#category: MINALENCE
revenant-coining · 10 months
Suffixes Part 2
[pt: Suffixes Part 2 /end pt]
songic, lexic, and inviane suffixes for our neo(gender) umbrellas ^^
invieiyn: a suffix for howabeiyn terms connected to images.
lexieiyn: a suffix for howabeiyn genders connected to words.
songieiyn: a suffix for howabeiyn genders connected to songs.
invitant: a suffix for instinctant terms connected to images.
lexitant: a suffix for instinctant genders connected to words.
songitant: a suffix for instinctant genders connected to songs.
invilen: a suffix for minalence terms connected to images.
lexilen: a suffix for minalence genders connected to words.
songilen: a suffix for minalence genders connected to songs.
invilyp: a suffix for mislypec terms connected to images.
lexilyp: a suffix for mislypec genders connected to words.
songilyp: a suffix for mislypec genders connected to songs.
invirven: a suffix for warrven terms connected to images.
lexirven: a suffix for warrven genders connected to words.
songirven: a suffix for warrven genders connected to songs.
invinal: a suffix for zabainal terms connected to images.
lexinal: a suffix for zabainal genders connected to words.
songinal: a suffix for zabainal genders connected to songs.
@radiomogai , @rescanwriter, @coiningaffixes
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[ID: a yellow line divider outlined in brown. in the center is a yellow star outlined in brown. End ID]
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3 times 5 recs
alright alright alriiiiighhhht. crest, @crestfallercanyon , tagged me in this wonderful, very thorough fanfic ask game, and since my answers absolutely escalated, i will be answering some of the questions as seperate posts. aka the innocent question number 19.... what are five fic recs.
because i absolutely could not make up my mind, i divided this into 3 categories.
all time favorites
it's a hell of a world minewt, mcd @cherrypigeon
always free for you nsfw toxic thomally @manako-no-yami
you can rip, you can tear by anonymous minewt fight, and it gets ugly.
these truths unbound and ripe for burning safe haven thomally @crestfallercanyon
Apelsin by originalblue 2015 thomally classic
give them a read, you will love them
The Name expert use of narrative perspective in thominho @dunne-ias
Day 1 - You Not Me thomesa break up (yet don't) @nice-to-meet-ya-shank
His Method To Madness & Her Theory Outside the Box thomesa high school au that starts with a misunderstanding @missroller15
Scarves by runner_love (orphaned account) minresa safe haven where thomas dies instead of teresa
Cinnamon and Strawberry newtmas baking au @go-catch-a-chickn
nsfw picks
he goes down easy for me thomally @crestfallercanyon
janson is a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad man a pay-attention-to-the-tags adventure @mazegays
This one's for you thomesa @dunne-ias
of under me you quite so new by ambitioncutsusdown minally, tw weed use
enthralled toxic steo smut @voidstilesplease
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atomxmedia · 4 months
CoinDCX Prime Launched For High Net Worth Individuals Targeting $100 Million AUM By FY25
CoinDCX, a renowned Indian cryptocurrency exchange, has announced a new project known as CoinDCX Prime. This program is designed exclusively for High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNIs), family offices, and institutional investors, providing them with a specialized approach to cryptocurrency trading. The debut comes at a time when the Indian crypto industry is seeing an increase in engagement from these categories.
Tailored Solutions for Sophisticated Investors
CoinDCX Prime goes beyond the standard trading experience offered by CoinDCX’s core platform. It provides a dedicated service layer designed to meet the specific needs of high-volume investors. Here’s a breakdown of what CoinDCX Prime offers:
Minimum Investment Threshold: CoinDCX Prime caters to investors with a minimum portfolio size of Rs. 50 Lakhs ($62,500 USD). This ensures a focus on experienced investors with a deeper understanding of the cryptocurrency market.
Personalized Investment Strategies: Prime members gain access to personalized investment solutions crafted by experienced financial advisors. These solutions consider individual risk appetites and long-term investment goals.
Dedicated Account Management: CoinDCX Prime assigns seasoned key account managers to each member. These dedicated professionals provide ongoing support, guidance, and market insights tailored to individual investment journeys.
Building on Existing Offerings
CoinDCX Prime builds upon the existing suite of services offered by CoinDCX. Prime members still benefit from features available to all users, such as:
VIP Program: This program offers tiered discounts on trading fees based on trading volume.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Desk: This service facilitates large-volume trades executed directly between CoinDCX and institutional investors.
