#cat cafe indonesia
khoridohidayat · 1 year
Jika tak berjodoh, mengapa kita harus dipertemukan? 
Aku tahu bahwa setiap pertemuan pasti membawa ibrah yang bisa kita resapi. Tapi terkadang aku berfikir mengapa kita harus dipertemukan jika memang tak berjodoh? 
Aku tak mungkin mengatakan bahwa Allah sedang mempermainkan aku dengan mempertemukanmu kemudian memisahkannya. Tak mungkin Allah yang Maha Rahiim bertindak seperti itu kepada hambanya. Namun, aku hanya terus bertanya kepada diriku, mengapa aku harus dipertemukan kemudian berpisah denganmu?
Pasca kejadian di cafe itu bersama Fathia dan Syifa, duniaku seakan-akan betul runtuh. Harapanku untuk menikah dengan Fathia telah pupus sudah. Aku tak mendapat restu dari orangtuanya. Aku dan Fathia sebetulnya sama-sama saling suka. Oleh karena itulah, sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu aku meminta Syifa untuk menjadi perantaraku untuk mengutarakan maksudku untuk serius dengannya. 
Aku ingat sebuah Hadits bahwa jika kita mempunyai niatan yang baik, niscaya Tuhan akan memudahkannya. Maka dengan modal dasar tersebut, dan dengan proses tesisku yang sudah hampir selesai, aku memberanikan diri untuk menyampaikan maksud tersebut. Tapi tak dinyana, ternyata niatan baik itu ditolak karena beberapa alasan.
“Sebetulnya aku tak enak menyampaikan ini secara langsung, apa kamu tidak apa-apa?” Tanya Fathia polos kepadaku.
“Ya tak apa. Alasan yang jelas namun pahit akan lebih baik daripada alasan yang manis tetapi tak mendasar” Jawabku.
“Sebetulnya Abi cocok saja dengan niatmu datang untuk mengajakku menjalin hubungan yang lebih serius. Tetapi sepertinya masalahnya adalah . . .” 
Fathia memotong sebentar perkataannya. Sepertinya dia sedang memberikan aku kesempatan untuk mencerna bahwa kalimat setelah ini adalah poin utamanya. Namun sepertinya aku sudah bisa menebak.
“Masalah ekonomi?” Kataku menyerobot.
“Emm, iya, Mas.” Fathia menjawab dengan tergagap.
Aku sudah menduganya. Ayah Fathia memang orang yang terpandang di lingkungannya. Beliau adalah seorang pengusaha tambang di daerahnya. Aku pernah mendapatkan cerita sedikit dari Fathia bahwa ayahnya dulu adalah seseorang yang tak mampu, kemudian karena kerja keras dan keteguhannya membangun bisnis, sekarang dia berhasil memimpin perusahaannya menjadi salah satu perusahaan tambang yang cukup stabil, walaupun tak begitu besar. Namun nampaknya kamu pun tahu, keuntungan tak seberapa dari usaha tambang sudahlah sangat cukup untuk menghidupi anak dan istrinya dengan penghidupan yang nyaman.
Sebetulnya ini juga menjadi issue-ku ketika datang ke rumah Fathia. Tempat tinggal dia bak rumah yang sering menjadi tempat film-film klasik Indonesia. Rumahnya besar dengan gerbang yang megah, tak lupa juga ada satu satpam penjaga dirumahnya karena beberapa aktivitas bisnis seperti rapat juga terkadang dilakukan dirumah Fathia. Hunian yang bergaya klasik ini mempunyai empat pilar besar menjulang ke atas lantai dua. Lantainya terbuat dari marmer, dan juga dilengkapi dengan karpet merah khas hotel bintang lima yang pernah aku kunjungi di daerah Sudirman. 
Rumah yang sangat kontras dengan gubuk sederhana kami di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Tempat tinggal kami sangat sederhana. Hanya satu balok rumah yang dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian. Dua kamar, satu ruang tamu dan ruang makan, dan satu lagi adalah toilet. Rumah Ibu dirumah juga baru saja direnovasi menjadi bangunan yang cukup lama atas bantuan pemerintah, itu pun atas hasil negosiasi yang aku lakukan kepada kepala desa selama dua tahun lamanya. Agak miris, tapi memang begitu adanya. 
Rumah kami, entah apakah layak disebut rumah jika dilihat dari bangunannya. Karena jika musim hujan tiba, tak jarang kami sekeluarga juga harus bergegas mengambil ember-ember kecil bekas cat tembok untuk diletakkan di lantai yang basah karena bocor. Jangan kau bayangkan ember itu hanya ada satu atau dua di tengah ruangan. Kami pernah menghitung, setidaknya ada sembilan titik bocor di rumah kami, sehingga, mau tak mau, ketika hujan lebat tiba, aku, ibu dan adik langsung berubah menjadi pemburu ember untuk diletakkan di titik dimana kebocoran terjadi. 
Memang kami berdua, aku dan Fathia adalah dua insan yang berbeda latar belakang tetapi anehnya kami selalu nyambung ketika berkomunikasi. Bukankah kunci keberhasilan suatu hubungan berada di komunikasinya? 
“Maaf ya Mas, tapi memang begitu adanya jawaban dari Abi.” Kata Fathia lirih.
“Ya nggak apa-apa, Fathia. Berarti memang bukan jodohnya.”
“Terus rencana Mas kedepan gimana?” Tanyanya kembali
“Mungkin aku akan melanjutkan prosesku untuk mengejar beasiswa S3 di UCL London mengambil fokus di clinical child psychology.” Jawabku datar.
“Wahh di London? Bakalan seru tuhh. Andai aja ya Abi merestui pasti aku bisa menemin kamu PhD disana.” Jawab Fathia cukup kegirangan.
“Hush, jangan ngomong gitu. Aku tak ingin memikirkan pernikahan lagi akhir ini. Aku ingin istirahat. Doaku yang dulu aku sampaikan kepadamu perlu aku ganti, yaitu agar kita menemukan seseorang yang cocok, kemudian bisa membangun keluarga masing-masing yang kuat dan berpendidikan tinggi.” 
Aku menjawab respon Fathia dengan diplomatis. Sebetulnya didalam hati, jika aku boleh mengatakan, ya memang mungkin akan sangat seru jika aku dan dia bisa tinggal di London selama 4 tahun sambil menyelesaikan PhD ku disana. Kami bisa mengelilingi bumi Allah yang indah dan fokus memberikan pendidikan terbaik untuk anak di Inggris. Tapi malang bukan kepalang, taaruf kami berhenti di tahap ini. Aku hanya ingin berdoa padanya, semoga dia bisa dipertemukan dengan lelaki yang bertanggung jawab.
“Oh ya Mas, ini ada titipan dari Abi, untukmu.” Perempuan teduh itu berkata sambil menyodorkan satu kertas seukuran undangan.
“Oh apa ini?” Jawabku. Aku mengambil kertas seperti undangan tersebut, dan membukanya secara perlahan. Gila. Ini adalah undangan nikah. Tapi siapa yang akan menikah? Sahabat Fathia? Aku membaca satu per satu informasi yang ada, dan menemukan tulisan “kami yang berbahagia, Fathia dan Aldika”.
“KAMU MAU MENIKAH?” Tanyaku keheranan.
Dia hanya diam, sesekali memandang ke arahku, kemudian membuangnya lagi.
“Tapi, kenapa secepat ini, Fathia? Baru kemarin kita melakukan proses ta'aruf, kemudian hasilnya ternyata aku tak berjodoh denganmu. Tak mungkin ketika proses ta'aruf kemarin kau juga sedang menjalin hubungan dengan yang lain. Aku tahu kau tak seberani itu melanggar kesucian taaruf. Mengotori proses taaruf sama saja mengotori agamamu sendiri, Fathia. Tapi kenapa secepat ini?” Aku mulai tak bisa mengontrol diri. Betapa tidak, wanita yang aku kenal baik-baik menjadi seperti orang yang asing. Dia bukan seperti Fathia yang aku kenal dahulu.
