#carrington imagines
baileysblogs333 · 3 months
y’all….carrington is so fine
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carringtonsgf · 1 day
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coming soon….lmk if u wanna be tagged
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unexpected-character · 11 months
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Butter Knife and Blake Time
Fallon Carrington x Reader
CEO!reader and Fallon meet after all these years, what do you think would happen next…
Warning: implied sexual themes, kinda toxic old relationship, rivalry (if you think there’s more, kindly tell me so I can it here)
Fallon's pov
"Who are we meeting again?" I told Kirby while scrolling through my phone looking at news and articles about what people are saying with Dad's fiasco.
"For fucksakes Fallon! Do you even listen?! This is like the hundredth time. We're meeting Y/N Y/L/N. She's the CEO of Y/L/N Industries." I can feel her irritation but I ignored her. I know who we were meeting but I was bored and she annoys me so I annoy her even more.
"Fine. What time do we have to go then?"
"We have to leave in 30 and Culhane is ready."
I followed her to the car, closed my phone. Tried drowning out everything to try to make me relax before this meeting with y/n. I haven't seen her in years, and now because of my stupid father, we will see each other again. How can my father be such an idiot and announced to everyone in Atlanta that he’ll have a "Blake time" what the hell is it even about.
Ugh! The audacity of that asshole to fucking give up everything he built. He really is a selfish imbecile.
Y/N's pov
Mean while in Y/L/N Industries, you were in a meeting with your own mother because she bought the Carrington Atlantics. It is now one of your subsidiaries.
"For godsakes mother! I told you I didn't want to do business with CA because of the scandal they have." I said to my mom, not even hiding how frustrated I am with her.
"Could you just calm —"
"Calm down?! How would I fucking calm down with this? I don't even see why you'd even want it." my secretary knocked on my door, signaling that my next meeting is in 5 minutes.
"You have to go, mom. Let's talk about this at your home. I'll be there for dinner and will continue everything." I gave her a curt nod, didn't even look at her when she left.
I smoothen out the imaginary wrinkles on my suit and looked if my blouse was tucked well. I made myself presentable for my next meeting. I made them wait to the last second of the 5 minutes and pressed the intercom and spoke,
"Donna, show them in." You've been dreading to see her again after so many years.
The woman you didn't want to see entered your office as if she owned it. Still as beautiful and sexy as ever with her a redhead following her. You didn't even sat up your chair to greet them, not because you didn't have the etiquette but because it's Fallon and you just didn't want too. You looked at the red haired woman seeing as she's checking you out not as subtle as you may add. You raised your brows and got up and introduce yourself to her,
"Hello, I'm Y/n. To what do I owe such pleasure Ms.?"
You told the redhead completely ignoring the other woman inside your office who has been studying you closely and staring at you as if she wants to kill you. Jealousy ah green is a beautiful color on her.
"Anders, Kirby Anders, I'm Fallon's executive assistant among others." She told you, slight pink covering her pale face.
"Anders? Like Jo's daughter or something?"
"Yeah? You know him."
"Of course. He's an amazing man, very organized even the smallest of details."
"Yeah that's Dad." Before you were going to reply, the bubble you both had was burst by the ignored woman in the room.
"Have you both forgotten that I'm here too." She looked at you annoyed. If you didn't know her well, which you do, you wouldn't catch the small hurt in her facial expression that suddenly was schooled like it wasn't there before, bug you caught it. You look at her and raised your brow letting her know you saw it too. It's been years and she still thinks she had a claim on you.
"We didn't, we just decided we want to ignore you. What do you want Fallon?"
"I want to buy the company back."
"As much as I want you to have it so I don't have to see you. The contract stated you can't. I seriously don't know how your family sign such without reading the fine print."
"Well why didn't you?"
"I wasn't here you idiot. I gave mom the ropes as I had personal matters to attend to. She fucking accepted the deal. Hell, I didn't want what was written in it."
"Then give it back."
"I can't Fallon and you know it. I'd let hell freeze over before I'd work with you again, we both know that."
"What? Work together?"
"You didn't know? What happened to you? You just don't do stuff without knowing. Are you sick or dying?"
"Stop being dramatic, y/n! I'm trying to think. This can't be it."
"Well that's hopeful. You don't think, you scheme."
"Fucking shut up, Y/n! You don't know me!" She yelled. Kirby flinching as she haven't seen Fallon to be this enraged at someone other than her own family.
