#cat calming spray
ashleyarlert · 1 year
The Ultimate Stress Buster For Your Furry Friend: Best Cat Calming Spray Revealed
Are you tired of seeing your beloved feline friend suffer from anxiety and stress? As a cat owner, it can be heartbreaking to see your furry companion going through such emotional turmoil. Fortunately, there is a solution that can help alleviate their symptoms: cat calming sprays.
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Calming sprays are designed to soothe cats' nerves, reduce anxiety levels, and promote relaxation. These products come in both natural and synthetic forms and have been shown to be highly effective in reducing stress-related behaviors in cats.
But with so many options on the market, how do you know which one is right for your kitty? In this article, we'll delve into the world of cat calming sprays, explore their benefits and drawbacks, offer tips on choosing the right product for your cat's needs, and provide guidance on using them effectively.
Understanding Cat Anxiety and Stress
You might be surprised to learn that your beloved feline friend can experience anxiety and stress just like humans do. Cat behavior modification is a growing field, with many owners seeking out relaxation techniques for pets who are struggling with these issues.
As a pet owner, it's important to understand the signs of anxiety in cats so that you can address the problem before it becomes too serious. Some common signs of anxiety in cats include hiding or avoiding social interaction, excessive grooming or scratching, loss of appetite, and even aggression.
If you notice any of these behaviors in your cat, it's important to take action as soon as possible. There are many different relaxation techniques for pets that can help alleviate stress and anxiety in your furry friend. In the next section, we'll explore some natural calming sprays for cats that may be able to provide relief without resorting to medication or other more invasive treatments.
Natural Calming Sprays for Cats
Looking for a natural solution to help soothe your feline friend? Check out these calming sprays specifically designed for cats. These natural remedies are made with aromatherapy options that can help reduce stress and anxiety in your cat without the use of harsh chemicals or medications.
Here are four natural calming sprays for cats to consider:
Feliway Classic Spray, which mimics the pheromones that cats release when they feel safe and secure;
Bach Rescue Remedy Pet, which contains a blend of flower essences to calm nerves;
Sentry Calming Spray, which uses pheromones and soothing scents to relax your cat; and
VetriScience Composure Pro Bite Size Chews, which contain ingredients like L-theanine and thiamine to promote relaxation.
Using one of these natural products can be an effective way to help alleviate your cat's stress and anxiety.
Transitioning into the next section about synthetic calming sprays for cats, it's important to note that while synthetic options may also provide relief, they come with potential side effects and risks. It's always best to consult with your veterinarian before using any type of medication or spray on your furry companion.
Synthetic Calming Sprays for Cats
If you're considering a calming spray for your cat, it's important to weigh the potential risks and benefits of synthetic options. While natural alternatives are often preferred, synthetic sprays may have some advantages that make them worth considering. For example, they may be more effective in reducing anxiety levels in cats compared to their natural counterparts.
However, before making a decision, it's important to take note of the pros and cons of using synthetic calming sprays for cats. Some studies suggest that certain ingredients found in these products may have negative effects on feline health if used excessively or over an extended period of time. It's essential to consult with your veterinarian before choosing a synthetic calming spray for your furry friend to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
When it comes to choosing the right calming spray for your cat, there are various factors to consider. These include ingredients, effectiveness comparison between natural and synthetic options, and compatibility with your cat's personality and behavior.
How to Choose the Right Calming Spray for Your Cat
When choosing the right calming spray for your cat, it's important to understand their needs. Not all cats are the same and what works for one may not work for another. Reading labels and ingredients is also crucial in ensuring that the product is safe and effective.
It's always best to consult with your veterinarian before using any new product on your furry friend to ensure it won't interfere with any medications or treatments they may already be receiving.
Understanding Your Cat's Needs
Understanding what your cat needs is crucial for their well-being and happiness. As a pet owner, you must be aware of your cat's behavior to identify any changes or signs of distress.
Environmental factors play a significant role in influencing your feline friend's mental state. Factors such as noise level, temperature, and lighting can affect your cat's mood and lead to anxiety.
It's essential to provide a calm environment for your cat at home. You can create a safe space by providing hiding spots, scratching posts, and toys that encourage playtime. Also, make sure to keep the litter box clean and fresh water available at all times.
By understanding these environmental factors that affect your cat's behavior, you can choose the right calming spray that addresses their specific needs. With this knowledge in mind, let's move on to reading labels and ingredients to ensure that you're picking the best option for your furry friend!
Reading Labels and Ingredients
Let's dive into the labels and ingredients of calming sprays to ensure you're making an informed decision for your beloved feline companion.
When analyzing the label, look for active ingredients such as pheromones, chamomile, or lavender. These natural ingredients have been known to have a calming effect on cats without any harmful side effects.
It's also important to be aware of potential allergens that may be present in the spray. If your cat has any known allergies or sensitivities, make sure to check the label for common allergens such as wheat, corn, soy, or dairy products.
By taking the time to read and understand the label and ingredients of a calming spray, you can ensure that it is both safe and effective for your furry friend. With this knowledge in mind, let's move onto consulting with your veterinarian to determine which product is best suited for your cat's unique needs.
Consulting with Your Veterinarian
Now that you've learned how to read labels and ingredients of cat calming sprays, it's time to talk about consulting with your veterinarian. It's important to communicate with your vet about any concerns you have regarding your furry friend's behavior.
They can help you determine if a calming spray is the best option for your cat or if there are any underlying medical issues that need to be addressed first. Your vet can also provide guidance on the pros and cons of different calming methods, such as pheromone sprays versus herbal remedies.
Some cats may respond better to one method over another, so it's important to find what works best for your feline friend. Remember that every cat is unique and what works for one may not work for another. By consulting with your veterinarian, you can ensure that you're using the most effective and safe method possible for calming your kitty down.
Moving forward, let's talk about how to use calming sprays effectively without causing harm or discomfort to your furry friend.
How to Use Calming Sprays Effectively
To effectively use a calming spray, simply spritz it in areas where your cat spends the most time to create a soothing environment that promotes relaxation. Here are some tips on how to use calming sprays effectively:
Use the spray before stressful events such as vet visits or car rides.
Spray it on bedding, blankets, and even toys to create a calming atmosphere.
Don't overspray - a little goes a long way!
Combine with other stress-reducing techniques such as play therapy and environmental enrichment.
Be consistent with usage for best results.
By following these simple tips, you'll be able to help your furry friend feel more relaxed and at ease.
In addition to using calming sprays, there are other things you can do to reduce your cat's anxiety and stress.
Tips for Reducing Cat Anxiety and Stress
You can be the hero your feline needs by uncovering new ways to ease their worries and soothe their nerves. One of the best ways to reduce your cat's anxiety is through relaxation techniques. This can include gentle petting, massages, or simply spending time in a quiet environment.
You may also want to consider providing your cat with interactive toys that encourage playtime and exercise, as this can help release pent-up energy and promote relaxation. Another helpful tip for reducing cat anxiety is by establishing a routine. Cats thrive on predictability, so try to keep their feeding times, play sessions, and rest periods consistent each day.
Additionally, make sure they have access to plenty of fresh water and a clean litter box at all times. By implementing these tips into your cat's daily routine, you'll be better equipped to calm them down when they start feeling stressed or anxious.
