#carlos henriquez
jazzdailyblog · 5 months
Supernova: Gonzalo Rubalcaba's Dazzling Ode to Cuban Jazz
Introduction: A Celestial Explosion of Cuban Jazz In the vast cosmos of jazz, certain albums shine as radiant stars, marking pivotal moments in the genre’s evolution. Gonzalo Rubalcaba’s “Supernova,” a celestial explosion of Cuban jazz, stands as one such luminary creation. Released on July 17, 2001, under the Blue Note label, this album is a testament to Rubalcaba’s musical virtuosity and his…
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evostar · 2 months
I don’t have designs but I got names for Dolores’ kids!
Diego Baltazar - 17 years old (all the kids’ hermano mayor)
Paloma Abar - 15  years old
Ines Barbero - 15 years old 
Camilo - 15
Mirabel - 15
Xavier Cruz  - 13 years old
Jaun Alonso - 13 years old
Andres Delgado - 11 years old
Luz Almamilla  - 11 years old 
Marcia ruiz  - 10 years old
Carlos Ballon  - 10 years old
Lyla Cazarez  - 10 years old 
Esteban De Toro - 10 years old
Rosa Facundo - 10 years old 
Donaldo Granado - 8 years old
Daniela Granado - 8 years old
Damaro Granado - 8 years old
Leandra Henriquez - 8 years old
Esmerelda  Jerez - 8 years old
Olivia Jiminez Madrigal (the girl Dolores adopted)- 7 years old
Rafaela Lazcano - 7 years old 
Juancho Bertan - 5 years old 
Yago Terron - 5 years old
Frisco Segundo - 5 years old
Alejandra Mancha- 5 years old
Cecilia Reymundo - 5  years old 
Vicenta Marciel - 5 years old
Patricia Ortuno - 5 years old
Almira Dantel - 3 years old
Cruzito Pabon - 2 years old
Bronco Socarras - 1 year old
Angela Tadeo - 10 months old 
Amalia Tadeo - 10 months old 
Victorio Jiminez  Madrigal - 7 months old
I feel like the unofficial adopted kids (especially the abused ones) will use the last name “Madrigal” to estrange themself from the last name they got from their parents/guardian. 
Also, when a kid (or kids) feels unsafe at home do they go to Dolores and/or Mariano? I’m sure it’s a yes but I’m just makin sure. 
I kind of imagine a kid running to Tia Casita and going through the secret back door to Dolores. And in the morning all of the other madrigals just wake up and see a random kid at the breakfast table. Lolo silently dares anyone to say anything with her side eye. 
In that type of situation she’ll have the kid stay at Casita with Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio while she beats up the people who made her baby feel any sort of pain (and takes them to the authorities right afterwards.)
And on the plus side, a new baby gets to stay with her! 
Lil side thought: The kids definitely call Mariano’s grandmother Bisabuela and it warms her heart so much. 
Also I’m pretty sure that’s the case with most of the children there!! Don’t like being a (surname)? Dont worry just be a madrigal! 😃👍
When any of the children just start to feel bad at a certain point, they most likely go to Dolores. Calling her or just go into the room! But I’m sure that if they noticed that Dolores is busy they definitely will go to Mariano too :)
I would say that Dolores would’ve wanted the kids to rather have breakfast in the room since most of them maybe don’t trust any other adult but if they would still want to stay with Dolores (or any of the others) she would bring them down without an expectation!
Sooo true! It’s like- you hurt them and Dolores will hurt you 🙌 Dolores loves taking in new babies, since they’re literally adorable 🥹
Bisabuela on her way!💪 (literally such an cute name for her💕)
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The next morning after Dolores took the two in
Alma would’ve been just like “seriously…an other one..”
