#cause his mentor’s heritage is embarrassing
yuridovewing · 8 months
the more i think about and read avos the more set i am on making the yuriverse equivalent be all about rogues and how the clans treat them. i want this to be a story about how much the clans have to answer for all of the outsiders theyve hurt since tpb, and how despite firestar’s efforts in connecting with bloodclan and whatnot, that’s all been forgotten already and h
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astrology-bf · 27 days
Answered these for myself since it's maintenance! 😌
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1. Ifan Kaleid. He generally doesn't use his surname for a variety of reasons, one of which being he picked it during an embarrassing point in his youth. (He and Y'shtola both had chuuni phases)
2. He's (probably) a Midlander Hyur of (probably) Ul'dahn ancestry, and he calls himself a Magician in the archaic sense of "practitioner of magic" given he dips into most magical jobs for skills. BLM and WHM are probably his main jobs, if I had to narrow it down.
3. Probably the brand he received from Ifrit: it's a scar on his lower left side which looks like the flesh is fractured and glued together with fire crystal. He usually conceals it with magic, but it causes chronic pain from aether buildup.
4. I use a floating timeline and visualize him in terms of comparison to other characters rather than a strict number: he's slightly older than Lyse, but younger than Y'shtola. I've said 25 in a fic but who knows lol
5. He's kind, cunning, helpful, and romantic, but also pretty mischievous, sharp-tongued, and has a bit of a bad temper. His "Fray" manifests as Ambition rather than Esteem, if that helps frame his more negative qualities.
6. He tends to prefer clothes which don't inhibit his movement, as his fighting style is quite mobile and he spends a lot of time on birdback. Sun-bleached linen is his signature fabric, stemming from a headcanon about Ul'dahn religion - specifically to do with Thaliak.
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7. He was raised in the orphanage at Gydeo Abbey, a religious community dedicated to Azeyma. The clerics there were responsible and loving caretakers, but Ifan still feels certain absences which he's buried very deeply.
8. His personal goal is something he describes in terms of "drinking from the Ewer"; his metaphor for understanding the true nature of aether, if Thaliak's vessel is the source of all magic and wisdom.
9. Adventuring! He decided he wasn't cut out for formal study and picked up adventuring at his first mentor's suggestion to fund a path of self-research. He still considers adventuring to be a job one does for a living, however, where magic is his calling.
10. Lentil curry with rice. Sister Brazen Briar, one of the caretakers at the orphanage, used to make it for feast days and her recipe is still the one he defaults to himself. Eating Roegadyn-strength curry as a kid has given him a pretty strong stomach as an adult, lol
11. Not being able to use magic. It used to be rejection, but after the body swap incident in Garlemald and his recovery after Ultima Thule, he's afraid of losing his magic again.
12. Besides magic, he enjoys literary pursuits; reading, writing, calligraphy. He also loves metalworking, particularly goldsmithing, and has recently started delving into glasswork.
13. He generally prefers DPS, but is an equally as competent healer. He *can* tank if pressed (think Knight-Enchanter from Dragon Age), but his fighting style isn't suited to taking direct hits; he's fundamentally a caster, not a martialist.
14. He has an excellent (most would say uncanny) instinct for working out the nature and function of a spell. His most distinct talent is housekeeping magic; the very first spell he learned was a dusting charm, and he's well practiced with domestic spells (he's lazy)
15. He was probably born in Ul'dah, as Gydeo Abbey's orphanage is known as a place where illegitimate kids of the city's upper crust get sent. That said, he could be from anywhere.
16. He doesn't know his birth parents. His caretakers at the orphanage were Sister Brazen Briar and her wife Sister U'zafye, and his mentor was Brother Dedelai Totolai, the Abbey's librarian.
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17+18. As mentioned, he doesn't know his blood family. It might come up in future, but as it stands Ifan's heritage and legacy are spiritual rather than familial.
19. He's a romantic who likes falling in love early and often, both platonically and otherwise. People often joke that he should have picked Menphina as his patron.
20. Very avid fan of sex with even casual friends and a bit of a freak-a-leak, but his biggest turn on is really just enthusiasm.
21. Ul'dahn from balls to bones, but ironically suffers from mild dyscalculia; so he can smell a bad deal from a mile away, but can't count for shit. (Tataru does his taxes)
22. He's actually quite religious and spends a lot of time thinking about theology. If you asked him if he believes the Twelve exist, however, he'd tell you that they're a necessary fiction. Thaliak is very much a figure of aspiration and comfort for him, in that regard.
23. He generally prefers being friends with people, but oh boy can he hold a grudge if you rub him the wrong way: just ask Gaius.
24. His job trainers! Even if he's graduated or surpassed them in some areas, people like Lalai, Raya-O-Senna, and Surito Carito remain his role models. Beyond that, there are two women against whom he measures himself: Shatotto, and Venat.
25. Probably moments where people like G'raha, Ga Bu, Halric, and Setoto recover from conditions people deemed uncurable. He's a healer at heart.
26. His ambition. It leads him to some very dark and lonely places, even if the will to conquer is both necessary in magic and in life.
27. His philosophy centers around the importance of being human and not losing or disfiguring the essence of what makes one so. His motto is "Life is filled with joys pleasing to the eyes of heaven, and knowledge without action is empty."
28. He's firmly egalitarian. Ifan counts Kazagg Chah as one of his mentors in the Black, and he's also a sworn ally of the Brotherhood of Ash.
29. He carries many. If he could change one small thing for someone else's sake, however, Ifan would be brave enough to tell the man atop the Vault how he really felt before the end.
30. Ifan's instinct is to conceal things which bother him lest he burden others, but he's gotten much better at it over time. One thing he will never willingly share with another soul is exactly what happened between himself and Elidibus under the Tempest.
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
The Fall of Atollon
Dismay - Grand Admiral Thrawn x Rebel!Reader | Part 1
Summary: a decade and a half flies by and Omani is growing into an adult. It’s your responsibility to protect her from the dark truths of the Empire.
Warnings: very long, violence, angst
(Omani looks like this, using Ar’alani for reference)
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“It’s too hot out here” You puffed out, lying on the ground beside Omani who was gulping down her water bottle at a rapid pace, wiping the sweat of her forehead as she hummed in agreement.
“That’s Atollon for you, Tiscen’i, but I agree... I don’t think it’s ever been this hot before” Omani panted as she removed her top, her black sports bra covering her chest as she dumped her T-shirt next to yours. She lay in the other direction from you, her head beside yours as the two of you bathed in the suns light.
As mother and daughter, shockingly, no one would ever guess either of you were related. She was mistaken to be a full blooded Chiss most of the time she met someone new. But when you say you’re her mother, that makes things twice as shocking. One, you’re a human, and two, you look stunning for your age, barely looking a few years older than Omani. Since Omani was now considered a grown up, your attitude started to change with her. Instead of treating her like a little girl, you treated her like your best friend. The two of you shared everything to each other, embarrassing stories, who you thought was attractive, countless inside jokes, but never your past. You’d lost count of how many times your daughter asked you who her father was, she was practically his double and you felt like you were cheating her out of her own heritage, but it was for her own safety.
She had sprouted into such a beautiful young woman, she had been promoted to general recently due to how much effort she had contributed to the rebellion. You used to be a general yourself, however you switched to a Senator after Omani was born with the guidance of Bail Organa, your mentor. You only attended the senate a handful of because of your betrayal to the Empire, you couldn’t risk being identified by a once known ally and trialed for treason. You couldn’t do that, not to Omani.
“Any more news about Thrawn?” You asked, biting the inside of your cheek as your daughter scoffed and let out an almost disgusted sigh.
“Unfortunately yes, that bircisb’s close to discovering the base... I’m doing all I can to keep everyone safe here, including you” Omani turned her head to look at you and noticed the frown stuck on your face. She was going to ask but thought it would be best if she kept her mouth shut since all you ever did was ignore her concern whenever she asked.
Thrawn, her father, was a man she wanted nothing more than to shoot. She was aware of his Chiss origins and even saw him once on a holo recording with you beside her, nearly on the verge of fainting. It took you all your strength not to tell her the truth, but thankfully she didn’t suspect anything about her possibly being related to him and digging into it.
“You work too hard visahot, but you remind me of myself when I used to work for the Empire” You joked dryly, earning a soft chuckle from Omani who leaned her head against yours whilst blocking her bright red eyes from the sun.
“Did you ever meet him whilst you were in the academy? Maybe Tarkin or Vader?” Omani asked curiously, shifting her body at an angle so the back of her head was resting on your shoulder.
“You’d never be lucky enough to see Tarkin or Vader... they were far too superior to be in an imperial academy,” You started.
“But Thrawn? He was the meanest and most serious man I’d ever met” Your voice was oddly calm as you spoke to Omani. She was surprised when the words left your mouth, this was the most open you’d ever been with her and of all the things it was about the man causing terror to their rebellion?
“So you did meet him?” Your daughter smirked, rolling onto her stomach so she was looking at you, her face upside down from where you were lying. You smiled at her expression and shrugged.
“Comrades, but I only spoke to him once” You lied through clenched teeth, sitting up and avoiding bashing Omanis head as she leaned back and sat up with you. The two of you looked at one another and for a moment, all you could see was Thrawn. She was so like him, mannerisms and even accent. The only difference was what side they fought on, a father and daughter on opposite sides and neither of them even knew of their connection, only you did.
“You never really open up about your time at the academy, was it really that bad?” Your blue skinned daughter raised a brow, her beautiful red eyes looking straight into yours as if she was searching for the truth.
“It’s an experience I’m not willing to fully share yet, visahot, but one day you’ll know” You reached out to rest a hand on her shoulder, patting it in an assuring manner which seemed to put her curiosity to the side for the time being.
A flock of loud shouting had brought the two of you out of your thoughts and you stood up immediately, throwing on your shirt and waiting for Omani who ushered you forward whilst putting on her own shirt, tugging it over her head clumsily whilst running to the holo table which all of the rebels surrounded. You spotted Hera Syndulla, her face melting into a frustrated frown. You noticed there were multiple star destroyers that popped up on the hologram, a flock of them right above Atollon.
“Oh no...” You mumbled, heart dropping to your feet when you realised what this meant for you and the rebels.
“Thrawn’s planning an orbital strike on Atollon” Hera said, trapping her chin between her index finger and thumb. You looked at her with wide, terrified eyes, wishing this was all some kind of nightmare. Omani reached out and held your hand out of fear, staying close to you as you both looked at the hologram.
Zeb and Rex had installed a protective barrier around the base, but you weren’t sure how long it was going to hold up for. Omani had left to get dressed and get her things packed, her blaster in her hand when she returned and was called to plan out what was going to happen by other rebels. You stayed with Hera, practically on the verge of hyperventilating as you knotted your hair with your fingers, trying to control your breathing.
“Hey, don’t get all scared on me now, you’re the bravest woman I know on this damn planet” Hera walked up to you, taking your hands away from your hand and holding them tight. You sniffed, nodding your head as a few tears left your glassy eyes.
“Death isn’t what I’m worried about” You whimpered, Thrawn’s face coming into mind when you looked back at the star destroyers. You were afraid to look at the sky, too petrified to even think of anything else apart from the fact that Thrawn was here.
“Then what is it?” Hera asked with confusion, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and taking you away from the table since the image wasn’t making you feel any better. You rubbed your eyes, swallowing down the lump in your throat and trying your best to stay strong for the rebels.
“I can’t say, but promise me if anything goes wrong, you’ll get Omani away from here?” You looked up at the Twi’lek, pleading with your eyes as your hands trembled by your side. Hera nodded sternly, pulling you into a brief hug before excusing herself to prepare for the upcoming orbital strike, leaving you alone in a flurry of anxiety.
You rushed to your room, which had once belonged to you and Ahsoka but now her side of the room was taken up by Omani. You grabbed your jacket and pulled it over your arms and back, grabbing two blasters and a locket which you had since your Imperial days, a locker Thrawn gave to you.
When you got back outside, the orbital strike was taking place. Panicking, you screamed out Omanis name over and over again, looking in all directions before you saw her far away watching the strike with her friends by her side. You let out a sigh of relief but you ran to Hera who was staring up at the herd of incoming green lasers slamming against the barrier. You could see the barrier starting to weaken, you trembled beside Hera who looked away just as the shield was about to break, when all of a sudden the firing stopped.
Everything was dead silent for a while, the sound of burning surrounding the outside of the shield and clouds of black smoke rising from the ground.
“It held! It held!” You heard Zeb yell in the distance, a relieved smile making its way onto your face after some time. You turned to Omani, noticing she was laughing with her friends and rubbing her eyes as if she’d been crying.
Looking over to see you, she bolted in your direction and slammed her body against yours in a tight embrace, her arms wrapped tight around your neck as she held back a sob in your shoulder. You stroked her navy coloured hair, pressing a firm kiss on her temple before pulling back and cupping her face with your hands. No words were exchanged as the two of you smiled at one another before hearing the voices of Zeb and Rex requesting your help.
This wasn’t exactly the situation you were planning to be in. You, Zeb and Rex all hid behind a large plant on the outskirts of the rebel base where most of the air strike had hit. The smell of burning and dirt filled your senses but now was not the time to complain, now was the time to hopefully take down the Empire’s ambush.
“I hope this plan of yours works” Zeb said to Rex, the three of you looking ahead at the desolate patch of land ahead and waiting for any sign of movement.
“Yeah...me too” Rex replied in a not so confident tone, causing you to look up at him with a frown but you let it slide for the time being. Rex looked through his binoculars, inspecting what was in the distance as you and Zeb as well as lots more other rebels awaited for the order. The familiar sound of metal creaking caught your attention and made your hearing perk up. You listened in, recognising the sound that belonged to an AT-ST.
