#but if its only used in the very rare cases as a contraceptive then its fine because theres no embryo conceived
solarbird · 1 month
Let’s talk a little about the recently-noticed hatred of in vitro fertilisation coming from Trump’s MAGA base, because while it’s being treated as new, it’s not actually new. It’s only recently risen back up to visibility – ahead, even, of their hatred of contraception – thanks to Trump’s success in overturning Roe v. Wade using his Republican-packed Supreme Court.
I’ve seen a lot of people publicly wonder why the Christofash are so against IVF, given that their whole procedure is about “more babies,” and they say they actually want “more [white] babies.” I’ve also seen people suggest that it’s solely about controlling women, and, well, of course that’s kind of true, because so very very much of what they do is about control over women.
But while there is some “separating procreation and sex is bad” thought out there – particularly amongst far-right Catholics – it’s actually far more consistent than that. At least, in its origins and early discussion.
It is, in fact, the direct result of them finding out more about IVF. They found out that multiple eggs are fertilised at once, with the most apparently healthy being implanted, and the others kept frozen. They then asked themselves a couple of… I hate to say it, but reasonable questions:
If every fertilised egg is a person, why doesn’t that apply in cases of destroyed fertilised eggs left over from IVF treatments? Why aren’t we condemning the destruction of human life that happens as part of IVF?
If you hold their professed beliefs – and some of them actually do – then the answer is obvious. They naturally then came to that obvious conclusion, one that’s entirely reasonable for those who have decided against all reason that a fertilised egg is in fact an actual whole person. They decided that yes, this is the same thing, it is a person, and no, IVF should not be allowed in its current form because yes, it is murder.
All of this is, again, nonsense. But it’s a rare bit of consistent nonsense from them, and you can see how it follows from a certain point of view.
And as they came to this conclusion – some decades ago now – they knew it would be impossible in the near term to even approach it, politically. Certainly not with Roe v. Wade the law of the land, which even to those with a focused interest in IVF was a far, far bigger issue to tackle.
Besides, the people involved in this – the Beverly LaHaye crowd were involved, but not just them – actually did empathise with people trying to have children. The goal, that was fine; the method, however, was not.
So they started a campaign to try to “save” what they started calling “snowflake babies.” It was a campaign, a recruitment effort to find volunteers who would have these leftover zygotes implanted, and then carry them to term as their own. Married heterosexual women only need apply, of course – their secondary worries about IVF included thoughts that it would somehow let THE HOMOSEXUALS have children, and they were, naturally, stridently opposed.
But honestly? If someone wants to get pregnant with a leftover IVF-fertilised egg, great! Go for it. I hate the whole “married heterosexual cisgendered women only” part of course, but the rest? It’s fine! Knock yourselves out.
At the time, it almost sounded like them trying to take positive action themselves for once, rather than just driving hate against others. I even allocated a little bit of hope that maybe it marked the beginning of a healthier trend.
Alas, it did not. But at that time, it couldn’t be ruled out.
Regardless, none of this ever went away. Bush II threw them a token amount of money in his first term to promote the idea, there are some small organisations still promoting “embryo adoption,” and the term “snowflake babies” still shows up once in a while.
Really, though, they see it as a stopgap, or even harm reduction. At its core, their fight is still to define every fertilised egg as a full human being with not just full rights, but more rights than anyone carrying it.
So those aren’t backup or redundant fertilised eggs, those are “snowflake babies,” and therefore cleaning the dish containing them is murder – no matter how many actual, real new parents and actual, real new children IVF procedures help create.
Accordingly, IVF must go, for the heartache of would-be parents pales to nothing next to the God-given inalienable rights of…
…a single frozen cell in a dish, which matters ever so impossibly more than any real child ever could matter to any of them.
Now you know how they got here, and you know that this isn’t a fad, and that it will not be something they easily give up. And since this whole line of thought is absolute batshittery to anyone not buried deep in the inner nooks and crannies of their bizarre cult, hopefully you have a better idea how to use this particular bullshit against them.
Good luck out there, and good hunting.
75 days remain.
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The Turnaway Study: Ten Years, a Thousand Women, and the Consequences of Having—or Being Denied—an Abortion by Diana Greene Foster is a superb and necessary book. It's the first major study done to get scientific data to compare women who couldn't get an abortion compared to women who did—rather than doing a study comparing women who got an abortion to all women who had a child, which includes wanted and planned pregnancies.
The study has a lot of learnings that I expected—but also a lot of learnings that I didn't. It's remarkably even-handed and open. But overall, its point of view is that the data shows that women accurately weigh consequences and judge for themselves whether it's the right time for them to have a child. The reasons women give for not wanting a child are carried out in the data—for example, many women say they don't have the money to raise a child, and women who are forced to carry a child to term struggle financially. Women deserve the "dignity of risk"—the right to make their own decisions, even ones they might regret—and the data shows that overwhelmingly, women who choose to get an abortion and get one do not regret it.
Now, if you believe that abortion is murder, the data from this study can't prove you right or wrong. What it can do is target misconceptions and take down conjecture. Conservatives like to argue in recent years that barriers to abortion are necessary to protect women's health. But based on the statistics, legal abortion is extremely safe (far safer than carrying a child to term). This study tells us what the actual consequences of having an abortion or being denied an abortion are—in terms of mental health, domestic violence, life satisfaction, happiness and development of existing and future children, and more.
This book is so full of vital knowledge I didn't anticipate, but the biggest one for me personally was its analysis of late-term abortions. This study showed that the main reasons for late-term abortions were learning about a pregnancy late and being delayed due to the financial and bureaucratic difficulties of accessing an abortion. She makes the case that late-term abortions could be vastly reduced if getting an abortion was easier, and that improving sex ed, contraceptive access, and other resources would help women catch pregnancies earlier. It is very rare that a woman takes a long time to decide whether abortion is right for her—she seems to make a decision quickly as soon as she knows.
The book includes a good conclusion and analysis of what will come or could come with laws against abortion, written first before Trump's presidency and then with her read on the situation upcoming to the Supreme Court. There were only one or two small flaws. One is that a couple times, she mentions obesity without any real discussion of more general fatphobia. Second, I sometimes got mixed up in her double-negatives or refutations. But overall, this book was incredibly informative and fascinating.
Content warnings for miscarriage, sexual assault, fatphobia, trauma/medical trauma, misogyny, abuse.
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haggishlyhagging · 10 months
The aspects of patriarchy already described have each an effect upon the psychology of both sexes. Their principal result is the interiorization of patriarchal ideology. Status, temperament, and role are all value systems with endless psychological ramifications for each sex. Patriarchal marriage and the family with its ranks and division of labor play a large part in enforcing them. The male's superior economic position, the female's inferior one have also grave implications. The large quantity of guilt attached to sexuality in patriarchy is overwhelmingly placed upon the female, who is, culturally speaking, held to be the culpable or the more culpable party in nearly any sexual liaison, whatever the extenuating circumstances. A tendency toward the reification of the female makes her more often a sexual object than a person. This is particularly so when she is denied human rights through chattel status. Even where this has been partly amended the cumulative effect of religion and custom is still very powerful and has enormous psychological consequences. Woman is still denied sexual freedom and the biological control over her body through the cult of virginity, the double standard, the prescription against abortion, and in many places because contraception is physically or psychically unavailable to her.
The continual surveillance in which she is held tends to perpetuate the infantilization of women even in situations such as those of higher educa-tion. The female is continually obliged to seek survival or advancement through the approval of males as those who hold power. She may do this either through appeasement or through the exchange of her sexuality for support and status. As the history of patriarchal culture and the representations of herself within all levels of its cultural media, past and present, have a devastating effect upon her self image, she is customarily deprived of any but the most trivial sources of dignity or self-respect. In many patriarchies, language, as well as cultural tradition, reserve the human condition for the male.
. . .
The remarkably small amount of modern research devoted to the psychological and social effects of masculine supremacy on the female and on the culture in general attests to the widespread ignorance or unconcern of a conservative social science which takes patriarchy to be both the status quo and the state of nature.
What little literature the social sciences afford us in this context confirms the presence in women of the expected traits of minority status: group self-hatred and self-rejection, a contempt both for herself and for her fellows—the result of that continual, however subtle, reiteration of her inferiority which she eventually accepts as a fact. Another index of minority status is the fierceness with which all minority group members are judged. The double standard is applied not only in cases of sexual conduct but other contexts as well. In the relatively rare instances of female crime too: in many American states a woman convicted of crime is awarded a longer sentence. Generally an accused woman acquires a notoriety out of proportion to her acts and due to sensational publicity she may be tried largely for her "sex life." But so effective is her conditioning toward passivity in patriarchy, woman is rarely extrovert enough in her maladjustment to enter upon criminality. Just as every minority member must either apologize for the excesses of a fellow or condemn him with a strident enthusiasm, women are characteristically harsh, ruthless and frightened in their censure of aberration among their numbers.
-Kate Millett, Sexual Politics
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womenhealthcare2 · 1 year
Yoga For Fertility: Benefits And Best Poses
Maybe you are thinking about embracing yoga for fertility, or perhaps considering how best to adjust your ongoing yoga routine to increase your possibilities of conceiving. Sounds perfect! Nonetheless, before you get out there and purchase a yoga mat or a bundle of 20 yoga for fertility classes then there are various things that you ought to be aware of.
Always keep in mind, before you even begin, that the majority of people today spend years, and in some cases decades, attempting to avoid pregnancy. It can then be a major shock when they quit utilizing contraception and don't rapidly get pregnant. However, in reality, this is not unheard of. It's similar to someone who hasn't exercised in a long time and then complains that they aren't skinny right away after starting!
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It typically takes four to five months for a young couple with no fertility issues to conceive. It typically takes longer for an older couple. Although it may appear common for couples to achieve success on their first try, this is actually much less common than you might expect. Your doctor will only start to think that you might have fertility issues if you haven’t gotten pregnant in a year of trying. A doctor will rarely even consider infertility until after a year of trying.
Having said that, if you think it’s too soon to see your doctor or if he or she isn’t yet taking your concerns seriously, fertility yoga is still something you should do in the meantime.
At least in the West, yoga is usually seen as a way to unwind. It has numerous health benefits and is frequently regarded as a spiritual practice in Asia. However, in North America, Europe, and other Western nations, it is primarily regarded as a physical activity that involves stretching the muscles and improving flexibility. It can also help alleviate stress and emotional tension. When it comes to increasing fertility, all of these factors work together to provide significant advantages.
Yoga is frequently recommended as a fertility treatment because of its stress-relieving properties. Stress can frequently lead to infertility, particularly “unexplained infertility.” This implies infertility has no recognizable reason. There appears to be no apparent health issue with either partner’s reproductive system. The man’s sperm count is normal and ovulation is occurring when it should. But there is still no child on the way, which is heartbreaking.
Yoga to get pregnant is typically practiced by women for fertility reasons. For some strange reason, society still believes that the woman is most likely to blame when infertility is discussed. That to the side, it very well may be useful for men as well, however, remember that it won’t lessen anyone’s stress level if one of the partners feels constrained into a yoga practice that doesn’t intrigue them. If your partner hesitates, they might benefit more from other forms of relaxation, such as sports, meditation, or gym work. The most important thing is to just unwind in any way you can!
After mastering a general beginner’s yoga class to improve flexibility and reduce stress, you can work with experienced yoga teachers on specific poses that may affect fertility. Yoga poses that can relax, open the abdomen and pelvis, and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs are considered yoga for fertility.
You might want to incorporate the following yoga poses into your routine if you want to get pregnant:
Legs Up The Wall (Viparitakarani)
This has some of the advantages of inverted poses like the shoulder stand or headstand but without the potential drawbacks of having the hips raised high. Lie on your mat on your back with hindquarters against a wall and legs extended up the wall. As long as your hips remain level with your torso, you can practice this pose during your period.
Open Angle Forward Bend (Upavisthakonasana)
Stretch your legs out, wide open, while sitting on the floor. Twist forward with a straight back until you feel the stretch in the hamstrings, strolling your hands forward. Have mindfulness in the pelvic area and the hamstrings. Be kind to your mind’s pelvis.
Butterfly Pose (Baddhakonasana)
Still situated on the floor, twist the knees and bring the bottoms of the feet together before you. You can kind of flap your knees up and down like butterfly wings but don’t force it. This pose should make you feel at ease. This is another representation that opens and invigorates the pelvic area.
Pose of a Pigeon
There are a few variations of the pigeon pose. If you want to avoid making mistakes that could hurt your hips or knees, it’s best to learn this pose with a teacher.
Child’s pose (Balasana pose)
It helps you release hormones that help you feel less stressed. You must first kneel down before sitting on your heels with your hands at your sides to perform the pose. You should inhale and exhale at this position.
Whenever you have breathed out you ought to twist forward and permit your chest to lay on your thighs. After that, you should place your forehead on the floor and slide your arms along the back of your body. This position should be held until you feel tension. It is suggested that you hold the pose for at least one minute on average.
Supported headstand
Most trainers perceive this posture as the mother of all yoga presents. This is due to its challenging and strenuous nature. The great side with the posture is that other than decreasing pressure, it likewise alters the body in this manner taking strain from the heart. Additionally, the pose increases hormone production, which further reduces stress levels.
To make the posture, you really want to start in the Balasana’s posture then hold your hands together, and put your lower arms on the floor with your head between your fingers. You ought to breathe in and draw your feet nearer to your head with your impact points up and shoulder bone down. You should lift your legs up and exhale while in this position.
It is suggested that you stretch your legs upward in order to avoid putting pressure on your tailbone. You ought to stand firm on this foothold for somewhere around 10 seconds. You should gently curl your legs down and release into the child’s pose to end the pose. It is suggested that you practice against a wall so that you don’t put too much weight on your head and neck.
Despite the fact that this pose reduces stress and increases your chances of conceiving, menstruating women should avoid it.
Forward bend
Of all of them, this is probably the easiest. Simply bending forward with your legs straight is all that is required. You can sit down with your legs straight in front of you and slightly bend forward if you think you are not agile enough.
It is strongly suggested that you exercise these poses with caution to avoid injury. For ideal outcomes, it’s recommended that you practice under the management of an expert Yoga instructor and follow the diet plan to conceive faster provided by the trainers.
Before beginning a yoga practice while you may be pregnant, it is essential to consult both your doctor and a yoga instructor. If you tell your yoga instructor that you want to do yoga for fertility, they may suggest additional poses that could help you get pregnant!