Julieta and Agustín would start to eventually adore them! (But then question later on from where they come from)
Pepa would be confused meanwhile casita accidentally left Félix out! (Not in a mean way, he was just late and casita forgot)
Mariano would’ve come to visti too, just to make sure everything’s okay! (Alma would think he came for Isabela, and would put him next to her which annoyed dolores a lot)
Mirabel would tell the kids that she would come play later! (She’s their favorite playmate and it’s normal for them to eat faster than the Madrigals)
Antonio introduces the girl everyone in his family and would definitely keep talking to her!
Isabela would get annoyed that Dolores is doing it, thinking she’s trying to ruin breakfast time (but she actually also adores the new children)
Camilo would try to irritate Isabela on purpose when he sees that she gets annoyed by it, mostly he does it because he knows that she likes the children (he makes sure they eventually talk to her too, if the wanna)
Luisa waves to the little one, also finding it adorable :D (Camilo did it on purpose but then he started to wave on his own)
And dolores just stares Alma down, daring her to say anything about it!
+ Mariano’s grandmother (don’t have a name yet) would be with the children upstairs, making sure they’re okay while Dolores is gone
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projazznet · 8 months
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Carlos Henriquez’s album ‘A Nuyorican Tale’ featured on WBGO’s New Day, New Play October 2-6
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lamilanomagazine · 3 months
Trieste: venerdì 8 marzo Civici Musei gratis per le donne
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Trieste: venerdì 8 marzo Civici Musei gratis per le donne. In occasione della Giornata internazionale della donna, venerdì 8 marzo bambine, ragazze e signore potranno accedere gratuitamente ai Civici Musei di Trieste. L'iniziativa è valida per le sedi che normalmente prevedono il pagamento del biglietto: il Museo Revoltella, il Museo Teatrale Carlo Schmidl, il Museo del Castello di San Giusto, il Museo della Guerra per la Pace Diego de Henriquez e il Museo di Storia Naturale. Non comprende tuttavia l'ingresso alle mostre "Antonio Ligabue" e "Van Gogh" attualmente in corso al Museo Revoltella né all'esposizione "Sebastião Salgado. Amazônia" in corso al Salone degli Incanti. Si ricorda inoltre che l'ingresso è sempre gratuito (anche per gli uomini) nelle seguenti sedi: Museo Sartorio, Museo d'Arte Orientale, Museo del Mare, Museo d'Antichità J.J. Winkelmann, Risiera di San Sabba, Centro di Documentazione della Foiba di Basovizza, Museo del Risorgimento e Sacrario Oberdan.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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twins2994 · 3 months
Phillies-Twins Tie 3-3.
Phillies 3 Twins 3
The Minnesota Twins returned home to host the Phillies and Byron Buxton returned to center field for the first time since 2022. The Phillies struck first in the third as Rodolfo Castro lined a two-out single to center and Trea Turner doubled him home. This put Philadelphia up by a run after three innings of play. Pitching dominated a good chunk of the afternoon. The Philllies added on in the seventh when Matt Kroon was hit by a pitch and David Dahl smacked a Cody Laweryson pitch out to right-center for a two-run homer. Philadelphia took a three-run lead after seven frames. The Twins would finally find some offense in the bottom of the ninth as Carson McCusker and Jose Salas singled with two outs. Niko Goodrum walked and Anthony Pratto was hit by a pitch to plate a run. Willie Jo Garry singled home a pair to tie the game. Carlos Francisco then retired Misael Urbina on a flyball to end the game in a tie.
-Final Thoughts- Daniel Duarte struck out one in a perfect first. Griffin Jax struck out the side in an impressive second inning. Josh Staumont gave up a run in the third. Jorge Alcala fanned one in the fourth, Jeff Brigham walked two in a scorelss fifth, and Ronny Henriquez gave up a hit in the sixth. Cody Laweryson gave up two in the seventh, AJ Labas fanned two in the eighth, and Jordan Carr got in and out of trouble in the ninth. Jose Salas and Willie Joe Garry led the offense with two hits each. The Twins hit 1-for-5 with runners in scoring position and left four men on base. Tomorrow, Dean Kremer faces Pablo Lopez as the Orioles come down to Fort Myers.