“Here they come” Zeb nervously informed you and Rex. You held your breath when Rex pulled out the small detonator in his hand and not wasting a moment as his thumb pressed down eagerly on the red button at the top.
Three explosions erupted ahead of you and half of the AT-ST’s were taken down in seconds. Pressing the button once more, two more ST’s were taken down but one of them managed to get through the barrier. Zeb stood up behind you and Rex, holding a massive rocket launcher with a big grin on his purple face.
“Left one for you” Rex smirked, his grin matching Zeb’s as he ignited the rocket launcher which flew right into the middle of the ST, exploding as it touched the surface. You cheered, patting Zeb on the shoulder as you stood up to inspect the damage from a distance. Your coms link went off on your wrist and you brough it up to your face to see that Omani was contacting you.
“Hey Mom! Was the mission a success?” Her voice was eager but also full of concern.
“Yes Princess, Rex and Zeb took down 6 ST’s! Safe to say we’ll be okay” You assured her with a smile, speaking clearly into the mic of the coms.
“That’s a relief” She chuckled.
“I hope you’re safe back at the base? Don’t sneak out and join in the action, as tempting as it is” You warned her, frowning slightly when it went silent briefly.
“You know I don’t sneak around, Tiscen’i, when have I ever denied you?” Omani spoke in an almost sarcastic tone but it still managed to make you laugh. Just as you were about to reply, a loud noise came from the distance and you and Rex snapped your heads towards it.
“I know that sound...” Rex murmured.
“Yeah... and I hate that sound” Zeb snarled.
“I need to go, somethings happening- I love you visahot” you said quickly before cutting off the line, giving no time for Omani to reply and give her more reason to worry for your safety.
“Lousy four leggers” Rex growled, drawing your attention to the four AT-AT’s making their way towards you.
“Hit ‘em with the detonators” Zeb urged with a scowl, still holding the large and now empty rocket launcher. Rex pressed down on the small button in his hand once more, causing more bombs to go off, only this time none of them effected the AT’s and they still continued moving forward and eventually passing through the barrier.
“We need Sabine to create a shield you can’t walk through” Zeb spoke in a frustrated tone, his eyes flashing with anger but also concern.
“Let’s hope we get a chance to tell her” Rex agreed before turning on his heel and making a run for it. Wasting no time, you followed the clone and the Lasat deeper into the Atollon forest and further away from the AT’s. A loud explosion erupted behind the three of you and you realised the AT was targeting you all as well as the other rebels who stayed behind you, Zeb and Rex. You didn’t bother looking back as the sound of X-wings and tie fighters roared through the sky above you, shooting at each other and some eventually zooming down to crash near you.
You got behind one of the massive leafs behind Zeb and Rex and started shooting at the AT closest to you, only for it to angle its head down and start shooting at you once again. You ran forward and the three of you hid behind a lead individually, exchanging glances of reassurance before a loud buzzing noise echoed behind you. You turned and peeked around the leaf, only to witness the magnificent sight of Kanan Jarrus cutting through the AT’s legs, the large machine eventually stumbling to its knees until its head crashed down on a few stormtroopers.
“Kanan, glad you could join us!” Zeb shouted in delight as the Jedi ran up to the three of you with a smile.
“Hera said you’re bringing help?” The lasat asked with a hint of curiosity, turning on his foot and resuming his running with the three of you behind him.
“Maybe, maybe not!” The Jedi responded, earning a frown from you as you kept your pace up so you didn’t trail behind.
The four of you ran right into a small tunnel, following the rest of the rebels as a loud storm rumbled above you. Your pace didn’t falter as you heard the distant whistling of a ship landing and if anything it only made you run faster. Kanan directed you through the tunnel with his lightsaber, coming up to two tunnels.
“This way!” As he pointed which direction you should go to next, a death trooper emerged from the corner and started shooting at the four of you.
“The other way, the other way!” He panicked, running into the other tunnel with you trailing behind him. Your heart was pounding in your ears and you felt like you were going to pass out at any moment, but you held onto that tiny bit of energy you had left and brewed it into the determination to survive and be able to see Omani again.
After escaping the endless nightmare called the tunnels, you made it back to the base and scampered to the holo table hiding in between crates as the noise of the AT’s guns shot up at the shield.
“Kanan! You made it, what happened with your friend?” Hera asked in a stern tone. You, Zeb and Rex put your bodies against the crates and guarded the entrance, making sure no stormtroopers were coming in as Hera negotiated with Kanan.
“Oh don’t worry, I think he’s coming” Kanan replied.
After a few seconds, the team was moving and you had your blaster wrapped tightly in your hand, your finger hovering over the trigger. The generator behind you broke and the shield was taken down, resulting in incoming ties and imperial reinforcements.
A transport left the bay but was unfortunately shot down which made you stop dead in your tracks. Zeb stopped beside you and his ears drooped when he realised what might’ve happened.
“Omani!!” You cried, immediately dialling into your coms but only for a blaster to be pressed against your skull as a death trooper shoved you forward towards the rest of the group. You sobbed, sniffing and trying your hardest not to cry when all you could think about was the fact that your daughter might’ve been on that ship. Zeb held you close as you continued to cry whilst a blaster was pointed dangerously close to your face, the death trooper muttering something you couldn’t quite understand due to the audio of their helmet.
“And now, Captain Syndulla,” A voice spoke from the clouds of smoke, causing you to stop your crying and lean back with wide, shocked eyes. It couldn’t be.
“I will accept your formal surrender,” You stood frozen in your spot as Zeb shielded you protectively from the man who had just made his grand appearance.
“I don’t believe it” You whispered, but the death trooper noticed and bashed the edge of his blaster harshly against your skull.
“Or you will watch your friends perish, one by one, beginning with the Jedi” You backed away, reaching for your blaster as Kanan ignited his lightsaber and everyone else sheathed their weapon of choice. Painfully, you turned around and looked at the trooper standing behind you, pointing your blaster at his helmet and staring at him with a teary scowl.
“You already know my answer” Hera hissed with disgust glaring strongly at the Imperial dressed in white that you absolutely refused to look at no matter how much he threatened your friends. This wasn’t happening, it couldn’t be.
Just as you were about to shoot the trooper, a loud thunder strike boomed in the sky and only then did you remember the storm from earlier. You turned to look up at the storm and so did the death trooper, your blasters lowering slightly as you set eyes on the large black clouds hovering above all of you.
“Do you fear the storm, Master Jedi?” Thrawn smirked, his hands clasped behind his back as he approached Kanan who blindly stared at the sky with a worried face.
“Yeah. And you sgould too” The Jedi replied, right before a dangerously close lightning strike hit the ground and missed Thrawn by at least a meter.
“Hang onto something!” Kanan warned before unsheathing his lightsaber.
“What kind of Jedi devilry is this?” Thrawn glared up at the sky, his forearm shielding his gaze as the wind picked up and the thunder grew louder.
Barely seconds later, a blaring, deep voice exclaimed from the sky. “I am the Bendu”.
Two glowing orange eyes opened in the cloud and you found yourself dumbfounded by it. Never in your life had you set eyes on something as magnificently terrifying as this!
“What is that?” Zeb asked next to you as you took subtle steps away from the Chiss and his men. You looked to Hera as she looked to her partner. “Uh, Kanan?”.
“I told you my friend was coming” He exclaimed in a tone you couldn’t quite identify, it was a mixture of confidence but also fear.
“I bring death!” The thing called Bendu proclaimed.
“He’s nice!” You yelled sarcastically, frowning at Kanan who smiled very awkwardly. You looked over to see that two colossal lightning bolts had hit two of the AT’s, immediately destroying them and causing them to fall to the ground. Unlucky for the group, more lightning bolts started crashing their way towards you and without thinking twice, you bolted in the opposite direction with everyone following you. You skidded behind a crate, peeking behind it to look up at the gigantic monsterous being that was less than happy.
“Leave this place” don’t have to tell me twice, you thought with a frown, looking to your left to see a few death troopers hiding behind their own crates.
“I am the light, I am the dark” You found yourself watching Bendu with fascination but you were still fearing for your life, looking to Hera and Kanan who were looking just as surprised as you were.
“I am the Bendu!” The cloud bellowed before sending more lightning down to strike the death troopers who had been obliviously out in the open.
“You heard him! Make for the ship!” Kanan turned to all of you, his lips in a thin like as he gripped his lightsaber tightly. You all nodded, but just as you were about to run, you stopped as everyone else left for the ship. The thunder was so loud but you looked around despite the fact you might be killed right here and then. You watched the remaining death troopers yell to one another as they tried shooting at the cloud.
You stood in the middle of the platform, looking at the man dressed in white who was looking at the cloud as if he had no fear. You couldn’t tear your eyes away and eventually ended up being spotted by one of the death troopers. Aiming your blaster, You shot him down but drew the attention of Thrawn whilst you were at it.
You heard the voices of Kanan and Hera call out to you as they watched in horror when Thrawn turned around and finally spotted you. Your hands trembled violently as they gripped onto the blaster that was aimed right at Thrawn, your face a mask of fright as Thrawn’s eyes widened and his face morphed into a frown, a very angry frown.
The lightning didn’t distract either of you as your blaster kept its aim, level with your face but it was low enough for Thrawn to see all of it from a distance. He knew who you were, he didn’t see you in the group because you were hidden and his attention was mostly on Kanan but now, now he had a whole new mission, a whole new ambition for upcoming missions.
“(Y/N), hurry up we gotta go!” Zeb screamed your name but you didn’t move, you were frozen as Thrawn drew out his blaster and pointed it right at you. There was a fire in his eyes, a fire you had never seen when you used to know him. It alarmed you greatly.
“Leave without me! Omani’s gone, I’ve got nothing left to live for!” You yelled back through tears, looking back to the crew who were all staring at you with wide, agonising stares.
“No, I won’t leave you!” Kanan exclaimed, jumping off the ramp and running up to you whilst igniting his lightsaber, ready to deflect Thrawn’s blaster as he grabbed your arm and started dragging you to the ship. You started shooting aimlessly at Thrawn, screaming and crying as you pictured Omani in your mind. Thrawn didn’t shoot back and he didn’t move either, all your shots missed him and you chucked your blaster on the ground after giving up.
You ran with Kanan to the ship in tears, the ramp closing behind you as you collapsed onto the floor on your hands and knees. Your arms bent and you leaned your head onto your hands, your cries echoing around the ship as it flew into hyperspace.
Hera wrapped an arm around you and pulled you back, sitting with you on the ground and resting your head on her chest as you continued to let out your tears of pain and anger. The crew watched with sadness, wishing they could comfort you but they were ushered into their rooms by Kanan who stayed with you and Hera once everyone was away.
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brightbirdart · 3 years
WoL Bio - Raebet Fluffalo
“Freyja Dei-Ijla”
Age: 50
Height: 6’11”
Race: Rava
Canon Class: Dragoon
Alignment: Chaotic Good
A stubborn outsider. Confused by Eorzean customs and often stumbles into social faux paus. Rather than reacting with embarrassment she tends to treat them as being “beneath her.” Oftentimes openly defying them. 
She hides behind a cold exterior, strong emotions usually simmering beneath the surface. Her right ear twitches when she is burying a particularly strong feeling. Something only her closest companions would pick up on. 
A strong moral compass guides her. She will act to protect those who are downtrodden and those close to her regardless of the consequences.
Rae really doesn’t connect with Eorzean propriety and has a number of relations over her travels. (Viera culture doesn’t really do monogamy, lifelong bonding is particularly rare.) 
Clan and Family:
Freyja and her twin Falki were born to the Rava clan in the treetop village of Dei-ljla. Differences in gender don’t appear in Viera until their 13th nameday and it was then that they discovered Freyja and Falki to be fraternal twins rather than identical. Falki was to be sent to the borders of the Rava wood to be trained as a protector (a life threatening trial), while Freyja was to stay behind in Dei-ljla.
Exile and Arrival to Gridania
The loss of her brother and closest family was beyond anything the young rava could bear. In the middle of the night, a few days after Falki’s departure, Freyja followed him out of the village. Freyja’s actions would break the “Green Word”, the age-old cultural traditions that define viera life, and result in exile. At least they would be together, or so she thought, until upon finding her brother and confronting his new mentor she discovered that Falki did not want to go. His acceptance of his new path and refusal to leave broke Freyja. She cursed his name, the Rava,  Dei-ljla and vowed to never step foot in their woods again. She hasn’t seen him since.
The name Raebet Fluffalo was given to her by a drunk bard she met in a rundown tavern on the outskirts of Gridania. She kept it, feeling as though it was an appropriate jab at her rava heritage, but it’s grown on her over the years. She’s warmed up to other exiled viera over time, but in general tends to avoid them as much as possible. Preferring to forget and ignore her troubled youth in the company of elezen, mi’qote and the other varied races of Eorzea.
The Scions of the Seventh Dawn
The Scions provided Rae with the sense of purpose and family she hadn’t known since leaving Dei-ljla. While reluctant to be chosen by the goddess Hydalin, she knew better than to squander the opportunity to protect her friends with her newfound strength.
The Mistcallers - Free Company
Her true family, her equals. Those in her life that challenge her and humble her. Those that remind her that no matter what happens, she'll never have to face life alone.
Rae and Dragon Eyes (***HW SPOILERS****)
A deep wellspring of power that can be used to unlock new abilities and push physical limits. 
The eye’s power is addicting and terrifying all at once. Dragon blood brings out the savage, instinctual side of an individual. Highly likely to overwhelm and corrupt the person unless they are strong-willed and can weather the storm of emotion that roils within them.
