pttwice · 6 months
hello once again joon, hope ur week month and day is going great. Here to request a SMC (I love them lol) being CG for a request Unnie Line, and not fully understanding how to take care of them and having to call middle line for help but in the end they take them to a indoor play land (idk what you call them in English lol) and they end up having a fun time
hi hi chimp! :) SMC is absolutely adorable so i don't blame you for another request of them! (i’m sorry it took me so long to get to your request but i hope you enjoy it!)
we’re the unnies
|| little!najeongmo, cg!dachaetzu, middle!sajimi ||
When Tzuyu woke up, she was expecting to see Jeongyeon in the kitchen making breakfast. Saturdays they had off were always reserved for group breakfast. She was excited and hungry, but when she went to the kitchen and didn’t see Jeongyeon or the other two oldest, she walked back into her room she shared with Dahyun and Chaeyoung.
“Chaengie. Wake up.” Tzuyu whispered as she shook the second youngest.
Chaeyoung rolled over, yawning as she rubbed her eyes. “Tzu? What’s wrong?”
“Jeongyeon isn’t making breakfast and it’s Saturday. We always do group breakfast on Saturday!” Tzuyu’s eyebrows were furrowed, clear discontent written on her features.
Chaeyoung sat up a little more in her bed and threw one of her stuffy’s at Dahyun’s back. The oldest of the three groaned and rolled over.
“Why did you throw that at me?” Dahyun threw the stuffy back on Chaeyoung’s bed and saw the disappointed looks on the other two’s faces. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Tzu says that she didn’t see Jeongyeon in the kitchen. And it’s Saturday.”
Dahyun’s eyes widened in realization. There had only been a few Saturdays they missed doing group breakfast and that’s when Jeongyeon was sick. “Maybe she was just super tired and slept in? Did you check her room?”
Tzuyu shook her head and tugged on Chaeyoung’s hand. They went together and slowly opened the door to Jeongyeon’s room. When they saw the girl awake, they were even more confused.
“Aren’t you makin’ breakfast, unnie?” Chaeyoung asked, still waking up.
Jeongyeon just answered her question with a blank stare. She tilted her head, not understanding what the younger girl had just asked her.
“Are you okay, unnie?” Tzuyu took a few steps across the room and stood by Jeongyeon’s bed. When the second oldest clung to her shirt and tucked her head under her chin, Tzuyu was shocked.
“Chaeng I don’t think Jeongyeon unnie’s feeling well.” Tzuyu placed her hand on Jeongyeon’s forehead. It wasn’t hot so she wasn’t sick, but she still didn’t know what was going on.
“I’ll go see if Nayeon unnie can help us.” Chaeyoung quickly left Tzuyu to deal with Jeongyeon. She expected to find Nayeon still asleep but when she found her in the same state as Jeongyeon, she got worried.
“Hyun!” Chaeyoung yelled out from Nayeon’s room and Dahyun came running in. The second youngest filled her in on everything as Dahyun tried to ignore Nayeon trying to put her fingers in her mouth.
“Maybe Momo unnie?” Dahyun asked and left to find Momo. Unfortunately, Momo was acting the exact same.
By the time the three youngest made their way to the living room, each with an extra person attached to them, they realized what was happening.
Their unnies had regressed. It happened so infrequently that they forgot what it looked like and how they acted when they regressed.
Tzuyu was still sad that she wasn’t getting group breakfast, but she was happy that her unnies were okay.
Since the School Meal Club were usually the ones being taken care of, they didn’t really know how to take care of the littles.
Chaeyoung tried to feed Jeongyeon strawberry yogurt but Jeongyeon pushed it away, spilling it on the floor.
Dahyun tried to calm Nayeon down when Momo pulled her hair, but then the two started to argue with each other. Dahyun had no clue what either of them were saying so it was difficult to pick a side.
Tzuyu was doing her best to mediate between everything happening, but it was so overwhelming.
“Maybe they just want to watch TV?” Tzuyu suggested once the three littles had calmed down a bit.
Chaeyoung shook her head and moved Jeongyeon to her lap, having to monitor the little to make sure she was sticking her fingers in her mouth. “Jeongie doesn’t let us watch TV in the morning so I don’t think we should let them.”
“Did we try to give them food? I’m sure they’re hungry.” Dahyun asked as she kept Momo and Nayeon from pulling each other’s hair.
Chaeyoung nodded and pointed to the half cleaned up yogurt on the floor.
The three talked for a few minutes, trying to find some way to help take care of the littles, but every idea they came up with was either not good at all or only something they personally enjoyed when they regressed.
“Well what are we supposed to do? We can’t just sit with them in the living room all day.” Dahyun let out a big sigh, looking down at Momo who was now distracted by a stray crayon on the floor.
The three youngest ended up sitting on the floor with the three littles for a few more minutes. They were able to distract them with paper and crayons that were left on the coffee table, but not for long.
Soon the littles were all crying and the youngest had no idea what to do. They tried giving them hugs and offering them things, but the littles weren’t having it.
After a few minutes of loud sobbing from all the littles, Jihyo poked her head out of her room. She was expecting to see the School Meal Club crying, but when she saw the three oldest, she was shocked.
It was rare that Jihyo ever saw the three oldest regress but she and the other middles thankfully had more experience taking care of them. She woke up the other two middles before she walked out into the living room, picking Jeongyeon up.
After the middles took the littles and sat with them for a little while, the youngest were able to calm down. They watched as Sana, Jihyo, and Mina sat with the littles, trying to figure out what to do with them.
“Maybe we can take them to an indoor playground? It’s rainy but they’d be okay inside.” Sana was sitting with Nayeon, distracting the little with the strings on her hoodie.
Jihyo and Mina nodded in agreement. They helped the youngest get the littles dressed, which wasn’t the easiest.
Nayeon was the most difficult since Tzuyu had to go through the girl’s entire closet to find a pair of pants she was willing to wear.
Jeongyeon was just excited to go so she pulled out a random shirt and non-matching pair of pants out that Chaeyoung helped her get dressed in.
Dahyun was just trying to get Momo’s clothes on without the little trying to put something in her mouth every five seconds.
Once they finished getting the littles and themselves dressed, they all loaded up in the car. Jihyo drove them to the indoor playground that was also a restaurant. This was a bonus since none of them had eaten yet.
Out of all three of the youngest, Tzuyu seemed to be doing the best with the littles. She had a natural motherly instinct that saved them from a few spills and sauce ruining a shirt.
The indoor playground turned out to be the perfect place for them to go. The middles spent time just chatting in the restaurant portion of the building while the youngest played with the littles.
“Does this mean that we’re the unnies?” Tzuyu turned to ask Chaeyoung and Dahyun who were playing a spinning tic-tac-toe game with Nayeon.
Cheyoung and Dahyun looked at each other and slowly nodded.
“I guess since Sana, Jihyo, and Mina aren’t exactly big right now.” Dahyun smiled proudly and helped Nayeon turn one of the blocks. The little didn’t really understand the game, but spinning the blocks was fun.
For the past 20 minutes, Momo had been standing in front of a wheel that showed a different animal each time. Tzuyu was sitting with her, proud of herself that she and the other School Meal Club members were able to take care of them.
They still weren’t 100% sure about what the littles needed, but they were slowly learning. They had also quickly learned to separate Nayeon and Momo when it came to tag. Nayeon was somehow more competitive when she was little and if she lost a game of tag, she started arguing with Momo. That would quickly lead to a baby fight and a time out for both of them.
Overall, considering the three youngest woke up expecting a Jeongyeon breakfast, the day was going well. The littles were getting all their energy out and having fun on the playground while the middles did their thing.
Tzuyu helped Momo down the slide a few times, enjoying her happy giggles as she asked to go down it again and again. Maybe she could get used to being an unnie every once in a while.
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tdoong15 · 2 months
ok ok, what about middle Mina and jihyo babysitting littleSMC and they end up putting on some movie that the middles like (for example star wars) while the littlers are watching with them while giving them snacks and sodas then mama 2yeon comes home and see's there babys drinking soda and watching star wars and starts panicing and scolding middle mina and jihyo for putting on a "violent" movie
Hello Chimp this is really cool. :)
Little!DaChaeTzu, Middle!MiHyo, Cg!2yeon
Warnings: none
Star Wars
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were in the living room, getting ready to leave the house because they had a very busy schedule and unfortunately, they couldn't skip it to take care of SMC, so they had to think quickly. "Hey, Jihyo and Mina, could you two come here, please? Don't worry, you're not in trouble," Jeongyeon called out. Jihyo and Mina walked out of their bedrooms and they walked over to their mommy and mama.
