#castle thomas jane jacket
bookmaven · 8 months
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THE CASTLE OF IRON by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt. (New York: Gnome Press, 1950). [Harold Shea] Dust jacket illustration by Hannes Bok.
Originally published as a 35,000 word novella in Unknown, this story is set in a parallel universe where magic works. It is the third story (and second volume) in the Harold Shea series.
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Unknown, April 1941. Edited by John W. Campbell.
THE CASTLE OF IRON by Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt. Illustrated by Edd Cartier
“They” by Robert A. Heinlein. Illustrated by Charles Schneeman
“Over the River” by P. Schuyler Miller. Illustrated by Edd Cartier
“The Haunt” by Theodore Sturgeon. Illustrated by R. Isip
“A Length of Rope” by Chester S. Geier. Illustrated by Edd Cartier
“The Forbidden Trail” by Jane Rice. Illustrated by Edd Cartier
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THE CASTLE OF IRON (New York: Pyramid, 1962) Cover by Ed Emshwiller // THE COMPLETE ENCHANTER (Garden City: Nelson Doubleday, 1975) Cover by D.K. Stone.
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THE COMPLEAT ENCHANTER (New York: del Rey, 1976) Cover by the Hildebrandt Brothers.// THE CASTLE OF IRON (London: Sphere, 1979) Cover by Peter Jones.
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THE COMPLETE COMPLEAT ENCHANTER (New York: Baen, 1989) Cover by Thomas Kidd // THE COMPLEAT ENCHANTER (London: Gollancz, 2000 ) Cover by Edd Cartier.
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lizakatherineblog · 7 years
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Punisher Skull Frank Castle Thomas Jane Biker Cordura Jacket
Punisher jacket is worn by frank castle in famous TV Drama "The Punisher" this punisher skull embosed is a symbolic attire of Frank Castle who was taking the revenge.
Shop Now: The Jasperz
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Anything But Mine - The Wedding
A/N This was highly requested as a blurb but it needed it’s own full post as it is almost 5k words and it holds a special place in my heart <3
Note: Daniel and Florence’s wedding song is Blessed by Thomas Rhett. Please click the link and give it a listen because it speaks absolute volumes to their relationship and it’s so special to them!
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Saturday, October 14th, 2023
Daniel was always good at finding instruments to play in the strangest of places. This morning in particular, at around noon, he found himself in the upstairs hallway of the old historical castle, his fingers dancing delicately over the keys of the grand piano, filling the stone building with a soft melody. He was dressed in a full suit and tie, ironed and styled to perfection down to his shiny black dress shoes, his dark hair combed and styled in a soft part and hair sprayed enough for it to stay put for the rest of the day and then some. A gentle smile was playing at his lips, his blue eyes seeming to catch the warm light of the midday sun that was spilling through the stained glassed window beside him and streaking across the old wooden floors.
Footsteps sounded down the hall and Daniel glanced up to see Corbyn headed towards him.
“I can never lose you. I just have to follow the music.” his best friend tisked, making Daniel crack a goofy grin as he played on. Corbyn leaned over the side of the piano, trying carefully not to crease his own suit. He simply watched him play for a little longer before Daniel dropped his hands to his lap. The final notes died out slowly, echoing off the old stone walls of the castle.
“How are you feeling?” Corbyn asked.
“Antsy.” Daniel said lightly, his leg bouncing restlessly off the side of the bench he sat on. He let his gaze drift out the stained-glass window, the brightly coloured fall trees filling the streets below them making the city seem a bit warmer. “What time is it?”
Corbyn glanced at his watch, “12:10. You still have two hours.”
Daniel sighed deeply, turning back to his friend, “I don’t think I can wait that long, bro.”
“Well you gotta. The girls are still getting ready.” Corbyn chuckled. “But your flower girls are demanding to see you. That’s why I’m up here.”
At simply the mention of his daughters, Daniel broke into a grin and he got up from the piano to start towards the stairs.
“They’re in our room with the guys.” Corbyn said, following him down the spiral staircase. Daniel seemed to navigate the winding corridors with ease – probably since he couldn’t stand still since he finished getting ready at 10:30 that morning – and he got back to their room with Corbyn a mess of confusion behind him.
The rest of their friend group were still in there hanging out after finishing getting ready along with Daniel’s two brothers and his dad. Clementine and Penelope were in the center of the room, demanding all of the attention from the men in their knee length light pink dresses and white stockings, looking no less than the cutest girls anyone had ever seen.
“My girls.” Daniel smiled, as he walked inside, bending down to their height as they rushed over to hug him. “You two look absolutely gorgeous.”
He tugged lightly at the brushed-out ringlets in their hair.
“We got makeup, Daddy!” Clementine beamed, pointing to her eyes where, sure enough, a thin coat of sparkly eye shadow and mascara framed each pair of bright blue eyes.
“Well, aren’t you two all grown up.” Daniel chuckled.
“Just a little.” Penelope said as if to reassure him.
“Yeah.” Clementine agreed with her younger sister. “Mommy said okay but just a little and Auntie Anna helped do it.”
“It looks very pretty.” Daniel said, looking between his two beaming daughters. He stood up from the ground and picked up Penelope to set on his hip and right away she leaned on his shoulder. “What did you need to see me for?”