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amicidomenicani · 2 years
Question Good morning father, First of all, I would like to thank you for your disponibility and precious presence through this service. I have been married for five years to a wonderful woman who brought me to the faith when I didn't have much of it... and let me add that I love her very much. We have two beautiful children who are fine, thanks be to God. We have always tried to keep the Church teachings as the foundation of our relationship since our engagement, not without difficulties. However, after our second son we are not capable anymore of having sexual intimacy... Mostly because we don't want another pregnancy: It is difficult enough with two sons, and life goes on at a frantic pace. My wife is frequently tired and in those rare moments without our kids around she never looks for me... just a few hugs and nothing more, that's enough for her. On the other hand, as a man I would like to be more active: however, I respect her decision even if that makes me suffer... Sometimes I fall into the sin of masturbation thinking that by "venting" my desires I'll be able to leave her alone, but that's never the case. I only end up feeling dirty and a sinner before God. I suggested we try using natural methods, but she refused in fear of making a mistake and remaining pregnant. Contraception is out of the question... we believe in the freedom of sexuality as something beautiful created by God for men, not as mere fun. A priest guiding us as a couple once said that rules shouldn't flatten everything and everybody; they should instead follow the couple's reality, therefore every decision that is to be taken, it should be taken serenely and without remorse. That's all... I would like to know what you think about this and if you have any advice. I also ask if you could pray for me, my wife and our children. Thank you, have a nice day. Answer Dear friend, 1.  Let me start from the last part of your email, namely from what your spiritual guide said. He would have told you that rules shouldn't flatten everything and everybody. According to your words, one should examine the meaning of God's law. Does it express normative requirements for our life or, on the contrary, is it some general indication to take into account? 2.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that "the moral law is the work of divine Wisdom. Its biblical meaning can be defined as fatherly instruction, God's pedagogy. It prescribes for man the ways, the rules of conduct that lead to the promised beatitude; it prescribes the ways of evil which turn him away from God and his love. It is at once firm in its precepts and, in its promises, worthy of love" (CCC 1950). It can't be said: God didn't think of my situation; or worse, the divine Wisdom doesn't know where to guide me. 3.  The meaning of God's law is well shown by Moses when he exhorts his people to follow it with enthusiasm: "Be careful, therefore, to do as the Lord, your God, has commanded you, not turning aside to the right or to the left, but following exactly the way prescribed for you by the Lord, your God, that you may live and prosper, and may have long life in the land which you are to occupy" (Deuteronomy 5, 32-33). That's why we should be filled with confidence in God's law. When we cooperate with divine Wisdom we entrust ourselves to the wisdom that brings boundless good and happiness: "To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless" (Psalm 119, 96). There won't be any regrets. That's why the Jewish people don't want to turn aside from it and keep on commemorating it: "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long" (Psalm 119, 97). 4. By following God's commands we become wiser than all men: "Your commands are always with me and make me wiser than my enemies. I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts" (Psal
m 119, 98-100). 5.  Moreover, if we follow the ways of God we are freed from all evil: "I have kept my feet from every evil path so that I might obey your word. I have not departed from your laws, for you yourself have taught me " (Psalm 119, 101-102).  That's why the Lord teaches us to entrust his ways, to love them and declare: "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path. Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. I have taken an oath and confirmed it, that I will follow your righteous laws" (Psalm 119, 103-106). 6. I'd say to trust the rules. The one about marital debt, for example, whereby marital intimacy should be accorded to the spouse if it is asked in observance of God's law and with respect for the needs of the partner. Love isn't only a gift. Sometimes it is also a duty. 7. The conclusion given by the priest following you two could create a misunderstanding. He certainly intended to say this: every road you'll take in observance of God's law shall leave you serene and remorseless.  8. Your spiritual guide surely knows what the Second Vatican Council had to say about marital intimacy: "spouses should be aware that they cannot proceed arbitrarily, but must always be governed according to a conscience dutifully conformed to the divine law itself, and should be submissive toward the Church's teaching office, which authentically interprets that law in the light of the Gospel" (Gaudium et Spes, 50). As you can see, it doesn't say to take every road you want, because you might go astray. Our conscience isn't infallible, it can be wrong. 9.  Moreover, in regard to the problems that may arise in conjugal intimacy the Council says: "when there is question of harmonizing conjugal love with the responsible transmission of life, the moral aspects of any procedure does not depend solely on sincere intentions or on an evaluation of motives, but must be determined by objective standards. These, based on the nature of the human person and his acts, preserve the full sense of mutual self-giving and human procreation in the context of true love. Such a goal cannot be achieved unless the virtue of conjugal chastity is sincerely practiced. Relying on these principles, sons of the Church may not undertake methods of birth control which are found blameworthy by the teaching authority of the Church in its unfolding of the divine law" (GS, 51). 10.  As you may notice, the Council recalls the fundament of moral law, which rests upon the dignity of the human person, always to be treated as an end and not means. Contraception is an obvious manipulation of the person who isn't respected for what they are but is "adjusted" according to the needs of the other. John Paul II said that through contraception the spouses "manipulate and debase human sexuality, and with it themselves, altering its value of total gift" (22.8.1984). 11.  And again: "the unitive meaning of the conjugal act mustn't be artificially separated from its procreative meaning because they both pertain to the inseparable truth of conjugal act: one is carried out with the other and, in some sense, through the other. Therefore, when the conjugal act is robbed of its interior truth by losing its procreative capacity, it no longer becomes also an act of love" (22.8.1984). 12. To conclude, always trust God's law: it is infinitely more far-sighted than our views. And above all, it knows from what evil to protect us and where to guide us. I bless and entrust you, your spouse and your dear sons to the Lord. Father Angelo
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thepro-lifemovement · 2 years
@rosaliewarda sent me this submission: "Some people here seem to think women find abortion an easy solution to have fun without consequences. This while also saying that abortion is painful and brutal. Well yes it is. No woman would say the opposite. But deciding for women whether or not they have the right to go through this painful procedure is also brutal. What about the victims of rape? Would you also tell them that they should have been careful?"
I usually don't bring up cases of rape because that is an incredibly small group, and most pro-abortionists still want abortion legal regardless of rape being the reason for pregnancy. The average rate of pregnancy that results from unprotected sex is 2-4%. A survey of U.S. women's reasons for choosing abortion found that only one percent reported "rape" as a reason and less than one half of one percent reported that rape was the main reason.
If a woman is raped, I suggest she seek medical care immediately. Do not hesitate. If the victim is not already pregnant from prior, freely-chosen sexual activity, has not yet ovulated (i.e. has not released an egg from her ovary into the fallopian tube where it could be fertilized by the attacker's sperm), the morning-after pill can reasonably be expected to prevent her from ovulating. Doctors can test the woman's LH levels, and if it's determined that her LH levels have spiked and she is ovulating, the morning-after pill will not be able to block the egg's release from her ovary, making it an abortifacient if used. So it should only be used to prevent ovulation. If she has already ovulated and conceived, then she should receive the utmost love and support in her pregnancy. I think the rapist shall be held liable for all of her hospital bills, child support payments, and every bill for that child. That's a law we need to push for. Like really push for.
I will never blame a woman for getting pregnant as a result of rape. She is the victim. But I don't believe she should abort her baby because it's not the baby's fault. "A hint is found in another study of 164 women who had rape pregnancies (conducted for the book Victims and Victors). In that study, the majority of those who had abortions said it only caused additional problems and the vast majority regretted having abortions. By contrast, among those who delivered the child, satisfaction was higher and none stated any regret for giving birth."
People need to stop scaring victims of rape into getting an abortion. It is not their rapist's baby; it's her baby. It is a social myth that abortion is her best option. It's not.
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thegrapeandthefig · 4 years
Spiritual protection in the Greco-Roman world
This was this week's hot topic, so I'm using the opportunity to make some things clear from a purely hellenic and historical perspective. Needless to say I am tired of seeing modern magical concepts being slapped on ancient beliefs and I am not writing this post unbiased.
Amulets Etymologically, the word amulet probably means "something that can be carried". It's, personally speaking, my favorite type of protection. Technically speaking, an amulet could, therefore, be a lot of different things as long as they serve two main purposes: tutelage (protection) and prophylaxis (preventive).
Let's go through some of the most common types:
Bulla: typically given to male roman children 9 days after birth. It is worn like a locket where other amulets are placed (typically phalluses).
Lunula: a crescent moon pendant worn by little and young roman girls until their mariage.
Fascinum, tintinnabula and other phalli: the symbol of protection par excellence, found in many shapes and forms. The tintinnabula is more potent, as it also has bells, which are considered apotropaic as well. Bells could also be put around children's and animal's neck for a similar protective effect.  
The Eye (mati): still widely in use, it appears as soon as the 6th century BC on Greek cups. Sometimes added on the phallus for a double protective effect (also true for wings).
Gorgoneion: Often worn simply as a pendant and easily found a bit everywhere, from house thresholds to carved on bullae.
Hercules' Club:  late Antiquity amulets shaped like wooden clubs and most common in Roman Germany between the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD. An examplary speciment bears the inscription "Deo Herculi", thus confirming its link to Hercules hero worship.
Amulet strings: Mostly seen for Athenian children. It is a cord with several amulets attached to it that is worn diagonally (or on the chest) instead of around the neck so the child can't choke on it.
Garter and waist amulet strings: Mostly worn by Greek women. Their function is debated, but it seems that amulets that were worn this way might have had something to do with easing childbirth, menstruation and sexuality in general (eg. to avoid miscarriages or, the opposite, as a contraceptive).
Coiled snake ring/bracelet: Common protection for young Roman women. 
Depiction of gods on medaillons and other objects: quite a straightforward way to put yourself under the protection of a deity. Helios and Semele together seem to both have been a popular choice.
Coins: Especially old reused coins, sometimes pierced in the middle but not always. This is especially the case for coins which have the image of a deity or hero (Alexander the Great got very popular for this function). Other notable examples include Fortuna, Nike or Helios. The image on the coin matters more than the coin itself.
This is not even an extensive list, but it's worth noting that when we're talking about the ancients, we're talking about people who have been put under some kind of magical protection since their first days of life. I personally have used 2 types of amulet cited above so far, a silver coiled snake ring which I worn until it broke, which I replaced by a fascinum. This one travels with me, as I keep it with my apartment keys but I have 2 consecrated phalli in my apartment that also serve a purpose: one to Dionysus and one to Priapus. The latter being by definition, a protective deity. 
Protection starts at the threshold
I know this can be hard to pull off, but in ideal conditions, you’d want to have a small altar or shrine by the main door of your place. Amulets are meant to follow you around, but protecting your space is just as important. In one of the ridiculous arguments I’ve witnessed this week, someone said, and I paraphrase, that “you could have negative entity living in your house and fucking your life up” when trying to honor the gods, which is “why you should banish". The problem here is banish against what? If the answer here is "negative spirits", then, by hellenic standards, this is a whole other process that: 
1) Doesn't happen at the altar 2) Protects the household on the long term instead of a one shot thing
This, alongside other elements of ancient greek theology, is why you don't need to "protect yourself when you approach the gods" and other ridiculous claims I've seen. If you need to protect yourself in such manner, it means you never either 1) developped kharis with a deity to protect you or 2) took care of protecting your place. 
The first protection for a typical greek door would be an aniconic pillar dedicated to Apollo Agyieus aka "of the street" because that pillar was outside of the house. This Apollo, protector of entrances is also called Thyraios in later sources: 
Apud Graecos Apollo colitur qui Θυραῖος vocatur, eiusque aras ante fores  suas celebrant, ipsum exitus et introitus demonstrantes potentem. The Greeks worship Apollo under the name Thyraios and tend his altars in front of their doors, thereby showing that entrances and exits are under his power.
-Macrobius, Saturnalia 1.9.6
It's important to note that the same epithet is attested for Hermes, which makes total sense since he and Hekate are also traditionally linked to the protection of thresholds (represented by hekataia and herms). 
Why am I insisting so much on doors? To quote Johnston: 
"Divinities who guard the entrances to cities or private dwellings would be expected to avert all sorts of dangers that might threaten those dwelling within, from burglars to mice, but in ancient Greece (like many other places), they were particularly expected to ward off unhappy souls and other demonic creatures, who were believed to congregate at entrances for two reasons. First, because inhabitants vigilantly used protective devices to keep them out, these creatures were imagined to lurk near entrances, patiently awaiting those rare moments of laxity when they might dart back inside."
It's important to note that the protection granted by threshold deities, whether it is Hecate, Hermes or Apollo is that it concerns both the mundane and the spiritual, restless spirits are one thing but it seems to extend to general ills.
I should add, before wrapping this up, that there is an evolution in time with how the Ancients considered their protection to work. As such, between the 8th and 5th centuries BC, amulets weren’t so prevalent. The gods were considered the only ones who had the ability to protect. After the end of the 5th century onwards, there is a gradual shift towards a more “DIY” approach to protection, where human action is considered impactful, thus making the use of atropopaic amulets relevant. 
Further reading: 
Faraone C., The Transformation of Greek Amulets in Roman Imperial Times, 2018
Habib R. R.,  Protective Magic in Ancient Greece: Patterns in the Material Culture of Apotropaia from the Archaic to Hellenistic Periods, 2017
Johnston I. S., Restless Dead: Encounters between the Living and the Dead in Ancient Greece, 1999
Kerr M. D., Gods, Ghosts and Newlyweds: exploring the uses of the threshold in Greek and Roman superstition and folklore, 2018
Porto C, V.,  Material Culture as Amulets: Magical Elements and the Apotropaic in Ancient Roman World in: Philosophy Study, 2020
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rason-rodd · 4 years
Do You Know Your Alphabet?
NSFW Edition feat Jason Todd
(I tried not to give a sexual orientation to Jason in this NSFW Alphabet and make his partner as gender neutral as possible to please all sorts of readers. Apologies if some part doesn’t include all genders. I honestly did my best and I will happily modify them if you tell me how.)
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A – Anal:         When he is dating someone with a vagina, Jason rarely asks for anal sex. He prefers pussy to ass but if his partner wants him to use the back door he will happily do so.             However, his partner has to keep in mind that Jason always needs to be very testosterone-y and in full-dominant mode to fuck them in the ass.           In a relationship with someone with a penis, Jason will usually be the one who fucks in the ass rather than the one who is fucked in the ass though he can accept to swap roles from time to time.
B – BDSM:     That will be a non-negotiable “NO”. Even though he is fully aware that BDSM doesn’t only rhyme with pain but also with consent and pleasure, Jason is not a fan of it as hinted and stated many times in Red Hood and The Outlaws.             We can suppose that it is because BDSM can let some poorly buried trauma surface by reminding Jason of bad memories that includes ropes and a crowbar.    
C- Condom:   Only when needed. Like most men, Jason doesn’t like the lack of sensation that wearing a condom involves but he is smart and responsible enough to know there are moments when you need to wear one.       At a beginning of a relationship, he will always choose to wear one until he is sure that there are no risks to transmit any sort of STD. But once he knows everything is safe he will gladly ask his partner to either stop using protection and/or take contraception like a pill if said partner can get pregnant. Being a father is not in his plans and it actually scares him.            
D- Dominance:           Jason is a caring and highly protective boyfriend with fear of abandonment issues and those traits ultimately makes him a very possessive lover.         And it shows in bed. His possessiveness coupled with his passion and devotion to his SO makes him the type of man that permanently tries to assert his dominance. But this so-called dominance is not a way to show who’s the man in this relationship or who’s wearing the pants. It is just a clumsy way to show that he is a fully committed and devoted lover who is always struggling to please his partner out of fear of not being good enough and eventually abandoned. (Who said men were not complicated sometimes?)       Moreover, Jason fucks according to his mood and so his dominance always varies. Sometimes dominance can simply mean him on top and sometimes it can be synonymous of hard deep pounding from behind. Jason can indeed be a rough lover but he will never be the type to lay a hand on his SO. So you can forget any sort of slap or strangulation. He is a fighter in the streets but a lover under the sheets.       But submission is very rarely his thing. Sure he will adore making love with a partner as passionate as he is and will forever be turned on by someone who can match his strength and therefore who will not mind standing up to him. But if you think you can tame him forever you’re so wrong.         Jason will occasionally let you lead the way in the bedroom and he will be happy to let you do so as he will see your sudden dominance the same manner he sees his (meaning a symbol of love and devotion). But any relationship in which the place of alpha male is permanently refused to him will leave him unsatisfied and frustrated.