Transitioning now into the subsequent section about finding the right calming spray for your cat…
Finding the Right Calming Spray for Your Cat
If your feline friend is in need of some relaxation and soothing, a calming spray can make all the difference. But with so many options on the market, how do you know which one to choose?
Here are a few factors to consider when comparing effectiveness and price range:
Ingredients: Look for natural ingredients like pheromones or essential oils that have calming properties.
Reviews: Read reviews from other cat owners who've used the product to see if it's worked for their pets.
Application method: Some sprays require direct application to your cat's fur, while others can be sprayed in the air or onto bedding.
Price range: Calming sprays can vary in price, so decide on a budget before making your purchase.
By taking these factors into consideration, you'll be able to find the right calming spray for your furry friend. Not only will it help reduce stress and anxiety, but it can also improve overall well-being and behavior.
Remember, investing in your pet's health and happiness is always worth it!
Congratulations on taking the first step in helping your furry friend combat anxiety and stress! By learning about the various natural and synthetic calming sprays available, you're equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision for your cat's well-being.
Remember to consider factors such as ingredients, effectiveness, and ease of use when selecting a spray. And once you've found the right one, be sure to follow proper application techniques to ensure maximum benefits for your feline companion.
With a little patience and dedication, reducing your cat's anxiety and stress can be achievable. Whether it's through using a calming spray or implementing other tips such as providing adequate playtime or creating a safe space for them, know that every effort counts towards improving their overall quality of life.
Keep up the good work in being a compassionate pet owner! Visit Cat Spraying Pro to find great advice and tips about cat spraying behavior.
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nocek · 11 months
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Is it a stupid idea? Yes. Did I have to go overboard and animate it? No.
But I had to and I'm not sorry ;P
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holiday2008 · 2 months
I tried that melatonin bed spray last night and first of all it works and second of all my cat sleeps in my bed with me and it worked on him a little too good so I was half asleep trying to google if melatonin spray was bad for cats while he’s in my arms snoring
I felt like I was in that scene from wizard of oz where Dorothy’s falling asleep in the poppies
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whatyoutaughtwasfear · 10 months
i have got to get normaller
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corneille-moisie · 8 months
i really did not expect to have to fully re-socialize my cats, this weekend 🤦🏻‍♀️
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biteapple · 10 months
i think in the new place im going to get a little night light that im going to wall-mount special on an outlet cause these night terrors are getting pretty fucking severe and constant
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loveoaths · 2 years
senjuro + genya + kaigaku = “not good enough” sibling squad
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paranoiias · 5 months
I found easy cat-safe plants at petco 👀
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luminiamore · 1 month
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basketball player ony x black spiritual reader
first part here.
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warnings: bomb dick, vibrating panties (idea came to me last minute)
The day finally arrived. The man you had been crushing on for months— the man who sucked the soul out of pussy just two days ago— was taking you out on a date. Your nerves were racking up, your breathing heavy as you stared at yourself in your mirror. The scent of lavender and the burning blunt you just rolled are lingering in your nostrils. It was 5 p.m., 30 minutes before Ony told you he was coming with your outfit.  
You were stuck in the mirror, fixing the baby hairs on your ginger wig as you took another hit. Your head was being hit pretty hard by the effects of the marijuana. Your gold and stone bracelets jiggled around with every movement you made. Why were you so nervous? This is the same man that slobbered over your clit on your clit appallingly not too long ago. So, why were you so nervous? You jumped when you heard a ding coming from your phone. 
“omw mama.”
Another hit. You read the text without even clicking on the message, and if Ony was the type of nigga to go 50 on a 20 road, you had about 10 minutes before he came knocking on your door. You quickly wrap a pink silk robe from one of your hangers on your body, not putting on panties because you have a gut feeling. You already showered, already lathered your body in your strawberry body milk. Your light makeup sat perfectly against your skin, your lips brown and glossed.
The only thing left for you to do was to spray a bit of your Kayali Sugar Candy perfume, and after the final spritz, you heard a light knocking sound coming from outside your room. Your heart is beating ten times faster— he didn’t even tell you he was outside. Another hit, and you ash it out outside your window. 
Your feet could barely be heard on the ground as you rushed to open the door and shit. Seeing Ony outside of his usual attire was doing more to you than you cared to admit. He was in a white dress shirt and black suit pants— all dressed up for the date he was taking you on. His hair was freshly cut, the first two buttons on his shirt were loose, and he had a freshly ripened hibiscus bouquet in his right hand and a medium-sized bag on his left. How did he know those were my favorite flowers?
“Heard you tell that girl you always with that you really liked these.” He smirks a bit when your eyes widen in realization that you said your thoughts out loud. You grab the flowers from his grasp, fingers burning when you accidentally graze his hand, and mutter a small, “Thank you, they’re beautiful. Come in, Ony.”
His aura alone was so potent, so calm and safe, and inside, you knew your spirit guides were probably cheering you on. Your cat’s immediate approach to him, rubbing its head on his legs, was a sign that you made the right choice. Waiting for him to pet her, she plopped down on the floor, and unsurprisingly, Ony crouched down to honor her wishes.
You wanted him to take you now, but you knew Ony was a man of his word. He wouldn’t fuck you until after tonight. You just had to wait until after tonight. You glance up to where a regular clock is hanging above your door. 
..Waiting until after tonight suddenly seemed like forever. 
“Not as beautiful as you. You smoking in here?” The smell of it was immediately detected when you opened the door. He smiled internally because he was waiting outside your apartment in his Hellcat while he texted you and lit his own joint. You really were meant for each other. 
Ony thought you looked good enough to eat. Again. Nothing but a thin robe on you, accentuating your curves and showing a slight peak of your voluptuous brown tits. Flashes of you moaning his name and bucking your hips wildly onto his tongue started slipping into his mind— would it really be wrong to taste you again?
Your pretty voice breaks him out his thoughts, “Yea, you want a hit? Or two?” You release a chuckle, the sound making the tall man shiver a bit. He takes a deep breath— patience. He has to have patience. You’ll be moaning his name soon enough.
“Nah, was smoking before I got here. Here, mama.” He hands you the bag he was holding after you got done putting the flowers on your kitchen counter. You were a bit.. skeptical when Ony asked if he could dress you for tonight, worried that he might choose an outfit that you wouldn’t like. 
What you didn’t know is that Ony observed you. Studied your peculiarities and the way you dressed when you walked up into Econ, he wouldn’t have asked such a question otherwise. He had precise knowledge of what to give you, and it was evident when you took the bag from him and found an exquisite crochet skirt set. 
The skirt ended with shades of light to a deep royal purple, and the top had no straps. Flower patterns were all over it. There was also a pair of shoes, white mini heels with thin straps. And when you reached the bottom of the bag, you saw panties, purple, and flower patterns all over it, too. 
“Ony, this is- It’s gorgeous. I-”
He kisses your cheek and gently pushes the items to your chest, “Go put ’em on. Reservation’s at 6:30.”
You giggle and nod, rushing to your room on your tiptoes. In your living room, Ony is waiting for you, lying down on your comfortable couch and petting your cat after she jumps onto his lap. He has reason to believe that you two wouldn’t make it outside if he came inside your room with you. 