“What do you need, mama?” Jihyo asks since Mina was too distracted by her Nintendo Switch. “Well me and mommy will be out today and we thought that since you're both big girls today you could help babysit for us.” Jeongyeon explains, hoping that they'll agree with the idea. “What's our reward?” Mina questions because she wasn't going to do anything for free especially when it's something like babysitting. The question actually left both Jeongyeon and Nayeon stunned for a couple of seconds until a lightbulb went off in Nayeon's head. “How about we treat you two to a fun day at the theme park which just opened?”
Jihyo and Mina huddled together and discussed their reward and they then looked back up at Nayeon and Jeongyeon. “Okay then, we agree but who are we babysitting?” Mina says and Nayeon was about to talk when she noticed the three Musketeers peer their heads around the corner. “Well just turn around and you'll find out.” Nayeon points to where Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu stood.
The trio had big smiles on their faces along with their favorite plushies in their arms. “Mama ‘n Mommy!” Dahyun yelled out of excitement, all three of them then ran over to where Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Mina were. “Wha’ chu doin’?” Tzuyu looks at her mamas with a confused look on her face. “We're going to do things related to our schedule, sweetie.” Nayeon's tone was soft and soothing whilst she wipes away some crumbs which were left on Tzuyu's face from breakfast.
“Okay, bye bye.” Chaeyoung waves goodbye to her mamas and she hugs them. “We'll be back as soon as possible.” Jeongyeon tells Chaeyoung as they hug. Once the hugs ended, Nayeon and Jeongyeon left the dorm, they just hoped that Mina and Jihyo would be able to look after Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu despite them only being 11 and 12 themselves.
When Nayeon and Jeongyeon were completely gone, Mina and Jihyo looked at each other, wondering what they should do now. “So… what do you guys want to watch?” Jihyo asked the first thing that popped up in her head, the responses ranged from TV shows such as Bluey to movies like Cars. “Why don't we watch something like Star Wars to avoid arguments?” Mina suggests and thankfully everyone agrees with her idea.
“Let's go to the living room then so we can put it on!” Jihyo said to SMC, they were obviously excited but they didn't feel like walking over to the living room, so they decided to make Jihyo and Mina carry them to the couch. Jihyo had Tzuyu and Chaeyoung in her arms while Mina dealt with Dahyun in her arms, who was babbling about random things such as why Elsa was the best Disney character.
Jihyo and Mina placed DaChaeTzu on the couch and they turned on ‘Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope’ as the movie played Jihyo realized that they didn't have any snacks. “Hey, Minari, we should probably sort out snacks for everyone.”Jihyo whispers to Mina, in order to not distract the littles. Mina nods her head in agreement and she slowly shuffles away from the living room and into the kitchen with Jihyo.
“What should we do for snacks and drinks?” Mina questions while she searches for anything interesting. “I don't know, we should just do the classic movie things of soda and candy” Jihyo shrugs her shoulders and she grabs a bowl as well as bags of candy. “Sounds good to me.” Mina walks over to the refrigerator and she picks up some bottles of soda.
The duo were walking back with the food and drinks they had collected when they heard Tzuyu shout loudly. “Woah what's going on here?” Jihyo rushes over, placing the candy bowl on the table, before going over to Tzuyu. “Dubu said dat I wook wike the old green alien!” Tzuyu whines and she glares at Dahyun. “TzuYoda!” Dahyun giggles in response which results in Minjoong, Tzuyu's toy, being thrown at her face. “Hey, don't throw stuff at your sister, Tzuyu. And Dahyun, don't call your sister Yoda. Now if you both don't apologize then you two won't get any candy.” Jihyo quickly takes control of the situation and she was actually quite surprised by her immediate response.
Tzuyu and Dahyun gasped in shock and they apologized to each other for their actions and behaviors because they wanted candy. “That was dealt with quickly.” Mina says whilst she places the bottles of soda on the table, Jihyo nods her head in agreement and she sits back down on the couch to watch the movie.
Throughout the movie, DaChaeTzu asked for help with their bottles of soda since they couldn't do it themselves. Around halfway through ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’, Nayeon and Jeongyeon returned from their busy day and when they walked into the living room to greet the girls again they were in complete surprise when they saw the littles drinking full bottles of soda whilst Star Wars was playing in the background.
“Who did this?” Jeongyeon asks, trying to remain as calm as possible because she could never be overly angry at them. However, the sound of her voice made Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu jump since they didn't know that their mama and mommy would be home yet. “Hyo n’ Mimi did, mama.” Chaeyoung pointed at Jihyo and Mina who were now frozen in place since they knew that they were going to get told off.
Nayeon let out a long sigh and she gave Jihyo and Mina a look to indicate that she wanted to talk to them now, Jihyo and Mina obviously listened and they went over to Nayeon. “Why did you two decide to do this? You were both fully aware that those three are significantly younger than you two today and they shouldn't be watching violent movies and drinking soda.” Nayeon's voice was filled with disappointment since she thought that she was going to be able to treat them to the theme park.
“We're sorry.” Mina and Jihyo said at the same time and then Mina added on. “We decided on Star Wars because we thought that it wouldn't cause any arguments over what to watch.” Mina explains, trying to justify the movie choice. Jihyo then decided to tell her part. “Also for the snacks and drinks, we didn't know what to do so we chose classic movie things.” She says in an apologetic tone.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon look at each other and they decide on what they should do about the situation. “Well, we're very grateful for your honesty, but, this does mean that you two will not be able to go to the theme park because of what happened.” Jeongyeon tells them in a gentle yet stern way, Nayeon also decided to add in her own 2 cents for the situation. “You both will deal with Dahyun's, Chaeyoung's and Tzuyu's sugar rushes, however, we will step in if it gets too out of hand.”
Mina and Jihyo nod their head and accept responsibility for what they have done, they then look over to the couch and notice that DaChaeTzu were running around the living room and using their stuffed animals as their own lightsabers. “This is going to be a long afternoon.” Jihyo mutters to Mina who agrees with her.
Hi I hope you all enjoyed this and you have an amazing day/evening/night. Also if you like ILLIT what do you think about their debut? I personally think it's really nice and I enjoy it.
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tteokokki · 8 months
Spooky Skeletons!
- Day 9 of ageretober! (Agere/KidFic)
Little & autistic Tzuyu (4yrs) with Mummy!Jihyo & Mama!Sana
Enjoy! 🩵
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Sana and Jihyo were planning this trip for years and it's finally happening in a month of work. One of Tzuyu's dreams was going to Disney World on Halloween particularly because it wasn't scary like going to neighbourhoods and asking trick or treat and hearing people screaming during the whole afternoon and evening.
They packed every single thing they would need costumes, baby/toddler/little gears, some pull-ups, Tzuyu's snacks, etc...They are staying at the Disney resort, doing activities everyday.
" Tzu come here to Mama! " Sana said waiting for the little girl to get her dressed so they could go to Magic Kingdom. The little girl came almost running on her toes to Sana.
" Mama 'Ook! Mummy made bwaids! " The girl said in a exited whisper, she showed to Sana the two little braids Jihyo just did on her hair.
" They are beautiful Sweetheart! And you look so good with them! " Sana chuckled and got up from the bed starting to dress Tzuyu up.
They were all wearing matching outfits, just with diferent colored Dismey hoodies, Jihyo begged for them to used. Tzuyu wasn't the one to complain she genuinely loved matching with her Mommys, she was wearing sweatpants and felt confortable to be on them the whole day. It's autumn so naturally it is cold and for a Baby like Tzu who feels cold easily it was the perfect outfit for the day.
" Let's go My Loves? " Jihyo asking picking her and Sana's backpack and Tzuyu's to put on the Little one's back.
They went to the big car on the garage and started their way to the park, it was still morning so they would be having a day full of attractions meeting with some characters eating delicious things, more for Sana and Jihyo.
They day went by fast, and the three of them were getting ready in their costumes to go back to the park for the Not So Scary Halloween Party! They were all dressed up as the Teletubbies, Tzuyu was Po, Jihyo was Laa Laa and Sana was Tinky Winky.
As now at night it was more calm then in the morning Tzuyu choose not to were her sound muffler headphones. They party was great and trick or treating was so fun to all of them. The last thing was the Boo To You parade as soon as it started Tzuyu asked for her headphones, she was a little sick of sleepiness, so she was clinging on Jihyo while looking to the parade.
