#caretaker's thoughts
for-quill-with-love · 30 days
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» [twistedquill] I can send you the world code, sure.
» [twistedquill] hey that last message didn't come through
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [twistedquill] hello?
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [twistedquill] hey what's going on?
» [ERROR 503] message not sent. please try again later
» [caretaker] I'm sorry about this, spectator.
» [caretaker] For both your safety and Quill's I can't let you enter that world.
» [caretaker] I've already broken enough rules by letting you all message her
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a-crumb-of-whump · 1 month
Content: Rescue, recovery, touch starvation.
"This isn't real."
Caretaker frowned. Whumpee had been so excited to see them just mere hours ago. Now, they sat curled up on the floor with a blanket wrapped around their shoulders, pressed up against the corner of the room in an attempt to escape them.
"What isn't real?"
"Everything," they breathed in response. "None of this is real. It- it can't be, right? I'm gonna wake up soon. I have to."
Tentatively, Caretaker took a few steps forward before crouching down in an attempt to appear less intimidating. They knew that trying to convince them that this was real would be impossible. So, they considered the next best option.
"What can I do to make you feel more comfortable, Whumpee?"
There was a short pause as the small being struggled to come up with a response. "Can I-" They cut themselves off with a sob. "Can I touch you? Please? I miss you so- so much."
Caretaker immediately sat down on the floor, ignoring the weight in their chest as they held out their arms for them. "Of course you can. I've missed you, too."
They almost couldn't bare to move as Whumpee reached out to touch the palm of their hand. It felt as though they were coaxing a frightened animal out of hiding.
As soon as they felt Caretaker's skin against their own, they let out another small sob and pulled their hand to their cheek. Every part of them trembled, as if frightened that it would all go away.
With a gentle smile, Caretaker held the side of Whumpee's face in their hand, stroking their cheek with their thumb as they held onto them. "See? I'm here, and I'm real. You're home."
"I'm ho-ome," they whispered, as if trying to convince themself of it. Then, without a second thought, they practically threw themselves into Caretaker's arms, pressing themself as close as they possible could. "I'm home."
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inkwell-and-dagger · 10 months
living weapon whumpees who, during the first few months of recovery with caretaker, are foreign to the concept of comfort‼️‼️‼️
have them flinching away from caretaker's soft touch because they believe they don't deserve it‼️‼️‼️
have a caretaker gently massage living weapon whumpee's shoulders, soothing words further adding to whumpee's overall confusion before they eventually lean into caretaker's warm touch‼️‼️‼️
have caretaker's soft words and hands holding whumpee's face snap them out of their conditioning after something / someone accidentally triggered them, startled at first before recognizing that, caretaker wasn't a threat, they were safe with them and that whumper wasn't here anymore ‼️‼️‼️
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warmasf · 6 months
Not snz but just general whump
The idea of someone literally “waking up with a fever” is so sweet to me. Just imagine whumpee at their partners house, having a slight headache and a weird feeling in their throat, but thinking nothing of it, taking a nap with partner and blaming it on being tired. In a few hours, whumpee wakes up to partner placing a cold flannel to their forehead and whispering their name into their ear.
“Hey, you gotta wake up baby, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?” In a hushed voice.
Whumpee lets their eyes close as partner feels their cheeks and embrace them again. They feel terrible, but maybe waking up sick was the perfect catalyst for the love and care they so desperately desired.
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wollemi-whump · 10 months
i love enemy caretakers. people who shouldnt be helping the injured person but their morals just wont let them stand by. a soldier patching up an opposing soldier even knowing it might put their own life at risk. a criminal talking down a gang leader to keep a detective from being killed or leaving them an anonymous tip to a dangerous situation. a vigilante keeping the person who wants to arrest them alive even if it increases the chance they get arrested. theres just so many great versions of enemy caretakers!!
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whumpy-bi · 8 months
Caretaker pulling Whumpee into their lap, trying to keep them settled even as pain threatens to overwhelm them.
“Stay awake, Whumpee, please. I’m going to get you out, just stay awake. I know, I know it hurts, I’m sorry…you can’t fall asleep until you’ve seen a doctor.”
Whumpee whines against them, the noise almost pleading. Caretaker feels their heart aching.
“I know, I know. You’ll be able to sleep soon, I promise, just—just not now. Stay here, just for a little. Just a little bit longer, okay?”
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victarin · 9 months
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done for the weekly prompt in Dca enjoyers discord :) sun and moon watching The Last Unicorn (their first movie outside the pizzaplex) bc i kept thinking abt it
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whump3000 · 9 months
“You came back for me,” Whumpee whispered hoarsely, looking up at Caretaker as they hurriedly tried to untie the ropes that bound them. “You actually came back.”
Caretaker paused. Though the light was dim, Whumpee caught a slight shift in their face. “Did- did you think I wasn’t?”
