#caules yggdmillenia
its-to-the-death · 4 months
Glasses Swag Sequel Preliminary Round #17
Only one will make it into the bracket!
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lordelmelloi2 · 1 year
Reines' Touko Travel Outfit
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captainbookworm103 · 7 years
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Waver’s students preparing for his birthday, how sweet of them.
source: https://twitter.com/nasnotte/status/915160979658260480
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jaclynhyde · 6 years
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More pictures of me and @jinzlers with some of the ridiculously good cosplayers we met! @wrathofconpics will have more after I edit approximately fifteen thousand pictures!
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On Reddit, I’m seeing some comments believing the new character from Fate:Lost Einherjar, Remina Eltfrom Yggdmillenia, is actually Fiore in disguise because she calls Caules her “brother”.
Which is just weird to me? Far be it from me to stop people from making fan theories, but this one seems a bit too facile to me. First off, we know mages adopt all the time, meaning not blood related people still see themselves as part of a family. An easy example would be Reines calling Waver her brother. This was, in fact, the whole point of Yggdmillenia, to the point Fiore herself called Darnic her grandfather and Gordes her uncle, despite neither of them actually being related to her. Remina thinking of Caules, the head of what remains the clan, as her “brother” (and I think she says the same of Goredolf) is perfectly normal without her being Fiore in disguise somehow, especially if she is close enough in age to Caules that calling him anything else would be weird.
Second, this would really undermine Fiore’s character for no reason. I dislike her arc for reasons I won’t elaborate here, but her whole arc in Apo is that the magus lifestyle doesn’t suit her and she should leave it behind, which she does by giving Caules her Crest and leaving at the end. We even know where she went: the side story Side of the Survivor tells us she fled to New York, as North America is both where she does her physical rehabilitation and also out of the reach of European mages:
Of course, it was impossible for her to continue living in Europe. So she came to North America, which was despised by the magus world. The Forvege family must have investigated first and foremost Europe, and then the management of Yggdmillennia (more accurately, the former Yggdmillennia), including in Russia. Fiore speculated that North America, which had nothing to do with Forvedge, should be left to the final investigation. Until now, Fiore has moved twice. And no traces that she moved to the United States can be found.
Which makes sense, seeing the shenanigans Faldeus’ group gets up to in Fate/strange Fake and how the Association has little means to stop them, and how FGO mentions in Salem the Association has a very limited presence there.
But the theory would have people believe Fiore’s entire arc and its conclusion got flushed down the toilet for reasons, so she can come back to Europe and participate in a Grail War again. Why? At least when TM writers write about pre-existing characters, they develop those who were really only brief cameos and didn’t have their own works (Urobutchi for FSN’s Kiritsugu, Sakurai for the Fate/Prototype cast, etc.) or they expand on their arcs (Sanda for Waver, Urobutchi for Saber and Kirei, etc.). This would be both a regression and a repetition of what Fiore went through in Apocrypha. And also, you know, people are looking for her to kill her.
And, since I’m mentioning Side of the Survivor, it also outright tells us Fiore can’t do magecraft anymore. So how would she even be a participant at the most basic level, aka provide energy?
Third, Remina is kind of already a reference in herself? Not just her family name, but the fact that she is Scandinavian at all. From Apo volume 1:
The name of the clan is Yggdmillennia. They were magi who in the past came to Romania from Northern Europe.
Remina is very likely a reference to that forgotten backstory bit, the branch which stayed in Scandinavia which might even have been the former main family before Darnic took over. Why would Sakurai then turn around and say that, no, actually she’s just Fiore again. 
And meta wise. Fiore by this point would be 28. But like, most protagonists of Fate and Nasuverse in general, ignoring Capsule Servants and Prisma Illya, trend towards being teens to young adults (14 to 20). It seems very unlikely to me the main Master is going to be a 28 year-old woman. Even Case Files, despite having nearly 30 Waver as its protagonist, is actually narrated by his two 15 years-old acquaintances. It’s not really ageism, it’s just the target demographic Type-Moon is most going for.