E- Ejaculation:             One thing is sure; Jason can’t cum in a condom. When wearing one, he will always make sure to remove it to spurt his semen on his partner. Most of the time it is on their ass, chest or pussy. He will generally never cum on someone’s face though but will see no problem in cumming in someone’s mouth for as long as they swallow that load.           But what he loves the most is to cum inside his partner (which is also another reason why he is not a fan of condoms). He finds a certain pleasure in doing so, finding the act rather intimate and weirdly romantic. He would never cum inside someone he doesn’t love or barely know.
F- Foreplay:     Jason never forgets foreplay even if his body begs him to just fuck his partner and get it over with. To him, foreplay is necessary when you do the deed. Without that Jason will feel like something is missing and view the sexual act as botched.         But to Jason Todd foreplay doesn��t only revolve around handjobs, fingering, oral sex or any other physical display. Of course he will happily do all of that but Jason is an intellectual and so he will definitely consider words as a form of foreplay. And sometimes they even arouse him more than the rest. Few naughty text messages telling him how much you miss him and his cock inside of you and the man will run back to you as fast as The Flash, his penis as hard as a stone pillar. And when that happens, you might get yourself prepared, as he won’t take much time to kiss or cuddle.
G- Gear and tool:       Mother Nature blessed Jason Todd and gave him one hell of a cock that matches his broad physique! It is veiny and circumcised, long, way longer than average actually, and its girth is going to stretch and fill any hole perfectly.           But this beautiful gear is not always a blessing. Indeed, you cannot take Jason’s whole cock in your mouth without gagging or chocking (though some people don’t mind that) and if you’re not lubed enough penetration can definitely hurt. So playing with that amazing tool demands patience and time.     His testicles are even and rather large when you think about it but they suit the P.  
H- Hairs:         Jason is a hard-worker but he is extremely lazy when it comes to taking care of himself. Plus, that laziness is also coupled with the fact that he doesn’t have much time to really mind his appearance. When he is monopolized by his vigilante work, he can spend days without shaving (and sometimes showering) and not really realise that he is in an urgent need of a razor. A chance that he is not a man that tends to be very hairy!           But to be honest, Jason doesn’t mind hairs in general and there are actually places he refuses to shave like his legs, his arms and the sexy line of dark hairs he has under his bellybutton.     But when he actually takes time to clean and shave, he always makes sure that his armpits are not bushy, that there are no hairs on his chest and his face and that his pubic hairs are nicely trimmed (He hates shaving them.)     When it comes to his partner, Jason can tolerate some hairs but he prefers when they are either fully-shaven or well-trimmed. He doesn’t like eating hairs when eating his SO out.
I- Intimacy:     Jason is very ambiguous and difficult to understand when it comes to intimacy.   As a possessive lover, he will always refuse to share his partner with another ‘alpha male’. He needs to be the centre of attention and the only person craved and praised in the bedroom. So when dating Jason you can forget any sort of threesome or orgy.           But if his partner is interested in welcoming a person that might not overshadow Jason and let him keep his dominant place between the sheets (for example a woman) then he may accept. Single, he will happily mingle with a couple but he will somewhat see this as a competition or an opportunity to show who’s the best.           But there’s definitely something that he will prefer to threesomes and that’s being watched or heard while having sex.           No, he won’t drag you to some swinger’s club and allow dozens of people watch you two having sex (he is a romantic) but you need to keep in mind that Jason is a man that doesn’t limit his sexual intercourses to his bedroom.             He actually loves fucking outside and/or in public places as the risks of getting caught or being heard have the tendency to get him highly turned on and have his juices flow. But he is not stupid enough to risk everything for a quick romp in front of others.             Weirdly, he prefers getting caught/ being heard by people he knows - and in that case he will not stop fucking his partner and show what an amazing lay he is – than by someone he doesn’t know. It boosts his ego and he can’t help it.       The only time getting caught traumatized him was when Alfred accidentally spotted him having sex in the manor. He didn’t dare catch his eye for days.    
J- Jerking off:   Jason can sometimes jerk off when he feels like he needs to release some stress and tension. But this solitary act requires a moment of intimacy he doesn’t often get because of his vigilantism that takes up all of his nights and energy. After a long night of patrol, given the choice, he will mostly choose sleeping over masturbation. But when he does jerk off, he always makes sure that no one is going to bother him (though he has fantasise about his crush watching him quite a few times) and he tends to think about situations rather than persons. The only times he will think about someone while masturbating will be when he has a crush on someone. Then he will imagine fucking this person and probably whisper their name.
K – Kink:         Jason can be kinky but he is not the kinkiest of the bat-family. There are things he will stubbornly never try or even consider (BDSM for example) but things he will gladly do on occasion (see Intimacy + Roleplay). As said before he won’t mix violence and love.   But the kinky side of Jason is just another way to spice up his relationship and show he is not a boring partner. Moreover, he is a boyfriend that takes consent and respect very seriously. He will never do anything that might hurt his SO in any way or anything they might not be confortable with.   That’s why he believes he and his partner have to talk about any sort of kinks before trying to experiment them. But he will prefer doing it through text messages than face to face. He is weirdly shy when talking about sex.
L - Love:           Jason has had a few one night stands but he will admit that sex is better when you’re in love. Plus, “sex gets better with time” would define Jason’s skills as a lover as he is the type of man that needs (and loves) taking his time to discover his partner’s body and desires. He is an enthusiastic learner that hasn’t yet discovered all the things he can know about sex. And that’s because he hasn’t had so many partners over the years.     Though don’t think that means your first time together is going to be bad. It won’t. On the contrary, it will be great but not as great as it can become.       Therefore we can jump to the conclusion that the persons that will only have Jason for one night will definitely miss something truly amazing.
M - Massage:     Jason has many qualities but giving massage is not a talent he can brag about. He is honestly not that bad at it but since he believes he sucks, he will not initiate in any sort of massage session. However, he loves getting one since he loves being touched and caressed especially on his chest and back. Actually, Jason believes that caresses and cuddles cannot be dissociated from the deed and views them as necessary before, during and after the act.         Also, he is the kind of men that will display his affection anytime he can though preferably in private. The rare PDA will occur if he feels jealous, threatened or worse, neglected (Don’t ever do that or the entire city will hear his wrath!).
N – Nudity:     When he is in a relationship Jason is not ashamed of his body but that doesn’t make him a body-confident man in general. Don’t expect seeing him walking around fully naked!     Indeed, Jason is modest and never sees his body as sexy. I mean, he knows he is muscular and well-built and all but as it is in his nature to focus on the negative, he will always be a bit hung up about the scars on his body and he will never let a one-night partner touch them or ask any sort of question about them. Only his SO will be allowed to do so and that shows how much trust and love Jason places in his relationships.
O – Oral sex:               To Jason, there’s nothing sexier than his partner sucking out his cock on their knees. It gives him satisfaction and boosts his ego like nothing else because he views this act as a symbol of submission and worship, two things he deeply cares about when having sex.           Fortunately he loves to reciprocate and he will not hesitate dropping on his knees to do the same. But don’t view it as him submitting to you. If that gorgeous man goes down, he goes down to make you scream his name, not to be your pet.           Also, it may be seen as an asshole move but if you refuse to suck his cock, do not expect him to give you oral sex. As terrible as it sounds and even though he puts his partner’s pleasure before his own, the man gives if only you give in return.
P – Position.   Jason is a romantic that craves touching and being touched and so he will always favours positions that allows him to feel his SO’s body against his or to roam their bodies with his strong hands or his lips. That’s why he will not appreciate being tied up and submitted.         Jason loves positions that allow him to go deep in his partner and to see himself do so. Plus, he likes sex to be a confortable experience for both his partner and himself. Therefore do not expect acrobatic positions that will leave you tired and aching for days. He doesn’t need that to make you feel that way. His top positions are: missionary, doggy, (reverse or not) cowgirl and spooning as they will all permit his hands and/or lips to wander your body.
Q – Quickie:   Jason is not really a fan of quickies as he want sex with him to be a memorable experience as well as a memento of his skills as a lover. Therefore, he strongly believes a 5 or 10 minutes sexual experience cannot show his partner what a good lay he is. And so, he will favour long nights of sweaty sex plus some good morning sex if the experience was highly pleasant.
R – Role Play: Jason is a good actor. He loves wearing disguise and impersonating different persons as we saw it quite regularly throughout RHATO. So if you want to role play, you bet he will be up for it and it will be a fun time. His favourite scenarios: the ones where he is in charge of course since they are the ones that allow him to display the little confidence he has without any sort of shyness or fear.     Do you like men with a moustache? Cause Malone Jr. is on his way.
S – Stamina:   Jason is kind, caring and generous out and under the sheets. He will always make sure to respect and please his partner, placing their pleasure before his own. But that doesn’t make him any less hungry than he is.           He is rather insatiable when having sex and that’s probably because he doesn’t have sex often even when in a relationship (damn patrols!). Therefore, that man can sometimes get carried away, be rather quick on the mount and become a bit of a jackhammer if his partner does not refrain him. And he won’t stop until he … you know.       Fortunately, his romantic side as well as his generosity will always remind him not to leave his partner unsatisfied at the end of the deed which miraculously doesn’t happen as quickly as one would expect given his frenetic pace.       Because he is athletic, Jason has a very good stamina. Plus, he is the kind of lover that can recuperate rather quickly and so he can go for a round two and even a round three if his partner is up for it.            
T – Talking:     Jason doesn’t consider himself a dirty-talker. Sure he will let out some naughty sentences while having sex but they will never be disrespectful. He won’t call his partner a whore or any other insulting words. On the contrary he will give compliments and make praises rain and he will happily accept the same from his partner in return.       He will also ask a lot of questions to reassure himself like “Do you like that?” or “Do you like my cock inside of you?” and he will also demand to be complimented (“Tell me how much you like it”) especially if his partner is silent (which is something he hates by the way).     He is not a very noisy lover. He never screams or moans loudly. He grunts and growls but those noises usually are very guttural as if he is fighting to keep them to himself. Don’t do the same though. Scream, talk and let the whole neighborhood he’s fucking you good!
U – Underwear:         Trunks or boxers but never briefs. Something that can hold his prominent package while he is running after criminals in Gotham City but that isn’t too tight around his thunder thighs. His underwear is generally unicolor and has no patterns. Dick bought him a pair of bat-briefs for fun once but he never wore them. Actually he probably threw them away. He likes his female partners to wear sexy fancy lingerie but he doesn’t see it as a necessary tool to be aroused. Simple underwear doesn’t turn him off but if there are some unicorns or rainbows on them … well … he might feel very uncomfortable and perplexed.          
V – Virginity:               He was around 16 or 17, living among the All-Caste and it was with Essence, Ducra’s daughter. Essence was Jason’s almost every first-times. Though she is not the first person he fell in love with, she was the first girl he kissed, the first girl he touched and the first girl he had sex with. Before that he had never really made out with anyone, as young Jason was the kind of boy more interested in books than in people. But Essence wasn’t just anyone. She was mysterious, fascinating and hard to get and those two traits are still something that Jason digs in a partner. If you ask Jason about his first time, he will tell you that even if he and Essence are not on best terms today, he doesn’t regret one bit of what happened with her. He truly loved her and she was here for him when no one else was.
W – Worship If you don’t know how to be complimentary then you might not be the right person for Jason. This man craves compliments and affection as much as one craves food and water.           Jason cannot thrive in a relationship with a selfish partner who doesn’t flatter him as he always feels the need to be worshipped. It’s not arrogance. It’s because he is permanently scared of not being good enough. See him as an unconfident little boy who needs recognition to be happy in a way.       But once you start demonstrating your admiration and affection for him, get ready to be showered with loving compliments. Worship goes in both ways in Jason’s mind. The more complimentary and loving you will be the more he will. And that works in the bedroom as well. Worship the man! Show him (and tell him!) how much you love him and how much you love what he is doing and you will be the most sexually satisfied person in the world. To make it short, worship is Jason’s fuel.   To finish, If he could worship one part of his lover’s body it would be their eyes. (Told you he was a romantic!). He loves to keep eye contact with his partner while having sex and see them sparkle with lust, pleasure and happiness.           
X- Xenophilia:             If you look at Jason’s list of love interests, you can spot some recurring characteristics. Physically, most of them have light hair. They are often blonds or red-heads and they often have got green or blue eyes. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be interested in brunettes (Talia, Donna) and reject anyone with dark eyes (Essence’s eyes were completely black!). Because what matters the most to him is chemistry. Jason wants someone he can trust, someone he can talk to and that will understand him but that also will call him on his bullshit and stand up to him when needed. In a word, be strong and be there for him.
Y – Yearn:       Unlike someone else in the bat-family (cough Dick cough), Jason will not drop his pants in a heartbeat and he doesn’t really fancy eager persons as well (Those persons are only good for one night). He loves the chase and he loves when the people he is interested in are playing hard to get. That will arouse him a lot and make him crave them even more.           When he wants to have sex, Jason will drop occasional hints to show his (potential) partner that he wants them. Usually, they will be caresses, kisses and/or languorous looks. He will never clearly say out loud that he wants to have sex. But he doesn’t mind when his partner drags him to the bedroom and initiate the deed. He finds that terribly sexy even, and super complimentary.
Z – Zzzzz:         Jason likes to sleep after sex with his naked partner huddled against him. Rest your head over his chest and hold him tight and he will be the happiest man in the world as, to him, it will mean ‘Stay. I feel safe with you’. But don’t expect to sleep all night especially if your relationship is brand new. You wanted Todd in your bed? You have him and he will not hesitate waking you up slowly if he wants to get in between your legs one more time. Hope you don’t mind.     Plus, Jason is not the “hump and go” type of man and he will always be there in the morning with his body probably pressed against yours. Though, if you’re a night stand there are risks he might never call you again.
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Hello love! So I'm dying to request (if you are comfortable with this) some breeding kink h/c of the demon brothers during breeding season. How do they act towards m/c while they are in heat? Thank you, I love you and your writing is amazing!
*holds up anon* THIS ONE!!! I LIKE THIS ONE!!!!!! Anon u are a person after my own heart <3  Sorry this took longer than I originally planned and it’s a bit more like a scenario but I hope you enjoy this!! ^-^
He would lock himself up in his room and refuse to get anywhere near you. Your scent alone is enough to drive him into a frenzy so he is extra cautious during breeding season. At first you offer to help him but right now he wants nothing to do with you. Its for your own safety after all. 
However your persistence eventually wears him down. One day as you stop by his room to bring him some food, you notice a small pill case and a note slipped from underneath the door. “Take these and come inside if you want to help me. Don’t complain if you won’t be able to walk when this is over.” 
