#carwood lipton headcanons
speirslore · 28 days
band of brothers flirting styles + reaction to you flirting back
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(this includes winters, nixon, speirs, lipton, roe, bull, and liebgott! but if your fav isn't here, feel free to send an ask and i'll add them!)
lmk if you would like to be on my taglist: @ronsparky @bcon24 @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck @beautifulbluejay
[dick winters]
dick feels kind of useless when trying to flirt
a lot of it is nix having very middle school vibes of 'hey, my friend over there thinks you're gorgeous btw'
it's very endearing
you waltz over to where dick is and his ears are already red before you even get to the table
he'll apologize abt lew instantly and you frown like, "oh, was it a joke?"
dick immediately is like "no, no, he- i meant it"
his nervous rambling is sooo cute to you, you can only smile and say, "i'm glad and by the way, i think you're pretty gorgeous too."
if his face can go any redder, it definitely does then
when you start talking, he's slowly getting less flushed and more comfortable
but he's an overthinker so he still isn't totally convinced that you're flirting
has to have lew pull him aside, shake him a little bit, and be like, yes they are absolutely into you, yes that is flirting
i do think dick can get super flirty once he's more comfortable, like once you're dating and it's just the two of you, he's so charming and sweet
but the first time you meet, he's just so shy but still very sincere with his compliments
dick is great about making eye contact because he just thinks your eyes are so beautiful
the night ends with his hand on the small of your back
and tbh the spiciest it will get after you first meet is a kiss to his cheek when he's leaving with a napkin with your number written on it
and nix is just watching like a proud father <3
[lewis nixon]
if there's one thing lewis nixon is, he is charming
he's very used to disarming others with said charm
he is such a gentleman... he was painstakingly subjected to a lot of manners and etiquette classes as a child/teenager
and lew now puts it to good use!
he's so good at flirting with his own brand of nihilistic, high society charm
so when you flirt back and respond... he's sooo excited like this is so fun for him
lew is very used to people being completely disarmed by him
but you're not... you grinned when he walked over to where you and your friends were talking and asked you to dance, and pressed a kiss to his cheek when you said yes
he does blush faintly, which is a huge deal for lew because that never really happens
once you're dancing, oh he's a menace
he's having SO much fun, hand on your waist maybeee moving lower
he thinks you’re so funny and lew’s grin and laugh... so top tier
it's so nice when it's genuine, and even though you just met him you want to hear it again and again
he can't stop smiling like it's soooo obvious, lew makes absolutely no effort to hide how attracted to you his is
does not try to play it cool at all like he wants you sooo bad
has absolutely no shame
and it does not take long before you're making out outside the pub, already feeling familiar and warm in his arms
[ron speirs]
ron honestly feels a little silly trying to flirt
it's very hard for him to get out of his own head about it
the most intense eye contact ever?
eye contact is ron's version of flirting
'like why don't they understand i want them in every possible way... i'm looking at them??'
ron really just does not understand, he's pulling out all the stops with his slightly unnerving eye contact
and also just talking, like if he's willingly having a longer than 5 minute conversation with you and actually talking about himself? ron is actually professing his undying love
a lot of just blunt complimenting too, i mean sweet compliments but just out of nowhere, like "you have beautiful eyes, you know."
when you flirt back, touch his arm, and look up at him, he's definitely melting inside
especially if you're normally more shy or reserved... oh he's hooked
he doesn't outwardly show it... at least not obviously... but you can tell from his eyes, the way they intensify, darken, widen, and focus on you
ron does love praise
"you know lieutenant, ron, you do have gorgeous eyes, too."
"and i love your hair, the sweetest curls"
oh he's yours entirely... please give him all the words of affirmation
it gets pretty obvious when he's really responding to your flirting, staring at your lips and biting his lip, moving closer to you
has this smirk that just subconsciously appears
like lew, escalates very quickly
ron is a very physical person and that's when he can really show his attraction ;)
[eugene roe]
eugene is not confident in his flirting at all
he's very very subtle
and he honestly does better talking to someone he's attracted to by just striking up normal conversation and learning about them and not approaching it as trying to flirt
his voice goes lower and raspier if that's even possible
especially if you're in a bar, with a lot of music and voices loud, he just instinctually leans closer to your ear, face so so close
then immediately realizes he's super close to you now and tries not to freak out
gene has to get out of his own head first and when he does that, he can be so charming
he just unintentionally has that sexy suave energy
especially when he drops certain pet names in french
you flirting back is a hugeeee relief for him
and repeating said french? like yes it’s cheesy and cliche but it sounds so nice coming from your lips!
he can't hide his smile at all like, laughing into the sip of his drink
"i'm impressed," he'll murmur
"you should be, i'm pulling out all the stops for you, eugene."
oh he blushes so badly
he lovessss hearing you say his name, he's so used to only being 'doc' or 'roe', it's so nice to actually hear his name, especially coming from you <3
[bull randleman]
oh he's so sweet!
that southern drawl... yeah it's super charming
and the cigar... sorry it's super sexy
i think he would be surprised, pleasantly surprised
and then would immediately proceed to get super shy though
he feels like he's got a good head on him, resourceful, smart, etc
but it all goes out the window when you're flirting with him!
yes he def blushes
also very observant to how you're reacting
i think he would be really into kisses but would be scared to initiate anything
especially the first time meeting you
would love to dance
is he that great... no... does he feel like his hands are way too sweaty... yes... does he step on your foot a few times... maybe
but it's very endearing!
very southern gentleman of course
like he is definitely holding the door open for you, standing up when you walk into the room, etc
[joe liebgott]
joe is incredibly charming
and very honest
like he lays it on pretty thick
there's never any questioning of 'is he actually into me? or is he just talking to me?'... he leaves absolutely no room for overthinking
like you definitely know... there is never a doubt
and when you flirt back he gets the biggest, cocky grin
joe gets into it extremely quickly, will definitely immediately match your energy (and then some)
"doll, angel, pretty, cutie.." he's pulling out all the stops
loves teasing and going back and forth with you
criminal "yeah?" usage by him
the BEST at keeping eye contact, props up head with his hand just watching you talk
skinny, tipper, smokey, tab, etc are all definitely watching from a few tables away, intrigued and impressed, and very obviously
you notice and grin, "wanna give them a show?"
joe would never say no to that! so you just lean forward and kiss him, hand pulling his chin gently closer
and this man is already feral... the noises??? he has range and he's a little freaky, a little spurred on by a crowd, by his friends watching, shaking their heads, caught up into the moment
but ofc when you pull away, oh now he's shy... like he's so red
but make no mistake joe is definitely into it... very very into you
[carwood lipton]
lip feels so weird trying to flirt tbh
very much like, is this allowed?
not as like... alien as ron, more similar to dick in he's just a little, a lot, self conscious
but he's also so naturally personable and kind
and he attracts so many people naturally because of that
including you
talking in a group with a bunch of other soldiers with your friends, you're immediately drawn to him
you smiling at him definitely makes him feel more at ease
you definitely do have to encourage him to relax because he has a littleee trouble holding eye contact, looking down a lot
and then suddenly there’s another man staring at you, approaching you, and standing a little too close
and even though you don't know carwood, you're still looking at him silently for help
and ofc he's very observant of people and situations
so his hand snakes around the small of your back
and lip is naturally protective and careful, guiding you through the crowd
"my prince charming," you say and he of course blushes, muttering a small “maybe.”
"i hope so," you grin and lip can't help but smile too
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luminouslywriting · 23 days
hello, i would like to place an order for BoB! how would they react if they dated a shy girl? ☺️
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Nonny, this is such a darling idea and I have SO MANY thoughts! I didn't include ALL of the Easy men because there's so many of them, so have a few and let me know what you think! Requests are open and I simply love getting BoB requests!
Dick Winters:
-A soft and sweet-natured man that doesn't push boundaries and is so so so respectful of your shy demeanor.
-Really tries to get to know you before he expresses any interest in dating you because he doesn't want to scare you off
-He's a very reassuring presence so if you're ever nervous in public, he's going to be right by your side the entire time
-Loves getting alone time with you and getting to hear all of the thoughts you don't feel comfortable sharing in public
-Isn't into PDA anyway, but definitely loves kissing your hand to say goodbye. It's just a sweet and tender gesture to let you know how much you mean to him.
-Would, in fact, write you love letters
Lewis Nixon:
-Super chill about it and not overly pushy when it comes to your boundaries; you're perfect the way that you are and he never misses an opportunity to express that
-Definitely gives some light teasing when you get shy around him and loves to see you blush
-Likes holding your hand when you're in public places so that you know you're not alone
-Doesn't like socializing much with other people ANYWAY, so he'll use you as an excuse to skip out and relax with you instead
-Kisses the crown of your head as a comforting gesture when you're anxious about things or overstimulated
-Really good at initiating conversations and getting you talking when it's just the two of you; plus he loves to see you laugh!
Ronald Speirs:
-This man is an introvert KING anyway, so there's definitely some comfortable silence between the two of you
-And if anyone is ever making you feel uncomfortable or anxious, it's the scary dog privilege (pun intended) that he gets to have as he glares at people
-Would guide you through a crowded room with his hand on the small of your back and keep an arm around you as a physical reassurance
-Gets really soft with you and is able to open up and get you talking/share his own thoughts and feelings. It's a sign that he's comfortable with you for sure.
-Not big on PDA at all, but eye contact is his thing if you're in public. He always has an eye on you and is making sure that you're okay.
-Prefers the quiet nights when it's just the two of you talking, most likely during pillow-talk and he just gets to be really intimate and open with you.