“Oh!” Clementine ran across the room to the coffee table set up in the corner and she grabbed something from it before running back over to him. She held up a small envelope. “Mommy wanted me to give you this. It was a special mission. Only I could do it.”
“Sounds important.” Daniel smiled, taking it from her with his free hand that wasn’t holding the three-year-old. “Do you want another special mission, Miss Clementine?”
“Yes!” she squealed.
Daniel gave Penelope the envelope to hold so he could reach into his inside jacket pocket to pull out his own letter. He passed it down to the young girl who beamed at the sight of it as she held it in her two hands.
“Make sure Mommy gets this. No one else, okay?” Daniel instructed.
“Yessir!” Clementine nodded before running out of the room. The quick clicks of her Mary Janes could be heard disappearing down the hallway.
Daniel looked to Penelope in his arms, as he took the envelope back from her tiny grip, “You want to go with your sister?”
Her little head shake made him smile and he pressed a kiss to her head as she wrapped her arms around his neck and cuddled into him. He told the room that he would be right back before he walked out again, his youngest falling asleep on his shoulder. Penelope seemed to be a sense of calm to him as walking down the hallway felt so much easier with her.
Daniel found a small bench over-looking the garden below and he sat down, leaning against the wall so Penelope could still nap comfortably against him. He kept his arms on either side of the sleeping child to make sure she wouldn’t fall as he held the small white envelope in his hands, the contents inside personally written from the bride.
His name always looked so much nicer when it was written by her.
When he turned it over, a soft pink lipstick mark was pressed to the seal and he smiled at the sight of her sitting by the window over looking the castle gardens in a long white dress and pressing a kiss to that very envelope. He could almost hear her soft giggle at her own ridiculousness.
Daniel slid his finger along the seal in order to pull out the small sheet of cardstock. The black ink scrawled crisply over the high-end parchment and he held it carefully in his two hands as if he was holding priceless artwork.
Penelope shifted against his shoulder and he set one hand on her back securely as he began reading.
My dearest Daniel,
How long has it been that we’ve awaited this day? It already feels like a lifetime. Every day spent with you brings so much brightness to my world and I truly cannot imagine a life without you by my side. You have always been my confidant, my protector, my best friend, and my one true love. You live so passionately yet carefully, thinking through every action before doing and always putting everyone else before you. Especially our girls. Clementine and Penelope are so blessed to be able to call you their father, and I am even more blessed to soon be able to call you my husband. It still sounds so surreal. We’ve been awaiting this day for exactly 5 years now, even if we might not have known it at first. Every obstacle led us here, all the heartache, the tears, the laughter, and the late-night talks – and I wouldn’t change one thing. This is our story. It may have been five years in the making but it starts today.
I love you more than life itself, and I will every day forward.
Yours forever,
Clementine came skidding into the bridal suite, her dress shoes shrieking against the floor.
“Clementine Ophelia, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Florence tisked, holding out her arm to catch her rambunctious daughter running for her at top speed as she sat at the dressing table getting the finishing touches on her hair.
“I have an important message for you, Mommy!” Clementine said, bouncing on her toes as she held onto Florence’s white dress tightly with one fist, her other waving the envelope in her face.
“Thank you, angel.” Florence took it from her with a cheesy grin and gently pried her four-and-a-half-year old’s hand from her dress. “Now go sit with Uncle Callum and calm down, please.”
Clementine skipped across the room to Callum who was sitting on the couch with Daniel’s mum.
“What’s that?” Anna asked through a teasing smile, pinning the last bit of the soft white flower into her curls.
Florence grinned down at the letter in her hand, “You know what it is.”
“A love letter from my brother.” Anna sang softly as she picked up the hairspray. “Hold your breath.”
Florence closed her eyes gently and took a deep breath, holding the envelope safely against her chest as Anna sprayed at least half the can of hairspray onto her curls. The girls coughed a little together when she was finished, waving their hands in the air.
“Well, my dear, you look like an angel on earth.” Anna said proudly.
“Thank you so much.” Florence sighed, welcoming her soon to be sister-in-law into a hug.
“You’re most welcome. We’ll go downstairs to make sure everything is going smoothly…and you so can read your mushy letter.” Anna said, ushering everyone out of the room.
Florence took a small breath through her wide smile, catching her own eye in the mirror nearby. She hardly recognised herself…but in the best way. Anna really knew what she was doing. Her blonde hair fell in soft curls to her shoulder, side swept to the left with her bangs falling gracefully over her forehead. The white baby’s breath flowers tied her hair together and her light makeup smoothed out her skin perfectly. It was the type of makeover that Florence wasn’t a stranger to from her adolescent years, but the importance of that day had it meaning so much more.
She looked back down to the white envelope in her hand and smiled at the soft cursive of her name, ended with a small heart.
Florence opened the letter carefully, making sure to be cautious of her fresh manicure, and slid the small piece of cardstock out of the envelope. It was heavy in her hands and before she even read it, she felt tears prick at her eyes from the emotion of it all.