You took the contraceptives and stepped inside. The room was rather dark so you barely noticed when you had bumped into Lucifer until you saw is silhouette looming over you. Without a word he lifted you over his shoulder and brought you over to his bed. He had been holding himself back all this time so when he finally had you to himself to couldn’t wait a single second longer. He tore your clothes off eager to feel your skin against his.  
Once he threw his clothes off the last bit of restraint he had went out the door. He entered you and immediately started thrusting trying to relieve the tension he had from being in heat. He would cum inside you over and over again only stopping momentarily to either change positions or switch to use your mouth. The next few days consisted only of eating, sleeping, and fucking; the last activity took up most of your time together. 
When it was over you were covered in bruises and bitemarks, trophies from surviving your first breeding season with Lucifer. Feeling rather sticky from the copious amounts of cum he poured inside and outside of you he helped clean you up in the shower, leaving kisses over the marks he made. He let you take the next few days off feeling that you deserved it after being oh so helpful this breeding season. 
He was the Avatar of Greed. There’s no way he wouldn’t let himself indulge in what he wanted and that included you as well. While he initially planned on staying away from you until the breeding season was over he couldn’t bear it anymore. As a human you were unaware of the brother’s heat cycle so you had no idea that every one of your little gestures had been driving Mammon over the edge since day one of his heat. 
Right now he needed you more than anything. He invited you to his room and quickly tried to explain what breeding season was, why he needed you, and why you needed to take your clothes off as fast as possible and help him, all while frantically trying to undress himself. In his rush you were able to get the gist of what he was saying and agreed to help him. If only you knew the full extent of what you signed up for. 
Once you removed your last piece of clothing he threw you onto his bed. He wanted to enter you as fast as possible but he didn’t want to hurt you so he immediately started eating you out to get you wet and ready to take him all while stroking himself to relieve some tension. 
When you were finally ready for him he started thrusting at full speed. You felt so tight around his cock he couldn’t stop himself from indulging in the ecstasy of it all, letting his hips crash into yours over and over again. 
As he moved in and out of you he wrapped his arms around your torso. His entire body was hot to the touch but that didn’t stop him from clinging onto you, desperate to feel your body against his. His gentle nibbles turned into deep love bites as his instincts kicked in urging him to mark you as his own.
 You couldn’t count the number of times he released inside of you. He rarely pulled out unwilling to let any of his seed go to waste so instead you took in all of him until you could feel his cum dripping out of you and down your thighs. It seemed like he had an infinite amount of stamina because when one round ended another immediately followed after. You were in for a very long breeding season. 
When it was finally over your entire body was sore. Too exhausted to do much of anything, the two of you stayed in bed comforting each other until you had the energy to move again. 
For whatever reason, the universe decided that Levi would start his heat cycle early that year. He was used to being a shut in but now this meant that he had to hole himself up in his room and stay away from you while the rest of his brothers got to be with you until their heat cycles started. The thought of his brothers being able to enjoy your scent, your touch, your everything all while he was forced to stay under lock down was unbearable. The only comfort he had was from the items he *ahem* borrowed from your room in preparation for his heat. 
A few days had passed and you noticed that Levi had been coming out of his room way less than usual and that’s really saying something considering it was Levi. When his brothers explained that he had entered his heat cycle and would have to stay isolated until it was over, you became determined to help him. 
It took a lot of comforting and reassurance to get him to remove the spell barrier he put on his door but once he did you finally saw the desperate state he was in. You could hear the faint sound of creaking and panting grow louder as you approached his bed. Levi was gripping one of your shirts, desperately trying to take in as much of your scent as he could all while stroking himself with his free hand. When he saw you by his bedside he didn’t waste a second pulling you down onto the bed with him. He buried his face in your hair and started grinding on you, the feeling of your soft warm thighs rubbing against his cock made his head spin. 
He only stopped for a moment to remove the rest of your clothes then continued to rub himself against your entrance until his dick was coated in your arousal. He gave you one last look of concern to make sure you were alright and once you nodded in response, he let his lust and desire take over. 
He wrapped his arms around your chest, pulling you in close and allowing no distance between your bodies as he thrusted into you. The sound of slapping mixed with moans echoed in the darkness of the room as your bodies clung tightly to each other. 
You could feel his cock throbbing inside of you and braced yourself for his first load. No matter how gentle he tried to be with you for the next few days, the small amount of restraint Levi had left wasn’t enough to stop him from cumming inside you over and over again until his was seed was leaking down your legs. 
He refused to let you out of his embrace until his heat was over and when he did you no longer had the energy to move. When it was over Levi looked at the marks he left on your body. You were his first human mate and you managed to take him so well this breeding season. As he pulled you close one last time, resting his head on your chest, he wondered if you would his mate next year as well. 
A week before his heat started he took it upon himself to warn you about breeding season. He knew how rough he could be when you normally had sex and he wasn’t about to let you come near him while he was wrecked with hormones. Even though you were willing to help, he wouldn’t allow it. He would never forgive himself if he hurt you, just the thought of it made his chest tighten. So instead, you devised a strategy to help him with his heat without directly coming into contact with him...or at least that was what the plan was supposed to be. 
A few days before his cycle started, you gathered some of your clothes, some perfume you usually used, and a few suggestive photos of yourself to keep Satan occupied while he was in heat. Most importantly you turned your D.D.D (phone) on so he could call you if he needed anything. The first day went smoothly. He called you in the morning and again in the afternoon to let you know he was alright. His voice was calm, not a single indication of stress or tension in his voice. Your supply kit must have worked! The second and third day flew by without incident but on the fourth day, all hell broke loose.
Your clothes no longer had your scent, the perfume was all used up, and the pictures you gave him only made Satan crave your touch even more. In his desire for you he thought of one last resort. The only loophole to this situation was hidden in one of the dozens of spellbooks lying around his room and after spending the first three days of his heat searching for it, he finally found it. That night he called you after dinner asking you to come to the entrance of his room. You did as you were told but stood in shock as he gave you one last request. Enter the room.
The one fatal warning Satan had given you just days before and now he was telling you to ignore it. He assured you that you would be fine but doubt settled in your mind as you were unable to tell if that was really him or the sweet words of a demon overtaken by their own heat. Nonetheless you had faith in him and ultimately decided to step inside the room. 
Once you entered the room you found him sprawled across his bed, his arms and legs outstretched and unmoving. He beckoned you to come closer and you did as you were told taking care not to step on any of the books and pages that were strewn on the floor. When you finally reached his bedside he explained his new plan. 
He placed a spell on himself that would bind him for the next few hours making it impossible for him to move and impossible for him to hurt you. As much as he wanted to hold you close and dominate you in any way he pleased, this was the only plan he would think of to avoid hurting you all together. 
That night you rode Satan for hours until the spell started to wear off. Everytime your legs started to get tired he used a hex to keep your energy, stamina, and libido going. You milked him again and again until his cum dripped down your thighs and stained the bedsheets underneath. 
The spell wore off at sunrise so for your own safety you had to gather your clothes and limp out of the room before Satan could move again and potentially lose control. For the rest of the breeding season, whenever he needed you he would repeat the spell and give you a call. And each time without fail, you answered it. 
Asmo has always been a horny bastard every day of the year and being in heat only made him a hundred times worse. As soon as his cycle started his brothers barricaded him in his room to prevent him from causing trouble for anyone else while he was stuck in his most carnal state. Being in heat and having the power to charm anyone who looks your way was a very dangerous combination. If they didn’t take precautions there’s no telling what Asmodeus might do. 
Being the Avatar of Lust and not being able to have sex during breeding season felt like torture for him. And not the good kind of torture. Sure he had plenty of toys and suggestive material to keep himself busy but it just never felt the same. 
Having your dorm room share a wall with Asmo’s room wasn’t a great situation either. From day one you could hear him panting and moaning loud enough for the sounds to make it past the dense brick barrier that separated the two of you. One part of you was annoyed with him but another part of you felt pity for him as each groan and whimper sounded more desperate than the last. 
His brothers warned you not to approach him in this condition but you couldn’t help it. You couldn’t just ignore your boyfriend’s cries and it's not like you could sleep with him moaning loud enough for the rest of the dorm to hear it. It was well past midnight when you made it to Asmodeus’s room and knocked gently on the door hoping for any kind of response. His panting stopped for a moment as you heard his footsteps draw closer to the entrance of room. You explained through the door that you were there to help him. Even though you knew it wasn’t the best idea to meet him during his heat you didn’t enjoy letting him suffer alone. Still even if he wanted to Asmodeus couldn’t open the door. Lucifer had placed a curse on it that won’t allow him or any other demon to go in or out. Luckily though you were not a demon which was very evident once you turned the handle on the door and let yourself in. 
As soon as you closed the door Asmo cradled your face in his hands and crashed his lips against yours. He had been isolated for the past few days so once he saw you he knew he wasn’t going to let a single second go to waste which was rather apparent once you looked down. You were definitely expecting him to be like this but you were not so prepared to find him stark naked the moment you walked in. You could feel your back press up against the door as Asmo slipped his hands beneath your shirt; massaging your chest and pinching your nipples before moving down to your stomach and towards your hips. 
Normally, Asmo would tempt and tease you as if he had all the time in the world, but now all he wanted was to enter you and finally get the contact he’s been craving for this entire breeding season. You could sense his anticipation so you wasted no time in removing your clothes and giving just what he wanted. Once your underwear was off Asmo grabbed your thighs and lifted you up pressing your back further against the door as he thrusted into you. The wooden frame rattled every time Asmo rammed his hips into you, the noise only stopping when he finally released deep inside you. 
For the next few days the constant sensation of Asmo’s cock throbbing and grinding into you was burned into your mind. Even without the effects of his charm your mind felt numb with pleasure as you reached orgasm after orgasm. You no longer remember how many times he came inside of you but you could feel the area near your stomach swell just a bit. By the end of it all, both of you had used up all your stamina unable to do anything besides cuddle and sleep until you regained your strength.
Breeding season was always weird for Beelzebub. For once his hunger wasn’t solely focused on food but rather on something else that felt equally insatiable. He wasn’t too fond of being locked in his room for breeding season either. He knew he had to stay isolated to control himself for a bit but that also meant he couldn’t go out to eat and would have to wait until someone brought him food. 
You felt pretty bad about his situation so you volunteered to bring him food whenever you could in addition to the meals that were prepared for him. For the first few days he seemed to be doing rather well but soon you noticed something was off. The bagel you slid under his door earlier that morning was still there left uneaten. 
Knowing that Beel would usually never leave leftovers you decide to ask him if something is wrong but you’re met with silence, not even the sound of his stomach grumbling. You try to reach out to him one more time promising to help him in any way you can. It’s only then that you saw him peek his head around the door. He asked you one more time if you really wanted to help him only letting you into his room once you nodded in agreement. 
Your little conversation in the doorway used up what little restraint Beelzebub had and now that you were alone with him he was going to take full advantage of your “help”. As he stared down at you it seemed that for once his lust outweighed his hunger as he tore off your clothes and carried you over to his bed. Once your back touched the bedsheets Beelzebub spread your legs apart leaving kisses and bites on your inner thigh before burying his tongue inside you. To him you weren’t just a snack, you were a full meal and he wasn’t gonna stop until he had his fill. As you squirmed, he pinned your hips onto the bed holding you still while he licked and sucked your clit to his heart’s content. 
You were so wrapped in ecstasy you failed to notice that he stopped until you realized he was no longer between your legs and was now on top of you. You could feel the head of his cock rubbing against your entrance and braced yourself as he thrust his full length into you and started pounding into your core. 
Even though he usually held back since he knew how big he was compared to you, that detail was left as an afterthought due to all the tension from his heat. For the rest of the breeding season when Beel wasn’t eating, all his energy went to fucking you. Every time so much as a drop of his cum seeped out of you he went right back in to fill you up with another load. When his heat finally ended you were covered in cum and bitemarks, unable to move. Beels heat induced lust faded away but his hunger still remained. He made a mental note to bring back some of your favorite snacks for when you wake up in addition to all the aftercare he was going to give you.  
Belphegor hated breeding season. His heat made him too horny to sleep and since he kept using all his energy to get himself off he always ended up tired. Usually there wasn’t much he could do aside from stay in his room and wait until his heat was over. Even with his soft bed and hoards of pillows Belphegor knew he was in for another uncomfortable season. 
 From what you heard from the others breeding season was typically a tough time for a demon, especially one without a partner to find comfort in. They warned you not to approach Belphegor until his heat was over since there was a chance he might lose control, however you found their advice rather hard to believe. Belphegor was always gentle with you and when he wasn’t he let you choose the pace you were comfortable with. A few days past and you forgot their warnings, letting yourself slip into Belphegor’s room eager to help him in any way possible. 
His room was certainly dark but even so you could hear his soft moans emanating from his bed. You moved carefully towards the source of the sound ready to explain that you were there to help but before you had the chance to speak an arm shot out and pulled you into the heap of pillows that sat on top of the bed. You couldn’t see a thing, all you could sense was Belphegor’s hot breath against the skin of your neck as his whimpers grew more and more desperate. He moved closer to you, his lips brushed against the outside of your ear. “Please...help me…” was all you heard from him as he took your hand and moved it over his crotch, his hard length pulsed and twitched against your palm. He shuddered under your touch and moved his hips against your hand trying to get as much stimulation as he could. 
When you freed your hand from his grip you could see distress start to form across his face until you moved on top of him. You took off your shirt first then moved his hands back onto your body to feel the softness of your stomach and chest while you slid your pants off. When you were finally undressed you positioned your entrance just above the head of his cock before moving your hips down to take in all of him. Belphegor’s hands were now on your thighs pushing you down as hard as he could while he thrust his hips up in sync with yours. 
Even after he finally came he had no intention of stopping, his heat not allowing for a moment of rest. For the next few days you spent your time riding him until you had no energy left, leaving him to hump your legs while you rested for a few hours. When breeding season ended Belphegor could finally sleep peacefully with you by his side albeit you were sweaty and covered in cum but at the moment both of you were too exhausted to care. 
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newstfionline · 3 years
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
WHO Announces Virus “Plateau” (Foreign Policy) Countries across Europe are beginning to reopen after months of restrictions. U.S. President Joe Biden has endorsed a proposal to waive patents on COVID-19 vaccines, paving the way for accelerated production. But rather than achieving herd immunity, the world appears to be entering a new phase of the coronavirus pandemic, with more contagious variants spreading rapidly in places without stringent regulations or sufficient vaccines. In a Monday briefing, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the world had reached a plateau in new cases and deaths from the coronavirus, with numbers declining overall in most regions. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus acknowledged that the plateau was “unacceptably high.” Nearly 90,000 COVID-19 deaths were recorded worldwide last week. Thousands of those deaths occurred in India, where new cases and deaths have remained near record daily highs for days—and are still likely undercounted. Meanwhile, Malaysia announced a new lockdown on Monday amid a third wave driven in part by more infectious variants. Cases are rising elsewhere in South and Southeast Asia, as well as in Latin America—with potential consequences for political leaders.
Election reform controversy (Reuters) Democrats in the U.S. Senate hope today to advance sweeping election reform legislation making it easier for Americans to cast ballots, despite intense opposition from Republicans, many of whom support new restrictive voting rules at the state level. The 886-page bill would expand mail-in voting that was used widely in last year’s presidential election because of the coronavirus pandemic and would lengthen the hours of in-person balloting.
