#cat hybrid!jaebum
goopeculiar · 2 years
Fluffy Tales jackson/jaebum, PG-13, 39437 words. Jackson Wang’s Definitive List of Things Im Jaebum, Roommate, Cat Hybrid and Grump Extraordinaire Does and Does Not Like: DOES LIKE: • Hoodies • The one table on the library’s second floor by the big window (direct sunlight all morning) (it’s basically heaven on Earth) • Nap time (usually at 11am) (and 12pm) (and 1pm) (and 2pm) (and 3pm)… DOES NOT LIKE: • Waking up • Being awake in general • Not being asleep • Jackson Wang Jackson Wang's new roommate doesn't even hate him. He 'nothings' him. And that's just something that Jackson can't live with.
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
Picture Perfect
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Cat Hybrid Jaebum x Reader
Word Count: 3,190
“How’s your project coming along?” 
“Almost done actually! I got my mom and grandparents to sit for me, and it only took me about a month. Just trying to get the shading right at this point.” 
“Lucky you. I had to start at the beginning of class, and I’m only just now finishing it since it took me forever to even find a model.” 
“Well, we still have a week until the final piece is due. If you’re this close to finishing, then there’s no need to worry.” 
As you eavesdrop on the conversation in front of you, you realize why you’ve had that nagging feeling in the back of your mind. To your horror, you’ve forgotten all about the portrait project that was due at the end of this art class. I mean, it was only 40% of your grade, no big deal that you were an idiot and now had to rush to finish a full 18x24 portrait - never mind figure out what it would be about or find someone to sit for you. The only sure thing was that you would have to use acrylics instead of oil paints since the former dried in a matter of hours. 
You groan and press your fingers to the throbbing pulse on your temple as a headache grew. You had made the mistake of taking six classes this semester, and between everything you had to do for all of those classes and the new addition to your home mere months earlier you supposed something was bound to have escaped your notice. You just wish it hadn’t been something worth so much of your grade. 
“Wow, are you okay? You look like you’re going to puke.”
Your classmate Yugyeom leans over right into your face, causing you to blush as you playfully swat him away. He’d only recently started sitting next to you, as the two of you had discovered you had four classes together and started talking. He was really sweet and cute, but you weren’t sure where things were going. He sometimes seemed like he was flirting, but other times he gave you clear friend vibes. He was really confusing, but thankfully you had too much on your plate to seriously give pursuing him much of a thought. 
“I feel like I’m going to puke. I forgot all about the final project.” 
“You’re kidding! Dude, I had mine done like three months ago. You’re usually ahead of me on everything. What happened?” 
You huff, completely annoyed with yourself. 
“I don’t know. I just overreached this semester, and on top of that, I adopted a hybrid a few months ago. He took up a lot of my concentration.” 
Yugyeom nods knowingly. “I have one too, a cat, so I know how you feel. Bam’s an ass sometimes, but he’s awesome. What’s yours?” 
“Jaebum’s a cat too. I wasn’t even planning on a hybrid, especially not while I was still in college and at the beginning of the semester too, but I couldn’t resist. They were having some weekend event near a park and I made the mistake of making eye contact as I passed by. He was so cute I couldn’t resist.” 
Yugyeom chuckles. “Yeah, sounds familiar. Listen, I had an idea. You don’t know what you’re going to paint yet, right?” 
“Not a clue.” 
“Right. Paint me and Bam Bam!” 
Your mouth drops as you gaze at Yugyeom with hope. 
“Yeah! Bam would love it and I would be happy to accept the finished painting as payment when the professor returns them after grading. What do you say?”
“I think you just saved my life. I accept.” 
Yugyeom grins and slings his backpack on, standing up to leave. 
“Great. Bam Bam is going to be excited. Can we come by tomorrow? I’m off work then, but if another day works better we can figure something out.” 
“No, tomorrow is fine. God, thank you so much. I’ll text you the address.” 
“Awesome. See you later!” 
You wave as he leaves the classroom, quickly send the text of your address before you forget, then gather your own things. Visions of your portrait becoming more clear now that you had a subject. You sigh with relief as you head home, thanking the powers that be for making Yugyeom so nice. 
“Jae, I’m home!” you yell as you close the door behind you and throw your bag near the kitchen table. 
Jaebum’s head pops out of the bedroom, grinning and twitching his tail. 
“Hey. Dinner should be done by the time you’re finished with your shower.” 
You roll your eyes and head towards the bathroom, as usual finding a pair of comfy sweats and a shirt already waiting for you in there. 
Jaebum was a sweetheart, but he was incredibly possessive of you. He’d never had a home outside of the hybrid shelter and wasn’t used to having anything of his own, so naturally, he clung to the one thing that had ever been his alone. 
He was fairly nice to the handful of your friends that he’d met as long as they maintained a respectful distance from you, something Jackson had learned the hard way and had a scar on his hand to show for it. Random strangers or hybrids were out of the question. You might as well have been President and bodyguard with the way Jaebum acted whenever you went outside together. 
This was also the reason why he refused to get near you until you took a shower whenever you got home. He always claimed you reeked of hundreds of other people and hybrids and it drove him crazy. So no matter what, as soon as you got home you were to jump straight in the shower then allow him to scent you. His compromise was to take over dinner, which you’d been more than happy to hand over to him. It was nice to have a meal to come home to after a long day. 
With your shower done, you present yourself to the waiting hybrid on the couch. Jaebum is quick to place you on his lap and begin rubbing his face all over your neck, purring and sniffing in a few areas, tickling you with his warm breath. You were always glad for your human senses not being able to pick out whatever he was rubbing on you because you had a feeling it was pretty potent. You’d seen other hybrids wrinkle their noses at you before so you guessed Jaebum laid it on pretty thick. You were basically a walking ‘hands off’ sign. 
A timer dinged in the kitchen, so Jaebum sighed and reluctantly let you slide off of him so he could go take something out of the oven. The table was already set, so you simply sat down and waited. 
“Ah, this is the life. Coming home to a nice hot supper without lifting a finger,” you giggle, only for it to become outright laughter as Jaebum gives you a look filled with mock disgust. 
“Spoiled human,” he mutters with a tiny smile, carrying a big tray to set in the middle of the table. 
“Thankful human. What’s on the menu?” 
“Tuna casserole, dinner rolls, and a salad for you since you insist on having disgusting vegetables in the house.” 
“Hey, I’m human. I actually need those veggies to stay alive, JB. You want me to live, don’t you?” 
“I suppose.” 
“I can feel the love,” you chuckle, giving the casserole a quick sniff. He made this one a lot, as it was one of his own favorites, but it was really good. 
The meal was awesome, as usual, and you spent the rest of the evening relaxing and chatting with Jaebum. The next day was Saturday and you had no classes, so both of you simply rested and cuddled on the couch watching television until it was time for bed. 
You had an odd feeling you’d forgotten something though. 
You were stuffing your mouth with cereal and laughing as you and Jaebum watched cartoons and talked about what you wanted to do this weekend. He kept saying there was some concert in town he wanted to go to, but he seemed to forget that hundreds of other people would be going to this thing, not to mention this one was famous for playing in the middle of the downtown square. Meaning all the attendees were literally standing on the little jet fountains and purposely getting soaked. You decided to keep that part to yourself. It would be worth going and getting drenched just to watch Jaebum freak out over his precious fluffy tail getting wet. 
When the doorbell rang, both of you jumped in surprise and Jaebum’s tail instantly shot high into the air. It flickered nervously as he pulled you behind him and slowly crept towards the door. 
“Were we expecting someone?” 
You cringe to yourself as you realize you forgot to give Jaebum a heads up about Yugyeom. If there was one thing he hated more than other men in his territory, it was other hybrids in it. 
“I’m sorry, JB honey. I forgot all about it. I have a project due for my art class and I have a friend and his hybrid coming to help me.” 
Jaebum stares down at you like he can’t believe you would do something like this to him. You feel so guilty. 
“I promise, I’m so sorry. Just...be a good boy and I’ll give you whatever you want later.” 
He sniffs haughtily and wraps his tail around your waist, pulling you closer as he goes to open the door. 
“You better.” 
He flings the door open and crosses his arms, staring into the surprised faces of Yugyeom and his adorable hybrid Bam Bam. 
“Listen up. You’ll keep your paws to yourselves and stay in my sight at all times. And you...furball. If I catch you scenting anything, I will not hesitate to kick you out on your ass.” 
The other’s orange ears and tail twitch as he sniffs with indignation. “Furball? Really? With a tail like that you’re probably hacking up hairballs all over the place and I’m the furball?” 
“I don’t hack up hairballs.” 
You perk up and glance at Jaebum. “Wait. Is that why I always hear you coughing in the morning?” 
Jaebum throws his hands in the air and stalks towards his usual spot on the couch, glaring at everyone. 
You sigh and gesture for the two to come inside, closing the door behind them. 
“Anyway. Jaebum, this is Yugyeom and his hybrid Bam Bam. Please be nice because they are doing me a huge favor.” 
“What kind of favor?” he asks, his gaze suspicious. 
“We’re going to model for her,” Bam Bam purrs with a smirk, and you have the distinct feeling this one was trouble. He was definitely trying to antagonize Jaebum on purpose. 
“Excuse me?” Jaebum growls, his volume now soft and low. Meaning danger.  
You put your palms out placatingly. “For a painting, Jae. I was a dummy and forgot all about my final project, so Yugyeom said he and Bam Bam would sit for me. This project could mean the difference between me passing or failing, so be on your best behavior.” 
He doesn’t answer, instead turning back to his show like he was done with everything. Except his ears were still trained towards the three of you and his tail was flicking high above him. 
“So, where do you want me?” Yugyeom asks, smiling brightly like a hybrid showdown didn’t almost occur in your living room. 
“The window bench right over there. Relax and get in a position you can handle holding for a while. Just give me a moment to grab my paints.” 
Jaebum jumps up to help you carry the tall easel into the room as well as the table for your paints. Once everything is in place you finally look at the pair again. 
Yugyeom and Bam Bam are looking pretty cozy, lounging across the pillows on the window bench with their legs and hands entangled and Bam Bam’s head laying against Yugyeom’s shoulder. The sun lends a warm glow over the pair, their matching golden rings catching the light as they stare at each other fondly and...oh. 
Well. That explains that. 
Your fingers move quickly as you pencil sketch the scene to try and capture as much as you can today. 
“So...” you clear your throat and peek at the two with a teasing grin. “How long have the two of you been together?” 
Yugyeom flashes you a guilty grin while Bam Bam’s purrs merely increase in pitch as he watches Yugyeom with love shining in his eyes. 
“Caught that, huh? It’s been about three years. He was my hybrid growing up, but we didn’t start anything until I went off to college and he decided to follow me. Literally. He waited two days before he hopped a bus and found my dorm room by scent and moved himself in.” 
“Like you wouldn’t have missed me and begged me to come anyway. I was just saving your dignity.” 
You giggle at their teasing. “You guys are cute.” 
Yugyeom nods towards Jaebum. “What about you guys? You said you adopted him fairly recently, right?” 
“Yeah, beginning of the semester. Um, I don’t know. We’re still getting to know each other, I think. Although I’m sure you noticed he’s pretty protective of me, so I guess that means he tolerates me at least.” 
