#cathy x chris
exilecrown · 4 months
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it wasn't your fault, all you did was look at me
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shipcestuous · 2 years
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Then you do think of me? You think I’m pretty?
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cliffhangerqueen · 11 months
Chris, Bart, and Jory: the Saddest Theme in the Flowers of the Attic Film Series
I swear to you, all morality leaves my body when it comes to the Dollanganger siblings. (We're speaking the VC Andrews screen adaptions, as the books are wayyyy too messy for me to make excuses for the utter sexual exploitation of Cathy and her rejection of consent) Cathy and Chris had to fight through hell with tooth and nail, and where I absolutely am disgusted by the incestuous content presented in these films, its purely because they have been clouded in so much darkness that I just want them to be happy.
Which makes the judgment (not that those who judge don't deserve to judge, it is fucking gross under any other circumstance), so much harsher, because the characters that judge them through the duration of the series didn't experience the endless trauma Chris and Cathy did. They bonded through the things only they fought through together, and Chris was more than what he was to Cathy, which was why it was seamless for him to father Cathy's children. Though it hurt him to see her love other men and bed other men, Chris was there from the second both Jory and Bart were born, raising them, providing for them, and most of all, loving them. It is something in the film series that Chris doesn't get enough recognition, because Chris sure as hell didn't have to do this much for Cathy, but because he loved her, he loved Jory and Bart, too.
Which leads to my most hated part of the film series. How Bart completely throws all of Chris' love in his face, and I know it's a driving plot point, but it's so unfair to Chris with all he's fought through to also be betrayed by one of his sons. It's bonkers to me. Chris will never not deserve better. He deserved to live happily with Cathy, and embrace his sons lovingly, and create more of a home that was warm and comfortable. Chris Dollanganger bore a majority of the hurt for his siblings, and still was walked all over for providing, loving and protecting his family. This is the man that gives in to Jory's grandmother's blackmail so he wouldn't lose him, and would rather die than refer to Bart as his "stepson."
Christopher Dollanganger in the films >>>>
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familyromantic · 2 years
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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"And if you die first, it won't be long before I follow.- V.C Andrews ♡
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Was just thinking about how in the first book Cathy wanted so bad to be the one to get Chris his microscope set and in the second book she does😭
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Today's problematic ship is Chris Dollanganger and Cathy Dollanganger from The Dollanganger Saga
Brother/sister incest
Requested by anonymous
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reallca-blog · 2 years
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No, seriously though, is no one going to point out this serious oversight in Olivia’s plan. It’s almost as if she set Chris and Cathy up to sin.
I mean, in Garden of Shadows, she straight up mentions that Chris Jr. looks at Cathy the same way Chris Sr. looked at Corrine and look how that turned out. And if she thought preaching fire and brimstone would stop them, then I guess she didn’t remember John Amos doing the same to Chris Sr. and Corrine and that didn’t stop them.
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flaringgoosebumps · 11 months
Imagine my surprise reading Flowers in the Attic after watching the 1987 adaption where the children escape just in time for their mother's wedding. Seeing every event unfold and it ends with them confronting their mother directly about locking them in the attic and trying to poison them, which leads to her death and somehow that is less traumatizing than what actually happens in the books
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
wait what the fuck do you mean Cathy x Chris lost????? fucking vote frauds this is heresy
They love those fags from jersey idk
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ghelgheli · 11 months
The Stuff I Read in June/July 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked is Bold
I forgot to do it last month so you get a double feature
Ninefox Gambit, Yoon Ha Lee
Heteropessimism (Essay Cluster)
The Biological Mind, Justin Garson (2015) Ch. 5-7
Sacred and Terrible Air, Robert Kurvitz