My Sweetheart,
We both know the story about how I was that love-sick teenager at the frat party, trying my best to hit on the most beautiful girl there and ultimately failing miserably after I accidentally spilled my entire drunken thoughts about how I was wanting to marry you one day. I bet you didn’t see that actually happening. I probably didn’t either to be honest. I still remember how you looked that night, almost like the image of you is ingrained in my memory forever. A shy young woman, clueless about where life was going to take her. I thank God every day that it took you to me. From the moment we first met, you have been the shining star guiding me wherever I go; saving me when I’m lost and being my biggest constellation when I succeed. Having you by my side through everything is the biggest reassurance and I truly don’t know where I would be without you. Thank you for not only blessing us with our two beautiful daughters, but also for being such a selfless and caring mother. Thank you for pushing me when I feel like giving up, and being able to let me come to you with anything, even if it’s as stupid as losing my keys over and over again. Thank you for saying yes, for promising to love me through all the hardships. Thank you for making me who I am. I’m honoured to soon be able to call you my wife.
It’s always been you.
All my love,
Daniel stood at the top of the stairs, biting anxiously at his bottom lip, watching all the guests below make their way into the conservatory for the ceremony.
“5 minutes.” Tyler said, coming up behind his youngest brother and set a hand on his shoulder, “How are we feeling?”
“Really freaking nervous for some reason.” Daniel mumbled, his voice shaking.
“You’re not facing your death, Dan.” Christian laughed, joining them by the stairs as well.
“I know, I know. What if I like…mess something up? Or like…cry in front of everyone.” Daniel sighed, looking back down the stairs at the hallway that now appeared empty, meaning all the guests were seated.
“That’s the whole point of a wedding. You’re doing it wrong if you don’t cry.” Christian scoffed, brushing his hands over his youngest brother’s shoulders, straightening out his suit.
“You look good, bro.” Tyler smiled.
“Boys, it’s time.” Keri called from the bottom of the stairs. “Tyler, Christian, get out there please.”
“Good luck.” Christian winked as the eldest brothers rushed down the stairs and into the conservatory.
“Ready, baby?” Keri asked, sensing Daniel’s hesitation from the flight of stairs that seperated them. Daniel nodded and walked down to her slowly. “You look so handsome.” She smiled at her youngest son, holding his face in her hands. “I’m so proud of you, you know?”
“Thanks, Mum.” Daniel whispered, smiling softly to the dark wood floors.
She linked her arm in his and they took a few steps towards the grand doorway into the white painted conservatory. The large domed skylight was built of stained glass and cast a soft glow around the room, the floor to ceiling windows framed with elaborate white paneling only adding to the sunlight seeping onto the cream checkered tile floor. Dark marble trim lined the conservatory, dotted with many foliage and led to the end of the aisle where the officiant stood in front of the fountain framed in white flowers.
Daniel and his mother took the two marble steps into the sun filled conservatory and all eyes turned to them. It wasn’t a large guest list. The young couple didn’t know many people, but the four steady rows were only filled with everyone in their lives. Daniel couldn’t bite back his wide grin, turning to look at his mother on his arm who smiled up at him proudly. When they reached the altar, he leaned down to kiss her cheek and she sat down in the front row with his father and two brothers. Christian and Tyler gave him two thumbs up, making him chuckle as he shuffled in place. His friends sat behind them, Jack throwing up a heart with his hands that made Jonah smack his arm and shake his head. Daniel stuck his tongue out at them teasingly regardless, his hands held together behind his back, tapping a finger against his palm restlessly. He kept his eyes focussed on the double doors a few metres away.
Barely a minute later – although it felt like an eternity – the band started to play and everyone in the room turned to look behind them.
Anna and Callum walked out first, arm in arm. Anna held a small white bouquet and had on a long light pink gown, matching to Callum’s bowtie over his black suit. When they reached the front, they seperated, Callum standing to the left and Anna finding her place beside Daniel, giving his arm a small squeeze on her way and they exchanged small smiles.
Clementine and Penelope were next, still dressed in their matching light pink dresses and white Mary Janes, sprinkling white rose petals from their wicker baskets as they walked down the aisle with wide grins. The room ‘awe’d at the little girls, Daniel smiling so proudly at his daughters. Penelope ran ahead to him and wrapped her arms around his legs shyly.
He brushed her dark curls from her face, whispering a gentle, “Go sit with Luke, Penny girl.” as he ushered her towards them. Clementine held out her hand and the sisters went to their seats with the Clifford’s.
The room shifted to their feet, everyone turning to the double doors as Florence and Michael stepped down the two small stairs into the conservatory. Daniel could have sworn his heart stopped beating at the sight of her in the long white ballgown, the lace accents sitting softly over her shoulders and the thin veil tucked securely into her blonde hair and falling effortlessly down her back. The moment she looked up at him, her light eyes finding his, Daniel couldn’t hold back his tears, pressing his hand to his mouth in awe by her. 
It was if nothing mattered anymore, not worrying about anything but the woman he loved dressed in white, walking towards their future. He couldn’t help but return her smile as he wiped the tears from his cheeks, her eyes already shimmering with tears herself as Michael pressed a kiss to her cheek and passed her over into Daniel’s outstretched hand.
“You look gorgeous.” Daniel whispered, his voice breaking a little as he tried to speak.
“So do you.” Florence chuckled lightly, taking a shaking breath as her other hand fell into his.
They stood together, hand in hand, in front of all their friends and family, as the officiant opened the wedding. Daniel couldn’t take his eyes off of her and Florence was just the same, giving his hands a soft squeeze.
