aw-colorcat · 4 months
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Greggy horror
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expectsomechange · 4 months
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Made this because my little cousins birthday in in less than A week and three days! And I have no money for uhhhh a gift kinda and she likes this character alot soooooo happy early birthday rye
(Can't spell her name. Ryeleigh???? It's not si ple like riley sadly sos)
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askjudgementboy · 4 months
Hey Judgy, is there anything you're afraid of?
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Linton: cathrine please give me a chance cathrine
Linton: i can sing cathrine
Linton: cathrine CATHRINE!~🎶
Linton: cathrine please give me chance
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Stop making longing looks at the bartender
Cathrine x Rui (pre-established)
Romeo has had enough of these two fools making heart eyes at eachother/flirting hard but not doing anything about it, his attempts at trying to call out an emotionally repressed cathrine lead the two to drink a mountain of wine to deal with their emotions.
The Cathrine and Romeo best friend agenda.
The drug dealer and his cook.😂🥹
But also pspsps Cathrine x Rui has a choke hold on me rn, this got a lil bit angsty but still fun.
Contains:suggestive language,sappyness,tinsey bit angsty, alcohol
“Urgh you’re so fucking pathetic BB.”
Romeo was looking at her in pure disgust as Cathrine gazed wistfully at the bar, she’d been sitting in the corner sipping the personalised drink Rui had made for her, nursing it before Romeo slumped next to her.
Cathrine took one look at him and downed her drink, Romeo’s perfect eyebrows furrowed as she completely ignored him, the only acknowledgment was a small noise as she watched Rui’s perfect form as he shook the cocktail shaker, pouring the drink out for professor Nicolas with charismatic flair.She sighed as she watched him, completely drained from a week of torturously long tasks and missions, yet now seemingly feeling refreshed as she always does in Rui’s presence.
“See that’s what I’m talking about, that fucking look of pining.”
She rolled her eyes at him as she picked the polish off of her finger nails, Romeo grabbing her hand and ripping it away as he seemed to frown even deeper, they only had these painted a week ago.
“Your wrinkles are gonna be terrible if you keep it up.”
She leaned on her hand smirking as he looked almost furious as he was about to erupt at her, forntunarely Rui quickly came over another replacement drink in hand as he gently smiled at Cathrine.
“RomiRomi~don’t pick on Catty too much she’s had a hard week.”
Cathrine grinned as Romeo looked at Rui incredulously, Rui’s hands on his hips as he stared down at Romeo. His smile was sweet but didn’t meet his eyes as his jokingly tuned words had a layer of seriousness underneath them, raspberry eyes narrowing in on Romeo.
“You’re both ridiculous.”
Romeo downed his wine and slammed it against the table as Rui got called over by Haru who was animatedly chatting away to an alarmed Lyca, Rui sighed and threw an apologetic smile and a wink Cathrine’s way as he placed a pack of her favourite cigarettes onto the table before flying over to the bar as they heard Lyca yell at Haru.
Cathrine had ran out of cigarettes this morning and was going slightly insane because of it, how Rui knew this she didn’t know…she quickly whipped it open her smile spreading even wider when she saw a dried pressed blossom and a note scrawled into the lid of the box. Cathrine’s smile turning sappy and sickeningly sweet as she cradled the box, fingers tracing the letters as a blush brushed over her cheeks. Romeo’s scowl deepening as he peeked at the note.
If I had a flower for everytime I thought of you…the world would be taken over~ I could fix global warming just by thinking of you.
Cathrine was grinning maniacally as Romeo watched Rui repeatedly check on her reaction, worried side glances sliding into relief as he watched the blush spread on her face as Rui tried to distract himself by making Nicolas another drink, a slight red tinge subtly appeared on his cheeks.
“He’s so sweet…”
Cathrine murmured to herself as she lit a cigarette, Romeo scrunching up his face as he pulled his own out, the two smoking and drinking as the loud chatter of the busy bar surrounded them, it was a lot busier than usual, it being an extremely hot evening and it wasn’t just Cathrine who had a shitty week, everyone was overworked this week, the heat bringing out more curses and anomalies as everyone went into overdrive.
“You two LB need to get over yourselves and just admit you-“
She shook her head as she sipped her drink.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about Roe~”
She winked at him and he looked like he wanted to throttle her as her eyes never left Rui.