“You also reek of him. Smells like mate to me,” Bam Bam grinned with a wrinkled nose. 
“Oh yeah. That stench isn’t the regular this is mine scent. It’s this one is mated fuck off,” Bam Bam explained with a very poor impression of what you guessed was supposed to be Jaebum’s voice. 
“Huh,” you mumble, pausing your drawing to peek over at Jaebum. His eyes are still trained firmly on the television, but his cheeks are flushed. He was definitely listening to the conversation, but he didn’t immediately refute Bam Bam’s claims. He just sat over there quiet and blushing. Was it true? 
You shake your head and focus on your work, steadily getting everything down. Jaebum only had to interrupt you a couple times to get you to have something to drink and let everyone take a bathroom break. He’d gotten used to doing that, as he’d learned that you would often work seven or more hours straight until you were practically fainting of hunger if left without supervision. Finally, when the last bit of natural light disappeared and your fingers ached, you laid everything down with a sigh and called it a day. 
Bam Bam and Yugyeom sat up and stretched before coming around to look at the canvas. Jaebum quickly jumps up and joins, wrapping his tail around your waist possessively,  and using himself as a buffer between you and the pair. 
“Wow, I almost wish the project was for a pencil sketch, because this is perfect as is,” Yugyeom exclaimed, appraising the canvas with a raised eyebrow. 
“You think?” you ask, staring at the piece. It was hard to judge your own stuff, as you were overly critical of everything you did. 
Yugyeom nods enthusiastically. “Definitely. I’m excited to see the final work.” He grabs Bam Bam’s hand and leads him toward the door. 
“We’re going to head out, it’s pretty late and I need to get him fed. Good luck. Oh, it was nice meeting you, Jaebum!” 
Your hybrid barely acknowledges them, grunting something that you supposed was some sort of farewell before heading back to the couch. You shake your head and wave until they reach their car before shutting the door and plopping down next to Jaebum. 
“Sorry I just sprung that on you. Thanks for being good about it.” 
“It was fine. They were alright, I suppose.” 
He said it with such an air of nonchalance that you giggled, knowing full well that it had probably taken everything in him to keep his mouth shut. It had probably helped when he learned the two were together and therefore had no designs on you. 
“So...is it true?” 
What you were asking about apparently needed no explaining as the blush from before built on his cheeks again as he silently shrugged. 
“Were you ever going to tell me?” 
“Eventually,” he mumbled quietly, pulling his tail into his lap. 
“Why eventually?” 
“Humans need time for that kind of stuff right? Hybrids don’t. We can smell when someone is our mate right away. I didn’t want to scare you off and I didn’t even know if you were open to thinking of hybrids like that. You’re good about not treating me like a pet, but a boyfriend is a whole different thing.” 
You nod thoughtfully as he explains. It’s true, you probably would have freaked at the thought of dating a hybrid when you’d first gotten him. But now you knew him well and were aware that he was perfectly able to make his own decisions. You realize the thought of dating Jaebum makes you excited, the idea of calling him your boyfriend and going on real dates with him making your heart flutter a bit. You basically acted like a couple already, you just needed the label. 
“What if I said I was okay with it?” 
Jaebum’s head swirls to stare at you, his eyes wide with surprise. 
“You want to be my mate?” 
His eyes narrow as if in disbelief. “You realize mating means for life, right? At least for me. You might be able to move on, but you’d be it for me.” 
“I remember reading that, yes. And I still want to do it.” 
Jaebum’s happy rumbles fill the air as he pulls you towards him, mashing your lips together in a very unpracticed but no less satisfying kiss. He nuzzles your cheeks and neck happily, licking a long stripe up your neck. 
“Remember how you said I could do whatever I wanted if I was good and didn’t punch that cocky cat in his piehole?”
“I don’t remember those exact words coming out of my mouth, but sure.” 
“I want cuddles all night tonight, and then tomorrow we are going to the concert downtown.” 
Images of Jaebum wet and outraged, holding his formally fluffy tail to his chest fill you with happy giggles. 
Jaebum tightens his hold on you and presses a kiss to your cheek. 
“Also, you’re only painting me from now on.” 
“Sure thing, love. Anything you want.”
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jjpmoans · 6 years
His cute smile....... I'm soooo soft for him. He looks like a cat who purposely lift his hair for someone to pat and purs everytime someone pat it down awhhhh. Can someone make me a jaebum cat hybrid au?
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
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Part 1 Part 2
A/N: I got another request for a Hybrid au! this time, it’s the reader as the hybrid. I’m going to make the reader female, as it wasn’t stated wither it was a male perspective or female. Anyway, enjoy!
     You sigh as you lay on the bench at the park. You watch your tail twitch in the air. It’s been two days since you were kicked out of your last house. Being a very rare cat-hybrid, it’s hard to find a family that is willing to work with you on what you need. The only thing they care about is the appearance. You were considered a luxury for the humans. If you were living with them or a “part of the family”, they were looked at as, well, wealthy, to say the least. 
     The family that had you before didn’t know how much effort it took to . So, they kicked you out. Human-cat hybrids need all the essentials of humans, as well as cats. Considering you were also female, that makes it ten times worse.
     You close your eyes and fiddle with your ear. You breathe in and out slowly, trying to calm your heartrate. Thinking about that last family really makes you antsy. ‘Now what am I going to do?’ You sigh to yourself.
     “JB, look over there!”
     You’re eyes shoot open and you sit up. You look around for the voice you just heard. Your vision stops on a group of seven boys, all staring at you. The cat part of you heeds the warning of your inner instincts, telling you to run. But the human girl part of you tells you to stay and talk to the seven very very cute boys.
     One of them approaches you slowly. You’re tail twitches and ears flatten as a warning. As the get closer you move further back.
     “H-Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” The male human puts his hands up to show he’s harmless.
     You narrow your golden eyes at him. “W-What do you want?”
     He relaxes slightly now that you’re talking to him. “My friends and I were just curious. We’ve never seen a cat-hybrid before.”
     You’re tail twitches in annoyance. “I-I’m not something to be gawked at. I’m still human, you know.” You mumble, looking down.
     He shakes his head quickly. “N-No! it’s not like that, I promise. I’m sorry if it seemed like it. My name is Youngjae. It’s nice to meet you...”
     “Y/N. T-That’s my name.” You fiddle with your cat ears. It’s a bad habit you do when you’re anxious.
     The human male’s eyes light up at your response. “I-If you’re okay with it, my friends would like to meet you.”
     You nod slowly, looking behind the boy at his friends, who are all still staring. “I-I guess that’s alright.”
     Youngjae smiles. “I’ll be right back!” He runs to his friends and talks to them. They all nod and smile.
     You watched as the rest of the boys approach you. One of them comes at you a little too quickly, making you jump and hiss. He slows down, putting his hands up in defense just like Youngjae did the first time.
     “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to frighten you. My name is Jackson.” He smiles a cute smile, trying to show he’s harmless.
     You hide your K9′s once again and cross your legs on the bench. “Ah, sorry. It’s a natural reaction.”
     Jackson smiles at you. “No, it’s my fault. I’m sorry for running at you. I was just excited to meet you.”
     Just then, the rest of the boys come up one by one, introducing themselves. Mark, Bambam, Yugyeom and Jinyoung say hi and that they are happy to meet you. You smile at each one of them.
     The last boy tilts his head, just staring at you intently. Normally, you’d be pretty weirded out by this. But, for some reason, your cat instincts draw you to this human male.
     You stand up slowly, your tail flickering behind you. You stalk up to the boy and tilt your head. His eyes widen at the closeness. You’re nose twitches cutely, making him blush. “Who are you?”
     “I-I’m Jaebum. But you can call me JB.” He speaks quietly, looking into your eyes. “Wow. You’re eyes are really pretty.”
     You’re face blushes a deep red and you reach up to fiddle with your ears. “O-oh! Um, thank you.”
     “Oooooo looks like JB attracts human kitties as well as actually kitties.” Bambam chuckles.
     JB shoots him a daring glare, but his reddened face gave himself away.
     You giggle at the reaction. “I don’t know what it is about you, but my instincts tell me that I can trust you.”
     JB gives you a small smile and holds out his hand. “C-Can I touch your ears?”
     You nod and lower your head. He reaches up to touch your soft cat ears. Lucky for him, he finds your sweet spot, making you purr. His smile brightens and watches as you close your eyes in pleasure. Once he stops, you look at him and smile.
     “So, was it everything you imagined it to be?”
     “Haha, it was something else.” He hums happily.
     Mark walks up to you and takes your hand in his. “So, we were wondering if you wanted to come back home with us?”
     Your eyes widen and you take a step back, making the boys frown. You look down, rubbing your arm. “I-I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. No family really wants to deal with a hybrid like me. They try to adopt me just so they can look good. But once they find out what they’re dealing with, then they abandon me. I don’t want to have to go through that again.”
     Just then you feel a hand hold yours. You look up to see JB right in front of you, looking concerned. “We’re not ones to abandon family, no matter the struggle. We’re teenage boys, for crying out loud. Nobody can handle us either.”
     You giggle as you imagine a bunch of rambunctious human boys destroying a home in the name of fun. “A-Are you sure you want someone like me?”
     Yugyeom nods and gives you a wink. “We do. it’s kinda boring around the house with a crap ton of males everywhere.”
     Jinyoung chuckles in agreement. “We would love to have you stay with us. Not only because we need to widen our house-mates, but because we don’t like seeing anyone homeless. Human or otherwise.”
     Your eyes widen as you look around at the boys. Tears well up in your eyes. “Really? You want to adopt me?”
     JB wipes away your tears from your cheeks. “Yes. We do.”
     You squeal in joy and hug the human male tightly, to his surprise. You pull back and twitch your nose. A huge smile appears on his face. “Y/N, you’re so cute!”
     Mark chuckles. “Leave it to a cat-girl to make JB act cute for once.”
     The rest of the boys laugh as JB glares at them. You giggle too, finally happy that you’ve found a home you can call your own.
     ‘And a very cute human boy to share it with.’
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hyunzel · 7 years
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kitty Jaebum is my weakness for sure, just look at him, imagine how he purrs you know, that one JJ DIARY episode...
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blackmaylovesfries · 3 years
Hyung line - “Training” with the Strike Team
Words: 1141
Sinopse: Seventeen Hybrid AU - Some of your hybrids were super curious about the Team. Although they didn’t really want real action, they were down for some training.
Notices: Not so good English. Injuries? Fights? The word <<ass>>. A great thanks to the great @woohoney​, who gave me this idea!
Solo stories’ destiny // Buy me a Coffee
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You didn’t know what to expect when you had said goodbye to all your hybrids to go to your training and more than half of them stayed. After giving some steps in the direction of the gyms, you noticed the many footsteps behind you. That made you stop and question the unusual group that were just standing there, staring at you.
“What?” They looked at each other before Seungcheol gave a step front.
“Hm… Y/n… We…” He hesitated. You just smiled and waited for him, like you always do to make him feel comfortable. The bear hybrid let out a deep sigh. “So… We were wondering if we could see your training today…” His eyes shined, which was copied by the younger ones behind you. “We were curious about that part of your job.”