After a quick prayer and introduction, the floor was passed to the bride first for her vows. She took a shaking breath, a small nervous whimper falling from her glossy lips and Daniel smiled at her reassuringly.
Florence met his strong gaze, running her thumbs over his as she spoke.
“Daniel James Seavey, five years ago to this day, I was nothing less than a confused 18-year-old, unsure of what my purpose in life was. I was really at my lowest point. But that goofy, slightly tipsy brunette boy sat himself down next to me and right away things started looking up. From that night onwards, you have taught me so many valuable lessons, from learning how to live joyously, trust honestly, and love passionately. It hasn’t been an easy five years, but I know that after all the tests we have been put through to get here, that our love can survive anything. Loving you is my greatest honour and I promise to love you more and more with each passing day as your wife,” Florence paused a moment, her bottom lip trembling as she held back her tears and her hands tightening on his, “and as your best friend. I promise to laugh with you and cry with you, and to never go to sleep angry. Even if you’re always waking me up in the middle of night when you get a burst of inspiration at 3am and you have to play a new song right then and there.”
The room laughed lightly.
Florence sniffled but continued, “It’s not going to be easy. At least that’s what everyone always told me. But for some reason, standing here with you right now, nothing but the strongest love in my heart, knowing that you’re by my side forever…nothing seems easier than that.”
Daniel cracked a small smile through his silent tears, mumbling a very quiet ‘I love you’ which she returned.
“I wrote mine down because you know I can’t keep my mind in one place.” Daniel said, reaching into his jacket pocket to pull out a small piece of paper. He unfolded it and took a shaking breath, taking a quick look at his bride and smiling, sliding one hand back into hers before turning back to his vows.
“Florence Margret DiCaprio. My sweetheart. My best friend. There seem to be so many words to describe what you mean to me but none that seem to be enough to truly encompass how I feel. I have been a boy in love since I first laid eyes on you and I knew, although quite naïve at the time, that life wouldn’t be quite worth living if you weren’t by my side. I made many stupid mistakes in my life, especially the first two years of knowing you, but you never gave up on me and you never held that against me. We make each other better people, better parents, and better life partners. I thank God every single day for bringing you into my life, for bringing our daughters into our lives, and for allowing me the chance to live the life that I only could ever dream about. I promise to work through life with you, to be there for you at your lowest at and to celebrate with you at your highest, to cherish you and our children through everything, and to write you so many songs that we could make our own record library.”
Daniel glanced up at her to meet her soft chuckle through her forming tears, her hand gently squeezing his.
He looked back down to his paper, gently rubbing his thumb over hers, he took a small breath, looking back at her as he spoke, “Most importantly, I promise to you love you honestly and truly, with all my heart, until my last breath.”
Florence let a few tears fall down her cheeks, her heart felling like it might beat right out of her chest. How she absolutely adored the man in front of her.
Clementine was ushered over with the little satchel with the rings and Daniel bent down to take them from her.
“Thank you, angel.” he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to her cheek before standing up again. She rushed back over to her seat with a grin on her little face.
Daniel stood back up, following the instructions of the minister. He took Florence’s left hand in his, carefully sliding the ring on her finger, saying “Take this ring as a sign of my everlasting love.”
The minister directed Florence to do the same. She smiled softly at Daniel before taking his left hand and slid on his own ring, “Take this ring as a sign of my everlasting love.”
Their hands fell into each other’s sharing excited smiles, hand in hand, as the minister said his closing remarks and blessings.
“I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss the bride.”
Daniel let out a quiet, “Oh my gosh” as he leaned in to kiss her. Florence’s hands went to the side of his neck to keep him close, smiling widely into it, as their friends and family applauded.
They whispered quick “I love yous” heard only to them before they were walking back down the aisle hand in hand.
Photographs were taken on the castle grounds under the trees that were changing colour into a frenzy of oranges and reds. Daniel felt like his smile would never leave his face, staying tucked up nice a close to Florence as if he never wanted to be more then two inches away from her for the rest of time. It was all a bit messy and a tad chaotic, the two young girls getting a bit restless and wanting to jump in the fallen leaves rather than pose for picture and Penelope fell over which got them a few good shots of her bawling her eyes out in Daniel’s arms, her tears staining his suit jacket. But even still, Daniel and Florence wouldn’t have had it any other way.
They still had their moment to walk into the library where their reception was, hand in hand, their small group of family and friends standing and cheering and Florence felt happier than she ever thought was possible in life. Daniel led her to the middle of the dancefloor as the lights dimmed to a soft glow and he pulled her close for their first dance. The music played through the speakers, filling the dark wood library with an indescribable warmth, their eyes on each other’s with Daniel’s hands tucked around her waist and Florence’s hands draped over his shoulders.
It was a love song that Daniel heard on the radio one day and it brought him to tears alone in his car on the way home from class, the words speaking volumes about the deep and unbreakable love he had for this girl, who had overcome so much with him, to find them in that exact moment.
He couldn’t help but lean in to kiss her softly, running his thumb softly over the lace of her dress, smiling as she curled into him, leaning her head on his shoulder as they swayed slowly to their favourite song. Daniel let his eyes close, trying to savour the feeling of that very moment, letting the lyrics fall quietly from his lips as he sang to her as if it was just the two of them. Florence moved back a little to look at him, their noses brushing a little, keeping her arms tucked around his shoulders, pressed up close as if they were one.