“So you don’t think there’s something weird about the way you’re watching him like a hawk.”
She frowned finally glancing at Romeo as she very deliberately gulped her drink, pressing the cup to her lips as her brows furrowed.
“I like watching Rui, it makes me feel better?”
She swirled her drink with her red straw watching as the sparkling pink elixir turned into a whirlpool, she had no clue what he put in it this time but she does know anything he makes immediately becomes her favourite, he always likes to go through the ingredients and give her mini mixology lessons after close about all the drinks he made that night, it was one of her favourite parts of the evening.
He seemed flabbergasted as the usually maniacal woman had a soft smile on her face as her gentle gaze lingered on Rui once again, who was trying to send Haru to bed, the other leaning off the chair almost falling off it as he kept swaying too far.
The two slightly distracted as Romeo cackled as Haru fell hard onto the ground as Rui and lyca stood over him sighing, Rui instructed Lyca to carry Haru back to the dorm as the night seemed to be coming to an end for their red headed friend as he was helped to his room in the obscuary dorms.
She tapped her knuckle against the table as she swiftly moved to down her drink, Romeo waited surprisingly patiently as he stared at her expectantly.
“I don’t know…Rui just makes me feel brighter, like…”
She cringed at herself, chewing at her nail as Romeo once again yanked her hand away from her.
“BB I don’t have time for this shit, SIO.”
She grumpily leaned on her hand, her brain feeling fuzzy from the alcohol as Romeo glared at her.
“SIO…spit it out?”
He growled in frustration as he also downed his drink causing Cathrine to sigh as she knew how bratty Romeo gets when he’s drunk, especially when she’s not giving him the answer he wants, she didn’t even have Taiga around to a distract him with.
She groaned as she tried to grasp the words to make the swirl of thoughts that avalanched in her brain make sense.
“He makes me feel complete.”
She blurted out as Romeo looked at her in complete surprise, bringing a perfectly manicured hand to massage his temple as he got up and quickly went to retrieve a giant bottle of wine from the bar, bringing another cup for Cathrine to use.
“We’re gonna need this ASAP.”
“You’re in love with him.”
Romeo slurred out as he refilled their glasses, they’re halfway through the massive bottle of wine that Rui home brewed just for Romeo.
“You’re in love with Taiggga”
She retorted back, as she took a generous sip as a light blush spread over Romeo’s face.
“We’re not talking about that SOB, we’re talking about that PB, who you’re very clearly and dearly in love with.”
Cathrine cackled as Romeo pointed his finger in her face, the other’s harsh demeanour cracking as he belted out a chuckle, the two were way past tipsy as they slightly swayed, falling into a fit of giggles.
“I think!”
She held Romeo’s finger up into the air as she announced loudly gaining a couple of weird looks from the people around them, especially from Lyca who had just come back from dropping Haru off.
“I think we should talk about that SOB cause WTF is even going on there Roe~”
She was slurring as she waved his finger around Romeo who huffed out a laugh at the girls antics.
“Don’t distract MS~ you said he completes you~~youuu like him.”
He leaned in and swirled the cup as if it proves the point. She sighed rolling her eyes smiling as she drank some more wine.
“Even if I did…”
She booped Romeo’s nose as he crinkled his nose at her, as he wildly grinned feeling vindicated as he saw her start to finally admit the truth.
“And I’m not saying I do but even if I did Rommmmmie~ it’s not like anything could happen.”
She sang out sombrely downing the rest of her wine as a bitter look overtook her.
He screeched as he refilled her cup, looking perplexed as a playful look came upon her face.
“Cursed twin life Romeo~”
He looked even more frustrated.
“I might turn into a one eyed flower and he can’t touch anyone without killing them, not exactly a great pair?”
She snorted as she heard the deepest sigh she’s ever heard come out of Romeo. She pulled the cigarette carton back to her re-reading the note as her heart practically melted at the words, she could feel it thumping against her chest trying to break out as her stomach felt like a whirlpool of butterflies…of course she adored Rui, how could she not? There’s no one else she wanted to be around, no one else who’s understood her like he has…it was strange, this was strange.
“There’s ways around the not being able to touch, I’m sure you’ve already thought of some perverted tool for the two of you to use~”
He teased eyes widening as he spluttered on his wine as he watched her go a bright red as she quietly sipped her wine avoiding the eye contact.
“You haven’t.”