Catering to Growing Demand
Minal Thukral, Head of Strategy and Growth at CoinDCX, emphasizes the growing interest from HNIs and institutions: “Over 1.5 crore [15 million] Indian investors trust CoinDCX with their cryptocurrency adventure. We’re happy to see the same degree of trust and interest from HNIs. We’ve already onboarded over 100 institutional investors, 2,500+ high-net-worth clients, and served over 25 family offices. There is high demand from this group of investors, which is why we are offering Prime Services.
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Read more: Marketing News, Advertising News, PR and Finance News, Digital News
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prabhatjairam · 8 months
Career Opportunities in the Science Stream
Today's generation is perplexed about where to begin their career and which field to pursue. After finishing class ten, students begin to consider which stream to pursue. Indeed, it’s quite challenging for them, as it’s a major step towards their future. But choosing the right path as per the student’s interest can build their career more productively. They should choose streams based on the nature of the subject that they love.
If students are in love with mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and practical things, they can definitely go with the science stream. It’s the best field that offers lucrative career options. The advancement of technology and innovations has increased the number of career opportunities available to candidates in the science stream. The stream offers a dynamic work environment packed with countless specializations and prospects to explore.
In this blog, we will give you all the details about the different opportunities and prospects for building a career in the science stream.
What is the science stream?
The science stream is the provision in secondary school that develops scientific knowledge and theory about everything in the world. It is mainly divided into two categories: one is the medical stream (PCB), and another is the non-medical stream (PCM). Chemistry and physics are required for both streams, whereas mathematics is chosen by students who want to pursue careers in non-medical fields such as architecture and engineering.
The following are some of the important subjects covered by the scientific field:
Computer Science
Related: Daily Booster Article | study24hr.com
Career Options in the Science Stream
Science is one of the important subjects that learners can choose to avail themselves of the best career options. It gives them technical and analytical skills. The following options can help students find the best career opportunities in the science field:
1. Engineering
One of the popular options for planning a career in the science stream is engineering. It's the best choice for those who are passionate about building things, experimenting with new techniques, or seeking a career in research and technology. After completion, candidates can opt for higher education, start their professional careers, or join the desired Indian Engineering Services. Here, you can see a list of engineering sub-fields that you can opt for after choosing the science stream.
Electrical and Electronics
BTech (Bachelor of Engineering)
Geotechnical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Minal Engineering
System Engineering
Civil Engineering
Automobile Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
BTech Nanotechnology
Petroleum Engineering
Marine Engineering
Software Engineering, etc.
2. Medicine
Students who are interested in the fields of medicine and biology have a wider range of opportunities to explore. They can opt for a BHMS course and start a career in homeopathy or pursue an MBBS degree and become a doctor. Moreover, in some programs, they need to clear the NEET exam to secure a seat in any medical college in the state. Following the science stream, here are some of the popular medical degrees that anyone can pursue:
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Diploma in Clinical Research
BTech Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor of Paramedical Technology
Stem Cell Therapy
Doctor of Medicine, etc.
3. Economics
Economics is one of the most evergreen subjects because of its huge demand and high utility in the job market. Students who have studied economics as a science may have a variety of career options. They can enrol in a BA or BSc. For joint honors degrees, a BA economics course could be combined with various subjects, including politics, psychology, and languages. While a BSc in economics degree is more likely to be combined with a science-based subject like mathematics.
4. Architecture
Those who are interested in planning, designing, and constructing buildings can opt for the architecture field. Many national and state-level examinations are conducted for architecture courses. Candidates can apply for these entrance examinations and get an opportunity to pursue a B.Arch. course. With the science stream, students can have a sound knowledge of physics and mathematics. Here are a few architecture courses that anyone can pursue:
Bachelor of Design
Bachelor of Engineering in Landscape Architecture
BA (with honors) in Interior Architecture and Design
BA/BSc in Architecture, Technology, and Construction Management
Bachelor of Planning
Master of Architecture in Digital Architecture
Master of Engineering in Housing
Master of Planning in Infrastructure, etc.
For the best career opportunities, you can visit “study24hr.com”, which reveals the modern face and latest technologies. It allows teachers and educational institutes to promote themselves and get a lead on students. The platform lessens the burden of heavy books as it flatters modern education with pictures, animation, and video lectures.