Rae learned quickly what it meant to tap into the power of the eyes as a dragoon. First it was Nidhogg’s, all vengeance and fury. Then Hraesvalgr, love and sorrow. Finally Rae was gifted an eye by Vidofnir at the end of the Dragonsong War when she committed herself fully to being a voice for dragonkind in Ishgard.
Rae fears she’ll do harm to people she loves if she doesn’t keep her own emotions in check. In the early days of her pact with Vidofnir, the surge of power, draconic instinct, and emotional upheaval caused her to recede further into herself. Very few people knew how close she was to losing control. With Estinien’s corruption and so much attention on the Warrior of Light, the stakes were incredibly high and Rae felt it keenly.
Slowly but surely Rae leveled back out and learned to hone and direct the power that Vidofnir shares with her. Great emotional distress can still trigger episodes, but they’re rare.
Rae was always a person who kept her thoughts and feelings close to the chest, but the demands of being a dragoon really solidified the walls she’d built around herself.
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baekchelor · 4 years
pairing: bodevan cash x reader genre: Doctor! AU, Romance, Angst summary: After a fall out with your fianceé, and an opportunity to chase your dreams, you embark into a medical mission trip to Namibia where you run into self-taught doctor Bodevan Cash. Love ensues. word count: 3.8k
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❝the  sea  beckoned  to  me,  and  all  reality  was  lost —swept  away  in  the entrancing  song  of  the  tide. ❞                                                                                                                ―meredith t. taylor
TWO twelve days
◄ prev
Bodevan's eyes looked like the morning sky every day after the first one you met them. Per diem, Bo's mood was bright as the sun too, although you did notice the tears confined on his bottom lid once ―when he concluded nothing else could be done and called 20:16 as Moharerwa's time of death. Bo summoned you to the OR after practising the caesarean section, as the doctor responsible for keeping Moharerwa's baby alive. Meanwhile, you were transporting the newborn into the incubator, Moharerwa went into cardiac arrest, and despite all his efforts, Bo couldn't keep her alive.
She did, briefly, meet her son, and the few minutes were enough to announce his name was Bodererwa. She thanked Bo and expressed her gratitude by naming her infant with the first two syllables of Bodevan's name.
Baby Bodererwa wasn't the only patient under your care. You treated an Irish girl who suffered from nausea and developed rashes. Rellian (Bo's younger brother) and you bonded over an uncanny case of seizures, muscle weakness and vision loss, you later diagnosed as Tay Sachs Disease. Tjiruru, a Himba man on his forties, came in with an acute case of Hepatitis C. Later, Tjiruru brought his sister, who two weeks ago, at Henties Bay's clinic, was prescribed with azithromycin for bacterial pneumonia. Bodevan figured out the medicine killed pneumonia's bacteria and caused other bacteria (that usually lives in a symbiotic relationship with the body) to produce toxins AKA Tjiruru's sister illness.
On day eight, you met, for the very first time, Danny Dupont. He was from Australia, with Kiwi heritage, and the reason why Bodevan got himself a kind-of-nurse.
Danny was diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy, which caused his heart to fail. He came to Namibia because he didn't want to spend the rest of his days trapped in a hospital, waiting for a heart transplant. During a Safari across the Skeleton Coast, he fell in love with Peera, his tour-guide. Peera became Danny's reason to live, so he accepted to spend most of his days laying on a hospital bed if it meant he would win more time to enjoy alongside Peera. So she asked Bodevan to train her as a nurse, and Danny requested Bodevan to treat him. Now Bodevan has an Organ Donation Program running on the Himba village so, in case of any death, he can get a heart for Danny.
Today, Peera will host a "western" Birthday Party for Danny. It will be held at the hospital because Danny can't leave his cot, but Reillian will microwave a cake in a mug for him ―he saw the receipt somewhere on Pinterest―, and Bodevan managed to buy a few candles and balloons.
Also today, you're running late for your rounds. Dr Gandy video called early this morning, not to inform you about old patients, but to have breakfast with you. It was 2am for Ethan, but he ate pancakes and orange juice, the same receipt he asked room service to bring to your cabin, with the bacon crisped just like you like it, and with blueberries marmalade instead of syrup. You talked bout your medical experiences in Namibia, and that he will keep the Hamptons' beach house and Harper will have the pent-house in Soho. Ethan also said he misses you like crazy.
Guilt substituted the sugar in your coffee, souring the moment, and making clear that you wish you could say the same to Ethan. And you did, of course, you did, you lied. Truth is, Danny and his heart transplant, Bodererwa and his chances of survival, and every patient you've treated so far, keep your mind busy to the extent that, when you collide on bed, the only thought on your mind is to finally be able to rest.
Or so you tell yourself. Considering that dreamland and the pillow talk with your subconscious revolve around a particular wonderful being named Bodevan Cash.
"Morning!" all smiles, you greet as you walk into the teepee. You've grown to love the place.
"Morning, Intern!" and you've grown to love the nickname he calls you. Bodevan is teaching you about surgery, and yoga, and Hambi language, and about why the globe's entire population should be Maoists.
The boy is erudite. He was homeschooled, and his parents did a hell of a great job. To the point, Bodevan received college acceptance letters from numerous Ivy League schools. "I've got something to show you. Come here."
Bo hands you a pile of old letters. Right away, you know what they are, and you can't help but stare at each of them with your mouth agape.
"Holy Cow," your wide eyes travel to meet his. "Why didn't you go to any of this? Harvard is the best school for medicine out there."
"I never pictured myself as a Doctor," he says, while you check the charts for today patients. "I just wanted to go to college, be a normal guy. But when mom died, well...life has a funny way of trampling dreams, huh?"
"Yeah, it does," you murmur softly. "Sometimes, I just feel as if life controls me, instead of it being the other way around."
Bo looks at you knowingly, but careful of his own words, "Why do I get the feeling you're talking about your marriage?"
"I love Ethan. I'm just... if you've asked me what I wanted to do at my twenties, I would answer joining Doctors Without Borders, not getting married," you answer quietly, surprised at what has just left your lips. Hearing the inner thought that had been plaguing you for the past months being said out loud unnerved you.
"Was he upset about your trip here?" asks Bodevan.
"No. He encouraged me to do it, he even paid the ticket. I guess only because I was upset about him being married before. I know Ethan. He did this to erase the guilt from his system, to try to indulge me," you tell, fiddling with your white coat.
Bo eyes you in surprise, startled, "I-I didn't know he was married."
"He is married. They'll sign the divorce papers in two days. He never really told me, I just found out because his wife made an appearance at the hospital we both work at."
Bo remains silent for a while.
"I'm sorry. I have no idea why I'm telling you all this," you intervene awkwardly, suddenly feeling ashamed. He probably thought you were an idiot for sticking with a man who blatantly lied to your face. And you were likely making it worse by ranting on about your fiancé whom you swore a thousand times before that you were madly in love with.
But Bodevan just smiles. "No, it's alright. It helps to let things out. But if I were you, I'd tell him how I felt. If you're going to be spending the rest of your life with him…"
You sigh. He is right.
"Forget about it. What about you?" you pipe. "Any significant others?"
"N-no," he is all shy again, averting his blue orbs to the floor, as far from you as possible, and stuttering.
"But I assure you, he has ladies lining up for a shot," Peera quickly meddles, grinning. She's grabbing serum and a needle from the cabinets, probably for Danny.
You raise your brow, teasing, "Oh? Even with that 70's hairstyle?"
Peera gasps, clutching her chest dramatically. "I'm offended! I think it looks quite sexy on him, or so I heard..."
You giggle as the girl wiggles her eyebrows, Bodevan flushing red.
"I was kidding. It does," you confess.
"D-Does what?" asks Bodevan.
"Look sexy."
For a second, you don't quite realize what you'd said. But as Bo smirks, a bell goes off in your head. You feel your cheeks burn and you hastily look away from him, embarrassed. What is wrong with you?
You clear your throat, gaze hiding from Bo, "I should start my rounds."
These past few days were what you could only describe as confusing. And you had a feeling the confusion started when you accidentally told your mentor that his eyes looked like the morning sky.
It didn't help that during one of your night shifts, you dozed off on his shoulder, only to wake up sensing the weight of his head resting on top of yours, his breath on your hair, your lips near his neck.
It didn't help that over your clumsy attempts of getting into crow pose, you noticed how lovely his crooked smile was, and how when he chuckled, his eyes crinkled up at the corners.
And it certainly didn't help that you woke up to skies as clear and blue as Bodevan's eyes.
Nevertheless, you kenned something was seriously wrong when Bodevan touches your hand, and you actually feel sparks fly ―although that's medical impossible and you are a doctor, you should know. Or that when he, for some miracle, looks you in the eyes, your heart somersaults ―another impossible medical matter. Or that when he leans in to whisper some of his intellectual jokes that most of the time, you don't understand, goosebumps wash over your skin.
Something is happening, something is definitely happening, you just refuse to admit it to yourself.
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At downfall, Peera and Danny urged you out of duty so you could go back to the cabin and get changed. With pleading brown eyes, Peera asked you to wear something special. She's been saving money for a while ―turns out Bodevan not only built a miracle in the middle of nowhere. In like manner, he helps the Hambi to sell handicrafts and jewellery at a souvenir store―, and the past weekend, Rellian drove her all the way to Henties Bay to buy a beautiful emerald dress. Therefore, you stopped by the hotel boutique and used Ethan's credit card to buy a gown made by a fluttering pink fabric.
When one of the hotel vans dropped you off at Bo's clinic, you're welcomed by the melody Bodevan and Danny are crafting through their guitars. They are singing Guns N' Roses' Patience, and although the one with the good voice is Danny, you can't seem to drag your attention away from Bodevan. He is wearing a suave, intricately patterned mustard jacket, buttoned low so that his chest peeks through. You hate that he looks so good in it.
A wide smile spreads across your features as you cheer for both guys once they've strummed their last chords. And then, the smile is stolen away when a tall, leggy blonde [you've never seen before] is suddenly leaning next to Bo, a flirty smirk on her lips. The girl whispers something to his ear, Bodevan goes beet red but nods anyway. To your annoyance, he follows her to the drink station Peera put together ashore.
Bitting down on the inside of your cheek, you watch Bodevan lean close into her, turning on the charms he ignores he posses. You force yourself to turn away, squeezing yous lids shut to get rid of the disappointment that is dawning your heart.
Why the hell are you getting this affected by him? He is your mentor, your peer. You've known him for a grand total of six days. Most importantly, you are engaged.
A hand carefully resting on your shoulder, pulls you off your thoughts. You turn, only to come upon Peera. "Her name is Elise. She's been trying to get in his pants since he fixed her sprained ankle a week ago."
"She hasn't managed," comments Rellian, handing you a red cup filled by what you presume to be wine. Chardonnay. 80's music blasts from the speakers shove over Bodevan's desk, and Rellian offers you a hand, "Do you want to dance?" His voice is bright and warm, and his enthusiasm washes over you. It is challenging to pint-point him as the angry teenager Bo told you about.
"Absolutely," you take his hand easily. "I should warn you, though, I'm not very good."
"That's fine. We'll take it slow." Rellian's grin is so inviting that you can't be worried about your poor dancing skills, so you happily follow him out to the beach. The song is an upbeat one, which suits his mood.
"It seems you've fully recovered from Bodevan breaking your heart a couple minutes ago," he jokes
"It's a shame he didn't do any damage," you shoot back, obviously kidding. "If I was heartbroken, I wouldn't have to dance with you."
Rellian laughs, "I'm glad you're as funny as everyone says you are. I hear you're my brother's favourite, too." It sounds as if it is common knowledge. "And that your engagement is troublesome―"
"I wouldn't call it troublesome," part of you is sick of people saying that. Another part yearned for it to be different, although you know people speak the truth. It is troublesome. Sighing, you confess, "Ethan lied to me. He is married, about to get divorced but married still. We' have been engaged for over a year, and I just found out about it a month ago."
Rellian stops dancing for a moment, shocked at what he's just heard. He quickly picks back up, studying your expression for a moment. "I didn't realize that was what was going on," he says softly, apologetic. "I mean, you know I want my brother to get the girl, but I didn't want you to get hurt."
"Thanks," you shrug. "I feel stupid more than anything."
Rellian pulls you in a little closer, yet keeping a respectful distance. "Trust me, Intern, any man who passes up the chance to be with you is the stupid one."
"Bo just passed me up..." <<Oh my god. What is wrong with you?>>
"That's how I know," he replies, followed by a thread of giggles. On cue, you glance over Rellian's shoulder and find Bodevan dancing with Elise.
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Seven glasses of wine have paved their way through your system, Rellian keeps throwing jokes as you swing your figures to the beat of the music, when you hear his voice beside you, "My lady?" Rellian freezes in the spot, a knowing smirk appearing on his features. Complicit glances are exchanged, and finally, you turn on your heels to find yourself face to face, lip to lip, with Bodevan Cash. "May I have this dance?"
That feeling, that indefinable something, courses through you. As dejected as you'd felt, as embarrassed as you'd been, when Bodevan offers that moment, instead of to Elise, you have to take it. Because the song is slow, and it is Guns N' Roses, and the waves are crashing on the shore...And you're drunk.
"Of course."
Bodevan, clearly drunk as well, entwines your hands together and walks you near the seaside, where the water can dance as well, underneath your feet. He doesn't seem uncomfortable, or as if he fancied to dance with someone else rather than with you. On the contrary, Bodevan holds you so close you can smell his cologne and feel his stubble against the skin of your cheek.
"I was wondering if I was going to get a dance at all," you comment, trying to sound playful. Bodevan succeeds to pull you even closer.