You clenched your jaw and looked at the redhead that's been standing awkwardly among you both. You walked around your desk and stop in front of Kirby and said,
"Ms. Anders, would you be a dear and let Ms. Carrington and I have a moment alone. You can ask Donna to show you around or get whatever you want." You smiled at the woman sweetly as if nothing is bothering you at all. You directed the redhead woman to the door. She nodded and smiled, leaving you both alone in your office. You locked the door after she left.
You studied the brunette woman facing away from you. Even after years of not seeing each other. She still has the same physique. Looking like a work of art. You admire her features. Maybe more defined ass but still the same old Fallon you know years ago. You approached her from behind. Your breath so close to her, her breathe hitching. It's been years but you still have that affect on her. She has an effect on you too but you know how to school yourself with all the years of practice.
"You still haven't change, have you pretty girl." you whispered close to her ear. She let out a breath as she felt you nibbling her lobe.b"Y/n..." she whimpered, trying to move away from your proximity. Yet you left open mouth kisses along her ear, neck, and jaw. The sexual tension in your office could be cut with a dull butter knife.
"Still bratty aren't you, love?" You put both your hands on her hips and gave it a hard grip. You heard her groan, finally having your hand on her body. Leaning her body over yours trying to feel anything to help her in her predicament. "Y/n, please..." she tried grinding her ass to your front. She was so frustrated and you can feel the heat. She needed relief and fast. She wants you. You both want each other so much.
"Be a good girl and bend over baby."
To the people outside, they thought nothing of it. As they thought that it was you getting frustrated due to your mother visiting you. It wasn't unusual for them to see your cold demeanour after being in a meeting with her or with old stupid men. Maybe you were angry again and the loud scream they heard and the banging that they can hear from inside was just that. Kirby on the other hand, knew what was going on. Her face looking like a tomato, knowing what's happening but a bit confuse on why it's happening now. Did you both know each other since back then?
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Could you do a part 2 to the Fallon Carrington x male reader please?
Fallon hugs Y/N from behind…
Fallon: I’m the richest gal in the world
Y/N: I thought you left the business
Fallon: I did. I just meant I’m rich because I have you
Y/N: I got you, that makes me richer than Musk.
Fallon smacks him with a pregnancy test, giggling…
Fallon: now you’re priceless
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genderflu1dwh0r · 3 months
"I never lose... except you know... that one time... my virginity."
This could be:
Heather Chandler
Jade West
Max Black
Fallon Carrington
Peter Strahm
Billy Hargrove
Tony DiNozzo
So many options
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the-fandom-abyss · 2 years
Unwanted Attention
Fallon Carrington x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff ♡
Word Count: 663 words
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You have attended many gatherings at the Carrington Mansion, and somehow they outdo the last. It's that time of year where employees, investors, family and everyone in between come together and have a night to remember. As glamorous as these nights sound, there are always hiccups along the way. For instance, tonight a employee of the family stood across the room from you. Their eyes wandered the length of your body, a sly smirk perched on his lips. He believed he looked appealing, while in reality, he looked like a predator wishing to devour his prey. This prey just happened to be you, what an unlucky turn of events for both of you. When he was ready to make his move, he slinked his way through the crowd until he was in your space.
Without sparing him another glance, you stated your intentions. "I would suggest, you move away from me, if you'd like to keep your job". The tone in your voice should have scared him away but this man liked a challenge.
"Like you have the power" he fought back, another belittling man to assume your worth.
"No I don't, but my partner does"
"Don't tell me you're with Blake"
"Ew, god no!" The look pure disgust would have offended the man in question. Instant relief flooded the mans features, clearly afraid of what Blake could do and would do to him.
"Steven?" This was more of a long shot, he knew Steven was otherwise inclined but he needed to be sure.
"He's gay" the statement was drawled out, like you couldn't believe what you were hearing. This man was dumb and blind, like he had a chance with you.
"I would turn for a woman like you" his sickly sweet tone made you shiver, his insinuation was more than disgusting. He took this opportunity to move closer to you, your arm grazing his, his fingers smoothing out the edge of your dress.
"Again, no"
"Well wh-"
Just as you were about to move from his grasp, a voice appeared behind you. "Is this man bothering you?"
"Yes, actually" Instinctively, you moved closer to the person behind you, grateful for the safety net. The man watched with curious eyes at the action, wanting to reach out and pull you closer.
"Miss Carrington, it’s just a little disagreement, my girlfriend can get a bit outspoken" Fallon scoffed at his pathetic reasoning, her glare never wavering.
"And here I thought she was mine" Fallon snaked her arm around your waist, resting her hand comfortably on your hip. His eyes followed the motion, growing wide at her strategically placed hand.
