aa6x7 · 2 years
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Glasses for TF-EF. Valid for nearly everything except naked and random. Two recolorable parts (frame, accent), three presets each, custom thumbnails.
DOWNLOAD Moonrise (398KB) Quarter (368KB) Crescent (395KB)
Moonrise: 1024 HLOD, 534 MLOD, 228 LLOD Quarter: 902 HLOD, 370 MLOD, 206 LLOD Crescent: 1048 HLOD, 364 MLOD, 218 LLOD
recommended: kijiko's glasses sliders
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dinathalawriter · 1 year
Dedra Meero prevents Syril Karn from chewing on a wasp
Dedra Meero was walking through the streets of Terran when she saw Syril Karn heading towards a wasp that was buzzing around a flower bed. She watched as Syril raised his hand, his fingers poised to snatch the insect out of the air and bring it to his mouth.
Dedra gasped and ran towards him, yelling, "No, Syril, don't do it!"
Syril looked up, surprised, and then lowered his hand. "What's the matter, Dedra?" he asked.
"You were going to chew on that wasp, weren't you?" she said, panting slightly from her run.
Syril looked sheepish. "I was just curious," he said. "I've never tasted one before."
Dedra shook her head. "You can't just go around eating wasps, Syril. They can sting you, and they're not good for you to eat."
Syril looked at her for a moment, then nodded. "You're right," he said. "I wasn't thinking. Thanks for stopping me."
Dedra smiled at him. "No problem," she said. "Just be careful, okay?"
Syril grinned. "I will. And thanks again."
As the two walked away, Dedra couldn't help but feel a little relieved that she had been able to prevent Syril from making a mistake. She knew that he could be impulsive at times, but she also knew that he had a good heart. And with a little guidance, she was sure that he could become an even better person.
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cbsorgeartworks · 2 years
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Oh I made this awhile ago I forgot lol
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leydidarcy · 2 years
Aslında evde kalıp kitabıma gömülmek istememe rağmen zorla bir topluma sokulunca ben:
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dencyemily · 4 months
Web3 Evolution: IOTA Foundation Introduces Privacy-Focused KYC Solution
Amidst the growing scrutiny and regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies, the IOTA Foundation, in collaboration with strategic partners including Walt.id, IDnow, Bloom Wallet, and SPYCE.5, has unveiled an innovative Know Your Customer (KYC) solution tailored specifically for Web3 applications. This development comes as global and EU regulations tighten their grip on the crypto industry, imposing obligations on Crypto Asset Service Providers (CASPs) to collect user information and verify identities for transactions involving self-hosted wallets.
The recent implementation of the Transfer of Funds Regulation (TFR) and the existing Anti-Money-Laundering Regulation (AMLR) have propelled the need for robust KYC solutions within the crypto space. In response, IOTA and its partners have introduced a pioneering KYC system designed to offer seamless onboarding to Web3 applications, ensuring compliance with regulations while prioritizing user privacy.
Key elements of this KYC solution include the remote identification process led by IDnow, providing both fully automated and human-assisted options aligned with anti-money laundering and countering terrorism financing (AML/CFT) rules. Walt.id takes charge of tokenizing the identification process, securing the confirmation of authentication with full privacy. The resulting token is stored in the Bloom wallet, becoming a secure and privacy-centric soulbound token tied to the authenticated address.
This collaborative effort not only addresses the challenges posed by evolving regulations but also showcases the commitment of IOTA and its partners to lead in the development of innovative solutions for Web3 applications. As the crypto landscape navigates the complexities of compliance and privacy, this initiative positions the IOTA Foundation and its collaborators as pioneers in shaping the future of KYC within the decentralized and privacy-centric Web3 ecosystem.