-Chris Kreibich-
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wellmanneredknight · 9 months
Figure Drawing- Reflection Post (Videos and Article). 9/13/23
Wilhelm De Kooning was born in Rotterdam in the year 1904. When he was twelve, he worked as an apprentice of a local and decorating firm. At night he attended the Rotterdam Academy of Fine Arts from there he learned about the model and display still life work. When he was twenty-two he moved to America and settled in New Jersey. He maintained himself by taking the occupation of house painter. Later he would move to New York and meet other painters such as Arshile Gorky and Stuart Davis.
De Kooning's interest in art centered down to abstraction. These types of paintings had a similar resonance to artworks made by Picasso and Miro. In the year 1936, De Kooning worked as a full-time artist.
Some of his paintings range from dark and gruesome while others were light and humorous. According to his wife when De Kooning attended his first exhibition show, he did not display any of his female artworks, instead he focused on making works of art using white and black brush strokes. The purpose of the image was to capture New York as he saw. He paints the piece this way, allowing him to add more emotion, drama, enabling him to show his ideas.
In 1950, De Kooning made a piece called "Woman 1". It focused on an overpowering female individual. De Kooning mentioned that before he met his wife most of his paintings didn't impact him as much as there was little to no emotion added. After he got married, his artworks brightened up. He said that he wanted to make his paintings comical and funny rejecting any depressing features.
Alice Neel was born in the 1900's and grew up in Colwyn Pennsylvania, she didn't like the area where she lived. When Alice turned twenty-one she enrolled in the Philadelphia school of design for women. She married a man named Carlos Henriquez moving to Havana to make art. Sadly, the relationship ended short. She later moved to Spanish Harlem, New York during the Great Depression where she painted the people in her neighborhood. One portrait shows two girls. Carmen and Antonia Incarnacion. Alice immediately knew what the girls were going through. Living in a small town herself, she instantly knew that the two girls grew up under poverty and had to endure illnesses day by day was not an adequate lifestyle.
Kelly Baum the co-curator of the exhibit, "Alice Neel people come first". comments that Neel painted things that she was not supposed to. One of her paintings depicts a naked woman sitting on a chair. It challenges the audience as they try to make sense of what painting means. Most of her paintings lacked the abstract expressionism within the piece as she was straight to the point. She wanted to show what life was for people of the lower class, children who were born in poverty and the harsh conditions they had to endure.
Her paintings followed principles regarding humanism. The expressions and background clearly show that act being applied. Alice Neel's way of painting keeps her alive if she did not paint then what purpose does her work have. Her painting that is based off one her daughters. Ginny Neel was the daughter in law of Alice. During the interview Ginny states that the painting "Ginny in Striped Shirt" was her favorite painting, she liked it because it captured what she was feeling internally rather than the expression on the outside. Making it feel more authentic.
Born in Germany on December 8, 1922. Lucian Freud was a grandson of Sigmund, and a respected figure in London. His best work in London clashes with the American painting. Freud was best known for using the style, Naturalism. Freud is able capture scenes precisely and eloquently giving the artwork an old-fashioned appeal. However, he was not always appreciated for his works. The Art Council of Great Britan refused to invite him on a 1974 group show, their reason being that his work represents traditions established before the 1960’s.
Based on the article, it states that Freud’s best work took place in the fifties, his work hadn’t been seen as useless. It was at this time that Freud painted “Hotel Bedroom”. The scene of a man gazing at a woman’s Paris hotel bed for emotional power. William Feaver, a British art critic mentions that he and Frued had multiple conversations on understanding Freud’s artworks involving elements in the image that resemble his art. In conversations Frued does criticize others too harshly but he does not humor others around him instead, he focuses on the small things. Frued comments to people that all the things they learn has been through screens rather than experiencing life by touch and seeing. Feeling things by hand makes you relate more to the physical world and looking at the model makes me uncover new things that will help me.