"I-I needed to drink up my courage, so my second-thoughts are over. Now I'm brave enough to enjoy the rest of the night with you." This time you can blame it on the alcohol, but as both always do near each other, the two flush furiously. Sometimes Bodevan's words are like single lines of novels or movies. After dating Ethan for so long, it is weird to flirt with a guy that turns beet red on the cheeks, shy to speak bluntly. Ethan does it without an effort, he always speaks his mind, whether to compliment or with the sole purpose to hurt. They are poles apart. In every way possible. Bodevan didn't go to Dartmouth like Ethan did, Bo acquired his vast knowledge out of countless books. Still and all, he is as good a doctor as Ethan Gandy.
You are kneen on different and too stubborn to accept it, but the racing on your pulse betrays you.
"You look lovely, Intern. Much too beautiful to be on the arm of someone like me."
"Someone like you? This has been perfect, Bo."
"Agreed," he giggles. "Let's do this next year. Danny will have a new heart by then."
You look at him. Next year?
"Would you like that?"
"I won't be here next year, Bo..."
He stops dancing. "Why wouldn't you?"
On a dime, it hits him. Thank God, because you don't really want to say out loud the reason why this won't happen next year, at least not with you present, is that you'll leave in a couple weeks, get married and never come back. Despite the words ain’t articulated aloud, you know Bo has heard them, and you know he espies the water welling up in your eyes and how hard you're trying to hide them.
You gaze down at the wet sand. The water suddenly feels cold.
"Intern, look at me," he says gently. "I'm such a nincompoop. I had just discerned tonight is all we have and I-I misused half of it by dancing with Elise." His voice is hoarse, frustrated. "I thought you felt secure in your standing." What? You are missing something here. Bodevan sighs, not relieved, but hugely nervous. The following words are said as his ocean orbs are settled elsewhere, anywhere, but your face. "Honestly? From the beginning, I've really only looked at you, wanted you." Bodevan manages to meet with your eyes, and his gaze is emotional, and blue and so deep that it overcomes you. So, for a moment, you duck your head. "I'm having a hard time accepting that you will leave... It's fine though, you'd be surprised how infrequently I get what I truly want."
You've treated with patients for years now, you've been trained to tell when they lie, how they're really feeling, find out their buried truths. And you can tell Bodevan is hiding something, some sadness he isn't prepared to share. But he shakes it away and resumes the talking, starting to sway to the music again. "But we have tonight, haven't we?. . ."—Bo looks at your eyes. Unwavering. —"There's only you, and me, and this beach. Tonight."
It takes you a moment to attain the correct rhythm of your breath and heart. You could understand the feeling— that it is unlucky, a kick in the ass from fate. Deep, deep inside you, you feel like that daily as well.
"We do," you whisper into his neck. "We have tonight." His lips are at your ear, kissing your earlobe. The arm resting on his back draws him nearer, and he mimics the action until you're physically closer to each other than you'd ever been.
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You jump over a wave, and a chuckle bursts out when you turn around and notice Bodevan chasing you out of the sea. The level of alcohol is higher in your system, and your fancy dress is soaked by saltwater.
Bodevan runs faster, and as you're about to reach the back entrance of the teepee, he reaches for your hand, dragging you against his chest.
Before you can speak, he has you up against the wall, his body covering yours entirely. Bo is breathing heavily, panting, and you're just as breathless, not only because you'd just run like a madwoman. Bodevan's proximity to you and the way you can literally feel his chest rise and fall against you with his unsteady breaths is making your brain melt —even though you know, that is medically impossible too.
“What's wrong—”
He hisses and brings his hand up over your mouth. You halt, your breath stopping as you hear Peera and Danny's grunts and moans and pants.
With a crimson streak across his cheeks, Bodevan shuts his eyes and swears softly, not removing his hand from your mouth. You keep very still, trying to stay calm by breathing in and out through your nose.
"How do we proceed?"
"The hotel van will pick me up soon."
The pants grow fainter, but you're still able to hear Peera moaning Danny's name. You don't want to disturb them, or announce your presence outside, mere meters away from they having sex. This is their special night, and who doesn't enjoy a dose of birthday sex?
Bodevan doesn't let go of you for another 5 minutes. He just stands there like that, his forehead pressed against yours. Only when you are blinded by the lights of the van approaching, he quickly drops his hand.
"Peera and Rellian will take over tomorrow. We both have the day off. So see you M-Monday."
You swallow, "Do you want to come with me? I have wine in my cabin's mini bar—"
"Alright," mutters Bodevan, shaking his head at his very own embarrassment. "I-I would love to."
He smiles.
Breathless. That's how you'll describe your symptoms at this precise period in time. And you had been standing still for the past 15 minutes. 
Why is he making you like this?
You catch his eyes widen in surprise as you grab his hand and lead with to the insides of the van. You greet the driver and set off.
After you’ve reached Shipwreck Lodge, and you fidget with the keys to open your bedroom door, you remember Elise and their shared laughter, their noses almost brushing as they talked, and how Bo dismissed the whole thing. Uncertain about the weird feeling stirring in your stomach, you say, "So you really don't like Elise, huh? She must have been upset to see you running away with me like that..."
Bodevan raises his eyebrows, "Oh, it's no problem at all. I don't care about her. A certain other girl caught my eye, you see. And I can't ignore her. Not when she robs my attention with every small detail."
Your heart hammers in your chest. "Oh. Good for you."
Bodevan shakes his head. "Not really. She's engaged."
You almost believe he will talk further, because of the way he glances at you, his eyes sparkling with things unsaid and his lips parted. Or maybe he is about to kiss you...
But he just drags his stare back to his converse, and you grab two cups and pour white wine, hit play on your Guns N’ Roses playlist and invite him to sit down with you at the edge your mattress.
You aren't sure how long you lay there, talking to him. At some point, your eyes start drooping, as are his, and you fall asleep like that beside him, bodies over the undo bed, feet tangled together, and your hair sprawled across his chest. Without even noticing that at some moment during the night, your engagement ring fell from your finger, leaving it empty.
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TV Tropes: Alaska
Acting Your Intellectual Age: He has the looks of a first-grader but the mind of a seasoned mountaineer and has no interest in connecting with children that look his age. However, this could just be because he has no interest in connecting with anyone outside his ‘pack’ after what happened last time.
Adorkable: Has his moments, such as when he’s gushing about dogs. He really loves dogs.
The Alcoholic: Being Alaska, Alaska has a love for the sauce, especially salmon vodka. This usually leads him to pass out by the end. 
Animal Motif: Dogs and wolves obviously. Specifically Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies for the former and Arctic Wolves for the latter.
Badass Bookworm: Loves to read but is a natural survivalist and gunslinger.
Berserk Button: For your safety, do not mention Russia or Texas within ten feet of him. Also, don’t call him small.
Big Brother Instinct: To Hawaii and by extension the other states if they are threatened as he does genuinely care about all of them even if they do think he’s rather odd.
Big Brother Mentor: Also to Hawaii by sharing his experiences to teach her that the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. She, however, hasn’t taken on his nihilism and still believes in the best in people.
Big Eater: Given that he smokes marijuana, is a state, and is stress eater this is no big shocker.
Blue-and-Orange Morality: Being raised by wolves, Alaska has a mindset closer to animals than humans. For one Alaska, cares nothing for morality besides protecting his ‘pack’ (America and the other states) and judges things like disloyalty and irresponsibility far more harshly than someone being outright malicious. He also thinks that politicians need to start fighting to the death for their position. Literally. (This also could just be because he just hates politicians since they often lie to gain people’s favor)
Broken Bird: After so many years of tragedy and isolation, Alaska is understandably rather cynical.
Break the Cutie: See ‘Dark and Troubled Past’.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: A platonic version but he is the brooding boy to Hawaii’s gentle girl. 
Brutal Honesty: Everyone agrees that Alaska is probably the most honest of the states, however, his honesty is usually extremely impolite to which he just says ‘I say the truth, it’s their fault if they can’t accept’.
Byronic Hero: Alaska is snarky, stoic, stubborn, excessively cynical but is passionate about his beliefs and has a soft spot for the environment and its creatures.
Celibate Hero: While not asexual, he has little interest in ever having sex and it’s not just because he looks six.
Color Motif: White and gray.
Comically Serious: He does not understand jokes so he will often take these at face value.  
Crazy-Prepared: Winter’s in his state are intense, so he leaves nothing to chance. 
Dark and Troubled Past: Imagine being locked into the form of a baby, abandoned by the people who were supposed to love and protect you, find a new family in wolves only for them to be killed leaving you to survive on your own while looking a like a toddler. When you finally found someone they also die leaving you to want to curl up and die and then be adopted again but seen as odd by your adopted siblings. Yeah, Alaska having depression and anxiety makes a lot of sense.
Deadpan Snarker: Usually this, especially when at states meeting or when he’s answering asks.
Defrosting Ice Queen: Alaska is not an easy person to get along with and can be extremely rude and sarcastic especially to ask blogs that star Texas, however, it is possible for him to warm up to some people outside his family like Dave (@alaska-ask-blog-aph) or at the very least learns the ability to bite his tongue.
Emotionless Boy: Most of the time, he is extremely stoic due to the fact that when he does express emotion, he can come off as rather intense.
Everyone Has Standards: He has a strange morality, however he is openly disgusted by ‘people’ who would rip away children’s innocence.
Foil: To Hawaii. They are both disconnected states and the child of a Native mother and Caucasian parent with trauma happening to them at very young ages which caused them to act the way they do, with Alaska being very stern and no-nonsense while Hawaii is energetic and enjoys making people smile.
Friendless Background: Because of his inability to relate to children his physical age and his autism causing him panic attacks whenever he is in close proximity to others, he has very few friends other than Hawaii. 
Friend to All Children: Zigzagged. He doesn’t connect with older children very well but he does have a soft spot for toddlers and babies and even makes an attempt to be openly kind to them. He also considers the worst people the ones who would purposefully steal their innocence and wouldn’t hesitate to pull his gun on such people.
Friend to All Living Things: Hey, I said humans, I never said anything about animals but yes he does love animals particularly dogs, wolves, and eagles.
Good is Not Nice: Not nice is an understatement. He has a strange moral code, is rather rude to new people, and mainly keeps to himself but if someone dares and tries to hurt his little sister or anyone in his family, they better start running.
Guilt Complex: Blames himself for what happened to his crush.
Hates Being Touched: The only one who he will willingly let touch him, much less hug him, is Hawaii. Other than not, hands-off.
Hates Their Parent: Openly refers to Russia as ‘a sperm donor’. And that’s when he’s being nice.
The Hermit: Lives like this whenever he’s at home in his state.  
Hidden Depths: 
Instead of hockey as one would think, he enjoys figure skating and is actually pretty good.
Not shown on the blog, yet but he actually enjoys the company of toddlers like Nunavut as they are far less complicated than people who are older.
He also enjoys writing and even creates stories in his free time. He also uses it along with his personal journal as a form of therapy for himself.
Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Brother/Sister version. Alaska is the huge guy to Hawaii’s tiny girl, especially once they’re older where he’ll be at 5′11 to 6′0 to Hawaii’s 5′3. Justified as Alaska is one-fifth the size of the lower 48 and is larger than Montana, California, Texas COMBINED.
Human Mom, Non-Human Dad: While his biological father is Russia, his mother was a normal Yup'ik woman named Uki.  
Hypocrite: Alaska calls Russia a ‘cruel, crazy manchild’  when he openly calls for the deaths of anyone who betrays their country. He also wants Hawaii to seek help when he resists any for him.
Hypocrite has a Point: To be fair, being lenient with traitors is a recipe for disaster for this country.
Ice Queen: He’s a rather cold and rude person but still a nice guy underneath.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Cynical, rude, stubborn are all words that would accurately describe him but also family-orientated, protective, and generous when he needs to be.
Knight in Sour Armor: He does see the world as a cold and dark and is a self-proclaimed misanthrope but still does his best to protect his family and people.
Meaningful Name: Alaska’s name Inuit name, ‘Nukilik’, means ‘strong’ and given everything, he’s gone through and still living to see today, no one can say he isn’t strong. As for his European name of ‘Peter’ meaning ‘stone’ and he is stone-faced and it’s also a nice reference to Peter the Great of Russia.
Mixed Ancestry: He’s half-Slavic, half-Inuit. 
Nature Lover: Growing up most of his life in the forests of Alaska, it makes sense the woods are where he’s most comfortable especially among the animals there. He is also disgusted by hunters who hunt merely for the game and not because they need it.
Not Good with People: Type 2. My beloved grumpy boy is unsurprisingly not good with people as he can’t understand their feelings or why he offended him. However, he is good at reading the feelings of animals and emphasizes more with them.
No Social Skills: Justified due to both his upbringing. He also is very indifferent to having them at the end of the day.
Older Than They Look: Being a state this a given. However where he differs, since he was born in 1800, he’s actually older than most states but since he was basically deserted by Russia he was never given the ability to grow.
Only Sane Man: Certainly sees himself as this among the other states as he feels that they play bloated, bureaucratic politics far too much instead of working together to help their father.
The Pessimist: Alaska physically can’t bring himself to hope in the best in people since all he’s seen was the worst in people since he was young when everyone he loved just ditched him or died. 
Raised by Wolves: Played completely straight. After his mother’s tribe abandoned him in the woods an Alpha She-Wolf who had just lost her pups adopted Alaska.
Socially Awkward Hero: Alaska can scale mountains, survive massive earthquakes, and survive on his own for years. However, the ability to interact with humans or even other anthropics is the hard part.
Strong Family Resemblance: Besides his dark skin, black hair, and eye shape, Alaska is basically a younger version of Russia. This has gotten him into quite a bit of trouble like when he was accused of being a communist during the McCarthy era due to his Russian heritage and Belarus has tried to kidnap him on more than one occasion.