“Maaf Mas, aku hanya menyampaikan pesan Abi. Aku tak berhak menjawab. Saya ijin pamit.” Fathia menjawab pelan dengan menundukkan kepalanya. Dia nampaknya telah berubah, dia bukan Fathia lagi, dia adalah orang yang asing.
Menjadi yang Kaucintai - Bagian 5
@careerclass @bentangpustaka-blog @langitlangit.yk
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iamdexter123 · 1 year
@veritaserum07 I'm sorry I stuffed up answering the travel asks, but here they are! 15. Is there somewhere you'd like to visit but are hesitant about? Why? I've been to China a few times now and am always interested in going back, but I think Australia's (and the world's) relationship with the Middle Kingdom is just a little too spicy for my liking at the moment. 20. Bucket list travel destinations: go!
Lake Toba in North Sumatra and the orangutan sanctuaries of Kalimantan, Indonesia
South Korea to eat bibimbap and kimchi until the cows come home
Japan for forest bathing and cat cafes
Fiordland, New Zealand for the dramatic landscapes
Iceland to tick off my checklist of the Nordic region
New England, United States to take photos of sailing boats (the autumnal leaves are a close second)
Thanks for the ask! I could go on and on about where I'd like to go, but the above are definitely where I WILL go at some point.
original questions here, come take a look
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koffeetips · 4 months
The Coffee Clash: Arabica vs Robusta - 2 Beans' Battle for Your Buzz
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Verdict: Arabica vs Robusta, A Draw of Deliciousness For centuries, Arabica vs Robusta, the two most popular coffee beans on Earth, have fueled empires, fueled creativity, and fueled late-night study sessions. But beneath their foamy surface, a battle rages on. Which bean reigns supreme in the land of coffee? Let's brew up some facts and dive into the heart of this caffeinated conflict.
first I will tell you a few interesting stories: 1. The Secret Society of Coffee Smugglers In the 17th century, when coffee was still a rare and valuable commodity, a group of enterprising individuals known as the "Grand Babas" emerged in the Ottoman Empire. These smugglers risked their lives to transport coveted Arabica beans from Yemen to other parts of the empire, defying strict export bans and fueling the growing demand for coffee. Their intricate network of spies, disguises, and secret routes ensured a steady supply of these precious beans, shaping the early history of the coffee trade and contributing to its global spread. 2. The Rise of the Resilient Bean Robusta thrives in harsh environments with less-than-ideal conditions. This hardy character led to its cultivation in Vietnam, where French colonists first planted it in the early 1900s. During the Vietnam War, Robusta proved its resilience, growing strong even amidst bombings and defoliation. Today, Vietnam remains the world's leading Robusta producer, and its unique, earthy coffee flavor has become a national symbol. 3. The Coffee Cat Caper Legend has it that the Dutch East India Company, fiercely protective of its Arabica monopoly in the 17th century, attempted to prevent the spread of coffee beans by prohibiting their export from Indonesia. However, a determined captain named Pieter van der Stel, determined to cultivate coffee in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), devised a cunning plan. He snuck Arabica beans aboard his ship by hiding them in his pet cat's fur! Upon arrival in Ceylon, the sprightly feline "accidentally" released the beans, allowing van der Stel to establish the first coffee plantation outside of Indonesia and break the Dutch monopoly. This story, while possibly questionable, highlights the lengths people have gone to in the pursuit of this beloved bean. 4. From Backyards to Billionaires The story of Starbucks, a global coffee giant, began with a single store in Seattle in 1971. Their focus on high-quality Arabica beans and creating a welcoming atmosphere revolutionized the coffee industry. Their success not only made Arabica accessible to a wider audience but also inspired countless small-batch roasters and independent cafes, showcasing the diverse appeal and economic potential of this versatile bean.These stories showcase the diverse and captivating world of coffee, from the daring exploits of smugglers to its global expansion of coffee shops. As we continue to explore and appreciate this delicious beverage, these fascinating tales remind us of the rich history, cultural significance, and human ingenuity that have shaped its journey from bean to cup. Most Prominent Characters, Arabica vs Robusta 1: Arabica vs Robusta, Taste and Aroma - A Tale of Two Tongues Arabica, the undisputed champion of flavor, boasts a nuanced orchestra of tastes. Imagine notes of chocolate, berries, and even flowers waltzing across your tongue. Robusta, however, prefers a punk rock solo - bold, bitter, and earthy, with a slightly rubbery finish. Some find its intensity exhilarating, while others prefer the smooth sweetness of Arabica. Studies by the National Coffee Association show that a whopping 60% of consumers favor the delicate flavors of Arabica, making it the star of specialty coffee shops. 2: Arabica vs Robusta, Caffeine Kick - Who Packs the Bigger Punch? Think you need Robusta for that extra jolt? Surprise! This underdog contains almost double the caffeine content of Arabica! But here's the twist: that potent punch can come with jitters and anxiety. Arabica, with its lower caffeine dose, delivers a more sustained energy boost, like a gentle wave, not a crashing tidal wave. Research by the European Food Safety Authority confirms this, highlighting that high caffeine intake can lead to increased anxiety and blood pressure. So, for a balanced buzz, Arabica takes the prize. 3: Arabica vs Robusta, Price and Production - A Matter of Money and Mountains Arabica, the diva of the bean world, demands a royal ransom. Its delicate, finicky nature requires higher altitudes and specific climates, making it more expensive to grow. Robusta, on the other hand, thrives in less fancy digs, growing happily at lower altitudes and withstanding pests and diseases better. This translates to a significantly lower price tag, making it the go-to for instant coffees and blends. 4: Arabica vs Robusta, Hidden Secrets of the Bean Bowl - Brain Benefits: Recent scientific studies suggest that Arabica, with its higher antioxidant content, may offer neuroprotective benefits and even improve cognitive function, while Robusta's high caffeine content might enhance alertness and focus. Both beans offer cognitive perks but in different ways. - Sustainable Sipping: Robusta's hardy nature makes it a more sustainable choice, requiring less water and pesticides to grow. This is crucial for coffee's future, as climate change impacts traditional Arabica-growing regions. Thus, Robusta emerges as a potential savior. Its adaptability to warmer temperatures and resistance to pests make it a more sustainable option for future coffee production. Research is underway to improve the taste and processing of Robusta, potentially paving the way for a future where this resilient bean plays a key role in ensuring a sustainable coffee supply. - Local Legends: Beyond the big two, a colorful cast of lesser-known coffee beans emerges, each with its unique flavor profile and cultural significance. Liberica from Southeast Asia has a woody, floral aroma, while Ethiopian Sidamo offers a vibrant citrusy zing. Exploring these diverse beans can be a delicious adventure for any coffee enthusiast. The Verdict: Arabica vs Robusta, A Draw of Deliciousness So, who truly wins the Arabica vs Robusta battle? There's no clear-cut victor. Both beans bring their strengths and weaknesses to the table, offering a spectrum of flavors and effects. Ultimately, the champion is you, my fellow coffee lovers, who get to choose your perfect cup based on your taste buds and your caffeine needs. Whether you crave the refined elegance of Arabica or the raw power of Robusta, remember, every cup is an adventure – so brew on, and enjoy the journey!I would love to know, Arabica vs Robusta: Which bean is your favorite? Email Twitter Pinterest Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Keep In Touch If You Like My Articles. As much as I like to share my knowledge and skills with you, I love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions or comments, please click here. Also don't forget to subscribe to our quarterly newsletters if you like my blogs and like to keep in touch.Of course, read more blog posts I post now and then, such as  "Which Coffee Is The Healthiest". Read the full article
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mcleodrichardson39 · 4 months
<h1>TOKO MEBEL JEPARA ONLINE Furniture Kayu Jati Terpercaya</h1>
Mereka memiliki desain yang unik dan modern, sehingga cocok untuk berbagai jenis cafe. Meja makan murah ini memiliki desain yang sederhana namun tetap elegan. Meja makan ini juga kuat tahan lama, mudah dibersihkan dan tidak memakan banyak ruang. Karena bagian finishing adalah salah satu proses akhir yang sangat penting sehingga jika proses ini tidak dilakukan dengan benar.