One thing no one was expecting was that th parade had little jump scares, nothing too much h because there were a lot of kids, but Tzuyu was falling to a younger space every minute. The second last parade car was full of dancing skeletons that would get off the car and try scaring some families.
As much as Sana prayed for them to pass by, one stopped right in front of them, Tzuyu looked away rapidly but got scared the same with triggered a panic cry from the little one. Jihyo started bouncing her and tried to calm her down, but it wasn't quite working out, lucky them because Tzuyu did not cried loud but she was shaking, it was a sign to go home...
As much as it hurts a little to go to the Hotel now , they have to sleep and calm a baby down.
Soon when they enter the room, Tzuyu is visibly calmer, just some sniffles and weak sobs.
" Tzu! Come bath with Mama and I baby! " Jihyo picked the girl up going to the bathroom to take a relaxing bath before sleeping time.
Soon they went to sleep, tomorrow would be just as exhausting as today!
- Not my best one yet but it is something diferent, I think
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yootdong · 10 months
Healing December (pt.2)
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mina chuckled hearing chaeyoung's voice «i think they've arrived» while sana just come closer to her to seek warmth
«Tired unnie» and Mina smiled at how tiny she looked right now
«honey!» yelled chaeyoung entering the room and then throwing herself on the bed between her sisters «two honeys here!»
«hi chaeng» smiled mina
«hii unnie, sana unnie we bought you stuff, wake up!» and sana now was more awake than ever, bringing all her attention to the youngest
but before chae could say anything jihyo entered the room and seeing the position of the younger she laughed «what are you guys up to? chae jeongyeon unnie was looking for you, you need to change»
«uff, fineee» the youngest huffed going back upstairs
«Be careful on the stairs» Jihyo said before going to change too
when the singer came back mina and sana were sleeping again so the older one threw herself next to Sana, who unlike Mina would not have slept that night if she had continued like this «booo!»
sana jumped slightly, opening her eyes and then grabbing jihyo's sweatshirt «why are you still sleeping, huh?» but the girl didn’t answer still too sleepy to deal with the older one
«It looks so comfortable» Mina sighed as she looked at her unnie in her pajamas
«jeongyeon surely brought yours too baby» Jihyo reassured her
«i’ll go up and get it in a moment» Mina said and then curled up in the blanket again
«hey I have some clementines, do you want them?» Jihyo then said to Sana, knowing how much the younger one loved the fruit
«Yay!» the little girl screamed excitedly, forgetting about how cold and sleepy she was the moment Jihyo handed her the bag with the fruits «i’m too happy now unnie!» Sana laughed
«i know princess» giggled the older one
«Mina look! they got clementines!” and the slightly older japanese just smiled at sana running a hand through her hair
«appa jeongy is upstairs, right?» she then asked jihyo
«mhm, if you go up tell her to go down and retrieve the princess, I don't think she’s very inclined to get up» said jihyo seeing the girl curl up back in bed and making Mina giggle
and Mina went up finding Nayeon explaining to Momo how to make the bread plate while the older was holding Tzuyu in her arms «it’s burnt eomma!» Momo teased her
«it's not burnt, it's just... the beans»
then she saw Jeongyeon entering the room holding Dahyun's hand as she carried Chae
«What's this burning smell? what did you burn?»
«smells burnyy» giggled Dahyun running to her mom and leaning against Momo «fish bread! appa look! they made fish bread!»
«made? more like they set it on fire» laughed jeongyeon
«’inari!» shouted chaeyoung seeing mina walking to them while jeongyeon sited on the bug couch
«here’s my minari, did you sleep well?» nayeon asked wrapping an arm around the girl
«mhmh, is my jammies in the suitcase?» mina asked shyly
«of course sweetie, do you wanna take it now or later?»
«later» she said sitting next to momo «oh appa! jihyo unnie said that um you have to go downstairs to to take sana-chan»
«mh guess someone doesn't want to get out of bed huh? thank you for telling me baby» Jeongyeon said placing chae on the sofa between mina and Dahyun and going downstairs
«hey, what's going on here?» jeongyeon asked making Jihyo, who was sorting out her pajamas, turn towards her
«your princess over there» she replied pointing to Sana who was lying on the bed on her stomach hugging the bag of clementines
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puphyo · 8 months
i finally got around to revising this part all the way!! i hope everyone enjoys :)))
the next few days pass with mina visiting tzuyu more and more, learning more about tzuyu every day. 
tzuyu opened up about what she likes, it turns out that tzuyu loves dogs, they’re her favorite animal, her favorite color is blue, she’s happy to have found nayeon and jeongyeon to help her for a while and mina can’t help the frown that appears on her lips when tzuyu says that, knowing nayeon and jeongyeon have been looking for potential caregivers for tzuyu. 
mina has noticed the signs of regression beginning to take hold on tzuyu, she slipped longer, and they were more frequent, but it was mostly while mina was around, as jeong would tell mina that they had trouble getting tzuyu to relax for bedtime, even after giving her a bottle, rubbing her back and belly, changing her into comfy clothes that are more fit for a regressor, she fought against sleep and regression like it could hurt her, but instead was hurting herself in doing that. 
mina’s heart broke at anything that jeong told her, that made mina assume that she was fighting harder and harder to stay not regressed, but she was losing, mina knew that. jeongyeon hadn’t been called into work todays but mina still wanted to see tzuyu, so here she was, just after hyo’s usually breakfast time, sitting in her car waiting at a red light, just a few blocks away from her friends’ house. 
when she arrived, she knocked at the door, learning that tzuyu hates the doorbell from the last time they talked, it scared her, and almost always sent her into a scared state where jeongyeon had to do her best to soothe a regression resistant little while answering the door, mina wanted to not seem scary to tzu. 
when the door opened, nayeon greeted her, hearing jeongyeon playing with hyo and tzuyu behind her. “you’re here an awful lot lately.” nayeon’s comment held no malice, simply stating a fact, as she let the younger woman in and watched her eyes search for tzuyu. once mina found tzuyu, nayeon watched relief surge though mina’s body. 
“you guys don't want me around anymore?” mina teased, smiling at nayeon. 
“mina, i’ve gotta tell you something,” nayeon’s large hand gently grabbed mina’s arm, pulling her away from tzuyu’s line of sight. “we’re going to start having some people come and see if they have a connection to tzuyu. jeongyeon and i don’t have enough space and-“
“i’ll take her.” mina looked nayeon in the eyes, not a single bit of hesitation to be seen. "i'll care for her while we try to find her a home.”
“mina, she’s going to the first little you've cared for,” nayeon’s eyes were wide, like she hadn’t expected mina to want her. “not that tzuyu doesn’t deserve to be with you, i just, worry that it might be too much for you."
“i'm sure.” mina was unwavering in her decision, especially after buying a few essentials for littles and cleaning up her office space to make room for tzuyu. “i have the space and the time for her.” 
nayeon nods, looking back to tzuyu. she’s entertained by whatever jeongyeon is doing, and it looks like tzuyu is having a good time, giggling and smiling. mina just stands back and watches, enjoying the look of tzuyu being happy and carefree, a sight she wishes she could see more. “how are you going to tell her?” 
“i’m going to wait for her to pull herself from her regression. i want it to be a mutual agreement, even if i know i need to be firm about this.” mina follows nayeon to the kitchen, where nayeon grabs three coffee cups out of the cupboard and creamer out of the fridge, putting a small amount in two of the three cups and then pouring coffee from the pot into them. 
mina takes the cup offered to her, watches nayeon walk into the living room, then tilt jeong’s head up towards her own and press a kiss to her lips and hand her her coffee. nayeon sits in the recliner that faces jihyo’s toy box, where jeongyeon, tzuyu and jihyo sit in a half-circle shape; jeongyeon guides the littles through building a set of legos, just as interested in it as the girls are. 
mina feels a tug at her to go play with the girls, wanting to build the legos too but also just feeling a need to scoop tzuyu up and tell the girl that mina will take care of her. eventually, she settles on sitting down next to jeongyeon, reading from the instruction manual with her. 
jihyo finally seemed to notice mina, and she cheered, even if it was quiet, conscious of the easily spooked little to her side. hyo launched herself at mina, holding her tight. even if it did surprise mina for a moment, she just smiled and patted hyo’s back. 
as soon as mina and hyo split their hug, tzuyu looked at mina with what mina assumed to be a little bit of jealousy, so she moved closer to tzuyu, who despite looking jealous and like she wanted mina, made no move when mina was closer until she adjusted fully for tzuyu to be sitting in front of her, chest pressed to the little’s back, and rubbing her tum.
mina so badly wanted to tell tzuyu then that tzuyu will be going home with her, that she wants to take care of her. but she holds off, the little dropping the small plastic toys in her hands to turn her head towards mina, tucking her head just under mina’s chin.
it takes quite a while for mina to see tzuyu rip herself from being small, but mina knew she was going to. mina had moved tzuyu and herself to the couch, where tzuyu had pressed herself as close to mina as possible, her eyelids drooping, heavy and sleepy. 
but that’s when tzuyu ripped herself from regression, flinching when she realized that mina had wrapped her up in a blanket and hurriedly scurried to the other side of the couch. “tzuyu?” mina asked, turning to look at her, carefully watching her. 