Sugar-and-Ice Personality: In spite of cold, loner nature and dislike for society in general, Alaska at his core is a genuinely familial, protective person who just wants to take care of those he cares about. This is best showcased in his relationship with Hawaii, who might be the only person he openly gives affection to and he did go as Elsa twice just to make her happy even if it was embarrassing for him.
Trauma Conga Line: Abandoned, seen as a threat, had his pack murdered, only person he ended up caring about dying, and nearly froze to almost-death. All when he looked 2. Someone get this boy a therapists.
Used to Be a Sweet Kid: When he was young, Alaska was a sweet and gentle boy, even while living with his wolf pack. However, due to the many tragedies in his life, he has become extremely bitter and cynical towards the world.
When She Smiles: Has given a few in some comics and chats. He even admits that the main reason he loves Hawaii (as a sister) is that she is one of the few people who can make him give a genuine smile.
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polyworth · 5 years
val, mel, and thea!
Finally I’m getting around to answering the asks I got sent in response to this oc ask meme.
…SO THIS GOT REALLY LONG… Answers are Under The Cut (also thank u Iza ily)
Full Name: Valerias Amarantos Gender and Sexuality: Masc. NB & BisexualPronouns: He/HimEthnicity/Species: ??????? We Just Don’t Know What Species Val is (his features are based off of Vietnamese people, though– so if he were a person on earth he would be Vietnamese)Birthplace and Birthdate: place - Rhohigh Sec City; Date -  03/27Guilty Pleasures: He’s never guilty abt the things he indulges in I’ll be real with u chief. But a normal person would say: Gambling, Drinking, Over Indulging in GeneralPhobias: Claustrophobia & Nyctophobia – but the fear of the dark only happens if he’s in a small spaceWhat They Would Be Famous For: Oh Lots of things… Murder, for one. Being in line to be a new Territory God is another.What They Would Get Arrested For:  Murder, Aggravated Assault, Public Inebriation, Disorderly Conduct, Treason, the list goes onOC You Ship Them With: Mel & Eli are his love interests OC Most Likely To Murder Them: HAHA Oh my god… Viviana & Mel are the two that stick out. I think a better question would be who’s LEAST likely to murder him.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Adventure / Action moviesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when the mentor / parental figure dies for the protagonistTalents and/or Powers: Complete Immortality & Super Strength / EnduranceWhy Someone Might Love Them: Val is honest, straightforward, funny, kinda dumb, and honestly if you’re nice to him he’ll probably do whatever you want. The last part changes a bit as he gets older, though.Why Someone Might Hate Them: Val is impulsive, short tempered, and only selectively cares about other people. He has a very convoluted honor code & is generally unpredictable. He literally cannot be killed & due to very specific trauma doesn’t have any qualms with killing. How They Change: Val goes from being a literal weapon / tool / considering himself as object to finding his personhood & learning to actually empathize with other living beings.Why You Love Them: Val is the culmination of many of my favorite tropes– unkillabe, dumb & innocent, but also just ridiculously OP. He’s very much like… an expression of growing up and learning that not everyone has the same privileges as you. By having him grow & try to make amends for the consequences of his actions, I want to show other people that you can too. He’s very dear to me in that way.
Full Name:  Melianthus KomosusGender and Sexuality: Nonbinary & PansexualPronouns: He / Him ; They / ThemEthnicity/Species: Cat Anima (no ethnicity has been assigned to Mel yet)Birthplace and Birthdate: place - Rhohigh Sec City ; date - 07/22Guilty Pleasures: Mel likes all the finer things in life– so I would say his guilty pleasure would probably be overspending on things haha. Going shopping for shit he doesn’t need & going out to eat when he’s got food at home, that sort of thing.Phobias: Failure, Abandonment, Not Measuring Up to ExpectationWhat They Would Be Famous For: Killing a GodWhat They Would Get Arrested For: ^^^, that and like… breaking out of prison and a whole lot of other things.OC You Ship Them With: Val & Eli are Mel’s love interests.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: THEA… PROBABLY…. Tbh lots of people probably want to.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: oh this bitch loves romance books, especially romance / mystery.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: underdog stories. He finds them unrealistic.Talents and/or Powers: Mel is able to manipulate chance to his advantage to any degree he’d like– the drawback being that he will experience and equal amount of bad luck at a later time not of his choosing.Why Someone Might Love Them: Mel is one of those characters where he runs his mouth and acts like he doesn’t give a shit to hide the fact that he gives SO much of a fuck. His actions contradict his words– he says he doesn’t care if so and so gets hurt and then goes out of his way to protect them. Mel has a good heart and ultimately wants things to be fair in a world that is very much UNfair. He’s also prickly & unintentionally VERY funny because of this. Reluctant hero, anyone?Why Someone Might Hate Them: Probably for the same reasons listed above. Younger Mel was also extremely self centered & selfish, and caused a lot of damage manipulating people into doing things that ultimately only benefited him. He’s afraid of any kind of vulnerability & pushes people away instead of communicating his wants & needs. He’s proud and hates being wrong, or being embarrassed, etc.How They Change: Mel learns how to be a responsible & less selfish person, as well as how to open up and admit fault. He basically learns how to take care of someone other than himself.Why You Love Them: Mel was one of the first OCs that was made for Erodea– he’s so… fucking funny to me, honestly. He’s a goddamn Tsundere cat man. He’s all “ugh i hate kids and i want to be left alone for the rest of my miserable failure of a life” and then the SECOND a kid shows up in his life, regardless of the fact that getting involved with her could very well get him killed or worse, he immediately goes “WELL I guess I’m responsible for them now” and just. Goes on a fucking quest. Stupid.
Full Name: Thea SantosGender and Sexuality: Cis woman & LesbianPronouns: She / HerEthnicity/Species: Human (Thea has a mixed heritage, so she doesn’t have one specific ethnicity)Birthplace and Birthdate: place - Humanity’s Palace in Niereve ; date - 12/02Guilty Pleasures: sneaking off with her best friend so she can slack off on her studies & official duties as a god, she also likes testing her luck with all sorts of things– this mostly results in her gambling but on a very small scale.Phobias: Being useless, being unable to do what she’s ‘meant’ to do, not ever fully awakening her powers & abilitiesWhat They Would Be Famous For: Being a Literal GodWhat They Would Get Arrested For: Breaking & Entering, Trespassing OC You Ship Them With: Eventually, Rhyanne! Rn they’re both like 16 though.. so.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: I cannot imagine anyone wanting to actually murder Thea. Except for one specific oc but that’s a Secret.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: The likes Murder Mysteries, ironically.Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Parents sacrificing themselves for their kids, also love trianglesTalents and/or Powers: Theoretically Thea should be able to do a large assortment of things, including but not limited to: Telepathic & Empathetic communication with other humans, prophetic visions specifically relating to any human’s fate, dream walking in other human’s dreams, telekinetic abilities, limited teleportation, access to miscellaneous magical spells.Why Someone Might Love Them: Thea is headstrong, compassionate, and easily flustered. She’s earnest in wanting to be the best god to her kind as physically possible but also equally as afraid of failing her people. She’s got a lot of weight on her shoulders for still being just a kid herself at 16. She’s full of love & determination and a definite fixer. She wants to make things Right and has a lot of energy to put towards that end.Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s 16 and naive, and also 16, so she’s bound to be annoying. She’s self righteous, and leaps without looking, sure that she’s going to be alright when she lands. She’s quick tempered and blunt and doesn’t always consider other people’s feelings before she says things, and is usually convinced she’s right. A downside to her wanting to fix things is that she often does what she thinks will ‘fix’ a situation without thinking things through.How They Change: Thea matures over the course of the story from someone who is lost & trying to find their place and purpose, literally trying to figure out who she is and why, to someone confident in herself and her place, or at least someone who’s comfortable with where she’s going. She learns that even though she’s a God she can’t fix everything and help everyone, and focuses on doing what she can to better the lives she can, one little thing at a time.Why You Love Them: Out of all our OCs Thea has gone through the most dramatic change– we initially had her as a much more meek and mild sort of character, but had a sort of galaxy brain moment when we realized she would be so much more compelling as an obnoxious teen with room to grow. Thea has a heart that wants nothing more than to help and to give, which is at odds with her current abilities, and it’s been such a pleasure watching her sort of come together.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Yes lesbian!Kidge please 😍😍😍
Can I just say I’m so happy that so many people were interested in this self-indulgent little idea of mine??? It makes me so happy! x3
Also, this fic is based loosely in canon, somewhere between S7 and S8, since I started to write this out before S8 hit. Also, in regards to Female!Keith in this, I was vague so that the reader can view it however they’d like. If you want to read this as Cis Female Keith or Trans Girl Keith, you’re free to! x3
Keira Kogane had to have pissed off some cosmic force in herlifetime, with what she was facing in that moment.
"I don't see why you're making such a big deal aboutthis," She said, crossing her arms and glaring at the figure before her,poised over a large box filled with clothes. Off to the side, she saw Shiroleaning against a wall and skimming through a magazine, seeming quite contentto hand the reins over to another set of hands. She narrowed her eyes to flashhim a half-hearted glare.
Filthy traitor, leaving her to fend for herself against thewolf.
She perked up as the other hoisted himself up, hands settledon either side of the box, flashing her a chiding look with his bright blueeyes. "Because, my poor, misguided friend," He said before seeming tospot something in the box that he liked and diving back down, "a date is abig, big moment for a blossoming romance. And I can tell that your experienceregarding romance is... Well, let's just say it leaves a lot to be desired.Plus, gonna be honest, but your sense fashion could use a serious helpinghand." He pulled out a bright yellow and blue tube-style shirt and lookedat her with a bright grin.
She made a face and, with a small huff, he cast the shirtover his shoulder and resumed his searching. Feeling a bit braver, she walkedover and peered over his hunched form into the box, arms crossing on instinctover her chest. "What's wrong with the way I dress?”
"Have you lookedat your jacket recently? It's like a poorly constructed matador cape!" Helaughed, casting an incredulous look at her over his shoulder.
"It does not!" She snapped back.
“It totally does. Besides, it doesn’t fit you right anymoreanyway. You need to update your fashion sense as well as your ensemble. Getsomething that actually fits,” He retorted, tone dismissive.
"I really like my jacket. It's comfy and I can movereally well in it. Who cares if it isn't the height of fashion?" Sheasked, waving one hand in the arm as if to dismiss him in turn.
"Pidge will,"Lance sang back, the smug look on his face causing her to flinch back.
It hadn’t been something she’d been planning to do, really,despite how badly she wanted to. In the weeks following their last huge fightagainst the strange Robeast that showed up on Earth, the Paladins hadn’t seen awhole lot of each other. Or, rather, Keira hadn’t seen too much of the others.Galra contained a slightly elevated healing rate than humans and, due to herown heritage as a Halfling, she’d been cleared to leave the medical bay muchsooner than the others. And once she was cleared, Shiro and Commander Iversonhad scooped her up to help with this or that, as well as to give statements toEarth and coalition-based media outlets about the situation as it stood.
It was in this time that she stood back and examined things.In specific, an interesting conversation she’d had with Iverson about missedopportunities was what caused her to decide she needed to act. She’d spentplenty of time sitting on her hands, quietly wondering if she even stood achance if she were to put herself out there like that. After all, Pidge wasbasically living starlight; brilliant and vibrant and vivacious. She was loyaland intelligent and passionate. Oh, and how her eyes lit up when she gotrambling about her latest research project!
And then Keira was just… Well, she was just a mopey, lonelysort that got stuck being the leader of the most powerful weapon the universeshad to offer. She wasn’t the type of person that people like Pidge Gunderson,or Katie Holt or whoever she was took an interest in. But, when she’d dared tosay as much outloud, Commander Iverson had cast a curious glance at her. “Notlike you to give up without a fight, but it sounds like you’re ready to pullyour hat out of the ring before it even touches the dirt. Not as brave as Igave you credit for, huh?” He said, tone near wistful.
And Keira, a creature of pride and impulsiveness, hadstormed off to find the other young woman and ask her out.
She’d found Pidge by chance, heading to the hanger to checkon the Lions with Hunk. Hunk, dear sweetheart that he was, had sensed the moodand excused himself. Keira had stumbled through her words, barely managing toget it out that she wanted to go out with Pidge. Just the two of them. On adate. She’d been startled when the shorter girl had actually flushed and lookedaway, everything about the gesture coy and nearly painfully cute, beforelifting her head and nodding, still clearly embarrassed but also giddy.
“I’d love to,” She had breathed out, her voice a littlewispy. The two had agreed to a few days later, when they were to have a freeday to start milling about the rebuilt portions of town, and then parted. Asshe was heading back to her room, though, the reality of what she’d just donesettled in and she was faced with another challenge.
Which was how she’d ended up where she was in that moment,wincing as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. "Do... Do you reallythink so?" She asked quietly.
There was suddenly a hand on her shoulder, causing her tolook up at a smiling Shiro. "No, she won't. Lance is just beingLance," He said, calmly placing the shirt Lance had tossed aside back intothe box. Lance groaned and shoved the shirt aside as he riffled through andpulled out a neon orange spaghetti strap thing. He set that one down beside thebox; to offer to Allura or Romelle, Keira hoped. She then glanced back up ather mentor, taking his gentle squeeze as a way to get her attention. "Pidgewouldn't have agreed to the date if she didn't like you for you, Keira."She blinked then smiled, feeling a bit more reassured, as Shiro reached intothe box himself and pulled out a denim skirt. "Although I will concede,trying out a new outfit or two might be more worth it than you'rethinking."
"If I may also add, Shiro" Lance mused happily ashe turned to look at the two, "the outfit can help set the mood. I mean,you want to make it clear to Pidge that you're interested in her. It's why youasked her out in the first place, after all."