You take your time, slowly putting each piece on to not stretch the crochet material. Your last step was the panties, and you couldn’t help but feel that they were slightly heavier than any of the panties you owned. You’re about to examine it a little more, but you stop short when you hear Ony’s voice: “You ready, mama?”
Any confusion about the panties was long gone after you put them on, following the heels. After spritzing your perfume one more time, you grab your keys and head out the door, Ony following closely behind you. 
It was a peaceful ride to wherever Ony was taking you, with only soft Brent Faiyaz music playing in the background and the light-burning sound of the half-finished joint he offered you. At every red light stop, you would let him take the hit until both of you finished it. 
He parked his car in front of a garden-like spot just before you ashed it out, just in time. You are about to reach your hand to open your door but fall short when you hear a click!
“You should know better.” Was all he said before he got out of the driver’s seat and got to your side. As he opens the door for you, he grabs your hand to guide you out and leads you to a person who is ready to seat you both. Hand in yours the entire time. “Reservation for Onyankopon, please.”
The man gives a smile and gestures for you both to follow him. It would be an understatement to describe how beautiful the area was when you surveyed it. It was like a restaurant in a garden of flowers. You are led by the person to a table surrounded by grass and daises, with occasional butterflies flying around you. 
“How did you even find this place?” You ask in complete awe. Ony spent a while trying to find a place he knew you would like. You didn’t seem like the type of person to like classy restaurants, and he definitely didn’t want to take you to some low-end place. He wanted to find something that resembled you. A place where you would feel completely comfortable. 
And well, when you sat down, and a white butterfly made its way onto your awaiting finger... Ony couldn’t help but think he made the right choice. You look like a goddess. An ethereal being that was all his. “I drove by it one time, and it reminded me of you. You like it?”
He hoped you did. The expression on your face wasn’t telling him enough. He wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth, or else he would drown in his anxiety. All he wanted to do was please you. 
“I love it, Ony.” A bright smile graced your face. You never looked more pretty— aside from when you made those gorgeous faces when he was pleasuring you. 
A server came to take your order, Ony ordering for himself before the woman turned to you, 
“And for you, miss?”
“Could I please have the-” The sensation of intense pressure vibrating on your clit causes you to stop your sentence with a faint gasp. Both of your hands are gripping the table to provide support.
“Miss? Are you okay?”
“You good, mama?” You look up when Ony questions and catch the faux concern in his eyes, his lips twitching up a bit as he almost fails to contain his smile. This was his doing. You knew those panties were different. And you seriously should’ve questioned why he bought you a pair anyway. Fuck it felt so good.
You steady your voice so you don’t stutter when you speak up, “… I’m okay. Could... I have the-the Shrimp Fried Rice, p-please.”
You curse yourself internally when you stumble upon your words. You observe as she reluctantly nods and accepts your order. You would’ve flushed your head down in embarrassment, but in your defense, you had a vibrator going at full speed on your clit. Fuck whatever she was thinking about you right now. 
The minute she walks away from the table, you give Ony the meanest glare you could muster— which, to him, wasn’t doing much. In retaliation, he just turned the vibration up, causing you to yelp silently. 
“Ony! W-why?” You whimper out as quietly as you can so as not to raise attention from the people around you. He just shakes his head, amused at how weak he could get you. 
“You look so pretty like this, mama. Enjoy yourself, hm? You deserve it.” 
He couldn’t get his mind off the events that occurred when you came to his dorm. Could you even blame him? For wanting to see more of those pretty faces you make. For wanting to eat you whole again.
He realized he couldn’t outright finger you in a public setting, not here anyway. He didn’t want to wait to fuck you so he could witness you fall apart like you did last time. He longs for you with a strong desire. Even 72 hours later, the flavor of your juices is still lingering on his tongue. “But-”
“Shh. Just try not to get too loud, yeah? Don’t want anyone else seeing those gorgeous faces you make.”
Squeezing your thighs together, your head falls back against your chair. This goes on for a good while, Ony just staring at you, biting your lips to stop the moans bottling in your throat from getting too loud. He watches as your pretty lashes flutter open and close while your eyes roll in the back of your head.
You rub your lower hips against the chair subtly in quick, fast motions to stave off your impending orgasm. Light gasps released from your throat when you feel a burning sensation in your abdomen. Just when you start feeling like the dam is about to burst and ruin the only thing that holds you up right now, everything comes to an end. 
The vibration, your rubbing— nothing but your ears buzzing can be heard until you finally register what just happened. You don’t have time to dwell on it much because your waiter comes back with what you both ordered. 
“Would you like some water, miss?” And this time, Ony grants you the mercy of answering for you, ears still buzzing and clit still twitching because of your ruined orgasm. 
“She would, please.” When the waiter walks away from your table, Ony almost cracks under the pleading look you give him. He can’t believe it took him this long to ask you out. What if someone got to you before him? He wouldn’t be able to live with himself. 
Your soft and crackling voice reaches his ears, “Please, Ony. Let me-”
“Eat your food, mama. I said enjoy yourself, never said you could cum.”
Giving him a pout is all you can do, and his tone indicates that this is not a subject for discussion. The rest of the night went surprisingly well. The conversation was full of rich details about both of you. Only told you many stories about him, how he got to be a basketball player, and how it was a dream of his since he was a toddler. In return, you told him how you even started your spiritual journey, spoke about your childhood even because you were just so comfortable around him. 
He didn’t turn back on the vibrator for the remainder of the evening, only listening to the sweet melody of your voice whenever you said something or laughed at something he said. It seemed like you hadn’t been here for that long when the bill came. You were truly in the present moment with Ony, so you lost all sense of time. But you caught a glance at your phone— 9:30.
Damn. It’s already been three hours? Ony takes out his wallet and pulls out some cash. He gently grabs your hand to pull you out of your chair so that you and he can leave together. Before you know it, you both are on your way back to your apartment. What catches you off guard is the intense vibration from the restaurant coming back, causing you to let out a loud moan in his passenger seat. Your passenger seat after tonight, if he was being honest. 
Your body thrashes against the seat belt, hips bucking wildly because you are still so horny after being left on the edge like that. “F-Fuck!”
He pretends to be unfazed, his eyes still focused on the road as you release the honey moans contained in his car.
“Can you hold it f’me? You’re almost home, mama. I’ll make you cum as much as you want when we get there.”
He must like torturing you. That’s the only explanation. At his words, you don’t think you ever worked harder to stave off an orgasm in your life. The pressure feels so good, your body bubbling with heat and the pleasure being felt in every corner. You wail when the vibrator hits a particular spot on your clit due to your hips rapidly shaking and moving.
Your breathing starts to become erratic as you release light hiccups. Your efforts to not cum are so intense that tears are falling from your brown eyes. Why was it taking so long to get home?
“I n-need to.. cum. Please!”
How do you do that? Look so divine while your pussy is being overstimulated? He almost wants to let you have cum because you look so pretty while trying to beg for him. But then he thinks about how he doesn’t want you finishing on anything other than the massive tent in his pants, and he figures— you can wait a bit. He’s pulling up in your garage anyway, and he wasn’t going to fuck you in his car for your first time together. 