“don’t- i’m. i’m not-“ tzuyu stammers, tears building up in her eyes, mina thinking she doesn’t want to accept what needs to happen. 
“honey, it’s okay.” mina doesn’t make any move towards her, sits still, watching tzuyu. 
tzuyu's breathing picked up pace, her chest heaving up and down as she tried to contain her sobs. her hands were shaking as she clutched onto the blanket, feeling vulnerable and scared. mina wanted nothing more than to hold her close and comfort her, but she knew she had to approach this situation carefully.
"tzuyu, listen to me," mina said softly, her voice gentle yet firm. "i know this is hard, but you don't have to go through it alone. i want to help you, and i promise to take care of you."
tzuyu's eyes flickered up to meet mina's gaze, searching for any sign of insincerity. but all she saw was genuine concern and care in mina's eyes, and her heart swelled with gratitude.
mina moved closer to tzuyu, fighting her instincts to take the girls’s face into her hands, instead just watching gently. 
“if you'll let me, i would be happy to help you.” mina no longer can fight off her instincts to keep her hands in her own lap, and her thumbs press against the girl’s cheeks, gently rubbing in a pattern that begins to relax her. “tzuyu?”
her eyes were wide, filled with fear but never flinching away from mina, and seemed to search deep in mina’s soul, like tzuyu was looking for something. she hums, mina can hardly hear it, but she knew it came from tzuyu. “will you let me take care of you?” 
“you…are you-do you-you want to?” it came out watery, strained, like she was fighting to get that out. mina nodded, feeling her own eyes water. 
“if you’ll let, i will take care of you, tzuyu.” mina meets her eyes, hoping tzuyu can see that she’s genuine. tzuyu nods, and mina feels relief flood through her body. “we’ll go to your apartment tonight and get your things, okay? i’ll come with you.”
tzuyu nods, unwrapping herself from the blanket she’d been wrapped in, slowly crawling over to the same side of the couch mina is on. mina feels a tug from her instincts, telling her to hold tzuyu, but mina fights it back, sitting still like she would to convince a cat to come closer. 
it takes a moment, tzuyu might have made it nearly to mina, but she seems to be debating on if she wants to even think about sitting on mina’s lap, and mina can only think about what could help her determine if mina is a good candidate to sit on their lap. tzuyu does eventually, tossing and turning until she’s cradled in mina’s arms, head pressed against mina’s chest, she can assume that tzuyu is listening to her breath and heartbeat, and it makes her heart sing. 
“you’re not small right now, yeah?” mina asked, “and you’re not doing this because you feel you can’t say no.” 
“no no, mina,” tzuyu’s voice is fairly quiet still, mina can hardly hear it over her rushing thoughts in her own head. “i. i feel a connection with you-“ tzuyu’s eyes squeeze tight, a red tint taking over her cheeks, “-i uh. i want to be with you.” her voice is so quiet that it makes mina’s heart break, so she presses a gentle kiss to tzuyu’s forehead. 
“okay,” mina sighs. “thank you for being honest with me. when we go to my apartment, i’ll show you the room i prepared, and we need to get to the store to get you a few things for my office.” 
tzuyu’s eyes open, a look of surprise takes over her face, then sadness coats her eyes. 
"you don't- you don't have to do-to do this." a tear falls from one of tzu's eyes, mina's hand moves before she can stop it, wiping the tear away. 
"i want to, sweetheart." 
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cutiejihyo · 10 months
Need lil!jihyo being taken care of by misamo cause 2yeon unnies are out busy with little!smc 🥺
I can imagine a temper tantrum coming from jihyo cause 2yeon isn't there, but eventually warms up to japanese line and ends up asleep on one of their chests 😭💗
with twice’s busy schedule, free days were hard to come by. so when the girls found out all 9 of them had a free day coming up soon, they immediately started planning what to do. eventually they all came to the conclusion that they should just stay home and relax, since they rarely get that opportunity anyways.
once the free day actually came up, 4 out of the 9 members woke up regressed. this included jihyo, dahyun, chaeyoung, and tzuyu. unfortunately for jihyo, she slept in way later than usual, both nayeon and jeongyeon leaving her with the j-line as they took the youngest three members out to the park.
jihyo walked into the main room of the dorm, still in her pajamas, looking for nayeon and jeongyeon. momo, who was sitting on the couch, quickly realized who jihyo was looking for. "nayeonie and jeongyeon left a while ago, i'm sorry honey." she felt bad for jihyo, knowing how much she relied on the two oldest members while she was regressed.
after hearing this not-so-good news, jihyo threw herself to the ground. she sat in a ball, not saying a single word. momo looked wildly confused at the little, along with sana who just walked into the room.
suddenly, jihyo started thrashing around and crying, slamming her fists on the hard wooden floor and kicking her feet intensely. momo and sana exchanged worried glances as they rushed to jihyo's side, trying to calm her down as best as they could. momo gently placed a hand on jihyo's back, while sana crouched down in front of her.
"jihyo, it's okay," sana said softly, knowing how upset the poor girl must've felt. "we're here for you. nayeon and jeongyeon will be back soon, i promise."
unfortunately, jihyo's tantrum seemed to escalate, her cries becoming louder and more frantic. she continued to thrash and kick, her emotions overwhelming her immensely.
just then, mina appeared in the doorway after hearing jihyo's sobs. "is everything alright?" she asked, instantly sensing that the leader was regressed, and very clearly not happy.
"she misses nayeon and jeongyeon, they left earlier, remember?" momo reminded mina, to which she received an understanding look from the girl. she knew how much jihyo relied on the two oldest members when she's little, so it's reasonable that she'd be upset.
mina thought a bit before looking down at jihyo, "how about we take care of you until unnies come back? we can have lots of fun together, you know," she smiled and put a hand on jihyo's back, watching her think about what mina said.
the little sniffled, realizing that she can still have fun, even without nayeon and jeongyeon around. "otay.." she nodded and rubbed at her teary eyes, trying to stop crying.
momo and sana looked at each other with a relieved look, hoping that jihyo will stay calm for the remainder of the time that her caregivers are gone. "alright, how about some hide and seek?" momo proposed, knowing the regressed girl loved that game. she instantly nodded and giggled before running off, already feeling much better.
after some time, all four of them were on the couch when they heard the front door click, signaling the return of nayeon and jeongyeon (and the other 3 members). once the two walked into the main room, their hearts melted at the sight.
jihyo was laying on momo's chest, fast asleep and as content as she could be. luckily, she got tired out from playing games with her temporary caregivers, surprising all three of them when she crawled into momo's lap.
nayeon couldn't help but take a few pictures, her little girl looked absolutely adorable all snuggled up against the japanese girl.
"i'm so sorry, we wouldn't have left her here if we knew she was regre-" jeongyeon was cut off by sana, "please, don't worry about it, she was wonderful for the most part.." she chuckled, looking back to jihyo's tantrum.
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ghostheadlock · 9 months
What if it turns into omegas day off and Nayeon, Jihyo, and Momo take the kids 🤣 maybe Chaeyoung even joins in!
In the end, it’s just Mina, Tzuyu, Sana, Momo trying to wrangle up momo’s kids while sullyoon tries and does her best to help 😭
What kind of mom would Mina be?
momo would have to enlist her friends to help or else she'd drown!
at this point in time mina doesn't really see herself as a mother or even maternal but as she gets older and thinks more about kids with nayeon she'll tap into her caregiver instincts, mina in dive is i think a natural caregiver at the right times having been one with chaeyoung and then with others and over time it will come together with a (hopefully) maternal instinct
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actualllyalex · 2 years
Little!Tzuyu being fussy and wanting Nayeon to nurse her.