I like Fiore a lot, but I just don’t see what would be the point in bringing her back in this situation (though I do not eliminate the possibility she cameos while Remina is still her own character). Waver made sense, because he had ended his coming-of-age and was basically a different character (in fact, him as “Lord El-Melloi II” precedes his appearance as Waver Velvet in Fate/Zero, believe it or not). Remina as she is at least has the potential to bring Yggdmillenia backstory lore. And I’m sure Sakurai would much prefer write her new OC than borrow a character from Higashide.
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shuttershocky · 3 years
I’ve been reading up on mage society recently, and it looks like the Yggdmillennia diverge pretty strongly from the “traditional” practice of strict eugenics to cultivate a single heir - does this mean they don’t practice strict eugenics at all, and/or reject the backstabbing, abusive nature of most mage families?
The Yggdmillenia aren't a mage family at all. They're a conglomeration of different families that broke away from the Clock Tower as an act of rebellion. While that means they've do things differently from Clock Tower families (Fiore for example, is recognized by its head Darnic as their second strongest mage and would be the heir after him despite her being disabled), it doesn't necessarily mean they're any less terrible (Darnic collaborated with the Nazis, Celenike regularly molested her own servant Astolfo)
That's not to say they're hopeless though. Gordes Musik was Goredolf's father, and while Gordes was an asshole he still had a heart somewhere in there and tried to redeem himself during the events of Fate/Apocrypha, just like his son with Chaldea.
On the other hand, Caules became one of Waver's students, while Fiore left the world of magecraft behind entirely as it was too cruel for her (though she had to flee to the US to avoid assassins from rival families wanting her gone all the same.)
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hakunonon · 5 years
tbh i hated fiore’s character arc in apocrypha
she basically spent the whole series being told by numerous characters that she didn’t have the mentality of a mage, and wasn’t suited to being leader of the yggdmillenia, all because she treated her servant as a person instead of a tool. 
and in the end she gets her magic crest transplanted to caules and he becomes leader of yggdmillenia? despite him having inferior magecraft ability and being honestly not much different to fiore in terms of relationship to his servant?? like clearly he cared about fran as well and treated her as more than a disposable weapon, and only supported her suicidal use of her noble phantasm once it was made quite clear that that was her intention
the kicker is fiore’s attitude never even proves a problem. there’s no point where a disaster happens because of her mentality or leadership. the whole thing is just basically a bunch of the characters at different points going “you’re too nice to do this job :/”
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empty-dream · 7 years
Me watching Fate/Apocrypha ep 13
With that piano intro, it feels like there is a narration saying “Once upon a time, in an ancient babylonian flying fortress”
If there is any book with that intro I’d read the shit out of it
Sieg be like “I’ve seen too many shit I should apply to become the new wonder of the world”
Sieg: “I’m sorry I was reckless” Astolfo: “bOI THAT WAS NOT RECKLESS THAT WAS STUPID AS FUCK AND THAT’S ME SAYING” Sieg: “But I have a wish I wanna save my friends in the middle of war” Astolfo: “oKAY COOL ME PROUD”
Shit the loony witch shows up
I made an entire post consisting of me contemplating the new op and ed bc it’s long and full of thought HAHA jk it’s shit
Hi kids welcome to the church in the fortress 2 weeks ago the cinnamon and the sinnamon met each other
Shirou: “We’re catholics, we should understand each other.” Jeanne: “Dude, just because I have the same religion as you, as 1.1 billion other people do btw, doesn’t mean I agree to everything you do, especially if it involves stealing most magical thing ever and smiling sinisterly.”
Wow Shirou raises his voice that’s 5* rarity
Shirou: “I didn’t have my master die in my arms, wait 60 years, and manage this dangerous team of nukes all by myself for being defied by a 16 yo rapunzel hourglass saberface”
Jeanne: “Goddamnit you’re a HEROic spirit be a HERO for once!” Shirou: “Nah, I’m outta the club I can do whatever I want.”
Semiramis: “Are you saying my master breaks the rule?” Jeanne: “Are you teasing me with that question or are you just deaf and stupid?”
Semiramis be like “What? You think me, a beautiful poisoner queen who murdered my husband slyly and got into his throne, as the one capable of corrupting an innocent-looking yu-gi-oh-haired young man like my master? I’m offended.”