"Run" you mouthed, a sinister smile replaced its previous form. It was with pure joy to watch as the man opened and closed his mouth. Before scattering amongst the crowd in fear that Fallon would catch him. Little did he know, she would do far worse to him than catch him, she will ruin any chance of a professional life as soon as the night was over.
With her hand, she spun you around, her hand now placed on your lower back. Concern swirled behind the chocolate brown, she couldn’t stand the idea of someone touching what’s hers. "Did he touch you?"
"No, he was just disgusting"
"I'll make sure to wash you clean of him" she offered a wink, paired with her classic smirk.
"Can we add the bubbles that I like?" Her smirk melted into a smile at the excitement that vibrated off you. She couldn’t deny how it made her cold heart skip a beat, she just had to accept that she was putty in your hand.
"If you're lucky" Fallon traveled her hand up your body, creating goosebumps where her fingers touched. She cradled your cheek, before leaning in, her lips melting with yours. For you it was a moment of bliss, for her it was a statement. If they want to get to you, they’ll have to go through Fallon.
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rewiringtoheal · 2 years
To be set free (Fallon Carrington x Reader)
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There is not a lot you can say to be perfectly honest. Being in love with Fallon Carrington makes any rational thought leave your mind especially in the name of self preservation so deep down you knew that something like this would happen eventually; the world you both live in is just too dangerous for things to run smoothly. 
Putting yourself between Eva and Fallon is done without hesitation. You feel your natural instincts kick in as soon as she pulls the gun out. The panic and fear for the woman you love's safety consumes you until you've got her set firmly behind you. 
Everyone standing on the podium with you looks startled at your sudden outburst until they all clocked what only took you moments to see. By then it's too late the gun has already gone off and then everything starts happening in slow motion. The way your body freezes up. The feel of the bullet piercing your skin. The warmth of blood seeping into your clothes and the path it flows down your abdomen. The way Fallon gasps your name in pure fright with tears shining in her gorgeous blue eyes. It all feels like it lasts forever. 
As you lay on the ground, looking into those beautiful eyes possibly for the last time you feel free. You saved her. Even though her husband was right beside her; you are the one who believed her about Eva and ultimately came to her rescue when she needed it most. Your best friend, your love is safe now. As you start to fade out you catch sight of Liam crouching down next to Fallon. And you hope that he finally gets his act together. He has no idea how lucky he is to have Fallon's love the way he does. If she looked at you like that for even a second…
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druidgroves · 2 years
i just realized that since greta was a spy for the us government based in the boston area, she absolutely would have been in and out of the switchboard pre-war. she goes there with deacon & it’s just another day in the office.
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sodaabaa · 25 days
to flee or not to flee, part two
anthony bridgerton x OC what happens when a charming and determined viscount courts someone whose worst fear is to marry a man like him?
tropes: damsel in distress, innocent and shy mc, slow burn,
tw: mentions of domestic abuse, angst, anxiety, slight misogyny/patriarchal concepts
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“Brother, I seem to recall you went on a rather long promenade with a lovely young woman this afternoon?” Benedict said, clearly looking to get some confession of love or commitment out of Anthony.
“Was this the same woman who left him stranded on the dancefloor? Oh, I should hope so! She would make a lovely addition to the family. Should you think she will accept a proposal from you, brother?” Eloise retorted, clearly amused at her brother being abandoned the night before.
His mother’s attention quickly snapped to Anthony, “Anthony? Is there someone you have taken an interest in?” Hope in his mother's eyes.
Anthony sighed, looking up from his newspaper “I am simply getting to know the ladies who are available this season. No decisions have been made yet.” 
He looked to Eloise, “Not that it is any of your concern but yes, it was the same young woman.”
Eloise opened her mouth, no doubt to make some witty remark about her eldest brother but he quickly gave her a pointed look, quieting her before she could speak. 
Anthony returned to his paper, grateful for the moment of quiet so he could focus on what to do next. He found some success today in getting to know the elusive Miss Carrington. However, she was still a mystery to him. She had bouts of chattiness in between stretches of curt, polite responses. He wondered how he would be able to get her to become more comfortable with him so that he might understand her better. One thing he did know for certain, however, was her unease regarding the topic of her brother. He felt her stiffen at the mention of her brother this afternoon. Perhaps, he could learn more about this Thomas Carrington through the men at the club? Ask around about his reputation before he meets with Annalise again. With a plan in mind, Anthony rose from his chair and bid his family farewell. 