You almost couldn’t keep the laugh in. The group was a little weird but they were so cute looking at you like that, with shy and almost reluctant hopes. The hybrids from ‘95 were almost ever focused on the younger hybrids, while the ‘96 ones liked to keep to themselves or a few companies at each time. Seeing them together to see you kick Jackson’s ass was too cute for you.
“Sure! You guys can learn some moves while you’re at it, what do you think?” You tilted your head, laughing out loud when the seven heads nodded with vigor. Even the usually lethargic Jeonghan and the clumsy Wonwoo seemed to be all excited to work out a little with your team. Without more delays, you guided them to the center’s gym.
The Strike team were all already there when you guys arrived, even Youngjae, since his time on the field was rare but it existed. Used to your hybrid's presence, the team greeted them before returning to the usual stretching exercises. You looked around before calling the two groups of boys to get all their attention.
“Lend them some gym clothes, please?” You asked your team. “They have some of their own but they are all at home… And they wanted to try and train with us today. Do you guys mind?” Although it was obvious they were surprised, the humans just laughed it off before dragging your poor hybrids to the small locker room there was. Shaking your head, you also went to change your clothes.
When everyone was ready, you were called out by JayB, who smiled like a devil to you. The rest of the team tried to distract the hybrids, knowing what would happen in just a few moments. You two went to the center of the mat, where you circled around, watching one another. The sounds around you died and you could only focus on JayB’s body, his movements, his breathing.
Your legs tensed for a second as you launched yourself in his direction, trying to strike him while keeping watch for possible counterattacks. He was able to block your first punch just to receive your high kick right after. You grinned after hitting him but your happiness was brief, because at the moment JayB fell, he turned your arm that was still on his hands. Conclusion… You were on the floor, with a smug Jaebum smirking above you.
“Y/n!” Junhui’s scream, Jihoon, Hoshi, S. Coups and Joshua’s growls made you remember that you had an audience. You and the other human turned your heads, just to see the hybrids quite anxious being held back by the rest of the team and by Jeonghan and Wonwoo. They were preventing the five hybrids from going to where you were at the floor.
“Calm down, we’re training, remember?!” Wonwoo grabbed Jun’s face as his cat friend tried to escape his and Mark’s grip.
“Yeah, and between us, I think she deserves to have her ass beated a little.” Jeonghan jokes, earning a surprised and indignant look from his fellow twin. You rolled your eyes while the other from the Strike team laughed and agreed with the cat hybrid. JayB finally let you get up.
“Okay, now that I asserted my dominance, we can start the session. Jackson and Mark show the newbies a few moves and how to properly hold the wooden sticks. Youngjae should get his level checked, Jinyoung. I’ll spare a little with Bambam and Yugyeom will do it with you, Y/n.” The boy delegated around. The team members were quick in action while your boys were still a little stunned, most of them at least.
“I’m fine, guys, don’t worry much.” You threw a cheeky kiss in their direction. “We’re just starting.” They relaxed after your words and after seeing that you really were okay. There was no sign of pain in the way you smiled to the youngest in the team. Woozi and Joshua, who had seen you in action and the effect you had on enemies, trembled when you launched yourself against Yugyeom’s body.
Jun, Hoshi and Jeonghan had just seen your work attire but never had seen you really in conflict in any way. Seungcheol and Wonwoo had their first meeting with you in relatively peaceful situations. Most of them were ready to sprint to you when they saw the giant ‘97 line reacting to your attack. Mark and Jackson had to move the sticks on their hand to create a barrier between your fight and the boys.
“Relax, boys, Y/n can be weaker than Jaebum but she is stronger than anybody else in the team.” Jackson snorted. “Even me.” He was sounding almost bored, not that the sweet worried hybrids noticed. Well, those who had seen your damage capacity weren’t *that* worried. That was the moment you stopped dancing and finally started to really exchange hits.
As his huge fist came in the direction of your face, you dodged and grabbed his arm, trying to throw him across your shoulder. It didn’t work, as he pulled and your balance shaked. Feeling his chest on your back just for a second, you used his strength to jump and spin your legs to involve his back. Before he could process, you pulled the arm that was still in your hands, making him lose his balance this time and falling, with you straddling his back with a huge grin.
“Not fair, Y/n!” The young boys complained. “You’re just showing off to the boys! How is this going to help me in any way?! No one does these crazy and unlogical moves like you!” He struggled against your weight but your arms had already secured him. You laughed.
“Of course I’m showing off! I need to show them I am perfectly capable of protecting them like I promised.” The Strike team made vomiting noises as Seungcheol, Junhui and Hoshi ran to you and hugged you and the other hybrids made moved expressions and also approached.
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Hello everyone! How are you?? I hope everyone is okay and healthy!
See you guys on Thursday ^^
Tags: @mimisxs ; @moonmin-miya ; @naminalati ; @woohoney ; @notpatriciararw ; @amber-thumbs ; @skylions-den ; @snowballbear ; @restless-nights-thoughts​ ; @haoareu ; @killcomet​ ; @un-ravellyn ; @honeyylin​ ; @blizzardfluffykpop​ - If you want to be tagged, answer the first link at the beggining of this post.
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submissivekpop · 3 years
got7 reaction that i cant word properly even after retyping it like three times; hybrid roommate being frustrated to hell and back because [member] doesnt realize they can hear him moaning the reader’s name while masturbating
Kinda oblivious, to be honest. Doesn't realize what's going on until you tell him. I mean, he did notice you were frustrated, but he simply thought it had nothing to do with him. He was sure of it. He's honestly so dumbfounded when you tell him that yes, you can hear him moan your name almost every night. He thinks you're making fun of him, at first, then turns the deepest shade of red as soon as he realizes you're not.
He's doing it on purpose, you're sure of that. Moaning you're name loud enough for the neighbours to hear every single night you're at home is not a coincidence, especially when you have people over - whether it's friend, a date or anyone else, he doesn't care. Secretly wishes you'd do something about it, but he doesn't know what to expect when you tell him to quiet down, or face the consequences. Seeing you mad at him, however, turns him on more than he'd be willing to admit. "Make me." he says, and you're more than happy to oblige.
He'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on. He's having the time of his life, but you don't know it. Snarls at you whenever you talk to him, subtly mocks you and manages to make fun of you in the most imaginative ways - last time I checked, not a smart way to say “hey, I like you”. You can't tell if he's doing it on purpose, or if it's just the way he is, but you almost feel like he's trying to get on your nerves - and boy, he's good at it. He's not even surprised when he ends up pinned against the wall. "I've been thinking about this for ages" he blurts out, and you can't help the grin forming on your lips. "Yes, I know. You're pretty loud, you know that?"
"I don't know why you're mad at me, but I'm sure it's not a good reason" he says, and you suddenly feel like punching that pretty face of his. Of course it's a good reason, how can he think you'd be mad at him for a stupid reason? Okay, maybe you're not exactly mad, just... frustrated. Frustrated because he seems almost incapable of getting any of the hints you've been dropping for the past two months - maybe, you think, maybe you should be more straightforward, and so you do. "I know you think of me when you jerk off." His face turns pale, then becomes as red as a pepper. "W-Why don't you do something about it?" he asks, trying not to sound as embarrassed as he is. "Maybe I will." you say, and he feels the sudden need to sit down, his legs trembling.
On the verge of tears the moment he notices you’re frustrated. He thinks it’s his fault, as if he’s done something that made you angry at him. Tries to confront you about it a couple of times, but he immediately chickens out. Drinks a little too much with the hope of finally succeeding in asking about your recent behaviour, but falls asleep on the couch before he can get to your room. To make things worse - or better, depending on how you see it - he has a wet dream, a wet dream that, once again, causes him to moan your name. He wakes up as soon as your hand touches his shoulder, almost startled at the sudden touch. "You've been doing that for quite a while, shall we make your dreams come true?" you ask, and he feels his head getting fuzzy. Definitely wasn't expecting it, but he's not going to reject your offer. He's not a fool.
Here’s one that gets frustrated because you’re frustrated. Acts like an annoying brat for an incredibly huge amount of time, getting on your nerves the more he stays around you. Yes, because, apparently, leaving you alone is not something he’s capable of. “What did I even do, uh?” he asks. “If you think you can take it out on me just because you’re such a big and scary wolf-” The death glare you spare him is enough to make him shut up, but definitely not enough for him to leave alone. That’s until, that same night, you notice he’s taking a little longer to shower. Then, it starts again: he moans your name - not once, not twice, but at least a thousand times. Knocking on the bathroom's room probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it's the only one you could think of. "Hey! I can hear you!" you say, and he goes quiet for a moment. Then, almost unpredictably, he answers. "How about you join me?"
Comes to you with the biggest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. “Are you mad at me?” he asks. “Did I do something wrong?”. Almost cries happy tears when you tell him that, no, you’re not mad at him and that no, he didn’t do anything wrong, you’re just… frustrated. “Why are you frustrated? Did something happen?”. Something did happen indeed - something that implies him, your very own roommate, jacking off in his room while calling your name. He has no idea about it - he still doesn’t grasp how enhanced senses work on humans, no matter how many times you told him to just think of you as a dog. Or a cat, whatever he likes best. You think about telling him, but you know he’s probably going to faint or die of embarrassment - or, even more likely, hide in his room and never come out. You pretend everything is fine, but you eventually get to the point where you can't take it anymore. You have to tell him. As you thought, he spends the next three days in his room, only getting out to get some food or go to the bathroom. You can't hear a single sound coming from him, not until he decides it's time to put on a show - he doesn't just want you to hear him, he wants you to catch him red-handed.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 4 years
Boy Group Timestamp Event Masterlist
Thank you all for joining in on the event! This was a fun way to celebrate 3k!