Frued was a father too many children approximately forty. An ex-lover commented that she often counted his children but paid scarcely to any of them. Celia Paul an author wrote a memoir about Freud one section talks about his fascination to women. She mentions that Freud’s emotions mix between him being cold and distant to warm and loving offering her a bouquet of yellow narcissi. Many of his daughters who didn’t receive any attention from him became his models posing for him naked. Several people become angered rather than disgusted one daughter said.
All of Freud’s pictures are portraits. Feaver in his book says that Freud sees all his models both men and women as individuals without labels. The progression of the number of people in his work defines their humanism. Freud draws with a strongly handled, shield-shaped mark swiping with a good diagonal rhythm, so that each sharp mark runs jagged to the next. White highlights are added not to adjust from within the shade but splashed down impulsively. Freud shows anger which is his main point when painting while angst is his main point when showing expressions.
Reflection Statement
After seeing the two videos and reading the article. I learned that each artist has their own unique style. From De Kooning it was his creativeness to create an abstract of a female making it appear humorous. Alice Neel's portraits of people living out on the streets captured my attention on how difficult some people live. Finally, Lucian Freud's philosophy of human to human connection makes me reflect on how much modern society lacks that aspect.
Each artist did not have it simple. Their ideologies were challenged and insulted. But their artworks changed the art world for people who appreciate their styles find it fascinating. I surely found them all interesting. Out of the three, I'd pick Alice Neel's art style it clearly shows the reality that people who have work to provide for themselves and their families that many external factors make it frustrating for one individual to handle it all. But the small things in life are the things to be grateful and enjoy them to the fullest like painting I'm sure she enjoyed doing that the most.
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elarchivodeariel · 2 years
Son sólo treinta y trés capítulos, pero suficientes para transportarte a un tiempo ya inexistente. ESCALONA es una telenovela colombiana, estrenada en 1991 (otro mundo, otra historia), protagonizada por Carlos Vives (con pelo corto, trajes blancos y sombreros de paja clara) y dirigida por Sergio Cabrera.
La trama está basada en un personaje real: Rafael Escalona. Cofundador del Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata,  justifica el hecho que esta novela sea una especie extraña de comedia musical, en la que las idas y venidas de los personajes se sasonan con el son de Escalona.
Vemos el rol femenino que, todavía, pervive de manera oprimida en ciertos sitios de América Latina, donde aún manda Dios, Papá y el Ejército Nacional. Vemos la belleza del paisaje salvaje de las tierras de Colombia, vemos las tradiciones y las creencias, el peso del qué dirán, de la Iglesia y los reinados de belleza. Y, lo más divertido, vemos el miedo a la magia y la certeza de que todo lo diferente y extraño es "algo del Diablo".
Hay actuaciones muy buenas, y muy malas. La mezcla de ambas hizo de ESCALONA un producto extraño (a juicio de algunos personajes, como la Vieja Sara Teresa, una telenovela del Diablo), que me sorprendió por lo poco común, por lo gracioso, y lo delirante.
La música, alegre incluso cuando narraba tragedias, lo salvó todo. Hasta al delirante e hilarante capítulo 32, al que nunca, mientras viva, voy a olvidar.
Quiero rescatar en este comentario, para mi memoria, los nombres de Rodrigo Obregón, como Anastasio Espuelas "el Espuelón"; a Juan Carlos Arango, como Jaime "el Mane" Molina; a Jairo Camargo como Felipe "el Pipe" Socarrás; a Álvaro Ruíz como el General Ulises Dangond Coronel; a Adriana Ricardo como Desideria "La Molinera" y a Judy Henriquez como 'la Vieja" Sara Teresa. A esta del final porque nunca vi un personaje tan mal actuado y tan insoportable. Me divirtió bastante.
A todos los demás, los puedo ignorar.
¿En resumen? ESCALONA es una serie breve excelente para escapar de tanta realidad. En NETFLIX la podés mirar.
Flavia Vecellio Reane.