Guys you’re late to Vlad’s funeral
Shirou: “It’s all peaceful, no fighting whatsoever with your masters.” The AKA team: “BULLSHIT.” Shirou: “But hey it was really no fighting!”
Get you a wife like Semiramis- No wait, don’t make her your wife just make her fall hard for you she wishes she was your wife
Karna’s level-headedness is truly something, I must say
Shirou: “Thank you very much” Karna: “Not now, bitch”
I still find it funny that Karna seems like the first one in AKA team to be fine with Shirou as his master but in the end he’s the only one who never accepts Shirou. My boy.
Shirou: “All of you, become my bitches now.”
Celenike have you learned nothing from Gordes’s experience?!
Wow scratching head until it bleeds is actually one of things I consider creepy and disturbing
But why does it sound like she’s breaking her skull instead of scratching and if she indeeds breaks her skull why is she alive?
You don’t wanna dirty your hands killing Sieg? Bitch you hold human entrails with the same hands might as well cut your hands right now
Astolfo: “There’s no point in me killing Sieg!” Celenike: “There is! I’m horny now!”
Too late, her brain moves to between her legs now.
Sieg’s fate is to be stomped by masters of Yggdmillenia
Grossest slasher movie idea: Celenike is jealous towards Sieg because Astolfo emotes so much around him instead of when she tortures Astolfo so she decides to stomp Sieg and force Astolfo to kill him while she gets hot watching it.
Wow that’s a very ugly face of dying. I’d make the same face as Sieg too.
It’s like Kairi and Mordred just drive around and happen to see the nasty quarrel and be like “well that’s one cockroach to kill” so they stop to behead Celenike and then goes off again.
I think servant disappearing into light is engineered to be as slow as it can to give them time to speak dramatic last words huh?
Astolfo: “I don’t wanna drag you into this war.” Sieg: “I already dove head-first to save my friends so technically I’m already in this war too”
HAHA WORLD RECORD OF SERVANT TRYING TO KILL THE MASTER Sieg you’re beginning to become a funny man
I don’t know if Achilles clicks his tongue because Chiron rejects Shirou���s offer to join red faction or Semiramis belittles Chiron but either way he really cares for his teacher :’))
Semiramis: “How about you remember you’re in my home?” Chiron: “How about you remember I can bomb your home?”
Remember 2 weeks ago when I said there are only two sane men on board? That’s excluding the attacked-by-headache red servants, but now you get why I say that.
Shirou: “Jeanne I don’t really wanna kill you actually” Jeanne: “Asshat your face looks like you really wanna kill me slowly”
Wow I don’t expect them to actually detail Karna’s gesture
Mordred, making the most grandiose entrance ever.
I was thinking, why would Mordred charge into an enemy fortress without her armor, like maybe she would but her master would not. So I just conclude maybe A-1 can’t afford to animate her armors ._.
Semiramis: “You wanna betray us?” Mordred: “You tried to betray us first!” Semiramis: “I will behead you, traitor!” Mordred: “First, it’s you  it’s you who is the traitor here. Second I beheaded someone on the way and I’m not shy to do it again!!”
Mordred vs Semiramis is kinda like a battle between parent and child with lots of foul languages
Seriously Mordred is the hero of this episode and her trashtalking doesn’t disappoint at all
Like I said, I’m surprised Karna’s gesture is detailed because it’s clear he realizes first hand than Mordred is coming and actually wants her to clear the mess and help Jeanne and Chiron escape and he doesn’t do anything to stop them and he smiles in satisfaction when it’s all done. Like, my boy. My dear boy.
Semiramis: “You think you can do something? Everything you can do, I can do it too!” Avicebron: “Well I do battles too, unlike your shit caster” Shirou: “He’s got a point, hon.”
A saberface stood in the middle of dead people on a war. Great, wanna bet Fate/Extra will have umu do the same thing too?
The wish of salvation is never wrong. The method you try to achieve it, however, often falls into the nope scale.
Wow I also didn’t expect they would include the crushed homunculus in this scene too.
When even Fiore tells you to shut up then you need to evaluate your life
I wanna laugh because Sieg is nonchalantly running into the room like he’s late for class but can’t give a shit to the professor in front of him
Ah I see, A-1 make a huge change in this scene.