Buck Compton:
-This man is so extroverted and everyone just loves being around him but he loves being around you because you have such a calming effect on other people.
-He definitely is the chatterbox in this relationship, but he loves that you're such a good listener and he always tries to reciprocate that when you want to talk.
-Is very good at reading nonverbal cues and knows exactly when you want to leave somewhere or if you're getting overwhelmed
-Post-war, he's definitely a little more selectively social and gets flustered in social situations easily; you're able to be his rock and something as simple as holding his hand grounds him
-20/10 would rather be cuddling you than out with other people though
-Is respectfully pursuing you and trying to get to know you in the most genuinely sweet way possible—and loves when you share things with him
Carwood Lipton:
-A soft sweetheart who is rather introverted himself, though he's good with people. That being said, he's the perfect man to have an S/O that's shy.
-He's a great listener, knows how to communicate and ask the right sort of questions to get to the root of things, and never just offers solutions/advice unless you're asking for it
-Loves to be next to you and holding your hand in public
-Will hype you up for certain social situations that you have to go to; and never misses an opportunity to tell you how amazing and great you are
-Doesn't really care much what other people think, but he cares about what YOU think and what your thoughts are.
-Gives the best hugs after social interactions or things that cause anxiety
Joseph Liebgott:
-This man can and would and HAS thrown hands over people being mean or rude with how shy you are
-Is fiercely protective of you and your sweet demeanor—even if it's you putting yourself down, it's not going to fly with him
-He's a very verbal person and he's going to need you to tell him if you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious, though he is doing his best to pay attention to such things
-A cuddler and a clingy boyfriend anyway?? So even if you're shy about PDA, there's no getting around how much he needs to be touching you or be around you
-Is an excellent hype-man in the sense that he's trash-talking everyone else for not being cool enough or man enough to talk to you or to try and get to know you
-Is very soft when it's just the two of you and loves kissing your brow
Donald Malarkey:
-Absolute sweetheart to you from the get-go and isn't pushy at all about trying to get to know you
-In fact, sharing something with you might just be the way that he captures your heart haha; a shared piece of chocolate, notes for a class, whatever it might be, he's doing something simple and sweet to get you to notice him
-Never pushes you to talk about things that you don't want to talk about; and definitely rambles about some random stuff in the relationship
-Loves seeing you smile and just wants you to be happy
-Isn't big on PDA either, but would definitely hold your hand in public
-Not about to throw hands but he will call people out if they're being rude or aggressive when you're feeling particularly shy
Eugene Roe:
-A genuine angel?? Like this man is already an introvert and so being with you is just heaven for him
-Speaks really soft in French to compliment you and will not translate, given the fact that you will surely blush and get all shy on him haha
-Leaves you sweet love notes all over the place
-Definitely doesn't leave your side when you're out in public and is really attentive to you being uncomfortable in situations or overstimulated
-Would be just as happy to dance with you in the backyard of your home as the sun is setting than to go out in public to a dance or something
-Compliments about your shyness and how it just makes you a kinder and more genuine person
Bill Guarnere:
-Mouthy king who DOES NOT understand how he even ended up with you in the first place???
-But worry not, because he's out here ready to defend your honor (or whatever he thinks that is) at any given time. No one gets to tease you about your shyness except for him.
-Nicknames related to your shy demeanor that are only lightly teasing
-Is really soft when it's just the two of you and wants to give you the entire world haha
-He knows when he needs to tone things down and when he just needs to be your person
-Definitely gets slightly dramatic when it's just the two of you and treats you like an actual princess
Joe Toye:
-Perfectly calm with a shy person and honestly prefers the quiet life that the two of you get to lead together
-He's not SUPER extroverted, but he's perfectly happy getting to be the person who orders things for you or who does the talking.
-Asks and checks on how you're doing when you're out in public and keeps an eye on how other people are interacting with you. If he so much as senses that other people are gonna be too much, he will insert himself into the conversation to mediate.
-Loves napping and cuddling with you after long social activities
-Figured out that music is a really good way to say things without having to say things—so dancing together quietly is a good way to initiate conversations
-Communication is really important to him and so is hearing what you're thinking about; it's the best part of his day
George Luz:
-How did you end up together anyhow?? This man probably joked and offended you, felt bad—did some romantic gesture—and then learned how to be soft in your presence and tone things down
-Would, in fact, verbally decimate people who decide to be stand-offish or rude
-Always makes it a point to make you laugh when you're nervous or particularly shy—it seems to help you relax in social interactions
-Cheek kisses in public
-Brags about you all of the time to anyone he talks to
-Never misses an opportunity to compliment you and let you know that he loves you
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ithinkabouttzu · 8 months
hi tysm for making BoB content lmao I live for it
If you’re comfortable making nsfw content, could you write about what kinks/things in the bedroom the boys would be into?
What kinks they would have (Easy Co. )
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genre: Smut; romance
warnings: Asphyxiation, blindfolds, impact play, size kink, hickeys, dirty talk, etc.
MDNI (18+ please)
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Dick Winters: I definitely see him being into anything romantic, he’s more on the vanilla side but he definitely knows that he’s doing, holding hands while fucking you is his favorite thing, he’s big on eye contact too, it’s so raw and intimate and it just makes it so much more intense. He also likes being praised, he probably doesn’t even realize that he does like it but whenever you do it, it gets him sooo weak.
Lewis Nixon: He’s more rough in the bedroom, he’s a total slut for when you take control, riding him or just you initiating stuff is his favorite thing ever. He likes pulling your hair, slapping, all that nasty stuff revolving impact play, but he never tries to over do it, in reality he’s just turned on by you in general, he’s willing to do almost anything if you ask him too. He’s a major whore for you and he knows it.
Carwood Lipton: He’s so soft and sweet, he takes his time whenever he’s with you, he loves seeing you in any type of cute lacy underwear, also skirts and sundresses, anything that can show your panties are his favorite. He just loves anything romantic with you, setting some candles and putting rose pedals all over the bed is a perfect start to a good evening.
Joe Toye: He’s so passionate no matter what. He’s into choking, not in the way where you can’t breathe at all, but he really enjoys just wrapping his big hand around your small neck, I also think he has some sort of size kink, he loves comparing your hands to his and he just loves the height difference between you two. He def likes power play too, seeing you under him helpless and he definitely loves being in control.
Joe Liebgott : Very romantic, constantly kissing you and keeping his hands on you, LOVES your tits too like omg it’s his fav thing ever, He’s very passionate too, leaving hickeys all over you. I think he would really like dirty talk, Like if you tried talking him through it, he’d probably cum so fast. He’s really into anything, whatever turns you on, turns him on too. Deep, passionate fucking is his absolute favorite, it doesn’t really matter where or anything after that.
Bill Guarnere : He’s into anything and everything. He likes being dominate and being rough though, throwing you around and fucking you as hard as he can. He likes dirty talk, whispering all kinds of dirty shit in your ear while you just take it. He has a rare sweet side in him too though, every once in a while he likes to switch things up, he’ll make the setting romantic and do absolutely anything you want, while being as soft as he possible can.
George Luz : I feel like he’s really into just watching you, all the facial expressions you make when he’s fucking you, the way you look when your horny, it’s his absolute favorite. After he does something, he always looks at you for your approval in your facial expressions. He’s also a big fan of dirty talk, when you say anything remotely dirty to him he gets turned on so quick it’s not even funny. He also love loves when you play with his hair omgggg.
Bull Randleman : He really likes it when you’re touchy, like rubbing your hand up and down his chest, or grabbing him by his jaw when your kissing him omg it gets him so flustered. Also it’s kind of random but he really likes it when you scratch or rub his back, like a sweet massage always turns into something more with him, feeling your soft small hands on him gets him all riled up. In any situation where you take control he likes too, it’s nice just sitting back and letting you take the reins every once and a while.
Eugene Roe: He really likes when you praise him in the bedroom, it just makes it so much more special when he feels appreciated. Like you telling him how handsome he is or how good he’s making you feel will always make him weak. I also think he’s a real sucker for eye contact, staring into your eyes while you come undone under him is a magical sight to see. It’s so much more intimate and special and he feels so close to you afterwards.
Floyd Talbert: He likes everything, this guy is a whore at heart, he love short dresses and tight shirts, quickies in the bathroom, sneaking around to fuck, hair pulling, leaving scratches all over his back from the night before, it’s all his favorite. He absolutely loves when you go cowgirl on him, riding him at full speed with the amazing sight of your tits in his face, he also loves when you leave hickies all over his body. He’s up for almost anything, all the time.
Skip Muck: He likes to keep it fun, I think he might like some type of voyeurism, watching you enjoy yourself or vise versa, he doesn’t like getting too serious, so maybe role play here and there to just spice it up every once and awhile. He’s pretty open on trying things if you’re into it too. His favorite which is kinda random, but it’s sneaking out to go fuck. whether it’s out on a picnic or somewhere more secluded, the fear of being caught always gives him a thrill.
Don Malarkey: He’s a service dom for sureee. He’s into being intimate with you, being close as possible to you while still giving you the pleasure you deserve. The thing that really turns him on is just seeing you turned on, you are his absolute fantasy come true, so when it comes to the bedroom, he doesn’t care what it is, as long as you like it he’s willing to do it. When you kiss his neck he becomes completely yours though, willing to do anything you ask him to.