5. Biotechnology
In the modern era, science is growing at a rapid speed to develop technologies that are helpful for the human race. Undoubtedly, biotechnology has a wider scope and offers booming career options in various fields such as agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, healthcare, genetic engineering, etc. Interested students can pursue this option as it offers some popular and highly demanding courses, such as:
BSc in Biotechnology
BTech Biotechnology
Bachelor in Biotechnology
BE Biotechnology
A BSc in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
ME in Biotechnology
MSc in Biotechnology
ME in Biotechnology
MTech in Biotechnology, etc.
6. Forensic Science
Forensic science includes various subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It is a rewarding career that is beneficial in the process of finding the truth and seeking justice in legal matters. Ranging from diploma to degree courses, students can pursue their careers with the following options:
Forensic Scientist
A detective at a Crime Scene
Fingerprint analysts
crime reporter, etc.
In conclusion
As science is considered a more rigorous and tougher stream than arts and commerce, it has high-demanding career opportunities. However, science students need to do a lot of hard work to score well but remember that it’s just a one-time investment. You can chart your own course to success if you perform well in your exams. So, don’t think too much; if you are really interested in science, just go for it and start achieving your goals. After completing your bachelor’s or master’s degree, you can enlighten your way with the latest information, skills, and knowledge.
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vanadiumheart · 3 years
Yesterday I thot of a post like "Psych majors I Do NOT respect" but I don't want to make a habit of knocking on hornets' nests
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salafiway · 5 years
*Ash-Shaykh Zayd Bn Hādī al-Madkhalī (Rahimahu-Llāh) said concerning Tablighi Jama'at;*
"…but concerning the Tablīgh Jamā'ah, for those who will want to know more about  their innovations and heresies, let him read the following books: 
1- *'Waqafāt  ma'a Jamā'atit-Tablīgh'* ('Some Experiences with the Jamā‟āh  Tablīgh') by Ash  Shaykh  Nazzār bn Ibrāhīm al-Jurbū' (may Allāh preserve  him). 
2- *Al-Qawlul-Balīgh fī-Tahdhīr 'an Jamā'atit-Tablīgh* (The Eloquent Statement of Warning against the Tablīgh Jamā‟ah) by Shaykh Hammūd bn 'Abdillāh  bn Hammūd at-Tuwayjirī. 
3- *'Haqīqatud-Da'wati ila Llāhi Ta'ālā, wamakh 'Tass at bi-hi Jazīratul 'Arab'*  (The  Essence  of Call  onto  Allāh  and the Peculiarities  of  the Arabian  Peninsular)  by Shaykh  Sa'd bn  'Abdur-Rahmān  Husayn. 
4- *'Al Ajwabatush-Shadīdah 'alal As-ilatir Rashīdah'* (The Intense Answers  to Questions of  Guidance) vols.  2 and  3  for the observations. 
5- *'Adwā'un 'alā Tarīqid-Da'wati ila Llāh'* (Luminaries to the Ways of Calling unto Allāh) by Ash-Shaykh Muhammad Ammān  bn 'Alī  al-Jāmī. 
6- *'Tanbīhu 'Ulil Absār ilā  Kamālid Deen, wa mā  fil Bida'u Minal-Akhtā'* (Calling  the Wise to the  Perfection of the  Deen  and  the Errors  in  Innovation)  by Ash-Shaykh  Sa'd bn Sālih As-Sahīmī.   
7- *Let him – sincerely - ask the students of knowledge who had at one time joined the Tablīgh Jamā'ah* with the intention of filling the vacuums and spreading books of 'aqīdah based on the methodology (Manhaj) in their midst. The leaders of the Jamā'ah met them with reproofand they were ultimately made to chose between staying by adhering to their methodology or leaving the methodology - without regrets (on their part)! They chose to part with them with a deep sense of  regret and sorrow for a group carrying out activities in the name of Da’wah unto Allāh with utmost efforts, struggling, sacrifice, zealousness and long and tedious journeys. It is saddening however, that they repelled the Manhaj of the Salaf regarding the noble and greatly obligatory act  of worship; Da’wah  unto Allāh with wisdom, good admonition and argument in the best manners. 
He  further  said:  "As  it appears  to  me, I  divide the  Jamā'ah (of Tablīgh) into four  categories: 
*First Category:* The Clear-cut  Sufis. These are found among their leaders and those who take oath of allegiance from them. 
*Second Category:* Those who  were deceived  by their outward  postures which they manifest among scholars and students  of knowledge. 
*Third  Category*:  The common  folk, who know little  about Islām and their likes. They form the majority of the members  of the group as  far as  I know. 