Your heavy breathing and the sudden slam of Ony’s door are all that remains in the car when he puts it in park. He opens your door and swiftly holds you in a bridal style to your apartment number. He presses light kisses to your cheek, his tatted hand rubbing gently on your wide hips.   
He doesn’t wait a second to devour your lips once you open your door, your moans being muffled by the sheer force of the kiss. His lips were soft and sweet against yours, fitting perfectly as your lip gloss was smeared onto him. Still in his hold, you weakly point to the direction of your room, which he follows wordlessly. Heels are long gone, and been thrown in the hall amid your make-out session. 
He plops you down on your mattress, and you don’t hesitate to yank him down towards you into another brutal make-out session, your smooth legs encircling his waist. You gasp when he firmly squeezes the fat of your tits, allowing him to dip his tongue into yours, deepening the kiss.
Fuck, you wanted him so bad. Your skirt rises, and soon, there’s nothing but his pants and your panties separating the two of you. Ony was unusually big.. you knew this when you first saw his print at his dorm. And right now, as he was fumbling to take his belt off, your mind was scrambling, trying to figure out how you were going to fit all of him inside of you. 
All thoughts went out the window when he ripped your damp panties off in one go and immediately started playing with the obscene amount of slick that’s been gathering ever since he came to pick you up. Your cute sounds are heaven to him.
His deep voice whispers in your ear, “You’re so wet, baby. Don’t need me to prep you, right?” 
His fingers are moving rapidly against your clit, as he is awestruck by how his hands keep slipping off out of rhythm due to your wetness. Or maybe he was already drunk on you, desperate to split your pussy apart on his cock. His pants aren’t even entirely off before he’s fisting his fat cock out of his boxers and slapping his brown tip right on your pussy lips, creating wet squelching sounds.
“Could just slip right in with how you’re leaking all over your sheets. You gonna take it, mama?”
And he was right. Your wetness was creating a dark stain on your bed, likely gonna start seeping into the mattress. You sneak a glance down at Ony’s ministrations, and you immediately try to move your hips away. This man was dead-ass walking around with a third leg. It was so big, it actually scared you. How the fuck was that supposed to fit inside of you? Even your last fling wasn’t this hung. 
He immediately pulled your hips back towards him, refusing to let you run away from the deep fucking he’s been craving to give you. “Don’t do that. Take it f’me, baby. Please?”
You whimper, his pleading tone getting you even more wetter. “O-Ony.. you’re too b-big! I can’t- Ooo fuck.”
You didn’t have time to finish your sentence before he sank his length past your tight walls, making you feel every inch of him. Fuck, he was so deep, and he almost wanted to cum right there. He looks down at you and shit. 
You never looked more beautiful, as he said. Your mouth is constructed into a lovely “o” shape, and your eyes roll back so deep into your skull he can see your white eye sockets. You were drooling, the feeling of his dick inside of you simply too much for your tiny brain to handle. He wasn’t gonna last long.
Your wet cunt was so stretched out, and Ony didn’t even give you a second to relax before he started feeding you deep, harsh strokes. You could do nothing but let tears fall from your eyes and wail his name so loud you’re sure you’ll probably get a noise complaint from your neighbors. 
“Gorgeous. Such a good girl taking my dick like this, you love it baby? Talk to me, mama.” He pleads as his face is buried in the crook of your sweat-filled neck, the feeling of your pussy being better than he ever imagined. Than he ever dreamed of. The sounds you both were making were so lewd, so nasty. But it was bringing you much closer to splashing all over his disheveled dress shirt.
“So-so good, Ony! L-Love it s’much.” Your pretty cries make him groan loudly against you; you can feel it vibrating against your chest. Your mind is blanking, and the fire in your stomach that you felt twice today is coming back, only much stronger. Your already overstimulated clit is causing it to come much faster.
With every thrust he gives you, you give Ony a beautiful yelp. And he could only watch your face contort as you struggle to find something to hold on to, to ground you. You’re a bit dense if you think he would let you do anything other than feel every spec of what he gave you. He grasps both of your hands with only one of his hands and presses them above your head.
“Pussy’s so damn good, shit. M’gonna cum. Where you want it, mama?” 
And you respond to him so eagerly, choking on your spit when he presses down on your stomach, his bulge being prominently displayed every time he thrusts in and out of you. 
“Ahhh! M-me too! Inside, Ony. P-Please Ony, cum in m-me.” 
He can’t say no to you, not when you beg him to fill you up with tears like that. The final straw for you was when he forced his tongue into your panting mouth again, swallowing every gasp and moan that managed to fall past your lips. You make a sudden and unwarranted shriek against his mouth, and your pussy splashes all over him. 
He groans as you babble his name repeatedly, allowing salty tears to flow freely down your cheeks. Your body twitches as your pussy creams and squeezes tightly around him, and that’s enough for Ony to shiver as his cum spurts past your womb. He should have slowed down or stopped because now you both feel overstimulated. 
But he couldn’t. He couldn’t stop thrusting his hips rapidly against you, the feeling of you squirting on his dick quickly becoming something he wanted more of. He needs you to do that again. He needs you to spray your sweet juices so hard it reaches his face. Your chest is heaving as you try to wriggle your hands out of Ony’s grasp to slow him down. Your attempt doesn’t do much but make him tighten his grip on you,
“Give me another one, mama. Come on, just one more, baby.” And by the look on his face, even you can tell it wasn’t just going to be one more. You were in for a long night.
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depresseddepot · 2 years
I love my cats very much but sometimes it really does feel like i just live in cat piss
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goldmanguyperson · 1 month
nonhumans also not free of waste, carelessness, and pure environmental gluttony
taylor swift could be nonhuman and she’d still be using her damn private jet to get her remote out from behind the couch, because identity does not and cannot dictate your beliefs.
there are people who say they love and empathize with animals, and yet still would keep a snake in a plastic box or put a prong collar on a dog. that would still yell and spray water at a cat. that still would let their cat roam outside unsupervised. that still would release their pet parrot.
i have seen therians who have a really shitty understanding of how to treat animals. who say they pet small wild animals “because they seem so calm”. who believe in animal whisperers. who fail to recognize animal body language. you are not special. you are not free of our society. you do not get to forgo analyzing your biases just because of your identity
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ashleyarlert · 2 years
Cat Calming Spray - Top 4 Best Products You Need to Consider Trying
Using a calming spray for your cat can be beneficial in a variety of ways. If you notice that your cat is acting a little bit hyper, you might want to use a calming spray to help him calm down. Using a calming spray can also help your cat relax and be happier.
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Nature's Miracle
Whether your cat is hyperactive or stressed, Nature's Miracle cat calming spray is the perfect solution for your pet's calming needs. With its non-toxic formula, it helps cats feel relaxed and calm, without making them addicted. This cat calming spray can be used on bedding, toys, crates, and anywhere your pet may be upset or uncomfortable.
If your cat is displaying unusual behaviors, he might be stressed by changes in his environment. It's important to provide him with a safe place to stay, whether it's in the house or a crate. This can help keep him calm and prevent him from spraying.