Nayeon and her Fussy Little
Tzuyu had been feeling little ever since she had woken up in the morning. Their schedule had been packed so much she didn't know the last time she had just been watching TV or took a nap in the afternoon. So everyone had just been waiting for her to regress as she usually did when she was stressed.
However because she had been so stressed she wasn't as happy as she usually was when she regressed. Nayeon had been the first to notice how fussy she was that day. It all started when they had breakfast and Tzuyu wanted Fruit Loops but they only had plain cereal left. She had been close to throwing a tantrum until Jihyo had offered to add cocoa powder to the milk.
The whole ordeal repeated when they had lunch and she didn't want to eat her broccoli until Nayeon pretended it was an airplane. Everyone thought she had calmed down until in the evening they all watched a movie together and she shook her head at every movie offered until Jeongyeon proposed her favourite movie "Frozen". The others were sick of watching it because they had to watch it at least once a month but in the end they were happy as long as their maknae was satisfied.
After they made it through about half of the movie Tzuyu began squirming in Nayeon's lap and constantly changing positions. At some point the oldest girl grew incredibly annoyed by it but she couldn't be mad at her little girl. Soon it was obvious what the youngest wanted, when she began burying her face deep in the other's chest and looked up with big eyes and her pacifier in her mouth. She had it in her mouth all day basically so it was obvious what she would want later.
Soon they finished the whole movie, half of their members asleep and Tzuyu was sleepy too. It wasn't hard to see that the youngest one was incredibly tired but when Nayeon offered to tuck her in she crossed her arms in front of her chest and shook her head with a big pout. Her main caregiver knew it wouldn't be easy to convince her that going to bed was a good idea. But when she offered a bottle of warm milk Tzuyu agreed.
They both knew what happened after the warm bottle without saying it because it wasn't uncommon for them. Some of the other's knew it, but they didn't really talk about it as it was just between the two of them. Together they went to the kitchen and made the warm milk in a bottle before going to the bathroom. Nayeon helped the little to get changed and brushed her teeth before getting ready for bed herself going to the older's bedroom.
By now the milk had cooled down a little and they snuggled up in bed with Tzuyu on top of her mommy. While the little drank, Nayeon softly stroked her back and played with her hair. When the bottle was empty she knew that it wouldn't take long until the younger girl fell asleep so she opened her pyjama top.
Without another word Tzuyu softly took her nipple into her mouth and began sucking on it. The first time they tried it both of them were a bit embarrassed but nowadays it just gave them comfort and worked as a way to show each other how much they loved the other without needing to say it. Their bond was deeper than anyone else's in the group and everyone knew it.
When Nayeon felt the sucking become weaker her soft smile widened and she held a pacifier to the other's lips which she soon accepted. She didn't close her top because she knew how important skin contact was for the little and just turned the light off before also drifting off to sleep slowly.
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peachytomi · 3 years
⌗ m.list twice : ˚ ͙۪۪̥◌ ⌨꒱
‗ ❍ nayeon ˎˊ˗
coming soon!
‗ ❍ jeongyeon ˎˊ˗
coming soon!
‗ ❍ momo ˎˊ˗
wearing matching onesies with the jline
‗ ❍ sana ˎˊ˗
wearing matching onesies with the jline
‗ ❍ jihyo ˎˊ˗
coming soon!
‗ ❍ mina ˎˊ˗
wearing matching onesies with the jline
‗ ❍ dahyun ˎˊ˗
dahyun with caregivers mina, sana, momo.
going to the park with cg/mina
‗ ❍ chaeyoung ˎˊ˗
painting on the walls with cg/jihyo
‗ ❍ tzuyu ˎˊ˗
having a nightmare with cg/mina
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
Misatzu au au when at the mall an alpha scents Sana who is holding a baby Sai. The alpha making her cry from their unfamiliar scent. Takes everything in Mina and Tzuyu not to attack the alpha who they see as a threat to their mate and child-🐼
“Sai-chan.” Sana giggled as she held Sai’s tiny hand. Sai had just woken up, and wasn’t too happy to be forced to go somewhere right after waking up. But Mina, Sana, and Tzuyu had finally had the money to move apartments. It had taken a while, but now that they finally had the funds, they were happy to move into a slightly bigger apartment. Sai would get her own room, and it wouldn’t just be their tiny office/study room doubling as a nursery. Sana had been picking up more and more jobs lately to cover the cost of their new apartment and when they weren’t in class, Mina and Tzuyyu had become Sai’s primary caregivers. And while that worked Sana had missed spending time with her baby girl. So now that they had a weekend of time to spend together where Mina and Tuzyu didn’t have much homework and Sana didn’t have work, they were happy to take a family trip to the mall to buy some stuff. They just hadn’t quite time Sai’s nap very well. 
“Sana, let her wake up a bit, you know Sai is pretty grumpy when she wakes up.” Mina chuckled at Sai, adjusting the baby bag on her shoulder. Even if Sai was already five months old, it was still weird to think of herself as a parent. She was so much younger than she thought she would be. “Yeah, naps are hard to wake up from.” Tzuyu yawned, stretching her arms over her head. She had taken a nap at the same time as Sai, exhausted after being on baby duty the last few nights. “I don’t blame the kid.” “Come on, she can’t keep napping or she will never sleep, and we want her to start sleeping through the night don’t we?” Sana asked, pushing her thumb into Sai’s tiny palm. Sai was strapped to her chest in a baby carrier, so Sana could still hold things while she was carrying Sai. 
“We do.” Tzuyu yawned again. “Doesn’t change the fact naps are great.” Sai yawned after Tzuyu had done it, Mina and Sana both giggling at the two.
“You know for not being related you two are really similar.” Sana giggled.
“Yeah, you like naps and annoying me.” Mina joked.
“What can we say, it’s our brand.” Tzuyu laughed. 
“I’ll say. Anyway, let’s go start. I need to be home by five to finish my bio homework that’s due at midnight.” Mina nodded, grabbing Tzuyyu’s free hand and leading her into the mall, Sana carrying Sai in behind them. They started with some simple home stores. They didn’t have a huge budget so they didn’t buy many decorations, just the essentials and the occasional thing that caught their eye. Sai was bored the whole time, entertaining herself by trying to put Sana’s necklace into her mouth. Sana would always get it out of Sai’s mouth, but Sai just viewed it as a game. After the home stores, Sana spotted the baby store across the mall. She really wanted to go, but Mina and Tzuyu weren’t done yet picking out some of their kitchen stuff. 
“Do you guys mind if I go to the baby store with Sai?” Sana asked them. She was bored anyway. As much as she loved her wives, no one could make buying kitchen appliances fun. 
“Sure babe.” Tzuyu nodded. “Don’t go too crazy, she barely has a closet even at the new place.” 
“I know.” Sana giggled. “We’ll be back when we are done.” “Okay.” Mina nodded, turning back to the pans as Sana left with Sai. Once inside the store, Sana perked up a bit more. One of her favorite things to do with Sai was to dress her up. She had always thought baby clothes were cute, but now that she had her own baby she absolutely loved dressing her up. Even if she got some weird looks from the other parents in the store, all of whom were older than her, she still enjoyed herself in the store. She knew money was tight, so she just got a few things, all of which were on sale. 
“Sai-chan you are going to be so pretty.” Sana giggled as she walked out of the store with Sai. “Though you already were beautiful before.” Sana craned her neck to kiss Sai’s wispy hair. Sai had been born with quite a bit of hair, and keeping it out of her face had been a challenge. They had restored to just using a lot of tiny clips to keep her hair out of her face. “But you already are pretty sweetie.” “Hey girl.” Sana rolled her eyes when she heard a male’s voice. She immediately recognized that the man was an alpha. “Do you need help with your bag?” “No thank you.” Sana shifted her stance. “My daughter and I need to get back to-”
“What’s the rush girl?” The man giggled. “You're so pretty. I bet your alpha doesn’t even know it. Your baby is pretty too. What kind of an alpha doesn’t scent something as perfect as you? Why don’t you let me take care of you? I’ll always scent you.” The man was getting too close for Sana’s liking. She held her bag tighter and start to get ready to leave. 