*Fourth  Category:*  The strayed  sons  of the Muslims  who were engrossed  in the  bars, inns  and  the  likes.  This Jamā'ah later  won  them over  as  they were recruited  by  the workers (of  this Jamā'ah). Expectedly though,  they believed that they received guidance at the hands of this Jamā'ah [and as such, they  must be die-hard members]. 
My position concerning the *First Category* is that hope  is lost about them except if Allāh wills (guidance for them), *as for the other three groups*, I opine that they must be admonished and the truth be explained to them. 
Many  of  those  in  these (last  three) categories, when the truth becomes clear to them and the crookedness of the Jamā'ah is unveiled to them, they break  off and leave them. Although the manners of admonition may differ; scholars among their members should be admonished with juxtaposition of proofs and with a frank expression of truth. 
As for the commoners among them, they should be placed in a position of patients who need be cured with wisdom and explanation of the sound creed…." 
He  further said, "Someone  who once followed this Jamā'ah phoned me explaining his regrets over following them  for such a long time without gaining any knowledge or sound creed from them."  
*Source:* Al-Ajwabatus-Sadīdah, vol. 5 (pp. 33 – 35).
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Week 3.2: Thematic Moodboarding
Disclaimer: I accidentally added some 702 items to this blog thinking the Thursday class was 703 such as the work below.
Sorry for the inconvenience and mix up the blog content will be correct from now on!
I developed and added to my initial mood board of images and printed them out in preparation for this class. Here is my expanded collection.
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In class we complete multiple pairings and arrangements of our chosen images in order to identify content, context, and composition. In total I was working with 77 reference images. I completed 3 different reshufflings of my images in the form of:
Subject and content, 
Colour usage and layout, 
Visual themes/ tone of voice of the imagery.
This helped me visually recognise the reoccurring themes I may not have caught on first look and make many different connections between my images throughout each reshuffling. I learnt that this collection of images could be compared and contrasted in many varying ways. Below was my process and reflections.
Subject and content.
Type Based Imagery
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Humanoid Based Imagery
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Creature Based Imagery
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Animal Based Imagery
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Other Category Imagery
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This shows a clear indication towards organic shapes and forms in my inspiration. The human, animal, and otherwise ‘creature’ based categories make up the majority of my imagery with typographic elements as a supporting group. This feels relevant as the main focal point for my project is intended to be depictions of living creatures and beasts from mythology. Even a lot of the animal and human figures in these groupings have a fantasy or alternate element to them, leaning my image bank further into this mythological realm that I mean to work within. This grouping will be useful to return to for inspiration and composition of my imagery moving forward as there are so many varied examples of living things designed into an artwork or image.
Colour Usage and Layout.
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I completed this wheel in order to visualise the colours I tend to be drawn to. Seeing this fully formed spectrum shows a very set palette of strong reds, oranges and yellows, paired with bold and thick usage of black and white. Not a lot of grey, pink, or greens. Very minal blue and purple. Perhaps this is how I can structure my colour palette for my publication and illustrative practice. The bolder warm colours complimented with black and white linework. Cooler blues as an accent or minor colour.
Visual themes/ tone of voice of the imagery.
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Finally the images were arranged in a full blend that were depicted in themes. So I would place images that had simular tone of voice, feel, style, emotion, and method close to one another. This was done in a map structure so I could fully connect all the images into one big layout. I then went about labelling the ‘feel’ or ‘theme’ at different stages. This is shown in more detail below.
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This complete mapping of all 77 of my images was done to help me pin point the various threads of design I was drawn to here. This has allowed me to build a list of key words that may frame my project and its overall ‘personality’. Being able to blend them all together in one big group gave me a visual example of how everything is connected in my imagery and what I can do to make it back and forth from each connection. 
From this I can tell I prefer highly illustrative and colourful image making pieces, and I also noticed that I had a strong preference for bold/ large/ thick typography in sans serif font. There is also a fair bit of layering and overlapping within a lot of the artwork and even the typography references so perhaps this consistent theme of intersecting shapes could play into my publication design.
Key Phrases Listed
Inky, Fluid, Linework, Japan Inspired, Painted, Jagged, Geometric Shapes, Repeating Patterns, Joining Shapes, Rough, Illustrative, Surreal, Mystical, Bold/ Thick, Typographic, Layered, Overlapping, Circular, Balanced, Concentric, Ceramic, Creepy, Blended, Playful, Childlike, Colourful, Intense, Dense
Draft of Reference Images for Proposal
We were also instructed to select 5-10 images from our moodboarding exercise that will set the mood and tone for my project. These are the images I chose to represent the feel I am going for. These are the 9 I narrowed it down to. But I will likely refine further.