Wage Labour and Capital, Karl Marx
Short Fiction
Beware the Bite of the Were-Lesbian (zine), H. C. Guinevere
Childhood Homes (and why we hate them) by qrowscant (itch.io)
piele by slugzuki (itch.io)
بچه‌ای که شکل گربه میکشید، لافکادیو هرن
بچه های که یخ نزدند، ماکسیم گورکی
پسرکی در تعقیب تبهکار، ویلیام آیریش
Küçük Kara Balık, Samed Behrengi
Phil Mind
The Hornswoggle Problem, Patricia Churchland,  Journal of Consciousness Studies 3.5-6 (1996): 402-408
What is it Like to be a Bat? Thomas Nagel, (https://doi.org/10.4159/harvard.9780674594623.c15)
Epiphenomenal Qualia, Frank Jackson, Consciousness and emotion in cognitive science. Routledge, 1998. 197-206
Why You Can’t Make a Computer that Feels Pain, Daniel Dennett, Synthese, vol. 38, no. 3, 1978, pp. 415–56
Where Am I? Daniel Dennett
Can Machines Think? Daniel Dennett
Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons, Derek Parfit (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118922590.ch8)
The Extended Mind, Andy Clark & David Chalmers, Analysis 58, no. 1 (1998): 7–19
Uploading: A Philosophical Analysis, David Chalmers (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118736302.ch6)
If You Upload, Will You Survive? Joseph Corabi & Susan Schneider (https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118736302.ch8)
If You Can’t Make One, You Don’t Know How It Works, Fred Dretske (https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4975.1994.tb00299.x)
Computing Machinery and Intelligence, Alan Turing
Minds, Brains, and Programs, John Searle (https://doi.org/10.1017/S0140525X00005756)
What is it Like to Have a Gender Identity? Florence Ashley (https://doi.org/10.1093/mind/fzac071)
Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data, Emily M. Bender & Alexander Koller (10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.463)
On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜 Emily M. Bender et al. (https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922)
The Great White Robot God, David Golumbia
Superintelligence: The Idea that Eats Smart People, Maciej Ceglowski
Misc. Articles
Ebb and Flow of Azeri and Persian in Iran: A Longitudinal Study in the City of Zanjan, Hamed Zandi (https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110694277-007)
WTF is Happening? An Overview – Watching the World Go Bye, Eliot Jacobson
Using loophole, Seward County seizes millions from motorists without convicting them of crimes, Natalia Alamdari
Punks, Bulldaggers, and Welfare Queens, Cathy J. Cohen, Feminist Theory Reader. Routledge, 2020. 311-323
Is the Rectum a Grave? Leo Bersani (https://doi.org/10.2307/3397574)
Why Petroleum Did Not Save the Whales, Richard York (https://doi.org/10.1177/2378023117739217)
‘Spider-Verse’ Animation: Four Artists on Making the Sequel, Chris Lee
Carbon dioxide removal is not a current climate solution, David T. Ho (https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-00953-x)
Fights, beatings and a birth: Videos smuggled out of L.A. jails reveal violence, neglect, Keri Blakinger
Capitalism’s Court Jester: Slavoj Žižek, Gabriel Rockhill
The Tyranny of Structurelessness, Jo Freeman
Domenico Losurdo interviewed about Friedrich Nietzsche
Keeping Some of the Lights On: Redefining Energy Security, Kris De Decker
Gays, Crossdressers, and Emos: Nonormative Masculinities in Militarized Iraq, Achim Rohde
On the Concept of History, Walter Benjamin
Our Technology, Zeyad el Nabolsy
Towards a Historiography of Gundam’s One Year War, Ian Gregory
Imperialism and the Transformation of Values into Prices, Torkil Lauesen & Zak Cope
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exilecrown · 5 months
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the neighbors think we look so perfect. ↬ I DON'T WANNA BE A DOLL.
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shipcestuous · 2 years
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thebetterbear · 2 years
Post Modern Art
Escaping Confines of Museum
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City, Michael Heizer. Located in Garden Valley, a desert valley in rural Lincoln County in the U.S. state of Nevada. land art sculpture. 1970-2022
Collapsing Boundaries Between High and Low
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Curious Kitten watercolor painting is a painting by Svetlana Novikova which was uploaded on February 23rd, 2013.
Rejecting Originality
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Andy Warhol 1928–1987. Silkscreen ink and acrylic paint on 2 canvases. 1982
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Fred Tomaselli, 2014, 60″ x 84″, photo-collage, leaves, acrylic and resin on wood panel, © 2014, courtesy of James Cohan Gallery and the artist
Working Collaboratively
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Meow Wolf. Sept. 13, 2021.