“Look I’m sorry but-” Sana paused when she felt a chill go up her spine when the man got too close to her. He got close enough to scent her. A lot of alphas, particularly men, had tried to hit on her over time. But none of them had ever scented her before. “Please just leave.” Sana felt tears prick her eyes. She had her baby with her, and she was scared. So so scared. Tears pricked her eyes as she tried to plot her escape, looking desperately for a way to get out without him pinning her down.
“Sana, are you ready to go?” The man stepped away from her at Mina’s voice. Sana sighed in relief, tears still dripping down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry sir but you're mistaken, she is not available and she doesn't want you.” Tzuu stepped in. “So go be on your way before things get ugly. I would rather not hit someone in front of my baby, but I will if I have to.” It took everything in Mina and Tzuyu to not punch the alpha square in the face, but they knew that would just end badly for them. Sana had a reputation and they had Sai with them. The alpha tasked before walking away. Sana was still crying, and Sai looked like she was about to start. Mina instantly got Sai from the baby carrier and scented her sire, letting her calming scent wash over Sai. Meanwhile Tzuyu got to work comforting her mate. She did everything she could to overpower the unfamiliar scent, and she wrapped Sana up in a tight hug, rubbing her back to get her to stop crying. 
“Hey, he’s gone now.” Tzuyu whispered.
“You promise?” Sana asked with teary eyes.
“You know we will not let anything ever happen to you baby, not now, not ever.”
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pttwice · 3 months
|| littlend!tzuyu, cg!2yeon ||
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Other than watching puppy videos and playing with her stuffies, Tzuyu had recently been fixated on fish. Nayeon had gotten out of the shower and she heard the TV going. She didn't think anything of it and assumed that it was just Tzuyu or Jeongyeon watching something.
When she walked into the living room, she was shocked to see Tzuyu glued to the TV. Jeongyeon was laying on the couch playing on her phone, not noticing that her baby was only a few inches from the screen and fixated on the colorful fish.
Nayeon watched from afar for a few seconds. A small smile grew on her face as Tzuyu intently watched the fish swim back and forth. She quietly crept over to where Tzuyu was sitting and crouched down beside her. "Hey, baby. What are you watching?"
Without taking her eyes off the TV, Tzuyu pointed to the colorful fish and moved her hands back and forth in a waving motion. It didn't look like she was stimming, but for all Nayeon knew, it could be a new one.
"Do you like the fishies?" Nayeon ran her fingers through her baby's hair and chuckled softly as Tzuyu gave her a small nod and kept slowly waving her hands back and forth.
After a few more minutes of watching Tzuyu, Nayeon got up and sat down beside Jeongyeon. "Did she put the fish on by herself?"
Jeongyeon shook her head and set her phone down. She glanced down to see that Tzuyu was doing the waving motion with her hand before she looked back up at Nayeon. "We were watching Bluey and then these fish came on. I tried to change the channel, but she started whining."
It had been a week since Tzuyu first watched the fish on TV and, adding into her morning routine, she'd demand to watch the fish while her mamas made her breakfast.
Since they had the day off, Nayeon and Jeongyeon decided to take Tzuyu to the aquarium. She liked the fish on the TV so much so she had to like the fish in person.
"Hey, Tzu. You know how you watch the fishies on the TV in the morning?" Jeongyeon took a sip of her coffee as she watched Tzuyu methodically eat her breakfast.
The little nodded and moved her hands in the now familiar wave-like motion and smiled before she continued to eat her breakfast.
"How about you, mommy, and I go to see some fishies in person?" Jeongyeon couldn't contain her wide smile at her baby's eager nod.
Tzuyu continued to methodically eat her breakfast but with a little more excitement as she thought about all the fish they'd see.
Once the Tzu check was complete, Jeongyeon carried Tzuyu to the car. She buckled the little in and they made their way to the aquarium. Since it was a Tuesday, it was less crowded. This was good for their baby so she could focus on the fish instead of focusing too hard on everything else around her.
Nayeon held Tzuyu's hand as they walked into the aquarium. The little's grip on her mommy's hand immediately tightened as a little kid ran by them. Tzuyu clung to her mommy's side and covered her ears.
"It's okay, love bug. Let's get your headphones out." Nayeon spoke softly and took the headphones out of Tzuyu's bag. She slipped them over her ears and took hold of her hand again, giving it a gentle squeeze as they made their way to the first exhibit.
There were more fish than Tzuyu could count and they were even more pretty in person. They stopped at each tank so Tzuyu could get a good look at all the fish inside. They had to skip the sharks since they were too scary for the poor little, but the penguins were more than enough to make up for it.
"Mina! Mina!" Tzuyu tugged on her mama's hand and pointed to one of the penguins waddling on the rocks. She giggled and pressed her hands on the glass as she watched a few penguins dive into the water for fish that the keepers threw in.
"They look just like her, don't they?" Jeongyeon laughed and took a picture of Tzuyu pressed against the glass. They stayed at the penguin exhibit for a while before moving onto a few more tanks of fish.
Nayeon took a few pictures in front of the jellyfish before she was dragged by Tzuyu to the tank full of fancy goldfish.
As the little stood there, she started to do the waving motion with her hands. "Pretty skirt!"
Nayeon and Jeongyeon looked at each other and then down at their baby as they watched her slowly move her hands back and forth. It took them a second to figure out what their baby was saying, but Nayeon eventually figured it out.
"Oh, does it look like the fish is wearing a skirt, baby?"
Tzuyu proudly looked up at her mommy and nodded. She kept moving her hands back and forth to imitate the motion of the fancy goldfish tails.
They stayed at the fancy goldfish tank for the longest since these were the ones that Tzuyu had been watching on the TV every morning before breakfast.
After a while at the aquarium, they could tell that Tzuyu was starting to get tired. She was moving a little slower and she was nervously stimming as they walked away from the final tank.
Before they got back into the car to head back home, though, Jeongyeon made one final stop. She ducked into the gift shop and quickly bought a goldfish stuffed animal.
As Nayeon buckled her baby into her seat, Jeongyeon popped her head around Nayeon's shoulder. She lifted the goldfish stuffy up and handed it to Tzuyu who eagerly took it and hugged it close to her chest.
The drive home was quiet and calm and Tzuyu was asleep within seconds of the car moving. It seemed like the fish were here to stay along with puppies.
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tdoong15 · 7 months
Casual mornings
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Little!Tzuyu, Cg!2yeon
Warnings: Non
It was a peaceful morning at the dorm, everyone was busy with something or another. Well Tzuyu was more like on a mission for something because she was wandering around the dorm wondering where her mama and mommy could be. She had her favorite dog plushie in her arms, whose name was Minjoongie, acting as her sidekick during the search.
"Hi Tzu what are you doing? " Sana asked the little when she spotted her on her very serious search. "Lookin' for Mama said Mommy" Tzuyu responded in a quiet tone, she was determined to find them. "Oh I think I saw them in the living room" Sana said in her usual cheerful tone, this made Tzuyu's eyes light up in glee "Thanks Sana unnie!" She gives a bright grin before running to the living room.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon were in the living room watching a random drama they found, until they heard the door burst open to reveal a very happy Tzuyu (now that she has found them.) "Hey baby, how are you doing?" Nayeon questioned in a soft voice alongside a smile. "I'm good Mama! Whatcha watchin'?" Tzuyu said whilst she shuffled in front of them. "Uhh I'm not actually sure, we just decided to put it on." Jeongyeon replied, she decided to turn off the show and move down the couch so Tzuyu could sit next to them. "How about we watch 101 Dalmatians instead? I know it's your favorite movie, Tzu." Jeongyeon suggested which immediately made Tzuyu nod her head rapidly "Yes watch doggies!" She had a wide grin on her face. Nayeon took the controller and put on 101 Dalmatians. Have Nayeon and Jeongyeon had to watch it many times where it was to the point they could recite everything from the movie from start to finish? Absolutely, but if it's for seeing Tzuyu be happy then they'll watch it over and over again.
So with that the trio spent most of their morning watching the movie, it was filled with laughter, cheers and booing (When Cruella came on the screen). Both Nayeon and Jeongyeon couldn't wish for it to be any different from what it is now.
Hi hi, this is my first fic I hope you enjoyed it, if there's anything I could do to improve then please tell me I'm up to any feedback. :) I hope you have a good day, evening or night.