She downed her wine again in order to avoid the question, a terrible choice as she thought about the fact she’s going to have to somehow get home in this state, the room was already spinning and the heat was getting to her as were Romeo’s questions, why was he even curious about that…she gently fiddled with the flower as she caught Rui’s gaze holding it up toward him with a grateful smile.
“Did you want me to invent some weird sex thing for you and Tai-“
Romeo screeched in embarrassment a plethora of swears and abbreviations spilling from him as he grabbed her hand waving it around to enforce his point as he furiously demanded they finish the wine to ensure they forget this conversation, it was something she completely agreed with.
Of course she’s designed some things to help Rui if he ever wanted to hook up with someone…but the idea of helping Rui hook up with someone else-didn’t sit well with her, not that she wanted to admit that.
He poured the rest of the wine into their glasses the two looking at eachother and taking a deep breath as the silent agreement to race began, Cathrine winning by a landslide.
She sighed as she gazed at Rui with hearts in her eyes as she leaned onto her hand.
“It’s not just that sort of touching Romie~what if I wanna hug he looks like he’d give great hugs~, I know there’s ways around it~ there’s a way around everythin’ except turnin’ in a flower monster ‘pparently.”
She mumbled as she nuzzled her face into her arms, laying against the table as her eyes slowly closed, Romeo sighed and slumped against his chair, fumbling for his phone as he started clumsily typing in Taiga’s number, grinning to himself as Cathrine crashed out next to him.
Professor Nicolas hadn’t left yet and neither had a couple of strays, Rui didn’t seem to mind, enjoying the company as he chattered away to random students and teachers alike, his gaze always drifting to Cathrine’s, delighting in how their eyes would meet everytime he went to look at her. Her and Romi seemed to be having a serious conversation, well maybe Romi was as he looked like he wanted to throttle her, where as Catty seemed entertained, he tried to stamp down the wave of jealously as he saw Romeo grab her hand once again.
It being completely wiped away as she gently reached for the cigarettes again, not even taking one out but just seeming to read his note again and again, he missed the way Nicolas and the janitor snickered at him as they watched the way he become easily mesmerised with watching the chaotic woman.
She glanced back at him with an explosive grin as she held up the flower, Rui couldn’t help his own grin, especially when Romeo started screeching incoherently, a string of swears as he downed his wine for reasons Rui couldn’t quite decipher, the two finishing the bottle as Cathrine waved romeo off as she gently put the flower back into the box and protectively put it in her pocket as she laid her head on the table, using her arms as cushions as Romeo sighed and slumped back.
“Lyca…can you man the bar, I’m gonna check on cat.”
Lyca nodded as he continued washing the dishes, more people begun to leave as he quickly checked the time, it was nearly 3AM, it was definitely nearly time to close the bar.
He crouched down at the table, folding his arms and gently balancing his head on them as he gazed at Cathrine adoringly, Romeo eyed him with a smug look on his face as he poked hard at Cathrine’s face.
“BB wake up, you’ve got a prince waiting for you…”
Cathrine groaned as her eyes fluttered open, ruby eyes meeting Rui’s as she gasped in surprise abruptly sitting up as she pulled her chair out, wobbling as she used her chair to help her balance.
“I must-depart to… home, ciao.”
She gave an awkward wave as she clambered behind Romeo using his head to help herself keep afloat as he chastised her for ruining his hair, slapping her hand away as she stumbled almost falling to the ground. Rui stood up putting his hands on his hips as he watched her, sighing as he turned to Romeo who looked extremely amused.
“Help me get her back to the dorms.”
Romeo raised an eyebrow.
“Oh? Trying to take her to bed?”
Rui frowned about to retort when he heard a crash…Cathrine had tripped over, Lyca rushing over to her as she sighed springing back up as she gave a thumbs up, he couldn’t tell if the red in her face was from embarrassment or the bottle of wine or maybe even a bit of both.
“Ahahah Catty how bout we get you to bed?”
Rui’s grin becoming strained as he heard Romeo’s snort behind him, Cathrine flushed a deeper red as she quietly nodded in agreement.
“How bout sitting over here? I’ll start closing, that okay pretty kitty?”
He cooed at her as Cathrine looked up at him wide eyed and adoringly as she flushed a deeper red, he guided her to the dark green velvet armchair, making sure to keep a distance to ensure she doesn’t accidently stumble into him. Romeo shot up as he sauntered over to them leaning on the chair as he slyly showed Cathrine the texts, she started cackling shaking her head.