Gordes: “Y-YOU!” Sieg: “Surprises bitch I bet you thought you had seen the last of me”
People die when they are killed is so last year, Gordes.
Sieg: “Guess who just became a new master?” Black faction: “No way!” Sieg: “That’s right! It’s me!”
Caules close up is always welcome, babe.
Astolfo is also nonchalantly late into the class and only bothered about how to pose.
Leader!Homunculus: “You keep surprising us” Sieg: “I died twice already and the surprise will just keep on coming, mate.”
Nice speech Sieg!! Cementing the fact that he is the anti-thesis of Shirou and that he is the main protagonist, in case anybody forgets.
Also it kickstarts Fiore’s existential crisis but hey that’s for another episodes okay.
Caules did you just tell Gordes to count to ten??? You. You are fucking perfect my darling.
Chiron: “Master, Caster betrays us. And he’s going to get Roche.” Fiore: “Wait that’s too many news for 2 minutes.”
I guess no matter how much of a genius you are, if you’re young and a shut-in you will always remain naive.
Originally in the novel, if I am correct, this scene is where Gordes shitting around and treats Sieg as Siegfried. Astolfo full-on roasts Gordes and pours salt on his wounds, and also makes jabs about the stolen grail. Fiore is suspicious that Astolfo might be the one killing Celenike, which is actually normal thing to do, but he might or might not even notice that. Caules honestly agrees that the homunculi’s lifespan won’t allow them to do everything they want, which is cold, but in line with the fact that he’s, at his core, blunt. I guess A-1 decides to change it so that Sieg has time to deliver the speech?
Well it’s a shame Astolfo roasting is skipped tho. But I think I like the speech. If that’s how they try to make Sieg likable (I heard he’s not very likable back before this adaptation?), I think it works with me.
NEXT: Servanger 2.0
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coe-lilium · 7 years
(1/3) thank you for explaining about Yggdmillenia! I understand now what's in it for Darnic and why it's a big deal, but I still don't get a few things. first, what about their Servants? even if all Black Masters agreed on the same wish of reaching the Root, their Servants have different wishes. were Yggs going to use their Command Spells to kill them? that does sound like Darnic or Gordes, but not really like Fiore or Caules. or were they going to let their Servants fight it out without
(2/3) endangering the Masters? and, at least in the anime, Black Masters have different wishes too. Fiore wants to heal her legs, Caules wants to revive her if she dies, Roche wants to bring Avicebron back. so, even if Darnic is certain for himself that he will win, shouldn’t the others be planning for their own victories? and consider those victories possible? or were they, again, planning to let Servants fight without endangering their Masters? and so, in theory, if, for example,
(3/3) Fiore had won and used the Grail for a wish that has nothing to do with the Root, what would stop the Clock Tower from attacking Yggs again, now that they’re exhausted after the War? just the fact that they managed to win and are now, like, more cool in the eyes of the Association? (sorry, this got long :D)
Two different topics, the CT stuff first since it’s easier: 
It’s not 100% guaranteed but yes, assuming Fiore wins and ask for her own wish, it’s highly probable the CT would let the Ygg alone, at least enough for the clan to pick itself up (using her since she’s the designated next Head).    
After all, Fiore winning means all Red Servants and Master have been defeated/killed and while we didn’t had a chance to know them bar Kairi, the Red Masters were among the best the CT could afford to send. 
Add their loss to the waste of catalysts for the likes of Karna, Achilles and Semiramis (god knows how much they costed the CT) and the 50+ top executors sent before the start of hostilities and slaughtered by Vlad and the CT lost quite a lot in people, money, resources and face just to put down a single clan. Magi are proud assholes but not completely idiotic. Even if they want revenge, they’ll have to bid their time. 
There’s also the interesting detail that Chiron’s wish is immortality and he and Fiore have a good relationship. He remaining with her after the war isn’t so far fetched. Wanna pick a fight an incarnated Servant from the Age of Gods, who’s now immortal? Good luck with that XD  
About the Servants and inner Black camp stuff now.
even if all Black Masters agreed on the same wish of reaching the Root, their Servants have different wishes. were Yggs going to use their Command Spells to kill them?