Kualitas produk mebel jepara sudah diakui dunia  & menjadi kebanggan bangsa indonesia. Mebel Jati anda membutuhkan mebel minimalis percayakan pada kami untuk menyediakannya untuk rumah minimalis anda., kami siap menerima pesanan berbagai model mebel minimalis sesuai tema rumah anda. JeparaFurnishing.com merupakan salah satu situs online furniture Jepara yang menyediakan berbagai jenis furniture berkualitas terbaik dengan harga kompetitif. Banyak pilihan-pilihan desain dan model bagus untuk mengisi ruangan di dalam rumah, kantor, sekolah, cafe, restaurant, maupun di luar ruangan.
Sebab masyarakat Jepara memang memiliki kerajinan yang terampil untuk membuat furniture. Arif Furnitures Jepara yang memilih kayu jati khas Jepara untuk membuat setiap produk di toko kami. Dan sangat awet karena bahan ini memiliki karakter yang lebih lentur. Mulai dari model mimbar masjid, mimbar gereja, hingga model mimbar modern. Anda bisa memilih model yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan selera anda.
Padahal tidak berasal atau bahkan tidak terbuat di Jepara. Cara Tepat Memilih Furniture Jepara TerbaikBerkat kualitasnya, mebel dari Jepara ini sudah terkenal di seantero dunia. Bahkan beberapa perusahaan furniture besar dunia juga bekerja sama dengan pengrajin mebel asal Jepara. Ukuran detail dimensi, model, bahan material yang digunakan, kemudian bandingkan harganya. Ruang makan lebih sehat dan nyaman jika memiliki sirkulasi udara yang bagus, biasanya terdapat jendela atau pintu yang mengarah ke ruang terbuka di dalam rumah atau bangunan. Kalau pun tidak terdapat jendela dalam ruang makan, harus dipastikan sirkulasi udara tetap lancar dengan cara menggunakan exhaust fan dan AC (air conditioner).
Jadi, jangan ragu untuk membeli kursi tamu dari Mebel Jepara. Iya karena Yoyok Mebel Jepara merupakan produsen mebel jepara TERPERCAYA dan AMAN dalam melayani order furniture baik secara Online maupun secara Konvensional, selain itu kami juga memberikan kualitas produksi terbaik. Kami memproduksi berbagai produk furniture jepara untuk rumah, perkantoran, restoran, cafe, hotel, resort, villa, apartemen, dan ruang komersial lainnya. Yoyok Mebel Jepara menyediakan beragam varian model furniture terbaru untuk memenuhi kebutuhan terhadap furniture yang diinginkan oleh customer. Gazebo jati adalah salah satu jenis gazebo yang banyak dipilih untuk halaman rumah.
Kami selalu memberikan pilihan produk berkualitas mewah, modern, dan up to date mengikuti perkembangan model design. Mebel jepara dikenal seluruh dunia karena produk mebel terbaik. Furniture Jepara adalah jenis furniture yang banyak dipilih untuk halaman rumah.
Dalam kontrol kualitas produksi kami selalu mengedepankan ketelitian, sehingga menghasilkan produk yang memiliki kualitas terbaik dan tentunya memberikan kepuasan untuk customer. Maka sudah pasti finishing yang digunakan memiliki kualitas terbaik. Namun jika menggunakan cat finishing yang kurang berkualitas maka permukaan mebel akan terlihat kasar dan tidak rapi. Ada banyak sekali furniture Jepara terdekat yang bisa Anda kunjungi untuk memilih produk mebel yang tepat guna mendekorasi rumah Anda.
Meja makan jati ini memiliki desain yang klasik dan elegan. Harga meja makan jati ini juga terjangkau, silahkan hubungi kami untuk informasi harga terbaru produk meja makan mebel jepara. Dapatkan solusi untuk mengefisienkan setiap sudut ruangan melalui penataan furniture minimalis, ukiran klasik mewah dari kayu solid seperti mebel jati, mahoni, sungkai, meranti. Selamat datang di Jepara Mebel, Anda sedang mencari furniture berkualitas dengan model terbaru? Kami menyediakan berbagai macam produk furniture interior dan exterior untuk memperindah rumah anda seperti Sofa tamu mewah, sofa tamu klasik , tempat tidur mewah, lemari mewah dengan kualitas export. Temukan berbagai kebutuhan furniture anda di katalog produk terbaru kami.
Ruangan anak-anak juga perlu diperhatikan, supaya anak-anak nyaman berada di dalam ruangan mereka. Temukan inpirasi terbaru untuk menata rumah anda supaya lebih menarik. Selalu ikuti terus update terbaru mengenai informasi produk terbaru, promosi, tips informatif dengan subscrib ke sosial media.
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why am i such a sad person. this wasn't meant to be me. i was the friend staring at my other depressed friends, confused because i couldn't understand and annoying because i couldn't help.
now here i am, typing in all lowercase looking over this blog full of my complaints. i'm even writing about sad girls and their actual disempowerment. yet i cant change.
i feel like the loneliest person in the world. and i know that's not true but i'll allow myself a little teen angst. as a treat. i have my partner and she's wonderful and we get along. but she's my only company.
and sometimes she will talk to me about how she feels lonely. and i don't mean to enter into a misery contest (especially one that is against her will) but i can't help but wince.
she has so many people who know her, and look up to her, and talk to her, and accept her, and play and talk and laugh with her. i know that you can still be lonely in a crowd, but these aren't strangers. these are friends she has known for years. that stick around. she exists to them.
i only really have her. and my family i guess. but i can't Talk to them. i'm once again, stuck in a little square room, alone with my thoughts. i think i have a real problem with feeling like i don't exist. feeling like i can't reach out into the world. to touch and to feel, to touch and to be felt. there has always been a curtain between me and the world. finn completely ignores me. we were friends. we were close friends. i relied on them, leaned on them, we went on walks together and talked about our lives. now they can't even look me in the eyes when we're in the same room. i heard finn and finn's gf footsteps coming through the ceiling, but i didn't once spot them for 3 weeks. i can't tell who the ghost is.
Almost no one reaches out to me. Ed does, which i appreciate. I should message him sometime soon. But no one reaches out to me who is in this city and could hang out. I messaged Phoebe from horrorsoc once, and we talked a little and it was good. And we used to talk every Friday before and after the movie. But she's never once messaged me, and she's been away from horrorosc for weeks. A failure in friendship.
Fransisca from Indonesia is here, of all people. My mom wanted me to talk to her. It almost felt like both of our mom's tried to push us together, like they were playing dolls. She didn't message me and i felt like it was either because she forgot i existed, or she felt awkward with how things ended in high school. so my gf convinced me to message her. and i did and it was good. we met up, walked around the city and the campus, sat down and talked for hours. it was really nice. and i felt like a real, existing person. made up of flesh and a body. a body that moves and feels, a body that is seen. and normal.
she told me to message her if i wanted to hang, i told her the same. but i haven't seen her since. it's been a week. i think i can see her this thursday at anisoc, but if not i will ask if she wants to check out the cat cafe in town, since i haven't been.
otherwise, i don't know what i would do. if i have the right to occupy her space and time. or anyone's for that matter. i want friends. i so desperately want friends. and i want to incorporate the world into me. i want to feel as though i am perceived as real. not just a shadow in the corner, or the accessory to my partner. to be ignored, to be overlooked, to be forgotten. i am simply sick of that.