“Thomas Carrington? Why, he’s a brute. The word on the street is he has a temper.” Lord Murray leaned in closer to Anthony, “according to the women he’s been with, he is a violent man. Angry.” Anthony sat back, putting together the pieces.
“I heard him speaking with Lord Tremaine, nasty old man. He wishes to marry his sister off to him in return for a hefty payment should she fail to secure a match this season.” 
“Thank you, Lord Murray.” He nodded to the man who took his drink and left Anthony to his own.
It was not unheard of a man to be abusive towards the women he’d been with. But to be violent towards one’s sister? Anthony could never imagine being angry enough to lay even a finger on Daphne, Eloise, Francesca or little Hyacinth. Of course, they tested his patience quite often. But the thought of becoming physically violent towards them had never, not once, occurred to him. He was fiercely protective of the ones he loved, as all true men should be. His heart sank as he thought about a young Annalise Carrington with no one to look after her but her violent, angry brother. Bastard. He thought. It was no wonder Annalise was so curt and flighty, afraid to say the wrong thing that might cause anger towards her. His chest tightened, this new knowledge made him feel strangely protective over the girl despite barely knowing her. Anthony took a deep breath, releasing it as he made his decision.  
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“Miss Carrington?” 
Annalise turned to the butler standing at the door, as did Thomas.
“You have a visitor. Viscount Bridgerton is here to see you.”
Her eyebrows raised and she looked at her brother.
“Let him in.” He said.
“Be on your best behavior.” He warned her.
She nodded, standing up to smooth her dress and fix her hair before the viscount could walk in. She cleared her throat and he walked in.
“Good day, Mr. Carrington, Miss Carrington.” He nodded his greeting to the siblings.
“Good day, Lord Bridgerton. I see you’ve come to call upon my Annalise. Please, make yourself comfortable.” Thomas said to the viscount. Annalise waited for the men to be seated before she walked to the drawing room’s sofas herself.
“Girl. Go fetch some tea for the viscount, I’m sure he is parched from his travels.” He said to her sternly.
“Yes, of course.”
She quickly walked over to the table set with tea and biscuits, pouring the tea slowly to avoid interacting with the men for as long as she could. Placing a few biscuits on the tea plate, she made her way back to the viscount and set his refreshments on the porcelain-topped table in front of him. 
“Thank you, Miss Carrington. You needn’t go through the trouble.” He said graciously, his eyes scanning her face.
“It’s no trouble at all, Lord Bridgerton.”
Annalise sat across from the viscount, next to her brother. Her hands quickly found a loose thread to fiddle with.
“I suppose I should cut to the chase with my reasons for coming here. I intend to court Miss Carrington.” Anthony said. 
Her eyes snapped up to his. Her heartbeat quickened, her breath remained in her chest, she could not bring herself to move or blink or breathe. 
Her brother cleared his throat. Before he could respond, Anthony continued. He looked at Thomas with a seriousness in his gaze she had never seen before. Was it, anger? Disdain? He looked as if Thomas was no more than a bug on his shoe. It was the first time she had seen anyone be so brash with her brother. 
“Mr. Carrington, I’m aware that you have little to offer in terms of a dowry. For this reason, I would like to propose an offer. Should Miss Carrington accept my courtship and my eventual proposal, I will pardon you from providing a dowry and instead, provide a payment to you after the wedding.” 
He would be paying to marry her? This did not feel right. She tried to steady her shaking hands by pressing against her lap. What was the meaning of this? Did he intend to purchase her? 
“I’m sure I do not know what you mean, Lord Bridgerton. I am capable of providing a dowry, meager as it may be.” Thomas said, disbelief and anger in his voice. 
“I am in no need of a dowry" he cut in, his tone sharp.
Her brother looked at the viscount, deliberating his answer. He looked at Annalise, shooting daggers with his eyes as if to say accept his proposal.
“May I have a moment alone then, with Miss Carrington?” 
Thomas left the room reluctantly, ego still wounded by Anthony’s behavior towards him.
Annalise had grown still. Her hands felt like they were on fire. Pins and needles grew from her palms up to her arms. Her breathing quickened as she tried to keep herself from falling apart altogether, tears slipping from her eyes.
“Annalise,” Anthony said, his voice softening.
When his voice did not evoke a response from her, he kneeled on the floor in front of her, grabbing her hands with his, gently stroking her palms with his thumbs. She stiffened under his touch. The sudden movement made her back press against the chaise in an attempt to put distance between her and the viscount. 