That would be the best plan, yeah.     
The list of individual Servants able to resist a direct order as “kill yourself” isn’t long in the entire franchise and in Apocrypha, bar the Rulers, I doubt any of the remaining 14 would be able to resist it :( 
The siblings are indeed the biggest ??? in this outcome tho.
so, even if Darnic is certain for himself that he will win, shouldn’t the others be planning for their own victories?
Technically, yes. 
Then you have a child, a deranged lunatic, Caules who’d rather die himself than kill Fiore… the only one making some plans and whose initial idea wasn’t so bad was Gordes. Getting that particular catalyst, preventing Siegfried to speak or refusing to say his True Name to their allies were all to prepare his victory over both camps. He’s no fan of Darnic either, thinking of him as more of a politician than a skilled fighter.  
Now, this is 100% personal interpretation but I don’t think that the Blacks really thought ahead and Darnic’s plan to come out on top ended up sabotaging his faction. Defeating the CT was going to be bloody and they were going to suffer losses, but even in case all Black Servants survived… how do you defeat Vlad in his territory, Siegfried with the Armor of Fafnir (if you don’t know who he is) or Chiron with the likes of Avicebron (ha!), Fran (double ha!), Jack (Maria is completely useless, triple ha)  or Astolfo? 
Astolfo has many useful NP and can counter a lot of what you throw at him but he’s handicapped by an imbecile of a Master and his good heart leading to his refusal to use the homunculi as batteries. On top of being overpowered in sheer force and Misteries :/
The more I think about it, the more some Black Servant choices make sense only in a bigger picture of “let’s use them to kill the other faction first and then stemroll with ease”.                 
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files – 07 – Murder on the Mystic Eyes Express
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At what appears to be Kings Cross Station, Lord El-Melloi II awaits the arrival of that most infamous supernatural mystic eyes collection and auction train, Rail Zeppelin. He is accompanied by Gray (natch), and by one of his students, the berserker Caules Yggdmillenia. But that’s not all; not by a long shot. Rail Zeppelin passengers are a veritable cross section of the magical world.
There’s Olga-Marie Arsimilat Animusphere, daughter of the Lord of Astromancy, accompanied by her maid Trisha. There’s Adashino Hishiri of Policies, clearly there to observe and await what may befall Lord El-Melloi. There’s Karabo Frampton of the Holy Church, an intense rival of the Clock Tower. While not in El-Melloi’s party, his student and self-appointed “future mistress” Yvette Lehrman has her own invite.
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Leandra introduces herself to the passengers as Rail Zeppelin’s auctioneer. Rodin is its conductor. And then there’s Rail Zeppelin itself: a spacious, sumptuously-appointed luxury train that seems far bigger on the inside than the outside, and travels on rails above leylines. I love trains and the whole idea of enjoying all the comforts of home while travelling somewhere far off. Rail Zeppelin itself is a character in this arc—and an immediately likable one at that.
It’s apparent there are a number of uneasy truces in operation between factions normally warring (either metaphorically or literally, or both). That lends the episode a tense and uneasy atmosphere. The train is stuck on a fixed rail, hurtling at high speed; a powder-keg that could explode at any moment for a whole host of reasons.
While Reines did not accompany Lord El-Melloi, she’s running her own investigation the theft of her brother’s catalyst for summoning a servant of the Holy Grail War: the Mantle of Iskandar. Such a task is frought with danger, so she hires Shishigou Kairi and pairs him up with Luviagelita Edelfelt (with whom she nicely bonded last week along with Gray)—an inspired duo if ever there was one.
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Having foregone sleep for much of the last two nights, El-Melloi spends the first night and much of the following day catching up on sleep. Before he awakes for breakfast, Gray meets with Yvette in the dining car, who comes from a family who craft mystic eyes from gems, like the one her eyepatch conceals. Either Yvette can’t quite get Gray to admit they’re rivals for the Lord’s heart, or Gray simply doesn’t consider Yvette a rival at all.