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oddidocx · 1 year
dear, friend a
i've been wanting to write you a letter. of course, i would never let the wanting show. but i hate myself for not being able to greet you and hate myself even more when at the times it was so intense i also can't form a proper sentence–all there's left is just a helpless feeling with a grain of regret. i want to tell you how my year went as badly as i want to hear how yours went. but since you're not here to tell, then i'll share mine instead.
friend a, i think i had the better year of my life. this year was it–the happiness i've dreamed and once wondered if it would ever happen at all. i earned my degree. i landed on two internships at two respectable companies. i finally had enough money to buy things on my own; books, concert tickets, beauty products, clothes, and so many more. with that money, i was also able to bring my cats and the stray cats in front of my house to a better health. it cost a fortune, as you may have guessed, but i felt no regret. i felt so fulfilled and accomplished.
i went to four concerts this year, can you believe it? last year i didn't dare hoping to attend one, but i managed to go on four! and with my own money at that! those nights were arguably the best things that happened to me this year. even though i wasn't able to get out of bed the next morning, my body was all sore, and my mind was still somewhere else, they were still experiences where a new word of extreme happiness must be invented to be able to describe them. one of them, i had under the rain. it was practically a storm and my phone bathed in it. i think it's a miracle that it's still functioning perfectly until now.
i also went to korea this year. i observed how different they are from the people in our country. they walk so fast, friend a! their train and buses are always on time. the city is clean, the air is fresh, the wind is so chilly sometimes it feels like it stabs my eyes. and, oh, the beauty commercials don't lie, all of them have great skin. now i understand the beauty pressure they have to go through, because everyone is beautiful. i walked among the crowd and i wanted to dress myself as a mummy.
there was one time when i was waiting for the bus. this old man was sitting beside me and from my peripheral vision, i couldn't help but notice that something was bothering him. but since i wasn't in my own country, i didn't dare to look and decided to mind my own business. a couple of seconds later, the old man asked me, "dari indonesia?". and i was so shocked that he spoke in bahasa. i told him yes, and he asked when did i arrive and when will i go back home. he then told me his story that he used to work in indonesia for 9 years with his wife and that's how he learned the language. he said all of this with a very warm smile and we continued to have a short conversation in bahasa. i was very happy, friend a, to make acquaintance with the old man. moreover, i felt somehow honored and proud that he was fidgeting because he wanted to talk to me. to me, at that time, he was almost like a little kid. sadly, the bus came before we could continue. he bid me goodbye and wished me a safe travel. friend a, i had only known him for less than five minutes, but as i saw the bus drifting away, i couldn't help but feel a sort of loss in my heart, but at the same time hopeful for i didn't know what. perhaps it was because i knew that it was something that would only happen to me once in a long time and i felt sad that the moment has ended yet hopeful that something like that might occur again.
the next day i went shopping in namdaemun with my sister. it's a very popular shopping district in seoul. the street was filled with cute cafes, expensive restaurants, fashion boutiques, photobooths, everything. i was looking for some bucket hats when i turned around and saw that my sister was speaking to a shop owner. before i continue, my sister has been studying korean independently you should see her duolingo streaks. she was conversing with this very warm old man who owns the souvenir shop. he told her that she spoke good korean and turned to me asking if i knew korean too. i told him that i didn't know korean but i could speak a little japanese. and he suddenly spoke to me in japanese! i was startled i immediately lost every japanese word i had ever known and made a fool out of myself. he was only laughing warmly, not a slight mockery was found in his voice. he told me and my sister that we could come back again if we wanted to learn korean or japanese or if we wanted to look around. again, friend a, i wanted to cry at that very moment. don't you ever want to cry when someone offers you such kindness?
friend a, i've also been roaming around the internet. i made friends, some i keep very close to me. i went by another name–one you don't call me by–and chat more often with my internet friends than my real life friends. sometimes, i forgot how my internet friends don't know the name you know me by. sometimes i got embarrassed of that name. for some reason, the other name i was displaying to the internet represents a cooler, more social, and fun person. and i was afraid they will be confused on who i was when i was not the person who holds that name.
i have such a long time to contemplate about this. but friend a, i wish you met me now and not years ago. you would be proud of me. i wish you didn't have to see the ugly parts of me and only witness the me who have found pieces of peace little by little. maybe then i was able to call you without having my past action haunt me in the back of my mind inciting that i was being embarrassing. i couldn't even wish you a happy birthday because i felt like i had no more right to do so. i didn't know how our bond was severely injured. i wonder who did this to us?
so yes, this was the better year of my life, but it wasn't the best. for it to be the best, it needs to have you in it. happy new year :)
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#snackkiloan #snackkiloanmurah #snackkiloanbandung #snackkiloanaslipabrik #snackkiloanenak #snackkiloanhomemade #snackkiloann #snackkiloannatar #snackkiloantermurah #snackkiloanviral
distributor snack di bandar lampung grosir snack bal balan bandar lampung snack bandar lampung grosir snack bal balan lampung grosir kue lebaran bandar lampung
#kafe #bandar #lampung #cafe #indonesia #jakarta #viral #nongkrong #cantik #palembang #mejamakan #batang #bandung #cabinet #pahawang #dipanminimalis #cats #pahawangisland #coffeetable #bandar66 #pahawanglampung #coffee #baby #instagood #bedside #adukiu #pulaupahawang #uploadkompakan #travelphotography #trippahawang
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artistdinzel · 2 years
American Celebrity Professional name: Jonathan Upshur (DiNZeL) Composer/Lyricist/Producer/Musician/Marching Band (RAIDERS)/Drummer/Xylophonist/Dancer/Pilot/Driver/Motorcyclist/Stage, Arena and Television Performer NYC recording studio talent from: New York, NY 21+ DiNZeL STORY and DINNER... https://www.news10.com/news/ny-news/outdoor-photo-contest-to-begin-across-new-york/ ORIGINAL RECIPE ENGLISH FRENCH VANILLA cafe' Other languages (Translation) ITALIAN VANIGLIA FRANCESE cafe' SPANISH VAINILLA FRANCESA cafe' HEBREW בית קפה צרפתי ונילה CHINESE 法國香草咖啡館' JAPANESE FRENCHVANILLAカフェ ' GERMAN Café FRANZÖSISCHE VANILLE Story of the century... DiNZeL story... From: DiNZeLs <[email protected]> To: DiNZeLa <[email protected]> Sent: May 01, 2022, 12:25:22 PM Subject: "DiNZeL DANCE MUSIC" https://youtu.be/6PLN7HoXc7I (SUBSCRIBE) https://www.backstage.com › dinzel "What does Dinzel mean?" https://www.lulu.com/shop/jonathan-upshur-dinzel/dinzel/ebook/product-1z9wdv6m.html?page=1&pageSize=4
I am writing to introduce myself. My birth name is Jonathan Upshur. My nickname is DiNZeL. I am a native-born New Yorker (A Brooklynite), living alone in my New York City private brand new  prestigious luxury residence, I am a single intelligent, and well-educated person.
As a child I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout, I played Pitcher with the New York Yankee Little League. Later following my high school graduation, I joined The United States Marine Corps and received an Honorable discharge. I have been Honored by the United States Presidents several times for outstanding service during the past and present. I am an American Hero, Yankee and living Legend with a prominent family, name and education.
My unique screenname is "DiNZeL". I am a straight born alone New York native, American citizen mixed (Sicilian, European White, Spanish, German, American Indian...) 6' tall athletic, muscular, handsome, young good-looking man with short black, neat mixed hair. My birthday sign is Leo, my birthday is in August.
