#cas’s crusades
shedarart · 7 months
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Crusader!au: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part
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sewerwolfx · 11 months
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Loneliness will make a man hollow.
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teeth-boiler · 1 year
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when god sings with all of his creations, he will not be part of the choir
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enduthielmods · 2 years
All my JJBA CC
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Lisa Lisa
Esidisi hair
There are some texture fixes in Lisa Lisa’s outfit and scarf, you might wanna redownload it
Do not take my cc and put them behind paywalls or scam sites
Tag or ask me if you want to modify them
Do not claim my cc as your own.
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enduthiel · 2 years
JJBA Mariah's Outfit
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Mariah's an... interesting character. And it's a shame she had no cc for her yet. But now she does.
Yes her hair is included BUT it's meant to be worn with her top otherwise she'll have a massive bald spot. I wish I could do something about it but her model was made that way. And frankenmeshing leads to texture mismatch and the hair looks really weird. Fixed it, right here
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seenthisepisode · 2 years
having a cursed idea for an au in the tags and then i am off to sleep
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clairity-org · 1 year
Helen Frankenthaler, Crusades, 1976, Acrylic on canvas, 4/29/22 #deyoungmuseum #artmuseum
Helen Frankenthaler, Crusades, 1976, Acrylic on canvas, 4/29/22 #deyoungmuseum #artmuseum by Sharon Mollerus
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thewertsearch · 2 months
GG: i think you are projecting your own attitude on to others […] GG: rose just sent me a code for a crystal ball, shes my friend and is basically the best! […] CA: its probably a trap i wwouldnt trust her CA: she is a cunnin and treacherous sort trust me i knoww her type GG: wait do you have a thing for her too??? GG: did she reject you or something?
Annihilate him, Jade. This would be a good time to unleash that rage you've been cultivating.
CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike
This dude's on some Methods of Rationality type shit.
I'm not sure why Eridan is on a crusade against magic. He's been insisting it was fake since his original introduction page, and it's pretty clear he has some sort of complex about it. Is there some unseen history here that we're not yet privy to?
GG: wow what are you talking about CA: so really you should be honored to inherit my old callin CA: both my armaments and my feud
To be fair to Eridan, he is accomplishing something useful here, even if it's by accident. Jade needs to get that rifle in her pen-pal's hands in order to fulfil the Endgame Bunny's time loop.
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Recalling Eridan’s introduction reminds me that this is one of the most powerful riflekind weapons in existence. This should imply that top-tier weapons cost tens of millions of grist...
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...but we just saw a weapon that costs much, much more.
Maybe the Proton Cannon has the same damage as the Crosshairs, but it also has an incredibly broken non-combat use.
GG: i have seen this before […] GG: i am very sure its the same rifle included with johns present […] CA: probably a cheap imitation of the original […] GG: i did not provide the weapons! GG: my penpal did […] GG: we worked on it together but he supplied the bunnys weapons GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson
I suppose being raised by a Sburb veteran would explain why he uses terms like 'boonbuck' in casual speech - but almost nothing else makes sense when viewed through this lens.
If Pen-Pal is Jade's grandson, then he should be from decades in the future - presumably long after the game has ended. This doesn't sound like a problem, until you remember some of the references he made.
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As much as it pains me to admit it, the Earth is probably gone for good - which means that any descendants of our Players will be raised somewhere else. Why would someone presumably raised in a completely different universe be so familiar with Earth's culture?
You could argue that he picked up his love of Earth movies from one of the surviving Earthlings, such as adult John - although that raises its own issues, because PP talks to John like he's never met him before. Maybe he died young, and passed his love of movies to PP posthumously - but as you can see, we're really having to stretch things to make this make sense.
Plus, there's an even bigger problem - namely, his 1920s 'accent'. None of the surviving Earthlings have it, and it's not like he just developed it spontaneously. If he was raised by Jade or her child, why does he talk like her grandfather would?
See, I'm still sure that PP is connected directly to Grandpa, and may well be the man himself - which means either PP is lying, or there's something more complicated going on here.
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We don't know anything about Grandpa's life after he fled the Crocker household. If he was somehow raised by an adult, post-Sburb Jade, then he could consider her his grandmother, while still talking and acting like the Grandpa Harley we know. Plus, it would explain why he acts like he's from the past, but knows about the future. He already has a history of time travelling - maybe he's been doing it since he was a kid.
