#carla is anti gruvia
Touka: a strange example in hypocrisy
Ok, so hear me out. While I never hated on Touka, I still never felt super strongly about her. Even I got a little annoyed about her at some times.
Touka is a strange example of the hypocrisy in our fandom. I’ve seen a lot of hate towards Touka, and while I never felt super chipper about her, I didn’t see the point in screaming about a hug.
Now it seems that she’s been revealed to be an exceed and in love with Happy, NOT Natsu, it seems like now the people hating on Touka are suddenly going to be ok with her.
And I’ve never been one to get involved in fandom drama, I’m just here to have fun and enjoy my ships. And now it seems like even I’m starting to ship Touka and Happy, partly because Happy’s advances with Carla are seemingly going nowhere, and also because I think they are super compatible.
But besides my personal opinion, I think Touka stands to be a message to all of us.
So think about this: how do you think the GrayLu shippers felt when Juvia entered the picture?
It’s fairly simple, they felt threatened and annoyed. Here’s this(in their opinion) Gray obsessed girl who just came out of no where and threw a wrench in their ship.
Touka is very similar to how Juvia was when she was first introduced into the series. Now, while Juvia is still Gray obsessed, it’s more of a deeper attraction. She STAYED in love with him for so long because the more she got to know him, the deeper her love grew, and now she is a loved character in our fandom.
So why should Touka be any different? I think it was clear to everyone that Touka was never going to pose any real threat to NaLu as endgame. It’s been confirmed countless times and Hiro even DREW THEIR CHILD! And while yes, Hiro isn’t drawing or writing 100 Years Quest, I’m almost positive he still has some say in what happens.
Touka was just introduced, and as an enemy as well(just like Juvia in the beginning) She hasn’t had time to grow or change her world view, and up until this reveal a lot of Touka Anti’s turned a blind eye to what her character could be.
But what I really think Touka highlights is how hypocritical we are as a fandom. A lot of people ship Gruvia, but the GrayLu shippers might feel like Juvia was/is their Touka. We cheer on a ship such as Gruvia(which to clarify I do ship but that’s not the point), but then we rage about how some people ship Natsu and Touka or how Touka is “interfering with NaLu”
I think we as a fandom should just come together and love these characters and these ships. Yeah we may not all have the same opinions, but that’s not the point. We’re a community, and we shouldn’t be putting other people down just because they like something different than us(unless it’s pedophilia because I don’t even have to explain why)
But besides all that serious stuff lol, the spoilers for 100 Years Quest were hilarious and cute to me. I think Touka is adorable as an exceed and as a possible love interest for Happy I think she fits better with him. She has the same mentality about love that Happy does and I feel like our little blue kitty deserves some love💙
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sweetmemories2606 · 5 years
Dangerous Game (Gruvia and NaLu fanfic) (Ch 2)
Dedicated to @mini me from Discord since today is her birthday, this is the Gruvia side of this angsty fic.
PS: Here's Chapter 1 in case you haven't read it.
Happy reading! 
Gray had known that leaving Juvia behind would lead only to heartbreak. He was well aware of how much she loved him and how it would break her if he suddenly left.
What he never expected, though, was for her to actually come after him-and find him in the first place.
It had been a few weeks since he had joined Avatar and they were having a meeting to talk about a new member. He went into the main room: unconcerned and uncaring; until he saw her.
She was wearing a midnight blue dress he had never seen before; with a silver colored skirt that went on behind her.
Instead of her usual hats; she wore a silver tiara adorned with sapphires and Gray did like the contrast it had with her light blue hair.
What was most different; though; were her eyes. It seemed they had somehow darkened and instead of love and warmth; he could only see coldness.
At first; Gray thought she was just mad at him. He tried to persuade her to leave and warned about the danger of being there; at the heart of a dark cult that mercilessly killed people.
Juvia didn't listen. She somehow convinced the other Avatar members that she was on their side and even promised to keep an eye on him.
They trusted her for some reason; which puzzled the ice mage. Why didn't they trust him as easily?
It took a few weeks since she had joined until he realized the truth and; upon doing so; Gray knew what to do.
"Did you really think I wouldn't realize it?" He had her trapped against the wall; anti-magic cuffs around her wrists.
"I didn't think it would take you this long." Juvia smiled; but it wasn't really her smile.
Gray took a deep breath; bracing himself for what he had to do.
Even if the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, it was the only way to save her from this evil.
"I wouldn't do it if I were you." Her smile turned into a smirk before she began explaining everything.
She told him how Juvia Lockser had been left vulnerable after his departure; thus Zeref had chosen to send a demon; the unofficial 10th demon gate; to possess her.
Lilith; as she was called; was different from the former members of Tartaros. She could only live inside a human; feeding off their life force and controlling their bodies.
She could also use their magic and amplify it; turning the weakest wizards into the most powerful. No one would know why; because no one could feel her presence.
Zeref had designed her to be invisible to anyone but demon slayers; and even those took time realizing she was there.
Lilith also told Gray that defeating her, even with demon slaying magic, would mean killing her host. The demon knew he would never hurt the woman he loved; thus the ice mage found himself at a crossroad.
After considering this new information for a while; Gray realized that he had no choice but to play by her rules. At least, until he found a way to defeat her without harming Juvia.
If only I had been there, this wouldn't have happened. It was his fault she had gotten possessed ; he had abandoned her.
Gray clenched his fists once these dark thoughts plagued his mind.
Lilith watched him, her smirk never fading. "I have a feeling we're going to get along very well, Gray."
