#cassian x reaader
witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧, 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝  𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑠
● Okay, okay okay. Hear me out - I see Rhysand, Cass and Az as men of colour. And to me Cassian is this big, bountiful, ball of energy. 
● I really do think Roman Reigns is the best choice for Cass - I really don’t think anyone can change my mind. 
● He has the energy, he is able to enthral an audience and he can play someone heroic so easily. 
● He can balance the good / bad aspects of the character - he’s goddamn attractive too. 
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starfirette · 3 years
acotar boys as boyfriends
GENDER NEUTRAL READER | I'll do a girlfriend version soon!! requests are temporarily closed | masterlist
there are no words to describe the love I feel for Lucien. Lucien is a very affectionate boyfriend. He's loving and caring beyond measure. His love languages are quality time and probably words of affirmation. However, he has no problem engaging in the love languages for his s/o. He's a thoughtful gift giver; whatever he's choosing for you is given so much thought. He wants everything to mean something!
a boyfriend that lives to spoil his s/o. Gift giving galore. Rhysand responds to physical touch very well. He's massively touchy and loves to cuddle. He prefers to share a bed with his s/o! Probably, at one point or another, gets matching pajamas for you both. He's insanely protective, but on the low key side. If you get annoyed with the protective-ness/possessive-ness, then he's going to totally tone it down. in front of you, that is. but when you're not around, he's definitely venting to his friends. he has such a high amount of respect for you. definitely the kind of partner who considers his s/o an equal.
a possessive boyfriend!! Cassian always wants to be touching in one way or another. Likely to start fights with other males over something as simple as them checking you out. As for his love languages, he'd probably prefer acts of services and quality time! Will always love to gossip with you. Date nights are a must!!! He celebrates minuscule things: one month, three month anniversaries. after fifty months (bitch he keeps track) he'll celebrate with a jubilee. these celebrations are always the way you prefer to celebrate. if you're a low key, introvert, then it's an intimate affair. if you like to party, then hell, he'll rent out an entire venue; he'll throw a goddamn parade. Citizens of Velaris have no clue what's going on but it's fun! Cassian is pretty considerate of your emotions, so like I said, these celebrations are always in your sense of style. He's prepared to tell anyone who will listen that you and he are dating.
THE MOST LOVING AND CARING BOYFRIEND YOU'VE EVER HAD!!!! Azriel's very attentive of your feelings. Acts of service and physical touch is a must. It can be as simple as giving him a massage!!! Always wants to sit next to you :(((((( if you aren't sitting next to him, if you aren't somehow touching him, if you're body is so much as facing another cardinal direction, then he's immediately worried that something's wrong. when it comes to his s/o, he has a lot of patience: that can be good or bad, so please, don't mistreat him.
like Rhys, Helion is the type to spoil his s/o. he'll mostly spend money on his s/o and show his love through words of affirmation. when he loves, he loves very deeply. he can be intense. it's the sort of intensity that makes your stomach lurch with that butterfly feeling.
similar to Helion and Azriel, Varian is super intense and very devoted to his s/o. shows love through acts of service and quality time. he'll do anything he can for you, even if it's to make your daily life easier. be it making you dinner or crossing Courts, he'll do it. ultimately very possessive, but he's super low key about it. He expresses his possesion/jealousy to you in private and it's kinda super hot af. He's a little more submissive *get your mind out of the fucking gutter* in the sense that he follows your lead
oh god. Tamlin is a bit of a clingy boyfriend. He has a difficult time distinguishing independence with co-dependence. He wants you to share everything with him; but, on that note, he's not always willing to share everything with you. He's very tense. He's got a lot on his mind. Help him out every once in a while. Acts of service and physical touch is a must. Ultimately, Tamlin wants to keep you safe. He will do anything to keep you safe! Tread carefully with this male.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
BY THE MOON - reader x cassian x azriel - reader is kidnapped and hypothermic when azriel and cassian save (them)
The chains stung, and felt as if they were cutting deep into your wrists. After another hour of walking, it felt like your bones themselves had turned to the same ice that lay below you. The ice that had gotten you caught in the first place. 
Still, even with your struggling steps, they marched you. On and on and on, unrelenting in their pace. And when you couldn’t keep up, you’d be yanked on, drawing slow blood from your handcuffs. That or you’d be prodded in the feet, or back of the legs. Their horses tramped on as if you were nothing more than brush to them. 