Other languages: nun, khokhol, mynute, pabalang, denotify, पश्यति, పిన్ని, పగడాలు, hatid-sundo, gratus, sayang, consuelo de bobo, superbas, pay pigs, nousagi, welfie, biffle, ஐம்பொன், unnethe, optimus, pever, side chick, sonder, picheo, windang, bravissima, पर्वत, cockwomble, bazmeg, అమ్మ, kinō, ఆకాశము, a chara, abú, కాంచనం, ༄, piccoletto, fordító, vear, stratos, discusting, asphodelos, alieve, daisenpai, michoacana, yurr, శకటం, ohime, sum, faggete, traim, vywer, molly wop, జయంతి, hugr, pitieth, రథం, confirmandi, jologs, cacor, skruk, cuckold, ಕಾಡು, జంబుకం, വായ്നോക്കി, itness, spoglio, beeg, qui, kochira koso, bilas, nakupenda, capor, apo, ఖలం, kaibosh, bewbs, wakuwaku, unupdated, hunsvotti, partum, fumfering, douchecanoe, memaw, motus, kuzuri, nomen est omen, Kabayan, ichinichi, feamainn, cocotazo, eeee, 亗, కొండ, très chic, sessioned, blaidd, కోతి, suntok sa buwan, కడలి Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Melayu Cymraeg Deutsch English Esperanto Jawa Lëtzebuergesch Nederlands Sunda Tiếng Việt Türkçe asturianu azərbaycanca dansk español euskara français hrvatski italiano kurdî lietuvių magyar occitan polski português português do Brasil română shqip slovenčina suomi svenska čeština Ελληνικά башҡортса български македонски монгол русский татарча/tatarça тоҷикӣ українська עברית اردو العربية سنڌي فارسی پښتو नेपाली मराठी मैथिली हिन्दी অসমীয়া বাংলা ગુજરાતી தமிழ் తెలుగు മലയാളം ไทย ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ ဖၠုံလိက် မြန်မာဘာသာ 中文 日本語 ꯃꯤꯇꯩ ꯂꯣꯟ 한국어
I graduated P.S. 200 located in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn (1977) and played bells on stage at the ceremony. Later I graduated Mark Twain IS 239 for the Gifted and Talented in 1980 (Coney Island, New York City), where I volunteered as a yearbook photographer https://twain239.com/m/
Later, I graduated The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Arts degree, where I independently worked as a television studio engineer, cameraman, and lighting technician.
Now, I am an independent media owner with my own NYC recording studio and digital network: I am the best entertainment professional in the World.
I spend my time quietly creating my own original digital media, television and music products (with my own digital recording, computer equipment, products, studio and label) I enjoy producing new ideas and developing my unique concepts into stunning pictures, television scripts and design illustrations. This is where my graphic design education takes light and allows me to bring the World around me into a different and meaningful prospective to visually share color with others. 
When I am not busy working I enjoy a fine dinner, concert, watching theatre.
"United States Marine Corps calisthenics. Run in place Sit ups Pull ups Run March Work in a Arsenal cleaning a bunch of M16A2s PFC (e-2) Injuries Pool (diving, swimming in full gear (my uniform) Ran and completed the crusibal first Cleaning the squad bay Private showers Polished Boots and metal at night Constantly guarded weapons and my foot locker and my rack, my gear, my blanket, bag and pillow Attended graduation Guarded weight center met a congressman) Inspection (a Colonel) Honorable discharge in 1987 Ran Marines (I was lead runnner) Moved racks on camouflaged truck Parris Island Flew on a Boeing Ran off bus in the middle of the night… woke by Marines yelling to get off the bus (move out) where it all started for my basic training Linked up at reception center for haircuts, Boots, uniforms, rifle, canteen, bag, etc. Dined at chow hall Guarded chow hall with my rifle in the rain (a terrential storm, with deep water forming a hurricane with another marine buddy) Slept in a squad bay with approximately 30 other men Marines and 3 drill instructors Worked in office sitting at a desk answering the telephone Linked up for inspection fingernails and cleanliness after shower wrapped in a towel Squad bay lineup School circle front hatch left hand left knee right hand right knee, attention on drill instructor (school) Special hearing exam in a steel capsule for silence Special language exam Pugal Rifle range Commissary when I was discharged Bus ride home Walked home in the winter from the train station Ran and exercised in my USMC tee shirt Quarantined for a week in a special squad bay chicken pox concern. I had chicken pox as a child Marched Met girls (wms, woman Marine) at doctors office Wore a Cover and matching (dark green) uniform Woken by rifle range noise, harrier airplanes taking off and landing, drill instructor yelling lights in the early morning Woken in the middle of the night for (fire watch) Promoted to PFC (e-2) upon my discharge...
Brooklyn Played Basketball alone (jammed my finger) Racquetball Stickball Cleaned disco club Attended bible study class at church Boy scouts met a church basement Boy scouts camped and climbed bear mountain
Mark Twain (Coney Island, New York) Boston ships scrimshaw Creative writing major Visual media major Photography Darkroom (Alison) Gym uneven parallel bars, horse, ropes (climbing) (Tina McCoy) Yearbook photographer
North Brunswick All night skate Kendall park Bowling caroler lanes Outdoor movie theater Playhouse games (Quebert) Motorcycles Cars Raceway park Shore (boats, swimming, boardwalk, games, rides) Cruising movie City five with Amy and girlfriends... 73 vega GT, Camaro, Mustang" . ""Dinzel." Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2022. Web. 23 Jun 2022. <https://www.definitions.net/definition/Dinzel>. Please note: become a DiNZeL penpal! tip atleast one dollar ($1) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jonathanupshur or buy an item at: DiNZeLs.com Current mailing address: 296 9TH AVE, New York, New York 10001
I am presently occupied as a professional American celebrity in New York City. Thank you. Sincerely, DiNZeL @_DiNZeL :-) ... .. .
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indiegamesofcolor · 2 years
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[I.D.: A gifset containing five gifs of the pixel art game Coffee Talk.
Gif 1 shows a shot of civilians in the town the game takes place in. There is an orc wearing a hat, a woman with pink skin and long pointed ears, another woman with purple skin and horns, a human with blonde hair and white skin, and a another man with brown skin and red hair. They are all dressed in modern, 2020 attire with text beneath the image shot spelling, “It is a city that holds the many dreams and stories of its people.”
Gif 2 shows two shots of patrons sitting behind the cafe counter. The first shot is of two people, a woman with pale skin and a man named Gala who is saying, “Yeah, things changed a lot in just twenty years.” The other shot is of three people: a police officer with black skin, a woman with cat ears, and a pale-skinned person with short green hair. The officer, named Jorji, is saying, “I fought a lot with my kids.”
Gif 3 shows a montage of the player’s hand setting out different drink orders. They set out drinks called Sugar and Spice, Shin Genmatcha, and Bitter Heart. Besides each drink order are the options “Trash It” and “Serve It.”
Gif 4 shows a top-down view of a coffee cup. The player turns the cup as they pour milk to make latte art resembling a flower.
Gif 5 shows a close up shot of a table. A folded newspaper, an ashtray with cigarette butts in it, a pack of cigarettes, a cup of coffee, and a cigarette are on its surface. Text beneath the image spells out, “But some few find solace in the embrace of bricks and wood and closed doors.”
end I.D.]
Coffee Talk is a narrative game about serving coffee to elves, aliens, orcs, mermaids, and other fantasy races! Play as a barista who has heart-to-heart conversations with patrons while serving up warm drinks from the ingredients you have in stock. How you serve your customers will affect the game’s branching storyline in this alternate version of Seattle!
For Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Windows, and Mac. 
Developed by Toge Productions, a studio based in Karawaci, Indonesia. They  believe that great accomplishments can start from simple beginnings, and have published other titles such as What Comes After. Recently they have written a tribute to Mohammad Fahmi, creator of Coffee Talk and What Comes After, who tragically passed away this year. 
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vvitchella · 3 years
Virtual Visits
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I know a lot of us would like be able to visit other places right now. It looks like we won’t be able to do that for a while, but we can at least pretend!