You can use Nature's Miracle cat calming spray on your cat's bedding, crates, toys, and anywhere your pet feels uncomfortable. The spray has a long-lasting fresh scent that will keep your house smelling clean and fresh. This cat calming spray is safe for use around children and small animals.
Nature's Miracle cat calming spray is made from essential oils, flower extracts, and other natural ingredients. It also uses water and other inert ingredients to produce the calming effect. It is also safe for pets with sensitive skin.
The spray comes in an ergonomic, portable container that makes it easy to apply on your pet. The calming effect lasts up to 6 hours, making it perfect for long trips. You can also spray it on a doorway or carpet to prevent your cat from hiding in places.
The cat stress formula is odorless, non-toxic, and safe to use in your home. It is proven to calm aggressive pets and provide peace and harmony in your household.
When choosing a calming spray for your pet, be sure to check its ingredients and label. You should also take your pet's allergies into consideration. It's best to try the product first before you buy. It's also important to ensure that the spray works quickly and effectively.
Nature's Miracle cat calming spray provides cats with comfort and relief, and helps them adapt to new situations. This spray is non-toxic and contains no parabens or artificial dyes.
Pet Organics
Using a calming spray on your cat is a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. This is especially helpful for cats who are normally skittish. However, it's important to choose a product that's not only effective, but also safe.
There are a few different types of calming sprays on the market. Some contain alcohol, while others are based on synthetic pheromones. These sprays work by sending a chemical signal to your cat's brain.
Using a calming spray can help to prevent your cat from scratching inappropriate surfaces. You can also use these sprays to help your cat stop meowing or hiding. The best sprays will be safe and effective, as well as last for at least a few hours.
A calming spray can also help your cat relax during a stressful event. This includes new guests in the home or when your cat visits the vet. You can also use the spray to help your cat get along with other pets.
Many of the best cat calming sprays contain lavender. This natural fragrance puts your cat at ease and reduces stress. It's also proven to help relieve stress in humans.
Paws & Pals is a calming spray that's made from aloe, rosemary, chamomile and lavender. It isn't the longest-lasting product on the market, but it has a strong scent.
Pet Organics No Scratch (tm) Spray is a unique product that helps discourage your cat from scratching inappropriate surfaces. It can be applied as needed depending on how severe the behavior is. It's also safe for most fabrics, including carpets, leather and screen doors.
Pet Organics No-Stress Cat Spray is a calming spray designed to reduce stress and anxiety in your cat. It's also formulated with pheromones to help make your cat feel safe and secure. It's also made from a mild rosemary and clove formula, so it won't leave foul odors or damage your carpets, fabrics or indoor plants.
Pet Organics' product is not as well-known as some of the other calming sprays on the market, but it is worth a try. It is affordable and has a nice all-natural fragrance.
Whether you're looking to calm your cat during a stressful visit to the vet or if you're just looking for a little temporary relief, SENTRY Good Behavior Cat Calming Spray has you covered. It's made of a non-toxic, all-natural formula that includes lavender and chamomile for a calming effect.
The calming effect of this spray is immediate. It's also non-toxic so you can use it in areas where your cat will spend a lot of time. It's also easy to transport. Its long-lasting fresh scent is great for keeping your surroundings smelling fresh.
The SENTRY Good Behavior Cat Calming spray is also made with a calming pheromone that will help reduce stress related behaviors in your cat. It also has a nice lavender chamomile fragrance. You should never use this spray on active skin lesions.
The SENTRY Good Behavior Cat is one of the best cat calming products on the market. It has been shown to lower elevated heart rates in cats. Its neonatal pheromone makes it an ideal choice for stressful situations. It's also a good product to use if you're trying to introduce a new cat to a multi-cat household.
The SENTRY Good Behavior Cat also has a cool collar that makes your cat feel secure and comfortable. The collar has a slip-away buckle that makes it easy to adjust. You should also check the collar's fit regularly. Especially if your cat has a growing neck. You can also purchase the collar in larger sizes if you have more than one cat.
The SENTRY Good Behavior Cat's pheromone collar will help your cat cope with stress and anxiety. It also helps reduce unwanted scratching and meowing. If you're looking for a cat calming product that will also help with the other stressors in your home, you can't go wrong with SENTRY. The company has teamed up with top universities and pet experts to create a line of calming products for cats. You can choose from a range of calming sprays, collars and diffusers. The SENTRY GOOD Behavior Cat Calming spray is also available in a range of sizes so you can find the right one for your cat.
Comfort Zone
Whether you are traveling with your cat, boarding your cat, or simply wanting to make your cat feel better in a new environment, Comfort Zone Cat Spray is the perfect way to do so. Comfort Zone cat spray contains natural calming Pheromones, which help your cat feel more comfortable in its surroundings. It can also be used to deter your cat from unwanted behavior.
Comfort Zone cat spray is safe for your cat and safe for you. It contains premium ingredients that will not harm your cat or your home. It has a pleasant scent and is stain-free. It is also easy to apply. It can be used on any surface that your cat may have an interest in, such as the carpet, doorframes, and furniture. It is also odorless and has an easy-to-use spray cover.
Comfort Zone cat spray can also be used to deter your cat's urine marking. A cat's marking is an indication of stress. If you notice your cat marking your bathroom, shower, or toilet, use Comfort Zone cat spray to help stop your cat from inappropriate spraying behavior.
Comfort Zone spray is also safe to use for traveling. It can be used on cat travel carriers and on your cat's bedding. It can be used on doorframes, fabric, and hardwood. It can also help prevent your cat from urinating on your furniture. It is also an odorless, colorless product. It comes in a portable bottle and is easy to use.
Comfort Zone spray and Scratch Control is also effective in reducing scratching and other behaviors associated with stress. It can help prevent urine marking, which is a common sign of stress in cats. It can also be used to prevent vertical scratching. It is easy to use and is ideal for travel. You can spray it on your cat travel carrier, bedding, and furniture.
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bluejutdae · 5 months
• Stray Kids as very specific vibes | OT8
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Chan: brushing your teeth side by side, making sure the other sleeps enough, late night city dates, plaids, dimples, racing each other on the street, spraying perfume on pillow cases, trying new stuff, 3 am runs at the grocery store, trust, last minute flights, glass clinking, lightnings, early morning fog.
Minho: reading books to each other, cat cafés, cooking together, the crackling of the fireplace, the first snow of the season, camping and fishing, quiet acts of service, giving each others silly gifts, cats stickers all over the house, warm blankets and cups of tea.
Changbin: vanilla scented candles, gym dates, sharing food, laughing carelessly, meeting the families, kissing on the shoreline, summer days, sea salt on your skin, warm hands, blowing on birthday candles, quality time, feeling safe, warm bathrobes, the smell of fresh laundry.
Hyunjin: paint stains, oversized shirts, matching nail polish, staring into each other's eyes, waking up in the middle of the night, heart wrenching movies, holding hands, whispers at night, talking about true love, soulmates, words of affirmations, sharing a blanket, museum dates.
Jisung: hysteric laughing, iced americanos, playing catch, fixing hair behind the ear, sharing earrings, falling asleep on the floor, neon lights, chapped lips and bitten nails, sharing earbuds, calming tones, shaking hands, goodnight pecks, dreaming of flying, Icarus poems, silver jewelry.