Of course, nothing was ever perfect, and Clementine managed to slink out of Christian’s lap and made a beeline for the dance floor, dodging his desperate lunge for her. Daniel reached out to grab her as she ran right for them, keeping one hand on Florence’s waist as he took her small hand in his own and she swayed dramatically to the music the best she could. Florence waved over Penelope who rushed over to them as well and joined into their little circle, spending more time with her arms held up to Daniel to get him to pick her up than anything. Daniel and Florence finished their first dance with their two daughters, Clementine twirling around her mother’s white ballgown and Penelope curled shyly into her father’s neck. They wouldn’t have had it any other way.
The rest of the evening was spent amongst their family and friends, eating their expensive dinner and thanking everyone for coming. Dancing occurred by evening and despite the loud music and lights, both Penelope and Clementine were fast asleep, the youngest tucked up on Christian’s lap with her head on his chest and the oldest sleeping against Callum’s shoulder. The brothers, Callum especially, was set on giving Florence and Daniel all the time together on their special day, meaning he was on toddler-duty all night. Christian didn’t complain in helping out either.
The newly married couple didn’t really get their one-on-one time until the reception came to an end and they were off for their honeymoon. Newly graduated from university and parents of two, all they could afford was a week at a ritzy hotel downtown which is where they found themselves that night. Not wanting to be apart for a moment longer; a bit tipsy from champagne from the wedding and a bit love-drunk, they made the impromptu decision to have a third baby, consummating their marriage in the soft white sheets of the hotel king size bed.
And for the rest of the week.
It was no surprise when they were met with two positive pregnancy tests come the end of November...
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kilyra · 6 years
Last Thing You Expected
Frank Castle (Punisher) One-Shot from prompt list
A/N: I received a request from Anon with prompts from List B: Angst/fluff Prompt List: 4 - "I thought things were going great", 70 - "After everything we've been through, you still don't think that I love you?" and 75 - "What did you expect?" and the scene suggestion of Frank coming back after a long disappearing act to find the reader pregnant or with a new baby. 
I went with a new baby, and I named him Thomas as kind of my nod to the Tom Jane Punisher, but in the story it’s mentioned the baby is named after someone and I left it vague so you choose - someone from reader or Frank’s side of the family :)
Warning: None it’s spoiler free but a bit on the long side.
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In the middle of the week, a soft late-evening knock at the door was the last thing you expected.
Until you looked through the peephole. Seeing Frank Castle standing on your step…that was the last thing you expected. Ever.
Moving back, your mind raced as you took slow, quiet steps away from the entrance. You had the light on in the living room, but people can just do that for safety, right? To look like someone's home? It didn't have to mean you were there…
He knocked again, a bit louder. “Hey, Y/n? I know you’re there, I can see your shadow moving.”
Stupid side window along the door frame. You knew you should have bought thicker curtains for it. 
“Y/n? Please, just open up. I…I brought flowers.”
Flowers? Seriously? Like that would fix everything? They would just make up for the fact that he disappeared for almost a year?
The deadbolt thudded loudly as you snapped it open. The curtains fluttered under the sudden, forceful motion of the swinging door. “Seriously, Frank? Flowers? And what are those going to do?”
Holding the beautiful bouquet ahead of him, his eyebrows rose and creased together. Offering a wistful smile, he shrugged slowly. “Get you to open the door?”
“Nice. You know, your key still works. Or did you lose that along with your phone?”
His raised eyebrows turned into a distinct wince but didn’t try to argue or defend himself. Smart choice. “Yeah, well didn’t want to assume.”
Snatching the flowers, you moved out of the doorway and waved him in. “I doubt you’re going to just go away when I actually want you to, so you may as well get inside.”
Nodding towards the kitchen, you guided him away from the front room, not giving him time to take off his boots or jacket. In the back of your mind, you noticed the sound of his heavy steps on your floors was comforting.
Ignoring that thought, you glanced at the front room as you passed – the playmat was still out with the floor mobile swinging above it. He didn’t seem to notice as he went into the kitchen, taking a seat at the table.
Sailing past him, you set the flowers down on the counter, hiding the baby bottle that was sitting out. Discreetly, you swept it into the sink before you started looking for a vase. 
Quietly, Frank watched you, a thoughtful expression settling on his face. Each movement with your hand drew his attention while you looked through your cupboards. Finally, he frowned. “Listen, Y/n, those can wait. Can we talk?”
“I want to get these in water. These can still be salvaged.” You scoffed as you found the vase. Refusing to look at him as you filled it with water, you did see his head drop towards his lap.
His sigh filled the room. “So that's it, huh? You let me in, but I don't get a chance to explain?”
“Well, what did you expect? You get to just waltz back in here and be greeted with open arms?" Pulling the wrapping off the flowers, you roughly stabbed them into the vase. Glaring at the arrangement, you immediately felt bad for how dishevelled it looked. Gritting your teeth, you started to fix them using a gentler touch.
Frank looked to the side, his eyes unfocusing as he stared off. At least you hoped that's all it was and that he didn't spot something. “Yeah, not open arms exactly but...I mean, you and me? I thought things were going great, and-”
Dropping your hands onto the counter with a slap, you stopped him. “Yeah! Me too. And then you tell me you have to go away for a bit which apparently means almost a year. With no contact whatsoever? I'm such an idiot, sitting there thinking you loved me and then that…”
Your voice trailed off and you didn't attempt to finish that thought.