I'll also suggest songs that I like and you can listen to them if you want (They have no correlation to the fic unless something happens)
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tteokokki · 11 months
hi, just asking if you can do cg! Jihyo's first time taking care of little!Tzuyu? like how did she do it? did she freak out or something? if you're comfortable 🫶🏻
| ATTENTION: Non!idol Au!! |
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Those Doe Eyes
Little🍼: Tzuyu - 2yrs
Caregiver🧸: Jihyo
| TW: Crying |
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Jihyo and Tzuyu had been in a long distance relationship for three years now, Tzuyu finally convinced her parents that she could go to South Korea alone, not needing to people by her side every second. And her desire to meet her caregiver/girlfriend was taking her whole person in a happy mood she had never had in years.
Jihyo on the other side was anxiously cleaning the whole house for the nth time today. She got everything ready to receive Tzuyu at her house, she had the little's playroom ready and her room was ready too. She got the little girl's favorite snack in a taiwanese market near her condominium. She knew how Tzuyu was in space..she was a non-verbal little, an introvert most of the time, crys a lot when she wants something specific.
Tzuyu is already on the plane in the first class seat Jihyo booked for her. She really had gotten the perfect woman for her. Jihyo is an well-known doctor in the whole South Korea, she receives a lot of money, lives on the most expensive apartment on Seoul, a loving girlfriend who acts like a mother when she is into her space.
Tzuyu slipped into Toddler Space during the flight while she was watching Hotel Transylvania 2. She in a 4 year old mindset. She ate the kids meal with a cup of cold apple juice, the perfect meal for the moment. The 2 hour flight felt quicker than expected, Tzuyu slept after the lunch all the way from Taipei to Seoul.
When she woke up during the landing with a pressure in her ear, she whined covering up her ears with her hands, small tears rolled down her face, but she finally was where she would live happily.
Jihyo was rushing to Tzuyu's gate, she thought that she was late but, there was no one there coming out, just a bunch of people wating in front of the gate.
Tzuyu got her dark blue backpack and her things, forgetting to pick her beige bunny that was placed on the seat. She went out of the plane without realizing the bunny wasn't with her, her mind was focused in looking for her Mama!
As soon as she saw the short haired woman. Jihyo showed that big motherly smile and opened her arms to catch her Baby in a bear hug. Tzuyu ran to her.
They went to get Tzuyu's Yoda suitcase. And finally they went home.
Tzuyu was feeling so excited she started to stim, she was in the back seat of the car watching Jihyo driving to her apartment, the little one was so happy she couldn't feel what was missing.
"Baby, where home!~" Jihyo hummed parking the car.
The day went by fast, with the two of them playing around, the girls calling Jihyo to meet Tzuyu, eating the little's favorite meal, and watching Disney movies in the shared bedroom.
It was just when Tzuyu started to feel sleepy, she felt something was wrong, and started to look around the house, trying to find her bunny. She turned her backpack upside-down and nothing about the Bunny was there. Her heart started to ache, eyes started to burn and a knot formed in her throat, she went to Jihyo balling her eyes out. The Korean woman was preparing the Baby's milk bottle when she heard the painfull sobs coming from the younger.
"Tzu? what's wrong Darling?" The woman got the girl in her arms, both of them were already in their pajamas ready to go to sleep.
"B-bunny" The girl blurted out, sobbing more,
"What's wrong with Bunny Baby?" Jihyo was still unaware of the situation.
"No' f-find Bun..." The youngest was so red she could pass out any moment, Jihyo rushed to the living room.
"Tzu Tzu, it's Okay...Mommy will find Bunny, but first she need you to breath slowly" Jihyo started to calm down the crying Baby, Tzuyu tried her best to breath slowly as her Mama was asking her to.
Jihyo got the little's bottle and gave to her trying to make her sleep, so she could think of an situation. Tzuyu slept after 30 minutes of denial.
Jihyo laid the girl in a fluffy mattress on the living room and went to the kitchen offer making sure the Baby would not wake up. Jihyo made some mint tea and started to think hard.
Jihyo freaked out. She knew what Bunny Tzuyu was taking about, it was the Bunny her grandmother gave her before she passed, she know how much that Bunny makes Tzu feel closer to her Nanny, and what it means to her. But she hasn't seen that Bunny since their last call before Tzuyu got to Korea, so there was only one place that Bunny could be...at the airport.
Jihyo ran to change up her clothes, but did diferent with Tzuyu, it was really cold tonight, so she just put the clothes on over the little one's pajamas.
Jihyo picked Tzuyu up, went to the car running and started driving to the airport. Tzuyu was sleeping peacefully with her paci in the back seat. The Korean woman got at the airport, took Tzuyu's stroller off the car, got Tzuyu on the stroller and went to the lost and found section were security was.
"Hi, I am sorry to bother you guys right now, but my girlfriend forgot her bunny in the plane earlier"
Fem. Officer 1: "What does the bunny looks like?"
"It's an Beige Bunny with a light pink nose" Jihyo said hopeful as one of the female officers went into the lost and found room.
Fem. Officer 2: "Is it this one?"
The woman got out with the Bunny, Jihyo just knew that because in the left feet there was Tzuyu's name written in chinese.
"Yes! This is it! Thank you, have a wonderful night you two" Jihyo got the bunny and went back to the car after giving Tzu the bunny for her to hold.
Tzuyu seemed to calm down as soon as she smelled the bunny's scent. They went back home, Jihyo dress her pajamas up again, and took of Tzuyu's clothes revealing the Yoda pajamas again.
The night went smooth after the bunny was found. Jihyo was relieved she found the stuffed animal that hour at night. And that was just the first time she took care of Tzuyu, but she already knew that it would be the perfect adventure for her life.
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yootdong · 10 months
Sick StubbornDahyunnie
caregiver: momo and sana
little: dahyun
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Dahyun started regretting all her life choices the moment her feet touched the stage, that morning she was feeling really sick but when her members told her to stay in the dorm and not attend the concert she didn't listen. She insisted she was feeling better and even when Sana and Momo almost tried to force her to rest she was still being stubborn.
“Dahyunnie, you can still go wait for us in the backstage if you're still sick” Sana tried, putting an hand on her red cheek
“is she hot?” asked Momo
“she's basically burning Momoring” answered Sana resulting in Dahyun glaring at them
“i'm fine, stop talking like I'm not here in front of you” the younger one complained pulling sana hand away from her face
“no, i said I'm fine leave me alone” she said walking away from the two
Sana sighed resting her head on momo's shoulder “what do we do?”
“i don't know Satang”
“she'll come around guys, don't worry too much about it, we all know Dahyun, she can't stay away from the two of you that much” Nayeon, who watched the whole scene, tried to reassure them
“i hope so”
but after her solo Dahyun really wished she'd listened to them, her head was hurting really bad and she was feeling like she was about to throw up, she didn't even know how she had make it for so long, she was shivering from the start and as the show went on it only got worst.
So she didn't even make it to the second act, when she got in the backstage after her song her vision was blurry and when she tried to lean on the little sofa in the room she almost hit the floor. But luckily for her momo was just behind her, ready to check on her Dahyunnie, and grabbed her just in time.
“oh god, baby are you okay?” and as soon as Dahyun heard Momo words tears started rolling down her cheeks, she was sick, overwhelmed and tired and in that moment she only wanted her moms to hold her
“mama” she cried holing on to momo
“aww baby I'm here, mama's here, it's alright sweetie, don't cry” but as hard as momo tried to calm her down the younger girl kept on crying so when Sana rushed in the room after someone from staff called her she couldn't be more glad.
“dahyunnie, sweetie, what's the problem? what happened?” but as soon as she touched her cheek to comfort her she realized the problem “oh my god she's burning momo”
“yeah i noticed” mumbled Momo “you have to go after Tzuyu, right?” and sana just nodded, still worried for her little girl “okay i can take care of her, I'll ask Jihyo to go talk to the manager and tell them about the situation, she can't perform, she was about to collapse”
“okay but first we need to take her clothes off, she needs to be change”
“hey it's fine, i can do it, you have to get ready”
“i got it satang, just go”
and sana nodded still not sure, but she trusted momo with her life so she just kissed both the girls on the cheek and left the room
“mommy?” asked Dahyun who had just stopped crying
“she'll be back soon baby, now you're all for mama” smirked Momo “come on, let's get you some comfy clothes”
during the night the two caregivers took turns taking care of her until the smaller girl fell asleep on the little couch in the backstage and the two made it to the end of the concert
Dahyun woke up only when she heard sana voice and felt someone picking her up so she opened her eyes looking for her mamas
“hi babygirl, mommy missed you, how are we feeling?” but dahyun didn’t answer and just hid her face in sana’s shoulder
“where mama?”