“Go get some~stay safe and don’t get eaten…or do!”
She winked at him as he joined her in cackling as he brushed a strand of her hair grimacing as he started muttering about sending her better products.
“Ciao, buona Fortuna con il tuo amore condannato BB”
She attempted to roll her eyes but swiftly closed them as a wave of dizziness took over.
“Anche tu, divertiti con Taiga.”
Romeo hummed as he said his goodbyes to the others, before practically running out the door as he went to meet with Taiga.
She leaned onto her hand trying not to doze off as she watched Rui gently kick people out, charmingly doing so with a smile on his face as everyone sludged their way out the building.
She got up once everyone had left and started tidying up, she struggled to walk around, Rui trying to usher her back to sit down as she waved him off grabbing a cloth and spray as she started cleaning tables humming to herself as she did, the room was spinning so she had to lean on the tables as she went along but she managed to do half the room before Lyca picked her up and placed her onto the armchair again, Cathrine yelping as he did.
“M’ helping.”
She was a highly functioning drunk and did a good job cleaning them but she literally looked like she was going to pass out doing so, Lyca didn’t want her passing out on the floor worried she’ll hurt herself.
Rui was almost finished as he grabbed his coat, sauntering over to Cathrine as he wrapped it around her. Blushing as she eagerly huddled into it, she had come straight from mortkranken So she only had her thin lab coat on to help protect from the nights cold. She looked adorable in his coat too, especially when she not-so-subtly inhaled his scent sighing happily as she did as she tried to be chill about it, instead she blushed and snuggled further into it, Rui whipping out his phone to get a quick picture of her.
He and Lyca quickly finished up as they wanted to get Cathrine back to their dorms as fast as possible. They finished everything and turned to grab her, both snickering as Cathrine was curled up on the chair, snuggled deeply into his coat, her long legs tucked into it as best she could, Rui sneaked another picture smiling gently down at the her.
Lyca scooped her up as Rui locked up and the two made their journey back to the dorms.
Lyca placed her into her usual room, Rui told him to leave his coat on her, it seemed almost impossible to seperate them as she had snuggled herself deep into it.
“I’ll go grab some clothes from her place, thanks for carrying Catty.”
Lyca nodded tiredly as he pattered off to his room, leaving the two alone as Rui watched her sleep peacefully, it was like she could feel his stare as she woke up once again, sitting up as she rubbed at her eyes, Rui had to avoid looking at her due to the cuteness overload.
She slowly blinked up at him, her voice croaky.
“Hey hey Catty, you okay?”
He asked gently sitting on the side of the bed as she sleepily looked at him before slowly nodding a yes.
“Want a change of clothes?”
She smiled as she shimmied his coat off placing it on her lap as she cuddled it…Rui had never been more jealous of a piece of clothing in his life.
“Mhhhm yes pls Rui~”
She tilted her head as she looked at him, eyes fluttering as she fought sleep once again.
He got up and quickly grabbed some clothes, his orange sweatshirt and black joggers, he handed them over as he swiftly turned around and ran out the room as he waited for her to get changed.
He could hear her clumsily changing, only coming back in when Cathrine called out to him. Her old clothes were dumped in a pile next to the bed, but the cigarette box was placed neatly on the desk kept preciously away from any obstacles that might potentially damage it. She looked almost magical in his clothes, so cozy and warm and it’s taking all his strength not to reach over and wrap his arms around her…but he knows he can’t…that’ll he’ll probably never be able to do that, it crushed him everytime he had one of these cravings to be near her which felt like all the time, he could always feel himself break inside knowing he can never have what he wants.
“Goodnight Catty.”
He whispered, as he got up to leave as the girl before him drifted off to sleep.
“G’night Rui, love you.”
She slurred out, before curling more into herself as she finally completely crashed out, not knowing the explosive words she’d just released into the world.
He just stared at her, for a really long time before slowly leaving the room, closing the door gently behind him as he slumped against the door, sliding down as he held his head in his hands.
