#cass 002
laceyyu · 1 year
@cassbrookes; farmhouse
Two weeks had passed since Alex’s eventful arrival to Redwood. Things had calmed down once again for the most part. For him, at least. There was no telling what Cass was up to. She had managed to not get into any trouble while they were at the ranch during that first year of the outbreak, but it had just been them and their parents and Nate. Not much she could do with that. There were people in Redwood, and he was certain that Cass would be able to work her magic with them as she would any other group before the virus.
As for Alex, well... it was lonely in Redwood. And he missed Iris. More than he thought he would. Obviously he was happy to have Cass back, and he had talked to a few people during his time so far. It was hard being in a new place with all new people. He didn’t want to miss Iris. Iris had been a godsave during a time when he needed it most, but he couldn’t stay there. He never should’ve stayed long term. It meant that he had gotten too close and now it hurt knowing he would never see any of the people he loved ever again. 
Alex had thought he and Cass would spend hours and hours talking and catching up once he was settled in, but the two siblings had stayed relatively silent. Neither of them knew much about what had happened to the other while they were apart. Most of their conversations had been about the here-and-now. Alex knew most of it was his own fault - he had been distant as he acclimated to Redwood, and his relationship with Cass had suffered because of it. As much as he wanted their relationship to be fixed and go back to where it had been before Nate’s death and his kidnapping, there was a divide between them whether he liked it or not.
Part of it was the feeling that he had betrayed Cass in Iris. He had convinced himself that his life was now only worth living for others, yet he had found himself happy in Iris. Happy without her. Not happy because she wasn’t there, of course, but the fact that he could be happy without her.... There was a lot he never planned on telling her, which sucked. He didn’t like feeling like he was keeping secrets. But he didn’t want to start an argument and have her try to convince him otherwise with some of his current thinking. She would be upset that he felt he was living for her (and now Renee and the boys), not for himself. She would say that there was still hope, that he would find happiness, that things would work out in the end. At this point, he didn’t care if it was true. He didn’t want to hear it. He had been happy in Iris, and he had given it up to find her.
Cass would feel responsible if she ever found that out, like she had been the reason he had given up his life in Iris. And, to be fair, she was the reason, but it had been his choice. Cass hadn’t forced him to leave. How could he get her to understand that it hadn’t been a choice? Yes, he had been happy in Iris, but... he couldn’t explain it. Iris had given him a reason to live, but Cass was his reason to survive. And if the virus had taught him anything about humanity, it was that survival came before anything else. Every time.
Alex swallowed and forced his head up from the bed. Alone, as he probably always would be in Redwood. He turned to put his feet onto the floor and drink a few sips from the water bottle he kept on his new bedside table. Another nightmare, thought not as bad as it could’ve been. He couldn’t remember what had happened, but the anxiety in the pit of his stomach remained. He got up from his bed and padded into the living room of the farmhouse. Cass sat in the recliner. “Morning,” he greeted. “Sleep okay?”
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davxdalexander · 1 year
closed starter for @cassbrookes
location: Redwood Farm
Stupid arm. Stupid bed rest. Stupid limitations. David was getting restless. He couldn't go out on hunts, he couldn't leave Redwood and every single person he went to try and help told him no and that he was supposed to be resting. To hell with resting, David was going stir crazy and if he had to sit in his cabin for a moment longer he was going to lose his mind. He had to do something. What? He wasn't sure, but he was going to find something to do.
Roxy was trotting alongside him as he made his way to the farm. She was giving him a very knowing look as if telling him he shouldn't be out and about but he ignored it. "I'm fine," he reassured her. Walking wasn't going to kill him. But Roxy knew what he was doing - going to the farm to see if he could help out there. Cass was always busy and he knew his way around a farm and animals. There were things he could do, surely. As he figured, he found her in the stables and knocked on the door before stepping in. "Hey," he greeted, "Please tell me you got some easy work for me to do."
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spiderz0mbie · 1 year
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@overclocks sent 🖤. - accepting (bold what applies)
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat ( really depends on the situation ) / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other (tony can be mean sometimes but it's all in good fun. ) / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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s4no · 5 months
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001. #CASSMA: cass + hanma shuji
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+ trope: good girl x bad boy + favorite pet name: "little dove" // "bambi" + ship song: the summoning by sleep token.
002. #CASSICHIRO: cass + shinichiro sano
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+ trope: childhood best friends to lovers + favorite pet name: "princess" + ship song: give my all to you by hxnry.
003. #CAZU: cass + sanzu haruchiyo
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+ trope: strangers to lovers + favorite pet name: "angel" + ship song: the color violet by tory lanez.
004. #CASRAN: cass + ran haitani
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+ trope: sugar daddy + favorite pet name: "little one" + ship song: all mine by brent faiyaz.