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scienza-magia · 1 year
Wallet provider o exchanger sono un'attività finanziaria
Criptovalute, al via il nuovo regolamento: così controlli e sanzioni. Nella nuova normativa Ue sono previsti degli specifici requisiti per la tutela dei possessori di cripto-attività nell’emissione, nell’offerta al pubblico e nell’ammissione alla negoziazione di cripto-attività. Il 2023 è l’anno della svolta regolatoria e compliance degli asset virtuali. Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta dell’Unione Europea del 9 giugno il MiCAR (Markets-in-Crypto-Assets Regulation) il Regolamento (Ue) 2023/1114 del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio del 31 maggio 2023 relativo ai mercati delle cripto-attività e che modifica i regolamenti 1093/2010 e 1095/2010 e le direttive 2013/36/UE e 2019/1937. Il Regolamento è una fonte primaria normativa dell’Unione a efficacia diretta e vincolante per tutti i cittadini e gli Stati membri. MiCAR stabilisce requisiti uniformi per l’offerta al pubblico e l’ammissione alla negoziazione su una piattaforma di negoziazione di cripto-attività diverse dai token collegati ad attività e dai token di moneta elettronica, di token collegati ad attività e di token di moneta elettronica, nonché i requisiti per i prestatori di servizi per le cripto-attività.
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Nello specifico, il regolamento stabilisce gli obblighi di trasparenza e informativa per l’emissione, l’offerta al pubblico e l’ammissione di cripto-attività alla negoziazione su una piattaforma di negoziazione per cripto-attività («ammissione alla negoziazione»)i requisiti per l’autorizzazione e la vigilanza dei prestatori di servizi per le cripto-attività, degli emittenti di token collegati ad attività e degli emittenti di token di moneta elettronica, nonché per il loro funzionamento, la loro organizzazione e la loro governance. I requisiti che rispondono alla normativa Ue Nella nuova normativa Ue sono previsti degli specifici requisiti per la tutela dei possessori di cripto-attività nell’emissione, nell’offerta al pubblico e nell’ammissione alla negoziazione di cripto-attività. Sono previste misure per la tutela dei clienti di prestatori di servizi per le cripto-attività. Tali misure sono volte a prevenire l’abuso di informazioni privilegiate, la comunicazione illecita di informazioni privilegiate e la manipolazione del mercato in relazione alle cripto-attività, al fine di garantire l’integrità dei mercati delle cripto-attività. La nuova normativa oltre a prevedere in generale uno spazio regolamentato introdurrà regole per prevenire gli abusi sui mercati delle criptovalute, come la manipolazione del mercato, facendo rientrare i fornitori di servizi di cripto-asset nell’ambito di applicazione delle norme antiriciclaggio. Inoltre sempre secondo il MiCAR, i fornitori di servizi di cripto-asset Denominati Casp (acronimo di Cripto Asset Service Provider) – come i fornitori di portafogli (wallet provider o exchanger) – che servono i clienti dell’Ue avranno un obbligo di sede nell’Unione, dovranno essere autorizzati e pertanto sottoposti alle autorità di vigilanza nazionali ed europee. I Casp dovranno altresì essere registrati nel registro centrale gestito dall’Esma e, solo se autorizzati, potranno fornire servizi di cripto-asset in tutti gli Stati membri dell’Ue sulla base di una procedura di portabilità. Sono previste regole dedicate ai token di moneta elettronica (Emt), che potranno essere trattati solo da Banche o Imel (istituti di moneta elettronica) autorizzazione e passaporto dell’Unione europea. La prevenzione degli abusi di mercato Infine Il MiCAR appena approvato introduce anche norme sulla prevenzione degli abusi di mercato con la finalità di traghettare i mercati dei cripto-asset al medesimo livello degli strumenti finanziari quotati. Sono previste pesanti sanzioni afflittive per il mancato rispetto della normativa. Fatte salve le sanzioni penali eventualmente applicate dagli Stati che possono riguardare l’esercizio abusivo di attività finanziarie, per le persone fisiche sono previste sanzioni amministrative sino a 700.000 euro, per le persone giuridiche fino 5.000.000 ed in alcuni casi dal 3% al 12.5% del fatturato annuo determinato sulla base dell’ultimo bilancio approvato. L’entrata in vigore di tutto il Regolamento è prevista dal 30 dicembre 2024 tuttavia i titoli III (Token collegati ad attività) e IV (Token di moneta elettronica) si applicano dal 30 giugno 2024. Read the full article
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christophbergmann · 2 years
EU: Rat und Parlament einigen sich über Krypto-Regulierung.
