#catholic hospitals are very strict on its use for rape victims as a contraceptive
thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
@rosaliewarda sent me this submission: "Some people here seem to think women find abortion an easy solution to have fun without consequences. This while also saying that abortion is painful and brutal. Well yes it is. No woman would say the opposite. But deciding for women whether or not they have the right to go through this painful procedure is also brutal. What about the victims of rape? Would you also tell them that they should have been careful?"
I usually don't bring up cases of rape because that is an incredibly small group, and most pro-abortionists still want abortion legal regardless of rape being the reason for pregnancy. The average rate of pregnancy that results from unprotected sex is 2-4%. A survey of U.S. women's reasons for choosing abortion found that only one percent reported "rape" as a reason and less than one half of one percent reported that rape was the main reason.
If a woman is raped, I suggest she seek medical care immediately. Do not hesitate. If the victim is not already pregnant from prior, freely-chosen sexual activity, has not yet ovulated (i.e. has not released an egg from her ovary into the fallopian tube where it could be fertilized by the attacker's sperm), the morning-after pill can reasonably be expected to prevent her from ovulating. Doctors can test the woman's LH levels, and if it's determined that her LH levels have spiked and she is ovulating, the morning-after pill will not be able to block the egg's release from her ovary, making it an abortifacient if used. So it should only be used to prevent ovulation. If she has already ovulated and conceived, then she should receive the utmost love and support in her pregnancy. I think the rapist shall be held liable for all of her hospital bills, child support payments, and every bill for that child. That's a law we need to push for. Like really push for.
I will never blame a woman for getting pregnant as a result of rape. She is the victim. But I don't believe she should abort her baby because it's not the baby's fault. "A hint is found in another study of 164 women who had rape pregnancies (conducted for the book Victims and Victors). In that study, the majority of those who had abortions said it only caused additional problems and the vast majority regretted having abortions. By contrast, among those who delivered the child, satisfaction was higher and none stated any regret for giving birth."
People need to stop scaring victims of rape into getting an abortion. It is not their rapist's baby; it's her baby. It is a social myth that abortion is her best option. It's not.
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