Egyptian Museum (Floor 1, Floor 2)
Inside the Louvre (Part 1, Part 2 (also includes Napoleon Apartments))
The British Museum
Natural History Museum, Washington, DC
National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan
Russia’s Hermitage Museum
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC
Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Sherlock Holmes Museum
Natural History Museum, London
National Museum of Scotland
New York Public Library Tour
Guided Tour of the Library of Congress in 360°
Boston Public Library Tour
Old Library Ambience
Ambience: Being in an Old Library while it Rains
Royal Library Ambience: Rain and Fireplace
Luxurious Study Room/Library Ambience
Study in the New York Public Library
Ambience - Writer’s Library from the 1930′s
University + Study with Me:
Columbia University, Manhattan, NY
University Lunchroom Ambience
Study with a Friend at Columbia University’s Butler Library
Study with Another Friend
Korean Student Study with Me
Walking Around Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut
Oxford in the snow (some talking)
Walk a City:
NYC Museum Mile Walk
Dubai - Marina Waterfront to Jumeirah Beach
Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Amsterdam City Center
Valencia, Spain
Historic Heidelberg, Germany
Ho Chi Minh Nightlife
Hanoi Nightlife
NYC Midtown Manhattan (Part 1, Part 2)
Walking in the Rain in Tokyo
Walking in the Rain in Boston, MA
Downtown Seattle + Top Attractions
Downtown Chicago
Downtown San Francisco
London - Oxford Circus to Bloomsbury
Prague, Czech Republic
Historic Naples
Sydney + Historical Landmarks
Caythorpe Village + English Countryside
Castleton Village + English Countryside
Walk Nairobi, Kenya
Cairo Khan el-Khalili, Market  (skip intro)
Lagos Town Center in the Algarve, Portugal
Grimmelwald Switzerland
St. Ives, Cornwall
Groningen, Netherlands - Martini Tower to Groninger Museum
Walk New Orleans in the Rain
Walk Paris, France
Visit Historical Landmarks:
The Eiffel Tower
Berlin TV Tower
Saigon Skydeck (Bitexco Tower), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
London Eye, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace
The Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty Tour
Walk of the Taj Mahal
The Colosseum, Rome
The Great Wall of China
Walk the Golden Gate Bridge
Machu Picchu (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Leaning Tower of Pisa + Extra (some talking, mute if needed)
Visit the Roman Forum
Parks + Nature:
Forest Walk - Grand Ridge Trail, Issaquah, WA
Winter Forest Walk
Forest Hike - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail
Forest Walk - Middle Fork Trail in Snoqualmie
Phacelia Flowers Field
Flowery Meadow, Bird Sounds Ambience
Butterflies and Flowers in a Meadow
Relaxing Meadow and Mountains
Scenic Drives:
From Nice to Monaco
English Countryside - Buxton, Blakewell, Matlock Bath
Banff National Park, Icefields Pkwy, Alberta, CA
San Francisco Pacific Coast Highway
Byway 12, Utah (with music)
Miami, FL Drive
Mount Rainier (Foggy, forested roads) (with music)
Furka Pass, Switzerland
Public Transport:
Tokyo Yurikamome Train
Tokaido-Sanyo Shinkansen Train
Sea to Mountains Train, Montenegro
NYC Subway - 96th to Times Square
Norway Subway from Stortinget to Jernbanetorget
London Bus Ride - Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Regent Street
Scuba Dives + Snorkeling:
Music and some editing is just unavoidable in these kinds of videos for some reason? Please be ready to mute if needed.
Roatan, Honduras - Half Moon Bay Wall and Dixie’s Place
Florida Keys - Horseshoe Beach
Scuba Diving the Egypt Red Sea
Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia Coral Reef
Maldives Deep South Diving
Triton Bay to Raja Ampat, Kaimana
Hawaii Oahu Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving in Molokini Crater Maui Hawaii
Cafe Ambience:
There’s a lot of these that seem the same, but trust me, they are different.
Cozy Coffee Shop with Jazz and Rain
Rainy Day at Cozy Shop with Jazz
Rainy Night at Coffee Shop with Romantic Jazz
Rainy Day Cafe with Piano Music
Zen, Relaxing Rainy Day at a Cafe
7 Hours of Actual Coffeeshop Footage (with chill music)
Restaurant Ambience:
Romantic, Cozy New York Restaurant Ambience
Restaurant with Background Music
Outdoor Italian Restaurant at Night
Misc. Public Places
Staten Island Mall
The Florida Mall
Mall of America
Dubai Airport
Oceanografic Valencia, Spain (Largest Marine Park in Europe)
Tilburgse Kermis Funfair Carnival
Magical/Other Worlds:
Cozy Medieval Cottage Home with Rain and Fireplace
Magical Potion Shoppe Ambience
Witch’s Lair Ambience
Peaceful Nature Covered Subway with lofi (and cat)
Magical Forest Ambience
Witchy Coffee Shop
A Cozy Home:
Cozy Vintage Home with Fireplace and Thunderstorm
Cozy Winter Ambience with Fireplace and Snowstorm
Cozy Cabin Ambience
The Secret Door: Tour random places in Google Maps.
Geoguessr: Get “lost” on Google Maps and find where you are.
Also tag yourself I’m “Peaceful Nature Covered Subway with lofi (and cat)”
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pekurino · 3 years
random tokyo rev headcanons i came up with during my physics tuition (toman edition)
rating: sfw
warnings: none
characters: baji, kazutora, chifuyu, draken, mikey, mitsuya, hakkai, takemichi
• baji, kazu and fuyu like hanging out at their local cat cafe after meetings
• on the topic of cats, they won't hesitate to pet stray cats during meetings at the shrine
• draken will slap you if you tickle his sides (that's just his reflex lmao)
• smiley and angry know how to speak a bit of bahasa indonesia because they had an indonesian maid care for them when they were little
• mikey knows a little bit of silat (malay martial arts) from small exchange programs held in his grandpa's dojo
• hakkai used to keep bugs he found in the garden but he had to keep it a secret because his big brither would've squashed them all ;-;
• kazu's earring is basically the bell from his deceased cat's collar <\3
• mikey and mitsuya are lactose intolerant
• mitsuya had a lip piercing but it got infected because his sister kept playing with it while he was dead asleep
• baji will randomly chomp chifuyu if he's resting his head on fuyu's shoulder
• chifuyu grew a distaste for anchovies because he saw his grandma pick the shit out of each fish when he was little
• baji had a few pets growing up, even sugar gliders but they didn't last long because the stray cat ate them ;-;
• besides fashion, mitsuya likes biology and chemistry
• takemichi used to break up coloured pencil lead and mix it with water to make a potion. proceeded to puke because it tastes like ass
• hakkai still has his bear plushie that he had many years ago. it's basically reduced to matted polyester filling and loosely woven thread
• takemichi has a djungelskog bear that hina gave to him <3
• baji quotes a lot of vines. only takemichi and fuyu get them
• baji would like to get his teeth iced out with swarovski crystals
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lovenee · 3 years
-> the rules are to answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better :)
I was tagged by @isthisatlantis ty for tagging me 🥰💕‼️
name/nickname: kasey
pronouns: she/her
star sign: libra⚖
height: 5'1" so 154cm?
time currently: 4:30am
when is your birthday: september 30th
nationality: american
favorite band/groups: svt shinee wayv
favorite solo artists: sunmi, hyuna, iu, woodz, shinee soloists 🤩🤩
song stuck in your head: bump bump - woodz
last movie you watched: raya and the last dragon
last show you binged: im watching strangers from hell rn
when you created your blog: this blog? Like 2018 but ive been on the tumblr since 2011
last thing you googled: Alaskan fossils!!
other blogs: thebearandthenightingale (aesthetic/art/lit/mythology)
why i chose my url: it me (and jeonghan<3)
how many people are you following: over 800
how many followers do you have: idk tbh more than I deserve probably
average hours of sleep: depends on a bad day 3 on good days anywhere from 6-13
lucky number: 5
instruments: no :( I have inflammatory arthritis so holding things is Not Easy ™
what i’m currently wearing: pajamas
dream job: cat cafe 🥺🥺
dream trip:  where my frens are & also China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand 🥺🥺
favorite food: strawberries dumplings rice
favorite song: pinwheel svt
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: the one in my head, one w no concept of money, & idk pokemon or smth
I'm tagging @essentiallychaotic @eatupbud @taikawhytiti @butts-of-the-barricade @skixns @finalgirlthingz @haniehae @abunnycotton @himbojin @kimlipoil andddd that wants to. No pressure, as always <3<3
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anakhedon · 7 years
My Sunday morning
Jakarta di hari minggu pagi saat itu sangat indah, karena hari begitu cerah dan jalan raya pun cukup sepi. Gue menuju Lucky Cat Coffee & Kitchen untuk bertemu dengan beberapa teman-teman baru yang gue temui pada acara grand opening Coffee Toffee Transyogie beberapa saat yang lalu. Kami berkumpul untuk mencicipi kue apple pie & brownies buatan salah satu teman kami, dan kafe Lucky Cat inilah yang kami pilih sebagai meeting point kami.