Babe Heffron: Contrary to popular belief I think he’s probably more on the amateur side of things, so I think he would be into usual stuff, he likes doing anything that brings fun to the table, if it’s a little risky then he’s down to do it with you for sure. Quickies when no one’s around, and constantly leaving hickies and bruises all over you so that everyone can see them. He finds it super attractive everytime you wear something slightly suggestive, like it gets him weak sooo quick.
Shifty Powers: He’s so romantic with you, he’s just into you you’re his kink or his turn on, literally anything you do will make his heart flutter and he can’t help but feel some type of way when you do literally anything. He’s so into needy, unplanned sex, like the random kind where you guys both need each other so much that nothing else matters.
Frank Perconte: Likes anything that is passionate, he likes the power play stuff too, blindfolds or tying you up is something that he’s always down to try, I also think he’s a slut for a nice pair of lingerie, like if you come around him wearing any sort of lacy panties then it’s over for you LOL, he’s really romantic though, taking his time with your body and finding all of the right things that make you feel good is a priority for him.
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Sorry if this isn’t so good, but thank you so much for your request, lovely! If you enjoyed make sure to like or reblog :)🤍
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meowneos · 3 months
bofb ships and petnames hc’s :D
hey yall sorry for inactivity!!!! i am feeling quite insane and can’t stop thinking about this so i present you with this :3
webgott - david calls joe liebling because he is obsessed with the fact that the german word for darling is so close to joe’s name. he also calls joe honey and and joe pretends to hate it but actually is Absolutely Obsessed with it. joe calls david davey but only when he’s feeling especially tender and sweet.
baberoe - gene absolutely smothers babe with a bunch of random french petnames. a personal favorite of mine is mon cœur which means my heart or mon ange which means my angel. babe likes to call gene baby or love or genie.
luztoye - joe definitely calls george sugar, i don’t make the rules. george likes to call joe stud muffin as a joke but calls him sunshine when he’s feeling especially loving.
winnix - they aren’t big on petnames, but lew loves to call dick honey and dick calls lew dear like an old married couple.
spierton - they call each other sweetheart. end of discussion.
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joenotexotic99 · 9 months
Hi honey, I have to say I love your stuff. You write absolutely great. Could you do a headcannon on BoB and what type of love would you give them? I mean love at first sight, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, etc. I'd be happiest with Winters and Nixon and Speirs, but do what you will. Thank you.
A/n: here you go my love. When I finally re read the request I realized you might have wanted the pov's reversed but it was too late. Hopefully it's not too bad. I will happily switch it to reader pov if you wish.
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Richard winters
-friends to lovers. I don't think that this man thought of romance when he first met you. Attractive? Most definitely. However he had bigger things preoccupying his mind. Yet somehow at some point, you wiggled your way to being one of his best friends. Don't tell nix. Something about you practically scrambled his brain. He doesn't know when in the friendship he fell or if he fell in the very beginning. But when he realized just how much he loved you it was like he jumped off a cliff without a parachute. He knew right then and there you were it for him. He probably felt nervous telling you due to the fact that he never gave off the impression that he likes you. But let's just say the feelings were reciprocated.
"Dick, I have been flirting with you this whole time."
Lewis nixon
- love at first sight. This man took one look at you and said yes. He may not immediately start flirting with you out of respect, but he will damn well be tied to your finger. Will always open doors for you, and give you his coat when you're cold. So many acts of services. At one point you two were at a bar and some private made his way to your side to start a flirty conversation where he swears he got to hands'y. He knew that you were single but he was extremely jealous nonetheless. Eventually he had to leave to get some air. You followed shortly to catch up with him. You confronted him asking what has gotten into him as of late. He never wanted it to come out like this but it sort of just spilled out of him. He rambled on about his feelings before you cut him off with a kiss and a huge grin on your face.
"Shut up nix and take me on a date"
Ronald speirs
-Distance attraction, I don't know what to call it, this is the closest I can get. It just feels right. Basically, Speirs isn't quite love at first sight, he's the guy who needs to really get to know you to start building a relationship like that. However this man has a MASSIVE crush on you. But he's too prideful to say anything seeing how simping for someone isn't exactly in Ron's profile. He just admires you from a distance while simultaneously stuffing his emotions deep down. Much better in his book. Yet he still does his very best to be by your side at every moment possible even though he spends a lot of time trying not to think about how perfect you are. It's you who makes the first move. You obviously like him and you know he does too. It's obvious to everyone but no-one says a single word. And before you can finish telling him if he wants to go out some time, he's already agreeing.
"You free Friday?"
Carwood lipton
-childhood friends to lovers. He was the boy next door. You two were friends from first grade through college. Sharing secrets, sleepovers, getting into mischief. Car started crushing on you when you two were teenagers. Said crush continued all the way until you two volunteer to join the paratroopers. War was hell but you seemed to make it just a little bit more manageable. His life in the war picked up significantly and he had a freight train worth of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Yet you never left his side. It wasn't until Austria that he confessed his feelings. He almost felt sick when he told you in fear of losing his best friend. It was short sweet at straight to the point. You were silent for what felt like an eternity. Lip almost took off in fear of rejection. He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of your laughter. He turned to hear you laughing with the biggest smile on your face.
"Clifford carwood Lipton, do you know how long I've been waiting for those words"
Joseph Leibgott
-Enemies to lovers. Your relationship started off Rocky. Your personality clashed and having a civilized conversation was seemingly impossible. Every time your paths crossed it was filled with banter, insults and tension. Sometimes it got to the point where someone needed to intervene. When you would walk into the same room that Joe would be in it's like the air seemed to thicken. The cold stares and passive aggressive comments. As the war progressed your comments never faulted but the tension you ask? It could be felt by an entire room. And all that hate seemed to not leave as bad as a taste in your mouth. Joe knew from the start that he hated and loved you. You know the type of enemies to lovers where it's like 'she's mine' and 'who did this to you?' It's giving that. He got so fed up with replacements trying to whisk you away so he simply grabbed you by the waist and kissed you.
"Don't lever leave with one of them alright sweetheart?"
"Wasn't planning on it"
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traiteursroe · 3 months
Band of Brothers reaction to you playing a sport
This is literally entirely self indulgent need for validation as a self proclaimed sports girlie, so here we go…
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Lewis Nixon
- Is so excited actually
- Will scream cheer so loud it scares the people around him
- Lots of swearing
- Sits super close to see the action, munching on popcorn the whole time
- Heckles the other team 💀
- Definitely brags about you to people
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Carwood Lipton
- An expert at pep talks
- Like he’s with you before hand just pumping you up
- Not loud celebrations, but lots of grinning and clapping
- Tries to act stoic but is really nervous every game
- Stoicism goes away when you win and he cheers for you
- You make eye contact and grin after you win
- Lots of locker room hugs 🥰
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Joe Toye
- So fucking loud
- Takes every game super seriously, even if it’s just pre-season or an exhibition
- Probably has superstitions 😭😭
- Loud and obnoxious clapping
- Big on trash talk
- Probably looks up stuff about the other team to be better at trash talk lmao
- Has all the merch
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Joe Liebgott
- Doesn’t really get it at first
- Until you finally convince him to go and it’s electric
- Like he likes the intense atmosphere
- And seeing you at there in your UNIFORM???
- He literally falls in love all over again
- Thinks it’s so hot 🥵
- Cusses out people who even criticize your game a little bit
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Dick Winters
- bro is so supportive
- Has no idea what is going on, but cheers when everyone else is
- Tries to learn as much as possible
- Checks out all the library books and asks so many questions
- By the third game he’s literally an expert
- Just wants to see you happy, and if doing this does that, he’s fully for it
- Only time he ever gets super excited about it is when you win a close game
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Bill Guarnere
- Takes it even more seriously than Joe Toye
- He’s from Philly, what do you expect?
- Almost got kicked out once for fighting with a fan of the opposite team
- Does that thing where he stands up really fast and spills food all over himself 😭
- Cusses out the refs
- Almost storms the field/*insert anything here* after you win a big game
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George Luz
- Has exactly one piece of merch he wears to every game
- Pretends he’s the announcer
- He’s actually really good at it, like someone get him up into the commentators box lmao
- Every time something big happens he figures out a way to make it about you
- Probably storms the locker room after the game to party with the team 💀
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Babe Heffron
- Dude is also from Philly like bfr
- Wears every piece of merchandise he can get his hands on all at once
- “THATS MY BABY!!!” 🫶✨
- Permanently standing
- He’s too excited to sit down
- Tries to be a coach, calling out plays from the stands
- One time it actually works
- He never stops bragging about it
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Eugene Roe
- Gets surprisingly animated
- Tries to sit in the back but your friends force him to sit closer
- Frustrated and/or nervous French swearing
- When it’s a close game he literally cannot look, it’s so bad 😭
- Literally at every game no matter where it is, he’s insane
- Always on the look out for any kind of injury
- Loves seeing you so happy and excited after a win
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softguarnere · 11 months
hi! i really love your writings!
i was wondering if you could make some headcannons for the easy boys breaking down and turning to the reader for comfort after a super hard week.
if you don’t wanna do this one/can’t think of anything, it’s totally fine!
i hope you’re doing well!
This has been sitting in my drafts forever now. I was worried about too many of them being too similar, so I didn't get to everybody. But here are the ones that I had the strongest feelings about:
Dick Winters: Okay, so I feel like maybe Winters doesn't quite reach a breaking point. You can tell that he's stressed and that he's going through a lot, so you let him know that you're here if he needs someone to talk to. It's actually kind of a shock when he comes to you, asking if you have a moment. Really, he just needs to unload, to have someone listen to him. It would be such a relief for him to know he can do that with you, and for you to know that he trusts you enough to confide in you.