[11:28pm] dom!seonghwa + female reader + choking
11:12 AM with Ateez Seonghwa, making out and him being dorky
[3am] + vampire!seonghwa + marking kink
9:18 hongjoong + female reader + riding + breeding kink
timestamps!! + Hongjoong + female reader + having sex and trying to be quiet backstage at one of their concerts
3:00 am + alien hongjoong + plus sized human female reader + soft smut
5:29pm | ceo! yunho + fiancée! fem. reader & hand kink
[10:10pm] sub!yunho + male reader + kitchen sex
(Timestamp) sub!Yeosang + edging AND  11pm +fae!Yeosang + female reader + any sexual act you want to write
1am + Yeosang + fingering/squirting
3am hybrid San + female reader +mommy kink
3:11am vampire!San + female reader + doggy style
(timestamp) + mingi + hickeys and/or biting
11pm + mingi + female reader with an oral fixation (finger sucking)
10:25am boyfriend!mingi + praise + soft dom
(Timestamp) sub! Wooyoung + female reader + breeding
[01:53am] dom!wooyoung + female reader + degradation
size king! Wooyoung, 8:34pm
thigh-riding, werewolf! jongho, 6:41pm
[9:42] dom!jongho + power play
(timestamp) Jongho + sweet 69-ing
(7:45 pm) soft dom! Seokjin & praise kink
Yoongi none will be done
(timestamp) Hoseok + female reader + backstage sex after a show
2:25 pm monster Namjoon +gender neutral reader + orgasm denial
[timestamp] thigh riding with Jimin + fem!reader
4:44am + taehyung + filming female reader riding him + cat hybrid au (female reader being the cat hybrid)
Jeongguk none will be done
03:25 a.m + mark tuan + soft passionate sex AND /timestamp/ mark (tuan) slow/deep sex non-idol au
03:30 AM + incubus! Jaebeom + corruption kink
timestamp+jaebum+video recording reader sucking his dick
(timestamp) jackson+female reader+overstim (male receiving)
(timestamp) jinyoung+female reader+fingering (female receiving)
time stamp + jinyoung + passionate (loving but a bit rough/hard)
01:57 boyfriend!youngjae + female reader + passionate love making + marking kink
timestamp + Youngjae + gender neutral reader + thigh riding + praise kink
(timestamp) sub!bambam + female reader + blowjob
timestamp King!Bambam + female reader + public sex
(timestamp) sub!Yugyeom + female reader + pegging + praise kink
3:26 am, Seungcheol, fingering
9:45pm, stripper! jeonghan, lap dance
11:45 pm+ busker!joshua+ kinda public sex
timestamp... tentacle!junhui + female reader + all holes filled
(12:00 am) dom!Soonyoung + car sex
Wonwoo none
10:00pm Doctor!Jihoon + Female reader + fingering
11:11 + CEO!Seokmin + Female!Reader + Oral female receiving
10:23 pm, puppy hybrid!mingyu + gender neutral reader + degradation kink
1:23 + dragon hybrid minghao + temperature play
[2:07 pm] ceo! Seungkwan x reader +squirting
11:54 Vernon+vibrator
(Timestamp) dom!Chan + mirror sex AND Timestamp+Chan+female reader+fucking from behind
187 notes · View notes
kmseokjins · 5 years
Twisted Tails (Chapter 3)
Fandom: BTS Pairing: BTS x Reader / (Future) Poly!OT7 x Reader / Hybrid!BTS x Human!Female!Reader Warnings: lil angst, fluff Words: 5.7k (LOOK. )
Summary: Continuing from Chapter 2, you’ve got some legal power at your back....but maybe you won’t need it?
Hybrids: GermanShepherd!Namjoon, BirmanCat!Jimin, more to come later!
Notes: I’ve been working on this ever since I dropped Chapter 2. I can’t believe I wrote 5.7k words, y’all. :) I hope you enjoy! Thanks for all the comments, messages, likes, and reblogs so far on this fic. I really appreciate it and I’m so happy you’re enjoying this fic!
Archive Of Our Own || Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Your sister’s lawyer is actually surprised to hear from you, but he listens tentatively to your inquiry about having legal backup just in case things don’t go your way with Namjoon and Jimin. You were actually surprised when his secretary transferred your call to his office no sooner than you told her who you were; evidently she remembered you from the other day, despite the fact that she paid little attention to you as you waited feet away from her desk that day.
Despite your worry that Mr. Lee would be unable to help you (or rather, unwilling to help), he had readily agreed to lend his services, should you require them. He had explained that since there had been a delay in reading your sister’s Will and finding out that you had full ownership of the two hybrids, you were well within your rights to overturn any decision that the shelter made in regards to Namjoon and Jimin. Mr. Lee was quite positive that the shelter wouldn’t put up much of a fight should push come to shove, brushing your worries away over any kind of possible trial in the future.
You didn’t want to put the two through something like that. They’d been traumatized enough.
Once you’d gotten off the phone, you could breathe a little easier knowing that you had back-up, that the shelter wouldn’t just be able to handle the hybrids off to some stranger. You hoped it wouldn’t come down to getting lawyers involved.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you sigh softly.
“Y/N?” Namjoon’s voice startles you from your thoughts, turning around to look at the two hybrids. They’re both where you left them on the couch, Jimin having scooted closer to Namjoon. The cat was rubbing his cheek against the elder’s shoulder, Jimin’s eyes half-lidded as he watched you across the room. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, I’m just not a big fan of waiting,” You offer the two a smile, taking a step forward to join them on the couch again when the door swings open and Jackson steps inside.
He seems a bit confused at the sight of Namjoon and Jimin sitting alone on the couch before he continues to glance around the room before he finds you, “Y/N, can you come with me?”
As soon as the words leave his mouth, your heart about leaps into your throat. His expression and tone isn’t cheery or lively like it had been an hour earlier when he’d lead you into the room. No, now he seemed reserved. Managing to bite back the insistent “why?” that you wanted to ask him, you slowly nod, “Sure.” Questioning him in front of Namjoon and Jimin, especially if he had bad news, wasn’t a bright idea.
A soft noise drew your attention towards the two hybrids, offering a small smile at the two. Namjoon had slipped an arm around Jimin and you could see how tense the dog hybrid was, holding the cat hybrid in place as gently in place as he could. Jimin was also tense, no longer content, his blue eyes wide, straightened in place and ears flattened as he watched you. “I won’t be gone long, okay?”
You wanted to reassure them, and part of you wanted to demand that Jackson tell you what was going on. The shelter employee could clearly see your hesitation, gently ushering you out of the door and into the hallway before you could linger too long and risk Jimin latching onto you again.
“Jackson, what-,” You protested as soon as the door closed behind you both, huffing softly as the taller man continued to usher you down the hallway towards the front lobby. 
“Sorry, I figured it would be easier to get you out of there before I told you anything,” Contrary to his solemn expression moments ago, Jackson was now grinning at you, “You were approved, Y/N. You’re officially the owner of Namjoon and Jimin.”
Crossing your arms, you narrowed your eyes at him, “Why couldn’t you tell me that in there? I thought you were going to tell me bad news.”
Jackson does look apologetic, “It was the higher-ups decision, they’ll be alright. It’s easier to focus on paperwork without a hybrid hovering, we’ve learned. Speaking of which, you have papers to sign.” Motioning you to follow him, he lead you to the front desk and leaned over the desk to grab a clipboard, “Just go through and read this and sign your name. It’s mostly making sure you understand that they’re under your care and that you consent to letting a representative of the shelter come and check on them every three months for a year.”
You nodded along as he spoke, taking the clipboard from him when he offered it to you, “What does this visit consist of?” You asked curiously as you skimmed through the papers.
“It’s someone from the shelter coming to your residence and making sure the hybrids are happy. Just a quick look through the house before they speak with the hybrids alone.” Jackson answers, leaning against the desk, “We try to make sure that the hybrids go to good homes and they’re not being mistreated or unhappy.”
“The more you tell me about this place the more it sounds too good to be true,” You muse outloud to Jackson, flipping to the next page of documents, “All I’ve heard on the news lately has been about those shelters that are so overcrowded that they neglect the hybrids in their care.” You glance up at Jackson after signing your name, “I’ll say it again: I’m glad Namjoon and Jimin were brought here.”
Jackson grinned as you looked up at him, “Director Choi has a good head on her shoulders. She would love to take hybrids from other shelters, but then there’s a risk of us becoming overrun. We do try to take new cases in when we can, but we can only do so much.” 
“It’s better than what most shelters do,” You agreed, popping the pen you’d been using to sign your name onto the clipboard and offering it back to Jackson.
“Great! I have their collars around here somewhere..” Jackson rounded around the front desk, pulling open one of the drawers out of sight. “Jaebum should be bringing them out here soon. He took them back to their room to grab their things. Ah-ha!” Jackson straightened in triumph, two collars clutched in his hands as he came around the desk to join you once more. “Here you go, they’ll need to wear them if they’re outside your home. Leashes are really only required for exotic hybrids.”
You peered curiously at the collars that Jackson held out towards you, taking them with an expression that probably looked similar to tasting something unpleasant. The exchange made the tags on the collars clink together, along with the sound of the bell on one of the collars. They were both black and made of a soft material, a tag containing their name and address and a number you recognized as your sister’s hung from both. Only one of the collars had a small little bell dangling beside the tag. You were certain that was Jimin’s; you didn’t really see Namjoon wearing a collar with a bell on it.
Too bad your sister wasn’t here, you really wanted to question her about the little silver bell.
“Jaebum should have them out here soon.” Jackson’s assurance draws you from your thoughts, “Do you have any questions? I have some pamphlets I can give you on general care and the like, if you would like them.”
You brightened immediately, “Oh, that sounds great!”
“She’s….she’s coming back, right?” 
Jimin’s voice breaks the silence that has fallen over the room minutes after the door clicks shut behind you. He sounds almost breathless, like he couldn’t quite get enough air in his lungs to force the words out. Jimin had seen the sincerity in your eyes when you voiced that you wouldn’t be gone long, so he hadn’t attempted to pull himself from Namjoon’s grip as he watched Jackson urge you out the door. 
It’s fear that trickles down his spine, whispers that you won’t come back, that they won’t let you. Jimin didn’t want to go to someone else, especially not the couple that had been sitting on the opposite couch an hour earlier, awkwardly attempting to engage him and Namjoon in conversation. They had been too nice, too perfect.
Jimin wasn’t perfect, especially not to the standards that the couple most likely expected from a hybrid like himself. His rare breeding gave the impression that he was, that he’d come from a life of pampering and etiquette, but that was as far from the actual reality as one could get. His life had only turned for the better when he’d found Namjoon years ago, and when they had been fortunate enough to land in Ellie’s care, even though it had been for such a short time.
Ellie was gone, but you weren’t. You were the last remaining connection to her, but that wasn’t the complete reason he wanted you near; you were familiar, you were safe. Namjoon and himself had known you for two years, seen the bond you shared with your older sister, and experienced the warmth that you extended to them, despite how guarded they had both been for months.
You were the only one Ellie trusted with them, and in turn, they felt the same. Wholeheartedly. 
“Yes, Jiminie,” Namjoon’s voice rumbles near his ear seconds later, nose nuzzling into the black strands of the cat’s hair, “She will.”
Jimin finds comfort in the soothing gesture of his companion, shoulders slumping slightly in response as the cat hybrid sweeps his thumb back and forth over Namjoon’s knee. Jimin isn’t sure what he would do without Namjoon at his side; he couldn’t fathom such a thing. Even the beginnings of such a thought made his heart race, his palms sweaty, and tears burn in his eyes. He knew Namjoon felt the same, but the elder hybrid was better at hiding his thoughts and emotions most of the time. Jimin envied such control; he was more of an open book.
Both hybrids look up at the door to the left of the couch as it swings open, Jaebum stepping into the room. He tilts his head at the two of them, motioning with his hand as he steps aside to hold the door open, “C’mon boys.” 
“What?” Jimin stiffens beside Namjoon again, ears flattening against his head at Jaebum’s request. You said you’d be back, how would you find them if they left the room? Wide blue eyes turn to look at Namjoon, his hand gripping the elder’s knee.
“I’m taking you back to your room to get your things gathered up. You’ve been adopted,” Jaebum explains, leaning his shoulder against the door as he eyes the two hybirds carefully, “Aren’t you excited?”
Ignoring the man’s question, Namjoon gently ushers Jimin to stand up from the couch with him, keeping ahold of the cat hybrid as he guides him towards Jaebum, who wisely presses himself as flush against the door as he can as Namjoon inserts himself firmly between Jaebum and Jimin as they pass. Jaebum quickly follows after them towards the room they’d been assigned to when they first arrived.
Jaebum stands quietly at the door as they quickly gather the little belongings they have with them into a bag before he’s ushering them down the hallway and towards the front lobby.