The ice mage took in a deep breath. I don't have a choice. I need to protect her.
Then regretfully gave in, much to Lilith's pleasure. As expected, she promised not to hurt the water mage as long as he followed her lead.
He decided not to test her, worried for Juvia's sake. What if she decides to kill Juvia and find another host?
In the months that followed, Lilith remained in Avatar posing as Juvia Lockser and quickly rose through their ranks, gaining their trust.
Gray sometimes wondered if the reason she stayed was because of Zeref's orders or if she was there for him.
In any case; he couldn't get rid of her and; truth be told; he didn't want to.
Even if it was hard looking at Juvia while knowing she wasn't really there; this was the only way to make sure that she wouldn't be harmed.
There were times when Gray wondered if; maybe; she was still there.
After all; from what he knew about demonic possession; the victim usually fought against it.
He was right. Juvia was still fighting; and sometimes she did manage to regain some control over her body.
The first time it happened caught him off guard and by the time he realized that it was Juvia; Lilith had already taken it back.
Now aware that the woman he loved wasn't fully gone; Gray regained hope that she could be saved. He began to desperately await for her to come back.
His constant encouragement; thankfully; payed off. Juvia managed to take control again and they were able to talk for a few minutes.
She told him that she forgave him for leaving; having long since realized that he had done it to protect her. He told her that he would do everything he could to save her.
There was more Gray had wanted to say; but they didn't have time and he didn't feel it was the right moment.
It took two months for him to finally admit the truth which had been nagging at him ever since joining Avatar: he loved her. Not just as a friend; but he was in love with her.
Juvia was surprised at first, but a smile quickly overtook her face. "I love you too."
"I know." Gray nodded before frowning. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize how I felt."
"It's okay." She took a step forward and he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her, bringing her close.
"I missed you so much, Juvia." He hugged her tighter. Having her in his arms just felt so right.
"I missed you too." The water mage rested her head against his chest and sighed in content.
They stayed like this for a few heavenly moments, until the water mage pulled apart. Noticing the pained look on her face, Gray understood that Lilith was trying to take over. "Don't let her win."
"She's too strong." Gray was about to say something else, to encourage her, but suddenly she took him by surprise.
Wasting no time, the water mage grabbed his face with both hands and crashed her lips onto his. The kiss was passionate, desperate and way too quick for his taste.
No sooner had he began responding, she pulled apart, a familiar smirk upon her face. "Well, this was certainly a surprise."
He frowned before stepping away from her. "I'll find a way to free her from you. Count on that."
"Maybe." Lilith shrugged. "But until then, we can keep playing."
The game continued and; as time went on; the couple tried adjusting to this change in their relationship.
Thankfully, now that Juvia knew her feelings were returned, she grew stronger and managed to take control more often. Thus the couple was allowed to spend some time together without the demon's interference.
Still, Lilith always took over and used her ability to grow Juvia's powers to a frightening level. Ordered by either Zeref or Avatar; she killed many targets; innocent people; and the water mage couldn't stop her.
Neither could Gray. He was forced to watch those murders since she sometimes brought him along; taunting him with the promise to hurt Juvia in case he interfered.
It was a torturous; never ending game that he wished he wasn't playing. But what could he do except follow her orders while looking for a proper solution?
Upon hearing that Natsu and Lucy came looking for him and Juvia, Gray thought it might finally be over.
Maybe they would figure out that something was wrong with her. Maybe he would finally be able to stop lying.
Oh, but how wrong he was.
Clever as always, Lilith came up with a charade to throw the Fairy Tail members off any suspicion they might have of her. She went back to Rainfall Village and pretended to have been waiting for Gray that whole time.
Somehow, the demon effortlessly managed to convince the duo that she was nothing more than depressed by his disappearance.
Once the ice mage was reunited with his friends, he found himself at a crossroad once again.
However, the reminder of all that could go wrong if he stepped out of line kept him from telling the truth.
Gray had to protect Juvia and his friends; thus he had to keep following Lilith's lead. For now.
As it turned out; Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy and Levy all fell for Lilith's story. Gray actually resented his friends a bit for not realizing something was wrong.
He was glad, though, that Gajeel seemed suspicious. Unfortunately, the dragon slayer didn't say anything.
The next day everyone went back to Magnolia and Gray was a bit distracted once he saw all of his friends again.
It was supposed to be a happy time, but everything changed once Juvia suddenly called Lucy and hugged her.
Somehow, he felt like this wasn't really Juvia's action and his blood went cold once he wondered why Lilith would want to get close to Lucy.
While Gray tensely stared at the duo, he noticed Natsu's gaze on him. Glancing at the dragon slayer, he tried to convey that something was wrong without using words.
It worked. Natsu frowned deeply, seemingly ready to ask him a question he couldn't answer. Thus the ice mage looked back at the two girls, wondering if he should come up with an excuse to separate them.
That's when he saw it. There was a knife in Juvia's hand and she was about to swing it at Lucy.
Lilith wanted Lucy dead? Why? And was it Zeref's will or had the demon gone rogue?
Those questions should be asked later; the priority now was stopping her because it was clear Juvia was unable to do so.
Gray screamed Lucy's name at the same time as Natsu. Much to his relief, the celestial mage tried stepped away from the hug and stared at them in confusion. "What's wrong?"
The ice mage was about to tell her to run away, but there was no time. Suddenly Juvia was behind Lucy, pressing the knife against her neck, and Lilith smirked at him.
"What's it gonna be, Gray? Who are you going to save?"
PS: Next chapter should come at some point in the next few weeks. 
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