Tilting his head back towards you, he narrowed his eyes. “Seriously? After everything we've been through, you still don't think that I love you?”
Getting to his feet, he took a cautious step towards you. "Y/n, really? That's the whole reason I left."
“Oh yeah? Well, that clears it up." Although you knew you needed to keep your voice down, it just kept rising.
Nodding, he ran his hand down his face, dragging it roughly over his skin and tugging on his chin. When he spoke, his voice was low and just shy of mumbling. “See...the thing is, Y/n…I had to go.”
“Oh you, had to.”
“Yes I did, I had to. Shit hit the fan in a big way. Shit from my past. And I couldn't just let that land on your doorstep. I had to make sure that trouble didn't find you when it was looking for me.” Spreading his hands apart, he finally dropped his arms at his sides as he watched you.
His big revelation wasn't surprising. It simply confirmed what you already suspected. When he first disappeared, you thought he would turn up after a few days and then the news came out of New York. It seemed like chaos, something Frank would be in the middle of. But once everything settled and he still didn't come home? Or even call? You didn't know what to think.
And then you had a more immediate problem to worry about.
“Yeah. Well, I saw the news and it had Castle written all over it. And then you still didn't come home, you didn't even call. I thought you were dead." You struggled to get the word out, your mouth suddenly running dry.
His eyes squeezed closed at the sound of your voice breaking like it was an involuntary reaction. "I know...I know, Y/n, I'm sorry. Things were more complicated than what landed on the news. Maybe I went off the deep end, but I couldn't risk anyone tracing anything back to me, back to you. I could never forgive myself if..."
Like yours, his throat seemed to clamp shut before he could finish his sentence. He took a step closer, coming around the end of the counter.
Closer to seeing the bottle in the sink. That snapped you back into it. He had to go.
“Stop, Frank, no. You need to leave,” you growled. Loudly.
Freezing, his eyes were wide as he stared at you, stunned by your sudden outburst.
Then, the sound was muffled, but you both heard the cry of a baby.
Frank's eyes stayed wide, but the confusion seemed to run deeper as his eyebrows furrowed.
Pursing your lips together until they were nothing but a tight line, you stared back at him.
“Is that...?” He let the question hang.
Blinking rapidly, you looked away. After going through all of it on your own, you swore you wouldn't let him back in. This wasn't the first time he had disappeared only to show up bloodied and bruised. You were content for him to keep that part of his life separate from you, but after the baby...everything changed.
Shuffling closer, Frank bobbed his head to try and catch your gaze. Refusing, you turned your back to him and left to go grab your son.
Staying close behind, Frank followed you down the hall. In the reflection of a mirror on the wall, you saw him glance into the front room, clearly spotting the playmat and mobile.
“Hey, hey, Y/n, talk to me.” His voice was low, and he reached for your arm. You shifted out of his reach and kept going.
Reaching the room, you opened the door and turned on the small lamp near the entrance. A soft light filled the room. Frank stood frozen in the entrance, staring at the crib. He looked over at you, silently asking for permission.
Your stomach knotted, but you gave a sharp nod.
Moving closer, it was as though he was in a trance with each hesitant step. Setting his hands on the railing so lightly, he looked like he was worried he'd break it. Gazing down, his eyes danced over the mewling infant who was not happy about being woken up by your yelling.
You were frozen to the spot, watching Frank's eyes cautiously light up.
“Is he my...” The question was a breathy whisper.
“Yes,” you said softly.
Glancing over at you, his expression was unreadable. Turning his attention back to his son, he whispered again. “Can I...”
Your eyes started to sting, but you weren't sure if it was happiness or frustration. “Yes.”
In slow movements, Frank reached into the crib before seeing his arms. Stopping short, he yanked at his coat, shrugging it off and letting it fall in a heap on the floor.
“Shh, shh, shh...hey there little man,” Frank murmured as he gently scooped his son up and cradled him against his chest.
Everything felt still. Standing in the middle of the room, Frank rocked between his feet for a soothing bounce as he rubbed his hand over his son's back. “What's his name?”
“Thomas,” he repeated as he held him tight against his chest. “Thomas...you named him after...”
Nodding, you watched as Thomas was already growing quiet which, without his soother, was a little surprising.
Continuing to rock, he turned to you. “Did you know?”
You didn't want to have this conversation here. Things felt like they were falling apart. You promised yourself you'd keep Frank on the outside of this, that you'd never let Thomas feel the sting of his disappearing act. And yet, within moments, everything went sideways.
“Y/n, did you? When I told you I had to go away for a while, did you know?” His voice was calm, and the rumble of his words seemed to relax Thomas who was almost back to sleep again.
Pinching the bridge of your nose as you rubbed your eyes, you shook your head. “Would it have mattered?”
Blinking, Frank looked away. You could swear his eyes were getting red, but it was hard to see in the dim light. “It matters.”
His throat worked as he swallowed and looked down, seeing Thomas was out again already. Moving back over to the crib, he kissed the top of his head, lingering to nuzzle against his soft hair. Keeping him tucked against his chest as he leaned over, Frank finally lowered him into the crib, watching him to see if he woke up. He didn't.