Diciembre 5, 2022.
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] DETROIT — Eric Haase had three hits, together with a house run, and the Detroit Tigers beat the Minnesota Twins 3-2 on Saturday night time.The Tigers have received seven of eight.The Twins should win their last 4 video games to complete with a .500 season."I don't usually worry about things like our final record," stated Twins supervisor Rocco Baldelli. "Our goal here is to build a team that can win a World Series, not finish with 81 wins. But they print the standings every day, so it isn't like we can avoid seeing them. It would have been nice to have a winning record, but we have a lot more important issues ahead of us." Detroit Tigers second baseman Harold Castro throws to first base over Minnesota Twins' Jake Cave for the double play hit into by Twins' Gary Sanchez through the fourth inning of a baseball recreation, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022, in Detroit. Carlos Osorio / AP With the rating tied at 2 within the sixth, Javier Báez was hit by a pitch from Ronny Henriquez (0-1). Báez moved to second on a fly ball. Harold Castro grounded to first baseman Luis Arraez, however he missed Henriquez together with his throw, permitting Báez to attain the go-ahead run. Daniel Norris (2-0) picked up the win with 1 1/3 scoreless innings. Andrew Chafin picked up his second save after A.J. Hinch used nearer Gregory Soto within the eighth."When you have to go to the bullpen in the fifth, it is going to create matchup problems at some point, because you only have so many guys out there," Hinch stated. "We had a plan, but we had to adjust it a lot as the game went on."Tigers starter Drew Hutchison allowed two runs on seven hits and two walks in 4 1/3 innings, whereas Minnesota's Dylan Bundy gave up two runs on 5 hits in 5 innings."Our season started out pretty dang good for the first four months, and then it didn't happen for us in the last two," stated Bundy, who led the Twins with 29 begins. "We've got these last four games, and then I'm going to take a break before I sit down and assess everything that happened this year." After being shut out for the twenty second time on Friday — probably the most by an AL staff within the DH period — the Tigers solely wanted three batters to attain. After Akil Baddoo flew out, Riley Greene singled to proper and the ball acquired by Matt Wallner for a two-base error. Báez adopted with an RBI single.The Tigers added a run on Eric Haase's fourth-inning residence run, however Mark Contreras made it 2-1 with a lead-off homer within the fifth. Two of the following three batters singled, bringing Jose Cisnero out of the Tigers bullpen. He struck out Jose Miranda, however Gio Urshela tied the sport with a base hit.Miranda led off the eighth with a base hit, and the Twins put in Billy Hamilton as a pinch runner. Alex Lange threw his fifteenth wild pitch of the season, shifting him one forward of Shohei Ohtani for the major-league lead, and Hamilton took third on Urshela's floor out.WELCOME TO THE MAJORSBrendon Davis made his major-league debut for the Tigers, taking part in third base. He flew out in his first at-bat earlier than placing out twice.FILLING IN AS NEEDEDHutchison, who did not make his first begin till June 14, will end the season ranked second on the Tigers in each begins (18) and innings (105 1/3). The 31-year-old hadn't began greater than 5 video games in a season since beginning 50 for the Blue Jays in 2014-15. "Those were very meaningful innings for us," Hinch stated. "In a year where we've used 17 starting pitchers, he's been a guy who we've been able to keep in the rotation. He's someone who has started Opening Days in the past, and now he's been able to reinvent himself as a pitcher."UP NEXTThe groups end their season collection on Sunday afternoon. The recreation will begin at 12:10, lower than an hour earlier than the scheduled begin of the Lions-Seahawks recreation throughout the road at Ford Field.