California expands drought emergency to large swath of state (AP) California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday expanded a drought emergency to a large swath of the nation’s most populous state while seeking more than $6 billion in multiyear water spending as one of the warmest, driest springs on record threatens another severe wildfire season across the American West. His emergency declaration now includes 41 of 58 counties, covering 30% of California’s nearly 40 million people, and he said a further expansion is likely as conditions worsen. The U.S. Drought Monitor shows most of the state and the American West is in extensive drought just a few years after California emerged from the last punishing multiyear dry spell. “We’re staring down at what could be disastrous summer and fall, with the potential of communities running out water, and fires,” said Democratic U.S. Rep. Jim Costa.
DarkSide Admits Hack (1440) Officials from the FBI confirmed yesterday a cyberattack that shut down one of the nation’s biggest gas pipelines was carried out by a cybercriminal outfit known as DarkSide. The group, based in Eastern Europe, is believed to develop, use, and sell ransomware—malicious software capable of locking IT systems until payment is made. Colonial Pipeline, which supplies an estimated 45% of the East Coast’s gasoline, shut down its network as a proactive measure after being hit with the attack late last week. In a twist, DarkSide representatives said they didn’t mean to create problems, but rather to simply “make some money.” The group, which claims to have an ethical code, represents an emerging phenomenon of hackers operating as enterprises—DarkSide even reportedly has a call-in number and help desk for its victims. It’s unclear whether the company paid the ransom; service is expected to be restored by next week. (AP) Meanwhile, more than 1,000 gas stations in the Southeast reported running out of fuel, primarily because of what analysts say is unwarranted panic-buying among drivers, as the shutdown of a major pipeline by a gang of hackers entered its fifth day Tuesday.
Central American leaders resisting Biden’s anti-corruption efforts (Washington Post) In a rebuff to the Biden administration, political leaders in El Salvador and Guatemala have forced out several senior judges known for their independence and anti-corruption zeal, underscoring the difficulties facing Washington’s new Central America policy. President Biden has put the fight against corruption at the heart of that policy. U.S. officials argue that graft is stunting Central American economies and driving citizens to attempt to migrate to the United States. The sidelining of the judges has raised concerns at the highest levels of the U.S. government. The administration is readying measures to increase pressure on El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, known as the Northern Triangle countries—including a name-and-shame list of corrupt politicians who would be denied U.S. visas. The efforts come as human rights groups warn of democratic backsliding in Central America, where the judiciary had emerged as a key check on presidential power.
Paris Teenager’s New Gig: Would-Be Queen of Italy. A Nation Shrugs. (NYT) Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia, the son of the last king of Italy, gave his granddaughter a big 16th birthday present. In a formal 2019 decree, the “Duke of Savoy, Prince of Naples and by the grace of God direct heir to Head of the Royal House of Savoy,” amended a medieval law that for centuries had restricted succession in his royal line to male heirs. He bumped “our beloved granddaughter” Vittoria Cristina Chiara Adelaide Maria up the royal food chain, making her the first woman in 1,000 years to be invested with the authority to eventually lead the family and stake a claim to the defunct monarchy. “It was the best gift he could give me,” Vittoria, now 17 and a burgeoning Instagram influencer, said from her Paris home. But the gift didn’t include a crown. Italy is a republic, having abolished the monarchy 75 years ago for its disastrous support of Mussolini, and Italians have approximately zero interest in a royal restoration. “Never say never,” said Vittoria’s father, Emanuele Filiberto, an Italian television personality who claims the title Prince of Venice, which is also the name of his Los Angeles restaurant and former food truck. (“We do a lot of film premieres. We did Jumanji,” he said.) Obviously, he said, the monarchy wasn’t returning “tomorrow,” but he had no sons and the family needed a head of the royal household to run its historic orders.
Russian governor: School shooting in Kazan kills 7 students (AP) A school shooting erupted Tuesday morning in the Russian city of Kazan, killing seven students and leaving 16 other people hospitalized with wounds, a Russian governor reported. Rustam Minnikhanov, governor of the Tatarstan republic which has Kazan as its capital, said Tuesday that four male and three female eighth-grade students have died in the shooting. Twelve more children and four adults were hospitalized in the attack, Minnikhanov said. The shooter was 19. Kazan is roughly 700 kilometers (430 miles) east of Moscow.
Deadly ‘black fungus’ cases add to India’s covid crisis (Washington Post) As coronavirus cases and deaths soared in India recently, doctors began to notice another disturbing trend. Some covid-19 patients who had been released from hospitals were coming back with different symptoms, including sinus pain, blurred vision, black and bloody nasal discharge and a dark discoloration around the nose. The culprit was a deadly fungal infection called mucormycosis that physicians say is increasingly preying on people with immune systems weakened by covid-19 and the steroids used to treat it. Though cases of the black fungus remain rare, its lethality and increasing prevalence have prompted government warnings, put doctors on high alert and added to the country’s health crisis. “The death rate from mucormycosis is 50 percent,” said Amarinder Singh Malhi from All India Institute Of Medical Science, a public hospital in New Delhi. “The death rate from covid is 2.5 percent. So we have to use these steroids very cautiously.”
100 days in power, Myanmar junta holds pretense of control (AP) After Myanmar’s military seized power by ousting the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi, they couldn’t even make the trains run on time: State railway workers were among the earliest organized opponents of the February takeover, and they went on strike. Health workers who founded the civil disobedience movement against military rule stopped staffing government medical facilities. Many civil servants were no-shows at work, along with employees of government and private banks. Universities became hotbeds of resistance, and in recent weeks, education at the primary and secondary levels has begun to collapse as teachers, students and parents boycott state schools. One hundred days after their takeover, Myanmar’s ruling generals maintain just the pretense of control. The illusion is sustained mainly by its partially successful efforts to shut down independent media and to keep the streets clear of large demonstrations by employing lethal force. More than 750 protesters and bystanders have been killed by security forces, according to detailed independent tallies. Meanwhile, the junta also faces a growing military challenge in the always restive border regions where ethnic minority groups exercise political power and maintain guerrilla armies. Two of the more battle-hardened groups, the Kachin in the north and the Karen in the east, have declared their support for the protest movement and stepped up their fighting, despite the government military, known as the Tatmadaw, hitting back with greater firepower, including airstrikes.
China Targets Muslim Women in Push to Suppress Births in Xinjiang (NYT) When China’s government ordered women in her mostly Muslim community in the region of Xinjiang to be fitted with contraceptive devices, Qelbinur Sedik pleaded for an exemption. She was nearly 50 years old, she told officials. She had obeyed the government’s birth limits and had only one child. It was no use. The workers threatened to take her to the police if she continued resisting, she said. She gave in and went to a government clinic where a doctor, using metal forceps, inserted an intrauterine device to prevent pregnancy. She wept through the procedure. Across much of China, the authorities are encouraging women to have more children, as they try to stave off a demographic crisis from a declining birthrate. But in the Xinjiang region, China is forcing them to have fewer, tightening its grip on Muslim ethnic minorities and trying to orchestrate a demographic shift that will diminish their population growth. It is part of a vast and repressive social re-engineering campaign by a Communist Party determined to eliminate any perceived challenge to its rule, in this case, ethnic separatism.
35 killed in Gaza, 3 in Israel, as violence escalates (Reuters) Hostilities between Israel and Hamas escalated overnight, with 35 Palestinians killed in Gaza and three in Israel in the most intensive aerial exchanges for years. Israel carried out hundreds of air strikes in Gaza into the early hours of Wednesday, as the Islamist group and other Palestinian militant groups fired multiple rocket barrages at Tel Aviv and Beersheba. One multi-story residential building in Gaza collapsed and another was heavily damaged after they were repeatedly hit by Israeli air strikes. It was the heaviest offensive between Israel and Hamas since a 2014 war in Gaza, and prompted international concern that the situation could spiral out of control. U.N. Middle East peace envoy Tor Wennesland tweeted: “Stop the fire immediately. We’re escalating towards a full scale war. Leaders on all sides have to take the responsibility of de-escalation. The cost of war in Gaza is devastating & is being paid by ordinary people. UN is working w/ all sides to restore calm. Stop the violence now,” he wrote.
Israelis, Palestinians and Their Neighbors Worry (NYT) Let’s see, what happens when TikTok meets Palestinian grievances about right-wing Israeli land grabs in Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem? And then you add the holiest Muslim night of prayer in Jerusalem into the mix? Then toss in the most emotional Israeli holiday in Jerusalem? And a power play by Hamas to assume leadership of the Palestinian cause? And, finally, a political vacuum in which the Palestinian Authority is incapable of holding new elections and Israel is so divided it can’t stop having elections? What happens is the explosion of violence around Jerusalem on Monday that quickly spread to the Gaza front, and has people asking: Is this the big one? Is this the start of the next Palestinian uprising? The Israeli government, the surrounding Arab nations and the Palestinian Authority all desperately want the answer to be “no”—Israel because it would find little support from a left-leaning White House, let alone the rest of the world, for a big crackdown on Palestinians; the Arab governments because most of them want to do business with Israeli tech-makers, not get mired defending Palestinian rock-throwers; and the Palestinian leadership because it would expose just how little it controls the Palestinian street anymore. But unlike the Intifadas that began in 1987 and 2000, when Israel had someone to call to try to turn it off, there is no Palestinian on the other end of the phone this time—or, if there is, he’s a 15-year-old on his smartphone, swiping orders and inspiration from TikTok, the video app often used by young Palestinians to challenge and encourage one another to confront Israelis.
At least 1m people facing starvation as Madagascar’s drought worsens (Guardian) Madagascar’s worst drought in 40 years has left more than a million people facing a year of desperate food shortages. The south saw 50% of its usual rains during the October planting season, in a fourth year of drought. According to the Famine Early Warning System Network, most poor families have to rely on foraging for wild foods and leaves that are difficult to eat and can be dangerous for children and pregnant women. Aid agencies have reported people eating termites and mixing clay with tamarind.
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adiabolikpastel · 5 years
Losing You
Rating: PG-13 - minor sex scene & male x male
Word Count: 4461
Original Character(s): Skye Oakly & Alrick Rosenfeld 
ღ This is the first written commission I have ever gotten! Thank you to @the-sloth-woman for writing our boys together! The art for both characters was done by @minoux-draws​
An AU piece where demons have taken over, however cannot breed normal. They must use the human’s to secure linage for the future. The Rosenfeld clan captures a human girl to marry off to the head of the family, young Alrick. 
Reluctantly, the snake demon prepares for his wedding. There is just one last thing he must do. A young siren who had been his lover for quite some time. Will the two be able to maintain a connection after the big news?ღ
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Alrick closed the door to the penthouse with a resolute click. Anger radiated off him in waves, and it took every inch of his self-control not to rip the door off its fucking hinges. 
Why was she so goddamn frustrating!? Surely she could see that he didn’t want to be mated to her either. There were hundreds of demons who he would have been better suited with. Men and women who were thousands of times less infuriating as one stupid human girl. He would have done better to trade her off to the brothel owners. At least there she would find something to do with her stupid mouth. 
He shook his head and took a deep breath through his nose. He couldn’t think about Lilly right now, not when he had so much on his plate. There was the ceremony to arrange on top of his normal workload. And that was an enormous task altogether. Was he supposed to just appear in traditional ceremonial dress with no forethought? Please. He didn’t have time to waste fighting with humans. 
The first and most pressing matter was, unfortunately, going to be the most difficult. Alrick was an extremely popular demon lord, and living alone for so long had left him a string of paramours. There were many that he did not care about, women who were little more than one-night stands and whose memories were clouded through fogs of wine. There were demons with whom he had more established relationships with, but they would understand his predicament. They would understand how his honor demanded that he put aside his own needs for the future of his people. And even then it had been weeks since he had seen anyone who particularly struck his interest. 
But there was one person who he was dreading bringing the news to. He had been seeing Skye on and off for months, and while they had an extraordinary physical relationship, they had managed to keep it hidden from most of the ruling class of demons. Their conversation would be messy, and full of feelings that Alrick didn’t know how to handle. The cowardly part of him wanted to prolong the conversation until after the ceremony. But Alrick wouldn’t let himself be a coward, no matter how difficult it would be. 
He spent most of the day making arrangements for the ceremony. His family’s uchikake needed to be pressed and cleaned, the sake needed to be chosen, and he sent out invitations to most of the ruling class. He also ordered contraceptive tea for afterward, just in case the mating did not take hold. There was nothing worse than being forced to raise a cub with someone who was incompatible with you. 
Truthfully, he was putting off calling Skye for as long as possible. The clock on his desk slowly ticked down toward the end of the day. He had one last night of freedom before being bound to a human, and he knew he had to make the most of it. He picked up the phone on his desk with a heavy heart and rang the Sakamaki family. 
Skye’s familiar voice greeted him on the other end of the line. “Sakamaki residence, this is Skye speaking. My masters are out of the house for the evening, may I take a message?” 
For once Alrick was thankful for the human invention of the telephone. It was much faster than sending a messenger, and the person on the other end didn’t have to see the look on his face. “It’s me,” he said, not bothering to introduce himself. 
The tone of Skye’s voice changed immediately. “Alrick- I mean, Your Highness,” he gushed. “It’s so nice to hear from you. Is there anything I can do for you? Anything at all?” 
Alrick tried not to wince at Skye’s familiar flirting. “I need to see you tonight. Can you meet me for dinner?” 
“Tonight? Well, the Sakamakis are busy, I’m really not supposed to leave the manor unattended.” 
“Shit,” Alrick ran his hand through his hair. “Then find an excuse to leave.” Skye’s warm laugh trilled through the end of the phone. “Really Alrick, has it been so long since you last saw me that you’re resorting to ordering me around? I’ll come much faster if you ask nicely,” he teased. “You should know that better than anyone.” 
The double entendre of Skye’s words was not lost on Alrick, but his mood was too sour to appreciate them. “Please, Skye,” he rarely ever let himself plead with another person, but he was desperate. “This is urgent. I need you, and it can’t wait.” 
“O-oh,” the tone of Alrick’s voice had thrown the flirty attitude form Skye’s voice. “Yeah, sure.” 
“Great. Meet me at our usual spot in half an hour. And don’t be late.” Alrick couldn’t see it, but he knew the authority in his voice was enough to make Skye shiver. “Of course. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
The nerves in Alrick’s stomach were only intensified by the fact that he arrived at the restaurant ten minutes early. He ordered a bottle of wine for the table and then waited for what felt like an eternity. He fidgeted in his suit, his eyes darting towards the door every few seconds. He had no idea what he was going to say to Skye. To tell him what was going on between him and Lilly was going to be excruciating. He remembered once when they had first started sleeping together when a waitress made the mistake of flirting with Alrick. Skye kissed him so possessively afterward that Alrick thought his lips were going to fall off. 
The door to the restaurant jingled at Skye’s arrival. The scales that curved around his eyes sparkled in the setting sun and Alrick felt a pang of guilt in the pit of his stomach. He was dressed in a crisp skirt that fell just above his knees and a sweater that accentuated the curve of his waist. His hair was tied into a loose bun at the top of his head, the rest of his long tresses trailing down his back. Alrick couldn’t tell if it was one of Skye’s many wigs or his real hair, but he looked pretty nonetheless. 