Lady Aminusphere and Trisha once again meet with El-Melloi, to discuss his cooperation in the coming auction. Specifically, Olga-Marie wants the biggest prize of the auction—the highest-ranked Rainbow Mystic Eyes—the “ultimate operation of celestial bodies within the human body.” If El-Melloi helps her win them through strategic bidding and folding, he will be rewarded.
More to the point, she knows they’ll win them, because Trisha has seen that outcome with her Mystic Eyes of Premonition; the effects of which only add to Gray’s discomfort when combined to her symptoms of motion sickness (poor kid lacks her train-legs, perhaps in part because King Artoria is from a time long before such tech).
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While off on her own recovering, Gray gets some friendly advice from Karabo Frampton. When the two touch, Karabo’s Mystic Eyes that can see the past glimpse King Artoria Pendragon in a field (clearly enjoying not being on a speeding train). He had suspected she wasn’t a mage like most everyone there, which leads to her belittling herself and underplaying her value to Lord El-Melloi. Karabo assures her she’s already someone the Lord “finds necessary.”
Trisha joins El-Melloi at the bar, revealing that she and her lady have investigated the role of one third-gen mage of limited renown Waver Velvet in the Holy Grail War; seeing the younger Waver reflected in his glass is a nice stylistic touch. El-Melloi, like Gray, may consider that role to have been flawed and inadequate, but the mere fact he survived is a testament to the contrary.
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Trisha, believing he seeks Mystic Eyes as a weapon for the next Grail War, warns him that having Eyes means accepting the destiny of being bound to them. Of course, El-Melloi is more than prepared for such a destiny, as he’s already bound himself with the title of Lord El-Melloi—albeit while trying to limit expectations with a tacked on “II”—and all the duties and responsibilities therein.
Not to mention he’s bound to meeting with Iskandar once again, even if the Heroic Spirit has no memories of the last war and their time together. Gray sympathizes; who wouldn’t want someone you were devoted to carry memories of you? But just as El-Melloi goes into a spiril of self-loathing and Gray is about to cheer him up with the gift she got at Luvia’s store, there’s a loud, distressed scream.
El-Melloi and Gray rush to its source, and they find a shocked Olga-Marie kneeling before the bloody, headless body of Trisha. That makes Rail Zeppelin a Magical Murder Mystery Train, packed with potential suspects in the best Christie tradition, with El-Melloi as its Poirot. And there’s still the matter of who gave him one of only twelve open invites to the auction.
All we know for sure is that neither he nor Gray committed the murder, and that when Trisha was warning El-Melloi about being at peace with whatever destiny Mystic Eyes might provide, she was speaking from imminent experience. Her eyes allowed her to foresee her own demise—one she either couldn’t or wouldn’t avoid. She may have been the first victim of whatever power is at work here, but she likely won’t be the last.
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By: braverade
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lordelmelloi2 · 7 years
#whats the connection between iskandar and rin??
@chadsanonymous rin has actually been a student and is considered a student of waver’s (lord el melloi II) in 2004-2005 or so, he’s taught her (and also was her driving teacher once apparently??) although it lasted like one semester because they don’t get along 
so basically she’s a member of the mage’s association like him but also a member of his classroom alongside like, luviagelita edelfelt & all of the other characters in LEM2 case files, caules forvedge yggdmillenia, and like one other person who I forgot who isn’t shirou because i think shirou is like a half-member sort of thanks to rin (the drama CD had shirou and waver meet again and spend 2-4 hours in a car with rin at the wheel so you can guess how well that went) 
waver was concerned enough for flat during the grail war in 2008 to consider giving him the catalyst for rider so that he’d survive and be protected by him so i don’t see why if rin needed a catalyst he wouldn’t eventually cave and give her rider’s as well 
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recentanimenews · 7 years
"Fate/Apocrypha" English Dub Anime Cast Introduce Themselves
2017's big slate of Fate/ projects included a TV anime adaptation of Fate/Apocrypha. Co-creator Kinoko Nasu planned and supervised the story of Red and Black factions of masters/servants, which was originally introduced as an eventually cancelled MMO game. While the Japanese broadcast is in its second cour, the English localized version hit Netflix on November 7th. The cast then took to Twitter to introduce themselves. 