Jimin keeps close to Namjoon, his hand sliding down the dog hybrid’s arm to intertwine their fingers together no sooner than they’ve left the room. The cat hybrid is trembling, ears still flattened against his skull, blue eyes fixed firmly on the floor.
He’s afraid to look, fearful that you won’t be in the lobby waiting for them, but yet, brimming with anticipation that you will. Jimin tightens his grip on Namjoon’s hand the closer they get to the lobby. 
You’ve gotten a decent handful of pamphlets by the time Jackson finishes fishing them out for you from behind the desk, tucking the collars he’d given you minutes before into the crook of your elbow as you flicked through the papers.
You would definitely give them a look through once you got home and gotten the two hybrids settled in. You hoped they would be okay staying in your apartment, since you knew they were so used to being out on the outskirts of town when they lived with your sister. Your apartment was a two bedroom, but you’d turned the second bedroom into an office, allowing you to work from home whenever you wanted.
Shit. Where were you going to put the boys at? There wasn’t an extra bed and you weren’t making them sleep on the couch (Namjoon was too big for it anyway) nor would you expect them to sleep on the floor. You suppose you could let them sleep in your bed and you could take the couch until you got something figured out. 
Clothes and their other belongings were another problem. You weren’t opposed to buying them new clothes and the like, but they did have their own things already at your sister’s house. Which was actually your house now, since she’d willed it over to you. You could take them there to get some things to tide them over until you got the courage to decide what to do with the house. You could try to sell it or move in yourself but you so chose.
“Ah, there they are,” Jackson suddenly pipes up in front of you, attention focused behind you.
You turn almost immediately after he’s spoken, smiling softly at the sight of Jimin and Namjoon following the employee you remember from the day before. Namjoon sees you first, catching a glimpse of his tail as it wags behind him. Jimin has his attention focused on the floor, but a nudge from Namjoon makes him glance up, blue eyes wide as he realizes you’re standing there. He briefly glances at Jackson behind you, eyes big and questioning, before he’s pulling Namjoon forward to close the distance between you and them.
Blue eyes catch sight of the collar tucked in the crook of your arm, lips parting to make a sound of joy before he’s releasing Namjoon’s hand. “My collar!” Jimin plucks it swiftly away, the bell jiggling at the quick movement. Jimin flicks playfully at the bell, giggling in delight at the jingle it releases.
Your eyebrows raise in surprise at his apparent fascination with the silver bell on the collar, glancing at Namjoon, who is watching Jimin fondly.
“I’m glad this all worked out, Y/N,” Jackson interrupts from beside you, “If you need anything, don’t be afraid to give us a call, okay?” As you nod at him, he bids you goodbye before he’s slipping past the three of you, engaging Jaebum into conversation as they disappear down the hallway.
Left with the two new hybrids- your hybrids-, you shift your weight from one foot to the other nervously, clearing your throat before you speak, “How about we get out of here, yeah?” Offering the two a small smile, you awkwardly shuffle away from them towards the door, glancing over your shoulder to make sure they were following behind you out of the building.
No sooner than you exit the building, Jimin is jogging to catch up with you as the three of you cross the parking lot, Jimin’s collar faintly tinkling at his quick movements. You can’t help but chuckle at the sound as you pull your keys from your pocket and unlock your SUV as you approach, reaching out to open the back door for the two.
Jimin immediately climbs into the backseat, sliding over to the middle to make room for Namjoon, who follows him shortly after. You open your mouth to remind them about seat belts, but the two are already a step ahead, and instead, you simply shut the door before turning to climb into the driver’s seat.
You start your SUV before reaching to buckle your seat belt before straightening and glancing over your shoulder at the two, “Are you hungry? I can stop somewhere to get you food if you are, or I can make something at home later?”
“We ate before the interview,” Namjoon informs you, “I’m not hungry right now. Jimin?”
“I’m okay for now, Y/N.” Jimin answers a moment later, and you catch sight of him leaning towards Namjoon out of the corner of your eye before you focus on getting out of the parking lot.
The drive is relatively quiet, allowing you to quietly (and internally) stress over everything that needed to be done once you got to your apartment. Had you picked up your dirty clothes off the floor? Did you even have anything to feed them later? Did they have enough clothes for a few nights or should you take them shopping? You definitely needed to strip the sheets from your bed and replace them with fresh ones since you’d offer them your bed to sleep in.
It was a miracle you made it to a parking spot at your apartment complex ten minutes later. You wasted no time in shutting off your vehicle and gathering your things before hopping out of the driver’s seat. Namjoon and Jimin are already climbing warily from the backseat to join you.
You don’t need to urge them to follow you; they’re practically on your heels the moment you turn away to head into the apartment complex. You lead them to the elevator, pressing the button for the third floor once the two hybrids joined you inside. They stand close, Jimin holding onto Namjoon’s free hand while the dog hybrid’s other hand clutched the duffel bag with their belongings. The familiar chime of the elevator resonates as you arrive at the third floor before the doors even slide open. As soon as they open, you’re striding out of the elevator and digging in your bag for your keys.
Jimin and Namjoon crowd close when you stop at your apartment door to unlock it, turning the doorknob and continuing into the small hallway just inside, ushering the two hybrids further inside so you could shut the door behind you. You almost run smack dab into the two of them when you turn, a soft squeak leaving your lips.
The two apparently didn’t have any concept of personal space right now. You chalked up to the fact that this was all new to them. They had never been here before, and as far as you knew, Ellie hadn’t really taken them into the city much. You made a mental note to yourself to get them out a little more, if they were comfortable with such an idea.
“I’ll give you a tour, okay? It’s not much though,” You make conversation as you slip out of your heels before slipping around the two to move down the hallway. They follow after, eyes wide as they peered around curiously at everything you show them.
“The kitchen, the living room,” You gesture at the two rooms before moving down the hallway connected to the living room, stopping at the first doorway on the right, reaching in to flip the light on to show them it’s a bathroom before moving further down the hall to a door on the left.
You push open the door and flip the light on to reveal a decently sized room that is your office, “This is my office, originally the second bedroom,” You explain, glancing around the room yourself at your desk along the far wall. You didn’t have much in here, and it wouldn’t take much effort to move your desk out. Potentially, this could be their room; you would just have to purchase a bed and the other bedroom necessities. Then again, they did already have their own things at your sister’s house.
Deciding you could worry about all of that later, you move back out into the hallway and lead them to the last room: your bedroom.
“This is my bedroom, excuse the mess.” You mumble, flipping the light on as you step inside. You’ve got two dressers, two nightstands surrounding your queen size bed, and a small bookcase filled with several books. You wince at the sight of some of your clothes haphazardly strewn across the floor. You point towards the two doors inside, “Connected bathroom and a nice, big closet.” You turn to look at the two, catching their nods.
“I’m going to strip the bed and find some new sheets to put on for you guys.”
“What? For us?” Jimin asks from behind you as cross the room to your bed and start to strip the bed like you had just mentioned, “But-”
“I don’t have another bed right now, and I don’t expect either of you to sleep on the floor,” You answer him, pausing as you tug the fitted sheet free, “There’s no way Namjoon can fit on the couch, so I’m taking the couch and you two can sleep in here on my bed.”
“You can’t sleep on the couch,” Namjoon pipes up, watching you wad up the thinner sheets in your arms before grabbing the comforter and piling it on as well before marching determinedly past the two hybrids.
“It’s not right, we can’t take your bed,” Jimin agrees, and you know they’re following because Jimin’s voice doesn’t grow distant, “We can sleep on the floor! We’ve done it before…”
Jimin’s admission has you stumbling in shock, managing to right yourself before you completely lose your balance. You turn to face them, eyes wide in horror at the thought. “What? You...you slept on the floor before? Ellie didn’t…” You trailed off before you’re whirling back around to continue towards the front hallway where the washing machine and dryer are.
“She didn’t make us sleep on the floor, Y/N,” Namjoon offers, and you feel your shoulders relax marginally.
It made you feel better, but yet it really didn’t. You had never really thought your big sister would treat them like that, and you were glad it was still true. On the other hand, they had obviously endured such treatment before. “How long?” You asked gently, pushing open the sliding door to reveal the tiny laundry area before you work on getting the sheets started.
Silence stretches from the two hybrids, and you glance over your shoulder at them. Jimin is shifting nervously beside Namjoon, his tail wrapped around his waist as he looks down at the floor. Namjoon glances sideways at the cat hybrid before he meets your gaze, expression somber, “..a long time.”
You abruptly turn away, exhaling a shaky breath before you close the washing machine lid. You wished Ellie had told you about their pasts. You didn’t like being in the dark, unsure how to proceed with the two. You didn’t know what they’d been through before Ellie had come across them, and Ellie’s lips had been sealed on the subject. You understood her reasoning, of course, but it left you on edge. From how Jimin acted when you’d first met him and whenever certain subjects were brought up, like now, you had a feeling that his past was more harrowing than Namjoon’s.
You could only hope that they were eventually open up to you and tell you about their past. Did you really want to know? Being forced to sleep on the floor was drastic; at least most actual pet animals had pet beds. How heartless do you have to be to not at least provide some comfort? Hybrids weren’t entirely their animal counterpart, but it seemed that some people didn’t care either way. With how some people treated their animal pets, it shouldn’t surprise you.
Shoving the thoughts away, you set about hunting down a fresh pair of sheets and comforter, glancing worriedly at Namjoon and Jimin as they hovered quietly watching you with expressions that you couldn’t quite decode. Focusing back on your task at hand, you managed to find sheets and a comforter to replace yours.
Gathering them in your arms, you moved back through your apartment, pausing only to toss a set of sheets on the couch arm before continuing towards your bedroom, the two hybrids in tow. You briefly debated offering to set a movie up for them to watch, but you were pretty sure that neither would go for such a distraction.
This place was too new and you were the only familiarity they had.
You managed to put the fresh sheets on your bed in record time, stepping back to admire your work. At least you hadn’t thrown the sheets out all those months ago when you had wanted to. Glancing down briefly, you catch sight of the clothes that had been thrown on the floor and you hastily snatched them up before tossing them in your clothes hamper nearby. God, what the two must think of you.
Turning back around to Jimin and Namjoon, you smiled before tilting your head, “Do you want to take a shower? Change clothes?” You didn’t wait for an answer, heading for the doorway that lead to the connected master bathroom, “Towels are in that cabinet and...actually I don’t have any products for you to use…”
Why hadn’t you remembered something like that? It wasn’t like you hadn’t seen the various products specifically for hybrids in the stores, advertising as odor-free and didn’t contain ingredients that would irritate hybrids. Shit, should you run to the store and grab some necessities for them? You didn’t want to risk them getting sick or anything if they used any of your products. You doubted the two wanted to smell like lavender or strawberries.
“Oh! I can ask Ms. Lee if she has any I can borrow.” You straightened from your slight slump, eyes bright with what you’d just remembered, “She has the cutest little bunny hybrid! Well, he’s not exactly little but...he might have some shampoo or body wash we can borrow.” Mumbling to yourself, you moved to exit the room, but a hand grabs your elbow gently, pausing your exit.
“We have some products from the shelter to hold us over for a few days,” Namjoon assures you, slowly releasing his hold on your elbow once you’ve relaxed and heard him out.