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vigilantaes · 2 years
BATGIRL 02        🞂     SUB - FOLDER:  NOTES      🞂     002.
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and here’s another series of small headcanons that i’ll elaborate on in a future bigger headcanon but i think are worth noting now
i write cass as undiagnosed autistic with c-ptsd. as much as i love wf.a, i doubt that they put her into any kinda therapy. this might change if i plot with some bats or alfreds but in the meantime i just don’t think that’s realistic for the dynamic.
relationships, platonic and romantic, are a rocky road for her. 
again with w.fa - love it, but i don’t see everyone getting along with cass as well as they do in the webtoon. she canonically has a lot of realistic tension, distance, and conflict with most of the bat network that she’s interacted with. i thnk it’s an injustice to her character if i just sweep that under the rug because while a lot of it is unfair to cass, it makes sense when you look at it from each character’s pespective. again, this is subject to change with plots but my baseline is that she’s not super close with the others. 
romantic stuff kinda squicks her out before she gets into one with @lightnlasso​ ‘s cassie. her main exposures to the topic were a bunch of men flirting with her which made her uncomfortable since she had barely any exposure to that sort of thing. her extensive knowledge of body language told her that they were interested in her and not in a way that she liked even if she didn’t fully understand it. 
making her a lesbian explains some of that discomfort ^ but yaknow. 
my main point here is that i dont believe cass is unshippable by any means, but she has a lot of trouble starting and maintaining relationships unless the person is very compatible and patient with her due to her past. i’ve seen it a lot in peoples fan content for her that she’s too ‘baby’ or ‘broken’ for that and i disagree completely. cass is literally jason’s age so she’s not a child and people with mental disorders and trauma deserve love as much as anybody else. i wanted to point this out so that it’s known that while my main focus IS platonic/familial/etc. dynamics, it’s not because she can’t be shipped. it’s just cuz i’m single ship with kat <3 LOL
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reiningsoral · 6 months
modern fantasy world masterpost
Basic info
infodump on baseline info
Lore drops
plant magic lore drop
keir's tattoo
diary entry 001
demon lore
diary entry 002
OCs and art
keir x x
demon oc (unnamed)
Demon boi
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marvelslegacies · 2 years
Cass | Open Starter | 002
"I don't really care to talk about that with you." Cass had emphasized with you as if to imply that he might talk about it with someone else. He was hoping to redirect the conversation to something lighter, an easier subject for him to engage in. Hearing his own words, he realized the way he must have come across and frowned. "I mean, I'd just rather not talk about that subject. For... personal reasons."
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It felt worse to be vulnerable but Cass knew he had to be vulnerable in order to change. Surprisingly, none of these bad feelings came from the other person, they only came from within. This told Cass that the other person hadn't been the slightest bit offended or hurt by his brash comments. How nice. It helped to put his mind at ease.
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magneticmaya · 4 years
Bottle Service || Cass & Maya
“Cassiel!” Maya calls out, her voice a little giddy even as it echos through their large drawing room. Their house was empty for once on a Saturday night-she’d thrown a fit and kicked everyone out a few hours ago and it had greatly lifted her mood. Though the vodka she had unearthed had helped too.
“Come in hereeee” She thrills, mixing her third Moscow Mule-the trick was light on the ginger ale and heavy on the liquor. Her face lights up-her cheeks hot as she smiles-when her husband enters the room.
“I made you a drink, my love.”
She slides it across the bar pointedly, running her hands through her braids and smiling at him again. 
“Consider it an apology for...what did you call it? My Cuntess Supreme behavior?”
She takes a sip of the drink exaggeratedly.
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“And it’s not poisoned, so you know I mean it.”
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aleksanderbrookes · 4 years
Needless to say Alex hadn’t been expecting so much to happen so quickly after his arrival to Edens Town. Was he complaining? He had no idea. It didn’t matter. He hadn’t slept with Paloma, and whatever was between them was over. Christ, what was wrong with him? He had gotten out of a six-year long relationship less than a month ago and he had almost slept with Cass’s friend. This wasn’t like him and he hated it. Was it Paloma or himself? A mix of the two? It wasn’t something he felt he could talk about with Cass, and everyone else he was close with was a good 2 day drive away. Even if he couldn’t have an in depth discussion, he felt Cass deserved to know what had happened, at least his own side of the story. He had no idea if Paloma had told her about things. In the kitchen to grab something to eat after some time in the stables, Alex ran a hand through his hair and turned around to find his sister. “Hey,” he greeted, giving her a small smile. “Day been okay so far?” It was a stupid question, but maybe a little small talk would be best before he mentioned anything to do with Paloma.
