#cartoony hammer
helloyesamwoman · 9 months
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war clown
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more full bg cover art version cause i also like it
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pink-link-lemonade · 4 months
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[Coughing baby sound effect]
These two.
Every time I look at this, the phrase “Goes ding ding when I walk” pops into my head. Idk what that’s supposed to mean honestly but it’s definitely positive.
60ft angelic fuck meets 50ft sweetheart :)
|| MVA!Sonic/BB: @weirdozjunkary ||
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nhaneh · 2 months
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So, Pictomancer huh
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superbellsubways · 2 years
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some noises + a noisette
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insanedingo · 1 month
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🔨🐶Gift art for my good friend @logopogolizerd (on instagram) of his oc Barky!✨
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wormonastringtime · 1 year
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perfectly average glass of water
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sundrykitsch · 5 months
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serious character analysis
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jart-ist · 6 months
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This is gavel, for my weird deltarune thingy. she replaces jevil. Basically, silly goofy cartoon character that had rayman hands, and a hammer/gavel. She speaks really fast so most her words are all slurred together. some songs would probably be: - Empty court (The circus) - Cartoon Phenomenon (The World Revolving)
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blu3lemonade99 · 7 months
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just Jaan hangin' there, nothing suspicious.
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mothbug · 6 months
the confirmation that suteshiro played beauty and the beast back in munich is sooo cutes by the way. but also imagine being thirteen years old and sooo excited to try out for this play but then victoria siegfeld’s granddaughter and her gay ass caretaker are at the auditions. of course you’re not getting the role they were made for that
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
twitter is going through it again and i am manifesting all the violent shit to do on elon musk's head
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dragoncarrion · 1 year
Another highlight from this fight scene
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
It's funny when you remember originally Katamari Damacy would have been about hammerheaded people (hence their head shape that was kept in the end), the difference would have been the face would have been the head was reversed with the extremities backward and forward instead of on the sides and the face would have been on the forward tip) who can use their heads to hit to defend themselves or attack anf the plot was the Prince going on an adventure to save the Queen who was kidnapped and the King didn't give a shit and was too lazy to go himself so sent their son instead
A whole different game mechanic and plot as well as characters personalities
Because we know that as much of a lousy father he is and a lazy deabeat he is, the final result of the King ADORES his Queen, and he actually holds back his powers even when he mistreats the Prince since after all he does love him (probably why he is not that hurt despite being boxed by him or laserbeamed by his eyes ; and we see that he refuses to touch the bamboo staff his father used on himself on him, sure he can be verbally and physically abusive of a dad he refuses to be to the extent of the Emperor and does tell him he loves him or is proud at rare times and lets him have more fun and free time than he had himself as a child, not excusable but he tries), he is the King of all Cosmos who can create planets and stars and was shown able to stop a blackhole from forming and able to (accidentally) destroy all stars in the universe and terraform by harvesting forests, change the weather and even love the fucking sun and moon by hand, dude IS powerful even if he rarely shows it, he is nearly a god, if not God himself in that world. And he sends the Prince do stuff himself in his place as a "tough love" training (as well as laziness of course) because it is not much a bid deal either and he knows deep down he can do it and it is not dangerous
So if someone actually was a threat to his family, harmed his wife and kidnapped her, he would not send his son for once nor speak for nothing nor waste time showing off and be fabulous. He would go himself all serious even more scary and pissed than he is in the Game Over minigames and go John Wick on their asses and show why he is the King of the universe and show them how far his lifetime training went and his muscles are not just for looks
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mspnova · 2 years
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My 2nd art piece that goes with the theme of drawing Sonic characters as clowns, and this is one of my favorite designs I've ever drawn. Keeping the dress code of Amy's regular outfit intact and giving it a clown makeover. I really enjoyed doing this one!
Originally drawn in 2021.
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sapphic-schizo · 2 months
they made pictomancer too strong it's getting an immediate rework lol
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oobbbear · 10 months
I really love your art and I was wondering if you had any art tips?
I'm pretty good at drawing realistically, but I struggle with more stylized or cartoon-y stuff...
Here I’m going to talk about the two, in my opinion, the most important aspects of stylization is: ‘Simplification’ and ‘Exaggeration’
First, simplification,
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I took this picture of a man holding a hammer, if you just look the silhouette, it is very complicated the pose is stiff
Try summarize the pose with only two simple lines, one representing the head, torso and the leg, the other representing the arms. This is the line of action. Now you got the two lines, play around with it try make it flow better. (Google ‘line of action’ you can find a lot more better examples)
The next step is to simplify the previous drawing throw away all the bumps and little details, take what you think is the most important and draw it based off the line of action you just acquired. this step might take a lot of practices so look at tutorials and draw a lot you’ll get there (Go on YouTube and search ‘life drawing tutorial’ they teach this step really well)
This is how you simplify a complicated pose! I’ll talk about how to simplify character after the next point
Second is exaggeration
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I’m using the same photo here again blocking the person black so we can see the silhouette clear. This time we’re not finding the line of action, we’re reducing this person into a simple shape, to me, he looks like a rectangle.
great, now we try drawing this man with only rectangles
After blocking out the simple rectangles, exaggerate them, make the big ones even bigger, the small ones even tinnier.
Make the main focus of the drawing clear and easy to see, the audience needs to be immediately on that thing the moment this drawing shows up! What’s the focus point of the drawing? The hammer, it’s too small for one to find so let’s exaggerate it make it huge.
Tada, now you have a clear and cartoony silhouette, the rest you can fill in however you like
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To cartoonify a character is easy, similar to how you cartoonify poses, you take out the little details and leave what you think is the most important, the things that makes the character unique, and exaggerate them
((Here I’m using a genshin character because their character designs are known for being a hell to animate (genshin fans don’t come for my ass this is only for educational purposes))))
I’m… not the best at explaining things so if you can’t understand any of these please let me know!!!!!!!!!!
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