“Oh, okay. Good, good.” Glancing back and forth between them, you clear your throat, “I’ll leave you to it then!” Offering them a smile that you were certain was awkward, you couldn’t get out of your bedroom quick enough.
You busy yourself with rummaging through the kitchen, mentally putting together what you could make for dinner if the boys were hungry. Evidently you needed to go shopping for groceries too; the cabinets and fridge were starting to look a little bare. Since Ellie’s passing, you hadn’t really been eating properly like you should have, and you’d had little desire to go shopping, much less deal with lots of people.
With Namjoon and Jimin in your care, you had all the more reason to be responsible again. On that note, you snagged the to-do list stuck to your fridge and hunted down a pen. It was a good time as any to make a list for the future shopping trip.
Wandering into the living room, you plopped yourself on the couch after grabbing the TV remote, pressing the power button and flipping through the channels for something to watch, even if it was background noise. The Food Network seemed a good enough channel to settle on while you wrote up your list.
“What are you writing?”
Jimin’s voice from beside you makes you jump in place with a squeak, turning to look at the cat hybrid, who was apparently quiet enough to come into the room and sit beside you. He’s changed his clothes, out of the shelter’s provided clothes and into his own clothes: a loose grey t-shirt and loose black sweatpants. He’d apparently taken a shower, if his damp hair and ears are any indication. His expression changes from surprised to downright amused at the look you give him.
This is probably why Ellie put that damn bell on his collar. Refraining from answering him for the moment, you quickly scribble bells onto the notepad before looking up at the blue-eyed hybrid, “A list for a future shopping trip. Is there anything you would like?”
Jimin blinks at you owlishly before his gaze drops to the notepad you held before back to your face, tilting his head as his ears twitched, “Fish?”
“Fish.” You repeated, nodding and scribbling that down on the notepad. You’d let him pick out what he wanted at the store, “Anything else?”
The cat hybrid shook his head, an ear turning to point towards the hallway seconds before Namjoon emerges. Like his companion, Namjoon’s hair and ears are damp, changed into a white shirt and grey sweatpants.
You perk up at the sight of the dog hybrid, pen tapping against the notepad as you settled it on your lap, “Do you want anything from the store, Namjoon-ah?”
“Uh…” Namjoon rubs the back of his neck in thought before he shakes his head slowly, “No, I can’t think of anything.” 
You nod slowly, “Okay, let me know if you change your mind so I can write it down.” You shoot him a smile before glancing down at your list to make sure you weren’t forgetting anything.
You’d barely gotten through half the list before you dumbfoundedly watch the notepad being swatted off your lap, only for Jimin to nonchalantly lay his head on your now vacant lap, smirking up at you as his fingers curl around your wrist and bring it to his head. You can’t help but comply with his silent demand, earning a loud purr at your actions.
“Jimin-ah, you could have asked…” Namjoon mumbles as he approaches the couch, slight disapproval in his gaze as he eyes Jimin stretched out, head in your lap.
“Better to ask forgiveness than permission,” The cat manages to retort between purrs, eyes fluttering closed at your attentions.
Namjoon groans before he reaches down to pick up the notepad that Jimin had rudely knocked off, placing it carefully on the coffee table before he tentatively takes the free space on your other side.
You don’t realize just how big Namjoon is until he sits down in the limited space, pressing against you. You can’t help but squirm slightly, attempting to give the dog hybrid a little bit more room.
“Y/N-ah, stop moving,” Jimin whines, shifting slightly in response as he pouts up at you, especially since you’ve stopped petting him. You didn’t seem to notice, however, and the cat hybrid scowls slightly before he reaches up to remind you-
“Ow! Jimin-ah!” You squeal more in shock than in pain at the nip of Jimin’s teeth on the skin of your wrist. You look down at Jimin in bewilderment, “What was that?”
“You stopped petting,” He pouts, ignoring the look Namjoon is giving him from beside you. His ears have disappeared into the darkness of his hair again as he waits for your response, blue eyes pleading.
Unable to resist the cute little pout of the hybrid, you sigh before resuming your earlier attention to his ears. You can’t help but smile as he purrs and his eyes flutter shut again.
You aren’t sure how long the three of you stay on the couch, silence enveloping the three of you aside from the sounds of the TV shows that filter on the screen. Jimin had dozed off almost twenty minutes ago, the cat hybrid still in the position he had been before, stretched out and his head on your lap. You weren’t aware Namjoon had dozed off either until you’d glanced over at him to see his head lolled to the side, eyes closed and breathing shallow.
A glance out your window shows it’s dark outside and you search for your wall clock in the darkness of the living room to actually see the time. You raise your eyebrows at the fact that it’s just after nine. You’d skipped dinner and hadn’t even noticed. You hoped the two hadn’t been hungry.
Carefully removing your hand from Jimin’s hair, you reach out to gently nudge Namjoon awake, “Namjoon-ah? Namjoon, wake up,” You murmur to the dog hybrid.
Namjoon straightens immediately, looking around tensely before he turns to peer down at you curiously, flicking his attention to Jimin’s sleeping form before back to you, eyebrows raised in question.
“Can you help me carry Jimin to bed? I’m sure you two are worn out,” You glance down at Jimin, fingers brushing against his hair fondly before glancing back up at Namjoon.
He’s already gotten to his feet, stretching slightly before turning towards the two of you. He leans down, carefully gathering Jimin into his arms and straightening. Jimin murmurs sleepily at the movement, nuzzling against Namjoon’s chest before falling still.
You’re quick to follow after Namjoon, glad the light from the bathroom spills into your room enough to allow you to cross the room without falling once you slip around Namjoon and Jimin. You grab the comforter and sheets, pulling them back before stepping away so Namjoon can lay Jimin down.
You carefully back your way to the doorway, pausing to watch Namjoon tuck the cat hybrid under the covers. Smiling fondly, you grab the doorknob and start to pull the door shut, only for Namjoon voice to stop you.
“Y/N,” He manages to reach the door before you fully close it, a hand reaching up to stop it closing. You both regard each other quietly before he finally breaks the silence, “Thank you for not giving up on us, especially Jimin.”
“Of course, Namjoon. You two were important to Ellie,” You smile up at the hybrid, “That makes you important to me. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you both when Ellie died, that I didn’t even think about you.”
“You lost your sister, we understood.” You know he’s not telling the complete truth, but you don’t interrupt him. “All that matters is that we’re here now.”
All you can do is nod at his words, feeling the burn of tears. “Goodnight, Namjoon-ah,” You manage to murmur, “If you need anything…”
Namjoon smiles widely enough to let you catch a glimpse of his dimples before you’re turning away to head down the hallway to the living room. “Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.”
You certainly hoped so.
TAGLIST: @keijaycreates, @karissassirak, @btsfangirl1999, @cisila, @paigeloulou, @itscalledgayhoney, @kamen-tenshi, @bewitch3dforivar, @1796p, @mrcleanheichou, @discombobulatedhuman, @lovehunter879, @ohwooyoung, @xsmilebitesx, @sleepyje0n, @hope122598,  @maptoyoongi, @sessi03, @yoongisdumplingcheeks, @purplelady85, @pearylove, @theradkid, @kimi1459, @detectivebts, @mischiefmakerliesmith5, @stitchattacks, @strappedandready, @baku5ds, @anxiousgoddest
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daemour · 4 years
Chronicles of a Cat (honestly i prefer the term feline) || Chapter 1
Im Jaebum x fem!Reader
Summary: You are a witch, cursed by your brother, BamBam. The curse is for you to be an up-and-coming sorcerer, Jaebeom's familiar. You can't let Jaebeom know, but you're only cursed for a year. It would sound easy, but he has scary instincts.
Chapter warnings: Mild cursing, nothing more than a dumbass
Chapter word count: 676 words
Chapter 1: A Nice Day (and not so nice tomorrow)
"Hey, Bam," you greet your younger brother when he finally arrives at the café. "You're late."
BamBam pouts, sliding into the booth opposite yours. "Not even a greeting from my favorite older sister?"
"I said 'hey, Bam' you dumbass. And I'm your only sibling; of course I'm your favorite." Bam huffs and you hide a smile by taking a sip of your cinnamon latte.
"I can see your smile, (Y/N), meanie. One of these days I'll curse you." Usually he threatens you with messing up your appearance for the day, not with a curse. It doesn't matter anyway. He could never curse you.
"Don't be dumb, BamBam," you scold. "You majored in Glamour, not Offensive magic. If you even could cast a curse, by some miracle, it would last a week at most."
BamBam glares. "Watch me. You'll be a familiar to the next guy who walks through these café doors."
You hum, indulging in BamBam's certainty, and return to your drink. BamBam rolls his eyes and picks up his own drink, an extremely fancy drink that has enough sugar to give you diabetes ten times.
The café is almost closed, so you're not too worried about BamBam's so called "curse." At least once a week, he'll threaten to curse you, but never follows through. And, as you've mentioned before, Bam just doesn't have the right kind of magic for cursing.
If you're born or become a witch, you of course can perform basic magic. However, to learn more advanced magic, you must go to school to major in a type. BamBam majored in Glamour Magic, so while he can make himself or anyone else look absolutely stunning or completely different, he can't do much else in terms of advanced magic. Including curses.
You majored in Spellbinding Magic, the study of spells, following your paternal family's traditions of that line of magic. As a result, you know more about the inner workings of curses and other magical types, yet you can't cast one either. Your talent lies in spell formation and rules.
When you said BamBam can't cast a curse, you weren't joking. He can try, but it'd never be strong enough to take hold. Even it lasting for a week would be stretching it. And to change a witch's basic structure and life into something so different as a familiar, is unthinkable for his magical capabilities.
The café's about to close anyway. No one would walk through the doors by the time you leave. You finish your drink and wait for Bam to slurp up the dregs of his abomination of a drink, preparing to pay. God, you wished and prayed for the day Bam got a job so you don't have to pay for his unbelievably expensive drink.
When they finally finish, you drag Bam back to tour home to cook for him. You swear he and his roommate live off sweet drinks and ramen. As always, he complains, but the way he makes the soybean soup disappear in seconds and even takes leftovers home for his roommate (a sweet golden retriever hybrid named Yugyeom) tells you otherwise.
All in all, a nice day. You spent some time with your brother whom you haven't seen in a while due to his exams last month. You got threatened with a curse. You cooked. You ate dinner. Tomorrow, you have to head back to work.
Only, tomorrow you're not home when you wake up. You seem to be in some giant's arms. You shut your eyes tightly and then open them again to shake off the tiredness. It has to be a dream, right? It's just your brother pranking you. He got his TA and friend, Jackson, a fellow witch, to shrink you. Right?
When you open your eyes again, you see Im Jaebum is holding you in his admittedly hot arms. You jump, falling out of his arms. Surprisingly, you land on all fours and let out a meow.
Just what is going on, and are you going to have to kill BamBam?
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weak4kpopfics · 3 years
Got7 ~ Cute Jeabum (Jay B) [MASTERLIST]
We love cute Jaebum Fanfics in this world so I compiled a list of all my favorites for you! (๑>◡<๑)♡
Post will be continuously updated!