"Well, yeah," Keira said with a small scowl. Shethen cocked her head a bit. “But, shouldn’t the fact I specified it was a datebe enough to get the point across?”
“A date and a dateare two totally different things! You need to make sure to wear the rightattire to get the differentiation clear!”
Keira frowned and glanced up at Shiro. Ever helpful, hesimply shrugged and shook his head, as lost as she was. “O… Kay?” She trailed,turning her attention back to Lance.
"And you're the one who asked me for help on picking anoutfit, right?"
"Actually, you were eavesdropping when I was asking Shiro to help me. And then, as you'reprone to doing, decided that you just had to take over,"
"Eh. Tomato, tomatoe," He huffed, waving a handbefore grabbing a few items that he’d pulled to the edge of the box closest tohim. "Now let's see... Your usual color preferences are towards reds,blacks, and purples, from what I've seen. How do you feel about exploring andtrying out some other ones?"
She knelt down beside him, peering in curiously. "Aslong as you go with darker shades, I'm open to going a little bit farther outof my norm. Oh, but I'm not big on patterns" She said. Lance nodded,taking three of the items in his grasp and setting them at the other end of thebox. "And nothing that’s, like, super ruffly or frilly or has any kind ofglossy material to it. No dresses or skirts, either. Oh, and nothing toorevealing. Like, if I have to go with short sleeves, I’d rather have a coat orjacket or something to wear over it. And I'd really like to wear some boots. Ormaybe just my usual boots would be fine."
Lance dropped all the articles in his hand and let out along, drawn-out groan.
Keira shifted back a bit. "Or... I guess just whatlooks good?"
Shiro settled in on Lance’s other side and shook his head ashe started to look through the box as well. "No, Keira, this is good.You're the one going on the date, not Lance. You should like what you wear andhave final say on it,"
"Shiro's right. I just wish you were a little more...Diverse in style," Lance said, rummaging to the bottom of the box until hepulled out a pair of light blue denim shorts. "How about thesehigh-waisted shorts? Pair these off with some nice, dark colored leggings,maybe?” He prompted.
She reached out and gently took the shorts, holding them upto her hips. The looked like they’d fit just fine. "I like these,"She said, offering him a small smile as she settled them in her lap.
He whooped and pumped one fist in the air. "There wego! I'll take this little bit of progress!" He reached back in and pulledup a shirt, looking it over with his head tilted a bit. "So, I know yousaid no to patterns, but how do you feel about stripes?"
"Stripes are fine. I more just meant, like, floral oranimal prints," She elaborated, trying to get a glance at what he waslooking at.
He snorted as he pulled out a red and white striped shirtthat was knotted at the shoulders in lieu of proper sleeves. "Well Iwouldn't put you in those kinds of prints. It takes a very classy,sophisticated lady to rock those prints and you aren’t in that class by a long shot,"
"Rude," She hissed lowly.
"Not rude; honest. There's a difference," He said witha smug grin, holding the shirt up to her to make sure it would fit her alright.
She snatched the shirt from him and set it in her lap, aswell. “Kinda like the difference between a cargopilot and a fighter pilot,” Shesaid, waggling her eyebrows at him playfully.
Lance let out a faux-scandalized gasp, pressing one hand tohis chest. “Rude girl!”
She merely shrugged before leaning further into the box,spotting something that looked black and stretchy off to the side."Tomato, tomatoe,"
They both jumped in surprise when Shiro started busting uplaughing at the jab.
He blinked when they both stared at him, the tips of hisears turning pink. He then cleared his throat a bit. "What? You have toadmit that was pretty clever, Lance!"
The other hummed and turned his attention back to the box,his blue eyes mirthful as he continued his searching. "I'll take your wordfor it. Now, back on track, if we could?"
In the end, they found a pair of black leggings, as well asan oversized cardigan in a light grey. And, instead of boots, Keira agreed toswing for a pair of ankle-high converse-style sneakers. The sneakers clearlyweren’t name-brand, but they were surprisingly similar and comfortable to wear.Her hair was tugged back with nothing more but a simple red headband, whichfelt strange with how the little teeth gripped at her head. She normally justwore it back in a ponytail or let it loose. Lance had wanted to try and get herto accessorize further, but she’d opted into only wearing a modest silvernecklace with a heart charm at the end, a small topaz at the center.
It had been a gift from Krolia; the pendent one that Keira’sfather had given her before she left, so that she’d always have something toremember their daughter by.
She shifted a bit as she hovered by the small path that ledinto the city proper. It wasn’t much of a city anymore, admittedly, but it hada certain charm to it. Made her think of the kinds of elaborate villages Coranwould describe when Pidge and the others had played Monsters and Mana with hima handful of times. It reminded Keira, too, that she should ask about them allgetting together sometime to play. The idea of playing a game with the othersafter she’d been away from them for so long seemed kind of fun, and she’dalways been a bit of a sucker for fantasy-style worlds.
She’d never played a game like that before, but she figuredit wasn’t too hard to pick up. Besides, she was certain that Pidge would helpher figure things out, if it was that big of a struggle.
"Oh, wow, you look really pretty,” A voice gasped justa few feet away, snapping her from her musings. She must have looked surprised,see how immediately Pidge’s face was turning bright red and she held her handsup in an almost defensive manner. “I mean-! You always look pretty! You don'thave to try to look pretty but you look even prettier when you try! Oh, wait,that's not what I meant either!"
Keira blinked then giggled a bit, covering her mouth withone hand. "Hey, it's okay. I know what you mean. And thank you," Shesaid, cracking one eye to size Pidge up. Her outfit was a simply one, too; apair of dark blue capris, a sleeveless green top with a lightly ruffled edgealong the collar in white, and a pair of pale pink flats for an added splash ofcolor. The thing that really got Keira’s heart thrumming was how the blush onher cheeks made her freckles stand out even more. "You look super cute, bythe way."
She visibly relaxed at that, shoulders slacking a bit, butthe blush remained high up on her cheekbones. "Thank you," She saidbefore perking up and stepping a bit closer, so she was standing beside her."So, what's on the agenda?"
Keira smiled and gently led Pidge down the path, resistingthe urge to take her hand or offer her own arm. She didn’t want to be tooforward. "Well, I was mostly just thinking we could walk around, see how therebuild is going," She explained, glancing over at the canopy-coveredshops not far ahead. She knew most of what was here already from her check-inswith Shiro, but she knew Pidge hadn’t had the chance to come exploring justyet. She then offered Pidge a small smirk. "I may have also found arebuilt ice cream shop not too far from here, if we wanted to get some."
"For real?"Pidge gasped, eyes lighting up like the tail of a comet.
Keira nodded, having to swallow and compose herself a bit. "Yeah!I’ve been coming down here with Shiro since I’ve been cleared to leave the medicalbay, so we could do proper introductions with the coalition volunteers. Whilehe did that, I wandered off on my own a couple of times. They were almost donewhen I stopped by," She explained as they walked along. The paused for amoment at the first stall once they entered the shopping area proper, Pidgeleaning in to look at the alien ores laid out curiously. "They said theselection might be a little limited, though."
She sat back up and looked at her, still glowing at theprospect. "Pssh! Who cares? It's icecream!" She laughed happily. The darker haired woman could feel ablush creeping up to her own cheeks. It was ridiculously charming how riled upPidge was getting at the idea of something as simple as getting ice creamtogether. “Though, I suppose we do need to resolve one thing before we go anyfurther.” She said, tone suddenly somber, gaze at Keira expectantly.
She blinked a bit and cocked her head. “Uh.. Sure, what?”
“Rum raisin… Any thoughts?” Pidge asked.
Keira couldn’t help but make a face and stick her tongueout. “Ugh! Rum raisin is disgusting!”
“Thank you!” Pidge blurted, throwing her hands up in theair.
“Who in their rightmind was trying to defend rum raisin?”
“Matt! He was trying to claim that it ‘isn’t that bad’!Like, did all the space travel screw with his taste buds? I feel like I mighthave to disown him for this,” She said, using air quotes and flailing her handsabout as she spoke.
Keira snickered slightly. “I can’t believe Matthew Holt isfucking dead,” She mused.
Pidge let out a quiet yelp before bursting out laughing. “You’vebeen brushing up on memes! You’re so sweet!” She said, her smile turning tosomething a bit fonder.
Keira’s heart leapt in her chest as she watched Pidge’sexpressions shift, noticing for the first time that a few of the largerfreckles on her left cheek could be traced to form a miniature inversion of theLeo constellation, as if she’d been born with a marking of stardust to helpguide her to her fate.
Before they part ways later that evening, Keira makes sureto press a quick peck over the little mark, and delights in how theconstellation becomes more profound at the blush that crops up from the smallpeck.
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narukuwrites · 6 years
002. Part 11
Words: 2,666 Tags: Merman AU, Angst, Drama, Flashbacks, Magick, and Witchery, Fluff, Summary: Kamski goes to see Amanda and finds out that she's been up to more than he realized, North and Josh have a moment, Simon notices that there is something about Ralph he can't quite place and Markus and Connor slip away...
Authors Note: Well things are slowly moving along now. Next chapter is going to be the intense smutty one I think.
The route he took to reach Amanda was one that Elijah was familiar with and he had with ease made sure that with his brief absence that the royal council would be fine, they were under his influence after all even if they didn't realize it. Advisors were something that every monarch needed but unlike most other rulers of his neighboring kingdoms, Elijah had none. He didn't need any after all his kingdom was one of the most thriving and richest one in the realm. The sun had set some time ago and the ocean was filled with an inky darkness which he was comfortable in navigating within in and when the familiar, dark and unwelcoming entrance to Amanda's abode he let out a smile and made his way soundlessly, elegantly gliding as he did so and he wasn't surprised to find Amanda waiting for him, but her gaze was focused on something which caught his attention immediately.
"He has gone, yess - ran away from you. I knew you would come to me. because of this." she said to Elijah, turning and smiling and those sharp, teeth glinted. "We shall get him back..." she added before motioning for the king to sit in his usual spot. Elijah didn't say anything but inside a strange sort of bubble, which seemed to have a similar look and feel to that of a jellyfish, was the image of a mer that looked strikingly like Connor, which he was distracted by. And he hadn't seen the smirk that graced Amanda's face.
It had not been easy for Amanda to create what the king of the Kamski kingdom was currently eyeing with a hunger that she didn't even blink at, she knew exactly what her best student wanted from Connor and she couldn't exactly blame him. To have Connor was a boon, just like his Mother was. Elijah's heritage was a blessing and given him the drive and confidence to seek what he wanted. Even if that meant at the end of it he would be an empty shell of himself.
When she had created that potion which would cause the eventual demise of the now deceased queen and goddess of the ocean, she had told Elijah that she would need some of his essence and the queen's as well and the look on the young monarch's face had been priceless but nevertheless, it was thanks to that and particularly powerful magic and years of nurturing on her account to create the slumbering mer, that was exactly like Conner albeit one that was also subservient to her and would do exactly as ordered.
"You need to focus please Elijah, but I always had a suspicion that there would come a point, should such an occurrence like this arise. That we would need a backup but do not be fooled that is not your son. That is just a subservient mer that looks exactly like Connor.." she told the monarch in such a way that it brought back his attention to focus on her.
"A plan for what exactly? How long have you had a replica of Connor?.." he replied and found himself straying to glance into the direction of the dark mer before shaking his head and turning back to look at Amanda. Just how much had she kept from him?
"He no longer has his bracelets but I managed to find out from Ralph's parents that they are within Jericho, a place that I had heard rumors of but held no real interest in.."
Amanda was strangely silent at the mention of Jericho and Elijah wondered if he had said something that had upset his mentor. And when she spoke whether it was to him or herself she was seething at his mentioning of the place but also it seems there was someone or something there, she had a history with. And he wondered if he should pry but decided that focusing on what exactly Amanda could offer with regards to getting back his son - and he had a sneaking suspicion that it would mean using whatever it was that thing was, an imitation of his beautiful son.
"Jericho does exist, a place of hope and sanctuary and a place I will bring to ruin, for it has been a long time coming - that akkursed Siren, I will have her heart and feast upon it. Long have I hungered for that sustenance.." Amanda said and although she had given away something of her past that she hadn't wanted to still she would help Elijah in ensuring that he got Connor back. And the subservient creation of hers that was a perfect imitation of the crown prince to make sure Jericho destroyed itself from within and gave her the opportunity to strike.
"But my dear Elijah, we will get your son back..you need not worry. I have been planning this for a very long time but you needn't worry about the bracelets, he has kept them on for so many years that he will still, fall under your submission when you ask it of him..."
Elijah felt himself feel a little more at ease hearing that Amanda had a plan in place although the fact it was something that had been a long time in the making, that was a little strange then again with Amanda a lot didn’t make sense and although she had been open in a lot of ways there were still so many unknowns about the dark-skinned mermaid.  He often thought that perhaps she was more then a dark mermaid, something more older and crueller but was probably his imagination and he was over thinking too much. All that really mattered was getting his beautiful boy back beside him - where he belonged.
North felt butterflies in her stomach as she swam towards where Josh was waiting for her and even though he hadn't told her where he would be she instinctively knew he would be. Each and every one of them had a favorite place they liked to spend time with their thoughts and take a quiet moment to contemplate and think on things - and for Josh that would be where they took all of their weekly meetings. And the closer she got to it, he heartbeat quickened and she wondered just what exactly would happen. And she felt embarrassed what came to her mind and she let out a huff before taking a few steadying breaths before going through the threshold.
"Josh..? Are you here. I'm coming in...."
These feelings he felt for North he had been holding them for a long time and a smile graced his handsome features at the moment he had known, which was many years ago when they were much younger and rambunctious play was something that was something of a common occurrence.