“Annalise, I do not intend to hurt you as your brother has.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
Her brows furrowed in question.
“I was made aware of his reputation.” He said, his voice soft with sympathy. 
She blinked away her tears, his confession bringing her back to reality and she steeled herself, painfully aware of her vulnerability.
“I do not wish to marry, Lord Bridgerton. Your efforts are admirable and I appreciate your concern but I would not like to trade one cage for another. Gilded and glittering as it may be.” She replied, alluding to his significantly higher status and wealth. 
“You think marriage to be a cage?” He replied, his eyes filled with curiosity or shock, she could not tell. 
“Is it not?” She retorted. Her stomach churned as he gazed at her with a look she could not describe. 
“I could hardly believe marriage to be a trap from what I have had the privilege to witness. My mother and father were the closest of friends, they loved each other dearly. His absence continues to haunt her.” He paused for a moment, allowing her to process his words. 
“My sister, Daphne, is quite happy in her marriage to the Duke of Hastings as well. Suffice it to say, Miss Carrington, you will not be caged by me or my family. I swear upon my mother and siblings that I will treat you with respect and care.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
She could not fathom that a viscount, a Bridgerton, was proposing marriage to her. The frustratingly average, unremarkable wallflower, the sole daughter of a lowly baron. She knew nothing about running an estate or fulfilling the duties of a viscountess. Nor did she allow herself to dream of a prince charming, a man who would love her with tender care. She pushed away those thoughts long ago, determined in her mind that the men of England were angry brutes who would not hesitate to hurt her should she step out of line.
“You needn’t decide today. I shall give you time to think it over.” Anthony said, understanding that she had to process the sudden proposal. He stood, running his hands over his coat, and cleared his throat.
“I do hope, however, that you will say yes. I am in dire need of your assistance.” A smile creeping on his face.
“Whatever for, my lord?” She asked, brows furrowing in curiosity.
“If I am seen officially courting you, Miss Carrington, then it may provide me with a much-needed respite from the hoards of mothers and daughters vying for my attention.” 
She could not hold back the shock of laughter that erupted from her. He’d snapped her out of her anxious thoughts before she could spiral any further. Her eyes widened, quickly covering her mouth, the sound that had come out of her just then had not been very ladylike and was sure to result in a scolding from her brother if he were present. 
Anthony’s smile widened at her reaction, “laughter suits you, Miss Carrington. I do hope you will allow me to be the reason for future bouts of laughter.”
With that, Anthony gave her a curt bow and left the drawing room. Leaving Annalise dazed and confused about what had just conspired between her and the viscount. 
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Annalise’s laugh plagued Anthony’s mind. He lay awake in the middle of his bed, staring at the ivory ceiling. She had smiled and it felt as if his heart floated in his chest, weightless. He had never seen such a smile, it brightened the dreary drawing room and lifted his spirits. She had an effect on Anthony that words could not do justice. He wanted to hold her, to make her laugh again and again until her stomach ached with happiness and tears of joy welled in her honey-brown eyes. He could only hope that Annalise would accept his proposal. He knew her brother would be a fool to reject it and frankly he did not give a damn how he responded but he needed to make sure he had her consent. He did not want to force her into a marriage she did not truly want, it would only serve to prove her doubts about marriage. A cage, she had said. Although he was not a romantic like Daphne nor a cynic like Eloise, he still believed that marriage could be of mutual benefit and provide friendship, respect. He had no expectations for a grand love story with a fair maiden but he did not intend to make his life miserable nor his future wife’s. 
As dawn inched closer to sunrise, Anthony knew there was only one thing left for him to do: prove to Annalise that family and honor was of utmost importance to him. Mere words would not convince her but if he could show her what he was like with his family, it may tip the scales in his favor.
“Mother, I should like to pay a visit to Aubrey Hall, it has been quite some time since we last visited the country.” 
Anthony entered the drawing room, bustling with his siblings of various ages. Hyacinth and Gregory were chasing each other, Benedict and Collin were bickering about something or the other while Eloise fussed with the ridiculous gown their mother had no doubt forced her in for the events of the day. Francesa and his mother were seated on the pianoforte, chatting about some recent suitor that had caught Francesa’s eye. He would have to see to that later today, he hated to say that in his pursuit of a wife, he had been neglecting his sisters own pursuits. 
“We should all take a trip down to the estate, it would provide some much needed respite from the season’s activities, would it not?” He proposed to no one in particular.
His mother’s attention shifted to her eldest son, “perhaps, Anthony. Oh! We should invite the Carringtons! Surely Miss Carrington would welcome a bit of fresh country air?” 