Felix: late night train rides, sitting on a car roof to watch the sun rise, the fresh water of a pool, the relaxing presence of your best friend, videogames, arcades games, golden hour, pretty smiles, silly tattoos, sharing playlists, trying new food, learning to braid hair.
Seungmin: study dates, white and baby blue flowers, coffee stained pages, journals and diaries, house keys, silly key chains, good morning videocalls, matching outfits, the warm wind on a summer night, the smell of oranges in the air, the feeling of belonging, tight hugs.
Jeongin: the glint of the snow, cold hands around warm chocolate, daily outfit pics, playgrounds, pranks, sharing secrets, watching reality shows, watching the full moon, counting stars, no fear of being judged, first love, setting goals, singing out loud into fake microphones.
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3lyvshiro · 11 months
𐙚 ⋆₊˚ 2:53 ..ᐟ
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Suna Rintaro affectionately and unironically calls his grumpy, cold (,and apparently bitchy) girlfriend "sunshine". Even when she's the most standoffish, difficult person you'd ever interact with. he wholeheartedly believes that she is a little bundle of joy, and talks about her like shes an absolute angel to whoever asks.
for instance.
"Theres my girl. shes a little ball of sunshine, isnt she?" rin would say, talking about his girlfriend to a friend of his, with a finger pointed to her by the distance. said girl looking like a feral cat trying to keep a civilized conversation with one of his fangirls.
"morning, sunshine." rin would mutter, approaching his girlfriends desk as the scowl that was etched on her face immediately faded into a soft smile, only ever directed at rin. as she comes up to him and tightly hugs his torso, she nuzzled her face on his neck and catches a smell of his uniforms collar. freshly sprayed cologne. it was that masculine smelling brand that he knew was her favorite on him. she got on her tip toes to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek as he smiled down at her, a big hand on her waist as he patted her head gently.
"hey sunshine" rin would greet, leaning his weight on his girlfriends locker beside his while kissing her head and slipping his hand on her waist, despite her crossed arms and the massive scowl on her features prior to when he approached. he could only assume that something or someone pissed her off...again. upon seeing the look on her face and her obvious frustration, he'd cradle her cheeks with his two big hands to guide her to look at him. and, with the softest voice ever, only for her, he'd coo, "bad day, sweetheart?" while kissing away the heavy scrunch on her brow and caressing her cheek. he could tell from the way she would visibly soften, that she's turned to putty on his hands, once again. he was the only person who could have such an effect on her. at her lack of resistance when it came to him, rin couldn't control the upper quirk of his lips as he smiled softly at her. but before he could bask in the joy of a happy girlfriend once more(happy girlfriend =happy life), said girlfriend furrowed her brows once again. with a red face, she pulled away from rin only to pull on his bicep to keep him close to her as she walked them onto the other side of the hallway, to the cafeteria. She would never admit it, but rin always knew how to calm her down and make her go all soft for him. Yeah, she could be a grump sometimes, but he liked that about her, despite his friends teasing him for his dynamic with his grumpy girlfriend, always commenting about the contrast in how she treats everyone else compared to how she treats him.
something about how he gets special treatment from 'the ice queen' just because he's her boyfriend. in fact, whenever rins friends would catch a girl confessing to him. they always barge in and invite themselves in the conversation only to comment how "you have ta be as cold as y/n to even catch sunarins interest".
later in practice, rin finds himself bringing up how "n/n isnt cold." with the most serious face ever. and with almost everyone strongly disagreeing, he would add, "she can be a grump sometimes, but she isnt an ice queen." i mean, he knew she wasnt exactly the nicest person alive, or the easiest to get along with, but saying she was an ice queen was a bit of a stretch. atleast to him. thats why when atsumu shudders and weakly shares his own encounters and past interactions with the girl, of how difficult it was to get along with her, rin could only scoff in disbelief. "how is she difficult to approach? that must be a you problem because she's literally a ray of sunshine." rin would defend, not catching the sudden dull and stiff tension in the air that enveloped the club room. glancing at his teammates, who all suddenly looked gravely pale, he turned to osamu, who only let out a low whistle as he turned his head to the side. "if y/n's a ray of sunshine, kitas the laziest person in this room." atsumu would speak for everyone, since no one had the guts to say a word, too afraid it would reach sunarins icy girlfriends ears. his statement followed up through by a series of "yup"s, "yeah"s, and overall agreements. rin raises a brow, genuinely confused.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
Just asking is it ok if I request a lactation kink for gojo?! Are your asks open!! No problem if it's not <3
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—cw: fem!reader with big boobies, lactation, nip biting, thigh riding, titty milk spray (bro idk what to call it), gojo calls you mommy.
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—a/n: okay this is nasty asf and not everyone's cup of tea so don't read if any of the warnings ick you.
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They say curiosity kills the cat. Not when it comes to Satoru. Not when it's you. The strongest always made sure to attain the knowledge of everything within his reach. That is how exactly you ended up mewling like a kitten when he latched his mouth on your lactating tits.
Gojo was always amused by your tits. How they looked so perfect, bouncing whenever you ride him. How it was always rubbing against his chest when he fucked you in missionary. But this might be his new favorite thing about them.
"Ngh—Toru," you purred.
"Fweel gwood, hmm?" He muffled with a mouthful of your nipple. "I lvove wyour twits—fuck!" He unlatched his mouth to moan, dark pink tongue swiping against milk glazed lips to taste it all, making sure he doesn't waste a single drop.
"You taste so sweet, baby. Makes me wanna have you for breakfast everyday." Satoru grabbed you by your waist, changing positions quickly so now you were on top of him while he laid back on the headboard.
"Toru? Baby, what are you doing?"
"Just lemme do, mkay?" You nodded and let him do his thing. Satoru's slender fingers toyed with the string of your panties, and soon enough snapped them apart. What's there to worry about? He'll just buy you another one.
"Grind on me," you weren't sure what he was upto but it's not like you had a way out of it. With the heat that was settled on your cheek now traveling your wet core, you started rubbing your pussy on Satoru's thighs. His body temperature was cooler than yours. It baffled you how he managed to keep his calm everytime as he toys with you while you here are burning with lust, shyness and pleasure. You straddled on him a few times before picking up a pace. However, Toru wasn't doing anything yet. You thought he was onto something more (he is) but all he did was watch you with his lustful gaze
"You close, baby?"
"Mhm—hafta cum, toru. Please," you begged grinding harder. That is when the white haired played the card up his sleeve. As you approached closer to your orgasm, Satoru grabbed your tits and squeezed them so now both of your bodies were getting messy with your milk.
"Toru, what—no. Look—'s makin' a mess," you cried, not stopping though.
"I'll wash it, babe—fuck! I need to do this," he pressed both your tits together, your perky nipples spraying his now opened mouth. And the missed drops traveling from his jawline, to his chest, then to his thighs which you were getting off on. You pussy juice and your tit milk mixed together. Tears formed your eyes, from the overstimulation and the embarrassment. It was too much. No no. You weren't crying because it was bad. You were crying because you felt like a pervert now that you were cumming, and whining his name so loud. That might've been the most intense orgasm you've had because it lasted thirty fucking seconds.