“Alrick,” Skye greeted him with a warm smile. “Or is this official business? Should I call you ‘Prince Rosenfeld’ instead?” 
Alrick grimaced at the title and loosened his tie. “You don’t have to do that when it’s just us.” 
“That’s not what you said the other night,” Skye purred, throwing his arms around Alrick in a soft hug. “I seem to recall you not letting me finish if I didn’t beg for ‘Prince Rosenfeld’ to give me permission-” 
“Shhh, shh!” Alrick pressed his thumb to Skye’s lips to silence him. “Do you really want to spill all our bedroom secrets in the middle of the restaurant?” 
“Well, not all of them,” Skye’s eyes flashed invitingly and took his seat across the table. “Just the ones that really embarrass you.” 
Alrick chuckled, some of the weight on his chest lifting. “I’ve missed you.” 
“I missed you too. You look tired,” Skye eyed the cut of Alrick’s suit. “Did you come directly from work?” 
“What gave it away?” Alrick poured himself a large glass of wine. “I didn’t have time to go home and change before meeting you, I hope you don’t mind.” That was a half-lie. The real reason he didn’t want to go home was that the human girl would be waiting for him, and seeing her would just make everything much worse. 
“Alrick, when have I ever minded you in a suit? You know they’re one of my favorite things to take off you.” 
“I suppose you’re right about that,” he ran his hand in his hair. “And am I right to assume that’s exactly what you’re thinking about doing right now?” 
“Alrick! How could you accuse me of such lewd and lascivious behavior?” 
“Because I’ve been sleeping with you long enough to know how your mind works.” Skye let out a burst of giggles and covered his mouth. “You caught me, I’ve been thinking about ripping it off of you since I walked in.” 
A wide grin spread across Alrick’s face. Before he could stop himself he said, “Maybe I’ll have to let you rip it off with your teeth.” 
The gravity of what he just said hit him a few moments later. There would be no more bedtime trysts with Skye. After tomorrow he would have a mate, and whether he liked it or not he would be bound to her for all of eternity. He swallowed thickly, the weight of his honor feeling like a large burden. Alrick was the demon prince, and he had a duty to his people before himself. Skye immediately noticed the change in Alrick’s demeanor. “What’s wrong? Was it something I said?” 
“No, no,” Alrick waved his wine glass, taking a long sip. “You haven’t done anything, I promise you. Actually, you’re doing too little. Talk to me, tell me about your day.” 
“Alright...” Skye trailed off, unsure. “It wasn’t very eventful. I did all the things the Sakamaki’s asked me to. Make tea, get the mail, answer the phones. Laito had me arrange a visit to the brothel for tomorrow morning, which should be super fun to clean up after.” 
“Of course he did.” Skye looked around to see if anyone was listening in and then leaned across the table with a wicked expression on his face. “You didn’t hear it from me, but I heard that the last time he went there one of the girls was so scared off by whatever he did that she ran out into the street and almost got hit by a car.” 
“Ugh,” Alrick wrinkled his nose. “What could he even think up that would scare someone that badly?” 
“I have no idea but I wish I did. Whatever it was, I don’t think it would have scared me if it was with you.” 
Fuck. There it was again, the unspoken weight that dangled over Alrick’s head like a sword. He swallowed the last of his wine and hung his head. There was no use in prolonging it, he had to come clean to Skye. “Listen, there’s something I need to-” 
“I know.” 
“E-eh?” Alrick blinked, flabbergasted. “You know...?” 
“I know you’re upset.” Skye’s voice softened. “You’ve been getting this terrible look on your face all night.” 
“Ugh... I didn’t realize I was being that obvious.” He slumped in his seat. “Hey, hey...” Skye walked over to Alrick and slid his hand along his cheek. “Do you want to get out of here?” 
The touch of his hand was enough to make Alrick melt. “Leave...?” 
“Of course,” Skye’s thumb trailed down the side of Alrick's jaw. “We could get a hotel room, just the two of us. I think I know something that will really make you feel better.” His voice was dark with promise. 
Alrick sighed before responding. The temptation to disappear with him was strong. It would be so easy for Alrick to lose himself in Skye, to forget all his worries if only for a little while. 
The feelings that Alrick had been fighting all night suddenly swallowed him whole. “Yeah,” he said, sinking into the comfort of Skye’s touch. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” 
The hotel rose high above the expanse of the city, almost as high up as Alrick’s penthouse. It was lavishly decorated with the finest amenities, including a huge bar on the first floor. The room itself had a wide window that overlooked the other buildings of the district: glittering patches of light that faded away to the curling fog of the mountainside in the distance. 
It was a shame that neither of them noticed any of that. Alrick’s lips were locked onto Skye’s the minute they got into the car. They crashed into the hotel room, their hands fumbling against clothing and furniture. Alrick barely had time to catch his breath before Skye descended upon him, pushing him up against the wall and kissing his way down his body. The feel of his lips was enough to make Alrick’s eyes roll back in his head with pleasure, but he wasn’t content to lose himself in his mouth alone. Alrick wanted more, he needed more. If this was going to be their last night together he had to make it count. 
He resolutely moved Skye to the bed, lowering him onto his back like he had so many times. Alrick briefly remembered the first time they had snuck away to fuck. Skye had caught his eye from across the room, flashing Alrick a sensual smile. They had barely managed to find an empty room before Skye was lowering himself onto his knees, taking him into his mouth like a holy sacrament. It was hot and unbelievably addictive. They both knew without saying that one time wouldn’t be enough. 
The memory caused a twinge of pain to stir in Alrick’s chest and he buried himself in Skye to block out the pain. He fought it off bravely, taking solace in the other demon’s hands and thighs. He found peace in the taste of Skye’s lips, bringing him closer and closer to his mouth. Underneath him, Skye met each and every one of his thrusts with ease. They had been together so many times that it was almost second nature, but that didn’t mean that Alrick wasn’t spellbound by the sound of Skye’s voice in pleasure. Just the sound of his name as he arched underneath him was enough to send Alrick over and over the edge. 
Later, when they were both spent and clinging to one another for warmth, the guilt returned to Alrick. He had spent so much time with Skye today and he still hadn’t broken the news about the mating ceremony. Perhaps it would be worse now that they had spent the evening making love. 
“You know,” Skye lazily rolled onto Alrick’s chest, his wig slightly askew. “I’m going to be so upset if I can’t sit properly tomorrow because of you. I might have to call you back and return the favor.” 
Alrick stared at the ceiling with unseeing eyes. “You always promise that but you’ve yet been able to make me that sore.” 
“That sounds like a challenge- wait, you don’t look happy about that.” Akye propped himself up onto his elbow. “Pet name,” he used his ironic term of affection, “what’s wrong?” 
It was time. Alrick sat up slowly, extracting his limbs from their tangled mess. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and avoided Skye’s confused gaze. 
Skye reached for Alrick’s shoulder and attempted to rub away his troubles. “Alrick, please... tell me what’s going on.” 
Alrick stared at the floor and took a moment before speaking. “Do you remember a few days ago when they found that human girl? The one they found at the edge of the mountainside?” 
“Of course I do,” Skye sat beside Alrick and carefully removed his wig. “It was all anyone could talk about. I just assumed she was going to be given to the demon lord who had found her.” 
Alrick’s hands were clenched into fists on his knees. “You’re not wrong.” Skye threaded his hand through Alrick’s hair. “I don’t see why that would make you this upset. Unless you wanted her for your own,” he chuckled hollowly. “Don’t tell me that you’re planning to leave me for a silly little human.” 
The silence that hung in the air was suffocating. Skye tried again, his voice tinged with panic. “You’re not really planning on abandoning me for a human. Right, Alrick?” 
“She...” Alrick’s shoulders sagged slightly. “She was found by my men. That means she belongs to me.” 
Skye’s hand froze in Alrick’s hair. “You can’t be serious.” 
“I am. She’s- we’re... I’m...” Alrick turned away, his heart feeling icy. “She’s going to be my future mate.” 
It was Skye’s turn to be silent. “Oh... Right, of course.” The resignation in his tone broke Alrick’s heart. Skye pulled away and wrapped his arms around his legs under the blanket. “Of course she is,” he continued. “You’re a prince, it’s only natural that one day you would... That we would have to end.” 
“I’m sorry... I never thought that this would happen-” 
“Don’t.” Skye cut him off. “Don’t say you didn’t know this was going to happen. You’ve always known what your role in the world is. You’re Alrick fucking Rosenfeld-” tears sprang at 
the corners of his eyes but he ignored them. “Don’t you even try to say that you weren’t going to leave me for a woman one day.” 
Alrick reeled from Skye’s anger. “Parakeet, this isn’t my fault. I wasn’t saying that this wasn’t inevitable, I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.” 
Skye barely heard him. “Who cares about that? Now, later, it doesn’t matter. I guess it’s better this way, so I don’t get too attached.” 
“Don’t!” Skye turned on Alrick, his golden eyes blazing. “How can you still call me that when you'll be sharing a bed with her?!” 
“Skye, this isn’t my choice!”
“It’s not mine either!” Skye stared down at his body, hating every inch of himself. “It’s not fair, it’s not fucking fair...” He wiped his eyes with a shaking hand and pulled the covers up over his chest. 
“I know it’s not fair...” Alrick reached and took his hand, tugging the blanket free from his fingers. “Skye, I promise you that I didn’t plan for any of this to happen.” 
Skye’s tears fell harder at the sincerity in Alrick’s voice. He shook his head and his tears dripped onto his scales, making them shine. “It doesn’t matter if you planned it or not, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening anyway!” 
“I know!” The words ripped themselves from Alrick’s mouth. “Do you think I want this? That I want to be trapped with someone I’ve only known for two days? To be mated to a human-” he choked on the word. He felt like he was repeating the argument he had with Lilly in some sick circle that never ended. “Nothing about this is my choice, Skye.” 
“Then don’t go through with it.” Skye threw himself out of bed and knelt before Alrick, pleading. “Turn her away, give her to someone else. You’re the prince Alrick, you can be with anyone you want.” His words came in a frantic rush as he beseeches Alrick. “You don’t have to live a life that’s not yours. Say there’s something wrong with her, say she’s defective. And then we can stay together!” 
“You know I have to-“
“Why?! Why is this so important to you, more important than me?” 
“Because you know we’re dying out.” Alrick felt detached from the situation like he was viewing all from a very long way away. “Because ever since we nearly wiped out the humans we’ve been unable to have any children of our own. I have to do this so our kind can have any sort of future, even if it’s one with mixed blood.” 
Skye sagged, defeated. “It’s not fair... I hate the humans for what they’ve done to us.” Alrick slid his hand along Skye’s jaw, tilting his face to meet his. “As do I, Parakeet. They’ve ruled over us for thousands of years, it’s not right that they kill us off like this. That’s why we have to keep fighting back. And why I as the prince have to fight back hardest of all.” 
Skye’s tears finally seemed to come to a close. “You’re right,” he murmured. “For the good of the people, right...?” 
“For the good of the people,” Alrick repeated bitterly. 
“Well...” Skye folded himself beside Alrick’s legs and leaned his head on his knee. “We still have until the ceremony. I can try to be by your side as much as possible before then. I’ll convince one of the Sakamakis to send me on errands for you. And maybe it won’t be so hard by the time the ceremony comes...” He reached for Alrick’s hand, placing it atop his own head. “How long do we have before she becomes your mate?” 
Shit. Alrick was a fool. How could he have thought that prolonging telling would have made this easier? He felt sick. Sick of himself, sick of his circumstances, and sick of the human girl who he just so happened to catch. “It’s tomorrow.” 
“Tomorrow?!” Skye’s head snapped back like he had been slapped. “Why did you wait until now to tell me?” 
All their promised time together came crashing down around them. After the mating ceremony, there would be no more sneaking around. Not because Alrick respected his human mate, but because he would be bound to her. Demon mating ceremonies were so much more than simple human weddings. If everything went as planned, he would want no other after her. They would be bonded for life. 
There was nothing more to say now. He could tell from the heartbroken look on Skye’s face that he made his mistake even bigger. Alrick stared past him and spoke to the opposite wall. “She was found only a few days ago, there wasn’t much time for me to-” 
“No, no! You could have told me when they found her! You could have told me when the damn council made their decision. You had days, Alrick. Days!” 
“I know!” He gave Skye a glare that stopped him from speaking. “I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to fucking hurt you.” 
“C-can’t you see that this hurts me more?” Skye’s voice broke. “How can I go on knowing that this will always be our last night together? That you and I got into a fight because you were being stupid, uncaring, selfish-” 
“I’m not being selfish!”
“Yes, you are! Can’t you think about how this is affecting anyone but yourself?” “Parakeet!” Alrick cupped Skye’s cheeks and held him when he tried to jerk away. “You are the only other person who I care about right now. Not the council and definitely not her.” Alrick’s voice softened. “There is nothing in this world I would ever want to do to hurt you. Can’t you see how much I don’t want to do this? That it hurts me to hurt you like this...?” 
An explosive sob wrenched itself from within Skye’s chest. He collapsed forward into Alrick, crying freely into his arms. “I’m sorry,” Alrick whispered, tucking his head under his chin. “I’m so sorry, Skye...” 
They sat like that until Skye’s sobs became muffled sniffles. Alrick threw a glance out the window and saw the sky had lightened considerably. “Shit...” 
Skye followed his gaze. “You have to go, don’t you...?”
“I do.” Alrick sighed and felt a thousand years older. “The ceremony is in a few hours. I need to get some sleep.” 
Skye did not need Alrick to tell him what the ceremony entailed. He had seen a few himself, and he could not bear to watch Alrick fuck another woman- let alone see it on public display. “I won’t be there.” 
Alrick chuckled quietly and extracted himself from Skye’s grasp. “I wouldn’t want you to be. I don’t even want to be there myself-” he began finding his discarded clothes strewn about the room- “and I don’t have the luxury to blow it off.” 
Skye nodded and watched Alrick redress. Within minutes he was the same man who met him in the restaurant. Poised, calm, and unbearably handsome. Alrick ran a hand through his hair to smooth it back in place., completing the look. “I’m going to miss you...” 
“I”m going to miss you too, Parakeet... Swear that you’ll never forget me?” 
“How could I? I think you’ve ruined me for other men,” Skye laughed without humor. 
“Don’t say that,” Alrick stroked Skye’s cheek with the back of his hand. “Don’t let my departure ruin any of your future happiness. Promise me that.” 
“I’ll try...” 
“Thank you...” Alrick reluctantly let his hand drop. He moved to the door, his shoulders already stiff with apprehension. “I’ll see you when it’s over, Parakeet.” 
Skye did his best to smile. “You too, Pet Name...” Alrick gave Skye one last look, memorizing the way he looked under their messy bed sheets. Inside his chest he could feel his heart breaking. Alrick had been in pain many times before, but nothing so far had been as bad as this. 
He took a deep breath and buried his feelings as far down as they would go. He stepped through the door and into his new life. 
Skye did not sleep. He sat in the puddle of blankets Alrick left behind and felt utterly miserable. He wanted to cry but he had no more tears left. He wanted to scream, but his throat was raw from all the sobbing. He wanted to break every single thing in the damn room but he had no energy. All he could do was sit and feel horrible. 