Exactly, the corners of his mouth twisted upwards. 
“Has Miss Carrington rejected your proposal yet, brother?” Eloise retorted.
He shot a pointed look at his, undoubtedly, most irritating sister. She only smiled, satisfied with the reaction her remark aroused out of him. 
“I believe the Carringtons would appreciate the gesture, mother. I shall send word today. And mother, if you could send word to Daphne and Simon as well. The rest of you ne'er-do-wells, prepare for the journey.” He gave his siblings one last look before leaving to prepare for their trip.
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sh4wty18 · 13 days
request for johnnie
pre-established relationship
reader is a content creator, is close friends with tara, carrington, jake and johnnie, and lives at the guys place with johnnie
reader slept in past their alarm, sleeping in johnnies bed
johnnie and carrington are doing an early morning stream while the reader comes down all groggy and johnnies just being sweet n making sure they slept well
“theres my sweet girl”
and carrington is just being carrington and making everyone on stream fawn and laugh over johnnie and the reader
pairing: johnnie guilbert x reader
summary: based on the request.
cw: fluff, mentions of slut-shaming
word count: 976 + edited
For the past year, you have been busier than ever. Your career had fully taken off over two years ago– you’re a popular youtuber and streamer. But ever since you and Johnnie had made your relationship public early last year, you were rising to a level of stardom you could barely comprehend. With your new relationship also came new friendships, and collaborating with Johnnie, Jake, Tara, and Carrington fairly often had no doubt helped in boosting your online presence. 
These past few months specifically, ever since you moved in with the guys, have been some of the most stressful yet rewarding months of your life. You were going viral, becoming one of the internet’s biggest “It Girls” along with Tara, but this new lifestyle came at a cost. Constant partying, filming, and promoting content is extremely exhausting. 
Thankfully, your boyfriend has been nothing but supportive. He’s always there to offer words of encouragement, physical affection, flowers… anything you want, really. Your relationship is stronger than ever, and you can’t imagine a better person to experience this life with. Whereas you were relatively new to the whole “internet fame” thing, Johnnie has been in this game for a decade, and knows better than most people how it feels to constantly be scrutinized online. He has been supporting you through every high– and low– of your drastic increase in fame, offering his praises when you were excited and a shoulder to cry on when you were sad. You loved him more than anyone, and you know the feeling couldn’t be more mutual. 
Last night had been a particularly rough night. You were streaming super late with Johnnie in your bedroom, and at one point, someone sent a message slut-shaming you for the outfits you wore, and calling you pretty much every name in the book. Stupid, ugly, unfunny, untalented… They covered all the bases. Usually you were pretty good at letting hate comments roll off your back, but that night you had already been feeling insecure, it was the reason you wanted to go live in the first place– to get some positive attention from your fans. So unsurprisingly, this hate comment was the thing to ruin your night.
You promptly ended the stream, and spent the next hour crying in Johnnie’s arms. He held you, gently stroking your hair, cradling your body against his, whispering affirmations, words of reassurance, and “i love you” into your ears until you finally fell asleep. 
He knew you needed to rest, which was why he didn’t wake you when you slept through your alarm this morning, he simply turned it off, and got up for the day.
You woke up a couple hours later, around noon, and noticed that Johnnie was no longer curled up next to you. You checked the time on your phone, and were shocked at how late you slept. Usually you were awake by ten, and got up to make breakfast for you and Johnnie (he usually sleeps later than you). But today, you were the one sleeping in. You slowly stretched and got out of bed. You heard Johnnie and Carrington laughing down the hall, surely streaming together in Carrington’s room, and you made your way there to say good morning.
You pushed Carrington’s door halfway open and popped your head in. Johnnie sat in Carrington’s gaming chair, laughing at something Carrington said from where he sat on the floor at Johnnie’s feet. 
You wave at Johnnie and groggily say “Morning, guys.”
Johnnie’s face lights up when he sees you, and he reaches his arms out toward you, indicating for you to come sit on his lap.
 “There’s my sweet girl,” he coos in his softest voice as you make your way across the room. Carrington is entertaining his viewers as you sit on Johnnie’s lap, resting on one of his legs and leaning back against his chest. He wraps both arms around your waist, perching his head on your shoulder and turning to face you, “How did you sleep, love?” he asks before kissing your shoulder.
“Really well,” you respond, still a little groggy. “Did you turn my alarm off this morning?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I thought you deserved a chance to sleep in. My beautiful girl needs her rest.” He smiles, and you lean in to press a kiss to his lips.