 ~ Flashback ~
North had been a bit of a tomboy back then and although it was perhaps a little unorthodox that a mermaid would be roughhousing with merboys it wasn't something anyone wanted to come between, after everything she'd been through.  Where so many felt pity for North, Josh never saw her in such a light, she was strong, resilient and beautiful even during that darkest moment in her life.
It wasn't unusual for altercations to happen between mer's, butr naturally mermaids were more lethal and deadlier, then their male counterparts and as such North tended to have an upper hand a lot of the time. But when Markus had seen a opening as she has done a playful roll to grab a passing swordfish who was clearly unhappy at being grabbed and used as an impromptu weapon and pinched her side a bit too hard causing North to let out a shrill noise of warning and causing her to let go of the swordfish that swam away quickly clearly not wanting to spend any more time near them.
With quick, movements she suddenly grabbed Markus who was their leader even then and pushed him hard against a cluster of dead corals that dug into Markus' back which caused the bronzed tan skinned mer to let out a noise of pain, before he yielded and it was at that moment, Josh knew that North was his someone. And he ignored the knowing gaze that Simon had pinned him with..
~ End Flashback ~
"Yeah I'm here North.." he replied, he was currently laid down on the meeting table before he moved himself so that he was sat up and facing North who seemed a little unsure and shy which caused him to smile softly. "You seem a little out of sorts North, her come sit down.." he said before pushing himself off where he was resting against and holding his hand out to North so he could guide her and he felt relieved that she followed his lead and he guided her to the table before she demurely sat down, her beautiful tail curling in as she did so.
"Did you have a good talk with Simon? I trust all is well..?" he asked, he wanted her to feel comfortable and before he confessed to her - he wanted to make sure she was calm and the tension that was visible in her attractive form was no longer there.
It was strange and yet not  that she felt so calm around Josh whenever it was just the two of them there was a peace and silent understanding the two of them had and there were times in the past where Simon and Markus would bring it up to tease them both and it would end up with her getting a little wound up and snapping at them and it would be Josh who would calm things down. And she took the hand that was offered to her and let herself be guided even though she was very familiar with the layout of this room - it still felt nice and for some reason, she felt a little like a princess, a thought which she immediately quelled. What nonsense that was.
"Mmm..yes, I believe it went well. I was honest with Simon as to why I reacted in such a way and he was right, letting go of the past it the best thing to do. What happened in the past cannot be changed and truthfully its shaped me into who I am today.." she said in a confident manner, and she felt a lot more at ease opening up like this - but she always had been with Josh and she felt her face heat up and squeezed his hand tightly that she was still holding as he confessed what he felt for her.
"You have become such a wonderful and incredible mermaid North, I am always in awe of just how beautiful and strong you are, even if you are at times a little quick to anger - that to me is attractive also. I want you to know that I love you and have done for a really long time..." he said and it felt right that he had done so at that moment. Maybe he could have worded it a bit more eloquently but her reaction hadn't been a negative one, in fact, it seemed to be a positive one and he felt so much relief go through him and then he found himself being pulled close to North and she demanded he kiss her - and well he would obey his princess of course.
"Kiss me you oaf.." she murmured against his lips and she felt herself met a little at that chuckle that fell from him before she found those lips warm against her own as she moaned and instinctively pressed herself closer as the kiss deepened and tongues entwined and little noises of pleasure fell from both of them..
"Ralph loves it.." the blonde mer said letting out a  cry of delight that seemed to harmonize with the gasp of surprise that fell from the brunettes as they finally made their way to the succulent garden that made Markus smile. That look of wonder on the brunette's beautiful, ethereal face was something he would commit to memory - just like he did with every inch of the runaway prince and he noticed that the scent from Connor was something that was causing him to not focus on anything but he somehow managed to find himself for a brief moment.
The garden was something that was truly magical and mainly because it was something that Lucy and Simon had spent a lot of time on - succulents didn't commonly grow underwater but this garden was under a large enchantment that allowed for them to grow and it was designed in a way to mimic and represent the beauty of the coral reefs that lay hundreds of meters above them in the warm shallows.
It was very clear that Ralph was thrumming with excitement and it seemed that it had an effect on Simon also. "Go ahead Ralph, you will be spending a lot of time here I am sure after all.." Markus said in understanding and he motioned for Simon to follow after and guide the other through the garden. Simon couldn't help but feel a warmth go through him at the fact Ralph who seemed to very shy and withdrawn at least with people he wasn't familiar with - that his excitement and happiness was somewhat contagious.
And he found himself noticing that the way the succulents seemed to respond to Ralph's delicate touches was a little unusual, that wasn't something that happened often and it was also even more so that Markus has knowingly understood and let Connor's friend explore and to ensure that he could have a moment with the brunette. Markus was a sly one indeed.
"I'll go make sure he settles in alright.," Simon said addressing both the brunette mer and their leader before swimming over to where Ralph was and feeling the urge to be near his fellow blonde and for some reason wanting to give his friend and the brunette a moment alone.
As soon as Markus spoke, Ralph wasted no time in approaching the garden in a careful and almost reverent manner and took his time in gazing at each succulent with a warm gaze before gently reaching out and letting out a brilliant smile as they responded to his touch, Queen Chloe had been a wonderful teacher and she had gifted Ralph as well in his own right and had only enhanced his natural and innate ability to care, nurture and love something that he truly cared for and looked after to thrive and blossom beautifully. And that seemed to be the way, as Ralph moved the garden seemed to brighten and become more radiant with his presence.
"I have no doubt Ralph will make this part of Jericho beautiful.." Connor said wistfully and he felt suddenly a lot warmer and he pulled his gaze away from his friend to focus on Markus who was looking at him in a hungry manner and he let himself be pulled away from Ralph and Markus' friend and led away to somewhere more private.
There was a change in Connor’s scent that demanded Markus take him away now from everyone and lock the both of them away and so when Connor let him pull the both of them away he felt a thrum of want and arousal go through him. He would lay claim and have his Connor, and by the goddess, his smell was bringing him to arousal a lot faster than was normal.
Simon glanced back when he noticed that Markus and Connor has silently slipped away and be jolted a little when his fellow blonde mer spoke. "Ralph knows all will be well. Ralph doesn't want you to worry.." and he nodded. Things would be alright and he didn't need to worry. All would be well.
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Winston ‘Sticks’ Abioye → Kofi Siriboe, Malcolm Goodwin, Daniel Sunjata, Mehcad Brooks → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information
Age: 289
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 31st
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Religion: SBNR
→ His Personality
After witnessing the death of his entire family and barely surviving an attempt on his own life, Winston Abioye became heavily fixated on revenge against the Jenkin’s Hunter Family. Despite his obsession with revenge and brutal methods, he has a great deal of respect for his close friends, namely Douglas Gish and Churchill Darling. Winston also shows both an envious side and a respectful side in regards to his superiors; Sirius Cobic and Vincent Kane. Winston dislikes his reputation in the Chicago Police Department, a dirty detective. He is considering bringing in a new form to win the heart of Chicago PD. His dirty detective role was built up to gain the trust of the local gangs and to eventually stop them and the distribution of street drugs. After cleaning up the streets and making a big drug bust, Winston moved to the homicide branch and made the mistake of keeping his same form. Winston is very proud of his African heritage, being particularly defensive of other human shifters taking on ethnic forms who are unfamiliar to them, and human shifters who stereotype ‘people of color’ or take on their forms for political reasons. Winston, himself refuses to take on other ethnicities or forms that are not of African origins.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Homicide Detective
Scars: None
Tattoos: Depending on the Shift/Form
Two Likes: Going Out and Baseball
Two Dislikes: Bigotry and Tobacco
Two Fears: Unwanted Advances and Marriage/Relationship Commitment
Two Hobbies: Conlanging and Being a Mentor
Three Positive Traits: Agile, Confident, Feeling
Three Negative Traits: Aggressive, Intolerant, Vengeful
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Charles Abioye (Father): Charles was a strict man and ran their household just as strict. Charles and Winston bumped heads but Winston would never wish death on his father. He only remembers bits and pieces of his father.
Adaliya Abioye (Mother): Adaliya was murdered when Winston was still a teenager. He only remembers bits and pieces of her. He still catches the scent of her perfume randomly causing him to become upset.
Sibling Names:
Imani Abioye (Little Sister): Winston was close to his little sister. They were only two years apart but she might have well been his twin and shadow. Her death hit him harder than anyone else’s and his revenge for her was not enough.
Children Names:
Zane Imani Abioye (Daughter): Zane has just celebrated her 250th birthday and Winston is finally starting to feel old. Zane kept him on his toes for years and he is embarrassed to say that he is glad she moved out of the country.
Uma Aaliyah Abioye (Daughter): Uma has left with her older sister to travel the world and Winston will miss his little princess. She has always had him wrapped around her finger. They still talk and text each other daily.
Tafari Charles Abioye (Son): Tafari is only 8 years old and lives with his mother in New York.
Romantic Connections:
Maria Abioye (Ex-Wife): Winston and Maria have a long standing ‘Off Again, On Again’ relationship. She is the mother of his 3 children and he respects her but believes that immortals were not meant to be faithful or tied down. They’ve currently been off again for 5 years and Winston plans on keeping it that way.
Giulietta Bow (Ex-Girlfriend): They dated once when Maria and Winston were off again. Giulietta cheated on him with Amenadiel Landyn, who she eventually married. Winston doesn’t care for either of them and wishes them the worst.
Platonic Connections:
Sirius Cobic (Good Friend): Sirius took Winston in and allowed another family to foster him after his entire family was murdered. Winston respects him and they have formed a friendship throughout their years together.
Douglas Gish (Close Friend): Douglas helped Winston exact revenge on the Jenkins Hunter Family and have been friends ever since. Douglas compliments and brightens his dark personality. Winston and Douglas often hang out at work and outside of work. Douglas is also the godfather to all of his daughters.  
Churchill Darling (Close Friend): Churchill, along with Douglas, help Winston exact revenge on the Jenkins Hunter Family, they have been friends ever since. Churchill has a similar story and matching personality to Winston. He never has to fake a smile around Churchill. Churchill is also the godfather to his son, Tafari.
Vincent Kane (Friend): Vincent is a hard man to understand and often keeps to himself but Winston has nothing but respect for him. He somewhat envies the man. Vincent has recently asked for his opinion on a African form he has taken and Winston is impressed by the flawless shift.
Darren Shaw (Friend): Darren often partnered up with Winston on cases and their friendship has slowly grown outside of work also. Winston has even taken to inviting Darren out with Douglas, Churchill and himself.
Arthur Milligan (Friend): Arthur is strange and Winston enjoys his company. He has made Winston laugh multiple times with his crime busting stories. Arthur can hold his alcohol and his own in a fight, making him ideal for Winston wilder side.  
Eli Kohen (Friend): Eli is a human cop that Winston mentored under another form, which is now retired. Winston has gotten the chance to befriend Eli again under a new form.
Hostile Connections:
Angel Landyn (Dislike): Angel is young and Winston knows he does not do it on purpose but Angel tends to stereotype his forms. It annoys the hell out of him.
Roman Cleirigh (Unsure): Winston has no idea how it happened but a human ended up with a supernatural drug Roman created. Roman did help him clean up the mess and later offered to help with the human drug gang problem but Winston refused. Roman creeps Winston out and he gives the warlock a wide berth.
Malik Jenkins (Hate): Malik is the last of the Jenkins Hunter Family. He may be an estranged cousin of the main family that killed Winston’s entire family, however, Winston cannot help but to hate the hunter and his new family, the Andersons.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Mehcad Brooks [1][2]
Kofi Siriboe  [1][2]
Malcolm Goodwin [1][2]  
Daniel Sunjata  [1][2][3]
0 notes
chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Winston ‘Sticks’ Abioye → Kofi Siriboe, Malcolm Goodwin, Daniel Sunjata, Mehcad Brooks → Human Shifter
→ Basic Information 
Age: 289
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 31st 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Religion: SBNR
→ His Personality
After witnessing the death of his entire family and barely surviving an attempt on his own life, Winston Abioye became heavily fixated on revenge against the Jenkin’s Hunter Family. Despite his obsession with revenge and brutal methods, he has a great deal of respect for his close friends, namely Douglas Gish and Churchill Darling. Winston also shows both an envious side and a respectful side in regards to his superiors; Sirius Cobic and Vincent Kane. Winston dislikes his reputation in the Chicago Police Department, a dirty detective. He is considering bringing in a new form to win the heart of Chicago PD. His dirty detective role was built up to gain the trust of the local gangs and to eventually stop them and the distribution of street drugs. After cleaning up the streets and making a big drug bust, Winston moved to the homicide branch and made the mistake of keeping his same form. Winston is very proud of his African heritage, being particularly defensive of other human shifters taking on ethnic forms who are unfamiliar to them, and human shifters who stereotype ‘people of color’ or take on their forms for political reasons. Winston, himself refuses to take on other ethnicities or forms that are not of African origins. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Homicide Detective 
Scars: None
Tattoos: Depending on the Shift/Form
Two Likes: Going Out and Baseball
Two Dislikes: Bigotry and Tobacco
Two Fears: Unwanted Advances and Marriage/Relationship Commitment 
Two Hobbies: Conlanging and Being a Mentor
Three Positive Traits: Agile, Confident, Feeling
Three Negative Traits: Aggressive, Intolerant, Vengeful
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Charles Abioye (Father): Charles was a strict man and ran their household just as strict. Charles and Winston bumped heads but Winston would never wish death on his father. He only remembers bits and pieces of his father.
Adaliya Abioye (Mother): Adaliya was murdered when Winston was still a teenager. He only remembers bits and pieces of her. He still catches the scent of her perfume randomly causing him to become upset. 