Joey Wentz (2-2, 3.54) will begin in opposition to Twins prospect Simeon Woods Richardson, who can be making his major-league debut. [ad_2] Source link
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Carlos Correa and his Minnesota Twins suffer another costly setback against Cleveland
Carlos Correa and his Minnesota Twins suffer another costly setback against Cleveland
CLEVELAND — Josh Naylor and Amed Rosario hit three-run homers, Cal Quantrill kept his unbeaten streak intact at home and the Cleveland Guardians beat the Minnesota Twins 11-4 yesterday, winning four of five in the series against a chasing American League Central Division. Naylor homered in the first inning off Sonny Gray (8-5) and Rosario connected in the sixth off rookie Ronny Henriquez to make…
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marielabadia29 · 2 years
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New York, Algunas imágenes de lo que fue ayer sábado 13 de agosto 2022 el 7mo festival de leyendas Ny en el Boche garden con equipos de niños como Jose Polanco y sus muchachos de unión city y josè Jose Monegro ( El policia) además los equipos femeninos representados por Ruth modesto y Emma rivera y los equipos masculinos representados por josè boyon dominguez ( missing in acciòn ) y Mario Lolo Regus quien se la lució jugando excelente y felicitar a los duros del negocio por su capacidad de convocatoria a Melido Sanchez y Leonardo Jourdain( sobao) como protagonistas que no se ven como Dorka Tamarez , Lino Castro, Carmelo Castillo, carlos el dj, Figuereo Nilson( no Wifi) EDWARD de leon , Michael Henriquez , Francisco Brito, julio 15, lali Sepulveda, camioneros unidos , Jose Valdez el que tiene las llaves del Boche garden , las ligas unidas de New York y a todo el publico que siempre dice presente al festival de leyendas y disfruta ese gran día. Tremendo 7mo festival de leyendas ny. (at Hackensack, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChPqANjOXpf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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favemusiclessons · 2 years
The evolution of the trap drum set
In April 2011, Wynton Marsalis launched “Hidden in Plain View: Meanings in American Music,” a three-year performance and lecture series at Harvard University. 
The six lecture series began with “Music as Metaphor,” an interpretation of the many unobserved symbols in American music and their illumination of the democratic process, and featured performances by Marsalis alongside Ali Jackson (drums), Dan Nimmer (piano), Walter Blanding (tenor sax), Carlos Henriquez (bass), James Chirillo (guitar and banjo), and Mark O’Connor (violin).
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jazzplusplus · 3 years
Wynton Marsalis & Richard Galliano "La Foule" @Jazz_in_Marciac 2014 
Richard Galliano - accordéon, Wynton Marsalis - trompette, Walter Blanding - saxophone, Dan Nimmer - piano, Carlos Enriquez - contrebasse, Ali Jackson - batterie
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twins2994 · 2 years
Offseason Roster Moves
Free Agents: C Gary Sanchez, 1B Miguel Sano, OF Billy Hamilton, RHP Aaron Sanchez, RHP Michael Fulmer, RHP Dylan Bundy
Opt Outs: SS Carlos Correa
DFA: C Sandy Leon, C Caleb Hamilton, IF Jermaine Palacios, OF Jake Cave, OF Kyle Garlick, OF Mark Contreras, LHP Danny Coulombe, RHP Jhon Romero, LHP Devin Smeltzer, 
Added to 40-Man: IF/OF Austin Martin 
The Minnesota Twins have the pitching to be successful next year, but the offense is a huge question mark. The team struggled with injuries all year for position players and needs to upgrade offensively at a few spots. I think Gary Sanchez signs elsewhere, so the team needs to find a new catcher to pair with Ryan Jeffers. Omar Narvaez, a reunion with Jason Castro, or maybe even a Mike Zunino would look great if Jeffers can stay healthy and catch 100 or so games. Jose Miranda should become the new first basemen for next year as the team declines Miguel Sano’s option. Jorge Polanco or Luis Arraez will fill second base. Shortstop is the biggest question mark with Carlos Correa opting out. He wants $40 per year and will the Twins pay him is the biggest question needing to be answered this offseason. If not, the team can sign a short-term replacement like an Elvis Andrus or Jose Iglesias, or have Arraez at second and Polanco at short until Royce Lewis comes back in probably June. Gio Urshela should be