Adam Christopher
Andi Todaro
Ashley Frazier, Michael Sperandeo
Brandan Styles "Bzurk”, Ellie Rusinova
Brian Corrigan
Cal Duran, David Ocelotl Garcia
Cami Galofre
Chris Bagley
Christopher Owen Nelson
Christopher Short
Collin Parson
Corrina Espinosa
Dan Taro
David Farquharson
Dice 51
Douglas A. Schenck “DAS”
Dylan Gebbia-Richards
Frankie Toan
Ian McKenna
Jaime Molina, Pedro Barrios
Jennifer Pettus
Jess Webb
Jodi Stuart, Libby Barbee
Joseph Lamar
Joshua Goss
Justin Camilli
Justin Gitlin aka Cacheflowe
Kalyn Heffernan, Gregg Ziemba
Katy Zimmerman, Erika Wurth
Kia Neill
Kristin Stransky
Laaiaim Mayer
Lauri Lynnxe Murphy
Marjorie Lair, Kyle Vincent Singer
Maya Linke
Myah Sarles
Nicole Banowetz
Nolan Tredway
Ramón Bonilla
Reed Fox, Ben Weirich
Sabin Aell, Randy Rushton
Scott Hildebrandt
Sean Peuquet
Shayna Cohn
Sigrid Sarda
Sofie Birkin
Thomas Scharfenberg
Viviane Le Courtois
Wynn Earl Buzzell Jr.
Andrew Novick, Pamela Webb, Robert Ayala
Chad Colby, Lexis Loeb, Hayley Kirkman
Charles Kern, Ty Holter, Ben Jackson, Rachel Bilys, Brett Sasine
Demiurge LLC: Joe Riche and Wynn Buzzell
Eriko Tsogo, Jennifer Tsogo, Tsogo Mijid, Batochir Batkhishig
F. Ria Khan, Armon Naein, Blake Gambel, Calvin Logan, Charles Candon, Harrison Bolin, Luke Collier, Maria Deslis, Sky Johnson, Sofia Rubio-Topete
Ladies Fancywork Society
Merhia Wiese, Annabelle Wiese, Maggie Wiese, Eunseo Zoey Kim, Dan Griner
Mike Lustig, Mitch Hoffman, Tim Omspach, Nathan Koral, Evan Beloni, Ryan Elmendorf, Scott Wilson, Charlis Robbins
Molina Speaks, Stevon Lucero, DJ Icewater, Felix "Fast4ward" Ayodele, Diles, Emily Swank
Oren Lomena, Alaine "Skeena" Rodriguez, Alius Hu
Peniel Apantenco, Kim Shively, Colin Richard Ferguson Ward,  (In memoriam)
Sam Caudill, Sean Louis Rove, Juancristobal Hernández
Secret Love Collective: Katy Batsel, Lares Feliciano, Colby Graham, Piper Rose, Frankie Toan, Katy Zimmerman, Lauren Zwicky, Genevieve Waller
The Church of Many: Andrea Thurber, Elsa Carenbauer, Anna Goss, Maddi Waneka and Emily Merlin
Waffle Cone Club: Kyle Vincent Singer, Scott Kreider, Marjorie Lair
Everything is Terrible!
Kevin Bourland
Michael Lujan
Moment Factory
Nina Mastrangelo
Scott Geary, Wayne Geary, Gary Ashkin
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Paneel "Rehearsal for an Icon 2001 - Mona Lisa" von Olbinski, Grafikdruck. Digital Print
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Untitled (Studio)2014
Kerry James Marshall
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Andy Warhol (American, 1928–1987) 1962. Synthetic polymer paint on thirty-two canvases, Each canvas 20 x 16" (50.8 x 40.6 cm). Overall installation with 3" between each panel is 97" high x 163" wide
Mixing Media
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Mama, Mummy and Mamma (Predecessors #2)
Njideka Akunyili Crosby. 2014
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Zephyrus Rising, 2022. Acrylic on Acrylic. 32 × 16 × 22 in Duncan McDaniel
Mixing Codes
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 Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, 1503-6; On Winnie: Denis Colomb stoles (worn as a headdress, top and sleeves) 
Confronting the Gaze
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Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad David Ayer 2016 (left), Harley Quinn in Birds of Prey Cathy Yann 2021 (right)
Facing Abject
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Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, 1985/86, mixed media (Iziko South African National Gallery, Cape Town, photo: Goggins World, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Constructing Identities
Creating Metaphors
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Martin Puryear. Ladder for Booker T. Washington, detail, 1996. Installation view at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas. 2003
Using Narratives
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Damien Hirst The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, 2013 Lentikulardruck80 x 120 cm
Irony, Parody, Parody Dissonance
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A Subtlety, or the Marvelous Sugar Baby (2014). Kara Walker Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images
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familyromantic · 1 year
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Canon incest - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Canon incest when they both got blonde hair - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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kaitlinj16 · 5 months
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When your worst mistake becomes your best choice 💙
Chris & Cathy
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