Similar to my old theory about Spades Slick, this one is a little too convoluted to be 100% true - but still I think there's something to this idea. Being raised by Jade would neatly explain where he got the bunny's weapons...
Ugh, I don't know! This Pen-Pal really is the biggest curveball this comic has thrown at me. I need to think it over some more.
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ineedtherapist · 1 year
Ca we have the crusaders with a touch starved Fem!s/o? She is like and at the same time loves to give affection back!
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Eyyyoooo I have some free time today so LET'S FCKING GOOO
This idea is so fcking cute AHAHJAJ
13/12 =I'm sorry cuz I kinda lost idea on polnareff and avdol💀
Crusaders with a touch starved fem!s/o hcs
"...yare yare daze. C'mere"
Jotaro is crazily good with physical touches. Like bro is Holly son and Joseph grandson. One way or another he definitely carry that genes in him.
This guy is stupidly observant, prob already notice about it but never says a thing.
He's a mysterious typa guy so yes he wouldn't reciprocate that much when in public but I guaranteed you when both him and his s/o are alone he'll initiate the first move.
Doesn't mind his s/o touch him as long as they understand his boundaries.
Actually loves,enjoy N appreciate it especially after having a rough day.
and on waist too as a matter of fact.
while laying down.
forehead kissing.
their s/o rambling bout their day
and him listening with occasional 'mmhmm and then?"
yeah. feel a bit too personal ifykyk
When he actually knows how much his s/o love physical contact he'll try to do it subtly but as much as possible and won't say a thing if they do it to him in public. cue to Holly kissing his cheek every morning
Sometimes most of the time Polnareff gonna tease him and his s/o and it kinda went like this :
"Hey joot! ya mind if I borrow ur sweetheart for a sec? I'm having a severe withdrawal symptoms from being single as heck. Now c'mere lov- AAughHhhGhh????!! GODDAMN IT JOTAR- FUCK! I'M GONNA DIE! JOTARO!!!!"
Everytime he did that, Jotaro gonna summon star platinum to hug him instead and well- all of the crew get to see a fcking 20+ yr old scream in absolute agonize and by the end of the "cuddling" sessions his face covered with snot and tears.
Due from that absolutely horrifying scene oldseph keep his words to himself though there are still times where we can actually see quite the scene.
Kakyoin would be a bit embarrassed, not in a bad way just kinda surprised with what's happening in front of him though when he get used to it, he's silently cheering for both of his friends.
Avdol takes pictures of all the little cute scenes and put it in a collection.
Marriage present he will say with a small smile.
"...yes... I'm free.. r u sure? 'kay then. here- OMPF"
This guy is def as touch starved as his s/o. Worse, unlike his s/o, man doesn't even notice it.
Kakyoin sees physical contacts as an act of professionalism and rarely initiate one unless necessary.
He does it with his parents ofc but again very rarely and mostly on special occasions.
Think about it a lot actually but never voice it out especially if his s/o barely try to show they wants it.
When they did, oh boy it's one hell of a ride.
He'll get awkward at first but gradually warm up and well- get ready cuz you're prob will be in contact with him all the time no matter how big or small.
hand holding? yes. hand on waist while being side by side? yes. resting heads on each other laps? yes. shoulder touching while sitting? yes.
He'll be and look really dejected if his s/o says no w/o a proper reason.
Though he is an introvert and will understand if you needed some space. Just give him a heads-up kay? poor boy think his s/o losing interest in him.
WILL search up in books or online on "how to hug a person" or "101 absolute ways on how to not be a creep when initiating physical contact"
He's embarrassed with pda mainly cuz he's not used to it but he tried to make it up later in private .
He also will try to actually be comfortable and open, letting himself to relish and return the affection.
Is absolutely overjoyed with the fact that his s/o love physical contacts cuz honestly deep down he really wanted to bond and be comfortable with the person he loves and the area he really lacks in are well- human contact.
He's glad his s/o is there to teach him.
Another one that'll summon his stand to make a- *ehem* two adult cry because they're as joot always say "being a pain in the ass"
"c'mere babe! it's cuddly wuggly time."
Bro the best and warmest teddy bear ever been alive.
#1 physical contact lover.
Hug and kiss his s/o all the time.
Small simple contacts like hand holding while walking through the streets traveling.
Hands on ur laps.
No I will not elaborate.