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snowsurvive-a · 3 years
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐍     :     @hellesfeuer​     :     main  47
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𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐎𝐄𝐒𝐍'𝐓 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐅 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐄 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒' 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄.     she’d  never  really  been  around  anyone  younger  than  herself . . . ever ,  really ,  not  for  any  extended  period  of  time .     such  is  what  comes  with  being  the  youngest  in  a  large  family ,  such  is  what  comes  from  being  removed  from  reality  for  years  of  her  life .     that ,  perhaps ,  she  and  the  three  of  them  have  in  common  --  perhaps  cassandra’s  only  saving  grace  is  that  percy  and  his  friends  were  more  skilled ,  far  stronger  than  she  was .     she  sees  the  red  hair  as  she  enters  the  library ,  pausing  for  a  moment  before  entering  the  room  fully .     she  hadn’t  necessarily  been  looking  for  any  of  them ,  but . . . she  won’t  leave  without  at  least  being  a  good  host .     she  makes  certain  that  her  footsteps  can  be  heard  as  she  draws  slightly  nearer ,  not  wanting  to  surprise  him  if  she  can  avoid  it .          “ are  you . . . enjoying  the  library ,   bren ? ”
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alexwilsxn · 5 years
It was strange, having the morning off. However since Alex offered, Cass didn’t want to make him feel like she was looming over him all morning, so she puttered around the house for several hours, cleaning up from breakfast and doing random cleaning.Thankfully she knew Cassidy was supposed to be coming over for another bit of a lesson today, so around noon she headed out to the stables, figuring the blonde would be showing up soon.
Cassidy’s vehicle wasn’t in the drive, so Cass figured she hadn’t shown up yet. Which is why she stutter stepped walking into the stables, seeing both her brother and Cassidy in a conversation. And damn, did Cassidy look flustered. Stepping in to save her friend, she moved up next to Alex with a grin. “Hey girl! I see you’ve kind of sort of met my brother, but let me just make it all official. Cassidy, this is Alex - the youngest of the brat pack of boys. Alex, this is my good friendand stellar veterinarian, Cassidy. She’s been taking some lessons from me and let me tell you, she is a natural when it comes to riding.” Okay, so maybe she was talking up her friend, but it was all true. Cass was just adding a few extra adjectives here and there to pique her brother’s interest.
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As soon as she heard Alex’s voice, even before he fully came into sight, Cassidy froze. Crap crap crap crap crap. This had definitely not been part of the plan. But there he was, smiling that million dollar smile at her without a single fuck given about her plan. It was rude how handsome he was, she had certainly never given him permission to make her weak in the knees with those eyes. Very very rude. What was he doing here anyway? She’d never seen him here before. This wasn’t how things worked. He didn’t come here and look like that and give her feelings. The blonde shook her head just slightly at the thought. It really was very rude. 
Very slowly Cassidy processed the actual words coming out of his mouth. He seemed to genuinely care about her well being-again, rude, and that he expected Cass was around here somewhere. Too bad she hadn’t been here now so that none of this had happened. But before Cassidy could even open her mouth to respond, in waltzed Cass with a massive grin on her face. Seeing the brunette next to Alex it was a wonder she hadn’t put together their familial relationship that second she first saw him. It seemed so obvious when they were side by side. Cassidy’s stomach turned slightly as Cass spoke, half from guilt and half from the physical repercussions of having gotten drunk last night. Oh, she sort of knew Alex alright. And she’d sort of seen him half naked before. It was all sort of awkward, in that it was actually extremely , incredibly awkward. 
Very halfheartedly, Cassidy extended a hand for Alex to shake. This all felt so bizarre, like they had started at the very end of the intimacy food chain and were now reverting back to the very start. “Hi. It’s um, it’s nice to meet you.” She placed a heavy emphasis on meet hoping that Alex would just follow along and not reveal the details of last night.
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Before Cassidy could reply, Cass was walking into the stables and introducing him. Cassidy then put out her hand for Alex to shake and said it was ‘nice to meet him’. This made Alex more confused than ever. Still, he knew a little more about Cassidy now. She was a good friend of Cass’s, apparently, and a veterinarian. Attractive and an animal lover? It would be nearly impossible for Alex not to have some sort of feelings for her (plus the whole not-hook up), but he still couldn’t get a read on her. There was the whole deal with her running off all that time ago, and then her freak out over Cass not finding out about them. He couldn’t tell if she liked him or not. She had complimented him several times, kissed him, drunk flirted with him. On that alone Alex would guess that she liked him, but the fact was that she had run away. Twice. He didn’t really know what to think about that. What he needed was an excuse to talk to her alone, but there didn’t seem to be any way to do that. At least immediately.