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tawheed · 4 years
Via Youtube: Tawheed on 4th Jan, 2021 V1:91. Ruling on Jinn possession [Noor ala alDarb, Shaikh ibn Baz, Vol1] Language: English Q: Is it permitted for the righteous Jinn (creatures created from fire) to possess human Muslims? Please provide evidence. Keeping in mind that the righteous Jinn do not harm humans; rather, they possess human to listen to the Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and the Qur`an. Some righteous Jinn recite Qur`an using the possessed persons tongue and voice in order to release the rebellious Jinn from the body of the possessed. May Allah reward you with the best! [Vol. 1, Page No. 232-235] A: There is no doubt that it is not permissible for Jinn to possess, attack, or harm humans. One of the greatest forms of Zhulm (injustice) and harm is the Jinn possession of human beings as this may lead to ruining the person's mind and makes them fall under the category of mad people. This may also result in many other evil and harm. Allah (Exalted be He) says: "And whoever among you does wrong (i.e. sets up rivals to Allah), We shall make him taste a great torment." And: "And the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) will have neither a Wall (protector or guardian) nor a helper." And: "And We have prepared a painful torment for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers)." It is not permitted for Jinn to harm a Muslim human, likewise, it is not permitted for a human to harm or hurt the Jinn, each of them should be careful of wronging the other. It is known that the Jinn possession causes a great deal of harm and great evil to the person; a Muslim or a Kafir (non-Muslim). Thus, it is not permitted for a Jinni to possess, hurt, or harm humans. It is known how people keep away from the possessed person and the harmful consequences this can have on him. It is Wajib (obligatory) on the Jinn to avoid wronging humans and they should keep away from them. If they want to listen to Qur`an, they can attend learning circles and Qur`an lessons without possessing a human. They can hear the Qur`an and Hadith by attending these lessons at the Masjids (mosques) and other places. As for the Jinn's excuse that they like to hear the Qur`an from a certain human, this is wrong. Allah is the One sought for help! Humans should seek refuge in Allah (Exalted be He) by using the treatment found in the Shariah (Islamic law) which will protect them from the Jinn such as reciting Ayat-ul-Kursy (the Qur`anic Verse of the Throne, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:255) one time, Surah (Qur`anic chapter) Al-Ikhlas and Al-Mu'awwidhatayn (Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) three times before sleeping and saying "A'udhu bi kalimatillah al-tammat min sharri ma khalaq (I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He has created)," every morning and evening. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: 'Anyone who enters a house and says: "A'udhu bi kalimatillah al-tammat min sharri ma khalaq (I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He has created)," nothing will harm them until they leave that house.' He (ﷺ) also said: "Anyone who says this three time at the evening will not be harmed by the bite of a serpent during that night." These are ways to protect oneself. Also, saying: "Bismillahi alladhi la yadurru ma'a ismihi shai'un fil-ardi wa-la fil-sama'i wa huwa al-Samiu al-Alim (In the Name of Allah, with Whose Name nothing on the earth or in the heaven can cause harm, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing). The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Anyone who recites this three times in the morning and in the evening, nothing will harm him." Also saying: "A`udhu bi-kalimatillah al-tammah men kulli shaitanin wa hammah wa men kulli 'aynin lammah (I seek refuge with Allah's Perfect Words from everything that is evil, vermin, and from every evil eye)" The Prophet (ﷺ) used to use these words to protect Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn every night. These words from the Shariah are what Allah (Exalted be He) protects a person with from the harm of the jin sin and other evils. Also to say: "A`udhu bikalimatillahi at- Tammati allati la yujawizuhunna barrun wal-fajir men sharri ma khalak wa bara'a wa dhara'a, we men sharri ma yanzili minal-sama'i, wa men sharri ma ya Yiju fiha, wa men sharri ma yanzilu fil-ard, wa men sharri ma yakhruju minha, wa men sharri fltan al-laili wal-nahari, wa men sharri kulli tariqin ilia tariqan yatruqu bi-khairin ya rahman (I seek refuge with Allah's Perfect Words which no righteous or unrighteous person can transgress; from all the evil that He has created, made and... https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/8415/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%AA%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%B3-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%AC%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B3-%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%A9-%D9%85%D9%86-%D8%B0%D9%84%D9%83 #Islam #Quran #Hadith #Sunnah #Fatwa
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revenant-coining · 1 year
[pt: Instilence/Minatant /end pt]
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[IDs: 2 rectangular flags with 9 vertical lines. sizes in this order from left to right: medium, thin, 2 medium, thick, 2 medium, thin, medium. colors in this order from left to right: green-blue, light blue, blue, darkish blue, dull red-pink, darkish blue, blue, light blue, green-blue. on the bottom of the flag is a dull red-pink horizontal line. in the center of the first flag is a light blue symbol outlined in dull red-pink. the symbol is a diamond outline with a diamond inside of it and a curved line on the left and right of the diamond outline. End ID]
Instilence/Minatant: a term that is both Minalence (link) and Instinctant (link), MINAIN and INSIN, nalenic and instinic, or any other combination between the two terms.