“Don’t apologize baby, I was just wondering,” You say.
“I’m happy you slept good, baby. You know you’re the prettiest girl in the world? Even when you’re still sleepy.” He presses his forehead against yours and smiles before kissing you again.
Carrington turns the camera toward you two, “Awwww look at these lovebirds!! They are just adorable!! Guys comment down below if Johnnie and y/n are your favorite celebrity couple! I know they’re my fave celeb couple, right guys?!” He leans closer to you both and angles the camera so all three of you are in frame. You and Johnnie blush and laugh, while Carrington continues teasing. 
You stay on Johnnie’s lap for the rest of the stream, adding sarcastic comments wherever you see fit, which always elicit a laugh from Johnnie. Carrington is in his own little world, never noticing that Johnnie can’t take his eyes off you. He keeps planting little kisses all along your shoulder and nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. He wasn’t usually one to be so PDA on a live stream, but he knew you had had a bad night, and he wanted to make sure your morning was so good you forgot all about the nasty comment from last night. 
You turn your head toward him, kissing his cheek and then his mouth before you smile softly at each other. You love and appreciate him so much, but you know you don’t need to say it. He understands. He always will.
the first of many of the johnnie request i've received! i'm so excited to write more johnnie fics, all your requests are so good :)
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carringtonsgf · 10 hours
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comment 👙🎟️ to be tagged in all of my matt fics.
comment 👙🩰 to be tagged in all of my chris fics.
comment 👙👛 to be tagged in all of my jake fics.
comment 👙🌸 to be tagged in all of my carrington fics.
comment 👙🎀 to be tagged in all of my johnnie fics.
comment 🌷 to be tagged in all of my fics.
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mountsmase · 3 months
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okay so let’s imagine this isn’t an ice bath but a hot bath 🛁
you’ve had a rough day or maybe even a rough couple of days at work or just in general, it’s Friday night and you’re home and ready for a weekend of relaxing with Mase because it’s international break and he has a free weekend, meaning no training or any need to be at carrington and you’re both looking forward to spending some quality time together. You have a dinner arranged with his family the next day but you have no plans for tonight other than to have dinner at home and then chill for the evening. You cook together and then sit and binge watch a few episodes of whatever series you’re currently watching before tidying up, locking up the house and heading upstairs to get ready for bed.
You mentioned to Mase earlier in the evening about having a bath tonight because you just want to sit and soak after a stressful couple of days so he takes it upon himself to run it for you whilst you put a few things away in the bedroom. He adds all of your favourite bubbles and bath salts and makes sure that the temperature is right before dimming the lights a little bit to make it a more calming atmosphere.
You had assumed that he was getting ready for bed and that the running water was just him showering so you’re surprised when you walk into your en-suite and find him leaning over the bubble filled tub to turn off the taps. He’d place a little peck to your forehead and go to leave the room so that you can have some time to yourself but you’d grab his hand and ask him to join you, and he’d of course say yes. Not ever wanting to say no to you but also loving the idea of joining you.
He’d get in first, sitting himself back in the tub and watching you with that big smile on his face as you quickly remove your makeup, tie your hair up into a loose bun and begin undressing. He’d have to try his hardest to keep his eyes on your face, letting them drift a few times as you strip in front of him before stepping into the bath. He’d hold his hand out for you to steady yourself as you lower into the water and settle between his legs, laying back against his chest and resting your head against his shoulder as he wraps his arms around your middle and pulls you impossibly closer to him.
You’d stay like that for ages, his fingers tracing patterns over your tummy as your hands rest against his thighs that are either side of you, and you’d just talk about whatever comes to mind, with him dipping his head into your neck and brushing kisses over your skin whenever your speaking whilst still listening intently to everything you say.
You’d only get out when the water starts to go a bit colder, having a quick wash before climbing out and wrapping yourself into towels that are warm from where they’ve been sat on the heated towel rail. Then you’d go about the rest of your night time routines, doing your skin care (which he joins in on), brushing your teeth and changing into a fresh pair of pjs before climbing into bed and straight into his arms where you fall asleep almost instantly with your head on his chest 🥺
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Hey could you write a Fallon Carrington x male reader?
Where the reader is a college student and he and Fallon did IT and they wake contemplating what to do next given what has happened
Fallon and Y/N continue to share coffee on the bed...
Fallon: (blushes) last night was amazing
Y/N: thank you. I had an amazing time with you
Fallon: I-I'm not exactly good at one night kind of things. Would you be interested in going on another date?