Lewis Nixon: Nixon tends to go a different way. When he's stressed or upset, he kind of shuts down, becoming somewhat emotionally unavailable. He knows that he can - and that he should - go to you, but he's worried about how you'll react. When he does turn to you, when you listen to him, comfort him through what he's going through, he feels ten times lighter and ready to take on the world with you by his side.
Ronald Speirs: The rest of the company would probably be shocked if they knew how easily Speirs comes to you. It starts with him resting his head against your shoulder once you're alone together, and then sighing when you run a hand through his hair. He trusts you and knows he's safe, and then confides everything in you. There's not much that can be done to fix the week he's had, but if you just hold him like this, it'll give him the strength to pick himself up and give it another shot.
Carwood Lipton: He's so busy taking care of everyone, but who takes care of him? He's not really one for showing when he's at his limit, so when he comes to you, you know that he's reached a breaking point. Just let him talk it out. Maybe you both come up with a solution for where to go from here. Maybe you don't. He's just thankful for your company as he goes through this.
Babe Heffron: You know in Bastogne, how after Julian's death Babe just sort of . . . shuts down for a bit? That would be him after this week. He's stressed and doesn't really know how to process whatever is going on. When he comes to you, he's probably quiet and careful. But as soon as you see something is wrong, you take his hand, and he feels like he's able to tell you anything.
Eugene Roe: He feels guilty coming to you, because he doesn't want to feel like he's forcing his problems onto you. Once he starts sharing what's wrong, though, it's hard to stop; he didn't realize how much all of this was weighing on him. And when he's done talking, when you hold him and promise him that you'll always be there for him and will help him through it, he's glad that he spoke up.
Bill Guarnere: This boy is gonna hold it all in until he can't anymore - and when he finally breaks, it probably isn't going to be pretty. He doesn't know how to tell you what's wrong, but he decides to try. Some things can't always be fixed; sometimes you just need someone to listen to you. And knowing that he can confide in you makes all the difference to him, even if that's all you can do to help. Now he doesn't have to push himself to the limit anymore, and that makes all the difference.
Joe Liebgott: Listen, I think Joe is better with emotions than we tend to give him credit for. If he's bottling them up throughout the week, it's just because he doesn't want to worry you too much - after all, he loves you, and he doesn't want to feel like he's being a burden. When he finally does turn to you for help, he feels bad the entire time he's explaining his emotions to you. He's going to have to learn that he can open up to you, and this is his first time realizing that he can come to you when he needs to.
David Webster: Either bottles up his emotions until he feels like he's going to explode, or he comes to you the second he feels like he needs to talk things through - there's no in between. This may comes as a surprise, but Webster is a great listener, and if you give him advice or comfort for whatever he's going through, he's going to take it to heart. And he'll always remember how you were there for him.
Thank you for the request, Anon, and I hope you like these! 💕🕊️
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
hi i loved part 1 of the morning after,and wondered if you could do a part two including winters,gene,toye and liedgott,and if you want to add any one else feel free,and on another note i feel like liebgott would feel so smug the morning after and lord have mercy i could only imagine toye morning voice,either way thanks for doing my first request xx
thank you for the request! Honestly you’re one of my biggest supporters so I want to thank you for filling my inbox, it always keeps me so motivated and excited to write!! Also I can’t believe I missed out so many of the boys in part 1 wtf?!?!?!?
Anyway, on with the headcanons, this will include some swearing and mentions of sex, but nothing too graphic, it’s mainly just fluff and a bit of flirting :)
Easy Boys the morning after Part 2.
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Dick Winters:
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Ugh, like Shifty he’s just soooo respectful isn’t he??
I think he’d be quite shy? Like he’d 100% be blushing the day after, and when you wake up and let out a soft groan but cuddle further into his chest omg he’s so soft for you.
he’d run a hand over your back, and when you’re awake enough he’d ask if you wanted a hot drink or something.
Probably gets in the bath with you and you both relax together, maybe you go for a round 2 in there? Idk but for now let’s keep it fluffy, it’s just soooo sweet and gentle and omg he’s so in love with you after.
Eugene Roe:
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He’s sooo happy when he wakes up omg he’s smiling immediately remembering what happened the night before.
He really wants a cuddle and he’s feeling cheeky so even tho you’re asleep he’s sneaking a hand under you to pull your sleepy self onto his chest.
pulls the blankets over your naked chest just so you don’t feel exposed or weird when you wake up.
blushes when he sees your skimpy little underwear, like have you never seen a pair of knickers before Eugene? It’s been a really long time for him okay-
Sleepy kisses when you finally wake up.
he’d ask you if you’re okay, and later he’d probably double check he didn’t hurt you or anything?
genuinely cares about you and your comfort so so much, so if you were to go for round 2 he’d insist on pleasuring you, such a gentleman in bed seriously.
afterwards he’d probably do something really cute like wrap you in his army uniform and he can’t decide if it’s the hottest or cutest thing he’s ever seen.
Joe Liebgott:
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How did I miss out Lieb in part 1 seriously?
I feel like yes, Lieb probably would have a little smug smile on his face because the sex the night before was realllll good and he’s super impressed and over the moon.
Like Jheeze, how is he with somebody so perfect? Like your all his and he’s super happy.
but then I feel like as soon as you wake up slightly a softness completely melts his heart and all the smugness kinda vanishes.
his eyes go all hazy and he’s shuffling further under the covers with you, running a hand over your bare arm and he’s all like, “hey stranger, you awake now?”
ahhhh he’d bring you in for a gentle cuddle and his real soft side comes out omfg he’s so gentle and I think you’d genuinely see a new side of Liebgott that makes you even more attached to him.
If things got a little rough the night before, he’s double checking you’re okay and making sure he didn’t go too hard or anything.
I think Joe genuinely would feel enchanted by you, like he’s seriously asking if you’ve put some kinda spell on him. Nah, he’s just deep in loveeeeee.
Joe Toye:
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Why do I feel like he’d be trying to charm you all over again? Like I agree his raspy morning voice would be soooo sexy omg it’s hard to resist.
I feel like the two of you would be friends? Up until the point of last night (obviously) but you both finally cave into the tension between you both and it’s so good.
like even Joe would wake up with MF butterflies.
it’s all so romantic and sexy omfg- until Luz comes BARGING IN AND WOCOEMMFOEOW.
“Luz get the fuck outta here!!!!” Yeah the moments ruined but… Joe’s still down for cuddles and deffo would ask if you wanted to get breakfast with him?
George Luz:
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Speaking of Luz…
I feel the night before would be so fun, like seriously a rollercoaster of emotions- only the good kind.
yeah he’s a massive goofball but he’s a huge softie, I have absolutely 0 doubts. Like he’d be so attentive.
so when you both wake up the next morning he’d be so happy and giggly, maybe even a little shy? Like he’d literally say out loud ‘how did I get so lucky with you, huh?’
would be a master of making you blush.
he’d then point out that you’re blushing and make you even more flustered ahhh.
but nah he just wants to make you smile and loves seeing you happy, especially the morning after, he feels like the two of you have really bonded and I think sex is important for George in fully sealing your relationship.
it would probably be a confidence boost for him as well and 1000% lingers on his mind for days after omfg.
Carwood Lipton:
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Ahhhh omg such a handsome man. Waking up next to him would be a dream.
He’d be awake long before you, enjoying to wake up early and make the most of life, especially now he’s got you.
as soon as he sees your awake, he climbs back into bed with you. He’d be so chilled out and gentle, like he wouldn’t wanna embarrass you by bringing up how amazing last night was, so he just keeps it casual but he can’t hide the smile covering his face.
deep down getting laid makes Lip super frickin’ happy, but he’s so respectful, he’d never admit it out loud cos he’s just happy to be with you 😏.
he’s always cautious of squashing or hurting you, so the morning after he’s handing you a bottle of water and I think he’d 100% play with your hair because it’s so soothing.
Lingering, gentle kisses that are a reminder of the night before omg.
his hands remain a little too respectful, so if you want round 2 the morning after, just give his hands a little nudge in whatever direction and he’ll gain the confidence to take charge.
Bill Guarnere:
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He’s good in bed and he knows it.
but he’s too mature to be cocky about it, instead he’d like to tease and joke with you about the night before.
he isn’t afraid to bring it up and ask how you enjoyed it??? Like he’s confident but also wants to ensure you’ve thoroughly enjoyed yourself, like it’s important for Bill to know you gained pleasure out of the sex too, if not more than he did!
Would call you his Angel and I swear to god I think he’d love to take the position as your personal slave for the day.
you want a bath running? He’s got it. You want a drink? He’ll bring 5 different ones for you to choose from.
He loves you so much, and no matter how much he’d teases and jokes with you, he’d legit worship the ground you walk on.