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I love every single spot in this place. Paduan rustic dan minimalist begitu indah dalam kafe ini. Interior, furnitur, hingga gelas & piringnya pun begitu cantik. Pada kesempatan kali ini gue memakai kemeja batik favorit gue dari MOC. Motif batik ini begitu modern sehingga dapat dikenakan untuk acara santai seperti yang gue datangi kali ini. Ditambah lagi warna navy blue yang benar-benar cocok dipadu padankan dengan berbagai fashion item. Tidak lupa ditambah jam tangan hitam bermotif triangular dari 24:01 untuk memberikan kesan santai dengan motif dan warnanya yang netral.
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Dan untuk kesini, gue pakai Derby shoes dari ZALORA berwarna almond brown yang sangat matching dengan lantai kayu kafe ini yang memiliki kesan rustic dan klasik. I love how they both match with each other! It gives me confidence in every step. Meski terkesan formal, namun sepatu ini tetap cocok untuk outfit dengan look casual & smart. And till the end of our meeting, I enjoy the place, the food, and the outfit I wear.
Photographed by Putri Taruno Shirt by ZALORA Chino pants by All Basic Indonesia Watch by 24:01 Shoes by ZALORA
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lukismuraldinding · 4 years
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rekomendasi jasa mural bandung ramah di kantong
Terpaut Harga Jasa Mural Bandung Paling murah, pernahkan kamu memandang lukisan lukisan di bilik di pinggir jalur?. Bila ya seperti itu yang dinamakan mural.
Harga Jasa Mural Bandung
Mau Pasang pula buat keelokan rumah ataupun kantor? bimbang biayanya berapa? Harga jasa mural bandung paling murah terdapat disini.
Mural diaplikasikan pada tembok, tetapi tidak seluruh yang diaplikasikan pada tembok merupakan mural loh!.
Perbandingan Mural serta Graffiti
Nyatanya terdapat loh perbandingan antara mural serta graffiti, walaupun mural serta graffiti sama dilukis dengan media tembok secara permanen.
Pastinya tentu terdapat perbandingan antara keduanya, mural serta graffiti pastinya berbeda.
inilah perbandingan mural serta graffiti
Mural makna secara bahasa mural berasal dari bahasa Latin ialah murus yang maksudnya bilik.
Sedangkan, makna dari mural secara luas merupakan menggambar ataupun melukis di atas media tembok ataupun bilik, tembok ataupun media luas yang lain yang bertabiat permanen.
Sejarah singkatnya tentang mural yang terdapat di dunia ialah terhitung semenjak terhitung 31. 500 tahun yang kemudian di mana pada dikala itu dunia dalam masa prasejarah.
Pada masa tersebut pula, ada suatu lukisan yang menggambarkan dalam suatu gua di Lascaux yang ialah salah satu wilayah yang terdapat di wilayah selatan Perancis yang memakai sari buah bagaikan cat lukisnya.
Kian penasaran kan dengan harga jasa mural bandung paling murah serta terbaik.
Sedangkan itu, mural yang mulai sangat populer di abad ke 20 ialah kepunyaan Pablo Picasso muralnya dinamakan Guernica ataupun diucap pula Guernica Y Luno.
Guna memeringati perihal perisitiwa pada pengeboman oleh para tentara Jerman yang terjalin di suatu desa yang kecil dimana mayoritas korbannya merupakan masyarakat ataupun rakyat Spanyol.
Mirip dengan mural, graffiti pula ialah bagian dari karya seni lukis.
graffiti dimaksud bagaikan aktivitas seni rupa yang memakai komposisi corak, garis, wujud serta volume buat menuliskan kalimat tertentu di atas bilik.
Dalam Sebutan graffiti sendiri berasal dari bahasa asing ialah bahasa Latin ialah graphium yang mempunyai arti ataupun makna menulis.
Perlengkapan yang biasa buat digunakan dalam menggambar graffiti merupakan cat semprot kaleng ataupun pula diucap pilok.
Graffiti di Indonesia mulai nampak pesat perkembangannya terjalin pada tahun 2004 di mana terdapat 3 kota besar di Indonesia ialah Jakarta, mural Bandung serta Jogjakarta yang bermula serta memulainya yang setelah itu disusul oleh bermacam wilayah ataupun kota yang terdapat di Indonesia.
Kian penasaran kan dengan harga jasa mural bandung paling murah serta terbaik.
Perihal yang sangat mencolok serta pula jadi pembeda antara mural serta graffiti merupakan bahan yang digunakan dalam proses menggambar.
Mural lebih bisa digambar dengan bermacam- macam tipe cat dapat cat bilik ataupun pula tipe yang lain, sedangkan graffiti umumnya terbatas pada cat semprot kaleng maupun pilok.
Tidak hanya itu, mural dinilai lebih leluasa dalam perihal urusan ekspresi ataupun mengekspresikan sketsanya, berbeda dengan graffiti yang umumnya cuma sebatas bacaan buat kritikkan, ataupun curahan hati sampai bacaan himabauan.
Berbagai– berbagai Jasa Mural bandung
tau gak? mural itu banyak jenisnya loh, mural merupakan lukisan yang dilukis pada media bilik ataupun tembok permanen.
berbagai berbagai dari mural sangat banyak serta bermacam- macam, bersamaan dengan waktu mural berevolusi.
dilihat dari dimensinya mural terdapat foto mural 3d serta pula mural biasa semacam pada biasanya.
Mural 3 Dimensi
Saat sebelum mangulas Harga Jasa Mural Bandung, kita butuh tahu pula tipe dari mulai 3d ataupun mural 3 ukuran ini.
Mural 3D ialah foto ataupun lukisan mural, tetapi memakai metode 3d pada proses sketsanya.
Mural 3d Hendak membagikan kesan yang berbeda terhadap mural yang lain. Foto mural 3d membagikan kesan serta pula membagikan visual yang lebih nyata.
Sebab design ataupun foto mural 3d memakai metode menggambar spesial.
Design Mural 3d sangat direkomendasikan buat digambar ataupun digunakan buat kepentingan menarik atensi.
Pemakaian lukis mural bisa sangat efisian buat mendukung kepopuleran.
Tidak hanya cafe mural 3d pula bisa digunakan ataupun dipakai buat mendukung bisnis yang lain yang bertabiat dalam ruangan.
Semacam Restoran ataupun warung makan serta sejenisnya, apalagi hingga penyewaan kolam renang loh.
pemakaian design 3d mural hendak sangat bagus, menarik pehatian lebih banyak serta bisa menguntungkan dalam segi pemasaran. mengapa?
sebab pengunjungan hendak difoto serta membagikannya pada orang dekat mereka sehingga pemasaran pula menjadikan strategi yang lebih bagus serta efektif.
Lukisan Mural Cantik
Tidak hanya Lukisan Mural 3D yang banyak benefitnya bila dipasangkan di tempat yang cocok.
Tidak beda dengan lukisan mural umumnya karen lukisan mural biasa pula sangat bagus loh.
lukisan mural umumnya sangat banyak pula buat penempatan dalam pembuatannya, semacam.
Mural buat sekolah TK. ataupun PAUD, dinilai bagus karen lukisan mural yang membagikan nilai bimbingan, bisa merakibat baik pada perkembangan kanak- kanak loh!.
Pemilihan corak sangat pentingloh tidak banyak jasa mural bandung yang tau hendak perihal itu
Nyatanya Cat ataupun corak pada sekolah halaman kanak kanak membagikan guna psikologis loh,
Corak bisa memicu kegiatan serta pula bisa membagikan kesan yang pas cocok dengan yang didetetapkan, Pastinya ini bisa tingkatkan kecerdasan walaupun secara tidak langsung.