Etymology: insti(nctant)/(mina)lence, mina(lence)/(instinc)tant
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[IDs: 3 images of a diamond outline with a diamond inside of it and a curved line on the left and right of the diamond outline. the first symbol is light blue and outlined in dull red-pink. the second symbol is light grey and outlined in dark grey. the third symbol is light grey with no outline. End ID]
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @rescanwriter
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[ID: a red line divider outlined in yellow. in the center is a red feather outlined in yellow. End ID]
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gayorgynight65 · 5 years
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Jorge Ballantinos bare back my Skanderborg
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH - Gay love Watch jorge ballantinos bare back my on Indian best, the best smooch smut site. 21 Oct 2018 . Max rides the person'S butt quick and slow -- pulling in strokes and never ramming it rendering it their or her own. bare back Marathon Pt 13. Jorge Ballantino get'S petting bare back - Gay XVideos HistoryHist. Anonymous View View Max Schneider smooch Jorge Ballantinos hd as completely free. Gay Guys Nearby Jorge Ballantinos bare back my - om/videos/1518/max-schneider-smooch-jorge-ballantinos/ XVIDEOS Jorge Ballantino get'S petting bare back free. XVIDEOS Jorge Ballantinos bare back my free. Cutler X and Adam Russo bare back best. Jorge ballantinos bare back my - Indian best Max Schneider smooch Jorge Ballantinos at Gay0Day tube . Planetromeo Gays Nearby + More videos like this one at All Real bare back - The horniest guys from all over Europe come together to have raw and best bare back love. MARTIN MAZZA petting bare back by spanish xxl peewee . Gay Movies 17 MinAll . Tags: Gay my gay bare back bare back gay play my bare gay best interesting gay bare back play real group jorge ballantinos my gay. Gay love story in hindi language found Twink Boys bare back Home Movie. Categories: Bare back Gay Vids. Hjemmeside Muscle boy tied up and petting by the janitor. Om/video/48632/0/jorge-ballantinos-bare back-my Android App .
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pehnawawholesale · 5 years
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itcrats · 3 years
Managing Duplicate Data in Salesforce
Vimal Raj Patel owns an account in a reputed bank. Over the years, he has interacted with many sales representatives in person and over the phone. Recently, he has been receiving calls for the same products and queries multiple times from different bank employees. Despite pointing out the issue to customer service and representatives several times, it has not been resolved. Disappointed with this experience, he has decided to close his account and shift to a competitor bank.
Losing a customer due to a bad customer experience is the last thing sales teams need. So, where did the problem lie? The answer is in data records where Vimal Raj Patel was listed multiple times as V.R. Patel, Vimal Patel, Raj Patel, and Vimal Raj Patel. Mr. Patel must have been getting the same communication from different sales executives. With multiple records, it was difficult to look at the conversation history with that customer. It also took longer to resolve customer complaints, as data was being recorded at different places by different team members each time Mr. Patel called the bank.
Not only is duplicate data creating a negative brand image due to poor customer experience, but it is also resulting in wasted time and resources. This is because there is no way of verifying how marketing efforts are impacting the single customer, and every time the customer calls getting to the bottom of the requirement takes time for both, the customer as well as the company.
Salesforce makes it easy to manage duplicate data by use of Duplicate Rules and Matching Rules.
Data Deduplication with Salesforce
Let's first understand what are Matching rules and Duplicate rules.
Matching Rules
These are the set of rules that define how matching or duplicate contacts are identified. A duplicate record is identified when the specified set of fields is matching or identical. This may be name, account number, company name, etc.