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bastognee · 1 year
pda headcannons: speirs + lipton
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→ obviously he has his public image to maintain but that doesn’t mean he loves you any less
→ most likely only engages in pda if he’s jealous or really worried
→ 9/10 times it’s because he hears some of the guys trying to guess why you’re with him, due to all of the infamous stories
→ you’ll find his hand on the small of your back whenever he’s near you, sometimes with a little squeeze to your hip as he passes by
→ kisses in front of anyone are extremely rare
→ those are reserved for the very scarce moments that you two get alone
→ he’s a bit more comfortable with lip, nix, winters and harry, so they’re the ones subjected to the real speirs
→ dear lord does he love a good make out
→ he will sit you down and just go for it
→ they’re rare but you can just feel the pent up passion he’s dying to show you
→ if anyone in easy is trying to forget how much they miss their families, looking at the two of you will send them straight back to square one
→ always holding your hand or sneaking you little kisses
→ loves playing with your hair
→ cuddles up to you and let’s you trace the scar on his face (please kiss it, it makes him flustered)
→ ignores all the teasing from the men, and usually joins in if he notices you getting embarrassed
→ is always eager to give you the biggest kiss so the guys will just get jealous and stop their constant “ooh”-ing
→ will get a bit snarky if anyone intrudes on/interrupts his quiet time with you
→ so luz does it on purpose
→ lives vicariously through pda because it lets him imagine your life together outside of the war (his favourite pastime)
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kafka-ohdear · 8 months
you know, the easy company members' ages are mostly equivalent to others but some are basically a child in a grown man body. a whole squad i'd say. there are:
• skip, don, penkala, they literally have children-like behavior. who will be the child if not these three.
• and we also have luz, hoobler, tab and babe in the problematic children group.
• webgott also belongs in this squad, they argue every single minute and skinny will have to stop them.
• skinny, shifty, eugene, chuck and blithe are also children-like, but they behave perfectly well. they are basically what people mean when they talk about the polite kid.
• and don't forget john hall, the shy little child who deserves the world.
on the other hand, we have the babysitters, or mom and dad group. this group includes:
• obviously, winnix aka the parents of the company;
• and speirton the another parents of easy co. but they are a bit closer to the men of the company somehow;
• randlemartin is a requirement. bull is most certainly the cool dad who will teach you to make models and martin is the mom who will give you a 2 hour long lecture but still let you make the models with you dad (aka bull) afterwards.
we also have the cool uncles and the perosnal babysitters. the uncle squad includes:
• harry and bill, the straights amongst gays.
• dukeman is the only one who will teach you good and valuable knowledge (they are appropriate, of course). he will also bring you candies, but only the right amount. let's say he is the only uncle that can be trusted in the whole squad.
• alton is the cool uncle who will take you for a ride on his motorcycle until you get bored and will answer/teach everything if you asked him no matter if it's appropriate or not;
• and pat christenson, who will draw a literal masterpiece and give it to you if you asked him to.
• buck is the kind of uncle who will sneak you a bunch of candies that are probably enough to keep you full for a goddamn month and will get a lecture with you if you both get caught.
an example for the personal babysitter is george, his personal babysitter and boyfriend is joe toye of course. or the kid will babysits the uncle sometimes. who knows.
band of brother kindergarten/family au, give it to me.
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sarah-457 · 8 months
"Hiya, darling!" Bull Randleman 🌻
Warning ⚠️ smut present:)
This it my first fic so I hope you enjoy
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Y/n was walking towards the lounging soldiers next to the fire. She was extremely tired. Having barely slept in the last week, she constantly tended to the wounded, almost never leaving their side. However, one specific injured man was too proud to ask for help, so she had to hunt him down so she could treat him. She stopped next to Bull; he had a deep gash on his forehead.
"Hiya, darling!" was the first thing he said to her. "Hiya, darling. I really don't think your sweet talk is going to get you out of this." Y/n and Bull were close friends, attached at the hip. No one knew exactly how they became friends, especially since Bull was never a very open person. But he had a soft spot for Y/n, maybe even a little crush on her, though he would never admit it, knowing he would never hear the end of it from his friend Jonny Martin, so he decided to ignore his feelings.
"Darling, I'm fine," he said. "Go look at the other guys; don't worry about me." Y/n replied, "Bull, I'm a medic. Worrying about you is my job." She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him away from the fire and to the aid station, but Bull, being much larger and stronger than her, didn't budge. "Come on, Bull. I'm already tired. I really do not want to deal with this. Could you please just work with me?" Bull smiled at the girl. He stood up and walked away from his friends.
When they reached the aid station, she pointed at a chair. "Sit down," she said. Bull listened to her and sat down, waiting for her.
"Now, let me have a look at your head." She grabbed his jaw with her hands and turned his face so he was looking at her. She started to sanitize the wound, and Bull winced slightly.
As she tended to Bull's wound, he couldn't help but notice a loose strand of hair. Unable to resist, he reached out and gently brushed it away from Y/n's face. "How are you actually doing, darling?" Bull asked. He noticed the confused look on her face, to which she replied, "You're asking me when you're the one hurt. That's not how this works, Bull," Y/n said with a gentle smile.
As Bull gazed into Y/n's eyes, a hint of vulnerability and affection shone through. He couldn't help but feel a strong connection to her, not just as a friend or a medic caring for his wounds, but as someone who had touched his heart. Bull leaned a little closer, his voice softer. "I'm asking because I care about you, Y/n, not just as my medic but as someone I've come to admire in these trying times." Y/n's cheeks flushed slightly at his words, and she continued to clean and dress his wound.
"Well, Bull, I appreciate that. It's been a tough week, but I'm managing. We'll get you patched up, and you'll be back on your feet in no time."
"What if I don't want to be back on my feet?" Bull said. "What if I want to stay with you?" Y/n replied with a smile, "Then I would say that you'd be crazy."
Bull leaned in closer, "And what if I said that I liked you, Y/n?"
As Bull's words hung in the air, Y/n's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had always harbored a deep admiration for Bull, but the thought that he might share similar feelings left her almost breathless. She looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity, and then, with a shy smile, she admitted, "Bull, I... I've liked you too, more than I've ever let on."
A warm and genuine smile spread across Bull's face as he reached out to gently cup Y/n's cheek. "I'm glad I finally had the courage to tell you. And I'm even happier that you feel the same way," he said softly.
He gently pulled her closer, cupped her cheeks, and kissed her. She was hesitant at first, not knowing what to do, but Bull took the lead, and she kissed him back. Their lips fitted perfectly together, as if they were made for each other. Bull and Y/n pulled away from each other, both with blushing cheeks, but smiles on their faces.
Bull stood up towering over y/n and taking her hand, gently in his,
how about we take this somewhere more private like the sergeant barracks they’re usually empty at this hour since everyone is outside eating dinner?
Y/n felt her cheeks, heating up again but nodded
Together, they walked towards the barracks when they entered the room Bull pulled her closer and kissed her again, this time more hungrily. She kissed him back. It was a heated kiss, they moved towards the bed lips Still attached.
Bull hovered on top of y/n and she could feel his hard on pressing against her leg
She looks up at bull and he asked are you sure about this?
She nodded with a smile and began to pull off his shirt.
Y/n looked at his toned body and felt herself getting wet.
Both where now completely naked and they just admired each other
Bull was huge and his dick was just as huge as the rest of him
Y/n looked at it with wide eyes. That’s not gonna fit, she said
It’s going to be fine darling bull said with a chuckle.
He leaned in close, his expression serious as he looked down at you , "Please, promise me you'll let me know if I ever hurt you." He said
Y/n nodded and smiled I’m gonna need you to say that out loud y/n.
“I promise that I’ll let you know if it hurts,” Y/n said with a smile.
Bull started to kiss her neck and jawline, slowly moving towards her breast y/n was not used to this kind of stimulation her never being with a man like this before she Was moaning every time he sucked on her neck
Which only made bull more turned on.
He aligned himself at her entrance and and asked, are you ready?
Y/n nodded and he slowly started to push his length in. y/n moaned loudly it hurt a little bit. It wasn’t as bad as she was expecting it to be. But she has never felt so full in her life.
Bull saw a little blood and became worried Hey you’re still doing okay bull asked.Y/n responded with a strained I’m fine.
Good cuz I am about a quarter in
Y/n eyes widened, turns to look at bull.
He looked at her with a cheeky smile and gave her a kiss.
He slowly started to push himself further. She clenched so hard around him. That he knew he wouldn’t last long with her.
Now, he was fully inside her
Bull gave y/n some time to adjust to his size and when she squeezed his arm, he took that as a signal to start
he started slow, to make y/n as comfortable as possible. Bull let out a moan “you are really tight darling” he said with a grunt.
Y/n just kissed him and he continued to pump inside her but with a bit more force than before.
Oh, fucking hell!” Y/n cried out the pleasure was becoming a lot for her.
Bull was starting to move faster and faster, and
Y/n moaned loudly and bull kissed her to keep her from making any more sounds. 
“Keep going” she Squealed! He grabbed one of her legs and hooked his arm under it pulling her in a new position and a new form of pleasure.
“Oh g-god yes!!” She screamed bull could feel her starting to clench harder on his dick and he knew she was close hè started to move faster.
Y/n soon felt her climax causing her whole body shake as she felt the waves from her climax course thru her. “B-bull!!”she screamed out in pleasure
It did not Take bull long before he also felt his climax he quickly pulled out and came on her thigh.
They just laid there for a wile until bull started to clean Y/n up and they both got dressed.
that was the most amazing sex ever, Y/n exclaimed bull chuckled and looked at her with Pure, adoration in his eyes.
Let’s make the next time even better, he responded and he pulled her in for a kiss.
