#cat23's writing
thecatwriter23 · 5 months
Bird Vomit, Vomit Bird
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✨New Publication✨
My work ‘Bird Vomit, Vomit Bird’ is finally out in Here was Once the Sea: An Anthology of Southeast Asian Ecowriting published by Mānoa Journal. Thank you again to the editors for picking up my macabre swiftlet story!
You can read a snippet of it here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
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Photo by Huy Phan on Unsplash
Behind the verdant green clusters of aquatic plants, who sway to the gentle movements in the water, the lone resident rests in its small cove.
A short piece about a guppy who dreams about its past life and you can read more here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
The Last Stand
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Photo by Colin + Meg on Unsplash
A pointed snout peaks through the tangled vines, pointed upwards; something has piqued its interest. The scent of a nectarine draws the small mammal towards it...
A short piece about a rogue rafflesia and the full work is here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
How Do You Like Your Humans?
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Photo by Job Savelsberg on Unsplash
His crush is here and he looks like a disaster, perhaps even a catastrophe wouldn’t even take him in as their own.
This short piece was about a weretiger who has a crush on a chimera and it was featured on a queer booklet last year too! You can read the full piece here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
Fuzzy Feelings & Friendships
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Photo by Cary Bates on Unsplash
Jo Yee is sitting at her usual table on the far right, closest to the basketball court where the upper secondary students are having their PE class. Her egg sandwich has been left half eaten as she stares forlornly at the court, eyes tracking a particular senior. She sighs, deep in thought, her chin balanced in the palms of her hands.
A light-hearted piece for my queer teen ocs! I was planning a different story for this trio but wanted to write something more fun amidst most of my 'serious' pieces! I'm definitely writing another short story for these kiddos but for now enjoy! :D
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
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Hi! I'm Cat (any pronouns)🐱 a Malaysian speculative fiction writer with a focus in fantasy and horror✨
Writing Tags: cat23's writing and cat23's wip
Links: ✨Twitter: @the_cat_writer 📝Wordpress: https://thecatwriter23.wordpress.com ☕️Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/the_cat_writer (where I post behind the scene notes and exclusive stories)
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
The Sick Vampire
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Photo by Matteo Kutufa on Unsplash
The chamber is dark, illuminated by a single flame on the mahogany bedside table. Behind the black damask canopies, a pale man lies uncomfortably in his sheets...
There's such a variety of vampires across different cultures and I thought it was a fun idea to explore what would happen if several Malaysian vampires were visiting their sick cousin XD
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
The Soother of Sorrows
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Art by @samruzone
The remainder of the sun's golden rays stretch across the field, verdant greens washed with a burnt fiery hue. Each stalk of grass barely moving, their breathing soft as they take in the last light—mourning their loss, awaiting new day.
My short story about a non-binary penglipur lara, The Soother of Sorrows, is on Strange Horizons' SEA special. You can read the full piece here:
I also have behind the scene notes on my inspirations for this piece on my Ko-Fi!
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
Wish Fish
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Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash
“I can grant you anyyy wish for as long as you keep me,” said the fish, “But! I will grow one cm each time. The bigger the price of your wish, the larger I become.”
This was written for nataswitchtober2021 about wishes! You can read my full piece here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
Shaman Familiar
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Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash
A gray creature slinks through the night, its spotted coat skittering through the brambles. The civet pauses, lowering its body to the ground as it notices an unfamiliar scent in the air. Road tar and ammonia—the stench is fleeting, black winged bodies streaking through the tree tops and disappearing into the amorphous darkness of the forest.
This flash fiction piece was written for nataswitchtober2021 and the prompt was familiar! You can read my full work here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
You Are What You Eat
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Photo by Brad West on Unsplash
Tora’s fingers are stained with a purple hue, with undertones of a dark red. All that she touches receives the same spread of colours, the hem of her t-shirt now covered in a mess of fingerprints from her attempts to remove the drench of fruity stickiness.
This short story was written for a competition and one of the first times that I got to explore queer identity in writing for others to read! You can read it here:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
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Photo by Jason D on Unsplash
Swallow me whole, I told the land. For there was no purpose in living when under the weight of light; under that pouring brightness my identity was stripped away; I paled in comparison to the ethereal beings above.
This was first published on Night Sky Press' first issue, Orcanus! Really enjoyed the challenge of writing a scifi piece plus it's now up on my ko-fi!
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
Gamblers' Den
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Photo by José Pablo Iglesias on Unsplash
You arrive in a small abandoned town along the outskirts of the city. Your feet are tired from walking, in dirt covered clothes, you enter the diner. 
The full piece is on my blog:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
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Photo by Dodi Achmad on Unsplash
Blue is not the colour of grief. No, it seethes with rage. Propane flames burning crisps at the end of each sentence—my first introduction to the world.
Another super short scifi piece exploring a supercomputer with synesthesia! (Don't ask me about the science behind this I just thought it was a neat idea)
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
Doctor's Visits
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Photo by Alexander Pemberton on Unsplash
Posting some of my older works that I wrote for the Monstrous May Challenge in 2021! This short piece follows the case files of an unusual psychologist which is on my blog:
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thecatwriter23 · 2 years
We Started A Century Ago
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Image by dashu83 on Freepik
The other part of their hearts had been separated for so long, distanced only by the ocean that stands between Pahang and Sarawak. But here they are, in a cozy apartment that they had both saved up for years to get.
My little story about rainy days and food shared with loved ones was written for Sunny Side, a zine about eggs 🥚 You can read the full piece here:
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