Check me out out on instagram @kpop_custom_edits
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Fluffy Tales
Author: wildandsexy
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Jackson Wang
Words: 9,437 [Completed]
Jackson Wang’s Definitive List of Things Im Jaebum, Roommate, Cat Hybrid and Grump Extraordinaire Does and Does Not Like:
• Hoodies
• The one table on the library’s second floor by the big window (direct sunlight all morning) (it’s basically heaven on Earth)
• Nap time (usually at 11am) (and 12pm) (and 1pm) (and 2pm) (and 3pm)…
• Waking up
• Being awake in general
• Not being asleep
• Jackson Wang
Jackson Wang's new roommate doesn't even hate him. He 'nothings' him. And that's just something that Jackson can't live with.
Tags: College au, roommates, cat hybrid, fluff
Who Has the Other Ring?
Author: JellybeanSweet
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Kim Yugyeom
Words: 2,333 [Completed]
Everybody knows Jaebeom as intimidating, expressionless, and driven. He doesn’t go to company parties or events, doesn’t have a lot of friends, and doesn’t often come out of his office unless the job demands it. What throws everyone off, though, is the thing he has on his left hand, delicately settled on his ring finger; specifically, an engagement ring.
Tags: Humor, Producer Jay B, Dancer Yugyeom
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kwrittink · 4 years
Nothing Is What It Seems 4
Pairing: Im Jaebum x Hybrid!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: language, mentions of anger issues, mentions of trauma, mentions of blackmail and threatening.
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It had been a week since you were first brought to JaeBeom’s apartment. A week of being curled on the couch with the excuse of recovering from the trauma that didn’t leave a single scar on your body besides a small fever, eating three good-sized meals a day, and taking hot showers every night, letting your hair be dry with care. None of you were complaining, but you're trying to make yourself decide to leave, before getting too used to the house life again. The owner's life you swore to never get back to.
“I’m going to buy groceries, do you want anything in special?” JaeBeom’s head popped from the kitchen’s entrance, making you glance back from your spot at the window - it was snowing and you found it so pretty - to look at him, pensive.
“I eat whatever, you know me,” you started with a shrug. “But are you going out right now? It’s starting to snow…”
“Yeah I know you love my food, but you do have your favorites.” He teased, walking towards you as he stuck his wallet on his pocket, glancing towards the window and missing the way you rolled your eyes at his witty remark. “As for the snow, it’s fine since the place is nearby and I’m taking my car. I’d even offer you to go with me but you’re still not a hundred percent to face snow yet…” he rambled as if he was talking to himself rather than you. Later on, you’d think how much of that was an excuse to keep you in the apartment but at that moment you only focused on the fact that he did indirectly offered a car ride.
“I could go, help to buy some stuff… I’m stronger right now, the fever’s already gone down.” You stated, feeling slightly embarrassed by your eagerness on getting out of the house, do something on the snow. Even if you’ve suffered an attack, it wasn’t the season’s fault and you weren’t afraid of the cold. Humans were the scary ones.
JaeBeom hummed in thought and there was a tightness in your heart as you thought that he was going to say no to your proposal, and was about to take it back when the back of his hand pressed on your forehead, a little frown between his brows as you sat there stunned.
“Yeah, you’re not so warm anymore, that’s good.” Taking his hand away he smiled satisfied, while you were still feeling the heat of his hand on your skin. “I’m going to lend you an extra coat just to be sure before we head out, okay?”
You nodded as he turned back to the hallway to get said object, and you tried to get your bearings together after the caring touch knocked your defenses off so easily. It wasn’t a feeling of just being taken care of like an owner would care for a pet, even if as genuine. It was something else, you couldn’t exactly place it, the casual and so well-accepted touch just stirred something inside of you.
Brushing it off, you decided to focus on the next thing: You’d go on a car ride.
Of course, that brought you some memories, things of the past you used to avoid but at that moment they were funny to recall. In total, you’d gone in a car ride 5 times in your whole life. All of them were with your brother JiMin, all of them extremely fun. You loved the feeling of being seated in the passenger seat and see the world outside pass so fast as if you were running at full speed without losing focus of the sidelines. It felt like magic. JiMin had said you resembled a dog rather than a cat for that feature, and as much as you didn’t like it, you had to admit it was true.
“Here, this one is a long coat, will keep you warm as a whole.” The beige long coat was handed to you from the side and you snapped out from your thoughts to grab it. As usual, it smelled like JaeBeom and you had to stop yourself from sinking your nose on the fluffy insides. As you got up and tied it on, it looked just like a dress, reaching the floor and hiding the top of your feet. JaeBeom snickered and you glared at him.
“What?” You questioned with a squint, to what he scoffed once more.
“Nothing. I was just thinking about how my clothes look so much better on you, that’s all.” He commented off-handedly, turning away and walking towards the door as you tried to get your shit together, warmth blooming up your neck.
That was nothing. Maybe you had misjudged about the fever subsiding, after all. Surely, you wouldn’t make any comments about it.  
The ride to the supermarket was short, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. The windows could not be open because of the snow but you still had a good view of the streets passing by quickly. It even felt just like before, even prettier because of the season.
There was also the ride back anyway, so she was looking forward to that when stepping inside the grocery store.
After a while, you could only ask yourself how JaeBeom was thinking of carrying all that by himself if he had come alone, seeing that you were already pushing a second cart already halfway full behind his.
“Do you want anything?” JaeBeom asked, turning to face you as he finished checking the shopping list on his phone. You were taken by surprise with the question, never in your life asked what you really wanted, rather given what the others thought you deserved. Lately, it hadn’t been good things at all, so maybe that’s why you felt your heart squeezing a little. “Something yummy for the ride back?”
“Uhm no, I’m not even hungry yet-” but to prove you wrong, that was the moment your stomach decided to announce loudly that mealtime had come. JaeBeom snickered, quirking an eyebrow as he picked a box of pocky, handing it to you.
“Here, I’ll pick another for myself on the way out.” His tone was still soft, breathiness that still indicated the need to chuckle at the indignant sound produced by your body. He was such a child. Still, you grabbed it, placing it at the small basket inside the cart, pouting in embarrassment and resuming to follow him, as JaeBeom moved toward the cashiers.
Thinking about it, you had learned quite a lot about Jaebeom in the time you spent at his house. He was really hard-working, leaving early and getting back home late from the restaurant, even if he was the owner of it; he was kind and warm, sometimes a little shy and awkward around you, but respectful. Nothing like the man that once owned you, JaeBeom treated you like a human rather than a hybrid or a pet, and that was probably the thing you liked the most about him. You’d miss seeing him every day once you had to get back.
“Y/N?” As soon as you stepped outside the store, heavy bags in hand and a pocky half chew in between your teeth, GeoJong’s figure materialized itself in front of you, looking kind of rough, but mostly surprised. Oh yeah, it had been some time since you last saw him. Maybe something of what happened to you reached his ears, but probably no one knew about your situation. “Holy fuck, you're alive!”
You breathed out, feeling the presence of JaeBeom behind you the next second. GeoJong’s eyes landed on him and you immediately felt the hairs on your nape stand as the astonished expression turned into a smirk. Clearly he was up to no good. He’s never been. “And you’ve got yourself some owner, huh?”
“I’m not her owner, mister.” Was JaeBeom’s response, then turning to look at you as you still stood there, not knowing what to do exactly. “Everything okay, Y/N?”
“Yeah… Yeah.” You nodded, eyes still boring into the hybrid in front of you. “What you want, squeak?”
The way of you addressing him made GeoJong snort, holding his chest in false hurt. “Whoa, easy there tiger. I’m just happy to see you, that’s all. I heard someone punks had tried to… You know, send you to a better place as a Christmas gift and seems like you did huh?” You rolled your eyes at his remark, his characteristic laugh showing how he thought himself witty with the bad joke. Behind you, JaeBeom was eerily silent.
“You’re so funny, really.” You quipped, and sarcasm was heavy in your tone. “Well, now you know I’m alive and unfortunately, I know you are too. If you’ll excuse me, we’re leaving.” And like that you twirled around, JaeBeom following suit without hesitation.
“Hey, I just want you to know that I’ll be here, in case you need my help with this one… Again.” GeoJong shouted when you weren’t still far away enough, making you stop walking and literally hiss over your shoulder at the now scurrying rat. Nothing could have been worse than meeting that scum that night. You prepared internally for the questions that would come.
Though they never came.
You were expecting that JaeBeom - reasonably so - would bombard you with questions about who was that hybrid and what he had meant with his last shout, but besides looking mildly upset, he didn’t utter a word. You weren’t sure if he was angry at you or not, so you decided to just look outside the window, trying to calm your nerves with the scenery.
“Hey,” you started off timidly, reaching to grab his sleeve as you two went to unload the trunk. JaeBeom turned to look at you with a frown, softening as he saw you step back at the expression. He’d never looked at you like this and it kind of triggered your flight instincts. Clearing your throat, you continued: “About earlier I-”
“Don’t worry about it, Y/N. It’s not my business.” He cut you, shoulders relaxing. “I’m not angry at you or anything, by the way. It’s just…” as he trailed off your heart immediately sank, thinking that he was going to ask you to get out of his home. It was only reasonable. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m caging you here, Y/N. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want, or come back when you need to, okay?”
You stood there, wheels in your head turning as you tried to make out the man in front of you. There was a tickling feeling in the pit of your belly that sizzled up slowly towards your throat, coming out in a short scoff seeing how JaeBeom was actually upset at himself, for some reason you couldn’t decipher.
“Then I guess I’ll be using more of your hospitality, JaeBeom.”
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ao3feed-yugbam · 4 years
Omega Hybrid 2.0
by TokioMisa
Who said an alpha couldn't be human?
Words: 2996, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: GOT7
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mark Tuan, Im Jaebum | JB, Choi Youngjae, Park Jinyoung (GOT7), Jackson Wang, Kim Yugyeom, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam
Relationships: Im Jaebum | JB/Mark Tuan, Park Jinyoung/Jackson Wang, Kunpimook Bhuwakul | BamBam/Kim Yugyeom
Additional Tags: Omega Mark Tuan, Human Im Jaebum | JB, Cat/Human Hybrids, Mark is intersex, meaning he has both sex parts, Romance, Fluff and Humor, everyone out of the pack is human except Mark, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/23438662
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xxdemitjee · 5 years
Puppy 10
Previous chapter
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- 3rd person the next day -
Y/n woke up due to loud noises down stairs. With a loud grown she stepped out of her bed and got dressed. She slowly walked down the stairs and almost got tackled when she was in the living room. ''My puppy!'' Taehyung yelled as he gave Y/n a hug while lifting her of the ground. ''Yeah.. Hey Tae'' Y/n said not sure what to do since Taehyung was still hugging the life out of her. ''Let my baby go!'' Jungkook said annoyed as he pulled Y/n out of Taehyung's grip. Taehyung glared at Jungkook who was looking at him with a smug smile. ''You better run boy!'' he said and ran after a laughing Jungkook. 
Now that Y/n knew who where making the noise she signed and sat down on the couch. Jaebum sat down on the couch opposite her. ''Are they always like this?'' he asked as he looked at Y/n unfazed expression. ''Yeah, their all idiots. Some of them are all right though'' she said with a shrug. Jaebum chuckled he liked how she didn't give a crap about anyone's opinion about her and just was herself. 