Cassian was nearly at his wits end with his brothers. Azriel merely sulked over the rejection Rhys had given them. He had refused three days in a row to allow anyone to search for you. He insisted that it would risk the entire mission and was so supremely sure that you were fine. The high lord’s confidence did not make either of his brothers feel any better. They each had their own deep, sickening feeling of despair in their stomachs. 
Cassian came to Azriel’s room on that third night, wearing his armor over his layered clothes. Azriel grinned wide at his brother, and quickly got dressed in a similar fashion. The Winter court held no mercy for its own people, let alone unwelcome visitors. Despite the thrill of disobeying direct orders, the unease and tension still kept his muscles taut, like a bow ready to launch it’s arrow.��
Illyrian wings were suited well for the cold, their extra layers of leathery skin were built for it. But Illyria’s winters were not as harsh as Winter Court’s cold storms. Even Azriel’s hulking wings quivered when he landed. The craggy rocks they landed atop were the only things they could see in the night. The moon did not shine through the dark clouds like it would have at home. 
“I’ll take first watch.” Azriel muttered. Cassian didn’t need much time falling asleep, curled inside a small indent in the stone, he made it as comfortable as he could. He pushed his wings out, folded them over as much of his body as he could, and slept with his head propped up by his arms. 
Azriel sat in the cold, whipping wind until dawn began to lighten the clouds. Cassian woke reluctantly, ice matted to his long hair. 
The males that guided you were not from the Winter Court, it seemed. They were ill prepared for the storm that swept through the icy valley, and seemed to panic when they realised just how dangerous it was. Two males were left for dead when they had collapsed, shivering from the cold. The horses kept on pulling, even when their manes froze over, and ice weighed their lashes. 
The five males remaining brought you to a deep cave that offered refuge. They shoved you to the corner, leaving one with an axe to watch you while the others struggled to start a fire. They argued, and shook as they did. Eventually, they had it going though. They used ancient driftwood from deep in the back of the cave as fuel. 
“We’ll move as soon as we can. Anyone touches ‘em and I’ll end them myself.” The bearded one said, toying with a knife. The others looked to you, unease spread through your stomach. Your cheeks flushed warm, tingling with the contrast of the cold. You wished you could hide, to disappear from those piercing eyes. The attention was never liked, even though you had been raised in the light of it. 
Ball after ball, after meeting after escorted walks through the dawn court gardens, every royal that bowed to you seemed to make your shyness worse. You often wished to blend in with the rest of the merchants, the traders that sold their goods on the street to weary travelers from sea or from the bordering courts. They were often ignored. Yet whenever you entered those market alleyways, nearly all stopped to kneel before you. 
A sorcerer fae, one expected to be so powerful that Royals from even the continent courted you. You hadn’t been fifteen when your parents were taken from you, after they refused to allow you to be taken to the continent to train with other sorcerers. Magic conjurers, all of them the same it seemed. Since their disappearance, you had been running. Finding solace in the wild, or undercover in small towns outside court lead cities. 
It had worked so far. You never expected to be taken notice of, especially by anyone from the continent. None of them should have recognized you, and their clipped accents were distinct enough to narrow they were from the southern region. Someone must have told them, or given them a mighty reward to find you. 
And with how delicately carved the chains and cuffs that bound you were, whoever sent them had more than enough money to spare. The intricate carvings, spells and wards that would keep you from using any of your power were etched into the edges, the flat parts of the chain. They even faintly glowed with some sort of shield. Whoever had hired them was afraid, intimidated. 
Tears stung your eyes, despair coiling in your bones. You would either die here, or be sent to a rich royal out for your blood, or power.  The reality of it sunk in at the same time the aching in your feet did. They had been so numb that you’d completely forgotten about them. Their deep blue color was something you couldn’t bother to worry about now.
Your stomach squeezed with hunger, aching for anything to fill it. You hoped they didn’t hear it. Laying down, you watched the fire’s light flicker on the ceiling, letting the aching in your bones fade to nothing.
Wings cutting through the air, the two brothers flew with enough speed to bring tears to their eyes. Even through their siphon shields deflecting most of it. They spread away from each other, able to look over more land area with their cross searching. The sea wasn’t far off, and the mist tainted the air with it’s salty taste. 