Keeping his eyes glued to you, Frank let the way back out of Thomas' room, leaving his jacket on the floor.
In the brighter light of the hall, you could see his eyes were definitely red and his jaw was tightly clenched. The muscles of his chin were almost rolling with the strain of gritting his teeth.
When you were in the front room, far enough from Thomas's bedroom, you finally threw your hands up. “Whatever it is, just say it.”
His nose flared as he stared you down. "Were you ever going to tell me, Y/n? If I hadn't just shown up here, would you-"
“How Frank? Take out a billboard ad and hope you saw?!” Keeping your voice down this time, you hissed out your anger.
You may as well have slapped him as he straightened his stance. “Yeah...okay...I'm sorry. I'm-”
“No. I wouldn't have,” you cut him off to finish. “I don't want him to have this life. I don't want to have this life.”
Slowly, his head bobbed in a rhythmic nod and you could see the thoughts flying through his head. “See, I can't...I can't walk away, Y/n. I couldn't walk away from you before, not really. And now?”
Crossing your arms, you felt like you were drowning.
Reaching out, he stopped short of actually touching you as you watched his hand. “I get it. You don't know if...it's a lot. There's a lot we need to figure out but...but I'm not leaving again, Y/n. You don't need to believe me right now, that's okay. I get it. But I’m not going anywhere.”
You tightened your grip, digging your fingers harder into your skin, but staying silent.
It seemed like a small gesture, but it was daring when he set his hand on your arm. The nervous look in his eye told you he knew it. His touch, the coolness of his fingers was like a shock running through you – a jolt you immediately resented.
“That's my son in there. And you're my...well, that's the part we need to figure out, I guess. But I love you, and I'm not going anywhere.”
Sighing through your nose, you pulled away from his grasp and turned to leave the room. “Then I'd better grab you a blanket for the couch. Because that's where you're staying tonight.”
“Yeah...Okay, that's fair.” Without seeing it, you could hear his smile as he spoke.
This was the last thing you expected.
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leonapaul · 4 years
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solo-bolo-trollo · 7 years
1.      A Cure for Wellness (2016, dir. Gore Verbinski)
2.      Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972, dir. Werner Herzog)
3.      All About Eve (1950, dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz)
4.      Arrival (2016, dir. Denis Villeneuve)
5.      Baby Driver (2017, dir. Edgar Wright)
6.      Beauty and the Beast (2017, dir. Bill Condon)
7.      Belladonna of Sadness (1973, dir. Eiichi Yamamoto)
8.      Big Little Lies (2017, dir. Jean-Marc Vallée)
9.      Black Mirror: Hated in the Nation (2016, dir. James Hawes)
10.  Black Mirror: Men Against Fire (2016, dir. Jakob Verbruggen)
11.  Black Mirror: San Junipero (2016, dir. Owen Harris)
12.  Blood Simple. (1984, dir. Joel and Ethan Coen)
13.  Born in China (2017, dir. Chuan Lu)
14.  Boxing Helena (1993, dir. Jennifer Lynch)
15.  Candyman (1992, dir. Bernard Rose)
16.  Carnival of Souls (1962, dir. Herk Harvey)
17.  Chicago (2002, dir. Rob Marshall)
18.  Chico and Rita (2010, dir. Tono Errando, Javier Mariscal and Fernando Trueba)
19.  Chris Gethard: Career Suicide (2017, dir. Kimberly Senior)
20.  Dogtooth (2009, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos)
21.  Dolores Claiborne (1995, dir. Taylor Hackford)
22.  Dunkirk (2017, dir. Christopher Nolan)
23.  Elle (2016, dir. Paul Verhoeven)
24.  Emma (1996, dir. Douglas McGrath)
25.  Far from the Madding Crowd (1967, dir. John Schlesinger)
26.  Far from the Madding Crowd (2015, dir. Thomas Vinterberg)
27.  Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! (1965, dir. Russ Meyer)
28.  Father John Misty: Pure Comedy (The Film) (2017, dir. Grant James and Josh Tillman)
29.  Frailty (2001, dir. Bill Paxton)
30.  Friday (1995, dir. F. Gary Gray)
31.  Friday the 13th (1980, dir. Sean S. Cunningham)
32.  George Michael: Freedom (2017, dir. David Austin and George Michael)
33.  Get Out (2017, dir. Jordan Peele)
34.  Ghost (1990, dir. Jerry Zucker)
35.  Gray’s Anatomy (1996, dir. Steven Soderbergh)
36.  Hamilton’s America (2016, dir. Alex Horwitz)
37.  Heaven’s Gate (1980, dir. Michael Cimino)
38.  Hidden Figures (2016, dir. Ted Melfi)
39.  Holiday (1938, dir. George Cukor)
40.  I Am Not Your Negro (2016, dir. Raoul Peck)
41.  I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore. (2017, dir. Macon Blair)
42.  I Love You Phillip Morris (2009, dir. Glenn Ficarra and John Requa)
43.  In a Heartbeat (2017, dir. Esteban Bravo and Beth David)
44.  It’s Alive (1974, dir. Larry Cohen)
45.  Jackie (2016, dir. Pablo Larraín)
46.  Jen Kirkman: Just Keep Livin’? (2017, dir. Lance Bangs)
47.  Jim and Andy: The Great Beyond – Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton (2017, dir. Chris Smith)