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speirslore · 4 months
when you get hurt hcs [officers + roe]
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a/n: requested <3 usually in my writing the reader is implied to be a part of easy company in a vague way bc i know ppl have different preferences but some of these include getting shot (not graphic or anything) so ig that implies they're on the front lines
lmk if you would like to be on my taglist! @ronsparky @bcon24 @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck
[dick winters]
you hit your head prettyyyy hard, and you're out of it, probably definitely concussed
it happens right in front of dick and he tries really hard to keep calm
he wants to be strong and level-headed for you
shows more obvious affection then any of the men have ever seen from him; pets your hair, holds your hand, is always by your side
he immediately gets you a medic and transported to an aid station and doesn’t want to leave you
but when dick's back with easy, he gets uncharacteristically easily angry and frustrated...
he gets quiet and withdrawn and a little snappy with zelensky and nix... and they both immediately know why
whenever he can go see you, he's there.. he even gets behind on all his paperwork (but nix offers to help)
which dick is hesitant to accept for many reasons, he feels guilty, like he's not focusing on his duties but lew is always good at keeping the reports concise lol
very fragile with you, he isn't underestimating you but he just absolutely does not want to push you or hurt you
is a stickler for the rules, follows absolutely everything the doctor says
he has to wake you up every few hours and you keep insisting it’s unnecessary and dick is absolutely not having it
you try to get up and move around and all dick has to hear is the sheets moving and he just gives you that stare, a little bit like a disappointed mom, and you're right back laying down
he’s way more clingy than usual, wants to be by your side, subtly holding your hand
in that moment it definitely hits him how much he loves and cares about you... he hasn't really had time or space to process those feelings until now <3
[lewis nixon]
it does not look good at first
it's really scary for everyone there, you loose a lot of blood and lose consciousness
lew is not there when you're first shot in the leg and everyone is very glad that he didn't have to see it
but when he finds out... oh he is not keeping cool, is not pretending even a little bit to be okay
starts lashing out and snaps at the driver who's taking him to the hospital to drive faster, mad that they didn't tell him sooner, mad that you were injured, mad at the war, furious at absolutely everything
lew has to be monitored by dick not to go full self destruction mode and get incredibly drunk
he hates just sitting with the constant uncomfortable feeling and reminder that you're hurting
he will not leave your side at first when you’re sleeping a lot, on a lot of medicine, and out of it
one nurse does approach him when he's the only vistor in the hospital left, "sir, the visiting hours-"
he just looks up, obviously devastated, voice cracking, "i'm can't leave. you can drag me out but i'm not going, thanks."
they back off after that
does go through a phase where he hates going once you're more conscious because he kills him to see you like that and face this feels irrational guilt he feels for not being there
because he definitely has the tendency to avoid his problems and things that hurt him
but it hurts you too and you don't fully understand
you look up at dick and harry, slightly delirious from the morphine, tearing up, "does he not want to see me anymore?"
after that they do drag lew to see you and you just straight up tell him feeling guilty is pointless and not fair to himself (or you)
and then it's right back to not leaving your side and always trying to make you laugh or smile
[ron speirs]
okay so i love the angel of the company x speirs trope
by now he's the co of easy and your relationship is a widely known secret...
he assigns you and the group of other men to a patrol... it wasn't an overly risky or bad order, a standard order from sink
but you guys make contact and you're shot in the arm
it just absolutely wrecks him
the guys feel like he's just going to go across enemy lines and find the soldier that shot you himself
the rest of the guys are furious too because everyone just absolutely loves you
for a short time, he's mad at the other soldiers on the patrol and you have to reminder him they didn't do anything wrong
but ron is really just irrationally mad at himself for not being there, for not being psychic, he's just angry he somehow didn't stop this
ron is not controlling and not possessive and he knows you can hold your own but he feels responsible for taking care of you and making sure you're safe
even if he can't quite articulate all of those feelings yet
he doesn't understand all the emotions he feels and doesn't even have time to try to understand them
he listens so attentively to the doctors, he can recite everything they've said word for word
like with chuck, he demands the absolute best from the doctors
this incident shows his more compassionate side and the guys start to see how much he really cares about you... bc they're protective of you too!
you have to comfort him and his voice breaks
and he feels weak and he feels bad that you're comforting him and not the other way around
"i'm messing everything up, doing everything wrong," he says more to himself but you frown, eyebrows furrowed and everything
"you're so hard on yourself, ron. when it's not your fault, it was routine, you didn't shoot me. then i'd be really pissed." you smile and he smiles weakly... but he's on edge for a longgg time after this
[carwood lipton]
unfortunately you and lip just cannot catch a break
your leg gets injured while he has pneumonia
it's not a major injury but a bullet ricocheted off of a wall and slightly grazed you and you need a few days of staying off of it
lip really tries to be comforting
and wants to be there for you and he is!
but it's very hard for him, he just wants you to be okay so badly, even when he himself isn't okay
trying to lecture you about staying off of your leg and asking others for help but breaking out into a coughing fit and then you're trying to help him sit up and to go get some hot water for him
and then he's back to telling you to stop and starts hoarsely calling for luz
it's a MESS
but carwood is a natural caretaker and has been one for most of his life
it makes him hover sooo badly especially because since he's sick too he doesn't have a lot of work to keep him busy
but you're not complaining honestly, it's nice to have more private time and something of a break, even if you're both miserable
you get the special privilege of an actual private back bed room with a mattress and blankets
kind of a bonding experience
you just laugh because what the fuck
it's kind of romantic, first time in a longgg time in an actual bed together
you just go back and forth talking about your future and the life you want after the war
"i don't like this wallpaper," you murmur into his chest
he laughs and that turns into coughing again and you're just rubbing his back trying not to bend your leg... domestic bliss <3
[buck compton]
buck... does not take it well
he takes it extremely hard
like his reaction to joe and bill...
you have pneumonia and the peniciln you need isn't available in bastogne
and it's even worse that he finds out you're sick only a few hours after that and that you've been sick and struggling for the past few days
maybe his reaction would've been different earlier on in the war
but now, it just feels like a destructive domino effect that's sparing no one
it's obvious after all of his friends injuries and your pneumonia that he couldn't stay on the front line... his red bleary eyes and slightly trembling hands said enough
when he gets taken off the line, you're both in an aid station together for a few hours before you're both transferred to different hospital
so his presence is silent reassurance
you want so badly to comfort him but you're so sick and he doesn't want you to, he feels so guilty leaving you
but you hoarsely tell him he needs a break and to process what happened
you're feeling slightly better this day so that makes it a little better... but not that much
both of you have been through hell
but there is a light in the tunnel... or at least you feel that way
buck isn't on the front lines anymore and you both have a chance at a life together post-war
he does not want to leave you, it has to take a lot of malarkey's coaxing him and promising to update buck
[eugene roe]
gene can't decide if having medical knowledge makes it better or worse
and if being the medic and being the one to have their hands covered in the your blood, was better than leaving it in the hands of someone else
he decides it's awful... definitely worse
the very few hours he slept, it was just dreaming of your terrified face
and he wakes with a jolt and is completely miserable
and life just goes on...
a lot of pacing and murmuring
gene closes in on himself when he's upset and stressed, so he becomes even quieter than normal
and the other guys are worried like ??? do we need to intervene and lip just stops them, "leave him alone, he'll be okay."
prays for you a lot, gripping his rosary so tightly and the photo that he has of the two of you when you were still in england
when you both felt some semblance of normalcy
he can't abandon the company to stay with you full time at the aid station to his incredible frustration and disappointment
it's just hard for him to go on like everything's fine, it shatters whatever illusion he has of fairness and hope and safety
whenever someone else gets injured or they need supplies, he'll take any excuse to ride back to the aid station to see you
and if anyone else goes, they always see you and give gene an update
winters definitely notices and tries to give him opportunities to see you
likes watching you rest and sleep (because you definitely needed it, even before you got injured) in the sweetest, non-creepy way
gene loves to just sit with you, see you with his own eyes, and know for certain that you're okay
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luminouslywriting · 19 days
Band of brothers headcannon ,somehow somebody told them u were cheating on them and they get super angry or depressed but then they discover it's not true, in a way or another.
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An angsty request? Nonny, I'm not sure if you know this, but I live in angst and pain and prefer writing this sort of stuff haha! So keep sending in the angsty headcanon requests, because I'm SO down! Requests are open!
Cut for length, light spice in some, angst under the cut, picking on Webster at least once for no reason haha:
Dick Winters:
-It's not necessarily that someone told him that you were cheating as much as it was implied through subtext and he does NOT deal well with that at all.
-But he's not super vocal about it??? Like, he's the type of man who would rather just talk to you about things than let rumors lie in wait and spiral.
-It doesn't stop him from worrying about if he's done something wrong to push you away until you're able to finally talk.
-And when you do talk, there's this massive relief that you were just getting another job and talking with a superior about it—nothing malicious or mean of the sort.
-Please just reassure this man that he's the love of your life. He's a fairly secure man, but this was rough emotionally and he never accused you of anything but that doesn't mean that he wasn't worried for a second there.
-It definitely becomes a laughing point in your relationship later on.
Lewis Nixon:
-Listen, this man has NOT had good luck when it comes to women or relationships in his lifetime. So when you're a little busier than normal and out longer than normal, he can't help but spiral.
-He takes these fears to some of his friends (not Winters though, because that man would tell him to screw his head on straight haha), and they somehow get it in his head that you're cheating on him
-Cue the downward spiral of drinking and being depresso-expresso yet again
-So when you come home and you've been working extra hours to get a surprise for him—because all you wanted to do was afford a dog on your own wages rather than Lew's money—and he's all emotional and upset—it's a rough situation
-Arguments are had and feelings are hurt. So when he sobers up and realizes that you were just trying to do something sweet for him, he's hurrying to apologize in a big grand romantic gesture sort of a way.
-Moral of the story? Don't surprise him, he'll assume something else is going on or start some sort of conspiracy theory about it haha
Ronald Speirs:
-Someone starts the rumors maliciously because they had a crush/feelings for you and it gets around pretty quickly....and the thing about the entire situation is that he's unfazed? -Like this is the man who people-watches and reads people really well. He's fairly certain that he'd know if you were cheating on him lol.