There was nothing left for him to do anyway. Even without the human interfering, he and Alrick were never meant to be. He had just entertained the thought for far too long... 
He pressed a pillow to his face and fought off another round of sobs. Every fantasy he ever had with Alrick had been ripped to pieces within a few hours. He had so many dreams for the two of them, so many things that would have made him happy. And now there was nothing. 
Unless... If the human woman couldn’t produce children with Alrick she would be taken away, thrown in the brothel where she belonged. If they were a bad match she would be given to another demon, that was a possibility. Or perhaps an accident would befall her, something terrible like falling off a building. Maybe she would even do herself in. Skye heard she put up quite a fight when she was caught, and there was a rumor that her mother was one of the resistance leaders. And if all else failed, he would just have to wait. Human lives were so short compared to a demon’s. There was no law that said Alrick couldn’t take a new mate if his first one died. Skye settled into the bed, finally feeling some sort of peace. He could be patient, he could wait. And if he couldn’t there were then enough ways for him to rectify the situation. The human may have been Alrick’s mate after tomorrow, but she wouldn’t stay his mate for long. 
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aethuviel · 5 years
TES Elves lifespan and fertility
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I’ve been playing Skyrim for four years, and am fairly new to TES lore. One of the things I wonder, like many others, is how long do the races of mer (talking the three now, falmer and orcs don’t count) live, and how do they avoid overpopulation with their obviously lengthy lifespans (and as horny as they seem to be)?
I’ve read around on various discussion forums where people ask these same questions, but never found a satisfying answer.
The common answers to the lifespan questions are “up to 1000″, sourced from The Real Barenziah, but this was just written in an in-universe book, which makes it unreliable at best, and the second common answer is “max ~300, unless they’re using magic to extend their lives”, because an official quote from Bethesda goes like this:
"Elves live two to three times as long as humans and the “beast-races” (Orcs, Khajiiti, Argonians). A 200-year-old Elf is old; a 300-year-old Elf is very, very old indeed. Anyone older than that has prolonged his or her lifespan through powerful magic."
But I call BS on this, because it’s broken by the world itself.
Examples (all powerful mages and wizards are excluded, for obvious reasons):
- Avrusa and Aduri Sarethi are Dunmer farmer in the Rift, and according to Avrusa, she used to have a shop (meaning she was an adult) in Morrowind before the eruption of the Red Mountain, 196 years ago. That puts her and her sister at well over 200 years old, and Aduri gives the impression of being young (her girly voice). - Lleril Morvayn and Adril Arano (and add to that Adril’s wife Cindiri) have ruled Solstheim together for 136 years, Lleril taking over after his mother’s death, and they show no sign of being particularly old. - Legate Fasendil is an Altmer soldier who was “stationed in Hammerfell” (meaning, an adult) 159 years ago, and he does not appear old.
- The only one I can find to sort of confirm the Bethesda quote is Elynea Mothren, mycologist at Tel Mithryn, who says she remembers the eruption of Red Mountain as a “little girl”, and that she’s “an old woman now”, which she certainly looks like. She would be perhaps in her early 200s.
The third common claim about mer lifespan is from a quote that follows like this:
Well, I'm fifty, done my twenty years in the Service, and I'm in the prime of life. I expect another fifty good years, and then I'll be old, and slow, chatting with gaffers around the hearth for another twenty, thirty years. I've known mer still mind-sharp in their late hundreds, and heard of folk 200 and older. My family usually makes it to 120-130, providing we don't get sick or poked in the eye.
But this brings us back to The Real Barenziah. Many claims are made in it, such as...
"I think Straw will be a very old man before 'someday' comes, Berry. Elves live for a very long time." Katisha's face briefly wore the envious, wistful look humans got when contemplating the thousand-year lifespan Elves had been granted by the gods. True, few ever actually lived that long as disease and violence took their respective tolls. But they could. And one or two of them actually did. 
Now, this book was approved by Barenziah herself, but that does not assure us of its accuracy, only that she liked it.
But I think this is still closer to the truth than “a 300 year old elf is very, very old indeed”, because of all the things that are unreliable in TRB, what is set in stone is the birth year of Barenziah and her children.
Barenziah and Symmachus had Helseth (now one can doubt whether Symmachus is actually Helseth’s father, but that is for another time) in 3E 376, when Barenziah was a whopping 379 years old. She then had two more children in the next couple of decades, her third and last child born when she was 394 or 395 years old.
There is to my knowledge no claim at all that Barenziah was using magic to extend her life (nor Symmachus for that matter, and he was three decades older than her, slain in battle at the age of 422). And it is confirmed by the lore that she became a mother of three at nearly four centuries old. So this wipes that quote by Bethesda completely, in my opinion.
TRB quotes on elven fertility:
"You ought to meet some nice Elven boys, though. If you go on keeping company with Khajiits and humans and what have you, you'll find yourself pregnant in next to no time."
Barenziah smiled involuntarily at the thought. "I'd like that. I think. But it would be inconvenient, wouldn't it? Babies are a lot of trouble, and I don't even have my own house yet."
"How old are you, Berry? Seventeen? Well, you've a year or two yet before you're fertile, unless you're very unlucky. Elves don't have children readily with other Elves after that, even, so you'll be all right if you stick with them."
And later, after banging Talos for a time...
"You appear to be with child, young as you are. Constant pairing with a human has brought you to early fertility.”
Barenziah then marries Symmachus immediately following Tiber Septim’s death. This is said to be “half a century” later, which would put Barenziah at almost 70 years old, but the actual year Tiber Septim died was in 3E 38, when she was ~41 years old. Anyhow. (Goes back to how unreliable the books are.)
The years passed swiftly, with crises to be dealt with, and storms and famines and failures to be weath­ered, and plots to be foiled, and conspirators to be executed. Mournhold prospered steadily. Her people were secure and fed, her mines and farms productive. All was well -- save that the royal marriage had pro­duced no children. No heirs.
Elven children are slow to come, and most demanding of their welcome -- and noble children more so than others. Thus many decades had come to pass before they grew concerned.
Some three centuries later...
Directly after the Nightingale's theft of the Staff of Chaos, Symmachus had sent urgent secret communiques to Uriel Septim. He had not gone himself, as he would normally have, choosing instead to stay with Barenziah during her fertile period to father a son upon her.
Speaking about the Nightingale some time later, when Barenziah was pregnant...
"Dark Elf in part, perhaps," said Barenziah, "but part human too, I think, in disguise. Else would I not have come so quickly to fertility."
From this we can draw that, 1) Elven women become fertile around the age of 18-20 2) They conceive easier with other races, rather than with male elves (implying that both sexes have low fertility), and can even be brought to fertility faster by sleeping around a lot with other races 3) And by her eventual pregnancy leading to the birth of Helseth, we are to believe that the Nightingale didn’t touch her, but that simply the passion she felt for him made her fertile, after centuries of no results.
And when Tiber “Talos” Septim forces a child (as he viewed her) to have an abortion (I am forever disgusted with Talos for this), the Altmer healer says:
"Sire. It is her child. Children are few among the Elves. No Elven woman conceives more than four times, and that is very rare. Two is the usual number. Some bear none, even, and some only one. If I take this one from her, Sire, she may not conceive again."
It is widely quoted but again, a book in-game is not a reliable source, and while looking around Dunmer names in ESO, I found a fellow named Quell Andas, who has four siblings.
Unless, for some reason, they are called siblings but there are at least two mothers involved (i.e. half-siblings), or they’re lying, this is a case of an elf woman bearing five children. I’m sure there could be more cases among any of the mer if I looked further.
So that healer was at least not being entirely truthful.
But it does make sense that the mer would have much lower fertility, on both sides (males and females), simply as a price to pay for their long lifespans.
Humans live for about seventy years. Women are fertile from about 15-45, a 30 year “baby bearing window”, if you will.
The fact that Barenziah was pregnant three times in her late 300s, says not just that they live that long, but that she had not entered menopause - if elves even have that.
Her first pregnancy was when she was 17-18. Her last, at 394-395. That is, for her, a “baby bearing window” of at least 376 years. And there is nothing, I might add, in the books to imply surprise or shock that Barenziah bore children at that age.
With a human’s 30 year fertility window, in a world of no contraception, some rare women can have 20 or more children.
Now increase that to 300+ years, and if elves were as fertile as humans, an elf woman could birth a hundred children in her life, as easily as a human could birth ten. This would lead to an insanely unsustainable population growth, as elves are people(!) and we cannot compare them to animals that have that many offspring (since those are typically unintelligent animals where almost all die soon after birth).
Since they live for centuries but can have children at twenty, this also means children can be surrounded by a long line of ancestors. Not just grandparents, but great-great-great grandparents, and so on, people living on and using up resources for much longer. This means population growth has to be slow.
So, to keep a normal population growth at 2-4 children for most people (with some having more and some having none), elves naturally have to be much less fertile to “pay” for their lenghty lifespans.
We don’t know why, if it’s by some divine power, nature, or whathaveyou, but I imagine (absolutely no source on this, just my imagination) mer women might have much rarer ovulations, like once a year instead of once a month (imagine only some 3 fertile days per year instead of some 36 days), or requiring some special “event” to ovulate (as TRB implies), and that male mer have heavily reduced sperm counts compared to other races.
That would make sense, but is only my personal speculation.
And as for lifespan, I still choose to believe TRB, as while statements in it are unreliable, we know a woman had multiple children near her 400th birthday, with no known magical intervention to slow down her aging. That couldn’t have happened unless all elves could live to a thousand, but most die during the centuries from injury or disease.
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Next Gen and their common rooms
The Gryffindors of the family are James, Freddie, Roxanne, Rose, Dominique, and Lily.
The Gryffindor common room hasn’t changed much since their parents were in school. Though they would always think of it as crowded. Large families are the norm after the war, but whole generations of families being in one house aren’t.
It’s where everyone goes to be together. Piling in together in an armchair overlooking the lake and Quidditch pitch. Or squeezing in together on the best couch in front of the fireplace. They have fallen asleep in front of that fireplace more than once studying for exams.
Not much homework gets done in the common room, nor in the dorms. It’s too loud, too much distraction and the radio never gets turned off only changed. There is always a group awake, laughing and giggling and gossiping. No one every stops talking about Quidditch.
The Gryffindor common room is loud, but it’s hard to get everyone’s attention (James tries on the regular). Also, it quickly becomes the easiest common room to break into after a Quidditch game. One thing that never changes is the after parties.
The Ravenclaws are Victoire, Lucy, and Louis.
Victoire is the first Weasley to not be sorted in Gryffindor in over a hundred years. That doesn’t stop her family from doting on her and the constant stream of letters at every meal.
Lucy and Louis are only a year apart, she takes over as his caretaker. Louis is autistic, but no one notices, all of his odd traits are mistaken artistic quirks. It doesn’t help that his sketch pad is always within grasp.
It’s hard to do homework in the Ravenclaw common room, it’s quiet and conversations are kept to the minimum, but its so distracting. Homework is kept in the library, the common room is a breeding ground for expierements. Victoire is sure that in another life, her Uncle George and Uncle Fred would’ve been Ravenclaws.
But Louis is the only one who actually spends time in the common room, its perfect for him to sit and draw. To watch his housemates create and debate and change the world.
On Thursdays, the whole house comes together for debate night. It’s a tradition that was started long before their grandparents were born, back when the house was once founded. Victoire always gets to fired up, Lucy enjoys sitting back and listening, very rarely giving an opinion of her own, and Louis goes up to his quiet and empty dorm.
It’s the best night of the week.
It’s just Molly and Hugo in Hufflepuff.
It’s always warm and cozy, with lots of couches and loveseats and large cushions. The radio is always on, and the 9:30 dance is required for anyone in the room. No one really sits, everyone lays across the floor or are packed together on a couch.
Snacks are stocked in the center table and house conferences are every Tuesday night. The bulletin board is covered in homework and studying tips, with tutoring charts taking up most of the space.
There are no doors on any of the dorms, and boys and girls are welcomed to come and go as they please. Hufflepuff has the biggest common room, but it does feel crowded at times.
Everyone is welcomed into the Hufflepuff common room, but they never had an issue with students from other houses coming in. One thing to note, there has never been an unplanned pregnancy in the Hufflepuff house, as there is a small table with different types of contraception.
It is louder than the Ravenclaw common room, but quieter and calmer than the Gryffindor common room.
Just Albus.
There’s a main common room then a dorm common room. The dorms are assigned by graduating year, and both girls and boys are put together. Each dorm has several bedrooms with students being paired off together. Each of the dorm common rooms has a fireplace, a few small tables, and a single couch with two armchairs.
The main common room is under the lake, its small and crowded at all times. The mermaids often play in front of the only window, they like to make friends with the students. Sign langauge is the first langauge most Slytherin children learn, quickly followed by Latin and Greek.
They have weekly meetings every Wednesday, with the prefects dorning on and on. They’re considered mandatory, but no one pass fourth year shows up after the first one of the year.
The main common room is only used as a go between, except in special cases, such as the weekly meetings and parties. The Slytherin common room is the only one to have a liquor cabinet, filled with everything from champagne to Firewhiskey. Butter beer is not allowed.
The main common room is quiet, but the dorm common rooms are loud depending on who is in there. Homework is done out in the main common room, as its almost always too loud in the dorm common rooms.
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eb-byestelle · 5 years
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Hi there !! ❤️
Oh lord……….. 😵😅 There is a lot of it! But in some way it flatters me 😂💖
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2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I do. It seems to be sth unpleasant but I like that tbh. It’s a very refreshing feeling.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Ofc I’m 😂
6: do you keep plants?
Generally no. I prefer to have an ornamentation which are long-term like a paintings or various types of souvenirs. But every now and then I love to buy some roses or lilies.
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
A few things for sure ^^ For example some new epizode on the channel of one of my favrite youtubers. I usually don’t care about youtubers, but there is few guys who I really like. He is one of them. Besides of reviewing and mocking of a bad movies, he started to make a program when he laughs of his inept cooking skills and in a funny way he tries to do the various dishes. It was the epizode when he tried to do some dish created by Gordon Ramsey. With his brilliant joke and a chill style of being, as usual it was great. Another thing which comes to my mind is a very tasty breakfast 😋
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14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
I guess it would be like in case of a lot of roommates. A separate rooms for each of us. Each one would be the own part of the fridge. The bills would be divided in half for each.
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
Right now I have a color I like (dark chocolate).
22: are you a morning person?
Not exactly xD I love mornings! It’s my favorite part of the day. But at the same time I love to spend all night without sleeping xD At night we have the best ideas and the biggest inspiration ❤️ sometimes I call myself „a night animal”. But I still love mornings, this fresh air, very pleasant atmosphere. But because of my love to being „a night animals” my morning is only sometimes in the correct part of the day (like 7.00 – 8.00 am).
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Like today xD Eg. replying to messages (like right now xD), cleaning, some activities like a cycling, trips or swimming, watching a movies, finding an interesting things or creating sth like a new poem or taking a new photos to my albums.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
Yes, she is ❤️ She knows more than anybody.
28: sunrise or sunset?