Satoru's hand let go of your tits—which bounced back—and snaked to your back, big hands rubbing you till you calmed down.
"Mommy did so good f'me." Your cheeks heated up once again in embarrassment of the nickname, and he chuckled at your reaction. You are so pretty. And he is so lucky to have you who let him play with you.
Yeah he washed the sheets don't worry.
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smuthospital · 6 months
⭐️Degrees of lewdly: Eden⭐️
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Premise: You're a spooky place youtube explorer, and you get lost in a big scary forest! Eden voorhees lol. Reader is fem. Enjoy!
Art by Minagami
Re-upload because tumblr took it down last time.
Content Warning: Non-con, kidnapping, tummy bulge, blood, Eden is Jason, Voorhees
Miners DNI
You've never really gone hiking before and it's proven itself to be a lot more difficult than you originally thought it would be. You like to explore places you've never been, spooky places. more for the thrill. you started filming it and posting your videos on youtube. You usually take some friends along, but all of your friends decided to be little babies this time since the place you're exploring is extra creepy this time. It's a large forest 20 miles away from your city. You borrowed your mom's car to get here. you always tell them you're at a friend's house because they'd kill you if they ever found out you're putting yourself in possibly harmful situations. This forest is known for creepy sightings, disappearances, ghosts, and lots of other things your viewers would love to watch. You've been to abandoned hospitals, cemeteries, tunnels, all that good stuff. You don't think you'll actually see anything, but you brought a can of pepper spray just in case.
The wind howls, making the trees dance above you. The shapes that were once branches in the day have turned into long gangly fingers that desperately reach for you and the bushes now house entities with red eyes and fangs that you imagine want to tear you to pieces! "Wow, guys. This might just be the scariest one yet, haha. There's probably some sort of scp in here with me haha!" You try to keep yourself company by talking to your soon-to-be viewers when you post this, but it's really just to keep you calm.
"I'm a bit lost. The trail kinda disappeared somewhere around here, I think. there's just so much long grass and it's more of a footpath than an actual trail." you complain as you try to spot any familiar landmarks. It's almost impossible. It might be easier in the day for sure, but the night masks everything. You step over decayed logs and large roots, feeling worry set in. What if you're really lost!? Your thoughts come to an abrupt stop when you hear a strange sound not too far from where you're standing. Your blood freezes as you feel a cold sweat coming on. Maybe...maybe it's a person? And maybe they can help you?..or..a monster!? No, (Y/n), this is no time to be silly! That could be a person willing to help you before you get yourself completely lost!
Little did you know you were already a mile deep, walking in the wrong direction.
“I heard a sound. It could be someone who could help me get back on track.” You whisper. You turn off your video camera's flash light and carefully make your way to where you heard the sound, being careful not to step on anything that could alert whatever it is of your presence. You don’t want to startle it, just in case it's an animal willing to protect its territory from invaders like yourself. The sound came from below you. There's a rocky slope leading down to a river. You get down on your knees and peer between the long grass. You can't make out much in the dim moonlight... until you spot a giant of a man dragging a sack through the shallow water. His size alone sends shivers down your spine. Even from where you're crouching, you could tell he would dwarf you the way a cat would to a mouse. You examine him a bit more.The sack is stained in a dark colour that is seeping through the fabric and into the water. You don't dare move a muscle or even breathe. You can't believe your eyes. This can't be real. Are you in a horror movie?
You make sure he disappears behind the tree line with the mysterious sack before letting out a breath. You didn't want to accidentally alert him of your presence in any shape or form. He was probably just a hunter. Yeah, he could have helped you, but he also could have added you to the wet sack and you were not risking that.
You stand up and turn around, ready to get as far away from here as possible, only to bump your nose into a tree. The collision causes you to drop your camera. That's strange. You don't remember walking around a tree to look over the cliff. You rub your nose in annoyance. Wait a minute... This tree didn't have rough bark like the rest of them...Your brain blanks out. You've been in denial this entire time, your brain working extra hard to rationalize what's happening. Before you is a large torso. You can't even see their shoulders from how close you're standing, just a wide, firm chest. You crane your neck up and it takes you a good three seconds before your brain registers that you're looking at the man from before..and he's wearing a mask!
He looks down at you with a focused gaze. You let out a short scream and try to run away, but being within arm's reach of the giant makes it too easy for him to simply reach out and grab the back of your top. He lifts you off your feet with one arm and brings you to his eye level. He cocks his head to the side, observing you slowly. He looks down at the camera you dropped and places his large boot on it, pressing down and crushing it. You start to hyperventilate. He's gonna chop you up and wear your skin, he's gonna keep you in a dark hole and shout "It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!" You thrash in his iron grip, pushing at his large hand and sobbing untellable pleas for mercy, but your begging falls on deaf ears. "I-I'm sorry. I-I'll leave, I promise! Please let me go! I-I didn't mean to bother you, I'm sorry!" You cry. Your little struggle seems to have made your shirt ride up a bit, showcasing your supple flesh to his thirsty eyes. His eyes laser focus on your bare skin.
To your confusion, his hand reaches to caress your skin, feeling the smooth texture before slowly moving up. You wiggle more, scared of where this is going. His hand soon finds your breast and cups it before giving it a squeeze. He shudders. His breathing becomes heavier as he continues to mess with your body, his thumb rolling over your nipple. All you can do is whimper and wiggle in his hold. his hand begins sliding down and you scream. You suddenly remember you brought a can of pepper spray, whipping it out of your back pocket and pointing it at his face. Then as you were about to press down and unleash the fire juice, it was gone. In his hand that was previously molesting you lies the remains of your poor pepper spray, crushed and bubbling pathetically. He was so fast you hadn't even realized he snatched it. You just stare at him in horror. To your surprise, he's not even mad, too preoccupied with the need to explore your privates. You hold his wrist and look into his eyes. He looks back into yours as if telling you to stop. You hesitantly let go, and he nods as if to tell you that you've made the right decision. His hand cups your pussy through your jeans, pressing in a bit at the entrance. He seems eager.
He lifts you higher and uncomfortably sets you on his shoulder, his hand on your ass to keep you in place. You don't even bother struggling. You'll wait for an opportunity. If this man wanted you dead, you'd be dead. You don't want to provoke him. From your spot on his shoulder, You notice that he's got a hunting rifle strapped to his back along with a machete. He has an assortment of things attached to his hips among them being a hunting knife and bullet pocket. You shiver. One more off-putting thing that's just about forcing bile up your throat is that he's also covered in a dark wet liquid. You haven't noticed till now, but you haven't been breathing so his smell has now come to your attention. He smells strongly of iron. To that, you're not very surprised.