“Love you too…”
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ghostlyfanparadise · 13 days
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9 notes · View notes
cult-of-the-flaafy · 23 days
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Funny for a couple of reasons 1: Cathrine would never 2: Crow ain’t a fucking snitch lol
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Cathrine- Hjemsøkt (2017)
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hyvee · 1 year
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pay less attention to the trolls that are online and more to the ones that are in the swamp
69 notes · View notes
bloodtiesstilllives · 1 month
At Least Once A Year Henry Has Cathrine On His Mind
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Love and hate. It is the curse of their nature.
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maskymoo · 7 months
Lucy cheering up her sick daughter!
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crazypigeonenjoyer · 11 months
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15K notes · View notes
expectsomechange · 12 days
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Forgot to post, sorgys
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itsdneo · 1 year
30 September
7 October
0 notes
ceddesing · 1 year
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0 notes
Give me money
Cathrine harassing the king of Frostheim
Work is acc slowly killing me, I tried my best proof reading but if there’s any mistakes my baaaaad
Cathrine slammed a stack of papers onto the coffee table that stood between her and Jin, a scowl on her face as she lit up a cigarette and slumped onto the white sofa behind her, crossing her legs as she waited impatiently.
Jim glanced at her in disinterest, holding out a cigarette for her to light up. Watching as her scowl deepened and she lent forward using her daisy printed lighter to comply with the King’s demands. He took a hit of it, he was laying on his usual sofa gazing up at the ceiling in a calm blank manner.
“What is it?”
He sighed as he took another puff, lazily glancing over to her once more as she tapped her foot and checked the time on her watch.
“Can’t you read?”
Jin rolled his eyes sitting up as he glared at down at her.
“If you’re not able to explain it without it being written down, then I don’t want to he-“
She aggressively stubbed out her cigarette in the glass ashtray, the sound interrupting Jin as he raised an eyebrow at her.
“It’s a cryogenic chamber.”
He sighed once again before going to lie back onto the sofa.
“You want me to buy you a cryogenic chamber?”
He scoffed, laughing at the incredulous request as a stony expression came over her…of course she’s asking for money, Jin felt a little disappointed, the bold girl usually brought a heat that’s been greatly lost from Frostheim for a while, a verbal slayer that made people leave them alone when she was around.
“I want you to fund me to build a better chamber, one that can hold those who are cursed and those in the process of turning into an anomaly-you think normal human ones would be enough for that? Don’t make me laugh, plus you’d need access to the person’s blood or just the person themselves and the vitals to keep check of it all, you can have the patent, you can sell it to whoever I don’t give a fuck. But, with this we could save so many people-if we just keep them frozen until we find them a cure!”
She was standing now, a passionate monologue as Jin found himself sitting up, spun and mesmerised by her speech…he looked through the papers, repeatedly glancing up at her as he could feel the pressure of her stare as she awaited his answer.
“…would you be using it for yourself?”
He quietly asked as she sighed, lighting another cigarette.
“I don’t know yet…depends how bad it…evolves, I guess is the word we can use.”
He nodded as he stared blankly at the budget.
2852559178.50 yen
“It’s only that high because of our time limit.”
Jin snubbed out his cigarette and Cathrine grabbed one of her own seven stars and lit it handing it over to Jin, who looked slightly disgusted as he took it-it was not his usual sobranie cigarettes and he tried to take a puff before immediately wincing and chucking it into the ashtray, quickly grabbing his own from his pocket. Cathrine rolled her eyes at the action as Jin sighed looking over the documents.
How could she ask for so little?
Is what he was actually thinking, a budget this small to achieve everything is impressive especially in the strict timescale she’s planned out…she wants to do it all in just three months.
“We’ll talk to Thoma and try to look over your proposal and outline a contract for you.”
Her eyes widened as she blinked owlishly at him in surprise.
Of course he’ll be giving her a bigger budget, but he won’t reveal that until it’s needed.
“For real?”
He texted Thoma, demanding his presence as he continued reading her proposal.
“There’ll be some demands from our side but as long as you’re agreeable…”
“No fucking way.”
She slumped back into her chair, taking a sip of her mocha latte as Thoma pursed his lips staring her down. She threw the contract across the table and watched as one landed on top of Jin, who was feigning being asleep to avoid the conflict that’s been going on for…3 hours now.
“How can we allow a project we’re funding to be done in another House’s laboratory? we’ll just build you one here.”
She rolled her eyes slamming her hand onto a table.
“-and waste funds and resources that could be put into the actual research and for the fucking material for the chamber itself?”