Y/N: W-with you? Yeah! Yeah I'd love going on another date with you!
Fallon give Y/N a small kiss...
Fallon: tonight. my place. 6 o clock. don't be late.
She slips them an address and one last fiery kiss.
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bebemoon · 1 month
oh my goddd how on earth did u get so good at writing? any tips or are you just that talented?
this is supremely encouraging to me- especially since i feel mediocre at best haha
i mean this: after so many years, i really and truly feel that i have nothing helpful to say about writing- all of my tips are like .. read angela carter and leonora carrington over and over.. try really hard not to cry out of frustration, stare unfocused into thin air imagining language for ~scenarios~ (without ever putting pen to paper, so to speak)... try to finish at least one project. just one. for the love of god.
@vampirkaninchen is the actual writing talent (the blueprint and the one i look up to on this subject) of the internet circle i run in. if you need useful tips, i highly recommend going to her !! ^^
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liriostigre · 4 months
Hiiii ty for such a great uquiz!! Would it be possible to see the description of all the books you could get matched to? I’m curious what the vibes are for the rest!!
hi 🌷 here you go:
White Teeth by Zadie Smith: Excessive, maximalist and very ambitious multigenerational and multicultural epic novel that starts with the unlikely friendship between Archie Jones and Samad Iqbal. It explores themes of race, identity and the intersections of culture, heritage, and modernity. Clever and hilarious dialogue, very creative when it comes to language and style, unique and bold when it comes to narrative. Perhaps a flawed novel due to its ambition, but excellent nonetheless.
Despair by Vladimir Nabokov: Excellent writing; very ambitious and stylish. It is somewhat a twisted novel but you will find a lot of humor despite. The narrator speaks directly to the reader as he writes what he regards as his perfect crime. This novel is one of Nabokov's earliest works in which one can easily identify themes and literary devices that the author explored later in his most known works.
The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño: Brilliant and stunning novel about poets and poetry! Very dense and challenging; it requires patience from the reader. This novel is so infinitely dear to me that i can't even explain its brilliance, but i have to give you at least an idea of the plot so: The story is arranged in three parts and told from multiple points of view. It starts in Mexico City, in the 70s, and continues across decades and continents. It follows the adventures and misadventures of Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima—poets, drug dealers, wanderes, criminals. Now, about the themes, the writing, the style, the narration? Just absolutely perfect even at its most tedious, difficult and anticlimactic parts.
The Hearing Trumpet by Leonora Carrington: Unconventional, absurd, imaginative and exuberantly surreal apocalyptic fairytale quest. It follows 92 year old Marian who is sent off to a peculiar old-age home. If you aren't familiar with Leanora Carrington's art you should look at some of her paintings because this wonderful novel feels just like her surrealist paintings!
Mrs. Caliban by Rachel Ingalls: This novella tells the story of a love affair between a depressed suburban housewife and an amphibian creature who escaped a scientific research center. It might sound like a quirky fiction story but it actually deals with the most mundane and banal aspects of life and human relationships. Brilliantly written; neat and precise prose, wonderful storytelling. The author knew what she was doing and not a single word she wrote was wasted.
The Borrowers by Mary Norton: Delicately written little adventure about tiny people who live in the secret places of houses. I am enamored (obsessed!!) with miniatures—dollhouses, dioramas, fairies—so imagine how dear this book is to me.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn: The murders of two girls bring reporter Camille Preaker back to her hometown. As she works to uncover the truth about those crimes, Camille finds herself forced to unravel the psychological puzzle of her own past. Very entertaining read. It has best seller written all over it (which might not be the biggest compliment lol but i mean for this genre so it is a compliment).
Rage by Sergio Bizzio: Claustrophobic, anxiety inducing, fast-paced psychological thriller that made me think of Bong Joon-ho's Parasite the whole 4 hours it took me to read it. I read it in it's original language, Spanish, and i particularly loved the dialogue; its idiosyncrasies and authenticity (tqm Argentina!)
High Fidelity by Nick Hornby: Rob, an obsessive music fan, reminisces his top five worst break ups to understand his most recent heartbreak. He is a very arrogant and cynical guy who defines his entire life through records, and because he is constantly interacting with music that almost exclusively deals with love—and a very idealistic version of it—he finds himself unsatisfied with the way his life has turned out.
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bluesmason · 6 months
i can’t get over how sleepy mase looks in that family photo 🥺 ugh imagine he just came home from carrington and took a quick little nap and as soon as he woke up they did presents and food and he looks so :’)
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