“Here.” Azriel called, the wind carrying his voice up to Cass. He was already diving, heading to the wobbly line in the snow below. Heat flooded through chests, as if they were the same being. As if they shared a body and mind, they raced far below and followed the lone trail.
Crashing stone and screaming woke you. At first, you thought it was the howling of the wind through the cracks in the cave. But as reality came to life, as awakeness crashed into you, and as the blood melted the snow dusting the inside of the cave, you realized that it was the males that had taken you. 
Cassian laid waste to each one that tried to get a hit on him with ease. Azriel didn’t even need to touch the ones that he took. His shadows did all the work for him, quick and unforgiving as they sliced through each one of them. 
They died quickly, without much effort from the Illyrians. Calculated, and brutal, they both took in the environment before rushing to you. You stood, but only out of adrenaline fueled fear. CAssian’s pale features scared you more than anything. It made you curious what exactly you must have looked like to them. Az’s slightly paler skin didn’t reveal anything, not a drop of blood had landed on him. Yet his eyes unnerved you, wondered what the hell was so wrong that even he worried. 
You understood when Cassian wrapped his arm around you. The melting heat of his touch brought a groan to your lips. Your hands went to his side, attempting to warm yourself with the familiar spaces that had done so before. Only before, it had never been this crucial. “Lay down, it’s alright.” He shushed you, guiding you back into Azriel’s waiting arms. They cradled you together, guiding you down onto the flimsy blanket you had been laying on for the night. 
Once their body heat began setting in, your shivering began. And it did not stop. 
Az wished he could speak mind to mind like Rhys could. Wished to the mother that he could make Cassian fly for help. But knowing his brother, that was as likely as Azriel’s leaving was. With the chains around you, it was impossible to have Azriel shadowstep you anywhere. If he were to go alone, it would take several hours of flying and shadow walking just to get back to Velaris. They were stuck. 
Eventually, your tooth chattering stopped long enough for you to sleep. And to allow the Illyrians to speak. “You’re sure there was no key?” Azriel grumbled quietly. The glare Cassian shot him was answer enough. He looked down to your smushed cheek against his bicep, and smiled slightly.
Azriel sighed, and traced a finger over your chains. They stung where he pressed, and he winced. “We need to get these off so we can go.” 
“It can wait. We need to warm up first, and there’s another stormfront coming in anyway. We wouldn’t be able to fly in that.” Cassian hissed back. 
“How-” Azriel began, but let it drop. He could feel it as well, the electric feeling that charged the air around them. The cave quieted, only the sound of your soft snores filling the air. Azriel’s eyes began fluttering, his arms loosening around you. 
“Rest, I have first watch.” Cassian ordered. His brother followed the order reluctantly, rage still gripping him from the thought of why he was here in the first place. 
Cassian could still smell the blood in the air while the cool wind blew in. It tainted the salty air with a copper scent, and give him flashbacks to battling in the Summer court centuries ago. He prayed to the mother he’d never have to fight like that again. Suffocating in his own armor from the heat of it, the smell of bodies and fish in the air. He shuddered thinking about it. 
Shifting from his movement, you snuggled closer to him. His heart raced, eyes tracing the line of your lips and the way your hair fell. Perfection. Such beauty was foregin to him. He had never felt such a pull to anyone in his lifetime. Sharing that love of you with Azriel wasn’t a bad thing, if anything it helped stabilize him. Helped him keep his head straight when regarding you around other males. 
If Azriel was flame, Cassian was water. And you were the wind that flowed with both, for better or worse. It was natural, even if Madja had claimed that a double mate was nearly unheard of. It felt different than the regular mating bond, from what they could tell. It wasn’t crazed and pathetic, it was pride and unconditional acceptance of each other. It was as natural as either of them had ever felt. 
And it made the nights fun, being able to fulfill any request you had. 
He shut down that thought quickly, feeling heat pool. He did pull you trighter to his chest, though. Azriel’s arms pressed against his, and they molded around you like a blanket. Waiting out the night until warmth, or their high lord came to skin them for disobeying orders. 
It would be worth it, to know you were safe. To enjoy this moment with you, and his best friend.
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