’re planning to purchase a new vehicle or service your existing one, this Honda showroom has got you covered.
Why Choose the Honda Showroom in Dhankawadi?
Comprehensive Range of Vehicles The Honda showroom in Dhankawadi features a full lineup of the latest Honda cars and bikes. From popular models like the Honda City, Honda Amaze, and Honda Activa, to electric and hybrid vehicles, they have something for every type of customer. You can explore the specifications, test drive the models, and make an informed decision.
Expert Consultation The showroom is staffed by knowledgeable professionals who provide expert guidance. Whether you’re looking for a family car, a sporty bike, or a fuel-efficient sedan, the team is ready to help you pick the best model for your lifestyle.
On-Site Service Center Apart from new vehicle sales, the Honda showroom in Dhankawadi has an on-site service center that offers high-quality maintenance and repair services. The technicians are Honda-certified and use only genuine parts to ensure that your vehicle stays in perfect condition.
Easy Financing Options Purchasing a new car or bike is a big decision, but the showroom offers flexible financing solutions to make the process easier. They partner with leading banks and financial institutions to provide customers with competitive loan rates and EMIs.
Convenient Location Situated in Dhankawadi, the Honda showroom is easily accessible from various parts of Pune. Whether you live nearby or in a neighboring locality, getting to the showroom is hassle-free, and you can explore all the services they offer.
Services Offered:
New Honda Cars and Bikes: View and test drive the latest Honda models.
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Visit the Honda Showroom in Dhankawadi Today!
When it comes to buying a Honda vehicle or getting it serviced, the Honda showroom in Dhankawadi stands out for its excellent customer service and reliability. With a well-trained staff, flexible financing options, and the latest Honda models, this showroom makes your car or bike buying experience a smooth one.
Visit today and find your dream Honda vehicle!
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bukmarkmedia · 6 days
Unlocking the Best Honda Business Car Offers: A Guide for Fleet Managers and Business Owners
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In today’s fast-paced business world, having a reliable and efficient fleet of vehicles is crucial. Honda, known for its innovative design, reliability, and fuel efficiency, offers a range of honda business car offers that cater to different needs. Whether you’re a small business owner or managing a large corporate fleet, here’s how you can benefit from Honda’s business car offers.
1. Understanding Honda Business Contract Hire
Honda’s Business Contract Hire (BCH) is a popular choice for businesses looking to lease vehicles without the hassle of ownership. This option allows companies to pay a fixed monthly rental fee over an agreed period, typically 24 to 60 months. At the end of the contract, the car is returned to Honda, freeing your business from concerns about depreciation or resale value.
Key Benefits:
Fixed Costs: Predictable monthly payments help with budgeting and cash flow management.
No Depreciation Risk: The value of the car at the end of the contract is Honda’s concern, not yours.
Flexibility: Choose the contract length and mileage that suits your business needs.
2. Tailored Business Leasing Options
Honda understands that different businesses have different requirements. That’s why they offer a variety of leasing options that can be tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a fleet of fuel-efficient sedans for your sales team or versatile SUVs for your field staff, Honda’s range has something for everyone.
Popular Models for Business Leasing:
Honda Civic: A compact car perfect for city driving, offering excellent fuel economy and advanced safety features.
Honda CR-V: A spacious and comfortable SUV ideal for long journeys, with a hybrid option available for lower emissions.
Honda Jazz: A practical hatchback with flexible seating and ample cargo space, suitable for urban and suburban environments.
3. Incentives for Green Fleet Management
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important for businesses, and Honda is at the forefront of eco-friendly automotive technology. With a focus on hybrid and electric vehicles, Honda business car offers include models that help reduce your company’s carbon footprint.
Why Choose a Hybrid or Electric Honda?
Lower CO2 Emissions: Meet environmental targets and demonstrate your commitment to sustainability.
Fuel Savings: Hybrid models like the Honda Jazz and CR-V offer significant fuel savings, reducing your overall fleet costs.
Government Incentives: Benefit from reduced taxes and incentives for businesses that choose low-emission vehicles.
4. Comprehensive Maintenance Packages
To ensure your fleet runs smoothly, Honda offers comprehensive maintenance packages as part of their honda business car offers. These packages cover routine servicing, repairs, and even tyre replacements, helping you minimize unexpected costs and downtime.
Advantages of Honda Maintenance Packages:
Peace of Mind: Know that your vehicles are maintained by Honda experts using genuine parts.
Cost Control: Fixed-price maintenance plans help avoid surprise repair bills.
Vehicle Longevity: Regular maintenance ensures your cars remain in peak condition, extending their lifespan.
5. Honda Financial Solutions for Businesses
In addition to leasing, Honda provides various financial solutions tailored to business needs. Whether you prefer hire purchase, finance lease, or outright purchase, Honda’s financial products are designed to be flexible and competitive.
Consider These Financial Options:
Hire Purchase: Spread the cost of ownership over a fixed term, with the option to own the vehicle at the end of the agreement.
Finance Lease: A cost-effective option where you lease the vehicle and can share in any resale value at the end of the term.
Outright Purchase: For businesses that prefer to own their vehicles outright, Honda offers attractive purchase deals with competitive pricing.
6. Expert Support and Advice
Navigating the options for business car leasing and financing can be complex, but Honda’s dedicated business specialists are available to guide you through the process. They provide personalized advice to help you choose the right vehicles and financing solutions for your business.
Honda’s business car offers provide a range of flexible and cost-effective solutions for companies of all sizes. From leasing to maintenance packages and financial products, Honda ensures that your fleet is reliable, economical, and tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your current fleet or add new vehicles, Honda’s business car offers make it easier and more affordable to drive your business forward.
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