Duplicate Rules
These sets of rules define what action will be taken by the system when a matching or duplicate record is identified. For example, will the duplicate record be saved or blocked, etc.
Salesforce has a standard set of rules for business and person accounts, contacts, and leads. Custom rules can also be created for matching rules as well as duplicate rules.
Let's look at how admin Minal avoided duplicate records for her team with matching and duplicate rules.
Creating Matching Rules
1. Minal searched and selected 'Matching Rules' in Quick Find in the left margin of the platform interface.
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2. She created a New Rule and then selected the object, in this case, 'Contact' to define a rule and clicks Next.
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3. Minal gives a name to the rule as 'Custom Contact Matching Fuzzy Mailing Street' and specifies the matching criteria. This means that she selects one or more fields for which the records need to be matched. There are two methods for matching.
a. Exact – This looks for strings that exactly match a pattern
b. Fuzzy – This looks for approximate matches to a pattern
If the Match Blank Fields checkbox is selected, then the records are considered matched if the specified fields in both records being compared are empty/blank. You can also specify a filter logic if required.
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4. She clicks Save and activates the rule.
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Creating Duplicate Rules
Minal now has to pair the matching rule with a duplicate rule to take the desired action against the creation of duplicate records.
1. Minal searches and selects 'Duplicate Rules' in Quick Find.
2. She then clicks on New Rule and selects the object 'Contact'.
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3. Minal gives a name and adds a description to the new rule. She chooses to enforce sharing rules.
a. Bypass Sharing Rules – The matching rule compares all records but only the records that the user has access to are displayed in the resulting list of possible duplicates
b. Enforce Sharing Rules – The matching rule only compares the records that the user has access to.
In both cases, only the records that the user has access to are included in the resulting list of possible duplicates.
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4. Minal now needs to specify what action should be taken when a duplicate record is being created and edited. She can either allow or block duplicates from being saved.
a. Allow – Duplicate records can be saved but an alert is shown displaying existing similar records. The user can choose to open an existing record instead.
b. Block – The user is blocked from saving a duplicate record, and an alert showing similar records is displayed.
She chooses to block the creation of duplicate contacts. She also blocks her team from editing duplicate contacts. Here she also adds the Alert Text that will be displayed when creating a duplicate record.
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5. Minal compares new updated contacts against existing contacts in Salesforce using the custom matching rule she created and then adds her duplicate rule.
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Report on the Creation of Duplicate Accounts and Leads
In this case, Minal has not blocked her team from creating duplicates for other fields such as accounts or leads. So her team member, Rakesh, wants to see how the duplicate rules work. For this purpose, Minal sets up custom report types. Rakesh can now run reports on duplicate accounts and leads that might be created by team members bypassing the alerts given by the system.
1. Minal searches and selects 'Report Types' in Quick Find and then clicks on New Custom Report Type.
2. She selects the primary object as Accounts, enters a name for the report type, and stores it in the desired category, 'Accounts & Contacts'.
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3. Minal then selects Duplicate Record Items to display newly created duplicate account records in the report and then saves it to the report type.
Image URL:- https://itcrats.com/img/11.jpg
4. Minal can also adjust the page layout. She repeats the same process for leads.
Image URL:- https://itcrats.com/img/12.jpg
In the above example, the system identifies seven duplicate record items that can be investigated and corrected.
Minal can do it, so can you!
Minal realized that data duplication impedes the growth of business considering the additional resources and costs it consumes. Duplicate data also results in poor customer experience and harms the brand image of the company. With Salesforce, she could easily prevent and address duplicate records and avoid the hassles of multiple records for the same customer. This helps in keeping her sales teams ahead at all times.
You can keep your sales team ahead too! If you'd like to know how just write to us today for best salesforce practices.
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ukaspirevendor · 4 years
The Aspire Nautilus Prime Pod Device Available in the UK
Well-established distributor advised that they have different vaping products available
Known as a top distributor of Aspire vaping products, replacements and accessories for clients that represent the wholesale sector and retail complement of businesses, UK Aspire Vendor has firmly established themselves as a leading, preferred service to ensure the Aspire products are marketed properly over a wide front throughout the UK.
Because of their positive profile the company is growing at an impressive pace with more clients than ever before contacting them for their products and services. They are able to assist all clients looking for the products of leading brand name Aspire as they always make sure they have enough stock of the brand’s products.