That can go two ways and again no I will not elaborate.
Though he would absolutely loves it if his s/o sit on his laps while both him and his s/o relaxing.
A normal sunny day on a porch. Him reading a newspaper with his s/o on his laps snuggling doing whatever they're doing.
Absolutely hyped when he knows how much his s/o wanted to be in physical contact cuz again that's his forte.
Tickle his s/o while him and his s/o in bed, just woke up from sleep.
And when his s/o return his gestures?
He definitely make a right choice.
It always a contest between who can give more affection and surprise the others. the hell this is too cute Bye-
Flex in front of the crew all the time and no he doesn't get embarrassed. why would he? his s/o is the happiest things ever happened to him. he'll be damned to give two shits.
"Mon Amour~! can I rest on ur lap? pretty pleaseee"
#2 physical contact lovers.
Also hyped cuz his s/o wanted to be pampered and loves to pamper him back? HELL YEAH
He's extreme. that's for sure.
Zero conscience.
Hug? Kiss? Snuggle? Cuddle? Princess style carry? Name it and he'll be doing just that in a heartbeat.
Once him and his s/o in each other arms, it will took a lot of effort for him to actually let go
The type that surprisingly jealous and won't let his s/o do it to anyone else unless under circumstances.
Get tease a lot but never done anything. Bro confident in his abilities and charm as a man.
"yes, I'm free. Of course! Here."
Ok look like I have every right to fangirl cuz bro so sweet with his s/o.
Avdol is reserved so he doesn't show much of a need or want to be in any literal human contact so it gonna make his s/o a bit nervous.
He adores it. He thinks it cute and a symbol of deep trust between two ppl especially coming from someone as special as his s/o.
He reciprocate it whether public or private.
Hand holding. cuz it's sexy u can't change my mind
Very open and accepting in general.
Encourage you and also love to be pamper.
Honestly one of the most loving and normal guy in jjba fr and the crew itself fr.
ahhhh idk what to write but this man is an absolute cutie.
Doesn't get jealous since he trust his s/o.
Actually talk to his s/o about coming to him whenever they're in dire need of human contacts.
Doesn't get teased that bad by the crew. They're just genuinely happy to see avdol and his s/o relationship cuz it have calming and very comforting vibe.
Joseph tease him once in a while but nothing severe.
A bit possessive depending on the circumstances.
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sagasimsworld · 5 months
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New stuff for beautiful royal brides and fiances!
Mena Wedding Headgear from Crusader Kings III
Poly count: 3,000
Category: Accessories, Necklace
Gender: Male & Female
Sliders: Hat slider compatible
Recolourable: Yes
Download: here
The item has glitchy extra-elements in CAS. They aren't displayed in game mode, it's CAS glitch.
There is a hole in one of folds, which is visible if viewing by specfic angle. Cannot fix it 'cause I have no idea why it is still displayed after being deleted literally from every place.
Published as is.
If you have ideas how to make this mesh better, please share your thoughts. CK3 wardrobe items are low poly and currently it's the best quality I can get.
In game:
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shedarart · 5 months
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Crusader!au: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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zairaalbereo · 11 months
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Nicolò and Yusuf as ‘Sea Riders’ (but make it crusades era).
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Inspired by Ludwig von Hofmann’s “Reiter am Strand” ca. 1890 — (look at that and tell me it’s not Nicky!) Ludwig von Hofmann was a German artist (1861-1945), and he sure liked his nude riders… (Seriously, there are dozens…) Looking at his art, I couldn’t help but imagine Nicolò and Yusuf riding and playing in the surf like a pair of boys.
And that’s why you have Yusuf, too… 😘
PS: Happy birthday TOG fandom!! 🥳🥳🥳
If Netflix won’t give us flashbacks, we’ll make our own.
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enduthielmods · 2 years
Miscellaneous cc and fixes
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Today I bring you two versions of The Stone Mask, Mariah’s hair fix and a Kakyoin doll.
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No more baldness for this hair. Wear it however you like. No more bald Mariah. Oh, and I fixed her top as well. It should go well with her hair now.
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The Stone Mask™, finally fixed and ready for posing. Oh, you don’t like the Red Stone?
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Boom. One without it. I know, not the same as Phantom Blood’s mask but there was only this model in asb.
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And finally, this plush. Called “Lots of Love Kakyoin” in game. May or may not have his soul still in it. I dunno.