Sunrise ❤️
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
Eg. when there is my birthday time and some my friend always gives me the gifts which perfectly suits to my interests and my personality ❤️ It’s the sign for me that someone knows my well and I’m important for him/her.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
I think I have… But I’m not sure when exactly. It was a long time ago…
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
You mean a mascot, right? I still have my dear bunny ❤️ Its name is Niunia (a girl name). I got it for my fourth birthday. It was one of my biggest inspiration for the next 10 years xD Thanks to this bunny I created my first tales, comics, novels, and arts. It was like an one big inspiration bomb xD
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
Yeah, I like it. I use it very often.
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
Rather clean.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
It would be probably when someone is too sarcastic. Many people love sarcasms. Some are funny, when don’t laugh of somebodies in some mean way, but generally when it’s sth too personal, directed directly to me, then it’s sth very painful.
I also really don’t like when someone is a religious fanatic. I’m not an atheist and I totally respect all religiouses but some part of them are just insane… Some of them even try to say, that the homosexuality is a disease and that the contraception is a killing. Maybe we should claim that the religious fanatics is a disease xD 💀😂
Oh! And I hate this obsession with diet and exercise. It’s great to feel attractive and healthy but it started to be the one large international persecution mania 😅💀💀
40: think of a piece of jewelery you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
Ahh, ofc! I have a lot of jewelery, many of them remind me of some memories. My the most precious thing is my ring which I bought from my first scholarship (the scholarship I got in 2015, while I bought it in 2016). I wear it everyday. Later I went to the some steep hill and at the top of this hill I’ve done a kind of oath to myself that I will never make some mistakes once again, i.e. that I will always respect and love myself and I will always be faithful to myself (Sth a bit like a self-wedding xD There was even the cross xD).
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41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
Generally I read book quite rarely, I choose much more the watching the movies/anime, but when I think about a books like this, eg. now I’m reading some really great book. It’s called „Sophie’s World”. It’s about a teenage girl which one day came back from school and inside of her letter-box found a letter addressed to her, where it was one question „Who you are?”. Later, after she started think about who could give it to her and wonder about that question, another anonymous letters with philosophical questions began to be put into her letter-box. After a short time, after stimulating her curiosity towards philosophy, still without knowing the identity of the mysterious philosopher, the girl started a philosophy course, this time receiving a lot of long sheets full of new knowledge. More and more she began to delve into the world of philosophy, while at the same time trying to find out who is that mysterious teacher. At the same time, every now and then for some reason in various places, she found some things for the another girl she had never met. So far, I’m halfway through, history is getting more and more interesting. This is not a romance, as might be suggested by that “mysterious man” xD is a novel which is a kind of textbook of philosophy inserted into the story of the main character, written in a style that is one of the best literary styles I have ever read ❤️
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
With my music xD 🎵🎇
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
It was some time ago, on my last ride by bicycle.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
The meat from the dogs 😱😭😭👎
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
In case of this, I’ve really changed. As a kid I was scared by a storm, altitude, public appearances, spiders, darkness, although at the same time since childhood I’ve liked to challenge myself. Then there was a time when there were many strong negative experiences in my life, after which I came up with some simple thought: “Once I was afraid of a storm, but then I found out that there are more terrible things than a storm.” Now I’m afraid of only few things. I was able to go in the middle of the night through a dark forest, perform in front of a hundred people or run away from a stranger who chased me with a log in hand and even then I didn’t feel a fear. But there is still something I’m scared. It’s a bad people. I divide bad people into “culprits” and “intruders”. These first ones are people aware of their faults who have made mistakes, but they have a goodness within them that helps them to be better. Those second ones are totally evil. They are persuasive. People love them and follow them. They’re often completely unaware of the quantity of evil that is within them. Their boundless ruthlessness, combined with their eternal state of repression and alleged innocence, make them worse than the most dangerous lion.
I’m also afraid of losing humanity. I have the view that human is a creation between an animal and a device. I don’t want to get lost totally in lusts and instincts, like an animal, I don’t want to lose myself in logical cold action, like a device. It’s important to not forget about the instincts and the logical thinking, both skills are very valuable. But the extreme transition to one of these parties is bad. And very simple in a present times. While there is still humanity in the middle, specifically this what is metaphorically called “the soul” (feelings, weaknesses, sensibility). I don’t want the present world to deprive me of this.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
I guess I don’t collect any things like this.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
Some my friend from studies. She has a very hard time right now…
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
It’s hard to say… But I guess it was some „skill” I had to learn, ie. more „sharp” kind of speaking and behaving, more agressive. Ofc not as a kind of speaking everyday, but it were a situation which forced me to be cruel to someone who hurt me. It was my final attempt to prove that this person very hurts me and deserves my contempt. It worked. Now this person is completely different to me. But I don’t hide that it was difficult. In a way, I had to move my scruple and find within me something what I call “wildness”.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
When someone still has inside sth from a child. Specifically, I mean a children’s sensitivity, curiosity about the world, the ability to dreaming, child’s innocence and a kind of enjoying something like a child. Imo it’s very important to cultivate everything this within us, at the same time having sth of an adult, like eg. an emotional maturity (there are ofc also children who can do it ;3). I like when someone is not afraid of being themselves. I also value a tenderness. I also like when someone gets involved in something with a passion, in some of their interest, or even in the anime episode xD
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
I can to listen to this AGAIN AND AGAIN 💖🎵🎵
59: what’s your favorite myth?
I don’t have any.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
I like ^^ My fave poets are Adam Mickiewicz and Jan Lechoń. From my poetry my fave poem is called „The Shine” about how to recognize the true great love and not to confuse it with sth worse, some fake. It resembles a dialogue by a man with a personified „Mrs Love/Goddess of love Venus” (there is even sth mentioned about Venus). The man falls in love with someone, but he hesitates, doesn’t know if she’s this only one. Love tells him that yes, this is the only one. Love also tells him what he should to do to not lose her and how to realize the enormity of his feelings and distinguish the “first place / podium” from the others ones.
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I gave one day for one my friend a cup with picture of Rei from Free! in a butterfly costume. Have I received some stupid gift? Maybe that bright green headphones for music in the shape of little monkeys that looked terribly and worked even more terribly XD
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
I think that to some level I’m fussy, but not very much. I love the most to listen sth what it evokes some feelings me and emotions inside me or inspires me to sth. When it doesn’t do it, it’s not a big deal but on the first place I put a kind of music like above.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
Black (We have a 2:15 am so .. xD).
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
It’s not sth what makes me feel worse. I just try to accept any weather and to be above it. But sometimes there are a moments when I feel sleepy.
68: what’s winter like where you live?
It depends. Sometimes it’s light and warm, about 0oC, sometimes we get even -20oC  O.O … The snow is every year but not during all winter.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
So far I have not.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
Some things yes. I love to create a lists concerning various things. Thanks to this some stuffs and things to do are orderly in my head. But not everything. There must be a place for being spontaneous lol xD without this we don’t live xD
73: what are some of your worst habits?
No comments XD
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
Friendly, kind, tender, open-minded, full of passion and amazing ideas, funny, inteligent, positive, shy, sensitive, as much pervert as me (or more xD), with a golden heart 💖💖💖
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Yhm, Sleeping? (2:40 am while tomorrow morning I go to work xD sometimes I have to turn off my inner „night animal” xD)
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
Eg. when one my friend gave me on my birthday ALL collection of „X/1999”, all 19 volumes which cost a lot of money and which are also very hard to find. I’m truly grateful for that, it’s one of my favorites manga serieses ever! In case of guys, eg. one kissed my hand only in a winter glove, claiming that he’s not worthy to do it without this. From myself (I do for myself A LOT of sweet things xD) I’ve gotten a gold statuette for happy birthday with an engraved wishes 😄🏆🥇
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
The walls of my bedroom are in a creamy color. I didn’t chose it but creemy it’s for me very neutral color so it’s alright. In my future dreamy bedroom the walls would be white or in a powder pink color.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
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Yeah, this is perfect xD
82: are/were you good in school?
In those subjects I liked. That was my rule xD About the rest I didn’t care.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
I guess not.
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
The scientific movie “Journey to the Edge of the Universe” (2008) It’s one of the most beautiful and profound movie from this kind, I’ve ever seen ❤️❤️ „100 girls” when the main guy has absolutely brillant reflections about a women and men, everyone should to listen to him! :D And „Lucy”, about the potential of our brain. And perhaps also „The Devil’s Advocate”, it’s a food for thought.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
Music for sure and a bit the painting world.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Let my own photos and those from the Internet will tell instead of me.
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Yeah… That’s Wroclaw 💖
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INFJ/ENFJ, pisces/aries , none of hogwarts houses.
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
Last week, It was very nice. I really like this kind of spending time.
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100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
I think that none of them. I don’t want t change a past, I like the state of things which is now and love some special memories which could to not happen If I would go back 5 years. I also don’t want to jump up the 5 years which can bring something special.
It reminds me some trend which we were in the primary school, called “The golden thoughts” where some person created a 100 question, wrote in a notebook and later others answered her question in that notebook. It looks exactly the same ❤️
Thank you for your message! 😘
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vaginalodor1-blog · 5 years
vaginal odor
Vaginal odor may limit intercourse in a relationship; the woman feels uncomfortable, and the man becomes only a little distant. However, the vagina has a definite smell that's not a problem. Each girl has a particular vaginal smell; it's natural. Even when you notice a recently available difference in its smell, it's certainly not an infection. That change might be linked to a particular moment of one's menstrual cycle since the smell of one's vagina can vary with regards to the time of the cycle.
A healthier vagina always emerges a discrete odor previously or another. It is normal that it has a certain odor sometimes. Whether this natural smell is neutral or not, it is a matter of personal judgment. Actually, some women notice their odor if you find no notable odor detected by their partners. However, if the odor changes and becomes strongly unpleasant (repugnant fishy vaginal odor), this change deserves attention because it's perhaps a sign of a critical vaginal infection. Left untreated, this condition could cause not just physiologic problems but in addition emotional (stress) and social problems (the person feels uncomfortable thinking the odor is detected by others).
How to proceed if you have vaginal odor?
Many women believe that vaginal odor are the result of too little personal hygiene and wash excessively their vagina unaware they worsen the problem. While poor genital hygiene could be the cause, excessive washing isn't the solution. Frequently, women hampered with a strong vaginal odor should not begin to wash themselves intensively. That will not help at all. The very first thing to do should really be restoring the acidity and the total amount of the vaginal flora naturally. That restoration can not be done by excessive antibiotic intake; it decreases your immune system.
How to restore the total amount of the vaginal flora?
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The vaginal flora consists of a large number of microaerophilic bacteria. Among them, lactobacilli are thought the principal ones for their role in protecting the vagina. These micro-organisms are primarily responsible for protective acidity of the vagina. Wash the vagina too often increases its pH, which disrupts the vaginal flora and may cause vaginal infections and particularly unpleasant odors. That is, don't rush to wash your vaginal excessively when you have problems with vaginal health issues.
If the vaginal flora is disrupted, pathogenic bacteria proliferate, leading to bacterial vaginosis. This kind of proliferation tends to increase the amount of bacteria normally present in the vagina causing unpleasant fishy vaginal odor.
What're the causes of vaginal odor?
Besides excessive washing, douching, tight clothes and certain chemicals (scented body washes, antibacterial soap, etc) may cause vaginal infection. Certain contraceptives and foreign body in vagina can provoke vaginal odor and other major health issues. Vaginal and anal intercourse alternation during the same session may cause vaginal infection leading to foul odor. Though rare, diet can affect the smell of one's vagina. Sometimes, eating a wholesome diet (eating fruit and vegetables abundantly) can remediate the situation without the medical treatment. Complications of gynecological cancers also can lead to the occurrence of the situation (Please below for more information on women's cancers).
Useful tips:
- Wear clean tampon and change them regularly - Avoid Douching, it's not necessary; it can harm or destroy the normal acidity of the vagina leading to vaginal problems. - In the event that you have problems with ant form of vaginal infection, it is advised to avoid wearing tight underwear and pants so your vagina can breathe easier. Tight clothes can irritate the vagina and cause or increase vaginal odor. Wearing cotton panties can also be important. - In case a vaginal infection persists despite treatment, you need to see a physician as it might be a sign of Cancer of the cervix or vagina, Bacterial Vaginosis, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Vaginitis, Yeast Infection, etc. - For women, after intercourse, it is important to go urinate. Urination after sex helps to eliminate any possible bacteria that may be outside or in the vaginal canal that could go up in the urethra. Because once present, these microbes tend to move up to the bladder, and may cause recurrent urinary infections. Urination causes a cleaning effect, forcing the microbes outside.
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newfreedomfamilymed · 2 years
Is Vasectomy Procedure 100% Effective?
The Vasectomy procedure is a well-known birth control option for men. What's even more known is the fact that it is permanent. Yet, many times, the patients are not sure of its effectiveness.
Let's look at the effectiveness of a Vasectomy procedure as a birth control option.
The concept of Vasectomy
Vasectomy is a surgical procedure that prevents sperm from leaving your body. It works as a permanent contraception option for men. Any Washington Family Medicine doctor will conduct an operation to shut off the ends of the vas deferens.
Vas Deferens is the tube carrying sperm. It is pretty safe for preventing pregnancy but doesn't offer any protection for diseases.
You can also read this article: What Is The Recovery Period For Vasectomy Procedure?
How effective is a Vasectomy Procedure?
The easiest way to avoid pregnancy is to prevent sexual intercourse. Vasectomy has a very low failure rate. From amongst 1,00,000 cases, rarely one might be able to transfer sperm from the separated ends of vas deferens.
Vasectomy has been considered a secure and effective procedure for years. If you search 'Family Medicine Clinic Near me' on Google, you'll find many Primary Care providers who can counsel you on the effectiveness of a Vasectomy.
But, this is not the only way to measure the effectiveness of the procedure. After Vasectomy, semen samples are routinely collected to check the presence of sperm-free semen. It helps ensure the success of the surgery.
If the samples show traces of sperm, then the Family Medicine doctor may recommend another Vasectomy to you. But the chances of this condition are one in one lakh cases. —the rate of failure, which is fewer than other forms of birth control.
Take a condom with a failure of 1% out of 100.
How can Vasectomy help you?
Vasectomy is superior to other forms of birth control as it surgically cuts off the sperms from semen. With over 99.99% effectiveness in preventing pregnancies, it is preferred many times.
If you find 'Vasectomy Near Me' using the Google search bar, you will likely find a reputable clinic that can meet your requirements. Being a permanent contraception procedure, it is a single-time process.
A Vasectomy procedure is-
Outpatient Surgery-with no or little downtime
Effective is preventing pregnancy
Lesser complications
For these reasons, Vasectomy is more helpful for having permanent birth control measures.
Can one stop using birth control immediately after Vasectomy?
It is necessary to use some form of birth control for weeks or even months after a Vasectomy. It is because sperms can remain in the patient's vas deferens for some time.
Only when American Urological Association guidelines confirm the results, then you are considered sterile.
The tests are repeated till the time your semen is sperm free. It is advisable to reach your Washington Family Medicine doctor to ensure that your procedure is successful and that you're sterile.
Closing Words-
Access Vasectomy procedure consulting and treatment from New Freedom Family Medicine headed by experts in the field. Reach out now.
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