He starts marching down the hill you were previously watching him from. You have no idea how you saw him disappear through the treeline and he still managed to sneak up on you. He picks up the large stained sack where he left it in favor of locating his little spying mouse. It smells awful, the meaty smell assaulting your senses every second. It's been 15 minutes and an opportunity to escape has not shown itself. This is it. This is how you die. Your body will never be found. Maybe in a few years in a shallow grave by some hiker if you're lucky. This inhuman mass of muscle is going to cut you up and eat you. Maybe even skip cutting you up. He could probably eat you whole as pre-workout. He lifts his leg to step over a large log, his grip on your ass slightly loosening just enough for you to catch him off guard and slip off his shoulder. You grunt as you fall into the dirt and leaves behind him. You scramble up before the giant can scoop you up. You run in a random direction. You just needed to get away from him, getting out of the forest was a problem for later. You didn't even think about how fast he'd be. How could someone be so big and fast!? He took off after you and suddenly, he was on your ass. You've never felt such a primal fear as he chased you like a hungry animal.
A large hand grabs your shoulder and rips you backwards. You fall on your back and stare up at the man now on his knees in front of you, his body completely casting a shadow before yours. He gets down on his hands, caging you too the ground, his body inches above yours. You stare into the holes of his mask and into his rabid eyes. He leans in by your neck. You stop breathing once again, you think your heart stopped. You feel something large and hard pressing roughly into your crotch. You hear him take a deep breath and smell you..."Smells nice." His voice is deep and rough, but it sounds like he rarely uses it. You scream and begin to cry again, not being able to take it anymore. You fight him with all your might. He grabs your wrists with one hand. You hear him chuckle a bit before his hand comes up to cup your check. He suddenly squeezes it and twists your face around to get a better look at your features. He grinds his hips against yours, teasing you of what's to come. He roughly releases your face, before standing to his full height and dragging you up with him. He tosses you back over his shoulder, this time with an almost bone-crushing grip. “Name.” His tone is commanding. When you fail to answer right away, his fingers press into the area on your crotch. Threatening to rip right through. “(Y/n)! My name is (Y/n)!” He hums in response.
Hot tears run down your cheeks as he walks back over to where he left his murder mystery sack. He navigates through the forest as he knows it like the back of his hand until he comes upon a clearing where his home stands. A lonely wooden cabin. He drops the gooey meat bag on the ground. You cringe at the wet sound it makes on impact. You peer over at the sack to see a human hand flop out. Before you could react, he slams his hand over your mouth painfully. "Shut up." He waits for you to nod before removing his hand. He opens his front door and steps inside. It smells musty, like old wood and man smell. Not bad, but not amazing either. He walks up his stairs and sets you on a very large bed. You take a deep breath in, your stomach sore from being jabbed by his shoulder for the entirety of the long walk.
He doesn't let you get comfortable though. His hands are on you in an instant, grabbing your clothes and ripping them to shreds like tissue paper, you're naked before you could even hold any of your clothes together. Hungry eyes leer over you through his mask. You feel his hot breath fan you through the bottom of his mask. "S-stop it, please! Don't hurt me!" You beg. As if to mock your plea, his rough hand grips your plush thigh a little too close to your cunt and squeezes it tightly before shoving it against your chest, making room for himself between them.
He releases you for a moment, only to unzip his uncomfortably tight pants. You shut your eyes and look away, only to feel the soul-crushing weight of his cock slam against your lower stomach. You writhe underneath him, small sobs and hiccups coming from your mouth every few seconds. He pauses for a moment but ultimately decides to continue. You peer up between your wet palms and see him rubbing the tree trunk between his thighs while looking down at your pathetic form.
"W-wait! I-I'm not rea-" He grabs your thighs and forces you closer to him and lines his cock up with your entrance, he slides it up and down your folds, causing you to shudder. He doesn't care if you're ready or not. You shut your eyes as he presses forth. You scream in pain. It won't go in. You're too tight, he's too big and you're dry. The tip can't even get through. You whimper in pain. It burns. You need moisture. He lifts his mask a bit and you get a peek of his jaw. It's noticeably sharp and covered in stubble. You feel his saliva plap against your poor dry cunt before he puts his mask back into place. He tries to enter you again. You yelp. He gets a bit through before he can't anymore. He sighs. He was trying to be gentle. He didn't want to break you so quickly...
He grips your thighs tightly. You feel his nails dig in. You barely have time to register the pain before you feel like you're being ripped in two. He's forcing his way in. You immediately let out a scream and begin spazzing. He just continues until he reaches his base, more than snug against your insides. Drool leaks past the corner of your lip as you stare off into space. He breathes heavily and stares at the bulge he created in your lower stomach. He brushes his hand over it and watches as you whimper and twitch. He pulls his hips back and watches it disappear before ramming himself in again and seeing it jab through your insides. He chuckles.
You lay there, unable to do anything but feel what he's doing to you. You lift your arm and place it on his lower stomach, hoping to stop him that way. You feel his rock-hard abs through his shirt and push. "You're...adorable...fuck.. you're tight." He groans before he slams himself deep inside and you clench around him. He hisses and struggles to pull out halfway, your insides trying to pull him back in. He slams in again and presses himself as deeply as he can, firmly hugging your cervix with his cock. Your eyes cross as he thrusts in and out, keeping a proper pace. Moans spill from your lips along with jumbled-up words he can't make out, all of which sound like music to his ears.
He leans over you, forcing himself snugly against you again, his mask right next to your cheek. He groans as he feels you twitch around him. "Feel..so good... was worried you'd rip... you're only bleeding a little." You can hear the smug grin in his tone.
It feels so good. You're so ashamed, feeling good when you're being raped by a maniac. You clench your tear-filled eyes as he pounds into your aching cunt. The knot in your lower stomach bursts as you cum. He moans as you tighten around him. He stills for a second, just enjoying how you feel before he pounds into you like a feral beast. You're surprised your pelvis is holding up. He grips your waist tight and grunts as he empties his balls deep inside you. You can almost feel yourself getting pregnant. You feel too full. Your stomach bloats with cum. You feel hot and fuzzy. Your pussy is so very sore and your legs are numb. He pants above you. "I've been thinking of getting myself a little wife like you." He says as he slowly pulls his still throbbing cock out with a wet 'pop'. "You're a pretty little thing and you take my cock well. Be grateful I'm letting you live as my cock sleeve." He stands up, towering over your crumpled body once again. "My name is Eden. Your duties from now on are cooking, cleaning, mending my clothes and taking my seed. Do not make me repeat these orders. Object and I won't hesitate to remind you of your place. I was gentle this time." His giant cock is still dripping your juices. You can't stop looking at it. Ge takes notice and climbs over you before grabbing your head and forcing you close to his groin. "I see you love cock. Lick it clean then like a good wife. go on."
You look up at him and hesitate a bit too long. You see anger flash in his eyes and you quickly envelop his tip in your mouth. He groans as you lick your mixed juices off, going as deep as you can without choking. He moans and grabs the back of your head. He stares down at you with such intensity that you can feel him burning holes into you. You suddenly feel your throat being invaded and your nose pressing into his pubic hair, nose pressing into his crotch. He moves you back and forth, face fucking you. You struggle to breathe properly through your nose. You let out muffled whimpers and cries, sending vibrations through his cock. He grunts in pleasure before you feel a load of hot thick liquid being shot into your mouth and down your throat. You're so tired. He slowly pulls his cock back and laughs at your exhausted state. Your head flops back onto the bed, your jaw and lips so incredibly sore and raw feeling. "Good girl." He says before your sight fades to black. You explored a bit too much.
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