-That being said, when the rumors finally make their way over to YOU, you shut them down and go to talk to him.
-He's really patient and sweet about the entire thing—because of course he knows you weren't cheating on him, but you're apologizing because of the rumors and he's just wanting to be there for you because that's a rough reputation to have going around tbh.
-Speirs is so secure in the relationship and the way that you feel about him. If not for the declaration of love, then certainly for the way that you are screaming his name later that evening lol.
-Also definitely finds the root of the rumor and uses intimidation to make them back off—no more problems like that for you two ever again.
Buck Compton:
-He's shocked and baffled as to what he's hearing and he's going through everything in his mind trying to figure out where he went wrong. Has he upset you? Were you two not close? What happened anyway?
-He gets real quiet about things when he sees you next because he's trying to figure out how to express what he's feeling.
-And there's definitely some distance on his part and so when he finally comes to you and just asks about the entire thing, YOU'RE just as baffled as he is.
-So reassure him, give him cuddles, attention, verbal affirmation that he's the only man for you, and he'll be secure in no time at all
-But also, realize that it's now going to be a lingering fear of his that you'll leave him for someone else. So be on watch and on guard for any feelings like that re-emerging over time.
-Communication and showing love is going to be big in patching things up.
Carwood Lipton:
-Heart shattered and in disbelief the minute that he sees you hugging another man that he does not recognize.
-He doesn't necessarily want to confront you and have a nasty argument about it, but his jealousy is certainly spiking quite a bit. This leads to him pulling away from the relationship.
-And then the minute that you introduce him to your cousin who has been fighting down in the Pacific for the past few years?? It all clicks into place and he suddenly feels very silly.
-Shamefully admits this to you later when it's just you two alone. And he feels really bad that he even doubted your feelings and intentions.
-But tell him that he's the one, demand that he give you a family—all will be solved by morning haha
-It becomes a running joke in your family for years to come.
Joseph Liebgott:
-JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS—he knows that you have lots of guy friends and that you get along well with HIS friends. But let's be honest, it's probably Webster who suggests that maybe you're a little TOO close to some of his friends.
-And so the ugly side of his jealousy rears it's head and he's getting all possessive and kind of controlling in some ways
-Confronting him is going to be the simplest and easiest route to handle this entire situation
-It's going to be a few arguments later that he realizes that he's really messed up by accusing you of sleeping with one of his friends. But he does come to you and genuinely apologize for his words.
-Yes, this is something you and said friend are going to hold over his head for the rest of your relationship lol.
-And yes, Webster may have gotten punched by you for planting the idea in sweet Joe's head.
Donald Malarkey:
-Listen, this man pays no mind to rumors. But when the rumors involve you and another man? He tends to pay attention. He doesn't believe what he's hearing at all.
-Definitely runs to talk to you immediately about the rumors and isn't sure what to make of your reaction—shocked, of course.
-Your reassurances calm him down and a cuddle session immediately will help him feel much better
-He's definitely going to bring you flowers the next time that he sees you out of guilt lol
-Tries to be more confident in the relationship after that because you promised him that he's the only man for you
-Also attempts to quell rumors with his friends because he's fiercely defensive over you and your honor.
Eugene Roe:
-Soft man here is in love with you to the point of self-destruction, okay?? So when he comes to see you in the medic tent and finds another man kissing you, he's immediately hurt and heart is shattered.
-What he doesn't know is that that was a patient who just kissed you and you had to literally slap the man to get him off of you. So Gene here is in his feels and upset about things.
-When you come to see him and he doesn't really want to talk, you're so confused and he gets really emotional about the entire thing. It's a whole messy argument of you trying to explain what happened.
-And then of course after he's had some time to process the entire thing, he feels just awful for not listening to you or understanding the situation
-He comes to you with a really sincere and soft apology, possibly some chocolate in hand to help his case, and tells you how much you mean to him
-Is it the first time he admits that he loves you? Absolutely. And this certainly leads to the best makeout session of your life haha.
Bill Guarnere:
-Throws hands the minute that someone tells him you're cheating on him. He doesn't believe the rumors for one freakin' minute.
-So when you have to patch him up after some injuries and you're demanding to know why and he angrily explains that it's about you, it's a whole mess.
-You're sitting there trying to explain that you would NEVER, and he KNOWS that so he's just mad that someone would spread the rumors anyway
-This just leads to the two of you being more annoying with PDA haha
-And having a really noisy session of sex where you're both just being so vocal about your love for one another
-Yes, everyone knows that this just strengthened your relationship.
Joe Toye:
-He hears it around the guys in the base—the thing is?? It's an old rumor about some guy that you had kissed BEFORE you were with Joe.
-He gets real quiet and sullen about the entire thing, almost a pouty behavior that leaves you with your head spinning because where is all of THIS behavior coming from??
-It takes a few days of this behavior before he's ready to talk about it and then you're attempting to explain that it's an old flame and that your feelings are solely for Joe now
-In fact, seducing him might just be the move because then he's super smug about the entire thing.
-He might even go and talk to the ex to see if HE has any feelings for you left. And yes, some intimidation might be in order to get him to leave the rumors alone because you and Joe are together now.
-You warn him not to act all pouty like that again though—it was NOT it for you two haha
George Luz:
-Bamboozled, shocked, dismayed, all five stages of grief—but mostly in disbelief
-He's immediately going to shade the hell out of whoever was spreading the rumor even BEFORE he goes to talk to you about the entire thing
-Super down on himself and joking about how he's messed up the entire relationship because clearly you're cheating—and GIRL, you better shut that down NOW
-Please just give him a grand gesture of love yourself and shade him a little bit for even thinking like that??
-Honestly, if you say you're down for marriage, problem solved and this man will never bring it up again—except for maybe in the speeches at the wedding lol
-Is convinced you're even more beautiful when you're shading him for being stupid and believing rumors haha
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 month
hello! I love the reactions you write about Band of Brothers!, I would like to know how they would react if they knew they were their s/o's first boyfriend? I don't speak English, so sorry if it's bad 💕
Of course hon!!! Thank you so much for your request! Hope you enjoy!! 💌
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Easy co.’s reaction to being their s/o’s first boyfriend!
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Genre: Romance; fluff
Warnings: Kissing? I think that’s about it! (reader is gn)
Description: The Easy co. boys’ reaction to being their s/o’s first boyfriend!!
Taglist: @executethyself35 @linhkhanhcps @1waveshortofashipwreck @grumpy-liebgott @barbeygirl @samwinchesterslostshoe @ronsenthal @sweetxvanixlla (If you want to be on this list, let me know!! :))
BoB Masterlist
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Dick Winters: Knowing how caring Dick is, he would make it his mission to be the best partner possible for you. (he would even if he wasn’t your first boyfriend btw) He wants you to have the best experience possible, going on fun dates, surprising you with flowers, he wants to make sure that you feel loved no matter what. That true romance does exist. He would do all the little romantic stuff you haven’t really experienced before. He hopes to be your first boyfriend and last.
Lewis Nixon: I think Nix would find it particularly interesting that you haven’t had a boyfriend before him. Because literally how? You are the most attractive person this guy has ever met? He wouldn’t be surprised if you said you had guys lining down the block to take you out. I think he also gets a good kick out of the fact that he would be your first kiss (if you already haven’t had it) and your first everything really. He would let you in on everything you need to know relationship wise.
Carwood Lipton: He makes sure to set a high standard for you. He’s also like Dick, bringing you flowers and opening the door for you, holding your hands and being the sweetest guy ever. He reminds you that, even though most first relationships don’t always have the reputation to succeed, he can promise that he won’t leave, no matter what. He wants to make a relationship with him feel good and special. He’s determined to make you feel like a princess/prince at all times.
Joe Toye: When you tell him that he is your first boyfriend, he gets very protective. He genuinely wants to give a great experience with relationships in general, and swears to never hurt you in any way. He knows that this is special to you, so he takes dates and any sort of one-on-one time with you very seriously. Planning all kinds of stuff for y’all to go do. He really makes sure to take care of you and keep you safe from harm's way.
Joe Liebgott: When you tell Lieb that he’s your first boyfriend, he kinda feels a pressure from himself to be the best boyfriend to you. He wants for you to experience all of the young puppy love stuff with him, even if that means you two act like complete fools, it doesn’t matter to him. He wants to be your comfort and confidante during this new thing with you. But he’s so patient and considerate too, if you’re not ready to kiss or say “I love you” he’s very understanding and will wait until you feel comfortable.
Bill Guarnere: Bill really wants to be your first and best s/o. He is very set on making a good impression on you of what a good boyfriend should be like. He would love to show how great and fun romantic relationships can be. He really considers how fragile first relationships can be and really cares about your feelings, like figuring out what all of your boundaries, what you like and don’t like dating wise, he really protects you and takes you under his wing in a way.
George Luz: He figures the best way to be your boyfriend is to be your best friend first. He really tries to make you laugh and smile any chance he gets, he wants you to be happy no matter what, when you guys are dating and you tell him that he’s your first bf, he wants to meet all of the expectations you’d have for your partner, literally be the perfect, cheesy little boyfriend you’ve always wished for (be ready for lots and lots of flowers and sweet treats if you’re with him.)
Bull Randleman: When you tell Bull that he’d be your first boyfriend, he honestly feels honored to be your first partner. He truly thinks that the only reason you haven’t had a boyfriend before is because you have super high standards. He’s very gentle with you the first couple months you guys are dating, almost a bit reserved because he just wants to be respectful to you. Anytime he’s about to do anything romantic with you he’ll ask over and over again, “Is this okay?”