''Why are you with them, you seem quit independent'' Jaebum while looking at Y/n curious about the reason. ''Well, i'm not here because i want to, let's just say it that way'' Y/n said with a bitter voice, and when she said that a silent took over the room. ''..Alright, i'm gonna go'' Jaebum muttered and walked away in a quick pace. A hard sigh left Y/n's mouth weren't these boys supposed to be dangerous gangs? They are more like that cat bitch. 
Namjoon walked into the room and noticed Y/n staring and nothing, she looked very deep in thought. ''Y/n we are going home, the mission is done'' he said as he touched Y/n's shoulder. She looked at Namjoon confused. ''Done? You didn't even do anything'' she said making Namjoon groan at the hybrid. ''Just get in the van'' he said as he rolled his eyes. ''Fuck you'' Y/n spat and didn't move from her spot. While the two where dead glaring at each other Yoongi walked in and dragged Y/n with him into the van. And now Yoongi had to watch Y/n dead glare at him. ''I fucking hate you'' She said not even trying to hide the hatred in her voice. 
After Y/n said that Yoongi looked at her with a mysterious glint in his eyes. He looked Y/n straight in the eyes and bit his lower lip. ''Let's see about that when i'm finished with you'' he said and pushed their lips together. Y/n tried to push him away but before she could Yoongi grabbed the back of her neck and pushed her even closer towards him. When Y/n could finally escape Yoongi's lips he started sucking and biting on a certain spot on her neck. Y/n yelled in pain and slapped Yoongi in the nuts. ''Are you fucking kidding me!'' Y/n yelled at him furious, she felt the spot in her neck that was attacked by the wannabe vampire. When Yoongi came back to his senses he grabbed some rob that was laying somewhere in the van and tied Y/n arms and legs together and then put her on his lap. 
''Scream as loud as you want it's not like anyone cares'' he whispered in Y/n's ear and then kissed it. ''I swear to god when i'm out this rope i will not hesitate to kill you'' Y/n said and that made Yoongi laugh. ''I would like to see you try princess'' he said with a lazy smile and put his arms around her waist, and kept her still so she couldn't struggle against his hold. And after a few minutes the others came into the van and Y/n immediately started calling them every bad thing she could think of.
The worst thing was.. Nobody responded, not even Taehyung who was so desperate to become friends with Y/n. It was like they all planned it. Y/n was glaring at everyone, she didn't even expect that someone would help her but they didn't say a word. She was going to escape even if it was the last thing she would do.
- - - - - -
When the van stopped in front of the house and everyone got off except Yoongi, Y/n signed. ''Come on Y/n you have been through worse things than this'' she whispered to herself, hoping to get more confidence from it and she did.. a little.
Jungkook walked over to Y/n and threw her over his shoulder, and since she was still tied up she couldn't hit him.. So she kicked him multiple timed in the back, but he didn't even budge. ''You fucking muscle asshole put me down!'' she screamed at the top of her lungs. The only thing Jungkook did was chuckle. ''Baby girl if you do that again there will be a punishment'' he said with a smirk. ''Bite me!'' Y/n spat at him. Jungkook pointed at her neck. ''I think Yoongi already did that'' 
Y/n rolled her eyes and started screaming at the top of her lungs, right next to his ear, ''What the fuck bitch!'' Jungkook yelled angry and started walking to something in the living room in a fast pace. In the middle of the room stood a cage and Y/n eyed grew bigger. They are insane!
She started struggling even more and that's when Jungkook literally threw her into the big cage and locked the door. Y/n stared at him in disbelief as he just walked away and came back with a knife. ''Dude are you that mad, jesus anger management'' she murmured, Jungkook just rolled his eyes and used the knife to cut the rope. When he was done with that he stared at Y/n with a loving smile. ''We can't have our baby girl running away, now can we?'' he said and was still staring at Y/n. ''Your mom should've swallowed you'' she said with a glare and that made Jungkook chuckle. ''You can swallow me if you want'' he said with a suggestive wink. 
''Sorry i'm allergic to shrimp''
- - - - - - --  -- - - - - - - - - - - -  -
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hybridfanfiction · 5 years
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▶ Picture Perfect [ Jaebum, Cat hybrid]
▶ Stay With Me [ Mark, Rabbit hybrid ]
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guccybangtan · 6 years
Blue Side- Chapter I
Hello everyone and welcome to my new story! I’m not entirely sure how long its gonna be but I hope you all like it regardless! I don't have a summary for it right now because I'm just kind of rolling with the ideas so it'll be a surprise. I was inspired by @daydream-hobii with all of her hybrid stories so go check them out~
Pairing: Hybrid! BTS x Reader, Platonic! Reader x Jackson Wang; Features: Mark Tuan, Im Jaebum, Bambam;
Word Count: 1,487
Warning: TALK OF SEXUAL ABUSE!! READ WITH CAUTION! 🚨Mentions of physical and emotional abuse;( will be updated as the story progresses)
**Links Removed** see masterlist for other chapters
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Letting out a groan, Y/N sat up, smashing the snooze button on her alarm. She loved her job, she really did, but sometimes it had her working crazy hours, just like tonight. She worked with some of her best friends at a hybrid adoption center. They also were an emergency care center. Y/N always wanted to care for them, since a lot of the time they were mistreated. She still couldn’t believe that people treated them like such animals. After she managed to get up she  got dressed she made a cup of coffee to go. When she stepped out into the brisk night air, she decided to walk to the center as it was only a short distance there and she liked to walk. It didn’t bother her that it was the night, she actually quite enjoyed it.
“ Hey Y/N!” Jackson said cheerfully as she pushed the doors open.
“ Hey Jackson, how are you doin’?” She asked, still a little tired.
“ A little stressed, we got a few new patients. Mark said some won’t talk at all so I’m glad you’re here.” Mark was one of their doctors.
Y/N was good with hybrids, like strangely good. When they had hybrids that were scared,too nervous to open up, or afraid of males, she would be the one to talk to them and get treatment started. Bambam was the only other worker like Y/N that was really good with hybrids, so most of the time they did their rounds checking on everyone together. Their team was relatively small at the center but they did well.
“ Who should I check first?” She asked. She was alone tonight. Some of the hybrids would be in more distress than others, which could cause lasting damage if not dealt with immediately.
“Uh, there’s a bengal cat that keeps trying to escape the room, won’t stop hitting the glass. A red panda that won’t come out from under the bed and a wolf with some really bad lacerations.”
“Guess we’ll start with the wolf.”
After Jackson got her the mobile med kit, Y/N set out to find Jaebum. He was the one with all the keys to the rooms because he tended to make sure they were always in order. The hybrids were locked in at night for safety. Since there were so many different kinds they didn’t want any fights to break out. They were always allowed to play outside and hang out, with supervision from the daytime staff, for most of the day. After Y/N had found him and collected the key she make her way toward the wing that held all the canines and similar animals. Peeking in the window Y/N tried to make an assessment of the man without disturbing him yet. He was tall, very thin, with what looked like quite a few deep, angry, scratches down his chest and possibly down his back. He was sitting in the corner farthest from the door, all the furniture pushed to the opposite side of the room. Y/N reached for the clipboard attached to the door.
“Kim Namjoon.” She whispered
        Wolf Hybrid
        Age 23
       History of abuse
More facts were listed about him but she wasn’t too concerned with them. This was gonna be harder than she though. Taking a deep breath she knocked on the door and stuck the key in to unlock it. As soon as she pushed open the door his head snapped up, fierce eyes meeting hers. An immediate guttural growl left his throat.
“ Hey there,” Y/N began, setting the kit down as she put her arms out in front of her, “I’m just here to clean your cuts.”
“ Don’t touch me.” He stated it with so much dominance Y/N almost contemplated leaving but she knew if she didn’t clean him up an infection could be fatal.
“Sorry, I really need to clean your cuts. If you get infected nothing good will come of it.”
He sat up, looking like he was considering rushing her. She began to reach for her radio on her hip to call Jackson, raising her other hand towards the man to show she wasn’t a threat. Before she pressed the button to talk, he seemed to reconsider.
“ Make it quick.” He spoke lowley
“ I’ll be gentle…?” Even though she knew his name she wanted him to give it to her. That way they could build trust.
“Okay, Namjoon. I’ll do my best, but I need you to take off your shirt.’’ This caused him to hesitate. All traces of the show of dominance seconds ago left his body. He looked down and began to shrink away from her. Something clicked in Y/N’s head. Maybe she was thinking of the wrong kind of abuse. She mentally cursed Jackson for not being detailed as she tried to diffuse the situation.
“ Hey, look, it’s nothing like what you’re thinking,’’ she began, moving backwards to give him some space. “ I just need to be able to see the cuts the clean them, I can call someone to get you some clean clothes for after I’m done and I’ll leave. It won’t take long, but this needs to happen. I’m sorry.’’
He looked up at her and nodded, and began to remove his shirt.
“Shit.’’ She whispered to herself as she could finally see them clearly. He looked as if he got jumped, not just a small fight. There were three large ones on his front, with some smaller ones around his neck and what looked to be a bite mark near his jugular. She grabbed her kit and began to make quick work of his front, while being as gentle as possible. She would concern herself with his back later.  Y/N was glad she had checked the clipboard, but she needed to have a serious talk with Jackson about important details.
As she cleaned him, she made mental notes to herself to see if she could get him to open up about what happened, that way they can help protect him from something like this happening again. When she was finished with his front she timidly asked if he would turn around. Again, he hesitated, but complied silently. As soon as Y/N saw his back, she quietly clamped her hand over her mouth to keep from letting out any noise; She sat up straighter and tensed uncomfortably. Not only was he covered in more cuts, he had many, many scars littering his whole back. They looked as if they were mainly from belts, like they were whipping him with the metal side, and riding crops. She worked even quicker on his back, almost unable to handle it. The poor hybrid had obviously been through a lot and she didn’t want to make him anymore uncomfortable.
Namjoon’s back had only two medium sized scratches and a few small ones but the torture that he had been through before seemed to carry the weight of a thousand worlds. She laid the last bandage and began to clean up. She quickly called Jackson on the radio and asked for some clothes for Namjoon began to bid him good night so he could change, but before she could leave he grabbed her bicep. Y/N tensed up and spun around quickly, removing his hand. He looked taken aback but spoke anyway.
“I just wanted to say thank you… most people would’ve gotten frustrated and just left, but you didn’t. Why?’’
“I know what it’s like to be abused,’’ She spoke, wrapping her arms around herself,  “not in the same way as you, but, it’s all the same anyway, isn’t it?’’
He nodded soberly and reached out for her hand. She took his and gave it a squeeze. Maybe they were more alike than they originally thought.
“What happened to you?’’ Y/N asked before she could stop herself. She immediately opened her mouth to retract her previous question but before she could he answered it.
“ I used to be apart of this group of show hybrids. They had a bunch of exotic and rare hybrids they would take to shows and banquets. There was probably eleven of us. They forced us to do tricks while at the shows and when we got home...’’ He trailed off, taking a deep breath, “ when we got home, if we messed up or didn't do something to their satisfaction,which was quite often, they would hit us, telling us they were doing it because they loved us and they wanted us to be better. They would also do things to us. Bad things. Looking back on it now, it’s not normal like they told us it was.’’
Y/N nodded as he opened up this little bit of his past. She understood. As she was about to respond Jackson burst through the door.
“We’re having a bit of a problem out here!’’
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