Whumpee bit their tongue, not wanting to admit the ugly truth to Caretaker, but Caretaker understood nonetheless.
They started working at the rope again, silently. It wasn’t until the last cord fell that they cleared their throat. “Whumpee,” Caretaker said with the softest bit of indigence, “I will always come back for you.”
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echoingalaxies · 3 months
I love it when characters are simultaneously both Whumpees and Caretakers. Everyone gets the shit beaten out of them and everyone gets a kiss on the forehead afterwards.
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oddsconvert · 10 months
I drool over Caretakers that seem like the sweetest and softest guardians. Ever so gentle with Whumpee. They may as well have a halo hovering above their head, they surely have a true heart of gold.
Until whumpee is threatened or hurt... and they see a red mist. They will spill blood for Whumpee, and take no prisoners. It's actually terrifying - like night and day. Jekyll and Hyde. Caretaker is unrecognisable in his fit of fury. They'll have Whumper cowering beneath them on the floor, beaten to a pulp - shielding whumpee behind them.
Whumpee doesn't know whether they're grateful for or terrified of Caretaker-
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fern-writes-whump · 11 months
Oh my god how have I not talked about nightmares yet?? It has to be one of my favourite tropes ever
Oh we have more than one bed? Too bad I had a nightmare come here
Nightmares getting so frequent that poor whumpee decides to straight up stop sleeping. Which. They obviously fail miserably at because now they're just collapsing in the middle of the day
Waking up screaming bloody murder and scaring the shit out of caretaker
Waking up screaming and making whumper even more mad <3
Not being able to tell if they're awake or not
Just sleep paralysis in general
Waking up from a nightmare convinced they're still in whumper's clutches
Having a nightmare where caretaker is hurting them and not wanting to explain why they're so skittish around them all of a sudden
Just.. ✨️nightmares✨️
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for-quill-with-love · 26 days
The day was quiet. I answered my messages in the morning.
It was like I was moving through fog.
I punched holes in my walls to make places for windows, and i worked out where I wanted the doors and chimney to go.
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I tended the sheep and plants.
I fed my birds.
It rained this afternoon. I found myself standing outside in it.
The sound of thunder caught my attention. It hadn't thundered in this world yet.
I grabbed some copper and made myself a lighting rod to put outside. I didn't want anything nearby to burn down.
When I got about ten blocks away from my house, my hair and fur stood on end. I looked up just in time to see--
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» [caretaker] apologies, spectators.
» [caretaker] you shook the lock on quill's memories lose.
» [caretaker] she'll be back to you soon
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a-crumb-of-whump · 3 months
Content: Recovery, PTSD/trauma.
"What on earth are you doing on the kitchen bench?" Caretaker asked curiously as they stuck their head into the kitchen to see what was making noise. There, Whumpee sat on the island with their legs crossed, grinning from ear to ear despite their clear nervousness.
"You told me I was allowed to break Whumper's rules. They never let me sit on counters, so that's what I'm doing."
Caretaker's confused frown curved up into a smile, pride no doubt evident. They took a few steps into the room and leaned against the nearest wall behind them. "Yeah? How's it feel up there?"
"Great!" they chirped. "I always used to sit like this, before. It's only a small aspect of the freedom I'm trying to reclaim, but one I'm excited to have back nonetheless."
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fandomunsexyman · 6 months
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SVSSS is a novel with a fandom.
[ID: A Scum Villain edit of the "missing the point" meme. A bullet arcs from velinxi art of child Shen Jiu kneeling while furiously glaring. The bullet says, "People are not entirely one thing or the other and holding them to these extremes ignores the complexities that come with their humanity." It arcs over the head of a person across from it, who ignores the bullet and exclaims: "Wow!! Shen Jiu's only crime was being mean and was wrongly hated!" End ID]
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sleepyiswhumping · 9 days
anyone else thought about kisses in whump? theres potential for a bit of fluff/angst/creepiness
[although it isnt always the case, whumpee x caretaker is implied as a possibility for quite a bit of these]
caretaker giving whumpee a soft kiss on the forehead when theyre sick/exhausted/injured
(if theyre partners) whumpee and caretaker sharing their first kiss after a long time separated, probably due to whumper
a goodbye kiss, on the lips, on the forehead, wherever. maybe whumpee or caretaker is leaving the other for a bit (to get meds for a sick other?), maybe its a desperate, last sign of love between the two as whumper recaptures whumpee, [mcd] maybe whumpee or caretaker is kissing the other goodbye as one of them dies, a last "i love you"
whumper kissing whumpee, as a sign of possession, faking a relationship in public, or just being awful and creepy
whumpee kissing whumper, maybe before they know how awful whumper is, maybe playing along with the fake relationship, whatever
idk i find kissing in whump fun no matter the reason behind it bc no matter the reason it has potential for something delicious
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blood-and-reblogs · 7 months
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