Eugene Roe: He’s so, so attentive and patient. Just the kindest boyfriend you could ever ask for. He knows that he’s your first boyfriend, and is willing to do whatever it is so that you don’t ever have to worry in a relationship with him. He will make sure to give you the best hugs and kisses and remind you that he’ll be the best boyfriend possible for you. And I can’t forget about all of the sweetest little dates he would take you on. He literally proves to you that chivalry is in fact, not dead.
Floyd Talbert: Tab’s honestly kind of nervous to be your first boyfriend. He wants to be the best guy for you. He understands how special a relationship is for you, so he makes sure to cherish and handle it as if it’s the most precious gift he’s ever had. He’s also very flattered to know that he’s your first everything. He can’t wait to experience all of the little romantic couple things you want to do with him eventually in the relationship.
Skip Muck: He takes it as a compliment that he’s your first boyfriend. He kinda goes over the top in the first couple weeks in y’all’s relationship. Sweet boy just wants to make a great impression on you, that he can be the perfect boyfriend for you. Like buying you all of your favorite things, surprising you with gifts, going on all kinds of dates. He wants to show you that he’s a great guy that is more than willing to love you and be in love with you.
Don Malarkey: He really has the sweetest intentions with you as your partner. He wants to make you happy and safe no matter what, whether he’s your first boyfriend or last. He is such a cute gentleman when it comes to your relationship with him, like coming up to your place with flowers, lowkey freaking out like a kid on his first date with you. He makes sure you are always comfortable and feel loved 24/7. He just adores you so much.
Shifty Powers: He doesn’t really mind that much, he thinks it’s kinda cute actually. He feels so special that you would want him to be your first boyfriend. He wants to make sure that you have such a nice experience with him. He does feel a bit of responsibility to make sure this relationship is the best. He prioritizes communication so much in y’all’s relationship because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable in anything relationship wise.
Babe Heffron: Don’t take this the wrong way, but he’s so happy that he gets to be your first boyfriend, that he gets to be your first everything. He’s so excited to be youthful and do young-love things with you. He’s kinda like Bill, very set on being your first and best. He will make sure that you know he’s there to stay no matter what. When you’re dating him just remember that he will annoy you with silly little dates and stuff like that.
Frank Perconte: He wouldn’t really care if he had been your first boyfriend, or your 100th, he just wants you to be happy and make you feel like the best partner in the world. He does want to make sure that he’s providing all you need so that you feel perfect in your relationship with him. If there’s something in particular that you’d really like for him to do, he would go all out for it!! He just really wants to see you happy and safe.
Ronald Speirs: He finds it quite amusing that he’s your first boyfriend. A little shocked at first because he genuinely couldn’t tell you hadn’t had a boyfriend yet. He finds the need to protect you even more, considering that he would hold such a special part in your life. He makes sure to take the relationship as slow or as fast as you like. He has such a hidden soft side for you and it’s so cute, even before he knew he was your first.
Johnny Martin: He’s very shocked. “Are you sure? You know high school relationships count too, right?” Lol he just finds it very hard to believe that you’ve never been with any other guy until now. He honestly feels kinda proud that you would want him to be your first boyfriend if he does say so himself. Any kinda cheesy little first relationship stuff you want, he’ll do it. Just don’t ask him to sing you a song and you’ll be alright.
Skinny Sisk: “Really? No joking?” He gets really soft with you when he figures out that you’ve never been with another person before him. Like he understands how important it can be to you so he does all the little sweet things a first boyfriend should do. Having the “talk” with your parents, taking you to the movies, holding your hand when you’re scared. He’s the best gentleman with you and he promises to you that he will never misuse or hurt your heart in any way. (like ron he’s also so soft for you lol)
Chuck Grant: He gets happy when you tell him that he’s your first boyfriend, not because you haven’t had a guy before, but because you chose him to be in a relationship with. He’s very understanding and patient with you if there’s some things you don’t really have a clue on in relationship stuff, he honestly finds it cute. He immediately takes responsibility as your boyfriend and makes sure to keep you happy and safe no matter what.
David Webster: Honestly is a bit nervous at first, just because he doesn’t want to hurt you in any way and wants for you to have the best first relationship possible. He has a lot of self doubt that he can be the best guy for you at first, but when you let him know that he’s all you want, he makes sure to be there for you in any way possible. He’d do so many sweet things for you, one I could see him do is like write you sweet little love poems and stick them in your bag before work or school.
Buck Compton: Ahhh where do I start? This hot shot thinks it’s adorable. You haven’t had a boyfriend yet? Well you got one now. He’d be more than happy to do a bunch of mushy couple stuff with you, he would love it actually. He just wants to make you happy at all costs, so he’s willing to do just about everything. As long as you're safe and happy then he’s fine. Get ready for him to be such a sweet guy whenever you’re around, like soft as can he.
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Thank you for your request again, anon!!! I hope you all enjoyed! 🤍🩷🤍🩷🤍🩷
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thealiencaptian · 2 days
Silly goofy Lipton head cannons
1 : Lipton looks like the dude to do the dad stance (arms crossed, legs spread wide while standing) while lecturing some little kid about the safety of holding onto a merry-go-round bc the kid flew off
(Speaking from experience watching my brother fly off one of them)
specifically like this scene in Bastogne just with the “angry white person face” iykyk
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2 : I feel like everytime Lipton saw Speirs taking something he’d just stand there staring at him like that one meme of “mam I just frew up” or hit the disappointed face and shake his head.
That’s it:3
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joenotexotic99 · 10 months
Hey can I request band of brothers characters x reader first time headcanons ? Also by the way I love your work.
A/n: sorry I dropped off the face of the planet for a minute. I was in a bit of a slump. Enjoy! [Lmk if you want a pt 2]
-This is a work of fiction based on the actors portrayal of these men. Every ounce of respect to the real soldiers-
Warnings: contains NSFW themes, plain filthy smut, language, minor dni.
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Dick winters
-he's the type of man to not want to hook up or have any short term commitments. So sleeping with you would probably be when the two of you have are already been well into dating. He cares so much about you. That loving matter probably carries on into the bedroom. Will always make sure you feel comfortable and is Def big of consent. Later down the road he might get a little more adventurous but for the first time he wanted it special. Gently taking off your close. Lots of kisses. So much passion. His hands would roam your body. He might even light a few candles. Like I said he's definitely on the vanilla side. At least in the beginning of you two's sex life so it most likely would be missionary. But nevertheless he for sure rocked your world. King of aftercare.
"You look so pretty naked for me you know that"
Lewis nixon
- he has just as much respect for you as winters but is more on the spontaneous side, as well as that sleeping with you is what started your relationship. The sexual tension between you two has been going on for months until he invited you to his house for a drink and a movie. One drink in and you both got flirty and your confidence skyrocketed. One thing led to another and he had you slammed into his bedroom door in just your panties. He kisses up and down your neck before laying you down on the bed. Would be such a tease omfg. Kissing up and down your legs never going where you wanted. Making you say exactly how you want him. Forsure wants to see you ride him. Making sure your boobs get plenty of attention as well.
"Use your words baby, tell me what you want"
"Fuck nixon I want you to eat me out"
George luz
-so playful but so sweet at the same time. Cares so much about you but is so fucking horny for you at the same time. It happens after a few dates. He is super nervous but after a glass of wine from dinner and a whole lot of pinning you finally see the sexual side of him. Once you are through the door of his house his mouth is on yours and your back hits the door as you wrap your legs around his waist. I wholeheartedly believe that this man's fingering game is on top. He can make you come in less than five minutes with his fingers alone. He is big on moaning during sex. He is a vocal man. You definitely know that he's feeling good by how much he's praising you. Can see him liking when you pull his hair. Enjoys being more dominant however if you take the lead he is for sure a very happy man. Watching you ride his dick does things to him he can't explain. It's a long night of moaning, laughing and SEVERAL orgasms.
"God dammit luz I'm gonna come"
"Fuck you feel so good around me you know that"
Joseph Liebgott
-hes a big fuckin tease when you sleep together. Leaving hickies up and down your body. You would ache for him to fuck you long before he's done exploring your body. His hands roaming you as he eats you out. Would LOVE cowgirl. We all know he's a boob man. As you ride him he would pay so much attention to your boobs before making his way to your mouth he would take your face between your hands and kiss you. He brings his hands down to your waist to halt your movements before he starts slamming into you. Talks so much dirty talk and praises into your ear as he fucks you. Seeing you come would send him over the edge. Afterwards he would be so caring during after care. However when you are in the shower cleaning yourself he would not hesitate to hop in with you for round number two.
"Your body's so perfect for me, just me"
"Just you joe, just you"
Carwood lipton
- so caring the whole time omg. Like winters it happens when your relationship is already established. He would make sure you are well and comfortable the whole time. Tells you to tell him if anything hurts. Just wants you to feel good. Will probably come in his pants from eating you out, he adores you so much. When it comes to it he's so nervous he's going to hurt you but you reassure him that he's not. Will fuck you with so much passion. He makes it his mission to know every square inch of your body by the time the night ends. And he definitely does. He loves watching you tilt your head back and arch your back while you scream his name. He makes sure that you finish several times wanting you to have as much as much pleasure as possible before he even considers himself. After words he would make sure that you are ok and that he never made you uncomfortable at any point.
"Am I ok? Car I just had the best sex of my life. I am more than ok"
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