Thoma gritted his teeth as he stood slightly straighter, sipping his tea with a contained rage that Jin found fun to watch.
“Mortkranken wouldn’t be okay with our involvement Ms.Cathrine. How do you propose we go about conducting this project if we wouldn’t even be able to go in and check on the progress ourselves? You are already bouncing from house to house, would this not just cause unwanted aggravation.”
She paused as she was about to light another cigarette, her almost full pack was nearly empty as she chain smoked throughout the ordeal.
“Then it won’t be at mortkranken, you could build a lab next to or within the cathedral-I do have my own shed that I’m using at the moment but to hold the tools I need-or hmm maybe vagastrom?”
She smirked as Thoma’s brow twitched as he withheld the deep sigh within him as he took a long pause before answering the smug woman. Jin raising a brow at Thoma’s clear irritation at the mention of vagastrom.
“If you’re concerned about keeping yourselves updated on my projects, both Kaito and Luca can be my little lab assistants…twice a week and give you thorough reports, I’ll even help them write it.”
Jin tried to hide the smirk on his face as he thought Thoma’s Monocle was actually going to crack from annoyance.
“What about your classes?”
Cathrine cackled and took a puff of her cigarette, leaning back into the uncomfortable chair and laying an arm around the top of the back as she recrossed her legs.
“It’s bold of you to think I have time to even attend lessons or that I’d actually waste it, going to them.”
Jin turned to his side, casually leaning his head against his hand as he watched Cathrine curiously.
Thoma leaned forward glaring at her as he also unconsciously copied Jin and leaned onto his hand, using his knee as a prop as Cathrine awaited his response.
“They just let you do that?”
She laughed again this time less of a cackle and more of a gentle song as she shook her head, Jin found it hard to not concentrate on the way her hair moves with her, her eyes sparkling with mirth-she really was bewitching.
“Absolutely not~Mobey tried to chase me down once but professor Nicolas at least lets me work in the hospital and covers for me a lot of the time!”
She grinned before sighing as she laid her head onto the arm of the chair, using her hands as a substitute pillow as her tiredness started to hit her hard. She took a big gulp of coffee and hopes that’ll keep her awake for the rest of this.
“Well, what do you think? Do we have a deal?”
Thoma rubbed at his temples and started checking through her proposal again and the original contract he pulled together when Jin demanded his presence.
She was a fierce opponent, a tiger ready to strike at anytime, she always has a witty comeback or answer for everything making her an entertaining rival, until it gets to points like these where he wants to strangle her.
“…You have a deal, we’ll start preparations to build your…lab, tomorrow. I’ll re-do the contract, though I will be adding more things that you can review.”
She nodded and pulled out her phone, furiously texting someone before grabbing a card out of her pocket.
“This is the number of my lawyer, any paperwork send his way and he’ll review it as well, it’s the first year of sinostra. The lab doesn’t have to be next next to my place but if it’s within a 10-15 walking distance that would be pleasant.”
She pulled out a map, that had three different anomalous buildings circled, all sprouted up a year ago and still hadn’t been used yet so she thought it was prime real estate.
She handed it over to Thoma who looked it over and added it to the mountain of paperwork. Taking the card as well sighing as he realised he’d have to go through both Ritsu and her for this contract, a challenge he was more than willing to comply with but he can’t promise who will come out alive at the end of it.
“Thanks for the money~bye.”
She shot up, stretching out her back, Thoma looking in disgust as three deep clicks could be heard as she from her spine as she enthusiastically waved goodbye, all annoyance and anger seemed to seep away once she got what she wanted.
The two men watched as she walked out, not bothering to look back at them as she hurriedly left the room, excitedly calling up someone on the phone.
“So Ed guess what-“
Jin rolled his eyes as he forced himself into a sitting up position.
“I don’t get how she can be friends with that bloodsucker.”
Jin grumbled as he leaned to over to look at the paperwork.
Thoma breathed out deeply through his nose as he aimed daggers at the door she just exited from.
“They do say birds of a feather…”
Thoma replied, as he started aggressively shuffling the papers.
Jin huffed as he flopped back down, staring at the ceiling once more, he propped a cigarette in his mouth and waited patiently for Thoma to light it.
Thoma did of course as his king demanded, leaning in close as he lit it up for him, Jin stared into his eyes taking a deep inhale before blowing the smoke in his face.
“Birds of a feather, is that right?”
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