48.  Jim Carrey: I Needed Color (2017, dir. David L. Bushell)
49.  La La Land (2016, dir. Damien Chazelle)
50.  Lawrence of Arabia (1962, dir. David Lean)
51.  Lion (2016, dir. Garth Davis)
52.  Logan (2017, dir. James Mangold)
53.  Logan Lucky (2017, dir. Steven Soderbergh)
54.  Lost Highway (1997, dir. David Lynch)
55.  Louis C.K. 2017 (2017, dir. Louis C.K.) (yes, I know; this was before I knew about what he did, I’m sorry)
56.  Loving (2016, dir. Jeff Nichols)
57.  MTV Unplugged: 10,000 Maniacs (1993, dir. Milton Lage)
58.  Man on the Moon (1999, dir. Milos Forman)
59.  Manchester by the Sea (2016, dir. Kenneth Lonergan)
60.  Marc Maron: Too Real (2017, dir. Lynn Shelton)
61.  Maria Bamford: Old Baby (2017, dir. Jessica Yu)
62.  Mary Poppins (1964, dir. Robert Stevenson)
63.  Meet the Feebles (1989, dir. Peter Jackson)
64.  Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady (2017, dir. Neal Brennan)
65.  Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (2016, dir. Tim Burton)
66.  Moana (2016, dir. Ron Clements, Don Hall, John Musker and Chris Williams)
67.  Moonlight (2016, dir. Barry Jenkins)
68.  mother! (2017, dir. Darren Aronofsky)
69.  My Cousin Rachel (2017, dir. Roger Michell)
70.  Night of Too Many Stars: America Unites for Autism Programs (2017, dir. Michael Dempsey)
71.  New Rose Hotel (1998, dir. Abel Ferrara)
72.  Orphan (2009, dir. Jaume Collet-Serra)
73.  Over the Garden Wall (2014, dir. Nate Cash)
74.  Pete Holmes: Faces and Sounds (2016, dir. Marcus Raboy)
75.  Pride and Prejudice (2005, dir. Joe Wright)
76.  Psycho (1960, dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
77.  Rango (2011, dir. Gore Verbinski)
78.  Rear Window (1954, dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
79.  Silence (2016, dir. Martin Scorsese)
80.  Space Mutiny (1988, dir. Neal Sundstrom and David Winters)
81.  Spawn (1997, dir. Mark A.Z. Dippé)
82.  Step Brothers (2008, dir. Adam McKay)
83.  Strait-Jacket (1964, dir. William Castle)
84.  Tale of Tales (2015, dir. Matteo Garrone)
85.  Tallulah (2016, dir. Sian Heder)
86.  Teeth (2007, dir. Mitchell Lichtenstein)
87.  Tetsuo, the Iron Man (1989, dir. Shin’ya Tsukamoto)
88.  The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016, dir. André Øvredal)
89.  The Babadook (2014, dir. Jennifer Kent)
90.  The Beguiled (2017, dir. Sofia Coppola)
91.  The Big Sick (2017, dir. Michael Showalter)
92.  The Birth of a Nation (2016, dir. Nate Parker)
93.  The Black Cauldron (1985, dir. Ted Berman and Richard Rich)
94.  The Bye Bye Man (2017, dir. Stacy Title)
95.  The Cable Guy (1996, dir. Ben Stiller)
96.  The Conjuring (2013, dir. James Wan)
97.  The Crying Game (1992, dir. Neil Jordan)
98.  The Founder (2016, dir. John Lee Hancock)
99.  The French Connection (1971, dir. William Friedkin)
100.                      The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos)
101.                      The Last Temptation of Christ (1988, dir. Martin Scorsese)
102.                      The Lego Batman Movie (2017, dir. Chris McKay)
103.                      The Lost City of Z (2016, dir. James Gray)
104.                      The Problem with Apu (2017, dir. Michael Melamedoff)
105.                      The Red Turtle (2016, dir. Michael Dudok de Wit)
106.                      The Sound of Music (1965, dir. Robert Wise)
107.                      The Vietnam War (2017, dir. Ken Burns and Lynn Novick)
108.                      The Visit (2015, dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
109.                      The Wizard of Lies (2017, dir. Barry Levinson)
110.                      The World’s Greatest Sinner (1962, dir. Timothy Carey)
111.                      The Yearling (1946, dir. Clarence Brown)
112.                      The Young Pope (2016, dir. Paolo Sorrentino)
113.                      Toni Erdmann (2016, dir. Maren Ade)
114.                      Total Recall (1990, dir. Paul Verhoeven)
115.                      Trainspotting (1996, dir. Danny Boyle)
116.                      Twin Peaks: The Return (2017, dir. David Lynch)
117.                      Vertigo (1957, dir. Alfred Hitchcock)
118.                      Watership Down (1978, dir. Martin Rosen)
119.                      Wayne’s World (1992, dir. Penelope Spheeris)
120.                      What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962, dir. Robert Aldrich)
121.                      Winter’s Bone (2010, dir. Debra Granik)
122.                      Wishful Drinking (2010, dir. Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato)
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sanahanif · 6 years
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lizakatherineblog · 6 years
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lizakatherineblog · 6 years
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lizakatherineblog · 7 years
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