back for one more year. The Twins have a slew of outfield prospects. Alex Kirilloff should get left if he can stay healthy. Byron Buxton should get a clean bill of healthy and play in center (hopefully). Max Kepler will likely get traded. That leaves Matt Wallner, Gilberto Celestino, and Trevor Larnach vying for time in right field. I could see the team bringing back Kyle Garlick on an invite to spring training and adding him to the roster with guys like Royce Lewis and Chris Paddack being put on th 60-day injured list before Opening Day. The DH spot should be left open to make sure the Byron Buxton can stay healthy and get days off in the field when needed. The Twins have a ton of pitching depth in the organization after a couple years of trades. Joe Ryan, Sonny Gray, Kenta Maeda, Tyler Mahle, and Bailey Ober round out a right-handed dominated rotation. The bullpen should be pretty solid with Jhoan Duran, Jorge Lopez, Griffin Jax, Caleb Thielbar, Jovani Moran, Trevor Megill, and Emilio Pagan. Jorge Alcala hopefully will be back to his old form. Josh Winder, Louie Varland, Simeon Woods Richardson, Cole Sands, and Jordan Balazovic might start the year at St. Paul in a deep AAA rotation. I think Danny Coulombe, Jhon Romero, and even Devin Smeltzer get designated for assignment if the team needs 40-man spots to protect minor leaguers from the Rule V Draft. Smetlzer didn’t like how he was constantly getting sent back to St. Paul, so there’s some tension there. Overall, the team onlly needs to add a catcher, figure out shorstop, trade Max Kepler, and maybe add a bullpen piece if Michael Fulmer is interested in coming back or picking up a guy or two. 
Catchers: (1)                                    Starting Rotation: (5)
Ryan Jeffers                                    Joe Ryan RHP
Infielders: (4-5)                                 Sonny Gray RHP
Jose Miranda 1B/3B                        Kenta Maeda RHP 
Jorge Polanco 2B                            Tyler Mahle RHP
Luis Arraez 1B/2B                            Bailey Ober RHP  
Royce Lewis SS*                             Bullpen: (8)
Gio Urshela 3B                                Jhoan Duran RHP
Outfielders: (7)                                 Jorge Lopez RHP
Alex Kirilloff LF                                 Griffin Jax RHP
Byron Buxton CF                              Caleb Thielbar LHP
Max Kepler RF                                  Jorge Alcala RHP
Gilberto Celestino OF                       Emilio Pagan RHP
Nick Gordon 2B/SS/OF                     Jovani Moran LHP
Trevor Larnach LF/RF                        Trevor Megill RHP
Matt Wallner LF/RF                            Others: (8-9)
                                                           Josh Winder RHP
                                                           Louie Varland RHP  
                                                           Simeon Woods Richardson RHP
                                                           Cole Sands RHP
                                                           Ronny Henriquez RHP
                                                           Chris Paddack RHP*
                                                           Cody Stashak RHP
                                                           Jordan Balazovic RHP 
                                                            Blayne Enlow RHP
-Chris Kreibich-
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zemerluani · 3 years
Be Present from The Democracy! Suite
Wynton Marsalis with Jazz At Lincoln Center Septet
Wynton Marsalis – trumpet Elliot Mason - trombone Ted Nash – alto sax Walter Blanding – tenor sax Dan Nimmer – piano Carlos Henriquez – bass Obed Calvaire – drums
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rich4a1 · 9 months
Carlos Henriquez A Nuyorican’s Tale
Carlos Henriquez A Nuyorican’s Tale Tiger Turn To begin, this writer has just a wee bit of egg on his face for the first part of this sentence in the review of Carlos Henriquez’s The South Bronx Story that read as follows – “This project will never reach {West Side Story’s”} lofty stature but is more comprehensive in terms of the Puerto Rican diaspora, teeming with outstanding compositions and…
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rawresparza · 5 years
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His smile makes me smile.
📷: carlos henriquez
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