Sibling Names:
Imani Abioye (Little Sister): Winston was close to his little sister. They were only two years apart but she might have well been his twin and shadow. Her death hit him harder than anyone else's and his revenge for her was not enough.
Children Names:
Zane Imani Abioye (Daughter): Zane has just celebrated her 250th birthday and Winston is finally starting to feel old. Zane kept him on his toes for years and he is embarrassed to say that he is glad she moved out of the country. 
Uma Aaliyah Abioye (Daughter): Uma has left with her older sister to travel the world and Winston will miss his little princess. She has always had him wrapped around her finger. They still talk and text each other daily.
Tafari Charles Abioye (Son): Tafari is only 8 years old and lives with his mother in New York. 
Romantic Connections:
Maria Abioye (Ex-Wife): Winston and Maria have a long standing ‘Off Again, On Again’ relationship. She is the mother of his 3 children and he respects her but believes that immortals were not meant to be faithful or tied down. They’ve currently been off again for 5 years and Winston plans on keeping it that way.
Giulietta Bow (Ex-Girlfriend): They dated once when Maria and Winston were off again. Giulietta cheated on him with Amenadiel Landyn, who she eventually married. Winston doesn’t care for either of them and wishes them the worst. 
Platonic Connections:
Sirius Cobic (Good Friend): Sirius took Winston in and allowed another family to foster him after his entire family was murdered. Winston respects him and they have formed a friendship throughout their years together. 
Douglas Gish (Close Friend): Douglas helped Winston exact revenge on the Jenkins Hunter Family and have been friends ever since. Douglas compliments and brightens his dark personality. Winston and Douglas often hang out at work and outside of work. Douglas is also the godfather to all of his daughters.  
Churchill Darling (Close Friend): Churchill, along with Douglas, help Winston exact revenge on the Jenkins Hunter Family, they have been friends ever since. Churchill has a similar story and matching personality to Winston. He never has to fake a smile around Churchill. Churchill is also the godfather to his son, Tafari.
Vincent Kane (Friend): Vincent is a hard man to understand and often keeps to himself but Winston has nothing but respect for him. He somewhat envies the man. Vincent has recently asked for his opinion on a African form he has taken and Winston is impressed by the flawless shift. 
Darren Shaw (Friend): Darren often partnered up with Winston on cases and their friendship has slowly grown outside of work also. Winston has even taken to inviting Darren out with Douglas, Churchill and himself.
Arthur Milligan (Friend): Arthur is strange and Winston enjoys his company. He has made Winston laugh multiple times with his crime busting stories. Arthur can hold his alcohol and his own in a fight, making him ideal for Winston wilder side.  
Eli Kohen (Friend): Eli is a human cop that Winston mentored under another form, which is now retired. Winston has gotten the chance to befriend Eli again under a new form. 
Hostile Connections:
Angel Landyn (Dislike): Angel is young and Winston knows he does not do it on purpose but Angel tends to stereotype his forms. It annoys the hell out of him.
Roman Cleirigh (Unsure): Winston has no idea how it happened but a human ended up with a supernatural drug Roman created. Roman did help him clean up the mess and later offered to help with the human drug gang problem but Winston refused. Roman creeps Winston out and he gives the warlock a wide berth. 
Malik Jenkins (Hate): Malik is the last of the Jenkins Hunter Family. He may be an estranged cousin of the main family that killed Winston's entire family, however, Winston cannot help but to hate the hunter and his new family, the Andersons.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background) → The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Mehcad Brooks [1][2] 
Kofi Siriboe  [1][2]
Malcolm Goodwin [1][2]  
Daniel Sunjata  [1][2][3]
0 notes
sword--wings · 7 years
Unfinished Kallura Drabbles. Set post S4
She finally finds Keith in the armory looking in to the  glass case displaying the Red Paladin armor.
“It so good to have you back.”
He turns, slightly startled by her arrival. His eyes look to the floor, then again at the glass. Allura approaches him ill standing by his side smiling softly.
“What did the Coalition decide on?” Keith asks eyes front.
Allura sighs. “They did not. Lotor is secured now, every aspect of himself and his ship is being searched again for anything suspicious. The pieces of the comet have already been removed and Pidge and Hunk were able to confirm that they are indeed pieces of the transreality comet.”
“So he hadn’t used all of it.”
“Apparently not. Lotor is willing to talk. You’ll of course be joining us?”
Keith nods still facing the paladin armor. Soon the Blade, the team, and Coalition leaders would gather where Lotor had been detained to hear whatever it was he felt he had to say. He had not struggled, but submitted to all their shackles and probing giving up his sword and communications devices.  It all seemed unreal. A few months ago Lotor had been an elusive ghost keeping out of the limelight of the Empire’s throne and just always beyond the Blade’s grasp. He’d always been steps ahead of them when Voltron had chased him down as well. And now the ex-ruler of the most powerful empire in the universe had simply appeared and given himself up: it was both dissatisfying and unnerving.  If Lotor didn’t want to be caught he didn’t get caught. And if he was caught? Well. He’d let them trail them straight to Thayserix hadn’t he? He had let them place their tracker and baited them right into a hell planet. And Naxzala hadn’t been much disimilar: they’d “captured” it only to find that I was a trap, another nigh inescapable planet, only this time the entire coalition and every planet reclaimed in the vicinity were ripe for the harvest. Sometimes the Galra were more tactical than was credited to them.
“How have you been?”
Keith looked over to see Allura looking at him. He was taken aback by the question. “I’m fine,” he noted. “had a few  close calls but…same as everyone.” Then more confidently he added, “I heard about what you did on Naxzala: with Voltron. I’m proud of you Allura.”
Allura looked at her hands fidgeting at the compliment.
“You’ve always had the strongest connection of anyone to the Lions. And I know you’ll only grow stronger.”
“Thank you,” Allura replied. A sudden sad look came over her features. “But I am afraid there is such much I don’t know. I never got the chance to learn much magic from m father or the royal Priests. ” She folded her arms in over herself.  "Haggar’s magic constantly surprises us.“
"Perhaps Lotor can help.”
“Lotor?” Allura raised an eyebrow questioningly. She pondered it frowning. “Maybe.” She shook her head disregarding the subject. “Anyways, I’m sure we’ll figure things out now that we’re all back together.”
Keith did not meet the Princesses’ eyes.
“Right?” Allura prompted. “You will be rejoining us now that we have Lotor: pursuing him is why you left with the Blade. But now that that’s over you can return.”
Keith’s voice was quiet and dismissive. “-and what?” He met her stare. “I cant provide much back up fire from the castle or orders or tech support.”
Allura looked offended. “You cannot be serious. You can go back to flying Black. Shiro and you can take turns and he can properly mentor you on how to–” Keith was already shaking his head.
“Shiro is the pilot of the Black Lion.” He argued.
Allura narrowed her eyes. “The Black lion favored you. It chose you Keith. That means it sees some kind of potential in you-”
“Everyone has potential.” He interrupted becoming agitated. “Any of you could be taught to lead this team–”
“The Black Lion didn’t choose any one it-”
“It once chose Zarkon so maybe its not the best judge of character!” Keith yelled then drew back almost immediately, “Sorry,” he muttered embarrassed at the outlash. “I just…”
Allura was taken aback. She’d never considered that, not directly anyways. She couldn’t think of an immediate way to dismiss that argument then decided to change tactics entirely.
“Keith,” she said s gently as she could, hoping to address him from another direction. “I don’t understand. ..What is this about?”
She looked at him imploringly. His shoulders drooped.
“Did we do something?” she asked prying more when he remained quiet. “Are you mad at us? Has something happened?”
“No! No,” he responded immediately looking surprised by the idea.
“Do you miss Red?” she suggested timidly. “I know you were bonded quite strongly-”
Keith raised his hands out towards her. “Allura, no, I’m. That’s not. Red isnt’ a problem. I’m happy for Lance. He’s really grown with Red. And you’re doing great with Blue. I don’t want anyone to lose their lion. Anyone.” The last part was implied: including Shiro.
“We don’t want to lose you.”
He looked surprised to hear it. Touched. The he looked down frowning. Before either could respond the comms buzzed loudly in their ears. “Keith. Allura. Meet us on the bridge to prep for Lotor’s interrogation.” Shiro’s voice ordered.
Keith steadied whatever emotion he’d been feeling out of his face and looked at Allura. “We should go.”
Allura nodded. The conversation was not over, at least, not in her mind. She followed a step behind Keith determined to press for more later.
Kolivan watched stoically from the control room as the small warrior ran through simulation after simulation: each level was progressively harder. The robot gradually moved faster, hit harder. Then, there were more Altean robots. In time each artificial construct was dissolved back into Castle data before a new reconstruction was summoned.
Soft delicate footsteps padded behind him but he did not bother to turn around. Out of his peripheral he noted the Altean Princess Allura, dressed in paladin armor coming to stand beside him.
She watched alongside the ancient Blade member as Keith struggled in the fight below. One sentry leapt forcefully swinging its sword down toward the young man’s head. Allura winced as it was met by Keith’s knife. He pushed back up, struggling against the blow. There were now numerous reasons she hated to see him fight with the Blade of Marmora, one of which being that he no longer had his paladin shield.  Did it not occur to the Blade that such a tool would be quite useful? It probably didn’t stand with their methods. Stealth. Silence. Avoidance. Direct battle, extended fights–those were not the strengths of the Blade.
A second sentry dived from Keith’s left surprising him. He nearly fell under the force of the first one as he attempted to dodge the new attacker and the previous one. Yet but a moment later he had sliced both in turn causing their forms to dissolve.
Keith paused catching his breath while the third sentry farthest across the room targeted him. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply extending his blade outwards: even exhausted and facing another enemy he managed to wear a split second of peace on his features before his eyes snapped open in time to witness the sentry propelling forward. He moved so slightly right, spinning alongside the sentry’s sword into its inner range, slashed the left side of its chest and swung around its back and away. Like the others it dissolved in a glitch of light and energy.
Keith very slowly raised himself from his bent stance. He looked at his knife. Again he paused, closed his eyes and relaxed his body: meditative even. He remained like that for a few ticks. Ticks turned into minutes before she saw, even from their distance, a line of frustration across his forehead, teeth clenched in concentration.
Then he lashed out at nothing, slicing, kicking, and stabbing the air in a practiced pattern of moves. He ended the violent dance in a low  balanced stance. But the grace gave way to the rage, the peace escaping his face first and then the rest of his body followed as he slashed the air again and then threw the knife into the training deck’s floor where it buried itself almost the hilt.  Keith was breathing heavy, less so it seemed, from the fatigue, than whatever unseen obstacle beleaguered him.
Looking at his weapon Allura noted something odd. “Why…is his blade not activated? I thought he had unlocked its power.” She looked accusingly at Kolivan.
Kolivan’s face was stoic as ever. “He had. But. His mind has become clouded. I have not seen him activate it since he joined us.”
Allura looked worriedly back through the glass where she could see Keith retrieving the knife. So he had been fighting sword-less and shield-less? Obviously the blade was still incredibly potent: but the sword was Keith’s weapon.  She had always…noted that about him. Like flying Red, it was another thing he had in common with her father.
The Galran Blades she knew were not just technical creations: there was a magical element to them,  one Kolivan was either reluctant to share or ignorant of. But she knew the blades were connected to their owners.  And the true power of Keith’s eluded him. Huh. How…fitting, she thought. Its potential, like its owner, was untapped. She wondered why Keith was so fervently against piloting Black. Her thoughts drifted back to their previous conversation: Did the Galra thing truly bother him? Did he hate being akin to Zarkon? She blushed wondering if her distrust and resentment of him after learning of his heritage had helped spur this.  It hadnt even occurred to her-that Black had chosen another Galra. It did seem…foreboding. But now she doubted her instinctual hesitation to it; the thought of another Galra piloting Black did seem unappealing. But Keith…wasn’t like that. He was no Galran soldier–he wasn’t even purple! Keith was Galran but he wasn’t a Galra. Or was that also unfair of her?
Perhaps he doubted himself. Did he merely not want the responsibility? It wasn’t as if he’d be alone: Shiro would of course guide him and they’d all be able to contribute. Black had selected Keith and the Lion must have had a reason and she had to trust its judgement. She’d been skeptical  before: initially the Paladins had been…disappointing. They were young, unaccustomed to war, rather untrained and they took the destruction of universe less seriously than one ought to.  But in time the Lions’ choices had proven to be brilliant, brave, and good hearted and she’d fallen in love with each of them. Sometimes she found herself simply being with them. Happy. Things felt…normal. As if it’d always been this way. As if any of this was okay. As if Altea wasn't….As if she was merely travelling, that it was somewhere just as she’d left it.  She didn’t need to think about it in the same way one doesn’t think about breathing till suddenly your air supply has run out.
She blinked hard bringing herself back to the present. Keith was resting below, rehydrating from a pouch. “Aren’t you concerned?” she asked Kolivan.
“There’s little I can do to help him. Only he can awaken the Blade.”
Allura pouted at this response.   “You cant even give him any hints?” and then, more sharply,  "Have you even spoken to him about it?“
Kolivan’s face held about as much emotion as a handful of rocks.
"No, I have not.”
“Well why not?” Allura asked, crossing her arms. “You’re mentoring him arent you?”
“Keith struggles with many things,” Kolivan explained cooly, unaffected by the Princess’ tone. “Stealth, retreating, paying attention to one’s surroundings, knowing when to back out and abandon a cause.” The older man looked Allura dead in the eye for the first time in the conversation. “Asking for help.” He turned away returning back to the window overlooking the training deck. Keith had begun stretching.
“He is aware of these flaws. Everything else is his choice.”
Allura watched as Keith finished his stretches and activated the training deck for another round.
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