Despite his confusion, Alex took her hand and gave it a firm shake. “Pleasure’s all mine. Sounds like you’re quite the rider. I was just finishing up the morning chores, but I’m sure we’ll be able to fix two of the horses up for riding quick enough,” he said, giving Cassidy another impish grin. “If you tell me what horses you’re riding I can get them ready for you both. Or will it just be Cassidy riding today?”
/ @cassandraxwilson· @dr-cassidy-jacks·
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trickrydomain · 3 years
i love you, i’ve always loved you, i will always love you .      it's  commitment ,  it's  devotion ,  it  goes  often  without  saying ,  but  is  felt  nonetheless .     it's  accepting  that  you  would  travel  to  hell  and  back  for  them  if  they  asked  and  knowing  that  they  would  do  the  same  for  you .     it's  an  old  ache ,  long  after  they've  burrowed  deep  into  your  chest  and  settled  there  like  a  weight  –  grounding ,  an  anchor  point .     even  when  you're  apart ,  you  can  still  feel  the  shape  of  them ,  it's  like  phantom  pain .     neither  of  you  can  help  but  succumb  to  the  other's  gravity ,  yet  neither  of  you  fear  the  collision .     it  means  that  you  trust  them ,  that  they  make  you  feel  safe ,  that  they  feel  like  home .
tagged by @snowsurvive​
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spiderz0mbie · 9 months
Red flag: She's keeping some secret, and worse, she has perpetually cold hands!
Green flag: She's someone resilient, willing to try to see the good in people
𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠 / 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭
ㅤi hate to break it to you, EVERY PART OF HER IS COLD. except her heart. warm heart, cold body (poetry or whatever). it is kinda messed up how she keeps secrets from her closest friends. but, understandably . . . harry is a different case entirely.
ㅤher heart is just too damn big. she believes in second chances. especially when she knows that their circumstance influenced the perpetrator's actions. that does lead into eventual frustration when people fall back into bad habits despite receiving extensive help.
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gothealed · 4 years
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          “   why’s the rum always gone ?   ”
@irnmaidn​ liked   -   pirates of the caribbean !
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shemoon · 4 years
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       THERE’S SOME KIND OF BUZZ IN THE AIR,             swept  in  fresh  by  the  arrival  of  the  avatar  and  his  friends.        yue  knows  more  about  it  than  she  lets  on,    cheeks  red  as  she  carefully  braids  her  hair,   careful  to  avoid  her  dear  handmaiden’s  suspicious  gaze.      ❛     why  are  you  looking  at  me  like  i  have  a  secret,   cass  ?     ❜           it’s  a  cloaked  plea,    a  slight  nudge  that    BEGS    cassandra  to  ask  her  just  what  she’s  getting  so  gussied  up  for     (  because  it  definitely  isn’t  bed.   ).       the  southern  warrior’s  name  dances  around  in  her  head,    making  her  laugh  at  absolutely  nothing    ;    everything  is  pure  bliss.      yue  throws  one  finished  braid  over  her  shoulder,    sighing  deep  and  grinning  wide  as  she  catches  cass’   eye  once  again.     ❛    it’s  a   BEAUTIFUL   night  for  a  walk,   don’t  you  think  ?     ❜  
@gloryreign​​ .   /    LIKED FOR A STARTER.
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youthfulncss · 5 years
@cassandraverge​ // Creating reoccurring instances of meeting a person was not a hard thing, technically, for Gertrude. She arranged them all the time. She liked the methods and madness and strategic planning that went into things like mapping out patterns and locations. She was the best sort of stalker-crazy, which made her the worst sort of person. That, plus every other horrid sin she’d committed. She gave no care for hell. But mostly because she’d try to outrun it as much as she could. But back to the matter at hand.
Gertrude was fantastic at mapping out the moves of friends and foes. And most of it was for keen observational habit. But one person, in particular, eluded her at the right times. Unpredictable, but she shouldn’t be. Or maybe that was because it took Gertrude so long to track her down. 
Cassandra Verge moved around the city doing the important things she was meant to do working with children’s books and two doe-eyed but world-weary peers that seemed to both adore her but grate on her. 
Anyways, Gertrude was finally able to orchestrate three meetings in the past week. Run-ins. She was glad for the school being out on fall holiday, even if it did mean that more kids ran around the city streets, which was a nuisance to Gertrude. Once at a coffee place, in passing. Once locking eyes, intense eyes that seemed to match tone emotionally but not in terms of hue. And now.
This time, Gertrude was able to arrange a run-in at a bookstore. She figured Cass had to do it for at least some research in the book industry. But Gertrude was able to catch Cass at a moment now, over by the new releases of watercolour-themed animal stories. 
“Oh, it’s you, isn’t it? I’ve seen you around a lot lately,” Gertrude says, having reached for a book that Cass was looking at, Gertrude’s face becoming a thing of surprise. “Were you going to look at this... Songbird book? Lovely art, I think.”
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