Bisa tingkatkan serta pengaruhi emosi baik cocok atmosfer, bisa tingkatkan kreativitas serta pula konsentrasi dalam aktivitas.
Itu sangat diperlukan buat anak anak karen masih dalam masa perkembangan.
Komposisi corak yang pas merupakan bagaikan berikut:
Corak merah sendiri mempunyai artu ialah ialah simbolisasi dari semangat serta pula keberanian. Sedangkan dalam dunia desain, corak merah tercantum pula dalam kalangan corak yang panas.
Corak merah yang sangat mendominasi gedung sekolahan cuma hendak membuat murid cenderung kasar serta sulit diatur.
Berbeda dengan orang yang sudah berumur lebih berusia, anak lebih hendak lebih gampang terbawa- bawa oleh area sekitarnya tercantum dalam bentuk visual suatu bangunan sekolah.
Corak netral pada gedung sekolah semacam putih, abu- abu, serta putih kream bisa menolong anak lebih fokus serta konsentrasi dikala belajar.
Tetapi corak netral yang sangat mendominasai pula bisa membagikan kesan yang kaku.
Color Block
Bila tembok dengan corak netral kurang menarik buat riasan ruang kelas di sekolahan, kamu dapat memakai metode color block.
Seleksi satu corak di luar corak netral, sebagian corak yang dianjurkan merupakan hijau, biru, serta ungu.
Motif tersebut ialah corak dingin yang bisa membagikan dampak tenang pada ruangan kelas walaupun hendak diaplikasiahn pada segala tembok kelas.
Kamu pula leluasa memilah tone yang diseleksi, waran hitam ataupun gampang bersama tidak hendak jadi permasalahan.
Gimana saatnya mengenali harga jasa mural bandung murah serta terbaik kamu dapat menghubungi no disini ataupun mendatangi ke no 0813 8035 1143
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typhlonectes · 5 years
A new investigative film reveals the extent of illegal trafficking of otters to supply Tokyo’s ‘cafés’ where people pay to cuddle the wild animals, and it also shows their unsuitability as domestic pets.
Otters kept in these cafés endure poor conditions and are fed items like cat food, which is not good for them.
The business is highly profitable and is likely linked to organized crime, according to the film’s undercover investigation. Adults are often killed and their young captured for the trade.
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artistdinzel · 2 years
American Celebrity Jonathan Upshur (DiNZeL) composer/lyricist/producer NYC recording studio talent from: New York, NY 21+ DiNZeL STORY and DINNER... ORIGINAL RECIPE ENGLISH FRENCH VANILLA cafe' Other languages (Translation) ITALIAN VANIGLIA FRANCESE cafe' SPANISH VAINILLA FRANCESA cafe' HEBREW בית קפה צרפתי ונילה CHINESE 法國香草咖啡館' JAPANESE FRENCHVANILLAカフェ ' GERMAN Café FRANZÖSISCHE VANILLE From: DiNZeLs <[email protected]> To: DiNZeLa <[email protected]> Sent: May 01, 2022, 12:25:22 PM Subject: "DiNZeL DANCE MUSIC" https://youtu.be/6PLN7HoXc7I (SUBSCRIBE) https://www.backstage.com › dinzel "What does Dinzel mean?" https://www.lulu.com/shop/jonathan-upshur-dinzel/dinzel/ebook/product-1z9wdv6m.html?page=1&pageSize=4 "Nearby & related entries: dinumeration dinuncleotide dinur dinwiddie dinwoodey dio diobex diocesan diocese diocesener" "Abbreviations Anagrams Biographies Conversions Calculators Definitions Grammar Literature Lyrics Phrases Poetry Quotes References Rhymes Scripts Symbols Synonyms Zip Codes" ""Dinzel." Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2022. Web. 23 Jun 2022. <https://www.definitions.net/definition/Dinzel>." https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/jonathanupshur Professional name: Jonathan Upshur (DiNZeL) Current primary address: 296 9TH AVE, New York, New York 10001 Current telephone numbers: 646-271-2611
Story of the century...
I am writing to introduce myself. My birth name is Jonathan Upshur. My nickname is DiNZeL. I am a native-born New Yorker (A Brooklynite), living alone in my New York City private brand new  prestigious luxury residence, I am a single intelligent, and well-educated person.
As a child I was a Cub Scout and Boy Scout, I played Pitcher with the New York Yankee Little League. Later following my high school graduation, I joined The United States Marine Corps and received an Honorable discharge. I have been Honored by the United States Presidents several times for outstanding service during the past and present. I am an American Hero, Yankee and living Legend with a prominent family, name and education.
My unique screenname is "DiNZeL". I am a straight born alone New York native, American citizen mixed (Sicilian, European White, Spanish, German, American Indian...) 6' tall athletic, muscular, handsome, young good-looking man with short black, neat mixed hair. My birthday sign is Leo, my birthday is in August.
Other languages: nun, khokhol, mynute, pabalang, denotify, पश्यति, పిన్ని, పగడాలు, hatid-sundo, gratus, sayang, consuelo de bobo, superbas, pay pigs, nousagi, welfie, biffle, ஐம்பொன், unnethe, optimus, pever, side chick, sonder, picheo, windang, bravissima, पर्वत, cockwomble, bazmeg, అమ్మ, kinō, ఆకాశము, a chara, abú, కాంచనం, ༄, piccoletto, fordító, vear, stratos, discusting, asphodelos, alieve, daisenpai, michoacana, yurr, శకటం, ohime, sum, faggete, traim, vywer, molly wop, జయంతి, hugr, pitieth, రథం, confirmandi, jologs, cacor, skruk, cuckold, ಕಾಡು, జంబుకం, വായ്നോക്കി, itness, spoglio, beeg, qui, kochira koso, bilas, nakupenda, capor, apo, ఖలం, kaibosh, bewbs, wakuwaku, unupdated, hunsvotti, partum, fumfering, douchecanoe, memaw, motus, kuzuri, nomen est omen, Kabayan, ichinichi, feamainn, cocotazo, eeee, 亗, కొండ, très chic, sessioned, blaidd, కోతి, suntok sa buwan, కడలి Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Melayu Cymraeg Deutsch English Esperanto Jawa Lëtzebuergesch Nederlands Sunda Tiếng Việt Türkçe asturianu azərbaycanca dansk español euskara français hrvatski italiano kurdî lietuvių magyar occitan polski português português do Brasil română shqip slovenčina suomi svenska čeština Ελληνικά башҡортса български македонски монгол русский татарча/tatarça тоҷикӣ українська עברית اردو العربية سنڌي فارسی پښتو नेपाली मराठी मैथिली हिन्दी অসমীয়া বাংলা ગુજરાતી தமிழ் తెలుగు മലയാളം ไทย ပအိုဝ်ႏဘာႏသာႏ ဖၠုံလိက် မြန်မာဘာသာ 中文 日本語 ꯃꯤꯇꯩ ꯂꯣꯟ 한국어
I graduated P.S. 200 located in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn (1977) and later I graduated Mark Twain IS 239 for the Gifted and Talented in 1980 (Coney Island, New York City) https://twain239.com/m/
Later, I graduated The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Arts degree, where I independently worked as a television studio engineer, cameraman, and lighting technician.
Now, I am an independent media owner with my own NYC recording studio and digital network: I am the best entertainment professional in the World.
I spend my time quietly creating my own original digital media, television and music products (with my own digital recording, computer equipment, products, studio and label) I enjoy producing new ideas and developing my unique concepts into stunning pictures, television scripts and design illustrations. This is where my graphic design education takes light and allows me to bring the World around me into a different and meaningful prospective to visually share color with others. 
When I am not busy working I enjoy a fine dinner, concert, watching theatre.
I am occupied as a professional an American celebrity entertainer in New York City. Thank you. Sincerely, DiNZeL @_DiNZeL :-) Dictionary entry Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ #SHARE ... .. .
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