If you find issues in any of the cc, please let me know.
Do not take my cc and put them behind paywalls or scam sites
Tag or ask me if you want to modify them
Do not claim my cc as your own.
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ozonecologne · 1 year
just noticed something stupid
So we all know this scene in 4.22, right? The moment when some people think that Dean fell in love with Castiel? When Cas looks at Chuck and says, “We’re making it up as we go?”
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Did we ever consider that Dean registers this not just because it’s hot, but because Indiana Jones says the exact same thing in Raiders of the Lost Ark?
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Dean loves Indiana Jones. He mentions Raiders of the Lost Ark twice prior to Castiel saying this -- two seasons earlier in 2.02:
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And when he gets sad that Sam admits to seeing the new “Raiders” movie (Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) without him in 4.05. Dean also explicitly mentions Raiders in 11.14 -- “Oh, so full-on Raiders. That’s. Okay.” -- and 14.16 -- “Whoa. That was like full-on Raiders.”
Dean also quotes The Last Crusade in 12.05:
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And further Indiana Jones references include 6.18, 7.20, 9.22, and 13.08, among others.
ANYWAY! All of that makes THIS scene in 6.10 extra funny. Castiel literally quoted one of Dean’s favorite movies a full season and a half ago, winning his loyalty in the process, and he’s just totally oblivious to that. That’s why Sam can zing him like this:
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Cas literally quoted Raiders and he doesn’t even know what Raiders is. He just reminds Dean of Harrison Ford -- that’s what makes him fuckable.
Luckily, by 8.17, Dean gets to cast himself and Castiel in their very own Indiana Jones role play:
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*whip crack*
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dotthings · 1 month
Just to show how systemically weird this anti-found family bs has been in spn fandom, one of the co-mods of the largest, oldest spn fandom website despises found family and the ensemble cast. It's been some years now since that website did anything or showed any relevance at all, so good riddance, but it does demonstrate how the lane that supports the brothers the most got hijacked by hatred. And that side seems to think the only way to be a "bros fan" is be...just like them, you must go on bended knee and vow your exclusive devotion to the "bro bond" and if you show any signs of caring about found family too much, you will be expelled from the holy church of Sam and Dean and aren't a fan. Reality is that many fans love the bro bond who overlap heavily with the found family, holistic love for spn, love TFW, Cas, Misha, Donna, Jody, Rowena, and others, ship Destiel or at least are conscious of why it matters even if it's not their thing (or if they hate it, they don't make it a crusade to hate it), and care about Sam and about Dean and about Cas. One of the weirdest things about spn fandom has been how its self-labeled "core base" of "bros fans" punishes fans who actually like the show overall. And it's been like this since 2005.
I understand the roots of it since the first 2 seasons were a lot smaller in scale. But even the first 2 seasons made it clear the show was about family and found family.
Rewatching spn removed from bad faith fandom narratives is a really good idea. The story itself, the canon, is...it's right there. And always has been.
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writer-of-the-lamb · 6 months
I have another scenario for you, this time it's more angsty and serious. I've seen through the game the Bishops even after they came back to life still don't show any show of regret about the lamb kind genocide. There's not a moment when I don't think how angry Lamb would be to have the same murderers of his kind still acting like when they were Gods and having no amount of shame of what they have done. Under their eyes Lamb would show his darkest face of the lamb who lost everything. The Bishops would see the most powerful God that has existed while Narinder sees a little lamb in grief.
thank u so much for this! i adore the idea AHH
the softness in narinder after that kibd of realisation
"little lamb in grief" :(
adore it!
also merry christmas! hope you like this.
The firelit cult site was silent. Not a single star in the sky dared to look upon the scene before them. Roars and smashes came from inside the church, the followers unable to leave their shelters, as commanded by the lamb hours ago.
He had come from a crusade, carrying with him the material to create a statue of victory - all of the bishops had been slaughtered. However instead of a usual celebration, the lamb was eerily quiet, commanding everyone to a sleep through a ritual he promised was "for the best."
Narinder anxiously paced outside the church. The bleats from inside did not feel joyous as they usually were when the lamb happily cried to show him his latest accomplishment.
This was different. This was violent.
The cries were dark. Enraged, strong, broken.
The warm glow of red magic would flash and flicker through the double doors, causing Narinder to wince every time he turned.