In the unlikely event that they may run out of stock, they replenish fast so as not to make their valued clients wait unnecessarily. UK Aspire is known for their great choices and many different products right from tanks, mods and accessories to full kits of high quality. Their choices of e-liquids are vast and impressive and often offered at a very attractive price, such as on a “Buy 1 e-liquid and get 1 for 30% Off” basis which, for many retail customers, is a great incentive to buy large quantities of the best choices anywhere.
Their ranges are impressive, and whether you are interested in one or more of their long-established categories or something new, which they introduce all the time, the firm can assist. Clients are also asked to check back often to see what the new offerings are and therefore stay abreast of what’s happening in the world of vaping, which is what their own clients and customers expect of them.
One of their most popular products of late has been their choices of the Nautilus Prime Pods that are ordered in large numbers all the time. These are available in different colours to cater to different tastes and requirements; also, their replacement pods attract a lot of orders all the time, as does the RBA Deck that offers vapers great customisation options to their own specifications, for example.
The firm’s Mr Dave Minall, Ecommerce & Marketing Manager, said at a recent press conference, “Because we understand what our customers and clients expect of us, we make sure that we are able to offer them the best products and choices, also with regard to, for instance, the Aspire Nautilus Prime Pod Device which remains one of the most sought-after. Please log on to have a look at all our ranges and options.”
About Us
We are the largest distributors of Aspire vaping products in the UK, and as such we are able to offer the high quality products that we advertise on our website to any company of any size. We serve the vaping needs of customers throughout the country by offering our products to the retail and wholesale market; therefore our main target market concerns B2B but we are also looking at the B2C sector. We are fully compliant in terms of TPD regulations and deal with clients all over the UK that can benefit from their association with us. For more about us and our services please visit https://www.ukaspirevendor.co.uk/
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mahajanmangesh3023 · 4 years
Pigment Intermediates Market Size 2020- Overview, COVID-19 Analysis, Future Growth, Price, Demand and Forecast to 2023
Pigment Intermediates Market Insights
Camex Limited (India), CALSAK CORPORATION (US), Ambuja Intermediates Pvt Ltd (India), Nova International (India), Sugai Chemical IND.CO.,LTD. (Japan), Wellton Chemical Co.,Ltd. (China), Minal Intermediates (India), Seya Industries Ltd. (India),  Sarna Chemicals (India), Kawaguchi Chemical Industry Co., LTD (Japan), and Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) these are the key players for Pigment Intermediates Market.
The European market is expected to showcase significant growth due to the high product demand for automotive parts production in the region, especially in Western countries such as Germany, the UK, France, and Italy.
The Latin American market is expected to witness substantial growth due to the high demand in the automotive industry in the region.
North America accounted for the second-largest market share in 2017 due to the growing demand for paints & coatings in the automotive, electronics, and construction industries. The increasing demand for wireless electronic devices due to high standards of living in the region is likely to further fuel demand.
Key Players
Camex Limited
Ambuja Intermediates Pvt Ltd
Nova International
Sugai Chemical IND.CO.,LTD.
Wellton Chemical Co.,Ltd.
Minal Intermediates
Seya Industries Ltd.
Sarna Chemicals
Kawaguchi Chemical Industry Co.LTD
Nantong Acetic Acid Chemical Co.Ltd.
Segmentation Analysis
The Global Pigment Intermediates Market Size has been segmented on the basis of type, end-use industry, and region.
Based on type, the market has been bifurcated into organic and inorganic intermediates.
By end-use industry, the market has been segmented into paints & coatings, textiles, construction, paper, plastics, and others.
Regional Analysis
Asia-Pacific accounted for the majority of the market share in 2017 due to the high demand for pigment intermediates in the paints & coatings, textiles, construction, paper, and plastics industries. The demand for paints & coatings in automotive, electronics, and consumer goods industries can be attributed to the rapid industrialization and urbanization, which has resulted in an increased number of commercial and residential construction activities. The growth of the automotive industry in the region owing to the rising disposable income and the changing lifestyle of the consumers is driving the global pigment intermediates market. The growth of the electronics industry in China, Malaysia, Thailand, and India is another factor propelling market growth. The use of mobile phones, televisions, gaming devices, laptops, and other electronics, along with initiatives such as Digital India, are likely to fuel product demand in the electronics industry.
Access Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/pigment-intermediates-market-7206
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NOTE: Our team of researchers are studying Covid19 and its impact on various industry verticals and wherever required we will be considering covid19 footprints for a better analysis of markets and industries. Cordially get in touch for more details.
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