    Staff included
Staff includes:
Original Story: Yuuichirou Higashide / TYPE-MOON Original Character Design: Ototsugu Konoe Director: Yoshiyuki Asai (Charlotte) Series composition:Yuuichirou Higashide Character design: Yuri Yamada (IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls animation director) Music: Masaru Yokoyama (Gundam: IBO, Occultic;Nine, Plastic Memories) Production: A-1 Pictures
Incredibly honored to announce that I play Jeanne d'Arc aka Joan of Arc aka Ruler in Fate/Apocrypha, now on Netflix http://pic.twitter.com/u0lVBbz7Ax
— Erika Harlacher (@ErikaHarlacher) November 7, 2017
Are you my Master? I voice Mordred aka Saber of Red in Fate/Apocrypha, now available on Netflix. #FateApocrypha http://pic.twitter.com/RMtNr6G2iz
— Erica Lindbeck (@ericalindbeck) November 7, 2017
I play Astolfo / RIDER of Black in Fate/Apocrypha, available now on #Netflix!! I LOVE this character so much. Enjoy! #FateApocrypha http://pic.twitter.com/BflVeLb9BZ
— Faye Mata (@PrincessAura) November 7, 2017
Not only do I voice Roche Frain Yggdmillenia and Assassin of Black in Fate/Apocrypha, but I'm also doing the script adaptation! http://pic.twitter.com/4fhznUIlFz
— Erica Mendez (@tsunderica) November 7, 2017
Check out Fate Apocrypha on Netflix! I play Shirou Kotomine!
— Max Mittelman (@MaxMittelman) November 7, 2017
It's late o'clock but hype never sleeps! I'm in Fate/Apocrypha, on Netflix now! I'm the Assassin of Red, Archer of Red, & Reika Rikudou http://pic.twitter.com/OxA0uGIRzG
— Allegra Clark (@SimplyAllegra) November 7, 2017
This is the first show I'm adapting all by myself and I'm so glad that it was this one! http://pic.twitter.com/yK8AgjZLfg
— Erica Mendez (@tsunderica) November 7, 2017
I'm Karna, Lancer of Red on the English dub of "Fate/Apocrypha". Episodes 1-12 are now on Netflix! Happy to be a small part of the legacy! http://pic.twitter.com/9RQ8dKYtR8
— Chris Niosi (@Kirbopher) November 7, 2017
New Character I Voice: Berserker of Black, A.K.A Frankenstein in the english dub of Fate/Apocrypha, now streaming on Netflix! She's a good girl and I wuv her. :) #FateApocrypha http://pic.twitter.com/XkkNJAnOmU
— Sarah Anne Williams (@SarahAnneWillia) November 7, 2017
So honored to announce that I play Sieg in Fate Apocrypha! Check it out on Netflix! http://pic.twitter.com/6LIN3Dg2K7
— Zach Aguilar (@airzach) November 7, 2017
Holy Grail War, Batman! I voice Caules Forvedge Yggdmillennia, Master of Berserker of Black in Fate/Apocrypha! Part 1 is now on @netflix! http://pic.twitter.com/DGWwx8D4aA
— Tom Bauer (@TomBauerVO) November 7, 2017
Late night announcement, but I’m so thrilled to announce that I’m Chiron, Archer of Black in #FateApocrypha , streaming on #Netflix !!! http://pic.twitter.com/4knANa1eK8
— Jalen K. Cassell (@JalenKCassell) November 7, 2017
Midnight announcement! You can hear me as Flat Escardos in the first episode of Fate/Apocrypha. First 12 episodes now streaming on Netflix! http://pic.twitter.com/DTcFWjopi8
— Khoi Dao (@KhoiDaoVO) November 7, 2017
I play Fiore Forvedge Yggdmillennia in Fate/Apocrypha~ The first 12 episodes are streaming now on Netflix! http://pic.twitter.com/o7IBqGAsz8
— Kayli Mills (@KayliMills) November 7, 2017
Happy to announce that I voice Morgan Le Fay in #FateApocrypha now available on #Netflix. Thanks @BangZoom for the opportunity! http://pic.twitter.com/hCv23ZMvhX
— Katelyn Gault (@Katelyn_Gault) November 7, 2017
------ Follow on Twitter at @aicnanime
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