“mama is getting ready sweetie then we’ll go, okay?”
“i’m here!” momo yelled rushing out of the changing room “we can go now” she said put of breath
sana laughed at the older one, it was obvious momo tried to get ready at light speed “say hi to mama, baby”
“i think she’s sleeping again” whispered momo after the little didn’t answer
the older women just smiled at how adorable their kid was and got in the car to go back to their hotel and put her to bed
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big-chaengus · 4 years
hiii I was wondering if you could please write about misamo with mina regressed and samo taking care of her uwu
hii :)
mina doesn’t regress very often, but when she wakes up one morning feeling fuzzy she realizes that it’s about time. she holds it off most of the morning, getting some chores done and doing some reading, but by about noon time she’s ready to drop. she was in the kitchen making some lunch when she finally regressed, but she was about 6 (and stubborn) and she was able to finish making her instant ramen by herself. (such a smart girl)
no one really notices that she’s regressed because little mina is fairly similar to big mina - quiet, thoughtful, good at using chopsticks. nayeon and tzuyu both came through the kitchen to have lunch, just saying hi to her and not really noticing anything, but she’s pretty independent for a six year old so she doesn’t mind.
it’s when sana and momo make their way into the kitchen together that someone finally notices. they hadn’t seen their youngest girlfriend all morning, so when they saw “mina” at the table eating, they immediately made their way over to talk to her. but when sana asked how mina’s lunch was, the older two finally realized.
mina had answered her question with an adorable little “it’s yummy, unnie”. that slight change in inflection that comes along when mina regresses was enough to let them know that this wasn’t mina their 23 year old girlfriend, but 6 year old minari who was stubborn enough to not speak up when she regressed. momo lets out a laugh at the realization as sana’s entire demeanor changes from casual unnie to favorite babysitter in a split second.
“did you make that all by yourself sweet girl?” momo asks from over by the stove. mina nods with her big gummy smile, obviously proud of herself for being so grown up. “uh-huh, all by myself moo unnie!”
momo only winces a little bit at the nickname that little mina just won’t drop.
“you did a very good job baby,” sana starts “but i think you know what i’m going to say, right?” she asks mina gently. mina pouts and nods, because her unnies are always telling her she’s not supposed to cook by herself. “i know unnie, but i only used the mike-a-ways.” she insists.
sana holds in a laugh at their independant little girl who still can’t say microwave. “yes minari, but you still have to be careful with the microwave. just come get an unnie next time okay?” mina just takes another bite of her lunch and nods while avoiding eye contact. sana knows to pick her battles with this little, so she just shakes her head and watches her finish her lunch.
as soon as mina is done, she hops off of the stool she was sitting on and points at momo “moo, we goin’ for a ride.” momo just nods knowing what mina wants and sana makes her way into the living room to set up a movie for when they are done.
once, when mina was in a bout of regression more due to stress and sickness, she just would not stop crying. momo had the genius idea to put the little on her back and take her for a ride around the entire dorm, saying hello to everyone at least twice. this worked like a charm to make her feel better, but now momo (moomoo) is at little mina’s beck and call for rides to say hi to everyone, or even when she just doesn’t want to walk. she doesn’t mind though, or at least she tells herself that. you try saying no to 6 year old mina.
after their lap around the dorm, they return to sana, where mina curls up on her lap and is immediately absorbed into the movie she put on. sana just wraps her arms around her little girl and leans back into the cushions. when she looks over at momo, her girlfriend and fellow caregiver is very obviously out of breath from her run around with an adult sized child on her back. being the good sport she is, momo just smiles at her two girls, thinking i wouldn’t give this up for the world.
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pttwice · 6 months
little!tzuyu who's shy and kind of embarassed to being carried by her mamas because she thinks she's too tall to be carried like a baby so she always settles for holding her mamas' hands but she she always feels sad. cg!jeongmo finds her crying about it and reassure her that no matter how tall she is, she'll always be mama's little baby
hiya anon :) poor tzu is really just an itty bitty baby :((
tall tzu
|| little!tzuyu, cg!jeongyeon, cg!momo ||
Tzuyu's height was always something she was insecure about. Being taller than the rest of the Twice members and most of the female idols wasn't something that was exactly normal. Her unnies made sure to cheer her up when they noticed she wasn't feeling confident about how tall she was, but sometimes it just didn't work.
Recently, Tzuyu had been feeling even more self-conscious when her mamas carried her around. Whenever they carried Chaeyoung or Dahyun around, they fit just fine in their mamas’ arms. Whenever they carried Tzuyu, she was always taller and she still had to look down at her mamas.
"Do you want mama to pick you up, love bug?" Jeongyeon looked at Tzuyu and held her hands up but the little just quietly shook her head and held one of her mama's hands.
"Ready for bed, baby?" Momo chuckled as Tzuyu yawned and gave her mommy a small nod. She went to pick Tzuyu up to carry her to her room, but the little whined and got off the couch by herself, opting to hold her mommy's hand instead.
Over the next few days, Tzuyu's mamas tried to offer to hold her or pick her up, but Tzuyu refused. She would either just hold their hand or walk by herself. It was okay at first and her mamas didn't notice, but after a whole two weeks went by and Tzuyu hadn't let either of her mamas pick her up, they were starting to get a little worried.
Tzuyu really wanted her mamas to hold her and carry her, especially when she was super sleepy before they went to bed, but she was just too tall to be held by her mamas. It was just better for all of them if she only held their hands.
After almost two weeks of not being carried by her mamas, it was starting to take its toll on Tzuyu. Each time she saw one of the other littles being held by her mamas she'd just get really sad and either leave the room or try to distract herself until they were let down.
Currently, Tzuyu was sitting alone on her bed. She was looking through pictures of her mamas and each one was making her sadder. If only she didn't have to be so tall. She'd even taking be a teeny tiny bit shorter than she was right now like Sana.
The more she thought about it, the worse she felt. The worse she felt, the harder it was to keep her tears from flooding over. Soon, she couldn't hold them back anymore. She laid down and laid her face down on her pillow, not wanting anyone to hear her cry.
"Tzu, dinner's ready!" Jeongyeon called from the kitchen and stepped out with a dish towel over her shoulder, expecting to see Tzuyu cuddled into Momo's side or on the floor playing with her toys.
"She's not with you?" Momo looked up from her phone and looked around the living room, frowning when Jeongyeon shook her head.
"No. I thought she was with you this whole time. "Did she go to the bathroom or something?"
Momo shook her head and got up from the couch. She grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. "I haven't seen her in at least an hour. If she was in the bathroom that long, then she would have called for one of us."
As soon as they headed towards Tzuyu's bedroom and they didn't hear any noise coming from it, both of Tzuyu's mamas knew that something was wrong. Momo gently knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before she opened the door.
At first, they just thought Tzuyu was asleep, but when they saw her body shaking, they knew she was wide awake.
Jeongyeon gently knelt beside the little's bed and reached out to brush her fingers through her hair. Momo sat down on the edge of her bed and gently rubbed her back. They gave her a few minutes to calm down before asking her any questions.
"What's got you so upset, love bug?" Momo asked Tzuyu gently once she sat up a bit and leaned her head on her mama's shoulder, her eyes red and watery.
"Tzu too tall." Tzuyu mumbled and reached out to play with her mommy's fingers.
"You're not too tall, Tzu." Jeongyeon gave Tzuyu's leg a little squeeze before sitting on her other side. "Why do you think you're too tall?"
"W-whenever mommy or mama carry Tzu, still gotta look down." Tzuyu sniffled and tucked her face into her mommy's shoulder, a few fresh tears slipping down her cheeks.
"That doesn't mean you're too tall, love bug. Just because you're a bit taller doesn't mean you're too tall." Momo placed a gentle kiss to the side of Tzuyu's head and carefully pulled the little's face from her shoulder. She wiped her tears away and smiled, kissing both of her cheeks.
"Even if you're a hundred feet tall or only two inches tall like Chaeyoung, you're still our baby." Jeongyeon smiled at the little laugh Tzuyu let out. She wrapped her in a tight hug and kissed the crown of her head before pulling away. "Can mama carry you to the kitchen now, love bug? We don't want dinner to get cold."
Tzuyu wiped her eyes and nodded. She smiled and wrapped her arms around her mama's neck and let her pick her up. She still felt a little tall, but she loved having her mama holding her again.
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