EU: Rat und Parlament einigen sich über Krypto-Regulierung. Gut für DeFi und NFTs, aber schlecht für Stablecoins und, vor allem: keine AML bei den meisten Transaktionen an User-Wallets. Das sind die Eckpunkte ... #CASPs #EU #travelrule #MiCA
Gut für DeFi und NFTs, aber schlecht für Stablecoins und, vor allem: keine AML bei den meisten Transaktionen an User-Wallets. Das sind die Eckpunkte des Ergebnisses von Verhandlungen zwischen Europäischem Rat und Parlament. Manches ist hart, aber größtenteils kann die Branche aufatmen. Vor allem in Deutschland.  (more…)
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baltharino · 1 year
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DOCTOR WHO | 2x01 ↳ New Earth
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oodlezsinbin · 8 months
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Yesterday was curse and so a curse is what I bestow upon you and, yet another of @chubberbaria 's ocs, Alys. Caspian is generally pretty serious but he's not above pulling the occasional prank
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mxthtea · 28 days
shout out to mc for acting so normal after they learned they're supposed to be dead. i would've had a breakdown, have an identity crisis, just lose it a little yk
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a-norm-a-day · 2 months
Norm epping
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Day 4 of drawing Norm for fun ^_^ why so sleepy? the eeper
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dinathalawriter · 1 year
syril karn cameo!!!
Grand Moff Tarkin catches Krennic chewing on a wasp and intervenes
Grand Moff Tarkin, the Imperial governor of the Outer Rim, was enjoying a quiet afternoon in his quarters when his door chimed. He rose from his seat and walked over to the door, activating the intercom.
"Who is it?" he asked.
"It's Director Krennic, sir," came the reply.
Tarkin sighed. Krennic was a competent officer, but his tendency to be overly ambitious often rubbed Tarkin the wrong way. Still, he couldn't deny the man's usefulness.
"Enter," Tarkin said, and the door slid open.
Krennic strode into the room, his back straight and his chin held high. Tarkin watched him with mild amusement, wondering what the man wanted this time.
"What brings you here, Director?" he asked.
Krennic hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Sir, I must report a disturbing incident that occurred earlier today."
Tarkin raised an eyebrow. "Go on."
Krennic cleared his throat. "I caught one of our soldiers, Sergeant Syril Karn, chewing on a wasp. It's a serious offense, sir. The venom can cause severe harm to a person."
Tarkin's amusement turned to annoyance. "Is that all?" he asked.
Krennic looked surprised. "Sir?"
"You interrupted my afternoon for this?" Tarkin said, his voice growing stern. "Surely you could have dealt with it on your own."
Krennic appeared flustered. "I apologize, sir. I simply thought that-"
"You thought wrong, Director," Tarkin interrupted. "I have more important matters to attend to than a soldier chewing on a wasp. Handle it yourself and don't bother me with such trivial matters again."
Krennic nodded, looking chastised. "Yes, sir. I understand."
"Good," Tarkin said, dismissing him with a wave of his hand. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."
As Krennic left the room, Tarkin sat back down in his chair, a small smirk playing at the corners of his lips. The man was always eager to please, but sometimes he needed a reminder that not everything was worth reporting.
Tarkin shook his head and returned to his work, glad to have the distraction over with.
not actually what I asked but (y)
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cbsorgeartworks · 2 years
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Character reference sheet for Casp!!
6/28/2022 Photoshop
I'm in Art Fight you can find me here. See you >:)
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5hrignold · 9 months
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drew them finally
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saetoru · 1 year
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two brooooossss chilling in a hot tub five feet apart cuz they’re so gay but they pretend they’re not gay
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
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Invasion (2023) | Season 2, Episode 10 “Old Friends, New Frontiers”  | Favorite scenes
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