He had not seen his siblings since he'd been chained and banished. Resentment was there, of course...but he had grown curious as to why they were not recruited like many other heretics the lamb had dealt with.
Narinder had nothing in his heart for them. Whether murdered or harvested, he could not care less, but alike a cat, he wondered and pried into whatever he could to discover the bishops' fate.
So here he was, listening to an outburst reminding him of the rage he had felt above after being outcast.
Narinder squeezed his eyes shut as the earth vibrated, taking a few steps closer to the door. He pressed his outstretched palm into the wood, followed by his forehead.
"Lamb." he called softly in a deep rumble.
The cries halted with heaving breaths. "What." came a low hiss from inside.
"Your temper is becoming foolish."
The doors flung open, jerking Narinder back onto the grass.
Before him, bathed in ruby light, was no lamb he had known before. Eyes red and weeping, fleece mangled with blood and rage, figure taller than his.
And behind him was a massacre.
Leshy, pinned behind camellia vine, coughed up the petals in a choked cry, whereas a dark puddle of water held Kallamar's unconscious figure. Heket, he recognised, her throat wounds stretched open to a new degree. Shamura was there too, their own web caught around their neck in what looked like an attempt at hanging.
All of them, seemingly alive, stared at Narinder with a horror and pleading gaze.
The lamb, eyes gleaming, calmed his breath. "What do you want." he demanded.
Narinder looked up at him through his brow. "You are angry." he said simply.
"He is no lamb I have known." Leshy spat, calling hoarsely.
"Because I am the only one who fought." The lamb replied, turning to him. He raised his hand, a flurry of black ichor following his palm. "And all of them will be set free when you are struck into the ground and mud from whence you ca-"
"Lamb." Narinder walked forward, ignoring Leshy's begging whimpers. "I understand." he said, eyebrows knitted in emotion foreign to him.
The lamb's gaze hardened, the ichor still swarming his arm. "You could not understand. You ordered this on me. Their souls went to you."
Narinder clenched his jaw, straining his eyes to avoid looking at the terrifyingly large amount of power inching toward him.
"Then why not kill him too." Shamura spat, coughing against the webbing. "You have had your fun with us. He was the one being fuelled by your cursed brethren."
The lamb flicked his hand, sending the ichor splattering onto Shamura, who hacked and coughed against it.
Leshy whimpered again, struggling against the vines of his own flower.
"I know why he won't kill him." came a shaking voice from Kallamar, shoving his head from the puddle he lay in. "We're immortal." he hissed. "Narinder can't die like the rest of the sheep you cared for."
Narinder's eyes flicked to the lamb's, heart sinking slowly. He touched his paw to the fleece, earning a flinch from the lamb.
"Lamb," he said again, looking into the furious red eyes, "A God can defeat everything but the past. No anger will win. Believe me, I know." he added, the bishops' eyes staring daggers to him.
"You are insane! He is no God, no lamb, that is a devil. A monster. A creature of the depths and darkne-" "HE IS A LAMB." Narinder bellowed, silencing Shamura and the others. The lamb turned to him, his eyes loosing their glow.
"He is a lamb. Like you are a spider, you a toad, you a worm and you a squid. He is not only a lamb, he is the lamb. The last." Narinder's eyes narrowed. "There is a knowing rage within oneself when your kind is erased. Why I am not punished, I do not know. But you have hurt him more than I."
Shamura growled against the webs, seething. "You are soft and weak. Predator turned prey."
The lamb stepped in front of Narinder. "Like I as prey turned predator." he whispered. "I have mercy for every follower I find, for they have never killed for evils. Righteousness some, defence some, but never evil, unlike you with my kind."
"Oh, but you are the embodiment of it, lamb. You are the evil. And we are the fear. They will soon be, too." They muttered, nodding to the church doors.
The lamb's breathing picked up once more.
Narinder clasped the lamb's hand in his own. "Leave. Leave and go to the pond, I will finish them."
The lamb's eyes softened. "For evil?" he asked, voice pained.
"No," Narinder looked deep into his eyes. "For justice. For you."
"I do not like to see you grieving." he whispered softly. "Whatever justice I may bring, I will try to. An apology for my own wrongdoing."
Shamura hissed, cursing at them to no avail. The lamb's body became engulfed in red magic, shrinking to his normal height, his eyes the same innocent black.
He clung to Narinder's robes, shaking.
"Do it." he begged, eyes shut.
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